Beyond Borders Impressum Saturday 25.05.2019 — 10am until 10 pm „Beyond Borders“ is a project of the Bucerius Alumni A day for discussions, workshops, exhibitions, films and per- Network of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius formances about borders between communes, regions or Feldbrunnenstraße 56 states, borders in our minds and borders that you impose on 20148 Hamburg yourself, or that others impose on you. Borders that seem Phone: +49 40 413366 insurmountable, that are secured by fences and walls and E-mail:
[email protected] borders between cultures and opinions, borders that need to be overcome. Team Anna Hofmann Director, Head of Research and Scholarship Conference languages Petra Borchard German and English Program Director Alumni Relations Phone: +49 152 08 66 86 19 A day for E-mail:
[email protected] discussions workshops and Marcella Christiani exhibitions films performances Project Manager Research and Scholarship, Publications The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius supports re- search and scholarship, art and culture, as well as education and training. It provides funding for outstanding international Design Saturday 25 May 2019 —Berlin young researchers working in an interdisciplinary envi- am pm ronment. The Ph.D. scholarship program “Trajectories of 10 until 10 Change” contributes to studies in the humanities and social sciences with a focus on transformation processes in the Website European neighbourhood. The Bucerius Young Scholars Forum in Berkeley deals with histories of migration from an Venue Gerichtstraße 35—13347 Berlin international and global perspective.