Minutes of the Council Meeting on 12 July 2006
City Council Minutes of a meeting of the Council held on 12 July 2006 Present: The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor Councillor James Ashley (In the Chair) Councillors Ali, Andrews, S. Ashley, Barnes, Barrett, Battle, Bethell, Bhatti, Boyes, Brandy, Bridges, Burns, Cameron, Carmody, Carroll, Chohan, Chowdhury, Clayton, Commons, Cooley, Cooper, Cowan, Cowell, Cox, Curley, Dobson, Donaldson, Evans, Fairweather, Fender, Firth, Flanagan, Gallagher, Grant, Green, Hackett, Hall, Harrison, Hassan, Helsby, Hitchen, Hobin, Isherwood, Jones, Judge, Kane, Karney, Keegan, Keller, A. Khan, M. Khan, Leech, Leese, Lewis, Longsden, Loughman, Lyons, McCulley, Morrison, M. Murphy, N. Murphy, P. Murphy, S. Murphy, E. Newman, S. Newman, O’Callaghan, Brian O’Neil, Pagel, Parkinson, Pearcey, Priest, Pritchard, Ramsbottom, Risby, Royle, Sandiford, Shannon, Shaw, Siddiqi, Jeff Smith, John Smith, Smitheman, Stevens, Swannick, Trotman, Walters, Watson, Wheale, and Whitmore. Honorary Aldermen Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw and Ken Franklin Also Present by invitation : Colonel Sir John Timmins, Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester CC/06/61 Urgent Business The Lord Mayor reported that he had agreed to the Minutes of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held earlier that morning being submitted and considered as urgent business. CC/06/62 Welcome The Lord Mayor welcomed the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester to the meeting and also a group of pupils from St John’s Primary School in Chorlton. CC/06/63 Sir Richard Leese On behalf of the whole Council The Lord Mayor extended congratulations and led a standing ovation to the Leader of the Council upon the conferment of the honour of knighthood for services to local government. Page 1 of 13 City Council The Lord Mayor also reported that he had written to congratulate three other Manchester residents who had received honours - Alan Grafton, MBE., Arthur Allen Bodgers MBE and Mrs Ruth Bannister MBE.
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