Written evidence submitted by Shayida Ali (XIN0035)

Victim 1:

Elijan Mamut, My Father.

Elijan Mamut (艾力江 马木提, ID:653101197404122416), he is a businessman, lives in . Detailed address is: No. 467, Group No. 8, Towenki Mollazat Village, Nezerbagh Municipality, Kashgar City, XUAR (新疆维吾尔自治区喀什市乃则尔巴格镇吐万克毛拉 扎德村 8 组 467 号).

He invested in a packaging supply factory, and other small business in Kashgar. He is a law abiding citizen, who has never committed any crime against the law and norms. Our communication was cut off since May 2017. Later on, I found out he was arrested and taken into one of those Chinese Concentration Camps in that region. There was no court and statements, there was no charge against him, he is only taken in the name of “Education/eradication”, like millions of . He supported me and my sister to go to university abroad. Unfortunately, he became the victim very soon after that.

There is another possibility that he might also be used as Forced Labor, there are public advertisement from the local officers about “Uyghur Labor For Sale” on the Chinese social media. It has been stated in multiple reports from UN and other human right organizations, that Chinese government are taking millions of Uyghurs into the concentration camps, separated from their family, tortured or used as slave labors, and many of them were sent to home after their death in those camps. We plea the UK parliament help us get information about him and his current condition. We will fight for his freedom and hope the justice served to him as he deserved.

Here is an article published about him on Express UK: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1282764/-news-Beijing-nazi-concentration- camps-muslim-Uyghur--coronavirus-latest

Here is his victim profile on XinJiang Victim Database: https://shahit.biz/eng/viewentry.php?entryno=23

Here is a video testimony about him: https://twitter.com/sydaaaAli/status/1261313250890846209?s=20

Here is coverage by a Turkish TV program, which I spoke about my father: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=yvepat--Nf4

His Chinese Photo ID and a picture are attached below. (see page 2)

Victim 2:

Sadir Eli, my uncle.

Sadir Eli( 沙迪克 艾力, Chinese ID: 6 53021197109010219), he is a businessman, lives in Urumqi. Detailed address is: Apt. 403, Entrance No. 2, Building No. 16, 181 Tuanjie Road, Tianshan , Urumqi. (乌鲁木齐市天山区团结路 181 号 16 号楼 2 单元 403 号)

he was detained in June 2018. His daughter tells that he called her a day before the arrest to give her the number of a person to contact in case something happened to him. They later learned that he was transferred to prison in September 2018. According to his daughter, he is sentenced to 20 years of prison. The reason given for transferring him to prison was that he fasted during Ramadan 2018.

Here is coverage by Boston’s WGBH: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2019/05/23/local-uyghur-restaurant-owner- speaks-out-i-should-fight-for-my-father

Here is the report from Radio Free Asia: https://www.rfa.org/uyghur/xewerler/lager-guwahliq-03282019165430.html

Here is is victim profile on Xinjiang Victim Database: https://shahit.biz/eng/viewentry.php?entryno=39

His Chinese Photo ID and a picture are attached below. (see page 4)

Victim 3:

Abidin Ayup, my grand uncle.

Abidin Ayup(阿吾丁 阿尤莆,Chinese ID: 65300119280201??O?), he is a known religious scholar, he is 92 years old, retired and resting at home due to his health condition. His detailed address: Ustun Atush Municipality, Atush City, Kizilsu Prefecture.

He was the imam of Qayraq Mosque in Atush's Bostan Neighborhood for around 30 years. He was detained and then hospitalized in Atush, judging by the court verdict. The detention took place between January and April 2017. The court document refers to the victim as "an inheritor of religious extremist thought".

Here is a report about him from Radio Free Asia: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/imam-01222020130927.html

Here is his victim profile on Shahit.biz: https://shahit.biz/eng/viewentry.php?entryno=4973

Here is another report from World Uyghur Congress: https://www.uyghurcongress.org/en/ninety-year-old-uyghur-imam-confirmed-detained-in- xinjiang-but-condition-unknown/

Photo of Abidin Ayup: October 2020