Updated : 4/15/2018 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FRUIT: Ficus Carica 'Black Mission' Black Mision Fig Ficus Carica ' Black Mission

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Updated : 4/15/2018 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FRUIT: Ficus Carica 'Black Mission' Black Mision Fig Ficus Carica ' Black Mission PLANT INVENTORY LIST (April 21, 2018, Plant Sale) updated : 4/15/2018 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FRUIT: Ficus Carica 'Black Mission' Black Mision Fig Ficus Carica ' Black Mission' Black Mision Fig Ficus Carica 'Black Mission' Black Mision Fig Fragaria ananassa 'Quinalt' Everbearing Strawberry Fragaria x ananassa Chandler strawberries Vitis vinifera Monukka Grape GROUND COVERS & ORNAMENTAL GRASSES: Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Japanese Sweet Flag Ajuga reptans Carpet Bugle Aubrieta deltoidea 'Grandiflora Mix' Common Aubrieta, Rock Cress Boutelloua gracilis Blue Grama, Mosquito Grass Boutelloua gracilis Blue Grama, Mosquito Grass •• ** Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass Carex buchananii 'Red Rooster' Leatherleaf Sedge, Buchanan's Sedge Carex flagellifera 'Toffee Twist Hair Sedge Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Plumbago Chasmanthium latifolium Sea Oats Cyclamen hederifolium Hardy Cyclamen Cyclamen hederifolium Hardy Cyclamen •• ** Erigeron karvinskianus Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy Erigeron karvinskianus Mexican or Santa Barbara Daisy Erigeron karvinskianus Santa Barbara Daisy Festuca glauca Common Blue Fescue •• Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue' Fescue Houttuynia cordataa Houttuynia Imperata cylindrica 'Rubra' Japanese Blood Grass Juncus tenuis 'Blue Dart' Rush •• Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue' Juniper Liriope spicata Lilyturf Liriope spicata, variegated Variegated Lilyturf Liriope spicata, variegated Variegated Lilyturf Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny •• Miscanthus sinensis Eulalia, Japanese Silver Grass •• Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten' Dwarf Maiden Grass •• Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus 'Cosmopolitan' Eulalia, Japanese Silver Grass •• Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Muhly Muhlenbergia dumosa Bamboo Muhly •• Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switch Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Fountain Grass Pennisetum orientale Oriental Fountain Grass Phalaris arundinacea picta 'Feesey' Ribbon Grass, Gardener's Garters Saponaria x lempergii 'Max Frei' Giant-flowered Soapwort Stachys byzantina Lamb's Ears •• Teucrium cossonii majoricum Fruity Germander Verbena hybrid 'Tapien Blue Violet' Verbena Veronica prostata Speedwell HERBS: Allium schoenoprasum Chives Allium schoenoprasum Chives Allium schoenoprasum Chives Aloysia citrodora Lemon Verbena Aloysia citrodora Lemon Verbena Anethum graveolens 'Dukat Leafy' Dill Anthriscus cerefolium Plain Leaf Chervil Armoracia rusticana Horseradish Borago officinalis Borage Coriandrum sativum Cilantro Cymbopogon citratus Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus Lemon Grass Humulus lupulus Hops "Willamette" Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia (unk. cultivar) English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Grosso' English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Theresa Marie' English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia (unknown cultivar) English Lavender Lavandula dentata French Lavender Marrubium vulgare White Horehound Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm/Sweet Balm Mentha spicata Spearmint Mentha spicata Spearmint Ocimum americanum 'Lime' Lime Basil Ocimum basilicum Basil, Sweet Thai Ocimum basilicum Basil, Lemon, Mrs. Burns Ocimum basilicum Basil, Greek Yevani Ocimum basilicum Basil, Holy Tulsi Ocimum basilicum Italiano Classico Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon' Basil Ocimum basilicum ' Dolce Fresca' Basil Ocimum basilicum ' Fin Verde A Palla' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese' Genovese Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese' Genovese Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Lemon' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Lemon' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Lime' Basil Ocimum basilicum ' Pesto Party' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Petra' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Sweet Thai' Basil Ocimum basilicum 'Thai' Basil Ocimum basilicum ' Thai' Thai Basil Origanum Oregano Origanum heracleoticum Greek Oregano Origanum vulgare cv. Italian Oregano Origanum vulgare hirtum Greek Oregano Pelargonium 'Apricot' Scented Geranium Pelargonium 'Mabel Grey' Scented Geranium Pelargonium 'Mimosa' Scented Geranium Pelargonium 'Mint' Scented Geranium Pelargonium 'Orange' Scented Geranium Pelargonium 'Phyllis' Scented Geranium Pelargonium ' Robers Lemon Rose' Scented Geranium Pelargonium 'Strawberry' Scented Geranium Pelargonium citronellum Scented Geranium Pelargonium graveolens 'Lady Plymouth' Scented Geranium Pelargonium odoratissimum 'Lemon Fizz' Scented Geranium Petroselinum crispum Parsley Petroselinum neopolitanum Italian Parsley Satureja hortensis Summer Savory Tanacetum vulgare Tansy Thymus vulgaris Culinary thyme Thymus vulgaris Golden Lemon Thyme NATIVES: •• Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow; Milfoil Arctostaphylos •• 'Emerald Carpet' Creeping Manzanita Aristolochia macrophylla Dutchman's Pipe Vine Asclepias fascicularis Narrow-Leaf Milkweed Asclepias fascicularis Narrow-leaf Milkweed Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush ** Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush Ceanothus ' Blue Jeans' California Wild Lilac Ceanothus 'Concha' California Wild Lilac Ceanothus "Concha" California Lilac "Concha" •• Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Carmel Creeper Ceanothus maritimus 'Valley Violet' California Wild Lilac Ceanothus maritimus "Valley Violet" California Lilac "Valley Violet" •• Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Blueblossom Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood Dicentra formosa Western Bleeding Heart Epilobium canum California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet Epilobium canum California Fuschsia Epilobium canum California Fuschsia Frangula californica ' Mound San Bruno' Coffeeberry Jucus patens California Gray Rush Juncus patens California Gray Rush Lepechinia calycina White Pitcher Sage Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass Muhlenbergia rigens Deer grass Penstemon heterophyllus 'Catherine de la Mare' Foothill Penstemon Penstemon heterphyllus Foothill Penstemon Philadelphus lewisii Wild Mock Orange Prunus ilicifolia lyonii Catalina Cherry Psuedostuga menzii Douglas Fir Quercus chyrsolepsis Canyon Live Oak, Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak Quercus chyrsolepsis Canyon Live Oak, Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak Quercus chyrsolepsis Canyon Live Oak, Maul Oak, Golden Cup Oak Quercus lobata Valley Oak, California White Oak Quercus wislizenii Interior Live Oak Ribes sanguineum Red Flowering Currant Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy Salvia 'Black Lace' Black Lace Sage •• Salvia 'Black Lace' Black Lace Sage Salvia melifera Black Sage, Honey Sage Salvia sonomensis Sanoma Sage/Creeping Sage Salvia spathacea Hummingbird Sage Sidalce malviflora Checkerbloom Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Vitis californica California Wild Grape PERENNIALS: Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow Achillea millefolium Yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Summer Wine' Yarrow Agapanthus praecox orientalis Lily-Of-The-Nile Agastache foeniculum "Golden Jubilee" Giant Hyssup "Golden Jubilee" Albuca shawii Albuca Alcea rosea Hollyhock, various shades of pink Alcea rosea & Alcea rosea Hollyhocks, Fordhook Giants Alcea rosea ‘Creme de Cassis’ Hollyhocks Alstroemeria Peruvian Lily (pink) Alstroemeria hybrid (cultivar unknown) pink Alstroemeria Alstroemeria x hybrid Peruvian Lily, tall red Amaryllis belladonna Naked Lady (pink) Anemon x hybrida (double pink) Japanese Anemone Anemone x hybrida Honorine Jobert Japanese Anemone Antirrhinum sp Snapdragon Antirrhinum sp Snapdragon Aquilegia Columbine hybrid, either yellow or double Aquilegia & Aquilegia Columbine (white) Artemisia ' Powis Castle' Wormwood Asphodeline lutea Jacob's Rod, Yellow Asphodel, King's Spear Asphodeline lutea Jacob's Rod, Yellow Asphodel, King's Spear Asphodeline lutea Jacob's Rod/Yellow Asphodel/King's Spear Aster cordifolius Aster Aster novi-belgii Michaelmas Daisy Aster novi-belgii 'Lady in Blue' New York Aster/Michaelmas Daisy Aster novi-belgii ' October Glory' Michaelmas Daisy Begonia aconitifolia × Begonia coccinea Angel Wing Begonia Begonia grandis Hardy Begonia Begonia grandis evansiana Hardy Begonia Brunnera macrophylia Bugloss Centranthus ruber Jupiter's Beard Cephalaria gigantea Cephalaria Chrysnathemum x grandiflorum (cultivar unknown) mauveFlorests' Chrysanthemum Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-Valley Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Coreopsis Craspedia globosa Drum sticks/Billy Buttons Cyrtomium polypodiaceae Japanese Holly Fern Dianthus caryophyllus 'Pink Feathers' Carnation/Clove Pink Dianthus chinensis 'Diana Lavender Picotee' Chinese Pink, Rainbow Pink Dianthus deltoides 'Pink Feather' Maiden Pink Diascia integerrima 'Coral Canyon' Twinspur Dietes iridiodes Fortnight Lily, African Iris Echinacea purpurea Coneflower Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' Wallflower Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Leatherleaf spurge Euphorbia characias wulfenii Mediterranean Spurge, Evergreen Spurge Euphorbia characias wulfenii Euphorbia Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Arizona Apricot' Blanket Flower Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Arizona Sun' Blanket Flower Gaura lindheimeri Gaura Gaura lindheimeri Gaura (white) Gaura lindheimeri Gaura (pink) Gaura lindheimeri (pink) Gaura (pink) Gaura lindheimeri (pink) Gaura (pink) Gaura lindheimeri (white) Gaura (white) Gaura lindheimeri (white) Gaura (white) Gaura lindheimeri (white) Gaura (white) Geranium sanguineum (violet color) Bloody Cranesbill Geum chiloensis 'Mrs. J. Bradshaw' Avens Geum coccineum Avens (red) Geum coccineum Avens (gold) Geum coccineum 'Totally Tangerine' Avens Helianthus mollis Downy Sunflower Helianthus verticillatus Giant Whorled Sunflower
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