Swinnerton Family Society
SWINNERTON jfamilp 1!;li5torp ~~~ -----------------------------J"l~·~ 466 Brown's Isle of Man Directory. By Special Appointment, Clockmaker to her Majesty's Postal Telegraph Department, Isle of Man. Rir SWINNERTON, (Frnm Mn.rRhn.ll <"- S•m's, Edinburgh), PRAOTIOAL WATOHMAKER and MANUF AO TURING JEWELLER, \Vouhl c:ill tbe nttenti0n of ViRitnrs 110(1 the rnblic to the Superior Character of his STOCK of GOLD :mil HILV.EH, .JEWELLERY, which will be fonnrl replde with nil the mo~t ( 'hoice n.nd F11shionn.hle Nonlties of the SeMon, nnd, while being of the Best llnality, will be offered at prices quite as Jow as nre usually paid for inferior Uoo<ls. --.-- Every cleiocription of Gold nn1l 8ilver \Vntche!', Fine Gohl, anrl other.Jewellery repaired by Experienced \Vorkmen, mHlcr the immerlin.te superintendence of Mr 8., whrise len~thencd ex periencc in some of tbe principnl estahlishments in Edinburgh wilt be a sufficient gnarnntce for the cxcellt'nce of the work. Precious Stones, Cameos, Mosaics. &:c., made into every description of Jewellery on the premises. Old Gold Remounted. ESTI:M:ATES GIVEN. XOTJ: 1'fl RA DDRESS :-- The Automaton Clock, Victoria-street, Douglas. s--- THE JOURNAL OF THE SWINNERTON SOCIETY VOLUME 8 No.10 JUNE 1992 THE SWilDIEITOI SOCIETY SWINNERTON FAMILY HISTORY PRESIDENT Sir Roger Swynnerton CMG.QBE.MC. Volume 8 No.10 June 1992 VICE-PRESIDENTS CONTENTS H.Norman Swinnerton ASc.(USA) The Rt.Hon.Lord Thomas of Swynnerton From the Editor 162 HON. CllAPL.dIJI The Reverend Edward Swinnerton Progress in Research 163 ARCHIVIST. GENEALOGIST & EDITOR Brian Swynnerton's Notes 164 Col.I.S.Swinnerton TD.DL.JP.FSG.
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