12 YEHUDITH BLVD. TEL AVIV 67016 ISRAEL / TEL: 972 3 562 8180, FAX: 972 3 562 5992 Ministry
[email protected] / WWW.FILMFUND.ORG.IL of Culture and Sport ISRAEL FILM COUNCIL THE ISRAEL FILM FUND TAKES AN ACTIVE ROLE IN AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT The responsibility of the Public film funding organizations to Last year, in cooperation with the Ministry For Senior "Audience Development" has sprung up from a real need Citizens, the Fund managed to promote and legislate a to connect with the local audience and create a faithful, law which gives senior citizens a 50% discount on tickets engaged and supportive audience to local cinema. The goal for Israeli films in the cinemas. In addition the ministry of of this long term process is to deepen people's connection senior citizens fully compensates the producer, exhibitor and experience of watching films together in the cinema and distributor and covers the 50% discount that is given theatres and by this their appreciation of art and culture. at the cinemas. Recognizing the need to have a solid audience for Israeli Reaching out and developing a local audience includes Films the Israel Film fund has put special emphasis into tapping into “niche” audiences. This promoted the senior audience development and the development of Israeli Film citizens outreach and also opening up to "genre" films culture. As a film funding agency it is within the Fund's role which have mostly a large young audience. Last year and responsibility to be committed to support Israeli films the Fund initiated special production support schemes for not only via financial and creative support but also via "genre films" – such as horror, thrillers, sci-fi, comedies and audience development.