Ethnic Minorities In Custody

Following is a list of prisoners from 's ethnic minority groups who are believed to be currently in custody for alleged political crimes. For space reasons, this list for the most part includes only those already convicted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment. It also does not include death sentences, which are normally carried out soon after sentencing unless an appeal is pending. The large majority of the offenses involve allegations of separatism or other state security crimes. Because of limited access to information, this list must be con- sidered incomplete and only an indication of the scale of the situation. In addition, there is conflicting information from different sources in some cases, including alternate spellings of names, and the information presented below represents a best guess on which informa- tion is more accurate.

Sources: HRIC, Amnesty International, Congressional-Executive Commission on China, International Campaign for , Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Tibet Information Network, Southern Mongolia Information Center, Uyghur Human Rights Project, World Uyghur Congress, East Turkistan Information Center, Radio Free Asia, Human Rights Watch.

INNER MONGOLIA AUTONOMOUS REGION DATE OF NAME DETENTION BACKGROUND SENTENCE OFFENSE PRISON Hada 10-Dec-95 An owner of Mongolian Academic 6-Dec-96, 15 years inciting separatism and No. 4 Prison of Inner Bookstore, as well as the founder espionage Mongolia, Chi Feng and editor-in-chief of The Voice of Southern Mongolia, Hada was arrested for publishing an under- ground journal and for founding and leading the Southern Mongolian Democracy Alliance (SMDA). Naguunbilig 7-Jun-05 Naguunbilig, a popular Mongolian Reportedly tried on practicing an evil cult, Inner Mongolia, No. 1 physician and psychiatrist, along June 12, 2006, advocating superstition, PSB Detention Center with his wife Daguulaa, who worked but no verdict conducting illegal business, as his assistant, was arrested at his announced and printing and distributing Inner Mongolian Aztai Mongol illegal publications. Senior’s Health Center for practicing what the authorities called a “Mongolian version of Falun Gong”. The health center was forcibly shut down following his arrest. Daguulaa (wife of 7-Jun-05 See Naguunbilig. Inner Mongolia No. 1 Naguunbilig) PSB Detention Center

XINJIANG UYGHUR AUTONOMOUS REGION DATE OF NAME DETENTION BACKGROUND SENTENCE OFFENSE PRISON Ablimit (Ablimit Mehmet?) Aug-95 Ablimit was one of 21 people 15 years forming a (general detained for allegedly forming the counterrevolutionary group location) Eastern Turkestan Democratic Islamic Party in June 1991. Tohti Tunyaz 6-Feb-98 An ethnic Uyghur historian and 10-Mar-99, 11 years inciting separatism and Xinjiang No.4 Prison writer, Tunyaz, was arrested for divulging state secrets abroad collecting sensitive materials and publishing articles on ethnic relations and ethnic separatism. Abla Ebey 3-Feb-01 Arrested in for “terrorism, life terrorism, separatism ethnic separatism, violation of the unity between nationalities, and activities aimed at splitting the country.” Abdurehim Yoldash 3/5-Feb-01 A 29-year-old arrested in Hotan. 17 years terrorism, separatism Accused of writing a 600-page document promoting Uyghur national independence.

udemtJllA2-erodfre,arse n -u-1 er eaaim productionand separatism, 8years 2-Jun-01, productionand in arrested A25-year-oldfarmer, separatism, 20years 2-Jun-01, in arrested A24-year-oldfarmer, Turdiehmet Jilil Ablximit Memtimin afr2-p-1A 8ya-l,arse nBgci 3yastroim eaaim illegal separatism, terrorism, 13years inBaghchi. arrested An18-year-old, 28-Apr-01 illegal separatism, terrorism, illegal separatism, terrorism, illegal separatism, terrorism, 10years arrested An18-year-oldfromHotan, 10years illegal separatism, terrorism, 10years 28-Apr-01 Jaffar arrested A26-year-oldfromHotan, arrested A23-year-oldfromHotan, 28-Apr-01 illegal separatism, terrorism, 28-Apr-01 Abdumijit Abdukerim 10years Memet AblaIslam arrested A27-year-oldfromHotan, 28-Apr-01 12years Tursun Omer arrested A34-year-oldfromHotan, 28-Apr-01 Tursuntohti Ehmet robbery separatism, Ehmetniyaz Metrozi robbery 10years separatism, inTurfan Arrested afterbeing 24-Apr-01 10years inTurfan Arrested afterbeing 24-Apr-01 Rejep Osman incitinganti-government Yusup Tusiyat incitinganti-government 6years inHotan. A17-year-oldarrested 17years 3/5-Feb-01 A23-year-oldfromHotan.Accused 3/5-Feb-01 incitinganti-government Ehmet Memtimin 17years Nebi Yusup inHotanfor A39-year-oldarrested 3/5-Feb-01 Mehmet Tohti Abduqadir hn lnyz2-p-1Arse nTra.6yassprts,robbery separatism, illegal 6years separatism, terrorism, 9years inTurfan. Arrested A22-year-oldfromQaratoghraq 24-Apr-01 28-Apr-01 robbery separatism, Abdurishit Obulhesen Gheni Eliniyaz robbery separatism, robbery separatism, 7years 11years 15years robbery separatism, 8months 10years, inTurfan Arrested afterbeing PRISON inTurfan. Arrested 24-Apr-01 24-Apr-01 inTurfan. Arrested 24-Apr-01 inTurfan. Arrested Momin Qadir 24-Apr-01 Omer Memet SENTENCEOFFENSE separatism Ekber Abduraham terrorism, Abdurahman Bekri 17years forwriting A28-year-oldarrested BACKGROUND 3/5-Feb-01 DETENTION Ehmet Eli NAME XINJIANG UYGHURAUTONOMOUSREGION, ai usnA2-erodfre rmKsgr -u-1 0yassprts,productionand illegal separatism, separatism, terrorism, 20years 2-Jun-01, from , A23-year-oldfarmer illegal separatism, terrorism, 14years illegal separatism, terrorism, inBaghchi. arrested Age26, 20years illegal separatism, terrorism, 28-Apr-01 15years inBaghchi. arrested Age27, Yasin Tursun 28-Apr-01 15years inBaghchi. arrested Age23, Tursun Qadir 28-Apr-01 inBaghchi. arrested Age26, Ehmettohti Abla 28-Apr-01 Osman Sulayman Memetrozi Ehmet DATE OF oa. custodyofexplosives custodyofexplosives custodyofexplosives Hotan. Hotan. religiousactivities inHotan. arrested religiousactivities religiousactivities religiousactivities religiousactivities in Baghchi. in Baghchi. in Baghchi. in Baghchi. in Baghchi. political rightsforlife. and robbers.” and robbers.” and robbers.” activities and makingbombs. suspected contactwithAblaEbey. slogans. re oslttesae criminals tried tosplitthestate, of“elementswho branded part criminals tried tosplitthestate, of“elementswho branded part activities of having contactswithAblaEbey eeklCut,arse nBgci religious activities “hard strike” campaign.Deprivedof after thelaunchingofanofficial inBaghchi Tewekkul arrested County, criminals tried tosplitthestate, of“elementswho branded part and disseminatinganti-governmental cont. activities religious activities religious activities religious activities religious activities religious activities

REGULAR FEATURES 107 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO. 4, 2006 XINJIANG UYGHUR AUTONOMOUS REGION, cont. DATE OF NAME DETENTION BACKGROUND SENTENCE OFFENSE PRISON Osman Jamal 25-Sep-01 A 23-year-old trader from Qizilsu 25-Sept-06, political offenses Kirgiz Autonomous Oblast, arrested 14 years, 6 months in Kashgar. Abduhelil Zunun Nov-01 Abduhelil Zunun was detained after Nov-01, 20 years Xinjiang (general location) translating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into the . Sulayman Eysa 2-Apr-02 A 28-year-old man from Kashgar, 18 years separatism, mass protests Prison arrested in Hotan and Quariqash against the government, illegal region. Sulayman was suspected of religious activities participating in violent clashes between civilians and police in Baren Township in April 1990, after which more than 6,000 people were reportedly detained across the XUAR for “fomenting rebellion.” Elham Memet 2-Apr-02 A 23-year-old arrested in Hotan. 19 years separatism, mass protests against the government, illegal religious activities Metturdi Tursun 2-Apr-02 A 22-year-old from Bayingholun 11 years separatism, mass protests Mongol Autonomous Region, against the government, illegal arrested in Hotan. religious activities Ababekri Mehsut 2-Apr-02 A 24-year-old arrested in Hotan. 10 years separatism, mass protests against the government, illegal religious activities Abliz Mettohti 2-Apr-02 A 25-year-old arrested in Hotan. 7 years separatism, mass protests against the government, illegal religious activities Abdumejit Eziz 2-Apr-02 A 29-year-old arrested in Hotan. 7 years separatism, mass protests against the government, illegal religious activities Memet Mettohti 2-Apr-02 A 30-year-old from Chira region, 7 years separatism, mass protests arrested in Hotan. against the government, illegal religious activities Memetjan Memet 2-Apr-02 A 31-year-old from Chira region, 7 years separatism, mass protests arrested in Hotan. against the government, illegal religious activities Abdulghani Memetemin 26-Jul-02 A 40-year-old writer, teacher, trans- Jun-03, 9 years divulging state secrets abroad Kashgar (general lator and advocate for Xinjiang's location) Uyghur ethnic group, Memetemin was convicted on the basis of articles he translated for the German-based East Turkistan Information Center, and for recruiting additional reporters for ETIC. Ismail Semed Deported Semed, known to be active in the 31-Oct-05, death separatism, possession of Xinjiang (general from Uyghur human rights movement, was firearms and explosives location) Pakistan alleged to be a founding member of 2003 the East Turkistan Islamic Movement. Nurmehemmet Yasin 29-Nov-04 Yasin, b. 1974, was arrested in 10 years inciting separatism Urumqi No. 1 PSB (Nurmemet Yasin) November 2004, after publishing a Detention Center short story entitled “Wild Pigeon,” which allegedly advocated Uyghur independence. Korash Huseyin Aged 35, Huseyin was chief editor 14-Nov-05, 3 years inciting separatism of the Kashgar Literature Journal, which published the short story “Wild Pigeon” (see Nurmuhemmet Yasin).

Yga) ltoaygop counterrevolu- group, olutionary group TAR DrapchiPrison, inacounterrev- participating 17years 30-Nov-89, SeeNgawang Phulchung. allegedlyaleaderof protestsby 16-Apr-89 (Yugyal) DrapchiPrison, acounterrevolutionary forming Jampel Changchup 19years 30-Nov-89, and AmonkatDrepungMonastery, 16-Apr-89 (Ngawang Phuljung) Ngawang Phulchung TianshanDistrict separatism taxfraud, verdict 26-Oct-06, 31-year-oldsonofRebiya Kadeer. 20-May-06 Unknown. Alim Abdiriym subversion taxfraud, verdict 26-Oct-06, The33-year-oldsonofRebiya 20-May-06 BaijiahuPrison, chargesrelatedtoterrorism, 15years Aug-06, Ablikim Abdiriyim Chinesecitizenwhowas recog- Celil, 27-Mar-06 Huseyin Celil hbe eh 0Jn9 e hnrpDre 2-c-2 5yascutreouinr rmsDrapchiPrison crimes counterrevolutionary DrapchiPrison, 15years criminalandpoliti- unspecified 20-Oct-92, extended 14years, inSichuan onchargesof Arrested 1993 Dorje. SeeLhundrup 30-Jun-92 Sonam Karma Thubten Yeshe PRISON HouseArrest SENTENCEOFFENSE Chushur(Qushui) premeditatedmurder BACKGROUND deathsen- Jan-89, DETENTION studentofTibetUniversity. Aformer 19-Mar-88 Lobsang Tenzin NAME 38yearolddaughterofRebiya TIBET AUTONOMOUSREGION 20-May-06 Rushangul Abdiriyim PRISON illegallypossessingreligious SENTENCEOFFENSE BACKGROUND Momixiwas DETENTION A56-year-oldteacher, 1-Aug-05 Aminan Momixi NAME XINJIANG UYGHURAUTONOMOUSREGION, hnrpDre3-u-2Oeo orfresfo er 1 er eaaimadcutreou rph rsn TAR DrapchiPrison, separatismandcounterrevolu- 15years fromMedro Oneoffourfarmers 30-Jun-92 Dorje Lhundrup DATE OF DATE OF 1-May-98. sentence. shorter mass publicmeeting. police officerduringtheincident. “separatism.” business. Formally charged13-Jun-06. to China. aged 7–20. ueo -uy0 o“a ru”ad Urumchi dence. Oneof11Tibetanstriedata Tibetanindepen- monks supporting DetentionCentre, fromapolicebeating June. inearly injuriessustained Hospitalizedfor pending ture on1-July-06to“taxfraud”and confessedunder tor- He reportedly relatedtoKadeer's irregularities allege hisinvolvement infinancial Urumqi XUAR. OfficialChinesepressreports Rights Caucuswhowere visitingthe pending exact chargesunknown the U.S.CongressionalHuman of planned meetingwithmembers Kadeer was detainedbeforea while visitingrelativesandextradited was inUzbekistan arrested in 2005, and obtainedCanadiancitizenship nized asarefugeeby theUNHCR rmnlatvte.Etne e-t 3yasclatvte Lhasa calactivities and Tibetanindependenceon oftheDalaiLama slogans insupport activities whileinprison:shouting to 23years tence was givenduetohis“political” criminal activities.Extendedsen- Lhasa Prison, to20years ans chargedwiththedeathofa lifeandlaterreduced 5-Mar-88 andwas Tibet- oneoffive tencecommutedto inapoliticalproteston Participated historicalinformation materialsandsubversive her home.Mostofthestudentswere whom shewas studyingtheKoran in detained alongwith37students Gongkar who were arrested for dis- tionary propaganda tionary in prison.Anotherreceivedaslightly diedinApril2000whilestill Rinchen, Sonam slogans. Oneofthefarmers, ing andshoutingpro-independence apoliticalreeducationmeet- rupting Gongkar whowere fordis- arrested cont. inr rpgna espionage propaganda, tionary

REGULAR FEATURES 109 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO. 4, 2006 , cont. DATE OF NAME DETENTION BACKGROUND SENTENCE OFFENSE PRISON Jigme Dorje (Chemi Dorjee) 29-Mar-94 A monk of Serwa Monastery charged 26-Jul-94, 15 years counterrevolutionary sabotage, Drapchi Prison, with four other monks after allegedly counterrevolutionary propa- Lhasa smashing the nameplate of a govern- ganda and incitement ment building and posting pro- independence slogans. Two of the monks received 12-year sentences. Lobsang Jinpa 29-Mar-94 See Jigme Dorje. 26-Jul-94, 15 years counterrevolutionary sabotage, Drapchi Prison, (Pema Tsering) counterrevolutionary propa- Lhasa ganda and incitement Lobsang Tendar 29-Mar-94 See Jigme Dorje. 26-Jul-94, 15 years counterrevolutionary sabotage, Drapchi Prison, (Lobsang Tsegyal) counterrevolutionary propa- Lhasa ganda and incitement Lobsang Phuntsog/ 22-Feb-95 Detained in Lhasa after allegedly 21-Jun-95, 12 years inciting separatism Drapchi, Lhasa Sonam Dondrub posting pro-independence posters (Lobsang Phurbu) and visiting Nyima Kalsang, a monk imprisoned for having a Dalai Lama badge. During interrogation, Sonam Dondrub confessed to hiding printing blocks at the monastery. When the police went to search, their entry was blocked by monks, 34 of whom were arrested and 19 later sentenced; two died of injuries received in detention. Dawa Gyaltsen 1-Nov-95 A former bank manager in Nagchu, May-96, 18 years, counterrevolutionary propa- Drapchi Prison, (CECC: detained with his younger brother, later reduced to 16 ganda and incitement Lhasa feb-96) Nyima, after allegedly producing years pamphlets calling for a stop to patri- otic education at Zhabten Monastery and calling for Tibetan freedom. Nyima Gyaltsen Nov-95 See Dawa Gyaltsen. May-96, 13 years counterrevolutionary propa- Drapchi Prison, ganda and incitement Lhasa The 11th Panchen Lama, 17-May-95 After being identified by the Dalai Gendun Choekyi Nyima Lama as the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama, Gendun Choekyi Nyima and his parents, Dechen Choedron and Konchog Phuntsog, were taken from their home by the Chinese government. The family’s whereabouts are unknown, though the then Chairman of the TAR Party, Ragid, stated in November of 2002 that the child is in good health. Lobsang Sherab (Tsephel) 11-Aug-95 Along with Lobsang Tsultrim and 14 years, extended counterrevolutionary propa- Drapchi Prison, Lobsang Tsering, Lobsan Sherab to 16 years for involve- ganda and incitement Lhasa was detained in Chambdo Prefecture ment in May 1998 for putting up posters that rejected protest in Drapchi the authority of the “boy chosen by Prison Chinese authorities as the reincar- nation of the Late Panchen Lama.” Lobsang Tsultrim 11-Aug-95 See Lobsan Sherab. 14 years counterrevolutionary propa- Chushur (Qushui) ganda and incitement Prison Lobsang Tsering 11-Aug-95 See Lobsan Sherab. 15 years counterrevolutionary propa- Prison ganda and incitement Jigme Gyatso 30-Mar-96 b. 1961. Established pro-indepen- 15 years reportedly counterrevolutionary propa- Chushur (Qushui) dence group named the “Association extended to 17 years ganda and incitement, forming Prison of Tibetan Freedom Movement” in a counterrevolutionary group 1992. After a member of the group, Tsering Samdrub, was detained in July 1993, Jigme Gyatso eluded cap- ture by the police until 1996. There have been unconfirmed reports that his sentence was extended because of his political activities inside prison.

oco aga 016yaspltclofne QinghaiPrison politicaloffences 6years DrapchiPrison, organizingaseparatistgroup 10years, 10-Nov-00, UNWorking SeeChoeying Khedrub. 2001 19-Mar-00 DrapchiPrison, organizingaseparatistgroup 15years 29-Jan-01, Konchog Dargyal Gyurme SeeChoeying Khedrub. Prison 19-Mar-00 Drapchi Prison, organizing incitingseparatism, Tsering Lhagon life 29-Jan-01, inSogCountywithatleast Arrested 19-Mar-00 Choeying Khedrub 39-year-old Lama, Tibetanincarnated Chushur(Qushui) years children’s schoolinLhasaanda separatism lifereducedto18 Rinpoche) theheadofGyatso Formerly (Jigme Tenzin Nyima 26-Aug-99 Rinpoche Bangri Tsamtrul Chushur(Qushui) propa- counterrevolutionary 15years SeeJampaTenkyong. 7-May-96 Lobsang Tenpa Puto agu mrsndfrsxmnh n19 Lhasa DrapchiPrison, DrapchiPrison. DrapchiPrison, imprisonedforsixmonthsin1993 espionage 11years 12years 14years Jun-98, AmonkattheGandenMonastery, 16-Sep-97 SeeJampaTenkyong. SeeJampaTenkyong. (Phuntsog Wangdu) 10-May-96 09-May-96 Phuntsok Wangdu Konchog Dondrub Tenzin Geleg oa yto20 8ya l uditmn. 6yaspltclofne Qinghai Prison politicaloffences 6years 38yearoldBuddhist monk. 2001 Sonam Gyatso AEDTNINBCGON ETNEOFNEPRISON SENTENCEOFFENSE Chushur(Qushui) propa- counterrevolutionary BACKGROUND 15years DETENTION Oneofatleast150GadenMona-- 9-May-96 Jampa Tenkyong NAME TIBET AUTONOMOUSREGION, eh ezn1-a-0SeCoyn hdu.Dfeet 9Jn0,1 er ognzn eaaitgop Drapchi Prison, organizingaseparatistgroup 15years 29-Jan-01, SeeChoeyingDifferent Khedrub. 19-Mar-00 Yeshe Tenzin DrapchiPrison, DrapchiPrison, Chushur(Qushui) propa- counterrevolutionary propa- counterrevolutionary 12years 12years 15years SeeJampaTenkyong. 07-May-96 SeeJampaTenkyong. 07-May-96 SeeJampaTenkyong. Pasang Tsegye 7-May-96 Lobsang Khetsun Yeshe Rabgyal heg ylsnAr0 er oiia fec Maowan Prison Tanghe Prison politicaloffence politicaloffences 8years 6years Apr-01 2001 Choenga Gyaltsen Tsultrim Phuntsog DATE OF cont. enal otaeti esn vestigationneeded been abletotracethisperson. sentences. blocks forthematerials. one-year sentencereductionin2005. years. denounce theDalaiLama. ru nAbtayDtninhsnt lhuhfrhri-addsrbtn eflt Lhasa anddistributingleaflets in- althoughfurther Detentionhasnot Group onArbitrary butingleaflets Lhasa aseparatistgroupanddistri- Lhagon’s homecontainedtheprinting tributing separatistleaflets.Tsering five othermenforproducinganddis- in2003.Hereceivedafurther years tence was latercommutedto19 periods.Hisoriginallife sen- varying were andimprisonedfor arrested Choedron. Thestaffattheschool Nyima Palace. withhiswife, Arrested himself upinfrontofthePotala tract failedinanattempttoblow with whomhehadengagedinacon- Rinpoche was afterabuilder arrested relatives were sentencedtothree instigating politicalactivities.Histwo thathewascousin afterconcerns again alongwithhisbrotherand hewas arrested campaign. In1997, for resistinga1990re-education tr ok retdfrrfsn o ad n nieetPrison gandaandincitement forrefusingto monksarrested stery ore eotdfeetpio (0yas)addsrbtn eflt Lhasa anddistributing leaflets (10years?) differentprison sources report ad n nieetLhasa Prison ganda andincitement Prison ganda andincitement ganda andincitement n itiuiglaesLhasa and distributingleaflets Lhasa Lhasa Lhasa nNaa Sichuan in Ngaba, (Tanggemu) () (Xining) Autonomous County Maowan Qiang

REGULAR FEATURES 111 CHINA RIGHTS FORUM NO. 4, 2006 TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION, cont. DATE OF NAME DETENTION BACKGROUND SENTENCE OFFENSE PRISON Lobsang Tsondru 05-May-01 Arrested in connection with an inci- 7 years Drapchi Prison, dent in which Choeden Gyatso com- Lhasa mitted self-immolation in front of the Chinese embassy in New Delhi after reading out a list of demands that included the release of Gedun Choekyi Nyima, the Panchen Lama recognized by the Dalai Lama. Tashi Gyatso 05-May-01 A Tibetan Buddhist monk arrested 12 years separatism, endangering state Xining area (brick and tortured from May through July secrets factory) 1992 for speaking to two American journalists in the Tashi Thunchuklong Monastery in Tsolochul, in Eastern Tibet. He was also accused of putting up wall posters calling for Tibetan independence in 1993. Gyalpo Feb-02 One of several monks in Ganzi Pre- 11 years Kardze Pref. Prison, fecture charged with raising an illegal Kangding Tibetan flag. Lobsang Khedrub Feb-02 See Gyalpo. 11 years Kardze Pref. Prison, Kangding Tenzin Delek Rinpoche 7-Apr-02 A Tibetan lama arrested with his 2-Dec-02, death trial held in secret, though Chuandong Prison, (Trulku Tenzin Delek) follower Lobsang Dhondup and three commuted to life official sources report that the Sichuan others in connection with a bombing case involved state secrets in Chendu in April 2001. They were both sentenced to death, and Lob- sang Dondup was executed on Jan 26, 2003. In January 2005, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Tashi Tobgyal 22-Oct-02 6 years political offences Drapchi Prison, Lhasa Sherab Nov-02 5 years political offences Qinghai Prison (Xining) Nyima Tsering Dec-02 Arrested on charges of distributing 5 years inciting the masses Drapchi Prison, pro-independence pamphlets. Lhasa Choedar Dargye Jan-03 Monks from Khangmar monastery in 12 years Maowan Prison Ngaba Prefecture painted a Tibetan Maowan Qiang flag and were in possession of pic- Autonomous County tures of the Dalai Lama. in Ngaba, Sichuan Gedun Thogphel Jan-03 See Choedar Dargye. 12 years Maowan Prison Maowan Qiang Autonomous County in Ngaba, Sichuan Jampa Choephel Jan-03 See Choedar Dargye. 12 years Maowan Prison Maowan Qiang Autonomous County in Ngaba, Sichuan Jamyang Oezer Jan-03 See Choedar Dargye. 8 years Maowan Prison Maowan Qiang Autonomous County in Ngaba, Sichuan Lobsang Tenphel 12-Feb-03 A monk who pasted posters on the 5 years separatism Maowan Prison entrance gate of Chinese shops and Maowan Qiang Dongtse prefecture hospitals in 1996, Autonomous County advocating freedom and human rights in Ngaba, Sichuan for Tibet and accusing Chinese of cheating Tibetans. Dolma Kyab (Drolma Kyab) 9-Mar-05 A writer and middle school history 10 years endangering state security Chushur (Qushui) teacher in Lhasa, he was writing a Prison commentary on Tibetan history. aiDea0-u-6Antv fKrz,SichuanProvince AnativeofKardze, 01-Jun-06 Maowan Prison endangeringstatesecurity Kayi Doega 9years A27-year-oldmonkandaTibetan 24-Jun-05 separatism inciting Jampa Namgyal years 3 Dec-05, one of five Tibetan A monks nun, and incitementtoseparatism 22-May-05 3years 6-Dec-05, andGedun’s A26yearoldmonk, ChoekyiDrolma 29-Apr-05 Jamphel Gyatso akaGate ac-6A2-erodmn nTilyLd 8yassprts Maowan Prison, separatism 8years A27-year-oldmonkinThinley Lado SeeKayi Doega. March-06 SeeKayi Doega. Jun-06 early Jun-06 early SeeKayi Doega. SeeKayi Doega. Jun-06 early 2-Jun-06 Namkha Gyaltsen Jampa Yangtso Sonam Choetso Sonam Lhamo Yiga PRISON SENTENCEOFFENSE incitementtoseparatism 4years 6-Dec-05, A31yearoldmonkandateacherof BACKGROUND 2-Apr-05 DETENTION Gedun NAME TIBET AUTONOMOUSREGION, DATE OF cont. to Ganzi. advocating Tibetanindependence. freedom inTibet. for theotherdetaineesisnotknown. propaganda.” nection withGedun’s case. oatr,ScunPoic,AutonomousCounty Sichuan inNgaba, Maowan Qiang allegedly distributingpamphlets for including hiseldestdaughter, together withotherfourTibetans, prayers forDalaiLama;detained in2002foroffering prison term who hadbeensentencedtoa3-year- buting politicalleafletscallingfor distri- around amarketinSichuan, the backofhismotorcycleandrode attached aTibetannationalflagto SichuanProvince, Monastery, grammar teacherattheKardze Chinese government.Thesentences displaying criticalofthe posters Gansu onsuspicionofcirculatingand Tibetan AutonomousPrefecturein nuns detainedinGannan(Kanlho) poisonous speechofreactionary student. Saidtohave delivered“a 06 etidt e oIda u tr,Sichuan ture, AutonomousPrefec- NgabaTibetan AutonomousCounty, Maowan Qiang was detainedinLhasaandreturned but 2006. HetriedtofleeIndia, and onbridgesinGanziMarch on thewalls buildings ofgovernment painted pro-independenceslogans Gyaltsen allegedly Ganzi, Village, students were alsodetainedincon- dence. Morethan20monksand the DaliLamaandTibetanindepen- andloyalty to Tibetan nationalflag, of speakingoutregardingthe accused traditional monasticdance,