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The George-Anne Student Media Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 3-29-1973 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1973). The George-Anne. 706. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact the george-anne^ ^ ^11 -^ published by students of georgia southern college VOL. 53 NO. 19 STATESBORO, GEORGIA 30458 Thursday, March 29, 1973 Bennett Speaks On Black History "The role of Blacks in March 5th in the Foy Building. could only understand the black American history has been Bennett, who holds a Ph.D. in experience if they were willing to misrepresented ever since this History and who has authored suffer the consequences of em- nation began," said Larone several books on black history, bracing black problems. Even Bennett, editor of Ebony told the small audience that the the liberal white SNCC (Students Magazine, in a lecture black experience in America has Non-Violent Coordinating been portrayed as something Committee) kids of the sixties, acted upon by the white culture explained Bennett, no matter rather than an intergral part of how good their intentions were, American history. always had the option of retur- ning to their safe, white, affluent suburbs if the going got rough. The challenge of the present generation of youth, concluded Bennett is not to succomb to affluence and to remain vigilent in the face of social inequities. the george-anne parody ...pages i na By HUGH R. WATERS three members of the In- freedom of thinking is less in only comment Cortjens had about G-A Staff Writer ternational Club. America than in Europe and that students here at Southern was, "I people have tighter morals here. think that students complain too As GSC continues to grow in Leo Cortjens, 19, of Holland much about food and other things Associate population, more and more came to Georgia Southern When asked how his country just for the sake of complaining." students from foreign countries because relatives live near by. might view the present cease-fire Library are choosing Georgia Southern. Cortjens is studying physics and agreement in Vietnam, Cortjens Chi Ming Chan, 21, is from This tendency to become more said, "It is about time." Hong Kong, and is attending cosmopolitan led to the formation hopes to do research after Regarding benefits from the Georgia Southern. Chan is of an International Club. In order graduation. One of his first im- International Club, Cortjens majoring in chemistry and has no Director to find out the feelings of in- pressions of this country was that mentioned that it is interesting plans for what he will do after there were many poorly main- ternational students on various meeting and making friends graduation. Chan came to topics, the George-Anne con- tained roads and sidewalks. Southern after making a random ducted brief interviews with Cortjens believes that fhe from different countries. The selection from college To Be Chosen IlMnBBHHHHa catalogues. Chan feels that on the whole, Americans are liberal, but By MARTHA MCBATH that Southerners tend to be G-A Staff Writer conservative. Oh the subject of the cease-fire, Chan said, "There is no definite purpose to war," A reduction in the college and believes there will not be any budget will prevent a hiring of a more war in Vietnam. Chan new associate director of the Ga. enjoys the International Club's Southern library until the next functions. "Just talking with fiscal year, according to Dr. people creates a good chance to Harwell, director of the library. practice communicating with The vacancy was created after people from different countries." the resignation of former director On the subject of American Dr. Cammack last quarter. Dr. students, Chan remarked, Harwell did not indicate if anyone "British students put more effort was being considered for the job. in studying and are more in- Answering a question about a volved in studies." new shipment of books, Dr. The International Club not only Harwell said he knew nothing brings together foreign students about any special aquisition of but appeals to many American books but that the library is students. Thus, about one-third of currently receiving ap- the members are Americans. proximately 2000 liew books each Trenice Mullis, 19, of Athens, month. Georgia, joined the International Club because she finds it in- teresting to meet different people from such varied cultural Weekly Index backgrounds. Trenice is majoring in speech and came to Southern to avoid living at home Page Dr. Doug Leavitt, (second from right) chairman the report. Riggs, who is also Vice-Chancellor of and going to the University of Editorials..! 4 of the self-study steering committee at Georgia Academic Affairs at the University of North Georgia. She feels that the cease- Southern Circus 4 Southern College, presents the first copy of the self- Carolina at Asheville, will head the committee from fire should have happened a long Editor's Viewpoint 4 the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools time ago and that the pressure of Columns 5 study to GSC President Pope Duncan. Dr. Craig the people brought it about. When Letters to the Editor 5 Kellogg, (R), director of the self-study, and Dr. Roy which will visit Georgia Southern April 15-18 for the George-Anne Parody 7-9 purpose, of re-acreditation. The self-study and re- Ms. Mullis was asked for a Sports 14,15 A. Riggs, (L), chairman of the visiting self-study acreditation process is performed once every ten comment to the students, she committee, were also present as Duncan accepted years. replied, "Keep on Truckin!" Page TWO —the george-anne— Thursday, March 29, 1973 Mary Hulihan Student Is 'Set Consultant' Mary Hulihan is not exactly the Junior Speech and Drama major ficial title became "Set Con- "I became Lighting Consultant When asked if her job affects girl next door. After all, the girl at Georgia Southern College, and sultant," a position for which she for the entire school in spring of her feminity, Mary replied, "My next door spends her free time she spends her spare time is paid, and one which includes 1972," she said. "This means that job doesn't make me any less cooking, cleaning, and sewing, building sets on the stage of the huge responsibility of co- I co-ordinate all the lights for the feminine simply because I build right? Well, perhaps it all McCroan Auditorium for the ordinating all set construction for various shows and speakers that sets rather than sew costumes or depends on where the girl next Masquers, GSC's drama group. the three major productions that come to Southern. For most of the something else that women door lives. Mary Hulihan is a In the fall of 1972, Mary's of- the Masquers present during the big shows, I run one oTthe spot ususally do in theater. It's not the year. But Mary's experience with lights myself. It's a job I enjoy, theater and Masquers goes back but I have gotten some strange job that makes a person to her freshman year, when she looks from the men who work masculine or feminine—sexism helped build the set for "Sum- with the production," she smiled. is determined by one's ap- mertree." proach to the job. For example, It's no wonder, for Mary is an some of the best chefs in the "The show was interesting attractive, petite brunette who world are men, and" that doesn't because the people who con- hardly looks capable of heading a necessarily mean that male structed the set were faced with construction crew for massive cooks are effeminite." an unusual problem—to design sets such as those the Masquers and build a life-size tree with built for "The Lion in Winter" or "Man of La Mancha." Indeed, anyone who has seen limbs that would support people. Mary in the scene shop at Well, the tree turned out "People are usually sur- Georgia Southern College would beautifully, and the limbs never be convinced that a girl can broke. I guess I was hooked after prised," she said, "and I often find the male electricians and handle a power saw, construct a that," said the student from flat, or build a staircase, and still Macon, Ga. stage-hands from other shows somewhat condescending. They remain a girl. "I don't think my After "Summertree", Mary hesitate to explain things to me— became involved in subsequent I guess they don't think I'll un- job turns off any guy I'd be in- Masquers' productions, working derstand." terested in," said Mary. "Men both backstage and on stage. She But Miss Hulihan is quick to start off skeptically when we has performed admirable roles in catch on. Besides being Set begin working, but they usually "Look Homeward Angel", Consultant, Lighting Consultant end up respecting me, which is "Blood Wedding", and "Ten and actress, she manages to important in my position." Nights in a Bar-Room"; not to maintain a 3.0 average. Mary mention the fact that she has admits, however, that most men worked as a stage manager, doubt her capabilities. And being the first woman Set props mistress, and Lighting Consultant at GSC does have its Consultant.
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