[ 2001 ] Part 3 Chapter 3 Humanitarian and Special Economic Assistance
Humanitarian and special economic assistance 823 Chapter III Economic and social questions Humanitarian and special economic assistance In 2001, the United Nations, through the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Humanitarian assistance (OCHA), continued to coordinate the response of humanitarian agencies, particularly those of the UN system, to alleviate human suffering in disas- Coordination ters and emergencies, promote preparedness and prevention, and facilitate sustainable solutions. The 2001 consolidated inter-agency appeals pro- Humanitarian affairs segment cess was launched globally under the theme of the Economic and Social Council “Women and war”. During the year, appeals were During the humanitarian affairs segment of launched for Angola, Burundi, the northern Cau- the Economic and Social Council, held from 11 casus,theCongo,theDemocraticPeople’sRepub- to 13 July with the theme “Strengthening the lic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assist- Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, the Great Lakes region ance of the United Nations” (decision 2001/206 and Central Africa, the Maluku islandsofIndone- of 31 January), the Council held panel discus- sia,SierraLeone,Somalia,South-Eastern Europe, sions on emergency humanitarian assistance for the Sudan, Tajikistan, Uganda, the United Re- groups with special needs and on natural disaster public of Tanzania and West Africa. The total preparedness and response measures (decision sought amounted to $2,559 million, of which 2001/225 of 2 July). $1,415million was received, meeting 55.3 per cent The Council had before it a June report of of requirements. In addition, an inter-agency ap- the Secretary-General [A/56/95-E/2001/85] on peal covering Afghanistan for 2001, which sought strengthening the coordination of UN emer- $332.6 million, received contributions of $150 gency humanitarian assistance, submitted pur- million, or 45.1 per cent of requirements.
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