Greater West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Contents

Welcome by County Chair...... 3

County Team Members...... 4

County Silver Wolf Holders ...... 6

Minutes of 2017 A.G.M...... 7

Accounts...... 13

The Awards...... 20

Queen’s Scouts Awards...... 21

County Commissioner...... 22

Deputy County Commissioner (Operations)...... 23

Deputy County Commissioner (Development)...... 24

Deputy County Commissioner (Programme)...... 26

County Training Report...... 28

Youth Commissioner Report...... 30

Beaver Scout Section Report...... 31

Cub Scout Section Report...... 33

Scout Section Report...... 34

Explorer Scout Section Report...... 36

Network Scout Section Report...... 37

Activities Section Report...... 38

International Section Report...... 39

Duke of Edinburgh Award Report...... 40

Dunham Scout Camp...... 41

Bispham Hall Scout Estate...... 42

Hollinwood Management...... 43

Census 2018 Information...... 44

Notes...... 47

2 West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Welcome by County Chair

Michael Rollinson - County Chair

I am pleased to present to I would like to record thanks Lastly, I would like to you the 2018 Annual Review to the Executive Committee wish you well for the and Report for Greater for all your support and help year ahead and hope Manchester West Scout both inside and outside that with your continued County. of meetings. It has been support, commitment and a privilege to support the enthusiasm, Scouting in Over the past year there County Commissioner this Greater Manchester West has been a huge amount of year in helping him, his will continue to go from hard work, effort and time deputies and the team to strength to strength. given and it is always a continue to progress the pleasure to read the review County. Within Greater of activities and reflect on all Manchester West we have we have achieved. A special such committed and valued congratulations is given to volunteers who often the young people who have sacrifice so much, especially achieved top awards in their family time, to ensure that sections. our young people have a fantastic experience As a leadership team, we with action packed and have been taking time to adventurous programmes reflect on the achievements that build skills for life; Thank of the 2014-2018 National You! Strategy and create a plan which is synergised with I would like to record the National Strategy 2018- a special thanks to the 2023 ‘preparing better campsite staff and futures, delivering skills for management committees’ life’. Added to this, we have at all three sites, having experimented with executive been to your meetings; I sub-committees; to help know and understand the support our members better frustrations that come with and in the coming year I running the sites. I am sure hope that this will be further that each and every one of developed to ensure that we us can recall our experiences can support the adventures of camps and activities and that our young people want. that leader that made all the difference. I offer mine and the executive committee’s thanks to the I offer my sincere thanks to chairs and members of those every leader across Greater sub-committees for the Manchester West for all that work you have accomplished they do. this year.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 3 County Team Members

County President Lord Lieutenant Mr Warren Smith KStJ JP DLitt LLD Vice Presidents Dr Geoff Sides Ph.D FICE Mrs Vera Crossley JP Colonel Sir KCVO, OBE, TD KStJ,DL,DSc,LLD Mr Michael Oglesby CBE, DL, LLD, DSC Regional Commissioner Mr Andrew Corrie County Commissioner Mr Andy Farrell Deputy County Commissioner Mr Greg Archer (Operations) Mr Andy Connellan (Programme) Mrs Daniele Wiseman (Development) County Youth Commissioner Mr Lewis Foster Deputy Youth Commissioner Mr Matt Dawson Mr Will Taylor Miss Amelie Wiseman Assistant Youth Commissioner Mr James Turner Mr Troy Wood County Chairman Mr Michael Rollinson County Secretary Mrs Heather Lomas County Treasurer Mr Roger Kettle County Appointments Secretary Mrs Lindsay Pollard Assistant County Appointments Sec Mrs Jacqui Aspinall MBE County Appts Advisory Committee Mr Graham Barrick (Chairman) Mr Peter Marsh Mr Alistair Holmes Mr Greg Archer Mr Lewis Foster Mr Simon Field Miss Penny Rothwell Mr Andy Atherall County Training Manager Miss Gemma Higson County Administrator Mrs Sue Ralph National Growth & Dev Manager Mr John McAtominey Area Growth & Dev Manager Mrs Ruth Potts Senior Growth & Dev Manager (Nth) Miss Dellamarie Jackson Growth & Development Officers Mr Peter Hodson Mr Alan Bennett

Assistant County Commissioners Beaver Scouts Mr Jacob Bond Cub Scouts Miss Siobhan Mullen Scouts Mr Bob Wilson Explorer Scouts Mr David Kerrs Scout Network Mr Chris Hansford International Mr Jeff Picton Activities Mr Steve Ralph MBE

4 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 County Team Members (continued)

Managers / Advisors Communications Manager Mr David Simpson Newsletter Editor Mrs Michele Millington Duke of Edinburgh Adviser Mrs Debbie Pullen Mr Phil Bainbridge Bands Adviser Mr Jim Field Queen’s Scout Award Coordinator Mr Chris Hansford Safeguarding Awareness Coordinator Mrs Nikki Parr Mr Greg Archer Mr Stephen Morrell Safety Coordinator Mr Alex Waddington Mr Stuart Johnson Gang Show Advisor Miss Sarah Goodstadt

County Assessors Climbing Mr Neil Gregory Mr Andrew Bradley Mr Dave Keogh Mr Roger Smith Hill Walking Mr Keith Lang Mr Steve Ralph MBE Kayaking Mr Paul Mullineux

District Commissioners Mr Chris Upton Ellesmere Miss Susan Leonard Lilford Mr Steve Ralph MBE Lowry Mrs Elizabeth Samson Sale Mr Andy Atherall Mr Matt Osborne (Acting) Mr Chris Knowles Mr Paul Green

Local Training Managers Altrincham Mr Anthony Roberts Ellesmere Miss Georgina Dale Lilford Mrs Jane Riley Miss Gemma Higson Lowry Mr Justin McDonnell Sale Mrs Christine Gleaves Stretford To be advised Urmston Mrs Sarah Gilpin Wigan Mrs Christine Thompson

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 5 County Silver Wolf Holders

Mrs Jacqui Aspinall MBE Mr John Bilsborough Mrs Pamela Copeland Mrs Sylvia Cornish Mrs Vera Crossley Mr Hugh Davies Mr Derek Freeman Mrs Christine Gleaves Mr Peter Hart Mrs Pat Haynes Mr Bob Haynes Mrs Eileen Johnson Mr Keith Lang Mr David Maltby Mr Brian Mouat Mrs Ann Salt Mr George Sharp Dr Geoff Sides Mrs Judith Summersgill Mr Jack Swinchatt Mr Alex Waddington Mr John Webb Mr Haydn Worrall

6 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Minutes of 2017 A.G.M.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Greater Manchester West County Scout Council held on Tuesday 26th September 2017 at Leigh Masonic Hall, Ellesmere Street, Leigh, . WN7 4LQ

Present: Mr Warren Smith JP, Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, County President Mr Andrew Farrell, County Commissioner Mr Gerard Davies, County Chairman Mr Derek Batchen, County Secretary Mr Roger Kettle, County Treasurer Mr Lewis Foster, Youth Commissioner Mr Matt Dawson, Deputy Youth Commissioner Mr James Turner, Deputy Youth Commissioner Mrs Edith Smith, President Girlguiding Lancashire South Mr Chris Varley, F.C.A. Cedar Solutions (Management) Ltd – Account Examiners Mrs Heather Lomas, County Appointments Secretary Mr Graham Barrick, County Appointments Chairman Mr David Copeland, County Executive, District Chairman Lilford Mrs Iris Emery, County Executive, District Secretary Altrincham Mrs Jane Ford, County Executive Mr Tom Drinkwater, County Executive Mr Bob Spoors, County Executive and St. George’s Day Award Holder Miss Karen Salisbury, County Training Manager Mr Andrew Connellan, Deputy County Commissioner - Programme Mr Greg Archer, Deputy County Commissioner – Operations Mrs Daniele Wiseman, Deputy County Commissioner – Development Mr Michael Rollinson, Queen Scout Co-ordinator, County Executive Mr Jeff Picton, Assistant County Commissioner International Mr Steve Ralph MBE, Ass County Commissioner Activities, District Commissioner Lilford Miss Siobhan Mullen, Assistant County Commissioner Cubs Mr Bob Wilson, Assistant County Commissioner Scouts Mr David Kerrs, Assistant County Commissioner Explorer Scouts Mr Haydn Worrall, Silver Wolf Holder Mrs Pat Haynes, Secretary Dunham Park, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Bob Haynes, Chairman Dunham Park, Silver Wolf Holder Mrs Eileen Johnson, Ellesmere District, Silver Wolf Holder Mrs Pamela Copeland, District Secretary Lilford, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Keith Lang, County Hill Walking Assessor, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Alex Waddington, County Safety Co-ordinator, Silver Wolf Holder Mrs Judith Summersgill, Sale District, Silver Wolf Holder Mrs Ann Salt, Lowry District Silver Wolf Holder Mrs Sarah Goodstadt, County Advisor (Stage and Performance) Miss Sue Leonard, District Commissioner Ellesmere Mrs Elizabeth Samson, District Commissioner Lowry Mr Chris Knowles, District Commissioner Urmston Mr Andrew Atherall, District Chairman Sale Mr Phil Rigby, District Chairman Ellesmere Miss Rachel Picton, District Secretary Wigan

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 7 Minutes of 2017 A.G.M. (continued)

Miss Amy Atherall, District Secretary Sale Mrs Deborah Forrest, District Secretary Ellesmere Mrs Sue , St. George’s Day Award Holder Mr Simon Gould, Altrincham District, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mrs Carole Knowles, Urmston District, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mr Anthony Roberts, Local Training Manager Altrincham, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mr David Hughes, Campsite Manager Dunham Park, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mrs Lesley Roberts, Lilford District, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mrs Tina Winterbottom, Urmston District, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mrs Freda Clarke, Altrincham District, County Scout Council member Mrs Margaret Davies, Wigan District, County Scout Council member Mr John Paul Yates, County Training Advisor Mr Chris Starkie, County Nights Away Advisor Miss Gemma Higson, Local Training Manager Lilford Mrs Christine Gleaves, Local Training Manager Sale Mrs Sue Ralph (County Administrator – Minutes) and 22 leaders, lay members and friends signed the attendance register.

Apologies Mayors of Wigan, , and Mrs Vera Crossley, County Vice President, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Andrew Corrie, Regional Commissioner Mr Phil Horton, GME Mrs Nicola Horsfield CC Girlguiding Manchester Mrs Rachel Starkie CC Girlguiding Lancashire South Mrs Ann Healey CC Girlguiding GMW Mr Ross Radclyffe, Land Agent Peel Land and Property Mr Stephen Morrell, DCC Adult Support Mr Jacob Bond, ACC Beaver Scouts Mr Chris Hayes, Campsite Manager BHSE Mr Martin Shaw, Campsite Manager BHSE Mrs Joan Hayton, District Appointment Secretary Wigan Mr Alan Hayton, Assistant Camp Warden BHSE Mrs Debbie Pullen Duke of Edinburgh Adviser Mr Hugh Davies, District Chairman Altrincham Mr Jonathan Platt, Urmston Mrs Janet Pearce Urmston Mr Tony Pickering Urmston Mrs Joan Smith Wigan Mr Andrew McDonnell, Dunham Park Mrs Christine Thompson, LTM Wigan Mr John Bilsborough, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Eric Dun, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mrs Karen Mathieson, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mr Matt Osborne, Deputy DC Stretford Mrs Sylvia Cornish, Silver Wolf Holder Mr David Harvey, Assistant Land Agent Peel Land and Property Mrs Jean Archer, Scout Active Support

8 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Minutes of 2017 A.G.M. (continued)

Mr Ross Hague-Knowles, Urmston Mrs Sarah Gilpin, LTM Urmston Mr John Gilpin, LTA Urmston Mr Paul Green, DC Wigan Mr Alistair Holmes, DC Sale Mr Mike Harding, District Treasurer Sale Mr Bob Cole, District Appointment Secretary Sale Mr Richard Gould, District Youth Commissioner Altrincham Mrs Jacqui Aspinall MBE, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Steve Holloway, CC GME Mr George Sharp, Altrincham District, Silver Wolf Holder Mr Gilbert Wilkinson Lilford, St. George’s Day Award Holder Mr Stewart Thompson, Wigan.

01/17 Safety Notice - Alex Waddington, County Safety Co-ordinator.

02/17 Opening thought read by Explorer Scout James Turner, Spartan Explorer Scout Unit.

03/17 Lord Lieutenant Mr Warren Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting. A moments silence was then held for members who had passed away, including Brian Wilding, Bernard Pennington, Steve Hayes, Chris Maxted and Bert Thomas.

04/17 Apologies for absence were read by the County Secretary Derek Batchen – as listed

05/17 Approval to accept the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 27 September 2016 as previously circulated.

The County President proposed acceptance of the minutes of last year’s AGM. Seconded by Heather Lomas. All in favour.

06/17 The County Commissioner’s appointment of the County Chairman. County Commissioner Andy Farrell nominated Michael Rollinson as County Chairman. He acknowledged all the work Ged Davies had done as County Chairman and hoped Ged would enjoy his new role as District Chairman of Wigan.

07/17 Presentation of the Annual Report Ged then presented the Annual Report, thanking Phil Peacock for producing it and bringing it together. Taking on the usual format including financial reports, sections and campsites etc. A report to be proud of, belonging to everyone in GMW, the districts, groups, leaders, assistants, parents and everyone involved. Ged hoped everyone would take time to read it, share it, and be proud of it.

08/17 Presentation of the Examined Accounts by the County Treasurer, Roger Kettle. Roger explained that copies of the accounts had been circulated and explained briefly about the accounts held with CAF Bank. The HSBC accounts were closed in April/ May 2016 so will not show in next year’s accounts.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 9 Minutes of 2017 A.G.M. (continued)

The Scout Trust Investment Service (STIS) had recently advised it is changing its name and operating conditions and these changes would be looked at. Scout Estate has a separate Charity Number and anyone wanting copies of their accounts can contact BHSE management committee.

Further to the opening of an international account, these have been shown as restricted funds because this is only a holding/handling account for those going on expeditions. Five expeditions are anticipated to run over the next two years and these figures would affect any grants that may be applied for.

Middlewood has transferred the majority of its money to County and the rest will be forwarded when finalised.

Roger thanked both Ged and Derek for all the support they had given to him in past years. Roger asked if anyone had any questions – none raised.

09/17 Proposal by David Copeland to approve the Annual Report and adopt the Examined Accounts.

10/17 Seconded by Sue Leonard. All in favour.

11/17 Announcement of the County Levy The County Commissioner then explained there were three proposals

• To increase the County Levy from £7.80 to £9.00 • The International Levy be absorbed into the County Levy and the £9 be allocated into a central pot for expenditure at the approval of the Executive • Increase to the County Levy of 25 pence per annum.

These proposals had been put before a meeting of the County Scout Council on Tuesday 26th July 2017 after circulation to members of the County Scout Council, District Commissioners and Executive members. The proposals were voted on at this meeting but the quorum was not met. It was therefore decided to take the vote to the AGM.

After explanation of the reasons for the proposals all three were voted on individually. For each proposal the show of hands in favour met the required quorum. No-one against. No abstentions.

12/17 Election of the County Secretary. The County Commissioner proposed Heather Lomas as County Secretary. Thanks were given to Derek for all the work he has done as County Secretary. Pleased that Derek was continuing to work alongside the Campsite Management Team at Hollinwood concentrating on the legalities of the Hollinwood Site. Seconded by Iris Emery. All in favour.

10 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Minutes of 2017 A.G.M. (continued)

13/17 Election of the County Treasurer The County Commissioner proposed Roger Kettle as the County Treasurer. This was a tough role and admirable that he takes the role on considering the amount of work involved. Seconded by Karen Salisbury. All in favour.

14/17 Announcement by the County Secretary, Derek Batchen, of elected members to the County Executive Committee (now representatives from the Metro’s rather than Districts). As follows:-

Salford Metro – Mr Paul Brighouse Trafford Metro – Mr Andrew Atherall and Mr Nick Anderson Wigan Metro – Mr Stewart Thompson

15/17 The County Commissioners then announced his nominations to the County Executive Committee, as follows:-

Mrs Iris Emery, Mr David Copeland, Miss Rachel Picton, Miss Georgi Dale

16/17 Announcement by the County Secretary ‘Each District Scout Council elect one Group Scouter to the County Scout Council’ as notified to the County Secretary, as follows:-

Altrincham Mrs Freda Clarke Ellesmere Mr Tom Drinkwater Lilford Miss Gemma Higson Lowry Mrs Gail Smith Sale Mr Mike Harding Stretford To be advised* Urmston Mrs Tina Winterbottom Wigan Mrs Margaret Davies [*indicates change from last year]

17/17 Appointment to the Committee of the Association The County Commissioner proposed his representative for adult and youth member - Lewis Foster. Seconded by Greg Archer. All in favour.

18/17 Appointment of the Account Examiners The County Treasurer proposed to continue with Chris Varley of Cedar Solutions. Seconded by Graham Barrick. All in favour

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 11 Minutes of 2017 A.G.M. (continued)

19/17 Presentation of Awards/Member recognition to the following:- Graham Barrick, presented with Bar to the Silver Acorn

Woodbadges to:- Phil Rigby – District Chairman Ellesmere Elizabeth Samson – District Commissioner Lowry David Hughes - County Active Support Manager Danielle Wiseman - Assistant County Commissioner for Scouts Siobhan Mullen – Assistant County Commissioner for Cub Scouts Greg Archer – Deputy County Commissioner (Operations) Matt Dawson – Deputy Youth Commissioner

Service Awards to:- Heather Lomas 15 years’ service Derek Batchen 30 years’ service Chris Knowles 40 years’ service Pat Haynes 60 years’ service

Haydn Worrall then presented Alex Waddington with the Silver Wolf for the most exceptional service. Congratulations were given to Alex.

The CC formally thanked and acknowledged Ged Davies and Derek Batchen presenting them with a gift. He thanked Bob Spoors and Tom Drinkwater for their work on the executive committee; Margaret Davies for her support to the Executive Committee; Phil Peacock for the production of the Annual report and Sue Ralph for her work in County Office.

20/17 Ged Davies thanked everyone for attending. Congratulating the Award holders in particular Alex Waddington for achieving the highest award in Scouting. He thanked Lilford District for hosting the AGM and all those who supported him during his time as County Chairman especially those who served on the County Executive.

21/17 The Lord Lieutenant reiterated Ged’s comments. Thanking and congratulating each and every one for the remarkable work being done and for helping the young people to become good citizens. On a personal note thanking Ged for his work as Chairman and Derek for his work as County Secretary, wishing them well in their new roles.

The meeting was then formally closed.

There followed a presentation by Steve Ralph - Philmont 2019.

12 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Accounts

Roger Kettle - County Treasurer

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 13 Accounts (continued)

14 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Accounts (continued)

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 15 Accounts (continued)

16 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Accounts (continued)

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 17 Accounts (continued)

18 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Accounts (continued)

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 19 The Awards

Silver Wolf

In recognition of services to Scouting of the most exceptional nature. The Silver Wolf Award was introduced by Lord Baden-Powell and remains the Scout Association’s highest award for service to Scouting. The Silver Wolf is the unrestricted gift of the Chief Scout and is only awarded ‘for service of an exceptional nature’. It is not normally awarded until at least a Silver Acorn has been gained. In practice, this means that it is seldom awarded for less than 30 years’ service, although this is not always the case.

Christine Dorothy Greaves Sale District

Bar to the Silver Acorn

In recognition of further specially distinguished service, The Bar to the Silver Acorn can only be awarded after a Silver Acorn has been gained.

Derek William Batchen County Derek Brown Altrincham District Keith Michael Chadbourne Stretford District Andrew Stephen Connellan County & Wigan District Grahame Bayfield Spencer Simmonds Altrincham District Andrew Neil Spear Urmston District Alan Ronald Willmott Stretford District

Silver Acorn

In recognition of specially distinguished service. The Silver Acorn was first introduced as a St George’s Day Award in 1933 - It is not normally awarded until after at least the Award for Merit has been gained and is seldom awarded for less than 20 years’ service.

Thomas Ford Urmston District Glenda Gould Altrincham District Joan Howard Wigan District Graham Richard Jenkins Stretford District Christopher John Knowles Urmston District Stephen John Maddocks Urmston District John Magee Wigan District Eileen Magee Wigan District Dennis Matthews Lowry District Matthew Osborne Stretford District Brian John Thorpe Stretford District

20 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Queen’s Scouts Awards

Chris Hansford - Queen’s Scout Co-Ordinator

The Queen’s Scout Award is the top Award you can earn in Scouting as a young person and a truly great achievement.

Each year the young people demonstrate continuous hard work, pushing themselves to meet all the criteria necessary and in doing so are ably supported by many adults in the background, including leaders, parents, instructors etc.

Thank you to all those who support the young people in this way.

Congratulations to two members of Urmston District, namely Eleanor Hickman and James Boyd, who both achieved their Queen’s Scout Award in May 2018 and although not in the report year 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018, many young people are in the process of working towards this Award.

I wish all those who are currently undertaking or thinking of commencing the Award the very best of luck.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 21 County Commissioner

Andy Farrell - County Commissioner

In the last twelve months, • Climb Morocco In the coming months, you the focus on preparing a • Corporate Patrons Scheme will see significant changes coherent County Plan has • County Constitution to how we do Scouting meant our 2014 - 2018 Vision • Cub Mudder in Greater Manchester has become somewhat • Cubs Centenary Bash West as we implement the of a distant memory. It • Extended Leadership Team #SkillsforLife curriculum. is only when reading the • Hollinwood Scout Camp Lease reports contained within • ITV Coronation Street Team GB This will impact every this programme that we are Homecoming aspect of the County – from reminded of just how much • Lowry District training, development and we have accomplished on • Mad4Malawi finance to programme and every level from a relatively • Managers in Scouting media. Communication standing start in 2014. The Conference will become a key focus reports are a testimony to • National Diversity Award and we will be providing how, collectively, we have Nomination more opportunities for more than achieved the four • National Honours adult volunteers and young pillars of Youth Shaped, people to be involved and • Network Reboot Inclusivity, Community and have their say. • Project Peru Growth identified in the • Summit17 National Strategy. In closing, I would like to thank • Survival Camp the District Commissioners It is the hard work and • Training Module Restructure for their continued support, determination of all our • Track Car both in their own Districts volunteers, which has • Visit from Steve Backshall and and collaborating as a peer brought us to where we Helen Glover group, to the Extended are today. We continue • Wear their Necker Leadership Team of to break new ground in • Young Leader Unit Grants Deputies for their drive, creating a lasting legacy • Youth Commissioner ambition and acceptance for future generations of Appointments of continuous change, to young people. Some of • Youth Forum the Executive Committee our standout achievements for their knowledge, include: The County is focussed on understanding and rigour aligning to the National 2023 in the management of the • 1st Buddha’s Light Scout Group Vision. We have taken time County’s policies and funds, (UK first Buddhist group) to reflect and learn from our and finally to you all. • 1st Springwood Scout Group mistakes, restructure where (SEN school) necessary and we now have It’s been a rollercoaster of a • Baltic States Explorer Belt a solid readiness plan in year, but it is my firm belief • Beavers 30th Carnival Camp place to ensure that our next that Greater Manchester four years are as successful West is the best it has ever • Beee e badge as the last. been, and long may that • Beeeeeee e in the City Art Trail • Cardboard Canoe Competition continue.

22 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Deputy County Commissioner (Operations)

Greg Archer - Deputy County Commissioner (Operations)

This year has been a very leaders. However, we don’t in developing the County’s busy one; my role has seen want to rest on our laurels Vision up to and beyond several changes to both Adult and the team meet regularly 2018; supporting him where Support and Operations. to look at what more we can required in events throughout We have had changes in offer our leaders and looking the County which has given personnel and personally to involve LTM’s so we can me opportunities to see would like to thank Steve make sure we are offering other counties and how they Morrell who looked after what the leaders want. work. I truly believe we have the Adult Support role and a great County that is only Karen Salisbury who looked Further changes have seen going to get better in our after the County Training Activities/MAPS move to approach to Vision 2023. Manager role. They have Operations role so together worked tirelessly to give the with the Adult Support I look forward to continuing County the foundations on team allows joint meetings the great work the team which we can continue to to look at where we need have achieved, and look build. I would also like to to offer leaders courses to forward to the upcoming welcome Gemma Higson gain the necessary skills and year and thank everyone into the County Training confidence to deliver the who has supported me in Manager role and wish her varied activities to the young my role. every success. people. One big role which Chris Starkie has taken on is We have this year re- the Manager of the Active structured the way in which Permit Scheme (MAPS). we support our leaders. This is a role that has been We now have specialist dormant for several years trainers/advisors in key and Chris is working with areas: Safeguarding under the team to bring the MAPS the supervision of Nikki up to date and produce Parr who is in the process directory of all permit of developing the County holders within the County. Safeguarding Team and Mary Smith who is advising With these changes I County on all matters would like to thank the concerning First Aid. We County Commissioner for have had members of the the support he has given training team attending me whilst these changes courses to allow us to were taking place and the deliver Executive Committee continued support he has training and Regional shown both me and the Management courses. team. Inclusivity courses have been run and we are looking Aside from the above I have at similar courses to offer our been working with the CC

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 23 Deputy County Commissioner (Development)

Daniele Wiseman - Deputy County Commissioner (Development)

This has been the first year The ground work is done but I have the opportunity in my Development role. It this project is yet to get off to delegate some of that has been a year to reflect the ground due to funding responsibility. on how the County has and resourcing challenges at The website is due a rethink delivered against the 2014- the school. and, as a Communications 2018 National Strategy Team, we feel it should and align our thinking with 1st Buddha’s Light Scout become a central repository the 2018-2023 National Group has been of national for all the information Strategy. interest attracting Scouting that volunteers and magazine and widespread members of the I have produced reports as press coverage for being public might need. slide decks which show how the first Buddhist Group in We will do some Greater Manchester West the UK. They have thrown requirements has delivered against the four themselves into the life of gathering in pillars of Inclusivity, Youth the District and the County the year Shaped, Community and with leader Mun Kit Choy ahead. Growth and show how our keen to involve his group in County strategy and plan for every aspect of Scouting. 2018-23 will deliver against Other groups in the district those same pillars, focussing are already benefiting from on People, Programme and the opportunity to learn Performance. more about the Buddhist faith and the Fo Guang Shan A For Growth and temple. b i g Development, participation p a r t in the Regional Development I have initiated conversations of my Panel meetings enables me with all District role this to benchmark our activities Commissioners to get their year has against other counties and personal insight into Growth been the launch leveraging the support in their districts. Using the of the Corporate provided by the region we census data is key but the Patrons Scheme. have embarked on the first District Commissioners This scheme has Four Acres Trust project can provide important required some bedding in building consensus about information about district so no new Patrons have been how to go about providing specific challenges e.g. introduced but our existing the young people with special where leaders are doing Patrons have embraced needs at Springwood, the multiple roles. the relationship we have group established under the established particularly our oversight of Paul Brighouse, Media and Comms is Gold Patron, Bathroom with the same experience now part of my team and Takeaway who have made when they move up to with the recruitment of us one of their three charity Oakwood and Chatsworth David Simpson as Media partners, provided new secondary schools (in a Development Manager and toilets at Bispham House, different District). Michele Millington as Editor supported the Cardboard of our online newsletter, Canoe Competition with the

24 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Deputy County Commissioner (Development) (continued) Daniele Wiseman - Deputy County Commissioner (Development)

Bubble Bus, free drinks and a couple of baths, along with swimmers (I say, swimmers, ‘cos thy didn’t stay long in the baths!) This in addition to their support for the 2nd Urmston Track Car. Funding raised through Patrons is being spent on initiating the work on the pond at Bispham Hall Scout Estate in order to bring water activities back and providing Go-Karts and Track for Hollinwood. The planned Patrons Breakfast in September is intended to attract new Patrons and give them the opportunity to network with our existing Patrons.

The only challenge for the Corporate Patrons Scheme is the effort required to sustain it and the commitments made to providing them with opportunities to ‘Be a Scout for a Day’ during a working week – as always, our volunteers never let us down, but the Corporate Patrons Scheme will need to evolve as it grows.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 25 Deputy County Commissioner (Programme)

Andy Connellan

Another busy year on the Regional Shelterbox extremely well attended. back of 2016-birthday Scavenger Hunt around celebrations. There was continues to be a We are looking at putting plenty of great activities for success with more and more more on and broaden the the young people. One of teams entering each year. scope to include sectional highlights for me included support days starting the Cardboard Canoe Race Please read the sectional with the Beaver on a bright sunny day in reports for the details for all Scout section. Salford Quays. the fantastic activities for all the sections that have been Not only did we have lots run this year. I know that of canoes, most of which this just creeps into this year spectacularly sunk, the but very well done to the general public from one of County Shooting team who the local restaurants were came second in the National cheering their support. Shooting competition. There was a trophy for the best sinking as well as the We had a great Celebration one who got around the of Excellence Event held at course. Bispham Hall during the Summer. The sun was hot Other stand out moments and the young people and However, include the inaugural Beaver their families together with if you need Cooking competition with the VIPs all enjoyed the help, support lots of great food being event. The only downside or information cooked. I can’t wait until we was that we had to cancel regarding any see the Beavers growing up the older sections meal other aspect of the to use their skills at the Cub due to the low numbers. programme do not Cooking competition. However, this year we have hesitate to contact any of changed this part back to an the Programme team. The Cubs were themselves overnighter and I can report running a very muddy “Cub we have good numbers for A very big thank you for Mudder” course at Bispham this. time and commitment Hall. The amount of mud to the programme team, seemed to heighten their On the subject of high being Jacob Bond (Beavers), fun! awards please use the Siobhan Mullen (Cubs), Bob County Programme team to Wilson (Scouts), Dave Kerrs We also had over 20 support the getting of these (Explorers), Chris Hansford Scout and Explorer teams top awards. The new Scout (Network and QSA Co- hiking around Rivington Association 18-23 strategy ordinator), Jeff Picton in the Hiking competition. has an objective that 50% (International) and Phil Although the mist stopped of young people achieve Bainbridge (DofE). the Scouts doing the whole the top award by 2023. On course we still had one the question of support, we Bob and Phil are both new Explorer team complete it. ran an Inclusion support day this year so I welcome them which was very good and to the team.

26 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Deputy County Commissioner (Programme) (continued) Andy Connellan

They all put on very active programmes, watch out for Chris’s Network activities being planned. We also have had both Lewis Foster and James Turner giving their youth shaped input to the programme, so thanks to them.

The biggest thanks go to all the people in the districts and sections in the County running fantastic programmes for the young people. There are so many great activities going on it is hard to keep up!

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 27 County Training Report

Gemma Higson - County Training Manager (From 1st March 2018)

It has been a fantastic year more members to access learn or brush up on, from for the Training Team and more courses and training campfire songs to cooking many new developments opportunities. to pioneering. Executive have taken place. There committee training is also have been changes within Training opportunities scheduled to take place the team structure, changes have also been adapted once per year during to residential and modular based on the feedback we the September course training delivery and changes have received from course following the successful implemented as required by participants. February ‘train the trainer’ sessions HQ, all of which are helping was the last Getting Going last year. Training from us to make positive progress. course (Modules 1 – 19 for HQ on Inclusion also took Woodbadge) to run on a place this year under the I officially took over as two-night basis and it has watchful eye of Jacob Bond, County Training Manager, now been changed to one we are hoping to be able to under the direction of Greg night. Participants can deliver this ourselves very Archer - DCC Operations, expect a very busy 2-day soon under his direction. in March of this year. The training event but with less To say it’s been a busy whole team and I would like down time - making the couple of months for to take this opportunity to most of the weekend. This training would be an thank Karen Salisbury for her change has also enabled us understatement! hard work and dedication to provide opportunities for during her time in the role of County led First Aid and CTM. The team had been Safeguarding courses to run well supported under her alongside modular training management and we wish during the same weekend. her every success in her The first Safeguarding roles moving forward. course was run on the Friday evening of the last We are now in a position residential training course where we have established and was extremely well teams to support training received and attended. delivery in key areas. First Getting Away (Nights Aid is looked after by Mary Away Permit training) has Smith from Wigan District been re-developed under the and Safeguarding by Nikki leadership of Keith Morris to M o v i n g Parr, who joins us from cover the requirements of f o r w a r d Merseyside. We also have module 38 as practically as the next JP Yates, Jane Riley and possible. i m m e d i a t e Karen Salisbury delivering challenge is to work Regional Training for We are also adding a new with our Local Training Managers and Supporters course, Getting Skilled, Managers and they in within the three Greater which will be run following turn their Training Advisors Manchester Counties. The requests from you. The to deliver a more consistent new structure for the team course will aim to deliver and coherent approach to is working well, enabling any skills you wish to local training.

28 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 County Training Report (continued) Karen Salisbury - County Training Manager (up to 1st March 2018)

We currently have some Karen Salisbury fantastic LTM’s and their support is vital to all our roles. It’s been yet another packed year, with the training Hopefully over the next few team continuing to develop. months we will work together to keep them better informed There were four of us who attended an Executive and as a team become more Committee ‘Training the Trainer’ course in October aware of how our roles work and we all found this incredibly informative and we together. Anyone interested ran our first course back in February 2018 alongside in becoming a Training Advisor the Getting Going Course at Bispham which although should speak to their LTM. not many attended it proved to be beneficial to those who did and they were able to make contacts and Over the next year I am keen to links to develop and support their Executives in the fully embed the developments future. we have started and extend the opportunities that our Validation remains the key to all training and members have by which to attendance on any course still requires meeting with progress their own training. your Training Advisor and / or your Local Training With continued hard work and Manager and the validations can’t be done in one dedication, Greater Manchester go – so please be aware that the dates and methods West has the potential to be a of your validations are checked and random checks flagship for training. I would also take place. It is also important that PLP’s are like to thank the Training Team prepared carefully and prior learning is considered. If for their support, outstanding you have any queries about training whatsoever then commitment and fantastic contact the County Training Team for their advice. work, without them our training programmes simply I would like to take this opportunity to thank the would not run. Please get in members of the Training Team who have supported touch if you have any queries me whilst I was County Training Manager and l look regarding training and I look forward to seeing future developments and will no forward to meeting with many doubt see many of you around at other events and more of you in the future. meetings.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 29 Youth Commissioner Report

Lewis Foster - Youth Commissioner

The Youth Commissioner beyond, hoping this will The YC team are also happy team are pleased to say empower them as it has us. to say that we currently that in the third year of our have a member on the UK existence in the County We are currently attempting international rep pool of things have been going to create a GMW Youth around 12 people meaning well. This year the team rep pool that will be able that one of our team is has expanded with the to attend various County able to get the occasional appointment of another meetings to gain an privilege of representing the Deputy, Amelie Wiseman understanding of roles UK at international events. and two Assistants, James within GMW and also to Turner and Troy Wood. I also feedback directly into County As always this is possible due continue to be supported without compromise. I very to our amazing volunteers by Will Taylor and Matt much hope it will help give such as yourselves, that Dawson. GMW a sense both internally lead, teach, inspire and and externally that young listen to our young people We have also aligned our people actively shape their giving them the opportunity skill sets and have joined Scouting and as a result to flourish in Scouting, for specific DCC teams – both themselves and adults which I thank you. Comms, Adult Support, benefit. Operations, Programme and Development to help deliver On that note I am happy the County vision from a to report our annual Youth youth shaped perspective – Forum has continued this having attended the National year with great success, Summit 17 we are pleased to with many attendees also report first-hand that many being on the Jamboree and of the thoughts of the UK Malawi teams showing the wide youth commissioners passion for Scouting of all attending the event were varieties in GMW. listened to in the National consultation and the new Both the GMW and District vision is a good reflection of YC teams are constantly that. changing as people move away for university, work or We are grateful for our travel. This is expected given opportunities not just in our age range of 18-25. local Scouting but also Regardless of this, we feel international events such that Youth Commissioners as the World Scout Moot are very much now well and Roverway. It is on cemented in local Scouting reflection of this that we are and we hope that the continuing to increase the foundations we have laid awareness and availability with our previous work will of opportunities for young help pave the way for future people at County level and YC’s.

30 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Beaver Scout Section Report

Jacob Bond - ACC Beaver Scouts

Throughout the last year I naming competition where both later attended the have had the opportunity to we received dozens of County Cooking competition visit lots of colony meetings, entries. The County Youth representing Lilford District. invest Beaver Scouts, invest Commissioner team helped leaders, present badges and me choose the winning In January, I was then Chief Scout Bronze Awards, name and it was SPARKS, invited to judge the Urmston visit colonies on camp and submitted by 2nd Atherton. District Cooking competition at other places outside their with our CC, Andy Farrell usual meeting places and Their prize for choosing the and ADC Beavers from judged a number of cooking winning name that came Stretford, Margaret. We competitions! with our adoption package had everything from spag was a Zoo2You Experience bol to homemade burgers, Our year kicked off with a from the team at Blackpool cheesecake to Donald County trip to Blackpool Zoo Zoo. Trumple (crumble), for the in May 2017, attended by first district competition 333 Beaver Scouts and 105 On a cold winters night the standard of food was leaders, arriving on 8 coaches in November 2017, some amazing! The winners were and 2 double decker buses, crawlies and critters came 2nd and runners we had people attending to 2nd Atherton’s colony up were 3rd Davyhulme from groups across all meeting and the Beaver Avro, both went to represent districts. We spent several Scouts not only learned so their district in the County hours at the zoo looking at much about our adopted competition. and learning about some of animal the Tiger but also got the zoos over 1500 animals to hold and stroke the other In March 2018 we had our including lions, tigers, animals too. They all really inaugural County Beaver elephants, giraffes, gorillas, enjoyed themselves and Cooking competition held sealions – just to name a learned a thing or two! at 3rd Davyhulme HQ with few! With a quick stop teams from 1st Atherton, 2nd for lunch in the middle of Later in the year, I had the Davyhulme, 2nd Davyhulme the day and a dash around opportunity along with two Avro, 5th , 23rd the gift shop the day was of the ADC team, Michele Stretford and 88th Salford. thoroughly enjoyed by all – it and Margaret to judge Along with DCC Programme, helped that the rain held off Lilford District Cooking Womble and ACYC Troy for most of the day too! competition. we sampled the best of Greater Manchester West. During the trip I asked a The theme for their The runners up were 1st ‘random’ Beaver Scout competition was 5 Atherton sampling another who happened to be ingredients per course. All of spin on their Indian themed from 3rd Davyhulme Avro the food was extraordinary menu. The winners were Colony which animal was with dishes from all over the 23rd Stretford (St Matthews his favourite and he chose world with the joint winners Victoria) who blew all of the tigers; it was from this being 1st Atherton with the judges away with a as part of our trip to the their Indian themed menu completely independent zoo we adopted a TIGER and 5th Tyldesley with their approach with very little help shortly followed by a Wartime themed menu, from their leader delivering a

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 31 Beaver Scout Section Report (continued) Jacob Bond - ACC Beaver Scouts menu of gnocchi made from scratch and homemade ice- cream frozen with real snow!

Well done everyone who took part the standard of food, presentation and teamwork was excellent.

The County Beaver team are already in the process of planning a whole list of events for both Beaver Scouts and their leaders throughout 2018/19.

These include a County Damboree camp to support young people achieving the Chief Scout Bronze Award, County Cooking competition to name a few.

32 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Cub Scout Section Report

Siobhan Mullen - ACC Cub Scouts

In October, Cub Mudder My thanks to the leaders ran for its second year, only for their time during the this time there was a trophy competition and for the to be won. My thanks to effort and practice required Bispham Hall for allowing leading up to it. the Cubs to use the Chariot Race course - hopefully The above is in addition to those Cubs will move onto the many camps, indoor and Scouts and compete in the outdoor held throughout the Chariot Race. year by groups and districts plus all of their competitions We definitely had the mud - thank you for the invites! for it and for the first time Please continue to invite me ever the Cubs had to brave to the fantastic events going the crossing of the pond on throughout the County which I believe was their and I will do my best to favourite part! 44 teams attend. entered, this was a 50% increase on teams in 2016 Thank you to all involved, and the overall winners were your commitment and 3rd Davyhulme! dedication in providing our young people with an Off the back of this event, I exciting, challenging and fun visited 1st to award packed programme, is no the Personal Challenge easy task and I will continue Award to a Cub who not only to help support the ADCs in gave Cub Mudder a go but ensuring this continues. conquered every obstacle with such determination On a side note, the Cub and drive; with thanks to calendar has been much his fellow Cubs for the quieter than I would have fantastic team spirit and liked - please can I ask encouragement helping him districts to support County around the course, BRAVO! Cub events over the next 12 months? There are many In April the ‘Best of British’ activities and competitions County Cooking competition I have in mind and ideas took place, the quality of to help ensure as a County food was exemplary! The we continue to deliver fun, Cubs had everything, drive, enjoyable and high quality knowledge, organisation and programmes! good cooking- they were all worthy winners! Well done to 1st Ashton, 3rd and 17th Stretford!

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 33 Scout Section Report

Bob Wilson - ACC Scouts

I took over from Daniele in winning the Camping. 3rd/1st Eccles. Well done to July 2017 and since then its’ Thanks, must go to all the all that took part and thanks continued to be another a judges who take a great deal to all the team for such a very busy year for the Scout of time to ensure a good fair well-run competition. The Section, with all the Scouts competition. National competition is held demonstrating just what on 9th April 2018 and we it means to be a Scout in BST Adventure was held have high hopes given the GMW. on 23rd September 2017 skill level demonstrated. with 18 teams navigating I must thank Daniele for all a course around the moors I continue to be supported her support and guidance in of Rivington. The low by a brilliant team of ADC our handover which I found cloud made it an additional (Scouts) who make our to be a great help. challenge but all performed meetings enjoyable and exceptionally well. This is can always be relied upon The County Lord Chris Gaskell’s last year to assist whenever needed. competition was held at running this event as he has They are often juggling their Dunham Park Scout Camp moved to Cumbria. Chris ADC role with their sectional on 22nd April 2017 and it heads a wonderful team and role and I really appreciate was a fantastic event which he will be missed but plans all that they do. As a team was won by 5th Urmston. are in place for 2018 as Neil we have tried to promote Tucker has kindly stepped leadership skill within the The Cardboard Canoe Race up to the plate. patrol system and so have was held on 17th June 2017 continued with our at Helley Hanson Water The Chariot Race at Bispham successful PL training Sports Centre, Salford and Hall was great fun on 7-8th days on 15th was a huge success. Thanks October 2017. The weather October 2017 must go to Steve Gray and was mixed but this didn’t and 17th his team who ensured the dampen everyone’s sprits. M a r c h day went so smoothly. In Overall Scout winners were 2 0 1 8 . the Scouts section 3rd/1st 30th West A Eccles were overall winners Team with GMW Scout with 3rd Timperley winning Winners being 16th Wigan Best Design. The weather B. was great which was a help as all but 5 canoes got their The Shooting Competition occupants wet! has once again been admirably co-ordinated and The Camping and Backwoods run by Ian Jones. It was held Feedback Cooking competition was over the weekend of 13-14th from the held at Bispham Hall Scout January 2018. The under 18 Scouts attending Estate over the weekend winner was Ilena Sykes from has been positive of 7th – 9th July 2017. The Altrincham Panther ESU, 12 and they are set to standard was very high with & Under winner was Edward continue. 5th Urmston winning the Hall from 3rd Altrincham Backwoods and 1st and the team winners were

34 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Scout Section Report (continued) Bob Wilson - ACC Scouts

I have had the pleasure in presenting a number of Chief Scouts Gold Awards over the year. I want to attend as many presentations as possible to really promote the value of this Award to our young people and so increase the numbers awarded.

Each year goes faster than the previous, but I am always amazed by everything all our leaders manage to fit into the year for the benefit of the Scouts in their charge.

Please carry on your good work as we continue to promote, grow and enjoy scouting in GMW.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 35 Explorer Scout Section Report

David Kerrs - ACC Explorer Scouts

The last 12 months have Target sports centre. This I am in the process of been a busy one for the was a fantastic day, and introducing ‘war hammer’ Explorer units across GMW, the under 18s trophy was to the County as part of with Explorers taking part in won by Ilena Sykes from the Duke of Edinburgh a variety of different County Altrincham Panther unit Award Scheme - look out events. with a score of 325, this was for information on the GMW beating the previous record page. With teams taking part in of 324 set in 2015. the BST Hiking competition For the first time this year in September which was run We have seen the growth we are having an overnight in the Rivington and Winter in the Goodwood Activity stay at the Celebration Hill area. weekend where there has of Excellence with an been an increase in numbers introduction to Airsoft. Last year we had the again with a number of inaugural Cardboard Canoe different activities and Swarm 44 the Jamboree Race which included several bases for the Network but team are attending events Explorer teams together also included Scouts and throughout the County with Scout teams from the Explorers on the Saturday please come and support County. For this event the and team events for the their fundraising efforts. teams have to build their Network and Explorers on canoes out of cardboard and the Sunday. Thank you to all Explorer with two members have to leaders for the varied complete a small course, I have had a busy time programmes they are with the best sinking getting visiting units and speaking putting on for the Explorer the Titanic award. The 15th to leaders in Wigan, units in the County. Wigan explorers managed Altrincham, Timperley and to complete the course and Lilford and I have been taking came out the winners and part in some activities. Panthers Explorer unit were awarded the Titanic award We must not forget the for best sinking. young leaders in the County. They are our future. They Other events include help out in the younger the annual Camping and sections in every district Backwoods competitions across the County. Lots of where 1st Flixton Loki unit sections couldn’t manage and 15th Wigan Pie Eaters without them so a big thank were the only teams to enter, to all the young leaders in with 1st Flixton winning the County. A couple of both the Backwoods and districts including Lilford, Camping competitions. Stretford and Urmston now have Young Leader units I had the pleasure of so that they can also do awarding the trophies at the Explorer activities which all Shooting competition which young leaders should have was held at Altrincham access to in every district.

36 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Network Scout Section Report

Chris Hansford - Scout Network Commissioner

With the Network Facebook posts) so it was decided Those present seemed in group, communication to postpone the Quiz until good favour. is slowly getting better later in the year. However although still not as popular for those Network members It looks hopeful that I have as it could be. I would like who did turn up we used found someone to fill the to stress that all members the time wisely, had a few role of Network Co-ordinator use this forum as the more drinks, whilst putting ideas for Urmston District. I am popular GMW forum page forward. I got a good insight in the process of arranging gets many items posted and and good information on a meeting for them with some Network posts can how future Network events myself and the District get lost behind other posts. may be more popular and Commissioner to fully outlined my intentions for discuss the role. Earlier in the year a Quiz the Section and possible trophy had been purchased future events. Network’s growth in and Quiz night arranged. membership over the last However this was poorly One such event is to hold the year has been substantial attended with some saying GMW Network Challenge and I hope that we can build that they were not aware Trophy, each year a different on this. Your support is it was taking place (see challenge - one year camping valued so get on board and previous comments about competition another year I look forward to meeting the Facebook page and lost scoutcraft competition etc. more of you at future events.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 37 Activities Section Report

Steve Ralph MBE - ACC Activities

In 2017 / 2018 we experiences provided by the Twelve GMW leaders have concentrated on bringing County. also completed a REC 2 first our County Assessors up to aid course made possible speed with current practice This is an activity not provided by a grant from the County. and to that end sent eight by many counties and gives Phil Bainbridge is now a assessors ( four climbing us greater versatility when registered REC 2 trainer and four hillwalking ) to the providing climbing activities. allowing us more flexibility National Mountaineering to run this more specialised Centre at Plas Y Brenin We have run an archery first aid course. to attend their assessors course within the County workshop. We also had one and with the help of Alistair With regard to the Water of our assessors attend a Holmes, set up tomahawk SASU we just need to fine Climbing Leadership course throwing courses. We tune a few final details at the same venue. initiated T1 ( hillwalking ) before this exciting new training earlier in the year section is launched within Our assessors have been along with assessments. The GMW. working with Greater ultimate aim being to buy in Manchester East to share an outside provider and run I would like to thank all best practice and exchange Mountain Leader Training the County assessors who ideas. and Assessments split over give up their free time two weekends for each and and money to undertake Working with the new MAPS run these at a subsidised training, qualifications and (Manager of Activities and cost in order to give our assessments ( all done Permits Scheme) Chris members quality training outside of ‘normal’ scouting Starkie we are putting and the opportunity to gain ) to try and assist the County together a revised training real world qualifications membership to achieve their and assessment programme in the outdoors. Myself outdoor aims within the for both T1 and T2 ( Activities ), Jeff Picton Movement. hillwalking (Summer). We ( International ) and Phil are also totally overhauling Bainbridge ( D of E ) attended the permit scheme and a Royal Geographical Society as a result Chris will be sponsored Off Site Safety conducting a root and branch Management course at the review of our current permit beginning of December. holders to see that we are complying with the current As more international regulation and restrictions. activities are being run by the County it was felt Four of our members have that it would be prudent if attended a bespoke multi GMW started aspiring to pitch abseiling course work to BS 8848 standards, in part to help with the which provides a rigorous Morocco expedition run by framework for adventure the Adventurous Activities providers to properly SASU to add another manage risks on adventure dimension to the climbing trips abroad.

38 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 International Section Report

Jeff Picton - ACC International

The North West Scout GME and Staffordshire The World Scout Jamboree Region International teams making up the patrol. Matt 2019 has already involved continued to work together Dawson is PL supported by leader selection in July/ on a fourth North West Joe Thorpe. September and then Region Scouts ShelterBox young people selection in Scavenger Hunt in Liverpool Climb Morocco is well November. We now have 4 which took place in May underway with 6 leaders leaders and 36 young people 2017. 17 teams from GMW and 10 young people. Some as Unit#44 “The Swarm” took part, with over 80 of the young people were (Manchester Bees being teams in total, an increase novices when signing up the core of the badge and again on last year’s event. but through well planned necker design by the yp’s). A total of approx. £15,500 training days and weekends They have had one training has now been raised in the Chris Starkie, Andy Bradley weekend already following 4 years. and the team have got them their initial get together at to a good standard and all Challenge4Change. 2017/2018 has seen trips are raring to get out there to Kandersteg by Lilford and set some new routes. IST selection has also taken District and the Danish place though the original day Jamboree by Pegasus MAD4Malawi2018 is the had to be cancelled due to Explorers. This latter one has follow on event to our snow! We have 6 attending created a great partnership Project Peru 2014. The in this role. with a Danish Unit who leadership team was created will be visiting Pegasus this in September 2016 with 2018 is shaping up to be summer. Rebecca Winby participants following in the a busy one with nearly (Sale District) continued her November. The team have 200 members from GMW International experience by had a number of training travelling overseas!! Visits to volunteering at Kandersteg weekends, with the team Ireland, Oman, Netherlands, as service crew for the 2017 selecting projects, working Morocco, Malawi and summer season. together and helping out Sweden. at campsites and scout We had 7 participants and headquarters. 2 IST attending The World Scout Moot 2017 (Iceland) Fundraising has been hard and the pictures from them work but has got them out tell of a fantastic country there and they have been and experience. Ireland is well supported. A water the venue for the next Moot borehole has already been in 2021. drilled and this will be part of a couple of the projects. Roverway 2016 (France) was The team are keen to get only just finishing as they out there and as they have announced that the next always said “Making A one would be in 2018 in the Difference For Malawi” Netherlands and we have 5 is what it’s all about and participants attending and creating a benefit to the with an additional 3 from local people.

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 39 Duke of Edinburgh Award Report

Phil Bainbridge - County Duke of Edinburgh Adviser

The Duke of Edinburgh Young People are The previous reporting Award is performing well in undertaking a vast array period delivered forty Greater Manchester West of new experiences completed D of E Awards. with every District offering with physical, skill and the provision. volunteering opportunities This is great news as the from cakes to kayaks there Duke of Edinburgh is a solid There have been new have been some interesting foundation, not just for the leaders becoming involved challenges. young people regarding and this has created some employability and life skills, challenges alongside some In the reporting period of but also as a springboard process changes to improve April 2017 - March 2018, fifty for the top awards and the registering and validation. young people have achieved path to the Queen’s Scout their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Planning is already underway Award. for training sessions and meetings with potential new Those awards are: provision within Explorer Bronze: 40 Units. Urmston and Lowry Silver: 7 Districts are showing growth Gold: 3 within D of E.

40 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Dunham Park Scout Camp

David Hughes - Campsite Site Manager

We started the season site inspection in January Scouts who have constructed with our first Goodwood and was very impressed a sustainable herb / garden weekender in May, the with the site and standards; in the cark park instead of guys seemed to enjoy their we also discussed various the junk area. weekend and worked very ideas to help each other hard putting on a great with. He was also happy I am very pleased to event for the County. We with our plans for future announce that with County had a very busy season improvements in the coming Executive’s approval, we are with lots of different camps years. to set up a friends’ group as a and events. Some of the registered charity to support weekends had duty cover, We focused on the Harrop the continuation of Dunham some were too busy for us Lodge bedrooms in February Park as a camp site. and we decided that we with a full redecoration and would review what bookings deep clean and new door This will be established in were taken; only one large furniture fitted. We also the autumn with Bob & camp each weekend and a decorated the Blanchard Pat Haynes as Chair and couple of small camps and lounge area. Secretary and a small team to various mixes. seek grants or hold specific We had a visit from the beast fundraising initiatives for Some events we stopped from the east in March, the sole benefit of Dunham such as a school holiday running out of Calor Gas Park. This will allow us to club because it didn’t work wasn’t great with a school develop the site further and for the site. We had two party expected but luckily a focus on three main areas, unfortunate events where delivery on Easter Sunday the climbing wall, the Harrop rope for the cattle being avoided a cancelled event. kitchen and toilet block. taken for milking was taken We had drained the toilet down and not replaced, so block, but this still gave with cattle heading to the us burst pipes, luckily no A56 the farmer was a little damage done, although we upset. We continued with needed to plan what we do various jobs across the site with the block in the next during the summer and couple of years. in autumn a leaf collector was purchased to help with A new electric supply this ground maintenance. autumn will allow heaters to be installed instead of our The team had a Christmas current two core twin and meal at the Swan with two earth cable. Nicks, followed the next day by Sale District’s carols sung 6th had a around the camp fire, this service camp for Dunham year in the snow. replacing the fence along the side of the site in wintery Our landlord, the National weather they did a great job. Trust representative Stewart Thanks to Dave & Alison Robinson, came for a full Smethurst and Davyhulme

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 41 Bispham Hall Scout Estate

Chris Hayes & Martin Shaw - Campsite Managers

In the last twelve months, our and wash hand basins in addition we will be trustees have been working were donated by Bathroom introducing a new shield at hard to ensure Bispham Hall Take Away, we would like this year’s event in John’s is a safe place for our young to acknowledge their kind memory. people – investing in health donation which has made an and safety, new equipment, additional improvement to We continue our excellent training and upgrading our the entrance of the house. relationship with the facilities and infrastructure Chris Starkie led a team Nomad Rangers, who have of the site. of volunteers both from been working with adults Bispham Hall and a group with learning disabilities It is widely recognised that of adult Scouts from Finland arranging activity days on Bispham House has been to construct a Lavvu on the site. These events are very ready for some investment Glades, near to the Orchard well organised and open on its facilities - the house is field. A Lavvu is a traditional our site up to more people. over 40 years old and many Finnish wooden shelter for Nomad Rangers also have a of the fixtures and fittings wild camping. This project great deal of skills in relation are original and needed a saw a group work over 10 to woodland management makeover. days to construct the first and spend a significant of two Lavvus for groups to amount of time supporting After listening to feedback use as a base for sleeping our volunteers to manage from the users of the building and backwoods cooking. the site and woodland. we decided the priority The second Lavvu is now for development was the well underway and should None of this would be redesign and renewal of the be available to hire from possible without our toilet and shower provision. next year. fantastic team, many of In Early 2018 a budget whom have taken leave of 25k was approved for Bispham Hall also held its from work to dedicate time this project. The work was 40th annual Chariot Race, to the site, which saves us completed on budget and this year over 60 groups money and puts their own the house now has 2 brand entered the competition. As skills to good use. All of this new unisex single toilets and this year was a special year has been done whilst still 3 showers in the dormitory we were visited by John being able to deliver over end as well as re-flooring Harrison who founded the 300 hours of activities. the hallway. Feedback from event in 1978. John met users since this work has the current team who run been very positive. the event and spoke at the Scouts Own on the Sunday. Following on from the development of the toilets It was a great privilege to and showers in the dormitory meet John and hear about end of the building we the stories from the first decided to renew the toilets events, sadly we found out and wash hand basins in that he had ‘gone home’ the entrance hall. This work in March of this year. The was sponsored by the GMW Chariot Race will continue Patrons Scheme; the toilets as part of Johns legacy,

42 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Hollinwood Management

Matthew Morrisey & Jack Law - Campsite Managers

The year started with the installation of the culverts team volunteers from the appointment of the new allows us to access the second local community and from committee and managers, half of the site, the mature within Scouting. the committee includes woodland, opening it up for representatives from both development. We look forward to creating the junior and senior service a new campsite for Greater teams. The small team The woodland management Manchester West with all who moved over from plan and ecological offers of help, however Middlewood Campsite have requirements for the planning small greatly appreciated, to managed to maintain morale permission have been help us get there. despite the long delays and submitted for review by carry on with what work we Salford Council and we await can. their response before serious clearance and development of The donation of some site the site can commence. The cabins and other useful lease is in the final stages and materials have allowed the Peel Holdings are assisting team to work on preparing the us with development and site for future development security by surveying for once all paperwork is signed power and water installation and agreements are in and installing gates etc. place. Trees and hedgerows donated by City of Trees In the last month a treasurer which were planted last has been recruited for the site year are starting to develop and a bank account opened in and give an indication of the preparation for the handover sites future development. of the site from Peel Land & Property and the start of our The second balsam bash development into a campsite. event has helped the team make significant progress Quoting and investigation for towards eradicating invasive much needed site equipment species from the site and and portable toilet/shower working towards preparing facilities are well underway. the site for campers. We had people from all sections and The drainage management districts attend who were a and planning, a stipulation of great help and seemed to the planning permission, is have an enjoyable time. being investigated quotations obtained. Once the lease is Recent developments to fully finalised and in hand we note are the installation of hope to begin a recruitment the three culverts which campaign to develop interest bridge the main drainage and volunteers for the project ditch, funded mainly by specifically to fill fundraising the Woodland trust. The roles and to increase service

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 43 Census 2018 Information

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Scouts Venture Scouts Explorers ScoutsScout Network YOUTH TOTAL To pay M F T MF T MF TMFTMF TMFTMF T M F T 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10001921 Altrincham and District 196 12 208 287 23 310 144 32 176 0 0 0 55 27 82 23 14 37 705 108 813 682 94 776 10001932 Ellesmere 138 16 154 139 29 168 108 12 120 0 0 0 8 4 12 10 4 14 403 65 468 393 61 454 10001933 Lilford 208 31 239 175 45 220 99 33 132 0 0 0 29 16 45 13 9 22 524 134 658 511 125 636 10001925 Sale and District 201 14 215 262 15 277 149 42 191 0 0 0 65 32 97 0 0 0 677 103 780 677 103 780 11961947 Lowry 149 19 168 143 20 163 84 30 114 0 0 0 11 10 21 22 11 33 409 90 499 387 79 466 10001927 Stretford 70 29 99 119 63 182 73 47 120 0 0 0 33 15 48 4 6 10 299 160 459 295 154 449 10001929 Urmston and District 150 44 194 163 46 209 125 42 167 0 0 0 60 36 96 4 1 5 502 169 671 498 168 666 10001930 Wigan and District 196 46 242 232 61 293 175 53 228 0 0 0 58 9 67 24 9 33 685 178 863 661 169 830 TOTAL 1,308 211 1,519 1,520 302 1,822 957 291 1,248 0 0 0 319 149 468 100 54 154 4,204 1,007 5,211 4,104 953 5,057 Adults Leaders Sec.Ass. Scout A.Supp Other adults Scouters Inst'rs M F T MF T MF TMFTMF TMFT 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 000516000404 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 0 729000000000 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 101000000000 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 20 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 10001921 Altrincham and District 84 33 117 4 4 8 3 9 12 1 0 1 4 0 4 3 0 3 10001932 Ellesmere 47 34 81 8 7 15 3 7 10 9 3 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 10001933 Lilford 62 60 122 15 14 29 0 0 0 13 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 10001925 Sale and District 67 40 107 7 4 11 5 15 20 9 2 11 0 0 0 1 0 1 11961947 Lowry 53 38 91 6 7 13 6 2 8 27 21 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 10001927 Stretford 44 22 66 9 9 18 213437000202 10001929 Urmston and District 57 40 97 13 16 29 29 15 44 27 23 50 1 1 2 0 3 3 10001930 Wigan and District 97 64 161 13 7 20 0 0 0 10 6 16 0 1 1 0 0 0 TOTAL 511 331 842 75 68 143 81 76 157 105 60 165 5 2 7 10 3 13 Adults (continued)

Advisers Commissioners Officers Admins ADULT TOTAL SSOCIATE TOT MEMBERS TOTAL TOTAL M F T MF T MF TMFTMF TMFTMF T M F T 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 4 1 5 14 3 17 2 1 3 0 2 2 29 8 37 4 1 5 25 7 32 29 8 37 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000072900072 9 7 2 9 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000951400095149 514 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000010100010 1 1 0 1 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 20 36 0 0 0 16 20 36 16 20 36 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10001921 Altrincham and District 0 0 0 5 2 7 21 29 50 1 3 4 126 80 206 0 0 0 831 188 1,019 831 188 1,019 10001932 Ellesmere 3 0 3 4 1 5 10 9 19 3 0 3 87 61 148 0 1 1 490 125 615 490 126 616 10001933 Lilford 0 0 0 4 1 5 19 11 30 0 1 1 113 88 201 1 0 1 636 222 858 637 222 859 10001925 Sale and District 1 0 1 2 1 3 32 12 44 1 0 1 125 74 199 0 0 0 802 177 979 802 177 979 11961947 Lowry 0 0 0 3 2 5 11 12 23 1 2 3 107 84 191 5 4 9 511 170 681 516 174 690 10001927 Stretford 0 0 0 0 2 2 10 14 24 0 1 1 71 52 123 1 1 2 369 211 580 370 212 582 10001929 Urmston and District 2 1 3 6 0 6 19 25 44 1 2 3 155 126 281 2 3 5 655 292 947 657 295 952 10001930 Wigan and District 0 1 1 8 3 11 28 22 50 1 3 4 157 107 264 8 6 14 834 279 1,113 842 285 1,127 TOTAL 10 3 13 46 15 61 152 135 287 8 14 22 1,003 707 1,710 21 16 37 5,186 1,698 6,884 5,207 1,714 6,921 Sections Sections Org. Type BS CS S ES SN ASU Tot Grp Dis Cty Reg Oth Air Sea Land 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 000100000 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 10001921 Altrincham and District 11 14 11 4 1 1 42 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 41 10001932 Ellesmere 10 11 8 1 1 1 32 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 31 10001933 Lilford 13 12 11 5 1 1 43 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 42 10001925 Sale and District 10 11 8 4 1 6 40 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 34 11961947 Lowry 11 11 8 3 1 1 35 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 34 10001927 Stretford 5 7 6 3 1 1 23 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 22 10001929 Urmston and District 9 9 7 7 1 3 36 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 33 10001930 Wigan and District 17 18 17 10 1 0 63 18 1 0 0 0 0 0 63 TOTAL 86 93 76 37 8 23 323 83 8 1 0 0 0 0 300

44 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Advisers Commissioners Officers Admins ADULT TOTAL SSOCIATE TOT MEMBERS TOTAL TOTAL M F T MF T MF TMFTMF TMFTMF T M F T 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 4 1 5 14 3 17 2 1 3 0 2 2 29 8 37 4 1 5 25 7 32 29 8 37 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000072900072 9 7 2 9 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000951400095149 514 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000010100010 1 1 0 1 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 20 36 0 0 0 16 20 36 16 20 36 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 Census10001921 Altrincham and District 20180 Information 0 0 5 2 7 21 29 50 1 3 4 126 80 206 0 0 0 831 188 1,019 831 188 1,019 10001932 Ellesmere 3 0 3 4 1 5 10 9 19 3 0 3 87 61 148 0 1 1 490 125 615 490 126 616 10001933 Lilford 0 0 0 4 1 5 19 11 30 0 1 1 113 88 201 1 0 1 636 222 858 637 222 859 10001925 Sale and District 1 0 1 2 1 3 32 12 44 1 0 1 125 74 199 0 0 0 802 177 979 802 177 979 11961947 Lowry 0 0 0 3 2 5 11 12 23 1 2 3 107 84 191 5 4 9 511 170 681 516 174 690 10001927 Stretford 0 0 0 0 2 2 10 14 24 0 1 1 71 52 123 1 1 2 369 211 580 370 212 582 10001929 Urmston and District 2 1 3 6 0 6 19 25 44 1 2 3 155 126 281 2 3 5 655 292 947 657 295 952 10001930 Wigan and District 0 1 1 8 3 11 28 22 50 1 3 4 157 107 264 8 6 14 834 279 1,113 842 285 1,127 TOTAL 10 3 13 46 15 61 152 135 287 8 14 22 1,003 707 1,710 21 16 37 5,186 1,698 6,884 5,207 1,714 6,921 Sections Sections Org. Type BS CS S ES SN ASU Tot Grp Dis Cty Reg Oth Air Sea Land 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 000100000 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 1 100000000 10001921 Altrincham and District 11 14 11 4 1 1 42 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 41 10001932 Ellesmere 10 11 8 1 1 1 32 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 31 10001933 Lilford 13 12 11 5 1 1 43 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 42 10001925 Sale and District 10 11 8 4 1 6 40 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 34 11961947 Lowry 11 11 8 3 1 1 35 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 34 10001927 Stretford 5 7 6 3 1 1 23 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 22 10001929 Urmston and District 9 9 7 7 1 3 36 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 33 10001930 Wigan and District 17 18 17 10 1 0 63 18 1 0 0 0 0 0 63 TOTAL 86 93 76 37 8 23 323 83 8 1 0 0 0 0 300

Meetings Meeting place Meeting night Gift aid Free Lease Other -- M Tu W Th F Sa Su Y N -- 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 10000773 GMW Training Team 1 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 1 0 0 0 0 00000000 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 1 0 0 0 0 00000000 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 1 0 0 0 0 00000000 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 1 0 0 0 0 00000000 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 1 0 0 0 00000000 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 1 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 1 0 0 0 0 00000000 12027717 Climb Morocco 1 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 10001921 Altrincham and District 2 19 21 0 10 3 4 14 9 0 0 7 6 0 10001932 Ellesmere 10 5 17 0 10 4 83500470 10001933 Lilford 9 3 31 0 13 7 10 6 5 0 0 3 9 0 10001925 Sale and District 6 27 7 0 7 11 77100810 11961947 Lowry 16 3 16 0 8 9 10 3 3 0 0 2 10 0 10001927 Stretford 8 9 6 0 4 4 54202430 10001929 Urmston and District 16 19 1 0 7 6 78400710 10001930 Wigan and District 33 6 24 0 17 8 19 9 9 0 0 9 10 0 TOTAL 103 96 124 0 76 52 70 54 38 0 2 44 47 0 Disability Developmental Injury Physical Medical Mental Y A T YAT YATYATYAT 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 10001921 Altrincham and District 9 0 9 2 0 2 2 0 2 24 1 25 1 0 1 10001932 Ellesmere 14 0 14 0 0 0 404707505 10001933 Lilford 27 0 27 0 0 0 8 0 8 27 0 27 2 0 2 10001925 Sale and District 21 0 21 0 0 0 3 0 3 38 2 40 1 1 2 11961947 Lowry 25 0 25 1 1 2 7 3 10 5 0 5 2 1 3 10001927 Stretford 11 0 11 0 0 0 000909000 10001929 Urmston and District 32 2 34 1 0 1 3 3 6 15 2 17 2 0 2 10001930 Wigan and District 36 0 36 2 0 2 1 0 1 16 2 18 9 1 10 TOTAL 175 2 177 6 1 7 28 6 34 141 7 148 22 3 25 Disability (continued)

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 45 Census 2018 Information

Progressive Sensory None Not stated Y A T YAT YATYAT 10000128 Gt. Manchester West 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 10000773 GMW Training Team 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 11974512 Hollinwood Project Steering inc. Patrons 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 10691576 Dunham Park Scout Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 12021846 W.S.J 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 11942363 Goodwood Scout Active Support Unit 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 12021848 A.A.S.P S.A.S.U 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 10000769 Bispham Hall Scout Estate 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 11973660 Malawi 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 12027717 Climb Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 10001921 Altrincham and District 0 0 0 2 0 2 585 144 729 155 0 155 10001932 Ellesmere 0 0 0 4 0 4 316 7 323 105 18 123 10001933 Lilford 1 0 1 2 0 2 578 39 617 0 0 0 10001925 Sale and District 1 0 1 7 0 7 598 18 616 113 13 126 11961947 Lowry 0 0 0 7 0 7 345 21 366 76 2 78 10001927 Stretford 0 0 0 1 0 1 308 16 324 121 9 130 10001929 Urmston and District 0 0 0 0 3 3 504 111 615 112 2 114 10001930 Wigan and District 0 0 0 3 1 4 758 18 776 6 0 6 TOTAL 2 0 2 26 4 30 3,992 374 4,366 688 44 732

46 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 Notes

Greater Manchester West County Scout Council Annual Report 2018 47 Top Awards & Census

Total Attendees at Celebration of Excellence: Gold and above 25! Bronze & Silver 170!

NIGHTS AWAY Census 2018 at Total Youth Membership GMW Camps Male 4,204 Female 1,007 Total 5,211 11,650 Increase from last year 96 = 1.9%

Total Adult Membership Cub Packs Active Male 1,003 Support Female 707 Beaver Total 1,710 Colonies ESU Increase from last year +1 137 = 8.7% Young +2 Leader Total Increases +1 Unit 2017 - 6,688 +5 2018 - 6,921 Number of 233 = +1 3.5% New Sections Opened

Corporate Patrons Scheme

Our Patrons Bathroom Takeaway Farrell Business Solutions Ltd

Freebird Partnering & Consulting G M W Scouts County Office Unit 5 Kelmercourt House 102 Sale Lane Not Just Travel Tyldesley Manchester M29 8PZ [email protected] Archer Catering Systems 0161 790 5634

Contiquip Ltd H20 Divers Charity Registration Number : 508002

Report designed by Phil Peacock, BSL 9th Wigan Pier Promotions ©2018 GMW Scout Council