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F98? ffe9 ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. LI B R.ARY OF THE UN IVERS ITY Of ILLI NOIS 332..Co<\ F°>8 p * 1953 AGRlCtltTutC ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. FUTURES TRADING SEMINAR HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Principal papers by: Henry H. Bakken Roger W. Gray Thomas A. Hieronymus Allen B. Paul First Edition Vol. I Mimir Publishers, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin 1960 [iii] ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. Copyright 1960 by the BOARD OF TRADE of the City of Chicago Chicago, Illinois Published by Mimir Publishers, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin Printed in the U. S. A. by Worzalla Publishing Company Stevens Point, Wisconsin [iv] ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS GEORGE ABSHIER Agricultural Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma VICTOR D. BENDEL, Victor D. Bendel Co., Chicago, Illinois BRUCE L. BROOKS Agricultural Extension Service, Washington State College, Pullman, Washington ARDIN P. BUELL John G. McCarthy Co., Chicago, Illinois DALE BUTZ Illinois Farm Supply Company, 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois BERNARD P. CAREY Second Vice Chairman, Chicago Board of Trade W. S. FARRIS Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana GERALD GOLD Commodity Research Bureau, Inc., 82 Beaver Street, New York 5, New York STANLEY JONES President, Winnipeg Grain Exchange, Winnipeg, Canada FRANK A. JOST, JR., Dean Witter & Co., Chicago, Illinois LEON T. KENDALL U. S. Savings & Loan League, 221 North La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois WARREN W. LEBECK Secretary, Chicago Board of Trade ROBERT C. LIEBENOW, President, Chicago Board of Trade [v] ©1960 Mimir Publishers, Inc. WENDELL McKINSEY Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Mis souri, Columbia, Missouri FRED MAYWALD Manager, Grain Department, Farmers Grain Dealers As sociation, Des Moines, Iowa ROBERT MITCHELL College of Commerce, University of Illinois, Urbana, Il linois HOWARD RIES Oscar Mayer & Co., Madison, Wisconsin CLARENCE ROWLAND, JR.
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