Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 22, Number 20, May 12, 1995
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The book that will unleash a musical revolution- "This Manual is an indispensable contribution to A Manual on the Rudiments of the true history of music and a guide to the inter pretation of music, particularly regarding the tone production of singers and string players alike.... I fully endorse this book and congratulate Lyndon LaRouche on his initiative." Tunin and -Norbert Brainin, founder and firstviolinist, g Amadeus Quartet " ...without any doubt an excellent initiative.It is particularly important to raise the question of Re istration tuning in connection with bel canto technique, g since today's high tuning misplaces all register shifts, and makes it very difficult for a singer to have the sound float above the breath.... What is true for the voice, is also true for instruments." BOOK I: -CarloBergonzi Introduction and Human Singing Voice From Tiananmen Square to Berlin, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was chosen as the "theme song" of the revolution for human dignity, because Beethoven's work is the highest expression of Classical beauty. Now, for the first time, a Schiller Institute team of musicians and scientists, headed by statesman and philosopher Lyndon H. LaRouche, J r., presents a manual to teach the uni versal principles which underlie the creation of great works of Classical musical art. Book I focuses on the principles of natural beauty $30 plus $4.50 shipping and handling which any work of art must satisfy in order to be Foreign postage: beautiful. First and foremost is the bel canto vocal Canada: $7.00; for each additional book add $1.50 Mexico: $10.00; for each additional book add $3.00 ization of polyphony, sung at the "natural" or South America: $11.75; for each additional book add $5.00 "scientific" tuning which sets middle C at approxi Australia & New Zealand: $12.00; for each additional book add $4.00 Other countries: $10.50; for each additional book add $4.50 mately 256 cycles per second. 'Copious musical Schiller Institute, Inc. examples are drawn from the Classical musical liter p.o. Box 66082, Washingron, D.C. 20035-6082 ature to show how the natural registration of each (202) 544-7018 species of singing voice, along with natural tuning, or call Ben Franklin Booksellers, 107 S. King St., is the composer's indispensable "raw material" for Leesburg, VA 22075. Phone (703) 777-3661; fax (703) 771-8287; toll free (8oo) 453-4108 the rigorous creation of poetic ironies without which Visa and MasterCard accepted. Virginia residents'please add no work of art can rightly be called "Classical." 4.5% sales tax. Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editor: Nora Hamerman Associate Editor: Susan Welsh From the Associate Editor Managing Editors: John Sigerson, Ronald Kokinda Editorial Board: Melvin Klenetsky, Antony Papert, Gerald Rose, Edward Spannaus, Nancy hat does the bitter conflict between the two men on our cover Spannaus, Webster Tarpley, Carol White, W l have to do with the recent terrorism in Tokyo an Oklahoma City? Christopher White � Science and Technology: Carol White Quite a bit, as you will learn in the Special Report in this week's Special Projects: Mark Burdman . expanded issue. Book Editor: Katherine Notley Advertising Director: Marsha Freeman At a mid-Atlantic wartime conference in 194h Franklin D. Roo Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol sevelt told the glowering Winston Churchill, with ieference to British INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: imperial rule in India: "I can't believe that we can:fight a war against Agriculture: Marcia Merry Asia and Africa: Linda de Hoyos fascist slavery, and the same time not work to fiee people all over Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, the world from a backward colonial policy. " That dispute remains at Paul Goldstein Economics: Christopher White the heart of the global strategic situation to this day. European Economics: William Engdahl The articles assembled here provide an exam le of what Lyndon lbero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small p Law: Edward Spannaus LaRouche means, when he says that you cannot study "current af Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George fairs" to understand what is going on in the world. iYou must proceed United States: Kathleen Klenetsky from "current history"-how the events making headlines today flow INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: out of the history and culture of nations. For Aniericansin particular, Bangkok: Pakdee Tanapura, Sophie Tanapura who tend to have short memories and a lack of in erest in what goes Bogota: Jose Restrepo t Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel on "over there," this is an indispensable lesson. Buenos Aires: Gerardo Teran Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen Among the many surprises in this issue: Houston: Harley Schlanger • Commodore Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay in against the Lima: Sara Madueiio 1853, Mexico City: Hugo Lopez Ochoa British fleet, to open up relations with Japan an41 upset the British Milan: Leonardo Servadio control of Asia. In the half-century that followe , U.S. operatives New Delhi: Susan Maitra � Paris: Christine Bierre introduced the American System of political-economy to Japan, to Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios the fury of the free-traders of the City of London.. Stockholm: Michael Ericson Washington, D.C.: William Jones • From the early 1920s until about 1938, th� United States had Wiesbaden: G6ran Haglund a plan for war against the British Empire, know� as War Plan Red. The relevant documents are discussed in detail anti quoted from here EIR (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly (50 issues) except for the second week of July. and the /ast week of for the first time since they were declassified in December by EIR News Service Inc., 317 Pennsylvania 1'74. Ave., S.E., 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20003. (202) • During World War II, Britain deployed J ap.n against the Unit 544-7010. For subscriptions: (703) 777-9451. ed European HetldqlUJl1ers: Executive Intelligence Review States, ordering Australia to give up almost aU of its territory to Nachrichtenagentur GmbH, Poslfaeil 2308, Japan. Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Roosevelt recked this plan. D-650I3 Wiesbaden, Otto von Guericke Ring 3, D-65205 � Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany The British also backed the communists in Chi la against Chiang Tel: (6122) 9160. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, � Michael Uebig Kai-shek, with the aim of destroying China as a �wer. In De"mork: EIR, Post Box 2613, .2100 Copenhagen 0E, Tel. 35-43 60 40 In sum, the British monarchy has been the fil)rtal enemy of the I" Mexico: EIR, Francisco Dfaz Covanubias 54 A-3 United States since the founding of this Repu lic. Colonia San Rafael, Mexico DF. Tel: 705-1295. * And that has Japan subscripliD" sales: O.T.O. Research Corporation, everything to do with the terrorism in Tokyo and Oklahoma City. Takeuchi Bldg., 1-34-12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 3208-7821. Copyright © 1995 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailing offices. Domestic SUbscriptions: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225. I year-$396, Single issue--$\O Postmaster: Send all addresschanges to EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 2004\-0390. TIillContents Book Reviews Economics Special Report 47 Britain and America cross 4 Hoary old Lloyds of swords over postwar policy London heads into toward China insolvency Recasting the Imperial Far East: The world's oldest and largest Britain and America in China, insurance market is in a scramble to 1945-1950, by Lanxin Xiang. raise something like $4. 8 billion in cash by August; if it fails, it will be barred by law from accepting any Departments new business. 7 Report from Bonn 6 Currency Rates Eurasian landbridge is taking London launches Business Briefs 12 shape. 10 international terrorism Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. 8 Report from Rio introlduces a study of Britain's The privatization of Eletrobras. Paci�c warfare against the United Stattls, by analyzing those key 9 Andean Report condeptionswhich are crucial to Venezuela's Gordian knot. und�tanding the motives and metilods pf the British monarchy's 88 Editorial deployment of the present wave of Cynical journalism in service of the intemational terrorism. British. 20 EIR versus the Windsors Photo and graphic credits: Cover, 21 Thtt United States fights pages 13 (Churchill), 27, 39, 41, Britain's Pacific Empire, 51, Library of CongresslPrints and Photographs Division. Pages 13 182,0-1900 The U.S. intervention to open up (Prince Philip), 62, 65, EIRNSI frie dly relations with Japan: Stuart K. Lewis. Page 13 q Commodore Matthew Perry, (Kissinger), EIRNSIStanley Ezrol. Abr�am Lincoln, Henry Carey, Pages 32, 33, 38, EIRNSIJohn and p. Peshine Smith. Sigerson. Page 37, U.S. Navy. Pages 54, 56, 59, Government of India. 26 Britain's Pacific plot ag.st the United States, and War Plan Red Frorp the World War I-era Anglo Am�rican rivalry for world naval domination, to the U.S. plan for war �gainst Britain, to World War II, I(orea, and Vietnam. 28 Sims vs. Benson: U.S. admirals in policy clash Vruur.ne22,Nur.nber20,May12,1995 I International National ' 44 Sir Robert Thompson and 70 Britain's Baroness Chalker 82 The Rehnquist Court joins the U.S. defeat in Vietnam defends massacres in the Conservative Rwanda Revolution' 47 Britain and America cross In the case of U.S. v. Lop ez, the swords over postwar policy 72 Assault on Ibero-American Supreme Court invalidated a law toward China militaries enters new stage passed by Congress in 1990, which Documentation: "Just war" versus made it a fedetal crime for anyone to possess a firearm within 1,000 U.S policy toward India, a "dirty war." 53 feet of a schoCi)1.