ach person islike a letter of the alphabet. To make a word it must combine with others. " The way to be happy is to make others happy.

Do you think that you are an author? says that you are. Every person writes a "Book of Life." Every day we add a page. We write NOT with words, but with deeds. Write carefully.

If l am not for 1nysclf, who will be for me? And if l an1 only for myself, what am l? And if not now, when? (Pirke Avot)

Who is wise? , The one who learns from all people. Who is strong? , The one who has self,control. Who is rich? , The one who is content. Who is deserving? ; The one who honors everyone. (Pirke Avot)

God gave us two eyes so that with one we 1nay see the good in others, and with the other eye we may see the faults in ourselves. (Midrash)

Do not wish you were someone else. Try to be the best person you can be. (Midrash)

If we are truly sorry, God forgives us for sins. But if we hurt another person, we must ask THAT person to forgive us. (Mid rash)

.. 11

Let us be written In the Book of Life Every day through our actions By pursuing peace, and avoiding strife

. 1,0.r,��- 1,9� OiY □i',?, r,:i.r,f�;"JJ�;:t ft'N·if B'rosh hashanah yikateivun uv'yom tzom kipur yeichateimun. On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Y otn Kippur it is sealed.

\VORDS INTO AO,..rION Today, we sit in synagogue, and there are tnany words that we say. Tomorrow and all year round, we must turn these words into action.

0 God, grant us happiness and let us make others happy. Grant us forgiveness and let us forgive others. Grant us life and let us be good to all that lives .

. 110.r,��. 1,9� □iY □i',?, 11:lDf� ;-,��;J ft'N·if B'rosh hashanah yikateivun uv'yom tzom kipur yeichateimun. On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on it is sealed.

SA YING \rVE ARE SORRY To change our actions, first we must say what we did wrong. Then we can begin to change.

For the sins we have sinned before other people and before God, we are truly sorry.

We retnember the1n now:

6 AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we let peer pressure cloud our judgment. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we made our parents mad or sad. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we were cruel to animals. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we played unfairly. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we cheated. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we lied.

,n;n,79 ;Ji?�, □7� ?V]

.�J?-1!;):,IT •: - t1S-SnoIT - : / �.:iS-nSo I IT - : V'al kulam, Elohah s'lichot, s'lach lanu, m'chal lanu, kaper lanu. For all these sins, 0 God of n1.ercy,

forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonetnent.

AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we used God1s name in vain. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we hurt the feelings of ,others. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we did not stand up for our religion.

AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we witnessed prejudice and did not act.

AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we did not help when we could have helped. AL CHEIT we are sorry for every time we used our words as weapons against others.

7 Each of our actions can tip the balance of the world towards good or bad. We promise to dedicate this New Year to improving ourselves and the world. 0 God, place Your Seal of Forgiveness into the Book of Life.

,nin'?O �i?� ,□1,:, St1, • : - I ','! T \ :

.�J?-19:J �J?-?nrJ ,�J?-n?o IT '.' - / IT - : IT - :

V'al kulam, Elohah s'lichot, s'lach lanu, m'chal lanu, kaper lanu.

For all these sins, 0 God of ni.ercy,

forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonctnent .

. j�rJ.r.,Q�.1�9� OiY □i'�� j�Jf.q)� ;-tJ�;:t��-,f B'rosh hashanah yikateivun uv'yom tzom kipur yeichateimun. On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippur it is sealed.



Bar' chu et Adonai ham'vorach! i1:t:i�;:t !� 11��J°;f Baruch Adonai ham'vorach l' olam va' ed! !1V,) □7ilJ71: 1:1�;:t!� ,�,f Bless Adonai, the Blessed One! Blessed is the Eternal fore,·er and ever.

Baruch atah Adonai, ,!� itJ;i�111f Eloheinu melech ha'olam, ,07;vry1 ?P 1J'iJ?� yotzer or uvorei choshech, , 1�'f1N'Ji.:11 7iN 7¥,i' oseh shalom uvorei et hakol. . ',·z,:,- •: 11N N7i.:l1•• □i'?ttiT •: ;iti1] Hamei'ir la'aretz f"J�? ,,��iJ v'ladarim aleha b'rachamim, ,□'r;JOJfry '?l/□'":1771 uv'tuvo m'chadeish tci1nr.J.. - . i.:i1Cj .:i . � b' chol yom tam id ma'asei v'reishit. .11'�N'J1 it��,;l Ma rabu ma'asecha Adonai, ,!� 1'W�1;1�:i-:i it� Kulam b'choch'ma asita, ,.r'rPl/it �7'r:tf□ '?� mal' a ha'aretz kin'yanecha. . 1J!�i?rJ�ry it�7 � Titbarach, Adonai Eloheinu, ,P'ni.,� !� , JJf {1� al-shevach ma' asei yadecha, , �'J! :,��1;1 n:;1�'?s, v'al m'orei or she'asita 17'tll]tti 7iN '7iNl.J•• ?l]1 T 1 • T ••• I : - : y'fa'arucha. Sela. .it?� . �11���� Baruch atah Adonai, yotzeir ham'orot. .11i7iN�iJ 7¥,i' , !� itJ;i� 1�7f We praise You, Eternal God, Ruler of the universe. Your mercy makes light to shine over the earth and all its inhabitants, and Your goodness renews day by day the work of creation. How manifoldare Your works, 0 God! In wisdom You have made them all. The heavens declare Your glory. The earth reveals Your creative power. You form light and darkness, bring harmony into nature, and peace to the human heart. We praise You, 0 God, Creator of light.

9 CREATION On this holy day, we remen1ber the creation of the world. The rabbis ask: Why was the world created from a single human being? Because, they say, God did not want anyone to claim that he or she is more important than anyone else. We all come from the san1e place. We all are children of the One God.

REVELATION God, You are our Creator: You created us with the freedom to choose. God, You are our Teacher: You teach us how to choose what is right. You gave us the , with all its stories and laws, to show us how to live. Help us to make good choices. Help us to do what is right.

.;i'.;lq�q1t,�"J�! i�Vf 11Ji1liJ ,!� ;iJ;'�7� ,� Baruch atah Adonai, ha-bocher b'amo Yisrael b'ahavah.

We praise You, Eternal One, Who dra\.vs us near with Jove.

in� ;; 1J.,ij'i� ;; ,_,�l�'. )'�� Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One

.1V) □?iV? i11�:,7� 1i:i� □tP 7�,� Baruch shem k'vod malchuto l'olam va-ed. Blessed is the Glorious Name, Your majesty is forever.

10 V'ahavta et Adonai Elohecha -;pry?� !� r,� {1?D�1 b'chol l'vav'cha uv'chol naf 'sh'cha 1��J ?�?' 1?;?7t,�f uv'chol m'odecha. °9::'fN 1 . . l;J. ? ,? . � V'hayu had'varim ha'eileh asher anochi ° ':J• )N 1toN :1�N:1• '1J1:1' - �,:,, IT ·•· -: ••• • T □ T : T : m'tzav'cha hayom al l'vavecha. ·1?.:;i?? Jl □i·';J 1��7t V'shinantam l'vanecha v'dibarta barn □f -r!�·:q 1' J:;i? □-r���1 b'shiv't' cha b'veitecha 1{1';.lf1{-l?�f uv'lech't' cha vaderech TJ'J�1 �?7'.?� uv'shoch'b'cha uv'kumecha. •1P�i'?� 1f=?�?� Uk'shartam l'ot al yadecha 11! t, N? □{1!rf/i?i v'hayu l'totafot bein einecha 1' ?V. J',;l11D�b? �'ry1 uch'tav'tam al m'zuzot - nJ.n:,� .n·no••• ! ? !/□ T : - : beitecha uvish' are cha. · 1'JV��� 1{1'.;1 L'ma'an tizk'ru va'asitem □{1'��1 �1+1i.i:l ?ll�? et kol mitz'votai '.niYr.J J .nN T : • ? T ••• v'hiyitem k'doshim leiloheichem. -□?':J�N7 □'�'1P □{1'�ry1 Ani Adonai Eloheichem :l'H?N "')N• □ ••• •• I •:: : : -: asher hotzeiti et'chem :l.l7N 'J7NYi:11toN □ ·.• : ·: ...... -: me'eretz mitz'rayim □�-:irl;JrJ�'=? lih'yot lachem leilohim 'ii?N? :l? ,n;,:,t, □ • •• □ '."