1 CURRICULUM VITAE AND LIST OF PUBLICATIONS January 2016 HAIM SHALIT I. PARTICULARS Born 1945, Lodz. Alyah 1965. Military service: 1965-1968 Address: Department of Economics Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva Israel. Phone: +972-8-647-2299. Fax +972-8-647-2941 Mobile: +972-54-789-2221 e-mail:
[email protected] Home address: 36, Tapuz Street, P.O.Box 1240, Omer Israel. Phone: +972-8-646-7360. Fax: +972-8-646-7273 Web URL: http://www.bgu.ac.il/~shalit/ II. EDUCATION 1968-1974 Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Rehovot, Israel. Department of Agricultural Economics B.S.Agr. (Agricultural Economics), 1972. M.S.Agr. (Agricultural Economics), With Distinction, 1975. M.Sc. Thesis : The Role of Frozen Chicken in Stabilizing the Poultry Industry , Advisor: P. Zusman 1974-1978 University of California , Berkeley, California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Ph.D. Dissertation : Analysis of Increasing Farmland Values , Advisor: Andrew Schmitz Ph.D., December 1978. III. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT 1991-2014 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev , Beer-Sheva, Israel, Department of Economics. 1999-2013 Associate Professor of Economics and Finance 1991-1998 Senior Lecturer of Economics and Finance 1998-2000 Ph.D. Program Departmental Chairman 1993-94 Academic Labor Union Committee Member 1997-2002 Hebrew University of Jerusalem , School of Business Administration, Adjunct Lecturer of Finance 1995 University of Otago , Department of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, Dunedin, New Zealand. 2 Visiting Lecturer of Finance. 1988-1991 Fairleigh Dickinson University , College of Business Administration, Department of Economics and Finance, Madison, New Jersey. Associate Professor of Finance . Editor of The Working Papers Series, Center for Research in Economics and Finance .