Common Name Scientific Name Nobbi Dragon Diporiphora nobbi

Common Name Scientific Name Pink-tongued Cyclodomorphus gerrardii

Hemisphaeriodon is a of containing only one , Hemisphaeriodon gerrardii, the pink-tongued .

Common Name Scientific Name Tommy roundhead Diporiphora australis

Common Name Scientific Name Dark-flecked garden sunskink delicata

Common Name Scientific Name Tree-base litter-skink Lygisaurus foliorum

Common Name Scientific Name Arcane Ctenotus arcanus

Common Name Scientific Name Eastern water skink quoyii

Common Name Scientific Name Copper-tailed skink Ctenotus taeniolatus

Common Name Scientific Name Tree skink Egernia striolata

Common Name Scientific Name Eastern mulch slider Lerista fragilis

Common Name Scientific Name Elegant -eyed skink Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher

Common Name Scientific Name Friendly sunskink

Common Name Scientific Name Pale-flecked garden sunskink Lampropholis guichenoti

Common Name Scientific Name Fire-tailed skink Morethia taeniopleura

Common Name Scientific Name Tussock rainbow-skink vivax

Common Name Scientific Name Eastern crevice-skink Egernia mcpheei

Common Name Scientific Name Bar-sided skink Concinnia tenuis

Common Name Scientific Name Dark bar-sided skink Concinnia martini

Common Name Scientific Name Open-litter rainbow skink Carlia pectoralis

Common Name Scientific Name Straight-browed ctenotus Ctenotus spaldingi

Common Name Scientific Name Robust rainbow-skink Carlia schmeltzii

Common Name Scientific Name Lace monitor Varanus varius

The lace monitor or lace goanna is a member of the monitor lizard family, Australian members of which are commonly known as goannas. Lace monitors are the second-largest monitor in Australia after the perentie

Common Name Scientific Name Dubious dtella Gehyra dubia

Common Name Scientific Name Northern dtella Gehyra australis

Common Name Scientific Name Thick-tailed gecko Underwoodisaurus milii

Common Name Scientific Name Southern spotted velvet Oedura tryoni gecko

Common Name Scientific Name Robust velvet gecko Nebulifera robusta

Common Name Scientific Name Burton's legless lizard Lialis burtonis

Common Name Scientific Name Scute-snouted calyptotis Calyptotis scutirostrum

Common Name Scientific Name Three-clawed worm-skink verreauxii

Common Name Scientific Name Two-clawed worm-skink Anomalopus leuckartii

Common Name Scientific Name Yolk-bellied snake-skink Ophioscincus ophioscincus

Common Name Scientific Name Robust blind snake Anilios ligatus

Common Name Scientific Name Carpet python Morelia spilota

Morelia spilota, commonly referred to as carpet python and diamond pythons, is a large snake of the family Pythonidae found in Australia.

Common Name Scientific Name Eastern small-eyed snake Cryptophis nigrescens

Cryptophis nigrescens is an elapid snake described by Günther in 1862. Its common names include small-eyed snake and eastern small-eyed snake

Common Name Scientific Name Bandy-bandy Vermicella annulata

The bandy-bandy, also commonly known as the hoop snake, is a species of in the family . The species is endemic to Australia.

Common Name Scientific Name Olive whipsnake olivacea sensu lato

Common Name Scientific Name Dwyer's snake Parasuta dwyeri

Suta dwyeri, common names Dwyer's snake, whip snake and variable black-naped snake, is a species of venomous snake found in Australia from New South Wales to South Queensland.

Common Name Scientific Name Golden crowned snake squamulosus

The Golden-crowned Snake is a small Australian elapid snake. Like other Cacophis species, the Golden Crowned-snake is a forest specialist, particularly rainforest.

Common Name Scientific Name Yellow-faced whipsnake Demansia psammophis

Demansia psammophis, commonly known as the yellow-faced whip snake, is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae, a family containing many dangerous .

Common Name Scientific Name Dwarf crowned snake Cacophis krefftii

Common Name Scientific Name Lesser black whipsnake Demansia vestigiata

Common Name Scientific Name Red-bellied black snake Pseudechis porphyriacus

The red-bellied black snake is a species of elapid snake native to eastern Australia. Though its venom is capable of causing significant morbidity, a bite from it is not generally fatal and is less venomous than other Australian Elapid snakes.

Common Name Scientific Name Estern Brown Gehyra australis

The eastern brown snake, often referred to as the common brown snake, is a species of venomous elapid snake of the genus Pseudonaja. This snake is considered the world's second-most venomous land snake based on its LD₅₀ value in mice.

Common Name Scientific Name Green tree snake Dendrelaphis punctulatus

The common tree snake, Dendrelaphis punctulatus, is a slender, large- eyed, non-venomous, diurnal snake of many parts of Australia.

Common Name Scientific Name Brown tree snake Boiga irregularis

The brown tree snake is an arboreal rear-fanged colubrid snake native to eastern and northern coastal Australia.