Opposition Mobilizes to MGA Changes Doctor Interested in Richmond County
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page 5 page 10 Destination Port Hawkesbury pages 13-15 Cape Breton native receives Richmond Skating Club plans for national acting closes out tourism season award the season porthawkesburyreporter.com Vol. 41, No. 12 March 21, 2018 144389 Opposition mobilizes to MGA changes by Matt Draper The Reporter [email protected] GUYSBOROUGH: A local municipality and the Cham- ber of Commerce are not happy with proposed changes to the province’s Municipal Government Act (MGA). On March 8, the Province of Nova Scotia introduced Bill 85 to amend Chapter 18 of the Municipal Government Act respecting Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM). The Municipality of the District of Guysborough feels the new act, if imposed, will negatively impact all the province’s municipalities. “Right now, it’s a level playing fi eld,” said Guysborough Warden Vernon Pitts. “We know the rules and we do every- thing we can to stay within those rules, and we have. When the rules change halfway through the game, it’s not good for anyone, municipal units, as well as any proponents that are coming forward with projects.” If the CBRM request is granted, Pitts said Guysborough will ask for the same consideration. “If the province is going to grant that for one, it should be granted for all,” said Pitts. “I would far sooner see it not granted at all. That would be my fi rst choice. Second choice is, if you’re going to do it, let’s be fair here and do it for everyone.” Photo by Melanie Holder Strait Area Ground Search and Rescue hosted a map and compass course last weekend at their headquarters in Monas- Continued on page 2 tery. Participants received hands-on training in outdoor navigation. For more on the course, see page 5. also invaluable in promoting Doctor interested in Richmond County their areas. “We’re focused on areas that we know that there are current va- by Jake Boudrot Editor didate would choose the area to for us to go ahead and say we have “… If we have people who are cancies and a need to fi ll because [email protected] practice.” a physician because we want interested in Richmond County, there are people hoping to con- Because recruitment involves them on the ground and practic- more than one position interested tinue with access to family phy- HALIFAX: The Nova Scotia confi dential negotiations, Boone ing, and then we can say they’re in Richmond County, we’ll be sicians and hospital services that Health Authority (NSHA) has re- said the NSHA cannot discuss a here and they’re committed to the there to talk with them and see if some of these family physicians ceived interest from a physician timeline or other specifi cs until area,” Boone said. they’re interested.” would support,” he explained. considering locating in Rich- they have the all the regulatory After the sudden departure last Boone said the NSHA contin- mond County. and licensing pieces in place, summer of Dr. Yvonne Nault from ues to use aggressive methods Continued on page 2 NSHA Eastern Zone spokesper- have a formal commitment and St. Peter’s, regular emergency in physician recruitment. This son Greg Boone confi rmed last the physician is practicing locally. room closures at the Strait-Rich- includes advertising, travelling PRICE: $1.55 +HST week they are in discussions with Other factors that infl uence mond Hospital, and with thou- around the province and beyond, a physician. how long talks can take place in- sands of local patients without a having recruiters reach out to “In this situation, we have clude the current location of the doctor, Boone said the NSHA has medical students and medical someone who is interested in interested party and the physi- been hard at work. residents, attending recruitment the area and those discussions cians’ current duties. “We currently have one va- fairs and events, employing the are continuing,” Boone said on “There are a number of ele- cancy in the area and that’s what contacts of physicians currently March 14. “In this situation, ments that need to be put in the we’re working towards, but it under the NSHA, and acting on we’re hopeful and we’re also en- place and fi nalized, and until doesn’t mean we just recruit one tips from the public. couraged that the current can- that’s done, it’s not appropriate family physician,” Boone noted. Boone said communities are Superior Cleaning Services Ltd FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS! PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT !! DENTURE Serving the Strait area for over 40 years BOUDREAU CLINIC Call For An DENTURES REPAIRS 304 Reynolds Street, RELINES Paul Miller Appointment Port Hawkesbury “An independent Owner insurance broker Today 902.625.0302 covers you best” [email protected] Port Hawkesbury DENTURIST 9978 Grenville Street, P.O. Box 6934 • Port Hawkesbury, NS BLUENOSE INSURANCE BROKERS Tel: (902) 625-1897 St Peter’s - 902.535-2485 Oce (902) 625-1644 2372 HIGHWAY 206 – ARICHAT (902) 226-1988 PHONE 144400 9960 GRENVILLE STREET ST. PETER’S (902) 535-1988 146551 18 Sydney Road Cel (902) 227-7197 Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A 3A4 625-3040 144397 144399 CommerCial • Home • AUTO • RECREATIONAL • HealtH insuranCe 146581 www.capebretonrealty.com ROBERT WAMBOLT APPRAISALS Eye Exams • Spectacles Cars, Trucks, Vans Real Estate (7 passenger), Valuations Contacts Days & Cube Vans Call: 902 625 2065 Evenings 46 Paint Street, Port Hawkesbury Toll Free: 1-877-669-6683 (across from Wal*Mart) 144383 535-2786 144393 126690 144392 www.burnsvision.com 144387 Phone Wanda 625-2951 145534 2 THE REPORTER MARCH 21, 2018 Continued from page 1 Provincial government Opposition mobilizes to MGA changes announces funding for The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce locations and allow the municipality to sent a letter to Premier Stephen McNeil sell land for less than fair market value. broadband and research to express concern with the proposed “We became very concerned very amendments. quickly because what that does is it “Our understanding of the amend- creates an unlevel playing field in the by Melanie Holder The Reporter ments is that CBRM will be conferred Province of Nova Scotia,” Mombour- [email protected] an exemption from long-standing reg- quette said. “When you saw that bill hit ulations that prohibit municipalities the floor, you saw Guysborough with ANTIGONISH: Ahead of the new provincial from providing fiscal and real property very little choice but to come out and budget, the government announced that it will incentives to private businesses,” stated say ‘We’re against this is in principle, invest approximately $244 million in new proj- Sheri Somerville, CEO for the Atlantic however, if you give it to one you need ects by the end of this fiscal year. Chamber of Commerce “Many of our to give it to us.’ Obviously what we’re The funding will include a contribution of members agree that municipal gover- seeing here is a case of government over $120 million to improve high-speed Inter- nance needs to be modernized, but this doing the opposite of creating winning net for under-served communities, and an ad- specific circumstance is not helpful.” conditions for business because they’re ditional $40 million for research in several pri- When asked for comment, Strait Area changing the rules mid-stream and, in ority areas, including post-secondary research Chamber of Commerce executive direc- this case, creating government-enabled in oceans, clean energy, and health. tor Amanda Mombourquette said the competition.” “Much of this has to do with funds related to proposed changes would allow for the Bill 85 will be discussed during the the 2017–2018 fiscal year,” said Randy Delorey, Allan MacMaster Randy Delorey CBRM to do tax exemptions and abate- spring session of the Nova Scotia Leg- MLA for Antigonish. “As the announcement ments for specific businesses in specific islature. highlighted, there was un-anticipated revenue portunity to apply for funding for individual from some off-shore royalties.” projects. Delorey said he felt that access to quality “I think investing heavily in research is broadband is particularly important to people recognized to provide academic as well as eco- in the Strait area. nomic value for the communities,” said Delo- Continued from page 1 “As a government, we’ve recognized the r e y. need for broadband improvements across ru- Delorey said the upcoming budget will be ral Nova Scotia for several years,” he said. the government’s third balanced budget in a Doctor interested in Richmond County “Those investments will be helpful for stu- r o w. dents studying and working from home, for “I think Nova Scotians will be pleased that “… We have communities that have “From our perspective, we know that employment, and even for business opportuni- we continue to live within our means while put together promotional Web sites and the committee has been active in the past ties. Even in the tourism sector, people expect investing in priority areas for all Nova Sco- promotional videos to promote their ar- and it’s important because we can’t do it to be able to have a good broadband connec- tians,” he said. eas, to show the lifestyle and cultural ele- alone,” the spokesperson acknowledged. tion.” Allan MacMaster, MLA for Inverness, ments of communities.” “The communities show themselves as He added that the Department of Business agrees improving high speed Internet access On November 2, the NSHA met with what they have to offer, as welcoming has been conducting an analysis of earlier is one of the most important issues facing the Richmond County Physician Recruit- communities, and that all fits into the efforts to improve broadband connectivity in people in the Strait area and he is pleased to ment Committee, which was revived late mix of people making a decision to locate Nova Scotia.