Garden Dwelling Zoning Hearing

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Garden Dwelling Zoning Hearing . -ft" THIS WE$K COVERING OF HOIJMDEL, MADI80M "12 iPagfS MAKLHOKO, nlVTAWAN AND ii One Section •MAT A WAN BOXOOCI) Memer Member WEEK. J&Ji'-orl.Vt M ATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JfJLY 12, 1962 Maw Jtrtey Pr«s AwwclatJtm Single Copy Ten Centi Instruction For Borough Children atawan Board Scls \jf Alternate j Malayan Kolarv Club's New President Roulc For Double Running Of Buses Bids On Temporary Routes Also To Sto | In Case New High School Is Not Ready I ' ' , ... i hv,h sd'oiil The lempordrv "B" . M\tav,an Rc«ionit Board of lid j ,,,UIJ ,,,,,,,, ai 3u,|uw'j, stole ami | ucit.or, uutiged Ih.' setup ] «„,., ov,.r nutwood Ave RIVIIIH for advertising foi >chool bus routes | Q, jnJ Jilllln st l0 t))l! o)(( m,,i, to the extent "alternate" m«l "tern > ,,|iool 1 im temiiwary ' A" run is I 1 ! portuy routes uie to be m«luded | ., J n,,ie,, i|,e temporal y 'B' tun I in the specifications iilonji with thft ,| | m,|es Aii'hnri/.-d Uops aie ' "basic" route-, uioposcd by the diawbiuUe, Ciuld-u Si diui shoi." . tiui.sponation comrm:tci IUIIP t\ \ (.'oiiLOi'ise flu.leu's Mnio and I 1 Mi old J DoUn, IHU".! prcildciu, I Clilf«ooa Ave and Guidon Si Oiu fotii'd fault wuh the "IMMC" pip o , bus IUIIS two i.ips i s iwl piovldinf; (or double The "A" run on alternate Routr- routing of buses, such as used, in 'I is from Uurli'w's Store to Clifl- Mudhnn Township, til. keep down wooil Ave., Ravine Dr,, Middlesex transportation tost::. The commit- Rd. anil Route M to lh<i ueiv high j tee then withheld tile specifications I for study and framing the alterna.te (continued on pa;;e four.) I routes so there wnultl be a choice ot form of bidding. It was explained the alternate Assistant Health -~"T bidDius nahailu ito obe cotiiineuconfined . to tuu.-st:.thnsi'! s\ t*n• ^(-| « routes wh^re the distance to ha j 1 If I l|*ivt* I If'SI'lMa covered md time element involved j V-"-1 "--v-l c,-, «'t« would make the "double" runs practical. Other Defendant May The "temporary" routes were set uji by the committee at the sugges- Appeal In Township tion of Luther A.-Foster, superin»"»•:-'.'"-• Appeal may ba taken from a nil- 8 tendent,' who wanted pii provision | jm} b M^ijuute Harold A. Slier- K MOr made m case the iiew junior-senio-"' r, j mamann . MamvMatawur.m , TownshipTownship., TuesiiaTuesdavy I | * htKh school'was not ready for oc^ - i>n„ whidwhichl cl)unleicounter. coi;iieompiHiiils s invnlviir.'olv'- | '"^ - ing the assistant health'or, , Philip UeNmrdo, II, w«» oae of the many chll- Maftda and Mr. Giordano gave an archtrv demon- the time schedule, if they run. Ralph Jannarone (left) received the K'vel from ; ernor oi Rotary, was present to induct Mr. Jannarana | Uiarles R. :• :nrt jr., and Mrs. L-im \ (|,|,,j. jviutawan Rotary Club president Joseph i'iui i Into office. The club has 15 lnembers and at thia w that received irehery Initruction.'Friday after- stratlon at the Middlesex Rd. Kecreatlt, ? Field,' Alternate To Basic Route re MinicluiMi Cross Ave., were it.jd. !a t „ <pvc|a| u|lmer meeting recently at which ladies j time It had several unew projects under way noon from Tony tilordano, owner <)( Harris Hard- after which* Mr. (iiordaoo gave two hours of In- Thu alternate to basic route No. ! William J. O'lfagan jr.. tlie town- j ware and Archery Sliop. Sponsored by the Matawan struction and helped some of Ihe IN chlldrt > at- lay uKu was held. j will be activated once Mr. Jannarone has had Unit! 1 is an "A" run from tlie draw-j ship attorney, represented Mr. | Ihe Rev. Robert Scott, Elizabeth, district guv-; to set up his program. Borough Recreation Commission, Don Ueljjer,Bob tcndlnK Icy a hand at the bow! bridge <il Matawan Creek to Shore > Short and Sidney I Sawyer, Key- \ Concourse to Gulden St., back along | port. Mrs. Minicliino. Mr. Short i Assessor Busy Man Cliffwood Ave. to Ravine D.-., Mid-1 charged he had been grabbed "Christmas In July" Garden Dwelling Cliffwood Man Rd,, to Route M and tr-e1 the collar while on the Minlclvnu Stein Combats Central School Office of Thomas Francy, as- iin.'itiiiB at thh e nawhi high hschooll, ,i premises to enforce health regula- Santa Clam it coming to Mata- »«>or, wa« kept busy by a long T"hl ' driver then di?uclhoads to ! lioni s againsi t an overflowinflig septiic wan Township Saturday, July 21. Zoning Hearing waiting line last niehl of taxpay- Is Train Victim Shorn Concourse and Auiboy ltd. i tank, Nursing: Home A "Christmas in July" dinner- Bid Confuses ers aroused by the submission and repyi's the run. starting this Mrs- Minichino charged the , dance will be held by the Guad- • of lax bills based on the IM per time from "Shore Concourse and iiealth officer had been offensive in Near Matawan, First; alcana! Post 4715 0! the Veterans | Figure, Estimate Cqrtan S«ek$ Ruling Remains Found Of his language and grabbed at her in cent of true value. The borough Amhoy Rd. i'lis is the ''ft" run. ni 1 c 11 1 j i| »l Foreign Wars, Malawan Town j turn. Each side produced an on- Differ $12,000 On, Permitted U*e assessor had to explain at best Wynn Jones Jr, The authorised j'oos ara the draw- Hannea ror nolmaeli ship , ,lii th ev Veteran s MemoriaMi l j lie could how revaluation worked bridge. Gulden St. ind Shore Con- h witness. Daniel Santollo. Homeh] , Cliffwooh d Ave., Cliffwood. j Matartan Zoning Board of Adjust- to make one taxpayer's liability Scattered remains ot a human course. Gulden St. «-M Cliffwood i a neighlM),-. told the court he had i Attack by Herman Stem, Wood- 5 Dinner will be ?;erved at 8:50 p.m. ' Marlboro Township Board of Ed- ment notified the *i.bruugh Council go uu while that of an neighbor body strewn for a quarter-of-a-1 Ave. i heard Mr. Short und considered j bridge, proprietor of the Brookdale | and dancing will be enjoyed from ucation last night awarded con- ' —I-- ."••-••- ,_•»...- ... ] | tin.'assistant health iiiTlcer to have ; Nursinj! Home, Karitan Township.: tracts to low bidders in four ea,i«" Tuesday it will hciji. a." public hear- ntxt door would be going down. mile along the tracks of the New i starts 7:35 i an( It) p.m. to 1 a.m. ! ing 'uly 23 at S p.m. on lite applica- 7:53 a.m. '; boon nte-dies sly provocative. Mr. j near th,.' Keyport Borough line, aiuli lhe decorations will Include a !K»ries but declined to act on » A flood p( tax appeals is antici- York and Long Branch Railroad 1 tion of Rensselaer L. Cartan. Main rim starts 8:05 a.m. and arrives O'Hagan countered with t.'stitnony , other objectors on :in application' Christmas tree and true Christ- ' lifth until John MacWilliam, Mii- pated when the Monrnouth Comi- tuchen, the architect on Us prop-m- St, for a variance to build garden ty" Tax IW'Wd meed in late Au- near Cliffwood Av;., were discov- S:'23 a.m. Returning, lhe "B" 'ni Mrs. b.-itha Dennis, 11 Oak j hy Richard Emery. Rumsou, to; mas table 3od room decur. Santa ; np^riments on his Mill St. property. gust. ered Thursday. Police Identified run leave.-i school at 5:29 p.m. und : Slu.i ' Ave., who spi shu. had ob- ijt th e .Madiso' n Township Lluus wii mako his appearance ; ierv.'d The borough is an owner withit\ 200 Mayor John W. Applegale at the apparent victim of a train as is completed at 3:40 p.m. The "A" j happening and con-! Board of Adjustment Vto-l sidered Mi >hnrl only had iicir?d "I ; i>r.v-i > "»'i ''•:.[ musing iioniu on 'he BS feel as the disposal plant property Tuesday night's council meeting Wynn Jones jr., 28. Cliffwood Ave., run leaves school al .1:51) and will be p.ini.l.-d by Hob Rudders • " abuts tlie northern edge of the is completed at 4:10 p.m. Tho "A" protect him-iei! I'viinst Mrs. Mini- i former C. William L'.uli lands at!and his .laical Rascals. The board accepted a bid nt registered angry protest against Cliffwood Catlan tract. persons who call tip Collector run i» .i.l miles; the "B" run 5.1chino'i aggressive ,: -ii'ins' | Route :ll and Middlesex Rd. brought | Ticket. ui!i be limited to 250. > $126,800 from J. J. Preston Co, Koert C. Wyckoii and berate the The parts of tlie body were found miles. One bus runs two trips. ~Testimon y IMore " " I nut the fact that the project first jAfter tli reservations of mem- ! Middletown. on Ihe general am- Thp tract, which consists of ap- Mr. Sawyer pleaded tiia, i'i.- tes- proximatelv (our acres, has about collector because 'heir luxes have Thursday afternoon by Edward Temporary "A" Route had been planned for llolindel bers has., tvnn filled, the public t tract; J2463 from Park Steel ini (continued on paye four/ I Township but had failed to gain n WO feet fronting on Mill St. bet-taken a. jump. The mayor declar- Hodge, 19, County Rd., Cliffwood. The tumnontrumiKit y "A" route No. I will bf ibl- to purchase tickets 'Iron, Bradley Beach, on steel an-l ed It must be understood that starts a drawbridge and runs ' ' Stiti! Department of lnstlt".tions from ( nairiuan Harold Robedce• , ' iron: $23,593 from Frank C.
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