'....1118 ...NEW add IMPROVED

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TODD FUQUA James Paxton retained his seat /[email protected] School board winners: Gladden and with 364 votes. In other unopposed elections, ffilcials in the Capitan school Salas in Ruidoso; Vinson in Capitan Denise Hillancl. Wallace Ferguson district can breathe a bit each retained their seats on the Oeasier, as voters by a wide Carrizozo School Board, while margin passed a mill levy which elections were school board Vice­ School Board, 350-99, while Kerry Dennis Nosker and James Cooper provides a good'deal of funding for President Ed Vinson, who defeated Gladden defeated Paul Vorder­ were elected to board positions in the district. Brian Newell for Position 2, with mann, 307-143, for the Position 5 Hondo. Hondo also overwhelming­ The mill levy, which Super­ 237 votes to Newell's 124. James seat. ly passed a bond question. intendent Shirley Crawford said is Fields, running unopposed for ENMU: Phillips defeats Reed In Corona. James Smith .(1 It;;, projected to provide $500,000, is Position I, retained his seat with retained his seat, and voters i i':: not related to bond issues which 321 votes. On the Eastern New Mexico passed their mill levy question. were defeated by, Capitan district In Ruidoso elections, Rafael University-Ruidoso college board, All election results are unofficial I voters in 2007 and 2008. Salas defeated John Sims for his Susan Phillips narrowly defeated until canvassing by the Magistrate ~ Also winning in the Capitan Position 4 seat on the Ruidoso Andrea Reed, 237-205, while Court on Friday. GRAND SLAM OF APROMOTlIfN LCDC

6A EDUCATION guard booked JULIE CARTER JCtlrtn{dJnlldoso"t'IVI,com

A guard at the Lincoln County Detention Center was arrested. Jan. 27, after officers from the Lincoln County Drug Task Force confirmed she was bringing cocaine into the jail. Suzanne A. Anderson, 53, of Ruidoso Downs, has been charged with six crirn­ 4A OPINION inal counts that include possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) .nth the intent to distribute, bringing the drug into a prison, attempting to fur­ nish the drug to a prison­ ens), conspiracy to commit a crime and possessing smoking contraband (to­ bacco and lighting devices! within the confines of the . prison. According to the crimi­ 48 LINCOLN nal complaint filed in Ruidoso Magistrate Court, COUNlY drug task force officers were operating on a tip that t, I '\ iJ!k . Anderson would be bring­ DWIIlE ST~UIDOSO IEWS ing the narcotics into the i,~elfon1f Denny'S restaurants. incltlding Ihe local outlet in Ruidoso Downs. were jammed Tuesday with patrons hungry to take advantage of the detention center during her restauranl chain's Grand Slam breakfast giveaway. Denny's announced in acommercial Sunday during the Super Bowl thaI it would give away evening shift at the facility. ils signature breakfast from 6am until 2p.m local lime Tuesday at all its restaurants in the US. Canada and Puerto Rico. Awaitress, identi­ Task force officers met lied only as Yvette from Las Cruces, abeve, helped out atlhe local reslaurant because the Las Cruces restaurant IS undergoing remodeling Anderson in the lobby of LCDC and requested that she surrender the contra­ band. County works on fire A package seized in the Ruidoso'sfleet aging arrest contained cigarette protection ordinance tobacco. two lighters. two DIANNE STALUNGS new vehicles. packages of cigarette rol­ INDEX dstallings@n,idoIotUWl.com Camp was reporting • It might nor be as development because of the ling papers and a bag con­ in response to a request restrictive ;L'i Ruidoso" costs. He doesn't want to taining 3 grams of white C~i6edso 7,88 Ruidoso owns a fleet of from Councilor James interfere with people's pri­ powder. which field tested DIANNE SlAU.lNl;S positive for cocaine. Comics 68 aging vehicles, many Stoddard, who attended vate property and their with substantially high the council session by liJttllh"gJta' TJl u l ll.I(' IIt' II " ,tim options for land usc. he Anderson was booked Community Page .. 2A mileage, and ifa replace- conference call. said. and transported to the ment rotation isn'timple- "1 did an inventory 10 A draft of a possible Parks said the ordi­ Otero County Detention C~oni 68 mented, the danger of a months ago and updated wildland/urban interface nance would not cover the Center Charges for ber fleet failure exist.'l. .it with a mileage eompar- ordinance will be sent to whole county. Just a alleged crimes an- first, S<'C­ Education 6A ·We're approaching ison,"Cl)Dlp saill_'The two Li-ncoln County adviso­ defined area of urban/wild­ ond and fourth degree fel­ Letters...... •.•. : 4A fleet failure," saldVillage. viIlageowns 163 vehicles. ry boards forsuggestions a" land interface laid out in a orues along with a misde­ Public Works' DiltIctor The average mileage ill the county attorney. plan­ Community Wildland .fro­ meaner for the smoking UncolD County 48 Randall Camp. ·Over. 111,000 and ~ ure more ning director "l,d erner­ tecuon PIlIn already adopt­ contraband half lire more tlilInfive thantlweyears old, 75are gency ser\'ll'CS"~~J:ordinator ed by the county. Court documents.. show a Obituaries 58 years old. WebvetolO!!k mote than 10 years and work on a \,(I~l..ur~ to pre­ Count, Attorne, Alan number of truffic violations OpUUon.. , 4A seriously' at replacing 32 are more than 15 senr to t'O~nt)·-, 4bmmL lI\\"'l';.~ I'hmnnlUl Thrn ll b<\.'IlC lUotl\'UtlUU IS (" .'nu.' l'\luld be ~ll..l'tlted to \loU oftil.> 0\\1 sdl",,1 W1l8 C\\~ I.\U~ ~ tlllmmU;e liro It\1lger. he ,,\l\l'r .tail-llud ~uPP~' _ts tllt.od In l'\\lU't l'll:tober200..'\. o o blattt,~lltlO W\\..'


7 ,1

%FPNESllAV, FEU. 4, 2009 I PAGE ZA • RUIDOSO NEWS S~rVice. Workshop slated .Revenue Help has > the inUSSUlD is the only fee , a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a been offered nationwide for for.the program. Museum week. Admission to the Ruidoso Village coun­ the 41 years and in the members are admitted Museum is $6 for adults, cilors will meet at 4:30 Ruidoso area for the past without charge. and reduced admission for p.m., Feb. 17, for a work­ 19 years. Sanchez and Vanderhye senior citizens and youth. shop on village goals. The The help begins Thurs- invested years of their lives Sanchez also is sched­ session willbe conductedin day at the Ruidoso Senior researching and talking uled for a presentation in councilchambers at Village Center and runs through about the fort, and they will Las Cruces. A DVD on the Hall, 313 Cree Meadows Feb. 11. Come to the center share their experiences, fort will be shown at both

Drive. < on Thursdays and Fridays information and stories. programs along with specif­ A second workshop is set from 1 - 4 p.m. and Satur- Vanderhye also amassed ic artifacts. for 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26, to days from 9 a.m, - noon. an impressive collection of discuss the village's finan­ guns and sabers. Health care talk cial, procurement, person­ 'Guns and Roses' The program coincides nel and information tech­ with a special exhibit that Tom Lindsey, a general nology policies 8'nd proce­ The Hubbard Museum runs through March 8 surgeon at Lincoln County dures. of the American West will about the history of-Fort Medical Center, shared his present a special program . Stanton, established in insights about the coun­ Tax help by author and historian 1855. The exhibit, "Fort try's medical care with Lynda Sanchez and local Stanton: An American attendees at the January Free tax preparation historian Tad Vanderhye, Journey," features original meeting of the Federated TOM LINDSEY/COURTESY GENEVIEVE J. DUNCAN will be offeredto all middle- titled, "Guns and Roses: artifacts and photographs Republican Women of Lin­ sible to give everyone Dr. Lindsey, whose to low-income individuals The Many Facets of Fort of the fort from its incep- coln County at K-Bob's. everything they want father and" grandfather and families ofall ages.The Stanton." tion-to the present day. He emphasized the com­ (under universal health- were physicians, quoted his help comes from volunteer The program is set for 2 The Hubbard Museum .plexity of medical systems care)," Lindsey said. grandfather from a remark tax councilors and auxil- p.m., Feb. 7, in till' ,Johnny of the American West is that include 40 percent pri­ He also discussed the offered before he passed iary personnel under the and Marty Cope Learning located at 841 Highway vate insurance, primarily problem of attracting and away at age 98: "Health auspices of AARP in coop- Center at the museum. The U.S. 70 West in Ruidoso employer-based, 40 percent keeping doctors in rural care will be good when peo­ eration with the Internal regular admission fee to Downs, and is open from 9 government programs such areas; New Mexico has half pie pay for it themselves !T()daY's-Weather--B-;:~~~htTO Yo~B;:'- as Medicare and Medicaid, the national average of doc- again." Iand 20 percent uninsured. tors per capita. The next FRWLC meet- In discussing universal It's not possible to pre- ing is set for noon, Feb. 23, health care such as in diet what the government at K-Bob's. Canada, England and Swe- will do, but Lindsey said, - Genevieve Duncan -den, he explained thallhe "cnange-'is iiievitiilile- be- . reality of those systems, cause we can't afford to Red Cross drive "which nobody talks continue" in the current about," requires rationing direction. The speaker Representatives of the services and denying those mentioned that a federal American Red Cross are over age 65 dialysis and marketplace for insurance conducting a new'volunteer cancer treatments. products would lower pre- orientation Feb. 14, at the "People are not used to miums, He said insurance Angus Chureh in Alto. that in this country, but it companies are monitored The airrristo re-estab­ just isn't economically pus· by state government agen- lisha local Recl-Cress pres­ cies, so free-market compe- ence in Lincoln County. Local 3-Day Forecast See Us At: www.ruldosonews.com 257-9444 257-203S tition is limited. The session will run from 9/ Wed Thu Fri The doctor listed five a.rn, to 11 a.m., WIth regis­ 2/4 2/5 2/6 questions voters must ask tration at 8:45 a.m, at !Jl3 themselves: Bonito Parks Rd. .::". • Are we guaranteed the The session will cover -~ .- '1\\' right to health care? the history, structure, ser- . • Who should pay for . vices:Programs and vol un­ 58/35 61/40 61/39 health care - employers, in- - teer -opportunities of the MALL COP RATED PG Sunny Highs In the upper50s and Sunny, HighsIn the low 60s and Plentyof sun, HighsIn the low 60s 4-45 6;50 9 15 dividuals or government? American Red Cross. After lows In the mid 30s lows In the low 40s and lows In the upper30s GRANO TORINO RATEDR • Should there be one that, those interested in 440 1!05 935 system? volunteering as disaster VAlKRlE RATEDPG-13 • Howdo wejustify sub- services workers can. Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset AlS 110 9'AO sidies and loss of tax attend an Introductory Dis-. j :_~.. 5:3~~ . 6:55AM 5:3S PM 654 AM 5:39PM: . '.' , I• / exemptions at the same asterServices course- cal­ I .~!Et8 .We Cl'lebmtr Honunoux: Life . '?" time? . ied "Fulfilling Our.,Mis- • Can we control admin- sion,"ending at 2:30p.m, 1 H:. I.' .,. -Storle5foranda.bQuthomeroWTlSjustkkcyoUrl. Looldo.rus,eac~;~_~~l$~r, ;~~~ I istration of the health care; Sign up in advance.. I system? through Tuesday by-calling :New Mexico At A Glance Moon Phases 505-262-9172 or bye-mail: wi [email protected].: - . org.., Santa Fe o First Full Correction 53/27 0 Feb 2 Feb9 In Friday's story about AlbuqUerque. Andrew Wyeth. Denys 62/34 McCoy isthe son ofAndrew Last New Wyeth's sister Ann, not Feb 16 Feb 25 Carolyn. Also. Wyeth died at age 91, not 81. UV Index Ruidoso ~ 58/35 • Wed 2/4 Moderate Roswell Thu 2/5 5 Moderate 65/28 Las Cruces Fri 2/6 5 Moderate 67/35 The UV Index IS measured ona 0·11 number scale, WIth ahigher UV Index shOWIng the need 'orgreater skin pro- tecuon 0 ;Z::J 11

Area Clti~' [!ill ¥I i'El9efVm t.:.;.;·n~W¥1illimnfo-~lr7?;J ~·1t'\:r~D~~m~ n~ ~- q I : 'Alamogordo 68 33 sunny Grants 59 21 sunny Santa Fe 53 27 sunny 'Albuquerque 62 34 sunny Guymon. OK 66 33 sunny Santa Rosa 67 34 sunny i Carlsbad 65 31 sunny Hobbs 66 30 sunny SIlver City 58 24 sunny Chama 45 20 sunny Las Cruces 67 35 sunny Socorro 65 33 sunny I ClOVIs 62 31 sunny las Vegas 58 26 sunny SI Johns. AZ 63 22 sunny : Dermnq 67 28 sunny LordSburg 68 32 sunny Taos 51 17 sunny EI Paso, TX 69 37 sunny Lubbock. TX 65 31 sunny 'reraoao. CO 61 30 sunny , Espanola 61 30 sunny Odessa. TX 68 35 sunny Truthor Consq 64 35 sunny ; Farmington 53 25 sunny Raton 60 25 sunny Tucson. Al 79 48 mSlsuntly Gallup . 57 20 sunny Roswell 65 28 sunny • Tucumcan 63 30 sunny.

. National Cities '\I Ity HI Lo Condo City HI Lo Condo . I mOla 40:I.,.sunny Houston 65 39 sunny Phoenix BO 48 mst sunny ; Boston 22 9 sn snower 78 52 pt suMy San Francisco 69 47 eloudy ~ 16 7 pI sunny Mtaml 67 .al sunny Seatne 55 41 cloudy , Dallas .i'61 38 suMy Minneapolis '6 9 cloudy St LOUIS 30 18 pt sunny ! Denver .", 60 34 SUnny New YQtk 23 13 sn shower Washington, DC 27 17 sn shower

'iFWS ROO \I llISPIW ADVERTlSI~(j IlWmc SL1Illap ("om! \\").'I1lllrnl~'l',n" (,j \100 1aIdJ\gl'= ofl'Ollll b~ is OUR llu.Wa, ht.illtnl:ilft,rultkNlI'lf\\'I.. -1111 DbncGrtmIIUoa \t~1'1II\1 hf\\ltl\\ vv ,',.j, Il).l Pui "\'\'1lUt'.P <.) &" I..!! RijIJ~lIoll'" S M. 11141 .... Todd Fuqua 1\l.,.'-l'1\'~ Lltll..II1\\I' nhfl1' bl HIN IliJJltK'U01~~,.,t~1l td~. ~ -lOt~1 ~ o \fk I' .<\) .!. 4; _ F...., l'-s\ 2.. 'll' \ ,dill 'I ,"l1!oll,'~oAt'''.· '1" Tammllm ,,"., 1.m hi" '.II\'l '\- !~t~ ,,~n \I~l' UtrraD "'{'IIf1'nlJII'{ t\l II \ I fUlllll:W,ltlt'\' 11m' FlTtw,\fiK PI lit bllU f.\' ,I I' J. Cral&"~ ''it"" J,l~" ,~ "111l\. "'" It''''''', .- "1\ )ull< (uttr ,1'.1U."'+tl·Wl\t'Cl\.~~ 'ft' • J,;. '~ •• _ I ,\:Il...... ; '\ 'f\ ~, .' lra,U~

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RUIDOSO NEWS _ [ ON PAGE 4A WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 RUIDOSO NEWS I r Terry J. Fitzwater, publisher Marty Racine, editor

A,\1t,'lhaScw" (;nlup :'\cwspaper Pubh~hcd l'Vt'!)' \X'l'dnl'~day ami Fnday • at 104 Park Avenue. Killdo...o, :>";cw Mcxicu OUR Capitan cell tower a monument of sorts Did anyone learn anything during process? n posting a council agenda, late. Sure, one trustee accept­ no mayor or representative ed the blame for notconsider­ I is obligated to inform their ing the wishes of the citizens, constituents- .that such-and- and the mayor said he'd such item is'''reallYimportant; attempt to negotiate an exit Do"~ McLeod 0'1 so you might consider attend- strategy. r-'c leod"[email protected]' "ing-llilsmeettng:" . But, again, it·was -too-late. Thus, when a community, Facing $60,000 in order to YOUR lor whatever reason, slips out back out of the lease, Capitan of the habit of staying inform- rightly went with the tower. ed and holding its public offi- To everyone's credit, the Clary column was not 'Clary' cials accountable, stuff hap- needle is 40 feet shorter than pens. first proposed. And it's colored To the editor: years'! How did that work out'! and economic crisis t.hat the So it did a year ago, when a dull, non-reflective gray. I IVAS VERY SURPRlSED to read Perhaps if we had not an ille­ country is in. Consensus only the Village of Capitan and And no one can argue the the blatant editorial printed on gal war costing trillions, a cor­ exists in the opinion that. any Plateau Telecommunications': village doesn't need a boost in the Religion page by Charles ropt Wall St.reet., -laissez faire solution will cost a lot of money ­ entered into an agreement w communications.. Clary. market.place and the fact we billions, in fact; mayhe trillions. place a cell tower in a residen- In the end, maybe the Tow- I count. Mr. Clary as a friend. gave the wealthy more tax cuts, And politicians being what. they tial neighborhood. er of Babble will be a standing I have enjoyed many discussions we may not be in t.his situation. are, t.heir overarching concern is When word got around to monument to the need for a with him in person and have I also seem to recall Mr. Bush not. necessarily the good of t.he angry residents, it was too little civic involvement. liked reading his column the past inherited a surplus when he took coun try but t.he debt. they owe to few years. But, last Friday was office. t.heir campaign cont.ributors and clearly not Clary. At least. Mr. Obama is trying how to posit.ion themselves for Brackish water deserves The teaching of Jesus is not to do something and even asking the next election. And t.he incred­ one of exclusion. The belief of input. from Republicans, unlike ible sums of money they so freely Christianity is not one of the last administration, spent. ult.imately come out t.he study .; and oversight "weapons." Those are t.he words We are awaiting your sugges­ pockets of the taxpayer.. e Legislature should give demand for water elsewhere in of Mr. Clary in his editorial opin­ tions and solutions, Mr. Duncan. As of today - Jan. :n. - the the State Engineer a han­ the state will have decreased so ion last Friday. Howard Macken national debt stands at.$10.6 tril­ TI. dIe on brackish water. that. other water sources will be I posted an opinion online. [ Nogal lions in round numbers, and is Land agencies are seeing a ris­ available? That. the cities of left a message on Charles' tele­ increasing at a rate of $ 3.1 bil­ ing tide of applications, a new Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Rio phone t.hat this is not a piece of Debt rising lion a day. As stated above, I am kind ofJand rush, to grab water Rancho won't have also grown? legislation that promotes homo­ no financial wizard, but. a long that was considered worthless That irrigated agriculture will sexualit.y. Even if it was, does To t.he editor: business career has taught me until need and technology put no longer need river water for i Jesus teach us to hate homosexu­ No ONE COVill CALL me a t.hat being in debt can be a seri­ a price on it. crops?" als? Does Jesus teach us to pre­ financial expert, nor can I claim ous problem. The immediate Thomson, who is clude those who love each other? any formal t.raining in econom­ Yet the debate about fixing need is on Albuquer- director of UNM's We have laws that. allow deci­ ics. So, while I have no problem our current economic problems is . que's West Mesa Water Resources sions to be made by a spouse, but seeing the causes of the current. mostly about how to drast.ically and in the Rio Program, argues what if there is no "license of economic downturn/financial cri­ increase t.he national debt. Sure, Puerco Valley of that. we need to marriage." [I' there is an "anti­ sis, when it comes to providing a money is going to provide some Sandoval County, think further out homosexual" or push to make solution to it, I feel woefully relief t.o Americans, but is t.he where drillers have t.han 100years for same-sex marriage against the unqualified. So I resort to the c~st. to the nation worth it? With identified new reser­ resident.ial develop" laws of t.his land, maybe we next best thing: I listen to, and the lack of consensus amongst voirs. But consider ment, which will need should eliminate the laws t.hat read, the experts. Asit.turns out, t.he experts and in Washington that New Mexico water indefinitely. give special consideration to mar­ they are of little help. on how to spend the money, and has an estimated 15 SHERRY ROBINSON Peter Sanchez is ried couples. First, there are the panel the reckless rosh to action of the billion acre-feet of CEO of Atrisco Oil & The teaching of Jesus is not debates on the various network last. few months, we have plenty brackish water, and Gas, which found sexual. It. is all people, all races, channels. There is a host. - him­ to worry about.. we use about 4 million acre-feet brackish water west of Albu­ all beliefs. What this country has selfusually a recognized expert ­ See The National Debt. Clock a year. querque while looking for natur­ done is preclude those who live who presides over a panel of at. www.brillig.com. It's too big a resource to leave al gas. He says t.hat his compa­ together wit.hout the license of varying size that. is made up of E. D. (Eric) Ehrich to chance. ny is well aware of t.hose limita­ matrimony. Homosexual or not., pundits of the world of finance Nogal In 2003, people packed a con­ tions. Local governments al­ t.hose couples love each other. and economics. There are stock ference held in Hobbs on desali­ ready weigh available resources Our polit.ical belief has clouded brokers, financial consultants, Inauguration a blast nation, organized by experts in approving new subdivisions. our Biblical belief. We should bankers, ex-FED presidents, from Sandia National Labora­ "It is unrealist.ic to think t.hat. believe in t.he troe justice of love. Wall Street Journal cont.ributors To the editor: tories. Speakers talked about discoveries of brackish water In t.hat, what. are t.he rights of and more; all recognized shining TilE DEMOCRATIC Part.y of opportunities, costs and issues. are going to automatically those who suffer? Can t.he t.roe lights of t.heir profession and aca­ Lincoln County host.ed an One of those issues was jurisdic­ result in an acceleration of love of a couple be hindered by demic background. The t.rouble Obama Inaugural Celebrat.ion at. tional conflict: A variety of state home development: he writes. the laws'}They are now. is, t.hey can never agree. The t.he Hotel Ruidoso the evening of and federal agencies have their Sanchez supports regulat.ion Charles Clary's articles have dehates quickly degenerate into Jan. 20. It. was a blast.! hands in oversight of brackish - sensible, balanced regulation given a wonderful comment on shouting matches that, wit.h lit­ We had lots to eat and drink: water and water produced by - of deep-water discoveries, how we can include Jesus' teach­ tle oversight. from t.he host, and gave out :30 door prizes the oil and gas industry. because it.protects t.he compa­ ing in our lives, until now. You become unintelligible because which were donated by t.he fol­ Notably, the State Engineer ny's investment and could even have given him an editorial everyone talks at once. In fact, lowing local companies and peo­ does not have jurisdiction over stimulate new discoveries. forum in which he directs read­ rather than play referee, t.he host ple: Casa Feliz; Shrimpy's non-potable water deeper than So what, then, is the promise ers to t.he most one-sided, most happily participates in the free­ Shrimp & Wing Shack; Good.­ 2,500 feet. In the eyes of anyone of brackish water? It's st.ill valu­ intolerant. "Christian" in t.he for-all. To.Go; Coffee Pronto; Allen with a use for water, this able, Thomson and Sanchez media, .Iames Dobson. Further­ So [ sit there and ask myself, Theatres; The Wild Herb Mar­ becomes "new water." It's not agree. Thomson suggests using more, he uses the words: "Prayer why do [ even watch t.his, and ket; Chuy's Speed Shop & Kwik exactly new; brackish water is the reservoirs during periods of is our most. powerful weapon." where is good old Major Roberts Lube; Sierra Blanca Molor Com- the last remnant of ancient drought.. They could funcuon Sounds like an editorial of intol- and his Rules of Orner, when we , pany; Cornerstone Bakery Cafe; oceans, trapped deep under­ like a bank, in which we with­ erance to me. ' need him') Evergreen Cleaners; Candy Bou­ ground. draw water during dry spells In Clary's own words, as we The writ.ten sources, of course, quet; Copper Bear Gallery; Bru­ Brackish water is I more I and replenish them dunng wet can help others for today, there is lack the entertainment aspect of nell's Mountain Clothing & Rui­ complicated water. It's not periods. hope for tomorrow. Don't exclude the networks but you can sample doso Outdoors; Mountllin.Arts entirely clear who owns it. [I We haven't entirely figured them for their belief. orientation 'the wisdom of the writers with­ Gallery & Framing; Kum..,Krit­ may be the landowner, the out what happens to the stuff 'or marital status out nil the confusion of the panel ters: R.J. Welch; Th,· Bav Wm­ owner of mmeral rights, or the removed in treatment Salt and Nrol Jnnes shows. But again. there are these dow Boutique: Lucy &. ~;thel's; first person to find it. minerals might have a value , RUlClfk'i() widely differing and conflicting The Tangled Manl'; lind Land­ And before you consider that C9uld offset the cost of de­ views. mostly. but not always locked Restaurant. putting a spoon Into this broth. salination, but there IVlII also be Already a problem diverging along political lines Thanks to all Ih., volunteers there IS the matter of geolOh'lC waste. Obviously. more study is And once more. the writers an' whn worked lor weeks to make reality. TheSe reserveirs are m order To the editor: all experts In their field. learned the amlllh",menbl fur thl' party. finite; they don'\ l'l'Charge from This IS oneof those b.11s that HELLO, Um.'G Dt1N('J\N lIet­ men and women with MBA., To 1111 the Ill·mocn.!.•. and espe­ rain or from surface wawr 1'se• should pass beeausse• ,t makes ten< 1-2'.HI!h, "'\' UF\' In trouble m PhDs and. presumably, eommen­ emily the Repubh,'lIrul, who gave "them up nod they're gone ""1\se. but IU the combustloo of case you haven't neneed, and not 8uraWly weal~. And here I am, the....•h'lftsand 1.'111 \wbficutes for Sandoval Count)· and us a ...."""on fo"used on lh.· budg<>t, because of lUI,y allegi.'I! FURI­ wurrying about the tlmk.ng \If pnzes, we gn'lltlv apprt'Clllle this ~r Cll~ .re\-elopers to ,t" oneuf thow bill. that can Obuma poheres, my retiwment lima_ and nndlllll WI)' h'l'n.,rull._ le""l of communi­ ~ support l101JU/atiun of300.000 get tOOlt. It sheuldn'\. The Stat., Arll yuu811ggl.'lItl811 "'l'h~ 110Jlll!lla,. ~v '"ppUR m Ih\'lit' tuugh ,'I.... tOr lllO ye'Q1'\I. l'ivtl eDg\llWr Enguwer'Ihould be the IMt lUlIgIC of the murltctpllltll.· IL' Wbat's nWl\' cmmeus }~t L_ nouue times. Bruce T\'tom$m a.:W. ·What word on tim! wawr R\\Qald Reagan used to cull il, thut lIur It'lldc..,. m WlIShmgton NikkI .\1urpJl,v happel\':l theo~ lkl propllWnb of e Nvu,' ltV.lIroNvw. &1'\'''''. wtll bwI lIS OUI? Didn'\ IV\' hu.... ha~ $lnutar dlmigT\'IllUcnl:i ll,- to ( Iiwi' Ph.,,,, Gutlw..:r thi:I..rewlopmenlthinlte;that the 20W • tlull m~'S tOr the la..it ~igb\ what to dl> uboul the ~ lo....WlJ&,l I - .-.----'-~-;---

WEDNJ;SDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 weAL NEWS. RI meso NEWS • PAGE SA Assessor weighs in on nightly rentals I DIANNE STAllINGS tion of nonresidential isn't . said those under a prop,erty Tom Battin said the issue [email protected] the same as commercial, he manager pay, but many fly- is of "great concern" to "I think some still are said. . ing under the radar and Realtors. While the debate in "It's not commercial, it's handled by the owners do "I imagine all of us had .kind ofupset, because they Ruidoso rages over wheth­ nonresidential. They were not collector report the tax. calls about it," the chair- er nightly rentals are a res­ upset because nonresiden­ "Weare trying to lind all man said. "I know some -think the property taxes will ·idential or commercial use, tial is assessed at a higher who do rent out nightly or people can't afford to own the county assessor said tax rate," Baca said. "I weekly, because many (a house iii Ruidoso), ifthey I go way up. They willgo up, the rules are clear.' asked for an opinion from don't go through man- can't rent it out. They may but not that much. " Lincoln County Assessor Alan (Morel, county attor­ agers," he said. "They rent have to adjust rental rates I Paul Bacatold county com­ ney) and a multiple use through the Internet and to accommodate the addi- missioners last week he property should be as­ we don't know who they tional (property tax and -PaulBaca met with members of the sessed based on its predom­ are." lodgers tax) cost." I Board of Realtors to discuss inant use. Some of these Morel said the issue will Commissioner Eileen I "1•••11I . classification of nightly are not even rented a full rest on the definition of Lovelace Sedillo said a cer- I rental property. six months." "predominant use." tain number of people with offered to reduce his taxes. sidy, they should include a "They have rental prop­ Ruidoso village officials "I don't know if case law a business always will a­ Commissioners rejected note in each tax bill indi­ erty in Ruidoso that we are working on an ordi­ exists on the issue, so will void reporting. adoption of an ordinance eating the opportunity ex­ have classified as residen­ nance that may change be interesting," he said, In another county as­ providing a low-income tax ists to request a subsidy tial and is rented out by the some of the property uses adding that he's checking sessment issue, Baca said rebate as a county option. and the taxpayer can in­ night or the week," he said. and definitions, he said. for cases outside of New his appraisers have walked Other taxpayers have to elude money above his tax Such use requires the prop­ "I think some still are Mexico for guidance. the property along the make up any loss in taxes. bill to cover the charity for erty be reclassified as non­ kind of upset, because they He explained that rent- Ruidoso River damaged by Only one county out of the people who want the residential, he said. think the property taxes ing to the same person for a July 27 flood. 33 adopted the ordinance help, "So we sent out letters will go way up," Baca said. more than 30 consecutive "We've been in Ruidoso and that was Los Alamos, Baca said in a change of asking rental property "They will go up, but not nights does not fall under for a week," he said. "We County Manager Tom rules this year, peoplernak­ managers to (help identify that much." lodgers tax. "If less, it can probably will have a loss in Stewart said, adding, "I ing $32,000 or less, are 65 the property I, so we could Residential tax rates are be," he said. "It may be a 'value. A couple of houses think there are few low- or older or disabled, can :cbange the. classification," $25.60 per .thousand dOL­ !!l.Jlt4!r of .proJl~r Iicen8ing have to be rerrlOved from income people in Los Ala- apply for a .freeze ontheir .. Baca said. "We thought lars of property value, to gather lodgers tax. We the tax rolls, but we in­ mos. . property valuation for as they were being rented for while nonresidential is $31 don't issue business licens- creased the value over the "Sandoval County tried long as they stay there. the full year, which they per thousand dollars. es in the county, so it's even last year, so I think we will it for a year and dropped it "We've had about 25 are not. State statutes say Commissioner Jackie harder than in Ruidoso." be OK" when the effects dramati- applications," he said. In to be residential, property Powell asked if the nightly The State Taxation and Commissioner Dave cally cut into the income of previous years, the income must be permanently resi­ rentals paid lodger's tax Revenue Department may Parks said oneUpper Can­ the county." . . level was less and most dential, not for transient and Commissioner Don not help with enforcement, yon owner called him Capitan resident Duane applications were denied, use." Wil-liams, who also is a the attorney said. thrilled that someone'from Williams said if comrnis- "but I don't think we will be However, a classifica- Ruidoso village. councilor, Commission Chairman the tax assessor's office sioners adopted the sub- able to this year." Palmer: school bus accident 'preventable DIANNE STALLINGS around playing tag." superintendent for the guidelines," White said safe. One of things we checking might help allevi­ dsfllllings(a>midmoll(ws.(01f/ About 180 children, Ruidoso School District, Thursday. "The children in talked about was having ate the problem, she said. from pre-school age to high said she met Wednesday Ponderosa Heights all the police patrol, because "I just want to stress we The president of the school, are served by three with members of the come down to Mechem Dr. cars should stop when a always are concerned about Mescalero Apache Tribe buses that pick them up at Mescalero Education Com­ partly' because the roads bus is picking up and safety. whether buses or contends an accident in­ designated stops and trans­ mittee. are narrow, steep and unloading kids." anything," White said. "We volvinga 6-year-oldchild at port them to Ruidoso. "We talked about it and winding; even Alpine An emphasis on enforce­ were very concerned about a· school bus stop could "The Ruidoso bus ser­ looked at all the bus stops, Village is picked up (at the ment of state laws with the accident Monday and have been avoided Monday, vice refuses to go into the including those in Ruidoso, bottom of the road). some warnings and fines thankful the little boy is all if the bus route ran through subdivision as was the for­ and we follow the state "We always want to be initially and then sporadic right." reservation subdivisions. mer arrangement," Palmer President Carleton contended, adding that if Naiche-Palmer said under the service was not allocat­ his predecessor Mark ed enough money for that type of pickup, the state Chino, school buses from < Ruidoso were not allowed should make up the differ­ .\ \. to enter the reservation as ence. a way of encouraging en­ But Matt Bryant, owner rollment in the Mescalero of 'Lincoln Transportation School system. Inc., said the safety of chil­ dren always trumps cost Policy rescinded and the arrangement was ''When I was elected, I based on how other chilo rescinded that policy and . dren attending Ruidoso opened it up again," Pal­ schools are picked up by mer said. "Kenny Blazer school buses. from the Tularosa (School "Ninety-eight percent of District bus operation) the routes are just like picks up the children at this," he said Thursday. their homes in the subdivi­ All school bus stops are sions, but not Ruidoso. I evaluated for safety and want the Carrizo people to e1pciency, he said. "We're • understand it is not the tri­ mandated to run efficient­ bal administration causing ly." When the buses were ust the bus not to go into the allowed back into the reser­ i $ residences." vation, Bryant said to meet 95 Instead, parents drop off the mandate. he handled per month their children at a central the route like most of the pickup point on White Ruidosodistrict. Mountain Road and Pal­ Number-one concern mer Loop. Free installation! "It's also a road with fast "But it always comes traffic," Palmer said. "Peo­ down to the safety of stu­ ple are leaving for work at dents," Bryant said. "That's the same time the children our number-one concern. go to the bus stop. When ahead of dollars. I'm happy C"'J get Full Basic Cable with the best programming the parents drive up, they the student is recovering -,E:.';~ try to find a place to park. A and not seriously injured." lot of kids are running Patty White, associate E plus 7.5 Mb High Speed Internet service ~N INTEWGENT NUTRIENTS -. and Home Phone service with Unlimited U.S. Long Distance CERTIFIED ORGANIC ·HEALTH AND BEAUTY Best deal! For only S15 more a month, add Digital now available at Service plus up to 18 channels of Showtime &The Movie Channel :g['WDME ~ita'4 . and increase your Internet speed to 10Mb! \ ' UNUMIJtD.

Or. enJoy special pnclng for Digital Gable TV. High Speed Internet or Home PhonolSef\ ,,'~ , $b.@'tk%U. . with Unlimited US long Distance. sold separately. startll1Q as low as $25 95.-month 257·2381 no contract requlI8d. Order Todayl Offer ends soon!

llI:J~d!IIlIIIl~·«:t~~_aMo~tY1.st\4t11''''1'Jo"\.,~tt.,~·~~~.....,~il.1$'hfl1i'll1~'''Jf'lXt'lIt~·Hn.a_4fJ);;I~I .."I1'a!\:lI\.\:\ '.u~~ -'3'5t:;sI:1 ..." ~l),~ ."~'1dD'l~~~.u:-».., 1i~ \:I1a'f-:U ,.rl,;A~ l/r,,\'ll 'I.Jt ~ \. "Oet '.~ ~lf 'l\.\."~.- ~ ~'tl! ,....., ...~!-l..<4::..". I ""''':4~'U;~ ~ ra ,,"'lOt ':l.a:l.'CHI':J:i~"J·~ ~ J~.utJ. ~ ~l::1""';~ ,It ... lUlu>'<" '.' lit #"'.sI C . \."" ~ .\\!lhi...t ~~ ~'l"~':;\ 1\' "\I . RUIDOSO, NEWS -.


~ .,_.2 I NMSU posts strong enrollment increase New Mexico State University provost. "This is an indicator that Moulton expects the figures to said Bernadette Montoya, assis­ Enrollment increases were posted a total of 30,009 students more people are pursuing higher increase further during the tant vice president for enrollment seen systemwide, with NMSU­ ·at all campuses for the spring education, which bodes well for spring semester because of mid­ management. Alamogordo . up llP percent, 2009 semester. That is a 7 percent the state's future economy..Itindi­ semester courses that will count She said one of the largest . NMSU-Carlsbad up 16.8 percent, ·increase from the spring 2008 cates that this institution contin­ toward the total numbers. increases for the spring is in the NMSU's Dona Ana Community ·numbers and follows NMSU's ues to meet its land-grant mis- Additionally, new student appli­ transfer student population, from College up 5.5 percent, NMSU­ record enrollment for the fall 2008 sion.. " cations are already at 87 percent both in and out-of-state. The uni­ Grants up 37.2 percent and semester. Student credit hours, As a land-grant institution, of last year's total, with seven versity has strengthened its rela­ NMSU-Las Cruces 'up 3.6 per­ an importsnt statistic kept by the NMSU is tasked with making a months still to go until the fall tionship with El Paso Communi­ cent. state's higher education depart­ high-quality education available 2009 semester. ty College and increased its par­ ''We remain optimistic about ment, are also up more than 5 to people across New Mexico as "There continues to be a ticipation in college fairs in the fall 2009 semester, however percent. well as providing outreach tremendous amount of energy at , Colorado and Arizona. with the economic downturn and "This is healthy growth," said through the cooperative extension all levels to continue to promote Montoya credits student reten­ budget cuts affecting our recruit­ Bob Moulton, NMSU's interim service and conducting research recruitment, enrollment and tion efforts as having a positive ment efforts, it is much too early executive vice president and to benefit the state. retention of students at NMSU," effecton total enrollment as well. to predict," Montoya said. AlTRUSA DONATIONS As PARTOF its campaign to increase literacy, the A1trusa Club of Ruidoso recentlydonated funds to augment libraries and resources and area schools.. The Capitan Elemen­ tary Library benefitted from Altrusa's generosity, buyiing three sets of class­ room books for the school. Each set contains 24books. The Mescalero Apache School received $300 from A1trusa to purchase prizes for students who meet set standards. A1trusa Club of Ruidoso also participates in many other activities. They also support Project Grad­ uation, and provide college \ scholarships to adults in transition. In partnership with Lincoln County Medical Center, they offer a month-long, low-cost Teen Spotlite mammogram program Sponsored QY Lincoln County DWI Prevention every October. Mescalero students pic- . een Spotlite fea­ include membership on tured above are (l-r) ,\. .' . tures area teens the Knowledge Bowl Angelica Gonzales.. Winter T- that have made' a Team, being a school tutor Garcia, Hope Little, difference in their com­ and participating in Machel Moquino, Alyssa munity, and the next fea­ sports. House, Macey Bogiddle, tured teen is Trevor Cole Other activities Fowler Terinnie Shanta, Deven , Fowler. enjoys are playing base­ Palmer and Richard I Trevor is the son of ball and basketball. He Harrington. Dean and Krista Fowler takes time to volunteer ~t A1trusa members plac­ and is an eighth grader at the food bank and is ing stickers in books in I Ruidoso Middle School. involved in the family Capitan are Judy Griffin, I He is a strong student business. Fowler also . left, and Paula Tipton, I who works hard to main­ served 'is a People to right. I tain a 4.0 grade point People Student Ambas­ Capitan third-grade stu­ average. His studious sador. dents are (l-r) Triston Hall, 1 nature has helped him Fowler says his future Dakota Dowdell, Faith achieve success in several plans include, "making a Burch, Lexi Rushing, -vrt areas related to school. lasting impression on Taylor Ratliff and Rodrigo He earned a second place society." He plans to Rueda. award while at the 2007­ obtain a college degree, - Courtesy photos 08 State MESA Innoven­ and then go on to medical ture. school. Fowler lists many MESAlMathematics En­ influences in his life. Hubbard Foundation scholarships for lincoln County gineering Science Achieve­ Topping that list are God, The R.D. and Joan Dale Lincoln County are encour- years at $2,000 per year. have been awarded over ment) Innoventure is a his family, Ghandi, Hubbard Foundation is aged to see their respective The recipients will be $200,000 to assist them in competition that asks stu­ Michael Widener, Steve pleased to announce that guidance counselors for the announced at graduation. graduating from such dents to create a technolo­ -Iobs and music. It they will again offer three proper application form. Last year, scholarships schools as M.LT., Stanford gy business plan to market appears he is well on his scholarships to graduating Application deadline is were awarded to Lance University, University of an idea. In addition to way to making that last­ seniors in Lincoln County. April 1. Dettmer and Ericka Olvera Texas, Georgia Tech, New MESA, school activities ing impression. Graduating seniors Each scholarship is of Ruidoso High School and Mexico State University, {rom any high school in designed for a period of four Markie Jo Sherwood of Texas Tech and New Corona High School. Mexico Tech. The Hubbard Foun- In 2008 the foundation dation has been awarding provided scholarships to scholarships in Lincoln numerous individuals na­ County beginning in 1990. tionwide in the amount of Since that tim\! 50 students $59,753.

:5. 257-5320 inC Char-Broiled Chicken

• Tacos ~,I 'i;'; fI5~~:!~~~~~~~ ~_ _:~~.~,~~~Zt~..;(t': Burritos '} .. ... '> Wraps 810011 tl IUIDISD ,., _IURI...... - .-.•. . " ...... EllPlIlES FEIllJUIW \ ~.~!e!!~:~.'!!~~",,"!-'.!!,!~""~:!!'I;"'l1!t.t·· WEDNESDAY, FEB, 4, 2009 LOCAl NEWS Rl'Jl)OSO NEWS' PAGE 7A 'Manager to undergo .evaluation PROCESSION FOR 'BIG BIRD' - DIANNE S·I;u.LINGS red in' a closed session, not not confer on the actual ds",IIillK'@rtoido,o1lrw"com open to the public. "Last evaluation until the official year's process was fine,n session. Although an annual per- Councilor Michele Reb- Coincidentally, Bryant's fonnance evaluation can be stock said. contract also is coming up performed, Ruidoso Village Mayor L. Ray Nunley for renewal, Cory said he Manager Dan 0, Higgins' asked Councilor Don and Williams met with the contract doesn't run out Williams to,help him begin village attorney to outline until April 2011. the process with a target some issues and changes Higgins reminded vil- day of the· last regular councilors would like to see lage councilors of the date council meeting this in the second renewal of during their meeting last month, Feb. 24. the contract with the week and that his contract "We'd start with a closed Bryant Schneider-Cook is not annually renewable. session going over the indio. Law Firm. Councilor Angel Shaw vidual councilotosevalua- "There were about a asked to place the evalua- tions (of the manager)," dozen issues and it was a tion process on the council Shaw said. "Barbara congenial meeting," Wil­ agenda as part ofthe "nego- (Fleming, village human Iiams said. "I think Dan tiations/renegotiations" of resources director) com- was receptive. I believe he his contract. piled the tool we used last needed time to evaluate, Higgins' annual salary, year, because some mean signifi- set April 1, 2008, is "I still have a blank cant changes to the con- $95,340.44, up from draft and I can email it to tract," ' $86,000 the previous year, Don (Williams)." Williams proposed a, "The contract says no "It probably would be one-month extension of the ------less than three months good for everyone to look at first renewal, a motion that: Ahorse-drawn hearse bears Variety of I ahead of the anniversary the draft to See if they want passed 5-1 with Rebstock ' the body of Robert "Big Bird" date) we should do an eval- changes before they do the voting against it. Bird down Mermod Streel in LUNCH SPECIALS uation," Shaw pointed out. evaluation," Williams sug- Cory, Shaw and Nunley' Carlsbad Thursday Several hun- "Last year, we started gested. said the revised contract dred mourners filled Hillcrest Srl1flJlll}IIIS495 under the gun. For once, I Shaw said after they see also must undergo a third- , Baptist Church for the funeral served Oi\ll)' Tuesday . Friclil~' would like to be ahead of the blank form, they could party legal review, a' service before making their way from II am - 4 JlIIl thecuNe.- Last" time, 'we contact Village- Attorney requlre-nlenl Instituted' by---loGarlsbadGemetery-aeeompa­ were into April." Dan Bryant for any the council after audit criti- nled by an escort of law enforce- and PIZZA Councilor Greg Cory changes they would like, cism of a previous legal ser- ment agencies from around '" , . southeast New MeXICO. Bird, a said the evaluation and Bryant said that would be vices agreement WIth former police chief of Capitan, Michelena's salary negotiations occur- fine, but councilors should another attorney, was a native of Carlsbad. He Itdli,III I{( ',>1, n rr.u 11 , died Jan 23 due to complica- Ca<.;w II 1'(/111111/ l'IlI Jjf)(j f)/"""I,,,I.II1IIIII./ll/lll/', Transparency bill passes committee ' lions from an infection :!i'O.l Slltldl'lill fIr' Hllilln'>n, \\1 CARLSBAD CURRENT-ARGUS 257-5753 Rep. Joseph Cervantes menta made to a bill in the sonable notice of their ID-Las Cruces) once again opposite house, and the meetings. championed legislation amending house refuses to "Effectively represent­ that would open conference recede from their amend- ing our constituents Send a committees to the public, merits. requires an opportunity for ~ House Bill 393 for Open Typically, the House legislators to participate in ' , Ii/, I, Conference Committees and the Senate each all committee meetings," he .alentine ~ /j/ eSt:\ ,\. "UBBARD MUSEUM ..!.. 1·~JI lH 1{11ll!llo..,ll 1:IO\\('r _Shop ldu/l'!lloo..,('o.., (lllllllll1l111I;1hllt·ll{IIl(!ll....II.\ .2 IligI11..,td\'" MERCANTILE Lu Hilt)( kcd I lil 1I WI lor 2 "Ii II 11 H 'I" I r. 1I,!1l111l1 ( iill ( l'rlllJ( ,Ill'

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-:: ,,," .... ~r,. /' ' -: /// ' ....~,..~ , '­ '. Honey Bunny -­ 1,n .looking forward to when Y01l'1l come }' , 't , 01/ 11151 me agaill. .• , are the light ofmy hte. C;r/l1ldmtl-- Meret/itlJ.

N.mt ....,.... Add""" 'ri Ute· __wrsr , .. Phone II MI,..., 70 Wdl - RuidoLw o.ns. l'mk. 181 _n.. .! 'i", ~a"4"2 4, IM'U1urg '!Hm",~Rk'" , ..... 1(N11I,.I>~ 1I>.,dwu, \.11,,,-'1.',." ... -. -...... o...'J- trI~'" t<""''''

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PAGE SA • RUIDOSO NEWS J,OCAL l\;EWS WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 I, ,'Ii , ;, prices that state purchas­ noted that a 2003 truck Councilor Michele Reb­ bad news is we probably can use instead of a flatbed ing list." Camp said. showed 140,000 miles. stock asked why so many don't have the money." to bring back drivers of FLEET Jell' Kaplan. who heads Camp explained it is a vehicles are stationed at Councilors subsequently equipment taken to EI Paso or Lubbock for repairs. The FROM PAGlIA the village Solid W,aste garbage truck and that the municipal airport. approved a request from Department, said equip­ some dump trucks in the Camp explained many are Kaplan to buy one or more model he's buying also has for auction is reduced or ment can ~~(' purchased street department have emergency vehicles. 2008 used 4-door, 4-whe~l­ a tow attachment strong nonexistent, he said. Em­ with 11 cornhination of'pro­ 300,000 miles. Hardeman asked Camp drive vehicles from Sierra enough to move dumpsters ployees also are reluctant grnms, such as a "buy­ ''The first week I was to bring a cost estimate to Blanca Motors in Ruidoso in the village. to relinquish a vehicle back" alh'l' [ive years, here, I drove a car with no the council's budget ses­ for $16,501 each. "If I look at the state because they have no "You mny pay more up paint on the hood and' I sions with details on each Kaplan said the former equipment list for a 2009 assurance it will be front, but get a better price could see the street vehicle. Camp said replace­ solid waste director drove a comparable, the price replaced, he said. With so to roll over" into the next through the floor board," he ment costs would be tough flatbed truck with a 'diesel would be 20 percent to 30 many vehicles traded cycle, 1)(' said, Lease-pur­ said. to swallow. "We're starting engine and stick shift that percent more without a full among departments, it was chase is another route. Village Manager Dan O. from zero, but I would love Kaplan thought could be extended warranty," he difficult to track all of them Money should be set Higgins said one employee to getto that place in the used better in the field. He said. The market is glutted for the inventory, he said. aside each year for vehicle pulled into the parking lot future. " feels the same way about with SUVs, many with low Seeking bids from deal­ replacement. Councilor and when'he opened the "The good news is this is the Ford he drives now. mileage. "I'm trying to ers directly in today's mar- . Ron Hardeman said door of the old vehicle to get a good time to buy vehi­ Kaplan said he needs a jump on these opportuni­ ket often yields. .better Councilor' Angel Shaw out, it fell off. cles," Hardeman said. "The vehicle that he and others ties.tKaplan said. ered, TIl<' village focused want to be blamed if light­ When Commissioner is the operable word. We Several people in the tree and \'t.'w'tation reduc­ ning hit grass on her land Eileen .... Lovelace asked have a lot of wildland, but audience advocated pubic DRAFT tion l'mJl't~ in tho south­ and a fire spread to neigh­ about excluding parts of only a small portion of the education on what should west cornor of' town in line county is heavily populat­ be done to protect property, FROM PAGE 1A bors. Parks said the idea is the county where vegeta­ with th.- wind direction not to blame, just to reduce tion or housing isn't an ed." instead of an ordinance to the county. if an ordi­ that would spread a fire risk. issue, Morel said an exclu­ Stewart pointed out that requiring action by land nance is adopted. from till.' Lincoln National Ruidoso Forester Rick sion. can't be "capricious," state grants provide as owners. County Manager Tom Forest or Mescalero Deluco, who guided the but as long as the county much as 70 percent of the Battin said he wants to Stewart said under a Title Ap;ldH'l'l'."'l'r\'atillll. adoption of ordinances in can show a basis for limit­ cost for a tree-thinning 01' see firefighters and others III program. Lincoln Countv Ellwrgency Scr­ the village and advises ing the ordinance to specif­ trimming project, with an involved in the issue attend County will receive about vices Coordinator Travis other communities' across ic areas, it would be legal. owner picking up 30 per- when the next public hear­ $5:J.000 annually dosignat­ Atw«ll "'id. "'1'1](' biggest the nation, also would add Parks interjected, "Urban . cent. ing is scheduled. ed for fin' protection initia­ issue.' w{:n' lunking at is ifa his expertise in the process, tives. Th.- program is fin' start~ on sorneone s Morel said. The county "ch~ule9 to b,e phased out property. can we prevent it could avoid a lot of mis­ Ordinance saidto be criticalfor insurance _."' -- - -_. ,-_.- - -- ._- .•~---- -_ .. -'-- .. ,~ ...- --'" --_ .. III 2014. from I'Hcillg ofr'antl burning takes with his background. Commissioner .Iackie down a llpighlJor''s house, The village's ordinances After the Kokopelli Fire cil to initiate fire hazard was a significant economic I Powell said. "I'm having \V(' try to slow till' process. cover many more Issues burned 29 houses in 20(}2, reductions. problem. At one time, I major trauma. Lincoln "II' a lin- l'Oml'S off a 1'01'­ than the county would, Lincoln County Commiss­ "My main concern was Ruidoso had the highest County Solid Waste (·st. it\ all ad nf(;od. We're such as watershed health, ioner Dave. Parks said he not reducing the insur­ danger rating in the state already is having trouble not lonl\tll~~ lin' ordinances wet zones, and require­ tried to convince insur­ ance rate," he said. "A and second-highest in the . keeping up With what they likt, Hl'lH!

I\S p.irt of N( '\\ '. ',1 , ( oordin.ition of long Term Services (CoLTS) program,


own cornrnunit. \ ,! J \'Oll COOl'( linatc-

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WEDNESDAY, FEB, 4;2009 CALL US: MIKE CURRAN, SPORTS EDITOR • 257-4001 • MCURRAN@RUIDOSONEWS,COM., PAGE IB : side Disabled. skiers' benefit abides line been in existence since Well """,,4l!l.­ 1976and nowaverages 150 Ski Report e~Cln.lSive .~ disabled clients who receive 300 ski lessona 'a SkiApache Check out www.ruidosonews.com year, More than 30 volun­ OffIcially opened Nov, '£l - For lor video onthis story teers and 10 paid profes­ the ~test snow totals. call 257· 9001, The S~ report isculled trom sionals make this program WNW.skiapachesnowreport.com MIKE CURRAN work and see to it that all Tickets: season passes are avail­ wh~ abJa byplw/Je al454-3800, ftlcurrall@midosollt'ws,(om wish to take part in New snow past 48h"'.:0Inches SADSP have an enjoyable Season lotal: 34 Inches Mld'mountaln snow depth: 24 The Ski Apache Dis· experience and are able to incheS abled Skiers Program derive a heightened sense Weather forWednesday: Sunny, (SADS!") is oneofthe area's ofself-esteem, with a high near 51. West wind around 5mph, SakJrday evening, important, worthwhile and As with all programs, mostly clear, with a low around noteworthy projects in the today's economic problems 28. Wednesday evening, mostly clear, with a low around 24. Ruidoso district. have also affected SADSP, Southwest wind around 5 mph 1tpresents opportunities "Recently, we didn't Weather lor Thulllday: Sunny, with a high near 56. West wind to the physically and men­ know how much longer we between 10 and 15 mph tally im-paired who might would be able to continue," Thursday ,vening, Partly cloudy, . wrth-a-lowaround·,'ID, not otherwise ever get the the program's Director I Current condlllons: Hard pack chance to' enjoy outdoor Marty Davenport.' said, and machine groomed activities such as the ski "But then, one of our Groomed runs: Easy Street, I Bunny, East Easy Street, Ramp, slopes of Ski Apache, And clients, blind skier George Snow Park, lower Deep Freeze, with it, a sense of accom­ Toone, donated $10,000 .~.. ------"-~~~~--~------~-- capitan L", Smokey Bear, Elk - -_. R,dg" Bull Run and Buckhorn plishment and expanded COURTESY Groome", Plclc Buckhorn self-worth, SADSP has Sec SAOSP, lY.lgc W Bill Riggles, of SADSP, helps Lazaro Pal om, no down the slopes at Ski Apache Lilts open: No, 2 (opened 10 Midway), NO.3, No, 4, NO.5 and No.8. Gondola. opened for sight­ seeing only. ' • Snowmaklng: Yes, nightly, weather pennitting Results RHS Warriors dub visiting Wildcats Boys Baskelball Thu"'day, Jan. 29 Mountainair 69, Corona 26 friday, Jan 30 ", ,: ~"',e RUidoso 66, LOVington 46 -.ill- Tularosa 73, Capitan 63 Check out WVN/.ruidosonews.com Tatum 75, Mescalero 32 forvideo on this story Saturday, Jan. 31 Mountainair 51, Hondo 42 '. , MIKE CUlUlAN Girts Basketball ThuMay, Jan, 29 m ..llrr,If/(.i'/'IlidflWllt'/IIJ,((}/!/ Corona 53, Mountain.,r 49 The Ruidoso hardwood FIldey, Jan. 30 Tuarosa 39, Capitan 32 crew 18·12, 2-11 defeated Tatum 50, Mescalero 40 their rival. district foes Saturday, Jan, 31 Lovington 18·11, 2·2), at LOVington 64. RUidoso 55 Hondo 52, Mountainarr 34 horne Friday, 66-46, It was a fast paced con­ ~?~<'j: Sports On.Tap test which saw both teams knotted at the end of the ;!J . ., \0 ! Boys Basketball first quarter, 14·14, j~l~~-.'• >l , Thu"'day, Feb. 5 The RHS boys picked up Carrizozo at Mountainair, 4 p.rn Hondo alGoddard JV, 5:30 p.m. stearn as pro­ - Mescalero at Gateway gressed,outscoring the visi­ Christian. 8 p.m tors i7 to 14 and took a 31­ Friday, Feb, 6 Capitan atLordsburg. 6 p.rn 28 lead into the locker Saturday, Feb. 7 rooms at halftime, Roswell atRuidoso, 7 p.rn, Hondo atMountain"r. 4 p.rn MIKE CURRANIllUIOOSO NEWS MIKE CURRAN/RUIOOSO NewS Monday, Feb. 9 Sce HOOPS. pagc 21J Jacob Rigsby drives for 2against the Lovington Wildcats. Marlo Varela scored 12 poinls in Friday's game Corona at Mountainair, 7:30 pm, Tuesday, Feb. 10 Ruidoso atPortales, 7 p.m Vaughn atHondo, 7pm Cloudcroft atCapitan, 6:30 p.rn Girts Basketball ThuI1lday, Feb, 5 Hondo atNMMI. 5pm Mescalero atGateway Chns1ian, 630p.m. ' FIIday, Feb, 6 Dexter atRuidoso, 7pm Capitan atLordsburg. 3 p.rn. Solllnfay, Feb, 7 Hondo at Mountainair, 2:30 prn Monday, Feb, 9 Corona atMountainair, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb..10 Lovington atRUidoso, 7pm. Vaughn atHondo,S p.rn Capitan atCloudcroft, 6:30 p.m. On Deck ...... ~ .... , Lincoln County Youth Soccer The Uncoln County Youth Soccer League will be holding registration signups on Tuesday, Feb, 17, 5:30-7 p.m MIK~ CURIWlIRUlOOSO News and again onFeb. 21, toam.·2 pm, atWhtte Mountain calel&­ Members of the 2008-09 cheerleading squad are, Iront row, l-r, Brenda' Pinon, MikE CURRAN/RutDOSO NEWS ria, Fee belote Feb. 15(relUmlllg Griselle Perez and Cassie Thompson Middle row, laKendra lathan, Calt KIPP. sarall RHS studentMart,,'Moralps sellin,! Ir,'ll1 fight was giver' %1I,' ''',:'1'''''l'l " ,1.:', piaytl", from 2008) is$30, Mar Koehler. Jacob Rodnguez, Mattie Cathey, Claudia Mannolelo and Tara Mota Back row ,by me Wendys High School Helsman Pro~ralli Sh8WTl wlln hiI" r, -. ,~Jd "y that date, $35. Cost befote Feb Cla"dl~ t5 for new players s S50 and DomonlQue Sanchez. Riley KelneI, Myra Valenzuela and Cynthia Schlock .mo Sisler. l-r Marl'" S, Claul!la. ,II,(j head baskelbdl, .a.' S' \ >' I,;,' a1ttllWart1s. S55. Online S1gnups are available at rutdososoc· cercom No ~ Slgnups wiD be ptlrml1ted fiJI aMl1ionaI into. call Jennl1er at 937-Q203 0' Capitan Hi Power Shooting Club hosts Regulators Mlkll atBOll-2195

Mint Hoops Tourney :o.hV{llltl~ Amens _ basketball tourna- JACK StIlISn.R Ruidoso 1;lIn t Tuh rangl', duvits and warrants .ssued Rt.'gUtuttll" is tht' l'owtlll\ promotion nt' .....aft· ment lor pIaye", 6-100 and fur lJ~ Rr"JgJf) ,\'(U-, on Forest ~ervtt."\' land. by .lusuco (If lh,' 1'1"1<'., Action Shlltllmt-: ann of tht' aud ttw "UPP(\f1 \11' Wlldhtt' urQlr, pills 1 (one pVJo, may would 00 closed In the John Wilson, led II\' Special Ruidoso l;un Club and 1111 l'lln$t'rLllh'n l',tp-Itan III be OWl 6-flIet),will till 11Ul-,~ Th.. Capitrm HI Power event offire danger Coustuhle Dick Bn.·,,,'r, umlml" (If the Slll~lt' Power ~th"ltH~ l'!up. 2(}22 at the MescliIero li>l'1~ m.:U11t~lllb t~fnht\ Coollntll1llY Cenr., A~ Shooting Club, III Ih"lr Jack Sh. ,1I'r. Spl"'1II1 Juhn Tun••I"II'. nUll'h ;-\l'lwn Sht10tmg St'll1t\t.\ gulUI"N, spuk. 'The ~YJ'\)up·~ pnlUd~ aun Shl~'lln~ I"lub "l~ 11M Hi~h I'tlw,·y Rill.· ,m,ll.",>: byftb, 16. Plues ",11 beaward­ I". l.on.,\.h, l'ounl.'· FtIlr· to tht' tnNnbt'l'N to nUt'n­ w"s 10 hunl fiJr \\m.;""0,,,,1 RlIl.· . ~h~h P(l\\'\'f ...h\"ltm~ ~M..' I1O'e 1110. aliiGIiW ~ -l&l­ [..n,,,ln Co.,nt.' R"t,'Ulalor.l Ih..0l'll/l1Ul1 l..n,,,ln I'O'UlI.' l'hl~ Wtl.'" Ul lS7S \.''''O\'I..\thJl\ .md dt,iu::1t"d .Jll15, Relil!tl:il M»1n>.I. -l&l­ 111 !h,',r rlllll,'" lI\ ('apllan ·l\n~ l h~1' Ull \t'aN t..n\'f tl' tht.· prnh"'1I01l "~I th. 38tl. or ~tvcenl 1(;1"" l&l­ R''IlulaloN 'VI'" ., I... 38\4 "n Ih~ char"..• Ihat lh" ,."...I'lult'

'~' tird ,. . ,~ •. ~'I ,,~.;

PAGE 2Bo RUIDOSO Nh'WS SPORfS WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 SADSP , FROM PAGE 18· G which kept us going until we were able to hold our yearly silent auction (last Saturday evening: at the Inn of the Mountain Gods." Toone will be on hand, the weekend after next, at Ski Apache. His sense of humor, drive and curiosity have led him down many trails others would be hesi­ tant to try - impaired or not. The annual silent auc­ tion, which has taken place for the past 22 years, is cru­ cial to SADSP's funding and existence. "From this auction. we' do our annual budget tor the year," Davenport TV WYAHTIFOR THE RUIDOSO NEWS explained. Dorsey Grover, president of SADSP, and Marty Davenpo~. direclor, oversee the TV WVANT/FOR THE RUIDOSO NEWS "And Fortunately, ill lundraiser at the Inn of the Mounlain Gods. A large crowd looks over the many items up for auction, Saturday spite of the economy. th« 2009 silent auction was th« "I can't thank everyone shakers! and hundreds of Davenport said. year the disabled skiers who were staying at the best one we've ever had. enough," other items. "And we're trying to auction was held at the Inn Inn," Davenport said. "We estimate over 700 Among some of the Generous cash dona­ expand so that we might be of the Mountain Gods, "We have a close connec­ people attended. and itPIl1S donated and auc­ tions were also given by able to increase our client "We had quite a few vis­ tion with the Mescalero although we're still count- t ioru-d of!' were a 1999 some of the attendees, base and offer even more itors to the auction who tribe through the Inn and . t-h-g-.-- -:iH far, -wp'.1;t-l-t-"aig!.(l­ Suharu, 1=." .hnuse "Our skierslook forward. .Iavorable experiences to. were from out of town and Ski Apache. $:15.000 ~ all of which 11'111 n-ntuls, a mountain bike to the recreational opportu­ those in need." we believe this was attrib- . "Withoutthem,' we go to SAPSI'. ,('[ up (donatpd hy Bone- nities we try to provide," This was the second utable to some of the guests wouldn't exist."

,'ach to 12in the fourth to take a on Lovington," head coach HOOPS If the Lovington tans 20-point victory at the final Billy Page said. "We kept ,'xp,'cll'd the Warriors to let buzzer. feeding the ball to Brower, FROM PAGEl8 up "' tilt' last two periods of Brower kept up his tor­ who had a good night. Our pia)' the)' were soon disap­ rid scoring pace', dumping transition game was good .Iorrid Marquez and Pllilltl'd.-Th·(" RHS boys in 12 in the second half to and fun to watch. We're . Kpith Brower led tt1(' incT'i'


,.,;....~ i 430 IAVllAN CANYON Humane SOtiely ROAD 251-9841 There is no

rr, . ,.th,y.o"'lI.y .uI,rthaft Ihtl? ,ZIQQY tuultl'l""ly.fftltluft,I, '1M"'" fl.ftblhar.""zl.QlybI.ul," lan~ua~e barrier Adill.l. qull', pl.yful kit" •. Thl. "1 kill'.. with. bllutfful,olltl bl"k ful "I• QI'lY with.""zl.Q wee. bllutlf,l brow.I.bby WI.lh, o.lv co,llh,I 1.II.hl.y11111. black, If ,y... -Shalt very frl,.dly,.d I, pro~ kilt'. I~ .ltltar ul...... Ihall. poly- VUU are, ItQhl .I.,p,r.Ih,. ZlQQY ,Wy!uatuftdcr'Yllrolll. ''''mid between People d.e1yllJh, has nlra IOllt!. . ..IQht .01 b, furyo.II hltpurr . WtlQhl.bo,I 1 pooftdl rlQhl .ow. lO'ftd. ,I",ltar lu• fat'IIQI.,I ond the animalS

,1~'''\''-''''II,n \1'1",UNflJ III '''U''lIIUV III DIA:"oif. (,Rt..'1t1lllll."" Rl IIMJ~() Nti\'(t:'l ZI .... NAn:".". (.A' that love them.

HELP US WIN A SHELTER MAKEOVER EASY: GO TO zoorOO.COM/MAKEOVER, REGISTER AND VOTE FOR LINCOLN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Slla ~ ~I • It.wrv ....lII_''v, ~.~.~a"'!"."l!'..::: e ...... iffWtlf tlMnf.-t,,-,_Ir..1 .lIaluhttl_tht...... b., ,...... '1.11•• . ',"" .,btl 1IIcn".I' ill hu .,..1aI e u ...b •.-.lt~ . . lMll Wllttlsllo __ hu . lyca.," wIft""In • ..,., , ...... ~ SlWI'iVV IJM hI-11-tI 1III_,.__ ...... ·.".lav... OC ..11-2 ...... t,_01<1... ~ l'4ft.tOC IIwtto"" It.,... ., " ..lo ....lItt to~ IW. Ittll"y. ~lllla wa & .. .'..t t1Ial I: oIIaM...... _l1It.... ""","fnilallllo Mall donations/memorials to: o.,jOU.... \.' ..llt••• """'-"'0"(1" ••' . \II'O"'\'I,lCM' .' I VlPV'~""" S"'\ 41. 0'" W\OOk btu . _lI.u tl1l",.~ All....' J'"l~~ Huma':U=~N~~~283;!•. L Ii ~, ..' '" -~-~,------.

WEDNr~~DAY, ,FEB, 4, 2009 LO(AI, ~EWS f{IIIJOSO :slEWS • PAGE 3B


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~ Zb~C'l'flS 1mdsc'l'tD~ MILLER Phone 336·7674 Landscaping & Firewood OVER 40 VEARS 1110 State Highway 48. Alto, New Mexico www.ziascapes.coro , Drainage Solutions 'Seasoned Cord Wood OF EXPERIENCE t D,shnct,ve DeSigns t Drainage souncns • Railroad TIeWork • Tree Trimming • XeraScape ' Tree Thinning ROADS ANI) HouSE: PADS tDrought Tolerant Landscapes t'Dnp' l[IIgatlon Systems , , lawn Care • Coyote Fencing t Custom Stone Work t New Landscapes & Renovations • Gravel Driveways • Snow Removal BILL BREEN tDeCks and Patios tFull servce Nursery & Demo Gardens Anhur Miller Office; (57SJ937·9268 575-526-9518 2814 SUdderth Drive #1016 Ruidoso, NM 8834S CLEANING SERVICES PAVING ' Let us do your "Dirty Work!"SAnsrArnONGIlWIlmD ,.,, FREE ESTIMATES· FLEXIBLE APPOINTMENTS Dot, Otlllilotl 01..1.. NOJOB TOO IG OR TOO SMALL WE DO IT ALL! GHtr.1 tl..al.. BUBJBee'. OEClIIl£PAllt tllJl~ llllVQ ~ Ii JIlllSTVtlAlU CALl'T<.)DAY: 257-4001 ' ... _ .... o.? . -'''''. '4; " '~"""'-' .:~... ~ _. ~\;.\ ~'~'.,•..':' "~''''''''''' ~ '.' """.... ,~, ", ..." , - ..-.. . , '.


INCOLNI PAGE 48 CAll Us: JULIE CARTER, COUNTY REPORTER • 257-4001 • [email protected] WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 & TOOe out for Rosalie A·GOOD TIME HAD BY ALL

·8. may be my I.astnews column. !tee.p us in your prayers and.. come by . for a few months. Due'W .>"=-.'..... and see us in Las Cruces. , TIRalph's health prob- ." We were kept busy buying 'lerns we are going to try liv- '. items for the apartment, visit- ing in Las Cruces where . ing friends and family, din- the altitude is lower. \ ner and luncheon dates and We have been there of course, attending the .~._ forandthe hepast seemsthree to beweeks IIJ...... ' }~~cA"~f."...••.:...... , .' AggiePVTbasketball(Penascogame.s.Valley doing some better. '. " " ,i Telephone} is upgrading It is going to be a big '~;" .' ...,.;,' their services tonight, so I change in ?ur lives after .,I,:, '.. . ;.~\'. -, . am trying to beat the clock living10 Lincoln County '.., ""', 'l to 3 a.m, since Thanksgiving 1952. ' l\1;it'

-v Juan Mijares celebrated ns 92nd blnhday on Jan 26, a\ the Capitan Senior Center' HIS daughter. YOlanda Espinoza brought him acake 10 share wilh other seniors atter lunch Juan is onginally trom California but moved to EI Paso about 5years ago and then to Capitan 2 1/2 yea[s ago He said he likes the communrty very much but wasn't quite used to the cold yet 'trn really look­ POLLY CHAVEziFOR THE RUIDOSO HEWS ing forward to summer." Juan The Carrizozo Chamber 01 Commerce and Carrizozo Works hosted apotluck "Welcome to Carrizozo" enjoys woodcarVing and says e'/ening lor Ihe construction crew working on the movie set of The Book ofEli on Monday night al the tus prejects are better done out­ Carrizozo County Club. More than 180 people atlended including members 01 the crew and people lrom ","~... doors Juan ioms the seniors Carnzozo and surrounding areas. Early reports declared the event ahuge success, Tables burgeoned almost every day lor IUlich at with load brOught by individuals and owners 01 local restaurants. Long lists of door prizes were donated the Capitan Senior Center and by businesses as well. The crew said they had never been so welcomed to atown belore. Above, the ~-" " has made some triends to visit - ., Jt husband and wife dance team, Coco Cabrel and Jan (John) Shane ernertained with flamenco dancing.

with there I" • ,- ( , Shane is amember of the construction crew and both he and his Wife are retired prolessional dancers " ".", , " •. , ... )\ I. \ '/".') currently living in Santa Fe. ~_.~ " ::- c '! J COURTESY PHOTO ~""""'--- • ~ .., " ,.' ") \(~~~~_l Coming Up roses in Corona

JULIE CARTER CAPITAN HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL jcarterooruid()f011e1VS. cum Second 9-weeks Rush, Celeste Salcido, Leonel Villegas Hearts, valentines and Jerami Vance, Treesa Senior: Sara Rush, roses are all part of the A Honor Roll Wood Hayley Mclnnes,Kimberly upcoming Feb. 14 event Freshman: Kersti Davis, Sophomore: Linda Mon- Kotila, Ashley DuBose, and the Corona FFA and Aurora Hart, Christopher toya, Danielle Jones, Lindsey Brown, Julia senior class are launching Olmstead, Garret Schultz Meghan Castro Polley, Hannah Judd, their annual rose sale to Sophomore: Robert Es­ Junior: Bethany Sweat, Gabrielle Goodwin. John accommodate the holiday. hom, Shannon Foster, Colton Hufford, Brooke Blowers One thousand roses will Kasey Kessler, Chase Ceballos, Brandon Burch, AB Honor Roll be delivered to the Corona Morel, McKensey Nall, Alisha Autry Freshman: Treesa Schools Feb. 10, and the Scheryiah Romero, Caleb Senior: Catrina Turner, Wood, Jerami Vance, work will begin that day, Uzzell, Amanda Samantha Sparks. Celeste Salcido, Emly creating bouquets and fill­ Willingham, Monique Alejandro Licon, Emma Rush. Colorado Romero, ing orders. Quiroz Farris. ,J.T. Eldridge, Ashley Reynolds, Colby The roses are all long­ Junior: Darcy Horst, Asbley Duboses, Lindsey Preciado, Tyler Neil, stemmed fancy roses in Kaisha Miller, Haley Brown. Sidney Travis. Brittney Liggins, Skyla red, hot pink, fire and ice, Montes, Jose Nava, Jessica Craig Barton. Landon Johnson. Connor Hall. bright yellow, w~itp,.Ja~n. Price, Christian Quiroz, Andrus .Iarnie Fields der. Sundance (yellow Leonel Villegas, Lacy First Semester Sophomore: Amanda tipped with red), pink and JULIE CART£MlUIDDSO HEWS Walker Willingham, Chase Morel, white variegated, medium Edle Porter professionally arranges 1.000 roses in bouquets lor Senior: Mitchell Harper. A Honor Roll Daniell Jones. Meghan pink, peach and salmon. the Corona Schools' FFA and senior class Valentine's Day rose pro­ Kimberly Kotila, Hayley Freshman: Kersti Davis, Castro Orders will be filled with ject. Roses go on sale now lor delivery or pickup Feb. 10-14. Mcinnes, Sara Rush, John Aurora Hart, Christopher Junior: Lacy Walker, the roses in professional Blowers, Gabrielle Good­ Olmstead, Garret Schultz Bethany Sweat, Darcy arranged in a vase, boxed owned several large flower 1 dozen boxed - $45 win, Hannah Judd, .Julia Sophomore: Monique Horst, Brandon Burch or wrapped with greenery shops in Houston for a IJ2 dozen in vase - $35 Polley 4UlroZ. Scheryiah Romero. Senior: Catrina Turner. and appropriate filler flow­ number of years. She vol­ 112 dozen boxed - $30 AD Honor Roll Robert Eshom, Shannon Smantha Sparks, Josh ers. imtears her time every year 3 roses in vase - $15 Freshman: Connor Hall. Foster. Kasey Kessler. Mill'S. Alejando Licon. The Valentine Rose Sale . to help the kids create and 3 roses wrapped - $12 Jamie fields. Skylah Me Kensey Nail. Caleb MItchell Harper, Angela is a major fundraiser for sell a professional product Single rose in vase - $6 Johnson. Brittney Liggins. Uzzell Foyt, Emma Farris, J.T. the FFA and seniors and not available in the Corona Single wrapped ~ $5 Colby Preciado, Ashley Junior: Kaisha Miller, Eldrid!:e, Sidney Berryhill. helps pay for trips to state area, The roses always sell Reynolds. Parker Rice. .JOSl' Nava, Christian ('raig Barton. Landon and national events. out so places orders soon. To place orders, call the Colorado Romero. Emily Quiroz. Giovanni Quiroz. Andrus. Edie Porter is n retired Prices are: Corona Schools at 849--1911 professional florist having I dozen in a vase - $50 or 849-171 I.

, " ~ »oWt ~ae _BRIEFS Bake sale the best goes first pickup the photos of their ~~ ~~. children with Santa that The Woman's Club is Book Sale . were taken in December. ~ 51t:P b.x:W Inli'1le dine In <10 fllmous for their Val­ The Capitan Public For more informatien, dUlhO lIIc ~~ . IXlIII blJ oneat IMIS_" \.",,)~ ;'.1tPl.>k~1 entme's Da,v Unke Sale. the peylIdpe- DdkJ 1000""' 10 ~.~ pm This year's Yulenune fi\'llt Saturday of every Youth basketball ~ .1th\IlIW (\uh 'ron \Ill' . ft1<11 ~ 5.00pm 108<00 pm bake sale will be held on month. Hillel "" ut' l un OU1 ~ Cdfftll'11iO'l<. Plr"",... ( ,n~"UK '\~4iL&hlc Friday, Feb. 13. lit the Coming up will be the Sign-ups for Capitan WlI',""" ':\ctlI:d\.JIe Q:::r5c:d ~1IJ .,,-..11M-<11 k"-J ...... {k'" l\l '. ""WI'- 'Ut- Wells FIIIl.'U Unn!\ on Feb. sale. 1~ a.m, to ~l:> ~Ilt 7 2 Youth Ba.iketball will be tan::..,\ • ,? . ; # . VVEDNESDA~FEB. 4, 2009 MltESTONES RUIDOSO NEWS • PAGE 58

, Martha C Brown since 1959 with her hus- Ruidoso will be Thursday, and with a delegation of band. . Feb. 5, at 10 a.m., at the four apache chiefs, were She attended St. Episoopal Church of the granted an audience by El~anor'sCatholic Church. Holy Mount in Ruidoso. United States President She is survived by four .Mrs. Radcliffe passed away William Howard Taft to daughters, Angela Madge Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009, ask that captive Tribes be Martin and her husband in Ruidoso. allowed to return to their Alan of Conway, S.C., She was born Dec. 13, former homelands who Jeanne Sue Weems and 1920, in Dayton, Iowa, to were prisoners of w.ar and her husband Dewey of Myrtle and Carl Newholm detained in Florida for 27

Greenville, Tenn., Kath­ .who both precede her in years and were eventually ,~~(-¥ leen.Ann Weems and her death. released and returned to '-fl husband Donnie of Alto, Mrs. Radcliffe was a their homelands. ... Jody Miguel Alvarado .~~ and Rosemary El1zabeth member of the Daughters We celebrated his eter­ Brown and her husband of the King, attended the nal life with a funeral mass Visitation for Martha Memorial services wert! held Monday, fl Robert Furlong of Portales; Episc\lpal Church of the in St. Joseph's Mission at !~. Ann Colligan Brown, 94, of a son, Terry Dave Brown Holy Mount and was a Mescalero on Monday, Feb. J=ebrlAary2, 2009 at 1 pm at Anderson- .A1to, will he Thursday, Feb. and his wife Judy, of retired registered nurse. 2, at 10 a.rn., with inter­ Bethany Funeral Home 6< Cl'emat0"!f, .' 5, at LaGrone Funeral Roswell, and a daughter in She manied James M. ment to follow at the 2609 Sotlth Main St. Roswell, NM. (575­ Chapel in Ruidoso from 10 law, Sheree Brown of Radclitfu, Sr., on Jan. 8, Mescalero Cemetery. 622-5888) lody passed away Thtlrsday, a.m. until noon followed by Ruidoso; 14 grandchildren, 1943, in Kansas City, Mo. Visitation was Sunday, January 29, 2009 at his home in Alto, NM. ·i the funeral mass at 2 p.m., She is survived by her Feb. 1, at LaGrone Funeral ",f 23 great-grandchildren and .~ at St. Eleanor's Catholic three great-great-grand­ husband James, of Chapel in Ruidoso. Jody was born May 13, 1961 at T!,rrejon Air Church in Ruidoso. children. Ruidoso; four sons, James As he traveled on, Mr. Force Base, Madrid, Spain to Jose Marla Graveside services will She was preceded in M. Radcliffe, Jr., of Magoosh left behind his and Patricia Lee Alvarado. He was a be Friday, Feb. 6, at 11 death by a son, Charlie Berkeley, Calif., Robert F. children, Gerald Magoosh, voltlnteer for the Vnited Statel; Marine a.m., at the Portales Samuel Brown, a grand­ Radcliffeof EI Paso, Texas, Jr., Lionel Ray Magoosh, Corp. He married Rebecca Duran, on Cemetery in Portales, N.M. son, Martin Wayne Thomas P. Radcliffe of Beverdine Tortilla, Debra Jtlly 22, 1994 in J=ort Worth, TX. Mrs. Brown passed Conaway and a sister, Sue Victoria, British Columbia, Lynn Morgan, Gerlinda away Jan. 31, 2009, in Booth, The family has Canada, and William G. Coonie and numerous Jody is stlrvived by his wife Rebecca Mescalero. requested memorials to the Radcliffe of EI Paso, Texas; grandchildren. Alvarado, fOtlr sons; Michael and Lisa She was born March 13, Christian Childrens Home three brothers, Rueben He also left behind a Merrill, Matthew and April Merrill, 1914, in Portales, to Myrtle in Portales or the Newholm of Wisconsin, brother, William Magoosh: Michael Alvarado and Eua;na Mis

Benjan1in F. Col

ongtime Lincoln Count) resident Benny Coker, SI. peacefully passed away from heart failure in Alto. •" L NM on Monday.~anuary 19.200'1. lie hadqaolity of lifeon thisearth righl up until the limehe went 10 join our lord in healen. He truly enjoyed hisdaily Walks with his dog Cheyenne and we know he will miss hb occasional chae, wilh the ncighhnr:or. on the regular mUle he took in Enchanted Forest. Heabo thoroughly loved and enjoyed hi.. !'ipccial car, Midnight. and hisprede,..eased dtlg~ K/,;'CI and Candy through Ihe years, ;<,: ..,j, ,Benny washom ttl Je~~ Hathaway Coker andSarah , ""':'Coker inCaner. Oklahoma. on October 4, 1927. when they were there working in thecorton field... He spent hi..,'t.·hnol yearsin Tishomingo. Oklahoma, growing up withhi..four older sihlings. Hb ..istcr, Lillie. de~ded to lake good care q"her;~y;, brother and vinually rai.od him. H' . l!!i,-,!YI.~.,~~ !Xer . 'C".:"-,," '

\ _ .. ,_ i I.i., ., _. ~ :~ ,/t~J<:v;;;.= ...."''~'RT+~:"'~..,'"', ...,;". '..•.~ ...... '~ _._ ...... ,~ . """,,-, ...... ,' ••

j''fi.CfEN IAA~I£) FI'fi. 'IME5, ANIMAL CRACKERS IWA511fe'PICK Cf lr'(U, '(oU 11It LI17lf06AC1/8/ WlIlt AN MirY(1Jlj!

• ",• :' " , , 'j WI-IEN 1DIE, ~ 1WANrTO ! BE WRIED , 6DOWN IiJWlXJt5 CflfflN6 AND 3 ,~ ACR05~! aJWNA l?AfNfIX

'CDDDOCC I", I'~~ ...\-,1 • !(L-""'",_ :-;I'~ ~h\I' ,,~I(\-,' w~-'" ",,,I..... ,,,.,.,,,,'" I,! DOl-ole [jITJ~[QJ~~[I] VJ'yC S'-,C'R RACK' I04 PARK AVE. RUIIll ISO, NEW MEXICO . 88.34'i CDDDOCC ('iO'i) 2'i7-4001 [§:[2~[IJ[IJ[fu~ wwwruidosonews. corn LRACK 2 CDCDOCC ;rd Lette­ [[[JJ~~~[fu:[fu r.ce THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME LRACKJ ~l! by MIke Arglrlon and Jeff Knurek Unscramble these four Jumbles. one letter to each square, CDCDDOC [J to fOrm four ordJnary words ~~[g]~[TI~~ RACK 4 Level: PAR SCORE 150·160 FOUR RACK TOTAL rKIPf&U BEST SCORE 208 [!][!] TIME UMIT: 20 MIN 1lIi _,!if ruti\.£) ByTIJ.M.,_Gto., [!]II DIREcnONS: ~.'3.-e ~: ': - e~ilf .\ -: t;, - :--.. i?~ '; ,~ ':'il-;'- :~,.;."} Complete /116 gnd so ~acr J$.f'~ ';~' coeu-c' ftC'') ,,;.:<"9 .reoc-s It 'r-bl, . "'''':1' ":;'J, ;E:l 5: eadI row. cohJmn tJ1'td . »nl ~:'\dBa"lll$ .sec n 3"tl e-l"e" ·J~e r~ JOl"n ,3,~~_ .I.. ~~ "': ....:::5 3 5 3-by.J oa. (1fT iXIk1 n r :~"" o-Ir.)(ll ~~AaBlE p~)'~'~ J..:1'Of d", ~It fi:.: '>C" l:ion:1ersJ contB1rnl 7 6 4 lh'8f)' digll. _, /l) 9 For ;0/mortinfonnltion Of' boolt tflJbs, IOllrtlolmtms and 1119 .scll4oJ PffJ9'3m go 10 strah!fll!! on how 10 nwJcrabb/NJ,SO(.(O," or callt1tfN.tf1on.t1 SCRABSUO A1$oclc1l1o" :&31, 4n.oaJJ 9 1 4 '.soM~..~, www.audoAu'OI'p.uA:

He CHANGeD rHe 6 9 3 SOLUTION TO OIl- IN HIS WIFe'S 2 4 6 TOOAY'S PUZZlE CAR ro AVOID rHIS. " 9 1 •J 1 i 5 8 YELNOF oS 2 'S 1 J• 7 • 1 • Now anange the cncled tanera 8 9 3 , • 8 • I 1 • , to term me aurpnse answer. as 1 • • , , 8 3 , • suggested by the aboW cartoon 9 7 5 , 3 , , r • 8 , 8 I 8 3 • , • 1 , 3 9 • 1 • 2 Answer here: • • 3 ••I e 8 '1 1 , J , , 5 8 , , , • 8 • ·, 2 } o 2009 t'r\e Ultpt\am QrQuo. Ds'Str1fJl.lNd tJw "''''". ~ ~ _'_....,:!ul"ll,...... ~.~ l'hbunoI' tdlk1Ilto Al:l rlQf\ta ~ --l"'-~ ---...__ ,~". __._...... -,...... " .~.....,;..~ "-

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L ---- -.,----~------•



legal N<:-Oti-COI--"152 legalNoticll 152 legal Nolices .152 logal Noticol 152 logal Notices. 152 .notices NMU' M.J.z.z onlilled ond numb.., Dcconioiu· ond OppUf f tho etoims will 611 100·152 FLAGSTAR BANI<, lid eeuse, which was,o ~~no::,c~~co:"°et1I;"~1,wo~~ f orovo, bortod , IGSftm New Mellico FSB, suil to foroclo~o .a Cloim~ musl bo IHl)Q DlIvino, Univefjity·R~id.1O n cte and mOflgogo sUbsti~vlions ,for any rOS ltnl,od .. lIilhllr . 10 V,lIogo. Clofk " s- -, Plalnllff, ~y- r ho undolSlgn"d, hold Plolnhfl ond ru\~~::;:nt DnJnv~~:~;Ji ~8S11 lOll PI1I 130 whoro Plaintiff wos ft:P~lo~1 fe&~~~:nw IT ('2)4 PUBLlSH61!:'S NOTICE i. recruiting qualified • gronlod., judgmo,nl ond and aU documllnh or AU·raal estate (Idvor­ E ". has a (,on ogolnll 11.0 corldicolu of Iitio Sm,lh. P 0 Bo~ 5.03, Vlll-AGE opplicontl for tho following full-time position: MISSING from ~OkUl HI.IENtRP~ obovll·dosCfllilld 1001 .eloti"g 10 lho ..quip RUidoso, NlIW MO~lCoK OF RUIDOSO tised here-in is sub· ~um mll_nl, r n v .. ntory. ject to the Fedorol area behind ollolll in Ihl', ,of ~F355tl1i{ ~rSNIE~T NOTICE OF INTEN H; S100,73'208 {Indudlnll furnlluro ond fl"vfes Fair Housing Ad. police station. ):IIANUEGS ESMTYllH ,nllll~11 10 tho dolo 01 COURT, Twolfth TION TO ADOPT Student Advisor Medium sue, jOn~°'ll~NfIU::J 1010). plus oddilionol V~: -~~~r~ilil l v dicrc I oisl,icl ORDINANCE 2009·0S which mckee it ittElgol ~0.11 ond ollornoy's bo mudll Courl, PO Bo~ 725, to advertise any pr~f­ Includes generous benefit package red, long JfNE DOE (true CorrllOlO, Now Nollce Is hen;rby given t001 n e ce s s e r r 10 r~r~~onlJv~~rnl:~1 S~i~d that the Governing erence. limitatian. or curly tall, part names un'nownj, ploht! t h e rO,ol Mo,ico, 88301 Tenants, OltOtO. logolhor w."h o"(rOO of ~orllclo,ufo Body, Vi//age 01 discriminolian be­ To review a full descrip~on, qua1i~cationl chow & part co.ts 01 solo includ,n~ ~h~ooCo~~~~ F~:~j DATED RuIdoso shall conduct eevse of rcce, color. Delencblt(s). a,~gtO~lIrop~o 5r:c~0 Docombo, 11, '2008 a public hearing ond opplication procedures goonline to: shepherd. M l1ntered on lalllJO'fr dUIJng B regulal religion, sell, hcndi. meeting scheduled on YfWW,ntfdolo,enmu.etru Nomed LD. No. CV-08-305 PloinhH hos Iho fight ~~ 1~~~ ~hJc~vi;os~~ 1,1 cop, fomilial status, or In~ui February 24, 2009 at notional origin, or in­ re D) 257-2120 Dr Has blue collar NoTICE OFSAlE sU~i~~1 :o~boli;'sp~~ f.orllclo·,o 0 Nole, v.;.°On~~ \O~h :fve ~~~gos~· mAd~:nl:r,: tenticn to moke any loll Ii.. 18001 934-ENMU. with lag. Own In w,,"ng Ploinlilf M!)llgogll and SOCUfl RUidoso. NlIW NOTICE IS HERE8Y Jr,oi~~'1 ~~nJ :o~~re~~ MlI.ico 88355 five Offices. 313 Creo such pr efer e ncu, An M/EEO Employe, ers nome on CIYEN Ihol on moor. ~'rl~ts olliud~,,;~~l .. Potitioner Mbadows Dllve. limitation, or dlSCrtml' Fobruory II, '2009, 01 Ploinlj/l wus RlI~po,ctlully t e s , Please Folhll fUfChosll fricO ?oU/d~~Wo Neu~p:::Xlcg~ nation ~ We will not hov~ 1I0~ 1?{'[Jg ~~d m I,ov a cOlh, A th" adiudgod 10 hovolh" Submitted call 378·4419 or :hli0 1I I,r,,_ ond pflO' h ..n adQptlng Gte lollowing knowin~ly cceept any dolo ond limo llolod ordinance; 5po(l!)1 Mallor w,II, abovo. Iho sete may' ogolnsl Iho P,opolly advertiM~ for rool LOOKING TO BE number on at Iho n e r t h e c s I and was "wordOd '00. enl'ollce 01 Ihe ~oo.sc~:J~f:dno~1 ~h~ iudgmflnl on Iho NolII ORDINANCE 2009·05.­ eslDle wh,ch is in YIO' "AN ORDINANCE Lincolll Covnly Couf! discrol,on of tho 2008~1 I~o~:t.r;:bo~np~?d lotion of tho [ow All YOUR OWN BOSS ~o"u:i~'o COsf~\tOl~11 ~h: Or: THE GOVERN 5pocioII,l0,IlI' b ING BODY OF THE POrSOn$ oro hereby ,ighl, 'Iillo end inler ~ hn{,c ~ ~ ,'2 lf1a £b~ VILLAGE OF RUI Informed thai all IN 2009?? Nolita IS lurlhllr legal NoIiCII 152 lUI <;II Ihe ub cv e . e e c r v e d in11l'1I11 DOSO, NEW MEXI dwellings advartisod givlln Ihol Iho. fool Ih'ough oecombo, J l, CO ADOPTJNG TJJ£ 118471 311121,28 ~~3"'fo ?h~"'l.~~;t~oh~~ p,oporty ,ond '2008 01 S'26(883 75 101.. 2008 AMENDMEtI(S ora cvodobfe on on The Balr Foundation, known for (2)4 doscribod fool oslolo ~r;;rJov,Oubj~~~ ,;'~U o~~ 0 TO THE 2004 COMPI equal opportunity- be- 10 Ih" hlghosl biddol fn~:,~~i' 010 tl-,,, $lr~'o O~I LATION OF THE their quality in Ghristian Foster TWELFTH JUDI for cosh Tho plopllr NOTICE IS FUR ond ctl polonl ronr 65% pel annum unlil #8507 2T (2)4,6 UNIFORM TRAFFIC THER GIVEN t h u t ~ollon" oosllmonll, Care,is looking for a self-starter (IAL DISTRICT ly 10 bll sold IS locolod Ihll ,oal pfopllrly ond p'old. 01 11-0" cvrronl ORDINANCE_ - '" COUNTY OF 01 1041 Mechem, Uml all rece-ded and umo DD,If 'ota 01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC Director to set up and manage LINCOLN 10, RUldo.o, ond is Imp,a.vom .. nt, ca,dlld lions n c t MEETING ON 5T~lE-o~Ne:w "t1-uo~o-···.It-· cancllrnlld wllh hOle'n 10fecloslld herllin, and ~,,~~~n~obl odaYol~;~ AGENCY PLAN ~8C~?g5 ~:a ~~di~ren~~ - ·lHH·oi.. ",illtlo-fOI&-,ubrert 10' fii'(-orct-6d~trnd 1;;5 local office In Roswell. NM. This MEXICO Counly. N..... M. ... icc an n~s ·r.;o,,~aiid' COSls 'of oHiee' Ute-- any ond all polont The -Quality Housing the--' -ot-. and II Ilorllculody fllSO,vollonl, "010 ~;;:~~~~:d a~911cio\a~~: IhlS 'u,1 In Iho ~~~'~:bl;lerfor angub'j~ -p'oSllffiriis hot 6nryreWardiffg dllscrlblldas follows Rr:88onf~ 1 MO~~~~~;:'ldnNC .. n"lllnls, all roco,dod thol. may bl' duo ~io~j" D~jc"~11,~~5j~ gnt ferkof Q- r e v t e w Monday and challenging but also gives I Unll 10 of MYSTIC and untecordlld t,ons Plomllfl end Ih 0110' ~OUOI~ ~ ~ ~ i~~ ~u"es Rea/On VI Ihraugh Friday EOUAL HOUSING Plaintiff, PINES ESTATES, ~~~ f~lloc~:~~~do~or~~d nOYI d"clOlm Qil '0 it f . lUi 011 p e between tha lollowlng ,ponSlbd.ly fOf, olld p;:'~~~J1 e AM ::~~ a,~~ the successful candidate the I ~,~clo~n '2COU~I~ d~eow unrllcordod Ipe(lql cosl 01 publ"at,on h~er~~ar l/fosl~erJ.~ oPPORTUNIN I Ihll purchoso' 01 Ihll cosh 01 ,010 and loi Annual Plan covering opportunity to enlarge the New q'·'lISlmo"I, ond ,010 lo~os Ih.. pfoper the .operalions of the ". Mu,co, belhg po,1 01 ~vch olho. o'P.lInSlll ~2;g?4.-fo~__ m,and 1:00 BRYAN M. BAILEY, 10'01 thaI _ may bo ty subillel 10. Iho volv on~, ~IIJOP10IBI~~k l~S o~ fhlr~ duo Plo'I)IIH and 'Is If ouch os 'a''',; ~~~~/~n H~USf~us~~g Rooml'lor Rani 3D1 Mexico Foster Care System. I JANE DOE BAILEY, Oloan of 1".0 property and ,nSUfOn~lI A' may 2i~(YgfHa.r~ ~~~ Addillon 1o C'OIl ~~~~'onn~Y~'lit~iICJ~;~ o~~ by Iho counly ossos bo 'llcurrod by Pla,n Chotce Voucher Pro :'~JNftt~S orafh~ Room & Bolh on The contender will have a sign I ~ut~i~,~,~~ Q~ ~~oh~~ so' a' '001 or flllrsOn tilf, pi", ,nlo,o,' gram, In accorQance so':;{ Peaceful horso farm, SONS CLAIMING AN II Iho purchosll' al Ih" ~I on~ro~~I:,lo ~, i.~~~ lhllrllon 0' p,o.idod In ~~~,S I:e~gp r~?Uf!.: VIllage of RUIdoso ~1g%n~" J~~OJ~:~: on bonus. excellent salary. INTEREST IN AND l~~ Ok~c~fll~1 0010 lokos thll propel Ih" Modgogll olld this 4th day 01 pii TO THE SUBJECT trod 8,1:1 Iy SUbIO(I la, lh" vfoclu'od homo '0 Ihe Naill Annual Plan for frscal Fobrosry, ZOO!.1. smokers Private medical benefits, and continu­ REAL PROPERTY ~~~of~~,~nlYRo~~~d~r vo(uol,on of lito p'ap land, dOOetlvol'OIl of arp~g?;~ I~ie:~~ab~~ ADVERSE TO THE on01 fI,ly by 'ho County 1,,10 I" a mobllo 0' Thll ,010 will ludho' YJr (SEAL) ing education support. LISW, PLAINTIFF, lincoin Counly A""Hor os fool Or monuloclUfod homo b, mod.. pursuonl 10 the Admmistral",e Morch '21 1980 ,n porso"al p,opofly, on Iho p,opOrly, ,I Office or Region VI LPCC. LMFT or other independ­ ofll~tvrll Iho SJ'pv(ol"d '5' _ Mobllo Homo Ranbl Defendants . Tubo No 69~ of any any, .ollv"onmolllol Judgmont and D""ofl Housing Authoriry at 108 mob.lo 01 mo II!.""c COnlan"lIl"-IIIOn on Ihll of FO'llclo.u·'o {on 106 E, Reed, Roswell, 167 Yellow Pine. New ent practitioner's license in No. CV08-212 TOGETHER WITH" Iv'ed homo 10 fit ll p,ap.,ly, If any, ond Counh Two, Thlo" New MOllico Irma Devme. er '2 bd, 2 ba mobile SAID Un,1 S uodlvidod ;fl7~' d:oc:K~~W~ ~: tOnong v,olallons can and Fou'l "n'O'lld on Village Clerk ~g~ ~r,in ~ New Mexico required or be NOTICE OF SALE ,nlllr"sl in Iho com 10 co,n,n\l Iho proporty. Januo'y 11, '2009 evfa~blifhjS p7:Acoa~~ eup .w/ll oWI mon 0100 and 10ClI, monufoctu,od homo ,I any whllrll.n Chori"s E ig ulil., 5S00fdep, & licensed eligible. Experience NOTICE IS HEREBY an Iho propofly ,I Cr.olg and )ocqvor,,,,, submit comments to lease. No Pets. S1S· ~'::OI:fl Mc~t~cdo~i~~ Oily, ""vflonm"nlal No'ico·" lu,thcf the Region VI 937·2494 with children and adolescents GIVEN !flot on Ino I jobs ~Olllomlnol,on 5 C r " 9 '" " r " 121h day of February um~, Unl1 '2 o~ on IIIlI gJ~"n Ihal Ihi. ~olo owo'dlld judgmenl Housi[lg AUfhOrlr( also a plusl!l To apply send i009 01 the hour of dOHi,blld 111 lho proplHly ,I ally. o"d may bo subl0et 1o a ogo,n.' Dofondanl ~geJnn:~~o0ggru~6rch 200-232 10:00 orn. 01 the OOclOfolion and lall'lIg vlolollon~ cOn H 1I" a • S a II E IIIe, By·Laws f,r"d' of ~fI,nlng Ih" p,op"dy. ~~;I or signee! o~ Ihe Courl S65 mclu>lvfl THEil. GIYEN .hal of thl~ solo fUflhof Iho unpa,d pf,nc,pol Rt'lJd, Roswell, New Iho pv'chooor 01 such ,f any 01 Ih..oo cond; Me~ico to reVllJW Rent 10 Own, 811n flPPOlnled Speclol bolanco of $ pubhc commenl5 CASA fax to 888-878-5559. EOE Mosler, wjll oller lor THE fOREGOING ~I: ~1:'~v:o~~o:~I:~b:d 358 1B'2 89 oc"ulld mobile. Lol rent plus 50Ie and 5ell 10 .the SALE will b.. n"lodo 10 ~~ln\oo'~~11 ~~J ~~,~ Inlo,o,t of $ 10.96762 1 yr lease, SI,800. 1011,11 a iv(/gmonl ;~ola P~~~""\~I S~~I~I~ Tho ~uccolslul plul ,n'0,f".1 ot Ih~ for ,ntormal,on ARENA Some requirements. ~iiJd~~i,1 fo~i~g:ri. l~~ ,o:tndo'od by .ho obovo b,ddllr's funds sholl curronl dOily folll of S re90rC/ing Ihe laO,? 251·0an. lollowing de5cribed "ghl of r"domp Ian bll telurllod, and 'ho- 63 79 po. day and 10f AnnuOI plan. Please DBLANCA ';~t~;t'od,n 0~~1I na..,~b:; foo-sonoblo otlo,.. o~s contocl Irene Andolo real e5101e siluole in ~ro~~;11J 1~:lilO~o. °b~ In 01 ~h622 0881 e~ Lincoln County, Stole od cOU.lI on .January I"os lind cosh 01 .hlS NURSING 12 bd2 baM bd 1 ba. 01 New Me~ico, 9. 1009, bOlng on I,obl" 10 Ihll ~utcOH s\.li, ,n Iho (Jmounl of S $345,·$485 Near Wal ocllon to lorodosll a lui b,dder 1 , any mort. Wtt, gar, sew. HEAL ,Io-wil 0 '2,98546 ~8Sa8" ST l2lU,lJ, N+c~ Voga, CENTER hasan opening for a :~ ~Ivg: ~ ~ domogllS (2)1],18 fi:irk.l{;!IOW526_I':f6bile I,.ols 8StJ and 8S1 01 .gd";,I I blahJ' S~cial'Maol"f Th" o'pllnslls 01 '''al" PO Bo~ 383 a 117 -bed Iooqlerm Wt facbl)'. C~O~TIONSDllffiCTOR SKYLAND, Ruidoso. WOP"fly Tho Plo,n Nollco t\ fu,lhef olld faa 01 Ihll SpeCial ALTO l.AXES Carmolo. NM 88301 gl"OIl thol Ihe MQ,le, ,hall bll 1\currently IUfminq lor wing Lincoln Counly. New i~~/Ud~~d~r;:ion.'O~1 w~'~~ • WATER & SAN/TA Responsible for Operations at the Me~ico. os shown by 1505) 648-2463 purchoso, 01 such dllduclod I'om lhe TlONDISTRICT ' arid dfdKlttd ITIdlvtdual\ toIOln 1he pial thereof filed cosls, IS S68.01530 olld .010 ,hall IlIkll 11110 10 101.. p,ocood•. bllla,o NOTICE OFPU8L1C (;f ~'in Ihe ofhce 01 the •ho sarno boo,. ,nlOf Ronoo Rulh• Ihll obove- dllsc,ibed any sO."focl,on, of Il\dlnlulteim Doml'stif Violence Shelter logal A.mlanl HEARING TOCON Counly Clerk of Lin Osl 01 7 50,;, por onnum rool p'apllrly svbioet b\.ld~tlllll Any pOlly Lincoln County. FOf a complete job coin, March 30. 1918 ¥o~~ Dth~o~~:~nl Susan C L,lflll & 10 ony fighls of d ~nngy '~SClrtIU1~;;:~1 ~2EgR1,9~:Jb'iG 1:, ,odemp,"on. pfo.,d"d a: Director of CI sm 1bd mobile iusl luch ,ntorll" 10 .hll I~05'Wg~~~~~ rlghl lor t or 2 Ret posting, contact Sherry @ 378-637,8. Ihe OroOerly oddress (505)'2S4.~n'2 by opphcoblo low may submll ," bid 10 Ih" Aho loklls Wolor pf, the obove de dolo of ,lIll1 will bll FOl Iho Splltlol MOllol & Sonllalion DIS'"ct Nursing IR'R,q) reo 5350 -I UII Oeo Resumes are10 be scnt 10 the: ter Ibed real properly salo 84 Thll Pfoll\.iff '8492 4T (1l21.28 DATED a. RUJdo,o lIdhof Ofally 0' ,,; Boo,d ",ill hold ° Sf00 RO Area 9314985 "Wellrro~ll R~oar~~ ~~~h Ih~ol~igh~n~o ~~tm~: ('2)4,11 ~~!~ng'AIIPfl~I'ho:O b',~~ publi( hoo"lIg du.illg or 318 J396 PersonnelcommitteeClO the Nest.511 ~~v~ry t1,lI ioO~ °, a Roguio, mOQllnp 10 Me~ico. ils bid vOfbolly 0' In muol bo I", cosh 0' CNAs East OW)' 70, RuidosoDOWDS, NM 'Ruidoso, New STATE OF NEW ~~du,s~ Oc"lId ~i°d'9 883J5, such sale to be w,iljog Tho PI,"nllff MEXICO iii fund, ,n a 10''''' a n _oat OffERING CNA ClASlES 88346,Resumeswill be accepteduntil · !\eld pursuonl to and moor~ c:rtl~fs o\li\.l~~m:~~ COUNTY OF occllp'lablo Jo IhO Th" publIC h"orlng in accordance wilh LtNCOLN Pr",nllf( olld mu,l bo ... lil bo h"l(I on Friday, February21th. fo Ihll purchol0 PfiCO fcb.u",~ the Final Judgmenl TWE:LFTH rh'~d d~ 50?0 I';" m sol~n ThuJ\d"y, ond Decree liled in In 101lV of co,h. Thll JUDICIAL DiSTRICT 26 2009, ~g,nnlng at LPNs Ihe C1bove enlltled sol" may be po.1 Plalnhlr may bid a' 8.00 am 01 Ihll couse to lareclosure a pOllfld ond fOschlld' Ihe ,01" ond mov ollllld OUlClIl 01 '214 Morlgage on Ihe lsI ulod 01 Ihll d,H.ollon Xare;td$;fSDnS ~rp~r, ~~dg~lIl1fOllro ~h~1 Lo~o Sha'" D,i~o ,n Admissions 61h MONTH FRl:E. 1 day 01 January '2009. of "'1I SpaCIal Mo'I"f bdrm 'rcilers for rent ~~1Yl N~~ '~O~::I~~ Irom 5300.00, CMlral VACANCY NOTICE Wherein Ihe Ploinliff. CHARTElI BANK, a purchosll pl,CO In I."u MOREQUITY. INc.. NOTICE IS FUR Suhmlltodby 01 cosh Dofondont pO'lon\ 0'0 (nv,Icd 10 Coordinator Iv localed. Ref. THER GIVEN lhol fodorally chartered C,o,g, mov b,d 011 0' requirel,!. '2S7·0812 SCh(HlI~ ...... 05 granled saving. batik, atlllnd olld podlClpolo IP'tY exp trq) (,apilan Muni,-ipal tUd~mt'nt over ond Iho roo I p,oporly and VOGH CAMPBEll \ !or~,~~ , 01 a I~~': In lhc publIC hlla"lI!l "0901051 Ihe real orop Imp r a v e n"l o·n I , PIo.nt/ff, & 8LUEHER, PC POrl'OIl of Iho I:mploYfllcm \'atMH\ arty and Improve concQ,nod wlln nor ..,,1 6100 Upto...n Blvd b,d.t!ng su/lH,onl moolln9 SIGN-ON BONUS: Llf Mobile home for menlS described will bo sold lubiod 10 ., N,E_, Sul10 500 to fh~y s~~"'';,;~~ renl 16x80 3 bd, 2 ba ,'herein inlhe lotol Qny and all PQIOnl -:"7ull Tho Oa.",1' Boo,d of \100 CNA ·11.100 LPN fen. yd" wlSlSlm o, lirsl (u'lo,h.H\ rllle,vo',on', O(lSO ~~i~;;"'B?lfo NlIw tho AlWSD hg, & Jasl of. 5200 dep. 'amaunl of S41. 990,83 BRYAN fARU5 AIeA ~oesct!'..d·u'~~ne~I °lh~ ~(II<1111 Which Judgmenl is a monl. oil r..co,dod 1505)884·8444 l!'l!v'ou,ly udop'lId 12,100 RN 257.0501 Ilt,eh n'l'l"rn" "r (,1-1) ond un,oco.dnd hon, BRYAN W FARUS (li"felton 01 Ihe 'nrst morlgOge lien VALERIE A WARD O,d,nonco:o) omond .\11l~1 Jl.I\\ 11,,, J.,;.l:rllJI/l.) ( hNJ.. encumbrance, and ~~~ 1~ljllC;~~~~de~",~~nd AKA VALERIE A 18494 4T nl21,28 SpociolMo.ro, ,"g l.n...,.·' o"g,nc( foryour (ommlljlltnlto w hie ham a u n.l Ul4,11 Ofd,nonco and. 1 ~I(flli'll(e, WI' ollef~1l~Htnl CAPITANl 1 bd. .\Illq P.", PIli '1< ,d ]-It.llll includes ali 01 Plain vnr"corded specigl ~~~ II. Y6R 0 ~~T'6~ Jumo1 A Asko... of ,nlond~ Ihol ,.It" -tiff's reasonable ollor asses,ments and TWELFTH lI:od..-y O,do,ol) Ord,nonco '2009-01 IJlary aJK! (ompfehtnllYe 1 112, 114 E. 2nd 10IDS Ihol may bll CREDIT COMPANY JUDICIAL DI5'fRICT Sloan. A~>n & Robb l1ey fees, lo~ cnel lLC, ,hall amond Iho b!'ntfillp,lckagt!. Sf. WID. Very e~ duo_ Plolnllff and 'II COURT 'casls to dote and orlornop. dlSclo,m all ~~ '2~~sI T~'~,c"SI'~~~ ?v'.1;n"0Iln'; c~~ .. r:I~.vo' C1eon, 575-973· oen5es 01 the Special Dofondonh COUNTY OF Mosler. costs of publi ,ospnnllb,lo.y fOf, and LINCOLN ~80a...8, M~~~cuoqu87jo3 '\ omll .. d"d. olld 17-13 or 257-5381 h'T d,'!."i",! ''''',rm.II,,,,, .m.l JI'I'I"Jlnlll .,I<-J"I Iho pUIChosor 01 thll STATE 01= a f"ch all rroPllrl,e, Pl~ase contJ(1 ~gbilone~~~e.Sd:tt01db~~ 1010 lok.e, Iho propll' No CVOB·181 NEW MEXICO (50SI 76B-135\ i, Ihll 10'0'llcl ..., h," f h 1I Michelle Lane, • 011 .,.~ i', 11"\011,,' cl"",,,I,,,,,II',,m .... ,·b r",~' UltOfnOY fa, .ho Plo,n 'lot include keeping ~Yo I ~~~I~~l ~o( II~: NOTICE OF 5AlE 0.""" bOUlltlOflll' .11 ;\:.\'o\'r.'~'lt .. tl\"J~1ll1l~ .Ihe re0 ...h,ch III' ... ,If,," Ap~., '.improvemenls NOllco IS ho,oby g'''on Fum. Gooo,,1 114 Counly AlleHor as modll '0 lome, A 'II'."~ a'lI"O OV",dll Email: '.Ihereon insured, pay .hol 'ho undll,.'gnod A~kllw michelle.lane ,ng la~es and OS5es Plaintiff, 01Iho O"I"c' **",;;;,;,.;.;. ~~oapIO'IYo r on,~t'u'r~ I' ~l SpoClol Moslor wdl, @fundltc,(om smenls uoon soid reo I any mo'bdll 0' m"nv on Morch 3, '2009 01 : AFFORDABLE : VAC.\:-iCY :-iOT){~E .liIslale. if necessary, 1000 am, ot S05 ." TI111 omcndod Ofd, Fax: 410-773-1601 'and all oddilional focturod homll '0 Ih.. " . Sarah Prolh,!) lOlld, deoc!,wrl,on 01 Mo,hom Ru,dolo Soroh Prothro ~~,~~e ,0';~,I::~;. a 'lI~,~~ laJl·frff; B11-441.w<»&t- J ~(IUllt/" amOunls paid lor Now MlI':CO, ,,,JI ond HfNEXSON ENTER : RENTALS : (',JIJil,lfl\rtlfhtirJ,11 making all other pay t.lIe 10 a mob,lo 0' PRISES, INC,. a New Wa,'o Vol.o 'ov, www.fundltc.com monufoclufod homo convey 10 'hl! h,ghllol M:~'~~~~'~ onv" ~,on, loo~ : Convenient : 1 1l11'1J1\ !'~'l" \,11 oIl~ , menls. charges, costs blddlll 10f calh 01 Ihll ~g1J~~D Jo Iho e~penses on tho propofly, .t cIf{Po;,sEfJftx R ;:01 a p~~~orll~ I I~~I~IC~ County.' Now MlI"co r~;:ogi ~IP~OPd~dy ~1 oClion. including 0111 No CV.08-369 ro,low,"g !hll publ., Pe~ tlgh' 01redomp 'on ", showlI by Iho pial lanuorr Ih" ""0""9 11111 D"I,,<, : paid No : J)! J,:"",,~ ",.,:",' )"')","",':''''1 Improvements Iho,oof 1,I"d ,n Iho 2009 '0 101l0w'''9 800,d may ,h"OIIl 10 )-.;-~.' Jheroon, logelher with Olt.on !.,ncoln Ru>dOlc hlrtng, Ihll '1I01 p.Opllfly olld STATE OF NEW Cou ..ly, NlI'" Mu'Co Me"co 883.5, loll and Now MII"ca 88355 ~<~I, ;W~u/~~e ~~Ioa ,mpfo.vllmllnl1 COli MEXICO dllH"bed bv mllle, convory to 'ho h'gho,' APply In pelSon b,dd", fo' cOlh all 1030 h~ 9~~~ on~,,'~ cllfllod wolh hO'lI'lI COUNTY OF o"d bound, a, :':;'" J d @13111WV70 ...,11 bll lotd I"b'0et '0 LINCOLN folio..., ~'~~I '1~~ ~n~r~ Donald 0 l-1"ne..o" ago(n ,o""d", Ihe OilY olld 011 pololl' TWELFTH a l,tI e d He~."ono Enlor Dobo.oh J 110nll-<.\0" ~~~~o:;~hol~: ~~~~ Must be friendly, 11IIo,v01!01l1 "010 JUDICIAL DISTRICT 811g,lI II' n g "I , .. 1I H"n .....o .. f",., menh all 'oco.ded Sou'heo'l (o,,'e' of 11."'" Inc OOllo(d plllOS Inc ~"rub\,~o~.an ~ ~o:~ Presentable lind unfecorded hell I SUNTRUST lO,d LOI 3, Ihllnce o Honllllon and 6101 klltdg.."ppl. p' (I a ..01 10f.clol.d hOf011l MORTGAGE,INC. No,lh o? dogfoll. 41 Ollbo.ah J Henlluo" Co"" O.d'non,e mo, b. conadent and and ",old.d and m.nutol 58 'lICOndl d ,n,poc'.d l laMa.... , OE (l-<1d JANe Doe 00,,0 W,non, I rue II II m • , 8~J:' Jomll.... A'\e.. f :::..-u S:!.t. :.i h>,..... A A,~.... S.""'ary u..knowlIl lenarlls lOI 3 '~nc. Norl~ 03 "110 Lokel Wq1o'& do:tgfMl 36 ""nul., 38 Ii5OO1flil18, 12H" So<>,mt.o" o.,l"ct Do:tf.~onl(11 S.COndl EOtl .. \'('f IHIll~"1ll ('~'~tll~(, Jnd ,I hl~n ,pl.lllll,,'!' I;, d"lo"clI 01 IB 41 lu.1 NOTICE OF SALE •blo 1T 1214 ". No CVoa-311 10 Ih. 10,d place 01 III,,\(' ~hJIlt"Il~nt I.s .j'l.I[,d'llt"'.,! ,I!tc' \,h., ,HI' ,'1 VILl.AGE H~~I'·~~ il'f~"W~i Il~ NonCE Of' Wf beg''''''''9- M'l: OF RUfOOSO \/c-\I,,,', \I,..I"-JI'/ ( ...'n/III.lrh'tl .,fl,'11t: , ~lll St.'I' 'h~ 10110W,,,,,, ." \'fH~r.ull l N6TlCf' IS HfU8Y ",,' o ll"Ol"Ilh ~"nntll, IIt,JD NOTICE ,.1 \ .... GIV!N Illol 0" e.l.,- 01 Ih~ ,It>o~l'' ild OF A.DOPTION ~b,~ ~r· 2 : "B1~ck018 lo~ A... ~~ l,!Tt.''''' or' fO!'b'uor~ , Senicl: Coordinator/<:.uc Manager. t0 &r a ,::1 ~U90IV1SIO.N 1009 01 9 o.tl '0 "O!" NOf'U I' Nilin flliA ,.. Wit \1"rllQ•• '(II ".1. atv.H 'hol 11•• tI•• " .. d.·'HV".J l,n,ol... Co.. ,,11 1>4.* ","'j.,!i.l.iu··r,>-I;).,· "rl" .HU lllt"mt-,'r_ I' .-'1"." " ..;. (JWmt., I,~" Ca •• ·~'ng 8ud, i". ~r' ~'oll.l,h:::.·1~rnl' :~~~ ~',I:11. o"d ~''''?;~4 C::.~:'\ed"'~; '~'"'' 1~':" "'il\~ b.d , l:. ad.' 2 10 'r~l.r ".r", 1'J'o"IOId"~ clf'QfIllll 1 1ft ~16 va., 01 ....01...... \an POttlCiQ Hot\fl ,,, ... \I' 0.. 1" 0 1. ,n l ,,.,

h'l ",t..ftc""",i J1t\.....'ll.f.l~'" ",.., ~p.,,>ba ""'1...,10.., II ,''''~Il ..-,t.""" U"'.'\:,""'I','ft· ,~. >/'IV ,., ~,\;

'''Ill.' ~, . '. ~.oo/:" "~,.,,,..,.... ". ~s.'" "'\ ' .. ", If ~I" '" '",,' ,~. W" th1.t,;ii,iI ;;:.-;~~,':.t ~'. ~~" .~t::·""'''''~ ;~ ,~".: \\~m~b\~.,.)~~ .l~\\'~~o ,,,...... ",.... ~ ...... ". ' , .,' ~. .. .' ~\!;U lkUL~ . ll\l .• \1'\.\ .".. '... '» II, .,•• ' onll.~tl.. 'II." ,"' ... , ",.,,, '. llnanclals ..... _t:!. ~I-'" ~ .-..a. .... 'fte'll... ~ t39-250 'UOlmt"S~~~I< 1 .....,. " '''.' "',:,.1, ... I ~~r;~~-.:~;:.hJ;'If~~~.;:T~;.,.~~~:::~;....::..,.. ~, .... ""'_~ ''::'';''::;;''l',. Jj"._._";~...,~~.~.~->,~",,,...- .. _,~. ~" .~~..,.,,,,,.•,,,,_ .•__~o ••••_ ..,~ ,~., • .-.-....~.•• ,~,,~. "~•••u ... '-"-~ _"'''_',.''-<8.'__''''' ~. ·.·-'.--~l l'~ .


RT, RUID080NEW8 267-4001

F1II1l Apb •GeoiraJ314 Fillflloo4 . 620 1fIsc,1lIIIlI 626 auto AuIo FO/ Sell 911 Olllcl SPice For 2003Ford Wlnd~tar RenUSaie 952 R E NT NQW Firewood lor sale. Paid new seOO. MOg Does your child 4 bd, 3 3 eXira 900-921 S4,995 3 ~ ~~dlllS: ec. RUIDOSO Seasoned, split & netlco Sleep pad. Levi Aulo Sales Office Space lor need a TUTOR I t f7'nVI e ~ooW:Ck,co~t~e~tfr~~~~ delivered. Call 60x80 !350. RoUlap (5751521·8691 Call Natasha 575­ Furn. 1 room lltfl~. AREA OWNER Arthur ct 515-704· de$k. 50. 12 used 'lnt. 350 SQ II. & 64().1076. Degree In No dogs. 258·5871 lahol slorage, newlv alumInum windows, ?4Yjer. Call 515·808· remodeled, 2,650 SQ II, 100. 575·318-4661 TraUeB 909 H~~~wtlfrtalpE~~~~ 1, 300/ m O + utll FINANCED '''' Brand new enclosed 1002F1lrdWinds lor child. with home llooo/dep. 110 Rim S4,400 ! PROPERTIES. ~I~~'p lrg~ISdoo~r0f. levi Auto Sole s work reading etc. RE NT NOW Ra.575-808·1225 (575)527·8691 side door. 6 x10. S2,800 Many to choose 808·151sn58~ tnrr:1 i e~ 2~~dlllS: Home F1Im1shJngs 627 1768 8ell Storage 953 Ct sm 1Bd lu~1 right Furn. 1 room effie. Dinnin~ room Ibl, w 2003Hvundoi etootro No d09~. 258·5871 lor I or 2 ReI Reo from. Buy your SJ.650 S42500 I Uhl I SIOO ~ct(ch3:(sl ~hi~dr~~ t.evt Auto scies deP't3l 496~ or 931 1'>66 Heavy I Medlem Dilly Ruidoso Dream ~~~'r~~ rrjo~e, h~~3 (575)511-8697 RepaIrs Stave , Ref. MOVE IN SPECIAL TrueD 910 Washer, Drvers, I~I cue s t w / lamps, dishwashers, weutn hutl nit nuns runt Home now. MIiI.1le11ll 626 1993 lexus sports coup 1 & 'i bd {l~(lrlllll'fll~ Need 10 sell some creaser SHOO lakeS it eriling & MIs.c bill~ 'urni~hpd all, U haul. 973-1834 1916ford FUO4x4 SC·400 looks and runs pmd. Ihing? Jennie Dorgan reat 99k milesS5900 Handvmon repair no cets. HS 'n7,048J Fischer snow New 35" ures runs Arthur. 104·1232 Phone Ruidoso Real'Estate strong S2500973-1130 !36-8206 News plow complete Ruidoso News Clossifieds 01 257 257·4001 05 Mitsubishi t.cncer 575-630-9900 freme, plow, SS,IW5 4001 levi AUla Sales lights, con­ AuIo For Sale 917 (5151521-8697 Need to sell General Silllcil 3304 trols, pump 8ul~1og Meleri~s 650 2000 BuiCk Ceruurv something? ethcillncv apt. greal MOVE TO S4,995 Phone 257·4001 Maple, Oak, Hlckorv Levi.Auln sores Ruidoso News Ruidoso News Jewelry Ilcpalr mhl·town local ion $1900,· 20ft (575)S1H1697 furnishl!tl, ems paid, RUIDOSOI eor~~~qul!1ldl~~~or~~ 251·4001 Classifieds no pet .. call bed trailer Watch Ilcpalr 51H31·G487 flat ARE THE MILL! Several esteb Fredericksburg Texas c~g,~~sCObOlt 1996 RingJizin~, Remeums, heavy duty 830'991·6503 2006 eroscuncss Need 10 sell some Sierra Profitable busi Levi Aula Seres S1,2~O CunomDtliWl'Appraisal•. ·ttTimt~ .I'llmps-new--. -----;-­ L.i1.il521,Wl1 Gelllral Selllcil 3304 . ncsses 'for sare-. L€-¥i, AulQ-&-oles - ftamrte~ft~ftoh Unlum. AIls. •General 328 Phone Ruidoso (575)511·8697 - Now is the lime paint $1900, En~rmYing 2 Apl$. evcu.aen 1.5 News pets 2003 Ford..Explorer Rep.ilir. BA S62S.·S125.mo.sec CIO!;sif~~~~ ot 257-.. 10 live in the obo 2 avail. 2006 PT Cruiser Deposit equal 10 renl Lev! Auto Sales $7,995 (~1S1527-8697 lDduJ&lDui IllIIbdIII'l .renent pav~ bIlls call mtns Some 700·725 """ t.evt Auto sores {S7515i78691 Sandy 2578444 terms 575-74()'()325 IBLUE UOlluddutb Drtvt GfJYlion HilI5 I 00, 2 HeBeslStalllet!Mlse, 102 2002ford F-i.so D HOVER co. ",Ibruullfyl v,ew~ evaileble single cab JOlf,~osoCoroIiO 1·- 0 T C 1 ION UNFURNISHED & ~80()lmo 2700 sq 11·4 bd, J ec. for Sale 150 1I.x~40 It 1994 rJ " s u (575) 1·2 BEDROOM • utrI SS.995 630.0067 tSlXlldep S}~ 4J() /877 III deck .. with big min portable raping area, levi Auto Soles levi Auto Sole.. APARTMENTS' views. U25,OOO. Owner return allev, remote (~lS1527-8697 Specializing In Derks, BILLS PAID. NO Jennie D0'1lu (5751527-8691 PETS,258-311L ~AMgSI RDe~~tv,BO~~~: ;~$~ t1s~fJ~~~n:z1 shoot Rmwdels (,PalnUng. Real Eatate ~7" Panas.onic TV, 937·0600 S50. Please Call the 2003Ford focus 575·630-9900 J e c e e v Club at S4,6S0 CaD BlUE 1 00 Alll I, [1' "·1 homes 378·4446 Levi .Aula Sote~ 8esinessiRetaii For Rent! ib"'luu l<,,·1 l.'(H11 99 Ford Ranger Office or Retail I" 114 $l'lJOI SELL YOUR 2 Lot.. On the river. Stove. Everything in vcreonoes Puppies Space for rent. 1 000 All Yard, Mawing, B~Wrte 2024 Sudderth. Owner cluded. 25 PDe. 100 ..hih IlU AKC Ext Cob ~?31 Trees: Remove, ConstrudIon PUBLISHER'S NOTICE aes.ccu S4,&SO ft. Call 515.931. a~tote HOME NOW? Financing with good lbs ot pellets. $2,000. for cccotnt to see I ~rou~fi ~~kin\ ,U;~e:~ ThomaIIIiiIanIe All roal advor­ dawn payment. 505· 57H26-8141 ~15 644-6274 Levi Aula Sales n u Townhouse,! nsed here-in is sub­ 263-6116. l~15)~2J 8697 stnce83. 257-5808 _1Ols·1iIITillil lod 10 .tho Fedaral ~ ~ Hal tub new ecersan .... Cendominiums 342 Fa.r HOU~lOg A~I. What about 1999 Ford Ranger rcce-v ..00 one cost CHILD CARE 24n which makes it illogal S5.5OO ....:2""..· • ~.i~!f~V:n,bO(Ntrs, a~~ a trade? ~9~OO m.u .. 1 s eH recreation Levi Aulo sores CHILDREN 2YRS. to cdvern..e ony pref­ SO~-270 ter & scs S795 a..... nerl S34S000 3lO4 799-a16 f575l527·8691 ·10 CALL 937·0043 agent 9)7·0513 eren~lI, limitation, or Call me for discrimtnahon bo­ cau~o ra~e, more Ideas. 2 bd, 2 bo, lurn_. of color, 1.3 acre.., well & Ta ..... nhome I yr religion, ~ox. hondi_ Sierra Blanco View... lea"e. No Smoken. ~ap, fam.liol stolus, or US,ooo. Level acces~; U,400lmo 57S·3l6·4656 Jennie Dorgan minutes to lown. national origin, or in­ AMaR Reallv, Owner tention 10 make any Real Estate fAgent Dan Balin, 2 bd, 1 ~ no, qreol '0 such preference, 937-0600 callan, Ip. fenced yard S70Qlmo limllation, or dlsCflmi­ 575-630·9900 S50Wdep, 93T-&601 nallon" We will nat 5 plus ocre~ nexl 10 knowingly accept any Nal'l Fore~t, Sierra Blan(:a ylews.. Easv odver!lSlOg for real To place a classi acce..s, 2 wells. Greal eslato which IS in vla­ fied ad for Horses. Divided Ialion of Ihe low. phone IOtO 3 trock... S155,000 All AMoR Reallv, Owner persons aro haroby 251-4001 IAgent, Dan Bolin, IOfarmed Ihat all 937:0600 3 bd, J ba Condo In dwollings odverhsod Alto for leo ..e, AC. are ayoilable on on HOIllI' General 112 Cla..ing Casl Down nice ..... ooded view equal opportunity ba- ~~lk~~9 ~i':'an~~refo 808·1488 sis . Owner Needs To Sell Custom ~ bd, I ba midtown. Unre~licted. rt/~~ ~ftnvglJ~~rr~~~s.i Great Ylew.., privacy 1230 Mechem fullv wllh convenience. furn, 3 bd, 3 ba 2 ten. Deloche(l work MLS #10168. AMoR rTl~tr. ~uile... S975Jmo. ihop. You Can. Hear Reallv, Dan Balin, + bIlls.. Coli Scolt, The RIver from Ihe 931·0600 O.....nNfAgenl, 808·1297 ,Deck. FUllv turn. & is) move in ready. ~2J~,50to~~~ #lOM1:~ UnfurnIshed la ..... n hOUSe for renl. Cree EQUAL HOUSING Reallv.937·IJIjOO Mt!odo..... ~ area. J bdl OPPORTUNITY -~~ jo~.o~~~ air ~3~~JJ~~:oge. Townhouses/ Tewnheeset! Femlshed HousDt 350 Condominiums 342 Condominiums 342 I(egister to win I bdrrnlurniqH:>d hg'I.... lomb,nol,on k !lth"nIlIYlngroom LoYer-'d parking FOR SALE in adult Ultli!.e~ poid SS7'i1rno 1& 2 BR RV Park. park model • deoo",! Rt'l reo'u trlr wfodd-on S6,000. ~mok Call Recreotien Vii \7l:R $2000 PRIZES No pel" Non IN ,og 1~7 7109 la'le 258-4568 fer ap & pamtmenl. Furnished 2-Night Hotel Stay Golf for Four Cute 2 bd. 1 btl house ..... ith fIreplace, kiJch MObile 110me lor Sole. Inn of the Mountain Gods appliance~, Unfurnished Musl move at! lot. Comfort Inn or Hotel Ruidoso en WID hook·up.. & covered $500. $200 clean UP ~~~I ulfl~'lall ~~~~~l dIlPo~". Call 251-0812 (4 to be given away) ~RR.cam, 258-3888 or Condos. Utili­ 9J7-2106 Gift Basket ties Included. goods & 2 Tickets Misty Mountain , services Marilu Henner 600·668 & 2550·4131 The Spence Theater 257·2511 Wanf To 8uy 600 2 Tickets Fullv lurn., J bd, 2 Bye Bye Birdie ba. Remodeled. Lo ..... er Cornela!. $ CASH A Dozen Roses saOOlrno _ j. Uli!, Unfum. HOIll' General Unfum, Home· General REWARD $ The Spencer Theater .Marcia Guvnes al Ruidoso Flower Shop RloR uidasoR collars 352 352 .com 93n7l1 FOR: ANTIQUE 405 FLUMECI\NYON-LOG HOME 3/3. FISHING Dinner for Two LOFT GAME ROOM. 2 FP. $1.490 TACKLE & Dinner for Two Unfem. Homo· General PLUSUTILITIES CLASSIC OLD Landlocked Restaurant Smokey B's 352 GUNS: PAYING 11: I~OHl Rd lorg{' 4 313 MORGAN·3/2. FP, GARAGE $990 RETAIL PRICES: bt',jllb-o ~jo Pel~ ("10'''' Gift Certificate '0 r'Yer If'! 1)Pller 'on PLUSUTILITIES RICK@ 2 Tickets ion S8(1)'mo VOO De PO~II ' 01115 Owner 575-354·0365 Tanner Traditions The Drowsy Chaperone Age!ll ')rult RO'>l'r 808 conAGE CENTRAL CABINS 119/ 616 SUDDERTH I want 10 bUY. B.g The Spencer Theater ALLUTILITIES INCLUDED Screen & Reguior lbdl IBo fpl,oll appll TV,. Sechonol couch, Massage & Pedicure onCes,.ncl.lorge • STUDIO CABINS $550 lable & ..ota bed 915· yard Small peh ok 591-6460 The Body Bar .. • 1 BEDROOM conAGE $800 lo_~ • $25 Gift' Certificate • S815+ uli1.57S·251 , ~89] OWNER AGENT Candle·Power Fuelfllood 620 Gift Certificate CABINS & CONDOS BARBARA WILLARD Moye In 'Peclal 1 ) 575-257·2576' 575-257...121 Mountain Arts eo SJOO S800 Ppl~ "'ekame ~7!l-9n08J) $25 Gift Certificate Mitchell's Turquoise & Silver J lXI, 1 bCl:I F-ed In 442 Dinner for Two ,~ AYOlI. 'if,1 ~ Ihlkiti:lIIo. WID up. I Gathering of Nations (2 to be given away) Fa&. NIl Pm SO.. Lincoln toOOl\. 'NM If.,. 5500, 9\5·490. j , ' , . 04U Ol' 91S--6J7--91~ Say{'EnjO)uble In\'l'stmenl 4O.\trel , Bring your completed entrY to ANY of the following locations Apprui'lft'a, $''18.0I"1.IHI. . To be registered for All of the prizes above: . Now priml., 5'1'1,tltltl.lHl. , The Ruidoso Flower Shop. ;l53'Sudderth * Candle Powet._ 2605 Sudderth Counl' ru.utdmnc. Mllchell's Turquoise ,"Sliver. 2622 Sudderth * Tanner Tra~.!'Yl!ls.624 Sudderth 174A<_ The Body Bar, t870 Sudderth * Mounlaln Arts. 2530 Sudderth * Su.....lUndrdh)· Na.iunaJ Fo""". . Mlsly Mounlaln. 2301 Sudderth u'll"'·nod...... olill~ Inn ofthe Mounlaln Gods. Apache Splrll Club * Casino Apache. Apache Splrll Club <:olllll) rt~d. \i~o(sil'I'ia·8Jantu. 5350,tlOO.oo JUOlMr 8" the cord ·(:aUlh.n.. 8~3~IMI 11'1 cord or Bundl., NAME. _ ss.t17--

~122 ~122 PHONE__- _ MQuw IQf' rlfll' "100 "' mOl'''''-, Colt ,. la'\lft. Cln,,-rl ". A,••" It ·02a or Male Chihuahua EMAll -'-- _ li',t011 6 weeks old ~adv for new familv. vcrY Drawing to ba hald ThLlnday. February 12. 2009 Entries mLlst be received by 5:00 p.m, Wednesday. February 11.2009 ildorable. grenl MLlst bl 1810 win vnlentlncs gift. 1\I,h:k with brown on I:Y,,'s.

Asking s250.00 \\)0\ Po\a~ A'I. '1I.\'I\X\"" NlW ME.'Un'lIllH\ w"'I~(Um -- PI~'lSe ~al' "9' -t12! I ,.- ••.•,•••• ' .••••.••••• ...... ~.tf!:J ' , '•••••.•••••• ••• ~ ••• ~ .. I , • •

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Feb. 4 - 10,2009 Feb.. 4 -, I 2 As Seen On TV . , . . On [he Cover Gates seeks man behind the icon • By Kale 0 !~~Looking for Lincoln'__ --+a'_~p2lt--

~ ~ :...i-'c:Y: e- a:.-so =- cTw;-"OJ :0:.. a:ut J'CX"':P-I"l; gE!)- ,,:9"l:l t"'la: people were Like a hou ececa c-e-ce-rc V~:J""e:Oa~ ~ ...s:n~ ~ a:o"-' ~ ~ nier"a crcor­ doors, the -ee, '" :r:S:: ,~ oce is- ....n::or t-e ~.,0$'1" o-e oec:a....-.e e-e-os HrJ: f.tf:rf aboil­ ng5 .nr ~.,.. ~ ~ t-e­ ~ ways to en J.,.""Y.:J"'l"; sc-e-ce- o-esce-ta to-es ....", Doug:ass ...... n:::::tr' e sc eececo.e ; ",1'" r I/a') i:o:. -"e::?-15 e ..J"C:)1f 'b'" ~ You can s ~ cr-ccr- -ocs ..rr""~: -e oogar to -eose htS l~ .t,.-.:,n:::aM l-.a;r.au:r r-e- ~ S3aS:Ji.' meet the $8L.S es a- co- ...~ I~ .-ews o- "'2CE: arlO It's a rmstaxe ~ ce-e-eac- -er-ce-m -e- r- Sees W"l:. .::r:e-' ;.J; ..r :Ja> 10 tJXE ~ cor of lne co-teo ines, and I ceco-ec r- cccese scee :J'" t-ee- =-.,.. r-ece.' Saies ecsar-e, - Jl:::H"" ~.olc:a-' re-e-es 'Jon sce-r-o-e e-e r ~na:u-o: -::J- ''"U5 -QH'"' tne Gates says bera asse 'V~ "a~ --n:or t ~ ,. $'S ne ';JItIr tas::rato- :»9;a- r. :r N;eTJ. ~ -e-eos, ~~.­ ~ S 'w'e"J eesr ic 'be a-ecoro-sstc their adver co-se-es en: t-e-e a'? sc -e"'l:r t ~ ~ LJ."'COr"~ c-e :n; :T:JJ ...-.:.'S ~#~ ~ e: engratc ere .h:::::an5. r ...:- -e:E e ae-aa is: ::J :T1l~ Tw::' ~ -ee- ,at:n; :Wl!'" e-o sai t"lai ""'" .. Or you ca ~~;:~-.r'l: sr-.aE ~ ~ ~:Jo?'.:...n::or. t-e ua-o- .J:S.S IIllI"ClSe -pct..r,t rt..n; r t'? .co-so-s ,'Je middle, wi ;til ;r.:>oOeS:::-.:n; :me- ::::::r-r=­ sceec- -x Ma"tr ~ I'"~ 'Y J'C:)f" 1I:-~'...n:or -o-e ":i :?at:=s 3au"Dte" As. heroines i L.n:::t:;tr' CO""IeS .;p :ico-, -eeco-ees r:r. sc-oe-s r-e saee-e-. -n:::Jr n:- :COJ'- "'le ~ XJS" ~ S3}"S. -e 5il cenc- ~ powers. .:Jf.Ij~~:n:~­ t.rlzS: cr-cor- rtf ""l3~:JI,:e;e-t ~,D: cr-cor- e;­ a:::Y.n;, .:)Jf '"Ie >has a • :t':"~ ::;n:: :':J"'T1:O:r::C' e-o-r; ....n::x r-e 'w-o-es; -rcor rli e-e cc-csaac Eo' reatI!t i"EC ",--as Seces serts ~ ~ Iron; is Or you cal or-e-s, :;;O..olc:r. JC:lr t-e co-r-u- 'a" .~ co-eiceec :-) -e oo­ toa!.r")$.~ sceec- y; J..Dnj p. most pari 10- o-s-e ~ :r cr-ccr- ~ 2:Or .t> - ~ ?o/a- ~,:a - ':-aaJt,. :So': nt·t ...nti- t'l$ :r.> 4855 "E ~ -cr.e-e oeco-, 'J~ moment \\ :trtu3, !""'8""~::r:"~""'e"'il >-Sr': iie:~"'Er cr-cce- 9::. t-e i'hr~ -ccse arY.l 5i1fS thaI at bang start' -=I~ ~ ~tai ~ ~ as! ""Ie "laS' ~ con~ J tr n= • J.,,-,: t""a- 't"'e"':' Jcor r.; .. was t"'a' ...-as;;r:n; Fox's "D~ TtiE" ~ f.;2~ ""lJ""'iii :t=>Jt; ::-""r-ire a"lt _reo. \~ 1: ~ ~ ~'~ na: ::ey.-~ :iaCx ..-.er S/"Ou(l aa- Friday, Fet :..:nrl: 1J;. e;J3'""C ..- ..-:or-.n;rf ""':!~e' .!. ;2.1'0. ~ ~.: S:3"'C3:t«:T'E:t Jr::Ot"'. -a"'E a"'C "EVe t'"IEc '"19h1 to ..ole ~e at. ,a-c ~ ~ a:!L.af'.' 1er~~ .?x 0x.·:iaCJ( SQto..ers whO behind dOl ~ sa.os .. ~ -,..' :xx:c 'b:...o.'"li b" tt"lE- -..no'"'; a'X! t""o? '..-er'J Tha ona·H ~ a-d1"): 7aa' ~ s:to­ ntelitg;nt '~ That's ~ the creati ~ ~ 3" .. -e.:..xo.'J"" as: ';It ~=:t, :.J'V'i6't"Sa' ~rage fOr beloved ""XE ro~ .~ t: Ie" as ~ ~ ~ r: ...~ rncYe tr.an ~-"'!"1,''''E!.~,t'~ previous a--.~ ~':Y~ .....ad aa..-o::at· :a::6e: r-rre-...e.- -:-.t:r~' Vampire """':r- £D:r't, €d1t:r"- ~ "Firafly." . 'A'YJ 0JeSS M"C tttas ,... troe av>­ ~ W"l:'l"'ll"lr.; .....n::::tr IS :: e"02.,-.r.tr. 'l'I{I.;es'~ a"¥j ~ Eliza, Du x t:r -a::s:.. 1: ne S:ns :r t'f<: t"'E'~ rogue va :.~ ~ W""l: t:"t~ t.r"Ied 1C .....1 10 "l::tT' and ~'"", both "8uff ""e5:: X 3 ! ..~ a-d 'w::Jl"k m. sac ,T"lafs r. XInJ !O kz!t -.a,~~~~ !'lJ'1", ~'!Yee, ~ i3ty he. as Echo, "'0", ~"""',S;l~ works for e-.e"'l Wl'lr" '~ "nan)' ~l 'o'.Q;Jd It~ ~ S a" :f.e- sa"1ln; ..:s that has VI! ;J:x"'tr""ctn ct ""t'v.: Greet ccnsoer a !"f'I::::OeS: ~oent ries and r })\;" '.1\,- Glac:::o:to.. ~ ~ was.sead'as1­ ,~ !he rq1. CI tt.aeXs'!P 'o'Ote "Active," a 5"t'2r',~ ~ ~ to Sla"") !'9'ckrlg to t.rw::::ort 'S9"'ElO h$. 0'fI0" oe-attl pay, Ihe • ; ...... _R:h£ t"1e _, '1Stl'~"- sen:erce Ifs at>a'll!!zrlg -,.' completel) \ Actives tc particular Then, whl exists, thE to their wiped seh Zen~them( the "0,ollh! .Unfortun~ Iton, Echo Ing to leal AI the sa, wond, FE (Tahmoh I 10place II tha Dollh Russian il GJokaj), Harry LI sequelS) I 80yd l.a~ plays Ac;1 pial's "] Dollhous Olivia ~ DeWitt, ~ leaders. Also mal 'Anger "I Dollhous! hide secrl

., ...,------,------~---~~~ --"---

Feb.. 4 -, 10, 2009 As Seen On TV 3

lUGG~ ·~ · ~~ · fGBlUmd [hiS ., ~ "7, ·.JOHN COA$O~,:IJIJS,,FAGIJ, ". ~W '~i InpraCII~lnAlamogordofor28years Fox breaks into the 'Dollhouse' IJ By Kale O'Hare As to why a rich person would lijWi~;@~ ~41tie1tt4""e I ~p211-- ___~oll" instead of juslhiring. .". a regUlar expert, Whedon says. "The point of the show is that an .. 1211 NEW .YORK AVE, 575434.Q470 Like a house with only so many 'Active' or a doll is just the very Fax 575-439-5905 doors, there are only so many best at anything that they do, [email protected] ways to enter a story. because they've been condl­ You can start at the beginning, Honed their. whole lives to be LaserPerlodonlal Therapy"'uslnlIPerloLase® Laser meet the heroes and/or hero­ exactly whatever it Is that they ines. and watch the team mem­ need to be, and they have no bers assemble and set out on other aqenda," their adventures.: So, for example, while superspy Or you can -enter a story at the Sydney Bristow (Jennifer middle, with the heroes and/or Garner) on ABC's "Alias" took on heroines at the height of their a variety of disguises and fake Please don't powers. identities. Echo takes it 100 per­ Or you can come in at the end, cent further. mast particularly 'right at .the "We are these people," Oushku moment when the whole she­ says."We're completely unaware bang starts to fall apart. that we're in these different situ­ forget Fox's "Dollhouse," premiering ations and environments, We're . Friday, Feb.13, very possibly lies not playing someone else. We're behind door NO.3. just in it. The one-hour fanta.§y/drama is "So that's the major thing. It's the creation of Joss Whedon, supar-challenqinq. I'm not going to ree,ele! belovedby fans and critics for his to lie, Sometimes when a script previous TV series "BuHy the comes down the pike, I'm like, Vampire Slayer," "Anger and 'Really, Joss? I'm a cult religious "Firefly." . fanatic and blind, and. you're sending me into a cult compound C~ Eliza, Dushku -- who played as a blind person who believes rogue vampire slayer Faith on that she's here "in the garden of ~8uffy" - both and "Angel" .- stars God?' " as Echo, a young woman Who This story line reflects another works for an illegal organization aspect of the Actives, that their that has wiped clean her memo­ brain function can be altered to ries and personality. She is an induce physical shortcomings or "Active," and for those who can disabilities. from nearsighted­ pay, the organization imprints ness to asthma to total blind­ completely new identities on the ness. Actives to suit the needs of a particular situation or crisis. But as anyone familiar with Whedon's work knows, the fanta­ Then, when the need no longer sy and gee-whiz elements of the exists, the Actives are returned story hold only part of his inter­ to their slightly" blank, mind­ est. He likes to tell an entertain­ wiped selves, living together in a ing tale, but he also IUres·to take Zen-themed domicile nicknamed on larger SUbjects, in this case, the "Dollhouse," identity, power and the effect of .Unfo.rtunately for the organiza­ the second on the first. .non, Echo's memories are start­ "What interests me is the human ing to leak through. condition," Whedon says, "the At the same time, in the outside idea of this woman who is wortd, FBI agent Paul Ballard stripped of her personality and Eliza Dushku stars In "DollhousB," premiering Friday on Fox. fTahmoh Penikett) is determined has to rebuild herself from to piece together the truth about scratch. Not only her character, the Dollhouse with the help of but every character, is on some Russian informant Lubov (Envar level dealing with their identity." GJokaj), In the case of the Actives, some­ the exact person they need at around Without even knowing Harry Lennix ("The Matrix'" one has paid quite a lot for that that point in the life." sequels) plays Echo's handler. identity. that they've been robbed 01 their Boyd Langton; Dlchen Lachman "There are a lot of different If you're thinking all this sounds a life and personality: plays Ac;tive Siena: Fran Kranz things people need," Whedon bit sinister and more than a little 'trs a dangerous technology. It's pial's ··Topher· Brink, the says, "and you'll see from the like slavery, then you see the almost the same as being mur­ Dollhouse from Paul Ballard's Oollhouse's tech genius; and start that romantic engagements dered. I think the audience will perspective. Olivia WlIIlams plays Adelle or sexual engagements are part mostly agree. It's a dangerous DeWitt, one of the Dollhouse's of what goes on, but not actually "There's a point in the show," technology. but it's also tascinat­ leaders. that huge of a part. certainly not Penike" says, 'I won't give you ing. Also making an appearance Is at the beginning. the line verbatim, but he's having -Anger veteran Amy Acker as 8 "it is a given that that is part of a debate with somebody about it, . "Who's to say if you wouldn't use Dollhouse doctor whose scars what is going on, but It Is more and he's like, 'This Is wrong. it if you had the money and the hide secrets. eboUl the things people need - These people, they're walking means and the power?" /-_..:.-....', r'--.------=------~-~~. ~ -7/

Feb. 4 Ai; Seen On TV Feb. 4 - 10, 2009 ~ R S T H S 0 J S N EF M 0 X M VS Y R R'A-'" 8 W ROE K VET I L_~5. Ming-Na's role"when she was 011 JOE 0 NE TSP 0 0 NSEJ "ER" WNMLVBFGK J CR LSR 26. Suffix for near or dear A ~H.Y GJj)LI. ~..~ ...~ ~_~-,-,K'---E­ =1==1=:1---.29"".-£resident" Lt9BH!8L __ : 30." Hour" Y LP TA A FW NNSNNM S 34. Sleered a scull ByJ 36. Steer clear of N ROT J L.E V N N 0 Q C XF @Zs 38. Nine years after Columbus' EA SAM CPO AJE CART famous voyage Sam 39. Part of Ihe litle of a Drew Carey, K G X P 0 NOD MNS JS TM while series (2) TULWRAH8 LNNRGS0 time. 42. Sault Marie Wha tion, 43. Actor on "The Unit" (2) B S Q JMS K V POE AV Q J the HAC ILL ATE MCTH B 0 forti Fa", SHE RYLFLS0MRLIW Los 1. "The _ al Home" (2005·07) CBS 2. Lupino's namesakes o E 0 8 SH D AE HOlDA R non cere 3. Red's Kadiddlehopper SXE J TPRWS GY 0 ALP of rn 4. "Murder, ~ Says"; 1945 Fred from MacMurray film The 51 st Annual Grammy Awards nominees Paul (Words In parentheses not In puzzle) 5. Prefix for large or rage 10 re Jam 6. Put in order Trace (Adkins) Jonas (Brothers) Barry (Manilow) are I 7. Charlotte Rae's role on "The Coldplay Lady (Antebellum) Maroon (5) So Facls of Life" Sheryl (Crow)' (LiI) Wayne Metallica "Loa The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in 8. 1991-94 series about a garbage bam Josh(Groban) Patty (Loveless) Rlhanna the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the let­ collector best Jennifer (Hudson) Madonna Sugarland duo ters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. 9. "The Ex List" role (2) sing' 12. Actor on "Pushing Daisies" (2) Also 13. Gel rid of ACROSS 14. Lead role on "Profiler" CZap21t ler s 15. Bonanza or Southfork 16. Cry of discovery . .1 nlng 28. O(19mal 'Beavis and Butt-head" 35. Promos 1. "Crusoe" star 17. "Without a Trace" role 19. Role on "Everybody Loves SU9 network year 9. "~Apple"; 2004 Chris Nolh TV 18. Femme Nikita" Raymond" 37. Suffix for equal or real Non 30. Close movie 20. "_ Wilh Her" (2003-04) 20. Thingamajig 40. "Miracle at _. Anna"; 2008 with 31. Review a manuscript 10. Talk show host 21. Ryan's "Love Story" co-star 22. "Whose Wedding Is _ Anyway?" Ow, movie "It II 11. Hollywood"; 1991 Michael J. 23. List-shortening abbr. 23. James Caan's "Las Vegas" role 32. Inll. alliance 27. Thirst quencher 33. Nylons 41. "As _ "; 2002 series fem Fox film 24. Sub alternative Nett norr affin only What Would nearly a .5'1,000 ed II Do For Your Economic Situation? fOri Now HIRING FOR UPCOMING CLASS FEBRUARY 2ND Auto Mortgage Apply In person: M·FSam-5pm .- I Personal 1-8004Iowers.com Credit Card 2111 N. FLORIDA' ALAMOGORDO. NM . By, 439-3100 @ '1-3-1-8500 @Z

Les ses MO, Th, app Dal Ing 2/14/(){} wer AWl Ihe wh. this ASi TCI (PJ' Eeb. 4 - ro, 2009 ABSeen On TV

M T nClosm Looh J Music's best croons Grammy's tune at5.1 st R K ~~n~~LC?eremony .' .- - - -- IS By Jay Bobbin go and be part of something that fun or to change their lives, it's all That said, Nettlesremainsopen to F @lap2lt celebratesmusic in general for the good." teamIng with other artists. 'When IT whole year." The ballad "Stay," from something can happen artistically Some have been there before, Nettles' counterpart in Lady Sugarland's sophomore CD in. that way -- when people can M while for others, it will be the first Antebellum,Hillary Scott,lspinch­ "Enjoy the Ride," certainly has come together for the right rea­ time. ing herself over her group's maid­ been good for the duo. sons -- I'm all for itt she says. o Whatever the individual's situa­ en run at Grammys. "Family and "I am so proud of it,"Nettles says. Havingparents who also know the friends havecalled to congratulate 'That song has been a gift from tion, there's always excitementat music business from the inside I J us," she says, "and there really the peginning, really.' It's one of the Grammy Awards, especially has been invaluable 10 Scott as for thosenominated. aren't any words to try and explain those that really wrote itself very 10 (the feeling). I've been thil1king so quickly, as some of them do. Lady Antebellum's star keeps ris­ Facesfamiliar andfresh will be in ing. W Los Angeles' Staples Center as much about how to express how Who'd have thought the story of a CBStelevises the51 stannual edi­ excited and shacked we are, all redeemed mistress would speak "l'm so thankful," she says, "to be tion of the music industry's top those mixed emotions. so deeply to people? I think irs a able to call from the road, when R wonderful country song and also ceremony Sunday, Feb. 8.The list 'The. Grammysare the top of the I'm just exhausted and not sure if a wonderful message, in the P of nominees spans the spectrum top," Scott notes. "You're noticed I can make it through the day sense that it tells the story ot from veteran talents -. including worldwidefor Y0L!r craft, and for us because we've just.been running someone whose story is some­ lees PaulMcCartney and NeilYoung •• to be includedin those categories, times untold." ourselves ragged, and to know to relativenewcomerssuch as the the best wayto describe it is hum­ they understand completely what Jonas Brothers and Duffy, who The daughter ofmusician-produc­ InHow) bling." I'm saying. It's speclat" are.up for best'new artist. er Lang Scott and country singer Jon (5) Being named best neW artist at Linda Davis, Scott recognizesthe Special for Scott, too, was the So Is Lady Antebellum, the the Grammyswould make it a hat Grammys' best new artist compe­ chance to duet with Reba .tallica ~Lookin' for a Good Tlme" country trick for. Lady Antebellum, which band also Grammy-nominated for tition encompasses all genres. ~1'1f McEntire at an Illinoisconcert last hanna scored similar honorslast year at speak for myself, but also Charles best country performance by a the Academy of Country Music year on 'Does He Love You," duo or group with vocals (for the and Dave (Kelley and Haywood. which Scott's mother recorded arland Awards (best new vocal group) Country muslc'~ single "Love Don't Live Here"). Scott's colleagues in Lady and the Country Music with McEntire in 1993. In the 51st AnnIJ Also in that category is the popu­ Antebellum), in saying that we're Association Awards (new artist of Heading soon into Sugarland's lZap21t lar Sugarlandfor"Stayt in the run­ lust fans of music in general. We the year). ning for best country song as well; listen to things from before we first European tour, Ihen a round Sugarland'sthird Grammy bid this' Both Lady Antebellum and were born, as well as the most of U. S. concerts .with Kenny year is for coverinq "Life in a Suqanand are proud to reflect current stuff." Chesney, Nettles maintains she Northern Town," a collaboration styles beyond country. "It's great Nettles has a 2007 Grammy for never tires of award shows. with Little Big Town and Jake that the Grammys recognize that her collaboration with rock's Bon "As we move forward in our music is so broad-based" Nettles Jovi on 'Who Says You Can't Go Owen. careers," she says, "I think they says, "and that the borders and Home,".but she looks forward to "It feels great," says Sugarland's become that much more special boundaries and lines area bit winning one for her Sugarland female lead singer Jennifer especially where the Grammys Nettles about being a Grammy looser.Good music is good muSic, efforts with guitarist-vocalist ( are concerned. To me, that's the nominee again.Mit's validatingand regardlessof whether we're doing Kristian Bush. affirming,and excitingto boot.Not our own show or singing with "That is a big, big hope of mine," Holy Grail of music. You're in a only do you feelllke you'reaccept­ Beyonce (as Sugarland did at the she admits, "for as much and as roomful of your peers and can- M ed in the industry and celebrated 2007 American Mustc Awards). hard as Kriatlan and I work . temporaries, and it's just an excit­ for what you're doing, you get to As tong as it speaks to people for together," ingtime." All, -, nn InsidG Loo~ Turner Classic'Movies offers an Oscar-season education

By Jey Bobbin Mankiewicz (daytime) presiding, test, you don't have to study, and Osborne knows viewers wnt : @lap211 the 2417' movie marathon contin- all you have to do is sit there and expect some of the most famous ues its 2009 form of a university have a great time watching these Oscar-winning movies as well, curriculum. movies." but even then, TCM is making lessons in Oscar are now in ~ session, and Turner Classic For instance, "Moonstruck" and "31 Days of Oscar" also is a some changes. MOviesIs the classroom. "Marty" represent Urban Ethnic prime occasion for TCM to fold "This year," Osborne explains, . Cultures in TCM's Anthropology fresh titles into its vast library, "we're not doing 'Gone With the The channel trtss a new Department, while "Never Cry .. d . h Wind' in prime time bUI in the approach each year with its "31 Wolf" and "Lassie Come Home" an not Just t e important afternoon. This way, people who Days of Oscar" festival. a gather- are "courses" in the Principles of movies that come along, like 'My stay home during the day will lng of films that either won or Animal Behavior section of the Left Foot' and 'Bugsy: " Osborne have a chance to see it, and I were nomInated for Academy Zoology Department. notes. think that works out well. Some Awards - timed to coinclde with "It's a fun way to do it," the ever- "There's a wonderful Rosalind people say, 'You show the movie Industry'S big event. genial Osborne says. "The main Russell comedy called 'Take a "Casablanca" every year at which is scheduled for. Feb. 22 thing I'm trying to emphasize in Letter, Darling: and the interest- Oscar time: but you have to this time. my introductions is that having ing Dick Powell movie 'It remember that new people come As it enters its second week with gone to college, I didn't think of It Happened Tomorrow,' about a along each year who hadn't TeM hosts Robert Osborne as a very fun time. This Is a 'col- newspaperman who ge~ tips on found the channel or haven't (pJIJIle, ••UIl)Q)•••'lrlfl•••~'l'l • J~Qe: 1fll9J'l. O'l.bJl~ ~'l.s.t91"J<~ P•• l"~'lt.wjll ~l\Ppe~ I!'e next day.". b,e~n iJ1,rot k. 2:00 p.m. SPEED ARCA l. Basketball San Antonio REiMAX Series Racing Spurs at Boston Celtlcs. 1:0 Daytona. From Daytona , SAVE20-35%OFF FromTOBanknorthGarden in G ALL It-HtOUSE PRINTING Boston.(Taped) (CC) International Speedway in As)( lor Ollf ·spoc;:ial"mt8ll1 Daytona Beach. Fla. (Live) TUESDAY P 6:00 p.m. KASA KFOX 5:00 p.m. ESPN College C NASCAR Rsclng Sprint Cup Basketball Mlchlgsn State ~~ Budweiser Shootout. at Michigan. (Live)(CC) 11:0 From Daytona International 5:30 p.m, ESPN2 College G Speedway in Daytona Beach, T Disoount ColorCopies Basketball Marquette at Fla. (Live) (CC) Business Cards; Flyel1i . Banners Villanova. (Live) (CC) P SPEEDWorld Series 01 Off­ Brochures - BookPrinbng-{)n-Oemand 7:00 p.m. ESPN College C Road Racing From Oshkosh, GideePhoto& FineArtPrinting Baske\ball Florid,s et 1:0 WIS. (Taped) , BUSiness Forms" Rubber Stamps {lo More Kentucky. (Live) (CC) l' 8:00 p.m, ESPN2 NHRA Drsg WEDNESDAY Racing Krsgen O'Rallly P 5:00 p.m. ESPN College Wlnternatlonals C Qualifying. From Pomona. Basketball Syracuse at Connecticut. (Live) (CC) Calif. (Same-day Tape) (CC) ESPNCLCollege Basketbell 11: SUNDAY Xavier at Dayton. (Same-day 11:00 a.m. KASA ·KFOX PRINT WRITE NOW 2957 Suqdelth Dnve, RUidoso, NM. Tape) NASCARRacing Sprint Cup 575-Z57-3m prlntwritenow,com 7:00 p.m, ESPN Collsg - Daytons 500 Qualifying. adivlsJooDr WrileDesigns, LTD Basketball North Carolln From Daytona International Iproducef'S 01the Oh, So RUidowMagazino) at Duka. (Live) (CC) Speedway in Daytona Beach. ESPN2 CoQege Bssketbal Fla.(Live) (CC) BASKETBALL 6:00 p.m. ESPN NBA ESPN2 College Besketball 12:00 p.m. ESPN2 Women'e Oklahoma at Baylor. (Live SPEED Summer Shootout Basketball Denver Nuggets Southern Illinois at College Basketbsll Ohio (CC) Racing Round 9. From THURSDAY at Washington Wizards. 9:00 p.m. ESPN2 Colleg Lowe's Motor Speedway in 5:00 p.m. ESPN College Mlseourl Stste. (Live) (CC) State at Michigan Stata. From venzon Center in '" FSAZ Women's College (Live) (CC) Basketball Xavier at Dsyton Concord, N.C. (Taped) Baaketball Teams TBA. (Same-day Tape) (CC) 4:30 p.m. ESPN2 NHRA Drag (Lille) (CC) Washington, D.C. (Live) Basketball Boise state at 1:30 p.m. KOAT KVIA NBA Racing Kragen O'Reilly ESPN2 College Basketbsll 8:30 p.m. ESPN FSAZ NBA New Maxlco State..(Taped) Basketball Los ,Angeles BOWLING Wlnternatlonals. From Alabama at Vanderbilt. Basketball Golden State 4:00 p.m, ESPN College Lakers at Cleveland Pomona, Calif. (Same-day (Live) (CC) Warriors at Phoenix Suns. Basketball Michigan at Cavaliers. From Quicken SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. ESPN PBA Bowlin Tape) (CC) 6:00 p.m. TNT NBA From US Airways Center in Connecticut. (Live) (CC) Loans Arena in Cleveland. Denny'e Dick Weber Opsn Basketball Los Angeles ESPN2 College Bssketball (Live) (CC) TUESDAY J Phoenix. (Uve) From Founlaln Valley, Cali Lakers at Beeton Cellies. College of Charleston at FSAZ Women's College 12:00 p.m. SPEED SCCA 1:00 a.m. ESPN2 NBA (Live) (CC) Runoffs •Grand Touring. From TOBanknorth Gardenin Davidson. (Live) (CC) Basketball Stanford at Basion. (Live)(CC) Basketball Denver Nuggets From Heartland Park rn FSAZ Women's College Wsshlngton. (Live) MONDAY 6:30 p.m. FSAZ College at Washington Wizards. 9:00 a.m. ESPNCL PB Topeka, Kan. (Taped) Bssket~all Oregon Slate at 3:30 p.m. FSAZ College Basketball Arizona at From Verizon Center in Bowling Denny's Dlc Arizona Stste. (Live) Basketbsll Wsshlngton at WEDNESDAY Oragon Slate. (Live) Washington, D.C. (Same-day Stanford. (Live) Weber Open. From Fountal 9:00 a.m, SPEED NASCAR 6:00 p.m. ESPN2 College 7:00 p.m, ESPN College Tape) 5:30 p.m. FSAZ College Valley, Calif. (Taped) (CC) Racing Sprint Cup Basketball Teams TBA. Basketball New Mexico Daytona Practice. From SATURDAY Basketball Maryland 'at BOXING (Live) (CC) Slate at Nevsda. (Live)(CC) Georgia Tech. (Live) Daytona International 10:00 a.m. ESPN College ESPN2 College Bssketball 6:30 p.m. FSAZ College 6:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Speedway in Daytona Beach, 51. John's at Seton Hall. Basketball Syracuse at FRIDAY Basketball Arizona State at Basketball Phoenix Suns at Fla. (Liva) (Live) (CC) Villanova. (Live) (CC) 7:00 p.m. ESPN2 BOlin Oragon Slate. (Live) Detroit Pistons. From the Friday Night Fights. Chri

..~.. • ~b. 4-10, 2009 As Seen On.TV 7 1009 Is IQ (CCl Soous CominuGd Soous Ouiz NBA leles Henry vs.-..usef Meek. Frem 8) What ~Ight-time Ail·slar and Final Round. F,om Torrey SUNDAY U.N.A.M. .vs. Monsrcas By Georga Dli:kle Iland Salisbury, Md. (Live) (CC) Hall of Farner was known for his Plnas Gall Club In La Jolla, 12:30 p.m, SPEED AMA Me,elie. Dasde Estadlo CZap211 cken 12:00 am, SHOW Boxing Cal~. (L1va) (CC) lell·handed hook and parimeter­ Racing Supercro88 Olfmpico Univerlstario, ----- shooting ability? land. (Sama-day Tapa) (lTV) 1:00 p.m.KDBC KBIM PGA Anaheim. From Ananelm, Dlstrito Federal. Mexico. (En Ouastlons: SATURDAY Tour GOlf Buick Invltatlc!"al g) Drafted out of high school, this Cal~. (Taped) Vivo) 1) Which Hall of Fame big man Hallof Famerwonsixrebounding tball 10:00 p.m. SHOW Boxing - Flnai Round. From Torray once lesguein assists? 1:30 p.m. SPEED AMA 12:30 p.m. FSC IIellan Serle A ledthe titles and three MVP awards. tlrolt Jorge Arce va. Vic Plnas Golf Club In La Jolla, Racing Suparcroaa Lltea ­ 2) What slx-tlme MVP is the Namehim. ,"-,,1~--D8fC"'lllYano---Jerge--Ar~ Soccer palermo VB Napoli•. Calli.(1:Ive}-{CC) . Ananelm. .Frnil'l'Anatnnm,· --faago.....It-tlme1..dinITSlXlFSr'I" .- 10) What Hall of Famer averagEKr~ Hills, takes on Vic Oarchlnyan for (Live) GYMNASTICS Cala. (Taped) 3) What five.time MVP avaraged 14 rebounds per game over his X) the 115 POund IBF.WBC'and 3:00 p.m,KLUZ Flilbol morethan22 rebounds pergame career, despite his 6-foot·7-inch WBA Champ lenships. From RODEO America va. Pachuca. SUNDAY overhis career? height? lege Anahelm, Calli. (Same-day Desde el Estadio Azteca I 2:00p.m. ESPN2 Woman's SATURDAY 4) Who won MVP honors during item Tapa) (iTV) Mexico City. (En Vivo) the regular season and in the Collaga Gymnastics. 6:00 p.m. VS. Bull Riding Answers: hern NBA Anals, in the same season FOotSAI,.L Alabama at Gaorgla. (Tapad) PBR Built Ford Tough FSC Argentine Soccer River 1) Wilt Chambertain. in 1968 Plate vs. Colon. (Taped) he' was defensive player of the Series. From Tampa, Fla. year? 2) Kareem Abdul.:Jabbar lege SUNDAY HOCKEY (Taped) TUESDAY 3) Bill Aussoll la at 2:30 p.m, KOBR KTSM NFL 5) What futura Hall of Pamer has 12:30 p.m. FSC Soccer Feetball AFC'NFC Pro SUNDAY SUNDAY goneto theNBAFinals withthree 4) Hakeem Olajuwon.ln 1994 different teams? en's Bowl.·From Aloha.Stadium in 10:30 a.m. KOBR KTSM NHL 6:00 p.m, VS. Bull Riding International Friendly 5) Shaqui1le O'Neal, with the (8 at Honolulu. (Liva) (CC) Hockey Dalrolt Rad Wlnga PBR Built Ford Tough Brazil va. Italy. (Live) 6) Who.amassed career totals of Orlando Magic, Los Angeles :C) at Plttaburgh PengUins. Series. From Tallahassee, more than 24,000 points and Lakers and MiamiHeat WEDNESDAY 11,000 rebounds and played in lege GOLF From .the Mellon Arena in Fla. (Taped) 6) Patrick Ewing 9:00 a.m,FSC Soccer 2010 (butdidnot win)f"'> NBAFinals? Pillsburgh. (Liva) (CC) 7) GeorgeMikan THURSDAY SKATING World Cup Ouallfl"r _ Iran 7)WhatHallof Fame(sshot-block­ a' B)Bob Lanier 1:00 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour MONDAY VB. South Korea. From ing prowess waspartlyresponsi­ lege SATURDAY 9) Moses Malone Golf Buick Invitational ­ 5:00 p.m. VS. NHL Hockey Tehran. Iran. (Taped) ble for the NCAA instituti'ng the at 2:00 p.m. KOBR KTSM Figure . goaltending 10) WesUnseid First Round. From Torrey New York Rangers at New 12:00 FSAZ English rule? ape) Skellng Skete For the Heart. p.rn, Pines Golf Club in La Jolla, Jersey Devils. From Premier League Soccer Cam. (Liva) (Taped) (CC) ~BA Prudential Center in Newark, West Ham United vs. N.J. (Live) :mlo FRIDAY SOCCER Manchester United. (Taped) lies. 1:00 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour TUESDAY 12:55 p.m. ESPN2 Soccer Golf Buick Invltallonal ­ FRIDAY an in 5:00 p.m. VS. NHL H~ckey Argentina VB. France. (Live) Second Round. From Torrey 7:00 p.m. GALA Flitbol de la San Jose Sharks at Boston 5:00 p.m. KLUZ .Flitbol USA Pines. Golf Club in La Jolla, Bruins. From TO Banknorth Llga Mexlcana Teeos U.A, de Guadalajara VB. vs. Mexico. Desde Crew Calif. (Live) (CC) Garden in Boston. (Live) lege Monlerrey. (En Vivo) Stadium I Columbus, Ohio. ;tate SATURDAY WEDNESDAY 11:00 GOLF PGA Tour 1:00 a.m. FSC A-League (En Vivo) a.m. 6:30 p.m.FSIIZ NHL Hockey Golf Buick Invltallonal ­ Soccer Semilinal, First Leg ­ ESPN2 Soccer 2010 World ege Phoenix Coyotes at Dallas Third Round.. From Torrey Adefalda United vs. Cup Qualifier -.Mexico ve. at Stars. From American Pines Golf Club in" La Jolla, Melbourne Victory. (Live) United States. From Airlines Center in .Dallas. ege Calif. (Live) (CC) SATURDAY Columbus, Ohio. (Live) 1:00 p.m. KOBC KBIM PGA (Live) 8:00 a.m. FSC English TRACK AND FIELD a' Tour Golf Buick Invitational MOTORCYCLE RACING Premier League Soccer Look at all that· - ThIrd Round. From Torrey Blackburn Rovers vs. Aston SUNDAY Pines Golf Club in La Jolla. FRIDAY Villa. (Live) ege 2:00 p.m. ESPN Track and Calif. (Liva) (CC) 10:00 a.m,SPEED AMA 12:30 p.m. FSC Italian Serle A at Field Reebok Boston Indoor SUNDAY Racing supereress - San Soccer Milan vs. Regglna. 11:00 a.m. GOLF PGA. Tour Francisco. From San (Live) Games. From Boston. ball Golf Buick Invltatlonal.-- Francisco.(Taped) 2:30 p.m. FSC Italian Serle A (Taped) (CC) ·day Soccer Leece VB. Inter. WII'lE (Taped) WINTER SPORTS 8:00 p.m. KTDO Flitbol de la Llga Mexicans Torneo de SATURDAY Clauauta 2009: Chlvas 12:00 p.m. KOBR KTSM SkIIng Guadalajara VB. Necaxa. FIS Alpine World Desde Estadio Jausco. Championships. From Val SPACE Gusdalajara. (En Vivo) d'lsere, France. (Taped) (CC) FSC English Premlar 1:00 p.m, KOBR KTSM SkIIng League Soccer Everton VB. USSA Visa Freestyle Elelton Wanderers. (Same­ International Skilercro8s. day Tape) From Deer Valley, Utah. 8:00 p.m, KTDO Flitbol de la (Taped) (CC) L1gs Mexlcana Tomeo de Clausur,; 2009: Allanle va. SUNDAY Jaguares de Chlapaa. 1:00 p.m. KOBA KTSM SkIIng Desde Estedlo Andres FIS Alpine "'orld Quintana Roo, Canclin. Championships. From Val Mexico. (En Vivo) d'tsere, France. (Taped) (CC) SUNDAY 9:00 e.m. FSC English MISCELLANEOUS Premia, League seeeer ALAMOGORDO Wasl Ham United va. SUNDAY Msnchealer Unllad. (Live) 9:00 p.m. ESPN2 2008 World Series of Poker: Europe Tony Parker laads the san Anlonlo Spurs agslnst Iha Boslon 11:00 a.m. KTDO Foitbol da 'a L1ge Mexlesns Tomeo de Main event, from London. callies Sunday on ABC. Clausura 2009: Pumas (Taped) DAILY NEWS

~-_.=.= J.

SATURDAY MOtlDAY 7:15a.m. on MAX 6 p.m, on USAW.atmlnate Movie: Diafurbla Kennel Club Dog ShOw Dcm oms (his lUcch Cleverly upaating Alfred Arlt The granddoggy 01 Hitchcock's "Rear Window," this pooch pageants returns'with nights of: prime-time coverag was murdered and found· 2007 suspense drama casts Shia with Twenty~five'hundred dogs a several different blood types in LaBeouf as a youth whose anqer. problems get him placed under entered,but only one will wa her system. is the daughter of a house arrest. Deprived of his out with the coveted title of be wanted criminal in "l.etlt Bleed." in 'snowLast year, that was c-~~ usual distractions, he starts s ­ -'Nichofas--Turtuna ("I N iftg-

7 Gilford) mom (Kim Dickens), has a female president 01 t/le IIvelV, _. II. 8 Who's been away for years and United States - but not for long. ~!;,~. M __ Itsellsl wants them to pick up where She's assasslnatad while gMng a they left off. As for goodbyes, speech, and the only suspect Is a t/lrlll t.f~:;)~ c.I..rernlll...... Smash (GalUS Charles) leaves Hall <;,~ man found wounded in the woods 5JH31-n20 Dillon for tne first time, while lYra three months later.He has amne-­ star (Adrlanne PaJiekl) dumps Landry sia, and the only clue to his Iden­ on '~ (Jesse Plemons) for rodeo rider soc

Feb.·4 - 10, 2009 Aa Seen 01\'TV 9 nflS[ nms ContinuM familu ViGUJino

WEDNESDAY 7 am, on HBOMovie: Juno Diablo Cody's Oscar-wlnnlnq screenplay lor this superb comedy- . itman and titlestarElten Page the means fortheirownAcademy Award nomi­ nations. Juno Is a bright teen whose· hookup with herQest-lriend (Michael Cera) leads toherpregnancy - and hersearch for a couple to raise the child. Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman are excellent as prospec­ tiveadoptive parents.

7 p.m,on I(RWG KENW Looktngfor Lincoln Ukemany greathistorical ligures, Abraham Llncoln's story has become thestuffof legend. Buthow Mark Harmon stsIB In "NCIS" much of that legend is true? In this Tuasday on CBS. new special, scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. seeks the real Lincoln by studying the writings of those who TUESDAY knew him and interviewing those 7 p.m. on KDBC KBIM NCIS who have studied his life. Former If we'vesaid itonce, we'vesaid Ebony magazine editor lerone it a million times: Don't get your­ Bennett discusses Lincoln's stand he self wrapped up in an lnner-eity on race, and writer Joshua Shenk m gang war when you're investigat­ weighs in on hisdepression, Ih ing the death of, a Marine. But that's just what the members of 8 p.m. onKDBC KBtM theNCIS teemdo.WtrJ? Because CriminalMinds Ihs thEl\- cont listen 10 us. Making Serial killers are all sick tickets, a matters worse, Gibbs (Mark buttheonesought bytheBAU in this ies Harmon) mustlacedowndemons new episode is sicker than most. He ton from his past when he finds a has a bit of mortuary science train­ Ihe crypticmessagewaiting for him at ing, and he doesn't jus! klll his vic: kes the crime scene. Muse Watson urns: he embalms them so he can gueststars. keep them around for a while. Ew. Cyblil Shepherd quest stars as a p.m. on APL Dog Show 7 p.m. on KOBR KTSMThe suspect's mother in "Cold Comtort" 6 Blggesll..oser The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is coming up, but if not It's the 100th episode of the p.m.on KDAT KVIALost 'our~e"er 8 you want a doggy fi. ahead·of Maca.iay Culkin stars In "Rlchle Rich·' Sunday on TNT, tor show thatmakes"fera Weneed Dramamine justto keep 11s, word. and this week,-8 balancing time, check oU1 the AKC Agility competition - you know. where us from passing out with all these om Mists, Locke (Tsny O'Quinn! takes National Championship. These ! of youhaveto literally keepyourbal­ canines don't just parade efforts of a bright girl to rise ance - will bMg the wlnner a on the burden of trying to stop the above the hardships of tene­ ian island's increasingly violent shifts around the ring looking pretty; reg coveted prize:a 24-hourVisit from this competition is all about ment life in crce-tann NewYork. a .loved one. Then the teams all through time. Meanwhile, Ben 01 (Michaet Emerson) hits a roadblock showing their smarts and their James Dunn won an Academy 8 V L 9 ~ 6 9 ~ £ ale takepart in a lough challenge that Award as best supporting actor really tests their endurance. And 1'1 me attempt to reunite theOceanic speed as they navigate'a com­ • is for the role of the father; young rlar later. OT'!8 player gels sent home 6 andbring them back to the Island plicated series of obstacles.And ~ lrom the team that fatlsbelowthe in -"This Place Is Death." Naveen irs as much fun for the specta­ star Peggy Ann Garner won a ~ £ 8 P 9 9 L 6 to Andrews,. Matthew Fox, Jorge un­ o yeiIovj" line. tors as it is for the dogs special Academy Award for her Garcia and Evangeline Ufly atsc almost. performance. Dorothy McGuire ita star. ~ ~ 8 p.m. on KDBC KBIMThe also stars. S 6 9 L £ 9 V Mentalist SUNDAY All you need is a littte mood 4 p.m,onTNT TUESDAY ~ ~ lighting, soft musicand a heaping Movie: Richie RICh 8 a.m,on HBO The Mustc tn 9 P s 6 8 S L glass of CourvolSler,· right? With Macaulay Culkin stars in the Me: Chlldren·s Recitals From PatriCk Jane's(SimonBaker)be/p, title role of this 1994 comedy Cho (TlmKling) goesundercover Classical 10 latin, ~ ~ J about the richest boy in the as-asweel~talking ladiesman with Jazz 10 Zydeco L 8 9 17 6 c 9 all the right moves _in order to world. Complications arise tor Anyone who's ever gotten the boy who has everything catch a killerwho has his own set weary of nagginga child to prac­ money can buy when he uncov­ g ~ ~ of pseudomentalist techniques In tice the piano or violin will be s 9 6 9 L P ~Crimson ers a villainous executive's Cananova." Robin inspired by this documentary Tunney and Owain Yeoman also scheme to cash in on the family star, fortune. Directed by Donald profiling six.youngsters Who are 17 ~ £ 6 L 9 ~ 9 '8 Petrie, the moviealso stars John passionate about their music. 8 p.m. on KWBQ Privileged Larroquette, Edward Herrmann They include an ll-year old cel­ Megan (JoAnna Garcia) IS and Christine Ebersole. list who speakseloquentlyabout ~ ~ ~ n 6 8 9 L P 9 thrilled to hear that Will's (Brian "feeling the music and a 7-year~ Hallisey) lather (Steven Culp) is 6 p.m. on TCM Movie: A Trae old zydeco accordionist who starting a new magazine based Growe In Brooklyn gets lessons from Grandpa in L 9 S P ~ 8 £ 6 ~ on her and Will's idea, but she Based on the novel by Betty his dreams. Who knows; your soon discovers thai the maga­ Terry O'Qulnn stars In "Losl" Smith and directed by Ella reluctant kid might develop a Zine's new editor·ln-chief, David Wednesday on ABC. Besser (Robert Buck/ay), is nol Kazan, the beautifully made, renewed interest in picking up :~3MSN\1 easyto please. sensillve 1945 film follows the that Instrument. r:-~======-======~c_~~~~ - -

10 As Seen On TV Feb. 4 - It), 200 FEBRUARVS 2009 I" I 00- SCrUbs ForecIOIUte


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~ Feb. 4 ~ 10, 2009 As Seen On TV n' f

• 19 Pagado 21 ~ ~ Cultiado conel ,I Fu 0 enII San re La Rosa deGuadalu Ncrtlclas NoUclero Oesmadni lidos Madre Ctaslcos C Ie-Humor " IW'l ~ NeWs Christ 'nTO~,Charletstanlev CBHHews RJdwd.Un Robe1b AJFlV OneCiJbed ISteel1'Q01s The Zone 700 Club ~ KENW ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ Martel WealthTrack Wah. eek NOW onPBS BillMoven JoumaJ IN 00 Masterpiece Classic DVS Short Ust NewsHourW/th JimLehrer Classic ArtsShowcase 52 " 23 20 cst: Miami "Man Down" CSI: MIamI"BrokenHQme" liminal Mlnda() rID CS1: Miami "No Man's Land" OSI: Miami "Man Down" CSI: Miami "Broken Home" Criminal Minds· {\ tID : 48 .. 14 4 8:00 .-."Pearlftarbo(' 2001 War BanAt1leck Joshl-lartnetl Kate Beddnsale.tID .h"NI ottheU Dead" 1990 To Todd. *.'."BrldeofFrankensteln" 1935 rank" p 36 ~ 22 IJockeYslN Loil~JID IJockeYs Untamed and Uncut rID LostTaDei OC Untamed and Uncut &1 Untamed and Uncut @ : • ~ 6:00 t'" "Willt.. Pia ~ P me Hatchett chetl *" "Willi Dee" 2 Action 'Ii &SaGibson. lID The Deal :ID Hell Date Hell Da\e B 47 .. - ~ Real Hou_IYes 01 OC .t-Ho 003'DramaJe lcaAlba· Mekhl Phifer, .* "Ho .. 003 DtamaJessk:a Alba MektiiPhlfer. TaxIcab Confessions ,y; T81lcab Conlesilons ~ , , 44 f15l DtaI orNo DeaJ {\ rm OntheMonev Fasl Money Olrtlons Mad Money Deal 0;NoDeal {\ 3L Paid Program Paid Proaram ~d Program Houses For 41 ~ 1 Kin Uve Anderson Coo r360 La Kin Uve Anderson Coo r 360 :ID Anderson Coo r 360 31} Kin Uve Presents

61 ~ True Horlvwood Storv iNl n The Soua lNl Wlktesf wed EINewS' Chelsea Chelsea The Soua SaturdaY Hlohf Uven IE SUrs-MaJleUD CheJsea El N8W1I The DailY 10 28 ~ 12 NBA Basketball: Nu etsetWlZ8tds NaA BaskatbaU Golden Slate Warriors et Phoenix Suns. Uve ,Soortscenter (liVel~ rtscenter (Live) ;g:: NBA Basketball 1- 29 32 Bolin N' hiFl Ms. Uve 00 S rtlCenter Uve .:m NFL Uve N NASCAR Now Poker Poker NBA Balketball , 30 ~ "Claulca· I60Mlo. American GlidlatorilID ullRldlna: Xtreme Bulls Wres1J[nQ Wrestllna BOllna Great RQhle: 2005 U.S. Poker c,-­ 49 ~ 2 10 wue-Kds ~WItHOdt 701Show '7OaShow Show 70sShow 70sShow 70S Show FunnlestHomeVldeos The700ClubJr:' 701Show 7QaShDw ~ ~ ii1~ 236 Rebuilt: uman Rebuilt: Human . NatIonal B ChaI1en RebUilt: Hurnan B Rebuilt; Human B Celeb Slim Houses For Hi Ho Aba CONTOUR - 45 ~ ~ Hannlty OntheRecord-Van Suateren The O'ReRIv Feetar Hannltv On theReeord-Van Susteren alR rt Red Eve D 53 ~ ~ ~ DinerS DlneriTheSecret Ute01,,, "Pizza" Good E8W Rachael Dlntl'l Diners TheSecret ute 01..."Pizza" Good Eats Rachael Unwra Unwra 27 - ~ In Words SUns SurllUVe NBA BaaketbaltGoJden Stale Warriors atPhoe:nix Suns. Uve SunsUve SunsUve Anal Bea1DamnToDSO'Soeclal SunsUve l­ "'NY ~ ~ ~ ~ 6:00) FA Archives Fox Soccet'R.DOfI 00 soccer Football premier Football Asia Fox:Socc&r RePOrt:ID. Sky SPOrts News (Uve A-League Soccer Im 39 - ~ 6:00 '••lS"ThtrI'tSomtlhln 1998 NI etc. "Ai Wells" :01 *""Dtimband-Dumblrw:Whi!nH Net PaldP ram DebtCures . NetM11Iions Paid ram : 68 • " ~ Unb. Ban:zuU IUnb.BJnzuke CoIlS 2.0 00 COIlS 2.0 lID COOl 2.0 lID lWhacked Qut Attack ollhe Showl Lost {\ :ID X.p1aY ICheaters (\ Adult Entenalnment Exoo .. ~.. Ftitbolde laUga Mexlcana wNoUclas porAdela Notlclero JoaquIn L6 VMana ell Medlanoche Humor Es l.ocos Neceslto una Ami a 31· 6:30 PQATour GoltBuick Invitalional·· Second Round. [gJ Gollcentral PGA Tour6oltBuick Invitalional- Secofld Round. ;m all central 6011 63 ~ " • family Feud ae.Milllonatre IPwamld!ID Ch.eln Unao lID UnCJO lID Bea Mllllonalre JeoDanM Fortune Family FeUd Match Game What's.lJna TeU the Truth 69 ~ ~ "7hIi·NoCe:U:TItfna.-ChInct onLow" 00 Murder, She- Wrot8' f) [j£ AIu1der. SheWrote f) Ii: 'SJat. TtuJ Ranrw::ID Walker T8XJS Ramler :«; Houses For Paid Program , 302 ~" 81 Love"Em Ire" () lID Bl Lova "Prom Queen" () UsaLam oelll: Lon Uve KatIe Yo an * ••''"The 19985u Il$8 Samuel LJackson, {\ 'A' lID 12:55 aJ e {\ :;; 54 .. ~ ~ HotJU Deslaned-Sell IHOUII Unseliable Gtt.11; Sold· BuvMe {\ ExDHouse House Deslane6-Sell HoUII Unsellable Get" Sold Buv Me () 51 - 31 Gan land The Outlaws. lID H~ sterfea@ Sh 00 ModemllarvelaOO Gan tandTheOutlaws. Hlsto '1M sterlesat Shockwave:[

34 • • 24 lCIrtYlID I 00 101,(\ ICti ~ **l! :'T1IeOri nal AnIma.... 2006 (\ Lo~ La Hornelm. Homelm. Fam.Mal Fam.Mal 40 • 13 Moonl ht {\ lID . BattIntar GalactJca N Sta SG-t "Insiders" (\ Battlestar Galactlca (\ lID St8_~.-'~uantll "The E e" Staraate Atlantis (\ 3L "From DulkTUI D_2" 343· • InNfL U:4Sl .*. '1bt Gl'IIt DtbIteiI" t2007l Deni81Washlnoton. 'PG-13' lW U,S.011818 l5ecret Diary The LWord "LMFAO" [ID Boxing, lTV Same-dev Tape) 57 • • • Tradln'Palnt Performance NASCARUve NASCAR Racln .S rintC NASCAR Uve NASCAR Racln: tintCu NASCAR Uve NASCAR MedIa 0 : 2009 37 • 0 5 DEA' e laDd r" {\ DEA {\ DEA n MAHswers MANswers GameTrallers IAfro $alTKlral MXC· {\ :«: MXC -r\ Jt MXC {\ l: MXC " ~ : 77 • • - ExtremeMaJceover {\ lID l£xtrema MakeOver (\ m:J Clean HQuse Extreme Makeover () lID Extreme Mikeover nm: ean House PaId P ram Paid m 2& • 4 6"'1It.Deedi" 2002 Adam5andl'er. WlIlona .00 10lterns S8xand-C sex an I :40.•• "111tWeddln Date" 2005 12:10·*1\ "Hardball" 2001 Drama Keanu Reeves. lID • 78 • • • "SIven" "Dr. Or:How I,Learned toS n .. ..tll"U1 Abner" 119591 Peter Palmer. Premiere, "CrimsonTlde" 11995 •DehzeIWashinaton. :m "Atornlc CItY" ~ .t. 38 • 36 Whal NottoWUr"Ca11a" IliotherKnows Sel@ What NottoWear-Carla" Mother OWl So OC What NolloWear lID IRealSlmple. Real Ufe. Paid P ram Boil Hair 24 ~ 1 9 :QO ••*lS"B 1995 ••• i'lTIde" 1995 nse Denlelwashln on.lID :15 .**,"BrlYlheait~ 1995 HisttlricalDrama MelGibson hie'Marceau. 35 ~ ~ ~ StarWars Ben 1a:Allen HlU KIna of HIJI Arner Dad IFamllvGw CIerbCiIl IHunaedorce Awesome l'Jb&O.bJDnOJ )(Jnn oj HJJI IKIng of HJII Arner Dad Family Guy 75 ~ "TheProud Vok:esdKvlaPmtLliJ RanQerl The Avengers Splder-Man VlnYan 01 X-Men lID Jack1eChan Star-Racers X-Men 3L JaekleChan Star·Racers 59 ~ ~ ~ Ghost AdVenturel 00 MDltHlUnted N 00 Haunted U hthOUHI lIollTe In Placu GhollAdventuree Most Haunted rID Stain "aid P ram u ~ 74 ~ ~ ~ Forensic ForensIC fofensc IFcuenl1C Forensic forensic Most ShOCldna • Forensic forensic Forensic Forensic Foren,lc FtJrsnslc 60 ~ 16 26 Coab'iShOW CosbY Show **.1 "BrOIdcuI NIwi" 19 William Hurt. Premiere, (\ 3rdRoct-Sun WA-s-H OC MWS~H [ID Sanford Ssnfotd JetrersOn8 Jefferson! 26 ~ 21 Nonk N lID PI ch "Tl\ler Ues· N rm HOUie"Bi () tID Monk Ps ch "thjef Ues" •• "14. lIs" Drama James Fmnc:o.lID 66 56 Tool Academv "Maturitll" {\ FottheLove of~ J {\ Beat Week I Love MoneY {\ lID aestWeek Sober House {\ BestWeek Too 20Countdown fN {\ om 50 .. 50 ~ City AShlna Ifred aarte Sport flshln Saltwater Hunt4i1 Fish Tall Walker C Alhln Tl'ed Barta S rt ASh n saltwater QuellOne North-Alaska Paid Pro tam Paid P ram 245.. ~ ~ 48HCUrt {\ lil The FBI flits lID The1=B1 Files "Driven toKilr FBI FUes "Manhunt (\ 00 The FBI Flies 00 TheFBI es"Drivet1 toKllr FBI Fflea "Manhunt" (\ i: om 5 ~ 21 3 andthlBlldtD" WGN Nnrsat Nine N\ @ Scrubs tID Scrubs:m IThe Bob &Tom Show~ REND9111 IREND 9111 Chappelle's ChaDDelle's Paid PrQQtam IPald Program

I ~~-7 ";;jr ~ .) ----"---"--

12 As Seen On TV Feb 4 - 10, 2009 Feb· , SATURDAY MORN.ING A· Alamo oldo R - Ruldoao U· Alamo !lldQlUHF C - Cloudcroft H -HI h Rolls FEBRUA..RY 7 2009 I1 I ARUICH:II :, 'II " '" " " ," , II 1 2 6. Pald Paid IIIl\ W_ W_ W_ W-.d dP LeIZlI Gibbon' Brin Wall 51 AnI AIIII N 1-7- •• AmoricaSOwo CreativeUvln V1eto n Ganlonsmartf\ Hometimellll Y'nkOeSho. _oeIlllll NMSUWIe ThI'OldHoulO_ N f\1IlJ ~' ~~BUketbalINotre.DameatUCLA. & 11 caul)· -:m Horuland[ID Dina 00 Sushi Pack N _0 care8earl Uve iii PGA ourGolf 6. "New' N) Emperor New Replacements That',SoRaven lhat's So Raven Pa~ Pald PrOGram Pald ProGtIm Patd . PaId ~ ~ 6:00 News. N [fiJ Em r New R ntI TbaI',So Raven That's SoRrven Hannah Montana laCk~ faithfUl Friends OneEnchaiJted E I I-T 3 B I /4 :00 Howl IN JIl1Hl....,n lula Patrolllll 3-2·'Panouln' VeoalaT,19 llll llJrbo 'llll F ~RobbR S~In: AS Cham.. _ : USSA ~ !-i.1" 1(9 Jane-Dra on ZUlaPatroltID 3-2·1 Penllulns ~IeT.leslID TUrbo~llll ~FriendRabblt lodlaclJland N 3W1dtLlfll Skllnll:ASAlplneCtwnQ. S :USSA B 10 1· Dlno uad mJ us ~ . ~ ~ eolJeae-9lSketbII~Not~ eGlJourCoil ~ •_ Amer.Latino LatlNatlon/NI (\ HIsD8llICiTodav DeliclOUlFood NASeAAAn•••ls HameShaw Pald~ram ~ram **"WIllIIi 2004 Shawn . · 14 -. 3rd Rock-Sun PaId Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend Pad ~ram FlRM ·Th, Ann 3tdRock-5un Fonldosura *. ~Or. DoIItIIt" • 18 9 • • Don Ollie EI d,UkeVou EI Goa: aUI EI Dr. Pendleton RetroNeWI EI RlcoCortes AvtMOfdechaI Y.5aIamanca Dr~ Scott AIInGrln U ofSW H241 - "SOnic Xf\ m: GoGoRJldlID Dl.nouurKlno f\ Teenage Nut Chaatlo-Inv. HuntJk: secreta Yu-GI-OhI50's Kamen Rider ~..I:TNG BrlnllWall51 Hall & Hall 00 " ~da Tu~ L 20 - • • Jane andthe P rams do P rama do Nuestro Barrio N do lDeIcontrol EXtrema ~_-+ 21 " - "Pin Din Doo JakertlPI iTri Beakmin',World TU uno ~~o VlvBtaFamlUalElcuidadodeninos. A Rtbu ~ •If19l "• Bu:zz,lndPoWI 10dY188Y Animal ActIon PANew1mIkets ChrlsUanWorld AsplrlnllWomen ~HN1 Urin Home-Arlene LMn theure KENW I• 3 - TeltKitchen 011 Palntln Yankee CUJtlvatln Life SOuthwestYrd V1eto Garden ooI-FIne Art iJoy of PalntIna PalntlnllWlkl QuillIna DIY(\ QiJllUna ArtJ 52 23 20 Mean Business SeIl1l\lsijousel Fli Thl House lID Al ThisHouse ru lhIs House Cenl -old heme. IFl1D ThIs House 1'heRookle" III IFIlD1l\, House : 48 14 4 :00 •••'.'1'hIB onthlRIvtrKwal" 1957 WimamHotden Alec Gulnness. Il:45\, ••• "ToI1lITorllTaral" 1970lMartlnBaIsam.Hlslo ofPeargIJ . ra ~seenlmmboth'sides. 36 • 22 PetStarlID ,Faceto Face WIth thePolar Bear Bom DJfferenlliJ Animal Co s SoUth Afrlca 00 . ~Show: AK~ onaI Chain onahl :. - The Proud Fami The Proud Faml ThePrQud Faml The Proud Faml SmartG 00 Smart G [ID Smart Gu IID Snw1 Gw lID One onOne lID One onOne 00 Oneon.one II 1'1 47 _. AnledcI.. NextTOD Madel'{\ :m Amerl '.Nextli Model 00 Amerlca's NenToD Model (\ [ID Amerlca'. NettToo Model (\':«: Amerlca'. Neill M 1{\ rID Nun Model 44 • 251 15 PaId P Paid Program Thin P90X:The Proof Paid Program IHouses For$300 Paid P ram Paid ram Paid PaId PaId_m m 4 - 3 1 NewItoom Newsroom Newsroom Your Yon Newsroom 46 - DailY Show DailY Show DailY Show DailY Show Com.-Presents ICom.-Presenll Com..presents Com.-Presents Com.-Pnlientl SCrub' f\ llll Sc_f\ Ii: 95 • C'SPANWeekend <:-SPAN W_ 96 • Book TV Book TV Book TV B TV BookTV Book TV I. lI!~=~ I" - The Journal Johannes B.Kemer Quadrlaa Journal: W1rtse hnFocus Jourrtal: with People-Politics lhe Journal Kuttur.21 TheJoumal ~ 32 - 18 18 BABY READ Paid P ram PaldP m HlpHop Aba Human P IllID Dl Jobs$hrim season. In: reck. NIIJon I_UP lID 33 - 33 28 theWI In (\ Utlle EInsteins TJ er & Pooh Man (\ ~ouse MI Mouse lma Movers Ha Mannv 11 Phineas andFerb Phineu andFelt • .. ~Nemg~oi':' ::::j 61 • Anna Nicole. TheSoUD JPum~ Dolll:True Siorv ~Revealed aevonce Knowles;· HID HoP W1veI: HollvWOOd Sto Pink: Story : 28 9 12 S rtaCenter Live (ID Coll8lleGameDaviLive [E] Coil Basketball racuse atViltanova. Live lID . Co~BubtbaBTexasalNebmska. Uve IESPN2 ~ 29 32 Bassmuters Ballle onthe Border. S rlsCenter Live 0011 BuketbaliC inStatealSouth carolina Slate. Uve. Co~ South Alabama atWestemKen IESPNCL ~ 30 - Amerlcao GladIators 00 Madden NatIon JMadden NatIon PDA BowIlnll Boxina 1966 Muhammad All vs. Georoe ChuvaJo I. 00 BolIng: 1967 All va. • 49 2 10 S SI m: Ste [ID Sabrina-WItch sabrln..Wltch FullHouse 00 FullHouse Grounded forUIe Grounded ferUle 1l\aI70sSboW IIUtint TurtIeI"OO FIT 236 • - Bodies InMotion TOtal B $cui Cardia BlastMuscular workout. lID InS (\ lID Namute Y. Shl Hi Total B SCuI I lID Shl lID neat {\ mJ 45 - • Buill andBears On Bualneu Fo....onFOX Icashln'ln (N Amerlca', NewsHO Amerlea's News HO 53 - 3O-MJnute Meals 5eaeta-Chef Down Home Paula's Best Cooldn for Real Aak AIda N GildaIt Home Barefoot Cont Chal






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. 32 • " 33 • 61 • 28 • 29 • , 30 • 49 • 1/2361 • 45 • 53 • 'El •

••• NASCAR UvI ARCA REIIIAX _ RIcI. 0 ora. LNe NASCAR _ LNe Wo'dSI'OI 01 Ofl-Road RacIng :rI ~ 0 5 :00 DEl n DEl -U theladder" () DEA f) DEA"Man" a Grow House- () UFC Unleaahed () UFC Unleashed f1 ,n • • :00) Clean Houle PIttr PIrfIc:t Whose Wedding 118 AnvwIY1 TheVIew: The EITrue HolIVWOOd StorY "The VIeW; {\ Stvle HSf Famous SDIIt Ends 25 • 4 6 sex andtheC sex andthe CI E cind E Eve nd KIn 01' Queena KIn of Queen. • •• "W8ddIn .. 2005 OWen Wilson Vince Vau n.00 .. ~ .. "FourFelthtrl" •• *.'~t.Iwrence:orArIbII" 1962 Adventure Peter-O'Toole -Alec GulMess. Acontroversial British officei' unites tribesa nsttheTurks.lil •••• "CUablancI" 1942 Drama .. 36 .. What Not toWear 1M\' Flrtt Home IMyFIrst Home Real Eatate IDeals ontheBus IToddlers anaras lID 117 Klds-Count 117 Klds-Count Jon& Kate Plus 8 Jon & Kale PlusS . .. 1 9 12:30 "LaracronTomb •ThtCradliofUfe" "x. "1beDaVlncl Code" 2006 Tom Hanks. A re6 'OU5 e could rock foundations 01 Christian' .Ii: "Gifted Hands: Ben Carson" .." ChoWder, Total Drama Total Drama Total Drama 6TEEN mEN 5 6TE Ben 10 Batman: Brave _ "Nanrto theMovie 3:GuatdJans" .... Dave-BarbarIan lack & COdy PhIneas and Ferb Pucca IlL Iron Man E SUDerman :n; Dlalmon 3t Uron Man at Chaotic 1\ Monster Buster Pueca E - Cash-Trea.ures Cash-Treasures cash-Treasures Cash-Treasures Cash-Treasures World PoketTour :It • Man v,Food' oj[ Man v.Food 1(' - - Power..Justice Dunne:PowerPtfvIl &JliStlce Dunne:PowerPrivil e&Justlce S era S dera IStrin era: LA Strln'era:LA Strln ers:LA Slrin ers:.LA - 16 26 3rdRock-Sun 3rd Rock~Sun 3rd Roek-$un 3rdFJock-Sun 3mRock·Sun 3rdRock-Sun 3rdRock-Sun 13m Rock-Sun 3mRock-Sun The CosbY Show TheCosby Show • r30 '(21 .00 BumNoUce' BumN ce'SeekandOeslr:ID P ch"TruerUes' 1I0rik"Mr.MonkandlheB NelS"Oece lion"{\ E - NCIS-U ht Slee ({\- • 56 Roek of Love BUI BestWeek ver Sober House f\ Sober House Sleven is cauahl usln . Sober House () Tool Academ Husband matenet (\ I lave Mon () • 50 Tour Down Under RecaP Retum Tour 01 C11lfomla PrevIew Show IThe Contender (\ tID IBullRidIng: paR N,C. Invit. BullRidIng: paR ••• llommI~ Uomma~~ 1\ iii 1IommI~ 1\ iii H 1\ iii Ho IdnI 1\ Ill] Ho ~ris 1\ Ill] • 3 -rhomUCroIm- of..!!!..5etIcer "Confession· III of the Seeker·-SOUn til America's Funniest Home VIdeoI f'\ Boston II "Guise 'n Dolls· ~ .,"Smo andthe Blndlt3"

UBRA • sept 2310ct 23 SCORPIO· Oct 24INov 22 SAGITTARIUS· Nov 23IDec CAPRICORN- Dec 221Jan AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 PISCES· Feb 191Mar 20 Make the most of tlma Scorpio, the finish line of a 21 20 It Is tlie time to take that Pisces, health concerns spent with a loved one this specific goal Is within sight Sagittarius, some financial Capricorn, Just when you final)clal plunge you've leave you looking for more week becausa It won't last Now you Just need to have dlfflcultles ere on the horl· thought you had everything been nervous about, answers. With a strong spl forever. Libra, he or she the patience to make It the zon. But with some advice worked out, something Aquarius. Once you dive In It you can overcome any­ needs to head home and It last few lapa. Don't worry ­ from an unexpected source, pops up to put a wrench In with both feet you'll find It's thing. could be SOme time before It will take less time than you'll get back on aneven your plans. A level head will really not as nervewrackJng you connect once more. you think. keel. Aquarlua Is your go-to help you find a work· as you thought penon this week. around.

,.. ~

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14' , As Seen On TV Feb. 4- 10, 2009 Feb. 0 su

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Death Nole stIr.flacers PaJdP Fo,*,,!c TRU 3~com_ L USA ~ Celebrate your love on a budget 3. In today's economy, it'S' prudent for couples to conserve funds and celebrate Valentine's Day on a budget. The way\0 that special someone's heart just may be a fatter bankaccount rather than an ueber-ellpenslve gift.Hereare some ways to celebrate in a fiscally responsible way. 1. When purchasing a gift for yoursweetheart, thinkabo'ut something thatwill truly touch his or her heart, without necessarily paying attention to pricetag. For 4. example, if he is'a sports buff, maybe tickets to a favorite gamecould be on the expensive side. But why not offerto host a partyfor him and his friends, com- in

o pletewith snacks and time spentIn front'of the big-screen TV watching a key game? 0 h , Jewelry is commonly thought of on Valentine's Day: If diamonds aren't possible, choose her birthstone or even a stonethat reminds you of her favorite color L


N leoM

2 Book TV D TVDlsch deutsch Journal: Week Oi Jobs "S1UcI< Suburbs" True H'wood Aa Football

E car Auction ~ Grounded forUte Insider ralnln Special Pl'OO. Diner, Drive-in

Co () M. ~ IHBO HG u

or the dayyou met. Also, a small pair of earrings will offerthe samesentiments as a more expensive necklace or bracelet. • 3. It may be customary to dine out on Valentine's Day, and many peopl!;! choose to do so.Some restaurants offera more expensive or extravagant menu on this special night, whichmay not fit in with yourfinancial plans. Thinkabouttreating your sweetheart to a brunch or Valentine's Day lunch instead. Or celebrate Valentine's Dayan February 15thfor even more allordabilily -- and a greaterchance of getting a reservation at yourfavorite restaurant. 4. Flowers, much like chocolateS and romantic dlnn.ers, ate customary Valentine's Daytraditions. Work with a floristto put together a bouquet of blooms that are in season or locallygrown, so you'renot paying premiums on exotic flowers. Potted plants will last longerthan cut flowers, so consider purchasing your sweet­ heart a houseplant that will growoverthe years, and tucka single rose into the foliage as a romantic gesture. Warehouse stores, supermarkets and even lawn I and garden centers mayhave dealson romantic bouquets. So shop around for affordablllly. . Jc Thereare many ways to celebrate Valentine's Day in a bUdget-friendly way, withoutskimping on the sentiments and traditions that make the day so special. I j ---.-,---. -:=-,--,...,--

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l6·.. .. As Seen On TV Feb.·4 .... 10, 2009

SUNDAY AFTERN ON A· Alamo orio R· Ruidoso U· Alamo ordo UHF C· Cloudcroft H· HI h Rolls . FEBRUARY 8 2009 AIRUCH I II I II I II I II I .11 .• I "KA=---+ 2 I r6 • NASCARRace Outdool'llnan nmMcCarver .*"Relndeet:GameI" 2OOOCrlme,Drama Ben GalitSlnlse. PaIdP ram ' PaId ram HoIelntheWIU N (\ lID IG • •• Lus~~ PltV", Icul1l'la1lng Ll1e IPaugort-Adv. Ru MaXI Yacht! IlIID AnUg"" R_hoW "Dallas" IN GI~~ "Ge lID DVS Novo "The Sov Factorv' INIIl o - 11 :00 PGATour GolfBuick Invilati. •.Final Round. FrorriTorr Pines Golf Club In LaJolla Cam. Uve [ID eVfnln News Pa ~ News N 60 Mlnutea N n lID \V 6· NBA Buketbaillos AmH lastakers etCleveland cavaliers. Uva [ttl EnlertllnmentTonlaht I NI· () lID News Wrld News Sun America', Funniest Home VIdeoS Nl ~ 7 HBA Basketball Los astakers atCleveland Cavaliers. 've 1m entertainment TonI hi N (\ 00 News N [ID WildNews Sun America', Funnlelt Home Videos N .~ : 8 8 4 SkI!n: FIS PJ. e Cha NFL Football AFC·NFC Pro Bowl, From Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. Live () Ill] News N)lID Inside EdlUon llilL_ ~. - 9 $kilnn: FI$ AI ine Charntl Nfl.' Football AFe-NFC Pro Bowl, From Aloha Stadium inHonolulu. live II [ID Dateline NBC II rID --.------KB»i= Tour GallBuick Invitational·· Final Aound. From Torr Pines Go" Club in LaJolla Cald~ lID PaId PrO ram Evenln' News News N r«: 60Minutes N\'II tID 12 • "Air Blld:Gold." teSG-t "Threads" Jt: ',' ,~ I1l6fl • I air WIthout aTrace "Penitence" II rn: KFOX 14 NASCAA Race JNaturaJ Selectlon 'PaidProgram * ••" "BestInShaw" (20001 Michael Hitchcock Parker POsev. 00 FaiTillv Guv ~ Fa Gu Hole IntheWall N KRP : 18 . :00 U ht 01 the Southwest Be Swann Biblical Israel RicoCortes F Hardin Joe McGee UriHarel UDdatellrael lZOla levitt Pro KWBD • Bostollleaal II CSI: Miami "Bunk" () E Leaend Of the seeker "Con esslorr Hates Chris Ttle Game , Drew Carey Drew CareY Jericho "Vox Po uri" () [ID KTEL 20 :00) Nltldo Acclon Extrema WWE Raw Mt.Bean (\ EIJuramenta ••• "Mentlras Vardiideril" 19941 KL 21· R I de Rise Primer 1m eto: FindeSemana FUtbol Am~tica vs. Pachuca•.Desde er Estadio Maca I Mexico C QueLocura Notlclero Univ. LiI Hora PlcoEdith Marquez.

FOOO- --sJ- "";' l : Diner, Drive-in Food Detectives Work for Food lAceofCakes lAceof Cakes Ultlmate Recipe Showdown Challen e Challen e Chocolate. F NM 27" .• Woman's Call e Basketball StanloR:! atWashlO on, Live Colle e Baaketball Washin OIl atStanford we Call eBasketball Ma land atGeorQia Tech. Live ~ Italian Serle,A Soccer Premier teeaue IArqantlne seeeer River Plale vs. Colon. (TBPedl lSkvSports NilWs Premier League Review Show FX -- 39 "Splder-Man 2" t t t ~ "SuDerman Returns" (2006 Adventure Brandon Routh Kate Bosworth. TheMan of Steel laces anoldene t *." 2004 Adventure Brad p' Etit Bana. G4 •• 68 • Co s f\ :iL Co s () .E Co s () [il; Co () JL Co s () 1r Co a () :ill Co a"Boslon" War onEver War onEvar War on Ever IWar onEver GALA Co-Medla Hora I.iJcha de Vualta Accl6n Icl6n GlObal 3 1 P90X:TheProol FunwlthTrt~ lTen-Tralner Paid Pro ram P In Lessona GolfcentTal tfve PGACham lonshl HI hll hts PGACham lonlhl HI hll hts • 63 • FamlFeu Jf BI oAmerlca RusalanRoulette WhoWantstoBeaMlIlionalreE Hi hStskesPoker:ID HI hStake.aPoker@ Hloh Stakes: Poker [ID ~L 1rom 1 69 :001 "TheGood Witch" /2Q081 Catherine Bell. lID l"Audrev's Rain" 2003 Dramal JeanSmart Carol Kane. lID "What I Old forLova" (20061 Jeremv London DorieBarton. rm , ~. ~' , \ NGEO : 58 ~ U Locked U Abroad 'Mexico' Lockdown "Survivin Stat6'Vllle" () Wha1e Hunters TIle Whale 1lIa1 Exoloded . Yo ThfHlVOlulion 01 theturlulv. It!' ~lCK 34 24 SPOnQeBob Jlmmv Newon:Boy Genius Back, Barnyard , 1Back; Bamvatd lZoev101 () lID SDonaeBob lSponRflBob SpongeBob ISpongeBob ~ 40 13 :00 ."Marabunta" 1998 Mitch PI 'Eric Lutes. "Kaw" 2007, Horror seanPatrick F1ane ,KrlstinBooth Rod Ti r. "Black Swarm" 2007 Horror Robert En lund sebas1Jen Roberts. lID , H 343 12:~Delirlou." 2005 'NR'rm ••1I"Heavan" 2002 CateBlanChelt.'R' *. "Chi r27" 007 d Latc. 'R'1m .** "FruedomWrfterl'" Hil Swank.' G-19' , ~p£~o 11 57 -. AMA Ra.clng: Susercross Utes NASCAR Live Live World series 01 OfI-Road Racing ISPEED Report (N 'Harley-DaYfdaon Coullo COlli NI PI 37 20 5 Real Vice s UFC Unleashed () UFC U leashed f\ UFC Unleashed () UFC Unleashed () UFC Unleashed () ~TYI.F: .: n Peter Perfect Forbes 20Billionaire HeIresses IThe Dish IClaan House Clean Hduse IKlmora Lee Slmmons:1HS lKimota: Fib JTha Dish " '. TB! 25 4 6 TtlefUnaer" t* "Headof,Statt" 12003 Comedvl ChriS ROCk. Bernie Mac. lID· **g "Klddna' SCrIamina'" 2005\ Wi" Ferrell Aobert'0uval1.00 ••g·FunWithD4ck& JltII" ;~d . -T 78 - .**."TheQuleUlan" 195..k1lJ1 Maureen O'Hara. .*t,,"RomanHoi 1953Romance-Com He InB i :45 G (} Peck Aud m. • •••·ATretG 'T I kT:l 38 36· 33000 calories Addicted to Food :ID The 75O-Pound Man 1m 627 LbWoman: Jackie's StOrv tID Preenant for46Years 00 nt Man • TN" 124 171 9 "GIfted Hands" "TheUbmiamCurse ofthe udal Chalice" 2008) Noah Wvlo.lID •• "RldlIe Rich"' 1994 Comedvl Macau Culkin John l..arrOauette.lID • *tIS"$brO" 12001\ 00 ~ TOON 35 John TeStllL John Test[ID - John Test:ID John TeSt[m· Jot! Testlre John Testtm John Testlre *,"HomeAk!ne3" 1997 Com A1exO.U OIekKru .Premiere. ,TMNOIS . 75 • Dave-Barbarian lack & CodY ·IPhlneas and Fertl PUCCI 00 IronMan :n: Stmennan lID 101 lmonlID IronMan lID lChaotlc () tID Morister Suster PUCCI Ii: ~,. ·lRAV tll59 • UvJnlt'Trlbe UvlngWlthlheMekTribe UvlngWlththe MekTribe Uvln ththeMekTribe UvlngWiththe MekTrlbe L1vlnllWlthlheMekTrlbe TRU • 74 Amarlcan Jail Amarlcan Jail Amarlcan Jail American Jail Ame Jail World's Wildest Police Videos Ire Co () 00 Co () @ Co s () rm () TVLD__I:'60 16 26 :OOlBonanza Bonanza,"TheWild One" rer, LeavHleaver ILeave-Beaver LeaVe-Beaver 'Leave-Beaver AndY Grlffllh Griffith An GriffIth An GrlffIth USA 26 30 21 12:00 ••1I"1belostWorld:JuranlcPark"I1997 .*"T1laPacIfier" 2005 Com V1nOl9sellaurenGraham.lm Houae"Kids" ().jl] House 'loveHurts" f\ lID t1h i I ~:"' ~fi

I , ., Save money and protect the planet ':1 ,j i Thanks to the up and down nature of the economy, with record lows on the stock market followed by equally eye-opening rebounds, more and more people I i sought ways to protect their financial interests. One positive side effect has been the environmental impact, as protecting one's finances has also led many to - If - intentional or otherwise -- protect the environment. For those looking to save money while also making a positive impact on the environment. the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers the following tips: Consider new appliances: The EPA suggests replacing them with Energy Star appliances. I Energy Star appliances do not sacrifice quality and they can save homeowners in the neighborhood of 30 percent of their annual energy costs. Depending on i the size of your home, such saVings can be considerable. ..,

F~b.'4 '- 10; 2009



39 '68 A L' G · ) ~ .• H · FE LMN · M

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· " - ;~d . I1..'~ - ~ - ~. - - ~~ - - III •• 16 - IIIt1h 30 - 56 - • SO - m'h\t = 11 • Turn off appliances when you're not home: One of the biggest, and arguably the most silent, culprits responsible for higher energy costs are appliances tha; are kept plugged in when they're not being used. For example, video game consoles often use up lots of energy even when not in use. I • Repair any systems that need it: Air conditioning or refrigerating systems that leak are highly inefficient and could be costing you substantial amounts of Ii money. An old water heater often results in higher costs as well. Have air conditioning systems checked each spring before the summer season arrives. If you . notice items in your refrigerator or freezer aren't as cold, you might have a leak or another problem that's costing you money. . • Make sure your home is properly insulated: A poorly insulated home costs a lot more to heat. • Conserve water: One of the easiest ways to save money on your monthly utility bills is to begin using water more responsibly. This can include taking short showers instead of baths, turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth or shaving, only doing full loads of laundry and repairing all leaks. For a more exten: - sive list of ways to conserve water around the home, visit the EPA Web site at www.epa.gov.

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18, M Seen On TV Feb, 4 - 10, 2009 WEEKDAY MORN , " ARUCH:II :, 'II " '" " II ," , II

~·I·~---•• C~= Sidthe SdeIlce r I Cllff,rd-lled ~~~Sesame Street _ S ,ffd ~Readln, Rainbow Sidthe S<~nce CIIIlI~~-Roea !.. •- 11 :00 The ShOw -Mau PrlceIsRlahl -1beYoun_.-andtheR News -- Bold-Beautiful AsWoI1dTurntl ~ • ~ ~ Yornlng America UveWIth RegIs and Kelly TheView All MY thUdren News GenerII HOI ltal ~ :00 GoOdMomln rica Uve lsandKei theY. TheBonnie HuntShow All Children OneUIIto Uve , 8 8 4 :00 li Good NY IBea Millionaire News I ofourUvea , M · I 191 ,001_ _IRay Consumer Comer Deal orNoDeal II- :Ill :00The Show The Doctors AstheWorld Tum. ThePrt... ~ RI ht New. BoId-lleautlful . ~. - ~ ...... • KA ~ ' Paid Prooram Comics Un. "ra , uzz J, n · sexandthe - 'Kmx 'i4 Fom feUd Trlvtal PUrsul1 Judge Mathia TheTYn!l Blnka Show Animal Advant lJudge AlP Co. CItv 1lla! 700 , VariedP rams JohnH eo Varied ram. U Varied P II::-8outhwot 'K 'fa ·· ,"", • ,KWRO ~ · · 6:00 The Dally Bua Roeaanne IRoseanne Illy WIfe andKId' IIlyWllo lAd Klda Hall6 Hall IMalcolm-Mld. Eva ond Kin 01 Queens Kina of Queena :KTEl 20 · P ~ do .ramaPagado-- ~P~IIad" SIn Stnos no Pa 10 ElC del Deseo Dame ChOcolate ',Kl 21 · · 6:00 Ierta America Qul6n T1ene IaRaziln? casas de familia M _ Casas de lsi Vlda Real Marlane deIaNoche llIonarta KVBA •I r19 LUe TodaY Jovce Meyer Raspns HealUT IPr,ceDts for life OebraRay lThe700 Club Focul4 V ramt Uvln the life Varied_rtdProcuams 'KENW .. 3 · M_R ra & Friends Between-Uons _S Sidthe Science VarlecI P rams SitlindBefit Varied Programs iAAE 52 23 20 American Justice COld caseFIles COld caseAles CS~MIamI Crossin Jordan The SOPranOs ,AM , 48 14 4 5:30 MOYle Varied P ram. 'ill. 36 · 22 Growlnll UP... WUdRescues IE·Vet Interns Animal COps sanFranclsco Animal COOl Houslon The JeffCorwin Ex nenee Cn:icodlle Hunter ,BET , Jud e Hatchett Jud e Hatchett . Jud Hatchett Jud Hatchett ... HalChatI J ,H_ Steve H Steve Harv Hell Data HellDate OneonDne ,BRAV 47 · Varied P ram. NBC .. 44 25 15 U7:OO) Squawk on the Streel The Call PowerLuneh Street SI ns Closlna Bell NN 41 3 17 :00 Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom NewsrOom .w,L '. 46 Varied P rams Movie Dal 6how Colbert ReDort MA01v Com•.f'reSents C5PAN 95 · HoUse 01 Reoresentatives Varied Programs House of Representatlves 'CSPAN2. 96 :00 u.s. Senate COVerB e U.s.SenateCovers e Q;YIL__~ . Journsl:TaQest ' \Varied Proarams Journal-Wlrt 1m Focus Journal-Bus. Varied Promama Joumal:Tageal Varied P ~m. Journal: InDe th DiSC' 32 18 18 Varied Programs IJamea Robison Paid Prcuram IP90X:The Prool Howlt',Made How"', Made Caah Call: 00'" cashcab:Dark Overhaulln' Now VIa H,n Mann Mouse LlftleElnstelns er& Pooh M,usa Hon Mon lma . MQY8rs - UnleElnstelns Charlie & Lola lbaWIQQles MO'IIa 1~5N " 33 33 2B MI MI' 61 VariedP reme " EINews TheDaltv 10 Varied Proarams ',.>!'Ii , 28 9 12 SportsCenter Sportstenter SPOrtsCenter S rtsCenler 5 rtscenter Outside !he Unes ~ 29 32 2 ESPN Arsl Take ESPN FIrstTake MIke and Mike 1s1 and 10 Varied Programs ieopijii , 30 Be8chVolI II Billiards PBA BowlinA' IVaried ProQrams COIJeQe Basketball Basketball 'FAM .. 49 2 10 Sister, Sister .ISlster,Sister Sabrina-Witch ISabrina-WItch 51 Sle Uvlnll thO" ute The700 Club Gilmore Girls FullHouse ,rn 236 · Bodies InMotion Total B Stul t Cardlo Blast Varied P ram. In Sha NatnasteYi VarlecI P ram. ~~ 46 · :00 America's Newsroom Haaoenlna Now The Uve'Desk Studio B-Smlth 53 Emerillive Varied Prcqreme Entertaining IQuiek Ax Meals Home Cooldng ltallan »MInute Meals Barefoot COnt VariedP rams Meets GtHl Guy~ BI, Bile · Em freZR 27 TheFlI'l8\ Score PaldSram PaldP ram PaidP ~m PaidP ram PaldP ram VAffecI P ramo 'FS' P2IIdProaram PaId P ram FOX Soccer Reoort, Sk'J SOON News Emtllsh Premier teenue Soceer Varied P ram. Bernie Mac MilIcoI!R-Mld Mafcolm-Mid. ,FX 39 Movie Varied Pl"OQrams S InC V ~ms ~,..,--- ., 6B · WheckedOut Total Outra . loS! Movie varied Prams ALA . · NecesIto una Amilia Mueres eon Hlsloria YHombres T1emDO encasa AISabordel Chef AISabor delChel 1{:02JVlda Salvale locos Sualtos 31 GolfCentral IGol1 central GolfCentral IGolfCentral Pal~rain PaldPl'OIIram PaldP m VariedP m. 63 SU Password Famlt Feud Make a Deal Press Your Luck Jeo I Wheel of Fortune Card harks MatehGame Famllv Feud Password Plus ToTelltheTnrth 69 · UtIleHouse onIhePrairie UnleHouse (In thePrairie Touched by 80Anael 7thHeaven 7thtillaven LIttle Holls& "!== , 302 Movie IVaried ProQrams J!!!Q. · HOYV 54 Fmur Desl n Varied ~rams Decoratln Cilnts SsvaM Bath House Hunters Curb A ,I Desl ned to sell Desi ned 10 sell Desllm ona Dime Deslon ona Dime DesllIR Chall 'HIST 51 31 Varied P ram. IModem Marvels Varied Programs LIFE 23 26 23 Frasier IFrasler Will& Grace /WIlI & Grace Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives Movie ' - LMN " 64 · IIov MoYl, Movie 1(7:451 Movie J~aried Programs Movie Movie Varied Programs MAX 322 · ~ '~C 43 MSNBC News Ilve-_~_--:~_ _ _ !M"SNBC NeWSU~ --~ ... MSNBC News Live IMSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live MSNBCNews ~ · !@;Q , 5B Varied Prams . 000Whlsoerer Coo Whlsoerer NJCK.., _ 34 24 Back. Bamvard ._ ~~geBob SDOnqeBo~ . ..lM" & Ruby Backvardlqans Go, CleQo, Go! ITheWonderPetsl Dora theEx lorer NIHao, Kel·lan Olivia Dora theExplorer cID'! , 40 13 Varied Programs · :00 Movie Varied Pro rams fs!'f$o''5tlPl--1~57 · Varied ProQrams Paid Proaram Pild Program Varled.2roQrems '$00 37 201 5 Marrled,_ With Marrled,..Wlth UnsolVed Mysteries UnSlllved Mysteries IUnsolved Mysteries Unsolved M aleries C51:NY ,STYLE "n · Varied P ram. WhoseWeddl Is II An •? Clean House Clean House Varled Proorams flls-"I m 25 4 S Home ImDrove. Home ImDrove. IHome ImDrove. Home ImDrove. JustShoot Me JustShoot Me Yes, Dear' TCM . 78 1(7:00 Movie IVaried Programs IMovle Varied Programs Movie Varied Pro rams TIT , 38 36 · Brin In a Brln n ·Ba What NottoWear What NottoWeer 10Years Youn er 10Years Youn er AB. 51, ABa 5to Brinu[na-Babv 24 m 9 -R LasV8Q8a LasVeaas Without aTraca law &Order Law a Order II!f!JOON .-1 35 · · Movie IMr. Men Show Tom & Jerry " Skunk ful Skunk Ful Mucha Lucha Balman: Brave Chowdar 'T NOI ,75 v~ms American 0 n AmerieanD n R..... Roce.. Re lacements Re·'aeements V,ff P ram. ITRAV 1J;\l 59 · Varied rams Sam8Jlt1la Brown Samantha Brown Anthony Bourdaln: NoReservatlons Bizarre Foods WIth Andrew Zimmern Varied ProQrams ,TRU 74 1(7:00 UseBloon): Open Court Jami floYd: BestDefense Banfield & Ford: COurtslde . , Arrest &Trial 'TVlO 60 1 26 The Jeffersons The Jaffel10ns Good Times GoodTlmes Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Bova Hillbillies BaY. Hillbillies Gunsmoke Bonanza ·iiSA 26 30 21 Varied Proarams law &Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Crlminallntant lBwfOrd5VU 'VH1 , 56 56 4:00 JiilnpStan Varied rama ,V$,_ 50 50 · Varied ram. PaId P rom Varied ram. Paid P ram Varied P ramo WE 245 Hooe & Faith Hooe &Faith 1Dharma & Grell IDharma &Grell Girlfriends GIrlfriends 'Varled Proarams WGN 5 21 3 Matlock IntheHeatoftheNight Nash Brld es WGN Mid Now. Bawllchecl BewItched Dream-Jeannle 5 ways baking is beneficial for families " " If you've ever watched one of those commercials where a parent or grandparent is baking witha child you can understand the warm and fuzzy feeling they impart. Althollgh on screen you're viewing actors getting paidto sell an appearance of closeness, the picture they're projecting is one you can easily recreate in yourown home. Baking or cooking together as a family has a number of benefits. Consider these advantages to heading intothe kitchen and reading the supplies. 1,Time spent together: Howmany families today are super-busy, as Momheadsin one direction, Dadin another andthe kidsbalance school workand extracurricular activities? Prepnring a mealor treat \ogether offers a no-pressure opportunity to open up aboutwhat's been going on in each othe(s lives. 2.., Costsavings: Rather thanspendseveral dollars on a store-prepared cake, save money by easily making one at home withinexpensive ingredients thatare probably , I ,

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1\111\1 IOlltal toUve ,ur Uvea .rUves ­Inlltt F

KENW eHunter ne MC AL Bell VO Top Chel Beet Housewives of OC !Sents B Kudlow Re rt CNBC Re rts N LouDobbs TonI hi Campbell Brown: NoBias, NoBull Dally Show Colbert R~ ICom.-Presents IMADIv Uovla InDeDth House of R resentatiws Varied P ram. 'rent ht From Washln on ectIves P US.Senate Covera e Varied Prams Washlmrton Varied Pl'OIlrams DE Eurom4Xl JOumaJoBus. Varied ProQrams Joumal-Wlrt IVaried Prtlftrams Journal: InDepth InFocus Journal:Ta Varied Programs AHauntln AHauntln Varied Prams Cash Cab Cash Cab the unes o Varied Prams & & Varied P rams rams EINews The Dally 10 Varied P ram. all EE~ Around the Hom Intenu on S rtscenter Basketball Varied Prams ,sa ! ~ NASCAR Now Rome-Bumlnll Around theHom Interru tlon Varied Prccrems Colleqe Basketball Varied Prams i-smlth .~ sabrina-Witch sabrina-Witch FullHou FullHouse What I Uile What lUke Gilmore Girls I,Blta AlIStarWoTtouts Namas16. Total B Stul Cardlo Blast Varied Prcerame Glenn Beck Speclal RepOrt With BretBaler The FOX Re J1 With Shepard Smith The O'Relll Factor ~ Barefoot Cont Home CoOkin 3O-Mlnute Meals 3D-Mlnute Meale Challen e Good Eata Good Eats !-MId. ~ SS rtsNews Varied Prams That 70s- Show Varied Prams Movle r Sueltos FJ( G Cheaters Co a Co CoOl Whacked Out Whacked Out Attack 01 theShow! X.plav X·Plav beTroth I- IGALA Noticiere Con Paola Roas Rlsas VM4s RlMs Varied Programs Vida salva e Varied P "m. ,usa PaidP ram Varied Prams Golfcentral To 1Q Varied Prams To 10 ~ Weakest Uok Faml Feud Chain Reliction Faml Feud ramld Blm:lo America UnQo Catch 21 FamIly Feud Bea Millionaire Chall IHALL Ilove lucY I Love Lucy MtA'StH IU'A'S'H M'A'S'H M'AlS'H Walker, Tel8S Ran er Walker, Texas Ranger HB Varled rams Movi. Varied rams G Deservln Deal n • MIHOfS Ie DlvIne DesI n Kllchen Desl ned to sell House Worth? House Worth? House Hunters Property Vlralns Varied Proqrams Modem Marvels Modem Marvels WIle Swa WlfaSwa Reba Reba StIli Stand[n Stili Standln Reba Reba :Newa MovIe Movla Uovi. IISD8rer Varied Programs Movie Varied P m, Ie Ex lorer MSNBC Newa Uva Hardball 1600 Penn Ivanla Avenue Hardball CountdOwn WithKeithOlbermann Varied P rams WhlsP8rer Varied Pl'OIlrams WowIWubblvl NIHao, KaJ.lan ISponQ8Bob IFalrtv OddParents - IVa!ied Programs S n eBob ISponlleBob 70 a StarTrek: Ente rise Sta te 0.1 Varied Prams Varied Prams Movie Varied rams ChOD Cut Rebuild OntheEdQe Varied Pl'OIlrama S Re J1 Special Edition 181 CSI:NY CSI:NY CSI:NV CSI: Crime Scene Invest! on CSl: CrineSCene InveSti tlon Whose Weeklln IsII An ? Clean House Clean House Varied Programs la-ElabY KIn of Queens Kin of Queens Everv-Ravrnond E nd Everv-Raymond IFriends Se[nfeld Selnteld Faml G /Faml Gu Ordar Varied Programs :45 Movia Varied Prams Movie UtUe Pea Ie uttJ. I. Jon& Kate Plus8 Jon& Kate Plus 8 What NottoWear Varied Pl'OIlrams CIIaImad Charmad Bon.. law &Order Varied Programs &TEEN Total Drama John Teat John Tes1 Varied Prams , Trial lack &C Phineas andFerb Varied Prams Z8 Justice VIdeo Justice HotPursuit HoiPurauil Wo d'sWildest Pollee Videos Co. Co. Varied Prams IdSVU-­ Video Green Acres Green Acres seve HlIlblme8' Beve Hillbillies H n'sHeroes H an's Heroes An Griffith An Griffilh Andy Griffith AndY Griffith Proarams Varied P rna NCIS INCIS NCIS Varied Programs VHI Neaonle WGN The Cosby Show The Cos Show Strubs Scrub. Backar Becker Varied P ram•.. alreatlyin the pantry. ipart, 3.Teach and reinforce simple mathskills: Baking, more so than regular meal preparation, requires careful measurement of ingredients. Counting, sorting, measuring and. n home. timing baking supports lessons younger children may be experiencing in school work ,- but in a more enjoyable way. It's much easierfor children to visualize concepts suchas addition and subtraction or fractions when they have tangible objects to work with. Theycan also see how these lessons relate to everyday life. irricular 4. Learn to work togethe:: There's the old adage that too manycooksin the kitchen can ruin the soup. However, baking together -- and assigning individual tasks to all involved - fosters lessons of patience, cooperation and joint effort. lrobably 5. Reward for hard work: The nicething aboutcooking together is that the reward for all of the effortis a delicious treat when the preparation and cooktimesare done, Families cancome up withways to enjoy the fruits of theirlabor, such as game night or inviting friends and relatives over to enjoy coffee and cake.

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20 ABSeen On TV Feb 4 - 10, 2009 • MONDAY EVENIN A - Alamo ordo R - Ruldoao U - Alamo ordo UHF C - Cloudcroft H - HI h RO.lis FEBRU.ARY 9.'2009 : AR UIC H II I :11 :I '" 'I '" II It I It I. It I KA A ~.@. 6 • House 'Unfallhfur N:llJ 24 n PA News 13 News 13 J I Sotl1!l·Park· SCrublllll SlxancH: frasier Extra N IllI SclIIb.1llI Brin W.II81 IKRWG r-=- .. Antlaues Roadshow' alias· American Exoerlence Nl () rnJ DVSI PBS Previews Charll.Rose IN () 1m lWoridNewl ITavis SmileY ,ICOff All KDBC ~ - 11 BlgBangTh IHowlMet Two Men Worst Week CSI:Mlaml () 00 News N LateShow.l.ettetmIn ILate we Show Pald~ rna lcJack PaId KI 6 • The Bachelor N () 3L True sea I Fit" N () News N :35 Nt tllne :06 Jim K1mmelUve f\ KI of Hili Hoi ~ Entertainment Hatehen 'kMr ~ m fTI The Bachelor NI {\ at Ttue Beaut ·GelFir IN () NeWs N [ID , 1(:05 filghtllne :361 Jlmmv Kimmel Uve () The Insider PaId P ram PaId P raril ~ : 8 31 8 4 ChUl;t1 E Heroes "Trust and Blood" edkJm () [II] News N TheTonI htShcnN l-eno Hoi, Late NI ht-tonanO'Brien Last call :35 NeWt -~ ..., Heroes 'Trusl and Blood· Mecllum N () {ill News N TheTonl htShoVnf 'leno LateN.1 hl.cononO'Bllen WI Coli ConsUll1l' ~=' KBIM t 1010 BlaBa Th IHowlMel TwoMen IWorstWeek CS~ IN mw t:BtdihoFtelletmail l:a ram t(AS 12 TWIt htZone TWIl hi Zone Maaters ofillusIon () m: RENO 9111 REN0911l Ptlnk'd Punk'd 1m Co I () lID Co () lID Kin of Hili Kin of Hili Fam Court KF H4- 1 • House "Unlarthlur N 3L 24 N () PAl. [if] News N rnJ Sim ns $elnfeld mJ TMZ N mJ sexand-CI Friends (ID Fmler [ID Famllv GUY R 09111 KRP : 18 - lI!1htoftheSouthwest UPdate Israel IY. salamanca UriHarel Martcue UPdate Israel Rico Cortel Ughtof theSouthwell K • - GOII Girl () E One Tree Hili {\ E Friends 00 701Show Fernl Gu Fernl G Selnfeld [ID Selnfeld :m R ond Malcolm-Mld. Brln Wall 51 Paid ro ram l I 20 Doi\aBarbaTa _ EIRostro deAnana Sin5enos IEI,cartel NoUciero Deciliones de Famoaol Decl 01\eS deFamolOllPaaado fPaoado lPaOado UJZ 21· - Cllidado conel Angel FuegO enla Sangre CrisUna NoUclas Notlclero La Hora delaRise Contra Vlento y Marea Claaicol CI4alo-Humor • Sial Corinth live Pe Slone CBN Newa R1ch8Jd.Und Roberta Pri Focus 4 In-Croashalrs Munroe QuckStu Bel KENW 3 AnU ues Roadshow 'Dallas· American Exoerlence (N {\ [ft] (DVSI IPBS Previews /Tracks Ahead Eurooe ~el Roadlhow "Dallas· NOWIHour WithJimLehrer ClaPlcArtsShowt:aH 52 23 20 Intervention "An allna" N Paranormal lParanormal Paranormal Paranormal intervention ·Marlo" 00 Intervention "Anaalina" 00 Paranormal IParanonnal Paranormal Parai10rmal ~­ ., 4B 14 4 6:00\ * •• "Saturdav Nlaht Fever" 19n ,*•• "Thelma' LOuise" [1991 Drama Susan SamndonGeena Davis Harvev Keltal. ttll"SleeDlnawtth theEneniv" 1991 JUUa Roberts. "Dtattl Wllh" . ~f-: - 22 D s 101 Animal Co s Phlledel hie It'sMe ortheD 1m 101 AnImal I Phllade hie Cell Do e 00 It'sMe orthe lID i~- : .. The BET Honors IN .~ Honors Post . tBaldwin HJUs •• "0 of aMad Black Worrian". 12005 KimberlY Ellse.lIJ IThe Deal lID tHe I Date BRAVO 47 Real Housewives 01 OC Reel Housewives of DC Real Housewives 01 DC 1*.''I:i "Ge1 ShortY" 1995 Comedv) .lil *."November" (2004 Drama Courtiltl Cox. Premlera .~'-~!l-r.~­.. 44 2S 15 WeslmlnsterKannelClubD Show enm Ni hI' Westminster Kennel Club Show'O enn Ni hr Pal P ram Paid Pro ram PaidP ram PaldPro ram "NN 41 3 17\ Lam Kino Live 3t Anderson CooDer 360 Jt Larrv Kina Uve· Anderson Coooer 360 riC' Anderson ceeeer 360 tID LanvKing uve I~. .. 46 ·l<>"'I...• RENO 9111 Scrub.3!: Strub.E Da'ly Show ICoI"'rt Futuramo n South Pari< IFuluram. n South Pori< IhOW Colbert P...... Presents 95 96

32 33 ,E! ' 61 Girls Girls Fashion Pollee-Grammy EINews ICheisea Chelsea Girls Fashion Pollce-Grammy The SoUP Chelse8 El News. The oal 10 ~~N , 2B 9 12 CoR e Basketball Kansas atMissoun. Live E S rtsCenter Uva [ID Nfl live N Anal S rtsC8nter Uve Ii] S rts ter LiVe NBA BaaJtetball 29 32 27 Basketball E:60 N :[ Colleae Footba I All-Star Challenae From Tamoa, Fla. (N! NASCAR Now !ID Nfl Films ColleDe Basketball Kansas atMissouri. rm Anal ~ ['iJ 30' MLB Baseball Who's Number 11E BullRiding PRCA Xtreme. Wrestllilg Wrestling Boxln BI. FI htI: Hea i ht 2005 U.s. Poker AM .' 49 2 10 M W1hH<:lds WIfe.Klds '70s Show 701Show $ecreHeen K IeXY .e Su rr N SecreHeen The 700 Club rm secm·Teen m 23 JustCook Thisl With Sem low Caro Low Caro Decadence IDecadence JustCook Thlsl With Sim low Carb low carb PaId Proaram IPaid Program PaId PMQram PaId Program FNC 45 Hannlty On theRecord-Van SUsteren lhe O'Rell1y Factor Hannlty OnthaRecord-Van Suateren SialR rt Red E FO 0 53 Unwre Food Diners Diners Good Eats Un~~ UnW!'a Food Diners. Diners Good Eats Unwra Good Eats Un... ·F.N" 27 Poker Show ILaUno Influence-Baseball IBnt Damn Poker Show lEric~ SPOtllghl lAnai Beat Damn Poker Show Anal Best Damn Poker Show ErIc Bvmes FSC 6:001 Fox Football Fone-:ln ~ox Soccer Report Jt Fox Football Fone-ln Fox SocCer R rt [fll SS News Soccer . fig 6:00 "'''Walktheline" 2005 Joa ulnPhoenlx ReeseWlthers n. .." Shots" 1999 Drama anPalrickAana 70s Show eB Mon Comfort PaldP ~ PaldP ram ,. " .. 68 ITMQer ITrlQoer CoDS 20 If Cons 2.0 [it Coos 2.0:g: Whacked Out Attack oftheShowl Lost"The Moth" () [ID X.fltay . Wrecking Cheaters t1 Out lALA - LaJU!l8de LasNoticias pOr Adela NotIclero Joaquin L6J)8Z INotlclero De Viviana a IeMedlanoche Humor Es Locos Neeestto unaAmlQl F 31 Johnn Miller TI erWoods Lessons Leamln TheGolfRx Go"C8ntral Johnn Ml1ler n erWooda Leasonl Leamln The GolfFix Golf HawaII Go"C8ntraJ Go" GON . 63 FsmiIYFeud Be-MlRlonalre IPvramld ilL Chain Uneo [[ Uneo all Be aMllilonalre JeoDlrtM Fortune familY Feud MatchGama 1What'a-Une TeiltheTruth HA L .' 69 "Daniel's Dauahter" 12008 Drama) lauraLeiahlon. [I] IMurder _She Wrote [ID Mur1ler She Wrote rm Walker Texas Ran r [ill Walker exaaRan r 1m Paid Program PaldProgram HB , 302 Conchords *""UveFreeorOle ani" Bruce Willls.'PG·13' : .....X....an.. 2000 Hu h .'PG·13'!ID UsaLam nell:Lon Uve .'.-An ',DlnCf-,l998'R'OO H'TV 54 House Firsl Place House Bu'v Me(N HGTV Showdown Property IGenevleve HOUI! Am Place Houae BuvMe () HGTVShowdOwn HI T II 51 31 Cities oftheUnderWorld IN Ancient Discoveries ~ IAnclent DlacoverIe$ Modem MarVels lID ClIle$ ofthaUnderwortd Allelent Dlseavertel!ID Ancient ~~ IF M MAX MSNB NGEO NICK

TLC_~·'3B • 36 Jon& I<;ate Jon&: Kale Jon& Kate Jon& Kale little PeoDle UttlePeo Ie Jon& Kate Jon&: Katll Jon,& Kate IJon& Kate Kidsbv theDozen [ID PaldP ram Paid P ram 00 . 24 171119 The Closer NI:K Trust Me Nl J.(; SavIna Grace tID The Closer Ii] Trust Me ilL Law' Order wPossesswn" Law 'Order "Pride" (\ TOON 35 John Test mEN Kin 01 Hill Kin ofHili Fem G Fern G Chlcksn Hun arforce Awesome The Obion KI of HllI Kin of Hm Fam G Faml G "MInutemen;' 20081 Jasol1 Dolle Luke Benward. lID Ranaers The AvenQers SDlder-Man Yin Yentl Yol X-Men 00 IJackle Chan Star-Racers X-Men Jt JacklaChan Star-Racers Anthony Bourdaln Anthony Bourdaln Anthony Bourdaln Anthony Bourdaln Anthony BO"rdaln Anthony Bourdaln eBIY Money Comfort Beach Patrol Beach PaIroI Most Shockln Forensic ForensIc Ocean Force Ocean Force FOrensic Forensic Power: Prlvll e &: Justice forensic Forensic - 16 26 An Griffith An Griffrlh Andv Griffith Andv Griffith Andv Griffith An Grtfflfh Andv Grtfllth Andv Grtfflth M"A"S'H rID IM"A"S"H lit sanford Sanford JeffersOna JafferaOna - 30 21 WWE Monliav Niaht Raw llvel (\ }L :05 BumNotice rnJ Law' Order: Crlmlnallntenl :05) Monk lID 12:05\ "Platol 20081 Steven Seaaal.lftl 56 I Love Mona N {\]; FortheLove of R J. N {\ :05 I Lave Mon () 3D For the Loveof J () Toal Uedelectol"$. Rock 01 l.o've Bus Confeai:lonsof aTeen Idol 50 NHL HH World Extreme ca atl htlnD E The Contender () 1m World Extreme C8aetlahtlna [ID Paid PaId P ram Rich Bride Poor Bride JL RIch Bride Poor Bride JC Weddings Wedding, Amazlng Wedding Cakes Rich Bride Poor Bride 00 lWeddlngs Weddlngl AmazlnaW8ddlna takes 21 3 Funnlelt Horne Videos WGN News atNine N [!L SCrublrgj SCrubs [ID TheBob'Tom Show 00 Funnlelt Homavtd8Ol The SteveWilkos Show N Paid Program lPaJd ProGram ;, . Put your best kiss forward

~,t! The Perfect Kiss· In a society where so manythings are last-paced, a good kissshould notbe - especially if you want ~ to be remembered in the :W·i!' ,';""" Kisses Hallof Fame. Gauge the moment, leanin slowly and restyourhead against yourpartner's. Usea finger underthe chinto lill hisor herlace toward yours. In a fluid motion, touch yourlips gently together andbegin to build kissing momentum. Kissas though you have all the timein the world, andthere's no oneelsebutthe two of youon earth. Deepen the kissas seems fit, and don~ leI ~ extend beyond its natural life. Kissing Dosand Don'ts - Do embrace andshareothermethods of touch .while kissing to heighten the romantic moment.; Don~ smother the person ==.==------_...... _------10,2009 Feb 4 - 10, 2009 As Seen On TV 21


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sohe or shecan'tcome upfor air. Dotakeyourpartne~s feelings Intoconsideration endkiss onlywhen he or sheIs ready.; Don't letbadbreath ruin your kiss. Avoid pllngent foods nyou anticipate kissing, end Iin the keep breath consteittly fresh with Blnaca FastBlast or Blnaca Breath Freshener Aerosol Spray. These compact, portable spritzes erefast enddiscreet. er lace Dochange kissing positions andvary whogets to take charge to addspice endvariety.; Don't smoke, or consider gMngupthe habit to bea better kisser. Few people want to I the feel likethey're kissing an ashtray. I Dokiss In private nmrs Isyour firstkisstjlgether or you prefer notto havea public display of affection, endso youcanenjoy the kiss as long as you like. I I person Binaca FastBlast and Blnaca Breath Fr&!hener Aerosol Spray areavailable at most majorfood, drugend mass market relallers nationwide. To learn more, visit www.drfrash.com. -' '. !2 AB Seen On TV Feb. 4 - 10, 2009 WEDNESDAY EVENING " I ~=tA ~ U[j:iCID:6l=H=r;~;p!~~=~=m~~~b~~~'!News 13 Windsor e 8 11 Cnm nalMinds () ~ CSI: NY ·She's NotThere­ p P ram PaldP ram PaId P ram 6 Losl"This Place Is Death" :02 U1ecn Marl N lBJ KI ·o1HIII HoJ Entertllnment Hatchen 7 7 lost "This Place IsDeath" :02 Uft onMars N 1m :36 Jim Kimmel Uve TheIMlder Brln WallSI PaId P ram "Ai\eO 8 3 8 4 LIfe"Mi Ball" N (\ lID Law &Order "'Crlmebuslers" Hoi Late HI ht-conari O'Brien LlI1 Coli :35 a (2:00) KT 9 Ufe"Mirror Ball' Nfl .31] Law & Order "Crlmeooslers" Late NI htoConan O'Brien last Call Consume; jer After p.m., 1 ---~ 0- 0 -Ml N Brln Wal 51 :0 NewS Brln WallSt "Alocl KA Y 12 28 World',Funniest Moments Under One Under One RENOSt1l RE09t1! Punk'd[ID Cosl\lm eosfl!ID KlnotHIU K1notHIlI Fernl Court HIlChen ·mw F 14 American IdolThe to 36semifmehsts arerevealed. N (\ News N JI: 5elnferd 00 TMZ N lID Sex andoCl Friends 00 FrasIer lID Fernl G REN091t! "Amel I\!lfL 18 29 U htoftheSouthwest U ate Israel Dr, Dun Chil1es Scon U e Israel Dell san_ hioftheSouthwei1 (CC) 1 K Prlvll ad (\ 3( _ 90210 {\ .."., Friends m; 70s Show Faml G Selnferd lH: Selnfeld [ii] Rand Malcolm-Mld. Brln Wall SI Paid P ram a.m. KT • 20 DOna Barbara EI Roalre deAnalla SinSenos EJ Cartel Declalonesde FamOioi Declslones deFamosol do do P -ado "Arnel K 21 Culdado conel n el Fu 0 enIaSan re PrJ rfm eto Primer 1m eto M 08 deIaNache Pobre MUlonaria Juro Arno (CC) (, Lakewood As Inn Home-Arlene QulckStu CB News Richard-LInd As Inri Focus 4 Your LaverneTn OuickSluJackH r:d 11;301 KENW 3 DTV:Q&A lookin forUncoln N f\ 3L Thle OldHie. Charlie Rose N (\ 1ID NewsHour WIth JimLehrer Clastic ArtsShowcase "The, 52 23 20 Do Do Exterminators exterminators 0 D Do Exterminators Exterminators Do {CCl(: ., 48 14 4 "RambO:Flrst Blood Part liN .tURoadHouse" 1989 Actbn PatrickSwa Kell nch .1l"lhe,Skulls" 2000 Sus ense JoshuaJackson.!ID .t'l\"TheGreatRald" 2005 War lID "Tho' ~-- 22 I Shouldn't Alve I Shouldn'l PeAlive Venom 911 E I ShOuldn't BeAlive IShouldn't BeAlive Arctic Ex sure V riom911 :[ (2:OO~ 5:30 tt."LeanonMe" Pia ed-Fame PI ed-Fame Hatchen Hatchen *•. uleanonMe" 1989 Mor an.sreeman Robert Guillaume. TheOeal;[ • Hell Date "Ap 47 To Che'"leBernardm" To Chef"ThelastSu er" To Chef"ThelaslSu er To Chef"ThelastSu er" To Chef"laBernardin" The Millionaire Matchmalter TheWestWln (\[re (CC) ( 44 25 15 WestnilnsterDo Show On theMone MadMon FaslMone WestnilnsterDo Show PaldP ram PaldPn) ram Paid Pro ram PaldP ram "Apol 41 17 La Kin Uvelt --.- AndersonCoo 'r360]: La Kin live Andel'BonCoo r360~ AndersonCoo r360i: La Kin live AMCI "The 46 • NDeU cus" RENO 9111 Sc!Ubs:[ Scrubs .K Dall Show Colbert Futurama fI South Park South Park Martin Dall Show Colbert Marlin South Park 95- - -- 6:00 Toni htFromWashln- on __.__~__ Ca ltalNew,Toda T lriWashln on Jame 96 6:00 TOIlI ht From Washln on Ca ltalNews Tod Tod inWashln on •• Maischber er 37l;1rad Journal InGerman Journal In £uromaxx Journal Deutschland Journal In InGerman Journal- rt In Focus Journal-Bus. Euroman 1135 18 18 Cash cab Cash Cab How.-Made How-Made The Detonators "Bermuda" M hBusters:lL What Animals Think N HowoMade How-Mede The Detonators 'Bermuda' 33 28 That's-Raven That's·Raven laelt &C Han. Montana *. "A G Movie" 1995 fI au Wizards Wliarda life Derek lack & Han, Montana Thllt's-Ravlln Co Or. 90210 Anniversar .- Girls Girls EINews Chell8a Chelsea Kardashlans Kardashlans Kar:dashlans Kardashians Chelsea EINews The Dal 10 "Bed 9 12 Colle e Basketball North Cafo!l!la atDuke (livel Jr S omCenter lIve ~ NFL live N Final S rtsCenter Liva @ S rtsCentllr uve L«: Nfl Uve~ FInal •• 32 27 Coli eBasketball Oklahoma.Jll Baylor {lIve :it Coli e Basketball XavIer atDa on, E NASCAR Now JL Palter Polter Soccer: World Cu Qualifier "Best (200)

"Best1 F~_+ 2 AT KFOXI !'!iL­ Hanni On theRecord-Van Susteren The O'Rell1 Factor annl On theRecord-Van Susteren Sial Re rt Red E e "Blg"l Bo~ Bob Fla _ Ultimate Recl Showdown Good Eats Unwra Bob FI Bo ItImate Reci Sliowdown Good Eats Unwra Good Eats Good Eats "Bill EmI!1.­ SHO F NM 6:30 NHL Hocke PhoenIX Coles atDallas Stars, LIve Suns Wldcat Herb sendek FInal Best Damn To 50Sial FInal" Best Damn To 50S I Herb Sendek FSC _ Soccer: Iran vs. South Korea Fox Soccer Report 1L Soccer 2010 World Cu Ouamier·· an'1$. Australia FOI Soccer Re rt [ID S S·rts News Uve Premier $ene A "Billy (215) FX 39 5:30 • * * "~a Vu" Oama as N Dama es 70s Show 70s Show Dama as Comfort eBII Man Paid P ram Paid' ram GL __ ., 68 War anEver War onEver Wreckin Wreckln Co s 2.0 3L Whacked Out Attack ot theShowl Lost "Solila • fI ~ X·p (\ at s fI E Whacked Out "The Flseale",Ousca Par deAses Las NoUclas r Adela Notlclero Joa ulnL6 z Notlciero De Viviana alaMedlanoche Humor Es Locos Nectslto unaAmi a TCM "Blac 31 Uneven Falrwa s N Fairwa Tee 11 19th Hole 'Golf Central Uneven Ftllrwll s Falrw s Tee It 19th Hole Tee It GolfCentral Falrw s Faml Feud B&-MIIllonalra ramld 1[ Chain Un 0 l[ lin o·3L Bea MlUlo re Jeo I Fortune Femi Feud Match Game What's-Una TeU theTruth (1:26) 63 "Das 69 .... "Sarah Plain andTall~ 1991 Glenn Close. E Murder SheWrote f\ m: Murde~'SheWrote fI 3L Walker Texaa Ran er rID Walker Texas Ran er;ID PaldPro ram comfort 6:00 ~DefJnitll Ma BI love "On Trlar fI Real Sex Xtra *.'1\ uQee Blue seaR 199 Thomas Jane. f\ 'R' lID Cathouse 12: ••• ~ ~B • Don'tC N 1999 Hi! Swank, 'R' Sat. 1 302 :Y: "Bou~ 54 House Income Pro. House Des rale BI Amazin HId Potential Pro Rate House Income Pro. House Des rate BJ Amazln HidPotential TCM N 1 Monsterauest N :q: UFO Hunters N E UFO Humers [K; Mo sterOuest lID MonsterQuest LID UFO Hunters Ji: UFO Hunters 51 "The 26 23 ••*"TheAmericanPresldent" 1995 Michael Do . las. Will& Grace Frasler:ID Frasier]] Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden GIrls Paid Pro ram Ab5eerela Paid Pro ram 23 {\ (C 64 6:00 •• "Fami Slns~ "Two Came Back" 1997 Melissa Joan Hart. [ill .* "Fam 'SlnaN 2004 Kirstie All Will Panon.lID •• "AVIsion of Murder:The 51 of Donlelle" 2000 "Boy 6:00 • Artof.WarN "Harold & Kilmar Esca GuantanamoN Sex Games Co-Ed Confidential 2 10:50 ~BladlShee "'NR'-- Filrbldden SCi :45 ••~ ~Dune~ 1984 (\ 'PG·13' rID 322 • * 11:59) 43 The Rachel Maddow Show Countckiwn-Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show Hardball'E Coun lbermann The Rachel Maddow Show Hardbalilre "Bo 58 6:00 Prison Nation The DevU'a PI round Pnson Nation The Devil's PI round 0 Whls rer Con Ined attheHead TCM ICK 34 24 ICa l[ ICa £ True Jackson lea E S liBob Drake I Josh Home 1m , Home 1m .. Lo Lo Fam, Mal Fam. Mat, Home 1m • Home hn • "Brav IA 40 13 Ghost Hunters International Ghost Hunters International Ghost Huntel'B International Scanest Places onEarth (\ TWill ht Zone Twin htZone The X·FlIes "Tithonus· [U; *%"'TheTerrorWlthln" TNT ~­ 343 6:55 .~Blo-DonieR1996 Paul Shore ~ShrlekltYouKnowWhatIDkl" . InsldetheNFl N m; U.S. ofTars SecretDla lnaldetheNFL iTV () TheLWord iTV () mJ "Tho SPEED 57 NASCAR Racln : S nnt Cu Dave Des aln Dona 500 Memones S Re rt NASCAR Racln :S rinlCu NASCAR Rae n NASCAR L-1ve (137) 5PIKE_ 37 20 5 UFC'sUlllmateFI htNI htfl W stoDie W stoDle CSI: NY"AMan a Mile·[ij; Olaorde Conduct:Vldeo MostAmazin VIdeos StarTrek: (\m] "Brid !;illE__ 77 Clean House Clean House "Horn Famil " Clean House Clean House Clean House Clean House "Horn Faml Clean House Paid ram Paid Pram (CC)( T8 25 4 6 Hous e House-Pa ne House-P ne Hous&-Pa ne Selnfeld[ID 10Items Sexand-CI SexanQ-C **"ThIPrlnce& ..... 2004 JuReStit Ben Miller. lID YPrlnee&:Mi2" "Bros TCM 78 6:00 MNeverC Wolt" .....L.aasIeCOmeHome~ 1943 Drama •.• *.uNatlonaIVetvet~ 1944 Drama Raon .lID DVS •••"Jun :Ie8OQk" 1942 sabu. "0 I" (23D) nC- 38 36 Solved Eitreme FOrensics ~ Persona Justice 00 Solved lID Extre Forensics M ste D nosls rm Paid Pro ram PaId P ram "Broa T~~ 24 1 9 law &Order "811n " fI Cold Case "Sabata e' rnJ Trust Me [ID uGIfted Handa:TheBen CIrtOnSl "2009 CofdCase'Hitchhiker";m law & Order () [ID DVS Y TVLO !QI 35 6:00 *lI. Horne AJone3" Kln ofHliI Kin ofHlIJ Fatni G Farni G hlcken Hun rfor;e Awesome TlleObion s KlnotHlil Kin ofHlII Faml Gu Fernl G T NDI 75 ••JI. "S HI .. 005Com M'JChael An arano. lID Fantast!: 4 Hulk Pucca lID S lder-Mal'i X-Men lID Jackie Chan Star-Racera XoMen Jackie Chan stafoRacel'B TRAV~ 59 Man v.Food Man v.Food Manv. Food Man v.Food Man v, Man v,Food Breakfast Paradise 1iJ Man v,Food Man v.Food Minv;Food Manv.food Pelar Po Comfort "cam TRU 74 MostDarin N Most Shockln Filranslc Forehslc Most Shoekln MoSt Dann Most Shodlln forensic Forensic TCM 16 26 Cos Show Cos Show 3rdRock·Sun 3rdRock-5un 3rdRock·Sun 3rdRock-5un 3r:dRock·Sun 3rdRock·Sun MtA"S"H lH:: . MtA"S'H [RJ Sanford sanford Jeff8rsons Jeflel'BOns 1Y!JL ". 60 "C ®L_ 26 30 1 NCIS "Ravenous" fI 3L NelS "Bair () :§j Law &Order: SVU law &: Order: Criminal Intent In Plain SI ht m: "Secondln,Command" 2006 Jean-Claude Van Damme. (1:45) V 1 56 56 Rock oflove Bua I Lave Mon ():n: :05 Tool Acade -rrusr ConfessIons ofaTeen Idol FortheLove of J fI I love M fI lID :05 Sober House () "Cho 50 WoridExttemeC ell htln 1heContend r (\ jt World Extreme eft Un The Contender fI [tt; NBAActlon S ortaSou PaldP ram PaldP ram. 'is.- • 50 (CC) I 245 20120 ]; 20120 "AMolhefs Search" 2012000 20120 "Vanished 4'00 20120 00 20120 -AMother's earth" "Cho WGN 5 21 3 FunnlestWeddln Outtakes WGNNewlatNlne N lID Scrubs lID ALF () lID ALF () lID TheSteveWilkosShow N PaldP ram PaldP ram (1:38) "ChI! "The•• Uon, p.m.•• "Clliz IDVS) "City KAS It "Cre , Mon. "C TNT

-_.. ...,.---~-_._. ... Feb. 4 - 10, 2009 As Seen On TV 23 "TheGI1!lJ\ Escape" * * * * (CC) "Never Cry Wo",' *** (2:00) "Torel Torel Toral" ** * (CC) x (3:00) TCM Sal.9:30 p.m. TCM Wed. 6 pm, (3:15) AMC Sal.10:45 am, 6~S[ Movi~s "G~lIns" *** (2:30) G4 Thu. . "Transformera" *** (\ (CC) "X-Men" *** (\ (CC) (1 :44) 10am.; 12a.m., Sal.2:30 p.m., Tue. 0 (2:24) MAX Sun.6:50 am, HBO Mon. 2 p.m., 9:45 p.m. 9 pm..Wed. 10a.m. "0 Brothar, Where Art Thou?" "A Tree Growa In Brooklyn" y A "GungaDin" **** (CC) (DVS) *** (\ (CC) (2:00) WGN Sal. **** (2:15) TCM Sun, 6 p.m, "CrImson nde" '*** (CC) (2:00) (2:00) TCM Sal.10am. 1030 "Troy" *** (3:30) FX Sun, 5:30 TCM Fri. 11 :30pm, . . "o'ctoCe~'Sky" "Venti" *** (2:14) SHOW Thu. "Ai\eelahandtheBee" ***(CC) H ***. (CC) (2:30) p.m., Mon. 2:30 p.rn. . 10:30 arn., Wee. 1:30 p.m. ,..". 12:00) LMN Fri. 6 p.m., 10p.m., Sal.6 o "H .' AMC Thu. 9 p.m., Fri. 3:30p.m. "Tunes 01 Glory" * * *" (2:00) p.m., 10p.m., Sun. 6 p.m.. 10pm. enryV" **** (2:30) TCM Tue. "An Onlcer end e Gentlemen" TCM Tue. 10 p.m. Z ***~ "Darlonan" *** (\ (CC) (I :35) ~3:OOI ."Aladdln" (\ (CC) (1:40) 1 p,m. *** AMC Sun.9 a,m. ''TweJve and Hnldln~Ll:L_ .'7,;ii=""''' DISN Ihu. t p.rn. MAX"SUli..I.p.iI1. "Hol88" *** (CC) (2:3O) FAM "ontY n~ SHave Wings" *** (1 :34) SHOW Mon. 4:30 pm. . "aum" ***lCCr(2:OOffi'\---~ "American Beeuty" **** (PA) "Deceived" *** (CC) (2:00) LMN Sal.6:30 pm., Sun.-4:3O pm. (CC) (2:15) TCM Fri. 12p.m. "2010" *** (CC) (2:00) TCM Fri. Sal.)1:45p.m; ICC) (2:30) TBS Tue. 8 e.m., 12:30 Mon, 4 p.m. "Honeydrlpper" * * * (2:00) p a.m. "DefInitely, Ml!ybe" *** (\ ICC) KASY Thu, 7 p.m. 8a.m. "American Gengster" *** (\ (1:52) HBO Wed. 9 am..spm. "House Party" * * * (\ (CC) "The Parent Trap" *** (CC) U (CC) (2:37) HBO Sat 7:45 p.m., Tue. "DIll. Vu" *** (2:30) FX Wed, (1:40) MAX Mon. 6:15 p.m. (230):TCMTh u 11:30 arn. 11:30 p.m. 5:30p.m. I "Philadelphia" ** * (3:00) WE "The Uaual Suspects" * *.. Solution "The American Presldenf' * * * "TheDevil and Miss Jones" * * * Thu, 8:30 p.m. (CC) (2:30) AMC Sun. 10p.m., Mon, ICC) (2:30) UFE Wed. 7 p.m. (CC) (2:00) TCM Mon, 6 p.m. "Imltallon 01 Life" * ** (CC) "The Pigeon That Took Rome" 9:30a.m. "The Angry Silence" * * * * "Dlslrlct 1113" *** (SubUtled· (2:15) TCM Mon. 3:45 p.m. *** (1:45) TCM Wed. 9:45 a.m. W (2:00) TCM Mon. 12am. English) (\ (CC) (1:25) SHOW Fri, "Insomnia" ***. (\ (CC) (1:58) "Apocalypse Now" **** (\ 11:30 a.m., Tua, 11:15 am MAX Sun. 10:35 p.m. Q "Walk the Une" * * * (3:30) FX (CC) (2:33) MAX Mon. 8:40am "Dr. Strangelove Or.How ILearned Mon, 6 p.m., Tua. 2:30 p.rn. ***~ J "The Queen" * * .. (CC) (2:00) "Apollo 13" (CC) (3:00) 10 Slop Worrying and Love the UFE Thu, 7 pm., Fri. 12 p.m, "WarGames" *** (CC) (2:30) AMC Sal.6 pm., Sun.3 prn, Bomb" **** (1:45) TCM Fri. "The Joaephlne Baker Slory" AMC Fri. 1 p.m. "The AssassinatIon. of -Jesse 7:45 "The Quia! Man" * * * * (CC) pm *** (CC) (3:00) BET Sun. 1 p.rrt (2:15) TCM Sun. 1:30 p.rn, "Weddln9 Creshera" * ** (CC) JemesbY theCowerd RobertFord" "Dreamglrls" ** *" (\ (CC) "Jungle Book" *** (CC) (1:45) (2:15) TBSSal.5 p.m., 7:15 p.m. *** f'\ (CC) (2:40) MAX Wed. (2:11) HBO Sun, 4:45 p.m. TCM Wee, 12a.m. R "TheWedding Slnge(' *** (CC) 11:35a.m. E "Juno" ***" (\ (CC) (1:36) "Richard III" *** * (2:30) TCM (2:00) FAM Sal.11 p.m., Sun. 9 p.m. B HBO Sat 8:30 a.m., Wee. 4:15 p.m. Tue. 3:30p.m. "What Ever Happened 10 Baby "Edward SClsaorhanda" *** (\ "Jurassic Park" ***" (\ (CC) Jane?" ***" (2:15) TCM Wee. "Badknobs and Broomatlcke" "Rocky Balboa" ** * (\ (1 :42) (CC) (1:45) MAX Wed. 6:15 am. (2:06) MAX Tua. 1:45 p.m. SHOW Sal.11:30 am 3:45 p.m. ** * (CC) (2:00) TCM Fri. 10am, "Eight Below" *** (CC) (2:30) ~ "What's Love Got to Do WIth II" "Best In Show" ***. (\ (CC) K "Roman Holiday" * ** (CC) USI\ Sal.8:30 am, Mon. 10:30 am. (2:15) TCM Sun. 3:45 p.m. *** (CC) (2:00) UFE Sun, 6 p.m., (200) WGN Sal.12:30 am. "8 Mile" *** (\ (CC) (2:30) VHl "Knocked Up" ** * (\ (CC) Mon. 12p.m. "" "Bestln Show" *** ~ (CC) (2:00) "Romeo and Julia!" *** ~ (CC) Thu. I p.m. (2:09) MAX Fri. 11 p.m.. Wee. 3:45 (DVS) (2:30) TCM Tue. 10:30 a.m. KFOX Sun. 3 pm, "Enter the Dragon" *** (2:00) p.m, "Big" *** (2:30) WE Thu. 6 p.m. G4 Sal.9 pm.. Sun, 7 p.m. "Room at ihe Top" * * *" (2:00) "Billy Liar" *** (CC) (1 :36) "E.T. Ihe Extra-Terrestrial" L TCM Tue. 6 p.m. SHOW Mon, 8 am, "The Rose Parke Slory" * * * .FREDERICK FRENCH, MD **** (\ (CC)(1 :55) HBO Fri. 4 "lassie ComeHome" * * * (CC) "Billy Rose'aJUmbo" *** (CC) p.m., Tue. 12:30 p.m. (CC) (2:00) UFE FrI. 7 p.m. (215) TCM Mon. g:30 a.m. (DVS) (1:45) TCM Wed. 6 p.m. .. RuiJl,stlsOnly "EI ExorclSIa" **** (2:00) "Last Night" ** *. (\ (CC) S "The Birds" ***. (CC) (2:15) KTDO Sal.2 p.m, BOARDCElmFIED GAsTROENTEROLOGIST TCM Wee. 1:30 p.m. (1:36) MAX Thu. 12am "Sahara" ***" (CC)(I:45) TCM "Black Sheep" * * * (\ (CC) F "Lawrence 01 Arabia" * ** * Sal.7:45 p.m. Feed French, MDcondnues to set parlene at 208Porf in Ruidoso New (1,26) MAX Wee. 10:50 p.m. (CC) (4:00) TCM Sat 2p.m. "Sarah,Plain andTall" *** (CC) Maico. You em call our offlce at 888·353-4175 or (505) 623·1442 for ~n ap­ "TheFallen Idol" *** (1 :45) TCM "Ultle Women" ** *" (\ (CC) (2:00) HALL Sal.9 a.m., Wee. 7 p.m. pointment in Ruidoso, "Oas Bool" **** (3:00) TCM Tue.12am. . (1 :58) HIIO Fri. 2 pm. Sat. 12:30 a.m. "Salurday Night Fever" * * * s~ializcs liv~r, "Ferria Bueller's Day Off" *** "Uve Freeor Die Hard" * it* (\ Dr. French in diseases ofthestomach, gallbladder, along withcolon "Bound lor Glory" ** *" (2:30) (\ (CC) (1 :43)MAX Mon, 1:30p,m, (CC) (2:30) AMC Mon. 6 p.m.. Tua. canlXr sctttntng~rvices, Dr.Fn:nch also specializes in diseases of th~ small/large howel TCM Man, 9:30 p,m. (CC) (2:09) HBO Sal. 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. "Finding Nemo" *** (\ (CC) Mon. 10a.m., 7:30 p.m. andcan perform endoscopic procedures including colonoscopies, upperendoscopies "The Bourne Ultimatum" *** (1:45) DISN FrI, 10p.m. "SCrooga" * * *" (2:00) TCM Tua. and piucamera exams in Ruidoso for pali~ntconvcnience_ (\ ICC) (1 :55) MAX Tue. 4 p.m. "The Longaat Day" ** *" (4:00) 8:30am, "FlndlngNemo" ***(1:45)DISN AMC Sal.12a.m, 208 Porr Drive0 Ruidoso, New Mexico 01-888-353-4175 "Boys Don' Cry" ** *. (\ (CC) "Seven Days to Noon" ** *" ,\ 11:59) HBO Wed. 12:05 a.m. Sal.1 p.m. "Flm Blood" *** (2:00) AMC M (1:45) TCM Fri. 6 p.m. "Boyz Nthe Hood' ** *. (2:00) "Shrek" **"'. (CC) (1:55) TNT TCM Sun. 12a,m, Thu. 4 p.m" Wed. 4 p.m. "TheMan Inthe Iron Mask" *** "flyingngera" * * * (CC) (1:45) Sun, 6 p.m., 7:55 p.m. What's Your Favorite Suuject? "BravahOllrl" * * * ~ (CC) (3:45) (2:00) TCM Thu. 4 p.m, "Sitko" * ** (1:53) SHOW Thu. TNT Fn,5p.m" 11:15 p,m. TCM Fri. 2:15 p.m. . "The Man In the While Sull" "Forrest Gump" ** *" (\ (CC) 9:55 p.m., Sun.7:45 p.m. "The Breakfaat Club" *** (CC) * ** * (CC) (1 :30) TCM Mon. 8 ''The Sixth sense" * * * (2:00) 1137) MAX Sun, 11:15 a.m, (2:22) HBO Thu. 6 a.m"Sun. 8 a,m., p,m. .' Tue.4p.m. KASY Sun. 3 p.m. "Bride 01 Frankenalaln" **** "Marty" **** (CC) (1 :45) TCM "Smokay and ,the Bandlf' * * * ICC) (1:45) AMC FrI. 12a.m, . "48 HRS:- *** (CC) (2:00) AMC Sun, 10:15 p.m. Tue. 6 p.m., Wed, 2 p.m, (CC) (2:00) WGN Thu. 6p.m., Sun.11 "Broadcast News" ~ "Mentlras Verdaderas" *** *** (\ "TheFourFeathera" ** *" (2:00) (2:30) KTDO Sun. 6 p.m. a,m. 1230) TVLD Fri, 8 p.m. "Speed" ***~ (\ (CC) (1:55) "Broadcaat News" ** *. (2:30) TCM Sal.12p,m. "Malaillca: Some KInd o' Monalar" "1408" * * * (\ (CC) (1:34) *** (\ (CC) (3:00) VHl Thu. 10 MAX Thu. 8 p.m, TVLO Sal.10am "Splder-Man 2" * * * (3:00) FX ! SHOW Thu. 3:15 p.m., Tue, 8:15 p.m. p.m.. C "FreeclomWriIers" *** (\ (CC) "Mildred Pierce" *** (CC) (DVS) Sal.3 p.m., Sun.11 a.m. (2:03) SHOW Sun.5:30 p.m, (2:001 TCM Mon. 1:45 p.m, "Splaah" *** (CC) (2:00) HALL "carnalKnowledge" ** *. (1 :45) Thu. 7 p.m. . TCM Thu. 12:15 a.m. "Fresh" *** (CC) (2:30) BET Sal. "Mill on Dollar Baby" **** 10p,m. (3:00) AMC Sal.9 p.m. "Spy .Kids" * * * (CC) (1:55) "Casablance" **** (CC) (DVS) TOONDIS Tue; 3 p,m., 7 p,m, II:45) TCM Sal.8 p.m. ''The Miracle o' Morgan'a Creek" I G * *** (CC) (2:00) TCM Thu.6 "S\reIegIc Air command" *** Iirom local politics to "Charlie Wilson'.War" *** (\ GI~" porn. (CC) (2:00) TCM Fri. 4 p.m. developments at the far ICC) (1:42) MAX FrI. 4:15p.m. "Georgy ***' (2:00) TCM "Superman Relums" * * *. "CharlOIle'a Web" *** (\ (CC) Thu.8p.m. "Mission 10 Moacow" *** (CC) reaches of the globe. (2:15) TCM Sun. 9:15 a;m. (3:30) FX Sat. 8 p.m., Sun.2 p.m, 11:36) SHOW Mon. 11:35 am. "GetShorty" ***' (CC) (2:00) "s-neyTodd:The Demon Barber there's a wide world of "Children 01 a Lauer God" _ BRAVO Mon. 10p.m. "Mon Oncle" ** *. (Subtitled­ knowledge to be gained. English) (2:oo~ TCM Wed. 11:30 a.m. 01 FleeI Street" ** *. (\ (CC) *...(CC)(I:57)MAXTue.1 a.m. "G1g1" **** (CC) (DVS) (2:00) (1:57) MAX Thu, 11:30 a.m. every day in tlif' "The Chronicles 01 Naillle: The TCM Sun.11:30 am. "Moonatruck ** *. (CC) (2:00) newspaper. Incorporating TCM Sun.8:15 p.m. Uon, the WIIch andthe Wardrobe" "GlsdlaIo(' ***. (\ (CC)(2:34) T newspapers into * * (CC) (3:30) FAM Thu, 8:30 MAX Sal.1:05 a.m. "Mrs. DoubUllll" *** (\ (CC) * (2:05) MAX Sal,10:20 a.m. ''Talk to Ma" *** (\ (CC) (1 :58) dassroom curriculums p.m. "GIoIy Road" * * * (CC) (2:30) ·~j.r~encourages kids to thlnk, "Citizen Kane" * * * * (CC) TNT Sun. 9:30 am., 11:50 p.m. "MyatIcRlve(' ***. (CC) (3:00) MAX FrI. 8 a.m. AMC Thu. 6 p.m., Sun. 12p.m. "Termlnstor 2: Judgment Day" 'I;Sf\.-.:. ask questions, learn IDVS)(2:oo) TCM Mon. 11:45 am. ''The Godfather" *** * (CC) "'" and grow. "City 01 Angals" *** (2:00) (4:00) AYeSun. 6 p.m., Mon. 2 p.m. N ***. (\ (3:00) SPIKE Mon. 7 KASV Sun. 1am. "GoodWill Hunting" ***" (3:00) p.m. It 'M'CradIeWlIl Rock" * ** (2:30) FX BRAVO Thu. 7 p,m., 10p.m. "National Velvet" **** (CC) ''Thelma & louise" * * * (3:00) \ on. 8:30 am. "l1le Greal DebaIars" *** (\ (DVS) (2:15) TCM Wee. 9:45 p.m. AMC Mon. 8:30p.m., Tue. 3 p.m. "Crimson nde" *** (CC)(2:30) (CC)(2:0n:SHOW FrI. 7:45 p.m., Sal. "The~ *** (\ (CC) "TheThomas Crown AIIaIr" *** TNT Fn. 8:45 p.m. 2:50 p.m., Mon. 7:45 p.m. (2:18) HBO FrI. 10:30 p.m. (\ (CC) (2:00) WGN Sal.12p.m. ...•. )

As Seen OnTV . Feb, 4 - lO,2(l09

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