Hungry for Justice, Thirsty for Change CARITAS STATE of the ENVIRONMENT REPORT for OCEANIA 2016 Taveuni, Fiji
Hungry for justice, thirsty for change CARITAS STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT FOR OCEANIA 2016 Wani Filipe ties climbing beans at Tutu Rural Training Centre, Taveuni, Fiji. CARITAS Hungry for justice, thirsty for change CARITAS STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT FOR OCEANIA 2016 Monū’ia ā ka ko kinautolu ‘oku fie kaia mo fie inua ki he mā’oni’oní, he ’e faka makona ‘a kinautolu. Ka hoa te hunga e hiakai ana, e hiainu ana ki te tika; ka mākona hoki rātou. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. MATTHEW/MATIU 5:6 FEAST OF ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI 4 October 2016 Tutu ana te puehu Stirring up the dust Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Caritas Tonga Caritas Australia PO Box 12193 Catholic Diocese of GPO Box 9830 Thorndon, Wellington 6144 Tonga and Niue Sydney, NSW 2001 Aotearoa New Zealand PO Box 1, Vaololoa Australia Nuku’alofa, Tonga © Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, Caritas Tonga and Caritas Australia Lead research and writing: Martin de Jong Writers and researchers: Amelia Ma’afu, Sarah Marland, Petra Wheatley Oversight and editing: Lisa Beech, Brendan Joyce Editing and proofing: Johanna Knox Design: Rose Miller Cover photo: Teriba of Nusabaruka, Gizo, Solomon Islands drinks water from a Caritas water project in response to the El Niño drought. The project had funding support from the New Zealand Aid Programme. Photo: Julianne Hickey. Staff assistance and photography: Crispin Anderlini, Cathy Bi, Dominic Boana, Nick Borthwick, Benjamin Breen, Nicole Clements, Sascha Costigan, Roger Ellis, Julianne Hickey, Stephanie Lalor, Mary Malagela, Mark Mitchell, Joe Moeono-Kolio, Patrice Moriarty, Paul O’Callaghan, Carl O’Sullivan, Anna Robertson-Bate, Murray Shearer, Joanna Viernes, Br Adrian Watson, Zachary Wone, Zhi Yan.
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