6 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1889. scarce, firm and in good request at lie,all est The sales of all Issues aggregate d [email protected]; peaches, [email protected]; salmon, St. Vincent arid beyond. Itwas.argued that strong demand and will bring good prices. Board of Education, foundation for loss off;inferior stock much less. Corn meal 117,000. of which the Chesapeake &Ohio 1-lb can, Columbia river, $2; tomatoes, 3-lb frost, made lightofat first,is often a serious Sales were : school, Kentucky,near State ....1,500 steady; $2@2.('5. Whisky. $1.02. Provis- 5s contributed 8115,000, and Richmond & cans, standards, 05c. matter. The answer to itwas that with frost Cattle- Four minor permits. .r. 1,20') \u25a0 THEBESTWHUEaJAPMADE-IH-AMEHia^ BIG DEALERS ARE BEARS. Allegheny $119,000. The important changes Coffee—Java, fancy grades, c; in- where the crop isgrown and ... ions firmer and a little higher for meats and washed, 26©27 the kernel full No. At.Wt. Price lard, but quiet. Pork, $11.25. Lard, prime are very fewbut are generally in the direc- ferior,2:?@£4c; Rio, 21@'J2c; prime, size, the yieldis notreduced, the only harm 152 Montana steers 1.192 $3 75 Total, 11 permits .538,150 3 steam, $5.80. Dry Salt Meats— Shoulders, tion of higher prices. Long Island firsts rose 18V2@20c. being in reduction of quality,a factor that 6Montana steers 1,116 3 75 •IS £Hi&^i^^V*\u25a0/* Schwartz-Dapee et Al. Bt>; longs ribs, "[email protected]'J; short clear. 2Va per cent to $1.28,' and South Carolina in- Cheese— New York factory, 9c; Young never yet ended inkeeping up prices of wheat 3 Montana heifers..." ....... 1,066 MINNEAPOLIS HEAL. Hutchinson, and America, • > - 300 ESTATE. [email protected]. Bacon— Boxed shoulders, $5; comes 2% per cent. Government bonds have iO'/2C. in the country so injured. .w >; 5 Montana cows 1,145 2 50 I^^rUASoriXIRK; Medium, Make a Raid on the Wheat . longs and ribs, [email protected]; short clear, been dull and steady. State bonds have been Beans— hand-picked $2.25. The opening market for September was 1Montana heifer ............1,150 300 The followingreal estate transfers were re- [email protected]; hams firm,$11.25®13.25. Re- dull and steady. The total sales of stocks Teas— Japan, common to fair, 18©25c; about 76i.'2C, and sold above and below it IMontana cow 875 2 50 yesterday : Market. 95,000 to-day 205,738 shares, including:. superior 20@30c; during day. corded ceipts— 3,000 bbls; wheat, were to fine. extra fine to finest the There was the usual, prem- 2bulls ...: .. 1.325 150 John M Miller and wife to Georee A bu; corn, 92,0!>0 bu; oat«, 44.000 bu; Atchison, 13,875; Delaware. Lackawanna 40@60c; gunpowder and imperial, common inm for August and December above Septem- 19 steers 1,080 265 Parker, it9. blk 24. Cottage City add 8225 rye, 1,000 Shipments— 15,000 bu; \u25a0Western, 3,300;. Erie, 3,000: Lake Shore, to fair,25@35c ; superior to fine, [email protected], ber, out the trading was nearly allin Septem- 7steers 1,250 Holmberjr Dahl, bu. oats, 5,300; Pacific, 14,702; 60(575c; Hyson- range .. 325 John E and wife to Ole Closing of the Day, and wheat, 35,000 bu; corn, 90,000 .bu; Missouri Northwest- extra fine to finest. Young ber. The was from 76c to 77c. The 5 steers .......1,145 325 part It17, 18, 19 20, Blecken's sub- Prices Lowest 7,000 bu;rye, 1,000. ern, 5.685; Northern Pacific, 3.578; North- common to fair. 22@30c; superior to fine- "elevator companies have let loose but little 1cow 1,025 200 division 2,003 ' ern Pacific pfd. 19.180; Reading, 23,290; -35@50c; extra fine to finest, 60@80c; En wheat futures against country purchases, as ...... } Halt a Cent Under Point, 3,344; Paul, breakfast, 2steers.... 875 2 25 Francis W Bell and wife to John Wun- Richmond & West St. glish Souchong and Congou, com such purchases have been small, which puts 1cow 1.200 2 00 der, It10, blk 6, Perkins' add 421 WHtTE^ W. A. 18,110; Pacific, 6,021. fair,26@30c; fine, 46%@ floating \u25a0 ISc^flfl mon to sunerior to but little \ Monday. P. Townsend Mix. Holbrook Union in the market as a trading 22eattle.... 935 2 25 John Wunder and wife to | 55c; extra fine to finest. 60(&80c. basis. Nearly all operators Thomas K^myT loaf, 10c; are somewhat 20 cattle 1,027 245 Flanery, It10. blk 6. Perkins' add 600 Aw Cloud Chicago. Sugar—Cut 10c; powdered, interested one way or another in moving the 10 cows 2 00 Sigafoos .... E. TOWNSEND MIX&CO. granulated, 9%c;?standard A.nß%c; wheat, 960 William X and wile to Philan- Chicago, Aug. Money steady and standard •remaining oldcrop and while so em- 11 steers ; 1,127 2 75 der IITurner, part It42, village of Operations of the Money un- white extra C. BV2C; yellow extra C, B%c. ployed are paying little attention to futures. 20steers , 1,053 Financial ARCHITECTS. changed. Bank clearings, $11, 606,000. New 6, ; 260 Excelsior..... 1,000 (urse size) Syrup and Molasses— Syrup, No. 25c There was a good cash demand reported in 2calves 170 250 Mary D Sigafoos and husband to If // iVvf » Kings— General Quota- New Globe Building, Minneapolis. Yorkexchange, 40c discount. syrup, far, 28c: syrup, good, 35c; all general markets, with reports of Bula • Tfle«'v * Offices, ' syrups, quite Sheep- Turner, part 15, 3,500 « 8 prime, 40c: molasses, common, 19; New, large being worked lake No. R It Snell's add Illf \ I111 / of Northwestern Guaranty Loan amounts at the At.Wt. Price W Barnes to Henry Plant, tions. Architects Orleans, common, 35c; Orleans, fair, shipments, 4!) A and wife Building; the New Globe building,St.Paul ; R. M. NEWPORT & SON, New markets for Immediate some be- 73 feeders 80 $3 part Its11,12, 13, blk 12, East Side Senator Wasbborn's residence, and other Bankers, 45c; New Orleans, good, 60c. ing bought on to-day's cables. Some private 33feeders 67 3 50 add... 800 solicited. Investment Woodware— Two-hoop pails, $1.40; three- cables reported Liverpool closing weak with 6 lambs 71 4 00 Aug. dullness is mportant wor ks. Orders 152, Block, hoop pails. $1.65: No, tubs, $7.25; Walter F Coe to Charles ACoe. It9, blk Chicago, 6.—The summer B.H.Brown Sudl, ofC j:ntruo;iJa. 153 and 154 Drake St Paul 1 No. 2 three farthings decline, but public closed Hogs- 18, Remington's Second add 1,300 settle, the wheat marKet. Ifthe tubs, 56.25; No. 3 tubs, $5.25; washboards, higher. There have been sales ofMay \u25a0.:\u25a0«: At.Wt. Price . ilow to on Minn. heavy No. Longfellow and wife to Minneap- - the "Wilson Singles." 81.75; washboards, l- oats that depressed Levi jd^SLi^P^S' Conftinlna is extremely quiet for two hours Buy and Wil. the market. 11.......... 200 $4 25 olis Threshing Machine ,company, ''.-Hffe mnrket this season s New STork Produce. sell Stocks. Bonds and Real .Estate. son Doubles," $2.65. Followingare the closing quotations: No. 16 256 4 25 blks 32, Minneapolis Croakers say itis in a rut. But York, Receipts, 24,- 17c; cassia 98c; cash, 31and West ..20,000 no and no stagna New Aug. Flour— Spices— Pepper, Singapore, 1!hard on track. No.1northern 37 223 4 25 HS Conner and wife to Minneapolis conditions permit of rut --183 pkgs; exports, 10,273 bbls, 265 sacks; Quotations of Stocks and Bonds. China, 9@l2c; cassia, Saigon, 45@50c; pi- 87c; August, Vac; December, 78iAc; on 19 .......;:.......;...:. 326 410 Mortgage opened steady 19,450 cloves, 33c; 78 Laud and company, nViIt tion up to date. The market less active, heavy: sales, bbls: win- New York, Aug. Stocks and bonds mento, lie; Amboyna, track, 88@89c ;No.2 northern on track, B'3@ 18, blk 1, Motor Line 1,800 ACIOIMIdACIHSSB to-day, the local crowd bearish. Cer- ter fair, to fancy,[email protected]; patents, $4.35 to-day followingprices cloves. Zanzibar, 25c; nutmegs, No. 1, 80c; 84c. Anna add!......... with sustained, ©5.45; clears, [email protected]; closed at the bid: 2, 7Oo; mace, ST. PAUL UNION STOCKYARDS CO., AFloren and husband to Andrew tain bull influences not only but Minnesota nutmergs. No. 60c. There was some inquiry for millingwheat J Waleen, It3,blk 29. Fairmont Park prices during the morning. First do straights, [email protected]; do patents, U.S. Reg 128% Houston &Tex.. 7~~ Salt—Fine, car lots, $1.02: less than car on the board all the morning, but offerings add 1,500 advanced [email protected]; do rye mixtures, [email protected]. do 4s coup Illinois lots, $1.10; ordinary coarse, $1.60. SOUTH ST.PAUL. Liverpool gave spot wheat l",i>d dear- ....128% Central. .ll7 Consisted almost wholly of elevator wheat The Yards and Packing Houses Open for Henry NAvery and wife to James A cables Corn meal steady. Wheat— Receipts. 30.- do 4V2S reg .. 105% Ind., B.&W.... 6Vt that is notvery desirable. Millers were look- Mumford, part Its 11 and 12, blk G, Minneapolis *» er, withfutures strong and prices tending --800 bu; exports, 56,599 bu; sales. 840,000 do 4L<2R coup.. Kansas &Texas. 10>& Dry Goods. ing wheat," receipts Business. Minneapolis J§ wheat, Second, the dull, 106% for ''fresh and all from Ready Market for Hogs.
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