Sc30804293 19112915140
r WHAKATANE DISTRICT COUNCIL/ TRANSIT NEW ZEALAND ..., WHAKATANE TRANSPORTATION STUDY STATE HIGHWAY 2 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES SCOPING STUDY REPORT ..., .., , .,,,,z;, l 'NEW ZEALAND ARARAU AOTEAROA l DRAFT WHAKAT ANE DISTRICT COUNCIL/ TRANSIT NEW ZEALAND ,..., WHAKATANE TRANSPORTATION STUDY STATE HIGHWAY 2 ALTERNATIVE ROUTES SCOPING - STUDY REPORT ...., Approved for Issue: _____________ Date: ------- Jim McGuire Regional Transportarion Mtmager Transit New Zealand: Tauranga Approved for Issue: _____________ Date: _______ Haydn Read Director of Works and Senrices Whakatane District Council Status of Report: Draft No.3 ___________.Date: 151 December 2007 .., 1 I ,.., EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report forms part of the Whakatane Transportation Study for Whakatane District Council (WDC) and Transit New Zealand (Trans1t). It identifies potential long term alternative State Highway 2 corridors to improve route security and efficiency between Matata and the State Highway 2/Wainui Road intersection. The site area is shown in Drawing 134960-P101. This is a seeping study only, and identifies preliminarily routes which could potentially be investigated in future. I) The existing State Highway 2 route from Matata to the State Highway Two/Wainui Road intersection deviates significantly from a direct route, resulting in inefficiencies, and as a result use of local roads by state highway traffic. II) In addition, the existing state highway route has route security Issues arising from flooding and the stability of key bridges. Bridge insecurity resulting from scour, overturning, and seismic failure are considered to be significant risks for the Ontrack owned State Highway 2 crossing of the Whakatane River (Pekatahi Bridge). The only alternative crossing of the Whakatane River Is on State Highway 30 (Landing Road Bridge).
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