We are on the threshold of the great transition, when our planet will go from being a world of trials and expiations to one of regeneration. This transition has been part of the heavenly plan for a long time; thus, it will not occur in an obvious manner, overnight, as if by , but as a slow, gradual, yet undelayable transformation.

Natural tragedies, such as the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 - the subject of our considerations in this book - are part of this process because they are meant to make humankind progress more quickly by expunging criminal spirits - those unamenable to order and to moral and spiritual evolution, which can no longer be delayed. Those spirits will spend an amount of time on other worlds, learning the laws of Love and of the Good until they are fit to return to our planet to make their contribution to the progress of humankind.

In this extraordinary book, our dear readers will learn about the mechanisms and lofty reasons for the planetary transition in favor of pressing and necessar y changes that promote respect for laws, ethics and nature, transforming men and women into complete beings who are conscious of their duties to God, themselves and others. ISBN 9781942408475 90000 > BY THE SPIRIT MANOEL PHILOMENO DE DIVALDOMIRANDA FRAN CO


LEAL Publisher Copyright© 2016 by Centro Espirica Caminho da Reden ao - Salvador (BAJ - CONTENTS All righrs reserved. No pan of chis book may be reproduced by any mech anical, phocographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be srored in a rerrievaJ system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or privare use without prior written permission of rhe publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-942408-47-5 Planetary Transition ...... 9 Original tide in Portuguese: 1. New Pathways ...... 17 Trnmiriio Plnnetdri11 (Brazil, 20 I 0) 2. A Special Visitor...... 25 Translated by: Darrel \VI, Kjmble, Marcia Saiz and fly Reis 3. A Revelation-Message ...... 31 Cover design by: Claudio Urpia Layout: Luciano Carneiro Holanda 4. Earthly Itineraries ...... 41 Edited by: Evelyn Yuri Furuta 5. New Experiences ...... 49 Edition of LEAL PUBLJSHER 6. The Work of Illumination ...... 59 8425 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 104 Miami, Florida 33138, USA 7. Love as Divine Power ...... 67 [email protected] 8. Unexpected Assistance ...... 73 (305) 306-6447 9. Existential Challenges ...... 81 Authorized edition by Centro Espirira Camjnho da Reden,ao - Salvador (BA) - Brazil 10. Lessons of High Magnitude ...... 89 11. Continued Learning ...... 97 INTERNATIONAL DATA FOR CATALOGING IN PUBLJCATfON (ICP) 12. Life Responds as Planned ...... 107 13 .Making up for Lost Time ...... 117 f825 Miranda, Manoel Philomeno de (Spirit). Planetary Transition I authored by the Spirit Manoel Philomeno 14. Guidelines for the Future ...... 133 de Miranda; psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco ; translated by Darrel K;mble, Maeda Saiz and lly Reis-Miami (FL), USA: Leal 15. Enlightening Experiences ...... 143 Publisher, 20 I6. 16. Programming ...... 15 5 240 p.; 2 I cm 17. Broadening the Scope of Our Work ...... 171 Original ride: Transi,ao Planedria 18. Thoughts and Profound Dialogues ...... 183 ISBN 978-1-942408-47-5 19. Getting Ready for Spiritual Armageddon ...... 195 I. Spirircsm. 2. Manoel Philomena de Miranda. 3. Revelation I. Franco, Divaldo Pereira, 1927-. II. Tide. CDDl33.9 CDU 133.7 20. Confrontation with the Darkness ...... 205 21. Difficult Bartles ...... 217 In order for people to be happy on the earth, it must be 22. Preparations for the Conclusion of Our Work ...... 229 populated only by good incarnate and discarnate spirits who IVON COSTA ...... 239 desire nothing but the good. Once such a time has come, there will be a great emigration from among those who inhabit the earth. Those who practice evilfor evils sake and are untouched by the sentiment ofthe good will no longer be worthy ofthe transformed planet. They will be banished from it, because their stay would once more cause trouble and confusion and would be an obstacle to progress. . . . They will be replaced by more-advanced spirits, who will see to it that justice, peace and fraternity reign . . . .The present age is one oftransition; the members of both generations are mixed together. Standing at the midpoint, we are watching the departure ofone and the arrival ofthe other, and each is already distinguishable by the characteristics that are proper to it.

KARDEC, ALLAN, GENESIS Chapter XVIII, Nos. 27 and 28 (International Spiritist Council, 2009)


are living on earth at the time ofthe great transition from a world of trials and expiations to a world of egeneration. The changes being observed are ofa moral nature, inviting human beings to change their behaviorfor the better, dropping their bad habits so that the paradigms ofjustice, duty, love, and order may take root. This transformation, inherent in the process ofevolution, has been foretold ever since the prophetic Sermon recorded in the 13th chapter ofthe Gospel ofMark, when the Divine Master described the signs offuture times after the painful events that would indicate the different periods ofevolution. Since human beings are spirits in the process of intellectual and moral growth, they go through different levels in order to develop instinct and then intelligence, followed by consciousness on the pathway to intuition, which will be acquired by overcoming primeval experiences. These experiences affect them profoundly, often binding them to their animal nature to the detriment oftheir spiritual nature, which is their reality. Through many they very gradually eliminate their moral imperfections and transform them into

9 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco

importa nt q u a li tie s tha t drive the m towa rd the whole nessfor H e sitat ing or adva ncing on the libe rat i ng p a thway, whi ch they a re de sti ned. they de ve lop the trea sures /,ying dorma nt in the m i nd a nd the Committing wrongs and correct ing them, m a k i ng senti m e nts, which they l e a rn to put in the se rvice ofprogr e ss, a ttempts a t progre ss, falli ng a nd t he n ge tti ng ba ck up - s u ch is adva ncing, consci ou s ofth e ir respons i bi liti es. the means ofgrowth tha t prope ls eve ry on e in the dire ction of Unfortu na te ly, this a wak e ning t o consciousness ha s thei r comple te happiness . occ u rred v e ry slow/,y, giving ris e to e x cesse s rep e ate d a t e ve ry H e i rs t o the confli cts tha t afflicte d the m i n the ea rly moment, as we ll a s terrible, bloody wa rs. sta ge s, they must face u nh e a lthy condi ti onings a nd work t o Th u s, arbitra ry and p e rve rse beha viors pre dom ina te in a cqu i re new expe rie nce s tha t comprise su re guideli nes for today's society, i n s ta rk con t rast to t he te chnologica l a nd sci e ntific f u rthe r advanceme nt. acquisitions re a liz e d over time. a e i u a t on e ca rna l a th ay that F c d with critical s t ions th p w One can often notice the ha rbi nge rs ofgood sentime nts ge ne ra te emoti onal complicati ons - be cause they a re sti ll far whe n som e one is t he victim of a f a t e f u l circu mst a nc e , from t he su bli m e emotions oflov e a nd thu s a ct more by t he ir se tti ng re li ef groups in motion, a t a time whe n othe r instincts, e spe cia lly t hose tha t conce rn the pre serva ti on oflife, individua ls make thems e lv e s i n t o h u man bombs, coward/,y rep roduction and viole nce for the a utoma t ic defense ofbod i ly andfan a tical/,y m u rd e ring othe rs who ha ve nothing to do e x i st e nce - t hey a tta ck, when they sho u ld d i a logue , a nd they with the tra ged ie s they intend to re m e dy by su ch siniste r a ccu se , whe n i t wo u ld be best to sile nce the offense or a ggre ssion, and ina de q u ate m e ans tha t are worse than the individu als gi ving rise to u nfortu nate clashe s tha t cause resentme nt, ha tred, whom t hey inte nd to fight... and the des i re for re ve nge - t hose i nconse qu ent i a l children of Anima l prote ction move m e nt s are se nsi t iz ing many the domi ne e ri ng ego. segm e nts ofsoci e ty, while co u ntl e ss pe ople re main indiffere nt D u e to the i nhe rent dri ve t hat i mp e ls individu a ls toward to millions ofchildr e n, elder/,y a nd sick individu a ls who die of God, the de ma nd for progress i s u nw a ve ring, a ne ce ssity for h u nge r e ve ry year, notfor la ck offood tha t the planet provides, ofthe strong shackles tha t hold the m back. but du e t o a t otal lack ofcompas s ion and solida ri ty ... Placed by the power ofd e te rminism wi thin the context of Terrifying seismic phe no m e na fre quent ly sh a ke the free will-which is not always logica l- only the i mp a ct ofs ufferi ng plane t, awa k e n i ng the sy mp a thy of ot he r n a tions towa rd a wakens the m to u nde rsta nd j u st how essenti a l i t is to acqui re those that have been struck, while , at the sa me time , s o-ca lle d p ea ce a nd well-be ing... At that mome nt t hey notice t he wrongs smart we a p ons re ap hundre ds a nd t hou sa nds ofliv e s, in the

they h a ve commi tted a nd the harm they ha ve cause d others. The se rvice ofwar, e nd less re volu tions, or crimes by organ i z ati ons

longi ng to ma ke a mends su rfaces and the y a ssist those who have dedicated to e vil. .. been ha rme d by the i r i nep ti tu de or primi tivi sm in rela tion to the These a re the paradoxe s ofs ocie tal life, which the gre a t du ties tha t a re part ofth e sove re i gn codes of the ethics oflife. transition now ta king place on t he plane t will change .

JO 11 Planetary Transition

Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Oivaldo Franco Those who have persisted in wr ongful indifference to for the moral regeneration of spirits, who accomplish a new the pain oftheir neighbor; those who have l ived their l ives degree of perfection during each new existence? You mu st in known or unknown crime; those who have signed pacts see the end in order to appreciate the results. Yo u only ju dge invo lving extortion, bribery and so-ca ll ed white-coll ar crimes, such things from your own personal point of view, and you displaying egotistica l behavior, gl oating about the affiictions regard such affiictions as calamities beca u se of the injury ofothers, taking p leasure in lust and addiction, in the undue they cause yo u . However, these hardships are often necessary exploitation ofother lives - these will not be able to remain on in order to make things arrive at a better order more qu ickly, the earth any l ong er, but will be exiled to lower wo r lds, where and to accomplish in a few years what wou ld otherwise 2 they will be useful, filing the edges oftheir mora l imperfections, requ ire many centuries.'' to return later to the gene rous bosom ofMothe r Ea r th, whom ?hat is what is happening today. they do not want to respect today. Suffering has reached almost unbearable levels and the The eminent codifier ofSpi r itism, 1 assisted by Voices madness taking its toll on the terrestrial landscape is pandemic in from Heaven, dwell ed more than once on analyzing the tragic character, alongside depressive disorders, drug addiction, unbridled events that wou ld shake the earth and its inhabitants in order sex, monumental psychological flights from reality, staggering to awaken them to their responsibilities towards themsel ves and crimes, disregard for laws and ethics, disregard for human and their p lanet. animal rights and the r ig hts ofnature ... Maximum imbalance r In The Spi its' Book, in the chapter on the Law of has been reached, facilitating divine interference so that the great Destruction, the illustrious master ofLyon addresses the causes transformation that we all so urgently need may be implemented. and reasons far the imbalances that frequently occur on the Contributing to the great work ofregenerating humanity, p lanet, occasioning collective tragedies, as we ll as those produced spirits from another dimension are plunging into the terrestrial by humans, and he shows that it is necessary that everything darkness so that, alongside noble missionaries ofl ove and be destroyed in order to be renewed. Destr uction, however, is charity, intelligence and sentiment, who protect terrestrial only p r oducedfor the mo lecular modification ofmatter; it never beings, they may modify the landscapes ofajfiiction and enab le reaches the spirit, which is immortal. the establishment ofGod's Kingdom in people's hearts. 7hus, major disasters ofthis or that origin are meant to We realize that our information may cause astonishment invite human beings to reflect on the transitoriness ofthe carnal in some schola rs ofSpiritism, and even severe reactions in journey when compared to their immo r tality. others ... Nonetheless, please allow us to p r esent our thoughts ?he sufferi ng that derives from these so-called destructive after having lived with high-order mento rs who are wo r king ca lamities aims to " ... force [h u mank i nd] ro progress more in the lofty p r ogram ofthe great transition ... qu i c k ly. Have we nor stared that destruc tion i s ne c essary 2 The Spirits' Book, 1 Kardec, Allan, no. 737 - Spiric Auth. [lnrernational Allan Kardec (1804-1869). -1. R. Spiricist Council, 4th ed. 2010, p. 422]. - Spirit Auth.

13 12 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco Planetary Transition

In orde r to improve the curre nt psychosph e re , the re by None thele ss, at all time s, we aim to demonstrate the facilitating the work e ofth M e sse ngers ofJ e su e s, t ams ofapostles provide ntial m e rcy ofJesus, e ver watchful with His m e sse nge rs ofcharity on the spiritplane are also desce n ding to the suffering ove r all plane tary occurrence s, minimizing human ajfiictions planet in order to contribute to the changes that must occur, and opening the way to the radiant day oftomorrow approaching attending to e thos who e xp e rie nce the excruciation ofviol e nt with a we alth ofbl e ssings and wholene ss. or unexpe cted discarnation, who suffer unde r the yoke ofcruel Thanking the Lord ofour live s and the high-orde r spirits obsessions, or who are mired in unjustifiable rebelliousne ss, inve ste d in the sublime task of the gre at plane tary transition for considering the m selves to be oppone nts ofth e Light and membe rs having granted us the honor to work at their side, I am the ir ofth e fury ofEvil. de vote d se rvant forever. In this book, we describe thre e distinct but interpene trating phases conce rning the work to which e w have be e n called_ MANOEL PHILOMENO DE MIRANDA thanks to the compassion ofLov e - so that we may accompany the e Salvador, Brazil, Ap ril 9, 2010 nnobling activitie s of worthy and valiant B e nefactors conn e cte d to the program in progress regardi the plane t transition ng ary that has be e n unde rw ay for quite some time now... We have no other goal than to encourage the se rvants ofth e Good to continue the ir ministry at any cost, without discourage m e nt or annoyance, re mai ning confide nt that they are supporte d in all situations, as painful as they may be . We have sought to summarize re lief op e ratio discarnates ns to victimize d by the devastating tsunami that hit the Indian Oce an, causing tragic conse que nce s that continue to cause suffering andpain, e sp ecially e sinc it is be ing followe d by many othe rs that have bee n occurring with frighte ning freque ncy ...

Next, we refer to e th sp e cial contribution ofspirits dedicated to the task involving the reincarnations ofn e w worke rs, whe from ther the e arth or volunte ersfrom anothe r cosmic dime nsion. The n, we analyze the torme nts that are invading the e arth, as e w ll as the inte rfere nce of low-orde r spirits, who delight in maintaining the e t rrible curre nt state ofconfusion.


k the bustle decreased with the arrival of dusk, ollowed by a night gently lit by stellar pendants, a sychosphere of peace engulfed the area all around Oscar and me. Activities in our community continued in the blessed rhythm of multiple endeavors oflove and relief, of education and moral development. Groups of industrious spirits were leaving for the earth on special endeavors, while others were returning jubilant after having completed theirs. The education and whole health departments were still at work, whereas activity in Colonia Redenrao3 decreased so that residents could return to their homes or go to specialized learning centers, maintaining a climate of harmony all around. Nature in celebration touched rhe colony with a gentle breeze perfumed by flowers blooming in the garden from where we were observing Mocher Earth adorned with artificial lights, which off in rhe distance seemed like coruscating diamonds embedded in the velvety navy-blue quilt that enveloped her.

3 Redemption Colony, located in the spirit world. - 1.R.

17 Planetary Transition

Manoel Philomena de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco a mp zi ea ger for the vital fluids of the recently We ha d been silent for a little while a fter discussing the v iri ng spirits disca rna te victims. la test events sh a king earthly society after the tsuna mi that the sa me time, we had been informed a bout the ha d resulted from the cl a sh of tectonic plates in the a byss of At the Indian Ocean. me a sures being ta ken co decre a se the beha viora l disorders that spre a ding a mongst those th a t a ined behind We ha d le a rned ofthe sta ggering death roll while gathered were had rem . in their of flesh ... m pr ayer for the defenseless victims of the seismic tragedy. garbs Off in the dista nce , the earth a lmos t Our community's a dministra tion had deployed two moved imperceptibly in the infinite oce a n of cosmic musicality. hundred disca rna te exper ts to work with the Guides of took ahold of both of us, en a bling Huma nity, assisting those chat had been hit by the fury of Various emotions us to express sentiments of love a nd tenderness for beloved the giga ntic w a ves a nd their consequences. Gaia - the Ea rth - be a utiful, m a gica l and suffering in her We h a d discussed the survivors, m a rk ed by yea r odyssey to become the ha ppy home of a few overwhelming pain, by the epidemics tha t had a lrea dy few-billion struck the region where the bodies were decomposing, billion inha bita nts th a t depended on her resources for their moral and spiritua l ascension. by the misery resulting from materi a l losses, a nd by How much we owe you! - we reflected. the unspea k a ble longing for loved ones who ha d been How many more lifetimes would be necessary for us snatched a w a y by de a th . in the future to ma ke it a planet ofregeneration? The most he a rtrending ph a se w a s underwa y during Ac the sa me time - I wondered silently - how much those da ys, when the cruel consequences of misfortune pain would have to a ff lict people's he a rts for there to be were sh a ttering the sentiments of the discouraged a nd a a a n bewildered survivors ... a ch nge in their mental, mor l d emotional conduct to render them worthy of being libera ted from the sickly We ha d ha d the opportunity to witness the terrifying legacies of the pa st so tha t the Kingdom ofHeaven within scenes very a ccura tely pr oj ec ted in our a uditorium, moving us all to tears. chem might be ushered in? Meanwhile, soft music reached our ears from the We h a d a ls o been couched by the activity and . Interest of civilized countries providing immediate help, nearby sanctua ry where they were rehe a rsin g Joha nn Sebastia n B a ch 's Mass in B Minor, origina lly composed a ll contributing with inva lua ble colla bora tion ca pable of mitigating the suffering whipping the victims, some still for orchestra, but performed there on a masterfully a n a ccompany in g our community's children's da zed by the violent jolts, a nd others almost ins a ne from played org choir. .. despair a nd hopelessness. We knew that thousands of high-order spirits had We were exper iencing the feeling that Hea ven itself was communicating with our colony a t that very moment. flocked to their a id, striving to rescue them from unfortunate,

18 19 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco In fa c t, that w a s actually the ca se be c ause the building I c ould cell chat Oscar was aware ofmy perc eption reserved for c elebrati ons of love and religi ous fa i th of his memories, to whic h he immediately responded: was i llumina ted with soft, silvery-blue tonaliti es. I was "Actua lly, I was born in a beauti ful region of Tyrol, in pa rticularly impressed by the movement of the sound waves, a green valley in the Austrian Alps. I w a s ofJewish desc ent, whic h obeyed the sweet, gentle rhythm of the organ and but because there was no synagogue i n our region, I was ch i ldren's voi c es. allowed to partic ipate in the study of the C a tholic Catec hism Almost c e static , I was about to sa y something to my and attend a beautiful little village churc h. My parents, true friend Osc ar, when I noticed he wa s weeping c dis retely. angels of the Lord, did not for c e us to keep our ancestral In our perfec t, spontaneous mental oneness, I c ould fa i th or prevent us from taking part in the incomparable see him thinking i n retrospect about when, as a ch i ld living in the lessons of Jesus with the other c hildren. Austrian Alps, he had been i n the wooden v i llage "My mother was a reacher a nd my father a do c tor, chapel listening to the same composition on an old organ ... fully dedic ated to the good of the humble c ommunity. His memori es in c reased a nd the scenery changed. I ''After the invasion ofAustr ia, our home wa s ransac ked sa w him running through the green meadows in an area marked by soldiers of the SS on an unforgettable night of horror. We by pa i nted wooden houses a mid mounta ins c overed c with eternal were dragged out and thrown into a poli e van that took us to ice, the ground dotted w it h tiny Rowers mixed Vienna. From there, we were loaded i nto an overc rowded tra in in w i th colorful poppies and roses in the green grass ... My co a concentration c amp of forced labor and extermination dear friend's evo c ative kaleidosc ope was projec ted in Ausc hwitz as part of Hider's final solution, designed and onto my menta l sc ree n, prompti ng me to re c all my own childhood carried out by Himmler and his minions ... dominated by the sc enery ofsunny, joyful Bahia, ''Needless co say, when we a rrived a t the c amp, and after Brazil, where the Lord of Life had honored me with my most che men, women, elderly, si c k and c hildren were sepa ra ted re c ent re i nc arnation. my parents were sent to the ga s ch a mber and subsequently Lulled by the sublime melody, the whole mystic a l thrown into the c remation ovens." magic of that kindly people, their simplic ity a nd resigned He made a natural pause and I suggested that he not suffering - especially those of indigenous a nd Afric a descent n re c all the evil event. - thei r hopes and aspirations, pervaded my spiri t. With a slow, sad voi c e, he told me chat he was doing I c oul d not tell the time that ha d elapsed as the night so as a c atharsis to release him from deep fixa tions ... adva nc ed. He c ontinued: As we c ame bac k to reality, my friend and I seemed "Si nce I was over 16 years old, I was spared for to have awa kene d from a ha ppy dream, and a lmost without forc ed labor alongside other living dead who moved about realizi ng it, we ha d joined hands, sm i ling and thanking God. automatic ally, trying to stay alive.

20 21 Planetary Transition Manoel Philorneno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco

"Afte r two ye a rs of e e sh r horr or , I w a s transfe r re d to We we re t o return to our beloved Mo t he r Earth for a nothe r no le ss cr u e l ca m p - Sobibor, pa rt of th e He inha r d speci a l a ctivitie s, in a ccor da nce with the progr a m pr e pa re d op e r a tion, whe reu pon, thankfully, the w a r e nde d a nd we by Be ne factors in ou r commu nity. w e r e fre e d ... Highly to u ched a nd t ha nkful co th e Lord for such "I wa s ta ke n to a re e fuge ca mp in A u stria , in spi t e of re f le ctions a nd emotions, we sa id goodbye to each och e r a nd e e th n ar tota l de str u ct i e on of Vi nna . God had a llowe d me he a de d for ou r rooms. e honor of su r viving h the Holocau st a nd I resta rte d my N e w pa thw a ys! I w e nt home chinking a bout the inva lu a ble hu ma n e xper e i nce ... se riousne ss of the e nde a vors to be u nde r ta ken. I soon "De e ply ma rk e d by physica l a nd e motiona l pa in, conclu de d th a t the Lord would give u s His su pport a nd e r xpe iencing night s ofnightm a r e s tha t se e me d t o ne ver e nd, inspira tion since the y wo u ld be carried ou t in His na me . t e I op d for ce liba cy. I didn't a w ne to distu r b the de a r so u l who might ma rry me . "In t ribu te t o my p a rents a nd t he victims of th e e e xt rmina tion, I be ga a e n to tt nd th e Syna gog u e , bu t, almost pa r a doxica lly, I didn't los e my love for Jesus ... u "I p rsu e d a n e du ca t io a a n nd gr du a te d in M e dicine a t the Unive rsit y ofVie nna , and within my mo r a l ba ckground, e e I d vot d myse lf to th e a r mission y pra ctice of th a t scienc e re sponsible for comba ting dis e a se s and su ffe ring ... "I returne d to th e Great 4 Home at fifty ye a r s ofa ge a nd e b ga n living in a J e wish spi r it commu nity wi t h my pare nts, a h ving be e n summone d to t he activit y th a t we must atte nd t o a s br e oth rs a nd siste rs in hu ma nity." He smile d with a rhin e v il of sa dness on his face a nd e h ld ou t his ha nd to me , e motiona lly pr onou ncing th e e H bre w word Shalom (Pe a ce ). Now smiling, he e xcla imed: "Ne w pathways!" "Ne w a p thways!" I re plie d, euphor ic.

4 Spirit World. - LR.


e had been cold that our community would be visited by a high-order spirit, the resident of W another dimension. He would bring us invaluable news about future activities co be carried out shortly on the earth, and in which Oscar and I would be involved. Hence the day had passed marked by sweet expectations. That night, at the agreed time, with the skies embroidered with stellar diamonds, the two of us headed for the place dedicated to special conferences. It was a semi-circular building surrounded by well- tended gardens highlighted by lush trees and lit fountains whose waters danced in the air to the sound of delightful melodies. It was in a broad area in the heart of the colony. The room reserved for events of this magnitude held two thousand specially invited persons. There were other, smaller rooms, however, for smaller, specialized meetings. These were duly equipped with technological means that would afford a better understanding of the topics. The upper dome of the building was composed of transparent material, allowing one to see the dark velvet of the night with its flaming silvery pendants.

25 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomena de Miranda / Divaldo Franco There s wa a perfect view fro m every s po t in the el eg auditorium, ant repentance for w r o ngs committed, and rich in the ce r tainty inviting o ne to meditate and journey within ... o f divine love ... The ps ychos phere re s ulting fro m activities l u l he d there Emo tions to o reg arly hovered in the environment. k us all as the angelic voices prayed for o Graduall c mpass ion for o ur imperfectio ns as we followed along in a y, either silently o r in quiet co nversatio n, co mforta l the prayerful state. b e seats were fil l ing u p with th o s e waiting for event to s tart. the Pro fou nd silence ensued, after which the mas ter of Just before 8:00 ceremo nies called the adminis trato r and a number of other p.m. - acco rding to terrestrial cl o cks invaluable leaders to - the room was full . complete the table. Next, he as ked the s pirit Ivo n s s Our G o vernor General Costa, the elfle s entered with o ther members resp o ns ible spreader of Spiritis m in Br azil during the fir s t half o f the for ou r co mm u nity, indicating the high last o significance o f the evem. century, t say the opening prayer. I no ticed that on o s o We had received vague ne ide f the table sat two female information abo u who t Orion, s pirits wearing lo ng, white vap o r o wou l d come to s ous r bes. They were u from the co n l stel ation Taur u s o - particul arl y, next t a tube made o f tenuo u s light co ming down fro m from o ne of the Pl eiades - in o rde o pr es ent s r t the ceiling ... u with impo rtant information regarding the With o s momento u s pro je a melodi u voice like a s killfully played flute, ct invol ving en mass e reincarnatio n o s that had been taking s Ivon C ta, vi s ibly in s pired, sto o d in prayer, which we place o n our bel o ved the second planet since follo wed silently: half of the la s t century, incarnations no w intensifying. that were Jesus, our Benefactor! The featured table at the front of rhe au ditorium reseed o n a platform l While our beloved planet agonizes in its process of p aced in such a way as to be clearly visible to everyone pre s ent. evolutionary growth, suffering harsh trials and expiations, Before the members dragging its inhabitants toward untold sufferings, we who love that wo ul d sir at it were to do s o, invited you are gathered here to pray for your mercy in the the children's cho ir sang face ofthe the Miserere - al s o l the Penance - ca l ed moral inferiority that rules our spiritual nature. which refers to Ps al m 51. It wa s original compo s ly For millennia you have summoned ed by Grego rio A l legri, us to build the but in the 18th cencury a still very yo ung Mo zart spiritual kingdom in our minds and hearts, though we have heard it for the firs t time, and adapted memo rized it failed to properly answer your call. it with mino r changes. The beautiful music begins with a prayer: Lord, have mercy on me, and co In ancient cultures and civilizations, starting at the time ntinu es, mo vingl y, characterized by ofthe Sumerians, a few ofus realized the lofty meaning of

26 27 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

earthly existence, bu t we l et ours el v es be anesthet ized by t he And with You, after l ist ening to Your lessons of deceitful vapors ofmatter ... incomparable beauty, we abandonedfait hf ulness and convert ed Later, in Pers ia and Nineveh we l earned the Truth Your doc t rine into l ies, lust, hypocrisy and misfortune ... and its mys t eries, but quickly abandoned them to fol t t warring low he Thus, we crossed he medieval nigh t, warned by martyrs mobs ofDariu s or Shal ma neser, conquering lands and and saints, attach ed t o infamy and horror. spreading dea t h. Ours was the sowing ofb l ood, orphan h ood, We died and were reborn countl ess times before t ruly widowhood and hatred, and our reaping was bitter, unnamed awakening to life in abundance when t he light ofSpiritism pain in l Baby on and in E pt, which gy fascinated us with its seized us from den se inner darkness, from ignorance andfrom ostentatious temp les, dragging us afterward t o bl oody defeats the abyss ofego t istical madness... wit h Astyages and the murder ofAkhenaten ... We travel ed t he mountain s of Tibet and the p l ains There was a pause filled ofIndia, repeating with emotion. We were al1 the l essons ofthe Mah abharat thrilled a, which breathing in rhythm with the evocative, profound and us, bu t we were unabl e to change our unfortunate serious narration. be l l icosity... Ivon continued with che same tone of voice and the Venerab l e China, . wit h Fo-Hi, among other same emotion: h z f os op h rs, taught us wisdom, bu t it did no t quenc insane thirst h our forpower over Manch u ria and its neigh boring More t han once Your mercy has sh aken the planetary peopl es, who al so des t roy ed it s everal t imes with their ship, as occurred just recen t ly with the tsunami, demonstrating chariots ofde s truct ion ... t he weakness ofhuman devices and their sparse possibilities of We crossed the desert with Moses, as we wou ld t t l t do a a knowing Gods will so tha all may finally wake up. a er time with Ezra - t hanks t o the nobl e Cyrus t the - o rebuild Once again You have askedfor t he support ofo th er spiritsfor Temp l e and Jerusal em. We attacked the Philistines and the grea t t ransit ion that will take place soon in th ephysical world. other peop les, sowing t error, condemning, destroying... Now, enab l e t he Ambassador from ano t h er sp h ere t o Ath ens charmed _ us st arting in the days ofAnaxagoras, and then bring us Your blessing in the name ofuniversal love so that we with the lessons ofSocrate s, but in Spart a what we may consciously serve You with discernment and dedication. h ad l earned from th em did no t keep us from h andi over ng ourse l ves We are h ere, on our knees and expec tant, at Your service, to heinousness and unceasing battles ... wit h heart and mind open to the truth . We accompanied Scipio, the African, as we had done Have mercy, 0 Lord! wit h A l exande r the Great, t he Macedonian, and the Hannibal, Carthaginian, even though we knew about t he philosophy When he finished, the materialization of the special ofimmortality and the interference ofthe gods in our lives ... guest in the tube of light was complete, thanks to the

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contribution of th e me diums who offe re d him the prop e r s ubstance for the e ve nt. 3 He was slightly talle r than the e arthly standard. His eye s looke d like two flaming s tars in th e sky of a kindly A REVELATION-MESSAGE face . His bodily movements w e re harmonious when he le ft the plac e whe re he had condens e d and followed th e maste r of ce re monies, who le d him to a special, distinguished sear on th e platform. A soft, s we e t sc e nt e ngulf e d the imme ns e auditorium and we all conc e ntrate d on th e ve nerable gue st. e had nor yet eme rged from our n e a r- Again the childre n's choir e nd e are d us with th e ir e c s tasy, whe n our leader approached th e sublime singing. dis tinguished vi s itor and gre e te d him with We e d ference and aff ct ion. He then le d him to th e podium and gave him the floor. TI1e nobl e spirit thanked him with a cheerful s mile and be gan his s peech:

"Vene rable administrators, frate rnal souls of all dime nsions: "We gre e t you all in the name of the Lord of the Universe. "Re prese nting the beautiful globe of love in s talled in one of the Pleiades, wrapp e d in sp e cial vibrations made of photons chat form a luminosity compose d of lue tone s, we are he re in answe r to the invitation of the Sublime Gove rnor of Plane t Earth. "Although I am not in a position to sp e ak on b half of our spirit Guides, I bring our commitme nt to concnbute with you co the program of e levating humanity through the reincarnation of se rvants of the Good purposely prepared for the sublime e ndeavor.

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Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco "This is n ot th e firs t time th a t th e ea rth ha s re ceived ce n turie s , so as not to imp e de the pl a ne t's deve lopment, tra vele rs from other dwellings at th e re quest ofJe s us C h ris t. a re be in g reborn with love ly orga n ic co n stitut ion s , the It al s o happened in th e pa s t, a t the time of rh e mo n umen ta l re s ult s of n atur a l gen etic selection , though ma rked by transition of forms , whe n s ha pe rs of the orga nic ves se l de lve d rem n an ts of primitivism. in to t h e d e n s e phys ica l ma s s to s et the ch a ra cte ristics that "Some a pp ea r exotic; ot h ers , a ggre s s ive , seeking now de fi n e it s in h abita n ts ... Tho s e n oble a mba s s a dors of th e ir prime va l origi n s in uncon s cious reaction aga in s t th e ligh t came from the cons tella tion Auriga to co n tribute progressive s ociety, but havi n g the holy opportu n ity to to th e co n s truction of pr e s en t huma n ity, in cludin g ot h e r resh a pe the ir ideas, ho n e their s en time n ts and p a rticipa te n on-mora lized in telligences, w h o, a fte r h avi n g co n clude d in rh e un s toppa ble upwa rd march ... A s ubsta n tia l n umber, a n umber of evolution ary s ta ges , happily returne d to th e ir however, rem a in aggres sive and e motion a lly in diffe rent, own be loved homes ... be comin g in s trumen ts of ha rsh tri a ls for the s ociety th ey ''.At oth er times, lumin a rie s of th e Truth imme rs e d di s dain . They have an e xcell e n t opportu n ity, but if the y th emse lve s in ch e da rkn e s s of th e terres trial world in order s quan de r it, th ey will be sent to othe r primitive w_orlds, to offer th e ir upliftin g achie ve me nts an d accomplishmen ts, wh ere they will co n tribute th e ir knowledge, while s uffering, he lp i n g its inhabita n ts to grow i n te ch n ology , s cien ce, howe ver, from ha rsh injun ctions . Th i s is a type of repeat ph i loso ph y, religion , politics , e t h ic s and morals ... of the Biblica l exile of Lucifer and h is min ion s to re a lms Non ethe le s s , most of th e deve lopm ent occurred in th e comp a tible with their un re fined emotion a l leve l, where area of intelligence and not se n timent, wh ich explai n s it s longing an d m e la n choly will encoura ge ch e m to work for curren t s ta ge of evolution : rich in kn owledge bur poor in the herita ge oflove pr e vious ly wa s ted on crude n e ss , a nd th en s pi ri tua l virtues ... figh t with zeal for the conquest of the good. "Moreove r, th e pl a n e t periodica lly e xpe rie nce s climate "The y h a ve be e n h ere at diffe re n t period s of earth's ch a nge s an d w ide spread se is mic events th at cau s e profound culture , enjoy in g luminous but rare ly u s e d chan ces . ch a n ge s in its immen se ma s s , or it suffers th e impa ct of Howe ver, for now, the ir vibrational de n s ity does n ot a llow me teors th a t alte r its s tructure , ma kin g it more be a utiful a nd the m to be re born on the n ew world un der cons truction ." harmon ious. All th es e occa sion al d e s truct ion s a re a lways The Emis s ary pa used and g a zed with lumin ous eyes inte n de d for progre ss , th us obeying a higher plan to ra ke it around the huge a uditor ium imme rsed in sile n ce and to th e level of a world ofregeneration. re fl e ction , ab s orbing his e very word. H e co n tin ue d: "Concurre n tly, in ord e r to be a ble to tra vel on the gre at "The mansions ofthe Father ar e in fi n ite in n umber and ea rth ly s hip as it a dva n ce s mora lly through th e la n dsca pes there is consta nt communica tion a mon gst t h eir members of happy orb s , cou n tle s s m e mbers of th e barbarian trib e s s o as co pre s e rve the s ublime frate rn i ty, for cho s e who a re of th e pa s t, w h o had be e n he ld in special re gion s for more en ligh te ned mu s t co n tribute on behalf of those le s s

32 33 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomena de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco kn o le dg e t abl a th e mo me n t e . 111 s ublime l aw o e h ent f xc an ge Paradi s e , e ve n th ough it will ne ve r be wit hin th e te rr ito rial ails a high leve o s l f pi rit ual co n te n t. limits o f phys ical o rganization . "Jus t as i o mill ns o f high-o rde s r pirits will de s e n r e from o r c d "Ou r ality as immo rtal s pirits in essence has its s p e re to th e e ar t h - as is al rea dy happening - o rigin and reside n ce o utside the e o n s n for t he In e t l e mat rial limitati of a y vi ab co nfro n tati o n e b twe e n selfl e s s o e e s t l v an d phys ical world, which could n ot e ve n e xist without causi n g d ructive vi o le n c i e, g vin g way to cla s he s characte rize d by any obs t acle to th e pr o ces s of e o t o n o e e e me r cy and co s v lu i . N n th l ss, mpa sio n, o th e r s s o n mi i ari e s o f e duca o n s oli ti an d when the Cre ato r establis he d the ne e d fo r de ve lopme nt darity, who strove to o pr mo t e th e m in pre o vi us lives , will in phys io lo gical or ganizations , like e e e e als o re t ur n, n t th s d that n eds co ribut in g fro m bi o rth t t he co nst ru o n o the ne cti f mesolo gical conditi o ns to re le as e the life lying within it, w me ntality, t h s e u h lpi n g to s pe e d up e rh cha n ge s that the re ar e co n vin cin g gr o un ds for such to happe n , enablin g are alre ady o ccurri n g ... us to go th r o ugh the s te ps that lead us to the Infinite ... " "In th i s way, e ar thly co ns c o s i u ne s s and h n e s o e n e t i s uman Agai h pau ed, all wing us to re f le ct and in te r n alize are e to re ce i e ne bl v w gue s t s, who wi l 10 _ l part icipate th e in fo rmatio n, some o f it s ome wh at familiar an d some the dl um111at 1ve agap e - t o wh i ch e e th min e n t C o di e o e ne h l e s n e s e e of Sp i i s fi r f it quit w, w i di ti ctiv wave of p ac and jo y rit m re fe rre d in i s h magiste rial w o r k o n s i Genesis _ vibrate d all ar o un d. c st in g o f all th o s e who lo ve th e t rut n h a d ende avor to Looking ar o un d us, we no tice d faces swe e tly wrappe gr ow s pir itually, laboring d o n be hal f of h e ot rs and socie subtle n e o e n as a wh o l e . ty in light arisi g from th j y th y felt, a d from the ho pe that the y to o co uld co nt ribute to th e New Er a. "Thus , as h appe n s on o the r o s rb , the t ime has o for o c me He co n tinue d with the same mus ical to n e : y ur Moche r Earth to als o asce n d rh e s cale o f wo rlds "He nce , why sh o uld spi r its come fr o m an oth e r takin g her i e n Orb ch ldr w it h he r an i d awa t in g th e re o h turn f rho s co he lp mo ralize yo ur plan e t? Firs t, having no pre vious ti e s o will be in the re a rguard for so me time o t co me , for the ar is in fro e n e e n e e o o in e ffable e o g m p rturbi g xist c s, th y w uld n t have lov f G o d le ave s no one _ he lple s s , bur o th e pr vide s to co n fro n t in n e r impe dime nts to the be n e vole n t giving m wi t h th e o ppo rtun ity to re make th e s e e m lv s an d e volve . e e s h e e e s o e "We e proc ss or t painful re ncount r with th s who remain ar al l committ e o d t this in e v e e itabl e ffo rt committe d to e vil, who have an in te e st n n n t e xpe rie n ci n g o e in r i mai tai ing h l v all its e xpre s s n s io , form i n g a harmo n i an d o u moral backwardne ss o f commun itie s in order to e xplo it charming co nt i ngen t . e o th m psychically in pe r ve rse phe n o me n a o f vampi r izatio n, "N on e ca n es e cap thi s duty, be s cau e it be longs n o e t e o e o to e ve ryo n e of individual a d c ll c iv bs ssi ns ... Strangers in lands , bo t h in divi l _ dual y and co lle cti ve n ly, for the ready for progre ss, th e y do it o ut o f lo ve , calle d to o ffe r th eir gdo m o f He n i ave s wi thin us and is it nece s s ary ro e x n us e pa d value s o btaine d in o the r re alms , facilitating acce ss to t he bord rs t o t he o ut s ide , makin g way for h e t lo n ge d-for de ve lo pme nt of t ho s e who are natives lo n ging for h appine s s .

34 35 Planetary Transition

Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco Se con d , be cause th e on e s rhar ar e mo r e advan ce d mo r ally emotional be havior. Some will be calle d to change while ca n co n tr ibute edifyi n g e xample s capable of sile ncin g th e suffe rin g th r ough th e se occur re n ce s; othe rs th r ough the ir fo r ce s of e vil an d obstr uct i ng the m w i th un su r passe d disce r nme nt with re spe ct co e volution . resour ce s of pe r son al sacr i fi ce , si n ce th e i r aspi ration s ar e "Just as the oc e an wave s voluptuously e mbrace the nor imme diate and se lf- se r vin g in th e world offor ms. Whi le be ache s that abso r b the ir white foam, the ne w worke rs of the ot h e r s will be e xpe r ie nci n g a fo r m of te mpor ary e xile in that Lord will contin uously cha n ge social habits, moral customs, th e y ar e de ve lope d in te lle ctually but sti ll in e xpe rie n ce d in lite ratur e , art, ge n e ral k n owle dge , scie n ce an d te chnology, the realm of love , in di r e ct contact with the le ss e volve d imprintin g new te xts of be auty that will awake n the inte re st th e y will fe l the need for affe ction and ca r in g, l e arn i n g, in of e ve n those who ar e asl e e p for n ow. tu r n , th e i r aculous phe n ome non ofsol idarity. Eve r ythin g, "But be fore re achin g chat poi n t, viole n ce , se nsuality, the r for e , i s_umma r i ze d i n givi n g, wh ich me an s r ece i vi n g, abj e ction , scandals and cor r uption will reach unhe ard-of _ an d 1n rece 1v1n g, which invite s givi n g. le vels, r eaching the bottom of the we ll w h ile dege n e rative "In or d e r for th e pr ogr am co be carr ie d our, at this ve r y ill n e sse s, bipolar disor d e rs, he art dise ase s, ca n ce rs, ad d ictions mome n t br othe r s an d siste r s from ou r pla n e t ar e intr oduci n g and se xual de viance s will cry out for pe ace , for a re tur n to the same pr ogr am i n othe r sp i r it commun i tie s ne ar th e e ar th ethics, morals, and balan ce ... Fruits of pe ople 's passions, who so that toge the r we may form a si n gle ca r avan of industr ious will suffe r th e ir e ffe cts i n the form of liberati n g in fi rmitie s, se r van ts, atte n d ing co th e or d e r s of the te r r e str i al Gove rn or th e value s of full he alth, flawle ss joy, pe rsonal harmony an d its Maste r pa r e xce lle n ce . inte gration into the cosmic spirit of life will sl wly aris .. "Spi r it gr oups pr e par e d for d isse minatin g the pr ogr am "As in any battle , difficult mome n ts will anse , re qumng . will le ave from all th e se communitie s to commun icate with bala n ce an d praye r; the combatants will be e xpose d to th e se r!ou Sp i r itist institution s, call i n g the ir me mbe rs co d ivulge world, misund e r stood, challe nge d fo r acti n g d iffe re ntly, gu 1d e l1n e s for the new commitmen ts. and for makin g th e foolish uncomfortable , who, in their "De d i cate d sp e ak e r s and si n ce r e me d iums w i ll be inability to e mulate them, will fight the m. The y will suffe r in vit e d to participate i n pre par atory stud i e s a n d se mi n ar s ma n y bouts of profou n d and appare n t lo e lin e ss, bur_ th e y _ n d e r to_ tr i gg e r an inte rn ational acti on on rh e plan e t, will ne ve r, eve r be alone , be cause the spintual sol1 d anc y of 1nv1tmg se nous pe ople to con tr ibute psych ically an d morally Love will be with the m, e ne rgizin g the m and e ncouraging to th e new e ra. the m to carry on . "Although gr e at cha n ge s are taking place in phase s "Be in g on the vanguard always te sts the moral o uphe aval d ue to climati c phen ome n a, pollution and endura n ce of those that d are co be diffe re nt in ord e r co e volve, d isr e gard fo r natur e , the y w i ll n ot occu r in the for m of whe n vulgarity pr e dominate s all ar oun d , the re ason why all destr uction of life, but in a cha n ge in pe ople's mo r al an d thos e de dicate d to illuminative an d lib e r ating e xpe rie nce s are

36 37 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco e c i so sp a l. Th e y should ne ve e a r b fra id, howe ve r. Th e Spi rit upon us all, dissolving upon conta ct a nd giving off a of th e Lord will a nima te e th m, giving the m unknown joy sp e cia l fra gra nce . of livi ng, e ve n whe n the re e e s ms to be a conspira cy a ga i nst Imme d i a t e ly the r e a f t e r, conducte d by our the ir lofty purpose s. admini strator, the e missa ry re turne d to the tub e of light "The mode l to follow is still J e sus, a nd th e ne w a nd van i she d. a e w v of love will bring th e e r turn of th e a postola te , the H e h a d fulfille d the duty tha t brought him to unforge ttable da ys of e the p rse cuti ons a nd ma rtyrdom, our colony. a which, t pr e se nt, ha ve diffe e a r nt ch rac te ristic s since the ir Th e ma ste r of ce re monie s w e nt ove r to the podium e a bodi s c nnot be ki lle d wi t i i h mpun ty a s in th e pa st ... This a nd e nde d the sole mnity. e do s not me a n th e y will not e suff r shame ful accusa tions or We a ll ros e slowly in sile nce , forming sma ll groups a e th t d mora li zing ca mpaig i ns w ll not be promote d aga inst inte re ste d in discussing th e sp e e ch, while othe rs, like us, the m in ord e r to hi nde r the ir e lofty nde a vors. N e ve rthe le ss, a pproache d th e pla tfo rm to conve rse with th e nobl e memb e rs e th y must move forwa rd, joyful a nd stoic, singi ng hymns of of our community a nd put ours e lve s a t the ir disposa l. fre e dom a nd ra tiona l fa i th that dignify huma n be ings a nd Whe n Ivon Costa recognize d us, he a lso a pproa c he d promote inne r growth. our gove rnor a nd a long and e difying conve rsa tion e nsue d. "It is, the re fore , a move e m nt that wi ll change th e pl a ne t The comme nts continue d for a fe w minute s until, like e e for th b tte r in ord e r to he e a lp it r ch th e le ve l re se rve d for it. the othe r worke rs, the three of us - Osc a r, Ivon, a nd mys e lf "Those who do join the struggle and pa rticipa te in th e -h e a de d back to our qua rte rs. move me nt will be ca i a nd d te s for isol a ti on a nd de a th ... "Thus, unde r th e command of th e Songbook of the e i B at tude s, le t us pre ss e a on, ng ge d in ge nuine fra te rnity, offe i r ng ourse lve s i n a sa cri f i e e c of lov for the truth, ce rta in of the succe ss for which we a re de stine d. "The e e r for , pra ising th e one who e £: ,, invit d us, le t us pr ay ror me rcy. e H finished his e loqu e e ent sp ch with te a rs in his e ye s ... Th e Gove rnor G e ne ra l of our community a pproa che d a n e d mbra ce d h i m a ffe ctio a e n t ly - some thing w e a ll wa nte d to do. a i Ag n, th e childre n's a choir s ng a romantic ba llad, totally unknown to me e , whil de lica te ros e p e ta ls fell


or me personally, that had been a very special night. As I thought about the message concerning humankind's future, I could not contain the ineffable joy of living Fat such a meaningful time: the construction of the New Era. Since the remote pages of the Gospels, as well as the narrations in the Book of Revelation - and even earlier - there are prophesies about the earth being a happy world after the terrible scourges that would impact creatures and the lacerations the planet would suffer. The strings of events that have astounded society, inviting it to ponder the convulsions that shake the physical world periodically, in addition to the heinous acts of terrorism and atrocity, are unmistakable signs that a huge change is taking place. However, now that the first moments exploited by the tragedy-hungry media were over, other facts were becoming important, replacing those chat deserve more study and mental probing in order co find solutions to the terrible effects of air pollution and the poisoning of sources oflife on the planet ... It is true that a number of movements were calling for corrupt nations and governments to take responsibility for the emissions of poisonous gases, while

41 Manoel Philomena de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

de sign s r l fo g o bal ente n rtai me n t an d e en n w ach ieveme n j o yme nt an ts for as we po e e o d de l usio n we e us nd r d h w it migh t be po ssible to alle viate h r taki n g sh ape . suc Th e te ars in th e despair an d he lp re sto re ord e r. vi ctims' e yes h h ad no t ye t r e ad th e tr a i e d i d, nor o o g c ffe cts oft h e e e Banditry t k advantage o f the de plo ra le o n v nts dimin ish e b situati to co ntr d, and ch ar itable ibutio n s h ad alre re pre ss its victims. Cunnin g e xplo e ady be gun to be it rs bargaine d o e r t e dive r te d for n o purpo ses, wh l e ig ble sp o ils o f the lo i th e suffe r e r e st and displace d, and he in o us co n s b h e ld th e in i sp1rac1es wh h d fferen ce wi h ic th e y were be n t forge d skillful mane uve rs to e i g tr e ate d, re le ga xtract th e rest fro m th o se who ted to th e i r o wn e afte r th e tr age dy. d vice s had almost no thing le ft. Th e be h n ach e s o f se ve r l Suc was, i various forms, th e ho rrid o r e a co untr ies in h e p st-t ag dy we e t Indian Oce r stre wn with o an sp e ctacle o f the tsunami. c rpse s, te n s o o f th usands lay e n rubble o e b e ath th e . f d stro ye d l Th e ne xt day, we we re to me et o n . bui dings, an d inse n with rga izers o f a tnp sitive tou r is e w e re al re a l t ag ncie s h e e dy p an nin g ne co t mbattled re gio n so we co uld surmis e the e e n w packages fo r o h m rge cy e t e r have n plac s o f le isur e n s and se rvice s to be pe r e a d pe rve r sio n h fo rm d. t at h ad not be e n r damage d ... Fo tun ate ly, The dawn was splen did, o upstand i n g m e with a turqu ise blue sky h n and w o m e n , umanitarian or n and gl o rif ie d with so ft h n ga izatio ns en light t at illumi ate d o ur en tire co mmun ity and titie s se n si i e . o f th e ne t v to th e pain _ ir igh bo rs rush e Altho ugh we ar e subj e ct to the e d to ge n e ro us sam act10n o f the laws o ly offer reso ur e h c uld lesse n h c s t at th at e e e t e de spair o f e maintain th t rr strial gl o be , the su n light th at re ache th victims an d surviv s us neede d to e o rs wh o r build home s n is always at th e same te mpe rature be cause there e o a d co n tin ue th e h ar n physical uman e xpe rie nce The sp i r itual e . obstacle s to the co ntinuo us o n o e sp ctacl e in th e e producti f h at. This also results aff cted re gio n ho was ve r e s, weve r, o y s ri o us. Like fr m sp e cial laye rs of e ne rgy eman a n o h e wise , due to h e ti g fr m t pho to ns that h t de co mpo o uman and n siti n o f en o o r a imal co rp e vel p ur vib ato ry field. Thus, no change s o e o e s s and th e abs e n ccur lik th s wate r ce o f dri n k n , th e e me r ge n i g o n the plane t du e o o o ce o f e pide mics t its p siti n in re latio n to th e su n . spirits was a real th re at, and abruptly to r n o We we re to me e t at fr m th e ir bo e 10:00 a.m. in th e shade o f a o di s w e re wande l st and de e rin g, e e e sp rate , ar o un ven rabl c dar in th e yard surround i n e e d th e ar e as where g th ecum nical e e th e y h ad e Th s are as h a e di d. te mpl e, e r e o e d b come garbage wh th s o f diffe rent re ligio us convictio n s ca n and de br is fields o and me n n a he avy e acing nigh t o me t acco rdin g to thei r be lie fs. with ut e nd. Th e r c ies o f de r calls for help spai , th e e o and th e ph e e Th rgan was e mitting sp e cial e n nom n a o f magn e music, and wh o th e r unfortu tizatio n with n ate discarnat Oscar an d I appro ached, the o t e e e s co n sti tu e her m mb rs surro unded e o t d th e e xtra-ph g gr aphy of th e ysical us joyfully. dre adf ul e ve n ts. We e w re witn e s i Iv o n Cosca, acco mp n ie e s ng th e sad e ve n ts a d by th per so n resp o n sible th r o from ou r co mm n ugh sp e cial e u ity for th e se rio en e o m an s th at br o a us d av r, intro duce d us with out maj o r dcast th e te r ri ble image s to formal itie s.

42 43 Manoel Philomena de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

"We have the g r eat joy," began our fr i end, "of "My discarn ation did n ot take me away from them at i ntroduci n g you to our benefactor, who is i n charge of all, an d n ow, as desolat ion and tragedy assa il chose whom head i ng our ea r thly labors." I owe so much, I applied to participate in one of the aid Our n ew frien d smiled slightly an d elaborated: ca ravans to show my gratitude." "When I was in carnate I lived most of my life in He was sile n t fo r a bit, and concluded emotion ally: Polyn esia . I was one of the co n qu istador s who, in che "I am your brother Charles White, of En glish or igin. name of European civilization, imposed themselves on the I used to pract ice convention al medicine. islan ders of a wide stretch of the southern ocean s. 'Tm here in your colo n y performing an intern ship, for "We had the mistaken notion that we were superior to which I have brought several friends who used to wear the those whom we called 'natives,' an d in the name of our false costumes of different n ationalities. We are here in order to values we strove to acculturate chem with our presumption crain special relief techniques to your guides an d to apply of being the lords of knowledge. chem la cer in our are a of work. "An ho n es t mistake! The longer we lived w i th "le is esse n tial that you get to kn ow those with whom them, the more we discovered the w i sd om i n their you will be carryi n g out an activity of love for on e month, app a r en t pri m i ti vism . We fou n d, in their seemi n gl y exercisi n g solidarity in the region that awa its us on our crude worsh ip, profound information ha n ded down beloved planet Earth. orally from one gen erati on to the next alon g w i th their "Welcome to our caravan ." traditional activi ties. Their shaman s, in their momen tous Ivo n introduced us to a young female spirit who served sp i rit commun ication s, wer e, at the same rime, priests, as a nursi n g ass i stan t to the doctor, as well as two oche r doctors, thinkers, scholars, counselor s, a dmi nist r ato r s dedicated workers that used to live in the Philippines. and effective psychologists. Si n ce we would all be together from then on "From them we learned about the interference of the embr acin g the respon sibilities of the Good, we immediately dead in the li ves of the living, an d we also learned that established ties of sympathy and friendship. the most effective the r apy for facing the challenges of the "Our en deavor," Dr. White explai n ed, "is divided health-d isease binomial is always reciprocal love and care into two phases. The first cakes place in the region of by all members of the clan. the tsunami, an d the second in the psychosphere of "As ti me passed, I chose co live with thei r naivety, Brazil, prepar in g minds a n d se n t im ents for speci al . . ,, assim i lating their customs and skills. re1ncarnat10ns. "My li fe was proving to be long and fru itful, allowi ng After explaining ou r p r oj e ct, he released us, me to love uncond itionally and to receive the tribute of rhe establishing 6:00 p.m. as the time we would be leaving for respect an d affection of the i r pure sentimen ts. our beloved plan et.

44 45 Planetary Transition

Manoel Philorneno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Considering the magnitude of our work, curiosity above the region char had suffered the most damage from piqued my mind, especially since I would be living alongside the epicenter of the disaster. spirits of different, unfamiliar cultures and habits. Discarnate engineers and architects had acted quickly The Filipino friends introduced themselves: the older and built an emergency outpost that would shelter us as well of the two informed us that he had been a Catholic priest on as those we would assist. one of the many islands and that his name was Marcos. He Interestingly, he elaborated further, stating that the had devoted himself to rhe ministry of the religious faith and vacationing Westerners who had died there had a deep to early childhood education. He had discarnated in 1954 emotional connection with that people and had been at seventy years of age. attracted to the area by magnetic forces to redeem old debts The other, younger and smiling, dressed in the manner chat weighed on their moral economy. characteristic of his people, stared that he had been a Muslim "Nothing happens without the foundations of and was known as Abdul Severin. He had discarnated as a causality!" he concluded. victim of malaria at 40 years of age. I was surprised and asked him how he reconciled Thus the caravan was composed of members of several reincarnation with the Catholic dogmas he used to espouse. spiritual persuasions, but we all had the point in common of Courteous and police, he explained: understanding the love that prevails throughout the universe "My dear Philomeno, you know chat the formulations of as one of the forces of cosmic balance, and considered co be che Truth depart from chis, the real world, for the earth, and of divine essence. chat religions cloche them in , myths and dogmas On our pare, Oscar explained his Jewish background, according co the levels of awareness of the people chat believe whereas I referred to my adoption of . in them, concealing some and setting others free. N onecheless, We were excited co realize we all belonged ro che same when we return to the country of immortality, such formulas Bock, or as Ivon pointed out cheerfully: The Imperishable disappear, giving rise to the essence, which we quickly assimilate Good! due to affinity and the logic of the universal Good." We continued our conversations while Dr. White and I smiled and we continued the uplifting conversation his assistant Anna, an Anglican, arranged the equipment for two hours before starting che new endeavor. necessary for the first phase of the upcoming activities. As a phase of our spiritual growth, Ivon and I were to Father Marcos, who knew the region we would be participate in the illuminative experience in the suffering visiting, explained that the unusual and tragic clash of the region, accompanied by Oscar, who was an intern in our tectonic plates that generated the immense, destructive community for the same purpose. waves had been expected, and that spiritual measures had been taken, including building a spiritual first-aid station


N::er some time of rest and meditation, I let myself be nspired by prayer, entrusting myself to the Lord of ife with respect to our ministry with the high-order spirits whom we would soon meet on the earth. A pleasant well-being flooded my heart and I could not hold back tears of joy and gratitude to Heaven for allowing me to learn while working, and with the example of selfless spirits. We met at 6:00 p.m., and after a prayer by Dr. White, we boarded the special vehicle chat would take us to Sumatra, Indonesia, considered the fourth most populous country on the earth, and which had been ravaged along with areas of several ocher countries. We were to meet up with the other groups waiting for us. More than two thirds of Indonesia had been affected by flood and destruction ... Also considered to be the most populous Muslim country, its people, scattered among numerous islands (some ofvolcanic origin and ochers composed of limestone), had not grasped the magnitude of the calamity, for lack of communication. Some high-order spirits had approached the region at the beginning of December in order to set up temporary communities to receive those who would discarnate in affiiction as a result of the impending seismic event.

49 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

Having l e comp te d th e trip, e w ar r ived ar th e r community spi it Vibratory storms e e situated above discharg d d nse e ne rgie s on the th e stricken ar ea. Although human and ge ographic r emains, afflicting us e we h ad witne ssed gr ady. som e of th e tr age dy from ou r colony, we could Soon th e re afte r, we found th e place that would se r ve now se e fi r sth a nd th e damage cause by th e d as support for our forays to the plane e r first tidal wave and th t and wh e othe r ose th at fo l lowed, de e ve ry stroying r it relie f groups we re thing with th e sp e e spi also staying. Our kindly instructor d and Cycloptic r e e st ngth of th e arthquake in h e e xplaine d what w e should do during those fi r st minute t de e p waters of th e s, Indian Oce an, and th e de structive aftersh and afte r he gave us instructions, we plunge d into th e de nse ocks th at fol lowe d. Th e te mpe stuous night e nveloping the devastate d re gion. force h ad h it th e coasts ofindia, Lanka, Sri Decomposing bodie s w e e Thail and, the Phi l r being piled up e ve rywh ere Is ands, th e Maldive s, Bangl ade sh , e e e and part ofAfrica, h afte r b ing id ntifi d by re lative s, whe re as ot h ers wer e being t ough with le e r e ss ffe cts than th e h ad re os ch at e e l e , e ache d oth e r regions. mov d sewher calling our att ntion to the strong spiritual As a r esul conne ctions maintaine d by the newly-discarnate d, who we re t, actual change s h ad occurre d in th e earch 's landmass, not ye t aware of what had h appe ne d. Magne tically tied to its motion and th e tile of its axis, wh ich , alth ough not felt their remains, th ey we re thrashing about, exp e rie ncing the by its in h abitants, we r e de tecte d by se nsitiv instrume nts. e anguish of drowning, the pain of be ing hit by de bris, a_nd the The r de spair of not knowing what had happene e fi st tida l wave h a re d. From nm to d ape d more th an 150,000 l ive s, while time we heard praye rs and supplications e succe ssive wave s, laden address d to Allah, wich th e wre ckage of h omes, boats soon followe d by storms of curse s and blasphe m e and buildings of l i s. a l kinds, in addition co uprooted trees and In a de monstration of human solidar ity, a large number boulder s, sowe d ho r r or, de vastating ch e coastal communitie s. of incarnate s we r e at wor k providing assistance , de spite th e h The environm e dense nig t. Many of ch e m had come from othe r countrie ntal psych osph e s er was dense, de not al l th e unmistakab ing and we re e xpe rts in chis type of re e e l e signs of e li f. Th y mingled in with normous tragedie s. We he ard the caravan me mbe rs from the Beyond, e qually de dicate the clamor of frantic crowds d to about wande ring love for on e ' as aimle ss h uman s neighbor. waves, madde ne d by suffering cause d by th e disappearanc Dr. White walked through the wre ckage and co r p e e or de ath s s of love d on e s and th e l oss of e ver yth ing. coward a group of discarnate s that re minde d me of a pack of Inter nation l hungry wolve s or coyote s fighting ove r the remains of de a a contributions h ad begun d away. arriving r igh t pr e y ... The Howe ver, aggre s chaos was incredible , and th e fist-fights betwe e n sive instincts pre domin g r ated among some spirits e e h oups of e xpl oite rs, vagrants w r s ame ful. and criminals, who took advantage of th "The y're fighting ove r th e e nergie s of e e e opportunity to l th n wly pil age and te rror ize . discarnate ," Dr. White explaine d.

50 51 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

"With this attitude, they attack despairing newly- at 8:00 a.m., and chat all of chem, reaped by death, needed discarnates in an attempt to feed on their animal energies, repose; chat their remains should be cremated collectively in starting the unfortunate process ofvampirization. Identifying order co avoid the diseases that follow such tragedies, some those who led irresponsible lives - enabling chem to tune in co of which had already appeared. their vibrations - they seek to drain them, speeding up their The spirit rioters watched in obvious astonishment as decomposition and drawing chem to regions of misery, where Father Marcos took from the claw-like hand of one of them they will subject them to abuse and mental exploitation. rhe spirit of a newly-deceased individual who, because the "And since they are so wretched, they vie for victims bonds of his perispirit5 had not yet been completely severed like wild animals vying for the spoils of the hum. from his physical body, was still thrashing amid the physical "?ur commit.menr at the moment entails removing fluids, a state chat caused this spirit inexpressible anguish, . the v1ct1ms from chis locale and trying to awaken them to along with the terror he felt as a result of the cruel rormemer, their spiritual reality." who finally yielded to the priest's kind gesture. We approached and, at a signal from the doctor, Observing the ties chat screeched to one of the Abdul, wearing conventional Muslim garb, raised his voice corpses in a deplorable state of decay, the priest used and rhythmically recited an ayat (verse) of one of the Suras counter-clockwise circular movements on the crown (chapters) from the Koran, like a Muezzin in a minaret. chakra to disconnect the spirit, who moaned and writhed Abdul continued chanting, emitting a special and in unspeakable agony, until the thick, putrid discharges g(adually decreased and finally dissolved altogether. The rofound ibration, and suddenly there was a terrifying silence, as 1f the spirit brigands were snapping out of rheir discarnate spirit staggered and fainted. madness. Just then, Anna approached carrying a torch chat Aided by Ivon, the benefactor withdrew him from the lit up the environment. She lifted it above her head and, swarm and placed him some distance away in restless sleep, overcome with astonishment, the vampires and exploiters before continuing with another casualty. stopped their arrack. The agitator char had been threatening Abdul ran One of chem stood out with his hideous, cruel off, abandoning the group, while the servant of the Good countenance, shouting that he had nothing to fear, that all continued urging chem to peace, respect for the victims, should turn against rhe invaders and subdue them. compassion, and mercy as recommended by his holy book. Abdul remained unfazed, however, and continued to Immediately thereafter, although the aggression of recite the Book with respect and seriousness, producing a a few of the more rebellious ones continued, we copied huge impact on the crazed horde. what Father Marcos was doing and assisted some distressed Dr. White then explained to chem what had happened sufferers who were struggling for release from the evil hands shortly before, on the 26th - it was still December - starring 5 Kardec's terminology for what is also known as the astral body. - I.R.

52 53 Manod Philomena de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition exploiti ng them ... To the degree that the c c orpses to onnec tio ns to which they were the There is no magnetica violenc e i n rh e Laws oflove. they experien lly ti ed di mini s The only thing c ed the hed, is to r por of disc needed some form of identifi c i arnati on and ation between those i n ag tated s lee s entered an need p tare, typic and those predispos t al of the la s i ed o helping them. before r mages re c ei ve phy s i c al death. d just That is why, quire often, s uffering is th Pla c still e best ed a s hore di s psyc h o thera tanc e fro m the py used by life to awaken h dense, area i nfec ted t ose demented by damagi ng sp i i by the r tual flu ids, group pleas ure and t ho s e devoted to c ru transferred s of s tretc h elty. them i n silence er-bearers . to our temporary The work was exhaus t i ng spir it c o bur h i ghly meaningful In the meanti mmunity. me, Abdul s be c ause the li beration of c poke di rec tl i ea h sp i rit who benefited o f obs essors y w th a number from and s co ffers, explain rhe gi ft of s leep and i ng the meaning the immediate trans fer to o the Laws of life and ne of the aid that gover n the s ec tors in s univers e, including, our phere meant a new path i s hadow of cour for h m or her after y world in whi c se, the h they were tryi awakening from the lethargy he or behavior ng to keep up the she wo uld experien c e they had while alive. same for some time. the A mo ral transformat better was ne c i on fo r essary so that There were moment they c ould truly s of strife becaus e s om themselves from live, freeing e of the the fog that energy exploiters refus deadened thei r i ed to hand over their vic t deluded i ntelligence ims to o ur the r sentiments and supp o r t . . They would ram and rave, ready to start Kno wledg brawl. eable of the human Any balanced means of c soul, the s a tion was out of the was not inti ki lled teacher question. midated by the Dr. White, threats of a number however , communic ated with beings who were of hideous us mentally, mo c ki ng him en c ourag i ng us to continue, and the re s t o to t ake advantage vulgar and abhorrent f us , s houti ng of the epithets , and indecision of some of th e pers ec s in threaten i ng utor , linking us to Jesus and defense of their i to fight us nterests. His ministry oflove to the obs es sed who m He had s uc cored. Wi thout verbally And so we or mentally c o continued. judi ci s nfro nting them, ou ly co ntinued our we The duty, reduci heartbreaki ng, unbridled sc who, s i ng the number reaming and the t ll connected of thos e des o to thei r mangled lation all around touc s desperately physi c al bodies, hed u ; even so, we could not tr ying to retake were mentally chem to leave our ac tivity in that s tro j o urney. As continue their human nghold ofputrefa c tio n they finally realized and madnes s. this was impossible, still c ould not accept rhey the reality ofi Attending to a frenzied c t, c omplet woman holding an lu idi ty, thro i ely los ing their equally w ng thems tearful and c elves on the in ons o lable ch i ld, I i other, ground o r aga i s perce ved that her insanity rebellio us and n t ea c h had c weepi ng in agony, oc urr ed at th e moment she from s preventi ng had tried to s ave herself u . Thus it wa s any help and urgent for ther her little girl by go ing that e to be a point up to the top part of their o s would make our of conta c t until h u e job ea s i er. the wave tore it from its foundations, smashi ng it to bits and r c us hi ng both bod ies in the wrec kage. One c ould 54 55 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

e e s it all re co rde d in he r crazed mind ... Sh e o c uld no r sto p But w e h ad no t yet se e n eve rything that human screaming for h elp h , rig tly believing sh e was being pursued nature is capable o f whe n th e brutal forces o f primitivism by de mo nic be ing h o s w wante d to su bj e ugat h er... predo minate . To u ch her ing fo r e h e ad and emit t ing su cce ssive wave e e e e o t t e o o s W w r ngr ssed in a nding to that su ffe rmg f l ve and pe ace e r , I p ceive d th at sh e was captur ing my mass, w h e n a grou p o f incar nate s be gan inco nside r ate ly thou gh ts. Be cau se sh e was ope n to re ligio u s h fait , sh e co u ld re moving the bo die s, caking advantage o f ch e te r r tell th at I he ible was lping bo th her and h er da u gh ter, and sh let e o h e e darkn ss f che nig t. m t ake her o ut o h e f t circl e in wh ich sh e was impr isone d, "Tho se ar e co r pse ro bber s," Dr. Whit e explaine d. l t h o ugh sh e t was s ill conn e cte d to h r t T e attered bo dy. Th e " h e e search o e o l o y ar ing for anything f valu , c nsidering that m le ne was free fro h e m r pe rispiritual inj u t o nc i n o f matte r de ath su r prised its victims with o ut r t e r e and qu ick wa ning as hey w ly quie te d do wn up o n receiving the vibrat ions I oo ing ab o ut their u su al affairs. was se nding her. 0 "Alth o u gh th e autho rities ar e trying to bring o rder Ivo n came to he out lp and w e be ga o n t focus our out of th e chao s, such u nfortu nate e xplo ite r s re so rt co atte ntio n o n th o e b nds that kept the o h m t er attach ed co he e e o e o e r o e r ev ry m ans p ssibl in rd r to p f it fro m th e mis e r y o f usel ss bo dy. Sh ortly r the eafte r, as we manage d to cut th e others. In re mo ving t he ro t ting co rpse s, they do no t fe ar energe t ic bonds be t we en spiri t and mat ter, sh e finally calmed co ntamination o f any na t ure . Th e y put up wit h the do wn her terrible nd lee se lf be take h e n w il we eping poignantl lamentmg y, od o rs, into xicat ed as t he y are by th e alc o h o l the y inge st the face th at she h ad discarnaced. and th e unb r idle d ambition o f ho ar ding so methi r As sh e o ng fo c ntinue d to capt u r e o ur th o ugh ts, we tr ied degrading ple asu r es. to te ll h er abo u t immort ality, and we re m inded her o f th e "Let 's co ntinue wit ho u t paying o o h e da u gh ter h atcenti n t t em sinc w om sh e sh o uld care for as ifstill o n the earth we are in ve r e e o e Sh e h o . y diff r nt vibrat ry fi lds." s uld als o pr e pare to h el p the re st of her family me mbers, o wh , if not take n by h e t ch ario t o f death , wo uld certainl re y quire h er hel p o in rder to re cover in t he co ming days. Wh en invited to think ab o u t her family, her mate rn al instinct r g ew stro nge r and sh e agre ed to calm down. She man g e d to o m ve , albe it with so me difficulty, and hugge d the l m le o n e asl e p in her lap. We _ led her o ver to a gro u o f special p ass1stants, who wo uld h h elp er wi t h ar r ange ments co mpat l ib e with her co nditio n.


he hours passed, slow and heavy. The group we were assisting consisted of nearly a thousand victims of the seismic tragedy. The results of our efforts seemed Tinsignificant, even though we were fondly doing the task that had been assigned to us. The night was becoming increasingly fearful from the human point of view due to the ceaseless horrors. In the physical realm, the search for bodies in order to identify them was distressing because people were weeping and cursing without any awareness as to what they were saying. It was a collective catharsis under the inclemency of the torturous darkness. On our side, the spiritual scene was no less harrowing. Anna kept the torch lit, spreading light across the dark and somber locale. At one point, we heard bloodcurdling howls and saw a dense formation stirring and approaching, as if pushed by gentle winds imperceptible to us ... As they came near we saw several hideous spirits with wolf-like faces and forms, as if we were in a scenario of a sickly imagination, observing former human beings that had become victims of zoanthropy. With repulsive and horrid appearances, their gaping mouths were drooling and their

59 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco gl owi n g eyes w e re l ookin g for bo d ie s e s we re l e whos pir it s w e e n ib r a tin g. stem from it. Wh huma ns finally c on s ider the power of Sud d e n l thought t ha t c ome s from thei r in n e s t y, a s if famis h d rmo be ing ther e will e , th e y we r e t he s e about t o th r o c a n e m l ve s on on w be ra d i al ch g of mora l and s ocial be ha a e of t he pile s of limbs vior, m king way an d bo d ies . D r . Whit e s for the important a chieve men ts of r a n ign a l e d to a t iumph t immor ta lity. F the r Mar c os , who de pl o e d a la quickl y "Bur for now, th e c e y rg e web of l pro ss is, of c ours e , still in t he umin ous th r d s c a ea s . Ivon and ? r e l ped prepar atory pha se . Ir still yie ld a e a him t os s it deftl s to b r ions tha t e y ove r the sti n k n r 1m e d 1a t e l i g he a p ... I e d e c a y realize d t materializ in th physi l world, c har a c t e nzrn e dec n i wa s a magn e t g th lr e ic defe nse , a d sp e c ia l ene r ia ting e thic a l a nd mora l v e s e gy ch a t ter e d of alu . Th hop e s of bliss c apsize on t rifi th e att a c e s he n e k r , who obviousl k w wh a t it wa s y rough seas of the pa s s ion s. . Th e y qui c kl a y b c ke d off, wi tho d isr upt i ut furthe r "On th e ear n e on of our work. th, i th fie ld of commun ic ation s , It a s e are ma r a s d w t he firs t t ime ther ny p i e multipliers of opinion in tu n e I ha d e ncou e e nt r d s uch a s e n e Pe r c e iv c . wi t h be stia l entities ch a r subject e ing my me n t al e th m ro the will of the ir qu st ion s, th e skillful expl a ine d ir e c t or e rrations e n d: ab during l gthy out-of-bo d y e xpe rien ces duri n g "Thos physiologic a l sl e e p, de eply n e wer e w r e tc e d imprinti g the ir inne rmost be in g h s pir it s , whose l we e iv e s on ea r a w ful. The rth with debauchery, delirium an d mora l r d a t y co n st ructe t deg a ion . Upon d h e ir c ur rent app e a r n c e terrify in g re t n n e s a t c a s a s a re s ul t ur i g to th om i bod y, the y re c a ll the depr a d of th e e vil th e r a ve y p ctice d , in d e r to th e s uffe r iff e n t e xpe rie nc es t he y e njoye d a n t e e ing they ca us ed d h y ncourage their admire rs . They had lose e to l v e th ir sensitivit s e s and t h s th e y to pur u lu t, s ex la c e d wit h ha llucinoge n ic d y s y c hic a ll d r rugs, alcohol, y efo me d thei r r whic h a e r pe ispir its , and ph a rmace utic a l a n s ft d 1s c ar n a t1on rook stimul t . on their pre s n n l d e r e t fo r m. The "It's e y iff en ce be t we e n no wond r the n ew ge n eration in dul e n them a nd other g s i ca s e s of zo a n t r is th a t n orm l l h opy loud mu s ic of immor a l conte at c e a y it is in d ivid a l nt dan clubs c ond uc ive u ; howe ve r, e c a a r l e b use the s uth s s gr ou a y were to primitivi m an d se n su a lit y, whe e e r p th t wor ke d e r th pe ve rs ion tog the r , t he phe e nve l ope d a nome non of se ntiments is the c ll of t he m, mol d n toni , and whe re the s timulus to i g th e m to th e wolf-like ma kin fo r m viol e n ce, reb e n n g t em a ud a c io s llio a d a ggr es sion c ompris es th e pa n u , impr inting t e orama n e d s h m with alimenta; e ty pic a l of reb lliousne s s - bur a gain st a e a of th e ge n us canis wh t, r lly? They make lupus , an d e mtnd s d l ke pin g th e ir th e mse lve n e u l ... Due to a s oppo n ts of th e so-ca lled e stablis e utoma t is m, t he y hm nt, r will rema in in s e a d fu y of imba l a n c e rh e in t of deve loping me a n in gful s un til God's e way to improve it, and m rc y sends t e e xc r uc ia n h m ba c k in they imme r s e e e ti g re inc arn at n th ms lve s de e ply in the viles t pa s s s io s of e xpia t ion . ion , making e da "The mind is a th ys a hea d worse for the ms e e s . lw a y s th e n e lv and othe r s ... ge ra tor of bl e s n mi s for tun e s si gs or Co n s e quent ly th e y e ad , for aspir a tion s g e dicted to d rugs a nd e xhaus t of on e ki n d r an o othe r alwa th e mse e ys lv s with sensual, pe rve rs e ple a sure s.

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"Still far from being properly appreciated, responsibility Over the past few years, minds had generated that affected by the and duty provide a minor contribution. This liberating task unhealthy psychosphere in the areas now the will depend on the education of new generations so that disaster, which actually had a purifying function for new habits of sociability and healthy communication may entire region by changing customs and proposing new m ral t1me be established, giving rise to the development of the living behaviors because of the suffering, and at the same forces of the Good innate in all individuals. warning about the fragility and temporariness of organic "The scenes we see here are the result of this arbitrary life, which, unfortunately, was not yet showing any sign of bribery, and misguided behavior in space and time, transformed improvement. On the contrary, there _was_ revolt, into suffering in the long run, but which love will modify diverted international aid, and the dommanon of the srrong at the right time." over the weak, who were at the mercy of their own luck as There was no opportunity for further clarification and far as their bleak future was concerned. digressions on that important topic, because it began to rain Since religions were slowly losing prestige, holding on to a caustic energy reminiscent oflighming, increasing the pain rules of behavior in theory and joining forces with the unworthy of the victims torn from their bodies as a result of the en temporal powers, people were without guidance, wan ering masse discarnations. around, doing what was most pleasurable and least labonous ... Interestingly, there was actual lightning in the dreadful Easy money was all that mattered so that they could get out of darkness. These flashes were psychic in nature and had their poverty and imbibe the devastating consumerism. predominated in the region even before the terrible event. How much Jesus' presence is missed in the world, as Tourists from many European countries - especially well as that of His ambassadors, who, over time, came to Scandinavians - in addition to Americans, French and prepare His coming! Germans, had always chosen the region for the pleasures His proposals, rich with tenderness and hope, of the body without any appreciation for the beauty of the consolation and love, have not yet penetrated even His landscapes of the South Seas with their still semi-preserved followers, let alone those who do not know Him at all, environment ... Many traveled to those havens, including giving rise to the follies of immediacy, of emotional and Thailand, the Maldives, the Phi Phi islands and others to moral decay in the games of unbridled desire. Spiritual enjoy the moral and sexual laxity of young teens sold by enlightenment is an enormous undertaking that requires irresponsible parents into the trade of licentiousness ... The selflessness and devotion, and is compensated through the still-effective ancestral customs of total disregard for women peace it provides and the joy ofliving without extravagance and other human beings facilitated widespread prostitution or unhealthy dependencies. of girls and boys who would be abused by Westerners that Engaged in the special activity of helping afflicted could buy them very cheaply. brothers and sisters, we watched a string ofscenes of suffering,

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our work of assistance and informed each one specific because each person is unique and special, crazed daughter. Seeing she smiled and tried to thank us without his or her problems and ambitions very characteristic for his by her spirit mentor, embraced her completely unbalanced or her level of evolution. words. Then she singing a sweet melody chat spoke of Abdul, enveloped in soft light, could be perceived by daughter and started The young woman gradually calmed most of the wicked spirits who were fighting over human hope, joy and reunion. her mother's lap. carcasses and trying to subject their former physical hosts. down and fell asleep in her physical remains, whose He continued reciting the Koran, pleading for Heaven to We helped free her from by her spirit as she rested in her help the suffering and their tormentors. last energies were absorbed Suddenly, in the circle of woes, we saw a haggard mother's lap. of the woman and her woman who was looking for her mother, also victim of rhe The sweet vibrations radiated outward, touching disaster. Already voiceless, she was calling our her mother's distinguished spiritual stature who was taken to a sphere name while trying unsuccessfully to rid herself of her own the perispirit of her daughter, body, immediately arousing Olli compassion. different from ours. break. I approached her, patient and compassionate, and The work continued without blessed the immense area could read in her mind her drama and immense suffering. Although rhe sun had and unnamed afflictions She had been attending to her sick, elderly mother with dawn, dense darkness the sublime contribution when the tidal wave tore their home off its foundation, continued on our side, awaiting pushing it along with coconut palms and other large trees, of spiritual illumination. smashing everything in front of it. The death of both was immediate, and she soon awoke in agony amid the ruins of what had been the place where she used to live. She had nor realized her situation because for her, the day had nor dawned. Everything was still covered in the darkness resulting from the heavy environmental vibrations as she surrendered to despair in search of the elderly woman. Strongly connected to her body, she was crying unsuccessfully to leave the place in increasing desperation. At that moment something beautiful happened. In the dense darkness her discarnate mother emerged, led by a noble discarnate friend who was helping her approach her


e had continued our activities for nearly twenty hours straight and were preparing to return to our spirit community for a brief rest. WAbdul stopped his prayerful chanting and entered into deep meditation, allowing him to radiate diaphanous energies that slowly diluted the dense darkness dimly lit by Anna's torch. Suddenly we were approached by a group of aggressive spirits organized like a band of thugs. One of them, who seemed to be the leader, roared: "Who's responsible for the invasion of this area?" Dr. White approached quietly and explained that he was the one responsible for the work of attending to distressed discarnates, accompanied by friends who assisted him. He explained that there had been no invasion in that this was a no man's land, hit by the collective tragedy. He was unable to continue because the arrogant spirit, dressed in the manner typical of big city gangs in the region, cut him off: "This area belonged to me long before what you refer to as a tragedy. One of the subordinates whom I pay to keep me informed about events that might interest me said

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a major role in it, generating more rhac he had been run off by foreign invaders chat had taken to che West. Japan played enriching its leaders, such as the possession of our territory. unhappiness and illicitly power, as well as his predecessor, "He asked me to come in person with my servants to one who used to be in any consideration for our resolve the matter. So here I am, demanding that you stop who viciously beat him without right now. You weren't invited." national ideals. right co apply The doctor calmly said that he was there in answer to "Therefore we Indonesians have the and punitive methods on the appeal of the country's spirit guides. They had resorted justice using our own disciplinary body by death." to the help of all who wanted to offer it from both planes of chose who are expelled from the Dr. White life, in order to reduce the affiictions caused by the tragedy. "I understand your patriotic stance," mentioned apply to He explained: replied. "However, the boundaries you because everything "Their appeal came co our community - as it earth's geography and not this realm, had to many others - by means of the sound of a horn here is divine property. impression that playing the song Silence, expressing the suffering that had "Listening co you, one might get the when in fact befallen thousands of lives on the terrestrial planet ... We you are a benefactor of the suffering people, energies of deserters presented ourselves co our governor and were authorized you are an unrepentant exploiter of the are then dragged to to participate in an agape of solidarity with our suffering who fall into your evil traps, and who and mercy. Is brothers and sisters here ... " places of profound suffering far from any hope the dagger of true "Well," the other brashly interrupted him again, "that that justice, discipline? How dare you take not yet mastered does not justify you or other foreigners sticking your noses justice into your own hands when you have in our business in disregard for our habits and customs. Ever the wild impulses of your sick nature! real governors of since the time of the Dutch colonization by the East India "We are here at the invitation of the ambassadors Company in the 16th century, we nationals have rebelled the country, who are, therefore, the reputable unfortunate brothers against invaders of our lands ... East Timor, dominated by the of God. Our objective is to unshackle from vampires Portuguese centuries ago, is still a thorn in our side ... Death and sisters from their remains and free them we will not shirk didn't put an end to our libertarian ideals, and although we from the Beyond. You can be sure that way afraid of your have been returning to our beloved soil through physical our commitments, and that we are in no rebirth, we are turning to our origins in order to defend our threats or your fearsome gang." dominating him, right to construct our nationality with our own sentiments. The thug expressed the hatred "We will continue to liberate our people victimized ranting: own methods by foreign interference, whatever it costs. Not too long ago, "Thar's our job and we use our need any help governments worse and wickeder than ours handed us over according to the laws in force here. We don't

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from violators of others' rights. We can throw you out in a "The years have slipped away and you have remained the Truth. matter of minutes." hostile co che Good and With a wild expression, holding a ferocious mastiff "Your wickedness overflows, and instead of inspiring and applauded by the crazed gang, who played drums and fear or hare, your insanity prompts compassion. made strange sounds with perforated tubes, he rasped: "Decades have passed since you gave way to the madness wickedness that has "Now stop what you're doing, end your blabber, and you have cultivated in the schemes of the Beyond, gee our. Leave our patients to us. We've always managed made your people unhappy, transferring it to equally because we know how to take care of them all." where you have remained murderers of your own, He laughed sardonically, deliriously. miserable people, safe from your cruelty and madness. Completely unperturbed, Dr. White faced him, "Listen to me! I am the voice of your conscience. It has of reason, explaining: been nullified by desperation, and has lost the use "My dear friend, you are completely mistaken about bur it needs to be liberated. us because we are not at all afraid of you, nor will we do as "Now is your moment of joy and emancipation. you say. We will continue our fraternal task and would be "Silence the hatred in your hearts; leave the fear of very graceful if you and your group would just leave, and che wretches who intimidate you and join our ranks, chose if those who wish to stay would assist us in our endeavor." of the Good." The tormenter sneered cynically and ordered: While the firm, kindly voice penetrated the acoustics ''Arrack! Wipe out these imposters and thieves!" of their souls, we saw showers of light falling on the swamp, As ifwaiting for chis reaction, the doctor concentrated ·rays no longer destructive as before, but which, upon couching deeply before the aggressors in that dreadful barren land, chose rebels, penetrated them, causing inner changes, and transforming himself into a blazing light that stopped the making them weep and wail. horde, who had raised their instruments of war - arrows, "Free yourselves from evil," continued the instrument javelins, spears and other exotic-looking weapons - dead of Truth, "and begin loving yourselves to start with so it their tracks. that you may love your neighbor and, finally, God. Like Taken by surprise, they heard his deep, melodic, us, you are children of the same Benevolent Father who energetic and powerful voice in their own dialect: compassionately awaits you. This is your moment of renewal; "Repent and bow down to the will of the Lord of the take advantage ofir with determination and courage to break Worlds. the shackles of the ignorance and perversity chat have made "There comes a time in your madness that offers only you so miserable for so long." one choice: forsake your hatred and wretched persecution When he finished, in a lofty psychic and emotional and embrace love. climate, the wretches threw their weapons co the ground,

70 71 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco and overcome by the power of love , they asked for support 8 an d membership in our group. The y crossed to our si d e and we re sud denly envelope d by th e soft ra d iance from the UNEXPECTED ASSISTANCE Messe nger of the Light. Cursing, the lead e r of the group or d e re d the d ogs to be released against the deserters an d us, or that we be shot with d arts an d arrows. But it was no use at chis point because the flight was ge neral. As they changed sides, throwing themse lves into our welcoming arms, the de fe nsive vibratory band grew, d amazed us,_ but n t- our he unexp e cted inci ent d of aggression. d l premomcory ability. protecting us from any kin external me ntor, due co his won erfu d magnitud e, he was "Come also, you, who are thirsty for light an love," Invested with a cask of such Dr. White said to the stunned leader. only little by little . h'i mself to our group revea e d e e by the Gui· d es However, with a fac fille with horror, the unfortunat The information about the requ st commander let out a strange noise, an d with a we ird grimace :o com unities in of Indone sia for spiritual assistance was taken by something us m an enJoyable and after shaking like a leaf, he like an cl1e Beyond also resounded within epileptic e scre amed and literally fe ll to the ground. is no sue h t as s izure. He illuminating way. Since there really Some of his subordinates, who we re holding the dogs e labors are pr e -arrange d , chance , all spiritually constructiv _ and instruments ofwar, were d ismayed at what had happened of success or failure studie d carefully, and the possibilities d d d · the plan moves an isband ed in a noisy run, screaming esperately. examine d And when they are begun, Soon after, there was silence, interrupted only by the forward surely and with well-d e fi ned goals. sounded tid e of convulsive sobbing of the cand id ates for renewal. Actually, I re membered when the trumpets 26. We all Gently, the Guid e re sumed his e arlie r stance and sai d in our colony on chat morning of December d de partment lighthearte ly: gathere d in prayer be cause our communications d so that we "Jesus always wins! immediately informed us about the great trage y unaware "We have plenty ofwork ahead . Taking our frightened could follow the tragic events. Howe ver, I had been and the ir request brothers to the proper community for shelter is our d uty. of the me asures e stablished by the Mentors "I will e nlist the assistanc e of other groups in the area for assistance in the spirit world . . chat e xists specializing in chis type of assistance. Moved by the divine wisdom and exchange d I began "Love is a d ivine power that always triumphs!" everywhere in the name of universal soli arity, _co the wise observe ch e afflicted spirits who had opted for

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words of Dr. White , eage r for th e i r se lf-rene wa l, and now Th e de a r fri e nd expl a ine d: de pe ndent on th e e fforts of our group. "I utilize d me ntal w a ve s withou t v e rba lizat ion in Dr. White h a d b e e n ma k ing a rr a ngem e nts with a wor d s. Under the circumsta nc e s and th e thought th t a orga niza tions ch a t sp e cia liz e d in he lping those who h d e a e those a licte d brothe rs heard in de ve lope d th w v s, ff re pe nte d, ma rke d by se rious me nta l a nd e motional illnesse s. e e a e e e e on th e sa me the ir own langua g b c us w w r vibrating Th e ir bodies de noted th e pa i n e xperie nced du e to continuo us e crack o f thought. On the othe r hand, the memb rs of our ye a rs of dre a dful suffe ring a nd d e pe ndence on torme nters the di a lo gu e in th e language wit which we group heard _ who a buse d th e m, re ducing the m to sl a ves of th e i r passions. communica te with o ne another. Smee our group ts co mposed Now chat the ir me nta l atti tude ha d starte d to cha nge , of spirits from diffe re nt countrie s, our c o mmu nication is e e a to e a e e e e state the y we re th y b g n r liz th d plorab l in, men ta l , without the ne e d for oral expre ssion formula te d in e xpe rie ncing th e impl a cable pain of th e i nfi rmitie s that had ch e pa tte rns of each l a nguage. e e a e e e a e a e e a rks end d th ir physic l xist nc , s w ll s th de p m of "The language of the unive rse is thought, which the di sorde r a use d by the insa nity th e y ha d allo we d to e s c modula te s e xpre ssions according to the re ce ption of ach de ve lop ... More ove r, du e co the i r unfortun a te be ha vior e liste ner. Th e task of inte rpre ting l a ngu a ge be longs to th e ach on e 's perispiri t di spla yed h i s or he r pr e vious sp i teful e pe rispirit, which has scor e d th e idiom a tic matrice s o th e e e ie a se nrime nrs, now e xt riorized as putrid sor s, d formit s nd countrie s we have live d in during our many corp o re al liv e s. a u o a e e a e mp tati ns, nd nvelop d in d rk, low-lev l vibrations. Eve n whe n we me e t those fr o m re gions whe re we ha ve ne ver e a e i e e e e As I look d t th m w rh m rcy and t nd rn ss, I re inca rna te d, their mind captures and de co de s the thought e a i e a a e e a e e e a r l zed how w re ll th r sult ofwh t w nurtur m nt lly. wa ve s. Eve rything h a ppe ns automa tically a nd n a tur a lly, Ga there d to ge the r i n a sp e cia l gro up in orde r not to be without e ffort. Eve n so, whe n there is a n a ttune me nt of mixe d in with oth e rs tha t we re awa ke ning from th e torpor of ideas, inte rests or desire s, the phe nome non be comes more disca rna ti on, some we pt, othe rs we re still da ze d, a nd m a ny e ffi cie nt and quicke r. othe rs a ppe a red de range d, forming a host ofwr e tche d be ings "During my discu ssion with the le a de r of the re be l that wallo we d around in unsp e aka ble, mortifying a ffl ictions. Hock, I us e d formula tions of the English la ngu a ge , which A f e w questions about Dr. White 's di a logue with th e we re he ard in Indone sian, Port u gue se a nd Ta galo g, a nd a lso le gio n of a ggressive spirits da nce d a round in my mind. by our colla borators, de pending o n the ir co u ntry of origin." At the first opportunity, I a sked h i m: Afte r a brief pa use , he conclude d: "Ha v i ng in mi nd the fact that the brothers who "Imagine a symphonic orche stra tion chat re a che s our a ssa ulte d us spoke th e na tion a l l a ngu ag e a nd could not e ars a ccompa nie d by a choir singing in a pa rticula r la nguage, unde rsta nd a nothe r, how were you a ble to communica te and we will se e tha t we re gister the music and the voice s, with th e m?" gr a sping the ir conte nt but without understanding th e words.

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e e rre d t o th e re lief c olony What is important is rh e me lody and t he e motion it awake ns Th e y were about to b transf e e s assistanc e of numerous Polynesian in us, t he joy that pe rme ate s us, and the imme nse we ll-be ing thanks to t he s lfl s i g c ome from far-off, more primitive arising from its musi c al e ffe c t." help e rs, som e hav n e the y de vo t ed th e mse lv e s The timing did nor allow for our dialogue ro continue. islands. G e ne rous and naiv , t our vic timized brothers and At that mome nt a vehi c le st oppe d some distance away, with c hild-like joy o assisting e e nt ime ntal songs from the lands the y and some worke rs of the Good got out and introduce d siste rs, si nging som s c ... Dre ssed with simpl i c it y t he mse lve s to Dr. White . inhabited be fore dis arnating l their clot hes gave t hem a uniqu e It was th e assistanc e re que sted by those re sponsible and we aring c olorfu hats, for re ce iving and c aring for t he re pe nt ant bro t he rs t hat had and harmonious be aut y. e e e pths of t he opte d for re ne wal and unders t anding. Th e re were st ill minor tr mors in th d e e was no furt he r damage at Se veral of these worke rs of c harity e nt e re d our fi e ld of Indian Oce an, although th r re lie f and be gan to assis t che suffe re rs, le ading chem on e by the surfac e. t e e adquarte rs for a on e to t he vehic le hove ring in rhe air about a mete r above the Dr. Whit e asked us o r turn to our h t e the busy c ommunity. ground. Some move d with diffic ulty, d e spite the assistanc e , while , and our e ntire group voli at d to c e e le d a huge , op e n-air bur a to t al of e ight y w e re soon in ch e ir se ars. Rathe r than a re sting pla , it res mb th e mos t distressed The driver thanke d Dr. Whit e and t he ve hi c le hospital with a number of wards for c e e ne f ic ial, providing imme diat e ly sped off on its pr e -established rou te. patie nts. Th e at mospheri vibrations w re b e e t l e xhaust ion c aused I felt e difi ed b e fore ch e divine me rc y that shine s on all e motional re ne wal for us aft r th na ura chose who want ro re c e ive it . by ch e plane we had be en laboring on. e re se rved for Ne xt t o me , my fri e nd Ivon Costa pondered the divine We imme diate ly heade d for ch lodgings re inv igoration, wisdom and the pr e se nc e of love vibrating e ve rywhe re as its us, and afte r re comme nding four hours of e most be aut iful manife st at ion. prayer and refle ct ion, our be ne fac tor rel e as d us. c e e d upon me . L e ss than two hours be fore, t hos e brot he rs had I fel t mov e d by the harvest of mer y b stow t e c the Spiritist be longe d to the lowe r-order spirit world, fighting against While coiling on t he e ar h, mbra ing l e nd what t he sove reign, divin e laws, albe it subj e c t ed ro them. Now Do c trine , I would t ry unsuc c essf uly to und rsta e matter how t he y were he ading coward t he happine ss rh e y had spurne d life was like outs i de the fleshly garm nt. No e e he lp me for de c ade s of madn e ss and ignoranc e. much my imagination looked for param t rs to e t c c e e was ve ry M e anwh ile, t he brothe rs and siste rs ne wly awake ne d understand, e ve ryth ing I had manag d o on iv c found myse lf. by our ac t ivity w e re in th e adjac ent area, sit t ing on a pale in re lat ion to the re ality in whi h I now i e i t e world of lush lawn enjoying the tenuous light of day, de spite rhe It is very difficu lt to be mmers d n h with darkne ss re igning ne arby. effects, trying t o unde rstand t he c ause s, as happens

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con t ent of any kind wh en w e try to imagine wh at th e land The people gath ered there w er e filled w it h joy. We aw aiting us w ill actually be like ... began listening to a beautiful angelic being speaking about The only finding is that life, t mo ion and ac t ivity are solidar ity. ever yw h er e, universal and that the earth is but r a poo copy of that Listening to him in r apture, the musicali ty of h is voice w onderful, pulsating, pe r manent w or ld wh r w e e e originated. my spirit mo r e t hro gh emotion th an ar ticulated I pr penetrated ayed for the brother s and sisters unde r going words, which sounded to me like a symphony. r enew al, th o w se ho h ad rebelled against th e divine codes Ir would be very difficult to translat e eve r ything and now found th emselves back as defeated castaw ays, but he expounded, because the objective was to in t erject the su r viving nonet h eless ... At th e same time, I remember ed audience with sentiments of pr ofound love, rather th an oth er th s, ose wh ose minds and be h avior kept th em bound expressions mixed in w ith t he ambient music. t o th eir ph ysical body des t royed by death , desirous of I w as completely bedazzled as I gently r etur ned, res t oring its funct ions, tumbling in t o states of madness and discouragement. waking up and maintaining the incompar able impr essions of chose moments of rapture in some blissful place that I Gentle peace set in and carried me off th r ough could not otherwise access because I did not ye t deserve it. sleep, pr oviding me a happy dr eam in a place of almost Day br oke in ou r community, and w ith my h eart unimaginable beauty. bea t ing with happiness, I w ent in search of my friends for Everyt h ing there w as sound and ha r mony. The breeze che new tasks ahead. blow ing th rough th e trees, the flow er s blooming wh ile emitting a unique tune, th e mos t diver se expressions ofnature in a festival of sound, birds of unmatch ed plumage, and infinit ely blue skies, as if th e dome were a gr andiose h all in wh ich th ousands of luminous beings moved about in orderly and almost magical ac t ivity - I w as th r illed by all of it ... Automatically, I accompanied a small group going t o an ultramodern building made of a transpar ent subs t ance, much like those in today's large cities, bur more delicat e. We w ent into a room h t at looked like a goth ic temple, wh ere a r eligious cer e w mony as underway. Devoid of any symbolism, th e ba r e w nave as decor ated with colorful, sonorous vibr ations th at filtered th r ough h uge stained glass w indow s, giving th e place a special, unique beauty.

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!though our community was able to enjoy the sun's rightness, a dark heaviness hovered over the vast, esolate area due to the collective anguish, the despair that assailed the survivors, the rebelliousness chat gripped many, and, lastly, the mental disorders caused by those who had discarnaced violently. We could see che vibratory storms that produced threatening lightning above the huge, nearly black curtain covering the spiritual landscape. The condensation of morbid energies in the area was similar to what happens in the earth's atmosphere when the clash of temperatures triggers storms and tornadoes. This psychosphere was obviously disturbing the afflicted survivors, who added even more to the formation of the dark and threatening cumulus. It became a vicious circle: minds emitting gloomy waves and absorbing the harmful effects that hovered in the air... Tenderness and compassion gripped me and I let myself be led by the blandishments of prayer for that tormented society. The time had come for us to return to our work. We were all in good spirits from the joy that derives from the

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Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco fraternal service oflove, and we volitated under the command s urgery in order to prevent pregnancy, business. She underwent of our benefactor, as we had done when we had arrived there kind of seductive dance. and was caught a very particular Upon reaching our destination, we immediately bega "Over the days and months she became as famous as our s piritual care for our suffering brothers and sisters. and scornful, attracting sex addicts to the s he wa s cynical My attention was called was resulting from abuse and the to a female spirit who p1 ac. e With the natural decline, aberrant under the terrible domination of a male spirit with a dreadful need to sell herself more and more, she slipped into appearance, psychically exploiting her in a cruel manner. sexual behaviors and began us ing dangerous drugs. Crazed and trapped in her body, the tormented "We are strict Mus lims and her father died in disgust female was struggling amid the sensations of the advanced shortly after the derangement of her behavior. Out of love, decomposition of her incessantly that her body and the painful obsession to I vi s ited her more than once, warning which she was submitted. We could see the tormenter who what she was doing was agains t our religious principles, but was exploiting her emotionally, leading her to continuous she wouldn't s how me the least bit of consideration or respect. fits of shouting, swearing and madness. Finally, appearing tired of my advice, in a moment of complete While I was contemplating her trapped in her body, imbalance she kicked me out of her brothel of lust, always which she was attempting to raise, perhaps in hopes of manipulated by her accursed exploiter - her own husband! fleeing her plight, a discarnate tearful and distressed elderly "My daughter had gone mad with a disease I could woman approached us and informed us that she was the not comprehend. From one moment to the next, she would woman's mother. become violent and aggressive, dangerous and evil. She took She immediately made a composite biographical plea s ure in terrifying the servants and even some of the sketch of her daughter. clients, who lamented her frequent changes of personality, "My daughter," she began in tears of resignation which disconcerted chem in their vile association with her. and a feeble voice, "was a seller ofillusions. She became a "No one knew what was happening. She began to lose "professional" at fourteen years of age, when she was married, weight, to languis h as if her energies were being sucked out according to our custom, to a much older man with a of her by a s trange and malevolent force. respectable appearance but a vile character. The wedding "For me, the moral pain was too much for my fragile was elaborate and joyful, but after two months, he sent her to s trength. I couldn't handle the continuous anguish as a result an expensive brothel that he owned, where inexperienced and of my immense love for her and I died of a heart attack." dreamy girls sold their bodies for the pleasures of the flesh." She paused and looked sadly at the beloved spirit, still She paused, wiping her tears, and continued: victimized by her tormenter ... "My little girl was basically forced into carnal "Please, help her," she begged with folded hands, exploitation ... She received proper training for that line of almost falling on her knees if we had not stopped her.

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Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Oivaldo Franco "A demonic being cook possess.ion of her and has disgraced and sentiments. Their attraction had been the result of her ever since those not so long ago days of aberration." her behavior, which in turn had facilitated the perfect There was no doubt that the young dancer had attracted identification between the plug in her crown and sexual a terrible lover from a previous existence, one that had been chakras and the outlets in her aggressor. psychically connected to her while she was in the physical The Divine Laws would never resort co the means body. Jealous of her loose conduct, he began exploiting her of retaliation common to human beings, who delight in in her sexual perversions, usurping her emotional energies rendering justice using their own unfortunate conceptions. and frequently causing her to have terrible obsessive fits. No one is on a position to redeem moral and spiritual I examined the obsessor's psyche and perceived mental debts by making themselves victims. That is just never the scenes involving the most shocking aberrations, along with case, because if true, it would be a lamentable failure of the his revolt due to her death caused by the tsunami, which codes of divine justice. threatened his exploitation of her energies. So deep were the The mechanisms of reparation are pare of the links between chem - perispirit to perispirit - that he stuck higher laws of life, and they never fail. Nonetheless, to her like a mollusk to its shell, perversely threatening her. the pride and intemperance of chose who feel they have I approached the poor woman and applied soothing, been harmed transform chem into vigilantes, caught in calming energies, putting her in a slight torpor. Meanwhile, powerful webs of crimes unknown to society, but which her mother prayed sucras from the Koran, filled with emotion chey will always have to face. while watching me apply the therapy. When the mother realized chat her daughter was Once I was able to make the spirit sleep, I began sleeping in relative peace, except for a few natural jerky disconnecting it from its organic viscera with the help and movements as the unavoidable result of the mental kindness ofAbdul. The two closely-linked entities reminded constructions stored in her unconscious and the morbific me of conjoined spiritual twins. The evildoer shouted emanations of her opponent, she smiled happily and deliriously, afraid of losing the prey he had exploited for hugged her. years, while Abdul spoke with him kindly but forcefully For me, this was a very special case. It was the first about the crime he was perpetrating, informing him that time I was witnessing an instance of obsession chat had his exploitation ended with her death, which had effectively begun during life and continued after death, with no separated them. Now he would have co face the adverse change on the part of the merciless persecutor. During consequences of his cruelty. these unfortunate occurrences, the tormenrer would also The proper procedure was to put him to sleep coo suffer the contingencies experienced by his victim during in order to provide liberating measures at a time when the process of discarnation. Exploited by the avenger, she she would be able to contribute with renewed thoughts was unconsciously intoxicating him with the emanations of

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her despai r and loss o f vir a l (ani ma!) ro nus fro m the physica l Existence in rhe physica l bo dy is a le a rning o ppo rtunity body, which wa s absor bed by her foe. that life grants the spirit for its inner growth, pr oviding C o nsidering the specificity of the situatio n, Abdul it with the a ppro pr ia te r eso urces so that the divine spark pr o vided a str etcher and co -workers to ca r ry b o th spi r its to existing in everyo ne may reach its fullness. Depending o n the appro priate pl a ce fo r each o f them. how individuals behave, they will be sowing the events Thrilled with happiness, the m o ther expressed of their futu r es, which they will have to face in o rder to her gr a titude by unexpectedly kissing o ur h a nds, grea dy recompose themselves and fix wha t w a s dama ged. emba r r assing us because we were the o nes who actually Each reinca r natio n is a sublime, divine co ncessio n fo r benefited the mo st. the blissful co nstructio n o f pe rsonal immo r ta lity. Obsessio n alwa ys presents surprising a spects because A blessed sch o o l, the earth is a beautiful haven in o f the menta l and spiritu a l o rga nizat io ns chat va r y fro m which we all gro w spi r itually, rem o ving the he a vy gangue individua l to individua l. of primitivism that impedes the brightness o f the stella r Observing chis perturbing pheno meno n alwa ys makes di a mo nd o f the spirit chat we a re. TI1e bl o ws received dur ing us ponder the inner behavio r o f the human being, alwa ys the evo lutionary pr o cess ar e meant to libera te us, en a bling pr o ceeding fro m the mental field, radiating in all di r ectio ns the facets chiseled by pa in and po lished by lo ve to reflect our and tuning in to o ther, co mpatible fields a nd vibrato ry area s spirit's sidereal beauty. that provide co nnectio ns by a ffi nity. From where we wer e st a nding, we could o bserve the When pe o ple finally gra sp the fact chat they are differences in co nduct amongst the a ffi icted, identifying a resp o nsible fo r ever ything that co ncer ns them, individual a nd gr ater a mo unt o f either despair o r balance, which enabled co llective behavio rs will certainly ch a nge. They will ch o o se us to a ssist rhem with greater or lesser effectiveness. Ho wever what le a ds to ha rmo ny and ha ppiness - even if it takes a lo t o f no t a ll who m we so ught to help could be liberated, so stro ng effo r t - r ather than the exh a usting pleasu r e o f o ne mo ment were the bo nds o f the sensuality o f orga nic life, fa r from any with its disturbing, long-ter m co nsequences. In their o rga nic kind o f belief in rhe su r vival o f the spirit a fter de a th. illusio n, ho wever, they pr efer the into xicatio n of unhea lthy, Ir w a s no t possible to digress any lo nger . Dr. White ir respo nsible enj o yment to the po int o f exh a ustio n, holding called us ba ck to work, beca use new d iscarn a ti o ns and on to a bsurd ideas o f finding mira culo us so lutio ns when the a ssa ults by a nimalized spirits co ntinued. inevita ble, affiicting consequences manifest. The sight o f the post-mo rtem o ccurrences surpr ises It is no t surprising that a large number turn co Spiritism even those who , like us, have been in the spi r it w o r ld fo r a nd , lo o king for a mira cle cure fo r the pro blems sever a l years. they cr eated a nd wa nt res o lved, but perhaps witho ut making Physical life disguises the a ppea r ance o f the spirit, a selRess co ntributio n. which skillfully puts on a ma sk to sh o w what it wo uld like

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to be, without striving for its inner transformation for the better. However, the reality that characterizes it demystifies 10 it during the process of discarnation, showing what each spirit is as well as its potential for recovery and rebalancing. LESSONS OF Thus the landscapes dose to the border of the grave are HIGH MAGNITUDE usually filled with affliction, except those that welcome spirits who strove to live by the standards of duty regarding their neighbors and life, even without any religious affiliation. What matters is how one lived and not the beliefs one espoused. Nonetheless, religion, when freed of ignorance ur work required effort s l essness because the and devoid of fantasies and superstitions, and characterized 0 nd more we assisted suffering spmts, the more others by logic and reason, is a sublime means for accessing arrived, as bodies kept washing up on the beaches, complete freedom. It provides lucidity and enlightenment, or as a result of the discarnation of traumatized individuals assisting the spirit traveler to make the best contribution to chat had lost consciousness, and who, because they had the success of its immortal journey. not received assistance, had not survived their injuries, the There was no time for a broader discussion, and we withering away oftheir energies, malnutrition, or infecti ns ... joyfully got back to work. Anna continued holding the torch of lummous fluids to light up the spiritual night while at the same time • contributing her invaluable help. Father Marcus was speaking to a small group of Catholic Christians, who were still attached to their material remains. His voice was sweet and gentle as he informed them that death should not be seen as a big disgrace ... "Everyone, when born, is marked to die," he said, "because that is the cycle of life. The opposite of life is not death, but rebirth. "Jesus died in order that He might rise on the third day, demonstrating immortality and communicating with His beloved friends who would be left behind, awaiting the confirmation of His luminous words.

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"Thanks to His return, the Gospel was confirmed, and thanking it for its help during the journey you have just the message it carries became one of hope so that all those completed, and to advance confidently on the course who suffer at the edge of the abyss may not yield to fear or of immortality is cause for endless joy. You will meet, discouragement. once again, the loved ones who preceded you, who have "Therefore, trusting that beyond death there is a been waiting for you in order to reorganize your families realm that awaits us all is the duty of every Christian whose through the blessed bonds of love. So rejoice and have doctrine is based on the certainty of the victory of life over faith, for your present suffering will soon be a chapter che demise of the grave." in your past." As he was speaking, Abdul, Ivon, Oscar and I, now Pausing for a moment so that his words could be heard accompanied by two Indonesian spirits that had offered to and understood, he remained in prayer, which adorned help us out, worked to free newly-discarnates from the strong him with a tenuous spiritual light emanating outward ties to their bodies, the spurious fruits of their materialism. in chat marsh of despair, externalizing the grandeur that Although attentive to the words of the priest, as each characterized his level of evolution. spirit was freed, it experienced a sort of vertigo and fell over, Taken with obvious emotion, his listeners wept and almost unconscious, and was immediately taken from the pleaded for help, touching us all. small circle to the transportation area. In this climate of high vibrations of love and "Happy," continued the apostle of charity, "are all compassion, we could perceive the value of the sentiments of we who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ as the Way, the affection when interacting with the most distressed brothers Truth and the Life. We are bound to Him by the love and sisters. If love cannot meet the essential goals it is meant that gives sustenance to our emotions. Death is life, and for, its purpose is utopian and vain. misfortune is a blessing, because nothing happens without There was no other reason why Jesus chose love as His permission. the noblest and most indispensable achievement to which "Confront the storm of despair like His disciples did humans can aspire. when, filled with fear in the fragile boat during the storm, they While we rejoiced in the results of Father Marcos's begged for His help, and He calmed the winds and waves. convocation, we were also aware of the unfortunate results "In Him we have the confident Mariner who will guide arising from the folly and delusion of individuals who are the boat of our immortality to the sublime port of peace. far from the knowledge of spiritual reality. "So fear not. Be confident and help us to help you. The awful phenomena of lycanthropy constrained "As frightening as physical death may seem, life is a us, leading us to reflection, both in relation to those who triumph over all injunctions, and nothing can destroy it. suffered the affliction, as well as to their defenseless victims, Therefore, to leave your useless corporeal vehicle behind, who were, after all, victims of themselves.

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Ignorance of the Laws of Life immerses the spirit in necessary role, so far they have been based on magical and the most abysmal state of primitivism, uninterested in the non-rational conduct, unfortunately. They do not hold their ascent that would lift it above its deplorable situation. adherents responsible for their aces, which accounts for the My mind harbored no sentiment of reproach or consequences that always reach chem, usually in a climate of criticism, because somehow we are all travelers in the night distress as a result of their negative moral content. of dense darkness, headed for the bright and shining day. "In presenting their special gods or prophets - some The religious atavisms that promised them first-fruits of whom suffered from behavioral disorders, blending and states of glory after biological death sustained some who cruchful information with their own conflicts, thus giving were aware of what had happened as they awaited the arrival rise to nullifying and perverse revelations - they claim of mythological angels. However, they would soon fall into to be responsible for che word of God, humanizing and despair, blasphemy and rebelliousness, complaining about limiting Him to their passions rather than che imperishable their supposed abandonment. Besides being a profoundly greatness and infinitude of the Creator, and giving those thoughtless attitude, this transference of responsibility for revelations the appearance of indisputable truths. More our actions to the Divine One is very convenient because it concerned with outward formulas and precepts than with provides a totally distorted view of reality, transferring it to the internal sentiment of devotees, they strive to attract the world of fantasy and magic, where anything is possible ... more adherents without che least concern for qualifying Only when human beings truly awaken to self- chem for their brief existence on earth, and consequently, consciousness and their responsibilities do they start the their immorcalicy after the body. process of discovering truth and duty. · "Unable to understand the Absolute Causality of the Until then, individuals transfer to others all that concern Universe, they set forth their concepts in the poor language of them, whether by blaming others, or while undergoing the their needs, seizing mulcitudes, who do not know how to think, requirements of evolution, hoping that angels ofmercy work playing on their unhealthy fanaticism, che heritage of spiritual for chem in a and privileged way, thus freeing primitivism, as a means for instant salvation. All it takes is a them from putting forth an effort for their self-illumination. bit of human effort to earn eternal recompense or, if this is Right after Father Marcos's peroration, Dr. White not achieved, terrible eternal punishment without the slightest approached us, and perceiving the questions dancing possibility of receiving mercy or compassion. Nevertheless, around in my mind, he rescued me with some invaluable they emphatically claim that the All-Loving Father is also clarifications. All-Merciful, in an absurd paradoxical placement ... "My dear Philomena,'' he began gendy, "you know "Thus, these automata of faith stagger around in that all occurrences contribute to our growth toward God. the physical world, deceived by fraudulent information, Despite our immense respect for all religions and their assimilated without reasoning and received as an inheritance

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e l o h o ls us that the grave do e s no t m a n annihi ation; fr m t e i r a nce stors, whom th ey th ink t h ey a r e hono r ing "Religi n tel e r e e o go e s on. It would be lo gical th fo r to 6 a lso following th e ir pr ecepts, entering the spirit wor ld he nce we kn w that life e r e nt with chat be lie f, but that is not the Wit out conce rn fo r their self-enlighte nme nt. Thei r do gma s, live in a mann consist a tions co ntrol ou r inne r wo rld in their ce r e mo nies, all develo ped with cruelty, belittle huma ns, case. Dispute s and material fix l r not, we inde f initely po stpo ne the ensl a ving them in fear and impriso ning them in ign o r a nce , such a way that, conscious y o e When we are yo ung, we ma king it very difficult to e nlighten th e m during the fi r st mome nt of de pa r ture from th body. e e ld age se ttl e s in a nd stage s after th e g r a ve." long for it to o ccur in old ag , and wh n o a a fear ass a ils us, leading He pa use d for a moment, lo o ke d sa dly at the e no r mo us we se nse the approach o f disc rn tion, e o e be l lio usness or crowd of sp i r its afflicte d by madness a nd unbounde d de spa ir, quite a few of us into de pre ssiv dis rders, r a nd co ntinue d: so me o ther type of imbalance. o e of da ily re f le ction "It i s at this stage of suffe ring th at th e co mpa ssi o n "It wo uld take o nly a few m m nts a l e pare o urselve s to of heave n se nds th e se suffe r e rs back to th e blesse d ea r th ly ab o ut the transi e nce of physic l ife to pr a a tion. Wha t prisone r sch ool for reinca rna tion in severe expi a tion or harsh trials, jo yfu lly wait for th e moment of disc rn a t se e ing a fello w e na bli ng the m to unde r sta nd th e la ws o f justice and th e do es no t ye arn fo r freedom, and who, great m o me nt? duties th a t must co mprise e ve ry lifetime. ce l lma te se t fre e , do e s no t also long for chat ar ! "Eve n i f on e fi e rce ly de nie s th e doctri ne of physica l And with what joy he greets it when it rives . e r l how we sho uld re bm h , tha t do es nor ke e p it from be ing a bl essed univer sal "The me taph or e xplains v y wel a e a t do e s not happ e n. la w of unpa ra ll eled signi fi ca nce , w i th o ut w h ich we wo uld behave, but unfor tun t ly, ch • o e e r, will come w h e n re mai n stuck in the in i tia l sta ge s of e volution, with o ut a · "A not too far off day, h w v not the priso n o f ch ance of intellectua l a nd mora l gr owth . religions will be acce ss d o ors to life and le e mber that al l th e "Pe r fe ctly comp a tible w i th th e l aw o f pr ogre ss, wh i ch ignora nce a nd a bsurdity. Thus t us rem l o o e ve r lofty and no ble o l y o ccurs th rough th e pr o ce ss o f p e rsona l e xpe rience s, prop h ets and founde rs of re igi ns, h w a e to Jesus Christ, who re ca r a t a a e a e s inner to e ve lop a they may have be en, ca nnot be equ t d m n io g du lly n bl the god d nd e a ke n the shado ws of gr o w de e p w1t h 10 th e spi r it, dr a wing it to ward G o d. sent chem co ea r th so ch a t th y would we the beacons of "As we w a tch th e bitte r pa i n th at domin a te s th e se cruelty a littl e in or der that He could establish e n chos e who c a me th o usa nds o f sp i rits, mi sta ke n in their be lie fs abo ut th e the Kingdom ofHeaven in the world. Ev e His kingdom. Hence Abunda nt Life , in th e ir fixa tions a bout tr ansito r y th ings as if afte r His a dvent ha ve been minist rs of e r ry tho se days o f h e e e r a e e a ga i e r h at ea r thly the Comforte r He promise d has com to hu : ! er p m n nt, onc n w ealize t we, o cr eatur es. md1V1du a ls a ccusto med to th e vaga ri e s o f se l fi sh ne ss, are st ill true communion be tw e e n Creat r and le t us fulfil l stuck i n sp i r itual infancy a nd lack th e subl i me enj o yments "Ther efo re let us not get discouraged; " o f so lida r ity a nd lo ve . our d ury. Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco I found myself amazed and edified, wondering how the noble doctor had come to these conclusions, 11 knowing that he had been of the Anglican persuasion in his previous existence. CONTINUED LEARNING Perceiving my thoughts, che benevolent friend smiled and concluded: "My dear Philomeno, knowledge travels from here to the earth, nor from there to here ... Thus, participating in study groups in our community, I learned about the Spiritist Revelation and its greatness for human beings. Thar is why teeped in the dense psychosphere of hu an affii ci ns, I am engaged in the task of our group." che region in which we operated remained ternfymg. And because more questions assailed my mind, still Although the day was shining with light and the sky good-humored and wise he interrupted me: S was a cloudless turquoise-blue from the brightness of the "The endeavor awaits us. You will find your answers sun, che presence of che colossal tragedy overshadowed the as you work with Jesus for the good." rubble-strewn landscape. It looked like a war zone chat had suffered heavy artillery along with destruction by air strikes . . Near the immense, once paradisiacal beach, shattered • trees bobbed on the gentle waves. Ochers had piled up on the sand and in the vast region hit by the tsunami's fury of destruction ... People wandered aimlessly around the piles of rubble, crying to find the bodies of the missing ... In one of che emergency hospital tents there was a lot of activity by incarnates and discarnates. I was observing che situation, when a discarnace woman with northern European features, reminiscent of her last earthly journey, approached Dr. White and asked for help. She said that her grandson, a young man of twenty- five, used to visit the region frequently with friends from their country to enjoy its many perks of pleasure.

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Bearer of a vile character and a user of chemical drugs, days lacer, he was found alive and driven to the emergency he attracted young and inexperienced local girls due to his room of chat makeshift hospital erected by foreigners." athletic bearing and unique surfing skills ... Dr. Charles asked Oscar and me co accompany him, Because of these qualities, he had become an while the others continued with their work. unconscionable philanderer who took pleasure in corrupting When we reached the operating room, we saw many his victims, forcing chem into drug addiction and the sex trade. being attended in serious condition. He would finance the trips of certain girls interested After the doctors placed him on an apparatus for in adventure and would market them to mafia organizations computerized study, they concluded that his case was that turned them into sex slaves in his own and other extremely delicate. He was in a coma, with a large area of countries. As soon as the duped girls arrived in the Nordic his brain compromised by cranial traumas received when the cities of Europe, their passports were confiscated and they building collapsed and the wall of water hit him. were told they would have co pay for their trip after all and Dr. White observed him and explained to the everything they would incur from then on. grandmother: Compared with most Europeans, the almost teenage "The young man is critical and there is no possibility girls' exotic looks fascinated the corrupted cliencele, and of recovery. The number of days he went without assistance when the girls realized their predicament, it was too late for has compromised his ocher organs and his heart has any saving measures ... become highly disrupted under the exhausting effort. It The woman had become used to his infamous conduct, has stopped twice, which has in cum compromised the but the wretch was her grandson, for whom she was asking brain even more because of the anoxia ... for help. "But worse yet is his spiritual condition." As his grandmother, she had tried to inspire him co We saw his spirit still attached to its body, thrashing change his behavior, having had repeated encounters in the around in the powerful grip of two cruel adversaries who dream realm, bur with no healthy outcome. were caning him. Their hatred was being absorbed by the Emotional, she remained silent before the attentive victim, especially through the brain, heart and solar chakras, benefactor and then finished: affecting his weakened heart. "I have been cold by benevolent spirits about the work One of chem, whose face was a demonic mask, you have been doing with your team, and alchough chis is threatened him: a private case, I am pleading for any help you might give. "You're going to die, you wretch! We want you here "He was at Hotel X at the time of the earthquake and as soon as possible to punish you for the evil you did to our was carried offwich the collapsed building by the giant wave. daughters. How could you ruin them in the sex trade by using He was nearly buried in the rubble, and only now, several their ignorance for your insatiable pleasures in your moral

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sickness? We shall never forgive you for invading our homes "Unless he regains his lucidity, he will have a long and disgracing our loved ones. If there is divine justice, we vegetative life of reparation." will be its intermediaries and will apply it according to what He immediately approached the litigants, condensing you did to your victims." his perispirit so they could see him, and then serenely began Uproarious, mad laughter accompanied each speaking with them. accusation. "I acknowledge," he began with a kindly tone of The other also shouted at the accused: voice, "che validity of your arguments regarding the patient. "Damned foreigner, wretched vulture who's However, the application of justice is up to God, who degraded everyone who passes by your road of miseries! knows each of us in depth. We can never know how to Because we're poor, you cynically think you can corrupt correct someone when dominated by hatred and desirous of our girls and haul them off into slavery in your land? revenge ... There's no doubt that this young man is reckless You're going to pay for your crimes in ways you could and has been committing heinous crimes. But snatching never even imagine since we have powers that you don't, him away by death would be a perverse, unjustified crime, you miserable wretch!" because evil must in no way be part of the context of life! An ongoing string of reproaches was voiced between "So, considering the circumstances, trying to kill him grinding teeth and aggressive hands. violates the Sovereign Laws, for nobody has the right co take Others also made accusatory complaints, surrounding che club of justice into their own hands." the poor wretch with their angry faces, causing him infinite Furious, they retorted, while others, agitated, began dread and leading him to struggle in tears and continuous shouting, trying to create a disturbance: fainting spells. "We don't need a foreign judge," one shot back. "We Astounded, I looked at Dr. White, who explained: know our laws and according to them, according to the "Our brothers are trying to kill him, chat is, they Koran, as well as to Sharia, we know what we are doing in are trying co wrest control of his body by poisoning his applying lashes corresponding to the crime, and there have heart with vibrations of hatred until it stops beating ... In been many, many crimes of dishonor and degradation of its present state of weakness, it cannot handle the ingestion lives committed by him. On the earth they are punished of poisonous fluids emitted by his enemies much longer. In with death, which we will apply here too ... We don't need the addition to the other causes of imbalance, they are making interference of Christians in our decisions, giving ourselves his condition even worse." permission co continue with our purposes, because we are After a bit of thought, he emphasized: within the Law." "Yet he has to make it." "That might seem right," responded the resolute He gave no further explanation, bur added: benefactor. "Bue even so, the Koran also speaks of mercy, and

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the blessing of charity for this that only Allah is just, benevolent, wise and able to forgive "I have offered you it," seated Dr. White. "Now the worst offenders ... Muhammad recognizes the greatness criminal and you have rejected of having to appeal to other of Jesus and His doctrine, so truth is universal, and in the I find myself in the position like chis." case in question, it doesn't matter if Muslims or Christians resources available in situations deep concentration, which we interfere, as long as it is based on sentiments of mercy and He began to pray in love, for both are of a divine, irrevocable character." were more than willing co join. them, and Anna, who had "We're not interested in your help. We only care about A gentle light surrounded in her right hand, set it on the achieving our goals, and we won't change them." been holding the torch aloft both within the higher light, she "I understand your pain and everyone else's perfectly... ground, and approaching the doctor released the spirit Pain is everywhere during these turbulent times. Only embraced them kindly while divine wisdom knows the reasons for everything that has from the pressure of its foes. were overcome by a strange happened since the time of the earthquake ... I've been really Suddenly his two enemies spirit nurse, they were set on touched by the sentiment of solidarity between countries stupor, and supported by the transferred by benevolent aids from different parts of the world, contributing to the victims the ground in order to be White, who then applied of the terrible occurrence. There's been no concern about summoned mentally by Dr. comatose patient. the beliefs, morals or conduct of chose in distress. All are wholesome energies to the itself in its body, and soon possessed of a healthy desire to help, to show love and respect We saw his spirit encasing for the suffering of others. thereafter it began co convulse. it. He will receive skilled resources "The same attitude of solidarity applies beyond the "He's going to make co return home, where he will undergo physical forms under the auspices of Love. and will soon be able recovery." "Since you are insensible to compassion, I appeal to a long trajectory of moral discarnate grandmother thanked the the mercy we all need before God. Do you by any chance Very moved, the her dear grandson. consider yourselves free from errors? Did you live without spirit doctor and embraced co our labors, it seemed the right having contracted debts or liens concerning the painful When we returned situations of others? time co ask: spirit adversaries were plotting "Well then, do unto the destroyer ofyour peace as you "From what I gather, would like others to do unto you if you were in his place." his discarnation; correct?" the mentor replied: His words were spoken with immense compassion and Always kind and attentive, aggression an attempt at spiritual tenderness, enveloping the aggressors in soothing vibrations "We can call such of harmony, something that stunned them momentarily murder." before they resumed their attack. "Does chat happen a lot?"

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a few who perfect th eir pernicious "More often th an you migh t imagine ... We mus t never "There are quite be h aviors before s o ch at th ey can give th em forget th at th e spirit world is th e realm of causes , where the reincarnation s i c actions and deed s ch at materialize on th e earth originate. The expan ion during the organ journey. th e s ame, in external source of sublime in s piration, it als o gives rise to devas tating "The reality is varying only s s all of us to be enveloped in reacti ons when their auth ors are on the lower level s of evolution. forms, thu making it ea y for s In colonies ofpain and shadow, pervers e minds draw up awful its powerful manife tations. s on for to be plans ch at in s pire earthly wanderers, desensitizing chem and "One more rea immortal contents th e as s is ting th em in th eir misguided conduct. spread to everybody to guide m more effectively during th e truth is "In psychic partners h ip, these h eartless pursuers of the incarnation. Knowledge of liberating because it is engraved on th e th ought and actions, individuals Good h ypnotize ch ose with wh om th ey lived in the s pirit guiding th e realm and us e chem with a coldness th at sh ocks us, coming during ir illuminative development." In th e we arrived at our area of usual from th eir deva s tating mental constructs. meantime, and to as sis t the broth ers "With the incarnate spirit held in th e vibratory mes h activities continued desperate and si s ters wh om h h ad s urprised without notice, and of its rival s due to moral commitments to them, it becomes deat who, s ed of th e body, never gave th ems elves s ubjec t to their control, experiencing bitter pain th at can immer in the allure time to reflect on th e of death. caus e organic di s asters in th e body. The mind is the bearer unavoidable presence of energies th at move through the ph ys ical apparatus , and when th ey are deleterious , they produce s imilar effects . In th e same way ch at strong emotions in the waking state damage th e body and cause very serious dis turbances in the ph ys i ological machinery, thos e that rake place during partial disengagement during s leep, coma or similar situations resonate in the cells, either damaging or harmonizing them, if th ey re s ult from joys and bles sings . "Everyth ing t h at occurs in the body comes from th e psych e, and th erefore from th e spirit, which is the driver of the material carriage. "Alth ough connected to th e Muslim doctrine, our broth ers know th e reality of life after death and they be h ave like countless dis carnace Ch ris tians and oc h ers who may or may not believe in immortality.


he activities continued arduously, considering the number of victims that had been swept away by the tragedy. TUnfortunately, without any preparation beforehand for confronting the spiritual reality, they were struggling in the strong bonds of their putrefying bodies, trying to reanimate them in order to recommence the Dantesque feast of illusions. When their efforts were not crowned with success - and they certainly never were - despair drove them to madness, evidence that they had lived only for the sensations. Of course there were many spirits that had been ennobled by their labors, dignity, religious faith and moral values. These were assisted by beloved family members who had gone before them on the journey of Immortality, and by selfless mentors who had assisted them during their earthly journey... However I am referring to the majority, the careless mass of humanity, for which life means only a trip to the land of chimeras, devoid of its profound significance. But since God's love is always present, they never lacked effective aid from the spirit world, as was the case with our small group of servants of the Good.


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Oscar wa s e h lpi ng me as i s s t an angui shi ng d s n woma i car ate Dr. White e xpla e e n who was tryi in d that th microbia l flora a nd fauna ng un s ucce l l ssfu y to bre a k e e s s i pe rispi ritua n h r r pon ble for composi ng a nd de com n l bo d s. I be came a posi g the physical wa re ofh e r a e pr e a dvanc d state of app a ra us a e a gn ncy, no t ici t t r maint ine d by a n atura l law; howe ve is ng he pre se nce of r it the th e spiri t-fe tus, i la y sleepi n a wh ch un ive rsal fluid that e ithe r give s e g fte r i ts organic de th m vita lity, or de stroys ath, although s i to t ll ma gne tize d e e e its mothe r's bo d y. ch m wh n th y a re no longe r nece ssa ry. Si nce I di In the pr e s e nt case , the physical impressions d not know what to tra n s mitte d do, I re s orte d r Wh ite , who co D . by th e spirit we re some ho e s e sugge s te d that e w pr erving c rta in orga nic a rea s w first try to ge e r th mothe r to e e e s fall asl e e p in ord e r to that w r l s sens itive to de composition , slowing down proce e d wi th th e delivery. their e e e a e e We bo t h co n e n d g n r tiv proc ss. c tra te d an d l app ie d calm i e to t he a i ng en rgie s Th e ne is e ffl cte d woman, who wly d carnat fe tus was take n by Anna co on e slowly fell as le e p . e s e a Dr. Whi te e of th p ci l are a s, from whe re it would th e n e e a ask d Anna to a tte n b tak n wa y d to th e baby boy l he a ppl ie d sp e whi e an d awake ne d e lse whe re to live cial re source s to his crown in a commun ity of infants chakra are a, d il i n the d n s e e ner ut g suita ble for its future d eve lopme nt. _ gy, wh ich started to ch a n ge ton a lity an d unnl it be shap e Th e sle e pin e e d came like a thre a d g moth r was l to th e place whe re s he comple te ly l o e e e os n d from th e a fib rs of e ne rgy a would lso be tra nsferre d a long with thos e e d ch r bou n d rh e t wo. w coul cons ide r e Whi l e he d id as improv d, and who, upon a wa ke ni ng in th e re co e a e this, th e sl e e pin v ry r a, g mothe r e xpe ll e d th ick, s hape l e ss a would suffe r le s s dis tre ss . mass, a s if s he ha d i g ve n bir t h to i t. We soon e . She h a d e xpe cte d the little on e e r alize d it wa s a e with th infin ite m nta l co n d e n s a i both t on from ten d e rne s s e e son a nd mothe r, of som on who wa nte d to e xpe rie nce a d ignif e d accumulate d in e i e h r ute rus where g sta tion ha d e e moth e rhood . Th e hu s band , e xplaine d e b n taking place . Dr. Whit a fte r s ome e From th a refl ction, had a ls o di s carnate d, but n e e t mome nt on e s on o of th country's , h r le ep be ca e e tra n l m r para tive , othe n s qui ... r isla d , whe re he ha d be e n engage d in bus ine s s . In t e Of course , d e e a h final s ee p of e u to th l w of a ffi n ity he would soon th proce d ure , e th spirit, who di a not ma n age th e e d w ke up and have the me an s to e e bl ss ing ofr e n r conn ct with his love d incar ation , e xpe e n shock, ri ced a gre at e s as we saw e on s, u ing ch e re s ource s of guid a n ce an th body of the d d clarification that iscarna te woman th e dense fluids absorb we re sec up in our sphere of a ction. that ha d be e n re i ta ni ng th e fetus . I no t ice d, curiously, I was greatly edifi e d by th e se le ss ons . that th e proce i ss ofde composi t i mm d i a te l y sp e d on An d be ca us e I still ne e d e d some up. Th e ba cte r res clarifications, I a ske d ia ponsibl e fo r de th e tissues see stroying my nobl e frie d e e me d vital i ze n to h lp m unde rstan d th e d isturbing d an d ch e y incre s e voraci a d infi nite l ously, s o e i y, incid ent in volvi ng the d iscarnac e r e m th ng that I ha d ion of th p gna nt woman not witne sse d e b fore . an d he e r littl son in thos e circums tance s , cons id e ring the

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Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco fact chat he had almost been at the moment of rebirth in and thirsting for revenge ... Love is the light that erases the che physical body. darkness of hatred, diluting it with the clarities of tenderness Dr. White thought for a moment and then explained and understanding." to Oscar and me: He paused for a bit and then concluded: "During her next-to-last incarnation, our sister lived "The little boy, who came to her, magnetized by her on one of the thousands of islands of Indonesia - the one perispirit after having forgiven them, repaired the evil he where her husband discarnated chis time. He had also been had inflicted on them during the time they were in the her husband on char former occasion. lower realms of the spirit world. He too will reincarnate, "They indulged in the magical and superstitious filled with hope and joy. practices very common throughout the region, especially "The father discarnated on the same island, where he on many of the remote, still culturally primitive islands ... had practiced black magic and committed heinous crimes, Regarded as possessing spiritual gifts, she and rhe unfortunate having suffered a lengthy process before discarnating. He spirits with whom she was attuned demanded sacrifices of was slow unraveling himself from his physical shackles children because their innocence would bring joy, health and and experienced superlative afflictions until his body happiness to those who were allowed to use them. Thus they decayed completely. murdered a number of defenseless children, whose ignorant "The Sovereign Laws always rake charge in rebalancing and wicked parents allowed their immolation, victims of order where aggression and crime, foolishness, and the barbarous customs ... crudity of sentiments have been expressed. No one who "When the pair discarnated, they were captured impairs life can continue in freedom, because the individual by some of their victims, who inflicted chem with severe will remain drawn to error until he or she regains peace punishment, terrible imprisonment and humiliating resulting from a nobly exercised duty and a harmonized submissions ... Debtors and their insensitive collectors are conscience. always in tune with each ocher. "On the other hand, wherever foolish attackers may "But since justice is always present, love came to chem in be, their unforgiving victims will be bound to them devising the form of mercy and they both reincarnated this last time. plans for revenge. They were forced to end it very painfully, extremely sadly. "Therefore those who live in harmony, disencumbered "After their expiation, which they imposed on of their moral debts, will experience the true happiness that themselves out of illuminative necessity, they will resume, nothing can consume." on another occasion, the process of growth toward God, and When he finished, he left us with a sense of will build a home where they will be given a large family encouragement, marked by the joy of living the endeavor including a number of their former victims, now wretched of self-enlightenment.

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The night, however, continued gloomy, menacing. Understandably, we were now faced with such Somehow, lightning, thunder and intermittent rain made our diversity of behavior among those discarnates who refused work more trying since they were the result of spiritual storms to accept the phenomenon that had ended their lives rather than terrestrial phenomena, from the coarse vibrations and snatched them from the physical realm. Unforeseen and magnetic fields overloaded with harmful energies. circumstances, manifesting with titanic destructive power, In the imagination of someone less experienced, he had caught them completely off guard, and they had not or she would soon have che impression of dealing with even had time to grasp what was happening to them. The the mythological Hell, where there is no glimmer ofmercy giant wave had been so swift and overwhelming that it or compassion ... had dragged off everything in front of it, leaving a trail of The difference is that God's love was active here, unimaginable destruction ... decreasing the constricting tentacles of suffering that Collectively transferred to the spirit world without had almost instantly reaped tens of thousands of lives noticing one another, all were prisoners of their own shadows in full physiological exuberance and time-consuming and allures, without any emotional structure for perceiving physical illusion. what had just happened, leaving them deranged ... But there was no time for further reflection - there I was still pondering the drama of the pregnant would be another time for that. Right now we had to serve discarnate woman, when my attention was drawn to another as best we could without measuring our efforts to liberate deplorable woman strongly connected to her remains. She was misguided brothers and sisters, regardless of their origins, screaming, inspiring compassion in us and sarcasm in a mob the circumstances of their discarnation or the religion they of perverse obsessors, who were tormenting her with vulgar professed. The Good does nor stop before any type of border, jeers as she tried to break the bonds to go look for her missing limitation or prejudice, because it is a divine emanation for son. She was more or less aware of her death, bur not the forces the edification of life. that kept her connected to her almost totally destroyed body. I noticed once again that each individual is a special She would call for her son with a poignant voice and being, a veritable universe to discover, unknown to him or then enter a state of derangement, trying to pull out her hair, herself. Consequently, every discarnation is also special, injuring and throwing herself to the ground over and over, typical of each individual because it is characterized by his seeking to raise her material wreckage. or her own personal reality. Dr. White approached and listened to her psychically, It is extremely difficult to establish comparative rules trying to read on her mental landscape the events moments regarding human life and discarnation. Of course there are before the collective tragedy. biotypes that serve as a pattern for drawing parallels that He told us that she had been far from the beach in help with understanding the circumstances and occurrences. her humble home when it collapsed under the power of the

112 113 Manoel Philomena de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetar_y Transition wave ... She had discarnated imme diat e ly, crushed under to th e mother. Dr. White hypnotized her so char the rubble . fall she could peacefully to slee p. The shock had put her to slee p for some time before Stretcher be arers e . arriv d to take her and the she up in d e speration less than a later, or sleeping woke day more less child to the appropriate area. e aware of what had happ ned . The . s that love works are continuous "Her greatest anguish," he explained, "was that she 111 beauty, and rich overcoming the abyss ofdeath. didn't know what had happened to her little boy, her reason Consequently, the time spent in that particular abyss for living during the period ofwidowhood that had surprised dragge d by slowly and painfully, loade d with unusual e ve her months before." that e nd nts eared us at one moment, affiicted us at anothe r, but With fatherly benevolence and wisdom drawn from always awake ned our love and compassion in all his noble e xist ence, he tried to stop her for a while by cases. enveloping he r in luminous rays, limiting her movements. Then afte r saying a few words to his d e dicated nurse, he began co converse with the desperate woman. His powerful thought was capture d in a clear manne r through images decoded by the suffering spirit, and he managed to calm her down, bit by bit. In the meantime, Anna arrive d, bearing in her arms a smiling and beautiful child of little more than a year old, who had discarnated and quickly re covere d from the drama. She presented him to the doctor. He placed the jovial infant in the arms of the poor woman, making her smile and calm down enough co b e gin singing a lullaby to put him co sleep. We were immediately asked to weake n the pe rispiritu al bonds that held her to her corpse , and shortly there afte r she was complete ly free. Stunned at the moment of emancipation, she seemed to lose her balance due to the surrounding gravity, but was assisted by Anna, who took the little one while we held on


W:e returned to the community periodically for needed rest before continuing our relief efforts for our discarnate brothers and sisters spiritually bereft of illuminative resources. The number of corpses exposed on beaches and in cities victimized by the collective tragedy was slowly decreasing, while the wreckage was being removed and buildings were being reconstructed. The suffering of the survivors was appalling; nevertheless, the sublime impulse oflife to overcome misfortune kept them going and helped them rebuild their lives. The time reserved for us to accompany the workers of the Good passed quickly, and Ivon and I had to return to our own Sphere for other commitments awaiting us within the directional lines of our earlier conference with the Benefactor who had come from che Pleiades constellation. We thanked Dr. White for all he had done to help us understand the mechanisms of the Divine Laws, and taken by emotion we said goodbye to the rest of our friends as well. Dr. White had invited two spirits who had lived in Indonesia to replace us, since the hard work would continue for a long time.

117 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco e e e s e iched the region fill d us wi t On th day of our r turn, th un nr h ineffable , inner joy as e we r dis cove red Divine e d e d s e s s how e d the Wis dom s with its ble ss d rays an th lan cap till p l i g in e ve ry th ing, e as w ll as th e powe r of e e de vas g tsunami. frate rn al s ohdanr h indelibl marks of th tatin y, w ich do e s not s ubmit to the unbendi h ng Whe n we boarde d the vehicle chat would rake us home , w ims of th e pa s s ionate e go. w e could see, off in the dis tance , the va s t region s hroude d Spi rits of diffe re n _ t origin s s topped over in our in dens e darkness , in which lights s hone from time to time , commurncy pe riodically to work with us in th e ligh t of e th re pre senting the workers of charity in the ir e fforts to apply ach i gs ofJ e s us a dAllan Karde c, overcoming th e dogmati: e s e for 1mp e d1me s th e tre as ure s of the Good on b half of tho hungry nc of th e ir former be lie fs d an adopti ng rhe un ivers al knowledge and pe rs onal harmony. stand ar , far re move d from abbreviation s and te rminologie s , buc s We had beneficre d from ne w e xperience s chat amazed haring the same lofty goals and liberating purpos e s . s us due to the ir originality, sinc e we had ne ve r had occa ion Although Ivon Cos e . ca r s i d ed in anoth e r colony to be involve d with that kind of as s is tance be fore. situate d ove r C e ntral Brazil, bas e d on the be autiful e br e aches mountains I was impre ss e d by th miracle of life, which of Minas G e rais , I invite d h im co stay with us e for th e e vitality back into ch e drought of summe r, causes th dried n xt fe w days before re tu rning to th e e arth to purs u h e branche s to bud and the te nde r shoots to appear whe n s pring ot er commitments . e e e s e e s arrives, and re vive s faint he arts in th un v n truggl , Und r tandably, th e e x h e c ang betwe en spirit colonie s is con s tan providing inne r s piritual growth ... t and natural, as h appe ns h e on t e arth betwee n diffe rent e s s communiti le triumphs in all se e mingly de s tructiv ituation e s th at s ustain and e int ract with one anoth er. e h and points coward immortality as the supr me victory of Alt ough e ach h as it s own s pecif ic characteris tics , th e y all operate human e xis te nce. for the moral deve lo e pm nt of th eir dis carnate When we reache d our community, w e were gr e e te d inhabitants , preparing th em for future commitments in warmly by our old friends. Accompanying us to our homes , bles s e d re incarnations . e e e the e th e y as ke d us about our charitabl nd avors among Sinc our work with Dr. e Charl s White was finis hed, e s we would unfortunate brothe rs and s is te rs in Indon ia ... depart w ith in two days on a new ve nture . We did As far as poss ible , we de scribe d che uplifting e xpe rie nce s not y t now who our mentor would be, alth ough we had e and the le ss ons we had ab s orbe d, espe cially the fellows hip be n mvite d to join a ne w group of s pirit worke rs . s d by among s pirits acclimate d to different faith , but unite For us, re s t e ntails e e .. th r ne wal of e ne rgie s for s pm t ch e s ame se ntiments of love, compass ion and charity. ually uplifting e ndeav s e or , r vitalizing and he lping s us e Inde ed, we di s cove re d the s olidarity that should exi t t_o b tter unders tand h e e t l s sons of life, e xpanding our e s s hon_zons betwee n Mus lims an d Jews, Catholics and Prot tant , of service co othe s h r , w ich ultimate ly re s ulrs in e Spiritis ts and other belie ve rs - or even non-b e lie ve rs -which s rvice to ours e lve s .

ll8 119 Planetary Transition Franco Manoel Philomena de Miranda / Oivaldo

of rest needed Having been reborn into a modest home in order to Thus it is a bit different than the kind are renewed know ardship and overcome it early on in Rio de Janeiro, he incarnates, whose strength and balance by for the w s_s 1ll very young when he started to display the superior individual organic parameters according to their abtlmes he had brought with him from the spirit world. commitments of evolution. A If it did, it would friendly and vivacious, intelligent and benevolent Life does not ever cease to vibrate. ... child, he became a responsible and studious young man who everything to the chaos of the beginning reduce for time helped his widowed mother, a real fighter who had agreed is necessary to act, to make up Therefore it to receive him into her loving arms while simultaneously on wrongful behaviors, selfishness previously squandered attending night school. pursuit of pleasure. and the constant With Herculean sacrifices he overcame the vicissitudes or another we were waiting somewhat In one way of youth and remained true to the principles of duty, new program. anxiously for details about the had just concluded surm_o_uncing environmental, aggressive and disruptive 1he success of the commitment we joy and condmons, embracing the desire to save developing fetuses wait for our new challenges with stimulated us to and fighting boldly against every form of criminal abortion. gratitude to Heaven. repose after death To better carry out his future ministry, he moved Those who think that the righteous the law of to Sao Paulo after his mother discarnated, the victim of Throughout the universe, only are mistaken. tuberculosis from organic weakness and poor nourishment. action and spiritual growth reigns. the caravan of service He worked harder and harder until he managed to enter the In the meantime we learned chat would be impressive famous university of that city, attending it with a fighting 1111 and sisters on che earth co our brothers and tenacious spirit. of members, that it would be both in quality and in quantity different locations, Identifying with the noble masters of Medicine _ into various groups working in divided geneticist true ap stles that have comprised the august breed of many be presided over by the learned and that it would generattons of honorable scientists and professionals - he Dr. Artemio Guimaraes. story, which devoted hims lf to biology and embryology, joining a group a liule familiar with his fascinating I was of colleagues 111 the nascent field of genetic engineering. to the status of head of the reincarnation had projected him After graduating with his medical degree, he received department in our colony. about thmy years a merit-based scholarship to a distinguished American The eminent spirit had discarnated Brazil. university and joined a closed circle of researchers studying laborious life as a missionary i .. ago after a to anovulatory cycles and methods of contraception, which with the miss10n of stnvmg He had reincarnated would contribute to rhe drastic reduction of the heinous of life preservation, having make use of the mechanisms himself reproduction. crime of abortion. He threw fully into his research dedicated his work to healthy human

121 120 Manoel Philomena de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

re tur ning to t_he beloved pl a ne t and be came a highly-regarde d scie ntist in ch a t fi e ld, a chie ving for the pre para tion o f t h e new e ra, a i . m k ng w ay wr c mass remca r . with his pe er s a broa d knowledge of human fe rtilization. nations of mi gr a nts f rom one of ch e sta rs m. t h e constella . With the advancement of optics and te chnology tion of th e Pl e i·a d es 111 t h e su bl. e . im e nd e a_vor o f h eI pmg e around the manufacture of microscopes, esp e cia lly electron th e arth reach the le vel of world 0;,+' regeneration. microscop e s, he was a ble co unde rsta nd the miracle ofhuman It is tru e that other teams fertilization, se le cting ov a a nd sp e rm in exp e rime nts that h a d a l e a d y pr ece ded us; th a t ma ny others ; would e ventua lly le ad to the gr and a chieve me nt of in vitro would follow in d.I e rent countries a nd ch at eve n in th e bl e ss fertilization, artificial insemination, en a bling thous a nds of ed lands of the South e rn C ross, e c_ou_ntl ss ha rdworking se r ve pe ople to pr ocre ate ... rs of J e sus would carr y out simila r activitie As society be came incr ea singly aware of the us e of s. Although be arers of spiritual e contra ce ptive s, fighting against the fan a ticism of ce rtain m aning, we were me re he lpe rs in a high! . intole rant religious segme nts, he became int e r ested in th e y important• exp e rie nce . _Thos; res onsible fo r e sp e cia lized studies re gar ding DNA a nd the likely future . th various groups ha d been d i sin? P ans I our de coding of the human genome . Howeve r, he did not get colony a nd in many othe rs (since ct:v e pro1 e ct w a s Inte r nationa l . the oppor tunity to se e the completion of that extraordina ry and without b oun d a n es) ro r more th a n te n ye a r so project, whose rough dra ft was pres e nte d to the world fo r the s t h a t bl e ssed spi r its could find I sk. 11e d re sour ce s fo r the r . first time in June of2000 and confirme d in April of2003 on i ministrie s in the commg d ays of the future . the fiftieth annive r sary of the discove r y of the DNA double . Thus irwas withsfi up r e e helix by the scientists Dr s. James Watson and Francis C r ick ... m h app rne ss that, on th e night sche e dul d fior t h e rst conta ct He discarna te d from e xha ustion from seve r e and . , Ivon and I he aded roc r t h e ecume 111cal t e mp 1e - re fcerr e d to ea continuous wo r k, the victim of ca r diac ar r e st, which did . rlier - whe re we would a ll me t rnchord e r to be com not put a n e nd to his bold scientific ca r e e r , a s he resume d it e familiar wich che guide lines drawn up ror e ne w e a in the spi r it world. end vor. At 7:30 p .m . we e H e left be hind a widow - a dedicated companion and . w nt Into an e nclosure smaller than th e pr e v e a e 10us on . It re minded us a also me dica l scholar in th e ar e a of infe ctious dis e as s - a nd of Greek amp h'1r h ea te r covere d w1 ·ch a transpare n cwo adult child r e n. t substance th a t allo w e d us to e e . . s the splendid e veni ng Wlt Considered a victor in th e mission he had e mbr ace d, h Its starry ch r ysanthe mums gli ct e n.n g O ff.111 toda y he is r egarde d a mong us as an estimable a postle in the the distance . A soft me lody ca me area of hum a n fe rtiliza tion, a specialist in re incarnations. · from the o rgan, filling th e environme nt It would be unde r the command of this e minent wich musical ha rmony. spi r it that a ppr oximate ly fiv e hundred wor ke r s would be 6 1.e., • B razil. - I.R.

122 123 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition . Che e rful, ch a rming sp e c1a l gue sts - th o se who w o uld w o rk Sacris Solemniis and se t to music . . by Cesar Fra n Par t icipa te m the unusua 1 eve nt - filled th e a ud' ,conum. 1872, creating a ck in psycho sphe o e re f xt remely high vibrati At th e a ppo int e d htim e , we a d th e imme nse P1 e a su re Dr. Guimara o ns. e s wa s le d t o e . th center ta ble . e o f se eing the gove rno r o f our o e e a cco mpa nied by e ve ryo ne 's N xt, to co l ny n t r' delight a nd a ma z . ement, the Po ve e o 8 t h e r ll of Assisi administrato rs fro m t h e va no u_s se ctors. All were 1e d o t e hims lf ente re d a o , cc mpa nie d by e Sist r Clare in the e a table a h a irs re e o o f her o spl ndo r l1e d nd c s rved m fr nt. y uth a nd be aut 9 y, and a fe w o the r e companio ns o f Cre a te d by se lf less se rva nts o fJe sus un de r th e auspices r vo lutio n of lo his . ve in the pa st ... o o f Fr a ncis o f Assisi, our co lo ny ho use s a s1ze· a bl_ e po pu l an n Th e sa int ra dia te d tra nsce ndent o o g dne ss, such e o f spirits wh o us e d co live in Br a zil, a lo ng wit h a fi fro m had neve r e e as w xp rie nce d be fo re . His face was so ft and F ra nee w ho ha d se t tle d in th e golden-gre e n Ia n; urin g he was clad kindly; in the wo rn ro be s o f his early da ys o f th e ir la te st e xiSte nce s. o n the earth ministry , and the a ir vibra e . t d with tender, a a n o h rmo nio us With a fe w exce pnons, e veryon e in ch e au d'1c o nu· m had d c lo rf ul e ne rgie s. b een mem b e rs of the ho sts of th e C o mfo rte r - acco rd' mg co Gre e e t d at the entra nc e by a previo usly o r h e .o he e a h e e o h e a h co mm e e ga nize d t e Spiritist r velau n - w r s t f w t rs, lt ough itt , the two ap o . . stle s - sp o use s o f Sister we e e Poverty - wit. h o ut k no w le dge of the D o ctrine mtro d.uc e d b y Alla n r l d to the table ...... K a rd e c, co uld , due to th e ir a cnvm.e s, b e regar. de d as Spmnsts We w e re e cstatic, breaching a t a n unusual rhythm. at he art with in th e d e fi mu. .o n f t h e C o d'fi1 e r. After the o pe ning prayer by o o ur g verno r, L o pe e e e o e o e a . o e o intro du e s N tto Th mast r f c rem n1 s w s t he spm't J s L pes c d o ur dire cto r, Dr. Guima raes, a . . o spe king bri e f y N e tto,7w h o was enve lo pe d in a brigh t, te nu us o pa lme ligh t ab ut his resp o n l sibilitie s and a fe w o f his bi o graphica l a h e e a a a e a o Th e e traits. indic ting is int ll ctu l nd mor l el v n n. ste e me d sci e ntist, depicting . approached his nobl e ch a racter, T h e c e re mo ny b e g a n with a y o ung s,_n? e r who th e podium and . began his me ssage : a cco mpa m e. db. y th e o rga n, sa ng th e be a utiful re l1g10us pi e ce Panis Angelicus, a ut h or e dby S t. Thoma s Aquinas for th e Noble mentors that honor us with your presence. Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus-Christ: . 7 J o se Lop e s Necco - bo r n 111 1882 in Cu r itiba (PR), was the so n of Let us praise the Lord and sing hosannas to Him! Gene s io an d Cl ar a o L p s . O n Novem' b e1 . 11 , 1904 and only 22 yea rs The law ofprogress is incontestable, and old, he wa s bc s rowed wnh c e p ost of 2nd Secr etary of the Board o f our Father the love of is immeasurable, giving the Spirit ist Feder a t10n o f arana;h, H e di s carn a ted at age 35, aft er everything and continued spiritual everyone pl a yi n g a ro Ie o fg r e a t im• porrance 1or t at org anization, ' ha ving se r ved growth, which wilt heights take them to the variou s executive· po 5-· 1t l·ons ' .mcu I . d' 111g tath o f Preside n t. A seeing, offullness. !. . h .. somnambu zst1c, p yc h ogr aphic ' earing me d'Limi '

124 125 Manoel Philomeno de Miran a IV Planetary . Transition d / D' aldo Franco As n ot e d by J esu s in th e prop h enc . selr_ mon recorde d i n should s oc ie ty con t inu e on its unbr . idled rush into mo r chap t e r t e Go sP e 'J a r are n . t he ti m e ca us e d t al disaster 13 °1..r h l o+ M k, we wi g zn by he ir u ny i e ldi n s g se {fce n t ere dne ss . a e . ofsig n s rep r ese n t ing ma; or cha nges t hat will take pl ce on th Suc h fat s ali m is exp r ess e t d as he effec t of r e r t r a es t m e p r i mi i v ou con t inu e a h fo g o co . t e be ha v ior, far d from t he li be ra tin g tea chi ngs prese n Su bse que n t y co n.t:p r m e d b'.Y 1''oh n t he E v a n ge list in his by J esu s , eas ted l ily applica ble t o e th mora l an d sp i r i u me i 00 e n t e p rev i t a l c onc e mor a bie B k of Revelation, w ar e a lre a dy twi ·n g i hos ail ng i n a so c e p ts · i ty grippe d by i r g no anc e an d ma t e r sign ifica n t days, he ra l ds oft he g r e a t transfo r m a tion s t ha t ha v e ev e n that which ialism, is theoreti ca lly i n l ked to certa in religious e e n tak mg- La e on th e belove d or . In a be liefs. b p c b a w y, the landscape o/the revelations is Da n tesq Long b e +or e t e m Is. a .a h' E n och and ot her p r ophe ts a ls o In i ue, wa n t on. J h , z sp te oft he extreme ly valua ble infor ma n te t t even t a mu a n t n t . ne the r a tion co n cern i ng poi d ou he ts h t st h ppe , ha ks o w h ic h a w t g ic events, e th re is mu c h igno r an c e about what wo r ld r ich wit h ble ss ings wo u ld m o m k. d happ en afterwa rds. will ;o : : :o : : : t More ov e r , t he M ay a n ca en a c u ma rks All r ly p op hecies, howe . . . ver, sta te tha t a e t r e b ter wo r ld severe sufferi.n g fio r eart h s i n ha bita n ts in t hzs p e r iod. a is , a new J e r u s a will lem, la nds flowi n g wi t h mi lk an Nost ra d amu s, t he m ost fia m ous o;,+p , ro,p he ts ha d occa sion a p a r adis e oflight d ho n ey, and be a uty : e th very ki n gdom of t ofo r e tell t he p a in -fille d events tha t w_ou ldb e ;J. a fl hu m a n be ings on ea r th i tself . . hea v en t n t .n u e r +uf be ha v ior n if hey co i d th ez· wz 'fl . ... A d t ha t reve i 'J 'c lat on ha s bee n for u go t te n be caus e t More rece n tly, Edga r ay c e P redicte d st r iking cha n ges in h ma n sp i rit is t he s ill purp oseful r ' ly o n ot dom i n at e e t e ra n var u a r t n u n t terrify d by wha t is ar h s g og 'P hry i io s p s ofhis ow co ntry a d o hers ing and t hr ea te nin . g, obli v i ou s t o the a . • me c l rgesse oflo v e an a s a resul t o;,1· se ismic phe no m e n a de cz.s tv e for the new world. .. r y ofGod towa r d d . s His cr ea t u r e s. A n d t hrou gh out hzstory, revelatio n s c on ce r n in g t he Wh e n John the E v a ng s eli t he a r d the seri u a his e r o s r ev e la tions dire even ts tha t h a v e b ee n t ki n g pla ce ev ery wh e re h ave h a t wa s he avy a , nd he asked · "Is there is u m a n e n no hope?" incr e ase d , g r a bb m.· g t he a tt en t i.o n o;.l'h b i gs, who, The belo v ed dis ciple was g r e atly i t d s r e ssed, bu t he n one th e l e ss , rema i n ca r e l e s s , a b_so r be d by t he f u m e s of hea r d the be au soo n tiful answer : "There is for always hope, 0 thou, p l e a s u r e an d e x h aus tzn · g gra t ifica tion s. whom heaven and earth . were created." Th e S irits oft he Lo r d a lso in;o,£ r m e d Alla n Ka rde c of A seco n d possi b ility is p a rt ofth e i v . . d in e plan n t matter ,pa h as codzifyi n t e r te a ngs, explai n n a t hu ma ns e e t as lo g a s his s e w g h i chi i g th m the expe cta i n t o oflov e , ge ra t n . ne i g new reso r e tragtc events wo u i,Id a ssa i·1 thep l a n e t , shap ing i•ts p hryszc · a /, m or a l rega r ding t he Good, u c s whi ch wi ll p r odu e c uplifting effects. and sp;:::1::;, t Th u s c on i u t n e s th e g r e a t se e r ofRev e lati on : "But : : ;hy p r oph e ts and se n si iv e s ha v e expr e ss e d not see what I did happened co chem, because d and my vision changed, th e ir se n t im en ts and n e ; b t th e ma; or ch a n ge s a lr ea ry I saw a new heaven and ; ; : : , a new earth, for the first ta kin g pla ce , but w ic b:;om e even mo r e sign ifica n t and the first earth heaven had passed away." Emotion took the apostle,

126 127 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

who rejo ic ed when he heard a grea t vo ice (of angelic beings) It U:ill e in th ese bodies . . that multitudes ofbenefi c ent saying: "1here will be no more death, neither sorrow, nor visitors will rem arnate to co ntribute to the prog ress of humanity. crying, and neither shall there be any more pain." . Conco mitantly , due to th eir th o ug h ts and inner h t enlig enment, th o se o able t enjoy th e time after the great transitio There was an encouraging pause, reducing the concerns n will no lo nger h ave needless o rgans, and will h ave of the audience regarding the afflicting events ahead. graceful, light forms co mp atible with the future physical a nd Personally I had always dwelled on the revelation of moral atmosp h ere of a happy earth. despair and not on the resultant effects when the time of bliss At th at time, h ard ened warrio rs and tro ublemakers broth e would arrive on the renewed world after the great calamities. rs and sisters who cause o dis rder and conflict, th o s; Then, the esteemed messenger continued: wh o take pleasure in c ha mp io ning evil will be transferred to another planet in tune with th eir vibratio ns, a planet wh o These blessings will occur bec a use spirits un c o mp ro mised se psyc ho sp here is co m p atible with their conditio n rec by evil will be on the planet building the kingdo m of heaven iving th e into temp o m_ rary exile, wh ere th ey will us; in h earts and wo rking effec tively for so lidarity based o n love. their techno logi c o al kn w-ho w to assist its native inhabitants. They They will speed up moral progress, using intellectua l will suffer th e p a in of o l ng ing and sepa ratio n fro m a nd tec hno logical means to pro mo te fraternity am o ng peop les loved o nes, and will prepare themselves mo rally to ascend so that th e mo re powerful will help develop the less endo wed, a nd return to th e earth ... replac ing war with so lida rity, and the perverse, clandestine One's values are never lo st before 111111 the Divine Co des. The o slave trade with freedom of ch o ice a nd exc h ange, andfighting M st-L o ving Fath er h watc es o ver th e universe, ha ving a pandemic, endemic and degenerative diseases, which will h ave del g ted to Jesus th e o creati n and g o vernance of the earth, no place, beca use members of the no ble family will no t be which h as been Jf_e guiding with ineffable lo ve a nd unparalleled marked by large debts ... o mp assio n so that we, its inhabitants, may rid o urselves oft h e Once the planet's constitutio n is renewed, its tec to nic plates tmperfec tio s that h old us back and, as pro digal ch ildren, may harm o nized, the high temperature of its vo lcanic magma decreased, return to Hzs flo c k. the many catac lysms that h ave assailed and destroyed it will gradually disappea r. The temperature will become stable, with o ut Emotion-filled . silence again permeated the room. sea ring heat o rfreezing cold, and its landscapes will be Edenic. Diaphanous light adorned him as he spoke in a gentle On c e the physic al bo dy adapts to th e new c limate unforgettable voice: co o o c c o o nditi ns, it will underg spe ial hanges, als due t the beings I th at will in h abit it, imprinting o ther p hysio -psy c hological values . M_any of us h ave been equipping o urselves with kno wledge h co o o tn th e o t at will ntribute to its spiritual ev luti n. fields f genetics, embryo log ' y and embryogenesis in

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r•------Manod Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

a ge us in the of Your designs so tha t orde r t o prep a re th e bodies tha t will host, in the cloist er of Eng sanctification You be in we a re not cap a ble ofb e ing in moth e rhood, those me ssengers oflov e a nd mercy on their may us, for yet You. Subdue our de sires for powe r a nd pleasure, a nd he lp us eart hly pilgrimage. . true re nuncia tion a nd se lf-denia l. Our e xcursion t o the be loved pla ne t is me a nt t o prepa re acquire e lp a nd our e nde a vors, susta ining us in socie ty for the sublim e e nde a vor ofth e gre at tra nsit ion. s underst our e s a nd a iding us when we a re immerse d in the Tim e is short, a nd it is nece ssa ry t o ma ke up for the days difficulti physica l body. squ a ndered on awful ga mes ofillusion. Bestow upon us the gift of e a t a We ne ed ev e rybody'spr aye rful help, imploring th e holy Your p ce so h t we may dis t ribute it wh e rever we may be, tha a a e Pove re llo t o interce de t o Jesusfor us, His imp e rfect worke rs. t ll m y b hold it a nd know that we a re Your dedica te d serva n Exhorting the sublime me rcy of love for a ll , we ts...... And since de ath ha s re store e apprecia t e your a tte nt ion a nd a cquiesce nce in liste ning t o d us to th glorious life so th t we may continue on the path ofe us, a s we ll a s your p a rt icipa t ion in t he future prep a ratory _ nlightenment, favor us wzth wisdom fa the succe ssful journey a e unde rta king oft he ne w e ra . of scension, ven if we a often h ve to be immersed in the da rkness ofm a e May our he a rts rem a in filled with pea ce . tter, though l d t by he comp a ss ofYour affable he a rt pointing th e way. 0 Lord! A profound silence composed of emocion and Inte rce de to the a acknowledgement dominated the entire rapt audience. All-Loving F therfor us, Your ba ckward brothers a nd siste rs, defect Just then, the Saint ofAssisi stood up, walked to the orsfrom duty. podium and, enveloped in an of sidereal light, prayed, Those last words were uttered wirh a voice choked by filled with emotion: . emotion. Ar a sig n al from Lopes Netto, the organist began playing. Sublim e Ma st e r Je sus: Flakes of light descended gently ro the rhythm of the began each Ena ble us t o understa nd Your will a nd not our own, melody, and we automatically embracing the of the at the surrende ring ourse lve s to Your powe rful hands a nd guida nce . other, following example noble members He lp us fulfil our responsibilit ie s, bu t no t according to presiding table. of te n derness our own de sire s. The meeting ended with a special wave and Ca st Your ga ze upon us so tha t we ha ve t he light ofYour beauty. tende rness, no t the da rkness ofour ignora nce . Bless our purpose s to se rve You, e ve n though we ha ve only be en conce rne d abou t using Your holy na me t o se rve ourselves.


e were all ecstatic after the mentor's speech and the Saint ofAssisi sprayer. It seemed we all feared that the vibration oftranscendent love that filled W and us be broken. the auditorium flooded inside might When we finished embracing one another, we approached the head table in single file because everyone wanted to meet, even if briefly, the venerable benefactors attending the meeting. Approaching slowly and orderly, when our turn came Lopes Netto told Dr. Guimaraes that Ivon and I would be .. accompanying him on the excursion to the physical world. He smiled cheerfully and embraced us with the benevolence of a loving father who seemed to know us from before, perhaps ... I could not utter one single word to him, yet I was able to hear him in the recesses of my mind and heart. I soon came to know that he would remain on our plane, from where he would be directing the endeavors of the groups, each one having a leader that would represent him. Then we approached the Saint of Assisi, and I could not resist his tenderness. I was overcome with spontaneous tears, demonstrating my smallness before his greatness.

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a r a a ssi e e r u r Uncommon humility and a sm i le of affe ction and Dr. Guim aes w s st d by th various inst cto s a t re e on ea te am, while he himself comp a ssion floate d in his eye s and fac e , facilitat i n g ou r th would pr sent him ch e e e the labors from exchange oflove. would ov rs all our community. S a nta na int r odu ced himse lf to I kisse d his ch a ri ty-sa nctifi e d ha nds and could only Thus Dr. Silvio us. San a n a a sta ff me e r from the ma nag e to sa y, tr e mblin g, "God ble ss you! Th a n k you Dr. t was devoted mb D e pa e a rna tion . In his la st a r natio n , he ve r y much!" rtm nt of Reinc inc ha d b e e e ated obste trician a nd gene ti cist, a schola r I was sa tur ated by his te n derness fo r a long, lo n g ti me n a d dic of huma n e p uctio n. afte rw a rds. r rod It was his duty to e nlighte n us re ga rding a fe w a spe cts B e fo re the two me sse n ge r s from Umbria returne d of e n e a or to i ch we would e ourse lve s for to the ir dwelli n gs of light, Lope s Netto sa i d tha t, in about the d v wh dedicat the he he a nswere d a fe w 15 minute s, a ll the groups, according to his pr e v i ous next eight weeks. When finished, r e s ions. instructions, should meet a t th e ir designa te d spot in th a t of ou qu t W be pa rticipa ti n g in se le cting couple s to sa me buildi n g in ord e r to rece ive i nstr uct i on s from their . ould e r re a r so a t re spe ctive le aders. receive v1s1tors from oth alms s their child en th a ie e e e a r i n e e of Husde and bustle ensue d, but de void of tur moil the:7 could ch v th ir sup rior go ls, sta t g th cycl e e i e e e a n r e e and d i sorga niza tio n, with each te am he a di ng for its rebmhs on th earth until th r m th b co s fo rh ra r a e r e a i i ndi cate d se cto r . of regene tion w est bl shed. e i e Ours was composed of twenty spi r its de dic a te d to We would b utiliz ng couples who long d for r e n a r e as , e re ha v n the work of disobsession an d spi r itual instr uction , some of p th od but o, due to v ious r ons w i g d1.fficult1es e r eso i n g to a rtifi cia l co n ce ption whom we re also from the Depa rtm e nt of Rei nca r n ati on. conc 1vmg, thus rt e q e a a of e a ki ng They h a d pa r ticipa te d i n making pr epara tion s for th e with u t impl nt tion th egg, m possible a n who for the unde rta ki ng, having be e n tr a ined in the me ch a nism s of the re111c r ar1on of spirits would work Good e ea r n r re e fe r tilization a nd conception. on th th u de going n wal. Mor e over, w e would be giving moral a nd spi r itual Whe n we arrive d at th e r oom whe re we would re ce ive . to e pr o e c e re nt so the y a llow the re le vant guide line s, we got to know the diffe re nt me mbers assistance th sp tiv pa s would not e l e s n a e i e n ecti pe r ve rse mor e intimate ly. th s v eg tiv nfluenc s or con ons ro the i n a r ming pl a e t' som e idle , some All were e xcite d a nd e age r to serve the cause of the sp ts sw on the n s surface, e or a lo a much rge r e rce nta ge isruptive Good with e xtre me devotion, fe e ling ble sse d for taking pa rr veng ful je us, and la p d r e e e i n the construction of the ne w wo rld. fo th she r pleasur of it. e of e Un a rt ic ula te d m e lodi es hung i n the a ir , like I could just imagine the huge significanc th i r i a n g e e n e r e s life, a nd I onom a topo e ia of the night co r usc a ting w ith sta rs. sp tual exch e betw the two sph of

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understood the power oflove in the building of society, love connected to the higher spheres, and explaining their reason which is always the same whether one is in the physical body for being there. or outside of it. 1hus we felt great elation being involved in a well- The meeting proceeded in a loving atmosphere with managed, rigorous program of action focused on the prospects for much activity. future of society. About two hours later, we were scheduled to meet in Ivon and I were closer to each other, in spite of the che Ecumenical Temple plaza, whence we would all descend spontaneous friendship that connected us with the rest to the different cities of our beloved Brazil. of the team. Each team would be responsible for operating in a Our first activity was scheduled for the following . specially selected area, while all would remain connected evenmg, when more than ten thousand discarnate aliens with Dr. Guimaraes, who would have his headquarters in the would gather on a Brazilian beach to hear Dr. Guimaraes give region geographically close to the capital of Minas Gerais. a speech regarding the commitments of self-enlightenment When we arrived at the plaza to start our journey and spiritual development of the earth. under the blessings of the twinkling stars, we were Thus we spent our time informally, visiting still- . invited to say a prayer formulated silently at the heart of mcarnate family members, Spiritist institutions dedicated our best sentiments. to t e mi iscry of disobsession, and Spiritist psychiatric Then we boarded the vehicles chat would take us to the hospitals, tn order to observe the application of invaluable previously prepared centers that would serve as headquarters resources of the doctrine on behalf of their patients. for our activities, repose, planning, evaluation and studies. Whenever we are engrossed in our work, time is Actually, ocher caravans had already been visiting short and never seems sufficient to do everything that has the earth for the same purpose since the 1970s and 80s, to be done. preparing for the invaluable incarnations to come. However, enjoyed the pleasure of socializing with ocher . . e now was the time to intensify exchange between the earth's p1m friends involved in such endeavors, renewing ourselves inhabitants and the visitors from Alcyone, 10 who were inwardly and rejoicing in their blessed achievements until we already active in the planet's psychosphere waiting for the realized it was time for us to attend to higher duties. appropriate time. We happily headed for the Brazilian coast, a stretch I was informed that a large number of chem were located between the sea and the mountains, rich in plankton in colonies close to the earth, adjusting to the planet's and pure vibrations, uncontaminated by minds in disarray, psychosphere and its inhabitants, visiting Spiritist societies nor an atmosphere overloaded with poisonous gases. The clear night enriched by the sounds of nature was Alcyone is the brightest star in the Plciades Cluster. Ir is approximately an invitation to reflection and prayer. 44010 light years from Earth. - LR.

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SCubb o Th o usa nds o f spirits were wa iting o n the va st stretch rn a nd fierce ha tred. Yo u will have to understa nd your a o f sa nd tenderly wa shed by the wa ves. ssaila nts, who never seek o t understa nd the o ther a nd a a a a who a s Ir w s a n tural amphithe ter, like Jesus h d used lway think they a re right. o Y u will suffer sl a nder a nd ma ny times, fro m the time He gave the Bea titudes co rhe defama c o n, unhea lthy co mpetitio n, a nd the ingra titude sublime enco unter o n Mt. Ta bo r, o r when He sp o ke o n the of those m whom you depo sit your trust and benevo lence. sh o res o f the Se a o f Ga lilee, assisting the cr o wds sta rving for They will twist yo ur wo a rds nd will threa ten you in rhe mo s o bre a d, pe a ce a nd light ... ardly w a ys. Yo u l l wi experience disgrace a nd We co uld hea r che music of the evening breeze a nd feel hum1l1 a t1o n ... Even so, Jesus wil l be with you a t a ll times. the vibratio ns o f ha rmony chat hovered in the a ir. "Yo will w a l o . k on r ck-strewn p a thw a ys marked Or. Guima raes sto o d a to p a vo lca nic sto ne o n the by 1mped1mencs, bur char will no t be a pro blem for yo u a beach, a cco mpa nied by va rio us te a m le a ders a nd a number bec use yo u are used o o t verco ming o bstacles a nd of a ssistants unkno wn to me. a scending the heights. After a pr a yer an o inted with love a nd faith, o ur ?n a ll situa tio ns, remember tha t yo u a re guests o n a mento r began: pl a n r m transitio n, invited to ma ke it a pa ra dise a fter the co nc "The gre a t and no ble days o f the L o rd of the Vineya rd muous sto rms th a t will shake it. have a rrived. "You will triumph if yo u rem a in faithful to lo ve a nd a o o o o fra ternit o "You h ve c me fr m another dimensi n to w rk with y, pen to comp a ssio n and mercy. the Liberato r o f consciences and yo u ha ve a ccepted rhe task "Go visit the ho m . es where yo u will dwell, pr a cticing .. o f helping build the era o f pe a ce a nd lo ve. p a tience and co urage a lo ngside your future families a "Yo u a re a ccusto med co the ha rmony o f yo ur o w n un ccusto ed to the a st nda rds of go o dness a nd justice, w o rld, where there is no mo re suffering, despair, crime understa nd mg and equ a l ity. o r heino usness. " er y o urselves . be emotio na lly to uched by the "Yo u will face difficult ba ttles a s yo u de a l with vi o lence a go mzrng brothers and sisters that still swa rm on o ur a nd rebellio usness, remna nts o f the primitivism that still belo ved planet. C o m fort them, a nd inspire chem with che jo y o prevails in co untless individuals o n o ur planet. f living a nd with gra tit o ude t God for the o ppo rtunity "Yo u will be a sked co demo nstrate fraternity when for mo ral and spiritual gro w th. conflicts and dis a greements erupt. Yo u will face o utright "Yo u will be the salt ofthe earth, . mainta ining its ca ste animo sity amo ngst ch o se with who m yo u will live. Yo u will m ord:r to ma ke the da ys o _ y u live in the so ma tic bo dy better. have co be a r the pa inful weight of the co nsta nt dissatisfactio n Yo will experience the limitatio ns o f the physica l o f chose that will be pa rt o f yo ur family a nd a ctivities. You body, try111g to tra p yo u in rhe heavy ro bes o f ma tter; o will use the instruments o f friendship co struggle a ga inst h wever, during yo ur ho o urs f physica l rest, yo u will return

138 139 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomena de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco to our sphe re of action, whe re you will be comforted and sl e p mo ing_ a bout in our world of vibrations without th e l i ghtes e ncouraged to continue your missiona ry ende a vor. t inkling of it, inca pable of any lucid conta ct a nd im e r "Amba ssa dors of th e Good, re main in the battle for sed in their usu a l intere s ts, holding on to th e sa me pa ss1 P ac e , alwa ys loving, a nd ne ve r arme d with any e motional 0ns and sentime nts a s whe n awa ke in the physica l body weapon of be llige re nce or animosity. At oth r.tim e s, howe e . v r, I cou l d se e th e lights of trul; h e "Welcome to the e arth! 1g ord r spmts that visited e th ea rth, coming or ret urning,. e a e II k e d'I in· e "May God bl ss your ministry pl nn d by Jesus!" 1·ig h ts blessing the va st a d rk night inva din g th e The re was a sile nce compose d of joy a nd hope. pla ne r in th a t are a. Other supervisors made brie f comments conce rning the ph e nome non of re birth, using ma terial written by the be love d gene ticist, re fe rring to some proble ms with fertiliza tion and conce ption whe n the e gg stays a ctache d to the wall of the ute rus. R e fere nce s w e re made to the gr e a t achie ve me nts of mode rn sci e nce s tha t study human re production, and sugge stions we re ma de th a t prayer, as the scie nce of e xcha nge with the Divine , be us e d a s much a s possible . After introducing the progra m to all the future re inca rnate s a nd us, th e workers involved in the pr e para tion, we mingle d with gue sts a nd othe r te a ms, addre ssing conside rations a bout the unusual e ndeavor de signe d for the future. An unre strained joy visite d a ll of us, maintaining the exp e ctation of a succe ssful ente rprise . Th e time ca me for us to re turn to our fi e lds of activity and rest, while the visitors, love ly in a ppe arance and be are rs of wisdom, he ade d for their de stinations. We bid farewe ll to Dr. Guimarae s, with whom w e would not have many more opportunitie s to inte ra ct du e co his gr a ve commitme nts. I w a s a ble to observe a numbe r of incarnate spirits pa rtia lly disenga ge d from the ir physica l bodies through


efore returning, we superficially got to know the spirits who would be under our mentor's guidance, B and whom we would assist with their rebirth in dense matter. According to Dr. Santana, there were about a thousand of them. They would also accompany us to the encampment built by experts that had preceded us. The plan indicated a meeting between the visitors and the incarnates at the first opportunity, and one was set for the following night . .. Throughout the day we conversed with some of them and listened to their wonderful stories about the life they enjoyed on Alcyone. The words in my vocabulary are insufficient for repeating their narrations, transmitted through mental projection, giving us an imperfect idea of the splendor of the kingdom that awaits all of us on the sublime march of evolution. I could grasp what Jesus meant in John 14: 1-2 when he said, "Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions." Ir could be no other way. If the earth were the only world privileged with people, the billions of stars spinning

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pr ep a r e a e e e r o for e e in the univer se, pro ducing a n un e nding , majestic sympho ny ing n w nd successiv g n ati ns th futur of a ha ppy huma nity ... o f cr e a tio n, w o uld be usele ss ... e a e o a o o Inva ria bly, w e ha ve dwe ll e d o n information ab o ut Sp ct cl s f light nd s und in direct c ntact with a e , e l r e r e o r a o r y ga o co nduct diso r de rs a nd o bse ssio ns, suffe r ings o f all kinds, n ur which its f is d ssed in p ci us, vib t rb c e f e e s e r a incomplete ne ss, regi o ns o f t r ia l a nd pu r ga tio n, a re a s o f di y and h lp us bl s h with our gr titude; high-quality l a a o e o e n o r a e e xpia tio n a nd unto ld to rme nt a fter the gr a ve. The re a so n we p ys nd p try, not r m ti n living lib ries fill d with o o k e a th e e s o o e o r o e ha ve do ne so is in ord e r to a wa ke n the sl e e ping co nscio usness b s that b r imag f ch s wh w te th m e r e o e o a rie s vi r tua l a e o f inca rna te spi r its committe d to wro ngd o ing inste ad o f includi g th i moti ns; vid libr and im g o e a o e r a e rio r tel e isio n br o a s inne r re ha bilita tion; sai l ing a ga inst the current, inste a d of n sp ci l c mput s, nd sup v dcast a o e r o e e o he a ding for the sa fe po re... Howeve r, regarding physica l a nd communic ti ns - all m ant fo the enn bl m nt f a ls a n the ir inne r a c ieve ments ... spiritua l co nstitutio ns o f happy wo rlds, w e l ack the wo rds to individu d h e e a e o o o a a e to r ybo tr a nsl a te th e ir be a uty a nd ha r mo ny. Th r r also r ms, n t lways avail bl eve dy, e e e a e e e o o a l a b a a In o ur sphe re o f spiritua l actio n, fo r e xa mple , the wh r th p st xper i nc s f the l c inh it nts re a e e o e e a e to a o e la ndsc a pes a re r ich with inco mpa r able ton a litie s, sunrises rchiv d. Th nly on s that hav cc ss them re th s o a a a a a e o f e o o o a a nd sunse ts imbue d with lights o f indefina ble hue s, ga rde ns, wh h ve tt ined signific nt lev l v luti n s th t o e a e a th e o springs gushing crysta l-cle a r w a te r, fl o wers in multico lo re d c s lting th p st, th y can pl n future, overc min th e ir ... ga rla nds a nd swe e t, pe ne tr atin g fr a grances, scho o ls a nd mnermost conflicts e o f e a a b e ma g de hon o ri th e ate rs fo r int e llectu a l and mo ral tr a ining, exe mp l a ry Lif is a hymn imm sur l nitu ng th e C r eator . ho spita ls a nd sana to riums tha t will inspi r e future buildings e o e e a a o o e ear a alre a e a a a l e Ev n w en '.t i p s s r h bilit tion thr ugh suffering, n th th - s is ady h pp ning - nd rc g l ries 1:1 the be a u y e re wa r d e d, o ffe ring hope in a ll ge nre s, whe re fin e artists hone the ir skills in order to t of J snc 1s ingly express a d opp o to l a o ntrove r tible de mo nstratio n re nde r ch e earth a pa radisia ca l pl a ne r... n rtumty a l, n inc a e e ists e e y e e e se ting e lf, a cco r ding to La bo ra to rie s for pl a nning a nd pr o je cts for disco vering ch r nl l v v r wh r , pr n its ea a a n o e ty's e ve o evo lutio n, a s th e e ssence the L a ws ch a t go ve rn the pl a ne t and th e cosmo s, dilige nt ch md1v1du l s d s ci l l f of life, funda me nra l for preser ving the immo rta l spi r it. w o rk t o eradic a te ch e disea se s a nd disord e rs that sti l l _ In th e ir na rr a tio ns, the ne w ali e n fri e nds spoke o f pr e do min a te o n the pl a net, a nd m e e tin gs enriche d with . e o a e e o e e e r ie e de scribe d wisdom e nta iling lo fty discussio ns a nd c o nver sa tio ns a bo ut m r10ns th t w hav n t y t xp nc d. They r e e a a pe o life a nd its e xiste ntia l purpo se ... i id sc nt l ndsc s c mpletely unknown to us, sounds and o e a e e r e e e o o Unive r sitie s for de lv ing into ch e mo st advance d harm ni s we h ve n v xp rienc d, their c nstructi ns a o o a e e o e o o o kno w ledge , prep a r ing t e a ms of spirits il lum in a ted m de f m dul t d nergy, wh s compositi n I c uld n t r a a a ea a a by lo ve and cultura l info r ma tio n with the missio n o f g sp, s it w s sily m nipul ted by the spiritual mind.

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we Th e frate rni ty the y describ e d was sublime i n a way I ma be , with out the e pr sence of th ose who have always e e e i e share d In our had n v r imagin d poss bl . str u ggles and suffe rings ... Th e i nte rde pe nde nt harmony be tween the flora and Th e future , th e re fo re, belongs to us and calls us to advance. fauna highlights the glorified sp i ri t de void of organs that Th e nigh t h ad be come full and sleep had com e ove r br e ak down - althou gh still in the te mporary physical garb, most of th e te rrestrial inhabitants of the are a whe r e we would but with a vie w to th e infinite progre ss res e rve d to it. be op e rating. In one of the ir me ntal proj e ctions, w e could se e a D!stingu i she d spirits . from ou r plane we re in charge of brmg 1 dazzling sanctuary of prayer de dicate d to e xalting and giving ng approximate ly 250 _ coupl e s, partially dise ngaged e e e e e i tu de from th e h thanks to God, and wh r th guid s of th first-magn ir p ysical bodie s through e sl ep, to our encampme nt. star communicate w i th one anothe r, glor i fying the Creator. Th e y we re lovingly brought in natural torpor to the addition, what also grabbed my atte ntion was the huge pavi li e In on res rve d for th e m, e wher th e y awake ne d e i ge ntly continuous activi ty, th e ce asel ss work of spir tual growth, maintaini ng th e re lative '. lucidity of their parti cular be cau se u se lessne ss, idlene ss and e njoyment wi thout maki ng e volu ttonary state.

a contributi on ar e de ceptive constructi ons from si ckly lways accompanie . d by one of those in h bnngmg c arge of thoughts and e motions. th e m to our sp h e re and caring for them while th e e In talki ng with some of the more acc e ssi ble ones, we r , th e y be came aware of what was h appeni ng to the m. were told that reincarnati on would some how e ntail a grand Late r, they would recall such occurr ence as an unus u al e e e e e dre am, whose effort of lov on b half of t rr strial humanity, since th y conte nt would re m ain imprinted in the core • would fe e l smothered in the dense body, limiting the m in e ve ry of the ir being. way. Howe ve r the y had ve ry willingly offere d to contribu te In less than half an hour we w e re all in th e room i e forming to earth's spirit u al de ve lopme nt w i thout cons d ring it to be a large audi e nc e e list ning to e xplanations b; a te rri ble sacrifice . D r . Santana. To leave their realm of sple ndor for on e of darkness, even !he future reincarnate s were first made comfortable in ie e e e one wmg if for a br f p riod, was a living d monstration of th power of of the huge auditoriu e m; w assistants we re se e on the at d love , just as Je sus had done, inv i ting us to do the same . opposite sid e , and th e e e r c nt arrivals from th e physical re alm The large amount of information the y transmitted were se ate d in th e middle . e e e e '?1e to us during th tim before our first ndeavor togeth r emine nt ge ne ticist be gan after a cordial gre e ting: indelibly impre gnate d my inne r be i ng, providing me with We are all gath e re . d here for th e first spiritual contact the dream of some day re aching one of those dwellings m order to define i gu de lines for the future. e i e e e e mys lf, naturally accompan d by lov d on s from th long "Al! of yo u who h ave be e n brought he re nourish th e evolu tionary journe y, for the re can be no paradise , where ve r de sire to pr ocre ate , some ofwhom have already e xpe rie nce d it.

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a a "A new er h s begun for earthly society and, due to rotecting them from the initial a ssa ults of their pa thw a y, your persona l merit, you have been invited to pa rticipa te in like w a tchful farmers defending their seedlings from th a t gr a nd event. destructive pests. "Your lives ha ve been wholesome; your conduct is "Tea ch them devotion to duty, responsibility, love ba sed on the ethica l va lues of the Good; you a re committed a d kn wledge so that they ha ve the means to fight until to your va rious religious denomina tions, and you are striving victory 1s a chieved. to find pe a ce a nd wholeness ... "The Lord, who ha s ca ll ed you, ha s been taking ca re "It is na tural, therefore, for you to be chosen to receive of you, for you were a reborn t this moment, ha ving been some of the mission a ries of the future a s your beloved children. selected for the fulfillment ofvener a ble prophecies reg a rding a a a the ha p "We are living t very critical time for e rthly py era for the huma nity of the future. society, one marked by violence, mora l w a yw a rdness, drug "P reserve your a a b l nced behavior, your respect for your a a a a pa r ddiction, vice, nd perverse nd destructive soci l norms, a ll tner so th a t you ma y r p ovide genetic resources suita ble in disrespect for the Divine Codes, nature a nd its cre a tures. for sh:ping future ,the bodies of these w a yfarers of the light. "Understa ndably, by imposition from irrevoca ble force ?on t ev r afraid; e love a s sowers in charge of a of the la w of progress, a new world of ha rmony ha s been duty, without thmkmg a bou t immedi a te results. The ha rvest pl a nned, a world which will be implemented slowly as the belongs to the future. dense da rkness of ignora nce a nd cruelty predomina ting "Keep Jesus . in mind a nd heart, preserving the everywhere becomes diluted. se t1ment of honor learned in your schools of religious "You will be pa rt of tha t renewal at a time when faith, convmced, however, of your immorta lity. pa in-fi lled events will afflict countless families and end "You will be introduced to those who will soon be many lives, when sentiments of solid a rity a nd compassion a sleep in your arms, fully delivered into your ca re for the will be la ck ing due to the pursuit of pleasure a nd the ta sks they are to fulfill. esca pe from re a lity. "Ma y the Lord Jesus bless us a ll!" "Nonetheless, you will be educ a ting those who a re Immedia tely a we s w a la rge screen, on which were written a a a a the going to modify th t gloomy l ndsc pe nd open up brightly couples' na mes. Beside the a n mes was a kind of virtu a l lit a reas in the dense da rkness. photo with the name of the one who would be their child. "The children entrusted to you tempora rily will need A member ofour a te m then began to call out t heir names emotiona l and spiritua l support for the desidera tum for inviting them to approach the wide, empty a rea between th which they will be sent to the ea rth. a udience and rhe platform conta ining the he a d table. "Ha ve coura ge and meet the sometimes bitter When the na me of the couple a nd spirit - their future circumsta nces with ze a l for the Good and the Truth, descendant - was called out, the escorts who ha d brought

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the incarnates went o ver to the spirits and led them into "Y u will be temp o rarily . . incarcerated in the co rpo real the large area, where the co uples and s pirits embraced and d1v10g- s u1t t at, for a while, will curtail yo ur beautiful over fligh ts talked jo yo usly. t e sublime land s capes to which yo u are acc u s to med. s o o l o u any o Everything wa d ne in an rder y way with t Y u will experience lo ng ing for the lo ved o nes o o o s o s yo u c mm ti n, de pite the large number f individual being left behind o n yo u r merciful journey, o ftentimes in called in a relatively s ho rt time to meet o ne ano ther. apparent lo nelines s. The lo ving get-acquainted s es sio n wo uld la s t for abo ut "Let me . repeat that y o u will experience t s fifteen minutes , after which they w o uld embrace each o th er und_ers tandings and yo u _ will s uffer the daggers o f before returning to their seats. t nfen o rtty that prevail amo ng terrestrial travelers in their o s o o mo ment Our visit r fr m Alcy ne had been informed ary mo ral backwardnes s . beforehand ab o ut the time req u ired for the fir s t co ntact and "At o ther times , in the . . partial di s engagement o f rh e s tnt o did no t exceed it. ? fr_ m its ph ysical bo dy th rough sleep, yo u will enj o y s s o o time with s After returning to their ear , em ti nally renewed . We will be at o y ur side and will take yo u, alth o h and jubilant about the expectations for the future, we heard ug bnefly, to tho se s anctifi ed places whence yo u have o h o o u co m o the Libera me fr m t e final part f Franz V n S ppe's in rder to renew yo ur s trength and find th e j o y to o co nrmue o w nderful Requiem. y ur redemptive minis try. The mento r returned to the po diu m, and demons trating "Yo u will recall the sublime le s s o ns y o u learned ,,, >' o o n his face the gravity of hi s re s p o nsibilities, he ro ok n y ur ble s sed ho me, _ applying y o ur kno wledg e in advantage of the lo fty atmo s phere o f peace and ho pe: buddmg the imperishable G o o d amo ngs t yo ur terrestrial "My belo ved br o thers and s is ters : br o thers and s is ters. s s s o o u s s "Ve ted with the no ble mi i n y incarnate and "A ph y xiated at times by th e s ick ly fug o f the di s carnates will perform o n the earth, maintain your s erenity ps yc ho s p ere th e planet in _ f transitio n, yo u will lo ng for s o celesual and cru t in G d. v1brat10n s , which yo u will enj o y again o nly when o "Yo u are respon s ible for renewing the bless ed y ur unus ual labo r o f o l ve and s acrifi ce is co ncluded. terrestrial planet as it exit s the darknes s and enters th e :'You will be characterized . in the world by your mo ral qu al s divine light. me , yo ur ps ych o lo gical co ntent o f peace and reflectio n o h o s u s fro m th "Y u ave come fr m a fir t-magnit de tar, where e very firs t days o f yo ur new experience. exalted co ncessio ns o f lo ve reach a po int of unmatched "Mis s io naries w h o have preceded you o n the jo urney happines s , and y o u will beco me immersed in carnal fog, to th ear h are widening the s tudies o n th e ps ych e and s h emo experiencing the difficultie in h erent to t e limiting t10ns tn o rder to o ffer o y u the skilled re s o urces for human co ndition. externalizing o h y ur eritage o f wi s do m.

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"New perspectives o pene to o u ministry "Rejo ice o will be d y r in , w rkers o f the new wo rld! the gifrs of a lo ving ho me rich in tenderness. " o u will be living . . . in the great twilight o f the current "At times pe o ple will try to crucify y o u o n the c1V1l1zat10n, bur you will enjoy the beauty o f the dawn o f a cro ssbeams o f wickedness, but yo u will triumph o ut o f lo ve." new era o f peace and blessings. Discreet tears streamed fro m the eminent guide's eyes. "Cultivate the noble sentiments o f duty, harmo and ny After a brief pause, he co ntinued: the G o od in the vari o us segments o f so ciety, and let "Yo u o thers, who will receive our visito rs as children, and yo urselves be caressed by the spiritual breezes that will carry are co mmitted to gro w with them to ward Go d: be prepared. away heavy vibrati o e ns o f the transition perio d. "You kn o w that human repro ductio n is under severe Blessed with this o o . pp rtunity, begin to plan and impo sitio ns with respect to the o rganic constitutio n, and thmk abo ut love." that the evo lutio nary needs o f each being are designed in the :1e made a very brief pause, and then ended: DNA. N o netheless, it is always the spirit itself who selects Many o f y o u have longed unsuccessfully for the sperm mo st co mpatible with its evo lutio nary purposes. parentho o d ... "Due to the vibratio n it emits, the spirit selects it "Due to reas o n s that have co me from former times yo u fr o m all the o thers and fires it to ward the egg for the have not been able to o c nceive, but pro vided for by th; miracle o f fertilizatio n. mes_seng rs o f Lo rd, the he invaluable achievements o f genetic o o engm eenng will "Heredity is in s me ways linked t the physical help yo u achieve the sacred desideratum l co nst itutio n in a few mo rpho lo gical and biol o gical " ift up yo ur hearts . and go back to yo ur hum n .. characteristics. H o wever, the o ral strata are pr o vided by o bl1ga 1ons, hal o ed m , with happiness and ho pe. the reincarnating spirit. The L o rd be with yo u!" "Maintain affection and respect in your cl o sest Sidereal harmo nies pulsated in the audito rium and in relatio nships so that you may avo id the meddling o f vulgar our hearts. and pernicious spirits, who will try to hypnotize you to make The o f the uides _ reincarnated participants led them yo u adopt vices and aberrations in vogue in marital relatio ns. back to their bo dies, leaving them with lingering mem o ries "We need yo ur healthy co ntributio n to succeed in the of the unusual event. endeavo rs fro m the very start. "Before the rebirths o f o ur spirit guests begin, yo u will maintain psychic co ntact with them so that you can develo p the sentiments o f affection. "More o ften, they will be visiting you, adapting to the planetary co nscio usness and to yo ur emo tio ns.


he beginning of the New Era programmed by Jesus for the beloved planet also foresaw the return of Tphilosophers and sages from the past, some of the ancient prophets, various creators of religions, pre-Socratics, and high-order Spirits from the 4th century B.C., such as chose chat preceded the birth of the Messiah, reincarnating in ancient Rome to make preparations for His advent ... Likewise, the enlightened thinkers of the Neoplatonist School of Alexandria, culminating in the 3rd and 4th centuries with the martyrs, with the self-deniers, the medieval saints, the glorious warriors of the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation, as well as the daring builders of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries ... Among them, the great missionaries of Science and Technology, rendering the present century a veritable sanctuary of love, beauty, charity and spiritual enlightenment ... Indeed, at different times missionaries of the Good and the Truth have lived on the earth so chat there would never be a lack of higher teachings to provide liberation from the shackles of the perturbing tendencies arising from bad inclinations. Presently, however, something special is

155 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition h appe ning in re latio n to th e fo o lh ardy and wic ke d; th o se them superior to h t e rime s in which th e l1 . . y ·ve d , d es 1 ·g ni· ng w h o still deligh t in wro ngdo ing; tho se w h o , despite e njo ying t h e futu re with th eir example s o f sac rif ice . th e bl e sse d o ppo rtu nity o f self-re de mption, are no t caking P nd e ring h t e days o f th e futu re c , I ou ld no t stifle advantage o f it du e to h e ir attu ne me nt to primitivism. The se th e desire o co t t ntribu te in so m e o way t the se missio e o nari s will be transfe rre d to lower worlds compatible with th e m. f th e G o od. I o v wed ro inte nsify my o eff rts to se rve be tter h o e e e h e at l east u On t s new battl fi lds, they will bring t d ring th e pe riod of pre paring for th e ir rebirths i kno wle dge th ey amassed o n the e arth , and th e y will e ndu re the ph ysical bo dy. th e co nse quence s o f th e ir stu bbo rn pe rsistence in crime and As I talke d with my de ar frie n o . d Iv n, w e e xpre ssed ou r he o u e u h e u h co e o se ntim e in sn ss ntil t y f lfi ll t eir mmitm nts t spiritual nts and p o ndere d the great, unkno wn battle s that growth and are able to re tu rn to M o ch e r Earth to take part w u l d be fo u ght, as, incidentally, _ h as be e n occu rring in the o u o dai ly l ive o in its pr gram of s blimati n. s f all no ble lives devo e t d to du ty and tr u th. A tru e spiritu al re vo lutio n h as bee n go ing o n in th e At this po inr, we w e re invited by Dr. Santana to visit u w o rld o f c au se s - th e spirit w o rld - so th at th e advent o f lo ve n mber o f co uple s who h ad agre e d to re c eive brothers and and ch arity, go o dne ss and m e rc y may take place grad u ally, siste rs fro m A l c yo ne. in ac co r anc e with a very w e ll pre pare d sch e du le that c an On ou d r first visit, in the city of Belo Horizo nte , no lo nge r be po stpo ne d. w wenr to a co mfortable re side nc e in on e o f its u psc al e In fac t, luminarie s o f intellige nce and lo ve h ave ne ve r e i gh bo rho o ds, wh ere all was si l e c n e. Th e co u ple was asle ep e e c o h e e o o c In the stopp d r in arnating n t e t rr strial w rld pe ri di ally to be r o o m, partial ly disengaged fro m th e ir ph ysic al c ontinue th e ir labo rs, th e ir inc re asingly re f ine d sp e cialtie s, bo dy d u n ng physio l o gic al sle e p, o dial g u ing with th e o ne who bringing pro gre ss and h appine ss to hu man be ings in th e would be th e ir firstbo rn. o c e o c e o T h e o pr ss f as nding t ward God. sp u ses had be e n u _ str gg l ing u nsuc c essf ully Conne ct e d by l o v e to t h e w o rk o f t h e plane t's to conc e ive . e e c u e o e h e e e e h The h int ll t al and moral d vel pm nt, t y hav b n s ining y ad c onsu l ted seve e ral xperts and the answer o h c e h e e was l w stars n dark nig ts, de r asing t darkn ss and bringing a s d sc o u raging: th e r e did no t se e m to be any h o h e ce e c o ph s10lo 1c l lig t t t l stial an py ... g a impe dime nt in e h it er of the m; ne verthe l h ess T h ey are the o ne s w h o d o no t le t us forge t o ur t e u- chance s w e re nil . commitme nts to th e truth . The y are e xample s o f se lf le ssne ss Upo n rece iving h e t su gge stio n th at they try in vitro and devo tio n t h at e nric h u s with kno wle dge and lo ving fercili ation, th y had agreed and e e w r preparing for th e vibrations so th at w e may no t gro w faint in o ur pe rso nal co mmitme nt usmg c are ful, sp e cial ize d treatment. stru ggle o m e o m o u o th e s o h e The o l s ... S an ny s, r kn w n, t ey ar y w u d make the ir e . first att mpt th e very ne xt day, u h charac terize d by th e mo ral and spiritual condu ct th at makes smg t e sp e rm o f the e e ag r would-be fath er.

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Considering the merit of both spouses, two spirits from districts of the same town, I asked the doctor about in vitro the New Era team were appointed to be reborn through the fertilization or test-tube babies. special process. He patiently explained to all of us chat the always- . Thus the couple displayed unrestrained eagerness as merciful Divinity incessantly sends His ambassadors to the they conversed with chose that would be reborn through earth to facilitate scientific and technological progress in genetic conjunctures. order to provide humankind with skilled resources capable As Dr. Santana knew what was planned for the couple, of helping them reduce their affiictions. he proposed that we initiate the preparatory, auxiliary therapy, "Science and Technology join hands all the time," he inviting us to pray to the Lord of Life for the future parents. informed us, "contributing to a happier sociery. Moreover, After he offered a moving prayer, bio-energetic missionaries of love are sent so that the sentiments of resources were applied to the sleeping bodies of both partners kindness, mercy and fraternity may reign where there used in order to facilitate the production of heakhy sperm and to be wars of extermination. Ofcourse the horizontal victory ova, enabling a successful fertilization. of c ltur l and technical values is easier than the greater, In spite of the precautions taken at the time, we vertical VICtory of love toward God, which is why there are noticed the presence of some afflicted spirits that had still heinous wars of every kind. rushed to the couple's residence when they learned about to the birth of Louise Brown, the grand _"Thanks the plans for the visitors' rebirth, as they were, in one way expenment of fertilization outside the human body was ! or another, emotionally connected to the couple. In fact, uc e_ssful in 1978. It was a highly meaningful step for • it was an abortion in the past chat had created the present rnd1v1duals unable to achieve conventional fertilization, difficulty. Although the couple had recovered from the enabl ng t e transfer of embryos to women suffering crime, the consequences remained in the wife's perispirit, from rnfernle or obstructed tubes. With time and the making it difficult for her to conceive ... One of chose aborted perfecting of the techniques, it was possible to address candidates had been a rejected son, and even though he other problems that hindered the glorious achievement was no longer resentful, his return was not feasible at the of motherhood. moment due to the current plan. "In vitro fertilization requires special precautions, With much tenderness and kindness, our mentor starring with therapeutic procedures that induce ovulation explained it to him and reassured him about his own future, so that several eggs ripen, which will allow follicular growth. when he too would reincarnate, enjoying better resources for In special cases, specific drugs are used, which did not occur personal progress. in the case in question. When our task with chat couple was over, and as ''After this painstaking process, the eggs and semen we were headed for another home in one of the oudying are collected almost simultaneously, more or less in the same

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o th s t o o h fulfil l their o peri d, and after e analy is and selec i n f c e former, c mmit ments as missionari es of th e Goo d o n ins eminat io n with che cho s en s perm t akes place. be h alf o f humankind. o s "Special atcenti n is maintained for three days ide i n vitro fertilizat o _"Al ng i n, th e admirabl co nt n e afterward for t he transfer o f some o f th e sperm to the uterus. button o f wo men enno bled by love, wh o lend th eir o s s s t t o wo mbs for "Th is en t ire pr ce require perfec iden ificati n the develo pme nt o f embryo s and t he emergence o t uses f of maturity o f th e o va. This is ac h ieved by examining th e e up to th e moment o f h birt , ca l l ed p a id surroga te mothers h s t s mce follicular fluid extracted for ch is purp o se. W en the exi ence charge for the proces s o ?ey , is f indisputable v alue. h o o h o f mat ure eggs in a specialized culture is co nf irmed, eac ne T elp someo n achieve o m therh o o d, emailing, o th o n o f them is in s eminated wit h approximat ely 100,000 s perm. e t er h and, the r bt:t h o f s pirit s , wh ile a large segment h o f societ o t s "Approximately fifteen to ninet een ho urs after t e y p for cnmmal abo t o _ r i n o r uses th e so -called s o o mo n mg af pr o cedure, a micro sco pe is u ed t check for fertilizati n, ter pill to s to p t he pro c s _ e s and develo pment o f ferr_tl1za t wh ich can be co nf irmed by the pre s ence o f male and female 1 n, h es e s elf-s acrifi c ing surro gate mo th ers play pro -nuclei. Twe nt y-fo ur ho urs later, th e presence o f pre- a high l y stgntficanc ro l e in building th e new and better s o o o s wo rld o f to o o embryos can be detect ed due to divi i n int tw cell . Only m rr w. o after forty-eigh t to s eventy-t wo hours, wh en there are four, "Alth ugh s cience h as ac h ieved th is feat for no bl e h o purp o s es, h eigh t o r mo re cells, can tran s fer be made to t e w mb. t ere are al ways util i i tar an and opp o rtunis tic ,I "In o ur cas e, we ho pe for th e s ucces s o f two o ut o f pe rs o ns who us e it for financial t pro fit, justifying their ,, e purp o s e as the many t rans ferred pre-embryos to wh ich we will hav a means to mit igate their financial pro blems . Alth o ugh co nnect ed the peri s pirit s o f th e t wo reincarnating s pirit s, we do no t agree with s uch co nduct, we do no r o ppo se th who will ch o o s e, thro ugh s pecial vibratio n, the s perm chat em becaus e in some o c mprehens ible cases th ey will offer ch em th e specific ch aracteris tics for th e tas ks are benefactress es of humanity. h as signed to th em in th e ph ys ical existence. "T e mo s t curi o us th . ing often o ccurs w h en, in co e 1s t "The pre-embryo s wit h no link to future reincarnating ence with the re i ncarn t a ing spirit, th eir do rmant s en s pirits will have no purp o s e and will be auto matically timent s o f mo therh o od awaken, and after giving birth eliminated." th ey bec o me emo tio nal ly attach ed to t he dear being and refus e o iv T h e kind genet icis t paus ed for reflectio n and then t g e it up ... In some o h f t es e ca s es, we have s ee that the n co nt inued h is amazing explanat io ns: reincarnating s pi o rit is m re co nnect ed to h surrogate c e "Once s cho lars of the many s cientific doctrines mother th an to th e real parents. s eek ident ificatio n with s piritual revelatio ns , letting "I t t urns our th at no o ne can circumvenr the sublime h is th ems elves unders t and th e mech anis ms that build and mec an ms o f th e co s m s ic law ch ar go vern t he universe and h main t ain physical life, it will be much ea s ier for th em to uman be ings . Us ual l y th e transversal paths to which many

160 161 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition in dividuals resort to shirk respon sibility lead them exactly the study o m ss: "In natur , nothing is created; nothing is to the destiny mean t for them an d not to the places where ! st; everything ts transformed. Even though it was recen tly they would like to en joy useless n ess ... discovered that there is always a loss of mass in the reaction "Our participation an d that of the devoted workers of a substance releasi n n g e ergy, in no way does that alter the n n i n n . We co n ten con ected with our e deavor w ll ot be permane t t of our thi n kin g co n cern n i g the un iversal harmon y on ly take part in special cases, for ever since the latter years or the Laws that maintai n it." of the last century our brothers an d sisters from Alcyon e A n atura n l sile ce en sued, in vi ting us to deeply ponder have bee n reincarnatin g quietly on the earth, becomin g the Divine purposes. expon en ts of kn owledge an d maki ng a great cultural an d In the programming regarding the reb i rth of the spiritual co n tribution . As the years have passed si n ce the first sp i rits rom Alcyone, considerin g that they have n o negative occurren ces, we are n ow experien cin g the period of en masse commnmen ts on the earth, the setti n g of goals for rebirths reb i rths, as well as the le n gthy purge of unfortunate brothers for payi ng off moral debts from previous existences was an d sisters co n nected to rebelliousness an d brutality in their un n ecessary, as was always the case in the co n ven tion al cases futile attempt to prevent human happi n ess. Likewise, as the to which we were accustomed. years go by, a sign if icant number of obstinate spirits will be In t e Department ofReincarnation, charts drawn up se n t in to temporary exile to contribute to the development of ahead of time portrayed healthy organisms, although subject beings on their n ew homelan d, before return in g to the earth to the n ormal decay of energy, as well as occurrences of less in triumph after havi n g clea n sed themselves of the serious seri ous ill n esses, such that for their en tire time the sp i rits imperfection s that had impeded their evolution . could devote themselves to the upliftin g labor of fratern ity, "It has bee n that way si n ce the dawn of the human study, an d application s of proposition s con cern i n g individual races on the earth, when mission aries oflove an d kn owledge moral and spiritual progress, as well as that of the planet. from other mansions in the Father's House plu n ged in to the Bri n gi n g from the dimen sion when ce they came the pla n et's darkn ess to offer their invaluable k n owledge. treasures they had acquired in the process of evolution, 'Hence everything is useful; everything in nature is they were not exiled for the purpose of rehabilitation, but linked together, from the primitive atom to the archangel, who were volun teers of love contributi n g to rhe happiness of the also began as only an atom - an admirable law ofharmony, human lives amon gst whom they would be reborn. which your limited minds cannot yet grasp in its entirety!' Theref r in . most cases the care with regard to n rebuths Thus the high-order spirits responsible for the Codificatio was limited to the gen i et c co n tri bution s from the ir of Spiri tism an swered Allan Kardec in n umber 540 of future pare n ts so that the ca n didates' perispirits could The Spirits' Book. This in terconn ection had already been mol their in tellect n ual a d moral n eeds, experiencing the perceived by A n toin e Lavoisier in his famous quote about environmen tal co n jun ctures, but also developi n g their

162 163 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco co mmitme nts without major imp e dime nt s resulting from th e re ne wal of milli ons of sp i rits wh o we re sc1"ll igno. r e r or e r b out_ t h e ant th i ganic machin y. Laws o f Life, as w e ll s o a the rs who w e e me x r still Thus pr e para tio ns fo r artificial inse mination in the tncably e ntwine d in unfortun a te mo r al de bts. cas e above continue d with the supp o rt o f Dr . Sa ntana and We could e e s th e nume r o o us gr ups of worke fro o rs ou r re am. le be came reality days lac e r, whe n it was po ss ible to m ur sp h e re and o e th rs und e r th e high co e mmand f tr ansfe r the e mbryo s wit h th e ir re s pe ctive spi r its co nne cte d, J sus o e r at i g t on he pl a ne t to cre e at a ps ychosphe e s e e r o e e co pat1ble sub qu ntly giving p o f of th pr gnancy. wuh th e requir e me nt o s f the tr ans for mations The joy that fille d the couple whe n the two we re co ld takmg e r o lac th ugh suffe r ing, as e w ll a s th r o ugh th e e e s e e a e e r o e r e awake 111 o of th succ s b cam c l b ation f lov and g atitud to g f consci e nce s by e a m ns o f knowle e a h dg nd G o d th r o ugh pr a ye r, in which we par ticipat e d ch a t night t e bl e s smgs o f ch ar ity. i r i whe n th e y we re pa rtially dise ngage d du r ing s le e p. Sp tis t gr o ups de vo e t d to th e tr uth and o e s w rkers Bo ch the futur e pa r e nt s and the reincar nating twin : pons i le for th e ge ne ral go od be gan rece iving specific r t r e a o mfor ma o spi i s we e csta tic, di lo guing e xcite dly a nd c nfi de ntly t1 n abo ut th e conduce o f th e ir me mbe rs - which e a e t e r r r o by th e wa y, a about th pl ns conc rning h i spiritual g owth th ugh h s alwa ys be e n t he e cas - i n o rde r to cr e at s e o o o r r e s r e r r e e th e me nra tudy, d dicati n c w k and un t ict d su nd r to l a d e motio na l climate to face th e i ncre a s ing e e e r r e e e r t e numbe rs th Divin M cy chat p ovid s v ything wi h balanc of disas te rs, a cce le r ati ng th e gr o wth of live s in a nd wisdo m. love and pe a ce . e B a se d on this and othe r e xpe r ime nts invo lving a nwh ile , re co gnizi ng the continuing tr a ns forma tive .. o e r e o o e o r r a o e a t 1ons, e r families fr m diff nt s ci c nomic anks, O . Sant na ? : p ve rse s pir i ts conne cte d to ma dne ss o r its s tate d that s o e en v1ct1ms_ we r e fe r e it wa n w feasibl to chink about masse v ncly at wo rk, de ve _ loping me chani sms o f re ca r na t ons, ob e y g, e ve r e de te r mina o of aggr s s10n aga in i in how , th ti ns msc all th o s e who e e w r re s po ns ible for th e th e Lo rd of Life ... o ngomg ch ange s. As we worke d at ou r tas k, we le ar ne d a bo ut the most e r ly o xp rganize d pitfall s , s e r e t ot ype s of pl e as ur e , do lo ro us co lle ctive dis car nacions as the result o f t he plane t's and s t1mul1 o h f t e se nsa tions e e w r inspi r ing o pinio n o o s e o o t e s e make rs h e c nvulsi n and its g logical adaptation. M st of h and mass me dia i o e _r n rd r to di s r upt th e march e s s a o o e r e o r e e r o f pr ogr e ss r involv d pirit th t w uld n long b reb n on th a th but, , inc e as i ng e xce ss e s o f all kinds , e spe ci ally w i th du e co the Law o f progr e s s , wo uld be tra nsfe r r e d compuls or ily re s pe ct to se rvile , easily acce s sible pl e asur e s . co a wo r ld co mpatible with the ir le ve l o f e volutio n. s idio s e !n u , s cr e tive co nc a e s l v o rganize d by t h e It a s e r e s e e a e e r e e e ne mie s o f e w caus fo imm n l tion char w w abl th G o od s et ve nge . . . . f u l go a 1s us mg co rr upt po l a co follo w the pr o gr e s s io ns co nce rning th e gr e at tr ans itio n mc ! bo die s infiltra te d by many o f t he ir membe r s, who s a e o e e s s e e r e e have re r lowly caking pl c n th bl d a thly Hom , ntailing mca nate d in th a t are a , as well as in t he vari o us

164 165 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

re ligio ns , th e arts a nd othe r social se cto r s , in o rde r for th e m o f heino us e n s s , savage ry a nd pe rmiss ivene ss , lea d' to w a llo w in t he mire o f mo ra l chao s a nd s timuli a ga ins t d egra d .o 1ng to at1 n a nd e xha usti o n ... o e s o me be ha v io rs , s pre a ding disc redit, disre s pect for Pa wh l rents a nd e duca to s have r suddenly beco t s o e me assaile d la ws a nd duties , in t he lust o f accumula ing re urc s that by_ do ubt s a bo h i ut t e mportance o h e f t mo r al e du a o e o a e a e a s a r a o a e e o ch e c ti n o f ar n n-tr nsf rr bl t di c n ti n, but de d n th l fty 1!dr and s tu e s a d nt s th e y se e th e o a s ring wages wi me a nings o f spiritual e xis t e nce. wh 1 h sickly a th nd sh o cking be o havi rs a re remune r a e r e e o o s e e s e t d i n Fo me nte rs o f wa s o f xt rminati n, f in an t rrori m, d tn me nt of th e e e c nr, tiring profe s i o s ns o f tho s e wh o pe r s e c utio n o f min o rit ie s , o f mo cke ry a nd prejudic e ha v e be co me ex h a us e t d m rh e co urse o f duty. mingled with the multitudes , ins piring cala mitous a tt it ude s T h e two r . . wo l ds of vibr ati o s _ n - the ph y s i ca l a a mo ngst go v e r nme nts a nd citize ns, such that ho pe is rude ly s pmtua l have nd - mcre a se d inte r a ction and ha v e made ea o e e o e e s a e o o e e s o o r it sie r. set a side a nd l fty xampl s bec m m s g s f pr f it r L w- de r sp ir itu e al int rcha nge has be o c me so si mpl e that a nd cra ze d opp o r tunis ts ... any e t a l be h o avi r soon find s a e r lik es po nse i n tune i a a e e s w th It wa s suddenly po s s ible to witne ss an m zing incr as the pmts o n th a t a t vibr o ry leve l . It is l e a c r th at the le vel th a a rr t o s , he no us cr ime s , incle me nt v io le nc e and a la c k e l a t e s to h t in be a i n i t e mo st v io le nt a n d sensua l sense s e o i lil the pr d m nat e s o f a utho rity to st o p them o r cont ro l them, ma king the m ge ner al co nduct . a a a o s e a l ban l nd lm t disr g rded. Ta king with my e fri nd Iv o n, we immedia e o t ly th o ugh t Th e "a nything go es " principle th a t ha s take n ro o t is f h e gr ea t battle ofArmag e ddo n me o nti ne d in the Bible , me ant to cr e a te a clim a t e o f disregard for inte gr it y, ethic a l h c h would e b sympto ma t ic o e f th e nd o f rh e o ld e .. va e s res v a s so e e o s t t g1v 10g a ra, lu , pect for indi idu l and ci ty, d m n ra ing w y to the e n w, bl issful o e a n , tr nsferre d fro the val e o m th a t all the se me a nings ha ve be e n lo s t a nd th a t a ne w, l y f th e wa r s o s a f l r e l's pa s t to the r enti e cu r rent pl ane t. unc o ntro lle d e th ic ha s come to be the s ta nda rd o f behavior Thr e a ts o f the e . nd o f th e wo rld, e a cr ting fe a r in fra gi e e e o s t a mmds e l for th s m unfortunate d ys ... an mo t io ns, have e _ b gun to cause dre a a a d, nxie ty In fact, a massiv e wav e o f pe ssimism h a s co me nd de s pa r, JU s '. St a re aso ns for using a ll se nsatio ns as a way to pr o mine nce in the o ce a n o f live s, a nd yo ung pe o ple to fo r ge t e a lif nd it s ills have ass umed a pro mine nt o e c th e va r l in e spe ia lly, without w o r thy le a ders hip or guide line s rio us so cial gro ups . fo r st a bility, h a v e be c o me v ict ims sele c t e d for the ir M e diums h w o had co mm i t e t d th e ms e lv es to th e repres e ntatio n as he ir s o f the future . lofty re s p o s i bility o f using th eir faculty focus e d o n Licenti o us re v e lr y, le wd, v ulga r, vi o lent and de ce itf ul J e s us ar , wahout re a l i zi ng i t in h e t se diffic ult time s, TV pro gra ms, mo v ies a nd pl a ys ha v e bra inw a she d pe o ple a bando n10g h e r caution reco mme nded by the M a s te r a nd into chinking that o nly ple a sure at a ny pr ice is w o rth A l la n Ka e y rd c, a nd have be o e c m e ngro sse d in a l e s o s l b tt f it, a nd ha v e be gun co re nde r t he ea rt hly s tage a place 1ek y co mpe tit o see i n, king po si o o ti ns f distinctio n wh il e

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making themselves instr uments of frivo lous spi r its who As pr o mised, He has been sending, in this mo memo delight in pr ophecies of te r r or and confused r evelatio ns, so ma ny · f a m·ict10ns, th e C o mfor ter' who had al rea dY b r r r r o in th e r een through which they t y to int oduce thei false info mati n ld ro◄r ove r a centur y as a constellation of hi r o r r er der g h- into the Spi itist m vement, c eati ng misunde sta nding spints so that the da r kness could be definitive! y d"lI ute d and disor der . befor e the divine sidereal light. Mutually attacking one anothe r in an exchange It was impo ssible to hold . . back the tear s or r emain o f vanity bo r der ing o n pride and ar r ogance, they fo r get rnd1ffe r e m to the sublime appeals of love. ab o ut se r vin g the Spiritist cause, using it for their own conflicting pur pose s, which they conceal to exalt the to r mented and unhappy ego . Champio ns of senselessness a r e invading social gr oups and ar e acqui r ing pr estige th r ough well-develo ped, unscr upulous cunning, acting freely and inciting the insane leader s o n thei r cou r se towards the abyss ... This is all r elated to the r esp o nse o f the Darkness or ganized against the pr ogr amming of the peaceable Lamb, I Who do es not fight back against evil, but pr oceeds with I metho ds of love in His desi r e to pr o mote humankind's pr ogr ess and thei r te r r estr ial cr adle. In ou r r eHections on the following nights, we could see the ca r avans of luminaries descending to wards the ea r th with the sublime missio n of facilitating the r eincar nation o f the new guides of the futur e alongside the immigr ants from Alcyo ne in a tr ue symphony of blessings. On one of these occasions, when, completely silent, ou r group was o ut in the open air, I contemplated the glitter ing canopy o f stars and silvery moonlight. Our mentor invited us to p r aye r , pr o po sing that we totally surr ender co the Heavenly Fr iend who came two thousand yea r s ago to brighten the great night with the luminescence of His ineffable love.


ght after Dr. Santana's heartfelt prayer, soft ranscendental melodies wafted through the ragrant air of nature, penetrating us deeply and bringing us to tears. The night had become a backdrop of unusual beauty, and the park, with its trees and flowers, where we were gathered on the beloved planet, received a pilgrim light, which descended upon us, enveloping us and creating a most I healthy psychological climate. f Our benefactor stood in chis blessed psychosphere, • absorbing the gentle vibrations, and enriched by the reigning emotions, began to clarify: "Dear brothers. "Jesus has been our sublime Friend and Mentor, our Guide and Model from the very beginning, leading us to happiness and building the Kingdom of God in our hearts. Nonetheless, each one of us is responsible for setting the course to follow. There are chose who prefer the flower-strewn paths of the magic of illusion, but chose flowers soon demonstrate their fragility by withering when touched by reality. Many ochers choose disenchantment due co a few natural failures and they descend into che pit of discouragement,

171 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / OivaJdo Franco - Planetary Transition

s ur r e nde r ing t o us e le ss n e s s and c omplain in g, w it h whic h o m a t i body, c i n g c on flict s rodu and un c e rt aint i e s they be lit tle e xis te nc e . Still othe r s are enthus ias t ic at the start it s realuy re about sulting from s mi guide d be h r t s n e s e c avio s in t h e s bu oo giv up a th y fa e c halle n ge s and diffic ult ie s , and "F s pa t . or t h"i an cl ot h e r e s n a o s, som e spirits we lastly, a fe w s tay de t w r n e r e , ake ne d vo ed, o ki g th g ound, r moving a lack of mor al s e by tr ng t h for fa c in s r g t uggl e s, le t th e s ton e s , and impr oving the pat hw ay so as to make it e asie r to be d r a e ms e l v e s gg d to t he c liffs of darkne s s, over c ome follow by thos e in the re ar . be cause by hatre d of th e c om plic a te d, unfort un ate si tu t "The unavoidable law e n e r e a ions in w hic h of volutio is in xo abl . they a_r e e n e he s °: d, truggl i ng aga n s i t th e i mpos it s How e ve r, it utilize s the re s o urc e s of each w ayfa re r , w ho e volut10n as ,fit ion o f ere po s s ible t o impe e c d it, and pr e ve n i hoos e s w hat seems be s t, cert ain or n ot of t he ultimate ot he rs from e t n g volvin g by c re at n i g obs tac le s fo r t he r esults . Having assume d this responsibility, su c h individuals e m." Tu r w as a ge ntle quality of e nc n t e e c r e ha me nt i n t e b gin to liv ac o ding to the ir c hos e n dire c t ive s , s ubject to b ne fac tor s s e h p e c h. His fac e s hone with an n the c ons e que nce s of t he ir decision e e e r s t e e s 1·,g h w u k n own . Th s f a les rav l r t, h"lI e t he a m e bi nt har m on i e s c r be ame a frame w p oce e d on the ir jour ne y like an ar r ow that has be e n s hot fo r hi s wor ds . ork and cannot re t urn as it he ads to w ar d it s mark. None he e s e e t l s , ? pl con c e ntr i n ! at g on his c on e s c pt , we follow e s de pe ndin g on th e ta r ge t, the y can redo future s hots by re as oning w d hi uh spe c ia l inte r e s t. changing t h e ir t r a j e c t ory if the y have dis c r e t e ove d h y After a short paus e , he continue d: miss e d e r n e t e n e w s th ma k o th ir first a t mpt. I vi of it option s , "H w 1:1any t im e s in ou r e vol utionar y his tory v e e art hly e xis te nce , the r e fo re , has thousands of oppor tun it ies we enrhu s 1as t c ha 1 ally as s um e d c om .. mitme nts t o the trut to offe r its me mbe rs . All ha ve th e r ight to err c or re t a ba n h only , ct i and do th e o o e r aft , attrac t e d by th e sm s s e iling myths ub que ntly reac h the ir goal. Mullin g e rr on e ous s it uations pl a s ure . Bel 1e v of mg m our i nde fi n e _ it stay in t he phys ic al ove r and ove r is an unfor tunate w as te of time tha t c ould wuhour c o c body, ns ious ly realizi e ng th pre s e n c e r e s e c r r e c t e s e of infi mitie s an b u d to o t h mi tak ; more ove r , re be llin g an d th re al ity of s c d di arna tion, we e w ar it our with se c ompla in in g in c r e s e s e a c t n s r n ns at ions a th lo d of affli io , p omoti g po1so i n g it with s di orde re d e mot s ion and the a ci r a c hildish be havior that do e s n ot s olve anything. On the c o fl1c t s d ain of of c onscie n e c pu n is he d by guilt and c ontr ar y, it c omplic at e s the issu e du e to th e foolis hne ss of wh1eh w remor s e , e tne d to c onc e _ al, co m plic a t in g th e t he ir re s pon sible ac t s . a_nd ma 111g opportun i ty ou r se lve s unhappy. We a re re bo n "No on e c an s top th e marc h of prog r e s s , w hos e obj e ct nm e s , w r many uh ne w sentime n ts of re n e wal, e mbrac i n is the fullne s s reserve d for a ll t hr ough God's love . re c v e r g ideals of y; ho we ve r we soon stumbl e ove r t he s ame "Enve lopme nt in th e fl e s h, ho w e v r s e c whi c obs tac le s, e , i lik a loud h, du e to in e r a n ti a d imprude nc e we , dare n ot re e that blu r s th e s unlight . It produce s some fo r ge tfulne ss of the from o r p th, mov thus fal l ing into t e h same tr a ps prom ot e re s pon s ibilitie s t he s pirit as s ume d be fo r e imme rs ion in the by t he 1I l us10 d n of ple as ure . Fa c e d with the in e vit ability of

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ne failure s , we finally c ome back incarc e rated in bl e s se d offi c ial through w docume nts chat libe e rat d an y s in n e rs fjrom e i s i s e s i Exce ls is s o that we m_ay t heir · most e xp ation mpo d on u by Love n h in ous crime s by payi n g the amoun t s et for this r i e e n e s n ti e s pur p e appreciate time and oppo tun ty, w ak ing th tro g o .. It went as far as to affirm, for e xample : As so on as to our pr e vious ly c heris hed an imality. the o m m the coffer rings, a so ul from purgato ry springs, in n man y s uc h oc c as ion s w e have found J e sus ternbl e and "O ambitious disre gard for e . th code s of Chris t ·n and we w e re e nthralle d with His li ber ati n g purpos e , His d.1g n 1ty pre c on e e c iv d and live d by Jesus . s s n e c e n e e e e s s , i ncomparable le o s of lov - t r d m rcy and goodn "Amon gs t the se botche e . d xpe rime ntations, we tried i n res s i e i l e s of our to impe e surre ndering to H m, but ot i t ng th mpu s d the advan ce me s nt of cience , vilifyin g those who moral i nfe r i ority, slowly adapti n g His te ach i ngs to our op e ne d the horizon s of thought to truth, knowle dge and i e i e in e e s s fre e dom, s ll git mat t r t . a ifw e c ould fore ve r kee p an e ye on them and sec n e e of H is love , we c onn ec te d ours elve s to up_ obs t d e "I th nam s in th e ir parh, without e e v r re alizin g they we re i e i l powe r; we s toppe d being pe rsec uted on ly to be come be in g faithful mp r a to th e c ommitme n ts e w had s hirke d ... It was pe rs e cutor s ours e lve s ; w e abandone d humi lity unde r the a s yc hologi c al mechani s m for trans ferrin g our frustrations e n c e e n s ie e the with r rob e s of prid and arroga ... W fou d way to al nat ang y ferocity be caus e e th y we re able to ach ie ve what e e mies whom we ought co love , the dis be lieve rs we inte nded we did n ot n have th e c ourage co ac hieve. e e e s n e , n to c onve rt, and th confus d w hould have e lighten d "A d we made martyrs of thous ands of worke rs of n e s s s cre e s e s J e sus and we be gan adve tur of madne , ating th Cru ad , in th e va_riou s se c tors of thought and id e als , s ole ly e s e is i pe rse c utions of th e Moo r s be c aus e th Court of th Inqu tion, the they did not s ubmit to e th will of our mi s guide d • an d Jews , all chose who did n ot s har e our ide as , s in ki n g i nto de te rminations. the abys s of the most di s as trous ab e rrations . We c ulmi n ate d "On the Ib ria n Pe nins . ula, for e xample , followi n g rhe such arbitr arin e s s in ch e name of th e Martyr of the Cros s te rrible e xamples 111 othe r countrie s , in the name of Catholic e s e in e n c s e s i i n als from hege mo with th al of dulg e , rel a ng all crim ny and fide li ty to th e e pop , we us e d our ig n oble c re e their he in ous be haviors in e xc hange for mon e y, whi h was sourc s to remain in th e political, re ligi ous an d cultural se e i i n e s i c and for domai n s c e nt to Rom for bu ld g th Ba li a of Sc. Peter of o i ty, e xpe lling from e th be autiful lands cho s e w e c e the Vat i can tre as ure s e xhaus ted by the wars of Pop e Julius all d he re tic s only be cause they did nor ac c e pt our Jes us ... e s i n in e e s e Ofc o r II, who lived mor itt g th saddl of a hor than on se t e di not ac ce pt s Him a a re sult of the examples of n ch e throne fals e ly c alled St. Pe ter's ... t1-Chns t1an1ty, pervers ity and pre s umptuous n e s s with "Indulgences e e n ie n c ic e e e which e e w r an a c t pra t chat allow th w r pre s e n ted Him, whe e r as H e le t himse lf be r uled Pop e to mitigate or n ulli fy the si n s of th e repen tant fa ithful or by love, compas s ion, me rc y, forgive ne s s . n e e e e c e c s e thos e who i tend d to und rtake cl ansing p nan be au "Long gon e on th e e scal of time are s uch follie s of th e ir wrongful acts. Nonethe le s s, Pop e L e o X made the m but th e ir e ffects s till re ma in in our memory and in ou;

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actio ns. Th e y fre que ntly re appe ar in manife statio ns o f Once mo e r he pause d bri e fl y and o ppo rtunely to fe ro city whe n w e are co ntrad icte d , o f repud iatio n whe n us a chance give to follow his information-lade . . n re aso ning , b e 1oc r.e w e are no t acce pte d, o f re sentme nt when affectio n is co ntmumg h is f ascinating thesis: abs e nt ... And we still be lie ve , unfortunately, that this is "We re call h isto rical informati . o n ass e rting that the be st behavio r. Chnsto e ph r C o lumbus re c e d eiv rhe aid o f th e Spanish e o e e e e o o e co urt, e "Lif , h w v r, r pres nting C smic Consci usn ss, wh n the Catho lic mo narchs Isabe lla I o f Cascil write s the undisputable truth of the Divine Laws on h uman an d Fe rdi nand II ofArag o n we re happy for having e xpe lle; co nscie nces, and th e re is no o ne wh o can e scape its inte rnal t e M o o rs, h o h w ad taken part o f Spain in the past. Eve e e e e e o smce e r pr s nce. That is why we are r aping what w hav s wn. th se ve nth ce ntury e , th co untry had bee n carrying "In this critical mome nt of plane tary and human o ut the so-calle d Reconquista, th anks to which Ch risti e h e e e e and ans transformations, we are witn ssing t gr e at struggle b tw n Muslims kept up the ir perve rse and co ntinuous wars the force s o f th e G o o d an d tho se who say they are me mbe rs o f At th e e nd o f th e 15th century, how e ver, in 1492, e e e e o e h e e bl o o ch th forc s of Evil, ach using th res urc s c at charact riz dy struggle s - espe cially in C o rdo ba and Granada them. While lo ve uses the patie nce that e ducate s, instructio n th e last bastio ns o f invad e rs - e h r ac e d th e ultimate crude; o h d pe r e that enlightens, w rk t at ignifi es, and the renunciation p tra ed by the victo rs. H o me s and lives lay in ruins; h e o o o o e e e h sanctuane of t p is n us passi ns that d bas , hatr d - t e child s of faith and e r ligio us sch o o ls w e re virtually o f spite and bitte rness - so ws rage, enco urage s debauche ry, d estro yed e and th fury o f th e insane o m b, afte r to wns we e e h e e o o e e o e burned r and xtends t ar a f vi l nc in vain attempts t promot and survivo rs hunte d o d wn, ho iste d th e victo ry flag • aggre ssive re spo nse s ... The challe ngers of iniquity assail whe re the Muslim flag us e d to wave . witho ut re luctance all ch o se wh o lo ve duty and progre ss, "The e J ws we re als o e xpe lle d, th e ir synago gues and ho me s se to e e witho se se o e spe ct e scro ye h eking d feat th m ut any n f r for the d, t eir live s re nde re d trivial and sold for their we ight right to live as the y cho o se . m go ld so e th y co uld re main afte r o _t at ap statizing fro m th e ir "Do e s it not remind o o de o s behavio rs in the former e 10 us f ur vi u r lig n, ch anging th e ir old name s to Ch ristian on e s. past? It is there fore un d e rstand able that we ar e targe ts the y We ente r o ed int agre e me nts with o P rtugal to transfe r many want to hit d ue to th e e vil we did to ch e m when we had the of them to o P rtugue se lands, where h t ey we re impriso ne d o ppo rtunity to he lp the m ge t o ut o f the de plo rable situatio ns an mo s tly murd r e d by the domi nant forc e s. In chat dead ly in which th e y linge re d. Th e ir hostile se ntime nts, still alive pe n d, e th Spanish Inquisitio n _ came into be ing, and th e deep within their souls, re s lt fro m the ir re sentments since e d 1e v h u al rng t, which supp o sedl y had vanishe d , pro lo nge d anci e nt time s. Mistake nly, the y ye arn for re taliation and for tts darkness for ce nturies in unimaginable aberratio ns. pe ace at the same time , thinking pe ace will co me afte r they "In o e rd r to e xtract co n o __ _ fessi ns from infid e ls, eve ry have qu e nche d their thirst for re ve nge ." conce iv able barbanc means was e us d, including impaleme nt,

176 177 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco e e h he n o h h e a n e n th e wh e e l , th e rack, an d v ryt ing i us t at t hum lic se s g r an ted o o t c untl e ss so-ca lle d o · . m de rn re Ji·g1 ·o us mi n d ca n co n ce iv e whe n in sa n e . Wo me n we re ra pe d; d enommano n s so h e t y can co nform to th e u v lgarity o f th e se ch ildre n we re kille d or so ld as slave s, se parate d fore ve r fro m da ys ... Th e Ap o o st lic Ro man C a th o li h c C urch suffe rs e e e n hea h e n e e a o h e el e r ly and sick madne th th ir par ts; lt y m w r lso s ld; t d ss o f th e pe do ph ilia o o f s me o f its me mbe rs, priests crue l ly kille d afte r e xcruciatin g torture ... A n d we wo uld say a nd pr e la te s, e e r xp ien cin g a h igh ly e distr ssin g situa tio n, we did it all in th e na me o f J e sus and His do ctrin e ..." be yo nd th e e t mpo r a l po w e r it ha s e o nj yed for mo re tha n Sudde n ly, in th e small ga p be tw e e n se n te nce s, we seve n te e n ce n turie s ... o se e e a r s n h s e ye s, h is vo ice ch o ke d with e mo tion , n c uld t i i " ... A_ d th e disciple s o f th e Comforter: ho w have th e y in cre asin g ou r se n sitivity. be e n be havin g e ? Ar the re no r alre a d n y glari g differe nce s in The onomato po e ia o f n ature were satu r a te d with jo yful lame n ta ble schisms by curr e nts ch a t h e e ad r ro X, y o r z a t fluids th a t re in vigo ra te d us and bath e d the regio n , re n e win g th e e xpe n se o e f th Karde cia n a Codific tio n , fro m which we th e e ne rgie s o f the in ha bitan ts, mo st o f who m we re asl e e p a ll dr w th e e a ib r tin g kno w le dge? o o D n t e rrin g, aggre ssive , n h o e co n e e i t eir h m s. c it d, vi n dictive , pe rse cut ing, and in se n sate me diums h e dist a nce , e mo o n ca st he r ve il o f silve r, app e a r a Off in t th d ily, cl a iming supre ma o cy, c mple te ly fo rge ttin g e e th an d th e le ave s o f th e tr e e s r ustle d in th e ge n tle bre e ze . l sso ns o f th e Exce l e l nt M e dium o f Go d?1r e no l e n o o n n e Th b me t r c ti u d: "Mo r o ver, a rre a e _biz tt mpts e me rge to u pda te Spiritist e r e n e a n e h a e o t oug h w "It is p f ctly u d rst dabl t t th spirits wh t ith dis o r de r inste a t d of j o y, with ridicu lous suffe re d w icke dne ss at ou r hands during o ur rule still ha rbo r displ ays o re o f pr a ch a bl e so cia l e a b h vio r, w ith false ho listic a e o r o o o n d ct, having plu n ge d in to the de e p id e a s tha bad m m y f ur c u t mix diffe r e n t co nce pts in o rde r to a pp e a l to go rge s o f the lowe r spirit wo rld, where th e y st a r te d to gath e r the va r io re us ligious de n o mi a o n n ti s, w ith pa rties an d to ge th e r and build the ir stro ngh olds, tod ay tran sforme d in to pr o f ita ble a c_tivitie s ab o un din g n a o i lc h o l, with se x u a lly a lmo st hellish , tho ugh tran sito ry, re gio n s, wh e r e th e y pl o t se nsua l n da cmg a nd carniva l-like festivitie s to attra ct mo re th e de str uctio n o f C h ristian th o ugh t on the e arth . fo l lo w e rs - spe cia lly yo u n g pe o e _ pl - in ste ad o f e ducatin g "If w e look ca r e ful ly, w e ca n se e how mu ch th e and gu i n e di g th m w ithin the impo o siti n s o f th e ir te mpo ra r y l o rd's me ssage h as de ge n e r ate d, e ve n to day, w ith se cts and yo uth. e o e D v t d wo r ke rs faithful o t th e C o difi ca tio n are de n o minatio n s multiplyin g fi e rce ly, e ach claimin g pr ima cy mo cke d and ridicule d in de ridin o n e g t s as be in g orth o do x, o n o w e e n re o e a n h e h e e f k l dg a d sup macy f th truth, tr nsformi g t w r s e de ide rs call e h _ th mse lve s mo de rnists, as if spirits h e n o n l e n e e o e e r e e e tit i t what i du g c s us d t b ... Mat ialistic mark t r divide d e ithe r mto r st ict or jesti n g, auste re o r playful e o e a e e o e u e n n o n h e e o r s urc s r us d t lur nsusp cti g a d ambiti us t f th e lib e rating e s m ssage o f th e Go spe l o f J e sus custo me rs who wa n t to purch a se th e Kin gdo m with o ut th e ir m the ligh t o e f th Spi ritist re ve la tio n . in n e r tr a n sfo r matio n for the be tte r, in cr e asing th e mo ral 11 Jesus Christ. - I.R.


179 Franco Manoel Philomena de Miranda/ Divaldo Planetary Transition

n he inous e a "Without a doubt, it is the lowe r huma passions that crim of bortion has be come a a . . . n ct of courage n wor t hy of predomin a te in ge n e r atin g the se un fo rtun ate situatio s ... 1m1tat10 n , proclaime d by opi n ion multipliers an d B e side s the m, howe ve r, due to the carele ssn ess of so famous wome n ... n a e the se imposition s, the re is "Like the Stoic time ma n y i dividuals who cc pt s of primitive Chr istia nity, it is e r ist, moldin g the m urge nt to re turn to th e in te rfe r e n ce by minds oppos d to Ch simple, un adorn e d J e sus to th e n e a e th e pulchritude of His te a n a an d in spir in g the m to demo strat wh t th y call chi gs nd His na tura l way ;f l"fc1 e. e n to His in sa n e be lie ve rs. "I tis a sserte that, be e "false hood of th Lamb," tha ks caus of the a dva nce d te chn ology n r e n re ous arenas, a n d and th e gre at _achi e ve m Thus, obsessio is if i many ligi ents of scien ce a nd kn owle dge in ge n e a r n n e r st movement is not e xe mpt, r l, the e 1s no room for a u fortu ately th Spi iti n innoc e nt, lofty way of l"fc1 e e e n n t spirits m. t d ay an d age, e n n be ca use the re ar e a n umb r of r ckless a d ig oran wh , i fact, a n upright life should e r e n e e a e position s of b p omote d _as a natura e a w a n tin g the proj ctio of th go s w ll as l th r py for kee ping pe ople from e a n n e e e e e from co n f licts by e xalting th p de mic of de p r e s impo r ta c to fre th ms lv s sion, psychosomatic illn esse s e d g ne r ative dise ase s, e n e the pe rson ality ... viol c a nd a ggre ssion, a ll sorts of e n n a e e n ce the y foste r c_nm s, an d th e inte rfe re n e "The se i ovations r worrisom si c of low-order spirits in human e n e n e n of he althy and lives, g e n e ratin g obsessions vices an d behavioral lic s i detrim t and v a r ious disorde rs, as re gre tta e ho n or able co n duct in th e se rvice of co n soling human bl as th e y are dolorous ... n e a e e . "We, h e spi r its in e r ' suffe rin g and worki g to r dicat its caus s th Lo d 's se rvice , ch a rged with e r e r a e d in the th p pa r anon of th e e a .t "The sp e ctacle , th efo re, is progr mm new r , are committe d to a wake n ing 1111 r n a e co n scien ces and nefarious re gion s of the lowe r spirit wo ld i h bit d by to working in co n son ance with our r a e l e in our b others and siste rs in e thos e who had be e n our victims nd do not b iev th physical world so th a t rene wal r e miserably, may happen sta r ting n e curre n t value s. Moreove , when they t st us we fail ow, st p by ste p, re con structin g the mora l world n adhe rin g to the ir vulgar and sickly se n time nts. Knowin g our far a d wide , but e spe cia lly within, in the heart n r n r he e ls whence proceed good and bad spiritua l weak esses and so e poi ts - ou Achilles' words and behaviors _ a s the Galile a n - the y us e our vulne ra bility to int r ude in to th e en n oblin g Rabbi put it. n n n n n e of "This is n ot a e programmings of huma co duct, mai tai i g th cliches . simpl task, a s indee d n othin g is when an r n n e re pen tan ce , It comes to lofty va lue s a the vic e s d mi aculous solutio s oflast-mi ut , radic l ch a n ge s from imbala n ces to e or de : , from err r of accepting Jesus at the e nd of on e 's life , wron gfully beli ving or to co rectn e ss. Committe d ro the program r e e o tlm e d by J e sus, le t e the y a e going to h av n ... us pers ver e, giving way ne ither to n r r n a urge nt fnvolo s n ess nor the e n "A revisio of cu e t social beh viors is gild d i sinuation s pr opose d by e vil. 'fe:us, in the re ligious, political, and a rtistic commun itie s, in oday as yesterday, and tomorrow as today is our e r n e motto. V1etonous e which be auty has bee n re place d by th e otic, a d th ov r time , He is wa itin g fo r His mess a ge

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to a ctua lly be lived as ta ught by His ex a mple. ere is no other altern ative bur to a dva n ce on the pa th of victory over 18 the lower tenden cies." THOUGHTS He fin ished filled with emotion , as we bre a t h e d t h e AND soothing a ir of nature's festiva l of stars... PROFOUND A profound silen ce ca me over us, broken on ly b y t h e DIALOGUES siderea l ha rmon ies.••

nthralled by the speech, a nd aware th a t the rime we ha a d ll bee n anticipatin a g h d a rrived, Ivo n a sked the Even era ble instructor: "I believe you might be prepa n ri g us for experien ce that a s re much more mean ing ful tha n our presen t ones; correct? Your expl a n a tions of our responsi bili lead ties would me to believe ch a r our victims are in n eed of us i ., their hopeless n env i ron men t. I Would you mind celli n .. us a bit more?" g We were a ll ea ge r for the respo n ses ro Ivon's timely question . Without hesitation , Dr. Sa n n ta a ga zed at us with a different glow i in h s eyes and co n fi rmed: "Our purpose in presen t n i g such in forma ti on is to awa ken a in ll the senti men t of respon si bility co n cerni n g the un f n ortu ate eve n ts taki n g a pl ce on the pl a n et a nd the wave of despa i r sweepi n g over it. We see the bloody battles resulti n g from intern a tion al terrorism, in which, very in the begi n nin g, E a se a nd West confronted ea ch ocher ... We mustn 't forget ch a t they a re rem n a n ts of the tragic Crusa des, which led Westerners to loot a nd pilla ge a t the comm a nd of fana tica l kings and other sem i-barba ria n s,

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r e sp ading du e to the to le r ance o f pe rm s e s e pty t o mb of J e sus i siv bi ho ps a nd who , in the na me o f de fe nding the m o the r chu r ch autho ritie s ... e s a ving locus ts o n Christ, a dva nce d with thei r a rmi s like t r "Thro ugh the bulls a nd inquisito ria l edicts, e r e s e e lie ved the y c o uld p versity th e cultural tr e a sur es and rich th y b and pe tty inte re sts spre a e o o e e a e a ny d t rr r n th Ib ri n Pe ninsula e o o se th e y de e me d the ir e nemi s, without tak fr m th a e nd s ve ral o the r co untrie s. Igno ra nce - that da u e o o s o n. Rivers of bl o o d ght r f gr o unds for such a wro ngfu l c nclu i s amel e ss ness - to o k to the courts all those that fe e a e d b a rrie rs be twe e n ll into ra n de e p and p r o fo und re se ntm nt r is d_1s r ac du to a co mplaint by o me o e e e e in s n int rested in th e o e s, which should ha ve jo in d ach other _ the tw cultur 1 s v1ct m sp o ils, 1n conco r dance with prel a te s and bisho ps o rder to be ne f it huma nity a s a whole ... . appo 1 nre db y t h e kmgs· o f Cas til e a nd A r a go e a a r esentment n for such "Mo re re ce ntly, ha ste - the child of f r nd pu rpo se s, cre a tin g the misfortune th a t h a s dra gge d e a r o e nd wa r e nta iling - ha s trigge re d o ne more s ha m ful, h d-t - until the se days o f da rkness and re sto a e e e sca la ting r tion ... Th h ino: : thousands o f civilia n a nd milita ry d e a ths, with o rga niza tio wo uld s urvive until it die d o ut in Spa in in 1834 co mplicatio ns each a nd e ve r y da y. -: a ltho ugh it actua lly still o pe rate d until much late a o a a ticism ha s r - nd "Fro m the ve ry first mome nt, na ti n l fan Portuga l thro ugh 1821. And lee's no t forge t the auto-de-ft o e subj e ct to the '.n expande d th r o ughout nume ro us c untri s m Ba rce lo na o n Octo ber 9, 1861, whe n Spi r i t o o e e o e o ur aging tis b ks w r inclement yo ke o f o the r, m o re po we rful n s, enc burne in th e castle e spla nade of tha t Cata la e iva ble a ttacks n city. the pe rve r se us e o f human bo mbs in inconc The lo ve o f J e sus ha s since lo ng ago calle d us to o n the mse lve s and o the rs. . impl e ment a program e e e r o o ' for the to r d m our w ngd ings by seeking "The spi r it a rmie s o f the lo wer r e a lms, which, I t o se who m w e o ffe nde d, torture d a nd led into mi s fortu e . o e pl a ne t, a re led by n • mo me nt, a re sowing he ino us ness n th Smee we are living a t a time of spiritua l de o s o e r th e co mmand fi niti n n victims o f the disgrace ful Inquisition, und the ear th, w e can no lo nge r postpo ne the o o r o e s , who had be e n pp tunity t o f forme r J e wish ra bbis a nd Moo rish ul ma _ co nscious ly se a rch a nd find o ur bro the a s e r e o red to death rs nd si t s in thro wn into infe ste d dunge o ns a nd eith r t rtu mis e ry, who rem a in in the la byr inth o a e o e . s f h tr d." or burne d a live a fte r suffe ring e very kind f tortur "How might we a o ra a e o re o e a s o f fulfill th t pr g mming?" sk d Iv n. "Still wre tched to day, ev e r since the m t d y The kindly fri e nd e lucidate d: e e e r s e cutions 1478 in Sp a in a nd 1536 in Po r tuga l, wh n th p "Co mmitte d a s we are a lo ngside o s s o o e Sixrus IV th u and f ther bega n as the result o f the pa pa l bull sign d by g r o ups of s pirit s w o rking to imple me nt e e a o e Catholic kings, th n w er _ o n N o ve mb e r l, 1478, a t th e re quest f th e spe cially in pre pa ratio n for the r a o o a e s e - the so - reinca n ti n f lumin ri who wanted to restrain - as they did succ ssfully o f the pa s t, as we ll a s o ur gue s ts fro m l o e a e a e r e mo nie s A cy n - we h v ca lle d M o sa ic pr a ctice s in th e form o f rites nd c be e m nir o r ing th e ho stile siege o f the e o e o a s ti le a nd spirits I m nti n d a mo ng tho s e calle d the new Christians f C ea rlie r, m th e ir effo rts to impe de the o ngo ing pro gra m. e e s h a d b e e n A r a go n, in vi e w of the fact that th practic

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"Likewise, high-or de r spi r its of philosophy, art, "We are the humble , anonymous worke rs who are religion and politics of the past - those re ga r de d a s thefathers pre pa ring the soil fo r the major inroads of pr ogr ess so tha t of those fields - will r einca r nate in o rde r to refor mul a te, comfort a nd happiness may glide in tr iumph on the beautiful upda te and le a d to the or igins of the ide a l from which pa ths th a t our calloused ha nds worked when the te rrain was their postulates devia ted, facilita ting the t r a nsition in other difficult a nd une a rn ed." segments of society. Pa using for a mome nt, the fri e nd a nd bene facto r "Dur ing our current ende a vor, we will h a ve the looked up a t the glittering canopy a nd ma de note of the light opportunity to be confronted by those de r a nged spirits that fell with rel a tive speed towa rd the planet, illuminating who, just a s in the old days, whe n area s were designate d fo r the spectacular night even more. ba ttle, will challenge us to hand-to-ha nd combat befor e the "The y a re arriving, g reeted by countless wo rke rs from a ppla use of idle onlooke rs, who remained on the sidelines the M a ster 's harve st fi e ld, pla cing th e m in the homes where w a iting to see who would win in o rder to join their r anks ... they will be re born." Alongside their techniques of indignity a nd villainy, ours There was a longe r pause, leaving nothing els e to be adde d. will always be the instr uments oflove and comp a ssion in the Be ca use morning was dawning, D r . Santa na invite d form of cha rity towa r d all and ourselves, using the helmet us to visit an outlying neighborhood of that sa me city, where of faith and the Barning swo rd of goodness so that victory the suffering was more expressed as socioeconomic mise ry. of We w a lked a mong th e mise ra ble hovels with open I will be that Jesus uncrucified ... " . I Du ring the natur al silence tha t followed, Anselmo a sked: ai r sewa ge . Domestic anima ls wer e bre a king open plastic .. ''.Are we going to continue ou r present ta sk of helping ga r bage bags in search of food, attra cting voracious ra ts pr epare reinca r na tions?" tha t would also attack children slee ping on ba r e, infested "Yes, of cou r se, beca use our ende avors ma y b e seen boards on the ground. as r ehe a rsals for the mass events tha t have already been We we m inside one of those gloomy strongholds and prep a r ed, depending exclusively on the psychic condition I notice d a subtle light coming from a humble construction. of the pl a net a nd the responsibilitie s consciously a ssume d by Pe r ce iving my silent question, the be nefactor e xplained: the pa r ents who will r eceive the noble immigra nts, a s well "Th a t is the residence of Her min io a nd Rosalinda, as the retu r ning mission a ries of the past. a young couple from ou r sphere . The y wer e reborn into "We ar e on the th r e shold of the glo r ious moment poverty in order to redeem former extra va ga nces, a nd h a ve a nnounced by the Lord when he wa s with us, and confi rmed pledged to coope rate with the reincarnation from one of th e by His messenger s down thr ough rime, who ha ve been visitor s from Alcyone. w a iting for this moment for the fin a l construction of the "Adher e nts of Spiritism, they are faithful to the Kingdom ofGod in all hearts. commitments they embra ce d in the spirit wo rld. They got

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o h o n ticed th at the o married a few mo nth s ago after th eir appy reenc unter at visit r emitted very po werful mental h waves h experience co mfo rt t at co ndensed as perfectly a nearby Spiritist Center, w ere they understandabl e symbo l -answers. Th . . . and serve selflessly. e v1s1t o r said he was strongly interested . . . . . • 1·n enJ o ymg h h h h ts· f uture, 11lum1nat1ve "To uch ed by th e teachings o f Jesus, t ey ave t e experience ' bring1· ng yearnings. inner h o o h of reading The Gospel according to Spiritism of lo ve and an immense w les me abit desire to co ntribute to th by Allan Kardec every nigh t before go ing to bed. It has e transforma ion o f the planet and its so ciety, ch at he h a o e a wonderful form of spiritua l study and h as attracted d prepared h imself before bec m coming to Earth 1·11 a spec1a. l o o vess l m· o rder to o b h a significant number of discarnates wh w rk in the area, serve t e l evel o f ac h ievements already h e h ome inro a h aven of rest and renewal . attamed and to ch o o se th e endeavor turning t in which h e wo uld be "Let's go inside." the mo st useful. o space He to The apartment was very m dest and small: a anted be reborn in this stro ngho ld o f suffering and _111 with a smal l table with two ch airs, a sto ve, and a sink need order to h el p it ascend o t a better conditio n th rough h is e orts for cleaning dishes and pans, in additio n to a cramped and actio ns o n be h al f of the advancement o f h bedroo m and a bath ro om - all in a space o f less than 30 t at suffenng co mmunity. We fol l o we h square meters. . d t e interesti ng dial o gue for several h l was great, th e para-physical mmutes, before h e ended with h T e spiritua activity t e statement that h e wo uld co nnect with the ,, dimension much larger th an th e ph ysical , with a significant couple in just a few days, when we would l be present to number of visitors, amo ng th em the members o f our gro up. take part in h is reincarnatio n. .. h o o pl a n e effusively embraced h Guided by t e benefact r, we went int the i is future parents wh o were bedroom. The husband and wife were as leep and partial ly magnetized by his luminosity. Dr. Santana disengaged fro m th eir ph ysical bo dies, displaying so me invited h im to acco mpany us on a visit to o h l ucidity and a co mfo rting jo y. an t er home. The respectable Seeming to know Dr. Santana, th ey embraced h im friend's presence gave a special tone o t gr o up beca_use o and expressed unexpected j o y, external izing th e love o f u f h is radiatio ns, providing us an l i h o h h up fting co nversano n abo Heaven t r ugh its servants on t e eart ... ut life in h is realm. He used th e entered, wh o m I so o n identified same meth o d already referred o Presently, a noble spirit t : wh ile we verbalized o ur tho ugh ts, h e co as an immigrant fro m Al cyone, displ aying an indescribabl e nveyed his th ro ugh symbo lic . h h He described the appiness t at was also transmitted to us. beauty o f the realm in which h e had dwelled re endy, Dr. Santana intro duced h im to his future, ecstatic ntil the pleth o ra of co lo rs cl o th ing nature, h o and the mdescnbable h o parents, w began conversing with him in a special way. arm ny that reigns o n that ho me o f i h l l ndefi nable pr o gres W h ile th e co upl e expressed th eir tho ug ts verba y, we s. He referred to the absence o f suffering

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the fraternity and coexistence in mutual deliverance as we understand it, from th e tr agic attractions and sh a ckles th assistance, the joys and gratitude to the Supreme Creator of the th em bound to the at kee primitivism still preva len t in our socia l an universe, worshiped in spirit and in truth, and the beautiful mor al culture du r ing these . days slowly changing for achievements of intelligence allied with the sentiments. T rymg the berter. to k eep th . e oment from becoming produced a musical vibration, too l alcogether His externalized thought g oomy and affl 1ct1ve, the mento r expertly b which we also absorbed, adorning with delicate sounds the describing the egan expectations for the work at • hand , as we l l images we were able to capture. as th e h app m ess of being abl e to h elp construct the In turn, he asked us about the landscapes of gloom wherever Good the vestiges of evi l are found. and anguish he had noticed on the earth, the dense waves of We immediately felt r efreshed, and the sweet unhappiness and rebellion that reached him with vibratory encha tment from the presence of our guest animated jolts, as well as the horror of violence, and the unrestrain;d us aga10. pursuit of the dissolute, destructive passions that charactenze Meanwhil e, we had arrived . at a middle-class apar t our world oftrials and expiations for now. m the ment center of th e city. We went in. criticism, he analyzed the Without any expression of One could breath e the psychosphere of peace. There primitivism still existing on our planet, where th e horrors were no vulga r or troublemaking spirits. We were welcomed a of war periodically cl im millions of lives, the continuous at t e door by th e smi l ing r esidents, par tial ly disengaged of terrorism of every kind, the seismic phenomena dunng h waves p ysiological sl eep. They seemed to be expecting us, I that undermine the earth's geological structure, and the alth ough I had had no idea we would be going there ... superlative suffering ... r D . Santana, always very courteous . and ethical , There was a pained expression on his face as he Introduced us to th e kindly couple, A l onso and Eunice analyzed the new world where he would be working in an wh o were expectant abouc th e possibi l ity of being given ch attempt co help it evolve. He became even glummer when blessing of children. referring to crime, the terrible induced abortions, euthanasia, Initia l difficulties inhibiting the husband h ad been a the number of suicides, and the still-legal de a th penalty. cause or suffer ing, but they ha d been overcome by means Lastly, he referred to the tsunamis of a moral nature, of a mmor surgery not long ago. which were somehow responsible for the others resulting That nigh t, after sexual communion, they wer e waiting from the adaptation of the constantly moving tectonic plates. for the divine mercy to enthrall them with the upcoming As Dr. Santana explained things to him and as both arrival of a child. commented on the current state of our beloved orb, the more As we conver sed joyfully, two wo r ker s from another gr his face displayed tenderness and compassion, expressing the oup dedicated to reincar nation entered, bringing the spirit sentiment of solidarity for the world's sufferers, who yearn for who would wear the physical ga r b from that moment on.

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a r their th t penetr a We ll went into the bed oom and stopped before ted the. gelatinous substa nce and settled a upon l w r apped in the tenderness of an embra ce of tmy ga mete, which s eeping bodies, also abso r bed the now bl . 1· . . ui s h 1.1g h C, gr a titude a nd joy... vita mng 1t a nd making ic shoot off from the rest of ch egr oup. r . S a nta na approached Eunice, whose he a r t was Thus began th e pro c D ess th a t would cu l minate with the r illumined by a gentl e light while in he r body the sperm fe tilization of the ovum a · . . ch t is , when 1·c ;01ns· t h e pr ' were moving in h er reproductive orga ns. otein receptors m che pelluc id . ' producing a n enz yma t1c l a c a a an a cnon th a t en a r The e rned geneti ist explained to us th t it w s e bles the a ea to be perfor ated, after which lt amor phous substa nc e in activity, c onsisting of hundr eds of penetr ates the egg a nd fertilizes ic. It is a process tha t l l r of whi c h cou l d enter the u ual l y cakes about mi ions of sperm, th ee million twenty minutes, culmina ting with the i 48 hou rs. He expl a ined displ ac ement of the egg uterus with the ability co surv ve up to for implantation in che ute r us. a l a l a c 10 hours, a pproxima tel y, Time would ta ke r th t ferti ization t kes p e within ca e of the natura l pr oc ess, a nd from c a ginal cube that moment on, ou r when the chosen one begins its as ent up the v visitor wa s alre a dy psychical ly linked c r order to penetra te the fallopia n tube, to thefuture body chat through the e vix in would be sh a ped by the perispir it. l l encounter che egg prepared to re c eive it. The sper m's journey where it wi is momentous a nd full of c he ma de it clea r - is one of the grandest hallenges," expl a ined r This miracle- ou mento r , "bec a use the dista nce l h l a huma n being, to o e r come is wide a h moments of ife, whic wil soon become nd t e trip ta kes pl a ce a t about one th a t also oc curs with slight differ ences in the pl ant cenc1me er per minute, h , something t e upper portion of the fall opia n / a a l a metes unite, technic al ly tube bemg lo c ated nd anim kingdoms ... When the g some thir ty c entimeter s a way ... It .. a c e tra l inher ita nces, which also ha s to with sta nd ac they re endowed with their an s the ids th a t th e fem a le or ganism a s h a pr oduc es, kill ing a lar we know re e tablished t nks to the Law of Cause and ge number of ca ndida tes. Due to Effect the divine pur poses of r a through the perispirit. proc e tion, rhis acidity dec r eases That sa id, he a pproa c hed the woman a nd a ppl ied during ovula tion, which c fa ilitates che su r viva l of many th a t his ha nds with the pa l ms facing down, a s if a nnulling the pro c eed attra cted by the egg." We r ma teria l organization, a nd ca ll ed ou r a ttention to the inside _obse ved ch a r, upon c onnection of the spirit's of her uterus. ps yc h e with the sper m, he exper ienc ed a kind of sh ock a c a r pa l ing sl ightly a Then he sked for the future rein rnate to come close nd seeming co become dazed briefly; but h soon a and think st r ongly a bout c onnecting with the sperm cel l overc me these emotions a nd sensations. He ch a t was ca rrying some of his biologi c a l cha r a c ter istics and could sta y involved with other activities; however r the c onnec some of che fathe 's. tion with the ma l e gamete would follow its a a course a nd l From his crown chakra - lie up like sm ll rainbow ferti ization would ensue, fo l l owed by the whole a round the upper pa rt of the brain - desc ended a si lver ra y process of r ebirth in the flesh.

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· In form e d o f the e ven t , the pr o s pec nve a ents k is se d l Dr. San t a n a 's ha nd s an d loving l y emb race t e one w h o 19 . · w o u Id . be th ei r longe d -for son, b n n gm g us a ll to tears . GETTING The bene facto r comm en ce d fur th e r on ch e s pe rm 's READY FOR . . s trugg I e a g a i n s t th e hos til e d efe ns e m ec h a n is m 1n th e SPIRITUAL fem a le bod y: ARMAGEDDON "A mo de rn schoo l o f ps y c h ia" tri s ts , d is c i pl es of th e . . a d m 1ra b le D r · M e la nie K l e i n , bel ieve that th is ph e no menon . . . . re m a m s m t h e d ee P un c onsc io us , caus mg so me b e ha v1o r a I pr o b l e m s tha t need care ps yc h h er i n orde r to achie ve ful e had co ; rI;' llec te d invalu a o a e l e a s e o m the sh e t m the battl e fough t ble m a te ri a r t t l r fr oek r s m l fo le ng thy refle c t i ons re gard i ng e in the pe r i o d that r-e c e de s fer a th miracle oflife, not h : : b always value d by human I n the s im pl i c ity o f t h e e c e r, a nd in l igh t o f beings whe n t e rWe ligi o u h y lack . s faith, e thic n al a d mo ra l va e s th e cheerf ul dayb re ak, tdh e b love d me ntor in vit e d us to s ay lu , and commi t e to life's re a m nt s / . ff lities . a pr a ye r o f t h an k s to Go ro r H.ts m e a b le m er c y, leadin g r Th o ugho ut the wee k, we vi s e us to a sta te o f near ec s tas y, w hil e translat i ng o ur senti m e nt s it d the fami ly o that h a bee gr up s . d n invit e d to see h n e o c e s s h s i c a d e l o m e t help re c o nst ruc a t mg uman 1·cu e i· t h pr o f p y l ev p n , and t the ne w earrh t he happine s . . s o f its future follo wing th e c ourse o f i ts b io l o gic a l de s t1 y. in h a b itants , as well tho s e who h a as . d willingly com m , a c i a t i n m s an e e n t e e s o e ho w i ll itte d t he m s elve o P rti p g ue h v t ' h r i n on w re i e s nce th e y al z d th a t a r a . . • g e t re vo lut io o no b n b e h e m e e s h e ge n e ra to r o f 1·1fe in n f lo ve was happe t e d efo r t d1v maJ ty, t th e e n i ng o n b lo ve d pla ne t. it s m ultipl e aspe c ts . We return e d . to th e ho m e s o f e Only lov e ha s t h is m ag1c a I p o w e r t o co m m and H rm i nio a nd R o s a Alo ns a linda, . . o nd Eunic e s , a w e ll as o the s e ve ry t h m g and to op en the do o r s to i ts unde r s ta n d m g. r , whe re vi c to r i o re i ncar na tio s us n w e r e deve lo pin The ta s k fin i sh e d - o ne t h at w o u Id be rep e a t e d man y g as e xpe c te d. . The be n e facto r inform m e s in a s tha l l e d e a d e d r th s h e e e d us t h a t, ti the d y t fo ow - w he fo e ite w r s r o in that gloomy t ngh o ld, where cr ime had be c o o ur headquarter s w e re lo c at e d. me a c onstant, and o ur Chri where stian Spi r itis t brothers and s isters we r e t to pr e s e s ri vin g rve a n atmo s phere o f p e a ce t , he me sse nge r wo uld be re b o r that n in th eir s mid t w o uld demo e nstrate tha t t he nvir on me nt is no t solely re s p o n s ible for pe o ple 's be ha vio r; that , due to his e v olutio nar y st a te , he w o uld stand o ur in rhe futur e , follo wing t he be autifu l pa t hs o f ma gist ra cy, so

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as o o e a s c e o e a c e co e e up r h r m dify th grim l nd ap f th pl , mpl t ly ig t - the e batt rie s ofevil have be e • n se t in mo ti·on a c hanging it s socia l, econo mic a nd huma n s truc ture ... t h e . It s gainst i al s o c le a r th a h e t on st individuals On th e o the r hand, Alo ns o a nd Eunic e 's little o ne senti e with lofty m nts a re not o u s e . . t id th e range of e ac . f th ign o m1·nlOUS· wo uld de vo te hims elf to the me dic al scie nc e s i n o rder to ma ke nv1t 1e o h s t o se unfortunate s o f th e Gre a t B e o o r e a e s c e a s e e e o e e o s h e y nd, s inc e it m hum n in it h b n und rg ing tr m nd u y a re co ns i e e as d r d obs ta c le s to h t e ir o bj e c tive s , dis r e s pe c t by some o f it s memb e rs, who have forgo tte n th e is , th e e x c that tin tio n o f the G o o d, subjuga tio ns o r co e o c a oa o e e a o e i a i ll c tive Hipp r tic th in rd r to mak it pr f itabl ndustry t vamp ri zat io ns as a - h s a lways be e h e n t case, but no the e xpe ns e o f the live s th a t withe r in ne gle c t, far re mo ve d muc h r e a w in g te r numbe rs a o - l ng with mis a e e dv nture a n d fro m any se nse o f compa ssio n. d 1us10n . in game s o . f sordid pl e asure s ... Many o the r s , in who s e reinc a rna tion pr o gra mm111g 0 co e urs , de s pite th e e e p rv rs e t raps a n e r e e c a e s co e e s d m cile s s we ha d ta ke n pa rt, w o uld b living thi l liv mmitt d p r e c utio ns , no o e n is he lple s s and a t th e merc y o f e vil, to va rio us a reas o f s cie ntif ic a nd phi lo s o phic a l kno wle dge e c e pt whe n th ey willingly al lo w the e ms lve s to be co nne c e es e i a c s e r e e o serve with dign'.ty, with h e e t d p c lly politi , wh th y w uld t s wic ke d forc e s ... e e s s a a s o c a e e mo difying th xi ting t nd rd of c ndu t nd r nd nng e will fo c s us pe c ifi c all y on t e h Spiri tist move me the cons titute d la ws respe c ta ble , starting with the ms e lve s. com tt t e nt d to Jesus a nd His o c d trine , the prim a a e a is a s a o o oc e e ce ry t rge t of R lizing th tr n form ti n w uld cur ov r th rtall1 gr o ups o f th e o c fl k self- s tyl e d as Evil. e r e a e e co e is io o o o e o ., nti pl n t, w uld nv n a w rld with ut b rd rs f ppr o a c h i g ca e e s s r l me diums h e I _ , t y h ave be e n in spiring ha tre d and e thni c sepa ra tis m - a lw a ys th e caus e s o f bl o o dy be havio r th a s t i ll1c o mpa tible t h wi th e re co mme t • e e a e o co e s s e s nda io ns o f w a rs - witho ut econo m i c po v rty - b r r f untl J su a nd t he o high- rde r Spi r its as s a t te d in th e Karde cian e vils - and espe cially without mo ra l po ve rty, whi c h will C o ifi cati n 12 e , mbo lde ning th e m to put o n s pe c ta c e s vanis h, ma k i ng w a y for ne w conc e pts conc e rning huma n which med1um l in s hip is ridic u e l d, as if it we re a n adornment be ha vio r . While this tr a ns forma tion ha s no t be e n fully to e co l rh s e po s se s ho s it. Conc o mitantl y, e a e e a o e e o a o e e ser e fostering r liz d y t - lth ugh d v l ping rapidly ll v r th vil pa ssio ns 111 o e w rk rs de dic a te o s d t piritual as s is c e pl a ne t - in the da rkne ss of th e lo wes t re a lms of the sp i rit at me di tan umistic me e tings a , m king th e m b e e e e 1·r v t h e y ar e w o rld the e ne mie s o f the G o o d are plotting a tta c ks and r enc o unce r in e g lov d o ne s fro m o e th r l ife time s , indivi ha te f ul re ve nge a gains t humankind. wh o ar e now duals di rur ing th e ir family live s and pro mo ting Ac co rdingly, be a ri ng in mi nd that s inc e re Sp i ritists adu te ro us be h o avi rs 111 blatant dis re gard for moral code s and ar e the ne w Chris tia ns - with no di s re s pe c t to ward the family re spo ns ibilitie s ... Fa s cinat io n and s ubjugation h othe r servants o f th e Gospe l o f J e sus scatte r ed th r o ugho ut , whic the w o rld, o r to wa rd o ther ho nest c itize ns no t conne c te d 12 by to a ny re ligio us de nomi na tio n, but who ar e val i a nt and Spmts Book ' The Med· . The Codification mms 'B oo k , Th e Gospe I according . . and Hell; consists of five to Sptntism; Heaven _The, Genesis. - I. books compiled Allan Kardec: and R. 196 197 -- ' Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

truth, in ttentive begin subtly and rob many mediums of their discernment, to non-transferable moral renewal, or fickle constitute the game of deranged spirits who take advantage oncernrng their commitment. Self-fascinated, they turn Into of the weaknesses still persisting in human nature ... modern Narcissuses ... Besides these nefarious activities, they work for hen the time came, Dr. Santana informed us that a disunity among workers involved in spiritual endeavors, .m:et ng was being scheduled with a former Jewish rabbi, v1ct1m1zed fostering well-publicized slander and defamation, as if they during those terrible days at the end of the 15th were working for different masters and not for Him who century, when non-Catholics were being expelled from gave His life in an unsurpassed demonstration of love and Spain. We compassion for all of us. were already familiar with the Spiritist Center where our benefactor In certain situations they trigger infirmities difficult would be meeting with Eliachim ben S ddoch, who to diagnose, concealing their influence on debilitated, weak was in command of an impressive band of d1scar ate. crimi als bodies, leading into the pit of discouragement individuals currently devoted to a campaign of extermmat1on agarnst fond of duty and committed to authentic fraternity. the disciples of the Third Revelation. '3 i For us to ', And when it comes to charity, they goad argumentative be successful, Mentors in our sphere of action had already outlined people, who waste their time on concepts of paternalism and the meeting, for which we would h ave to social inclusion, neglecting to offer real assistance, which b e spmtua. . II y prepared. Ready consequently arrives too late because time has been wasted to work and trusting in divine mercy, we headed , for the Spir_itist ' on mental idleness and intellectual digression. Center, where we had previously interned. The The biblical Armageddon of John and the Judeo- mstitution devoted to study1·ng the S p1rmst... C od1ficat1on · . 10. Christian traditions is not only restricted to the narrow stretch accordance with the strict methods used b Allan Ka_rd c - with of the Valley ofMegiddo, or the hill of the same name, when emphasis on education in all aspect: beca se it not the armies of all the nations would meet for the final battle ... _is only limited to incarnates, but also to suffenng d1scarnates ignorant The entire planet today can be called the Valley of . of the ·o·1vme · L aws - was 10 Jehoshaphat, where battles of extermination, in which full swing when we arrived. The s udy the Lord of mercy will be the victor over imposture and . . rooms and rooms for treatments involving sp m tual perversity, are already being fought. fluids and passes'4 were filled with earnest Spiritist volunteer workers Legions of dedicated missionaries of the Good are and the needy from both planes of life. active everywhere in order to mitigate the consequences of 13 Adherents ofSpiritism. _ I.R. the shortsightedness of some and the despair of others. In 14 "P as es ar_e a transfusion of energy that airer the cellular field .... In magn etic assista n ce, emission n the Spiritist Movement, the warnings of Spirit Mentors are a d recepcion are entwined he! . n/ee d patients so that they can help (A continuous but go unheeded by those who are deaf to the . themselves"· nd re L utz,·. m; thp,Rng e ea ms ofy M, ed" tumship, Ch. . 17, Imernanonal Spiritist Council, 2011) - I.R.

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e e members distressed e All the se ats in the room reserve d for conf renc s becaus of the discarnation of loved on e s, sick in ividuals and symposiums, as w e ll as for group passes, were taken by with various diseases - including severe obsess10ns - e e expectant people eage r for chat evening's e nlightened lecture. y arn for guid lines of he alth and with family pe ace. Oppressed by socioeconomic The bustle of spirits e ager to communicate . and social be havi or in'Junctions, they need kmdn. e s me mbers was impressive , as well as chat of individuals s and assistance so as not to tumble into the abyss tormented by proble ms of various kinds, having arrived at of serious depre ssion, or go mad from agony of tor en_ting e the Cente r in the hopes of guidance and comfort for the he unc rtaintie s ... So obviously, th e re is no room for hilarity dramas they bore as inn e r, hidden crosses. or personal exhibitionism, in a false therapeutic conduct of a Whe n the lecturer arrived, we noticed the sincere joy circus-like nature ... "There was no one on everyone's face s. . more joyous than J e sus; at the same t1m e , on e coul Those who were stressed let go of the marks of their _no equal His seriousness when de aling with • quesuons conce rn afflictions and externalized vibrations of sympathy that ing the Kingdom ofHeaven." Pro:Upcly, at the sch e began enve loping the worker ofJesus. duled time , re spectful of everyon s commitments, He pause d he re and there to gree t fri e nds and visitors th e Center's dire ctor began e the meecmg_ 6 inviting everyone so that e ve ryone had an opportunity to receiv the benefit :7 to join him in a prayer of cl:an,ksgiving and requesting of the e nergies that he, too, was externalizing. inspiration for chat e venmg s endeavors. I We accompanie d him closely and listened to the As he prayed fervently, I spoke n and silent requests of a gre at numb e r of pe ople, who . he was haloed by a de licate e light that radiated outward. truste d in the inspiration he was about to receive and th When he finished, blessings they would receive during his message to them. he gave the Roor to th e pe rson in charge of the Ever vigilant, Dr. Santana told us: lecture, who addre ssed the Parable ofthe Prodigal Son, care fully "Spiricism is a serious doctrine , which cannot be us e d reading the text and th e n interpreting it in ten:1s com atibl for frivolous purposes or for self-promotion by any of its with curre nt psychological, philosophical, ethical, soc10logical, adhe rents. R e prese nting the Comforter promised by J e sus, and especially, Spiritist knowle dge ... New e it is a beautiful, joy-bearing message, not an e ntertaining angl s were covered; hidden subtleties in the were e spectacle for the frivolous. essons xposed; the te achings we re made current_ all 1Il acc_ura e "Almost all of these people, as w e ll as th e spirits languag and in colloquial tones, leading the attentive listeners that come here, are tormented by serious issues. They long to mner refl e ctions that would help them understand for balanced guidance and fraternal support in ord e r to the deeper meaning of Jesus' message. ,i Interweaving recover the stre ngth they ne e d to continue their progre ss the le cture with humorous remarks now and then in a until they are liberated from their physical e xistence . Family healthy teaching methodology that did not

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diminish the se r ousness the content noble A l i of inspired by a c ugh th e faci l e _ ities w re cl ose d on the h l p ysical scholar on our plane, he cou c he d us all with his e nlightening p ane, Sp1m1sc e l ctures continued in th e room, the whi l e in and kindly words. ot h er parts, de vote d spirits continued hel ping the When he finished, the psychospher e was one of peac e, ne e dy of every kind. e n op ing space for group passes as the mediums rook the ir Work is the tonic h t at keeps everything in balance various positions, initiati n g the v ibrat ions that conv eyed eve rywhere. e co everyone pr sent the reinvigoratin g energies that the Rest is an organic ne e . d, but too much of it leads ro rhe mediums w e re absorbing and distributing, illuminating v o1d ce ofrespo1 sibilities un der false preten ses. 10 A change the entire place . act1vity,, awakenrng ne w emotiona l stimuli, also serves to Discarnate family members approache d and inspired renew ones energies . their loved ones while the latter prayed fervently, and afcer The n igh t . wore on wh en the workers specializing h in the c losing prayer, eve ryone left fill e d with in effable welL- t e kind of me eting h t at would soon rake place arrived. be ing and inwardly renewed for the challenges of ev olution. In _the mediumistic . room specially res e rved for Afterward, the lecturer went into a small adjoining d1sobsess1on, th e activity of · spirits dedicated to ch at task w e sign •fi as room, wher he continued his service by listening to and ant. ne e nde avor had just ended, and tech nicians counseling people chat had been pr e viously sel e c ted by the sp e c 1al 10 1zed environ me ntal psychic cl e ansing came in t I fraternal atte ndants. th e room o to prepare it for th e l e n xt one . Always accompanie d by se lf less messengers from our plane under the guidan ce of his mentor, he offered che spiritual nourishment of the word of the Gospel with Spiritist explanations concerning each one's problems, while the spirit bene factors made note of the addre ss of each patient in order to co n tinue helpi n g him or her with their resources. Order, discipline a n d cl e anl ine ss of the entire institution were present eve ryw here, demonstrating char se rving the Good should not b e carele ssly improvised, but de se rved the respect given to all importan t issues. After a few hours of frate rnal assistance, the dire ctor went home with some friends that he lpe d him at the Center. We stayed behind, caking part in the activities in our sphere of action.


e h members, who we e e e r s l cte d from among rh e incarnate s, we re traine d to he lp spirits obstinate in e vil, so th e y e e w r used to rh e argume nts char always rakTe e plac during such sp e cialize d assistance . The me dium Joseval, who had be e n responsibl e for char eve ning's le cture , e had b en brought th e re by his mentor. He disp l ayed significant lucidity, accustome d as he I working was to in partial dis e ngage me nt l during physiological sl e e p and in rh e spiritual endeavors • in our sph e re . Ch e e rful, he we l e com d us all, showing sp e cial affection towards chis humbl e narrator. He plac e d hims e l f e ntire ly at rh e disposal of Dr. Santana, who wou ld be supervising th e sch e dule d activity. One of rh e guards statione d at th e institution's e ntrance approached to notify us that the group ofJewish rabbis was approaching, putting on a pompous show wirh e xtravagant costume s. Th e high pri e st Eliachim ben Saddoch was in rh e le ad , walking proud ly with a grimace of hatre d and arrogance on his face. He was accompani e d by e ov r a hundre d othe r chie ftains, also wearing fe arsome e xpr e ssions, some with visibl e e d formitie s. They stopp e d at the main e ntry.

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human beings Today, once again called by Your mercy to do illuminative dogs, which seemed to have been Trained work, we acknowledge our frailt,,;J thus we let oursel be hypnotized, assuming animalistic at one time, but were now gut dbe '.J! Your holy hands, the previous existences, following luminous footprints as a result of their cruelty during forms of the ofYour passage on the earth ... number of followers and victims prevented a large So help us to help others, rescuing those who were our causing any embarrassment. . . leaders of the sad cohort from victims we the front entry, when defrauded Your message, wretched as we were When they reached the area bordering fight ng because ofthe sordid interests ofour pettiness. preposterous, medieval-looking rhey assumed a Make our words smooth and energetic, our sentiments strange instruments of war. Clamonng seance, wielding lofty andgentle, our mind lucid and understanding so that we to be waiting for orders. wildly, they seemed do not hinder the fuifi.llment ofYour plansfor the unfortunate spirit approached the arrogant A venerable female who are nearly all ofus. of her garments and disarmed him with the simplicity leader She. With a new dawn breaking, provide us with the of compassion and tenderness. and her emanation unusual happiness ofbroadening our he was being awaited still-dark horizons into invited him co enter the room, where strange and the light of Your truth. affection. A few members of his with respect and The brother we are about to receive, along with others were also invited in ... gloomy encourage who have fallen into the deep abyss ofhatred, still remember a voluminous number of yellowed He was carrying w at we did to them in the past, when we co one of his assistants defiled Your name worn scrolls, which he handed " and priests with our passions. I gracious hostess. Ten other and then followed the Have mercy on us all, Your humble in Europe were also . most servants, and • ancient sects derived from Judaism of strange be with us from this time on through Your sublime messengers while the other members of the let into the room, so that we may best contribute to Your fruitful harvest. desperate servants and underlings caravan and the pack of So be it! remained behind, furious and agitated. meantime, the spirit director prayed: In the When he finished, he showed the emotion that had taken all of us. Lord Jesus, August Master: in our inner An indescribable wave of peace overwhelmed us and Although the darkness ofignorance prevails us with we were united in a gentle harmony of tenderness. sublime light ofYour ineffable love flood world, let the When we reached the room, duly protected by persistent, domineering wickedness. . . light, freeing us from our flu1d1c currents who have denied carefully distributed around the build'mg We are no other spirits but reprobates . Gospel, an d , m. particular, the mediumistic room, the wrathful albeit members in the ranks ofYour you more than once, challenger could not hide his displeasure. us to shame. He had expected assuming pernicious debts that still put

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more considera tion a nd homage, which obviously could distinguished friend, a ch a lleng e we a cc e of ept d for a me etin n e . darific a tio ot be giv n t a r a c teris , ; : i tic of the bibli c 1 e a n a e Armaged : : : : a "Welcome to the House ofJ sus," Dr. Sant gr eted don, a y u a ,, 'm p lan of revenge a nd war. an e n s p. "I won't sta e r him purposely, showing respect d fri d hi y h e ' " th_ e ot h er re a squirming . cted ferociously, "Do not sp e a k chat name to me," ch e ocher responded, in the me d1um1snc· tra n.c e'. "·a n d I. f a isten to your totally put-off. "I do not ha ve the slighte st considera tion for miliar rants. I h a v e b ee n t h e vi c tim 0 f a t h e d ec eitful a a rgume nts of in . th t nefarious, mythologica l cre a ture of the tr dition of the famous Ch nst. 1ans mo get . re t h an once ... Let's rulers of the ea rth." out of he re . Oft entime s, re tre a t is th e combat, b est strategy in especi a lly wh e And he laughed boisterously. n t h e throophs are vi c ti a ms ofthe villainy a e nd sordid n ess of a Although ll of the newcomers r acted with n enemy t at as lured t h a em Into a filthy a a a a a a e e tr p. Christia ns bl sphemies, Dr. S nt n ppro ch d che medium Jos val, will never b e worthy 0 cround . ff a cm· g the tr uth who w a s in semi-tra nce, a nd before the high priest eve n in the To ra h . an d m the false word O . punished s f t h a t Justly re a lized ic, he was dra wn into Joseva l's perispiritua l field like e nemy oflsra el." iron filings to a ma gnet. "I ca n a ssure you - m frie n d an d br other me a n - that we The medium, in a troubled tr a n c e , a ssumed a n you no ha rm . A ccepc111g you .r o ff;e r conce rn ba ttle th a ing the a rroga nt a ttitude while the spirit shoute d: t ha s end ure d ch e 11 . . ig h t o f severa 1 c en is the turies ours "We have fallen into a trap typica l of nefarious desire for fraternity a n , ,, d ea ce . We c k n ow power in the ledge your ' Christia ns of a ll time s. Adva nce a nd a tta ck these misera ble infernal regions wder Ph e you hide out with other spi r its who we : • tra itors right now!" re vilely d ece1ve an d b ecr a ye d 111. th e a whe n we . p st, The othe r guests could ba rely move beca use the were still d om111 a te d by the fcerocity . o f e pa ss th lower e n a e e a n c n to ions. Time ha s n nviro ment l energi s kept th m from cti g ac ordi g ru 111. t h e lwur g 1 a s changed, s an d we have all their est a blished pl a ns. They rem a ined immobilized by the for the bett e r e , I b 1·iev e ' be ca use e of t h cle a r me ssage vibra tion s a ll of us were directing cow a rds chem. Jesus has fi n a lly re a c • h ed th e Ia nd scape s of our t l e mmds a nd e a e a i country of our . In light of this impossibility, ch y beg n to scr m " sentiments. We bes e e in pitiful de spera tion , hopi n g to be he a rd by their minions ch your sincere fc 1 org vene ss, as well a a a ll e s th t of outside expecting a n op e n -a ir ba ttle. thos whom we h arm w, ed . we ack n ow Ie d ge wrong our lamenta ble Dr. Sa nta na rem a ine d ca lm, a nd afte r a bri e f momen t and its awbul c onsequen ces . Wie a e r tru 1y repenta nt amid the prie st's a nd his comp a nions' accusa tions, he and we wish to de monstr a re our m or a l trans welcoming fcorm a tion by a nswered with irrepre hensible benevolence : you a nd a II t h ose who ha ve I e which ong d fcor pe a ce, "Your cl a im chat we betra ye d you a nd led you into a they ha ven't enJoye . d fc or su c h a Ion g nme, a on pe a ce char tr a p is unjustified, be ca use the cha lle nge came from you, my ly Jesus ca n give ."

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e "Do not sp e ak that name anymore !" he re spond d Lifting the me dium · a t h re ate ning posture, aske d i he in a rage . w th u nbridled hostil ;.m e is not "Ju "I am sorry but I c annot c omply. Th servant St look at th e unha · I PPY an d sc ape of e e Whe r e the arth e e than the maste r, nor the slave bette r than his lord. J sus are t 11 e so-m u c h gr at r -praised m e ek ne ss c om and pr u de nce , r Hop e for total liberation, our safe harbor." passion and me r is our Way, ou cy'· D 0 yo u not. se e rs· h ' pe rc h an c e, what "If he was all of that," the othe r grumble d ironi c ally, appening on that . world ri ch i llu s e /n ory powers and e e c e unable to do what I d gradation? e e . "I would not be h r , onstrain d and Wh r ar e rh e d't; c ip of th e Cruc if ie th e sc um hiding, d One ple ase . It only c onf irms my distrust of him and that beare r of mu c h u r , w o dup e d the his e m :,, m all with who follow him." pty words and promisges. e s that "Yie e D r . Santana re plied patie ntly, "It just so happ n s, w se e the pre se c e n of th e 1 i·g h t e used wh re darkne ss c e e with plans for a fight, using the we apons of to re ign; love e you am her wh re h acr e d u se d to e sow d e srru cri on; e r e e d by othe rs of a destruc tive t nde rne ss inste . res e ntment and r eveng , p op ll ad 0 f aggr e ssi v e • . ness ' a n d t h e wor e re b u 1.1 dmg . k of c haracte r, su c h as you us e in your r alm." on the rubbl e O e f rh d e ce nful g 1 e e on· s o f t h e past. r e e othe r fought bac k, with eye s A n w e ra has be e . "That war ag s on," th n fior e coId , w h e n suffienng w1 ·11 giv e way c the fac e be hind the to th e joy ofliving bulging out of the ir so kets, exposing ' and w h en t h e · c dead.d e ned se m1me ms will de feat our e ne mie s. We shall not allow roste r the flourishi mask, "and we shall ng of th h./g h t e It als of human dign i e e Spiritism to spr e ad is just a e r ty. the perni c ious do c tr in now r born in matt oft'tm e be r e ., • ero the p re se nt, unrorrunatc l e si tuati o e - that poisonous le gac y of the c urse d Christianity of pri sts n will be r eso Iv e d , rorc the ti me h as 4 e e come whe n e e e t c hurc h." th arrh and its and princ s of th fraudul n inhab1't ants w1 ·11 e c b on strame re h e e . d to ac h "Indee d," answe re d the nobl e e nlighte ne r, "Spiritism r l ve ls of e volut10n.· " e e e plane t, c onfi rming Je sus' promise "Whe n the c shin s in the heav ns of th hildre n ofAle e y o n take over and e e c the e art i xpe l that he would not leave us as orphans. His lov and ompassion hl ngs?" th. e or h e r ' as k ed sarcastic ally. e e e pages He wrote in th e sanctuary of nature "I ts nor li ke hav nabled th chat at all . w;e r . . a e re c eivi ng vi sitors e e sublime words and unpa ralle led e xample s, from anothe r dime . co b r ad through ns10n,. w h o e n . mt d to h e 1p us wJth e e e e transformations . th but which we adulterate d, adapting th m to our own mis rabl that ar e a l rea dy takm. g P Iac e on t h e planer e authenticity. b ecau se th e . ' inte re sts, giving way to a do c trine far r moved from Law t h at prevai ls • in t 1: e r nve rse is that e r e harmony, of But since it is ne ver too late to start over, to r t ac one's steps solidarit and t e h moral pnnc 1ples e the stablishe d by and c or re c t mistake s, we ar e c ommitted to re habilitation." Fathe r Cre ar or. ' more wor ds that will neithe r alter the A horrifying "Words and Iau g h th u nd er e d 11. through th e d e rco rmed ignoble ac ts of the past, nor alte r our plans for re venge ," ps o f t h e communic ati . . . . n g s i r t ' now manife in scmg himse lf e xplode d the och e r. all his be astly, 1y c an th ropt c hi de ousness.

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pe rm ssion crouche d over and howled like a wolf. A ! of our Guides, of course - so th The medium . . at we w ou Id e rabbi's not di scover t h e foul odor permeated the environment as th former ruse. Smee v10lence is unn e cessary i n our work ' an d It. was not rori:: followers unde rwent equivalent modifications. . us to prevent our visitors from le avmg, measures . We began breathing a very de nse , heavy, almost were taken for th e dialogue to conc111ue o l y as_long as ne ce ssa h suffocating psychosphere. ry for t e me tamorph oses to occur sincerely d1ssolv111g th e jluidic h e . Meanwhile, filled with compassion and · masks t y us e d to h 1'd e t h e1r true 1'd e ntny. touched by the dolorous spectacle, the fervently praying vibrations " eceiv e rs always fool members of the mee ting slowly began generating and delude th e mselve s while th e e edly and ey belie ve th ey are dec e h that diluted the de nse psychic mist, and, un xp ct iving oc ers. "We consider th e task succe . convulsing, the spirit hissed: . . ssf ul under the bl essrngs meet again ... fJes s, and will have its "Nothing will stop me now ... We shall natural continuation at th e righ t time 1n th e future. els e whe re , you despicable coward." It meet in yoar "L e t us continue our "Ye s," responded our benefactor, "we will blessed endeavor." With e veryone's concentration stronghold." . _ ren e wed, we watch ed e lf from as sister Arl111d_a, a vene ra e As if torn violently away, he detached hims bl worker with more th an half a fallen to the century of dedication to the . che pe rispiric of the medium, who would have Cause of the G oo d , w e nt mto him and a trance and began to e I Hoor if Or. Santana had not been alert, supporting emit en rgy in th e form of e ctoplasm th rough h er facial I sitting him upright. orifices. A h igh order spirit took sh b th e d in bluish • The ocher spirits with him were drawn into the same light, and condens e d in the room satur: e with fragrant, lofty vibratory wave and the room gradually return d to its vibrations. He immediat initial harmony. e ly identified h imself as an ambassador e d to us: ofishmael, Brazil's spirit guide Re ve aling his joy, our mentor explain , bringing th e support of ch ar noble mentor: "That reaction was anticipated because, in reality, that was not th e former rabbi Eliachim be n Saddoch, bur Dear brothers a clone, a spirit who assimilated his characteristics in order and sisters: May Jesus to deceive us. From his stronghold he followed every move keep us in his peace and mercy. Your prayers of our meeting. have reached the blessed rea l ms, and the el benefactor "Skillful and cunning, he did not want to risk a : g ofBrazi l has sent us so that you may receive ts honorable support direct confrontation. First, he sent from his kingdom of in your blessed endeavor. l his powe rful mind, The home and ofthe Cross l horror simulators strongly linked to h willp ay its Christian role on t. e troubled world which then pulled th e m from our pr e mises - with the scene oftoday.

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e e e ration ofc o ns cience s Psyc hic Missionarie s of lo v and ofth lib ally conn e cted to our Sphe re e , th y re ce ive c onstant e e turning to th e enco ura e have be e n rebo rn among you with th task ofr ment so as_ not to faint in tough battles, /ro:11 nor s tray the glorio us me ssage ofth e ge ntle, kind Galile an Rabbi, thei r course, animated by world the spirit of j oy and the reward e e ofznner a message that has s uffered the change s forese e n for c nturi s. p e ace . what Persecut Co mmitted to Truth, they have the task ofliving e d by th. e e ne mie s 0'J . r the Light, th ey h ave s e conform equippe d e s th ey te ach, shaping the metals ofth e so ul o th y will th m elve s with the instrume nts ofdefense - pra e and e ry r to their ne w purposes. nnobled acts. Although the paths are s till co ve red with thorns, and Eve n as the great.Brazilian nation plunges into the dep ths e s duty of de bauche obstacles make progress s low e very whe re , th e pilgrims of ry, corruptio n, and disrespe c tfor the c ode s ofjustice e e and hones ty · · are forge d of courage and fearle ssne ss, ne v r h ld back but - a pass·mg pha s e zn its , · . evoiutio n - compassionate Ishmae l i e e advancing. nt rc de s be:1fo re 'esus on e always . J< b hatjo,'Jf' a. u, " beu ,. e vm. g zn. t.h e e e d to aus t-erzty ch ange s that are e Missionary spirits ofbygon eras, accustom alr ady o ccurring with a new generation me n of and renunciation, inspire us to succe e d. and women ofth e Good. o Of e Misunde rs tood and s lande red, suffering sc rn and cours , the same applie s e to th vario us countries ofthe e arth; e colos sal challe ng e s, they advance , confide nt in the how ve r by determination facing ofth e incomparable Master, e e the task of e happy result of the e ndeavor th ey have b en committ d to r turning to th e world s Hi me ss ag e ofm e rcy and comple te de live e ., since before the ir birth. ranc has falle n to Brazil. l and their worthy e xamp le s convince Strive , the refore Their vibrant word , in the objectives you e e l hav mbrace d. e e N e ve r • e th e m and those familiar with them that w ar fear theforces ofe vi, thos who hear which diss o lve like mist in the heat e e ofth e sun o e ed o n th e thresho ld of a ne w e ra of love , p ac and truth. f truth, imple ment e e ind ing th ra oflov e as e sse ntial the for No more th e hoaxe s ofy e steryear, no r th e cajole ry ofth e happine ss ofall. misguided journey to th e re alm ofillusion. Yo have bee n the obje . ct of traps and be tray als, of e s o o nor they testi moni es e e Se riousne ss and sacrifice are th badge f h k p in s ilence , ne v e ! u er r taliating against e vil, e o always re lizzng we ar on th e garme nts of th e so ul, identifying th m as foll wers that you are disciple s ofth e One who did no t s no other choice betwee n the decei ful glo ry deJ!:nd H i mselfagain s e ofJesu , who had t th undue charges le veled at being Him, thus of the e arth and the libe rating cro ss that led him back to the mode lfor you to follow. immortality in triumph. Loneline s , contempt, and inner suffering be cause of e unfulfille o They trave l th e same paths as in the past, on which th y l ng i ngs are injunctio n e s r sultingf rom your be havior leftfootprints marke d by crime s and vices, foo tprints which they m past re i ncarnations. s e e mu s t now e rase by supe rp osing the luminous purpose ofpure K p toda the brightne ss . ofjoy andgoodness on y o urfac e love and undisguise d truth. and tn y o ur sentiments, creating harmony where ver y o u go.

214 2l5 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco . Yo u will neve r exp e r i e n ce b_a n do n me n t, nor will y o u suffer th e abse nc e OJJ yo u r o/,. vm· g spirit gu z.aes.J Th ey Wt'fl be with 21 y o u until th e completion o f yo u r tas k' whe n y o u re tu rn to the g reat spiritu al ho me lan d. DIFFICULT BATTLES

Mav:.,r the Lo rd bless yo u an d ke ep yo u a l whays, Yo ur bro t e r an d se rvant ' Bitte n co u rt Sampai o

· As we wipe d awa y the te a r s, t h e uI m1 0 us figu r e o f the . . sp m. t a m bassa do r o f Ishma e l dissolved, le avmg Hu1dll1. c br e e ze s co . ur nve rsatio a c u l i e a t e e e n e r a t e a o ns fte r the mem o o f p e a r w 11- b e mg. th ffusiv. ly p t d f us. 0 ra ble me e t n i g add r e sse d e th issu e o f th e de c e i SI ow 1y, h t e me di um rega m. e d lu c 1•dity , co n sc i o us th;;i. t tfulne ss o f certain . . . low- o rder sp i e e e a e r a a o o rits Ta k e n by r sh e ha d b een t he · ms t rum nt us d m th m t i liz ti n f . su p r i se a t h e unmasking o e t f th male vo le n i a sp e c ia l m e sse n e r. Sh e h a n k e d rh e L o r d fo r his bl e ssin g t vis tor, I a ske d e g t dire c o the nlighte ne d t r o f o ur wo r k: in he a rt felt pr aye r . "How dare th o e . s fello ws try c h a As £or me ' I could n ot c on ta rn the e mo ti on s tha t su th i ng at e o f such h a me tin g hig magn i tude a I e i a e . o c o e o n e o r e a t s that in whic h e follow d n kal 1d s p f fo d m m i s of my l s e o w were fo r tun e n ugh to pa r c i at I ti pa te? Also, o existenc e n eart , w e n I h a d the o ppo rtun ity to re a d ab ut the disso io . o h h mask u lut n of th e . sed by th at wre tc h • e e e n r t e c o r a ed spirit to conc e a i w o r k s wntte n bY the ven ra bl m to Bi t n u t S mpa10, ho l h s true identity: .1. w did that o cc ur?" a forme r pre s1•d ent o f t he Br a z1 1a n S pmns· · · t Fe de r a tion . Our be n e fa c to r, always e When th e nm. e c ame co e n d t h e ac n.vm . .e s, ·D r Sa n ta n a xpec ting o ur e expl a ine d: qu stio n s, i nfo r me d the dire c to r, who pr a ye d mo vmg· ly '. an d t he n sa 1·d "Ign o n ra c e is th e r e inspi e r o f c unn n go odby to a ll o f us un ti l the ne xt o pportumty. co i g, whi c h tri e nc eal itself, n s to i c urr i ng re gre Th e sm i li n g fa c e o f the su n ha d not ye aphpe a re d b u t ttable mistake s. "Ra bbi . · Saddo c h pr e pare d the its str ands o f l ight we re al re a dy d r awmg sign s m. r e dark' ne ss disguise with the i of misl e a di nten t ng us. He us e d e o a t had e ngulfed e ni id plasty to crea e th th ght. g u i e t his mi n io n 's s by me a n s o f hypno sis, to ge the r i w th h is un de r n me n tal se lf-fi li g's xation to rep r o du e c his, R a bbi Saddo c and e h 's, image l t it mo ld the o e th r's fe a tur e s. t Wi h this reso urce ambassa dor a , his w s pre pa re d fo r e th ta sk, a llyi ng h e pe c r arroga n c e uliar to the wre tc e h d with th e hypo c risy Rabbi Saddo is accustome o i ch d t n th e de n we e r he ta ke s re fuge .

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energies hatred • It h as i "During the tra n c e, the medium's healthy an ad mm · ·st ran·v e organization in a c ommu nicy· time, c e 111. h b·1ted by hundreds helped dissolve th e disguise. Ac the same _a of thousan ds of reprobates, some by their n rmal, lyc anrhropi c own will, och e rs taken there un derling's rage restored him co the o compulsorily and subje c ted c uries as his to unspeakable sufferings, c condition co whic h he had adapted over the ent as oc urs in barbaric c ultures under che c omman d e temporary reality. of heartl ss despots. e m scn't "We realized what was goi n g on right away du :'We violate the codes of love, for even though his weak our wills are im ued co his vibratory emanations, in addition to with the best intention s, they are not minefield- above th e Sovereign Laws argumen tation. We often find ourselves in these ofJustice an d Merc y, from which sake of no one escapes ... like situations, where caution is necessary for che "We need to wait a few c ompassion an d truth. more days in order co evaluate th i ng the effec t of our first c "Thus, we fo c used on his neuralgic point, the dire t contact with the rabbi through n Jesns his misguided c lone . char would upset him the most, whic h was che ame of imbalanc e " ec us remember Christ, c ausing him the emotion al distress and . that this effort is co be considered h1g ly important in we witnessed. view of the moral revolution currently e cak 111 g pla c e "We muse never forget that, for the messeng rs of on chis planet of tra n sition. as "Our brothers evil and those who behave badly, everything is valid and sisters will inten sify their assaulrs They do not follow on the se_rv ms of the Master, I lon g as it correspo n ds co cheir goals. as well as agai n st so c iety in e n I n che n arrow paths g eral, a1mmg to win victories c ommen dable methods be c ause, treadi g offolly and horror. Gen eratin g n what is me ntal and emotional of madn ess, chey are un able co dec ide betwee disorders, and en c ouraging people's !owe: tendenc ies, they ethic al an d what is not." hope for respo n ses in the form of "should our ever-mc reasin g moral "Bec ause of what happen ed," I asked, _ disarray, c ulminatin g in domesti c , where he urban: nanonal an work c on tinue in ch e c aves of the pla n et's entrails, d even international violenc e through c alamitous dwells and maintains his sad empire of madness?" wars. c e d: "They forger Always prepared to educ ate and instru t, he r plie . . that progress is unavoidable and that evil is ephen_ieral._ "Considerin g the robustness of che empire of darkness In their delusion they have lost the ability e neither easy to reason disc e n n an d turpitude, an incursion into his den would b t r me t, seeing nothing beyon d their defiant act1v1t_1es. nor prudent for now. Let us remember that sinc e the end of and their relentless pursuit co round up new followers as v1et1ms che 15th c en tury he has be en working with other reprobates or sympathizers ... n g goal is e co wreak revenge on chose who hurt him, transferri :'Our to d crease the e ffec ts of su c h c rude c Stace, behav or on the social re spon sibility co che Martyr of Galilee. le is an a tual organism, releasi n g those who have c fallen mco the webs with all the me c hanisms needed to support his poli y of of obsession due co through foolishness

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de a s n th s a e a nd ca r el e s s nes s , thus cr e i g e evil taking pl c in Our a tte o nti n was called to n a ge tlema n o f abo contemp o r a r y s ocie ty sitti ng i n a ut sixty, . wheelchair in the n o . . • arr w co rr ido r, e t i a e e e m a . o is e ha nd s o f th e a lgid swe bathed in "Th ul m t d t rm u n m th a t. He ha d se r o • " i us heart pro blems and his e r r e s r a l s . s a a m o r M a s a nd L o r d pl eadi wife was t t i hip, C p , u ter . ng for emergency care . The ill-wi lled staff member re a s o Lo r a o r e e i o ns, since othe state d The w n time i ny m q u st r that th e do cto r ha o d n t yec a rrive d a was nd that th e r e du ties re qu i r e d h is pr esence . no o the r re co urs e bur to seek reli e f i n a no the r . . si e ha hospita l... We remai n e d in o ur activity ce nte r. , a nd nc we d not D e e pe n ing o ur o bs r e vatio n , we fo u nd that, e o e s e o o n s e he a r t i a s e beside th e ye t be en c al led to ne w co mmitm nts , L p N t , Iv , m d se reflecte d in e ev ry tra it o f th i _ e pat ent, a ferocio o h r e s a e o s a fe i ns tituno n s sp i r it ha d bo n us t e fri nd nd my: lf d cided t vi it w u d him with metallic chains th a t co mpr es se d edicated to th e G o o - some u bl i c so me go vern men ta l , ch e s t wh i le he d his tried to as phyxi ate i h m. The avenge r o r to hypn o s ught and ot h er s no n-go ve rnme ntal - in o rd r to le a r n fro m o che tize the pa tien t with his gaze, me n . u tally s uggesti co mpa nio ns de vo ted to less n s of go o d servic e . - s icide as che so l ng utio n . h o l a o d We firs t ch os e a public eme r ge ncy sp ita nd c ul The man was i o n n ag y, po werles s o . . t fight ba ck, i o h e our d s a t h e number of the sick a n d t h e mi nd i n co m h s n t id i m y a t plete disarr a y. He suddenly er set i fainted, and pa nic s u ue nn. g as w e 11 a s the indiffer ence wit. h w h'ic h t h ey w er e n with scr eam t ' s hat so meo ne wa s dying and ne eded he l r a t e d The r o a s f 11 as as the unke mpt co r n' d or, A nu r se p. c e . o m w u ' w rushed to hi s aid an d mass aged i e I . whil i h s h art ar ea , w h e r e th e d1 s r e ga r d ioL' r h uma n li fe and th e aggr e s s ivenes s o f e h s ho rr o r-insp r n i i g discar nate e nem I y exu lted gle efully. some st ff - p a i.d to Pr o vide go o d se rvice - pre d o mm. a te d . In a go n y, th e wo man who was push i . e ng hi s whe e lcha i r • Dis r e s pected co ncer nm g thei r r i g he to supp o r t a nd b ga n to ple a d for divi ne as s is ta nce We had no ch o i ce o a e i h f . fi appr o ach . but t c r , the pa tients 1 h . him, an d wh i le L o pe s ; : l a::: Neto ra is e d hi s th o ug n; :s: l mo vi ng in r ht in a fo r a s po t t o se e c ' ; : p!r : te cess o r y pr aye !: r, Ivo n C o sta be ga n ene r i applying bi o - d ue to being e xh a uste d or o ve r wh e lme d , s h o w m· g a la ck o f g e s , fi r s t to r elea se the mo rbifer o us i fluids as phyxiatin g ethics a nd co mpas s io n fo r o th ers. h m, a nd then to a tr ns mit vita l i ty to him. Of co urs e he co uld n o e nd to a ll o f t h e m a t ch e Slo wly t att coming out o f the faint, ba thed in swe a t and sa me um. e N o ne the l e ss kin d ne s s , p a t ien ce a nd me r cy with an expr e ss io o n f ho r r o r o n hi s face, th e patien a o a r e a e e e s l o s e rushe d to e t w s t w d th fflict d w r til p s ibl . th ICU, whi le ch a o s still r eigned a o . m n g che o th er s . The inte r a cti o n b e t wee n inc a r na tes a nd d1 s ca rn e We a cco mpa nie d him an d no tice d chat l a e e the wicke d was h te r n·n g . The maJ'o r ity o f pa t ie n ts d is pla yed dr e a u v ng r had mome n a t rily lost co nt o o r l ver his victim e r e s o r t r e r e Ivan 's be du to pictu f spi it-r el a ed di s tu ba n c s to v ym. d gr nefi cent ener gi es . . :: o o n f gr a vny, fr o m s imple o bs ess i o ns to subJuga t 10n s a N ethele s s he e r ma ine d w a tch o ful, w a it ing. We unrelenting va mpir iza t io ns . c ntacted him menta lly and he e xplo ded in bi tter co mpl ai nt:

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as we l , c r e dible as it may se e m," he ha r angue d, almost l as th e pan·e nts 1amily ''As inc and frien d s trymg to red r uce the him that. I was a se ious damage e ins a ne , "this is my only son, if I can call r sult·mg firam gove rnme nt mi sm a na ge me nt e re r since childhood, an d . th e ne gle c t a e man of some me ans. An asthma suff of f w ill-h umo r e d sta ff. attacks the We h a some thirty ye a rs a go du r ing on e of my worst saw t t we could not d . o anythrng more for e a s suffe ring a n now, a nd afte r wre tch de cide d to se ize my a sse ts Whil I w following se ve ra I or h e . r ap pa 11mg · ca se s e un fco r e . of e he smothe re d me with a pillow. No on tunat e xch a nge b etwee atta ck of dyspn a, n th e mca r n a t e an d d.1scarnate popula Afte r ward he positione d my body t o look like tions, we headed fo r a fc . sa w him do it. ho e or g1rl s,_run_by an NGO th at e njoye a a suffocat e d in my sl e e p. d n upsta ndi ng e t h I h d ica l. re putation Ill th e city e c a old ailme nt wa s We h a d no "The re was no suspicion, b use my troubl e find in g h . t e w e ll-d e sig ne d mstitution. It was a spac1ous . we ll-known. an d clean b ui"Id· tng h h t at house d e t t he te rrible c ild re n wh o di d "I couldn't be lie ve it a nd w nt crazy a not k now t h e1r . pare nts r while I It was e e ne t h e ne xt d a y. During my bu ial, hom to e 1g· h ty g1.r I s h phony sc w ose a ge s va ried from a e e ath of his few month s to e r ante d, he pre te nde d to w e e p, mourning th d n1·n tee n ye a rs. Th e ve ry e . e a r old d a d. d an nurs e ry conta d d me a doze n little ones. a be e n Th e y had e ate a "I swore reve nge on the wre tch, which I h d n nd we re now a sle e p ' be m· g wa tch ed ov e r by e on e of th e a pursuing judiciously fo r five ye ar s, whe n his he art probl m st ff. e a nd pe rve rsity. Oth e rs w e r e . I a ppe a re d, pe rhaps c ause d by his r morse playi n g our Ill h e _t la rge , tre e-line d I e e c ourtyard h give him a mome nt's pe ace until I s him , w i le st'llI ot I1 e rs e . "I won't w re In vo l ve d m d e h om stic c ore s, helping i h e • e re be side me , whe n we will se ttle accounts." n t kitc h e n and a h p ntry, a s well as ta king e c are of th e i Touc he d by the trage dy, Ivon atte mpte d a dialogu , r be lo ngmgs.• e e . H e re ma ine d a t Th e dire ctor a i . but the discarnate was not int rest d was w dow a pp r ox a e 1m t ly fifty-five ye a rs e ol d , cheer a son's side , like the se r pe nt that hypnotiz s its victim ful nd e ne rg e r·ic, b e e his ar r of e xce Jl e nc v1"b rations, f nendly . a nd e be for e striking. sinc re l y d e vore d to he r w or k , fcor w h·1ch e r ec e ive sh Whe n he althcare worke rs finally unde rstand the d no pay at all. re r e A a e us commitme nt the y have assume d ga ding th ir C tholic, sh e devo e d her s rio t w or k to St. r e e The se of e e to spiritua l re ality J sus so th a t i t sick brothe rs and sist rs, awak ning could b e cwrwar d e h d to t e L or d and sh e e inspira tion, sought to infuse ' and conne c ting to pray r, charity and all wh o se r ved m . h e . t lnSt1tut10n· · wi.t h the e e se ntiments hospitals will be transfor me d into templ s of m rcy and of k·In d ness, courte sy an d Iov e towa rd ch i d e a nd l r n compre he nsive he alth ... toward e ach orl 1e r. e e a In tha t chaos, we also obse rved the sa c rif icial work of S v r l discarna te moth wh t c h e d ov e r th e gi r ls e ffor ;rs in an many high-ord e r spirits and discarn a te doctors a nd nurs e s, t to assist t he devoted sta ' w de ot h e rs, still daze d a nd

222 223 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Divaldo Franco Planetary Transition

among co nfus e d, did not unders tand what had happ e ne d to the m, th e earc h's e o p ple a realit so _m u are prepared s o t hat we but w e re aware o f the pre s e nce o f the ir little o ne s . no t to give s he lte r toy,th e rnrum o ns o repre s . . f evil, G o o d and indus trious s pirits co ntribute d to eve ryo ne 's ente d by old te nd enc1. e s ' pnme va I fce e s te , and the welfare in a climate o f high vibratio ns , maintaining the rrible villains , de s ce n d. ams of th e ego fear, , t h e childre n o f harmony and jo y o f living e xpre s s e d amo ng ch o s e who lived ange r and i't s m·in10ns. . o e e e e s s e o s Ren e wed and o and w rked th r . Th happy r ult wa chat th w rk wa J· y ful , we l1 e a d ed fo .. e r ot h er s pu rts d d.reared to the o . s ucce s s ful, e nriching and full o f e mo tio nal rewards . Go d . O ur fi rs t v1 s t 1. was to a nursmg. h ome run by dis e s o Th e visit we nt ve ry well becaus e it s ho we d chat the firs t cipl f th e Com1ort ,£ e r. It s ste p to the victo ry o f the Go o d is the mo ral trans formatio n of wa a wo o de d are a o n t e h outs,k· Jr t s o f the city. buildings Two the human be ing for the better, o ve rco ming bad inclinations had be e n b u 1·1 t t h e er each i·t h t wo fl o s eve ors and and ad o pting he althy be havio rs . ral are as of manicure d g ard s w i th co e s with rn r ado rne d e e s o s e s s o e e painte d ir o n be Th gr at, eri u battl i alway fought n th inn r nch e s us e de ror fr at among er. na I soci. aliz. ing lands cape s o f e ach individual for ch e installatio n o f lo ve and the re sidents . One of t truth in the he art. It is no t an e as y s truggle in that w e are he bu ildingcs w as co mp l e tely devo t e d to small, co mfortable he irs to vice s and e xce s s e s that la s ted thro ugh the millennia apart ments ro r men o .. r w o me n, avoidi ng k.i nd o f e any up until it was po s s ible for us to awake n to ren e wing, po s itive s gregat io n an d us . i. ng th e co nve nt10nal nucleus family I e motio ns , which mu s t pr e vail o ve r primitive pa s s io ns . as the re rerence.c l Two Pe o ple have always be e n pr e o ccupie d with winning a apartme nts were co nnect e d b Y a bathroo ill betwe e n them m victo ry o ve r othe rs , o ve r th o s e they think are the ir enemie s , for th e re s 1.d e nt s , co n vem· e nce . Two ne at b e ds co mpo se whe re as the true e ne mie s ar e hidde n o r unveile d in the dark d th e s im p 1 e b d ro o m, and be s ide e ach e wa s a s mall b d co rne rs o f the ir o wn soul. table fco r pers o na leb e o l ngmg· s , pi.ct u re o o n s s f love d It was for no o the r re aso n that Je s us s tre s s e d individual e , bo o ks, etc. re s pons ibility whe n e o e e informed o f the ir immo rtality Th e patients , some e . . p pl ar v ry old and senile having , m additio n to e e s e e hearrbre akin l and the auth ntic valu chat dignify and lib rate th g ·11 ne s s e s , we re treate and d with warmth conscience . kindn e s s. s e o s o There we re daily s In turn, Spiriti m cam t awaken individual t a tu die s f 7h e Gosp e f according by Allan Spiritism life o f no ble po s tulate s , which ar e pr e s e nte d as traditio nal Kardec , w h ere e . t h impo r t ant topi c o f e . death was s e e o o xamine d carefully, Wlt virtue , magnified by achi v ments f behavi ral and . h ne 1t h er threat o f pu r n.s h menr, no r pro mis e o f undes e . mo ral e le vatio n. rved pnl. I·1 _ e ge s m th e afte rlife. Eve ryth was done ing Thus self-examinatio n is a no n-trans fe rable duty with great s imp· 1c1ry'f bur wtt· h firat e rna I affectio , atte s t o n for all tho s e who want to make o rd e r and harmo ny ing t the co ns c10u. s e s n s o a J' o b well d o ne .

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e e e g o r A numbe r o f delirio us patients w r scr amin "A. s a yo ung man I was a tal e nte d classical or gan1st,. o r sho wing agitatio n under th e b Ut I did o blasphe ming, laughing n t he sitate to le ave the be aun·f u 1 Ian d sc aye s o f e s o n duty, the staff and the spirit y b·1ft h e r sup e rvisio n of th phy ician plac fo the stifling climate . o f th e Afincan rnr e 111 the sts be ne facto rs that to ile d the re . name o f J e sus' lo ve fio r I-I"is . unfortunate br o the rs and e o e o the r Aure lio. Aure lio was in siste rs . Afit e We we re w lc m d by br r d.iscarnan o n ' b e cause I was attracte d by the love o e be e n its founde r mo re than o f th e founde r charge o f the w rk, for h had s of thi s h o me , a o e c up.l c o mpI et e 1Y d e e e o d"1cat d ago . We had the immense jo y o f visiting all th t th e G o o d in its s i fifty years u bl· me expr e ss10n o f _ch co anty,• I agr e e d de partme nts, liste ning to Aure lio 's e xplanations. participate in the be autifi u l 1.d ea 1 o f se rvice to e e the ne dy., , o e o o ur inter e st in ge tting to kno w so m H e l e d o Taking n t f us t th e various oo . r ms, e sp e cially th e e e e o orde r to e xpand o ur le arning, infirmarie s/do o f the charitabl nd av rs in rmito r 1·e s, w h e re we found wome n and me n e o o e e dicate d to the re po se re co ve r ing fro Aurelio sho we d us a plac f l v d m sur ge ry, whil. e othe rs ' who us e d t o 1.1v e o n r They had b e e n t h e s tre e o f patie nts discharge d f om hospitals. ts found su pp o re to h e lp the m re co ve r and re t o e e e , to o urn witho ut assistance in the difficult pe rio d of c nval sc nc s cial life. e e o e had come from inland citi s for C o incide esp cially th s that ntally , at chat ve ry o m me nt th e founde rs app e are d· e surgical treatme nts. · th se lf]e ss co up l e , s ervants o f J e sus, tire s e e e e wo le s Afte r re ce iving di r e ctio ns we he ad d for th bl ss d rkers o f be ne fi ce 11c e . thre e flo or s and se ve ral The I home , a mo de rn building with wife was su r ro unded b y a d e 1·icat e filigre e o f I e e o e e rs as we ll as le sso ns light de o • de partments that o ffe r d car t suff r ' m nst ratrng. gr e a e . t m d.JUm1st1c sensitivity, while the h us b an d e in Spiritism. ' qually co nf ide nt e in th G ood , sp o ke ab o e e e e e e e ut We wer e gre e te d at the entranc by a v n rabl th n ds o f the place i . , w h· c h at t he nme e . . 1 was xpe n e ncmg 5 had le ft be hind o n th e so me e co o . b e ne factor o f humanity, who n mic diffi cu l t1 e s, an e issu. ch at d"dI no t d.Isturb its e arth a re markable wo rk in the lands o f th e forme r Fre nch pro gram, ho we ver. o also wo rke d in this place o f love . Visiting e Equat rial Africa, and who th sick ' we n onc. e d t h at so me m a1nta111· · e d e his pr e se nce , the wise fri e nd pe rce ive d ch e 1·r co nne c o . Surpris d by ti n with spu1t. . a d ve r s e an s , fr o m w h om th e y e e aine d that love has no home land. we re starting o o ur perpl xity and xpl t break f ree d ue to the S pi· r m· ·s t t h e rapi e s us e d there , incl ud mg· pass e s, e nerg e . iz d wate r' G o spe l-b as e d 15 benefaccor was "Alben Schweitzer psyc o e We can safely assume char chis h t h rapie's, an d d. o is b se ssio n me e tings he l (1875-1965), 1952 Nobel Peace Prize; Only nine when he first performed . . C d at th e S pmt1st. e nters o wn site in his father's church, he was, from his young manhood ro his middle . Frie nd o internationally known. s fr m bo rh s p h ere o . eighties, recognized as a concert organist, s f _l i f e me t al o ngsid e vo lunte e rs o From his professional engagements he earned funds for his education, wh offe re d to he l e th patie nts until th e y we hospital." e re particularly his later medical schooling, and for his African abl to go ho me . S o me o f th e 1r f am1·1 y memb e - I.R. rs, staying in

226 227 Manoel Philomeno de Miranda / Oivaldo Franco and filled modest lodgings nearby, also visited them, grateful with holy vibr ations of peace. . . . 22 the kind spmt When ou r tour was finished, we thanked PREPARATIONS FOR THE acqui r ing and headed fo r yet other assistance institutions, r of self-enlightenm_ent, the expe r ience necessary fo the work CoNcLusioN OF OuR WORK human beings often witnessing the lack of inter est of regular the power ful occupied with their own needs, as well as by divorced from of the world, many of whom wer e completely hea r ts. the solidarity that should r eign in all . . add ctton We also spent some time in the dens of drug hat night was especially splendid, speckled with a where child r en in city squares, public ga r dens and back alleys, myr iad of sta r s, like sparkling diamonds encased in the symptoms wer e using crack, some al r eady showing _of the festive dome. r . r with behavioral p oblems TThe longings of nature were wafting by, bo r ne in the br ain disor de s in tandem The always agonizing human landscape aw kened r ms of a light br eeze filled with fragrance. Ir was springtime me r cy, leading us ou r sentiments of compassion and rn he regi on, and the gr ound, covered with soft gr ass and by addictions, to inter cessor y pr ayer fo r all controlled delicate plants, exulted before the blessings of l ife. they had I those that had fallen into the traps of the evil O r benefactor, who displayed special joy, explained w_hen I committed against themselves in other lifetimes, that a r eview of our labors over the previous three months was legalized • they indulged in lust, pride and cr ime - whether needed, from our first foray into the desolate region ofSumat r a, webs of urgent or not _ and now caught in the powerful to when we and others r etur ned to the beloved planet for repair through suffer ing. endeavors concerning reincarnations during the period of the after having spent The hou r s passed by quickly, and gr eat tr a siti n, culminating with our exper iences alongside such useful time with the sowers of the Good, we returned deepl y m1sgu1ded brothers and sisters in the grips of evil. to the Spi r iti st Center where we were staying. Other labors scheduled for the most miserable areas, those that harbor ed rebellious spiri ts hardened i n cr uelty, would be set aside until the appropriate time, when guidelines would be established fo r that pu r pose. Among these would be a ca r efully planned visit to the infernal region, home co Rabbi Eliachim ben Saddoch and his misguided subjects ... The never-end i ng work of the Good would continue in other areas, contributing to the pr ogr ess of society and che beloved planet.

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o o r ey t he ir belo e e r instructio ns, we star ted ur j u n v d little o nes in th e ir lap ' o Aft his usual w 1·k·m g wit. h ch e m on e e Pro)·ects · e o e m an y co uple s that had vo lunt red mvo l ving the new e ar t. h ' t e . o f visiting so m f th . h wo r Id o f pr o mise ··· e e . o o f the gue sts fr o m Alcyo n , as w ll A t such ti m es t he y expr e s e e . fo r the reincarnati ns . s d ch 1r e mo no ns as t e ars re ng Of o y r . o missio n ar ie s fr o m the past no w turni J an d g atitude to Go d d ue to r e as the illustri us . h imp o r tance o f the ir e to the Spiritist willi n ly accepte d co to the e ar th. The last phase wo uld b a visit g m m1rm e nr. or o n an o the r o ccasio n in der The sublime award o.f a e n t c Center where we had stayed r h oo d ro r all had a ve r special y r o m ent in that stro n_gho ld o f love and meaning be ca us e it 10s t r e to fulfill o u c mmit e d the d e ve l o pm en t o f e r o em o tio n o e blessings were lavishe d o n ev y ne. s rhat de r,· ve f r om o . cha r ity, whe r e c untl ss c -er eatto n a Io ngsid e th e o m als o Exalted Cr e ato . It is obvio us chat che reincarnatio n pr gra r e In h e carnatio ns, whe r e in spi r its w re t e1· r turn, th o se reincarnaci e ntaile d no rmal r in ng wer e do i. ng the ir to pa r ticipate utmo st to me asure t 0 returning unde r better co nditio ns to be able up t h eir. respo n sibilitie s. A o lives, thus haste ning ny 1.i g h c in t he da r kn n . . in the ne w pr o je ct f illuminating ess a d o rass_ts n o t1ced, attr ac ting co its e pi ce nte r all ch o e 7 the tr ansitio n. s who mge r m rh e dark. In one o mplishe d te r r estrial spirits way o r an oth e r ch e}'. ':".o Millio ns o f highly acc uld be the ne w be arers o f standards o _ e r e tasks - as I me ntio ne d ea r lie r f mo ral an d spmcual were marked to fur th th ir be h. avwr, me e ting t he seri o u . o nde rful perio d o f re n ewal s challeng e s and di srup t 1 - reincar nating during this w 0ns se t m mo tio n to hinder th e ir pro r ess. I and ho pe . g This e o e I o o e w o uld b e under the special care ph n m n on alw, ays h app e n All, f c urs , . s as a result o f th e r ebe llio n ii o e E r a so that no o ne w o uld us ess o f ch e Ins e nsate e e . o f tho se in char ge f th New b for tl1 e se rer nty o f th e on b e ar ers o e e . e e n lo ng as they were focus e d f xist ntial me a ntng, h suffer any imp dim t, as : h.ic do e s no t e nd with t he r e e maintained th e purpo se s g av . In eve r y age ' th g o r ele vant co mmitm nts and o and up r i gh t h ave bee n e d no unce d , misunde r sto o o f in n er gr owth. de an d P e rse cured , suffe rin the sarcasm g e r e a spiritual revo lution o f such and the repud·Iat1 .o n o o Ther e has nev ever b en f t h se wh 0 ta k e p l e asure in e the ir o wn ab o magnitude , co mpar ed to the significance o f the s grand minabl e s1tuat1. .o ns. e o o n. But the y shall neve r mo m e nts o f hu m an spiritual v luti 1ach k t h e reso urce s o ri gin ated in th e sp i o r o o o e respo nsible for reincar natio ns, rit w ld wh e nce we The j y f th s ave al1 co me , so t h at gr an d e endeavo rs may e . who , in o ne way or ano ther receive d o ur assistanc , b cr o w ne d wit h success. We co n tinue o . was imme nse . d t witne ss th e d esce nt f t he fascicles of r light towar h e m and talking with che m while pa tially d t terrestri a l lo b , re r e e Visiting che g p s nrtng the tutelary be h n o o gical sl e e p, w e share d in the ir ing s t at e nte r e d th e P I e di sengage d duri g physi l an c s atm osph e r e to ca r ry o ur e th eir glo r iou emo tio ns and th e ir de sir e s so that th e y co uld so o n hav s task.

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We a ls o ma de note o f the vo lumi n o us ';'.a e s o f ho r o r C o ntro lle d by his te r ri o . ble bs ess o r, th e yo e s o was e ung addict an d s uffer i n g th a t crus h e d en m e co mmumu , c h kmg r ceiving s a e hi dv rsary's cruel i ns i r a . . p tion to go e h e e a s o n n a n a o n s ructi o n s w h ose and s o o ah ad r td l f ma Y a d r zi g ll c t h r his helples s ta rget. n a o n s were no se on so1. d rock _ acco rding to fou d ti r firmly t i At th a t mo me nt Dr. n Sa ta na se nt his o e th ught to wa rd Jes us ' po w e r ful expr e s s i n · · th cruel s n di ca r ate a nd a dmo n s . i hed him, i nforming In some w a y s th is fig h t ts ve r y o ld in that ther e that he would him be liable for the e s liv o f both e on r s e victim, murd rer and h ave a lw a ys b een go o d an d ba d s pirits the e a th, t h o a nd th a e e t th h ino us crime wo uld be adde d to s w ho ha ve ch o s e n pr o gre s s as 1"l tes , n orm , and rho s e who ne fario us curriculum. hi e n a s s i n n s e s s . a ha ve o pte d for diffe r t p th , re ult g i dt. cr 10g nd He s te rnl y e touch d the fore he a d of the ass a n a r r o e i n n i n s unde r e ail t h wi ng re-b g g ... th o bs e s s o r's grip, s to pping th e Row o f s r o in s i di gra ce ful We w e re in the pl a ce c h osen fi o r the cl o s u e o f ur p r atio n, w hil e a t the s ame tim e influencing . a him o e xcurs io n , whe n D r San ta n a w a s appro a ched by one o f th e bando n e o t th r bbe ry altogethe r. dis ca r n a re mem b ers O f t h e belo ve d Cente r. Dr. a a Sant n 's en e rgy disc r e • ha g s re a che d hi s o a e br o cr wn a nd Dis layi n g s erious appre hen s 1? n o n_h t·s f c , he w ch a kr as , o n pr duci g a mo me n a r t y re lea s e fro m his e e s e l r n e of the in s titutio n s me diums who wa s and mercile cold r qu t e dh p fo o ss adve rsa ry. Next e h sent a ne w e e wav o f po w e rful in a ve r y serious pr e dicame n t. nergy into hi s he a e rt c nter, which ha a d pr o fo un d em o t o a e i e l e e pr o blem. e ffe ct, caus i n l , H q u ckly xp ain d th ing him to dro h p t e re vo lve a r nd co llaps e fro m It w as a n arme d robb e r y involvin g one o fJ e s us wo rke rs , arteri a l hypo te n s io n. thre a te n e d i h death by a h a d · 1· I Eva n dro , th e s tunned me dium, e i t perc ve d the s elf l s s e h a r e 10 ; ! Pg h :: : t: s , and be nefac o s n e Th vtcnm d p ay d t r' i te rfere nce a e nd r co ve r e d fro m s i the hock He his pr a ye_r w a s hea rd by us . p cke d up hi s e o . b l ngings a nd, e tel -guide d by th e guide, e a o e b e n e o r invite s quickly he Without furt h r d , th fa ct d u left th e dark regi o n. co a cco mpa y e n e e i a o e r ue s t, an d e n n th i t rm d ry f th eq Domi a te d by diffe re nt em o tio ns , Eva n r o : re d be ga n to h de d for an aw ful s tr e et set in dens e da r kne s s due to t e member th a t the r eas o n ch a r ha d br o ught a him ther e was d: e te rio us fluids imbuin g the re gio n de dica te d to the tr a de Chris tian o bj e e ctiv : ch a rity to a o n y u g wo man now l i h a n s the la s ving in um fle h... t mome n ts o f her o t rmente d ea r thly e i s . o x tence, lying The robber h a d d e ma n de d th e victim co h n d n a mi s era ble co i t n a Be a -i nfe s te d s hack whe r e , in e s o an s he o th pa t, ve r h.t s w a rch ' ce ll pho n e d m o ne y, an d w a s try mg w uld s ell h e r fe e e . bl bo dy ... to de cide w he the r to ki l l him o r not, w h en. w e . a rr ive d. It w a s o n t the firs t tim e h e had vis ite d her s i e n e r e n h s e n a n s n e r. o be in g n nce Th gu wav d i i tr mbli g h d, hi fi g n i forme d o f the degradati o n of he r e xis te n ce. He the tr igge r . had take n her o fo d a nd money to help her s uppo r t he r

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fragile and defe a ted body, while the a ngel of death We Were led to the conference and study hall, which suffering. packed. circled her days of ;as_ The Center's loving guide invited our benefactor Tears flowed from his half-open eyes. We could read Slt at the head table. We were shown to the reserved seats compassionate thoughts, but inspired by the gentle a; the front and the rest of his the guests sac in the se a ts reserved home. for t em. A mentor, he decided to return mezzanine in the back, prepared with spiritual Working for the Good in today's tumultuous world is energies, was also completely filled. major ch a llenge. Nonetheless those practicing charity In the natural silence, still a we heard a soft melody that should not get discouraged, for if there a re seemed to come from an and doing good unknown region of the spirit world. obsessors in the afterlife, always willing to commit heinous The melody en iched with as children's voices, extolling life angels, vigilant a nd and_ love, crimes, there are also swarms of tutelary while delicate flakes of some luminous substance fell m abundance swift, carrying out labors of true fraternity. upon all gathered in silent prayer. a an uproar engulfed the sordid When the Shortly afterw rd, melody finally faded away, Joaquina stood when someone saw the young ma n who ha d and emotionally, stronghold, rayed beseeching Jesus' blessings on the out. He was coming to, broken and under the meeung and asking for passed His sublime presence to vitalize us, effect of his drug addiction and the vibratory shock he needy as we were for help and wisdom. experjenced. The mediums seared had dose to us concentrated and he was known in the a rea, the matter was closed b g a n to externalize energy I Since similar to , which was disp a raging comments. The locale returned to its directed to a transp a re after a few nt tube on the platform where the • condition as a dark stronghold of crime and vulgarity. head ta ble was located. completed, we returned to the Spiritist The vapor Our new task slowly entered the cylinder and began where we were greeted by Dr. Santana and several to for a human figure, Center, which, to our utter joy, was Dr. coworkers, including Evandro's spirit guide. Artem10 Guimaraes. The night wore on and the streets were slowly becoming When he finished materializing, he exited the tube and deserted. approached the podium, externalizing the luminosity ofhis state us was enveloped ofmoral elevation. The sanccuary that welcomed He spoke with beautiful vocal intonation: in a sa pphire-blue light that flooded every corner. Oiscarna te workers were present because they had been "Dear brothers and sisters: informed of the closure of our current activities. There Jesus, the ::May Sublime Guide of Humanity, bless us. mediums and friends ofJesus in partial long were also several . - t ago, our plans were merely ouclined disengagement during physiological sleep, all there to possibd1t1es, but now they are a reality, thanks to che take part in the farewells ... devotion of sincere serva nts of rhe Good.

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re pe ntance moral re ctifi cation, inste a e e Gospel on our plane and d of th exil char e e ral groups of worke rs of the "S v would otherwise be impose d on them by the Divine L e e conditions for aw. the earth in ord e r to cr at desce nded co "Of co_urse th e se activitie s will be e 's hearts. Now more painful the Kingdom of H e aven in peopl building and challengtng than those carri e d out during the period e aving room for e e to our community, l the y have r tu r n d now e nding. will be fulfille d e rs to continue the plan, which ""\VT othe r work w e trust that th e Sublime e exp e rience s. Worker will quip us with e sults achieve d in the initial according to the r the resources ne e de plane t's and tools d to carry out the future plan fore se e the future days of the "We happily as succe ssfully as th e one just comple ted. spirits are re locate d e te moral ren e wal as low order compl "May H e Himself, our Example and Mod e e e progre ss th e y l , I ea d whe re the y will continu th to other worlds, u s_ wit· l l H'is love - that is th e praye r of your e e ge rs of th e devoted and e e now, and as th e m ss n have de nie d th e ms lv s till faithful friend." war into instruments of Light transform che mechanisms of e lib e ration. e e and crime into lov and pe ace , and chos of vic e e have been When he finish d, w again he ard th e angelic m USIC e worke rs of th e great transformation "Th an d c h'ldI ren ,s voic e s singing hosannas to Jesus and life . e social and cultural e ng dilige ntly in th various op rati He returne d to the cylinder and dissolve d b e fore our e some time now. segme nts of th e arth for dewy eyes ... spirits inte re st e d in "Gre at migrations of happy Th e n Dr. Santana stood up to thank all who had be en structure s for the be tter, when I changing the world's social part of his team. e e e is no longe r e in shame be cause its pr s nc suffering will fle With a choked voice , he prayed: ne e ded, ar e caking place . e rn ing the world of "The promise of Jesus conc planet Beloved Ma sterJesus: way to be ing a paradise or a happy regene ration on its invited us to wo r k in Your world pr e pare ou harvest. Completely e as selfless worke rs from the spirit is now feasibl unequipped, we p r esented rse a a will live . ou lves t the l st hour, when You whe re these builde rs of tomorrow the environment welcomed us a nd offe red us a field to plow. e s and siste rs who ar e "We congratulate our dear broth r Although the day wa s spent and the night app r oa ched e period grante d closing the ir tour of frate rnity aft r the now You have a llowed us to hurry a nd plow the fields ofh a rdened e e r. e for th e e xecution of the nd avo to th m hea rts so tha t we may sow Your wo r d oflove a nd light in them. e idle ne ss her e , e there is no re st in th form of "Sinc Even after ou r earlier failures, You a they will return to did not hesit te to e brie f period of re ne wal and study, aft r a gr a nt us the, ba lla st ofconfidence to implement You r pla n e sibilitie s, contributing the e arth for furthe r spiritual r spon Jo_r the a r th s renewal, despite ou r little experience a nd very e t to awake n the re be llious and more effectively in an att mp little wisdom. e e n the opportunity for th e insane so chat the y may b giv

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In spite ofour fighting against our imperfections, You visited us countless times to sustain us in our effort ofself IVON COSTA transformation for the better so that we can face our inner challenges and solve outer difficulties. The days have passed in the hourglass oftime and we have reached the final stage with hands almost empty ofdeeds, but with our hearts and minds thankfulfor all Your wonderful gifts. Forgive us for our inadequacy, limitations and difficulties, but what we do have we offer in service to You, and what we would love to accomplish, we try to do it, being at Your disposal vo n Co sta was born in Sao Manue l to forfuture endeavors. . ' d ay E ug e no, Po 11s· ' m· Minas Gerais, Brazil, o n July 15 ' 1898 Honor us with new callings and enrich us with Your , an d d.1scarnat e d 111· p Orto Ale gre o (Ri Grande do Sul) o n January 9' 1934 incomparable mercy, providing us new commitments oflight. It o a nly e 35 y ars o ld. He was o ne o f th e o ' We thank You, our Lord, depositing in Your loving heart s · · • m st no t ewo n h y pmt1s t speake rs in Brazil o . . and c ntri but e d d e c1s1ve Iy wit. h our best sentiments oftenderness and gratitude. h is· 111s1g· · htrul r: and e nlighte nin o g w rd to furthe r ch e sp r ead o f t he Sp i· rm· ·st D o e ctrin wirh unbreakable fib e r an d Whe n he finishe d, the e mo t io ns had reached their peak. true va l o r. H e was e ndow ed with an e nviabl e g1 t o f o Th e wo nderful me e ting had e nded and che time for ·r orat ry an d po sse sse d an infectious magn e tism and a e farewe lls had co me. pnv1. ·1 ge d v 1c · e , k eepm • h g is audienc e s spellbo und with t he All the asp e cts o f t he e nde avo r passe d through my mind fo rce o f h 1s argument . and emo tio ns, fr o m th e first stage with the victims o f the He was e min e ary stud nt at on e time, bu t with o Indian Oce an tsunami, to o ur he lping ch e yo ung me dium, nly 19 d ays re ma1111n h g until is o rdinatio n as a pr iest it and co ncluding with the vict o ry o f lo ve in all its expre ssio ns. . was d.1sc o ve re d t hat h e h o ' ad n bapmmal ce rtif icate . In h o A ne w day was dawning whe n o ur caravan, st ill lig t f t he co n rcn s1.o n Iv o ' n gave up h 1s· e cc Ie siastical care e r under th e co mmand of Dr. Silvio Santana, returned to . H e moved to Rio de Janeiro , wh e re he graduate our spirit pla n e . .. d in me d 1e111e . He was e r mark a bl e po lyglot, sp e akin e e As we go t farthe r away fro m the be lo ve d e arth, we g p rf ct French ' E ng I'15 h' Gaerman an d Spanish. co uld se e it env e lo pe d in blue light, swirlin g in th e co smo s t t n e was_ go in g thro h o : ife : ug a difficult and advancing in the directi n of a planet ofregeneration. ph ase f : o himself 111 fr o . nt of a Spiritist ce nter ch at was.h o a public me e t in g. Mo ve d by an o dd impuls e he we nt 111 and liste ne o d t co mme nt s o n the Co dif icatio n b;

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Allan Kardec. When he left, he was transformed because he had found the answer to all his questions. He became a Spiritist and soon took up the task of lecturer. Possessing solid intellectual knowledge, in addition to being a medium, he stood out with rare brilliance at the podium. He also engaged in dialogue with the audience in order further clarify the arguments presented in conferences. He also toured countries in Europe, including Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. On one occasion he was to give a lecture in Maceio, Brazil in a rented theater, but just before the conference, the cheater was closed by order of the local bishop. The public, unhappy with the attitude of the clergyman, led Ivon to the square, where the lecture was held. In retaliation, the church bells tolled and some fanatics pelted him with stones; however, he endured all stoically and with a true spirit of selflessness. Ivon Costa lived two years in Germany before moving to Paris, where he served as a cinematic interpreter for • Paramount. Everywhere he went, he planted the seeds of the Doctrine of che Spirits (Spiritism). He also attended the International Congress on Spiricism in The Hague, Netherlands. In 1932 he returned co Brazil for good, settling in Porto Alegre, where he ran a free clinic. We can affirm that Ivon Cosca was the first Spiritist who traveled the most in order to spread the reincarnationist ideals, and chis endeavor was very similar to that performed by the great lecturers Vianna de Carvalho and Divaldo Franco. His missionary work resulted in the founding of a large number of Spiritist societies throughout Brazil.


We ore on the threshold of the great transition, when our planet will go from being a world of trials and expiations to one of regeneration. This transition has been port of the heavenly plan for a long time; thus, it will not occur in an obvious manner, overnight, as if by magic, but as a slow, gradual, yet undelayable transformation.

Natural tragedies, such as the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 - the subject of our considerations in this book - are part of this process because they are meant to make humankind progress more quickly by expunging criminal spirits - those unamenable to order and to moral and spiritual evolution, which can no longer be delayed. Those spirits will spend an amount of time on other worlds, learning the laws of Love and of the Good until they are fit to return to our planet to make their contribution to the progress of humankind.

In this extraordinary book, our dear readers will learn about the mechanisms and lofty reasons for the planetary transition in favor of pressing and necessary changes that promote respect for lows, ethics and nature, transforming men and women into complete beings who are conscious of their duties to God, themselves and others. ISBN 9781942408475 90000 >