"':' -~ . , . -- ---- -------,.--.------ THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume XXVIII Number 5 September, 1946 " U +I' t m , INDUSTRY The 1946 Durum Wheat Crop is harvested. Guesses are ~hat the yield approximated lifteen bushels to the acr&-total in the neighborhood 01 35,000,000 bushels. Will this be sullicient to meet the demands 01 an expanded industry? wm processors again be in lor a period 01 "measured semolina" next summer? Already, the semolina millers and the operators are pondering the question. .. _. --- , • VOLUME xxvm oaIk.,Lonl Manufacture," Auodad.., NUMBER 5 Prinucl h, u.s.A. ............ _-- Septt.'mher I 1946 THE MA C AR ON I J OU H);AI. 3 MAGNETISM 1 AnEW SEmOlinA mill Starting operation in October and milling distinctive semolina and durum flours for particular mGcaroni manufacturers. What affects (our sales as much as sign your new label or carton, we the quality 0 your product? The make a comprehensive analysis of Under present restrictions OU!' product will be offered to the trade magnetism of your package! To your market. \\'e study the pack­ under the brand name of reach your sales quotas, you r prod­ aging of both your national and lo­ UCf must have package magnetism cal competitors. Only then do we - -the power to draw consumers create your new packaging-and away from competing brands. give it the distinction which keeps ROSSOTT! has been erealing drawing consumers to your pack­ packaging with customer appeal age. since 1898. And the sales' records of our clients bear out the drawing These highl), skilled services and power of ROSSOTT! designed the facilities of our largl modern labels and cartons. Such consistent plant arc a t your disposal. Contact WE CAN ASSURE YOU OF FINEST PRODUCTS MADE FROM THE success is based upon our special­ Ihe ROSSOTT! consul ..n in your MOST CHOICE DURUM WHEAT AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET. ized experience ... our thorough­ region-NOW, during this oostwar ness in analYling your packaging period when you need ne\\ par.k­ problem. aging to compete with new compet­ "UNVARYH~G QUALITY-DEPENDABl.E SERVICE" \\'c do not simply dream up some ing brands. Do so without ohiiga­ Olr t id eas. Before we begin to de- tion. Will BE OUR CONSTANT AIM YOUR INQUIRY IS SINCERELY iNVITED A. L. STANCHFIeLD, Pre •. CLIFFORD W. KUn R. A. STANCHFIELD, Soc'y DURUM SALES MANAGER ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPHING CO., INC. • NORTH BERGEN, N. J. FRED T. WHALEY CHICAGO BRANCH MANAGER BOSTON 9, hh ...1 tOO Milil Sir.. , • ROCHESTER 4, H, Y,11IJ M.in 51,... , E.it General Offices JACKSONVILLE 9, Ft •• 1 6S01 S.pphlr. Dri.. • CHICAGO U, 111.1 no North MI,hl •• n Annu. Mill 500 Com Exchange Bldg. WEST COAST PLAHTI 1700 Third SI., 58ft Fr.ndllo t4, C.I. Minneapolis. Minn. Minneapolis 15. Minn. .. ._ ........... ~ _____ ....s--..-... _. ) 4 THE· ~I A C A It 0 N I J 0 URN A L Sl'ptrmhcr. 1946 100 LBS, NET 1'1\).\ C).\ R0 f'I , J 0 U Rf'I).\l MINNEAPOLIS 1 DURUM GRANULAR FLOUR Volume xxvm Septomber. 1946 Number 5 Manufactured by 1 MINNEAPOLIS MILLING (0. O,"N£RAL OPPICESl MrnNNEAPOUS,M[NNESOTA Wanted: More Quality Durum closer Cooperation Between the Wheat and Macaroni Groups It's a new 'and improved high The pand di scussiull IIf the 1111lci\' SULjl'ct , ""Ion' wlll'at iarllll'rs of ! );ll>o la a l1ll :'Ilium·. .. llt a. ;\t Ih,' t'Urfl'nt Quality Durmll Wlll':It fur Beller Scniolina" at th l' July rail' tlf pru<lul' liul1 II f mal'aflllli alu l nlltHIit- prnthll'll', extraction product as requested cotl\'cntiull of the ~lacarnlli'~IJ()l lIl' Industry ill :\liIIllC­ whkh has !tW it SUSlaillt'tI fll r Iwar!\, Ihn't' \'t'a rs, 1111' ma,'a· :t(lO\i s, was Itot an accidl'n!. It wa :-o th'lihcratdy 'plallm:11 fOlli illtlustry will hi' (urn 'tllo ~ \lh ~ lil\lt, : illft ' rit)r gratl l'~ promoted hy the kuowli lIel' li:- of the Ilitiu slfY ami an uf l1lal'aftJui tl ollr if tltl' !ILlrLLlIl wl1\'al iarn1l'r~ .III not in· attempt \11 fOrJnulatc it ... on~()lidah'1i plan hl'lWCl'1\ I1Ii1!.'a­ l'n 'ase Ihl' al' n 'agl' IIf I hlnllll wltt'at p!iLUIt'd. by the National Macaroni Man- roni 111l'II who kIlO\\' their IWl'd for more IlualilY ,lurUIl1 I)n'r I,IOO.OIIO,nno pllllllds fll mal'anl11i and Iltl! :tI\!­ audlhc IIur1I11l \\'11\'al fanm'rs uf the natura t1urU1l\ an'as pnlthll'ls wal' prl uhll't't! and l'UI1 ~ Uln"11 in till' L'lIih'l! of Nonlll'ast North Dakota whll wi !\h only to g row tin nUll Stall's dUfUr.: Ihe ),,'ar PH5, Thi ... '1\1 , \ nlil~' wlllI!tl han­ if that l' roll ht:ctIIl1es a payilll{ une, het'n gn'ah,r if ~ 1I1lit-i"111 sllpplit's L1( I )UrtllU whl';\1 had ufacturers Association. The pam:1 tli sclI ssion I'w\,ltlet! "a mccting- of ll1i11tI ~, " 11\'\'11 a\'ailahlt . Sllll'l' lilt' Il ew l' fIlll lli Illlnll11 Wll t';lt h. · the thinking of the actual .:ruwl'rs, the frientll), l'tlurators, faUlt' ;\\'0111 01 111" ill SI'III"llll lt' r Iii If)·15 , Ihl' Ilfl l'!IKlil lll 'Ii lilt' illliustr), has hl'l'll sl .... lail1t'd al :.IKI\11 175 I'.. r \,t 'lll IIi Ihe helpful st'molill;! millers alltl the processors ui Sl'11l0- lina 11lararuni prnducts. Ihe ,I\'crag,' nf fl\' l' ]In''war p ' a r ~ 11').\7,411 . Tlwre i~ The thinking o f the r.:ru wl·rs anti the etlucaturs was 11m\' 111 1 l' \' itl~' lI l' l' Ihal tl1l' tl t'maud ior mat'a rnll; P fl)l ItI\, I~ wclll'xpressctl b)' L , A. J l' l1 ~ l' l1 , E xtcllsilill Agwnll11list uf OIl IImnt' alii! "hru;ul williit' s : l\i ~ li, · t\ tlur i ll ~ 111i ... l'TOp p 'ar. It's your assurance of better till' North I)"j.wta AJ.:ric uhural Collt'J.:l" tlile of Ihl' )lanel It is 'luiit' 1'\'il\t'l1l Ihal 11111 ,'lIul1 j.! h durullI \\' 111':11 rt ' \II a ill ~ IlIt'mllt'rs, whll saitl : "It was surprisil1r.: In noh' lirsli1 awl Itl !it'l'P IIII' induslry lIllt'raling lUlIil Ih., 11t.\\ n ,,1' is ,I\'ail­ the many iulen'slS that arc sn srriuu .. l\' l't1 nl'I'rm·tI lIn'r "hll' in SI' l'h' lIIh ~' r , 'Illis nlt' : l11 ~ Ihal Ih., i ll n" " ~ 1'11 ,'on' Ihe illcre;l sl·tl IIW4iuctiflu IIf Ihe hiJ.:hc'st .:r;I4Il·s IIf lilt' SUIII ,'r tll'mantl, whit-It ha ~ 1t,'l' U ~ a li s li",1 10 ,' tlna\ilr I'fIlIl· Ul' ls math, (rum I hlrUIII wl\l':tl H'ulI lliu,t. \\';11 !'; Illt'r Ilt' I " ~ 1 macar.oni foods and c'ontinued wilt'at that is Sll l'sscntial in the manufac ture IIf tlUalily macaruni products. ' , am! iI g:ellHai tit-sin' IIf lilt' jlrm" IIr suhstaliliall y n ·tlu\'l·,], essors to pay reasllnahll' prkcs for such quality g: ram, I notil't'd Ihat all St'em 10 hi' as IIItLl'h illll'restet! ill tlmullI Macaroni Products Now Common PfOI.hlt'litJ lI as arc till: ~ruwc r s thelllsdn·s." III IUfII, lIlt' !'riur In tilt' hq~illn i l1g Ii i \\'II r1d War I ill It/H, Ih\· t' n· consumer demand. farmers ami thl' ilgrullllmisls h'aTILt't! sOllwlhiug: ahoul Ihl' SlIl11]1liul1 II; mal'arllni pnH hh'b ill Ihi ~ \'lIuul ry w:t ~ "h"lI! PfOl'l'ss il1r.: IIl'cd s IIf Ihe i\\acaruni Intluslry- stllllt'lhing l'llllall), t!i\'idnl Itl'lwl'l'll "ollw ~ l ic prtldlll'\ ~ awl il1lp" n ... Ihal will he hdpfullo' u s ill prmludllg' a IIIl1n' salis factory AI Iltal lillie di st'r1auil1;lliug t' tlII S U1I1, ' r ~ J.!aw prd,'rl'lIn' '" durulI1 wheat crop herl':ifll'r, Ilupnrled produt'll' h l' I' au ~ ,· Ilw illdll ~ lr y ill Ihi ~ \'nUIlIfY An article 0 11 thl' subjecl Ihal aPPl'arl'tl ill a ren'lIl iSS Ut' w ; , ~ u ~ il1g tl fl\ lrS 0; iuft'r;or g:1';ul\', \\'I1t'1l d ll\1L\· ... li\· ,hl r l1111 of Tilt' /Jllk oilJ Fllrllli'r, Aberdeen, N, D" h\' C, G. litiS' hl'l'aU1\' a,'ailahl,' ill ~ \ln;l' il' nl tilianlilil's III "' UI'I,l y lilt' kins, Induslrial Consultaltl of C hica~n, g'a\'c lilt' dUrll111 g: ftl Willr.: t!l'matHl ior 'Iualil), pfl M Ul'I,", Iht' :\nll'ril' al1 \'on ­ filrmcrs a Ilew slanl 011 IIIl' Ill'l't! fi lr dose r l'u' Ujll' ralillll ~ \I1lll'r hl'l'ault' inh'reSh'tl. with lilt' result Ihal m;\t':t rtllli among crowers, millers alltlmallllfacturcrs, From all ap' I'rutlu r l ~ l', m nn\, ' hl' fnund ill "\'I'ry grun T" Slon' :tn.t~ il pearancl's, such a wurkillg' \llan resull ed from tht' pallt·\ MINNEAPOLIS MILLING CO. IS a dally parI II f IIIl' hlltd :1I1t! n 'Slaural11 1111'1111 , IIH' discussiun. The artic1l', in pari, is as folluws : \, olume l' nU ~ \1111t' d has 111 \' rl'ascd Itl h'lI lil lll'S Ihal tli iI}\-t. In Ihe 1I]I;niOil I IIf l'!I1 UP l'II'111 uh ~ t ' f\ ' I ' r ~, Ih" ;l1du " l r ~' i ~ MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA About Durum Wheat 1111 Ihe Ihn'shlllt! II i a phl'll1111lt'lI al tln dll\lttl"1I1.
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