Contemporary Austrian Studies | Volume 22

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Contemporary Austrian Studies | Volume 22 ƵƐƚƌŝĂ͛Ɛ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůWŽƐŝƟŽŶ ĂŌĞƌƚŚĞŶĚŽĨƚŚĞŽůĚtĂƌ Günter Bischof, Ferdinand Karlhofer (Eds.) CONTEMPORARY AUSTRIAN STUDIES | VOLUME 22 UNO PRESS innsbruck university press Copyright © 2013 by University of New Orleans Press, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage nd retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to UNO Press, University of New Orleans, LA 138, 2000 Lakeshore Drive. New Orleans, LA, 70119, USA. Printed in the United States of America Design by Lauren Capone Cover photo credit: Hopi Media Published in the United States by Published and distributed in Europe University of New Orleans Press: by Innsbruck University Press ISBN: 9781608011162 ISBN: 9783902936011 UNO PRESS Contemporary Austrian Studies Sponsored by the University of New Orleans and Universität Innsbruck Editors Günter Bischof, CenterAustria, University of New Orleans Ferdinand Karlhofer, Universität Innsbruck Assistant Editor Production and Copy Editor Dominik Hofmann-Wellenhof Lauren Capone University of New Orleans Executive Editors Christina Antenhofer, Universität Innsbruck Kevin Graves, University of New Orleans Advisory Board Siegfried Beer Sándor Kurtán Universität Graz Corvinus University Budapest Peter Berger Günther Pallaver Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Universität Innsbruck John Boyer Joseph Patrouch (ex officio) University of Chicago Wirth Institute for Austrain and Gary Cohen Central European Studies, University of Minnesota University of Alberta Christine Day Peter Pulzer University of New Orleans University of Oxford Oscar Gabriel Oliver Rathkolb Universität Stuttgart Universität Wien Malachi Hacohen Sieglinde Rosenberger Duke University Universität Wien Reinhard Heinisch Alan Scott Universität Salzburg Universität Innsbruck Pieter Judson Heidemarie Uhl Swarthmore College Austrian Academy of Sciences Wilhelm Kohler Ruth Wodak Universität Tübingen University of Lancaster Helmut Konrad Universität Graz Publication of this volume has been made possible through generous grants from the Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs through the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York as well as the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. The Austrian Marshall Plan Anniversary Foundation in Vienna has been very generous in supporting CenterAustria at the University of New Orleans and its publications series. The College of Liberal Arts at the University of New Orleans and the Auslandsamt of the University of Innsbruck provided additional financial support. Table of Contents PREFACE ix INTRODUCTION Günter Bischof: Of Dwarfs and Giants: From Cold War Mediator to Bad Boy of Europe Austria and the U.S. in the Transatlantic Arena (1990-2013) 13 AUSTRIAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY Ursula Plassnik: On the Road to a Modern Identity: Austria’s Foreign Policy Agenda from the Cold War to the European Union 55 Emil Brix: Austrian Cultural and Public Diplomacy after the Cold War 95 Erwin A. Schmidl: Austrian Security Policy after the End of the Cold War 108 James Sheehan: What Does it Mean to be Neutral? Postwar Austria from a Comparative Perspective 121 EASTERN EUROPE AND THE BALKANS Arnold Suppan: Austria and Eastern Europe in the Post- Cold War Context: Between the Opening of the Iron Curtain and a New Nation-Building Process in Eastern Europe 143 Hanspeter Neuhold: The Return of History in the Balkans after the Cold War: International Efforts at Conflict Resolution 167 Andreas Resch: Austrian Foreign Trade and Austrian Companies’ Economic Engagement in Eastern Europe (CEE) since 1989 198 FOREIGN POLICY AND MEMORY Norman Naimark: Historical Memory and the Debate about the Vertreibung Museum 227 NONTOPICAL ESSAYS Ferdinand Karlhofer: The Rise and Decline and Rise of Austria’s Radical Right 245 BOOK REVIEWS Harold James: Dieter Stiefel, Camillo Castiglioni oder die Metaphysik der Haifische 271 Gerhard Weinberg: Birgitte Kepplinger and Irene Leitner, eds., worked on by Andrea Kammerhofer, Dameron Report: Bericht des War Crimes Investigating Teams No. 6824 der U.S. Army vom 17.7 1945 über die Tötungsanstalt Hartheim 274 Berndt Ostendorf: Thomas König, Die Frühgeschichte des Fulbright Program in Österreich: Transatlantische “Fühlungnahme auf dem Gebiete der Erziehung” 277 David Schriffl: Adrian von Arburg and Tomáš Staněk, eds., The Expulsion of the Sudenten Germans from Postwar Czechoslovakia 282 Anton Pelinka: Heinz Kienzl and Herbert Starke, eds., Anton Benya und der Austrosozialismus 290 Günter Bischof: Margit Reiter and Helga Embacher, eds., Europa und der 11, September 2011 292 ANNUAL REVIEW Reinhold Gärtner: Austria 2012 299 LIST OF AUTHORS 304 Preface Günter Bischof In the historical profession today diplomatic history and foreign relations are not considered sexy and fashionable topics. Many colleagues think this is a hidebound field. Young colleagues engage in cultural studies, the history of emotions, and continue to show great interest in social history and the history of minorities. Political history does not attract young scholars much either. Yet the need to assess a nation’s foreign relations persists. In the past quarter century we have moved from the Cold War to the Post-Cold War era in Austria, Europe and the world at large. Yet relatively little assessment is available what the change from the Cold War to the Post-Cold War era signaled for Austria’s position in the world. Austrian foreign policy went through sea changes. The country lost its exposed Cold War geopolitical location on the margins of Western Europe along the iron curtain. With the removal of the iron curtain Austria moved back into its central location in Europe and rebuilt her long-standing traditional relations with neighbors to the East and South. Austria joined the European Union in 1995 and thus further “Westernized.” Its policy of neutrality—so central to its foreign policy during the Cold War—largely eroded during the past quarter century, even though pro forma and reasons of identity, the country holds on to its neutral position. Austrian failed to join NATO and gained the reputation of a “security free rider.” From these basic post-1989 foreign policy reorientations many subsequent political, social and mental departures followed. As a result of the country’s opening to East and South, Austrian business and banking invested big time in the formerly communist Soviet satellites—since 1989 newly independent countries. Austrian businesses wreaked tremendous profits from helping to rebuild prosperity and thus “Westernizing” (not necessarily “Americanizing”) the region. Austria continued to act as a “cultural superpower” and established a whole host of highly visible cultural representations in Eastern and Southern Europe. While Austria’s relations with its traditional neighbors to the East and South and Western Europe flourished, and strong diplomatic representations were built in Asia and x China, relations with the United States wilted. In 2007 the Austrian Foreign Ministry was renamed Ministry of European and International Affairs, reflecting these new priorities in the world. Even the ancient locus of the center of foreign policy formulation has changed. Austrian diplomacy is no longer conducted from the Ballhausplatz but from Albertinaplatz and Herrengasse in Vienna’s first district. Austrian diplomats, building on an old and distinguished tradition, managed to be appointed to many important assignments as mediators, particularly in the post-Yugoslav conflict region in the Western Balkans, by the European Union and the international community. Also, the face of the Austrian foreign service changed dramatically; it is no longer a preserve of male dominance— women increasingly have seized the reins of power in Austrian diplomacy. In the past quarter century Austria distanced itself from its postwar politics of history of claiming to be a “victim of Hitlerite Germany.” Austrian governments concede now that many of their co-nationals had been perpetrators of war crimes during World War II and Austria took responsibility of paying restitution to those truly victimized during World War II. So, an assessment of Austria’s foreign relations and international position in the years since the end of the Cold War is needed. A core portion of the papers in this volume (Arnold Suppan, Erwin Schmidl, Hanspeter Neuhild, James, Sheehan, Norman Naimark) were first delivered in a conference organized by the “European Forum” at Stanford University and the University of Vienna in March 2009 (for the program see _Conference-March_5-6-2009-Conference_Schedule_-_FINAL.pdf). We would like to thank the Stanford European Forum’s Roland Hsu und Amir Eshel for the conference arrangements and Sean McIntyre for a first round of editing the Stanford papers. Wolfgang Mueller and Arnold Suppan were among the Austrian participants of the workshop and kind enough to suggest these papers be published in Contemporary Austrian Studies. While I was a guest scholar at Vienna’s Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in June 2012, Mueller engaged me in mapping out a CAS volume built on the Stanford papers. At this point the rest of the authors were invited to contribute essays to flesh out the range of themes
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