Puberty Was…….

Puberty was a bitch for me. All the other girls were starting to get and wearing the coveted training . Not me, my ribs stick out further than my flat nipples. Frustraited I purchased a training bra anyway and filled it with crumpled up old for a natural look. You gotta admit I was creative early in life.

My creativity was undone in the locker room when one pesky escaped to shimmy down my tummy to hang freestyle infront of my gym shorts. Bummer, I was discovered trying to pass for a small breasted preteen. those girls couldn’t wait to tell all the boys. I felt like my heart was going to die crying.

But, I picked myself up and started all over again, as the song says, by getting out of gym class. Yup, I got a pass to the art department by convincing the gym teacher my extra circular dance and acrobatics should count as gym. And besides I was a thorn in her side being chosen last for all physical activities. I had and still have no hand eye coordination. She was happy to be rid of me.

Even though I yearned for boobs being small breated did pay off. After highschool graduation I became a fit model for Plaxtex and Peter Pan teen . The designers loved me. They didn’t have to wait till school was out to use me and they did at $20 per hour. That exposed me to other designers and Seventeen Magazine who used me for teen fashion shows and fittings. Opening up a whole career for flat chested me.

Who knew I would be strutting down the runways at fashion week wearing undies, bathing suites and teen wear. I’ve often wondered if those mean girls ever saw my picture with my endorsement for teen in Seventeen magazine.