"':' -~ . , . .



Volume XXVIII Number 5

September, 1946 " U +I' t m ,


The 1946 Crop is harvested. Guesses are ~hat the yield approximated lifteen bushels to the acr&-total in the neighborhood 01 35,000,000 bushels. Will this be sullicient to meet the demands 01 an expanded industry? wm processors again be in lor a period 01 "measured " next summer? Already, the semolina millers and the operators are pondering the question.

.. _. --- , • VOLUME xxvm oaIk.,Lonl Manufacture," Auodad.., NUMBER 5 Prinucl h, u.s.A...... _--

Septt.'mher I 1946 THE MA C AR ON I J OU H);AI. 3

MAGNETISM 1 AnEW SEmOlinA mill Starting operation in October and milling distinctive semolina and durum for particular mGcaroni manufacturers. What affects (our sales as much as sign your new label or carton, we the quality 0 your product? The make a comprehensive analysis of Under present restrictions OU!' product will be offered to the trade magnetism of your package! To your market. \\'e study the pack­ under the brand name of reach your sales quotas, you r prod­ aging of both your national and lo­ UCf must have package magnetism cal competitors. Only then do we - -the power to draw consumers create your new packaging-and away from competing brands. give it the distinction which keeps ROSSOTT! has been erealing drawing consumers to your pack­ packaging with customer appeal age. since 1898. And the sales' records of our clients bear out the drawing These highl), skilled services and power of ROSSOTT! designed the facilities of our largl modern labels and cartons. Such consistent plant arc a t your disposal. Contact WE CAN ASSURE YOU OF FINEST PRODUCTS MADE FROM THE success is based upon our special­ Ihe ROSSOTT! consul ..n in your MOST CHOICE DURUM WHEAT AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET. ized experience ... our thorough­ region-NOW, during this oostwar ness in analYling your packaging period when you need ne\\ par.k­ problem. aging to compete with new compet­ "UNVARYH~G QUALITY-DEPENDABl.E SERVICE" \\'c do not simply dream up some ing brands. Do so without ohiiga­ Olr t id eas. Before we begin to de- tion. Will BE OUR CONSTANT AIM YOUR INQUIRY IS SINCERELY iNVITED

A. L. STANCHFIeLD, Pre •. CLIFFORD W. KUn R. A. STANCHFIELD, Soc'y DURUM SALES MANAGER ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPHING CO., INC. • NORTH BERGEN, N. J. FRED T. WHALEY CHICAGO BRANCH MANAGER BOSTON 9, hh ...1 tOO Milil Sir.. , • ROCHESTER 4, H, Y,11IJ M.in 51,... , E.it General Offices JACKSONVILLE 9, Ft •• 1 6S01 S.pphlr. Dri.. • CHICAGO U, 111.1 no North MI,hl •• n Annu. Mill 500 Com Exchange Bldg. WEST COAST PLAHTI 1700 Third SI., 58ft Fr.ndllo t4, C.I. Minneapolis. Minn. Minneapolis 15. Minn. .. ._ ...... ~ _____ ....s--..-... _.


4 THE· ~I A C A It 0 N I J 0 URN A L Sl'ptrmhcr. 1946

100 LBS, NET 1'1\).\ C).\ R0 f'I , J 0 U Rf'I).\l MINNEAPOLIS 1 DURUM GRANULAR Volume xxvm Septomber. 1946 Number 5 Manufactured by 1 MINNEAPOLIS MILLING (0. O,"N£RAL OPPICESl MrnNNEAPOUS,M[NNESOTA Wanted: More Quality Durum closer Cooperation Between the Wheat and Macaroni Groups It's a new 'and improved high

The pand di scussiull IIf the 1111lci\' SULjl'ct , ""Ion' wlll'at iarllll'rs of ! );ll>o la a l1ll :'Ilium·. .. llt a. ;\t Ih,' t'Urfl'nt Quality Durmll Wlll':It fur Beller Scniolina" at th l' July rail' tlf pru ~' ripb for t:uoklM M.k .. all.! o\'cr a peril"1 uf years Ihc Wlwal Whl'n thl' I;nal o .K is pUI onllll' m :i­ hy It.·xtllllllks pH'pan',1 I.\, 111111'1'';. Flour Insliluk alltl we afl' f"rlunah' PI', il i;; rt';lIly 1.1 ,1"-' wriUl'1I UI' fur U l<>~ :\flt'r \\'orkillJ: with Ihe:'I' IJllalilY PI~OM\OTIION in IHI\'ing ~ \h:h a wl'il-t:hnst'll li l<> t al u\lr III ~ dlllu l,.. husll1t;lb allli rc:,lauranb, Iluril.J: IIII' pasl nil;c tl\IUllh:, WI' h:1\·,· Iltll'\.11I wl\l'al I'fl H lut'l ~ iol' tIlt' 1':1:-1 tl'U tlisJlo ~ al. 1II0nlhs, I it·d Iha( om ,'t!III'aliullal an,) Ou:- puhlkil\' tn 1I~· \\'l<>p ; IIH.· r s is re­ u s ~ ' d 12~ l'0ul\,b IIi mal'arllni pmduI'ls "rmlloliunal pr0J..:ral11 i ~ , Ill" In ;1 IlyinJ.: Il'a.'l,d e\'I'I'\' olhcr 1II0nlh, This mah'­ ill our h'S I kill'1ll'!1. 'I1li ~ amlllllli \\'lIl1ltl ~Iart . \\'ilh \'our ~''' "litLllt'l1 ~, ,, - ,,pc ra ­ rial inl'ltlill's fU 1ll1 phnltlJ.:raphs. fl'cipl':', f ~ ' l ' d .\(fIO pl' o)!I~" liull ill \'nnlll~· iltJ..: lo\, Ilualily 11lal'arlUli antI cupy, Thc phutoJ.:r:tl'hs \\'!Iirh a~t' ii, \\'1' aho Sl'T\'C a ~ a ~'l'lIlcr for PANIEIL mill S ~' T\ ' il" ':', ~\ldl as rn';)!" \t'slitlJ..: alltt I'nnltll'l ~ m;ull' wilh IIUrlll1l whl'at I15ccI ill 1\l'\\'sJlaJlcrs anti lI1a~a7.III C artl· ~1 ' 11I"lina and durlllll wll1':l1 t1t1ur, "III' de;; an' lIl:ult' in our tcsl kllt:ht'll. \Vt' 1'II-IIII1.'r:llillll in IlfIMlul'1 1!t-\'l'II .: l11WIII, jo!. Ili ~' nll\ ' inl'inJ.: tilt, ... "Iblllllt:r will hi' One of the features of sl'icci IIIl' phulllJ:raphk aUtI for l'xaH1pk, t·t!It'rJ:I'lIcy Ilmum wllt'al illtl'rcstiul-:' rllm WIIl'al Di"isiol! uf the :o.lillcfs· neCl';; ~ urh':, Sillll'litit'll. fU f as lilt' "III saYlI1J.: J..:"l· .... the 19-16 (o1I\' I'l1liOIl was presented the 1)( prl'pare Ihl' il)tltl s -ar,rallJ.:ill~ l'\'ery­ prwltll'ls,. ' ' " . NII'jonal F,'deration, II. R. Jacohs " a ,; ali ~ til ' d ,' u ~ l,ulll'r i:- ytlllr 1.1' ,;1 :1,1 ." lIIorning of the :;'contl day. It waS the Jacuhs ecrt'al ProdUl'ls LahoralD­ Ilay flKl1.ls ill an .. ttr:u:II\·e way ~o that l\lIlIlht'r 01 our lIIaJor aelU'Llll'S I:' 10 ahly managed 11)' Director AlIx'rl J. ril's of ~l'\\ ' York City and Washing­ Ihe IUlIllemakcl' mal' hnllm'\\' \\'ay~ IIf Havarillo of n;mtrillu & Frt·schi. IIIC., tOil, D. C .. and ~1. J. Donna, manag­ :'\'I'\'il1J: Illaiu fIK l tl~ . \yc hclie~'~ th;~1 51. Louis, Mo.. Chairman of thl' ing din'cloT of Thl' NatifJnal ~Ial'aroni Olll' J: <; III way of It'al'lllllJ: lIulnllun IS Alb.n S. 8a: ... arino Puhlicity alltl Etlul'atilll1 Committee flf In5lilult'. In' Jln' ~\'nlinf.,: e\'t'r}'lla ~' Iluirilinlls Report on Analyses and Nutritive Value 0/ Kitchen the N:lliollal Association. Following the presentation of re­ f;)l ltls ill a lIew attraclin' way. ,\fln Tlm'c agt'IIl'il's associated wi'h the purts on whal hu ocen done by t·ach we ;lrr.lIIJ..:t' Ihe fllllll, a culllllll'rt'ial Tested Recipes Appetizing Dishes 0/ work 01 ll'achinJ,( American house­ J.:'roup alltl what tllt'ir plalls were for in Ihe tlm'e-way l'tlucatiull ami promo­ phuloJ:r;tpht'r Ilnt.·S IIIl' Jlit'lurt· t a kin~ , 0/ win,' s and consumers the fO:JtI mcrits the (ullin', Chairmau Ib\'ariuu iu\'itl'tl tio n prngram allli a nt'neral cll'sire hy (So far .... 1Il' \\' phuluJ.:raph :: wen' of lllacOIroni pWllllels, Wl'n' n'l'rt'St'nl­ all illler-,:::TOup discussion alltl Jall'r lIIallY to CO-ulll'rale in thc activities as m:u.1e alltl617 prints Wl'n' St'nl III I~(I Macaroni and Noodle Products cll 011 the IJ;Uld. 1I;IIUl'ly : ~Irs. Mary '1Ul'stiol1s from inleresh'd 1I13I1u{ac­ miglll best tit illlli.,.id\l a {,\ IIULI' .:t,,·r :111<1 :'I'I"'li,,' ;'I" ...·a •• ·' , l'rs Nati01tal Ft·deration-a Irallc as­ as Iwaring a Lit ahoul each Jlhasc uf it. is maintailliuJ: all actin'

allcm.1le laycu of chttsc and tom:J\on. SC'a~()1I anti (lOur white 5:1 11Ce o\'(' r it. ConT :1111 1 b.,ke JO minutes :II J50 degrees.

R. d~ No. 4-Spogh,nl and Mlat Ball. r lllCr.NTAGCOI'" .IlNnI UN IM ILV AIIULT III:OIlIlIf.)I f. Nl :O (" Ont'·tlish Mea l. The Cool.·s F ri nld.) I'rotcill Enerf'" n·1 11·2 Calcium Itlln Niacin % Calnt .. . % t'", % y, III. JCroulltl hed ItECII ' E NO. I ...'" '7ro i CUll rhl"1.'S(' (J:r.lIl'tI) Sausagc Cakc in Noodle Nesl ...... •. 30.9 .lO.8 J9.1 1-t5 2." J7.0 AAJ! 1 r"we garlic: (chollpt'd flnc) \\'Ilnl Enrichr.I ...... Same Same SOI l!, 11C 1'pc r, ~ ;!,g(' ami other slllet's 10 suil "'.1 U .Z 11..1 5J.J 1t»!.8 tasle: J{EC II'I ~ NO.2 I ('gil' (lIt'alrn) ~a!;lltlli Sall !l.1!i~ !'Ialler" ...... J(J.J (1.7 fNiJI 11.1. I{fOlUl\l 1('311 I".u rk ·U.5 SH 17.5 .1I .of o \ hl'. Enriched ...... , ...... Samc Sonne IOH J2.J lJ.J W.Q I CII I' mui ~ lrn('tl Im:.ul crumhs 137.1 1 Ih. SII;lgh<:tl i HECIPE NO, 3 Mi x mcal ant! otllt:r in)olrcdicllls, (',H'Cll1 the SII:lilhtlti Macawn! C;m crolc ...... ~2.9 29A 20 .• 21.0 "'.1 J5.K J1.J 511:1" lI clli. thoroughly. Form into Ilall ! site Whcn Enric htt!. . ". , ...... • . .. Samt Same 711.0 J5.K !(IIA ,.." fII.J nf a I{ulr l,all. Fry in !IIIUcr un,il hmwn. 1'111 inlu a dl'C 1I I ~III wjlll tumaltl 5aucc liT RECIPE NO. " IlrC\'10115Iy Iltcl';UCII guod 511:lRhcUi !I.-lUCt', S 11:l1t11ttti anti ~le: 11 Ball s ...... : . 6.1.9 40.2 6.1.4 21.-1 56. •1 (,7.5 M.9 wilh some wain Of ~tor k ,lIul cook ~ l o\\" l )' When Emidlc,I., .. ,., .. , ...... , .... S:lmc S'lme 11 3.4 J7.2 72.1) J((I.0 101.') Imli\ thlllt', lIoi\ 511;lKi1 Cll i in ,1I nll)' of hoil· ing n llell waler ullul ll'lul cr. Drain. l'larc RE C IPI ~ No.5 un IIJall eT, I:arnhh wi lh meal 1J:llIs anc! flOnr S\13l:htlli It:l li an SI)·k ...... , ..... 21.6 "'.8 lJ.4 2O.S 1." 5(• . 1 5&1 IoIm\')' ur ~ ;\Ure flH' r all. . Whtn Enrichcd . . .. • , "" , . , . .. . . ,Same Same 73.-1 J5.J 2M "".0 "'.1 UECIl'E NO. 6 Recipe No. 5-SpaghelU Iiolion Slyle Macaroni Fruit Salall .. , . . , .. , •...... lOB 142 12.J 5.2 9.S 15.4 1.4 (lkll), Crocker', "glorifir.1 Spal:hrlli '-1urc") Wiln. Enrichttl ...... Same S.m, J7.J 13.0 17.9 ,11.7 2 \.-I

1 Ih. ~1 '; IKhclli 1 cm IIImato ,),u te (6 Ill.) 2 dnn5 )earlie, find)' (til I III, "follml Incal (Ioed fi r "ed and IlOrk) . lSI, CUI'! coo.... ctl lomators (one No. 2 call) National Macaroni Institute Report lIa)'\caf ;mll llaulc)" fine ly cuI 2 l:n I1lCS(l(MJIIS oli\'c oil or Imller By M. J. DONNA l'tllllCf and 1.111 In lil Sle ~~ CUll wale r Managing Director Ileal oli\'c oil or hnller in hea\')' frying 1),111. Ad,1 meal amI cook unlil iJrownl'd. TIle Natiollal Macaroni Institute, a 1\ 1111 111111:11 0 \1ull' mixed wilh waler, coo .... ed I"".'t hobby, was set up in 1937 for allY 100llalnU atH l se3wll1i llH S. Simmer slowly o( the lIIan)' good IIses to which manu­ from one·half III one hour. (loTlg cookin" imIIW\'C! the na\·ur.) Cook 51laRIII'tli until fa cturers and the Nalional Association lemleT (IS 10 2U minutes) in >(',iling salttd might make of it. In its short carl.'e r, il wattr, Uraill. Arrange hOI spagllclli un has aln'ady rtccnmJlli !ihl'{lmllch of , 'al· hul pl attcr. I'our o\"c r il the hot me3t and lie to processor!> and consl;ll1lc rs, well tomalu S01\1(C. S llrinklc with gratcd I'anlle· juslif)'lIIg it s I.'slahli !ilul1ellt. ~a n (hl'e~, H Ilcsirrtl. lis capahilit)' (or heneflcial usc in till' R,clpe No. I-MaeQf1)ol Fnllt Salod illduslry's and ils !lfrxlucts' hehalf :'Ife man)" as mosl I('at l'rs in Ihe Inull' art' (:\ parly tii sh-cxCCI.tifJ1lal al'llC3l-casy III frt'aIC) daily n'alizing. Thai grc:ltcr USl.' of its racilit ics will be nlad l.' in thl.' futUre is Y, Ih. clbow macaroni hardly dcbatabll'. I CUI' ornn~e tJf "ra\lCfruit seclh ...... 1 (U'I I ~ lI etl swect chcrrics Of \ Iim~ l ' ~ Annually, il s Sl.'r\'icl'S hecome more 1 ("III' slicNt fcd awle (unJlCt"lc,l) allll It1nTl.' tlivt'rsifletl, ami ils support V, CUll tli(ctI ccler)' is !:Iowly inrrt'asing :IS more anti more ~l a}"o n n ; li ~ c Of French drcssing Iraders in the industry cOllle 10 aplln" Conk dhol\' macarolli in I• • ' 1:, salt t ll date Ihe value of conct.'lltrati llg certain wal\, r until "cllcl\'\')'." Uu III. ' '! ,crCmrIIP cliurts bl'\lind an o rgallizetl, illdcpcllli­ iJrain allli ~ I ' r e:u llhinl)" on a sl •. IU .... w 111;lHn l'nl , allli rt'Cognizt'tl aJ.:cncy such as the II> (1111\ al1ll "rt\'el1t mas s ill~ \\'hnl (ohi. culllbi.I" willi lit,. n,h"t sal,,,1 illJ:rl't'itlll ~ . Institute has pro\'l'll it sdr. ~ I ix wilh 1II:1)'l)IlIIai5t ur a SWt!C1 F·tnch M. I. DaMa Ilrt ~ ~iIlR .11\11 sen'c on k ttucc or h um a rmancoa and Supportenl ~ alatl l ll1 \\"1. delaik d rel)()rt will give )'Utl SOIllC id"a The National Macaroni Instilule hilS of how thc lnstitulc operates, anti whal Thl.' full uwing ilre the minimum 11 0 assured income exct'(lt (ront lIIeagl'r il has accomplished therewith, . claily adult rcquirt'lIIcli ts of the eSSl'n­ profits madc on lilcr:lture tlc\"clopl'tl The I labnc~ in the Jus lilnlc rllml a ~ tial uutrit'uts n'lKl rted herL"in : illltl solt! (Ilr many uscs, plus volun lan' r t l ':"tlttlllltllc.Winl ~ r ~h' c1inlt in contributions by lIIil1lt1faclnrl.' rs imi.! C ln r: l~u Jan. 2), 19,15" .. ", ..... ~)I6 I .5 1 l'rutl'ill 70.0 Grams : Encq ..,)' 2,500 Cun trillUli o n ~, fi n t half of tt)-I5 .,., 2,522.(lO Calndt's: H· I ( Thiamin Chloride) I.~ alli t'lls in answer 10 periodic appeals C" nlrihllli (On~, la ~ t hair t., 19·15, . , .. 1,2.10.1"0 1IIJ...'111 ,: 11·2 ( Rihofla vin ) 2.0 mgms.; fur financial supparl , ~liI(tfial g lcs durin&" 11)-15. " • . . ..• 1,550.17 Niacill 10.0 1IIJ.:IlIS.; Iron 10.0 lllJ.:tlls.; Thl're i!i room for consitlcrahlr more Tillal ...... , . , ... , ." ...... 1-9,1b3.7,1 CalciulII 750.0 mgms, w ,opl'falioll ilml l'onlributiolls if the 11}~5 Expc:r1tlitun'~ fllr all l'url"'I ~S (As a pari of , hi s prl'st'ntalilln 011 Instllute is 10 approach cvcn thl.' mini· (chcek' III h. 167, indush·c) .. . .. 5,I!ItI.Wt this pam'l, ~I a n ag illg Difl'clor M. J. IlIUIII of its. nim for getl cral industry 110una will outline Ihl' USl' thai can he promotioll, UII.'XIlCllt!r,! 11:l laucc Deccmhcr JI, 1 9~) ...... , ... , .. .. . ,. , .... ~ J52.i7 mad., uf the ahm'c information and a COll ltihut ion~ . .. r lhe fi ut half Ilf ' plan for thc cOll sicJeration of the manu· Supportors 19·16 r«ci\"",1 an.1 t\rpIIJil CII in facturl.'rs whose co·operation will be For the )'l'ar 1945 anti the firsl hal( IJcccmlocr, 19-15 ...... I,2W.OO lh'cesJ'ilry 10 df"cluale this a nalytical o( 1 9~ 6, 60 fl rlns ha\'c made voluntary $-1,612.77 reH·arch.) 1."00Hrib,··: ~ , . s tOlalling $5,872,00. This (C(Jlllilfl/~d 0 11 }'/J!Jr 10)

'. 10 THE MACARONI J OURN Al. Sl'I1tl'mi>cr, 1946

National Macaroni institute Lelltt'n s l o r)' -"~ la c .. :'f)lli Products During 1945 and up to JUlIl', 1946, Report and Their I'la('e in Lenlen ~h'lIus," len sUl'h releasl's wcre prCp,1tl'll 011111 (Cuntilllll'd /rolll J'au .. 8) This followl'tl the usual pattcrn of ,listrilmll'l. Currcllily there has m'l'lI iour Jlhotos ami a qui Ie rl'adahle siory a slowdown of Ihis acti\'ity due to "lIllilil.l1Ial conlrillluiulIS Jall. . Jullt', 19-4<1 ••••••••••• , ...... tl(OJIO In tht' maJ.!alim·s and nll'lropnlilall 1'a­ conditions Ihat wc ftocl arc nOne too ~Ial('rial ta l t~ .1:m. . JlIlIl'. 19-111.. l,ilZ.Oj lk'rs, equiPllCd wilh facililics (or mak­ famrabk III~ Ihcir OWII euls: al so thl' \'slialmul­ TIle lid I)' It.lrday ~;e\' i ee l'111 plo)'S CLERMONT INTRODUCES Tul:al ..••.••.....• •. •..•. .. .•.. . $ 6,",Sl11 lihlh uf story wilh illuslratin.-'.; to the EXllt'lulillin" J:m .• jllllt, 1'Nt. 110 dipping bun'au, The fi.:url's re­ (ch,:d.s I{JI ttl I~, indusi\-c) . '" J,?'J':'. ~ smalh'r Il.l\l\'r5 alII I tn radio stalions, porlt'd rl'flrest'nt unly the che('i;ing Our SUtlUllt'r rdt'asl' was di stributed copit's which thc cditors took I)";n, ~ " A CONTINUOUS AUTOMATIC M.b.CARONI PRESS C"sh in I'ank JUlie' 30, 1'J4h •• •.• . . $ 3,191.711 ~liI)' 22, As might be t'xpccted, it Sl'Ilt!. "As a mallcr 01 1.:CI, 111 '1 1\\' "! General Facts fl'atufl'd hnt \\'I'ather dishes undef the Ilur n'dpes wcre quitc likt,:y 1\ ' it I.,. titlc "Encrgy Fo(xls alltl Summerlime a IIIl1nll\'r of largc mctrolxllil;,h !\.1 it: '<; ( I) \Vh)' the se reral ;u:ti\'itics un· Ml';IIs," In Ihis we also us('d four pho­ ",hidl !il'I!lnm ~\' lId tear-sl1l'ct s, ;lIill L \' WITH AUTOMATIC SPREADER th'rtakclI'hr the National ),!al'aroui In­ tos of the sell'clell rt'cipcs fnr thc larg­ lIl:!ny small;.:r on\'s who ovc -Iuokc;\ slitutc? l'r papers alltl mag-azincs and a multi­ thai dUly," sa),s the managl'T IIf Ihe TI1l'rc arc o\'"r 3,500.000 students lith complete wilh Ihe fOllr tl'l'ipes, ii­ lI1'1ty lIarday Ser\'in', "As a r'.II,:, \n' who arc laking HOllw Economics ill lustratcd, mt'tl'iy have In lakc figurcs '1111 i'I ;lh.''' the schools alltl l'ulll'J':l's o( the U. S., So (ar this ),car, we ha\'l' rcleasl'tl As Ilf Jllly 2, 19·16, hcre arc II:e Ilct­ surd)' .",,500,CXXl pn'S t'lIt alit! future only one stor)" hl'lic\'ing that Clllltli­ t)' lIan'lay rdl'asl's durillJ.: Ih, pa st 18 COIlSlIlIll"rS ami pwll:lbly J ,500,OCX> of lions did 110t warrant mott', It \\'l'nl llIonlhs: wholll arc prusPt'l'li\'c hOIlSl'wivl'S who out in January, 1946, ami fcatured the will 1I:.\'c cf: nsidl'rahk errt'l'l on (ulun' I. :\r(' yuu 5f!".:I!tI1i cl)n .(' ilJu~ (jI,n., 1945 ) i\mericall houscw:r.. 's prell'ned IIlt,th­ Z [ulllnm mal fOOtl CUII 5UIllI.lio n. ud of pn'l)'uilll{ our products, in cas­ !Jl) cJjl'l)jl1f1,~-cirC'III:lIiun There an apprnxim:lldy 40 ,OOO,OCX) scroll'S, The rc1cilse was l'lIlitkd "~ I ilc ­ Z. E':I{ N'lOIlIr Surt,risr (Fd,. t945) hOllsc\\'i\'cs in our country , , , ;lIltl atllni Products in Cas~l'role Di s he~," Z [ulunm mal 125,()(X),Wl cunSUlIlcrs, cxdusi\'c of i9 rlil'Jli n.: ~ This time wc uSl',llInl), three "hOtllS, J. Heall il lit E,11 II (~I:u , 1~5) hahil's, I-Iuw many of IIll'se house­ CIIh" \':ll'Il of macaroni, sJlaJ.!hl,tti allli Z rnhmm mal wi\'t'!\ J.:now how 10 prl'l),uc tasty alltl \'gJ.! 1I1:11( lIes, with thnoc .:105s), prints, -4(, c1il'l,il1l1' lf-

, .\


• " ,'I " , . -

.. .,-. '.. ...:;i

. . •. ' . .:..... · ~·I· :! ..


Write for detailed informalion to LERMONT MACHINE COMPANY,


"~-....::-:...'• 'i. _'" CLERMONT Presents the Greatest Contribution to the Macaroni Industry CLERMONT CONTINUOUS AUTOMATIC MACARONI PRESS Tho Clermont Continuous Automatic Macaroni Press with Automatic Spreader is the largest producing For Far Superior Macaroni Products machine of its kind on the market. producing from 1.800 to 2.000 pounds of finished goods per hour.

It is built on the same priucipal of the Clermont Con­ tinuous Automatic Short Cut Macaroni Press-No Cylinder. No Piston. No Screw. No Worm. Produces the same high quality product because the dough is worked out in thin sheets between the rollers belore pressed and extruded at slow speed through the die. producing a uniform and smooth finish with brilliant amber color. The process is fully automatic. A large Brand now revolutionary mothod number 01 sticks is fed at one time in the magazine. reno IngenloUllly Designed ' dering a supply lor about 25 minutes. The trimmings Haa no '!\'Under. no pla· are automatically carried back to the Mixer. Accuratoly Buill ton. no 8erou, no wonn.

Simple and Efficient in Equlppod with rollers. tho This Press is a masterpiece 01 engineering and in­ OporuUon dough is worked out in genuity. Designed with simple but ellid"nt slow run­ thin .hool to a ma:dmum Ploduction-1200 pounds ning mechanism. all electrically contrc.Ued. noiseless in donsity producing a prod· por hour operation. sturdily and accurately built. Skill and work­ uct 01 .'rong. smooth. bril· Uant. yollow color. unl· manship typical 01 Clermont's well-known products. Suitablo lor long and ahorl (ann in .hapo. freo Irom cui good. \ .poclat and while .Iroaks. Can be furnished with a Continuous Automatic Pre­ liminary Dryer to work in harmony with this Press. Can J also be furnished with a Short Cut Attachment lor Short Cut Macaroni.

Pal. No.2. 223. 079 Olhor Pal. Ponding LERMONT MACHINE W ALLABOUT STREET COMPANY, INC. BROOKLYN. NEW YORK September, 1946 II

isIS, Imllle Cl'OIlUlllislii, anti :;ltuknls lIlany Ihlll1 !i alltl ~ "f nlilrilitln; ~ l s ;!l1I1 \I,'n ' ~llId it· " an,1 n'I:ll'il ... 1 ;nlll a" :-\ ­ who an' making l'xcl'1II'nl li St: flf them. hllnll" l'l'11Il11ll1il-S Il'adll'rs i!i Iht, lilll\­ ]I").!"l· rl'I",rt Iltat ~ llI' \\'s ,111" hi,..h . 1"\1. Almost 11"i1y. ' we rl'(civl' n 'ljul'slS "aml'hll'l l'ntilkl! " :\Iaearnlli Fal' l!i." alltl a\·l'r"J.:"" wag "~ I"'illg Il; li.1 nali .. ,,· fur thl'St' IKKlklcl s. SUllie 1H' \\'SIJ;IIIt' r s It is in qUl' ~ lillll-alltl,an ~ wl'r fmm "II\" 011111 ;11 fuuf sdt·I·h".1 ~ ulltli\' i s lllil ' • :lIId radio s latinll~ annmUlf\"lthal 1I1l'sl' which h'adll'r ~ fuul 1It1 lii t Iwlpful ftlr ul' Ih .. "Hulllry : al ~ o 1'"lil )' ian, 01",1 I)()flklel s an' ;l\'ail"III\, ;lIld 'Illite a mllll· lI ~ l' ,,~ a tcxllw)(Jk. 1'IIII,hIPIIl' 111 l'ral' lil"'~' her of f"'IUl'iiI S han' lH.,t'l1 n 'n 'iwII. TIll' clt-manel rt'l't'nll\" nn' t 's~ itah'II a A ~ pwmiSt,,1, "' lIl'i l'~ IIi Ih,· ,·IImpll·It'.1 SOIl1l' with (Oills in JlaYI1It,'ut. rl'prilltin).{ IIf Ihe pa!llp'hlt'!. A l'ollY IIf ~ u r\"t ' \· w"n' , l'lIl IIlIh' III Ihl' lirlll ~ wit .. All l'xOImpll' jJf tht, (n'l' 1'''' lIpl'ra­ il wa!i !i l'nt with l'adl IIrtlt-r (ur II ... "' lIlbl~'ralt"t1 ill ih l;r'"l,:tral;lIlI. Ila\o" tiOIl givell is that rl'IKl rll'l l II\' '1'/", ":-'I;cl.'armLi :\la).!il·" IM III)'; ll'ls, thus ).! in Sllll').; whirh Wl' will U ~l' ill lill­ n'1.· il'l:~ . .I ar"h~ will n 'IM lrt tll llf! ' flllly ill).!" fulun' n' (II1t' ~ I ~ aUtI a I,arl tlf which 1111 Ihi , ]lha~I' "i lilt' :1t·li\·;I,\'. will Ill" ;(\'ail" Ill' III lIIallufal.' turas .Ic­ It i ~ als.. OIgr"l1.1 Ihal a , lalt'lI wlII III !>iriug J'lIIa ll qualilitit ,~ of Ihl'm. IIII' fnllilwillj.!" dr.... · 1 lIIiJ.:" hl w,'11 ,,!'pt'ar M. W. Thatcher 1111 111l' l,nlln" lil'llallil"ralttn': Americanizod Macaroni Products Re-el'lcted :-'1·1",'1 ... 1 Antlllwr p"l'ula r IM lIl klt,! Ilubli:,lw.1 :\1. \\" . '1''';_1.-1 ... ,. IIi :-;011111 1'01111 . .\1:tf";!wlli·SI';I,:hdli . F. ... ): X,."II.· I\ •.•.i!~ .• m;m:tl!l'r ,,( ranch·r. l ' lI i,,"1 ;r;,ill T" r­ hi' IIU' ;\:'lioll,,1 :-'lal';mllli 11I ~ litll h' i!i 11" l d"t",1 ,'\. Ih.· lIIin;tl :\~~lIl"i:t';1II1 :11111 pr.,.i.I'·1I1 IIi Ilil' "AlUl"ficanizcll ~Ial"ilnmi "rllel­ X;ui" nal ~l:Iraru ll i In."llIll', I1r ailllll Mli l. m' IJ''' wilh whkh :111 (If \"11\1 art' OIl' ­ l1Iin"j, ;\:.1 111 11 ;,1 F... I.. ral;" " ,,( I;raill ("1-.11'­ quaintI'll, It is a fully illu ~irall'd blNl).; ­ \",,1 ), 11·,1 I'r ,t ... ,·rali\"t ,~ . ha ~ Iowtl ft" l·h·rlnl III lilt" ja.. "I,. CI·u ·;.1 I'r ,~lm' l < 1..;\1 ~, r ; 'I " r i . ·., X"II 114 1;tnl "f Ih.· Ct'lIlral 1\;111).; (or l 'II ' Id. rt'plell' wilh hislOrit.'al ,101101, tlt'­ Y, 'rl; ('ily, ;11 11 1 \\ ;•• llin ... hm, I I. , '. --'------, IIl'mlahll' fal'ls. Il' ~ ll'tl rt'cil'l'S, pkluml Ih'wIIIIIIl"IItIt-,1 I,)" ,111' " IIt'rali,," ilL \\·a.hillglllil. alld tlt'~l'r ilk'd, aUtI .!irn·litllls f(lr prc­ "I klici,,", . ~1:!":lrlll~! ' :-; r; I.):II, . tli ' X ,~ ,II. The ,'I" l'li"n oj :-'Ir. Thald"'r ilIad.· parin).! lilt' mon' ,'II"ular sam't'S Ihal l""II':III Y. l .S .." \ . It; !o Ihir,] lhr'·.·- \"I·; ,r "'1"11' : , ~ a Ilir,·.·I'" CONTINUOUS AUTOMATIC NOODLE D:W~R acid zc ~ 1 alltl \'ariel), til m

11 12 '1'111 : :'II ,\ l ',\I{(I :o\ 1 .1 t1 l ' i{:o\ ,\1. '1'111 ': :'1 1 ,\1 ' ,\ I,ll \: 1 .I \ ' I{\: ,\1. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 7, 1946 ... the definitions and standards for enriched macaroni and enriched noodle products

11 II! Jul), 9, 19'16 iS~Ul' IIr h :IIl'rallh:wm:r (fJl1li1in~, ill detail, Ihe defil1ition~ ami ~talldard5

rur L'nridletl lIIa(;lrtllli and t'nri(hnl 1I1111111t, prtJIlu(ls,

" Fund ~Ut\ ' L' p ill (L'nain urhan nl/ltlllunitil' ~ ullltaillillg large lIumhcr .. of jll'I\Oll .. of Italian ,mtCl'L'delH" di~d ll ~e Ihal tht, diel!o of (Ul1\umcr .. in till' Im\'l'r inl"l llll l' hr,tdH" " .lfl'

deflCil'ut iIlI11U~' ur the \"iliLlIlim andmilll' r,tI .. addl,t! tu e nril"ill'd tlour, ,hal lIa'w Wll"Ulller ..

u!>c mudl largl' r ,1I11t1unt~ of IIlOl l" MOni .uHI 1I1101llc prodUf l .. IhOl .. !Ill' 1• . lIioll," .tH'r,lgl',

al1ll/bdr .Ii", Ij"tl/i/tl ht' 1II

f,rm/tU IS,"

Your l"IIIIlP,III), I!oJ >" Ill' plalmin,1.! illUIil,tli,lIl' l'uridlllll'nt of utll' 01 UHIIl' p r1 HIIIII ...

\X' L' ,II Sl ,lIulard UnulIl!> han', fur .. 1II1Il· lillll', hn'll \\I/r~ i ll g Will! ('lllldum'lI l 1II ),! ll'tlU'OI",

;mtl Wl' Gill lOth!}' lI ul'ply Ihl'!ol' ill/-!fl'dil'lIh in "l'n ' r,tI (onn .. ,

\"/l' h an ' the tl'dlllic;tI know ll'tlgL' and fl· ....· :trd. f:td lilin 10 hdp r"u .. 11 1\ .. · ~ lIur p"lhl,,·m .. ,

\,\/e fl'c.:I Wl' ( :til pru\'idc r"u wilh an inl'x pcl1 !oi \ l' IIICIIIIIIIIII,II w ell tII,Lint .tlll IILl' 1."ll·, l lilt "

;l nd texture of y"ur produl'l,

\'\' e iu\'ill' pUl IlL di~,u!O!l )'Illir l1l'l'lb ill flllllitil'lll" e wllh w ... · tli lIur l''''''1 LlI1\"n .


Pharmacculicol Division 595 Madison Avenue New York 22, N, y, 1.'"1 September, 19-16 T 1·1 r. ~I 1\ C 1\ I( 0 N I J 0 U I( N A L Mill Visiting Featured Closing Day of 1946 Conference

HOils and GUHlIi tel Nicollet. wheTl' llIen and womt'll Milling and Paclcaging r:: r·I'esenting the hosl nrm Wt'rt' ill con­ than meets her stant alll'lltlalll:e. 0 " Thursday )uly 18. the linn en­ tertained abuut Ihirty-nve of the ladil:S of tire cOII\'enlioll whi le the nJl'1I at­ eyes in temletl Ihe lIll'elings. There was a sighl-sel'illg luur of l\Iilllll'apolis ami Saillt Paul hy bus with luuclll'oll OIl the TaWil 0111(1 Cnunlry Club of 51. Paul. On Frill:.)" July 17, a mba'il grolll' (If a~lIIt fflrly tOlITl't! the hdter res­ idelltial st'C tinn of Sailll Paul hy bus and lalt'r were shown through "U" Mill ill Saini Paul whl're st'molilla. milling was lully 1'''pl:lilll:lI, TIlis was In IhI. plctur•• a ..oelatlon m.mb.r. or, fnllO\\'t'tI hy a IUllcht'On at tht, ~lil1nl'­ A portion ollh. 91"0UP 01 mllcaronl min .bowa cony ....ln; nit" compl,lli19 tb. Sui;, Cluh OIl Sailll I'aul. who .... 'tid Ih. Xlng Mida dUNlO aalll at 10111 01 the ~n9 Nidal dunn" mill at SUpl. nor. WI,coulll, FroQl 1.11 10 righl. Dr. SUlMrio r.- WllConaln. I. ahowo CIa they In. I.,.dld a wb.al grlndlQg- macbln •• Op.n. B. Jl Jacob •. Wa.h1nglon. D. c.. H. V. I.e I,Ur." Omaha. N,b.. L S. Va;nlao. SI, Ing Ih. door 01 lb. machln. P.11f ,. Loul .. Mo.. Thoma. .... Cuneo. Mlmpbla. Palauolo. ClndnnotL Ohio. Tho.. 9ath. .r.d aroud him Inelud., 1111 10 rig-hI. Pltl' Tlnn.. Hlnry D. Raul. Broldwood. IU .. J. C. Commander Larabee Mills L Vl .. la.no, Lou l..,Ult!. Ky,. J. A. Maury. Leuhrla9. Mllwouk... ar.d 'o.. pb P,li,. R.ynolda.l1l•• Po... and Ga,...la W. N.II. grinG, Low.lI. Ma... -";:Sup,rio r E•• aInIl' 'nlC Dirt'Clors anti officers of Ihc Na­ r,llgrcua" photo. nlao 01 Rlynolda.lII,. In tb. background, lional :o.bearolli ~lallufaetuTl'rs Asso­ W.Mng a whit ••hl'l and bow tl. II H. £, ciation ami Iheir ladies. and SI)t.'cial · IUlhn. ..Ic. prnld.nl 01 Xln'IJ Mldal,_ gm'sts amollg Iht, carly arri\'als. wcre "Su.,.rlor E.. nlng T_I.gram" pholo, To assure the perfect protection \I In'alt'd In a tll'1icintls dinllcr ill Hotel Niwlll't Iht' c\'t'ning of ) uly 16, Thom­ and ex'ra aye appeal your package needs - as I.. Brown, m;l1tager of the durum llh'isioll of the firm was till' L{l'nial host. MUprlnt packages are created by men whose Ahollt fifty gucsts elljoyt'd thi s mosl sudal alTair, experlnnce and technical knowledgo Is unexcelled L.'ler mall}' of the visiling manu­ I~ Ihe hid of Package Engineering, facIUf('rS :ttll! Ihdr latiit,s wert' show n throllf:h IlfI.' cOlllpany's st'lIln1ina mill ill MlIlIll';IIHJlis, INDUSTRY EXPERTS PACKAGING ENGINEERS M... 1... 11101 ..lth you. portkwl., lOt 'c>ckO;I .nlll .... r. In tho f;.Id 5eld ,wldl ,,,- dl... Io"I~1 .~d Itwd, rowr poc.kolllnll probl.",. 01 ,",olloft of I"'ry podogl. .ho IOw,nl Mor. than SO mulb .... 01 Ih, Natlonol Visit Duluth Mitt Moc:o.orU Mu\lloetur .... auocloUon. who \ b.ld their anaual cooler,Dcl la Minn._ King Midas Flour Milla Sponsor. Trip MARKn SURVEY T£CHNICAL ENGINEERS \ Packaging- I.mollna Into loa.pound aacu apoU.. Mhan., July 17 and 18. tzlod. Q A tri" to lilt' KillJ:" ~Iidas dunlln .. Mall" "1111,,. - Mt(hOllllot . 1101" ..,. .p.dol trip 10 Supulor. WIKouln, ,ul, Int.rllt. two manuladurlnl (al rig-h I). Joh.a C.. po tllioft. dtll,tbwlloll, .01 ., _ Mocht ...'l' ..pllil od~IM 011 II. 10 ,,1.11 tbe Itlng Nidal flour MUla. In mill at Supcrio.r, WiSl'flIlSill "'OIS olle of R.Qotla. Indiana Macaroni CompaaT. In. .... ~tlol .. oro o!llu""y.d ...... '1 . 'Opptll O ond poc.o; l~ 1I !!Itlhod .. Iht' hiJ,:hliJ.:"hls IIf Ihis year's eonfCrt'l1Ce diana. Pa .. and Ralph N• ..,.. Cumblrland o thot COft c_po,. - 011 oil ."hnk.1 plobl... ,. Ibl. photo G.o.v' T. Schiller. oa lb. 1.It, OIlClpod... .. tI'~' ______;Ia,ral .up.rlal.ad,nl oJ tb, linv MldCUI of 111l' 1\'alillll:l1 Macaroni Manufac­ MacGlonl ManulaC'luring Co.. CUlDbl,laQd, -I ______Md.-"Suplrlor E... nlng- TIIIg-larnN photo. durum mill. I•• hown a. b, .,Icom •• 10m. tllft'rS AS ~ ()I: ialiol1, As gUl'sl s of KinJ,: of lh ...111t0ra. Nul lo Schlllir (If. F. :o.lidas Flour Mills, more Ihan lifty PIQ.,.y "IU.!fing-I'. Mlnn.apoili. Minn.. CREATIVE ART ~ M ~IA U1l'llIhers TlI)reSl'l1li ng planls LABORATORY TESTS .. Ie. prllldlnl 01 Ih. F. H. Pla... y Com. On. of ""'"ko', I.odlnll orl ,10 11l ­ pany. a.nd H. E. XUllIn. and William IWIIl l'\·t'r\' ~ectiol1 () tht· coulllry Il'fl GlOdwolt ,hlllllll.- ..!"rh III ortllh Gild do"lIn." Ip.clollllnO \ 51 link •• bolh 01 MIQQ.apolil • .. Ie. pr.ll. _ .. ,1.1 .. 101ll11l01l0n olld cooll"". ).lilllleapolis Friday lIIoming. July 19, whidl a rc known all U\'l'r Ih e wfJrlll. III • .....,. bid of d'''II" uutl JOUI dlntl 01 King- Mldcu Flour MiIIl.-"Supl. '"' olld ,,,'"' f., III ••IIIIUIII rior E... nlng- T.JIg-ram" photo. :1i1oanl Iwu prh';lIe cars 011 the Gmll lJurkillg althe Killg Millas mill ill Su­ prolKIlon. po(h,., i\'urlht'TIl I< ai lruad, fll'riur. the \'isitors wl:re takl'lI 011 an ~ Arriving ill Duluth OIl noull the IIISI)l'Cl iflll tour of Ihe mill ",hl:re till')' --_.--" group was tIIel hy huses am! hurril'd hat an opportunily 10 sludy the prOt'· III thl' Kitchi GallImi Cnuntry Cluh t'SSt'S involved in tl1l' llIi11 illJ,: IIf durulll ,.I",.d (.nophon.," III Olaull.. , "'IU"llIuMOi~ C.llulo" Aulat., Yln,l, Capital Flour Mills lur a dd kiulls IUIl c1ll'oll ft'alurillg lakt, Mleat inlo sl'lIIolina, lacqu •• CHIld ond 1 iii I ,ii'ji"ifMinift'fO ,1'rtIUdlnO Sh .., Wrap., lolh. 'ouch., 01 Sp ..1 II "III, .... Iotloll I. .apl. Sp.cloH, IWIII '·;Hl J,: hl th l' prl:vious day in L,kl' J(t'lurniug 10 Minlll:apolis laic in the Untll'r IIIl' l'apable llIanagt'lIlt'nl of SUjl t'l lll r. After lunch the p.. lrly bo.lnl­ 'old l~1I alld Willdo .. CO l all •• COUllt .. Ollp lo,., pi .. PI. and Coh Unl", 1', 1'l'll'rSt'n and his abll' siaff, the a fl ernooll, a buffet sUPJlt'r and reln'sh­ ~1. t'll thrn ' spcedbo.lls and two cabin crui­ t1Wllls wcre served to Ihl' g roup. 'fhost. CIlII\·t'Uli ulIl'rs ;11111 thdr ladil's and Sl'rs (or ;1 first-hand look at the la· who made the tritl volt'd it olle of Ihl' SIlES OffiCES IN All PRINCIPAl CI TIE S fril'lHls wcre enh:rt .. inl'll at Ihl' Opt'll !l10US Twin Porls harbor, including the high spots 01 it l11 ghly succcssfulcon- hlJlIst, m .. illtaim'd throughout tht, thrce excellcllt gmill slornge and Io.lding fa. ferencc, . tJays in tht, i':orth Shore Room of Bo- d lities and ImUlll1lol h iron ure docks (Colllinutd un PUot 16) 14 •

THE MAC A RON I J 0 U I~ :-.,' A I. 17 16 THE MACARONI JOURNAL Sl'ph'mbcr, 1946 S~ptel11ber, 1946

Macaroni Manufacturers Visit Belly Crocker's Kitchen eager 10 apply these easy rules, Rieil reward for a little pleasant elTort 011 On Mill Visiting Da)', Friday, july their part comes through a harvest of 19, mcmbers of the NMhlA, attending romphments from the hungry dilll'rs, the allnual eOI1\'elllion in Minneapolis, Homemakers recognizing the impor· For Finer Texture, Deeper Color Every Time were guests of Gtlleral Mills at Ihe tance of I]uality ingredients choosl' Bett)' Crocker open house anti ~ '1' 1 macaroni and sp.1~hclli matle with duo toured the COIllIJ.1I1Y'S durum mill, rum wheat semohna and egg lloodles Sixty·two memht'rs of the Associa.· made with durum wllt'at Ootlr, Tht'St, tion, including win's, were General \'ersatile macaroni f()('.(ls, golden in CCl I· Mills' gucsls, Thcy were takt'll by or from amber duru,lI will'at, cook til spl'1:ial hus from the Nicollet Hott"! to delightful tendt'fU els. Th~'~' rctain the l'lollle Service Department where thdr creamy colm !!~:l \Vell·m:"le mt'mbcrs of Betty Crockt'r's stalT wcrc shapes, and the~' cOllie (rom tht. cool,· 011 hand to welcomc them alld explain Sampll.ll9 Chlck.n r,lrauW I" B,tty ing pan in a tll1nhnUIlI of lilll1', reatl)' C,ock,r Idlc:h"" at Glntred Mm.. the fUllctions of the department. StalT to comhinc tastefully with other gO'.x1 members J.,'iI\'e tht'l1\ a bird' , eye view fnods, Macaroni, SIl.1ghl.'tli, amI IIOU' of the Home Sl'rviee Dcpartment's job of Ildly Crocker's hOOll'making ide",s dies arc excdlent bait (or the bits nf and outlincd the many phascs of the was in CVitll'lICC when refreshments lasly \'I.'gctable, dleesl', or nwal left· program which has established lIelty were sen'cd. The chief itefTI on the O\'c rs tUCKed away in the refrigerator, Crucker as the nation's No, 1 HOllie Illl'IlU was "ChickclI Tt,trazzini." Combining these otlll'r simple (oocls Economist, Following the vi si t 10 Ih-lly Crock~ with tlunull wht'at prnclu C' ls gh't's a "nlis "bchind· till'· scenes" \' i e w ef's kitchclI. buses com'c),l'd tltl'lll 10 tasty sparkle mill tlashing clress to as When eus are finest, in the Ipring or the year, Armour sh()Wt'tl thl'm soml' intercsl illg' things the GCllcral Mills t.lurUIIl ','A" mill. 1. plain a combination as lI1al';Ironi, milk, lelect. hrcakfn8t.frc8h ~hclI eFgl fur Clo\'crhluotll about lIelt)' Crockcr alld her Tildio llro· 111crc they so'lw how semolina was dlet'Sl', and s('asoni llJ: s, Frozen Yolkl. That'l only the heginning. ,. gram-how Ihe delails of the progTilm milled, si ft ed. ami purifil'tl :1I1t1 what is Perhaps the l110st impnrtanl rule in arc t'arl'fully wflrkl.'tl out before being flll':ml by "Products CCllltrul"-how rl'g;lrd to the arl of cnoking with mara· Ilrt'sclllt'tl on the air. Thc)' It'arnl'ti every car or Semolina is milktl and roni, SIl.1 ghclti, ami nl'JOl llcs is the abuut tilt' lIIountain of mail which tested before it finally m:cI\'cs the qua Iii)' of the protluct, and Ihl' tlUillit}' cOUles tllihe dt'parll11cnl each day, ;l11d General Mills' siaml' of :lppro\'al. TIley of Iht' rtTfxhu:1 m,'all :o; Ihe bt-'s l whl'n how ;t cOlllpctent stalT gives cach lettl.'r "Iso Icamed how CUSIOIlICfS' sacks arc dmum wht'al plays thc lt'acling rolc as indh'ithml attcntion, They found oul thoroughly c!C;lIIl't! ami sion'tl, how chid ingretlil'nt. )teeipl's, 11It'11': sug· what lI1 akcs a rt'1:ipl'-aml had a Ihese sacks arc p:Icked with sC lllolina, gl'stions, anti ways or serving thl'se fa· glimpse of the careful n'sl.'a rch alltl lo;ukd inlo wailing cars :1111 1 started 011 \'orill' r()(xls t1t'st'T\'e hllilorahll' men· testing hchill(l a lIC\\' macaroni dish thci r journey to Ihe m;u:aroni manu­ lion, Ino, 011141 Iht' plt'asing t:lilllbil1atil1l1 Ix'forc Ihe n 'c1pc is rc1l'aSI't1 to A11Icr· racturcrs'l'lant s for rOll\'ersion into the Ilf alllhl'~t· rulcs makes fond fil (or Iht, kan hOl1l emakers, I'raclical application finest maraTOni produl'ls, kings and IIUt'I'ns of the l;nnily t:lhl,', For August shc rl'I'mllllll'lul:o; rit'· ~ie Chit'ken "Iat'aroni Salad as tIll' main dish on thc Pit' n1r Basket Mt'llU or DCt,,, Sea Spaglll'lti Salad wilh 3. Checked aialn for freshness. All et!w' Drc 8epar~I~ ~ ~llhe~' Ilaktos of rc~1 salmoll nr Clll'csc·'i'ouch. 2, Enry en Is candled a(ler prcoCollling ror ,18 huun, IIrc a~uiu checketl fllr fre ll hn~' I1~ ulI,~1 JlUrlly., 1I\I:n, III cd Nooclil's wilh siuling frankfurters, Expert candlcT8 cheek 10 he lurc Ihal the.r~ lire "? imperfectiollll alltl Ihat the egg mcets the rlg,,1 IPI ~C l' rellltwc I:\'cry Iraee (If shell a\H1 hhrt~ , Ihe) art~ rllll ficatiulIlI (or Ihl! Arlllilur ClonrhlulIlII 11111t ~ 1. Ihruu~h a ~ Jlecial clurilit'ulillll prlll'l'li B. Airline Foods Expands by Four jerome jennings, Prl.'siill'lIl of thl' Airline F'OI'wls CO T) lO raliol1, that rt'('ent· Iy buught thl' Atlanlic Mac:\rolli COlli· pany of I.ClIIJ: Isl:\11l1 City, a1ll1IJU1Il'l,,1 III N'ew York that opti.,"s 10 IUlreha St' all ('apilal stock ulthe David G, Evans Cofit'c Compan)', uf SI. Lo ui s, Mis· One 01 lour 9touP. that "l.lted Genetal Mm. duru~ ..moUna mill. , sou ri, Thl' EmJllre IIi scuit Company (l( IIrookl),n, Nt,\\, York, TIle San josl' I'ackitlg COlli/Ian)' of California, and Ihe jallll's A, 'Iarpcr SUJlply CUlllpany of Kansas City ha\'(' bl,t'li at'quirt,t!, Guesswork Ellmlnatedl Tllc \lcw.tuill frellhllt~ H8 (liul dt'li~'utl ! , COlllllr/' anti other lands, Folks cnjoy According to Mr, jCllnings, the four l. Uniformity constantly tested. E\'cry churn IIf CllI\'eriJIulIm Quality Ingredients lor natural lIu\'lIr IIf the ~ t ! \'t,lk" un: prci!t ~ rvell hy Arlltuur'" good ood, ami good fo()(1 drcssed at· l'Ompanil's' allllual ~all's \'olullle totals eg,; yolkll lIIuet )la&II ri~itl AcientiCte tceh til (l lIm rc Tasty Dishes tractively for tablc intcrcst and tasty more t11:l11 $IO,OOO,()(X), ami will aln:ost ciCCI' color, all well all low hactcrill eOllut anti finc 'Iuiek frt:t:tillg Jlrm ~ ~ : ~II' YUlt I'all tlcl'~'I~~1 lin r,idll'r In the August release' of VI/rum c;lting will always llIakc dining a fa· double thl' sail'S \'Olume of Airlilll' flavor_to aRlluru elliid content of not ICII& thlll1 ,t5~, elilorcll, liner IIl1utl1~' 1I f rulll C,tllverhlulIlII l'rll1.I'1I .. nlkll. "'''rat NOli'S, Mary Albright jackson, \'oritc uni\'crs,11I'astimc, Foods and its subsidiaries, It is point· l1lalla~er IIf the Durum Wheat Pr()(l· The sccrct of making tempting ()()(Is ed (Jut that Airline Foods was fUlIIll'lI nets Divisiun of Will'at Flour Institutc, rcvolvcs around si mple cooking rulcs, only this year as a holding compan)' MAKE YOUR NEXT CONTRACT WITH ARMOUR says, in part, that throughout the gen· A (cw of these simple rules arc the to supervise the acthtitics IIf ,\ group CluN'rblm,m frulflfl Ithole "/llfl, Itlllt"., IUlln,..." "ml ,,.;.,. 'fltM. ARMOUR l'ral;nns iuten'st in the art of the f;II11· guide posts to good cooking. Some of u( f(}()(i processnrs ilnd t1istribulors. ,'ntk tuto,. yolk" 1"ruJ"lOlt,I,.",,1 U'hote "Ilf{', Irltlt,. • ...11' ),.. 1"" il)' !Iinller tab1l- has been growing, Ami the hasic rules arc: 1. Use quality in· M, jcnnings a.ddl'tI that Max Ams, UNION STOCK YARDS , CHICAGO 9, ILLINOIS .Creameries as in the days of the starched surplire gn:dil.'nts, 2, Usc tcstt"t! rccipes, and Inc" a subsidiary of Airline Fooos, has allli frill s o f lace, today's and tOl1lor· 3, l'mclicl.' dt'\'cloping cooking skill, bought a J,lanl for canlling, paCKing, row's illl~n's t in the arl of food will I-I omcmakl: rs who ha\'c the (UII of and frt'Czll1g footls in Sodus, New continue 10 SWt'Cll mcrrily across this ('ooking for their family ar~' cSIK.'1:ially York.

--- September, 19·Ui T I-I E MAC An 0 N I J n U I{ j\ A I.

Two Rt'solulions wen.' unanimously adoptl'tl by Ihl' 1946 COIl\'l'nlion in Milllll'al'oli:'l, July 18. all rl'col11l11end:.­ lioll o( Ihe 19~6-1947 Board of Dirl'tlors which had aPllro\'ed o( themallht.organi1.:ltinnlllt. f.: carlil'r in the day. etin The Ht'solutiolls were ordcred Prt'p:\rt'(1 in scroll forlll for illlli"idual signaturcs at lilt' Winl\'r Ml'l'ling wh\'1\ Ihc scrolls will be officially prescnll-d by Pn'sident C. W. Wolft.. The rcsolutiull con'ring tile lung ser\'ice o( Ih'njamin It J:'Il'obs, lJirt'clor o( Ht'sclrch and Washinglfln Ih'l'rcSenla­ tire, was prcsClllt'tl 10 the IIO:IrII of lJin'Ctors by IJirt'Ctor Hl'ury Muellcr. Tht· olle l'Olll'Nllillg M. J. (;,)IIna, Sec­ rctary-Ireasurero( the Association was flft'Sl'lllt'd by Dirt'l'lor reter J. Vi\·iano. Thl' Ih'solulinns (ollow:

RE~OI.UTION nESOLUTION On this, his Twenty-sixth al1ni\·ers.lry in the ~en' il' e u;" the NATION ... ': M"'C ... IW!\'I M... NU ...... liUMt:M'S As~o­ On Ihis, his TW~:S'T\'-S1-:\''': ~TlI "'!\,~I\·~: II.S"'II.\· in till' el/.TlnS, \Ve, Ihl' Dirt'etms, dl·!iirt· to eXll'lulla- scr\'ll'e fI( Ih t· N ... Tln!\' ..... M"'CAIIOS'I ht ... !\'U ...... CTUM lcHS . BENJAMIN R. JACOBS ASSOCIATIO~- Dircelor of nesearch \V,', the Direl'lnr:" tlesin' 10 "xtclltl III "ur hl \I tiest C01\C;MATUI. ... TIO!\'S, and to rel'ord nur ap­ ~IOf)ESTO J. IlON:-IA pn'CialilJll of His I.O!\'G and ..· ... ITIIFUL l'l'rforlllance of the dutil'S enlrustl'tllo him. By being e\'t'r mindful of Associalion SI'cn'tary anti JOL·II.~"'I. Editor thl' rinh1s ami int l'fl·:,ts o( tlH.' Associatioll, by his un­ tirill!;' efforts in the UrRUIIJJlSf: of the Organization Our Hl'artiest CO:-;'C;JI ... TUI. ... TIO!\'s; "Iso 10 n'(ord our antI furthering its best illll'rcsis. and hy those qualitil's apprcciatiol1 of his Lmw ami F... ITII ... UI. per(onnanl'c of o( l'haraclt'r which havc at 'all timc! inspiml till' con­ Iht.' dutil'S ('nlrusted 10 him. Ity bdnJ.: e\'er mindful of titlence o( Ihnsc with whom anti (or whom he has workl'tl, he has hound himsl'lf 10 his (ellows illl'mluriug tht.' rights and intcH'slS of the Association, by hi s un­ t'M1f.N'DSIIII' and AFn:CTION', tiring ,·fforls in tht.' UI'RUIIJIISc; or thc Oltli ... 1\ IZ... TIO!\'. Frolll the timc he bl'Camc affiliated wilh il on july 5, and furthering its bl'st inlercsts, and h)' Ihose (Iualities 1920, the Association has made 110leworlhy and lilt.'ady o( Charal'lt'r which have al all litlll'S illspin·tl till' l'on­ , •• acconlin9 fo nationwiae progress. In pl\'l' gone III gn'at lelll:lh in thc c!c\'dojll1lclIl of Here's helpful information for food grl'ater bt'netits bOlh (or the manufacturt'r alltl the con­ U!\'Ill-:MSTASiIISG anti FII.I~:~IlI.I!\,":S S amollg ~Iacamni­ Sliming public. Of thest.' accomplishn1l'nl S, Ih l' Associa­ Ncw"K lll' Mallu(aclufl'rs. lion is jusII?' proud. ami IIItJ an' l"rf.:t'l), Ihe result o( MM. J ... COIIS un(ailillg' devol IOn 10 duty. As he (f1tcrs upon annllll'r Yl'ar ()r Sl'f\'ice, WI.' luok manufacturers and distributors As he "lIlcrs upon :lIlotlll'r )'car of service, we look forward 10 the l'olltinuance o( 1111' benclits 10 bc ticrin·t! forward 10 a continimnn' of Ihe bt'ndils 10 he derh'l'(l (rom lIur cordial relalions, alltl wish (or "M. J." the fwm uur l'ordial relations. alltl \\'ISII for MM. JACOR~ , "·UI.LEST I'OSSlnu: )1t:"'SUM1-: Ot' GOO!). II":"'I.TII, IIA1'I"­ RIGHT NOW shortages may be your No. 1 problem. that you can put your finger on the products in :-;":S5. A!\,U SUCCt:.c;s. Ihe ,,·ULLf.ST I'OSS IIIL": M~: "'SURt: m' GOOO 1I":"'1.TII, 111.1'­ But, sooner perhaps than you think, tho picture mny which you nrc particularly interested. l'I:-;~:'o;S A~U !'uco:ss. ThcrC£orl', be it I{esnh'etl that this Icslimollial be en­ TIIt: MErolt~:. Be It Resolntl Ihat this It.'stimullial he cbonge, Industry IcndcrBstress tho need. to plan ahend E.l. du Pontdo Nemours & Co. (Inc.),Cellophnnc tl'rl'" in thc minute book o( Ih (' Associalion, alltl thai an t'lIlert'd ill the Miuute Hook or thl' Associalifln, aiullhal now to bo goared for anles action ot tho right time. Division, Wilmington 98, Delnwure. all t'ngrosscd copy be presenled 10 Mit. DON:. ... as a el1f.:rossed COp\' be presclllcd 10 ~IM. JA CORS as a mark Thcro's rool help for such plnnning in this recently u( our IIHI't:L; anti AJ-'ft:l."T/O!\' (or him. lIIark o( our M":'<;I'tc:l'T anti "'1'rnCl"'TION. completed study of impulse buying. 1.t T?veols thni E. DeRocco E. DeRocco C. L. Norris C. I.. ~ fl rri s hol£ of all buying decisions ore made Inside the store J. I I. Diamond Joseph I'ellegrino J. H. Diamond Jost'ph Pdlt·f.:rinn Horace Cioia Alhert Ha\'arino .•. two out of overy fivo items nre purchn~d purely Horael' Gioia Albert I~ava rino <[U PON)) A. Irving Grass on impulso, That enlls for point-of·anle selling! A. In'illf.: Grass Frank Trafical1li Frank Traficallti Rtll,U".PA1.Oft; I't'ter La ROS:I L. S. Vagnil1n Petcr Ll nosa L. S. Vagnillu Pocknging that leta tho producL be its own soles­ Joseph Malalolle 1'. J. Viviano Jost'ph hlal .. lone P. j. Viviano man will help you cosh inon thcaospur-of. thc-m~mc~lL G. 1'. Merlino G. P. Merlino Allierl S. Wt'iss Alhert S. Weiss sales. Thai's especially true when u product IS dIS­ Henry Mueller C. W. Wolfc Henry Mudler C. W. Woire toyed-and protected by Du Pont Cellophane-tho Cellophane Board of Dirl'clors 110ard of Dirt'ctors ~oteriol that shows what it protects, , . at low cost! ~ what It Protects - at Low ~ ,\IXlI'1'W IIV TilE Board or Diit'ctors alltl J\lxll'n:u 11\' Tilt: B()ard or Directors and Write for our now booklet, "Design for Scll!ng." It A"I'I/.o\'l-:O /IV Tin: COllvl'lIlion of the Associalion AI'I'Mo\'FJI 11\' Tilt: 19-16 COl1vcnlion o( Ihe Associa­ contains a full report on timely stud.y of 1.mpulso IIInll THINOS fO. alnn LIVINO Mil1lll'al)()lis, ~tinn., july 18, 19-16 lion, Mil1m'apolis, Minn., July 18 1946 this buying •• • lista findings under 27 claSSifications, 80 ... rHlouoH CHfMISrty C. W. WOI,n:, Pn'sidellt C. W. WOLn:, Presillel1l M. J. Dos~ ... , SeCrl'lary M. J. Oos:-; ... , Sl'crelary 18 TilE MACARONI J OU RNAL 21 20 THE MACARONI JOURNAL September, 1946 Resolutioos l:ommillee Decontrol Board And Assistants Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp. \Ve t your COlllmillcc on Resolutions, rt'Jlfl'st'lllatin.'s_ fur the reception anti Tcrommcnd the following lor your can­ t1imll'r givt'n on Iht' I.'\'cning of July TIle Decontrol noanl J)ro\'idell for sitlcration : 17 alltl (or all of Iheir olher efforts, in the COllgn'ssional a('tloll reslorinJ.: which h;",e cHnlrilmlt'l1 to the enjoy­ Ihe OOice uf I'rice ,\clmiuislr:llion :I S Jb:soLUTIO'; )-WllI-:Rt:AS, President ment ami Stiet'l'SS of the con\'cntion, nallll'ti b), Preshll'nt lIarry S, Truman C. W. WoHe has so aLly and clIl'rgct­ 1'0 Hossnlli I.ilhographing Com- and aPllrO\'l'tl hy thc Sl'lIate consists killl)' lIl:lIlagcd the affairs of the Assu ­ 1l:l1Iy (or the delicious sp.l/.;:hl'tti lunch­ of: ({uy I._ TholllPStl lI, Pn'shlell! of datiou thi s 1l.151 critical ),l'ar and cap­ t'Oll slXl lIson'tl Oil Jul)' 17. the Ft'dl'ral 1...1ntl lIank (If I.uui siana : ahly n'pTcscnh'd the Associati on heraTe To OermlJllt Machine Compauy for Danid W, lIeIl, bankl'r and former various go\'cnulIcnt agencies to the a Cocktail Part)' Gi\'l'n thl' ('\-l'lIing uf Umll'rsl>crctar/' of lilt' Tn'asury, alld hClll'li1 nl alllhc rncml>Cls, Jill)' 18. Gl'o rf,:c H, ~ cad, of Darton, Ohin, Tm: M~: l'(lIU':' Bt: IT Ih:sOLVEIJ 111:11 To CClllsolitlah'tl Macaroni ~rachill(' Chairman o( the board Clr Ihe ~I\' a l l the Association {'''press it s del'p ami Corporation fur till' FltMlr Show alltl CoqlOraliotl , graldul apprl'cialiol1 for hi s ulIsdlish Dance .-1 till' ,\ssot.' iation's Al\lIl1al Din­ 1'rior 10 Iltc hl' arillg ~ which till' and untiring efforts as the leader of lt('r Pilrtr Ihe evening IIf Jul), 18, hoanl started III hold Oil August 1.\, it ollr Association. mel alltl aUlloullccl1 Ihe followillJ: /.;:l'n­ Ih:SOI ,UTION VI-Wm: K~:As , it has eral connsl'i l'(llllomk atl\'i ~ lIr s , actillg nt:SOL UTION II-Tn cur wry rap­ l'ume In till' alll'lItion u( Ihe rollwulion sl'crelar/-, ;me! dirt'l'tur of infonnalinn : :Ihlc ami cxpcricUl'('11 sccrclary-Irc:lsur­ Ihal our gt K)t1 (rit'lul UA\' MUXIt UON­ Davit Cuhh, .l l).. \'l'ar·ulll allofUer, l'r, M. J. DOlllla, we cXl'r{'ss our ap­ l OXI, eXl'ctlli\'e ur thl' 11l1'llIhl'r flrlll, will be gl'm'ral l"t iulI :~ l'! IIf tht' 11 ew iiI' pn'dation lor his lIIall)' )'l'nrs of loyal Hunzoni Macaruui COIll\lan)'. Lung- Is, Ill'I"-,l1Il ellt agl'IICY estahli shed Ii\" lilt' Sl'T\'icl', tluring which lime he has tak­ land Citr, N, Yo , pa SS l't away on July price rnntroll'x leusion act. ~Ir , 'Cobb en a personal interest in the llrohlcllIs IS, we e!(lm'ss om dl'CP regrets anll has bl"clI assislanl /.;:t'llcral COUIlSl'! of of t'ach member. S)'ItIIJ.1Ihy In thl' meml M.' rs of 11ll' non­ Unilt'd Nations I{did alltl Ih'hahilila' wlli family for this /.;:rl-at loss, tion Athuillislr.tlilll1 sinn' his di scharJ.!l" Ib:sOLUTJOS III-We exlt'nd to our from till' lIa\-), ill FdJrllary of thi s director of He$(·arch. Belljamin Jacohs Ht:.o,;nLuTlUs VII-\Vllt:KEA s, The )'e:lr, uur sin(t're thanks for his cXl)l'rt rt'p­ mall:tJ:l.11II.l1t uf llutd Niwl1d alllllhl' Waltt-r S, Sala .. t. ,14 , a nati\'l' of n'sel1latiun of our industry anti for his Minm'i\! )t')li s lintel I\ssol'iatiull sn sat­ New Yurk City, will OIl- I as l'CUl1 l1 lllic Cfllltill110llS efforts to d c\'ale and main­ isfal'tunlr handled a ,lifficuit hotd ac· al\\';sl'r, Mr_ S;II;l11t was l'l'UlIUmic all· lain the hif.:h standards of the Maca­ l'OIllIllOll;itinlls situatioll, to hoth our \-iser It> Ihe El'ollum1l' ~ tabili z ati {) tt Iii· rll ui Industry, thank s alltl allpn'cialion_ rel"tor, !lict' LletlHlw, 36. of lIartfnrd, Ih:''''OLU'MON IV-We take this up­ R~:s nLUl' IUS VIII-\Vllt:Jlt:AS, the Cmlll_, fUfIIll'r c.'o:ct:tlth'l" a s~ ; s tanl in purtullily 10 expn'ss our_appn 'l'ialiun attl'utlallce uf Iht' 1~6 CfU\\'l'utillll h:ls the OOil'e uf EctJunmic Stabilization, 10 thosc speakcrs who atltln'sSl'tl our l'XC\'l'tlcti all rel'ord!i ;\1111 \VIl t: K~: AS, sn will Ser\'l' as ;Ictill/.:' Sl'l'rl"tary of Ihl' cOllventioll, \\le fl't:! fortunate 10 h;\\'e many capable spl'akers aUlI firms con­ hoard ulltil a permant'nt sekctioll is had such a St'll'Ct aUlI l'xpl'rl grnup h, trihutt,t1 to Ihl' SIlCC('SS and I.'njuymenl m;ull', allelltlancl ~ . whose rt'llIarks In tilt' A~ s u­ or thi s cOlifen'lIce, Dirn'lor of illfnrmaliull is nelmar datioll ha\"c heell hUlh illtt'n'sting ami Tm: llt:mK~: , Ib: IT 1h-:~ OI,\'t:/) Ihal we Beman. "S. of \\'ashingtoll, who was informati\'e, 1'hcrcfon'. tu l'adl nf the eXll'lIll our sillcen'sl apprt'l'ialioll fur head uf 11ll' tr:ule n'lations hranch of follnwing Wl' say, "Thauk You ," Tn thl.' l'xpression of illll'rest in thl' Indus­ the O I'A Infor1natitUi Ikparlltlellt the Honorahle- try's well·hdng :11111 fullln', which so from Non'mller, 19 .... , Ilerbert 1-1_ Humphrcy, Mayor of mall)' have tll'tnOllstrah'tl during Ihi s The hoard al so :ulI1 nunccI\lhat I-Iar- Mill11l'apoli s, fur his adtlrl'ss Wl'1cOIll­ cOII\'enlion, 0!tJ LI.'\'l'nthal, .ll, a Washingtoll allor­ iug the tlele~all's tn the con\'enlion, Hl'S pcclfull), suhmitted, lIey n'\-l'lItly rcll-aSl-11 frotH Ihc C II; I ~ t Edward j_ 1'hYl', GOn'rnnr of Min, Pt:n :K Ho !'~ V1\'IASO Guard, \\'oultl sen-c klllporarily as ad · IH'Sota , fur his s tirrin~ :ulliress 011 a l'I-:T t: 1;t II, DlnI)f.St:, JIt, vi ser flll Ilwcellur.11 mallcrs in Ihe helln Amcrit-a in which all should jlliu jOSf- I'1i SCAKI'ACI hearings which bcgan Augu st 12_ in huildiuJ!_ To c;lch uf Ihe p:md mt'llIht.'rs fur CONTINUOUS AUTOMATIC NOODLE DRYER thl'ir liml'iy alltl iUh'n'stillg disl'lI SS;tl lI Modal CAND nf Dunllll : H_ E, Gronlll anti Edwin Traynor, n'pn'scnting the f,:rowcrs : II , Macarooi Enrichment Order Becomes Effective 0 _ I'ulnam amI W_ T, Nighlinf,:ale reI)' rest'litillg the t,lIm'atms : I.. A, jeusl'U Oclober 7 We illustrate herewith our latest model drying unit. which has been especially designed '11111 Glellll L_ Smith rt'Jlrese ntillg the lor the continuous. automatic drying of Noodles. We also make similar apparatus for the con­ agrollomists: William Sll'inke and 1', ACl"O rt liulot til the Fl'der.ti Ih'gistl'r of whfJll' wlll'al tIIal'aroni prtlt lU CIS, Wlll'al tinuous, automatic drying ,,( Short Cut Macaroni. FullspeciJications and prices upon request. ~1. I'cll'rsen rcprt'li t'llling the durutn jul), 9, the Fllud ;1I1t1 Drug "d11lil1is- alltl soy IllOlcarnlii pnxll1 cts, \'t'gl't:1h1e milll'rs antI Peler 1.01 Rosa, Henry 1r.tlilll1 Onln Jll'rlllitlilig Ihe entil-h­ lIootlle producls, It sp ... l'ilil"ally statt-S ~Iul'll('f ;md Loui s S, V'-J:nino repre­ llIenl uf, maca~oll; products appron'cl that till' sl;\11llards o( Hlellt;l)' for t'n' In addition to the equipment shown 01\ these pages. we still build slandard mixers. ~enlin/.:' IIII.' maranmi m:lllUfaclurcr!'_ last SptUlg, Will Ileeoll1e effct:ll\'c 011 rit-h1llenl he Ilfll amelltlt'e! In pro\'it!e kneaders. hydraulic presses. etc. To ~Iary AlbriJ.:hl jackHJIl for hcr OClober 7, 19-16_ for l'lIrichllll'llC of such food s, inll'res liu/.;: :lIltlrl'SS t'lltilll'ti "Ollrum ACt:ompal1yilL~ the Ilnter arc stalld­ II is IMlinl\'ti oul Ihat while some IMPORTANT_ We have a very choice selection of second hand. rebuilt mixers. knead­ WIll'al NOles," anls for enril'iullJ{ this grain (ood 11.1 American familit,s arc rather liJ:ht ml­ ers of macaroni illid Hlltltil c products, ers, hydraulic presses and other equipment to selccl from. We invite your inquiry. Ih:S OI.UTIOX V- WII EKt:A S, \';Iriolls cnable il 10 he oOicially lahded en· riched macaroni, l'nriciu'd spaghctti, or persnns n( ltaliall autl't'etleuts WUSUlIll' supply firms and milll'rs have atilled In Ihl'sc foods in large cluaulilies aud the l-njnyull'nl IIf his com-ention by en­ t'nrichct! 1l00till'S_ The orcll'r furtl1l'r co nc1l1lles Ihal Ihere is Ilfl lIel't\ (or alltl. 'Ihei r di et will hc ilUJl rO\'etl hy the per' Il'rtainin/.;: the Ildegales, their lallil's ill/{ ;uhliliollal prott'lll c1l"ri\"l't! from milled cllriduucnl, The FDA recom· 156-166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159-171 Seventh Street and fril'ntl s, Wt' tlll'rcfure lake this op­ wlwat genII or yea st. lIIeml s Ih e iultlili on of maximulll Iilllii s IlOrllluity to expn'ss our Ihanks to the of l'nrichmenl , 2S per c('nl hiJ:her than followinf,: groups : The FDA onler also di sappro\'es Ihe the minimullI rl't)uirl'tnents (or Ihe To all Ihe durulU mills and their l'midllll(, lIt of milk macaroni products, IJUrpose of lIIaintainng i~(,lIlily_ Adclr ... AU COllUQIIIlIc:ollou 10 ISS Slxlh Slrlll

" .- ! ••

22 THE MACARONI JOURNAL September, 1946 September. 1946 THE MACAR ON I JOUI!NAJ. 2.1 Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp. Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.

CONTINUOUS AUTOMATIC PRESS FOR SHORT GOODS Modol ASCP CONTINUOUS PRESS FOR LONG AND SHORT CUT GOODS Modol eMS Tho machine iUuslraled above is our latest model This product is a revelation. From Bill tu SIkhs f(·itlfcml halll/lillg. Continuous Automatic Preas lor tho production of Short 11 is outstanding in quality. appearance and texture. Cut Gooda oJ aU typos and alzes. Tho mixturo is uniform. producing that translucent The Prcsa shown above is our lalesl innovation. It This typo of presa is ospecially adapted for small By making Bomo Improvements in this Preas. wo appearance throughout. which is so desirable in maca­ la tho only continuous proas conslating oj a singlo unil plants which havo apaco for onIy one continuous prOD havo oliminatod tho defects which oxisted in our oarlier roni products. that will produco both long or ahort goods. that can produco both long and abort cut products. It can bo ~hangod from a short 10 a long gooOO pro... modols. Production-Over 1.000 pounds nel of driod products or Vico vorsa, in le88 than 15 minulos. Produces a superior product 01 unUorm quaUty, tex· per hour. . Tho Short Cut Gooda produced by tbla new model Built also without cutting apparatus for producing luro and appearance. oro superior in overy respecl. Doslgned (or 24·hour continuous operation. long goods only. Fully automatic in overy rospect.

156·166 Sixth Stroet BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. s. A ." 159·171 Seventh Street 156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Stroet Addr,.. All CoaunuA!cQUona 10 ISS SlIth Sir.. , Addr... all naununlC'QUona 10 151 Slalh Strut " ,

24 THE MACARONI ] ' , URNAL September, 1946 September, 1946 THE ~! A C AR 0 N I J 0 U I( N A I. 25 Consolidated Macaroni'Machine Corp. Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.


Mod.1 PLe

'The Dryer illustrated above is our latest innovation-an Automatic, Continuous Dryer lor the Preliminary Drying 01 Long Cut Macaroni, Spaghetti. etc.

All types and sizes 01 long cut goode can be preliminaried in this dryer. A return or sweat chamber is incorporated in and lonna a part 01 the dryer. GANGED NOODLE CUTTER Modol GNC Although it has been specifically designed to be used in conjunction with our Continuous, DOll ble Calibra/ jllg Dra ke Automatic Long Goode Macaroni Pre.. , it can also be used in connection with the standard HE machino shown abovo is our vory latest rushed with this machine. This aaaorUnenl will hydraulic pre.. where the product is spread by hand. Tmodol noodle cutt~r and. has boon specially lake caro 01 all requirements. but special sizea dosigned for plants roquiring a very large produc­ can be furnished. if desirod. Uon. It haa 'looon dosigned. to facilitate and expo­ It haa a length culling knifo and a conveyor belt When used in combination with our Automatic Press, the only handling required is lor dUo tho changing 01 tho cuts with tho Joast loss 01 to carry tho cut noodles to tho collector for con­ time. AU tho cutting rolla are mountod in a singlo voyance to the noodlo dryor or to tho trays. placing the sticks on the trucks preparatory to their being wheeled into the finishing dryer framo and tho change 01 cuta can bo mado in· rooms, aftor the product has passed through the preliminary dryer. No labor is nece.. ary stantaneously. AU that is ~oceaaary to cUcci a All cutting roUs and pariS which como In con­ lor tranelel'J'ing the loaded slicks from the pre.. to the dryer as this is done automatically. chango is to doproaa tho locking attachment and tact with tho dough are 01 alainlesa aloel to pre­ rotate the hand wheel. which will bring tho prop~r vont rust or corrosion. cutting roU into cutting position. Machino Is diroct motor driven and motor and drivo aro furnished with the same. Practical and expedient. Fully automatic in all respects, Any numbor of roll.. up 10 five. can be fur- 156.166 Sixth Streot BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street 156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S, A. 159·171 Seventh Street Write lor Particulars and Prices Septt'lllber, 19-16 T 1-1 E ~I A CA R 0 ~ I J () L' I{ :\ " I. 27 Durum Wheat Improvem~nt Investigations • ID North Dakota Dy II. H. Harris. Cereal Tedmolnqist Nurth Dakota Aqricultural Experiment 5talilln

The ohject of this Tl'IXJft is tn lIn'. Jatl' stlwn clUrtlll1 Wert' scrinusly ill ­ sent the b;u.:k/-l'fOUlld of durulIl W Il'at jUH'l1 hel':tu se Ilf Stl'lII rust. FolluwinJ.: improvement It! North Dakota. tu puint this lIlisforlullt' farnll'rs in the clllrlllll out results accomplishl'd Ulldl'r the du­ tl'rritory hegan tn gruw the Ill'\\' rusl rum breeding program, and to furn'asl fl'sistant Im':ut whe:lls, !larle)' ami lI"x fruitful fields (or invl'Slig-alion ill this havc bl'CIlIIIC StrollJ.: l'OlII(Jctiturs fur important crop. The bibtiograr,hy lists duruLlI acreage during' rece"t years, publications whkh l"Otllain historical Durum Whoat Brooding and tl('tailed data on which the conelu­ III IWJ tWII 1Il'\\' (Iurum varil'lit~, s iol\~ arc b.1 SCtl. Durum wheal differs frllm the hn'ad 1I:11l1t'i1 Carll,tull allil Stl'wart, were fl'­ In wheals in IId11/-! a nll'lIlbl'r of till' class least'd ill small Ints Norlh I lakola gruwl'rs. Tlll'se varit'lit,s rcsullt'cl fwm '--- dcsigu;!,h'd as T".j~lIm tillrlf"', while :11 the majority of the olher COIll­ a t1urU1Il hrel't1illg prnJ.:r:lIl1 IK'gulI lIIon1y grown arc varieties of TritiCIIIII L.,lIgclon, Nurth I)akllta ill 192<) ami wcc\'ils and rodents ndgorr. Du'rum wheat is hardl'T :nul !'IIPl'nrh11 hy tilt: Hun::!u uf Plant In­ DO (ontaminate 1II0r( !linty than the brentl or hard rl'tl Ilustry, Suils :lIul Agril'ultural Ellgi­ silTing w)II:al grown in North Dakota, lIt'l'rillg u£ the U, S, IJt'llarlllU'1I1 IIf rctcnlion and siftagc t\gril·ulturt'. in l"tI·C1llt'r.ltiulI with lli ' IlUTUI11 wheat is al so mOTC higl.l)· llig- l n. H. Ham. North » ;Ikula Agm'u!tllr;tl EXlll'ri - DO increase cons 111l"lIll'l l. The nallle dUflllll is dcrin'ti from the l-,Iin word "duro" or han!. 1IIt'1I1 'statiun. Tlh' lIe\\' whl'ats an' lIIallll (or lIIacartllli pnxlucts ill Ihc high ly n'sistallt tn !'h'm rust, amll'tillal mtroduetiol1mlo the United Slatol Uuiled S tat e~. I htrlll11 Wi1l'