October 2003 ECN-C--03-113 POLICY SUPPORT FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION A review of the regulatory framework and suggestions for adjustment J.C. Jansen Acknowledgement This report is an outgrowth of the project ‘Renewable Energy Trends’ under ECN project num- ber 7.7448. Constructive comments and suggestions were given by Wim van Arkel, Maroeska Boots, Bert Daniëls, Ruud Egging, Theo de Lange, Elke van Thuijl and Martine Uyterlinde. Yet the sole responsibility for the contents and opinions expressed in this report rest with Jaap Jan- sen (
[email protected], tel.+31.224.564437). Abstract After putting renewable energy policy support in an overall policy perspective, some key EU renewable energy policy documents are reviewed. Recently promulgated EU policies on auto- motive biofuels are given special attention. The report generally questions the soundness of the basis on which the EU has set indicative targets for renewable energy, renewables-sourced elec- tricity, and renewable fuels. The justification provided for the ‘reference values’ with respect to the use of renewable fuels (that is, automotive biofuels) is found particularly wanting and the European Commission is urged to more credibly account for the alleged positive impacts of the targeted penetration of automotive biofuels on aggregate income and employment. The European Commission should also fully address the issue of the low efficiency of this policy instrument, relative to other op- tions, in securing energy supply and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Lessons from the Common Agricultural Policy should be taken to heart by fully charting the risks of creating new vested interests.