Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Permit No. MAS010001 Page 1 of 20 AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of the federal Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U. C. 1251 et seq ., and the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act, as amended, Mass. Gen. Laws. ch. 21, 26 the Boston Water and Sewer Commission is authorized to discharge from all of its new or existing separate storm sewers: 195 identified Separate Stor. Sewer Outfalls and associated receiving waters are Listed in Attachment A to receiving waters named: Belle Island Inlet, Boston Harbor, Boston Inner Harbor, Brook Far. Brook, Bussey Brook, Canterbury Brook, Chandler' s Pond, Charles River, Chelsea River, Cow Island Pond, Dorchester Bay, Fort Point Channel, Goldsmith Brook, Jamaica Pond, Little Mystic Channel, Mill Pond, Millers River, Mother Brook, Muddy River, Mystic River, Neponset River, Old Harbor, Patten' s Cove, Reserved Channel, Sprague Pond, Stony Brook, Turtle Pond and unnamed wetlands, brooks and streams. in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth herein. This permit shall become effective 30 days from date of signature. This permit and the authorization to discharge expire at midnight, five years from the effective date. This permit consists of 20 pages and Attachment A in Part I including monitoring requirements, etc., and 35 pages in Part II including General Conditions and Definitions. 4;1;ctor , D ' isi n '- f Office of Ecosystem Protection Watershed Management Enyironmental Protection Agency Department of Environmental Region I Protection Boston Commonwealth of Massachusetts , MA Boston, MA ). ). Page 2 of 20 Permit No. MASOIOOOl PART MUICIPAL SEPARTE STORM SEWER SYSTEM DISCHARGES THROUGH THE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM AUTHORIZED UNER THIS PERMIT permit Area.
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