♦ AGBU President awarded ARMENIAN PRESIDENT BESTOWS ORDER OF HONOR Order of Honor (p. 1) UPON AGBU PRESIDENT ON THE OCCASION OF THE ♦ Dinner in honor of His Holi- ness Karekin II (p. 2) 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ARMENIA’S INDEPENDENCE ♦ Sinan Sinanian and Sam On Friday, September 23, Armenian President Serge Sargsyan awarded AGBU pre- Simonian awarded Anania sident Berge Setrakian with the Order of Honor for his significant contributions to the Shirakatsi medal (p. 3) Republic of Armenia. The honor, one of the highest bestowed by the Republic of Ar- ♦ Alexis Govciyan and Berdj menia, was awarded Terzian awarded Mkhitar during the 20th Anni- Gosh medal (p. 3, 4) versary of Independ- ♦ AUA: 20 years of advance- ence of the Republic ment (p. 4, 5) of Armenia gala at Cipriani Wall Street in ♦ AGBU AVC celebrates 2nd Manhattan's financial year of successful operation district. (p. 6) ♦ AGBU AVC labs opened in The event, which was Rostov and Tbilisi (p. 7) attended by 700 New York-area , ♦ AGBU AVC participates in was jointly organized education conferences and by the Armenian Em- expos (p. 7) bassy in the United ♦ AGBU delegation at Arme- States, the Permanent Armenian President bestows Order of Honor upon nia-Diaspora conference (p.8) Mission of the Repub- AGBU President Berge Setrakian ♦ AGBU celebrates 20th anni- lic of Armenia at the versary of Armenia’s inde- United Nations, and leading Armenian-American organizations. The Order of Honor pendence (p. 8) is given to individuals who provide significant services in "the protection of national interests of the Republic of Armenia aimed at the consolidation of independence and ♦ “Armeniaca” program democracy." launched in Yerevan (p. 9) ♦ 5th Yerevan International During his keynote address, President Sargsyan celebrated the promise of Armenia Music Festival (p. 10) for Armenians everywhere. "Together we should renew our hope and faith in our marvelous country and our strengths. We should renew our vow, which very few ♦ “Gilgamesh” presented to the have betrayed down through the millennia and which very many have faithfully hon- Armenian audience (p. 10) ored. They've fought, created and taught, given treatment and built, written volumes ♦ AGBU Yerevan Scout move- and deciphered, gone to jail and into exile, raised healthy, educated children and ment (p. 11) bequeathed to them the formula for remaining faithful to the centuries-old vow," he ♦ AGBU Buenos Aires said.

Women’s Committee in The Armenian leader also touched upon the unique and important relationship that Armenia (p. 12) Armenia and the diaspora share. "I have had opportunities to note that day by day ♦ AGBU Plovdiv’s youth thea- Armenia and the diaspora are becoming the continuation of one another," he said. ter troupe in Yerevan (p. 12) "We can't have the Armenia of our dreams, without including the efforts and contribu- tions of our diasporan compatriots. On the other hand, we can't have a diaspora that works effectively, remains Armenian, maintains and develops our traditions, and is proud of its own iden- tity, without a stable, developing Homeland that has its place and role in the world."

The Order of Honor is one of the highest titles awarded by the Republic of Armenia. Other award recipi- ents that same evening included lifelong AGBU member Rita Balian, who received the Medal of Mkhitar Heratsi for her work in the development of healthcare in Armenia through the Armenian-American Health Center, His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), who received the medal "For Services Contributed to the Motherland" in recognition of his dedication to and support of Armenia. Two Armenian diplomats in America, His Excellency Garen Nazaryan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN, and His Excellency Tatul Markarian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the United States, received the medal of "Mkhitar Gosh" for their diplomatic work.


NEW YORK DINNER HONORS 60TH BIRTHDAY OF CATHOLICOS KAREKIN II “Pontifical Endowment for Pastoral Development” established

On Wednesday, October 12, 2011, a group of friends and benefactors of Holy Etchmiadzin gathered at a dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Nazar and Artemis Nazarian in honor of His Holiness Karekin II's 60th birthday. The event was held at Manhattan's Metropolitan Club and was attended by 60 people in an atmosphere of warm friendship and cordiality.

Berge Setrakian, president of AGBU, acting as the master of ceremonies, welcomed the guests and congratulated His Holiness on his birthday. "You are surrounded tonight by great friends of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Catholicos of All Armenians" he said, and further noted that the AGBU has been a longstanding supporter of His Holiness' initiatives to further strengthen the Armenian Church.

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Dio- cese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), after thanking the hosts and congratulating the Ca- tholicos, spoke on the need to develop strong spiri- tual leadership in the Armenian Church - a mission His Holiness has advanced throughout his pontifi- His Holiness Karekin II, AGBU President Berge Setrakian and cate. He then announced on that occasion the estab- the evening’s host, AGBU Board of Trustees member Nazar Nazarian lishment of the Pontifical Endowment for Pastoral Development, which will be chaired by Mr. Setrakian.

"From my experience, I can testify that having a dedicated, well-prepared pastor is key to a flourishing parish life...Our parishes flourish, family spiritual life flourishes, and our church as a whole will flourish," said the Primate.

Following the announcement of the establishment of the fund, Mr. Setrakian stated that AGBU had decided to ear- mark $1 million of its scholarship programs for this purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Nazarian took the initiative of donating $1 million to this fund in lieu of Vehapar's birthday gift and they were followed with similar amounts by Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis and Ruth Bedevian and Mr. and Mrs. Hratch and Suzanne Toufayan.

Mr. and Mrs. Setrakian then announced their contribution of $250,000 and they were followed by Mr. and Mrs. Yer- vant and Melissa Demirjian, Mr. and Mrs. Haig and Elsa Didizian, and Mr. and Mrs. Nishan and Margaret Atinizian with $100,000 each. Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Edna Keleshian, Oscar Tatosian, and Jerry Demirjian pledged $50,000 each. Mr. and Mrs. George and Alice Kevorkian, Mr. and Mrs. Zaven and Arlene Dadekian, Mr. and Mrs. Papken and Anahid Megerian, and Dr. and Mrs. Haroutune and Shakeh Mekhjian pledged $25,000 each. Further donations continued to follow.

Mr. Setrakian then announced that Archbishop Hov- nan Derderian, the Primate of the Diocese of Arme- nian Church of North America (Western), had in- formed him that a pledge drive getting underway in that region had raised $1 million so far for the same purpose.

To conclude the evening, His Holiness Karekin II expressed his deep appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Nazarian for hosting the evening, and addressed the guests in his usual cordial tone. "Coming here, I feel I am among family," he said. "I feel blessed and strengthened to know that you have been and con- tinue to be so supportive of my ministry as Catholi- cos of All Armenians, and recognize the importance Guests listen as Archbishop Khajag Barsamian addresses the birthday celebration for the Armenian Catholicos of advancing the clergy in our church."

Information on the "Pontifical Endowment for Pastoral Development" can be obtained by contacting Laura Gononian at [email protected].

For the video material please visit: New York dinner honors Catholicos Karekin II



By the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the independence of Armenia, members of the AGBU Central Board of Directors - AGBU Vice President Sinan Sinanian and AGBU Treasurer Sam Simonian - have been awarded the distinguished Anania Shirakatsi Medal for their substantial contribution to the preservation of the Armenian identity, service to the homeland, as well as their contribution to the strengthening of friendship be- tween the Republic of Armenia and foreign countries. Sinanian received the state medal during a banquet attended by President Sargsyan at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles on September 25th to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the independence of Armenia. Sinanian is a prominent leader in Southern California's Armenian community. Most recently, he chaired the committee to realize the establishment of House of Ar- menia, a planned cultural center in Glendale and the headquarters of the Consulate of the Republic of Arme- nia in Los Angeles. In his opening remarks, Sinanian thanked President Sargsyan for visiting the Armenian community in Los AGBU Vice President Sinan Sinanian awarded Anania Shirakatsi medal Angeles despite his limited time and busy schedule. The honoree went on to say, "It is an honored tradition when commemorating historic events to erect a landmark stone that stays for posterity. Earlier today the president inaugurated the House of Armenia, which was realized through the joint efforts of our community. We believe that the House of Armenia, while being the official residence of the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Armenia, is destined to be the showcase for what is beautiful in our homeland and a permanent exhibition hall for its ongoing achievements. That edifice will be the symbolic landmark stone erected on behalf of our community on this proud occasion of the 20th anniversary of the independent Repub- lic of Armenia. It is our wish that every time we pass by the House of Armenia, or step foot in it, we be reminded of our collective responsibility to continuously help and support our homeland." Eight hundred Los Angeles-area Armenians and numerous prominent government officials attended the gala event. In addition to awarding the Anania Shirakatsi Medal to Sinan Sinanian, the Armenian president bestowed a number of other awards during the event, including the Order of Honor to Gerard Turpanjian for his significant services and contribution to the Republic of Armenia, the Order of Merit of the Second Degree to His Eminence Archbishop Hov- nan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, for his dedication to and support of Armenia, and the Mkhitar Gosh medal to Tevan Arustamian, for his contribution to the development of diplomacy, law, and political science in Armenia. AGBU EUROPE CHAIRMAN ALEXIS GOVCIYAN AND AGBU EGYPT DISTRICT COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BERDJ TERZIAN AWARDED MKHITAR GOSH MEDAL

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Ar- menia Serzh Sargsyan, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the independence of Armenia, Alexis Govciyan, AGBU Europe Chairman and Chairman of Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France, and Berdj Terzian, Chairman of AGBU District Committee of Egypt, have been awarded the distin- guished Mkhitar Gosh Medal for their substantial con- tribution to the preservation of the Armenian identity, service to the homeland, as well as their contribution to the strengthening of friendship between the Repub- lic of Armenia and foreign countries. Govciyan received the medal during an official award ceremony at the Presidential residence on September 17th. Among other recipients of Mkhitar Gogh medal that day were Vardges Mahtesian (Cyprus), Georgy AGBU Europe Chairman Alexis Govciyan awarded Mkhitar Gosh medal Ter-Ghazariants (Russian Federation) and Harutyun Selimian (Syria). (Continued on page 4) Page 3 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 16, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2011


(see page 3) Berdj Terzian’s awarding ceremony took place on November 7th at the RA Diaspora Ministry. Hranoush Hakobian, RA Diaspora Minister, made a brief presentation of Terzian’s activities as a writer and publicist emphasizing his human qualities and highly assessing his role in the Armenian community of Egypt and his unwavering dedi- cation to the solution of issues of national significance. Congratulatory speeches were delivered by Bishop Ashot Mnatsakanian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church Diocese of Egypt, Ashot Melkonian, Director of the NAS Institute of History and Hovik Eordekian, Deputy Director of the AGBU Armenian Representation. Expressing his gratitude to the RA President, RA Minister of Diaspora and those present for the honor and warm wishes, Terzian noted that he is indescribably happy to witness the independence of Armenia and celebrate it’s 20th anniversary, as well as feel the appreciation of the Diaspora by the state. Also among this year’s recipients of state orders on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s independ- AGBU Egypt District Committee Chairman Berdj Terzian awarded ence were Albert Boyajian (USA) and Vahe Karapetian (USA), who were awarded Order of Honor - one of the highest titles awarded by the Republic of Armenia - for their sub- stantial contribution in the protection of national interests, their unwavering dedication and service to the Republic of Armenia, as well as their lasting patriotic activities.

For the video material please visit: Berdj Terzian awarded Mkhitar Gosh medal (Shant TV) 20 YEARS OF ADVANCEMENT American University of Armenia launches a week-long celebration of education

On September 27th, the American University of Armenia (AUA) officially launched its week-long Celebration of Educa- tion at a press conference held at Tesaket Press Club. In a brief statement, AUA Founding President Mihran Agbabian recalled the early events and discussions leading to the founding of AUA in 1991. He described how the idea grew from nascence to the founding of the university attracting sup- porters like Mrs. Louise Manoogian Simone and partners like the University of California and the Armenian Minis- try of Education. Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian, AUA Founding Dean and current Provost, presented the major accomplishments of the University, explaining AUA’s formal agreement with the University of California and the significance and benefits of AUA’s accreditation. Today AUA boasts an alumni network of 2000 graduates. Another 400 students are currently enrolled in its 7 departments. 80% of AUA graduates find jobs in Armenia, the rest work in foreign countries as well. AUA President, Dr. Bruce Boghosian highlighted the planned events of the week at AUA and the future plans of the university. He explained how the university is reaching out to expand its contacts with government, Dr. Bruce Boghosian, Dr. Mihran Agbabian, Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian industry and other academic institutions in both Armenia and the US; doubling its international recruitment efforts, and planning for expansion of its summer offerings and abroad programs. A lively question-and-answer session followed.

Art Exhibition & Concert at AUA’s Akian Art Gallery On Septem- “We want to expand the University’s financial aid pro- ber 28th, the American University of Armenia opened an exhibi- grams, so that we never lose a student because of inabil- tion of artwork by Karen Alekyan and Hrach Vardanyan, both of ity to pay tuition”, said Dr. Bruce Boghosian. , followed by a quartet musical concert by renowned singer-composer Lilit Pipoyan and her group, which, turned the Akian Art Gallery into a ‘petit’ concert hall. "AUA is proud to be able to exhibit exemplary artwork by contemporary artists and private collections. The Akian Gallery allows us to host world-class exhibitions that are open and accessible to all Yerevan residents. We are particularly happy to be able to promote the works of young, talented Armenian artists", said Dr. Boghosian. An Excursion to Shirak

On September 29th, as part of the week-long celebrations, a group of 50 distinguished guests and development leaders traveled to Shirak, witnessed AUA’s Turpanjian Rural Development Program’s (TRDP) successful outcomes, and visited select sites of the Ecotourism Project of AUA’s Acopian Center for the Environment (ACE). (Continued on page 5) Page 4 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 16, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2011


(see page 4) The seminal event of AUA’s jubilee celebrations Academic Conference on Frontiers of Higher Education was the academic conference held at AUA on September 30th. Chaired by Dr. Der Kiureghian, the conference brought together over 80 researchers, scholars and educators from Armenia and the U.S. Speakers at the conference included AUAC Board of Trustees Chairman, Provost and Senior Vice President of the University of California Dr. C. Judson King, Dean and Professor of School of Information at Uni- versity of California, Berkeley Dr. AnaLee Saxenian, Associ- ate Dean for Academic Programs of School of Public Health at University of California, Los Angeles AUA President Emeritus Dr. Haroutune Armenian, Former Rector of the

Carol Aslanian was among the speakers at the education conference Yerevan State Engineering University Dr. Yuri Sargsyan, Senior Vice President of Aslanian Market Research at Education Dynamics, AGBU Central Board member Ms. Dr. Boghosian delivers a speech at AUA’s 20th anniversary celebration Carol Aslanian, AUA President, Dr. Bruce Boghosian.

AUA hosts Trustees, Founders, Partners & Dignitaries in a Public Celebration of 20 Years of Advancement On the same day, with pomp and pageantry, the American University of Armenia celebrated the 20th anniversary of the founding of the University in grand style and fanfare. The flags of the Republic of Armenia, the United States of America and the AUA were marched to the Main Auditorium to the national anthems of the two countries. Welcoming the guests was AUA President Bruce Boghosian, along with founders Mihran Agbabian and Armen Der Kiureghian, and President Emeritus Haroutune Armenian. The celebration was attended by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, RA Education Minister Armen Ashotyan, AUA trustees and partners, government officials, dignitaries, and representatives of several universities of the Republic of Armenia, as well as AUA alumni, faculty, staff and friends. AUA President’s welcoming remarks were followed by the word of blessing of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, delivered by His Grace Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, and speeches by Tigran Sargsyan, Armen Ashotyan, Dr. Judson King, Dr. Haroutune Armenian, Dr. Mihran Agbabian, Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian, AUA alumni. “The AUA must expand its functions and become diverse, and services must be available for our young people. Knowl- edge is the demand of the modern world and competitive are the nations, which realize that and are armed with knowl- edge," said Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan in his speech. Congratulatory greetings were delivered by Ms. Carol Aslanian on behalf of AGBU President Berge Setrakian, and by Mr. Bruce Donahue for the U.S. Mission in Armenia. Medals of recognition of service to education were pre- sented by the Prime Minister to Prof. Yuri Sargsyan and by Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan to Dr. C. Judson King for their individual contributions to education related to the founding of the AUA. In a recollection of historic events leading to the estab- lishment of the AUA, Dr. Agbabian portrayed how the “idea” matured to the founding of the University on Sep- tember 21, 1991 paying homage to so many named and unnamed heroes who were instrumental in making AUA a reality. Speeches and celebration continued after a musical interlude by the String Quartet.

Photo Exhibition Photo Exhibit and reception in the Mi- hran and Elizabeth Agbabian Hall followed. The 20 dis- Jubilee banquet concludes the week-long celebration played posters showcased the most important events of the 20-year history of the AUA in a chronological sequence.

The culmination of the week-long Celebration of Education Jubilee Banquet Concludes the Week-Long Celebration was the Jubilee Banquet held on October 1st, at the Dzoraberd Restaurant Complex in Yerevan.

For the video materials please visit: AUA: 20 years of advancement (H2 TV) and AUA: 20 years of advancement (H1 Public TV)


AGBU ARMENIAN VIRTUAL COLLEGE WRAPS UP ITS SECOND YEAR OF SUCCESSFUL OPERATION WITH A GLOBAL ONLINE FORUM Turkish added as 7th instruction language and new AVC Labs to open in Rostov and Tbilisi

On September 6th, the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU) Armenian Virtual College (AVC) celebrated the second anniversary of its unique service to the Armenian Nation by holding a Global Online Forum (GOF) to reflect on the wide-range of achievements and announce its fu- ture plans. Launched in June 2009, the AVC has become the first Armenian online university, with a distinct goal to make Armenian education available to everyone everywhere through modern technologies. During its two-year op- eration the AVC has had nine academic terms with over 1300 participants from 50 countries. AVC’s wide geog- raphy stretching from USA to Russia, from Venezuela to South Africa, from Argentine to Reunion Island, has proven that AGBU’s new education project does live up to its goal to surmount educational barriers which have plagued the Armenian Diaspora for decades. The GOF was led by Dr. Yervant Zorian, AGBU Central Board member and AVC Founder and President. During RA Culture Minister Hasmik Poghossian and the event Mrs. Hasmik Poghosyan, Minister of Culture AGBU AVC founder and president Dr. Yervant Zorian of the Republic of Armenia, other governmental and honorable guests gave welcoming speeches. “Among thousands of online universities in the world AVC is the first one that provides and is dedicated to Armenian Education. Today, when only 5 percent of Armenian youth in the Diaspora has access to face-to-face Armenian educa- tional programs, the importance of such an institution is becoming more and more vivid. While our virtual students around the world enthusiastically participate in our existing courses, AVC continues to expand its offerings in multiple directions. I am very pleased to announce today the expansion of our Armenian culture program to cover Armenian Vis- ual Art courses, the adoption of new advanced learning technologies to enable interactive animation in teaching Arme- nian History, the augmentation of our instruction languages to include Turkish as a 7th language, which is beneficiary for our compatriots residing in Turkey and West Europe, and finally the extension of our hybrid education program to the CIS countries by initiating AVC Labs in Tbilisi and Rostov”, said Dr. Yervant Zorian. "Two years ago when the project was launched, it was unclear how this brilliant idea will be realized. The results you achieved today are very impressive. I will continue to invest my efforts for presenting this project among all possible cir- cles", - said Hasmik Poghosyan, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Armenia. “Throughout the years the number of Armenian schools in Tbilisi has decreased to only 1 as of 2011 academic year for the Armenian population of more than 80 thousand. As a result 90 percent of Russian school pupils in Tbilisi are Arme- nians. While it would be good to have traditional Armenian education institutions on-site, AVC is an excellent solution to preserve Armenian identity in communities with no Armenian schools”, - said Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church’s Georgian Diocese. The AVC project was initiated in 2004 as an educa- tional program that better addresses the current de- mands of the Armenian Nation and appeals to pre- sent-day students. Since then, the multi-media content has been developed largely in Armenia in collabora- tion scientists and engineers at Yerevan State Univer- sity’s Center of IT Education and Research. During its first two years of operation, AVC also intro- duced a hybrid education method, which targets schools and education institutes by offering a blend of conventional and online pedagogies. AVC imple- mented this method for the first time with the Ohanes- sian Friday School of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. After 2 years, nearly 10 schools and communities AGBU Armenian Virtual College celebrates 2nd year of operation joined the hybrid education model. Representatives of Armenian communities of Tbilisi and Rostov were present at the GOF. Many AVC students from different countries of the world, as well as AVC Online Instructors and online education specialists participated in the GOF through live online bridges. Live video connections were established with students from USA, Russia, Spain and Uruguay. Students and instructors shared their experiences in Armenian online education at AVC and answered questions from the audience. Today AVC continues to build its three departments; , History and Culture. Turkish is added to the existing six instruction languages, Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, English, Russian, French and Spanish.

For the video materials please visit: AGBU AVC 2nd anniversary (H1 Public TV) and AGBU AVC 2nd anniversary (Shant TV)



Dr. Yervand Zorian’s promises of expanding the activities of the Armenian Virtual College did not keep us waiting too long. On September 28th, the AGBU AVC opened a new office - an AVC Lab - in the Armenian Community Center of Rostov-on-Don, Russia, with a distinct goal to contrib- ute to the preservation of Armenian identity in the coun- try with the biggest Armenian Diaspora. Representatives of the local Armenian community, and church, state officials and guests were present at the

Dr. Zorian with the Armenian community of Tbilisi official opening ceremony. The red ribbon was cut by Harutyun Surmelian, Head of the Armenian Community of Rostov, and Marina Khachatrian, AVC online instructor. Speeches were delivered by Sergey Sayadov, “Hayazg” AVC online instructor Marina Khachatrian at the opening of the AVC Lab in Rostov Fund Chairman and Grikor Anisonian, Editor-in-Chief of “Noyan Tapan” Armenian newspaper of Russia. Marina Khachatrian made a brief presentation of the AVC and its de- partments, particularly focusing on AVC’s experience in implementing the hybrid method of education in different schools throughout the Armenian Diaspora. The opening of the AVC lab in Rostov was followed by the establishment of a similar AVC office in the “Hayartun” edu- cational-cultural center of Tbilisi on October 8th. Present at the opening ceremony were RA Ambassador to Georgia Hovhaness Manoukian, Advisor to the Georgian President Van Baybourtian, Head of the Caucasus region department of the RA Diaspora Ministry Taron Shaghoyan, benefactor of the center’s construction Boris Sahakov, Head of the “Jinishian Memorial Foundation” Armenian office Armen Hakobian, AGBU AVC representative Talar Kazanjian, promi- nent representatives of the Armenian community of Georgia.


On September 19th, “Fruitful Armenia” 7th International Conference was held in Armenia Marriott Hotel with the partici- pation of renowned scholars and experts of the fields of education and agriculture from more than 30 countries. As a leading representative of the Education sector, AGBU Ar- menian Virtual College was among the participants of the conference, attracting the attention of those present. Dr. Hasmik Khalapyan, Academic Director of the AVC, pre- sented AGBU’s newest educational project, highlighting the role of the AVC for all Armenians and particularly those liv- ing in the Diaspora, for whom Armenian education, thanks to the AVC, has become available and accessible anytime and anywhere. On October 7-9th, AVC participated in the 7th Annual Inter- national Digitec Expo held at Karen Demirchian Sports and Concert Complex under the auspices of RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. Over 150 companies presented their cur- rent and future programs, among them the AVC, which at- tracted many attendees, especially students. Digitec-Expo Lena Baghdassarian of AGBU Armenian Representation 2011 had more than 15,000 visitors. presents “NUR” project at the 4th ArmTech Congress The 4th ArmTech Congress of Armenia’s high tech industry was held on October 10-11th, in Armenia Marriott Hotel. An opening address by RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan was followed by a session of several keynote speakers, includ- ing the ArmTech Co-chair, AGBU Central Board member and AGBU AVC Founder and President Dr. Yervant Zorian. On the second day of the Congress, several presentations about novel technology-based AGBU programs were made in a session entitled “the Role of Education in IT & High Tech Industries”, including “Online Learning Technologies for Armenian Education: AGBU Armenian Virtual College”, by Yervant Zorian; “A New Educational Strategy: the NUR pro- ject”, by Lena Baghdasaryan of AGBU Armenia; and “Project Armeniaca: Database Dedicated to the Armenian Monu- mental Heritage” by Raymond Kevorkian, Curator of AGBU Nubarian Library & Coordinator of Armeniaca Project. Page 7 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 16, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2011


The pan-Armenian conference of leaders and representatives of Diaspora organizations dedicated to the 20th anniver- sary of independence of the Republic of Armenia took place on September 19-20 at Karen Demirchian Sports and Con- cert Complex. The official opening ceremony of the conference was attended by RA President Serzh Sargsyan, Su- preme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia His Holiness Aram I, President of NKR Bako Sa- hakyan, other officials and guest. 550 leaders and rep- resentatives of 151 Diaspora organizations from 46 countries participated in the conference. An opening speech was made by President Sargsyan, who con- gratulated those present on the 20th anniversary of Ar- menia’s independence and spoke about issues vital for the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora relations, na- tional unity, Genocide recognition and preservation of the Armenian identity. The official opening ceremony was followed by the working session chaired by RA Diaspora Minister Hra- noush Hakobyan. Welcoming speeches were delivered AGBU delegation with RA Diaspora Minister Hranoush Hakobian by Gagik Harutiunyan, Deputy chairman of the “Hayas- at the Armenia-Diaspora conference tan” All-Armenian Fund’s Board of Trustees, RA For- eign Minister Eduard Nalbandyan, Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan. Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) also participated in the conference. The AGBU delegation was headed by AGBU Central Board member Vazken Yacoubian, who delivered the message of AGBU President Berge Setrakian. Also in the AGBU delegation were AGBU Europe Chairman Alexis Govciyan, AGBU Greece Chairman Tigran Abasian, Editor-in-chief of AGBU-AYA Lebanon “Khosnag” magazine Hampig Mardirossian, AGBU Diaspora Youth Programs Coordinator in Armenia Hermine Duzian, AGBU AVC Academic Director Hasmik Khalapyan, representatives of other AGBU worldwide chapters. Hasmik Khalapyan and Hermine Duzian made brief presentations during the education and youth sessions of the conference.

For the video materials please visit: Armenia-Diaspora conference (H1 Public TV) and Armenia-Diaspora conference (H2 TV) AGBU CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ARMENIA’S INDEPENDENCE

The AGBU Manoogian Pasadena Center held a 20th anniversary of Armenian Independence celebration organized by the combined efforts of the AGBU Glendale-Pasadena and San Fernando Valley Chapters, under the leadership of chairmen Shahe Seulemezian and Ara Yessaian. The special guests in attendance included the Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles, Grikor Hovanissian; AGBU Vice President, Sinan Sinanian; Primate of the Western Diocese Abp., Hovnan Derderian; the AGBU Central Board member, Dr. Yervant Zorian and the representa- tives of Armenian political and cultural organizations. Hovig Eordekian, Deputy Director of AGBU Representa- tion in Armenia, was the keynote speaker of this event. The Western District Committee chairman Haig Messer- lian delivered uplifting opening remarks and invited 29th District US Representative Adam Schiff to address the audience. Representative Schiff expressed his admira- tion for the resilience of the people in Armenia and Art- sakh, and specially noted the valuable contributions of the Armenian people all around the world. An opening speech was made by Congressman Schiff, who con- gratulated all Armenians on the independence of Arme- nia and underscored Armenians’ significant role in the Hovig Eordekian, keynote speaker at the development of the State of California. He also spoke 20th anniversary celebration of Armenia’s independence in California about the self-determination of Artsakh. Keynote speaker of the evening, Hovig Eordekian, started his speech with the reading of the Declaration of Independ- ence of the Republic of Armenia. After which he reflected on the political and military situation in Armenia 20 years ago. He spoke about the tremendous support and contribution of the AGBU in all areas of the Homeland. The 15-member Elementary Glee Club instructed by music teacher Arus Andreassian and AGBU MDS 4th grader Emilie Besnilian participated in the evening with her enchanting solo performance. As well as these outstanding performances, Hovik Papyan and Delilah Shahbazian reflected on their trips to Armenia last summer. Armenian department chair Hratch Sepetjian masterfully conducted the two and a half hour program as MC of the event.



October 13th, marked the launch of “Armeniaca” program - a database dedicated to the Armenian monumental heri- tage. The official opening ceremony took place at Yerevan’s “TUMO” Center for Creative Technologies with the par- ticipation of RA Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosyan, Chairman of AGBU Europe Alexis Govciyan, AGBU Central Board members Vasken Yacoubian and Yervant Zorian, Curator of AGBU Nubarian Library of Paris and Armeniaca Project Coordinator Raymond Kevorkian, AGBU Armenian Representation Director Ashot Ghazarian, other officials and guests. The Armeniaca program is co-funded by the European Union’s “Culture 2007-2013” program, coordinated by the AGBU (France), co-organized by the Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena (Italy) and Inside Europe (Belgium), in partnership with Research on Armenian Architecture (Armenia). The main objective of this program is to create a synergy between teams working on monumental heritage, linking old and new collections, as well as Armenian and European researchers of all generations.

An opening speech was made by Raymond Kevor- The official launch of “Armeniaca” at the TUMO center, Yerevan kian, followed by presentations by Gayanè Casnati (CSDCA), Hovik Kizoghyan (DigiLib, Armenia), and Samvel Karapetyan (RAA). The official section concluded by a congratulatory message by RA Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosyan.

“Armeniaca” program lays a solid foundation for international cooperation, which will, in time, fill the gap of knowl- edge of architectural heritage by expanding its geographical scope to areas, which have yet to be studied.

The organizers have focused on the following directions: • Contribute to the exchange of knowledge, raise public awareness and develop respect towards cultural prop- erty, as well as make it accessible to the public • Create a synergy between teams working on preservation of Armenian monumental heritage, linking old and new collections, as well as Armenian and European researchers of all generations • Guarantee the preservation of Armenian and European cultural archives

The database developed by Hovik Kizoghyan (DigiLib, Yerevan) in Java, was specifically designed to be compatible with other systems. It’s prospects are promising and it can interface with other programs in the future. It includes the collections of Michel and Nicole Thierry, Patrick Donabedian, Raymond and Souren Kevorkian, Research on Ar- menian Architecture, specifically those of Armen Hakhnazarian and director Samvel Karapetyan, as well as the Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena founded in 1974 by prof. Alpago Novello, currently headed by Gaianè Casnati. As of October 2011, the database includes approximately 250,000 digitized documents. “The realization of this program is one of the key steps towards the preservation of our heritage. Armenian cultural heritage existed in the past, exists today and will continue its existence tomorrow”, - said AGBU Europe Chairman Alexis Govciyan.

This project was launched at a symposium dedi- cated to the memory of Armen Hakhnazarian - a man who dedicated his life to the preservation of Armenian heritage.

The official launch of “Armeniaca” in Yerevan contin- ued the following day with an exhibition at Hovaness Toumanian Museum devoted to the pioneers of the study of Armenian architecture organized by Gaianè Casnati. It opened in Yerevan and will then tour around European.

A scientific council, chaired by Patrick Donabedian, Exhibition dedicated to the pioneers of the study of Armenian architecture was created to sustain and facilitate the develop- ment and future directions of “Armeniaca”.

For the video materials please visit: Armeniaca (Shoghakat TV); Armeniaca (ArmNews); Armeniaca (Shant TV); Armeniaca (12 TV)



From September 9th to October 12th, for the fifth consecutive year, Armenia’s capital hosted the Yerevan Interna- tional Music Festival organized by the RA Culture Ministry and Armenian State Philharmonic Orchestra. This year the festival was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s independence and 85th anniversary of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra (APO). The artistic directors of the festival were Maestro Eduard Topchjan, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the APO, and cellist Alex- ander Chaushian from Great Britain. The festival was held under the high patronage of RA President’s spouse Mrs. Rita Sargsyan.

AGBU-funded APO holds 5th Yerevan International Music Festival More than 15 prominent representatives of the world of classical music arrived in Armenia, including Paul Meyer, Gilbert Audin, Vahan Mardirossian (France), Henning Kraggerud (Norway), Diemut Poppen (Germ- any), Samvel Barsegian (Portugal), Ashley Wass and Chamber music concerts were also part of the festival Alexander Chaushian (UK), Daishin Kashimoto (Ja- pan). The closing concert of the festival was conducted by world famous conductor, Artistic Manager of the Charlotte Symphony and London Chamber Orchestras, Maestro Christopher Warren-Green (UK). Armenian State Academic Choir conducted by Hovaness Chekidjian was also among this year’s participants of the festival. Yervand Yerkanian’s “Heroic Rhapsody” was performed during the opening concert of the 5th Yerevan International Music Festival dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s independence. The October 1st concert was dedi- cated to the 85th anniversary of APO. One of the main achievements of the festival was the master classes held by the prominent musicians for young Armenian artists. “This orchestra is like a diamond in your country. Be A photo exhibition was held parallel to the festival at the Aram sure that every single penny invested will be returned Khachatrian Concert Hall portraying the 85-year history of the 10-fold by the orchestra. Believe me, this orchestra is Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as archive photos of the Ambassador of Armenia in the whole world”, - said famous Armenian greats of classical music by Vahan Kochar. Maestro Christopher Warren-Green.


After an extensive tour of Dubai, Beirut, Damascus, New York and Los Angeles and many others, the Yere- van premier of “Gilgamesh” project took place at the Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art (NPAK) on October 19th. The Armenian audience was given the opportunity to enjoy the unique combination of music and illustration thanks to the Armenian Gen- eral Benevolent Union, in particular AGBU Central Board member Vasken Yacoubian. The “Gilgamesh” project is the result of cooperation be- tween two Syrian artists: Kevork Mourad, an Armenian by origin (live illustrations) and Kinan Azmeh (clarinet). In the emotional and artistic environment of NPAK the audience followed the impressive live illustrations by Mourad to the sounds of Azmeh’s clarinet. “Gilgamesh” is the story of the King of Uruk in Babylo- “Gilgamesh” project presented to the Armenian audience at NPAK nia (present day Iraq) and his counterpart Enkidu. The Sumerian-Babylonian “Gilgamesh” is the most ancient epic we have in writing today (2700 B.C.).

For the video materials please visit: "Gilgamesh" project in Yerevan (CivilNet.TV) and "Gilgamesh" project in Yerevan (Shant TV)


AGBU YEREVAN SCOUT MOVEMENT Edward Der-Kassbarian - new Head of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Movement

The September 7th meeting of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Council announced the end of the Council’s ac- tivities under the chairmanship of Garen Dirarian, who devotedly and dutifully carried out the responsibilities of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Council Head since day 1 of the establishment of the movement. According to the movement’s regulations a new head of the Scout Council is appointed after the completion of the previ- ous one’s term, who forms a new council shortly after the appointment. Hermine Duzian, AGBU Diaspora

AGBU Scout Yerevan Council holds a regular meeting Youth Programs Coordinator in Armenia, who was also present at the meeting, thanked former head of the council Garen Dirarian for his devotion and tireless ef- forts. Garen will certainly continue his activities and as- sistance to the movement. Edward Der-Kassbarian was appointed the new Head of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Council. Our sincere congratulations to Edward and our warm wishes for a successful and fruitful term.

AGBU Yerevan Scouts at Teghenis Church

TRIP TO TEGHENIS CHURCH Organization of trips and hikes are a significant part of scout activities and a good opportunity to meet challenges head on and overcome difficulties, as well as learn to help each other. With this purpose AGBU Yerevan Scout move- ment organized a trip to Teghenis Church on Septem- ber 11th. With sweet memories and expectations for new and more difficult challenges this 11-hour walking tour will be added to the long list of unforgettable scout trips.

3-DAY SEMINAR AGBU Yerevan Scouts hold a 3-day seminar for the scouts of Artsakh AGBU Yerevan Scout Council continues its assistance to the “Haik’s Generation” organization’s “Hayordiner” scout movement of Artsakh. A three day seminar “Scout Leader” was organized by the AGBU Yerevan Scout Council on September 23-25, at the AGBU Armenian Representation, which was also attended by the leaders of the NK “Hayordiner” scout movement. Being an established group with tangible ex- perience in the field, as well as believing that skillful and knowledgeable leadership is a guarantee for a well-prepared and organized group, the AGBU Yerevan Scout Movement organized the seminar to hand over their knowledge to their colleagues from Artsakh. Interesting theoretical and practical materials were provided followed by lively discussions and debates. A meeting with the members of the Yerevan Scout Movement was organized at Arabkir Youth Center on the last day of the semi- nar. The participants thanked the organizers for the seminar and handed them a souvenir of gratitude.

TREE PLANTING AT CAMPSITE On October 15th, the scouts departed to the AGBU “Antranik” campsite in Lori region of Armenia for a traditional tree planting, which will certainly make the campsite a more attractive and greener place. More than 70 seedlings, mostly poplars, were planted. This was the second tree planting Tree planting at campsite at the campsite this year and will surely become a good tradition.

Page 11 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 16, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2011 AGBU BUENOS AIRES WOMEN’S COMMITTEE VISITS ARMENIA On September 15-27, for the third year in a row, mem- bers of the AGBU Buenos Aires Women’s Committee paid a visit to Armenia. As part of their trip to Home- land the members of the group took sightseeing tours and visited ancient Armenian historical and cultural monuments. On September 18th, members of the AGBU Buenos Aires Women’s Committee were received by His Holi- ness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. On that same day, the group also visited the AGBU Armenian Represen- tation office, got acquainted with the Union’s programs carried out in Armenia and Artsakh, as well as the edu- cational opportunities offered by the AGBU Armenian Virtual College. The group was fortunate to participate AGBU Buenos Aires Women’s Committee members received by in the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Republic of His Holiness Karekin II Armenia’s independence, as well as the opening of the new passenger terminal at Yerevan’s Zvartnots airport. The Women’s Committee also paid a visit to the Arabkir Youth Center of Holy Etchmiadzin and Armenian General Benevolent Union. AGBU PLOVDIV’S YOUTH THEATER TROUPE PARTICIPATES IN “POMEGRANATE SEED” FESTIVAL

“Pomegranate Seed” annual youth theatrical festival organized by RA Culture Ministry, “Nakhabem” educa- tional-cultural association, Avetik Isahakian Library and “Metro” Theater, was held in Yerevan on October 24- 29. Among this year’s participants of the festival was AGBU Plovdiv Chapter’s Saturday School theater group. The group was accompanied by Verjine Garabedian, Chair- woman of the Educational Committee of the AGBU Plovdiv and Director of the Armenian School, Malvina Manukian, Artistic Director of the group, children’s par- ents and guests. During their stay the AGBU Plovdiv delegation accom- panied by Armenia’s Honorary Consul in Plovdiv Yeghi- azar Uzunian, paid a visit to the AGBU Armenian Rep- AGBU Plovdiv Youth Theater Troupe in Yerevan resentation, got acquainted with the activities of the Un- ion carried out in Armenia and Artsakh, as well as the educational opportunities offered by AGBU Armenian Virtual College.

Please be advised that in the event of any full or partial reference or citation of the texts above AGBU Armenia Newsletter must be mentioned. All rights reserved.

Established in 1906, AGBU ( is the world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City with an annual budget of $36 million, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually touching the lives of some 400,000 Armenians on six continents. ARMENIAN GENERAL BENEVOLENT UNION NEW YORK YEREVAN 55 East 59th Street, 9 Alex Manoogian Street, New York, NY 10022-1112 Yerevan, Armenia Phone: 212 319 6383 Phone: (374 10) 51-22-51 Fax: 212 319 6507 Fax: (374 10) 51-22-52 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website: