Getting a Grasp on God’s Word 10-21-20 Part 6 Midweek on Mt. Carmel 1 Kings 18

Elijah - Still Small Voice The Divided Kingdom

1 & 2 Kings/ & Elijah taken to Heaven

Once Divided Israel didn’t want to go into Judah to worship. Heals & Traps Enemy 2 Kings 5-6 They set up their own gods (Idolatry) Soon Judah, at times, followed. [Depending on the King] King prays -20 Sin brings Punishment = Captivity Hosea Marries Hosea 1 Five Types of Leadership Roles God used in the Prophecies of Birth Isaiah 7, 9, 11

Patriarchs Judges Priests Kings Prophets Christmas story

Abraham Deborah Aaron Saul Elijah Prophecy of Messiah’s Is. 42 49 50 52-53 Suffering Servant Songs Jacob / Israel Gideon Eli Jeremiah Ministries

Moses Samson Samuel Daniel Jeremiah at Potter’s House Jer. 18

God is Faithful / Mercy New Lam. 3 Differences in the roles:

The Patriarchs common man responded to God in obedience. Elijah Elisha

The Judges restored God’s nation when men cried out to God. Called off the rain parted

The Priests represented man to God by covering sins with sacrifice. Fed by raven Jericho spring ~ purified

The Kings ruled God’s people, man’s choice / God’s appointment. Widow’s food multiplied Widow’s oil multiplied

The Prophets revealed God’s truths to man. Widow’s son raised to life Shunammite’s son raised to life

Called down Fire Poisoned stew ~ purified Jesus FILLS each of these roles

Soldiers consumed Prophets’ food multiplied

Patriarch Judge Priest King Prophet Jordan River parted Naaaman healed of Leprosy

Servant who Savior who Sacrifice for Supreme Spiritual given leprosy

obeys delivers our sins authority teacher Axe head floats John 6:38 John 10:9 John 15:13 John 10:18 John 16:38 Elijah transported to Heaven Chariots of fire surround Dothan

Echo of the Past ~ Glimpse of the Future Aramean soldiers blinded

Elijah 2 Kings 1:8 ~ Matt. 3:4 Malachi 4:5-6 /// Matt. 17:1-8 Next Week: Nehemiah - Esther, & Joel - Malachi