'....1118 ...NEW add IMPROVED _ page atwww.riiiifosonows.comi. 0 '0<td:'i"~ oM'''''',- -a . , ...} -J,t r -~ D"' .. { " , , RN0000895 07/15/09 02 B003 i CLER~ , ~Q. LINCOLN COUNTY .... ..., I -~...... "~. I PO BOX 338 0338 --- -, I CARRIZOZO NM 88301- DNESDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 • OUR 62ND YEAR, No. 79 • INSIDE passes TODD FUQUA James Paxton retained his seat /[email protected] School board winners: Gladden and with 364 votes. In other unopposed elections, ffilcials in the Capitan school Salas in Ruidoso; Vinson in Capitan Denise Hillancl. Wallace Ferguson district can breathe a bit each retained their seats on the Oeasier, as voters by a wide Carrizozo School Board, while margin passed a mill levy which elections were school board Vice­ School Board, 350-99, while Kerry Dennis Nosker and James Cooper provides a good'deal of funding for President Ed Vinson, who defeated Gladden defeated Paul Vorder­ were elected to board positions in the district. Brian Newell for Position 2, with mann, 307-143, for the Position 5 Hondo. Hondo also overwhelming­ The mill levy, which Super­ 237 votes to Newell's 124. James seat. ly passed a bond question. intendent Shirley Crawford said is Fields, running unopposed for ENMU: Phillips defeats Reed In Corona. James Smith .(1 It;;, projected to provide $500,000, is Position I, retained his seat with retained his seat, and voters i i':: not related to bond issues which 321 votes. On the Eastern New Mexico passed their mill levy question. were defeated by, Capitan district In Ruidoso elections, Rafael University-Ruidoso college board, All election results are unofficial I voters in 2007 and 2008. Salas defeated John Sims for his Susan Phillips narrowly defeated until canvassing by the Magistrate ~ Also winning in the Capitan Position 4 seat on the Ruidoso Andrea Reed, 237-205, while Court on Friday. GRAND SLAM OF APROMOTlIfN LCDC 6A EDUCATION guard booked JULIE CARTER JCtlrtn{dJnlldoso"t'IVI,com A guard at the Lincoln County Detention Center was arrested. Jan. 27, after officers from the Lincoln County Drug Task Force confirmed she was bringing cocaine into the jail. Suzanne A. Anderson, 53, of Ruidoso Downs, has been charged with six crirn­ 4A OPINION inal counts that include possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) .nth the intent to distribute, bringing the drug into a prison, attempting to fur­ nish the drug to a prison­ ens), conspiracy to commit a crime and possessing smoking contraband (to­ bacco and lighting devices! within the confines of the . prison. According to the crimi­ 48 LINCOLN nal complaint filed in Ruidoso Magistrate Court, COUNlY drug task force officers were operating on a tip that t, I '\ iJ!k . Anderson would be bring­ DWIIlE ST~UIDOSO IEWS ing the narcotics into the i,~elfon1f Denny'S restaurants. incltlding Ihe local outlet in Ruidoso Downs. were jammed Tuesday with patrons hungry to take advantage of the detention center during her restauranl chain's Grand Slam breakfast giveaway. Denny's announced in acommercial Sunday during the Super Bowl thaI it would give away evening shift at the facility. ils signature breakfast from 6am until 2p.m local lime Tuesday at all its restaurants in the US. Canada and Puerto Rico. Awaitress, identi­ Task force officers met lied only as Yvette from Las Cruces, abeve, helped out atlhe local reslaurant because the Las Cruces restaurant IS undergoing remodeling Anderson in the lobby of LCDC and requested that she surrender the contra­ band. County works on fire A package seized in the Ruidoso'sfleet aging arrest contained cigarette protection ordinance tobacco. two lighters. two DIANNE STALUNGS new vehicles. packages of cigarette rol­ INDEX dstallings@n,idoIotUWl.com Camp was reporting • It might nor be as development because of the ling papers and a bag con­ in response to a request restrictive ;L'i Ruidoso" costs. He doesn't want to taining 3 grams of white C~i6edso 7,88 Ruidoso owns a fleet of from Councilor James interfere with people's pri­ powder. which field tested DIANNE SlAU.lNl;S positive for cocaine. Comics 68 aging vehicles, many Stoddard, who attended vate property and their with substantially high the council session by liJttllh"gJta' TJl u l ll.I(' IIt' II " ,tim options for land usc. he Anderson was booked Community Page .. 2A mileage, and ifa replace- conference call. said. and transported to the ment rotation isn'timple- "1 did an inventory 10 A draft of a possible Parks said the ordi­ Otero County Detention C~oni 68 mented, the danger of a months ago and updated wildland/urban interface nance would not cover the Center Charges for ber fleet failure exist.'l. .it with a mileage eompar- ordinance will be sent to whole county. Just a alleged crimes an- first, S<'C­ Education 6A ·We're approaching ison,"Cl)Dlp saill_'The two Li-ncoln County adviso­ defined area of urban/wild­ ond and fourth degree fel­ Letters......•.•. : 4A fleet failure," saldVillage. viIlageowns 163 vehicles. ry boards forsuggestions a" land interface laid out in a orues along with a misde­ Public Works' DiltIctor The average mileage ill the county attorney. plan­ Community Wildland .fro­ meaner for the smoking UncolD County 48 Randall Camp. ·Over. 111,000 and ~ ure more ning director "l,d erner­ tecuon PIlIn already adopt­ contraband half lire more tlilInfive thantlweyears old, 75are gency ser\'ll'CS"~~J:ordinator ed by the county. Court documents.. show a Obituaries 58 years old. WebvetolO!!k mote than 10 years and work on a \,(I~l..ur~ to pre­ Count, Attorne, Alan number of truffic violations OpUUon.. , 4A seriously' at replacing 32 are more than 15 senr to t'O~nt)·-, 4bmmL<otSlOn­ Mon'l said he needs direc­ for Anderson In Dec...mber with greater fteqUenCy" years. Out s~t depart- ers. non on how far commis­ 2007 she pleaded guilty to Real Estate 78 Many municipll1ities Il1ent!uul dump ,trucks Commissioner DUVt' sinners want to go, includ­ driving under th., mfluenee and counties replace older than the driVllfS. Parks proposed udopaon of Ill!: stall' levels, provisicns of liquor ur drugs. first Sports 1. olD vehiclea In live-yel\f cy- It's a serlqus sit~tiol\ a an ordinance not us restrie­ !\If removal of slash and otlense '1\Iultita~t('(f'l\S 'IV AsSeen on 'IV eles Of a 7o,OOO-mile cap. lot of muiliGipa1!tiesfind tive lind II"" enforcement and The case was tned In a T Cump told village CO\III- then\$e!vee·in.• the ,,<'I of five ll.l'pn'wd in hllht'l( would bt' handled or t' .MlIgIstrtlte Court ~eatber 2A cilOl'8 'l\ieada,y. Because the ~ai:e th., \,iIIll1,'t' ol'Rllldosu. bu.! H.· wlIn,,-<l thllt the ordi­ where, m JUlIe :?IXIS-. she "\'1,:'11 .ha\'ll to reJl!ace . enteqn:iae, <lepal'lnWnts. auned lit lin' hlli;ird reaut·­ lU'lll't'l'\IU!d balll'lm into .1 Wl"L." fined. ordered to st't"\'\' S3 yehicle8each$W'Just WhIch "~ self-support. tum. "monster..... and foree the ",\lnUllwuty .~'f\l"., u".....' ~m '" to break even atlhe,~ inl.and tho poliC!) de- Dunngu pnbhc h"IU'lllg l"\ltlnt~' tv hi", u \'tl4.i't" 1~'l\ltIOIl mlerlOl:k .md ,1\' ~.~.~~a Ml.,,~.~, ~\:'.::4,~ III JIUlllUl'\'. t'O\UnU""llll' t'uthn"\.'uwnt ,lfli('l:'r MId OWl ••:h""l 1lan. ""'-f«l.'UWJlI . QIltW.. .. ~~.....l!> lI\\"'l';.~ I'hmnnlUl Thrn ll<Ittm ",ud llnttm ,l3k~od If 1I1\\' n',· A C\'rtdkut.. for l"'tuple­ !We a year;" 1"1."¢Ie ~u~ ~iit vtlU45 tl·til.> b<\.'IlC lUotl\'UtlUU IS (" .'nu.' l'\luld be ~ll..l'tlted to \loU oftil.> 0\\1 sdl",,1 W1l8 C\\~ I.\U~ ~ tlllmmU;e liro It\1lger. he ,,\l\l'r .tail-llud ~uPP~' _ts tllt.od In l'\\lU't l'll:tober200..'\. o o blattt,~lltlO W\\..'<I1' intOl'\'8tlod m lUI" A \",un d"b' Oil the thing tUll 1'\'''mC\I\'l' un LCDI.' '~'\'" ill ~ndmg, 4,r'':A,J 7 ,1 %FPNESllAV, FEU. 4, 2009 I PAGE ZA • RUIDOSO NEWS S~rVice. Workshop slated .Revenue Help has > the inUSSUlD is the only fee , a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a been offered nationwide for for.the program. Museum week. Admission to the Ruidoso Village coun­ the 41 years and in the members are admitted Museum is $6 for adults, cilors will meet at 4:30 Ruidoso area for the past without charge. and reduced admission for p.m., Feb. 17, for a work­ 19 years. Sanchez and Vanderhye senior citizens and youth. shop on village goals. The The help begins Thurs- invested years of their lives Sanchez also is sched­ session willbe conductedin day at the Ruidoso Senior researching and talking uled for a presentation in councilchambers at Village Center and runs through about the fort, and they will Las Cruces. A DVD on the Hall, 313 Cree Meadows Feb. 11. Come to the center share their experiences, fort will be shown at both Drive. < on Thursdays and Fridays information and stories. programs along with specif­ A second workshop is set from 1 - 4 p.m. and Satur- Vanderhye also amassed ic artifacts. for 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26, to days from 9 a.m, - noon. an impressive collection of discuss the village's finan­ guns and sabers. Health care talk cial, procurement, person­ 'Guns and Roses' The program coincides nel and information tech­ with a special exhibit that Tom Lindsey, a general nology policies 8'nd proce­ The Hubbard Museum runs through March 8 surgeon at Lincoln County dures.
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