Svetlana Shumilo Chernihiv, Ukraine
[email protected] THE SYSTEM OF DIVINE SERVICE QUOTATIONS IN THE LIFE OF STEPHEN OF PERM Epiphanius the Wise, the Russian fi eenth-century hagiographer, is well-known as an unexcelled stylist. A monk of the Holy Trinity— St. Sergius Lavra, and one of the most learned and multi-talented peo- ple of his time, he was the author of at least two saints’ Lives — Sergius of Radonezh and Stephen of Perm. Moreover, the authorship of A Word on the Life and Repose of Demetrius Ivanovich, Tsar of Russia is most o en ascribed to this same hagiographer. The unique style of his works has elicited and continues to elicit the interest of researchers. The analysis of the particularities of his work, in the opinion of L. A. Dmitriev, is “the critical, central problem in the study of the Russian hagiography linked with the second wave of South Slav infl uence.”1 One of the most interesting particularities of Epiphanius’ style was his broad use of various quotations, reminiscences and allusions in ha- giographical prose. The Life of Stephen of Perm (LSP), to which our work is dedicated, is one of the most extended Slavonic lives wri en in the special, fl owery style characteristic of the epoch of the second wave of South Slav infl uence. An important function in the creation of this style is carried out by quotation; it plays a style-forming role in the Life of Stephen of Perm. In this text the author most o en resorts to two literary sources: the Bible and the texts of the Divine services.