WC/97/020 Local Development of Affordable Lime in Southern Africa
0 0 0 0 DFID Department For 0 lnternat ional Development 0 0 British Geological Survey 0 TECHNICAL REPORT WC/97/20 0 Overseas Geology Series 0 0 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE 0 LIME IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 0 0 CJ Mitchelll, SDJ Inglethorpe', P TawodZera2,S Bradwel13& EJ Evans' 0 with contributions from DJ Harrison', A Kufa2, EJ Evansl, S Mabuku4,B Muibeya', E Chikambwe4and D Kapindulaq 0 'BGS Mineralogy and Petrology Group, * Intermediate Technology Zimbabwe, 0 Technology Development and Advisory Unit, University of Zambia, Lusaka, 'Zambian Geological Survey Department, Lusaka a This report is an output from a project funded by the UK Department for 0 International Development (DFID) under the UK provision of technical assistance 0 to developing countries. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Department 0 0 DFID cIassifwation : Subsector : Geoscience 0 Theme :G1, Promote environmentally sensitive development of non-renewable natural resources Project title :Local development of affordable lime in Southern Africa 0 Project reference :R6492 Bibliographic ri$erence : 0 Mitchell, CJ, Inglethorpe, SDJ,Tawodzera, P, Bradwell, S & Evans, EJ 1998. L.oca1 development of affordable lime in Southern Nrica 0 BGS Technical Report WC/97/20 0 Keywords :Limestolle, agricultural lime, Southern Africa, Zambia 0 Frmt mer illustration :Outcrop of dolomite (Mujimbeji Marble), Solwezi, North-westem Province, Zambia 0 0 NERC 1998 0 0 Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 1998 0 0 0 a e 0 CONTENTS Page No. a CONTENTS 1 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1 ... 0 INTRODUCTION Vlll 0 SECTION A: MARKET SURVEY OF AGRICULTURAL LIME USE IN ZAMBIA 0 1.
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