REG. NO. 130705057




MEDAN 2019


















Signed : ………………………….

Date : February, 07th 2019













Signed : ………………………..

Date : February, 07th 2019



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the writer would like thank to Allah SWT, for all the merciful and blessing that I have and for the chance and power that given to me to complete this thesis. Praises and greets to our prophet Muhammad SAW who brought us to the luminous era and lead to the goodness of mankind.

My sincere gratitude are given to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. , the Head and Secretary of English Department, Prof. Hj. T. Silvana Sinar, MA, Ph.D. and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti M.A., Ph.D. for all of the facilities and opportunities given to me during the study.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor and co-supervisor, Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL., M. Hum. and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti M.A., Ph.D. for the guidance, support, advice, and constructive comments during the writing of this thesis. I also would like to thank all lecturers of English Department who have shared their excessive knowledge and for their contribution during the academic years.

Thanks are expressed to my beloved parents, Junedi (alm) and Supatmi and also my beloved brother , Ahmad Supandi for giving the writer an endless support, love, caring and attention.

The other special thanks to my beloved husband mas Agus Cahyono, who always supports and gives me love, attention, accompany me in happiness and sadness in completing this thesis.

I am really grateful to have families supporting me in the process of finishing this thesis. For their caring, support and love, I really thank them.

A really big thank to my best friends Wilantika Daulay, Wulandari, Tammy Fahar Nasution, Mira Aprianti, Anggita Dwi Putri and Dini Aulia who always give iii

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA me spirit, motivation, information, and always support me to finish this thesis. And I am really sorry if may be I forget to mention some names here.

I thank Drs. Rajo Batubara, M.Pd as the headmaster and Erita Tampubolon S. Pd as English teacher of SMPN 10 .

Finally I admit that this thesis far from being perfect. Thus any comment, suggestion, and criticism will be humbly accepted. I hope this thesis will be useful for everyone who wants to increase the knowledge about reading ability. May Allah SWT bless us. Aamiin.

Medan, February 07th 2019 The writer

LINA SRI RAHAYU Reg. No. 130705057



Skripsi yang berjudul The SMPN 10 Student’s Reading Ability merupakan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca siswa dan penyebab siswa sulit memahami teks bahasa Inggris. Para siswa memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami teks bahasa Inggris dan mereka berfikir bahwa bahasa Inggris itu sulit dan membosankan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan sebuah teknik, yaitu model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) sebagai teknik pengajaran untuk membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca mereka. Melalui teknik ini, siswa dapat lebih termotivasi di dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan teknik wawancara untuk mengetahui penyebab sulit memahami teks bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Classroom Action Research. Metode ini terdiri dari 2 sesi yaitu pre-test dan post-test yang terdiri dari planning, acting, observing, dan reflecting. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan kelas dan tes yang dilaksanakan. Peneliti mengambil satu kelas 9A SMPN 10 Medan sebagai objek penelitian yang terdiri dari 42 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa dengan menerapkan teknik STAD ada peningkatan pada kemampuan membaca siswa. Itu dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata pada sesi pre-test adalah 69 wpm (Words Per Minute) dan hanya 7% siswa yang dapat mencapai target yang ditentukan, yaitu 110-120 wpm dan meningkat menjadi 88% siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 146 wpm pada sesi post-test.

Kata kunci: Kemampuan membaca, classroom action research, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD.



This thesis entitled The SMP 10 Student's Reading Ability is a research to know the student‟s reading ability and the causes of students difficult to understand English text. The students have difficulties in understanding English text and they think that English is difficult and boring. In this study, the researcher used a technique cooperative learning model type STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) as teaching technique to help the students improve their reading ability. Through this technique, students can be more motivated in learning English. In addition, the researcher also use interview technique to find out the causes of difficulty in understanding English text. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research. This method consists of two sessions, namely pre- test and post-test that consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data of the research was obtained from the results of classroom observation of and tests carried out. The researcher take one class 9A of SMPN 10 Medan as an object of this research that consist of 42 students. Based on the results of this research, shows that by applying the technique of STAD there is an improvement on the student‟s reading ability. It can be seen from the mean score of pre-test test session is 69 wpm (Words Per Minute) and only 7% of students who can reach the specified target, that is 110-120 wpm and be increase 88% of students with the mean score is 146 wpm on a post-test session.

Keywords: Reading ability, classroom action research, cooperative learning model type STAD.






ABSTRAK ...... v

ABSTRACT ...... vi


LIST OF TABLE...... xi


1.1. Background of The Study ...... 1

1.2. Problem of The Study ...... 3

1.3. Objective of The Study ...... 4

1.4. Scope of The Study ...... 4

1.5. Significance of The Study ...... 4


2.1. Concept of Reading ...... 5

2.2. Definition of Reading ...... 7 vii

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.3. Reading Ability ...... 8

2.3.1. Definition of Reading Ability ...... 8

2.3.2. Level of Reading Ability ...... 9

2.4. Measuring Reading Ability ...... 10

2.5. Reading Comprehension ...... 11

2.6. Phase in Reading ...... 13

2.7. Models of Reading ...... 13

2.8. Technique of Reading ...... 15

2.9. Causes of Difficulty in Understanding Text ...... 16

2.9.1. Learner‟s Background ...... 17

2.9.2. Teaching Technique ...... 19

2.9.3. Learner‟s Environment ...... 19

2.10. Cooperative Learning Model Type STAD ...... 21

2.11. Previous Related Studies ...... 24



3.1. Research Design ...... 27

3.2. Data and Source of Data ...... 27

3.3. Instrument of Data Collection ...... 28

3.3.1. Learning Material ...... 28

3.3.2. Test ...... 28

3.4. Procedure of Collecting Data ...... 29

3.5. Technique of Collecting Data ...... 30

3.6. Technique of Analyzing Data ...... 31


4.1. Data Analysis ...... 34

4.1.1. Analysis of Pre-test ...... 34

4.1.2. Interview Segment ...... 41

4.1.3. Analysis of Post-test ...... 44

4.2. Finding ...... 53



5.1. Conclusion ...... 55

5.2. Suggestion ...... 56

REFERENCES ...... 57




Table 1: The Students‟ Speed Reading in Pre-test ...... 35

Table 2: The Students‟ Percentage of Understanding in Pre-test ...... 37

Table 3: Students‟ Reading Ability in Pre-test ...... 39

Table 4: The Causes of Students Difficult to Understand English Text ...... 41

Table 5: The Students‟ Speed Reading in Post-test ...... 46

Table 6: The Students‟ Percentage of Understanding in Post-test ...... 48

Table 7: Students‟ Reading Ability in Post-test ...... 50




1.1. Background of the study

In Indonesia every student demands to follow a National Examination (UN) to graduate from Junior High School. In this case, English is one of subjects that must be examined in National Examination. As we know there are four skills in

English that must be known by the students. Those are writing, listening, speaking and reading.

According to Passar (in Sihotang: 2014) “Undeniable that the role of English as International language more important and even a must for everyone who wants to succeed in this advance world. Has been become a reality that any formal education ranging from primary schools to universities in Indonesia all get English lessons”.

Each person has different capabilities in understanding a text. Some people are able to understand English text easily and partly takes a very long time to understand it. Reading is a process which is carried out as well as used by the reader to obtain the message conveyed by the writer through the medium of write language

(Tarigan, 1984:7). In carrying out the activity of reading, children should understand the purpose of those activities, whether they are reading to understand the text or they should read to get certain information only. Children do not have to understand the meaning of the word to word, which is important they can understand the context of a reading. For reading activity we should selected topics which related to child‟s


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA interest, something related to their environment, something interesting as well as related to the topics discussed at the time.

According to Harjasujana in Slamet, (2008:67) Reading is an activity to respond to the written symbols by using the proper sense This means that reading provides a response to all the expressions of the author so able to understand reading material well. Other sources also revealed that “Reading is done based on the cooperation of some skills, that is, observe, understand, and think” (Burhan in

Slamet, 2008:67).

According to Soedarso (1999: 14-15), speed reading is a skill choose contents materials that must be read in accordance with our goals, which is relevance to us, without wasting time to focus on the other parts that we don't need. Thus according to Anindyarini (2008: 18), speed reading is one of the activities reading focusing on understanding the content of the readings precisely with a relatively short time. So, there are two factors that are important in speed reading, namely speed and accuracy.

Reading always has purposes. Nurhadi (1989: 14) points out the purposes of reading are as follows: (1) understand in detail and thorough book, (2) captures the main idea or ideas properly, (3) get information about something, (4) recognize the meaning of words, (5) want to know the important events happening in the community, (6) want to get pleasure from the literature, (7) want to know the important events happening around the world, (8) want to find a suitable brand item for purchase, (9) want to assess the truth of the idea of the author, (10) want to receive information about job vacancies, (11) want to get information about someone's opinion (expert) about the definition of a term. For example, reading an


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA advertisement (e.g. job vacancy), we want to know and get the information about a job. To be able to read effectively and efficiently, reader should have particular purpose in their mind before they interact with the texts. The purpose of reading must be clearly before they read the text. The reader must know why they are reading and what is the information should be achieved.

In this research the writer use Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method to know how is the student‟s reading ability of SMPN 10 Medan in reading

English text and what are the causes of difficulty in understanding text. The writer chose this topics because their ability in reading English text is low and the teacher of English subject does not apply this method yet to measure student‟s ability.

Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is one of the methods or approach in cooperative learning as simple and good for the teacher who recently started using a cooperative approach in the classroom, STAD also is a method effective cooperative learning.

1.2. Problems of the Study

In this analysis the problems that the writer wants to discuss are:

1. How is reading ability of the students of SMPN 10 Medan?

2. What are the causes of difficulty in understanding English text ?


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.3. Objective of the Study

The objective that the writer wants to achieve in writing this research are:

1. To describe the student‟s reading ability.

2. To find the causes of difficulty in understanding English text.

1.4. Scope of the Study

Based on the background of the study and the problem of the study, then the problem is restricted to the student‟s reading ability in understanding English text using Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method. The subject of the study is focused on the third grade of junior high school of SMPN 10 Medan that is

9th A class.

1.5. Significance of the study

Theoretically, this analysis will enhance the study of reading ability especially how to measure student‟s reading ability using Student Teams

Achievement Division (STAD) method.

Practically, this analysis will be useful for people who are interest in studying reading ability using Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method. So they can use this analysis as reference.




2.1. Concept of Reading

Reading is the one of the most important for the students to be mastered in the classroom and their daily life to get more information from the author of the text.

Reading process means not only “read” but tries to make interaction between the reader and the text. It is deals with how the readers can convey the meaning through the written symbols and process them into their mind. This assumption is supported by Grabe and Stoller (2002: 9) who defined reading as the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret information appropriately.

Nuttal (1982: 42) defines reading as the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. It means that reading is a result of the interaction between the perception of graphic symbols that represent language and the reader‟s language skill, cognitive skill and knowledge of the world. In order to get the meaning of printed of verbal symbols, the reader should identify, recognize, and interpret them, so as to produce comprehension, which constitutes the objective of reading.

Furthermore, reading process also makes connection between a text, a reader and social context with in which the activity take place. This is in line with statement given by Hudelson in Murcia (2001: 154) in reading, an individual constructs meaning through transaction with written text that has been created by symbols that represent language. The transaction involves the reader‟s acting on or interpreting the


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA text and interpretation is influenced by the reader‟s past experiences, language background, and cultural frame work, as well as the reader‟s purpose for reading.

In addition, Howart (2006: 1) cities that Reading is, of course, just as communicative as any other form of language. It means that in reading there is an interaction between the writer and the readers through the texts. The writer tries to encode the messages to the reader, then the reader tries to decode the messages sent by the writer.

Mackey (1979: 15) says, “Reading is an active process because it involves an interaction between thought and language. It means that the reader brings to the task a formidable amount of information and ideas, attitude and beliefs.

Joycey (2006: 2) says that reading is an active skill, where the reader interact with the text, and to some extent the writer. It means if a reader finds a reading passage is interesting, his/her mind is fully engaged in trying to understand the reading.

Reading is termed a receptive skill; means that the reader receive input from a writer. Receptive skill refers to the fact that reader have to infer meaning, using their knowledge of the world. “Receptive” means that the reader receives input from a writer. The reader rarely have opportunity to question the author about what he or she really had in mind when writing a text.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.2. Definition of Reading

Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistic in Ukessays (2015), reading is said as:

1. "Perceiving a written text in order to understand its contents. This can be done silently (silent reading). The understanding that result is called reading comprehension.

2. Saying a written text aloud (oral reading). This can be done with or without understanding of the content."

Other definition by Collins English Learner's Dictionary in Ukessays (2015) is that reading is an act of looking at and understanding point. This is very true because reading entails the use of vision to understand several words in a sentence and make them meaningful. Same goes to each sentence in order to understand the entire text.

Besides all the definitions from the dictionary there are also definitions made by several people. According to William (1984) in Ukessays (2015), he defines reading as a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written.

Meanwhile, Ariffin (1992:1) in her book defines reading as a highly personal activity that is mainly done silently, alone. There is a clear understanding that reading is something related to the activity of acquiring information and it is done either silently or aloud.

Reading is an interactive process between the reader and the writer. Brunan

W.K (1989) in Ukessays (2015) for instance defines reading as a two way interaction


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA in which information is exchange between the reader and the author". Smith (1973) in Ukessays (2015) also shares the same attitude. This is proved by his line:

"Reading is an act of communication in which information is transferred from a transmitter to a receiver" (Smith 1973:2).

According to Stallfter (1969) in Ukessays (2015), teachers define reading as

“a complicated procedure. Readers read to get information from the printed pages.

They should be able to pronounce and comprehend the printed words, signs, letters, and symbols by assigning meaning to them."

2.3. Reading Ability

2.3.1. Definition of Reading Ability

Ability defined as the capacity of the individuals to perform various tasks in a specific job. Ability for basically mean that you have the potential to do something.

Ability is the skill or power to do something in other words talent.

Reading is a process of understanding written language (Rumelhart, 1985).

Reading is a process, it starts from viewing the linguistics surface representation and ends with certain ideas or meaning about messages intended by the writer. Thus, reading is the combination of perceptual process and cognitive process.

Reading ability is skill of communication between the reader and the writer to get knowledge and information. According to Brown (2001: 298) reading ability will be developed best in association with writing, listening, and speaking activities. Even


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA in those courses that may be labeled reading your goals will be best achieved by capitalizing on the interrelationship of skills, especially the reading – writing connection.

2.3.2. Level of Reading Ability

According to Gillet and Temple (1990:134 – 137) level of reading ability:

1. The Independent Level

This level of difficulty the student can read text easily, without help.

Comprehension of what is read id generally excellent, and silent reading at this level is rapid because almost all the words are recognized and understood at sight. The student has to stop rarely and analyze a new word. Oral reading is generally fluent, and occasional divergences from the written text rarely interfere with comprehension.

2. The Instructional Level

This level the material isn‟t really easy but is still comfortable. In here, the student is challenged and will benefit most from instruction. Comprehension is good, but help is needed to understand some concepts. The silent reading rate is fairly rapid, although usually slower than at the independent level. Some word analysis is necessary but the majority of the words are recognized at sight. Oral reading is fairly smooth and accurate, and oral divergences from the written text usually make sense in the context and don‟t cause a loss of meaning.



This level the material is too difficult in vocabulary or concepts to be read successfully. Comprehension is poor, with major ideas forgotten or misunderstood.

Both oral and silent reading is usually slow and labored, with frequent stops to analyze unknown words. Oral reading divergences are frequent and often cause the reader to lose the sense of what was read. Because of this difficulty, it is frustrating for students to attempt read such material for sustained periods of time, and their efforts often fail. This level is to be avoided in instruction.

4. The Listening Level

The listening level provides an estimate of the student‟s present potential for reading improvement. Most reader who has not yet reached their full potential as readers, who are still developing their reading skills, can listen to and understand text read aloud to them that they cannot yet read for themselves. The listening level is usually higher than the instructional reading level. The listening level gives us an indication of how much their reading may be expected to advance at this point in time.

2.4. Measuring Reading Ability

A reader is said as a good reader when she/he able to regulate the rhythm of reading speed in accordance with the objectives, necessary and circumstances of the material read and can answer at least 60% of the material read (Adler and Charles,

1986: 25).


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Reading ability is the speed of reading and understanding the contents, then in the measure reading ability the matter that must be watched are these two aspects.

(Dalman, 2009:30).

According to Nuttal (1982) and Eskey (1973) in Cheryl L. Champau de

Lopez, for speed reading in English as the second language, the ideal speed reading for students in Junior High School degree is 110-120 wpm (Word Per Minute).

2.5. Reading Comprehension

Reading can‟t be separated from comprehension because the purpose or the result of reading activity is to comprehend what has been read. Reading without understanding what has been read is useless. According to Bloomfield taxonomy, there is a level of cognitive domain namely comprehension that is a type of understanding such that the individual knows what is being communicated.

Comprehension takes place while the person is reading and it needs a set of skills that let him find information and understand it in terms of what is already known.

This idea is supported by Yoakam cited in Smith (1961: 213) who state that:

“Comprehending reading matters involves the correct association of meaning with word, symbols, the evaluating of meanings which are suggested in contect, the selection of the correct meaning, the organization of ideas as they are read, the retention of these ideas and their use in some present or future activity”.

Comprehension is the mind act or power of understanding (Hornby, 1987:

174). Therefore reading comprehension means understanding what has been read. It


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA is an active process that depends not only on comprehension skill, but also on the reader‟s experiences and prior knowledge. In line with Hornby, Grellet (1981: 1) states that reading comprehension means understanding a written text to extract the required information from it as efficiently as possible. Grellet emphasizes the importance of obtaining the required information in reading.

Comprehension refers to an active mental process. When one reads something he actively goes along to comprehend what the writer‟s intended message by predicting, evaluating, selecting significant details, organizing, etc. In this case, a crucial factor that influences comprehension is the importance of the reader‟s background knowledge (Heilman as quoted by Widdowson, 1978). According to

Howell, et al. (1993:182), reading comprehension is the act of combining information in a passage with prior knowledge in order to construct meaning. While

Adam (in Howel, Fox, Morehead, 1993:182) states that reading comprehension is an active process through which the reader uses code, context analysis, prior knowledge, vocabulary, and language along with executive - control strategies, to understand the text.

Based on the opinion above reading and understand text is very connected, because in reading the readers are required to understand the content of the text they read. The terms reading that related to understanding is called Reading




According to Williams (1996: 51), there are three main phases needed to be followed in reading activity, namely: a. Pre – reading : aimed to introduce and arouse learners‟ interest in the topic.

Giving reason to read and some questions that related to learners‟

background knowledge ideas and opinion would motivate

learners‟ eagerness to read the whole text. b. Whilst reading : aimed to help students understanding the purpose and texts‟

structure and to clarify texts‟ content. Some activities like

answering comprehension question, completing diagram or maps,

making list and taking notes are whilst reading type work. c. Post – reading : aimed to consolidate what has been read with learners‟ own

knowledge, interest, or ideas.

2.7. Models of Reading

In looking for ways to describe the interaction between reader and text, scientist have also create models that describe what happens when people read

(Aebersold and Field, 1997: 17). Barnett (in Aebersold and Field, 1997: 19-20) provides a thorough summary of three main models of how reading occurs. They are bottom – up theory, top – down theory, and interactive school of theory.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA a. Bottom – up theory argues that the reader constructs the text from the

smallest units (letters to words phrases to sentences, etc.) and

becomes automatic that readers are not aware of how it operates. It

means that reader have to understand the passage by reading word by

word to reach the whole understanding. b. Top–down theory argues that readers bring a great deal of knowledge,

expectation, assumption, and questions to the text and given a basic

understanding of the vocabulary and check when new information

appears. Reader has known about the passage so they just want to

know if there is any new information in the passage. c. The interactive school of theory argue that both top-down and bottom-

up processes are occurring either alternately or at the same time. It

describes a process that moves both bottom-up and top-down

depending on the type of the text as well as on the readers‟

background knowledge, language proficiency level, motivation

strategy use, and culturally shaped beliefs about reading. Reader use

both model in their reading activity depend on the situation that they



UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.8. Technique of Reading

According to Patel and Jain (2008: 117-123) the types of reading: a. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is related to further in language learning under the teacher‟s guidance. Intensive reading will provide a basic for explaining difficulties of structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary and idioms. Intensive reading material will be the basis for classroom activity. It will not only be read but will be discussed in detail in the target language, sometimes analyzed and used as a basis for writing exercises. Intensive reading is text reading or passage reading. In this reading the learner read the text to get knowledge or analysis. The goal of this reading is to read shorted text. This reading is done to carry out to get specific information. b. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure. The reader wants to know about something. The reader doesn‟t care about specific or important information after reading. Usually people read for to keep them update. c. Aloud Reading

Aloud reading is basic form of classroom organization and disciplines. In reading aloud, the students are confronted with written sentences which haven‟t spoken before. The aim of reading aloud is the achievement or better speaking ability and the pronunciation of the students.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA According to Elizabeth (2004: 286 - 288) aloud reading means reading a book by producing sounds audible to other. Reading aloud by the teacher can help the students in the improvement of their listening ability. Reading aloud is useful at specific moment alone. Reading aloud prevents the students from learning to understand the meaning of a sentence even when he may not know one word in the sentence. d. Silent Reading

Silent reading is a very important skill in teaching of English. This reading should be employed to increase reading ability among learners. Silent reading is done to acquire a lot of information. Silent reading must be based on student‟s selected text. Silent reading enables the students to read completely silently without making sounds and moving his lips. It helps him read with speed, ease and fluency. It aids comprehension and expands the student‟s vocabulary.

According to Elizabeth (2004: 287- 288) silent reading means reading something without producing sounds audible to other. In silent reading the students can more easily work at their own material pace or speed.

2.9. Causes of Difficulty in Understanding Text

According to Westwood (2001:26), many different factors contribute as the cause of students‟ difficulties in understanding text. Some of those factors are located within the learner‟s background, some within the teaching technique, and some within the learner‟s environment.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.9.1. Learner’s Background

According to Shahuddin (1990: 95), the learner‟s background means something which comes from the learners themselves. It was related with the learner attitude toward reading, such as interest and motivation in reading and the prior knowledge that the learner have known before.

a. Interest

Interest is being one of the important factors in order to increase the students‟ achievement in reading. Shalahuddin stated that “interest is a concern that contains elements of feeling. It can motivate the students to be active in their job or their activity.” Furthermore, De Bortoli (2010: 28), argued that having an interest in and enjoying a subject affects not only the intensity, quality and persistence in specific learning situations but can also affect engagement in learning situations in general and enhances motivation. Therefore, if the readers have interest to read, it will be easier for them to understand what they read. On the other side, if the readers have no any interest to read, it will be difficult for them to understand it.

b. Motivation

According to De Bortoli (2010: 35), motivation plays an important role in understanding the text. Motivation is an important factor that may contribute to success at school and to lifelong learning. Meanwhile, according to Brown (2004:

160-166), motivation is some kind of internal drive, which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something. As Brown points out, motivation includes


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA factors such as the need of exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement.

Furthermore, in line with the explanation of interest and motivation above, motivation and interest are interconnected. Ilmu (2012: 13) said that “students‟ interest will be higher if students have higher motivation.” Therefore, it can be concluded that the good interest and motivation result the good achievement of the students. It will be easier for the students to achieve something if they have interest and motivation to learn it. As well as it will be easier for them understand text, if they have interest and motivation to read the text.

c. Learners’ prior knowledge

Mellon in Mashulah (2013: 21), stated that “students usually come into the class with the prior knowledge gained from the class or outside the class. It influences how they filter and interpret what they are learning.” Furthermore,

Jacobovits in Sokhbirin (2002: 21), believes that the student‟s prior knowledge influences the student‟s ability in learning a foreign language. Students who have a lot of knowledge will be easier to learn the new lesson. It means that students with a lot of knowledge about reading will quickly understand about something they read.

On the other hand, students who have little knowledge (grammar or vocabulary) may have some difficulties in understanding something they read. For an example, a student who never knows and hears about what is the word famous, and in some occasions dealing with it will find the story hard to follow, so he must have prior knowledge that enables him to bring personal meaning to the events and feelings in the story.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.9.2. Teaching Technique

According to Freeman and Michael (1990: 220), teacher is one of school environmental factors who has important role to increase students learning achievement. Teacher is a subject in education who has duty to transfer the knowledge to the students. Meanwhile according to Wang in Mashulah (2013: 22), a teacher is an important person in teaching learning process, especially for teaching reading, because the teacher also determines whether their students to be good readers or not. Teacher also will become source of learning difficulties if he/she does cannot choose the right technique to teach the material. Wang argued that although teachers are very knowledgeable about the subject they are teaching, they often rely on one teaching technique to impart this information. They sometimes do not realize that the techniques they use are not in accordance with the subject matter they convey. Therefore, the teacher should be careful in choosing the technique to teach because it related to the students‟ understanding of the material.

2.9.3. Learner’s Environment

The environment factors also can influence the students in mastering and in learning English. According to Finocchiaro in Sokhbirin (2002:42): “Someone who lives in environmental with the society that has high educational and has good attitude toward reading will support her ability to master reading that has been learned at school can be applied functionally outside school.”

Therefore, someone who lives in an environment that has reading habits will be supported by her environment indirectly. And it happens not only in learning


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA reading but also in learning English, without practice and applied it outside school he will not understand English perfectly.

According to Freeman and Michael (1990:214). Home and school are the two kinds of learners‟ environment that can influence their learning reading achievement.

a. Home condition

It cannot be neglected that parents play important role in the home. Every student needs attention from her/his parents to reach her/his learning achievement.

Since learning English is not the same as learning Indonesian, children need parents‟ guidance to learn about English especially reading English text because they will read something with different sound, vocabulary and structure from that of

Indonesia. Learning reading without parents‟ guidance will make students feel difficult in learning. They will difficulties in understanding something they read or they will misunderstand about the texts they read.

b. School condition

The school condition also can be the cause of students‟ learning difficulties.

School which lack of learning media, such as English books will influence the students‟ ability in learning reading. The lack of learning media such as English books, magazines or newspapers makes the learning reading process become ineffective and will be hamper students‟ understanding about the material.

From all of the explanations above, teachers need to be able to identify the difficulties experienced by their students and also the cause of the difficulties. By


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA knowing these problems, teachers can reorganize teaching reading in the next semester or in the next class in order to provide better English lesson.

2.10. Cooperative Learning Model Type STAD

STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) is a system of learning group in which students form into groups of 4-5 people are heterogeneous.

According to Ibrahim (2000:10) cooperative learning model type STAD developed by Slavin and cooperative learning type is the most simple are applied where students are divided into small groups of four to five people who are heterogeneous, teachers who use STAD refers to the study group that serves new academic information to students using verbal presentation or the text. Based on the opinion above, then the researcher argue that in this cooperative learning model type

STAD is the simplest model to apply to the students.

While according to (Slavin, 2008:188) suggests that the division of the group that pays attention to the diversity of students is intended so that the students can create a good cooperation, as the process of creating mutual trust and mutual support.

The diversity of students in the group considering the background of the students based on academic achievement, gender, and the ethnic. The teacher presents the lessons then students work in teams to ensure that all members of the team have mastered the lesson. Eventually the whole of students were given the quiz on the material with a note, while the quiz they should not help each other.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Other terms of the cooperative learning model type STAD is the number of members in each group should consist of 4-5 people. The little number of members in each group make it easy for students to communicate with a group of friends. The importance of the division of groups like this is based on the idea that students are easier to find and understand a difficult concept if that problem were studied together.

Based on the opinion above the researcher argue that the cooperative learning model type STAD was expected to be more meaningful for students, through all sorts of activities performed directly by students in each group.

Cooperative Learning model type STAD is the approach Cooperative

Learning that emphasizes on activity and interaction among students to motivate each other and help each other in mastering the subject in order to achieve maximum achievement.

According to Slavin (in Noornia, 1997:21) there are five major components of cooperative learning method in STAD, namely:

a. Presentation of the class

The presentation of the class is the presentation of the material carried out by the teacher in classical by using a presentation verbal or text. The presentation is focused on the concepts of the material discussed. After the presentation of the material, students work in groups to complete the subject matter through tutorials, quizzes or discussion.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA b. Establish students in the Group

The group became very important in STAD because in the group must be created a cooperative work between students to reach academic ability expected. The function of the creation of the group is to assure that each member of the group can work together in learning. More specifically to prepare all of the members of the group facing individual tests. Teachers need to consider in order not to occur any contradiction between members in a single group, although this does not mean students can determine their own friends in a group.

c. Tests or quiz

Students are given individual tests after implementing one or two times the presentation of the class and working as well as practiced in the group. Students have to realize that their effort and their success will be giving contribution that was very valuable for the success of the group.

d. Score individual improvement

Individual improvement score is useful to motivate the students in order to work hard to obtain a better result compared to the previous result. Score individual improvement is calculated based on base score and score tests. Base score can be taken from test score most recently owned by the students in the school report card

(raport) or score of the pre-test conducted by teachers before implementing cooperative learning methods STAD.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA e. Recognition of the group

Recognition of the group is done by giving awards for the effort that has been done by the group during the study. The group can be given a certificate or other form of award if it can achieve the criteria that have been set together. The granting of this award depends on the creativity of the teachers.

2.11. Previous Related Studies

This study entitles “The SMPN 10 Student’s Reading Ability” the authors found some previous researches related to reading ability. Therefore, the author has made previous research as references to support the ideas of this topic, as follows:

Nur Hikmah Laila from Sebelas Maret University in her title “Improving

Students’ Reading Ability By Using Printed Mass Media ( A Classroom Action

Research Conducted In The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 3 Colomadu

Karanganyar In 2008/2009 Academic Year)”, in her research the subject of the study was the students of class VIII G of SMP N 3 Colomadu in the academic year

2008/2009 consist of 36 students. Printed mass media that she used is text from magazine to teach reading. In her research she claimed that by using text from magazines can improve the reading ability of the students.

Mashulah in his research entitle “An Analysis Of Students’ Difficulties In understanding English Reading Text (Case Study of Descriptive Text Among The 8th

Grade Students At Mts Miftahu Uulum, Duriwetan Maduran, Lamongan)”, in his research he uses descriptive text to know what difficulties students facing in reading


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA English text. The subjects in his research are fifteen students of the eighth grade students at MTs Miftahul Ulum Maduran, Lamongan, Duriwetan who are detected as having difficulties in understanding English reading descriptive text. In his research he stated that the majority of the students find difficulties in identifying main idea of the text, more than half of students made mistake in identifying specific word in the text and many students cannot understand the structure of the text.

Siska Yuliani from Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung in her title “Improving Students’ Reading Ability by Using Task Based Learning (TBL) for the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Boyolangu”, in her research , she use Task

Based Learning model to improve the student‟s reading ability. She argue that This strategy was chosen because the task based learning is a different strategies for teaching language. In her research, she just use 7 E class as the subject of research.

This class consists of 30 students; 17 students are male and 16 female students. This research was carried out 2 cycle and each cycle there are 3 meeting. Research data are obtained from the results of the questionnaire, examination, observation sheet and field notes, collected in each cycle. In research, she claimed that Task Based

Learning model (TBL) are effective to improve the student‟s reading ability.

Juwita Wahyuni in her research entitle “Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Hasil

Belajar Sains Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Padasiswa

Kelas Iv Sdn Bernung Pesawaran TP. 2012/2013”, in her research she discuss about the activity improvement and the learning result in science subject using Student

Teams Achievement Division (STAD). This research uses the class action research, which is implemented through two cycles, each cycle consisting of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The activity data collected 25

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA through observation sheets and test results at the end of each cycle. Data analysis using qualitative and quantitative. The results of this study indicate that by applying a model of cooperative learning type STAD may increase the activity and results of student learning.




3.1. Research Design

The research was conducted using Classroom Action Research with apply

Student Teams Achievement Division (ATAD). Classroom action research designed to solve practical problems in the process of teaching and learning. The model of classroom action research used in this study is based on the model developed by

Kemmis and Taggart (1988).

There are four steps in this model of action research in the following:

1. Planning

2. Action

3. Observation

4. Reflection

3.2. Data and Source of Data

In this study, the data to be taken is the test results of any test given to the students of SMPN 10 Medan in academic year 2018/2019, both the result of pre-test and post-test.

According to Arikunto (2002:107) source of data in research is the subject from which data can be retrieved. In this research the source data are the whole 27

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA students of SMPN 10 Medan from 9th A class which consist of 42 students. In this class there are 33 female and 9 male.

3.3. Instrument of Data Collection

According to Arikunto (1993:121), instrument is the equipment while the writer uses one or some methods during the observation. In this observation, the writer used some instrument in collecting the data, They are: learning material and test.

3.3.1. Learning Material

Learning material is used as a tool to know how their ability in understanding English text. In this research the writer give some material to the students and the material is organized as article English text. The English text articles will be given to the students consists of 1 to 800 words.

3.3.2. Test

Test is used to know student‟s ability in reading English text. In this research the writer gave some questions to the students deals with reading material. In this study, the writer will provide two-stage test to students. The first stage is pre-test and the second stage is post-test. Pre-test is the test given by researcher to the students before the teacher apply Student Teams Achievement Division (ATAD) model in the class, while the post - test is a test that is given after teacher apply that model in the class. From this test the researcher knows how their ability in reading

English text. In this study, researcher will give tests to the students with different text 28

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA on each test. English text articles will be given to the students consists of 1 to 20 questions and the students must be answer in 60 minutes.

3.4. Procedure of Collecting Data

In this classroom action research, the action research was conducted collaboratively. The English teacher of third grade class controlled the writer to observe in the class. According to Kemmis and Taggart‟s models (1988:11) there are four steps in this method, namely : planning, acting, observation and reflection.

A. Planning

In this research the writer had some plans to do this research. This planning conducted in order the writer could gather the data and concluded the result. In this stage, a planning stage has done after the writer identifying the student‟s ability in reading English text. The arrangement and the preparation have included : (1) make a lesson plan which consists of the steps of the action, (2) prepare material as needed in the classroom (English text article), (3) prepare to teach the students (apply cooperative learning model type STAD), (4) prepare the test to measure student‟s reading ability.

B. Action

Action is an implementation of planning. The writer should be flexible and welcome to the situation changing in the school. Thus, the action should be dynamic, need immediately decision to be done, and completed simple evaluation. In this phase, the writer does everything that has planned. This observation conducted in 29

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA one month. The writer visited to the school one time in a week and the time is 45-90 minutes in one meet.

C. Observation

The observation is done based on student‟s reading achievement. Observation is done while the action has done. The writer observed the student‟s ability in reading

English text. Observation is done in order the writer get the result.

D. Reflection

Reflection is the feedback process of the action. In this phase, the writer will reflect anything that has been done before. The reflecting process is based on the data. Reflection is taken from student‟s ability in every test. To find out the student‟s reading ability, the writer provides any test. The result of test is used to find out the student‟s reading ability. In this study, the writer will be succeed when there is 75% number of students could achieve some improvement score from the pre-test until the post test (Djamarah 2006 : 108). If the criterion of success is reached, the action research will be done.

3.5. Technique of Collecting Data

According to Sugiyono (2005: 62), technique of collection data is the most strategic step in research, Because the primary purpose of the research is getting the data. In this research, the writer use observation and interview methods in collecting the data.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA According to Nawawi and Martini (1992: 74), observation method is the observation and record of systematically against the elements looks in a symptom or symptoms on the object of research.

According to Sugiyono (2010: 194), the definition of interview is:

“Interview is used as the data collection technique when researchers will carry out preliminary studies to find the problem that must be examined, and investigators also want to know things from the respondents more in depth and the number of respondents little or small.”

3.6. Technique of Analyzing Data

Mulyasa (2013:206) says, "Each competency basis, the extent and depth of the material will pay attention to the number of weeks effective during learning activities in progress." That is, the allocation of time is required to prepare the material to be given to the learners. Thus, the allocation of time would estimate the sequence of time required for each material to be taught. Usually at the secondary level above the allocation of time was 45 minutes in one hour lesson.

Mulyasa (2009, pp. 86) explains, "the effective learning time is the number of hours of lesson per week, including the number of hours of lesson for all subjects including local content, plus the number of hours for self-development".

Based on the theory above, the researcher concluded that by 4 time meetings in teaching and learning activities can already drawn conclusions from the results of research.

To evaluate the student‟s ability in reading English text, the writer gives 1 until 20 items tests for each cycle. To measure the level of speed reading the researcher used the formula developed by Tampubolon (1987:10) that is divide the


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA number of words that can be read in the reading time in minute taken by students for completing his reading. It can be shown as:

Measure Speed Reading

To know the student‟s ability of understanding towards reading content comprehensively used the formula percentage level of understanding, that is divide the number of correct answers with the number question and then multiplied by

100%. It can be shown as:

Measure Percentage of Understanding

To measure the student‟s reading ability used the formula of multiplication between the results of the measurement speed reading with the result of understanding content percentage of the readings. It can be shown as:

The writer applied a formula to know the mean of the student‟s score for each test as following formula from Sudjana, (2002:67) :




M = The mean score of students‟ reading achievement.

Ʃx = The total score of the students.

N = The number of the students be observed.

To categorize the students who achieve the specified target of students‟ ideal speed reading will calculated by applying the following formula from Sudijono (2008 : 43):


P = Percentage of students who achieve the specified target of students‟ ideal speed reading.

R = The number of the students who achieve 110-120 wpm above.

T = The total number of students who do the test.




4.1. Data Analysis

This research was conducted with two cycles and four meetings. The first cycle is pre-test. Pre-test is a test given to the students before the writer applying

STAD method and second cycle is post-test. Post-test is a test given to the students after the writer applied STAD method in the class. This chapter refers to the result of pre-test and post-test.

4.1.1. Analysis of Pre-test

Pre-test done as the first study to identify the students‟ real reading ability and to know their problem in understanding English text. In pre-test the students answered some question from the writer in written text and after that the writer interviews the students about their problem in understanding English text. In pre-test there are 20 questions in written text and 1 question in interview section. This pre- test was done in 22nd and 29th November 2018. The test are done during 60 minutes.



Table 1

The Students’ Speed Reading in Pre-test

No Name The Number of Time Speed Word Reading

1 AK 556 4 Minutes 139

2 BLY 556 3 Minutes 185

3 CLP 556 4 Minutes 139

4 CAS 556 4 Minutes 139

5 CNS 556 4 Minutes 139

6 CS 556 3 Minutes 185

7 DJMS 556 3 Minutes 185

8 DC 556 3 Minutes 185

9 DWR 556 3 Minutes 185

10 DAK 556 4 Minutes 139

11 DA 556 4 Minutes 139

12 GKE 556 3 Minutes 185

13 HAP 556 4 Minutes 139

14 IPS 556 3 Minutes 185

15 IM 556 4 Minutes 139

16 INP 556 6 Minutes 93

17 ICN 556 6 Minutes 93

18 JAS 556 3 Minutes 185

19 KCH 556 6 Minutes 93

20 LAB 556 5 Minutes 111



22 MRS 556 4 Minutes 139

23 MCB 556 3 Minutes 185

24 NKAG 556 4 Minutes 139

25 NAP 556 4 Minutes 139

26 NIP 556 4 Minutes 139

27 NAG 556 5 Minutes 111

28 OAG 556 4 Minutes 139

29 RAP 556 4 Minutes 139

30 RJS 556 3 Minutes 185

31 RA 556 5 Minutes 111

32 RDH 556 5 Minutes 111

33 SN 556 3 Minutes 185

34 SCPS 556 4 Minutes 139

35 SAGS 556 3 Minutes 185

36 SS 556 4 Minutes 139

37 TNS 556 3 Minutes 185

38 TA 556 3 Minutes 185

39 VS 556 6 Minutes 93

40 VCT 556 3 Minutes 185

41 WL 556 4 Minutes 139

42 YH 556 4 Minutes 139

The table above shows that students who take time 3 minutes in reading are

16 students, 4 minutes are 18 students and 5 minutes are 4 students and 6 minutes are 4 students.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Measure Percentage of Understanding

Table 2 The Students’ Percentage of Understanding in Pre-test

No Name The Number of Students’ Percentage Correct Answer of Understanding 1 AK 9 45%

2 BLY 9 45%

3 CLP 9 45%

4 CAS 10 50%

5 CNS 11 55%

6 CS 9 45%

7 DJMS 10 50%

8 DC 9 45%

9 DWR 9 45%

10 DAK 10 50%

11 DA 10 50%

12 GKE 13 65%

13 HAP 4 20%

14 IPS 12 60%

15 IM 12 60%

16 INP 9 45%

17 ICN 6 30%

18 JAS 12 60%

19 KCH 8 40%

20 LAB 11 55%



22 MRS 8 40%

23 MCB 9 45%

24 NKAG 10 50%

25 NAP 8 40%

26 NIP 5 25%

27 NAG 11 55%

28 OAG 11 55%

29 RAP 5 25%

30 RJS 9 45%

31 RA 7 35%

32 RDH 3 15%

33 SN 10 50%

34 SCPS 10 50%

35 SAGS 11 55%

36 SS 10 50%

37 TNS 10 50%

38 TA 8 40%

39 VS 6 30%

40 VCT 9 45%

41 WL 10 50%

42 YH 11 55%


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA To measure the student‟s reading ability, the formula of multiplication between the results of the measurement speed reading with the result of understanding content percentage of the readings used.

Table 3 Students’ Reading Ability in Pre-test

No Name The The Percentage Reading Number of of Student’s Ability Words in a Understanding Minute 1 AK 139 45% 63 wpm

2 BLY 185 45% 83 wpm

3 CLP 139 45% 63 wpm

4 CAS 139 50% 66 wpm

5 CNS 139 55% 76 wpm

6 CS 185 45% 83 wpm

7 DJMS 185 50% 93 wpm

8 DC 185 45% 83 wpm

9 DWR 185 45% 83 wpm

10 DAK 139 50% 66 wpm

11 DA 139 50% 66 wpm

12 GKE 185 65% 120 wpm

13 HAP 139 20% 29 wpm

14 IPS 185 60% 111 wpm

15 IM 139 60% 83 wpm

16 INP 93 45% 49 wpm

17 ICN 93 30% 30 wpm

18 JAS 185 60% 111 wpm

19 KCH 93 40% 37 wpm



21 MJN 185 45% 83 wpm

22 MRS 139 40% 56 wpm

23 MCB 185 45% 83 wpm

24 NKAG 139 50% 70 wpm

25 NAP 139 40% 56 wpm

26 NIP 139 25% 35 wpm

27 NAG 111 55% 61 wpm

28 OAG 139 55% 76 wpm

29 RAP 139 25% 35 wpm

30 RJS 185 45% 83 wpm

31 RA 111 35% 39 wpm

32 RDH 111 15% 17 wpm

33 SN 185 50% 93 wpm

34 SCPS 139 50% 70 wpm

35 SAGS 185 55% 102 wpm

36 SS 139 50% 70 wpm

37 TNS 185 50% 93 wpm

38 TA 185 40% 74 wpm

39 VS 93 30% 30 wpm

40 VCT 185 45% 83wpm

41 WL 139 50% 70 wpm

42 YH 139 55% 76 wpm

Total (Ʃx) 2910

MEAN (M) 69 wpm


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The table above describe that the students‟ speed reading in pre-test stage is great but their understanding the contents of reading are still low so that their reading ability also very low and can not reach the specified target that is 110-120 wpm for the students Junior High grade.

From the results of pre-test, only 7% of the students pass the specified target of student ideal speed reading for English as second language, then the researcher concluded that the students‟ reading ability is still very low, therefore, the researcher needs to find a solution to resolve the issue. In this case the researcher is using the

STAD method to improve the students‟ reading ability in 9 A class SMPN 10


4.1.2. Interview Segment

To find out what are the causes of students difficult to understand English text, researcher conduct interview to all students from the 9th A class in SMPN 10

Medan. In this case the researcher conducting the interview closed, meaning researcher provide questions and provide answers for the students. And the result of the interview can be seen in the following table:

Table 4 The Causes of Students difficult to Understand English Text

English in Interesting Not English Learning in Motivation Haven’ Vocabulary Less Grammar ng Understandi Not Comfortable Not is Technique Teaching Parents From Guidance No School in Media Learning of Lack

Name t


1 AK  

2 BLY   

3 CLP  



5 CNS   

6 CS  


8 DC   

9 DWR  

10 DAK  

11 DA  

12 GKE 

13 HAP  

14 IPS  

15 IM 

16 INP 

17 ICN   

18 JAS

19 KCH  

20 LAB  

21 MJN  

22 MRS  

23 MCB 

24 NKAG  

25 NAP  

26 NIP  

27 NAG 

28 OAG  

29 RAP  

30 RJS   



32 RDH  

33 SN 

34 SCPS 

35 SAGS  

36 SS 

37 TNS  

38 TA 

39 VS 

40 VCT  

41 WL  

42 YH

Total 12 31 28 1 1

In this interview segment the researcher gives one question to all students from 9th A class, besides researcher also provides 7 answers to be chosen by each students. In this case they may choose one or more of the answers according to what be the cause of their difficulty to understand English text. From the table above it can be seen that the causes of difficulty to understand English texts is 0 for answer "Not

Interesting in English” answer, 12 for "Haven't the Motivation in Learning English" answer, 31 for "Less Vocabulary" answer, 28 for "Not Understanding Grammar" answer, 1 for " Teaching Technique is Not Comfortable " answer, 0 for " No

Guidance From the Parents” answer and 1 for " Lack of Learning Media in School".

From the results of these interview, researcher concluded that “Less Vocabulary” and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA "Not Understanding Grammar" more dominant become the causes of students 9th A class in SMNP 10 difficult to understanding English texts.

4.1.3. Analysis of Post-test

A. Planning

In this research the writer have some plan to do this research. This planning conducted in order the writer can gather the data and conclude the result. In this stage, a planning stage is done after the writer identify the student‟s ability in reading

English text. The arrangement and the preparation are included : (1) make a lesson plan which consists of the steps of the action, (2) prepare material as needed in the classroom (English text article), (3) prepare to teach the students (apply cooperative learning model type STAD), (4) prepare the test to measure student‟s reading ability.

B. Action

First Meeting (Thursday, 6th December 2018 at 11:40-12:40)

As for the indicators used in the implementation of learning cooperative type

STAD is as follows: 1) researcher convey the purpose learning and motivate the students, 2) the researcher convey learning material, 3) researcher organize students into groups, 4) researcher guide students in the Group, 5) the researcher gives tests to the students individually, 6) researcher gives the award in the form of certificate or another award.

In the first meeting the researcher greets and asks about the students; condition. She also reviews their previous lesson. These are done in order to warm up the situation. After that the researcher is telling the students what they are going 44

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA to learn or to do on that day. The researcher ask the students to read the English article that is given, This is done to measure the student's speed reading.

In this stage the author form groups in the class, each group consisted of 4-5 students, this is done in order to make students more easy to understand the learning material that is given. After that every student started to measure their speed reading with the help of one friend of his/her group, they do turn by turn. When they have finished reading the article, they all start to calculate the speed reading each of them.

Second Meeting ( Thursday, 13th December 2018 at 11: 40-12:40)

On the second meeting the researcher redoing what was done last week.

Beside the researcher review students about STAD method. In this second meeting the researcher gave tests to all of students and the students have to answer 20 questions is given within 60 minutes. In addition, because they are in group, the researcher banned for cheating their friend in his/her group. In this case the researcher allow students to ask his/her friend only if they really need it. They should not ask for the answers of the test is given. After that the researchers watched them complete their test.

C. Observation

In this stage the researcher began doing observation to the entire of the students in 9 A class. Researcher helped by a collaborator to do observation. In the first meeting the researcher watched the students enjoy doing STAD method but in the first time the researcher applying STAD method, the students look confused


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA because they don't know what to do in a group. After the researcher explain, then they understand what to do. They have no trouble when they worked together in a group.

In the second meeting the student do all command from the researcher collaboratively. In the second meeting they are not confused with the STAD method so the researcher do not have to explain the STAD method again. At the second meeting, after they formed the same group as their group last week, the researcher directly give the test to all of students. The students doing the test collaboratively.

The next is collecting data for the post-test. The detail result of post-test can be seen below:

Table 5

The Students’ Speed Reading in Post-test

No Name The Number of Time Speed Word Reading

1 AK 690 4 Minutes 173

2 BLY 690 3 Minutes 230

3 CLP 690 3 Minutes 230

4 CAS 690 3 Minutes 230

5 CNS 690 3 Minutes 230

6 CS 690 3 Minutes 230

7 DJMS 690 3 Minutes 230

8 DC 690 3 Minutes 230

9 DWR 690 3 Minutes 230

10 DAK 690 3 Minutes 230



12 GKE 690 3 Minutes 230

13 HAP 690 4 Minutes 173

14 IPS 690 3 Minutes 230

15 IM 690 3 Minutes 230

16 INP 690 6 Minutes 115

17 ICN 690 3 Minutes 230

18 JAS 690 3 Minutes 230

19 KCH 690 4 Minutes 173

20 LAB 690 5 Minutes 138

21 MJN 690 3 Minutes 230

22 MRS 690 4 Minutes 173

23 MCB 690 3 Minutes 230

24 NKAG 690 3 Minutes 230

25 NAP 690 3 Minutes 230

26 NIP 690 4 Minutes 173

27 NAG 690 3 Minutes 230

28 OAG 690 3 Minutes 230

29 RAP 690 4 Minutes 173

30 RJS 690 3 Minutes 230

31 RA 690 3 Minutes 230

32 RDH 690 6 Minutes 115

33 SN 690 3 Minutes 230

34 SCPS 690 4 Minutes 173

35 SAGS 690 3 Minutes 230



37 TNS 690 3 Minutes 230

38 TA 690 3 Minutes 230

39 VS 690 6 Minutes 115

40 VCT 690 3 Minutes 230

41 WL 690 4 Minutes 173

42 YH 690 4 Minutes 173

From the table above shows that their speed reading not much improved, there were only a few students are increase their speed reading and the others have the same speed reading at the time of pre-test.

Table 6 The Students’ Percentage of Understanding in Post-test

No Name The Number of Students’ Percentage Correct Answer of Understanding

1 AK 14 70%

2 BLY 14 70%

3 CLP 14 70%

4 CAS 14 70%

5 CNS 15 75%

6 CS 14 70%

7 DJMS 16 80%

8 DC 15 75%

9 DWR 14 70%



11 DA 14 70%

12 GKE 16 80%

13 HAP 8 40%

14 IPS 14 70%

15 IM 14 70%

16 INP 15 75%

17 ICN 10 50%

18 JAS 17 85%

19 KCH 17 85%

20 LAB 14 70%

21 MJN 14 70%

22 MRS 14 70%

23 MCB 16 80%

24 NKAG 14 70%

25 NAP 14 70%

26 NIP 14 70%

27 NAG 15 75%

28 OAG 14 70%

29 RAP 14 70%

30 RJS 14 70%

31 RA 10 50%

32 RDH 14 70%

33 SN 14 70%

34 SCPS 14 70%

35 SAGS 15 75%

36 SS 12 60%



38 TA 16 80%

39 VS 10 50%

40 VCT 14 70%

41 WL 14 70%

42 YH 14 70%

From the table above it can be seen that the students‟ understanding has already greatly improved compared to pre-test. In this stage the students can already answer 10 or more answers from 20 questions given.

Table 7 Students’ Reading Ability in Post-test

No Name The Number The Percentage Reading of Words in a of Student’s Ability Minute Understanding

1 AK 173 70% 121 wpm

2 BLY 230 70% 161 wpm

3 CLP 230 70% 161 wpm

4 CAS 230 70% 161 wpm

5 CNS 230 75% 176 wpm

6 CS 230 70% 161 wpm

7 DJMS 230 80% 184 wpm

8 DC 230 75% 176 wpm

9 DWR 230 70% 161 wpm

10 DAK 230 70% 161 wpm



12 GKE 230 80% 184 wpm

13 HAP 173 40% 69 wpm

14 IPS 230 70% 161 wpm

15 IM 230 70% 161 wpm

16 INP 115 75% 86 wpm

17 ICN 230 50% 115 wpm

18 JAS 230 85% 196 wpm

19 KCH 173 85% 147 wpm

20 LAB 138 70% 97 wpm

21 MJN 230 70% 161 wpm

22 MRS 173 70% 121 wpm

23 MCB 230 80% 184 wpm

24 NKAG 230 70% 161 wpm

25 NAP 230 70% 161 wpm

26 NIP 173 70% 121 wpm

27 NAG 230 75% 173 wpm

28 OAG 230 70% 161 wpm

29 RAP 173 70% 121 wpm

30 RJS 230 70% 161 wpm

31 RA 230 50% 115 wpm

32 RDH 115 70% 81 wpm

33 SN 230 70% 161 wpm

34 SCPS 173 70% 121 wpm

35 SAGS 230 75% 173 wpm

36 SS 230 60% 138 wpm

37 TNS 230 70% 161 wpm



39 VS 115 50% 58 wpm

40 VC 230 70% 161 wpm

41 WL 173 70% 121 wpm

42 YH 173 70% 121 wpm

Total (Ʃx) 6.120

MEAN (M) 146 wpm

The table above shows that in the post-test reading skills students SMP 10

Field grade 9 A very nice compared to stage pre-test. Then the writer calculates the class percentage that pass the specified target of student ideal speed reading for

English as second language that is 110-120 wpm for the students Junior High School, using the following formula:

Based on the result above, the data shows that the mean reading ability of students‟ in post-test is 146 wpm and there are 37 of students or 88% of the students who achieve the specified target of students‟ ideal speed reading (reading ability) and there are 5 students below the target. Based on the result the percentage of students who can achieve the target increasing from pre-test 7% and post-test 88%.



After getting the result of the post-test, researcher create a reflection.

Researcher are satisfied with the result. The result of the post-test showed that 88% of students in class 9A SMPN 10 Medan getting the improvement in reading ability.

Because 88% of students have already achieve the target then the researcher discontinue the action.

4.2. Finding

Based on the results of the pre-test, 7% of students could reach the target with the value of their average reading ability that is 69 wpm (words per minute).

Researcher concluded that in the pre-test students‟ reading ability is very low because they has not been able to reach the target that is specified. Then the researcher decided to apply STAD method to help the students improve their reading ability.

Furthermore, in the pre-test the researcher conducting interview for all of students in class 9A SMPN 10 Medan to find out what are the causes of difficulty in understanding English text. Based on the result of the interview the researcher take the conclusion that from the seven reasons given to the students, the answers "less vocabulary" and "not understanding grammar " more dominant.

After the researcher applied STAD method in class, the researcher doing post-test to find out their reading ability and based on the result of post-test, 88% of students could reach the target with the value of their average reading ability that is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 146 wpm (words per minutes). Based on the data that has been analyzed their reading ability from pre-test improved in post-test. Although STAD method can improve students ' reading ability but not all of students get the improvement. Based on the result of the data analyzed, STAD method is an effective method to help students improve their reading ability.




5.1. Conclusion

From the results of the data that has been analyzed, researcher concluded that by using the STAD method, students reading ability is improved, it can be seen from the results of pre-test that only 7% of students who can achieve the targets and result of the post-test that shows that 88% of students already can reach the specified target that is 110-120 wpm for reading ability for English as a second language at the level of Junior High School. Although it is not one hundred percent of students can improve their reading ability but from the results of the post-test proves that the

STAD method is an effective method to improve the students‟ reading ability in 9 A class of SMPN 10 Medan.

Based on the results of the interview conducted by the researcher to find out the causes of difficulty in understanding English text, researcher concluded that more dominant cause is less of vocabulary and students also do not understand the grammar so that while they read English text the two matters becomes an obstacles for them to understand the content of the text.



In teaching and learning process, this study able to be useful for:

1. Teachers

Teachers have a very important role in education. Only the teacher able to know the improvement of his/her students in understanding a subject at school. Therefore, important for teachers could use methods that can improve student learning effectively, because if not, the students will easily bored and not even interested to follow subjects taught to them. Based on the results obtained by researcher using the

STAD method, researcher suggest that teachers can use this method to improve students reading ability.

2. Students

Most students in Indonesia consider that learning English is something that is very difficult, it's no wonder if many of them don't like English. For that, students have to motivate themselves to be more like English. In addition, each student is suggested to read English text more often to recognize new words that have never been they know what it‟s means and to train their understanding of grammar.

3. Other Researchers

For the other researchers who are interested in using STAD method in Classroom

Research Action, they could use this study as a reference.



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Nama :

Reading Test Pre-test

Questions 1-5 refer to the following passage.

1. What does the letter tell us about? It tells about______a) spending holiday in Ende. b) interesting trip to Jakarta. c) visiting the magic volcano. d) refreshing activity on holidays.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. When did Tommy go back to Jakarta? He went back to Jakarta ______a) On Friday. b) On Saturday. c) On Sunday. d) On Monday

3. How do you think the coach felt? It felt ______a) hot b) warm c) cool d) dry

4. “There, I was met by a jeep”. The word „met‟ in the sentence means ______a) dropped. b) stopped. c) brought. d) picked up

5. “I have been there for the two-day trip.” The word „there‟ refers to ______a) Ende b) Kalimutu c) Airport d) Lake

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The following text is for question 6 and 7

6. Who cannot play golf on the land? a) Someone who has a car. b) Someone who has a golf stick. c) Anyone who can drive a car. d) Anyone who wants to play golf.

7. Who are not allowed to drive on this land? a) Any vehicle with engine drivers. b) Anyone walking through the land. c) Any golf players. d) Any bicycle riders.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The following text is for question 8-12

MY HOLIDAY IN by Julia When I was the 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation. The first day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked into the hotel. After prepared ourselves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists. The second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jet sky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu island to see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and seabirds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave. The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so many monkeys. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T- Shirt and souvenirs. In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.

8. What did the writer enjoy on Tanjung Benoa beach? a) water sports, unique animal, sunset, and sunrise. b) water sports, the beautiful wave, and banana boat. c) water sports including a speedboat and unique animals. d) water sports, unique animal, and sunset.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 9. The writer is right to decide Bali as the appropriate tour destination. It is proved a) She has an unforgettable experience. b) She was very satisfied. c) She was proud writing about her experience. d) She braves to go there alone.

10. When did the writer go to Bali? a) She was the 2nd grade of senior high school. b) She was the 2nd grade of junior high school. c) She was the First grade of junior high school. d) She was the First grade of senior high school.

11. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. ( Paragraph 4 ) What does the italicized word mean? a. crowded with the trees and animals. b. full of trees and it is very often raining. c. the cool condition because of the gentle wind. d.protected from direct light from the sun by trees or building.

12. We could make a close interaction with them ( Paragraph 4 ) The underlined word refers to ______a) monkeys. b) turtles. c) snakes. d) birds.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The following text is for question 13-17

William’s report We went to Thailand for our summer vacation last year. It was our first trip to Asia. We loved it. We spent a week in Bangkok and did something different every day. We went to the floating market very early one morning. We didn‟t buy anything there, we just looked. Another day, we went to Wat Phra Keo, the famous Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It was really interesting. Then we saw two more temples nearby. We also went on a river trip somewhere outside Bangkok. The best thing about the trip was the food. The next time we have friends over for dinner, I‟m going to cook Thai food.

13. What is Wat Phra Keo? Wat Phra Keo is ______a) A person from Thailand. b) A tourist from Asia. c) A well-known Buddha temple. d) A cook from Thailand.

14. From the text, we know that the writer ______a) Has been to Asia before. b) Has never been to Thailand before. c) Often visits Bangkok. d) Visited Thailand many times.

15. “Then we saw two more temples nearby”. The word „nearby‟ has the same meaning as ______a) far b) close by c) stand by d) come by

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 16. “The next time we have friends over for dinner”. The underlined phrase means ______a) come over to a friend. b) go over to some friends. c) visit a friend. d) invite friends.

17. “It was really interesting”, The word „it‟ refers to ______a) Thailand b) Asia c) Wat Phra Keo d) Buddha

The following text is for question 18 and 19

May: What do you want to eat for breakfast, bread or rice? Jane: Well, some bread, please. May: OK.

18. From dialogue above, what are May & Jane talking about? a) What to have for breakfast. b) The taste of rice. c) How to eat some bread. d) The size of bread and Rice.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 19. The underlined sentence in the dialog above means ______a) Asking bread and rice. b) Having bread for breakfast. c) Giving something to eat. d) Offering something to eat.


20. (In a restaurant) Waiter: What can I do for you, sir? Guest: ______Waiter : Certainly, Here you are. Guest: Thanks. a) Will you write the menu? b) Do you know the menu? c) Can I have the menu, please? d) Could you like the menu?


1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C


What are the causes of you difficult in understanding English text?

Name ching

No Not Interesting inEnglish Haven’t Motivation inLearning English Less Vocabulary Not Understan ding Grammar Tea Technique is Not Comforta ble No Guidance From Parents Lackof Learning Mediain School 1











12 13
































Reading Test Post-test

Questions 1-5 refer to the following passage. In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The plan obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide from the atmosphere; other nutrients are taken up from the soil. Although the plant contains sodium, iodine, and cobalt, these are apparently not essential. This is also true of silicon and aluminum. Overall chemical analysis indicate that the total supply of nutrients in soils is usually high in comparison with the requirements of crop plants. Much of this potential supply, however, is bound tightly in forms that are not released to crops fast enough to give satisfactory growth. Because of this, the farmer is interested in measuring the available nutrient supply as contrasted to the total quantities.

1. Which of the following elements is not taken up from the soil? a) Potassium b) Magnesium c) Carbon d) Calcium

2. Why do farmers prefer considering the only available nutrients to the total quantities of nutrient found in the soil? Because . . . . . a) They do to know how to obtain all the nutrients b) Chemical analysis indicate that the soil constrains all the nutrients needed c) The nutrient are in the soil d) Most of the nutrients are bound in compounds

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. The topic of paragraph three is about . . . . . a) The result of chemical analysis b) The requirement of crop plants c) Giving satisfactory growth to the plants d) Measuring the available nutrients supply

4. How many elements which are not very important can be found in the plants? a) Three b) Five c) Seven d) Nine

5. “the plant obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide . . . . .”(paragraph 2). Obtain means a) Gets b) Takes c) Puts d) Gives

6. The text above means you are . . . . . the artifacts. a) Unable to reach b) Permitted to touch c) Not allowed to hold d) Prohibited to take picture of

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The following text is for question 7 and 8

7. What is the purpose of the text? a) To ask people to support Octari b) To congratulate Octari on her success c) To inform people about the best singer d) To motivate Octari to be a professional singer

8. What expression does the principal use to praise Octari? a) Congratulation b) You are the best c) Keep on practicing d) Be a professional singer

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The following text is for question 9 to 12

9. What does the text tell us about? a) Riding a huge animal b) Octari‟s holiday experience c) Tourist destination in Lampung d) Watching elephants attractions

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 10. How did the writer reach Way Kambas? By . . . . . a) Car b) Bus c) Bike d) Animal

11. Why did the writer visit Way Kambas in her holiday? a) She wanted to see elephants playing football b) It was the only tourist destination she knew c) Her grandparents lived in Bandar Lampung d) She wanted to ride an elephant

12. “I hope you can visit it . . . . .” what does the word “It” refer to? a) Elephants attraction b)Bandar Lampung c) Elephants show d) Way kambas

The following text is for question 13 and 14

13. Who will go swimming? a) Nurul and nina b) Nina and nurul c) Nina and mutia d) Mutia and I

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 14. What is the writer‟s purpose of writing the message? a) To treat someone on a birthday b) To ask someone to join an activity c) To remind someone about an activity d) To show someone‟s attention to a friend

The following text is for question 15 and 16

15. What‟s the benefit of consuming NatraBurst? a) Increase appetite b) Decrease energy c) Promote fat loss d) Promote healthy hair

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 16. The purpose of the text is . . . . . a) To warn the reader the danger of the product b) To describe the composition of the product c) To persuade people to consume the product d) To tell the reader how to use the product

The following text is for question 17 and 18

17. What skill will the participants have after joining the training? They will . . . . . a) Have more friends b) Be one of SCC instructors c) Get free learning facilities d) Be able to make their own Blogs

18. “seats are available only for 30 Bloggers.” What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? a) Concluded b) Provided c) Emptied d) Taken

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The following text is for question 19 to 20

19. How long will the contest be held? a) About a week b) Two days c) Three days d) Twenty four days

20. Those who are interested to join should . . . . . a) Contact Yasinta or Andika b) Remember the time of the event c) Celebrate the school anniversary d) Fill in the form to register themselves


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. D