scarce, firm and in good request at lie,all est The sales of all Issues aggregate d [email protected]; peaches, [email protected]; salmon, St. Vincent arid beyond. Itwas.argued that strong demand and will bring good prices. Board of Education, foundation for loss off;inferior stock much less. Corn meal 117,000. of which the Chesapeake &Ohio 1-lb can, Columbia river, $2; tomatoes, 3-lb frost, made lightofat first,is often a serious Sales were : school, Kentucky,near State ....1,500 steady; $2@2.('5. Whisky. $1.02. Provis- 5s contributed 8115,000, and Richmond & cans, standards, 05c. matter. The answer to itwas that with frost Cattle- Four minor permits. .r. 1,20') \u25a0 THEBESTWHUEaJAPMADE-IH-AMEHia^ BIG DEALERS ARE BEARS. Allegheny $119,000. The important changes Coffee—Java, fancy grades, c; in- where the crop isgrown and ... ions firmer and a little higher for meats and washed, 26©27 the kernel full No. At.Wt. Price lard, but quiet. Pork, $11.25. Lard, prime are very fewbut are generally in the direc- ferior,2:?@£4c; Rio, 21@'J2c; prime, size, the yieldis notreduced, the only harm 152 Montana steers 1.192 $3 75 Total, 11 permits .538,150 3 steam, $5.80. Dry Salt Meats— Shoulders, tion of higher prices. Long Island firsts rose 18V2@20c. being in reduction of quality,a factor that 6Montana steers 1,116 3 75 •IS £Hi&^i^^V*\u25a0/* Schwartz-Dapee et Al. Bt>; longs ribs, "[email protected]'J; short clear. 2Va per cent to $1.28,' and South Carolina in- Cheese— New York factory, 9c; Young never yet ended inkeeping up prices of 3 Montana heifers..." ...... 1,066 MINNEAPOLIS HEAL. Hutchinson, and America, • > - 300 ESTATE. [email protected]. Bacon— Boxed shoulders, $5; comes 2% per cent. Government bonds have iO'/2C. in the country so injured. .w >; 5 Montana cows 1,145 2 50 I^^rUASoriXIRK; Medium, Make a Raid on the Wheat . longs and ribs, [email protected]; short clear, been dull and steady. State bonds have been Beans— hand-picked $2.25. The opening market for September was 1Montana heifer ...... 1,150 300 The followingreal estate transfers were re- [email protected]; hams firm,$11.25®13.25. Re- dull and steady. The total sales of stocks Teas— Japan, common to fair, 18©25c; about 76i.'2C, and sold above and below it IMontana cow 875 2 50 yesterday : Market. 95,000 to-day 205,738 shares, including:. superior 20@30c; during day. corded ceipts— 3,000 bbls; wheat, were to fine. extra fine to finest the There was the usual, prem- 2bulls ...: .. 1.325 150 John M Miller and wife to Georee A bu; corn, 92,0!>0 bu; oat«, 44.000 bu; Atchison, 13,875; Delaware. Lackawanna 40@60c; gunpowder and imperial, common inm for August and December above Septem- 19 steers 1,080 265 Parker, it9. blk 24. Cottage City add 8225 rye, 1,000 Shipments— 15,000 bu; \u25a0Western, 3,300;. Erie, 3,000: Lake Shore, to fair,25@35c ; superior to fine, [email protected], ber, out the trading was nearly allin Septem- 7steers 1,250 Holmberjr Dahl, bu. oats, 5,300; Pacific, 14,702; 60(575c; Hyson- range .. 325 John E and wife to Ole Closing of the Day, and wheat, 35,000 bu; corn, 90,000 .bu; Missouri Northwest- extra fine to finest. Young ber. The was from 76c to 77c. The 5 steers ...... 1,145 325 part It17, 18, 19 20, Blecken's sub- Prices Lowest 7,000 bu;rye, 1,000. ern, 5.685; Northern Pacific, 3.578; North- common to fair. 22@30c; superior to fine- "elevator companies have let loose but little 1cow 1,025 200 division 2,003 ' ern Pacific pfd. 19.180; Reading, 23,290; -35@50c; extra fine to finest, 60@80c; En wheat futures against country purchases, as ...... } Halt a Cent Under Point, 3,344; Paul, breakfast, 2steers.... 875 2 25 Francis W Bell and wife to John Wun- Richmond & West St. glish Souchong and Congou, com such purchases have been small, which puts 1cow 1.200 2 00 der, It10, blk 6, Perkins' add 421 WHtTE^ W. A. 18,110; Pacific, 6,021. fair,26@30c; fine, 46%@ floating \u25a0 ISc^flfl mon to sunerior to but little \ Monday. P. Townsend Mix. Holbrook Union in the market as a trading 22eattle.... 935 2 25 John Wunder and wife to | 55c; extra fine to finest. 60(&80c. basis. Nearly all operators Thomas K^myT loaf, 10c; are somewhat 20 cattle 1,027 245 Flanery, It10. blk 6. Perkins' add 600 Aw Cloud Chicago. Sugar—Cut 10c; powdered, interested one way or another in moving the 10 cows 2 00 Sigafoos .... E. TOWNSEND MIX&CO. granulated, 9%c;?standard A.nß%c; wheat, 960 William X and wile to Philan- Chicago, Aug. Money steady and standard •remaining oldcrop and while so em- 11 steers ; 1,127 2 75 der IITurner, part It42, village of Operations of the Money un- white extra C. BV2C; yellow extra C, B%c. ployed are paying little attention to futures. 20steers , 1,053 Financial ARCHITECTS. changed. Bank clearings, $11, 606,000. New 6, ; 260 Excelsior..... 1,000 (urse size) Syrup and Molasses— Syrup, No. 25c There was a good cash demand reported in 2calves 170 250 Mary D Sigafoos and husband to If // iVvf » Kings— General Quota- New Globe Building, Minneapolis. Yorkexchange, 40c discount. syrup, far, 28c: syrup, good, 35c; all general markets, with reports of Bula • Tfle«'v * Offices, ' syrups, quite Sheep- Turner, part 15, 3,500 « 8 prime, 40c: molasses, common, 19; New, large being worked lake No. R It Snell's add Illf \ I111 / of Northwestern Guaranty Loan amounts at the At.Wt. Price W Barnes to Henry Plant, tions. Architects Orleans, common, 35c; Orleans, fair, shipments, 4!) A and wife Building; the New Globe building,St.Paul ; R. M. NEWPORT & SON, New markets for Immediate some be- 73 feeders 80 $3 part Its11,12, 13, blk 12, East Side Senator Wasbborn's residence, and other Bankers, 45c; New Orleans, good, 60c. ing bought on to-day's cables. Some private 33feeders 67 3 50 add... 800 solicited. Investment Woodware— Two-hoop pails, $1.40; three- cables reported Liverpool closing weak with 6 lambs 71 4 00 Aug. dullness is mportant wor ks. Orders 152, Block, hoop pails. $1.65: No, tubs, $7.25; Walter F Coe to Charles ACoe. It9, blk Chicago, 6.—The summer B.H.Brown Sudl, ofC j:ntruo;iJa. 153 and 154 Drake St Paul 1 No. 2 three farthings decline, but public closed Hogs- 18, Remington's Second add 1,300 settle, the wheat marKet. Ifthe tubs, 56.25; No. 3 tubs, $5.25; washboards, higher. There have been sales ofMay \u25a0.:\u25a0«: At.Wt. Price . ilow to on Minn. heavy No. Longfellow and wife to Minneap- - the "Wilson Singles." 81.75; washboards, l- oats that depressed Levi jd^SLi^P^S' Conftinlna is extremely quiet for two hours Buy and Wil. the market. 11...... 200 $4 25 olis Threshing Machine ,company, ''.-Hffe mnrket this season s New STork Produce. sell Stocks. Bonds and Real .Estate. son Doubles," $2.65. . Followingare the closing quotations: No. 16 256 4 25 blks 32, Minneapolis Croakers say itis in a rut. But York, Receipts, 24,- 17c; cassia 98c; cash, 31and West ..20,000 no and no stagna New Aug. — Spices— Pepper, Singapore, 1!hard on track. No.1northern 37 223 4 25 HS Conner and wife to Minneapolis conditions permit of rut --183 pkgs; exports, 10,273 bbls, 265 sacks; Quotations of Stocks and Bonds. China, 9@l2c; cassia, Saigon, 45@50c; pi- 87c; August, Vac; December, 78iAc; on 19 ...... ;:...... ;...:. 326 410 Mortgage opened steady 19,450 cloves, 33c; 78 Laud and company, nViIt tion up to date. The market less active, heavy: sales, bbls: win- New York, Aug. Stocks and bonds mento, lie; Amboyna, track, 88@89c ;No.2 northern on track, B'3@ 18, blk 1, Motor Line 1,800 ACIOIMIdACIHSSB to-day, the local crowd bearish. Cer- ter fair, to fancy,[email protected]; patents, $4.35 to-day followingprices cloves. Zanzibar, 25c; nutmegs, No. 1, 80c; 84c. Anna add!...... with sustained, ©5.45; clears, [email protected]; closed at the bid: 2, 7Oo; mace, ST. PAUL UNION STOCKYARDS CO., AFloren and husband to Andrew tain bull influences not only but Minnesota nutmergs. No. 60c. There was some inquiry for millingwheat J Waleen, It3,blk 29. Fairmont Park prices during the morning. First do straights, [email protected]; do patents, U.S. Reg 128% Houston &Tex.. 7~~ Salt—Fine, car lots, $1.02: less than car on the board all the morning, but offerings add 1,500 advanced [email protected]; do rye mixtures, [email protected]. do 4s coup Illinois lots, $1.10; ordinary coarse, $1.60. SOUTH ST.PAUL. Liverpool gave spot wheat l",i>d dear- ....128% Central. .ll7 Consisted almost wholly of elevator wheat The Yards and Packing Houses Open for Henry NAvery and wife to James A cables Corn meal steady. Wheat— Receipts. 30.- do 4V2S reg .. 105% Ind., B.&W.... 6Vt that is notvery desirable. Millers were look- Mumford, part Its 11 and 12, blk G, Minneapolis *» er, withfutures strong and prices tending --800 bu; exports, 56,599 bu; sales. 840,000 do 4L<2R coup.. Kansas &Texas. 10>& Dry Goods. ing wheat," receipts Business. Minneapolis J§ wheat, Second, the dull, 106% for ''fresh and all from Ready Market for Hogs. South add 1,000 MINNEAPOLIS upward for American bu futures, 46,000 buspot: spot market Pac. Osof "95....118 Lake Erie & 18% Brown Sheeting and Shirting -Hyde Park the country that made an appearance on the Cash Adin ALaflinet al to JIMitchell, It receipts at St. Louis were disappointing, | unsettled. .No. 2 red, 86%@87c elevator, La. stamped 4s. 88% do pfd 61% AAA, 8c; Indian Head, Warhusett, 7c; board were examined early. The fresh re- 4,blk 17, Menage's Supplement 2,400 Bt)@9fiV2C ; No. 3 . 7%c: ANfTOBA nlloat, f. o.b. Missouri 6s Lake Shore ceipts early Margaret .. only 96,000 Third, the demand 89®S!HsC ; 100% 103V2 Dominion, 7%c; Endurance, 7i£c: Crown of No. 3 were absorbed in the Yards. C Ege and husband to IIA& RAILWAY. bu. cash red, 83<<<.83i4c; 'ungraded red, 76®89%c; Ten. new set. 6s. 106 Louisville &N.. LL, St. Paul Union Stock Harmon, ST^ was again under the market, with %c 68% Stets, 7c; J.P.King, EF,6c; Badger Slate day and at prices that were steady to firm. Hogs— to strong. $4.15 was paid C C Its 11 to 20, blk9, here steamer No. 2 red, 65e :steamer No. 3 red, dodo 5s 102 Louis. &N.A... 39 5%c; Greylock LL,Stye; Lawrence LL,5%c; In the elevator wheat prices were not strong Edgewood add 5,000 Through Sleeping, premium over August for No. 2 red. While 76',2C; old No. 2 red, 88%@35%c in store;- do do 3s 73 Memphis &C 60 sftc; cloth, figures. for three loads of heavy "Minnesotas" at the ninlnsr Cars ana cars, ap- Agawam F, cheese 3/2 ® sc. and some sales were made at easier They averaged pounds, Levin Stevens toWilliamWßray.lt Free Colonists' Sleepers Butte, receipts here were liberal, 503 it options dull; i*£(.i*c higher, steady mode- Can. South'n 2ds 99 Mich. Central...... 87% Fine Brown Sheeting— R, Otyjc; Receipts for the day were 74 cars, and 53 close. over 400 7 and 8,blk 2, Pleasant Place 2,400 to houses; red, Pepperel them would grade choice heavy. add.. . Helena, Great Falls. Winnipeg, peared tnat only 146 cars graded No. 2. rate buying for foreign No. 2 Ceil. Pac. lsts...11414 Mil.,L.S. &W.. 90 Cast Iron, extra, Bc;Pendleton X,7c: Atlas cars were shipped out. Duluth received y most of fair, Dora Osborne and husband to Fannie August, closing at 85%c: Sep- I).&R.Gists.. .1201,2 do pfd 112 7c; Most of the receipts were common to Utah, Oregon, Wash- The out inspection was another factor, BDi'2<&Ss%c. O. N. 8., Dwight Star. 7"4c; Lockwood cars. paid for the lighter E Friel,It9,blk 65,Remington's Sec- California. tember, 84?fc@85 c, closing at 84%c; do do 4s 78 Mpls.&St.Louis 4 B, 7%c; Badger RR, lot bysample: 1 and [email protected] was 1,500 ington Territory. Free Colonists' aggregating bu, of which124.000 bu r 3-16 No- State 6Vicr Cambria Car sales Two cars No. weights. Only one load sold below $4.05. ond add 178.00'J October, 85%@S. >%e, closing at £5%c; D. &R. G.W.lstslOl do pfd Bi/i> 6tyo; Lake, northern, f.o.b., 93c; 2cars No. 1northern, W HBarber Supply &Ex com to F11 Sleeper.* through to Pacific Coast, ihowcd as No. 2 red winter. Against these vember, closing at c; Erie2ds 103 Mo. Echo 7c. northern, Itwrs a small bunch of coarse grassers aver- ' 86%@56%c, 86% Pacific. 70% Bleached Cottons— \\ amsuttas and N. Y. f. o. D.. 91c ;2 cars No. 1 90c: 2 pounds. $4.40 offered for Peavey et al, It 12,blk 2, Lewiston Dining "" bull arguments there was not a substantial December, 87 13-16@3^e, closing at W. K.&T.G.6s. 63 Mobile &Ohio.. 13 Mills, lOVie; Loom, B%c; Lonsdale, ears No.1northern, 91c; 2 cars No. 2 aging 306 was Park —and Sleeping 77$fc@ 89c; Fruit of north- sorted light, but the owners concluded to 500 Cars Free Colo- Leave bear item up to noon. August sold at 87%c; AuKiist, closing at ao do 55... . 57% Nash. & Chatt.. 96 B'/ac; Lonsdale cambric, 10c; Hill's S. 1., ern, f. o.b., 87c; 15 cars No. 2 northern, Drought $4.30© Dora Osborne and husband to Amos 1 Arrive 73?fc@ May, closing at 92% Mut. Union 65...100 N.J. Central... 9c; 84c; northern, ; sell "straight." Piggy sows Friel, s,blk 65, nists Sleepers. St. Paul. St. PauL 77%c; September, 77%c; December. 92%®93. c. The Bell, lOo; Imperial 100s, OVxc; Cas- f. o.b. 2 cars No. 2 bßc 2 4.40, and indications to a growing de- It Kemington's Second and Schwartz-Dupee Rye strong. malt quiet. Corn—Re- N. J. C. iut.ctfs..ll2V2 N.& W. pfd.... 50% cade, Si^c; Melrose, 7%ic; Water Lily,7c; cars No. 2 northern, 85c; 2 cars No. 2 north- point add 1,500 79i&c. Hutchinson ceipts, bu; exports, 100,835 bu; sales, N. Pac. lsts Pacific delivered, mand for this class ofstock. Sales: Morris. Wahpeton, early sellers, by the crowd, 93,500 1171AN. 29% Montclair, 7Vic; Dexter XX, 7c; Hercules, ern, 85%c; 20 cars No.2northern, Hogs- Henry Plant to W A Barnes, It 13,blk Sioux Pipe- were followed 450,000 bu futures, 193.000 bu spot; spot do 2ds 11614 dopfd 65% 6V4c; Guilford, 6c; Yet, 85c 2 cars No. 3, 79c: 3 cars No. 3. 78c; 12. East Side add 800 'I Falls. About mid-day active, easier, Best 6V2C. s No. Ay. Price. No. At. Price. „'stone and Willmar. p who clayed fora down turn. market moderately closing; N. W. consols.... 145 Northwestern. .110 Cheviots— extra, 2 cars No. 3, 80c; 2cars No. 3, 85c; 2 cars $4 W ABarnes to John P McCracken, It9, 8:10am 6:30v m at elevator. 43%© dopfd Tonawanda. 17>^c: Ger- 75c; 72c; 61 247 $4 25 58 241 20 St. Cloud. Fargo and Qeddes got a cable giving %d decline steady: No. 2. 43%@44c do deb. 5s 114"* 140% raan:a, XX, 32-inch, 10c; Germania, XX, rejected. 8 cars rejected, 1 car re- 4 415 bis 3, Avery's Chicago Avenue add. 1,000 Grand Forks Liverpool, weather report. On alloat; No. 2 white, 51c; ungraded Or. &Trans. 65..105 14 N.Y.Central ....106% 12Wic; Germania, Glendale, jected, f. b., 52c;;iO sample, c; 125 ....254 221&14 438 National aß:2oam a6:lspm withabetter 44%c" firmer; X.IIV2C: ll^c; o. cars 8614 30. ...3(16 390 39 282 420 Life Ins Co to Francis £ Osseoaud St. Cloud., 2:30 pm all:55 am the feeling August mixed.4:>ti@44i'oc; options quiet and St.L.&I.M.G.SS 831/2 N.V..C. &St.L. 16% Imperial Wincey, IH2C; Kinlock, XXX,D. 5 cars sample, 75c; 5 cars sample, 80c; 2 420 Smith, part Its4 and 5,blk 10, Cor- a this and local bearish August. 4.'J'J@4H7sC, closing at 43%c: Sep- St.L. &S. F.G.M.117V2 dopfd 66 C, SVfcc; cars sample, 46c;2 cars sample, 43c; 2 cars 80 222 415 62 2C6 Excelsior and Hutch- 77c, September to 76%@76%c, 44c; lie: Amoskeag stripes, Glenolden 42 249 '4 20 76 269 415 son's add 3.300 insou a4 :3opm a11:55 went offto tember, 4:; 13-16®44c, closing at Oc- St.Paul consols.. 125 V2Ohio &Miss ... 22% and Balbriggan printed, 9c; Manchester sample, .55c; 1cars sample. c; 2 cars Geo ALaflinto Bertha ARathbuu, part am C, reacting to 7S"«c, and tober, c, at No- P., dopfd.: 87% 73 268 415 30...... 279 420 Anoka, Elk River, December to 78% [email protected] 5-16 closing 41%c: St. C.<& P.lstsll7 87 printed, 12c; Fleeting. 10c; Bates exUu, D. sample, 70c; 1 car screenings, 32c; 2cars 405 62 267 415 Its13 and 14, blk 2, Wilson's rearr... 350 Willmar, Princ'ton, dropping 78&6Cat 1o'clock. Paris vember 44V2@44 9-]«ic, closing at 441/:»c: T. P. L.G. T. R.. 90% Ontario & West. 17 13V2C; Mabel, oats, new, c, 70 266 1,300 i.'Hin to C, SholweJl. 7i&c: Be. 22% 420 47 429 415 One unpublished deed Milacaand Hinck- a 8:45 am a2:2spm closing cables, and it was estimated December, Receipts. 80.000 T. P. R. G.T.R.. 37^ Oregon 1mp..... 54 Pri — — FLOUR AND COARSE GRAINS. 69... .243 sent firm 43%c. fut- Nay nis Fancies American. Eddystone, 59 242 415 40 415 ley 4:45pm 9:oopm wheat had been bu;exports, 325 bu; sales, 600,000 bu Union Pac. lsts..H4'/2 Oregon 94i,i> Hamilton, Manchester, Merrimac, Pacific, Flour— The followingmills were running 138 Total. 23 deeds $55,196. Aberdeen, that 150,000 bu of cash ures, 83,000 market quiet and West Oregon 63... .263 415 lpgysw24o 430 .... Elleudale, Wheat showed bu spot: spot Shore 100% Transc'l 32% Windsor. 6V2C: Allen. Gloucester, Hartel, yesterday: Pillsbury A,Phoenix, Humboldt, 440 BUILDING PERMITS. Watertown, Huron, iaken here before the close. weak; options fairlyactive, firmer; August, Express.. Pacific Pettit, Minneapolis, Galaxy. Palisade, 24 398 415 lpgyswloO followingbuilding prices were Adams 149 Mail 34V2 Richmond, Steel River, 6c; Belmont, i,oai An- [email protected]: light, The permits were issued Wahpeton, Cassel poor strength .itthe close, andlast 27c; September, 26%@26%C, closing at Ahon&T.H... 44 P., D.&E 22 5%c; Ramapo, 4%c; Dunkirk, chor, Holly, Anthony, A, B, We quote: Light, sorted yesterday day from c; closing at 26c; Berwick. 4c. St. Washburn [email protected]; mixed, [email protected]; heavy, : ton,liope,Lnrimore eery close to the bottom for the and 26% October, 2d%@27c, do ptd 105 Pittsburgh 160 Shirting—American, Ac; 0, Cataract and Excelsior. The added daily r A IIChristianson, Dupont Western, Prints— s Merri- [email protected] :heavy grassers, $3.8.>@4.os. 2722-2725 and Fargo.. D8:10pm c 6:55 am tee to under last night. Corn was firm,but spot No. 2 white, 3-U2(&35c:mixed Am. Express.... 116 Pullman P. Car.180 mac. SV2C; Allen, s<4c; Anchor, 5VS>c; Lodi, output of the 15 mills grinding Tuesday will ov south, 2-story wood dwelling $6,000 1 Fargo. Fonts, %c c; Western, 34@40c; No. 8., C.B. 21 Reading Cattle steady. The sales outnumbered the Grand die range of prices was narrow. The demand 25©29 white AN.... 44<& sc; Miners', se; Gloucester, sc. probably aggregate 19,050 bbls. Pateuts,sacks twenty were BM Morse, 1846 Harrison st south- (Jmfton. good. 2 Chicago, 2Sc. Hay in good de- Canad'n Pacific. 59% Rock Island 971* —Arnold, American, to dealers, [email protected] ;patents to ship, receipts, and only about head east, brick and dwelling 3,500 ' Neche. tor October corn was particularly shipping. 65c; good L. & S. F.... Prints— lndigo Blue local held over. These were inferiornative grass- store Winnipeg. Seattle, higher, and mand and strong; Can. Southern... 52% St. 27% Washington, 6 V2C; Martha Washington, 6c; sacks, car lots, $5.1065.20; in bbls. $5.35® of lightaverage did Four minor 1,200 1 Taconia, Portland, Liverpool quoted corn %d to choice, 80©95c. Hops easy and quiet. Cen. Pacific 33% dopfd 58 Gloucester, 5.55; at New England era. Gr«ss native steers tobuy the cash arti- ond un- 6V2C; Arnold Long Cloths B, delivered points, sell $1.25, native butcher steers went Ore 5 :00 m fi:55 anj local shippers continue Coffee— Options opened steady Ches. 0hi0.... 23V2 do Ist pfd 109 C, $6.15(&t>.30; points, $6.05 at and permits 1 down; steady IOV2C: 9c. New York $2.05, but the butchers maintain that Total. 7 10.700 Crookston,Minot,Bu- :le. Receipts, 1,044 cars. There was a changed to 5 points closed and do Ist pfd...... 67% St. Paul 72 Prints— Robes— and Merrimac @6.20; delivered at Philadelphia and Bal- at ford, Great Falls, unchanged to points down; sales, 3-.000 do2dpfd dopfd 113 . Cocheco these prices for these grades are no cheaper ;ood general trade in oats. Quite anumber 5 40^4 furniture twills, 6«fcc: American, Cocheco, timore, $6@«-15; bakers' here, $3.50 $4. One Helena, Butte, An- bags, including August. 15c; September, 15 Chi. &A1t0n.... 125 St.P.. M. M... 99% Pacific, 7c; Orion, SV2C; [email protected]; to them than good corn-fed steers at small shorts were buying. Prices ranged November, Riverpoint, Clar- @4.15; superfine, red dog, extensive buyer said he give $4.25 aconda and Pacific it Receipts, 15.15c; October, 14.9*>(815c; C H. &Q 103% St. P. &Omaha.. 33% ion.sc. sacks, $1.3u®1.50; red dog, bbls, $1.50® would Coast 1little firmer than yesterday. 510 15c; December, [email protected]: January. St. L.&P... 14 dopfd ,97 forchoice corn-fed steers for up-town slaugh- _ 5:00 m 9 :30 a C. Ginghams— Amoskeag, Lancaster, fancy 1.65. up. offer, for jars. Withdrawals of grain lrom stor« were 15.0")C; March, [email protected]; May. 15® dopfd 35 Term. C.& 1.... 39% checks, 7'/2e; Lancaster, and Shorts— The features char- tering. We do not quote tohis All trains daily except as follows: a except fair cargoes, Amoskeag, astple same range stock is likely to soon be in com- DR.FELLER Sundays: b Saturdays 165,133 bu , 12,600 bu spring, 15.10 c; spot Rio quiei; 18%c. C,,S. &C 63 Texas Pacific .. 20^ checks, 7^4c; Plunkett, York, Glencoe, 7c; acterized this market that have existed for j as far as Wahpeton Sugar— nominally unchanged; Del. petition with the native and corn-fed cattle. only;c Mondays from Wahpaton 185,493 bu corn and 55434 bu oats. The dull and & Hudson.. 146^ Tol.&O. C. pfd. 53 Cumberland, 6>;2C. some time. The production is moderate, about only. than usual steady and ina triflebetter demand. Del.. L.&W Union about equaling [email protected] for Western cattlemen seem backward 356 Jackson Street, Througn aleepen daily to Great Falls, provision market was more active refined neglected; 14514 Pacific... 60% Ginghams— Dress Styjes— Amoskeag cable the demand at sending any market on the present prices. Helena, Mom.,Fergus Falls,Moorhead, the con- Molasses— Foreign New Orleans Den. &R.G 16 U. S. Express.. . 89% cord?, Renfrew novelties, Toile dv Norde, bran and $7.50®8. 50 forshorts. to Butte. to-day,* and there was a contest for quiet and steady. Petroleum East Wab., This fact will reduce the Montana cattle Fargo, Grand Forks, Crookstou, dull. Rice Parker's, Tennessee.. 9% St. L.&P. 15% Westbrook, London cords, lOi&c; Canton, Corn—Prices are sustained at 35@36c, with The principal ST, PAUL, Grafton. trol. Hogs at the stock yards were estimated firmer but quiet; crude in bbls, do Ist 71 dopfd 29% Calcutta, Heather, Normandie, Renfrew, rather lightreceipts. Demand onlyon local run considerably this season. i MINN. Winnipeg and other important points. instead of 14,000 expected. There 7.6oc ;*refined here, 7.40 Baltimore, c; do 2d pfd Wells-FargoEx.l3t> St. buyer is out ofthe city. Sales: Snort line trains between and at 11,000 c: 7.30 22% Warwick, Westbrook, BV2C; Glenarle and The exports New York South— Paul Ay. St. Paul 5c United closed at 1.00%e for August. Cot- Erie 27 Western Union. account. from for No. Wt. Price Minneapolis and Mlnnetouka Union was active buyingand prices there were 85% Royden, 7Vic. last week were 827,911 bu. against 246,924 $150 runfrom pro- tonseed oil quiet. Tallow quiet. Rosin dopfd 65 Am. Cotton Oil. 54% Dexter, for year, 5 yearling steers 696 depot in each city duringthe any. St. Paul, higher. This" had the effect of opening Turpentine quiet: Shirtings—Stripes and Checks— 6-3 bu the same time last and from the 1,055. 265 W. Dutch, City Passenger a quiet;and steady. ana Fort Wayne 157 Colorado C0a1. 27 striDes, c; do, lO^c; Atlantic coast last week they were 1,600,928 19 butcher steers Speedily cures all private, nervous.chroni J and Ticket visions strong and 2%@10c higher. After steady. Eggs in good demand; West- Hocking" Valley. 14 ..• 1014 extra stout Amos- [4 butcher steers. j.... 935 2 40 Agent, 195 East Tnird st. ;Brown <& KnebeL by was a second ''••-\u25a0.'.\u25a0o/'. keag, 9-3 do, 9Uc: Hamilton, lOVzc, bu. The reports from the crop are generally 1,063 2 65 and blood and skin diseases of both sexes, Agents, •light raid sellers there ern 'best, 14%@15V2C; Western, fair. 8c; Mills, 6-3, 6c; Par, favorable, although it is still backward in 18 butcher steers without the use ofmercury orhindrance from Ticket Union Depot. Minneapolis, which prices of all products 10c 12%@14c; receipts 5,719 packages. Hardpha, 6-3. Rider . cows 814 175 V. D. Jones. City Passenger and Ticket bulge, put Railway and Mining? Shares. No. 90 do, 15c; James Long, No. 850 do, some quarters, and hot, forcing weather will 8 :.-.: 2 10 business. NO CUKE. XO PAY. Pri- last night. Later in the day prices were Wool fair demand and steady; domestic required early 4stockers ...:...... 853 vate and all old, lingering cases, Agent, corner Third st and Nicollet »t.; over fleece, c; Texas, 14 14Vie;Shelby do, lOVijc; Otis do, 9c; Econ- be to prevent damage from 960 2 30 diseases H.L.Martin. Ticket Agent, Union Depot. Irregularand at the the gains' over last 3 39 pulled,23@40c; KEW YORK. omy do, BV2@9c. lcow where the blood has become poisoned, caus- close @28c. Pork quiet and steady. Cut meats Homestake Sutro frost. 2cows 840 2 25 ingulcers, blotches, mouth, night were: Mess pork, sc; ribs, 7%c; lard, 9% 23% Denims— Amoskeag, 9-oz, !stec; do, Fay Oats—New oats are being received incon- grass 125 sore thront and weak and dull; pickled hams, ll@ll%c; Ontario 34 Bulwer 37 mixed, 8-oz, 15ifec; twilled, 131,4 c; siderable quantities, and the market is barely 2 native steers 920 pa; is in the head and bones, and all dis- CITYOFFICES. 10c. pickled shoulders, 5®5%c; sales pickled R. &W. T do old steady; scowß 894 175 of kidneys bladder, ranged lbs; lbs; Quicksilver 6% P. ... 22% York 8-oz, 16c :do Eagle, 14c ;North Amer- quoted at from 20@28c, but the out- 800 2 00 eases the and are cured The leading futures as follows: bellies, 7V2C tor12 7%c for 11 8c for dopfd 36 Atchison...... 45% ica, D T, D T,l2vsc;Shaw- Bide is obtainable only for the finest grades. 1heifer for life. Men of all ages who are suffering fjHHBHHHT St.Paul— l7B East Third St. Wheat— No. 2 September opened at 77%c. 10 los: middles neglected. Lard strong at & 13V2C:Evereit & 4 cows. 857 125 from the result of youthful indiscretion, Minneapolis 7»c, closing 6 BOSTON. mut No. 250, 12c; Otisaxa, 12c; do VB,lie; Hay— was a light local demand for . 30 or MillMliNUft —19 Nicollel closing at 76%c; December, @7 points advance, but quiet; sales Western A, c; D,3Vic; choice, quoted 4 heifers 840 2 excesses of mature years, producing nervous- fjPf{pfPPNiKl'l''ii"<'block. 7S%c; year. 77c, closing 76%c. Corn steam, $6.20; options A.&T.R. R.... 37% Rutland pfd 40 Oakland B®Sis Artisan A S but poor was in no request; 3 50 Depot— at at 65; city steam, no Boston itAlb"nv2lß York's fancies, plaids and stripes, 13c; Ev- from$4 to 6.50. 3 calves 187 ness, indigestion, constipation, loss of mem- WtilllllilflW Union Both cities. —No. 2 September opened at 05%c,closing sales; September closed at $6.68 ;October. Wis.Ceu.com... 23% - 2cows and calves for $35. ory,etc., are thoroughly and permanently October, 36',fe<\ closing at Boston &Maine. 201 dopfd 60 erett checks, 13V!2c; Palmer do do, 12c; : Nominal. for $15. F. 11. Alison. General North- at at 36tee; $0.69: November, $6.47; December, -$6.40. 6 do, Flax— at $1.22; Chicago, $1.28. Icow and calf cured. closed at 35%e. Oats- choice; C. B. & 104 Allouez (new)... % Clark do 12c. 1 Quoted ripe corn-fed Feller, •western Passenger Agent. 3614c: December Butter quiet, steady on Western $13.50® 14. We quote: Good to choice Dr. who has had many years of ex- September opened at 2t)B,ic. closing creamery, Cin.San.&Cleve. 241,2 Calumet&Heela22s Duck—Colored—Boston OP, 8c; XX,12c; iFeed— Quoted at steers, $3.50@4; good fat native No 2 dairy, 10@12%c; Western 11® Star, 7-oz, HVic;Plymouth. lie; FLOUR SHIPMENTS. • to choice perience inthis specialty, isa graduate from MINNEAPOLIS. I~ leave. >rrivb at 20%c: October, 20%c, closing at 20%c; 17c; Western factory, 8@12%c. Cheese fair Eastern it.1t.... 99 Franklin 10 North 7-oz. I steers. $3.25@3. 75; good to choice cows $2 ofthe leading medical colleges the " Mess Pork do 6s Huron Terrace CityA, do AA,13c; do AAA, \ Following shows the shipments of flour mixed, [email protected]; one of Chicago, Milwaukke, May, 213$>c, closing at 24%e, demand and strong; Western, 7c. Pig iron 125% 1 121/2C: @2.75; common cows and country. Hehas never failed in curing any Chippewa Falls, September opened $10.70, $15.50 L.R. &Ft. S. 76.105 Osceola 10% 15c; Bates' fancy checks, 12c; Lewistown, from Minneapolis, Jan. 1 to date and same [email protected]; cows, $l--'@3o; stock- Eau ftl2M.srn aß:27±« (per at quiet; Scotch, $20@22. 25; American, ...... A, •time jn1888: bulls. milch cases that he has undertaken. Cases and Claire, Neeitah, closing at $10.05; October, (10.45. closing ©17. Copper -unchanged; lake, Aucust, Cen. com. 14% Pewabic(new).. 2 N 13V20. ers, $1.25©2.50; feeders, $1.75<&2.75; veal correspondence sacredly confidential. Call Osh- 59.85, closing at $9.85. dolstmtg.bds 65% Quincy..... 49% 1889, bbls, 2,974,436 1 1888, bbls, 3,886,191 butchers' $2.50@3; kosh. Fond dv Lac at $10.47%; year, $11.85; G. M.copper, $8.75. Lead steadier: -• calves. [email protected]; steers. or write for list ofquestions. Medicines sent pm a4:lsp< 100 lbs)— September opened at N. Y. & N. E. 50% Bell Telephone. 232 Drugs, Paints Oils. i CITT -PRODUCE MARKET. range steers, $2.50©3.25. -.\u25a0--, and Waukesha :45 Lard'(per domestic, 83.87%. Tin quiet but steady; • do 7s Boston and r are f6rlots store* Butter Dakota bymail and express everywhere free from £6.27V2, closing at $6.35; October opened at straights. $19.83. 128% Land.... 6 Drugs—Acid, citric, per lb, 55c; acid, tart, Quotations from Sheep— Easy. Dry grass in the Northwest- and exposure. ST PAUL. LEAVE. ÜBUfB year. Tamarack 103 Water Power... « -^Creameries, 14®16c; dairies, 12®15c; move- risk j §6.30, closing at 56.35: $6, closing at 45c; alcohol, market prices; aloes. cape,l2c; thirds; 10®12c; packing 6@Bc. Eggs, ern territories is likelyto cause a large Chicago, Milwaukee, Short Ribs (per 100 lbs)—Septem- S. D.LCo 28 Santa Fe Cop'r. 67% stock, soon, and the trade is * :25pm gti.O2V2. COJIMEHCIAr- PAPER. Colony 176 . ammonia, aqua, 6c:ammonia, carb, 13c; bal- Including cases, [email protected]ßerries— Red ment of "Westerns" Chippewa Falls, Etui al a7:451« ber opened at 85.45. closing at $5.47%; Old sam copaiba, 70c: balsam tolu. 50c: barks, disposed to keep on the safe side. There Claire, Neenah, Osh- October, at $5.45; KELLOaa & HYATT, 6AN FRANCISCO. raspberries, 24-pt case. $2.50®3; black- muttons, the stock $5.42%, closing Peru, red and [email protected]; bi-carb berries, 16-qt case, 80c@$1.50; blueberries, was a demand for and kosh. Fond dv Lao year, $4.95, closing at $4.92%. INVESTMENT BANKERS, Alta $1 3CtjPotosi $1 30 veliow.borax, sold early. Mixed muttons and lambs, a TEMPLE & SMITH, a3:4op< Savage soda, 4Vi@6c; 12c; brimstone roll. bu, $3.50@4. Peas and Beans— Fancy navy, and Waukeaha a7:2>» Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Rooms 1and 2, 309% Jackson St., St Paul, Bulwer 15 1 35 calomel, Am,93c; cayenne, 22c; coarse bunch, sold at $3.65. Sales: ' all kinds Best &Belcher.. 3 00 Sierra Nevada.. 2 10 SVizc: pure. per bu, [email protected]; dirty lots, 50c. Cider— Ay. Wt. Price. a Daily. quiet and unchanged. Wheat— No. 2 spring, Minn. Notes and Securities of 2 camphor, 38c: chloroform, 40c ; cochineal, bbl, $5®5.50; per half bbl, $2.75®3; No ACCOUNTANTS, Sleeping and the Cen- c; No. 3spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 Bought, Sold aud Negotiated. BodieCon 75 Union Con 40 Epsom logwood. 12c; gum Per .....88 $3 60 Pullman Palace Cars red,77% 2, Chollar 125 Utah 60 45c: salts. 3e: ex boiled cider, per gal. 25c. Dressed Meats- 2O2muttons 52 Chamber ofCommerce, tral's famous Dining Cars attached to all 77V2C. Corn—No. 36%c. Oats— Arabic, 60(g 90c :powdered. 90c; gum opium, Beef, lb, 2@4c ;veal, 3c forheavy 12mixed 65 3 65 ST PAUL 2, Rye—^o. 2, 42%@43c. Barley- Con.Cal.& Va.. 7 00 Yellow Jacket 2 30 licorice, per — to 5%0 to choice native muttons, Telephone, 780-2. through trains. 20%c. Toledo Grain. Crown 85 Commonwealth.. 3 10 $3.35; jalap, powdered. 35c; ex- for light. Cheese cream, new, 7®Bc; , We quote: Good nominal. Flaxseed— 1, $1.25. Prime Point... 1 tract, morphine, by the ounce, $'2.80; '$3.50@4; good to choice lambs, [email protected]'J; Toledo, 0., Aug. 6.—Wheat dull and Gould &Curry. 175 Nevada Queen.. 100 27c: part skim. 4®6c. Fruits— [email protected] muttons, $3.50@4: timothy . $1.42&1.43. Mess Pork— Per oil anise, &2: oil cloves, $1.75; oil lemon, ger 12c; figs. 12@14c; lemons, !good to choice Western — —— bbl, [email protected]. Lard— 100 lbs, easier cash, 79V'2C: August and September. Hale &Norcross2 70 Belle Isle 10 $1.75; olivo, pure, $1.10; pepper- bbl: dates. feeders, [email protected]; Western lambs, ; : : ; I Per c; dull; cash, Mexican 2 35 NorthBelle 1 00 oil oil box,.-s4@6; Malaga grapes, keg. $5.50@0c; ,Western .;....,--;: «T'h«T Burlingtoa*. 16.30. Short ribs sides (loose). 55.40® 81% December. 81%c. Corn Isle. mint, $'2.50; oil sassafras, 55c: potash, : $3.50©4.50. Paul, 5.50; dry (boxed), quiet; and August, Mono 45 Occidental 185 Messina oranges, [email protected]; cherries, 24- Union Depots. Minneapolis, St. Cot salted shoulders &4.87% 37%c. Outs cash 22c. chlorate, 20c: potash, prussiate. 28c; quick- - $2@3; California, box, $1.50 The heavy hogs referred to above were fed cash, $4.45; October, Ophir 4 . St. Louis, St. Paul &Minneapolis Coco and St. Louis. &5:short clear sides (boxed), [email protected]%. Clover seed quiet; _05 ! silver, 80e; quinine, 44c; red precipitate, ®2; by Griggs Brothers, of this city,at their stock Whisky— goods, per gal, $4.40. Receipts— Wheat, bu; corn, -California pears, [email protected]; California ;• feeding TicketOffices— Paul, corner Third and Distillers" finished 132.800 $1 ;sal. nitre, pure, 9c; senna, 20c; sulphur- peaches, box, $1.25®1.75; Southern, basket?, farm in South St. Paul. Their is evi- PACKET CO. ;Chicago, corner Sugars— Unchanged. Receipts- 1,000 bu. Shipments— Wheat, 93,000 bu. $1.15; lard oil,extra, 55c; 'dence ofthe gain that can be made on weight Robert sts. Clark and Ad- fl.u2. HCLBERT &MIXTER bleached sperm, 60@75c; grapes, 10-lb box, $1.75@2; mcl- They BETWEEN ST. PAUL AND ST. LOUIS. axussts.; SU Louis, 112 North Fourth sc. Flour, 15,000 bbls: wheat, 167,000 bu; corn, No.l, 43c; whale, extra, 60@70c; carbon, \u25a0 inMinnesota by careful feeding. were 832,000bu: oats, 254,000bu: rye, 328 ROBERT STREET, ST. PAUL, ons, per 100, $12@20: cantelopes, bu, $1® of Fair- Leave Arrive v 6.000 bu. inspected, 12@10c; benzine, 74-deg., 12c; Green, 4@4%c; sold through the commission house Shipments— Flour, bbls; wheat, 78,- MINNESOTA. 1.25. Fish. !3Sc asked; August, 66c bid, 66V2C LOCAL MARKETS. drabs and common house colors, $1.15; iron 45c per bu; sweet, per bbl, [email protected](>. Honey The Drovers Journal reports: Cattle—Re- cash, asked; paints, 7oc; No. 7 (green) and No. 8 (blue) — clover, 14@18c lb; buckwheat, 3,500. PAUL, asked. No. 2 shipments, Market SAINT ** Corn quiet: 27%e White per 1ceipts, 8.500; \u25a0 '""'}\u25a0! ecu (vermilliou), $2.35: half-gal Chi. &DcsMoines Ex. 9:55 a m *7:45 pu At V. u:«l j:er September, 2(i%c asked; No. 2 white, cash, St. Paul. Sl.<)s; No. 9 12@15c. Vegetables— Onions, doz, 15@20c; 1steady. Beeves.'[email protected]; steers, $3.50® Equipped with Electric Light. * On Notice for lons, 5c gallon extra; quarts, 10c gallon Chicago Kan CityEx 9:55 a in •7:lspm Shortest anyamount 23c asked. Oats— No. 2 cash. 17%cbid, 20c on the yesterday cabbage, doz. 40@60c; lettuce, doz. 15@20c: 4 45 ;stockers and feeders, $2.25@,3.30; T.L.Davidson, Master. C.D. Carroll,Clerk. Wutcrtowu * Div.j asked; August. bid, asked; Sep- "Wheat continued board extra. radishes, doz, c; rneplant, lb, %@lc; cows, and mixed, [email protected]; Texas i'ac. 17V2C 18%c morning without any change, ana failed to 20©30 1 bulls half-breeds, Leaves TUESDAY,Aug. 6, at 10 o'clock a.m. Excelsior *S:00a m *o:osdri tember, 17' «c bid;18% asked. gather strength day tomatoes, box, 75c®l. Wool—Quiet, at 17® < cattle, §[email protected]; natives and 1 pm c since the before. While mediums; < 11,000; ship- For tickets and freight, apply to C. J. WatervllloAChaskaEx *3 10:30* in itdid notdecline itwas decidedly strong- Hardware. 19c for unwashed 21®27c for tub- [email protected]. Hogs— Receipts, St.Louis 'Through' Ex lU:2Jpin +i):loa.a cochranTwalsh, no ments, 5,000. steady; mixed, $4.30 ooding, Agent, Levee, foot Jackson street, er. Oats were steady and quiet. Corn auger bits, washed. : Market Dcs Moines & Kansas un- Augers and discount 60 and 10 - i r General Office 179 East Third street. Corner Fourth and Jackson streets. GERMANIA BANK. changed. quiet. unchanged. cent; STATE GRAIN INSPECTION. . @4.55; heavy, $4.2»>@4.40: light, $4.35® CityExpress. d(5:25a (STATE BANK.) Millstuffs Hay per axes. Hunt's. $6.50; Lippincott, Following the 4.65; $3.50@<1.00. Sheep— Receipts md9:loa.m Potatoes a shade weaker. Eggs stronger. $o.so; Peerless, $7:St.Paul. SO: butts, narrow is slate inspection of grain skips, Chicago "Fast" Ex.... .10:2 .p in d9:10a.m - - in Minneapolis for the past twenty-four ((> 000; shipments, 2,000. Market steady. Excelsior &Lake Park da:(H) a m d B:3sa.ni Real Estate and Mortgage Loans PAID UP CAPITAL $400,000. The call: wrought, discount7o per cent; loose pin,cast, ;Natives,[email protected] ;Western, $3.d@7s l%d.rj The receipts of Bran—Bulk. cue Pittsburgs, $7; Hunt's, $11.50; fence i___LllL!Lii- strong; cows steady; calves 25@50cper st Paul 197 East without securing any more grain. Ruled 70,000 Hay—No. 1 upland prairie, $5.50 bid; wire. 4-pt, Dftinted, $3.00 per 100 lbs; 1 3 2 2 1 j lower; corn-fed steers, TilKlsl Minneapolis, 10 quiet and steady at the opening quotations wheat for the past three days were M.&M.-Breck.div .... head good to choice Pacific Express glk«^sa Street: centals, including 15,000 American. Corn timothy, $9 asked. galvanized, §3.65; plain, No. 9, $2.80; steel M.&M.—F.F. div. 12 12 20 16 5 5 < ©4.25; common to medium, 3.80; (limited) for Fareo, Wlll^iqHjNicollet House Block, fornew wheat, with fair transactions for firm; fair; Potatoes— 3s©3Bc asked. nails, $2.05; wire nails, $2.55 rate on new C,M. P 3 18 54 feeding steers,sl.oo@3: cows, Bismarck, spot and December delivery. OldNo.1hard demand new mixed Western. 4s &St. 1 stockers and MilesCity around the coiner on lien- 3d per The receipts of American [email protected]. card, June, 1, 1889; tin plate, IC charcoal, Mpls.&St. Louis 1 2 [email protected]; grass range steers, $>.75®'2.85. Helena, Butte, Spo- B*gnf|g™ sales early at 91%c(or at 93e, f.o. b):later cental. cross, $2; 20x28, .... 5.009; 272; bio up l>3c regular, where corn for the past three days were 15,200 bright, S": each Northern Pacific 3 4 3.... Hogs— Receipts, shipments kane Falls. Tacoma to it closed. No. roofing. $10; Madole No.IVi, C, P., ] 1 verydull; 85c, centals. IC hammers. St. M.&0 2 5.... 1.... steady to strong; good to choice light, and Portland 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p. m Trains Leave. St. Paul. Minneapolis. northern sellers at with 80c CLARK & METZ $6.40; No. 1, $7.20 per doz; carriage bolts, heavy and mixed, [email protected]. for No. 2 northern dull ;nothing screws, [email protected]; Winnipeg Express best bid. Commission Consignments Solicited. discount 70 per cent; dis- Total grades 12 21 50 22 8 157 jSheep— Receipts, 49; shipments none; (limited) for Brain- Boston Exp... x a 6:40 p. in. x a 7:20 p. m. doing;nominal, 75c. Nothing mentioned cent; door knobs and locks, ' to muttons, concerning lower grades. August— Lombard Investment Company! Butter, Eggs, .Beef, Pork, count 50 per Totalcars 130 steady to strong; good choice erd. Grand Forks, P cnnIugton sumlus, Poultry Hides.etc discount 50 and 10; new list of Feb. 7,1887: 83.75@4; common to medium, [email protected]. Grafton. and Way x 9:05 a. m. doing in it:none offered; closed with Boston. Mass. Capital and $1,750,- Prompt Hazard rifle powder. §s per keg; shot, $1.25 Other Grains— 2 corn, 1 car; No. Pembina buyers at 82c. September opened firm --000. No. 150 Leadenhall St., London, C, Returns. 3 and Winnipeg. 4:00 p. m. 7:05*. m. Oaks and Way xb9:os a. m. E. 3C4E. Fifth Street St. Paul, Minn. per sack: stamped tinware, new list, Jan. 20, corn, 4cars; no grade corn, 3 cars; No. 3 Oil Markets. Dakota Express, * Pay nes v %c above yesterday's outside transactions Eng. Western office. Kansas City, Mo. Loans 1887, cent; granite oats, for ille withsales of25,000 bu. 81c; on St. Paul and Minneapolis Real Estate and discount 70 and 10 per 28 cars. New York, Aug. 6.—Petroleum opened Brainerd, Fergus express t 4:30 p.m. at ruled quiet Produce Exchange. ironware, Va and 10 per cent, new list Jan. 1, Cars Inspected Out—Wheat, No. 1 hard, Wahpeton, Si. Crolx Falls and closed steady, and nominally at 81c. Improved Farms in Minnesota and Western percent 'steady at 91)i»fec, and was dull and featureless Falls. October, dull, Wisconsin promptly closed. No applications Butter continues in about the same 1889; Disston's saws, 25 discount! 4 cars; No. 1northern, 19 cars; No. 2 north- afternoon, when a slight advance Milnor. Fargo, Accom tbs:oop.m ruled steady with sellers condi- steel goods, discount 60 and 10 per cent; crn, 24 cars; rejected, 1car. 1until the Jamestown .... .j throughout at 81 no report- sent away for approval. St. Paul office tion, and there is very little demand forit. 'occurred; it the reacted slightly, and closed and in- Depot. Depot. JBroadwaj Uc transactions DEUEL, common sheet iron. No. 27, $3.50; copper FLOUR SHIPMENTS. sales, 470,000 termediate points. 8:0} p. m. a.m. x Union tSoo ed. December opened firm at %c advance, Globe Building. 11. J. Manager. .Notwithstanding there isa good deal coming per lb; sheathing copper, road, 1,040 Omaha, 'steady at 9U%c. Total bbls. . 7:05 Depot. sales 25,000 Vac, in, and the market is at present verydull, bottoms, 27c 25c Milwaukee bbls: 6.—Petroleum dull but Fareo Express (daily Sunday. with of bu. at 81 ruled lb. 1,018 ;Wisconsin Central, 250 bbls; Pittsrurg, Aug. Sunday), a Daily, b Daily except steady and closed nominally at that price; FINANCIAL. dealers look with a good deal of confidence per bbls. 'firm; National transit certificates opened ex. for year dull, fora better market. The demand for apples Manitoba, 125 bbls; St. Paul & Duluth, $1.00 ; Brainord, Fargo, % buyers and sellers apart, closed Leather, 1,725 bbls; St. Paul & Kansas City, 1,094 atsl: closed at $1.00%; highest, V» ana TICKETOFFICES; with sellers at 81c and 80c bid. September, New York. is good, and the receiots liberal. Cheese is Etc. 'ilowest, 99%c. intermediate sole, best, 30c; bbls; Chicago, Burlington & Northern, „ points 7:35 a.m. Street, corn dull, nominally unchanged at New York, Aug. 6.—Clearings, $111,015,- steady. Watermelons are cheaper, with Buffalo slav extra buffalo 2,500 t:Qn s*w 164184 East Third Street, 35%. large receipts. Blackberries are coming in sole, 28c; Duffalo Spanish sole, 25 750 bbls; Eastern Minnesota, bbls; Whisky. /oMsft? * Depot, Receipts and shipments of flour for week --626; balances, $5,384,691. Money on call slav best. Soo line, 5,714 bbls. Cincinnati FREE COLONIST SLEEPERS are run o ltlTiurjiiPTr7 Union StSt. PaaLPsaL were: receipts, 71,020 bbls; shipments, 82,- easy at 2';[email protected] per cent; last loan 3, closed freely, and they constitute the onlyberry in ;best oak sole. 35@37c; French calf Whisky active and Pacific Express trains leaving st at means daily. B 104,359 the market. <3>29c lbs, French 30 10 CABLOTRECEIPTS. Cincinnati, Aug. 6.— p. Paul A except --117 bbls. Instore, bbls. as against offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 4%@ 24 to 31 $X.20(gi1.90; calf, Followingare Minneapolis wheat re- firm;sales, bbls finished goods onbasis 6:oZJHW/ 1) Monday. 6%. at dairy, 13c; firsts, S@9c; seconds, B®9c; calf, 90c@$l; ceipts by roads: Milwaukee road, 24 cars; 1of $1.02. / except $4.85 for sixty-day bills and 54.87 for de- 11® 85c@$1.10; hemlock hemlock Omaha, St. Paul and Grafton, Grand Forks. Winni- __^*—_ thirds, grease, 3@4c. veal, 70@90c: upper, per foot 14 cars: Minneapolis & St. Louis. 8 peg, Lv.St.l'#ul. At. St. Paul. J. J. WATSO\ BRO. & HYNDMAN mand. The stock market was not so active s®7c: kip hemlock car; Manitoba, 25 cars; Northern Pacific, 3 PAUL REAL.ESTATE. Fergus Falls. Wahpeton, Helena and Milwaukee &way. B 7:15 a. m. 10:0;" p.m.B day yesterday, Cheese— Fancy, B@9c; fine, 7@Bc; fair, [email protected]; hemlock collar, per foot, 17@19c; ST. nilpoints West. % to as but there was a continu- LaC'ros., Dub.&Lo. 00 East Fourth Street, parfskim milk,4@6c. hemlock harness, 26@30c; oak harness, 30 cars. C. E. STONE. CityTicket Agent, 173 B 7:15 a. m. 11:05 p.m.B ance of the movement forhigher prices, and 9@loc. g5.50@12; pinks, per RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Twenty-six deeds, with aggregate con- East Aberdeen &Way B 7:25 a. m. 0:45 p.m.B some of the late factors in tne rise Maple Sugar— @33c; roans, per doz, 42,550 bu; Third Street. St Paul. REAL LSTATE ANDMORTGAGE INVEST- while Maple Syrup—Per gallon, [email protected]. doz, $9 Receipts— Wheat. oats, 16.200 ,siderations of $121,309, were recorded yes- G. F. City Agent, 19 Pra.duCM.AC.JJx B 9:15 a. m. p.m.B were absent, amaterial advance was scored — bu: millstuffs, 29 tons; hay, 60 tons; fruit, McNeill. Ticket Nicol- Calmer &Day. Ex. B 9:15 a.m. G::«i p.m. D MENTS. the list. London figures Honey Slow at quotations; line white .'terday, as follows: letHouse, Minneapolis. allover came lower lbs; merchandise, 1,298,345 lbs: |Mil.,Chi.&Atl.Ex.A 3:00 p. in. 1:50p.m.A for first time new clover, 13@15c; buckwheat, 224.160 ' to C C Benedict. Its 10, 11 FJRE INSURANCE AGENCY. this morning the in many days, per 10®llc. Boots and Shoes. lumber, 17 cars: posts, 3 cars: barrel stock, C FMahler Owatonua &Way. A 4:r>.>p. m. 10:00 a.m. A and although there could be no reason as- Malt—9oc bu. boots, 151,000 lbs; coal, and 12,blk 9, Hersey Woolsey $2,200 Chicago Fast Mail 3:15 Oranges— $6®6.50; California, Men's cus. French calf, D.S. opera 4 cars; machinery, 434 Hemmighouse, A 0:40 p. m. p.m..A Milwaukee Produce. signed for it, that center was a seller in this case, $50; men's cus. French kip D. S. tons; wood. 57 cords; brick, 86,000; ]LE Pever to M F It6, Aberd'n& Mit.Ex. A 7:15 p. m. 8:40a.m.A market today. There powerfulinflu- [email protected]. per lime. blk 2, Dewey;Drake & Pence 4,500 CHICAGO, ST. & CITY I Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. Flour steady. was a [email protected]; choice, $5® boots, $42: men's cus. calf D.S. opera boots. Scars; cement, 100 lbs; Household goods, PAUL KANSAS MilAChLVestibule A 7:30 p. m. 730 n.m.A easier; ence at work'for the advance of quotations Lemons— boots, 20,000 lbs; stone, 8 cars; dressed meats, 'BCremer to LA .Meyer. It 24, blk 7, Cv>» Railway.—Offices: Minneapolis, No. 3 Xx C 7:40 p.m. 7:s<)a.m.E Wheat cash. 77c: September, 76c. and 5.50. $12: men's cus. calf D.S. split back 600 Aiis..Dnb.AChi Corn steady; No. 3. 36i/2@37c. Oats dull; the Chicago party was especially promi- Pecans, Texas medium $36;men's cus. grain crim. 14-in. D. S. 40,000 lbs;railroad iron, 1 car; sundries, Clark's Nicollet House Block and Union Depot. St. 2 white, nent inthe movement. Nat Jones himself Nuts— polished, to boots, grain D.S. boots, $21; 15 cars; total car lots, 334. >LMHowe to G W Dilley,It 3, blk 3, Paul, No. 195 E. Third St. and Union Depot. No. 26027c. Barley easier: Sep- directing the bull manipulation from large, 8®10c per lb; almonds, Tarragonas, §22; men's cus. Birmingham's 600 tember, 58c. Rye dull; No. 1, 43%c. Pro- the 17c: soft-shelled, 18c; filberts, Misses' cus. calf S. B. pol., $1.75; MisEes' Shipments— Wheat, 30.470 bu; corn. 600 < Leave. Arrive. EASTERN MINNESOTA RAILWAY. visions Pork, floor. The short interest gave evidence of California B. pol., $1.35: children's cus. Dv; oats. 1.800 bu; flour.14,216 bbls; mill- CAB Weide to E Maley, It8, Weide's AllAUTrainsDaily.Trains Daily. gt p Only line running all firm. $10.55. Lard, $6.27%. practical elimination, Sicily, 12c; walnuts, new California. 12® cus calfS. ' 40, Arlington 2,000 MpK Mp]s st p trains through SOLID. Butter lower:dairy, ll@l2c. lower; and the demand for cocoauuts, nuts, calf S. B. pol.. $1. Rubber goods 40@55c stuffs, 519 tons; merchandise, 1.369.800 lbs; subd Hills & Dcs a. m. A,daily. B, except Sunday. Cheese in the loan was 15c: $15 per 100: hickory cars; machinery, 287,150 'B Monroe to Its 4,5, 6,7, Chi. Moines m. a. a. m. a. m. Cheddars, 7%@7%c. Eggs steady fresh, 12 stocks crowd smaller than per bu: shell-barks, [email protected] per offfrom price list. lumber, 56 lbs; C HBarton. Express.... 7:03 7:45 8:10 7:30 Lv.St.Paul. Ar.St. @12% Receipts— for long time. The shorts, however, were 51.50 coal, 15 tons; lime, 1car; cement, bbls; 8and 9, blk 2, Douglas. 3,000 . Paul. c. Flour. 4,400 bbls: wheat, bu; Brazils, 10@l2c; peanuts. Virginia 100 Johnson, 21, Chicago, St. Joe & p.m. p.m. !Dulutli, VVost| 20.500 bu; barley, a factor in the early rise to-day, and when railroad iron, 1 car; stone, 12 cars; live WG White to C G A It City Superior, p.m.B 700 bu. Shipments- they ceased their demand the market became hand-picked. B%c; roasted, 10%c. Lumber. stock, ;hides, 40,000 lbs; add 1,300 Kansas 7:00 7:33 8:10 7:30 Hirick- 85:45 a.m. 2:25 Flour, 500 bbls; wheat, none. Dates— Persians. 7®Sc; dates In mats, 10x10, 3 cars wool. 34,830 Hendricksou's a. m. a. m. p.m. p. m ley.Milaca,Prince- quiet and prices dragged. There were some Common, dimensions 2x4 to lbs; sundries, 7 cars; total car lots, 425. < J J Ryan to T Horrigan, It 3, Grotto St. Louis Express.. 7:Oo 7:45 7:45 . remarkable gains in the earnings reported for 51,2c; figs, new, 12®15c. 12, 14 and 16 feet long $12 00 Street add 750 7:15 ton. Anoka A4:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. A Bananas— $2®3. Mahler, 17, 10, Chicago &Dubuque 7:05 7:45 2:20 1:15 BuffetParlor Car onevery train. WALKER the fourth week inJuly, and the*news of the First common boards 14 00 t : 1G S Phelps to C F It blk p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m Oflices— Union Depots: & CO. day generally of favorable nature. Cider—Choice Michigan, 16-gal kegs, $3 4c: sugar lead, 18c; spirits turpentine, by Woodland Park add 7,500 Ticket 185 East Members New York Stock Exchange and was a The per keg;choice refined 16-gal kegs. S3 per 34c; vitriol,blue, !~t ESTABLISHED 1879. LyleAccomodation 4:15 4:15 10.15 j10.10 jIThird St., St. Paul; 300 Nicollet aye., cornel advances, as a rule, were most marked in the bbl. 48c: spirits nitre, Be. 5 Madsen to C E Keller, Its 26 and 27, St., Chicago Board of Trade. keg; choice refined 32-gal bbls. Ss©;>.oo Oil^Linseed, raw, boiled, .6,000 Third Minneapolis. Omen: York, Grangers and South westerns, and inthose cider, bbi, 60c: 63c: blk13,Mackubm &Marshall's New 44 Broadway; St. Paul shares there was more business than in perbbl; Ohio §4 per half $7 for Second common boards 12 00 WOODWARD &CO. Gladstone Land company to T Wilson, 1GilfillauBlock; Chicago, 0 Pacific Ay. the fullbbl. i 32, 73; 7, 72, HOCK, other portions ofthe list, the business done Dressed boards 50c extra. \ 4-2 CORN EXCHANGE, It9, blk 73; It blk it blk GRAIN, PROVISION, COTTON being not nearly so well distributed Veal— Six-inch first fencing 17 00 .% Dawson's Earl Street add... 1,850 CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Onions— B.">@9oc per bu. Six-inch fencinsr 12 00 Doyle,part Its5 6, AND OIL BROKERS. as during the past two or three days. A 3sc per bu. second MINNEAPOLIS. HTDick toJ £ and drive was made at Reading, but the result in Carrots— chickens, No. 1shiplap, 8 and 10 inches 15 00 nDRIM blk 22, Warren &Rice's add 2,634 MINNEAPOLIS & Direct wires from our office in St.Paul No. of public opinion small Poultry—Live turkeys. B@9c:old No. 2 shiplap. 8and 10 inches 13 00 I?IBft1II BRANCH OFFICES Overpeck C Friend, Its 41,44, blk OMAHA RY. 1Gilnllan Block, to New York Stock Ex- the condition was 7®Bc; spring chickens, ll@12c; choice 111111 At and Members of the E to 4|fl4lk)>W Change and Chicago Board and unimportant. First prices were gen- Dstock, 8and lOinches 18 00 VI 16, Smith's Subd Stinson'sdiv 2,500 of Trade. erally slightly'higher than last evening's hem, 7®Bc. D stock. 12 inches 20 00 MFHemminghouse toLE Peyer, 1-12 XHE BEST EQUIPPED I>IISE Apples—Fancy, $3.25©3.50; standard, lapsiding CHICAGO and DULUTH BOARD OF : 16, 29, figures, but the strength of the market was First aiid second 21 00 TRADE w U ue Vi ne U see town \u25a0 St. JLonis Produce. immediately apparent and a general $2.25. Third lapsidiug 19 00 AND range 23 1,500 To Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. Louis, Aug. made . Green. per dv. " St. 6.—Flour steady and un- upward movement began, though Missouri Peas— 5K&1.25 Xshingles 2 00 . Milwaukee Chamber of Erickson to C A Bergquist, Vi It1,bile LEAVE. __; phanged. Wheat— The market Radishes— l3@2oc per doz. 2 85 Commerce. V25, 25-26, aBASTEOEI.aV TRAINS. ARRIVE. was strong Pacific became the leader and it was believed doz. XX shingles OPTION Orders Solicited. Send for our Weide's Subd Blocks Minaetp'ls. St. P»nl. »Daily. \u2666 X*.Sunday. St. Paul. )Micneap'ls. early onstrong and higher cables, unsettled in some quarters that Mr. Gould was again Green Onions— ls®2oc per Lath . _ _ _ 185 Telegraph ArlingtonHills 1,000 4s@ssc doz. 111 :l:ll:L: Cipher. •623 AM 7 45AM ...Eau Claire, Merrillan and Green Bay weather abroad and better outside markets, interested in market on long side. Asparagus— per \u0084 :: E J to DBMinney,Its 9-10, 7 lOPMtf 755 PM the the Spinach— sOo per bu. Chadwick 13, •220 PM 300 PM .r. Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls and Elroy.. 150PM*2 30 PM and the moderate receipts caused August to The stock moved up 1% per cent, and other Johnson's Subd to It Kerwin's 400 PM 730 PM Eau Claire, Merrillan be bid up %c, and the whole line of options marked were Erie & Cucumbers— 2o@2sc per doz. T. M. BAXTER CO, E M toM AMoody, part It1,...bin •650 . and Elroy 730AM*8 03 AM advances made in Lake Plant— 7s®sl per 100 lbs. ft Clark 2,400 *920 AM 955 AM New Richmond, Superior and Duluth.. 600 PMit 640 PM improved. Later reports and freer Belling Wertern preferred, San Francisco preferred Pie crates, 3,Hamline Plat Richmond, Superior locally caused a %@%c and Central, Cabbage— sl.2s©l.so, standard Merchants, deeds 84,575 •900 PM »40 PM : New and Duluth 655AM*7 35 AM decline, but the close Jersey and later in the Ches- ls@'2oc bunches, Commission WOOBFORD HOLBROOK, Nine unpublished AM 955 AM Ashland, Wasbtnirn, Bayfield Was somewhat firmer: No. 2 red, cash, apeake Ohio Hew Beets— per doz ST. SOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS & f920 and Watersmeet...... 600PMIf6 40 PM & and Southern Pacific* . The • Blackberries— Sl.7s for 16-quart cases* 116 THIRD Total, +900 PM 940 PM Ashland Washburn, Bayfield and Escanaba. CSSAM*7 35 AM 74%@74%c} August, 73%@74V2, closed at greater portion of the improvement bu. H.A.Smith, Manager. r*15 I commission 26 pieces $124,309 PM 800 PM .Chicago, Madison and ville— 74Wjc bid; • September, 74\fc@74%(&74'$8c was hour, Blueberries— per A M BUILDINGI'ERMITS. *220 Janes Fast Day Express- 150PM*2 30 PM at74UoDid; made In the final how- per 100. Main office, 40 Board of Trade, Chicago. V-*n/\irMMERCHANTS +650 PM 780 PM Chicago Fast Vestibule*! Expresi closed December, 72%@77%c, ever, after which the from the Watermelons— Grain, and Provisions bought 1 The followingbuildingpermits were issued PM 730 PM ...Madison, 7SOAM•B 03 AM Corn higher; demand Celery— 3o@3sc, "" Stocks and •650 'Waulcesha and Milwaukee— Fast Line.... 730 AM 803 Closed 77%0 asked. No. 2 shorts ceased and the account settled down crate*, and on margins. Direct wires to Chicago ; MDOTEAPOLIS, MOT. Testerdav. - _ AM mixed, Cash, 33%c; August, 33%®33%c to dullness and in many cases stagnation. Tomatoes— 7s®Sl.so for 4-basket A GJohnson, 2-story frame dwelling, L,EAV^' arrive: ; closed c; September, 33V&@33U@ Raspberries— sl.so@2. 6old New York. Magnolia, $5,000 •'. »*"• Minnetpto. «Dally."wisiEßwißAiwa at 33% Considerable pressure to sell was shown even LIVE STOCK. near Arcade. ....:....• »*• f jEx. Monday. t Kx. Sunday. Minaetp'U. j St."PanL S3%c Closed at 33%0; December, 32c; at times afternoon, California Fruits- George Dobbermann, IV2-story brick 1 during the but little im- s2.so@3 per box, " AM 825 AM Sioux City, Sioux Falls and Yanktou •630 PM year, 82c; MINNEAPOLIS MARKETS. \u25a0 PM! May, 34%0. Oats stronger; pression was made upon prices and the Pears— veneer dwelling,Van Buren, near 2750 P r~K....Fast Line, Sioux City, and Kansas City —• 703 2, cash, 19Vj®U0c bid; Sep- strength In Peaches— s 1.75@2. Minnesota Transfer. Da1e.....'.....;...... 1,500 !"»PM 2£ « Omaha 8 20am i* 850 AM ho. several specialties toward the [email protected]. - -"Mankato, Lake Crystal and Elmore tember, 20Vac; May, 24 140 bid. close gave a firm tostrong tone to the entire Plums— Sl. Chamber of Commerce. The market at Minnesota Transfer yester- B Nikolson, 2-story frame dwelling, 17 10 PM 7457 «pmPM ; *. 630PMf 703 I'M and dull; 2, Thomas, Arundel T7lO Sioux Falls, Tracy and Pierre 850 Rye lower No. SB@39c. Hay market. The close was dull and firm at close Cables were all flim yesterday, and pub- day was active. The receipts were• eight near 5,000 820AMX AM: quiet; prairie, $7.5C'@8.50; timothy, $9® to the best prices of the day. The trusts were WEEKLY MARKETS. lic cables quoted the English, and some con- cars of cattle, two cars ofhogs and one car H M Poppe. 2-story frame dwelling, unchaged. prominent sheep. good Fourth, ...... 2,450 , 14.50. Bran active and Flax never although "there was consid- tinental markets higher. Some private re- of |There was a demand for cat- near Mendota ... .. Sleeping Car. and Dinint Can, the finest in the world,on the«e Chicago Tmlni. mornlnf. need again lower, more doing; spot, erable business tle, and x improvement in the quality '.E R Oilman, 3-story brick block, south Through Pullman Sleepers on Kanu> City and done inlead and sugar, and Groceries. ports indicate a slow foreign demand. great Fait Lltieto Council Blnffj.Omaha and Kanau Citr \\v>Pnrim^. |1.22®1.25; August, $1.20 bid. Lead dull the latter after a drop of over 1per cent rose Dried Currants, new, 4%c; Turkish Weather in England was reported stormy. ofthe offerings. Local dealers were delight- side of Sixth, between Rosabel and and drugging; chemical hard, $3.80; refined, to 1.16. Railroad bonds were again quiet runes, 4%c; blackberries, in bbls., 5Vie; The tendency of wheat markets in this coun- ed with the change and bought freely,the . Wacouta ...... 20,000 toft Missouri. $3.72%. Butter firm; and firm,though dealings § evaporated, 6@6%C. yards being about cleared soon after noon. A Holterhoff, History frame dwelling. f3.75: the as usual 01 late dried apples, try was to advance at the start Much has . .1,500 creamery, l-i^io; dairy, ll@l3c. Eggs presented littleorno feature of special inter- Canned Goods—Per doz.:Oysters, 2-lbcans, been made ofslightfrost in the vicinity of Light hogs and fat sneep and lambs are La Jessamine* near Fajae......