PLANETARY TRANSITION DIVALDO FRAN-CO We are on the threshold of the great transition, when our planet will go from being a world of trials and expiations to one of regeneration. This transition has been part of the heavenly plan for a long time; thus, it will not occur in an obvious manner, overnight, as if by magic, but as a slow, gradual, yet undelayable transformation. Natural tragedies, such as the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 - the subject of our considerations in this book - are part of this process because they are meant to make humankind progress more quickly by expunging criminal spirits - those unamenable to order and to moral and spiritual evolution, which can no longer be delayed. Those spirits will spend an amount of time on other worlds, learning the laws of Love and of the Good until they are fit to return to our planet to make their contribution to the progress of humankind. In this extraordinary book, our dear readers will learn about the mechanisms and lofty reasons for the planetary transition in favor of pressing and necessar y changes that promote respect for laws, ethics and nature, transforming men and women into complete beings who are conscious of their duties to God, themselves and others. ISBN 9781942408475 90000 > BY THE SPIRIT MANOEL PHILOMENO DE DIVALDOMIRANDA FRAN CO PLANETARY TRANSITION LEAL Publisher Copyright© 2016 by Centro Espirica Caminho da Reden ao - Salvador (BAJ - Brazil All righrs CONTENTS reserved. No pan of chis book may be reproduced by any mech anical, phocographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be srored in a rerrievaJ system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or privare use without prior written permission of rhe publisher. ISBN: 978-1-942408-47-5 Planetary Transition ................................................ 9 Original tide in Portuguese: Trnmiriio Plnnetdri11 1. New Pathways ......................................................... 17 (Brazil, 20 I 0) 2. A Special Visitor. ..................................................... 25 Translated by: Darrel \VI, Kjmble, Marcia Saiz and fly Reis Cover design by: Claudio Urpia 3. A Revelation-Message .............................................. 31 Layout: Luciano Carneiro Holanda Edited by: Evelyn Yuri Furuta 4. Earthly Itineraries .................................................... 41 Edition of 5. New Experiences ..................................................... 49 LEAL PUBLJSHER 8425 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 104 6. The Work of Illumination ....................................... 59 Miami, Florida 33138, USA www.lealpublisher.com 7. Love as Divine Power .............................................. 67 [email protected] (305) 306-6447 8. Unexpected Assistance ............................................. 73 Authorized 9. Existential edition by Centro Espirira Camjnho da Reden,ao - Salvador (BA) - Brazil Challenges .............................................. 81 10. Lessons of High Magnitude ..................................... 89 11. Continued Learning ................................................ 97 INTERNATIONAL DATA FOR CATALOGING IN PUBLJCATfON (ICP) 12. Life Responds as Planned ........................................ 107 f825 Miranda, Manoel Philomeno de (Spirit). 13 .Making up for Lost Time ....................................... 117 Planetary Transition I authored by the Spirit Manoel Philomeno 14. de Miranda; psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco ; translated by Guidelines for the Future ........................................ 133 Darrel K;mble, Maeda Saiz and lly Reis-Miami (FL), USA: Leal Publisher, 20 I6. 15. Enlightening Experiences ........................................ 143 240 p.; 2 I cm 16. Reincarnation Programming ................................... 15 5 Original ride: Transi,ao Planedria 17. Broadening the Scope of Our Work ........................ 171 ISBN 978-1-942408-47-5 18. Thoughts and Profound Dialogues .......................... 183 19. I. Spirircsm. 2. Manoel Philomena de Miranda. 3. Revelation Getting Ready for Spiritual Armageddon ................ 195 I. Franco, Divaldo Pereira, 1927-. II. Tide. CDDl33.9 CDU 133.7 20. Confrontation with the Darkness ............................ 205 21. Difficult Bartles ....................................................... 217 In order for people to be happy on the earth, it must be 22. Preparations for the Conclusion of Our Work ......... 229 populated only by good incarnate and discarnate spirits who IVON COSTA ....................................................... 239 desire nothing but the good. Once such a time has come, there will be a great emigration from among those who inhabit the earth. Those who practice evilfor evils sake and are untouched by the sentiment ofthe good will no longer be worthy ofthe transformed planet. They will be banished from it, because their stay would once more cause trouble and confusion and would be an obstacle to progress. They will be replaced by more-advanced spirits, who will see to it that justice, peace and fraternity reign . .The present age is one oftransition; the members of both generations are mixed together. Standing at the midpoint, we are watching the departure ofone and the arrival ofthe other, and each is already distinguishable by the characteristics that are proper to it. KARDEC, ALLAN, GENESIS Chapter XVIII, Nos. 27 and 28 (International Spiritist Council, 2009) 7 PLANETARY TRANSITION are living on earth at the time ofthe great transition from a world of trials and expiations to a world of egeneration. The changes being observed are ofa moral nature, inviting human beings to change their behaviorfor the better, dropping their bad habits so that the paradigms ofjustice, duty, love, and order may take root. This transformation, inherent in the process ofevolution, has been foretold ever since the prophetic Sermon recorded in the 13th chapter ofthe Gospel ofMark, when the Divine Master described the signs offuture times after the painful events that would indicate the different periods ofevolution. Since human beings are spirits in the process of intellectual and moral growth, they go through different levels in order to develop instinct and then intelligence, followed by consciousness on the pathway to intuition, which will be acquired by overcoming primeval experiences. These experiences affect them profoundly, often binding them to their animal nature to the detriment oftheir spiritual nature, which is their reality. Through many reincarnations they very gradually eliminate their moral imperfections and transform them into 9 Planetary Transition Manoel Philomeno de Miranda/ Divaldo Franco importa u a i nt q l tie s tha t drive the m towa rd the whole nessfor H e sitat ing or adva ncing on the libe rat i ng p a thway, whi ch they a re de sti ned . they de e a v lop the tre sures /,ying dorma nt in the m i nd a nd the Committing wrongs and correct in a i g them, m k ng i e sent m nts, which they l e a rn to put in the se rvice e a ttempt a ofprogr ss, s t progre ss, falli ng a nd t he n ge tti ng ba ck up - s u ch is adva ncing, consci ou s ofth e ir respons i bi liti es. e s th mean ofgrowth tha t prope ls eve ry on e in the e dir ction of u Unfort na te ly, this a wak e ning t o consciousness ha s thei r comple te happiness . occ u rre e d v ry slow/,y, giving ris e to e x cesse s rep e ate d a t e ve H e i s t e ry r o th confli cts tha t afflicte d the m i n the ea rly moment, as we ll a s terrible, bloody wa rs. sta ge s, e u they must fac nh e a lthy condi ti onings a nd work t o Th u s, arbitra ry and p e rve rse beha e a u i viors pr dom ina te in cq re new expe rie nce s tha t comprise su re guideli nes for today's i a society, n s t rk con t rast to t he te chnologica l a nd sci e ntific f u rthe r advanceme nt. acquisitions re a liz e d over time. a e F c d with critical si tu a tions on the ca rna l a a t p thw y tha e On can often notice the ha rbi e rs of e e e a ng good sentim nts g n r te emoti onal complicati ons - be cause they a e i r st ll far whe e n som one is t he victim of a f a t e f u l circu a e from t e u i mst nc , h s bl m e emotions oflov e a nd thu s a ct more t e by h ir se tti e e ng r li f groups in motion, a t a time whe n othe r instincts, e spe cia lly t hose tha t conce rn the pre serva ti on oflife, individua ls make thems e lv e s i n t o h u man bombs, rep rodu coward/,y ction and viole nce for the a utoma t ic defense ofbod i ly andfan a tical/,y m u rd e ring othe rs who ha ve e i t e e nothing to do x s nc - t hey a tta ck, when they sho u ld d i a logue a , nd they with e a th tr ged ie s they intend to re m e dy by su e a u e e ch sinist r cc s , wh n i t wo u ld be best to sile nce the offense a e or ggr ssion, and a e u in d q ate m e ans tha t are worse than the individu als gi v ng e u u i ris to nfort nate clashe s tha t cause resentme nt, ha tred, whom t hey inte nd to fight... and e es i e th d r for re ve nge - t hose i nconse qu ent i a l children of Anima l prote ction move m e nt s are se nsi t iz ing many the domi ne e ri ng ego.
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