Yom Kippur at Home 5771 We will miss davening with you at The Jewish Center this year. We hope that this will help guide you through the Machzor on Rosh HaShanah from your home. When davening without a minyan, one omits Barchu, Kaddish, Kedushah, and Chazarat HaShatz, and the Thirteen Attributes of God during Selichot. There are many beautiful piyyutim throughout Yom Kippur davening as well as the Avodah service in Mussaf that you may want to include after your silent Amidah. You omit the Torah service, but you can read through both the Torah and Haftarah readings. If you would like to borrow a Machzor from The Jewish Center prior to Rosh Hashanah, please use this form https://www.jewishcenter.org/form/Machzor%20Loan%20Program If you have any questions or concerns, or if we can be of assistance to you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, Rabbi Yosie Levine at
[email protected] or Rabbi Elie Buechler at
[email protected]. Wishing you a Shanah Tovah, Rabbi Yosie Levine Rabbi Elie Buechler Koren Artscroll Birnbaum Kol Nidre/Ma’ariv Kol Nidre 69-75 58-60 489-491 Shehehayanu 75 60 491 Ma’ariv 81-119 56-98 495-517 Selihot Ya’aleh, Shomei’a tefillah 125-131 102-108 521-427 Selah na Lach. 139-179 112-136 531-557 … Avinu Malkeinu 189-193 144-148 565-570 Aleinu 199-201 152-154 571 Le-David 205 156-158 573-575 Recite at Home Shir ha-Yihud 219-221 166 105-107 Shir ha-Kavod 253-255 188 127-129 Shir Shel Yom/Le-David 461/467 236/238 Adon Olam/Yigdal through Pesukei 471-553 246-320 53-167 de-Zimra