Congressional Record—House H 7273
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July 20, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 7273 Do not forget they are trading nu- from New York [Mr. SOLOMON] for his for 1994, there continue to be ``widespread clear weapons with Iran and Iraq. Do faithfulness, and the gentlewoman and well-documented human rights abuses in not forget the missile violations, the from California [Ms. PELOSI] for her China, in violation of internationally accept- ed norms...(including) arbitrary and lengthy chemical war violations. Do not forget doggedness in staying with this issue. incommunicado detention, torture, and mis- they are plundering Tibet. Do not for- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. EM- treatment of prisoners.... The regime contin- get they have arrested the men and ERSON). The gentleman from New York ued severe restrictions on freedom of speech, women connected with the Dalai Lama. [Mr. SOLOMON] is recognized for 15 sec- press, assembly and association, and tight- There are a lot of bad things that onds. ened control on the exercise of these rights China has done, and we should recog- Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, let me during 1994. Serious human rights abuses nize this. just say this rule was negotiated with persisted in Tibet and other areas populated Although this resolution is good, be- the minority, the Democratic and Re- by ethnic minorities.''. publican leadership. It is a good rule, it (10) The Government of the People's Re- cause it finally gets the Congress in a public of China continues to detain political bipartisan way to come together, my is a fair rule, and I hope Members come prisoners and continues to violate inter- last comment is this: over here and vote for it. As a matter nationally recognized standards of human People talk about MFN. We would of fact, I hope there is not even a re- rights by arbitrary arrests and detention of not have granted MFN to the Soviet corded vote on it. persons for the nonviolent expression of Union. When Shcharansky was in Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance their political and religious beliefs. Prime Camp 35, we would not have of my time, and I move the previous (11) The Government of the People's Re- granted MFN to the Soviet Union, and question on the resolution. public of China does not ensure the humane treatment of prisoners and does not allow both sides know it. When Sakharov was The previous question was ordered. The resolution was agreed to. humanitarian and human rights organiza- under house arrest in Gorky, we all tions access to prisons. stood together, Republicans, Demo- A motion to reconsider was laid on (12) The Government of the People's Re- crats, Liberals, and Conservatives, be- the table. public of China continues to harass and re- cause there was pressure to do it, and f strict the activities of accredited journalists God bless Ronald Reagan, and where is and to restrict broadcasts by the Voice of CHINA POLICY ACT OF 1995 he when we need him now? He stood America. (13) In the weeks leading to the 6th anni- firm and called them the Evil Empire. Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, pursu- ant to House Resolution 193, I call up versary of the June 1989 massacre, a series of We would not have granted MFN to petitions were sent to the Chinese Govern- Czechoslovakia when Havel was under the bill (H.R. 2058) establishing United ment calling for greater tolerance, democ- arrest. No way we would have done it. States policy toward China, and ask for racy, rule of law, and an accounting for the A Member would have been embar- its immediate consideration in the 1989 victims and the Chinese Government re- rassed to come down to the floor and House. sponded by detaining dozens of prominent in- say, ``Havel is in jail, let's give him The Clerk read the title of the bill. tellectuals and activists. (14) The unjustified and arbitrary arrest, MFN.'' The text of H.R. 2058 is as follows: H.R. 2058 imprisonment, and initiation of criminal And I thank the gentleman from proceedings against Harry Wu, a citizen of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Georgia [Mr. LEWIS], who is not here. the United States, has greatly exacerbated resentatives of the United States of America in We would not have lifted sanctions and the deterioration in relations between the Congress assembled, done anything for South Africa when United States and the People's Republic of Nelson Mandela was in. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. China, and all charges against him should be This Act may be cited as the ``China Policy So this is a good resolution. It puts dismissed. Act of 1995''. (15) China has failed to release political the Congress on record. But let us not SEC. 2. FINDINGS. drip with sour grapes and say China is prisoners with serious medical problems, The Congress makes the following findings: such as Bao Tong, and on June 25, 1995, re- going to build all these airports, and (1) The People's Republic of China com- voked ``medical parole'' for Chen-Ziming they are going to do all these wonder- prises one-fifth of the world's population, or reimprisoning him at Beijing No. 2 Prison, ful things. 1,200,000,000 people, and its policies have a and Chinese authorities continue to hold Wei How about what the gentleman from profound effect on the world economy and Jingsheng incommunicado at an unknown Ohio [Mr. TRAFICANT] and the gentle- global security. location since his arrest on April 1, 1994. woman from Ohio [Ms. KAPTUR] will (2) The People's Republic of China is a per- (16) The Government of the People's Re- tell us? We have lost millions of jobs, manent member of the United Nations Secu- public of China continues to engage in dis- rity Council and plays an important role in criminatory and unfair trade practices, in- millions of jobs. regional organizations such as the Asia-Pa- cluding the exportation of products produced This is a trade issue. Their imbalance cific Economic Cooperation Forum and the by prison labor, the use of import quotas and is almost $40 billion, a trade imbal- ASEAN Regional Forum. other quantitative restrictions on selected ance. We have lost a million jobs. It is (3) The People's Republic of China is a nu- products, the unilateral increasing of tariff a slave labor issue. It is a persecution clear power with the largest standing army rates and the imposition of taxes as sur- of religious faith, Catholic, Protestant, in the world, and has been rapidly moderniz- charges on tariffs, the barring of the impor- Buddhist. It is all these other issues. ing and expanding its military capabilities. tation of certain items, the use of licensing They sold weapons to Iraq that were (4) The People's Republic of China is cur- and testing requirements to limit imports, rently undergoing a change of leadership and the transshipment of textiles and other used against American men and women which will have dramatic implications for items through the falsification of country of to kill people in the gulf. the political and economic future of the Chi- origin documentation. Having said that though, I just did nese people and for China's relations with (17) The Government of the People's Re- not want the reports to go off that ev- the United States. public of China continues to employ the pol- erything was wonderful. Having said (5) China's estimated $600,000,000,000 econ- icy and practice of controlling all trade that, the Bereuter resolution is a good omy has enjoyed unparalleled growth in re- unions and continues to suppress and harass resolution, and it is my prayer that we cent years. members of the independent labor union could come together and solve this (6) Despite increased economic linkages be- movement. problem. Every night I pray that tween the United States and China, bilateral (18) The United States-Hong Kong Policy relations have deteriorated significantly be- Act of 1992 states that Congress wishes to see China, in my prayers that China, will cause of fundamental policy differences over the provisions of the joint declaration imple- be free, and hopefully with the work a variety of important issues. mented, and declares that ``the human rights that the gentleman from Nebraska [Mr. (7) The People's Republic of China has vio- of the people of Hong Kong are of great im- BEREUTER] has done and coming to- lated international standards regarding the portance to the U.S. Human Rights also gether, we put pressure on, there will nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruc- serve as a basis for Hong Kong's continued be freedom, and 10 years from now tion. prosperity,''. This together with the rule of there will be freedom in Tiananmen (8) The Government of the People's Repub- law and a free press are essential for a suc- Square, freedom in China, and democ- lic of China, a member of the United Nations cessful transition in 1997. Security Council, is obligated to respect and (19) The United States currently has nu- racy, and I want to again thank the uphold the United Nations Charter and Uni- merous sanctions on the People's Republic of gentleman from Nebraska [Mr. BEREU- versal Declaration of Human Rights. China with respect to government-to-govern- TER]. I will be eternally grateful to the (9) According to the State Department ment assistance, arms sales, and other com- Speaker for his help, the gentleman Country Report on Human Rights Practices mercial transactions.