Black Ministers Assemblies of God in the Assemblies of God By Howard N. Kenyon The Ministry of n, VOL. 7, NO.1, SPRING 1987 Charles P. Jones By Edith Blumhofer

Co"er. 1op. /'WrthM'tst /Jislric/ c(;Imp muting. ('tn/ralia, 19305; inset, 19.15 mtal card. HO/lOm righl. '\wnr ..,uy ;E~;:~;d~;~,.~~:::l\'e .

, -<'If 1m • ...Ii ~ --

'pentecost in the Pacific Northwest MaI'JIIUppl)' \>,-1.1 .. cxhau~tcd Y lcalUrc\ tOe gre.1t Northwc\! I ;Im The people moved oul; ilnt! the lumber proud to \;lY that 1 illll a product 01' thai company ~old the hou~c ... \>'-hlch werc region .1Ilt! il\ Pcntccmt;ll revival either di~mantlet! or m{J\ed to other area... My mother W;I\ \avcd In a MClh("xlt\\ Today \\cndhng i.. il gho~t to\>,-n Church III the old (olllpany town of Wen­ But 4 mile .. away, in ~1i1Tcola. there I" a dllng. Oregon JOIm\ 18 1I11le\ northca\\ thriving A~ .. el11blie .. of God congregatIOn, \)f Springfield After a I\:ntccmlal group tnc Mohawk Valley Chri~lIan Center, pa~­ \Iartcd a church in tn""n. Mother began [() r..:d by Norm,-n the hilppcning "0 thought he would keep his Mohawk '>1I1(e the I\:nleco.,t;11 mev.. age .. heep al horne wilh a homely illu<,tr3tion callie to the little valley,> ea .. t of Spring­ lie u\cd 10 hayc an okl Model T which field [am pmud to ,>ay that my root .. go llIi1dc a lot of noi\c bUI didn't have much hatk there and am plca\Cd that the valley Jona/han a"d '\""0 Nodtr power. he told the c(Ulgrcgalion. Then he .,till ha~ II. Pcnlcco~tal witne'>s. got a newer car which wa .. quiet and hild far more power than the old T he fall 1986 i .... ue of Heritag,' included Si~tcr Nader told me thai they had pas­ My mother got the rnc.,<;agc thai morn­ T 1I li~t of lmnistcr. who were 90 year.. tored In Flint. Michigan. during the 1920~ ing hut d idn't apply It as tne mini'>ter or older_ At the timc. there were 1J7 nona­ and al the As .. yrilln Pcnteco~tal Church, thought '>he would. She len tnc Methodi~t genarians on the Ii .. t Some of them have Chicago. until their retirement. Church and uni ted with the Blhle Stan­ died Since the lI..,t was publi~hed, Don't you appreciate our fa ithful dard people. Includmg the oldest per.. on, Jonathan pioneer mini .. ters of the go~pel! Thank I was reared in a Pcnleco~tal church Nader Nader, who would have been 100 God for their willingness to sacrifice so bccau'>e (If Mother' .. inte re~t in deeper III June. had been marricd to Anna Nader Ihllt churche~ could be planted across th is spiritual truth .. and the hapti .. m In the for 70 years. nalion and ilround the world. Let's not forgel their contribution to the A..,scmblic~ of God. and that we are what we arc today because of godly pioneers who went before us. -t-

WllJlle E. Wtlmer IS Director of the AlG ArcJlIl'es

\SSn1BLlES OF Gon m :KI1'\(;f:

Ifnitag' i_ publishoo quarterl, bJ the ,\.....cmbli~ of God \rehi> es, 1+*5 BOOinilic ,\,c., Spring· field, MO 65802. Phonc \4171 862_278t. 1'hi.\ paper is free to mcmber.. ofthc '\~rnbli('!j of(;od At right, th~ ~ditor' s licrilll):t &K-ic!)_ YCllrlJ rn e mlK'r~ hi~ ;Irc 1I'lIil­ boyhood (hunh 01 n tnd­ ablt' for SID: lifctimc mcrnlx-r\hip ~ arc Sloo. linl:, Ongon, /ole /940s. I'crsons wisbin): 10 donatc hblorical rnal('rials Th ~ first l'~ nt UOSfal soch a. co rrc~pundcnct'. photogrllph~. lalK'~, c hurch in th~ upptr film,", maga:d nt;!;, books. rninutes. etc., arc ur):ed Moho,,'1o: \tllI,.,. nt-ndling 10 "'rill' to Ihe Archhe!> al the abo\(' addrt'SS. is "0'" a Khost '0"'''. TI" girls au I'hyltis East­ mo", Marilyn S"vJ/ord, Wayne E. W .. mer, Editor and Sharon \tJ" C ltv~. Tht Moha ... k. \'allty ARCHIVES ADVISORY BOARD ehrulia" C~"ur (AIGJ. Joseph R. Flower, Chairman abov~. is at Marro/D , 4 Everett Stenhouse mi/~s fro", Ih~ old Kt-nd­ Thomas F. Harrison ling silt. Bartlett Pelerson

'Copyright 1987 by lhe Gent'f"1I1 Council of lhe Ph otos court~sy 0/ /.AJyal Swofford and uft" K arn~r Assemblies of God, Springfield. MO 65802.

[!) AlG HERtTAGE. SPRING 1987 /Ylllft'Olfal HmwlI ('amp \lUI/III:, (;fUfI I",A,. ~,all/', 1919. Th, \orll, .. "t 1),,/r;("1 ...J Ih, 'u""M,tJ ofCiodfo,.",tr/ hrrr. n,~ J" .. r mlfl/I"n A Story of Pentecost Ilalrd IOgnh" '" Ih, frDnt ro .. an Iralll.. l ,lfIdhlad. a HrDlh" CoII'IIi, 11,11,0," UUi/", IIl1d , II. ''X''', in the [jy Marjorie Slew(ll1j Pacific Northwest Azusa Street Revival Penetrates New Regions

n the history of the modem F\:ntcco,>taJ the Azusa Strcel rcvlval. ~hc \\<1'. able to then one day a, \I"Ie ';It III the ,Cn-Ir.:C' .•1 I revival, thc year 1906 brings Lo .. explain MISS Jacob~cn'~ c)(pcricnr.:c of thc \ound like .1 nL'h ing. Illight) wind fLlkd Angeles and A/usa St reet \0 1I11J1d. AI the evening before. Mr~. Cr:Lwl'ord w;\~ onc tI"Ie room, and ~ I "Ie wa .. hrlrti/cd ..... Ih the same time the Lord Wll~ CIll I)()wcring Hi .. of the fir .. 1 to bring the Pcnt cc()~I'll ll1e~ Holy SplTit Of thi~ e~pcricncc, ,Ill: " lid, people with the Holy Spirit in California. sage to the Pacific Northwe~t "The power oj God .. hook my \cry !x·mg. lie Wll~ also filling Chri\tian<, in thc Paci­ For a look at Florence Cr,lwl'ord', early and river, 01)0)'

A/G HERITAGE. SPRING t987 [3' Ihe 1'0 IO t of deat h I'or wceh my wa~ opened 111 Aberdeen, Wa~hll1glOn, room bUi lding ..... as bUilt by the lIlen of the mOlller bent over my hcd c~fKXllng me near the I;oa\l Carl G Carl~on, an Imml congreg;ttion Through a serie.. of lIlo .... e~ 10 pa~\ lJWay any IIITlC Lalcr, I had 10 grant from Sweden wa\ mnucnllal 111 the under the direction of many fine pa<,\(lr. , wear a \urgu,:al \UPI)(lrt a " h;amc\\' beglllnmg of th" wor" He had \Iowl)' the congregation finally located .11 ih \Oollh \Inlp\. II. melal plale Ik;m\\ my migrated ..... e~t unlll he reached Aberdeen pre\Cnt ~ite and budt whal is no .... kno .... n ahdornen. metal prt>ng~ In the bad.. dnd as Evergreen Christian Center. This center \tr.. p, Ok:rt.r. .. my .. houldcl"'l and bOk:l. I and wa\> convened at the age 01 ]() m could OI"\( Idke 1\00\1 .. tcpo...... lIhool thl\ 1901 JO ll1lng Ihe Swedi'h \1 1~,ion hOb a strong outreach. mlllistenng to the hamc\\ un my body II I \tcpped hard Church (now the Cmcnant Church). he necd~ of hundreds of people throughout un fll) ni!ht foot I \Oo()uld be m bed I(lr dedicated hlm\elf to mlnJ~lermg to the the greater Olympia area. 1...... 1 ..... ttl. .. young people of the congregation as .... ell One day thl:: Lord d,l.ed me 1<) lake Ihal a~ those in the communit). nother man greatly used of God to hamc~\ of! It had been my ClJn~IJnt In 1906 the new~ of the Penleco\tal fnend and wmpanlnn for II year. but I revIval at Alu'>a Street readlCd Carlson A introduce the Pentecostal message to the Pacific Northwest was William H. removC(j II I had heard the thmg }m~1e The paper "nown as The Apo.ftoill· Failh many a tnne ..... hen I dropped II tnlO lhe made its way to Aberdeen and Carlson, Offiler. Also an Immigrant. Offiler sailed do~t for the fll~ h t Outlhl\ lime. there along Wi th John Nelson. avidly read of the from England to Canada in 1889. He later wa~ a Ihank.\gL'Img m my heart h«au\C outpouring of the SplTl t on believers in moved to Spokane. One evening while he I wa\ through wl lh Lt fOTe'ler - God wa\ ~ t ood at the comer of Howard and Main 80ll1g to heal me California A hunger lor th i ~ experience wa\ born in the heart s of both men Streets. a small group of people came fhe prnyer of fa uh W,I ~ prayed for roe. Nelson recetved the Bapti<; m fi rst A short walk ing down the street. They stopped li nd God did heal mc. lie In \ tantl y ncar him and began 10 si ng and then he "led me. r leaped and I'r a l ~cd the tlille later, a fter a ni ght of prayer, Carlson was also fi ll ed with the Holy Spirit. preach the Gospel. Offil er li stened with name of }c .. u\ and I wlilked twent y· Interest. When the street meeting ended . th ree blocb that 'Icry night , wLlhout the Othe rs in the Swedi sh MI ~s i on Church harne\\ then accepted the Pe ntecostal e,,"pericncc; he followed the group to a small store building. A sign in the window read but because the church resi~ t ed the ir tes- E:"trller. Mr. Crawford had told God "Gospel Miss ion." He went in and sat th at If lie would heal her, she would through the service . At the close of the preach the go\pel a~ long a\ lie g

[!] A1G HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 ILg;lte the clairm. [I.:. r\ Born. a,l,ll,tant THE PENTECOSTAL I,upcrintendent 01 toc !'\onh"el,t J)i,tril."tl~ Reuben Bom'~ granlhon.] One (II the fiN <"cnil."c'> the~' ~ere In. God'~ (l('"er Will, mlghuly 1l1Jnlie'tt'd: REVIVAL AT LATAH many "cre ,lain under the (l(l"omelhlllg '>0 ne\\ home and tell u, the p\l(ld ne\\, Brother When the Pelllecosw/ rniwll spremJ While I wa" readmg, m) mntlll:r \\ a~ Born came horne filled andlu"t J ·'1\;11· lIorth from Los Angeles in 1907, M L. all ab-.orhcd and 1I1 pT R\'all~wl/O /I(U/ been (I pastor ill Salem. '>poke up and ,>aid. "Oh. it'~ till: Lord; It'" madc u~ knn"'" of a ,ure!\ that It ""'ii' re;11 Oregoll, mltJ pllblisher of the Apo~tolic the Lord "I didn'l k!1(l\\ \\hat 10 make 01 ,\<; father '>0 Jll) lull) told u, "hill he hild Light-rffeiwd the ('.' periellCl' ami thell it il \\a'> all '0 "Ir.lnge; hut Cora hiN:h. ~ccn 01 the \,{lrklng' (It thc 1101) SPirit III weill to Spokane. tala". {/ COfllllllmiry ll1} girlfriend. ""ho wal> \i'>lIl1lg u'> ilt the the mcetln~~. Ollr hearh hecaLne "') lIear Spokane. experience(/ Pen/ceQ ... t ill time. took i\ ,'eT) "criou'>[} and ,aid to hun~T) Illr the ~amc March 1907. Tlli... 510,-.,' was Ifritten IJv ll1e. " If God wanted to '>peak through me t-,Iothcr finally dccldt'd .. he \\ou[d go to Rose Pitlll(lll Downillg ()Ill' of file persolis in other lOngue" ['d be g[;ld to let him do SpoLlnc on Wcdnc~da) morning and who was bapli::ed ill the Spint at Ih(ll LI'" attend the'e ,crVKC' \Iv ,,1">ICr bnihc. lime. She /mer (U'comp(lIIied others 10 fhe All the thing~ that we h,ld read ,Ibout Mr.. Bom. eMil Frihdl and I ";lId ""e ih Far £(15/ (U (I missimUlr\: She dietl /(/.w became our chid COI1\'er;mioll during the would go too. ~o thi<; \\ (mr plan \\". year at the age of 101. . next few days, and wc were much III I."ould hilrd[, "" for til<.' da\ to come prayer thm \\-e might be [cd 01 God con~ On he"Z!.I) eWllIng our' nClghhor. il I n March l907 my father carne home ceming these thing~. Mr, ZlIllIllCnll;IIl, called on Ill, l'\alura[l) from town one day with a paper called We had heard til:!t a cen am nllni~ter \\c told hlln a[1 about ""hat Gnd ""';1" The AfJOsrolic Failh that SOmeone had who had been filled with the Spirit. and dmng. Before he Ielt. mother handed hllll given him. It was published In Los had held a ~crie~ of meeting'> in Salcm. the BIble ,aying. "Broth(:r l.immcrmilll. Angeles. California. and told all about the Oregon. hild no\\ COIllC to Spokanc [prob­ p[ea~e rt!ad .1 ponion of Scripture Jnd "e outpouring of God's Spiril al AWSH ably M L, Ryan]. and was conduct Hl g ~hall have prayer togetocr hcfore you go Street. Father was mueh enlhused over II cottilge prayer mecllng.. Father and home" Ik to(lk the Bible. read, and then and askcd mc 10 rcad Ihe paper 10 lhem Reuben 130m went to Spokane to inve .. - Cont,nuNi on fH'1If' 7

,\'orth"'esl missionaries to Ihe Orirnl. /907, Slalrding, from Ihe left. Hill lldl Col)"or, .111"$. N)"all and bub). \t. I .. N)"on, 1':11 1.0 .. 1", and 1-mma Col)"ar. Ruse i'illmall (aullror of IIUOIIIJHIn)"ing star)" "The l'rnt«ostul ChildrM If' front, I.eonard CoIJar, I1m'nard ("f!lmr. I'nul Hyun. Rel'i"al 01 /..otalr··). Cora Fritsch. Edward Neilly, ,ua)" 1..0": LiIIllm Callahan, Lesttr Ryo". lIarlond 1.0"'1('(. and Heatrirt' 1.o"'lrr. Bertha Milligan, \'innie McOQllald. and Archie McDonald. Center, Mrs.


Spirit hlur ycar. aller that, tour lal1ulll:s mtl\~'J twm S'l\kat<.:hc .... an. CanaJa, iiI Pacific Northwest/".m pa~,. '1dm. and a PI:nte<.:o\tal W(lr!,. "";.1 ... bc~un 111 that nllllOlUnit, Later in hi' mini~tr}. affiler h;1l1 an In about 1919. Ofrikr tll~ncd;1 n1l ...... 1(111 Durmg thc ycar. (11 I<)IS-UL the Lord oU(~landing healing mini"r~ \l'ln) in the inncr ..:it\ ~'atleJ the Pine Strcet \\ a\ al\o fl\-lunng (lut lil\ linl) Splnt (In people ~Iill a[j\c today rc<.:ount the ,>lOric,> \li",ion. Hc qui~kl~ aHr.ldcd a large 1'1l1· Chri\lIan ... III ttl..: \tatc III OreCllI1 In of miracle,> that IOO\.. place under hi, 10"" Ill\! and c'tabh,hed nne ()1 thc liN a ... mall C(lmlllUll1t~ .."(lnh !lo\\clJ. JU"" a mim'>uy Pcnteco~t;11 ehur..:he~ III Se.utle In time it Ic\\ mil~ ... ca ... t \11 Bmll!.. ... , Gnd ""NJ.,cJ In Soon after thi ... healing. he fell direl'lcd gre .... w Oc the large ... t inJcf"!nJcnt Pen· lhe Ii\c ... nl nll"n and \\\Imcn h) harll/In)! of God to move to Scanlc. Along with teeo~t'll dlUr..:h In the Pil~'ifi..: '\{mh .... c ... t another mini.,tcr he held a lent meeting al Offiler ehose not to affiliatc v.ith tilt! them In 111\ Splflt ,ml! hCillin!! th~lr Ballard Beach in 19n Juti;, Strum \\ ... emblie, of God bc..:au\e of do..:tnnal t'<.k!i~,. a ... \\cll a' "';\\II1C their ..:hlldr~n ;mJ \(lUlh rhl:>o W:l\ the out· Bcckton fCmember .. attending the meet· difkrentes IIc "".1\ lmol\cd in thc "l''''' r~-\I\ai t!nl .... lh (ll"'~l'J~ plant~J III 19t)] b~ Julius ing:-. a~ a young girl. She ~;Iy' that tile) h,uc" (also kno.... n ,j'" the ""k\u\ Onl\ \i.lgcl. ,I lI~-nllan 11ll1lHgr;tnt. were .... ell ;tttended. probably by (HCr 5(,X1 m()\-erncnt). HI'" own -Irinitarian fl\-1\ltilln people. AI fir.. !. OITiler only led the .. mg­ difkred from the dm:trinal \I;.ltcmcnt IkillTC \II!!C! kit (icnllan~. tl..: g.I\C hl\ ncan and life III G(lll Whcn he armed III ing. Then [he other rnini~lcr left for 1l1eet- adoptcd h) the Coun":ll 109 .. in Vancouver. and Offi1cr too\.. mer Oregon, he ;!nd hi ... !:lwlhi..-r, budt and the preachmg. He continued to preach n ,Ibout 1910, God Icd il ... mall group of i1pt'rall'd a ,;\wl11ll1 at'<.lut 10 Illlk, n\lnh nl even w-hen the other man returned Chnqian, to bcglll a work in Pou!...b!). S;lkm Feeling !:lu[\icned hlr the m~n he I had hlrcJ. \'llt!CI .... ent fwm hllme hI Another meeting WlI~ .. And the third time \\ hen he :\\\.,ed The Pcntcnht.11 ""{lrJ." 111 t'<.llh Le .... I" until he docs something for us." He led in mc the ... ame que~tion. I ; 1I1 ~were(1. "Lord \lin. Idaho, and 111 Br':lllcrtllfl. Wa,h prayer; and when he finished. my mother lake e\'erything. only let me have Je~u~_" mgton. hegan around 1<)15 B\ 1911'1. began 10 pray with great earnestnev" and Theil a Holy hu\h C;llllC o\cr me; the chu[\'he, wcre bccun 111 ;\n;lnJne". -1;1- emphasis. She didn't pray long, but what only way I know how to describe It i~ Ihat coma. ;LIld SfI\-lk;I;W In 19[9, Pu)allup. she said wa s prompted by the mig hl Y it seemed like a dove ot peace '-Cttlcd SUllIl, ... lJl'. ;lIld \\,llla Walla wcre "JdeJ power of God. In a few minute~ ... he wa~ down deep within my ~oul. and I .... a~ to tllC Ii,t So from Iltlnh 10 ,()ulh. C;hl to gloriously Baptized with the Iioly Gho~t overnowing with lhe blessed Hol y Spirit \\C"1. hack and forth ;h:rm, Oregon. and was speaking in tongues in a lan­ He within me began 10 speak fonh .... ords \\a\hlllgton. and Idaho. Ilk:' 1lI1ght) ru'h­ guage she had never known. She knell in another tongue. which onl ) the Spirit IIIg Wind uf til.: Spirit !:lie ..... ;1\ (i{k! hllcd there, her hands lifted toward heaven. her knew. It was marvelous to lei the lIoly hungry I)('an~. el1lpo\\cnng them 1(1 carry r'lee Sh ining with the Glory of God. and Spirit ~peak through lips of clay. the won­ illS Go\pcl to lhe umavcd af(lund thclll oh. so happy. We all stood around singing derful mysteries of God. and praising God and walching mother. We d id not go 10 the meetings in Spo­ rom lhe ... e 'Cilllercd bcginninp, the for we could not understand . bne a~ we had planned. for God met 1I~ F Nonlmcst Dl\trltl 01 the A,~mbhe~ Finally I said to f:lther. " Docs mother at ho me and ~ lIIi s fied the longing for our ofG. T he next night wc had the .... cdly ycar. J. S. Sccri,t. it Genenll Presoytcr 01 with a smile. " Why yes, [ Ihink she docs." pr:lyer meeting in our home. lhe General Council of the A,~elllhlie, 01 We were so happy :lnd rejoicing over T he people who had come to praycr God. called together a group 01 mim'>tef\. the Ihings Ihat God W:lS doing. Mother gOI meeting that night heard whal wa~ going from throughout the Nonlme .. t areil Ten up and walked over 10 my sisler-i n-Iaw on. Many of them mshed up~l;!ir~ and mini,ters heven mcn and three women) Mary. put her arms :lround her as she was came to the door of our room where we :Ill affiliated \\ith Ihe Gcneml Council, praising God; as she let go Mary fell to the were already meeting God. allended thilt I1r,t meeling The group noor under the power of God. Mother They asked. '"Rose. what docs 11m chose Fran\" Gray;" d i... trict dJ:lirm;m and then came 10 some of the o thers who stood me,IIl ?" [t was so marvelous. but I didn'l J.S Secri~t as Ji~trict ,enetary. The close to me. As she gOI closer 10 me I fell kno\\ how 10 e xplain . Later we wenl Northwesl Di"trin of tlk:' A~~elllhlle, of wave after wave of God's power going downst:lirs where the pr:lyer meetmg Wil' GoJ at that time entOlllpil\~cd Wa~h­ through my being. I tried 10 hold on to lhe in progress. People were slain under the ington. Ore~o n . Id;lho , and .... c,te rn back of the chair to keep from falling. bUI power of God all over the room. Five Montana fin:llly I could not hold on any longer. I received :I mOSI wonderful Baptism Ihill hank Gray. the fir,1 di~trict chillnnan fell 10 the noor. and as soon as I did that. I night. (later Ihe title ""iI, changed 10 wptr­ was made to realiLe Ihat I was in the This was soon noised abroad Ihrough­ IIllendcnt). \va" tlk:' ~on and gra nd ~on of hands of the Lord. The power of God was OUI the town and the neighborhood and Baptl~t prea cher~ I-I e .... a~ li vlllg on a mightily upon me. I began to pray; I hungry heans from far and ncnr callle to wheat f"rlll about 20 rllll e~ east of Spo· wanted what God had for me, though I our home any hour of the day to pray and kane. Wa~hlllgton. and preachLIIg in a hardly knew how to ask. This wal. some­ wait on God to be filled with lhe Holy neighborhood BaptlSl church when God thing sodifferent: God was so ncar, Finally Spirit. They d id not mind walking many bapti/ed him with the 11 (J ly Splnt. lie ,old He began to speak to me, saying, "Are miles 10 get there. They were ri c hl y his farm and moved hi , family to Spokane you willing to give up all for meT I said, rewa~ded. for they received the Sil me where he joined wllh a group of f\!n­ "Yes Lord I am. '" And Hc spokc. "Arc expenence. tecO~la l be li eve r~ you willing to give lip nil for meT I Thus the Pentecost;!1 work in Lat:lh, Gray wa~ invoh-ed 111 the beginning... of replied, "Yes, Lord, take all just give me Washington. began. ~,.. The f\!nteco\tal A~~cmbly of GlxllIl Spo·

AJG HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 :7i ",me In II)IH Under hl~ leadcr'hlp the Cole tell, that ;I, a on.,. he '>I.' loved hi, under the name of Evangcli\lil' I-ull G()~­ ~hurdl "'a~ Incorporated. and ,ef\iir.:e~ pa'lllr he thnu!!ht the gre:.t..:,t thin~ "nuld pel A\\ot:iation In \Iarch 1927, "Lth ""ere r.:ondul·ted m a dlurr.:h huildmg on oc to have a halrl'ut JU" It"'" P,.,ttlT I·rank Gr.l)" ~uJX:nntendent of the l'onh­ the r.:orner 01 Deilll AHnue and :\~h Gray',. (Gray"" a, completel) hald till tup ""l!,t Di .. trici (Oregon wa') a pan of the Street St)Il\C 01 the pellple III lhe ~()m· ""ith a fnnge \If hair circling h" heatl.) dl'tnci al that time) a.. the .. peaker. lhe mUnll)' trled In ~{()p lhe mcctlllg~ hndlllg l.llIle did Cole "no"" that 'Ilmeda, he tabernacle ""as dedicated the )' r.:(luld nut dll 'II. their illltagoni,m ""'vuld be 'I1I1Il!! ""here hi~ j,()}hlllkl"hcro Later the churl'h mo\ cd to Par" and gre"". and tme night a mnb \Ct/ed Gra)' ,at In thc di,trict ~upenntcndcnt s \1ar"ct Strccl\. They changed the name and dragged hun out Intel Ihl: mglll 1l1C)' chaIr 1 Irom bangeli\lic Temple to Fir .. t Ihell cmered hi' hod\' ""'ith tar and During the de..:ade of the IIJ2£k , !!rOUp' A .. ..cmhly of God. Thl~ church IS now reather\. BUI Ih " dill not deter hlnl from of Chri\lian~ ""ere dm"" n {(I!!cthl:r 111 \:11) "nown a!) Chri\lian Center From tnc<,e r.:on tlnulng It) prear.:h the Pentecll~tal after citv bccau\C of their ~umll\lm bclLef\ humble beginning .. , the Pcnteco~tal mes­ me~~i'1!C III lhe infilling 01 the HoI), Spint illld III 'age In Salem is being preached in about That ~ilme ),eiJr, 19U1, (iray muved 10 divlllc healing SOrlie, like the 1!fOUp In 20 churche~ and ml\ .. iom lodny. ra~(lIna imd bmught together a 'mall Salem. Oregon, III aoout 192fl, were group 01 I\:nt c~m tal hchc\'c'" In..: con· forced 10 leave the r.:hurt:he .. the)' had any of the churches in lhe Nonh""'e'>t grcgatmn mct In a 'ccond flOtlr ;Judl- attended for yea", M Di .. trici staned from humble begin­ An C'i.mge\i\l by the name 01 \1ome ning ... Dedicated Christians who accepted wa, conductHlg ~I>ccia l meetmg' III the the Pentecostal message gave generou ~ly The Northwest District Was Chri'>lian and Mi .. \ionary All Lance out of theLr own modest means. But until Church of Salem. The mccting' had con the congregation s grew large enough to formed in 1919 and tlllued for ~everal weeb when it Wi" di.,· rai,e the necessary funds for bu ildings of Included Washington, Idaho, covered that Evangelt~t Moore wa .. it their own, many groups met in homes. in ~nt eco .. tal believer, When ,I""ed by the C rented hall~ , III .. torefronts. In West Seallie \\-'estern Montana, and & MA board to di \l;ont inue the meeting', III 1925, a group of believer~ found an Oregon. Evangeli .. t Moorc moved hi .. \Cf\iice, to empty theater building on California Ave­ the Grand Tncater and c(lrltinued there nue and began the WeSI Seattle Full Gospel Mm t of Ihe people who had been MI .. sion Later this group of Pcntecoslal !OTtum on Sixth Avenue Liter they attending the meetings follo""ed him to believer. affiliated wi th the Assemblies of moved III il "m,,11 churt:h till the comer of the theater, But when Moore leilrned of God and became known as the West Seallie South 25th and 'T ' Streel .. It wil~n'tltlng the Pentecostill M i ~s i on, pil\lOred by Ham Assembly of God. unlLl thi .. '11\;1 11 huddmg, which .,ealed Han!.Cn, he closed hi ~ meelLng .. and .. ug­ In Oridgepon, about 10 fam il ies came about 80 Pc",o"", ""a' filled ge~ted that the group who had fo llowed together in 1927 to fornl Bethel Church. In Iho..c early yea"" Gr-JY conducled him attend '>\!f\iice, at the MI ~ .. ion Many They met in a saloon which they had con­ all the r.:hun.: h bu .. ine, .. iL.. ""ell iJ .. the di .. - of them did vened into a meeting place. A number of trit.:t hu'me" tmlll the dmlllg mom of hi .. Han !. Han!)Cn ha, been called "God' .. ),ears later a fire destroyed the building, horne. III .. ~t)n Paul. recall .. how he imd man for that time and place." A .. a young and they met in the city library while they hI .. hrother H"rold, bought their lather an man he had Joined the Merchant Marine .. put up their own bu ilding. Undcl'\'.'ood typew Tlt cr tor 520 Thl" wa .. in Norway and li ved a rough and ~lIlful But more commo n was the home hi .. one pIece uf ollicc eqUlpmcnt I. life. But one day at 'Cit when a violent prayer meeting, often conducted by the Gmy i.... 1'0 remembered hy hL s .. ons as storm so frightened everyone on board one who pr:u,;ti ced whut he preached The .. hip that they all thought they would .. tlllldard hc held out for other" he fir,t ne ver sec !:md ;Igain , lIan\en called on Frank Gray, the Fint li .. cd hirmclf Ilc taught the Word, and God to spare hi!> life . He prorni~ed God he Superintendent, Was Tarred hi .. me\sagc often cent ered on holy li ving. would preach tllC GO<,pcl. lI Thi \ W1l .. undergirded by hour, of praye r He then became involved in a Nor­ and Feathered at Spokane III hl\ own per~onnl deV()ILOIl S, lie wa, wegian mi ssion in Seattle for a ~ h o rt tLlIl C. in 1918. aho a m:m who freely gave \() whomever Later he entered the eva l1 geli~tic field. In h .. d a need Often he reached LIlto his own 1925 he conducted tenl meetings In pocket 10 give financial a\si., tance to Salem, presenting the Pcnteco~ tal mes­ IllY people themsclves until a pastor could tho\C who nceded it Meah were freely sage A year tater he wa~ a.. ked to re turn be secured, Such was the experi ence of .. hared wi th the Ie" fonunate And vis­ to pastor the Pentecostal mi ss ion At the three or four fll milies in Ellensburg. Itor" from out-of' lOwn were lllwaYl> tLllle, this group of Penleco~tnl beltc\"c~ These believers gathered in a home in Hl vLted to dinner was mccting in the old YMCA bUilding . Wcst Ellensburg. conduct ing their own I-..... n" Cole, the pre,ent .. uperintendent TIle congregation had cleaned up the hall scrvices. Soon they moved to the old lin­ of the Northwest Di .. trict. remembers which had previously been u .. cd a~ a coln School and held Sunday school and Gray wLth great affectIon. Cole grew up gymnasium. They had hung curtain~, prayer meetings there, Several months in the Tacoma church and experi enced the built a platfornl. and In ~ tall ed two large later the y moved to an old store building concern and care Gmy felt for his con­ stoves for which wood had to be carried on Third and Pearl and called a Rev. gregation TIle Grays were on vacat ion 111 up two nights of Mairs , Green to become their fi rst pastor. After a Yell owstone Park the \ Ull1mer young Under the leadershi p of Hansen, this few months, they moved again- Ihis time Fmnk Cole was about 8 years old , A group purchased a Inrge lot at the comer 10 an old lodge hall on Pine Street where postcard arrived at the Cole home of Ferry and Thineenth Streels. They built they remained until 193J. addressed to the parenlS and carrying a large tabernacle that would scat more Wapato, a small community on the greetings to them from their pastor. The than 600 people. south side of Yakima, is al so another picture on the card was of a bear standing The revival fires continued for months example of a church born out of a home on its hind feet looking in a car window. after they moved into the tabernacle. prayer meeting. In the early 1920s the At the bottom of the card, Pastor Gray Mcctings were held every night. Later, the Pentecostal believers in Wapato met in had penned the words, "The bear is for congregation decided to mcet three eve­ their homes. Then God moved until the Frankie," The character of a man can nings a week and three times on Sunday. crowds grew too large for the homes. The often be read in how he responds to Hansen, together with Brothers Kulpus old Home Laundry building on East Third children, and Ferguson. incorporated the new work Street became their church home until it

[!] AJG HERITAGE, SPRING t987 too could not cont,lin the people attending. From the old Home Lmndry ' ...... u.u. bUilding they moved to the Duffy Build· Ing on South Wapato Avcnue, to the '=:.~:._..... ':~!"'._-- " Nagg!. Building. and then to the Rcliable ..... " -...... ):orll~l\Jt6t Di"lriri {!;uuncil ...... Garage building. Thi, \.\a, their hnal .. ... c~:.:.: •. _~_";'. .• move before the) located In theLr pre'>Cnt • 0 _'00 site on caM 5th Succt ... _ •••·_r "tunal I!ouucil 01 1/1, :\.. tmttlit. of (S,ob .!..:-::;"": ... On March 28. 1927, the church wa!. "'- ...... u. . ... -...... _...... ~-.. ~-.- .. officially incorpor.lled C D Waters of ...__-.- .. ... - ...... '"~ .. -. .. Des Moines. Iowa. ht.--came the pastor and .- --...--- ...... served the congregation for II years. -.--- Under hl~ mlnLstry crowds packed out nearly every building they met In Night afler ntght there wa~ Mandlng-room only when they Illet Ifl the Reliable Garage Dutn~t I~ntr"nul. 19.11 budding because of the hunger of ~o many people to receive morc of God. The whole town wa~ !oo affected that did not begm until \\blc) W Ilenung Thl~ \.\a~ lhe hr..t official gathcnng 01 Wapato's theater~ closed down The the­ organized the fir..t youth rally m the I)" the young people from different churdlC~ ater owners said. "No one comes. :'0 there lrict in 1929. A, the a!o~j~tant p"~tor()! the wllhLll the A\\cmblte~ of God in the is no use to stay open a:. long a~ the First Penteco,tal Church In Yalu11l;L. North\~c,t But thh ~mall bcgtnntng h .. ~ revival meeting:. are on." Fleming carried a burden for the young led to a major mini,try of the A~,cmblie' 1X!0ple of the DL~trict So on Cktoilcr 15. of God throughout the area. 1929. he sent out letter~ ,ueh ;j~ the 'nlC 1920, \.\;j!> .1 tlllle \', hen churche~ A Revival in Wapato Closed following: were e,tabh~hed 10 the Nonh\~e't The Holy SPlrH conltnucd 10 1110\"1.' In the the Town's Theaters. Dear MI~ Lapp. hc;lrt~ and IL\'c~ of men ,lnd .... omcn Con Thi\ 1~ to announce lhe fir-I monthl) rail) 01 greg.lILon, gre\.\ and pa:-,IOn. \.\ere called About 150 Converts Were the "Christ's Amba~,ador!." oft .... Y;!kmla \011· to lead them E\angell~m \.\a~ Baptized in the Ie). \.\hich is to be held LO the hnt I~nlec("\~toll Church at YakIma on Monda) e\cnmg emphaslLcd and soub \.\ere bmught Into Yakima River. October 28 OIl 7:30 p.m ,hall) the K IIlgdOIll This I~ Ju~t the begmnmg of t.... <;c lime, of Continut'd fello .... shlp \.\hich we hope Will prove a real To Bt' At the first baptismal service. Waters bleSSing to all the asscmblic\ In the valle)' The baptized 89 convert!> In the Yakima River idea is 10 hold one ofthe~ rallle, C\'cry month A short time later. another 60 people were and to have them OIl a diffcrent assembly each baplized. lime In the laiC 1920!o. mmi:.tcring to the leI's gct behind II and push and pray thalli will a rcaillme of bless 109 for all and that II t Ward \1 Tann-c:berg:, 1.~, I.,/(hl ~h",~ 0 .. , young people of the District became a be will be the staning IUlle for a real revI\al (1917). I' 8 l;nlcS! Od-.erwl'><' lI"JKoltW. 1~ .)<,1I1n:C concern of some. At the close of the Dis­ among the young people of the YakUlla vallc} malenal tor Ihl\ anKte ha\ heen talcn frum lanne· book trict Council meetings of 1926 and 1927. Everyone is invited and urged 10 come berg', youth conventions were held. The con­ Remember the tune and the dale. 2 TM 1..t/(hl of tifr BfQu.~hf Triumph. A Bnel vention of 1926. in Everett. Washington. Sketch of Ille Life and Labors of Florcn~'e L. was held for 3 days, June 18·20. On Fri­ Smccrely YOUI1>. (Mother) Cra .... ford (Pontand. Orcgon A~toh" !-a,lh Puhh~hll1g House. t955). PI' 2·17 day afternoon the message was given by (signed) Wesley W Flcmmg .1" ""Hh Oa\'11.1 Pool1\hct, hnuary 6, Almyra Aslon. a mi ssionary to Indi:• . A t987 . consecration service followed ill which A \lalla n hlla r~"i"ol po.~ftr from Iht I9!Os 4 111111 many young people dedicated themselves .'i lnlcr.lcw "'Ih Julia Strul1l Bcdton. Jdnuary to God.9 G IlEAT IlEVIVAL CAMPA IGN 6. t987 TIle youth convention in 192 7 was held 6 tnlcrvlew ""Ith Paul Gra). tkccmber IS. on Sunday, June 20. The District minutes Now on t986 record that the lit Ihe 7", "",Ih Frank Cotc. Janu.ll) 6. t987. 8 Et~1 Bergtund and IkmLCC Dalan. Strang Tabernacle (SlOne way Tabernacle: In 11',,1/0 11'"11,, lund, ws Hu,/J"'11 for Tomorro ... (OKg.,.., 1),~lnct Seattle) was packed to the door.;. The COIIocl1. 1976). I' 7. T"bern"de service opened \.\ Ith a devOllonal pro· 9 Mmutcs of the Se\'cnlh Annual M«tmg. gram that includcd soul·sllmng smgmg ~ ~ 00> North"'CSt DlMnct Council. 1926 and :estlmomes that rang with a re:lI 10 Mmutc~ of the Elghlh Annual 'tecllng. notc of praise to our precious Saviour "'...... "007 ..~ .. Nonh ... tit !),Stnct COIIrK"lI. 1927. ~t.- for Ills sweet presence dunng the whole 7.45 II.'" convenllon Se\eral musical number; s-.tay. 10>lO ., .... 3 were: followed by an evangelistic mes· ...olJIlO ... .. sage by Brother [W T [ Gaston, The Lord honored and put hl~ ~eat of h ..... d ... J . s ...... «:0-0.1\ ;" ''-"...... 1: ...... looIwll_ . .. approval on the whole convention by 0..'. laJ •• 1M .. filling the large altar with souls sceking b;mtcli~t W. II. ~Icrrill of Chicago Mlt rjori~ Sfewarf is 0 salvation and filling a young woman ". I,v. nun ..... ~ • ~ ...... 10 faculf! mtmbtr of wi th the Holy Splrit. ::;;:d~-: ~.;'.~:.~: ~:~"'t :~;:-:.w.';~£ ~"uCi' flXIIY., OF tHI\I~l NOrfh"'ul AI(; CoU'1:t and amhor of Women It is known that Frank Gray during his no.• "d.).., ~ ..... ~ •• "'" .1 ,~. T.~ . "... d. a.· years as district chairman was nOl in favor I...... ,,,, ...t.n. "P'''''t'o .... a '~ ..... n~. and .... ~ in Neighhorhood .n, ., ,~. ,0.1." '0.' ,n '0". I., ."~I .. "' ...... c,m. of having :1 separale youth department. .n~ b. ,0.. 1.".l>Ia "hoi. to" ..... , "a ol~ " ... C_al E"lIngeli.\m. I>"., .... d .n ...... , 01 ,he ,>,.... ,. Consequentl y. a ministry to young people

AJG HERtTAGE. SPRING 1987 I!l Black Ministers in the Assemblies of God Ellsworlh S. Thomas First Bwck Minister Credentialed in 1915

Howard N. Kenyo n the Gener"l CounCil \0 ...crve in Liberia congregation" in the Bronx. New Yor~ lie died III Dccc:mbcr 1921. pre~umably City. Hi ... chureh. a regularly organi7ed before \"il11lg for AfT1(il. bUI hi~ wlfc pro­ church made up of "educated" bhlCk ceeded In ... erve her m"'~lOnar)' people. had appealed 10 the di~trict com­ here 1"'.1 popular notion thilt no blad.;~ appointmcnt until rcturning in 1930.'" mittee dC~lring the ordination of il\ pas­ Twere ord;lIncd III the A ... \Cmhhc,> oj (iod until tbe e'lrly 1'J6(b. when evan hail(;·' picture appeared on the co\-er of tor. ElJi ... on and nlany members of his 'he P('If(ff(l.Hai fl"aflXel along with OTher congregation kncw "nothing else but the gell ... t Robert IlarTi~on wa ... ordOlined by mi ... ,ionarie ... in 1923.lhu, making him the A ... \Cmblic ... of God " Newton C h a~e. then the N\1rtl~m Cahfornla·Nc",ada Di.,trict lIf't blat:1. to be pir.:tured in the periodical Ea~tern Di~trict Secretary. advi-;ed the Council. lI;Jrri~on hl1n~elf W;l~ led to national headquarters that the Eastern Dis­ hclic'o'C he wa~ the fir.! hla(k .. 0 rCl::og­ l trict wa~ willing to refer Elliwn to the ni/ed But 11l <1l::tuality. black minl~teT\ "colored" organization. namely. the have been rCl::eivcd into tdlow~hip al1llo~t .. ince the beginning of the movement Churches of God in Christ. if so desired . Robert Brown. pastor of Glad Tidings in Ulack mini... tcro; prior 10 1 9~O New York City. had been responsible for The fiN 1"> 1;1(';1. pc1'\on 01 ficially li\ted originally presenting Ellison's name to a., all A~\Cmblie~ of God mini.,ter wa ... the committee. ( He had cartier been Elhworth S Th()m " ~_ Gmntcd hi., crcden­ responsible for endorsing Thomas and tial ... in 1915, he had been ordained 2 yeilr, Howard.) Now it was asserted that Brown priur by R L E rdlllan~ and was pa ... - had prescnted Ellison 10 the committ ee for IOn ng in BlIlghamton. New Yorl. Wcll a licen ...e to preach wi thout the committee recommcnded by Robert Brown. thc knowing he was black 1 Obviously Ellison IIlnucnllal pa~ t or of Glad Tid11lg~ In New had not been prescnted in person. The General Presbytery took up the matter in its September 1939 meeting. After some con.. iderat ioll . the Presbytery In 1923 Isaac and Martha went on record disapproving the ordi­ Neeley Became First nation of black men to the ministry. It Appointed Black Missionaries. further recommended that license to preach be granted 10 such mcn fo r mi nis­ try on ly wi thi n the boun ds of their dis­ ,.;d .. 'ard nnd -Ruth mrshing/(>n . as f< vangt"lists in trict. The pri mary issue was not racial Yor ~ City. T h 0111i t ~ ml lll~ t c r ed in the 1950s. 1"ht"Y art" no'" AIG minionarit"s. prejudice. it was st:.ted. but the di ffe ring Counci l until hi~ dcath at the age of 70 in 1 attitudes around the nation and how to 1916. What fcw blacks werc in the fellowship handle ministerial recogni tion inter­ A more famu u... min is ter of the day wa .. rarcly. if ever. were visiblc. One excep­ regionally. Deference to the Church of G T Jlaywood. pa., tor of the Apo ... lolic 9 tion wa~ Bruce Gibson. who first was God in Christ was also cited. 1::'lIt h As~e 1Tlbl y III Indianapolis There is granted credcntiab by the Northwcst Dis­ no rel::()rd that hc wa ... ever officially 01 tricl lll 1933. Pastoring in Wi nlock. Wa~h­ mllll ... ter With the Council. though he did ington. he had already been in act ive cnjoy exten"' lve association until he part ed full- time ml11 istry for a decade. Four The 1939 General Presbytery way .. 11l the New h ~ lJ e controve rsy of years later he withdrew from the Council Disapproved the 1916 He ohviou ... ly Wll" rccogni/ed when he fcl t I1npressed 10 move to the cast Ordination or Blacks. among the ra nb of the Assemblies of coast to "work among his own peoplc" God. cven be ing a~ k ed to !>pc;Jk on the and join the "colored" organizat ion. pre­ Counci l noor in the great ··Jesu... Only" sumably the . dehate_"' There did not scem to be any connict The action of the General Presbytery Mo~ t black mini stcr; prior to the 1960s in volved . and the district expressed that left the issue fairly ambiguous. No cre­ (for which record .. have becn found) were Gibson was welcome to return.7 dentials of black mini sters then in thc located in the Northeal.l. J . Edward Gibson eventuall y did rejoin . but . of Council were recall ed. Nor was this Howard. for example. pastored in New­ interest at thi s point . hi s mini stry in Wash­ acti on used uniforml y in dctermining erc­ ark . Ncw J e r ~ey, and W;J~ ordained in dentialing of blacks in subseq uent years. ington was to 01 raciall y mixed group of 1919. He eventuall y wilhdrew becausc he people in a church in "colorcd town·' liz The decision of the Presbytcry is best seen fe lt sclf-conscio us over his position in the mile out of Winl ock. He also prcliched in as an attempt to do away with an isolated. fe llowshlp .5 the Longvicw. WaShington. assembly on difficult question. made probl emati c TIle first black missionaries sent out by occasional Sunday afternoons to another bec ause il had been present ed in ;. the Assemblies of God were Isaac and raciall y mixcd congre gation.8 national forum . For the next 2 decades. Manha Neeley III 1920. who were from the General Council . the General Presby­ the historic Stone Church in Chicago. T he nagging question in the 40s and 50s tery and the Executive Presbytery wo uld They served as eV:l1l ge li ~ t s until Isaac In 1939 the question of black ministers wrestle continually with the issues of became an ;.ssociale pastor at Stone in the Counci l surfaced . The EaSlem Di s­ racial scgregation and integration. Church in 1923. That year they were trict ordained a Brother Ellison. pre di ~ One such occasion was the 1945 Gen­ appointed by the Missions Depanment of cated on his ministry as pastor of a "good eral Council. G ibson had 11 0t as yct

(!I AlG HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 rcalfiliated ~ llh the '\ ...... cmhhe' 01 God dc\dl'pcd \\ Llh tile pn..:eJun: Then: " but had been 1Il\lted 10 'peak 10 the Coun· rcall) nnthmg m the General (\'UOl.:t! cil in \C\,ion on bchall oj the c'tahli~h· (,m~lItutu.m anJ B)la .... ' pn.>tut>ltmg the men! 01 a "colored" hranch "lIhm the (lrJmal1on (If !'\q:nl mtnL~te". and ,",-h iippIL(;llLnn\ hii\e oc-c:n honomJ to) the Fello" ... hip :\ re\lliution "a' ,uh· General x.:retaf)·' (IllIte III tile p;L'1. -.equently adopted atlmning the Idea. but .... hen thl::~ ha\'c been July Pr'<..:cs<.CJ it lacked a 'pecifi..: plan 01 a..:tl(ln Sc\cr.iI anJ RXllmmendc.'t.I b\ tile Dl'tn.:1 ere month .. l.lter. Tilt· P(·II/tHI.Hlli Fl'(mgt:i dcnllah C(-.mmLI\CI! '. reponed that Gib,on \\a, ":(lndu":lmg a Bible <.(:hool m I'C" )'orl- Clt~. hoping to Whatc\cr happened to that re'lUl·'t. an pro\'idc blar.:1- mmi,tcr- lor c\angch/lng e\en! nUhlde the .·\ .. ,cmblle~ 01 (ioo their o~n rar.:e Eme't S Wilham,. gen· \\{)uld ""lOn tl\emdc all the General IJrc,· eral ",uperinlendent al thc IlInc. lalcr b~tef) dl-'-:U"lon ... and adl~m, 01 the prc commented Ihat thi .. bla(1- mini,tcr "a.. \ll)U~ 2 de..:ade~ Ham"llfl "a, III \ \led 1\) \\ itling but lacl-ed the " rong leader-hip to JOIll the cru .. aJe team uf hangeb,t Btll) !oCe II Ihrough w Graham m 1%2. Shorth alter. the Gcn­ Similar proJXl"'lb contmued to 'urface er.11 Coun":ll headquaner\ deared the ...... y in ,ub ... equent year.. Later Willi.lm ... for Ham,on 1\\ nc ordamed b.,. hi' dl,tncL reflected on the ongOIng debate ovcr a 11'11.: ,t,ml-e of the movement had heen propo... ed bl ack br'lIl (h: to .1110" "11mI.''' tll change thrng' Inherent the policy of our delWlllinat ion ttl te'lr. ~ cre e.\pre~'>Cd 01 bc{:ommg OUI ot The e~e(UlI\e brelhren al Spnngfield credcntiah to Neg roc~.'·ll Ime \\ ith the main,trcOIm of Amencan pre...cnlcd Ihe mailer of a Mad. organ­ Ironically. Harri'on· ... 0" n gr.mdmother. ,ociet). C()ncern had becn c:o;p re"cd on Ilation "nhin our<. ~u(h a~ the Ibpli,1\ Corneliil Jone, Robcrt\on. had at \)nl' tllnc hCed by "carrying on a fine wor ~ in the Bronx" the larger evangelical community and thai there were "other ord;lined One of the rn O~1 imponant cmaly ... t, colored brethren worl-i ng" in the dist ri ct wll bm the A!>~e m blies of Gtxl in brcal- ing The response from the general secretary' .. do .... n the color barrier at the'roo t ~ office was quite f h. blad . and from the general superintendent . by thi s Anglo youth . A!> he it inerated tn churdle,) time Thomas F. Zimmennan. anempted acrDS!> the nation. some of hL S young con­ to explain the indefinite ac ti on of the verts would Ira\ct with him . r-o r many General Presbytery and added: churches. Teen Challenge was their fi rst e~ peri en ce in having blacks mini stering. In spite of the forego in g. '-Ome of the even attending. in their midst. Reacllon nonhern distric ts have ord ained colored W

AJG HERITAGE, SPRtNG 1987 fi!l tcr. Thumlan Fal'ttln. becamc the ubJCCh of much altentlull wuhill the tlCIlOllll­ Bishop Mason and the Sisterhood Mxth nallon. i'a1 \(1Il. who re<:clvcd IIlllial VI .. I bliity a ... il con .... ert of Wilker\on· .. mlni"try. later pioneered <:hur<:he ... In· By Howard N. Kenyon lem ililtl Chl<:ago. Hoth men i.idtln.:.\'tCd Genenll Cnullcih anti other major church ne event .,ymbohcaJly marked the conclave,> I·al,>on <:hallenf!ed the 1965 Ochanging of e ras within the Council nOl to ne~tcct the Ameri(.:an A.,\emblie~ of God regarding It <, black. \ayln~ thil( ··Iull-'>Cale c\,mf!c!t\m Involvement wllh black~ In l'iovcmber among the Negro people ha" heen ... adly 1961, Bi'hop Charle,> H Mlhon, co· lacking .. Gayle r~ ..... then e)(e(.:utlve founder :lIld lifelong head of the pre­ dlre<:tor of the Ilome MI!>\lon, Depart­ dominantly of God in ment re\ponded 10 I·al\on· ... chillienge. Christ. died ill the age of 98. He had offi­ notmg th ilt ··we ~tand IIldicted that we cially interaued ..... lIh the General Council have nOl done more ·'1'" Harrl',oll. who on only two occallion,: the fir..t was in ... ervcd for ,I numhcr 01 yeill"'> a... it Bifty :tffirming the action~ of the founding Graham "'\OCiilte. w: .... appomted a\ a General Council in 1914; the \econd was con.,ultant on mner-uty evangell ... m by III addre~"n~ the 1937 Council in Mem­ the OI\,I\lOn of lIome MI\'>lom and aho phi.,. Yet he had emlxxhed the legend that a growing feeling that if the black Pen­ tr;Jveled under a ... hort term ;L\\lgnment as~umed a unique connection between the tecostals had their own organization, they for the Dl vi\lOn of I'orelgn Mi ~,ion., A, .. emblie\ of God and the Church of should be a part of il IIIstead of the white Bef!mnlng In 1969. lIarri .. on and !-al God III Chmt Pentecostal church. '>On .... ere the mo .. t prominent of -.cvcral Now for over 20 years the General But the Assemblies of God seems never black 1ll111l\ter'> IIlvlted to meet III high Council had been wrestling with the ques­ to have ob\Crved that lIS doctrinal po~i ­ level d l ... c u., ... ion ... with the I:xeeutlve ti on of accepting blacks. quite aside for tions, particularly sancti fication and Pre,bytery. Harri \on and Fai \(J n urged the mo~ t part from any con!>ideration with church polity. sepamte it from existing that a ch:lIlge of altitude w:.... needed Mason NOlably, his passing received black Pcnteco~tal churches. including the toward the blild. people A eompi. ... .,lOn i~ minimal attention in The Pentecostal Church of God in Chri,t When the Gen­ needed which ,>ee, no color. Ihey ,aid. Emngel. For the man who had theoret­ eral Council was fomled, doctrinal uni­ Any effort ... musl be done wll hoUI a pater- icall y so dominated a major part of the fonnity and church polity were simply not horne mi ss ions policy of the Assemblies important. All major theological vari­ of God for 50 yeaf'>, a small obituary was at ions of Pentecostals werc present at lhe all that was presented. In the end. the organizalional meeting in 1-1 01 Springs. Bob Harrison's Ordination notion of the "Sisterhood Denomination" Gradually this changed. and after the con­ in 1962 I-Ielped Open was not very well substantiated. solidation period of the 1920s and 1930s, This "Si.,terhood Myth" refers to the the Council began to stru ggle with the Doors for Other Black popular Idea thaI the Church of God in irregularity of consigning a certain ethnic Ministers. Christ is the black counterpart of the group to a denomination quite distincl Asscmblie.' of God- that it has served as from itself. the bl:lck General Council. While the pre­ Whatever un ique relationship th not A~ II chu rch we cannot neglect tiny allitude about its mission in its earlier been asked why the early leaders did not segmcnt of our SOC iety black or white. yeatS. Partitioning of fields. so common simply choose to Join the Church of God The me s~ age of the gospel nlU st be at the time overseas. was also practiced to in C hrist. which has never excluded commUnica ted to every indi\'idual ..... ho a certain extent stateside. A "one church whites. In s tead of forming another I ~ lo\! wlthoul God. A~!.Cmblic~ of God per city" mentality often prevailed and church. Aside from purely racial con­ door-; IIIU\I be open 10 all rcgardlc,~ of ,q race. nahonal origlll or ~tallOn III hfc . was also generally extended to ethnic sKierations, perhaps they saw other impor­ communities wilhin ci lies. There are a tant distinctions. Significantly. the first Acknowlcdging that ~uch a challenge i ~ number of examples of cooperation with sennon at the Hot Spnngs Council was on nOI ea~y. '[ E. Gannon called for a three­ blacks in the earliest day s of the the "Finished Work of Calvary." Never­ fold re~ pon~e ; support inner-city evan· A!>sembJies of God. theless the myth has outgrown whatever gelism (new worh), make room in Further. many of the Assemblies of usefulness it might have had in the past existing churches for those nearby. and God pioneers had been associated, admit­ for the denomination . Though it has not support the training of new black rnini ~- ledly loosely, with the Church of God in been expressed officially since lhe early Christ prior to 1914 . Mason seems to have 1970s, it IS still commonly accepted Continued on nut p4gt held a unique place of resf.M!Ct among ear­ amon g the Assemblies of God lier Council leaders. As a result, lhere was constituency. ..,..

IE] AJG HERITAGE. SPRING 1987 de<..';K.k. hnYoe\cr. ha, tallen rnmanly In Srcncer Jone, A graduate lIt Central Black Ministers/From page 12 Blhle College in 1971 ""here he Yoa, rCJxmedl~ the flr .. t ·\menr.:an black to tcr~ 2U Throughout the decade. \'anuu-. enrull. JIlIle\ fir ... t ,en'cd a, pa,lOr 01 black and white A\~cmbllc), of God mill­ Tampa ,",''>CIllOI) of God. an Integrated l\tCr\ opened door. 01 acceptance. an aUI church m Spnngfield. MI"'-I.lUri. before tude initiated by Gr.lham and follnYom,!!. l'al\on ii' pa'tor (It South .. Ldc and re!.pondcd to b) lIaTn\on and l'a;,ol1 Tabemade m ChKago, While (lther.. ha,'e (II "parentlng" mner·Clly I.:hun:he .... JIlnc\ ha, pn)\lded the \1'lOn and ,trul.:­ ture tn iKl.:omph ... h the task Teen Challenge Played A, .. mcmber 01 the 'atlOnal Home an Important Role in ~ 1I "iom Board 01 the ;\,,,,cmblic\ 01 Gild. he hit\ become r;lr mure than a fi!! Integration. un:head f(lr blac"'- Yo uhln the ('ounol In 19XI he cO(lrdmated the liN Inncr-ell.,. Pa .. tof'> ('nnterence, JIlIle, contmue... tl) Two other brad; A,,\cmblic), of God .. ene a ... pre .. ldcnt III that r.:onference. Yohich hiL' de\elopcd mto ,Ill mtomlal Id· rnini,tcrs rose 10 prominence during lhi, 10Yo\hlp 01 black lllln ... tcr, In the lime. George M. Perry ~crvcd a)' prc\idcnI of the National Negro Evangelical A".clllhhc\ of God In the laIc 1971h he began 10 orgiLni7e for mncr·cll~ church A~wciation and W:i), a principal;1t the Olack Chri),tian Literature ConfcrcrKc plant mg.. hi, ,t;\led goal oclllg to ",tart )0 in 1969.~' Edward Wa~hington wa\ inner·cit) churchc ... h) the end of the 19S0, In the fiN fuur \Car.. 01 IhI: tlecade appointed as a mi .. ~ionary-cnlngc1ist to "ilh the l)i"'I\IOI1 of Foreign \!L\\10n\ I() nc" I.:hurche\ Yoere started, hnngmg Europe in 19tH, Wal>hington and hi, wife '>incc the l"\!clcy\ III the 192(h " Ruth arc the fiN ;lIld only black Amer­ Leadership for the development of the number of ,uch IIlnerul} I.:hurdlC' m icans 10 serve under regular appointment inner-city and bl;ldo: mini\try in the pa~t CUII,mllM Oil f'/ff:t 10

Ttnl Clfllll~ngt ,"nonn~1 minis/mng /0 blade (hiJJT~II Tunes Have Changed

Today the Pmt('("(/.\ftll F\'WI.~d. or any pcriodit:al for Ihat 1ll;lIIer, would be slap­ ped YoL(h a defamal10n ,ulIll the} re\'erted to editonal "";lIchdog" pollcle, of 1914 Often there wcre warnmg\ of 'Illeged con arli~t' skinning the saint ... lind skip· ping out to other green pa,>lUre\ The Christilll' b'lIngei for Augu\t 8, 1914. has II good example.

ne" are of Jon~ A m .. n by the name of Jonc\. II1I\chng WIth a woman he calls his mother. tlrc~c,ctl 10 grc) ~UII and ,hoc,. which appear too large. looh a.'. though he wear,> a wig. \mile,>, ttnd says "l'nti<,c the Lord" all the lime, ha" defrauded ~OlllC of tnc ~alllt.<. at Syracuc,c. I",r mror· mation, addrc,>~ Mr<;. Thoma~ S Srmlh, 103 Temple 51 . Syracuse,

Since Ilerilllge doe .. not wanl to be hailed LIlto court by a descendant of the "fraud" described above. the names of both the accused and the complainanl have been changed. Because this news Oa!o h wa!> published nearly 75 years ago--bcfore most of us were bom-there is no reason for men of Syraeul.C to SlOp wearing wigs. grey suits and !ohoes. Furthcnnore. they can praise the Lord and take their mothers out to dinner :myt irne they wi !> h. Yes. times have changed.

AJG HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 ~ Ordained in 1888. Jone~ mllll\tercd III vanou\ Arkama\ c()ngreg:ation~ and took cour<.c work at Arkansas Bapti~t College. In 1892. he accepted the pastorJte of Tab­ ernacle Bapti\t Church in Selma. Ala­ bama By then he had gained a reputation as an able preacher and evangelist During his Selma pastorate. however. his outward succes\ failed to satisfy his growlllg spiritual hunger. He began to ~ek a "deeper" e:

For nearly 80 )""rs. American Pentecostals have found in the gospel songs of Charles Price jones eX/JTessions of their spiritual experience and yearning.

Shortly after Ihis e:

~ A/G HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 movement In attendance .... a' t\angcll't HulldU}dh' HlJlldu/Cn,u, of tho~ m\'ol\cd 10 the /'m I-/(I(I{',\' I" JeJII\ A!I'I',' gre .... (lUI 01 fill J"_IUI ('tI"'''' ami mad,· "'~ IIhoft· Holme .... Convention wa~ that "denOllll' I would 111>1 ht· d,·m ... 1 nationali .. m i.'; .';Iavery,·· They ·· .. t(H.xI:· an l! .. pcnenCI! th,1I c\U'-Cd hlln tl) Icel that hi .. ,pintual quc .. t had alLenated him fTllm Old SJ~ It I .... hlch he put ,\('C' .... tlrd, Ilc T'C(l(med thJl1n NO.'i, -a "hlle r m hl/Pln In It·.lIl,\ 111"'1(' hrllthcr IWIll Te .. J .. " mh'mll:d hml that He ,urOle """. I, ()(X) scmgs :\nother 'o()ng. e\prc",ing "milar '-Cn· durin~ the 'lnging llf that !>lIng "pcllpk 111 his IJfetime, most ILlllent,. gained "Ide fl(lpulant~ among tlcgan Itl get I:Ik,....:d and filled and ClIO Pcntec(htal .. , \encd .md kepI It up ",1 the prcadk:r bett",en 1895 and 1905. "a_' unahk tt) prcach" lie nlkn rcctlrdcd "Je.5IIs Clln_11 i_I /limit· I() me tC .. tlrlltlllle, 10 the dtedl\cnc'" III hi' All J t1t'('d. "If J /lac!. Ht, a/oll(' il all 111.1 ph·lI. ",lIlg' For Jones. the explicit rejectIOn of /Ie i_I (II/ / //('l·r/ •• denominational tie~. combined with hl ~ In [906. Jone .. felt that he had become empha!.is on ehri.';!. renewed pcr.. ecut ion_ ";\ pu lpit .. cold" and needed another Churche .. closed their doo~ to hl1ll forc· anointing. Alter \Cleral da~ .. 01 j'a~tlllg "0 tkefXr yet, I/,,,,,y, ing him to preach on the ,treet and in and prayer he e'pre .. hl~ ne .... e .. pen· And higher aery dll); h ome~. Occa,ionally. ,hOh werc !ired enee in JeJ/lJ 0,,1\: And Wiser, blessed Lard, into hi" meetings. opponents took him to "JeStH (II/Iv /II "1\ 1110110, coun . propeny was damaged. or verbal Jesils ollh'is 1m .\/1/1.1:. Inlfry preCIOUS, holy \'(,!ml." ahu.';e accompanied hi~ effort.. Even Jt'SIIS 011/\ i.\ ml heart thollght. n ll "~ some of hLs family and friends Jeslls 011/\ (1/1 tim' 10m:. understood hi s msistcncc that Chri .. t "ilS Jesus 0111\- ,\/w/l ('0111111(111(/ me, all he needed and resented the long hours Jeslls Oll/r guide III\' )1(lV. he .. pent apart from them in fasting and one, ~ef\ed hI' church ii' ,Ldnlln On/r He shall choose IIII' d1(/l1ge,~. prayer. I'otmt l\ C [ca~jer unld hl'o dC.llh LII 1949 NOIIl! bllt Jesus ('I 'en' dm; Jone .. and those who shared hi .. vision Jhou'and .. 10 the Illmemcnl hc hcll'ICd continuall y tried to pattern their rnin i"trie'> NOlie but Jeml. Sal"io/lr. ClIpwifi. nrigillatc paid tril:lute II) hlln ;I.. I:II,h(lp. more fully on the Nc.... Testament model NOlie bw Je.f1u helll mc' \illg. c\'lngch't. 10(.';11 pa'lor alld cdltor I Ie After hi .. rejection by hi .. fonner Dapll~t Fill me ('I'er lI"illi '11" P((',{CIICt'. ,,1'0 enjoyed a l11illl .. tl) 01 hc;IILII~ associates, C. H. Mason gave con· Je.fIIs, JeJIH, LOrt/lIlIi/ King, ' II" immedl;HI! Influence nn th(he siderable thought to finding a biblical His teaching developed IIIto the ~il1lplc ;1I11ong "hom he II\tOd .... a' e\tended name for the movement. While he walked assertion that Jc,u ...... a.. AlL One did nOI immea,urabl) through Ihe 'oI)Ilg' thilt down a street in Little Rod. Arkans~, he need to pur.ue scpar;lte experiences like c.'(pre .... ed hi, con\ ictuHh

AJG HERITAG E, SPRING 1987 f!l """',"" "',.,"""""""',.,"", .. ," "., ...... the C(lrl\ention Hall. GU) Phillip, I' the pa~tor TIME FRAME A QUICK LOOK INTO THE PAST A letter from Lillian Tra .. her III Egypt tell .. of \'1 .. 110" from the u.S lllc, were .,.,''','''''''''''''' "" II .. "'" "" """"""" , ••• , II "" J W Wckh, \fr. and Mro. l. S Wlilram .. ,

t.Mfh 1"lIt lilt- «I'lor -.ekch Itt m, orlnltn..,' for th,. ('olumo frUln Iht I'tflln//./ul, "u"J:tlo I.D/ur HUlf! r-;oell\:rkm, Hat\le Hammond. and a m" /'HIfIllrl, .\p ,Hlo/,r ,cU//h, !\ord und 1\ ",/rll, ~ nd IIlhtr plllllk.. liun,_ ('ornrntnh alld 'Ul:l:t"\i,,n, fr"m "ur "onary 10 Egypt. Andrew Crouch. rr,lIltr\ IIrC in. htd. 60 Years Ago-1927 MI"'ionarie .. in China have been caught 10 Ycurs Ago-l977 M()'oque. R D \- Smith i~ tl"k: pa~lOr tn the ficrce fighting of the civil war_ The C T Bcem, who ha~ been nffk.: Illan (I·int A\.\l."rhh .\fI1I 111('.\ t/riJ fJllildlll~_ Slager. e\Capcd Chuchowfu on a ditnger­ .. ger .tnd program dlre~tor for the RadIO fll(' I,mlllr i.1 ROl/lIld r Pmlmllnte.) ou,> tflP 10 Shanghai Depanment at head4uanc" ,JIlCC 1954, " 40 \ears \ go-I9-17 Southern Califomia Bible School ha ... retiring Don Lpton, fomlcrly a pa~tor In 1l1c Pcntc~:(htal \\ilrld ('onlcrt!n~e wa,> al:Cntatlve, 01 :!O nation~ attended. sho\'\' boy, in 1.,0'> Angcle,> J Roben A~hnult I~ the ne\.\, pa~Hlr of tng great com:ern for the relief and 70 Ycars Ago-I917 Chri~lIan Center, Bru~\Cb. Belgium In c\'angeh~rn 01 \'\' c()untne~ The Week/v Ewmge/ i~ ad\icni'>ing a ,lddll lOn to hi, pa~lOral dUlie" he will Twenty A G m""lOnarie, ilnd their new <,ong book, "Carol'> of Tmth," pub­ tea~h theology cour,e~ at ("()ntlnent:.1 children v-erc ilhoard the MarinI' L~IL( a .. Bible Colleg.:. li,hed by Thoro Harris, which i'> "for the It left San Frarlci .. co for ('hina oil reb­ brethren of the South." (Sisters of the 20 YCltro; Ago-JY67 mary 14 The AIG mi"ionaric\ included Smith ('ollld probabf.\' use it too.!) '(\0.'0 new pO~ltion ' althe A'~emblie~ of Mr, and Mr,>, Paul Davld,>on. two chI 1 M M Pinson. who is working along God headquanero. ha\ie been created. Bill dren: Mr and M ro. Donald A Rich. two the Mexican bord er. repon, that he CO II ­ E;, ~tlil k e, formerly a ~soc iat e editor of children; Mr und "1" R B T.mgen, t\.\,o ducted a tent meetmg because lhe Mex­ Chur~h School Literature. will manage child ren; Mr, and M,,_ V G Plymire, two ican'> do not like to go into a hou~, The the new 1.lterature Sales Di vi, ion Former children; Mr and Mr, George Wood . respome oas becn beuer. although some m" ~lO n i l ry to Tanl.anta. Nomlan L. Cor· three children; Mr, ,lIld Mr, J Philip people ~ tand arou nd o utside and mocl. rell . ha, been named direclor of Mobt! Hogan. two children. Evelyn Hatchett . I-I e add~, "Wc need a good organi ... \. but Ilation ilnd Phll.:cment Service (MAPS). Beatrice and Thelma Il iiderbrand: Mary we could nOi feed her unless things open 30 Ycur~ Ago-I957 and Katherine Lcwer; Mr, and Mr ~ J. F up bener than they are." Mor,>e. three children; and M~ . Jamila K. The S,m I\:dro (Calif.) Fi,,1 ",'>cmoly 80 Years Ago-1907 Wagner, o ne child. celebrated It ' fiN anniversary m the 'pac- M. L. Ryan. publisher of the Apo.tlolic 10U~ former Ku Klux Klan bu ildtng. ('fhe 50 YeaTS Ago-I937 Light, ha .. moved from Ponland, Oregon. ('oIlXrt'XtlliOIl still IIIet'U in Ihil' huilding Eva n geJi~ t Loren B Staal'> ha ~ been to Spokane. Wa ... hington. He told the edi­ It i~ 11011- kll(H\1I {IS Harbor Cafl'an' conducting a revival at Full Go~pc l Tab­ tor of the Apostolic Failh that 30 people Churl'lI (111(/ plHlorct/ bl' Georxe Camer\:') ernacle, Tuha Neilrly 40 ha ... e received had been baptized in the Spi rit in Spo­ In Binghallllo n. New Vorl. . FIr'>! the bapti~m III the Spirit On Sundays the kane. (fhe Archiloes lIeells copies of lire A ~~e \llbl y dedicated its recently pur­ church, which ~eal'> 1,100. could not hold Apo-'> tolic Light. II-/rielr was pllbhslr('(1 ill c oa .. ed budding. the former Shrine the crowds., so the ;,crvice .. were held III Ihe Nortl/ll'est ali(I ill the Oneill. Allybody II'ho hllS copies, or klloll's wlrere copies clln ht' obrailll!{l , is luked to IITilt' to lire Arcllll'es. ) G. B. Cashwell held a meeling in Dunn, Nonh Carolina. in which about 50 people received the baptism in the Iioly Spirit. People from throughout the South arc calling Cashwell to hold meetings in their to wns. ~

Index/ F,om page 19 When I'en!e.:rn.t Callie to tndianapoto, A h r.t-hand Repon of the RC"l val Which Bcgan on 1907 AlIce R eynold~ Flower (phutu,) ( W 85-86)5-7. Wh en l'cnlceoM Came 10 Lo~ An gcle!.: 751h Annl,·enary of th e A zu~a Street Rev",'al. 1906·1981 Vinson Synan (phOlO,j (W 8 1-82):2, When Penlecost Came 10 the Upper ~hd"c~t G Raymond Carl50n. (photos). (Sp 841:3-5. 10 When lhe Pentccostal Fire Fell III CaicuUa Maynard Ketcham (with Wayne Wamcr) (pOotoOll al 1101 Headquarters building. The demo nstration represents the number of vehicles A/G youth SJ)nng~ I Willie Millsaps (584):1:\ purchased for missionaries in 1 year. 1be photograph shows 91 cars. 12 trucks. 16 A Woman MInistering in the Kentucky Mounlam' motorcycles. 48 bicycles. 6 buses , 2 boats, 2 tmilers. and 1 jeep. Wayne Warncr. (photos). (W 85·86): 11 ·13_

~ AlG HERITAGE. SPRING 1987 Pion('('r Pastor Appreciate., Heritage LEITERS FROM I/erita~(' i~ Ju ... t tremc n do u ~. and for u\ Books Needed for "old timcrs" it bnng .. bad, ... o many grca! OURREADERS I11cmoric ... , The h~t of older I11mi\lcrs in Archives Collection the [,11] I\\UC wa~ really apprcciatcd I plan to wntc to ,>c\ I havc kmm nand he A~"l! lll b li l!" (If God t\ n:hl\e~ col­ J. Kellc:y Campbell's worked \Hth in p,l .. t ycaf'.. T lCCh a \ariet) of m.lIeri ah "rlllcn Daughter Remembers By Ihe way, I slarted another nc" about tl~ J\:ntl!cmtal mO\I! rl1l! nt \llo ... t of My folks tru<,tcd God for cycT)thing in church here in Torrington a year ,L£'O la ... t Ihe matl!rial " ,>uPfhlr!l\c 01 the Pc n the earl y year. of the ir mini\tr). \\ 'c never July; and lil'>t Sundil) we had 68 111 allcn· tl!co"tal C\f"'n l! ncc SOfll l! of the mah.:n"l missed a meat The Lord provided for dance. our high thu,> far. hn't the Lon.! j" III ()PrxhillOn to tho: dL"lI nctL\e Pcn every need. I thank God that He i., the great L tccmtal tl!'l(hHl~' same today. Ble .... ing ... upon you and your good To ~I\e rc"carcher, a well,roundcd My hu,>ba nd (lnd [ arc members of the " or"- Vle\\ of "hat oppnncnI\ h,l\c "ntten, \\ C Aged Mi ni.,tcf'> A~soci" t ion (A MAl and are looking fur ~c\cr.! 1 Ix)ok, \\hid\ il rc arc in our 80"" The Lord i'> '>0 good to us H W Thicmann no longl!r in print. II yuu h,\\1! .111) of the Plattc Vallcy A ..... cmbl~ boob hdo" and " (Iulll Ii"c to donatc M r-. John S. Cuni., Torrington, Wyoming them 1\) tho: f\ rclll\I!~, pleil\C " rile 10 u ~ at Bethel Park 1-'-'5 BOOll\'lllc .,\ ve., Srnngfield. Mh' Salem, Oregon PaSlOr Thiemall ll is a Iifi,'fime member of Ille Ileri/(lge Soc-iety alld II'III! lite 1l/1(1\'t' ... ouri 65H02. 1. Kelle.\ Campbell, the ftllller of Mrs. (I letler selll a gift sil /lscriptioll 10 jficlU!. nl' GIft of l;m~lu'.\ \1.ld u.' 1I0l\' CUr/is. was bapli:ed in fhe Spirit ill He is (I former admillistrator of fhl' /III/­ fhl' MOl/t'r" fjmglu',f .Hol't'moll. 1909 at Eureka Springs. Arkallsas. He crest Chifdren's H Olllt', Bauman 11'(1-1 orda ined to {Jreach in 1911 (l nd lill/gllo J/OI't"f1J('1/I S,U/mi(". Godb\ became a charier member of rhe TIJe Gift of Hmgut's amI ,hl' Pt'lI/tn;I/II1 Aswm/}/ies of God. AI olle lime Ire was New Member Recalls MOI'I'/IIt'I//I. Anderson sU{JcrilllClldenl oj the old Cenfral District, G ranite Cih Revi\als rhe Rt'(l.IOI/ 1\"11\ 1 Do VOl SuI.. Ihl' fie sen 'cd as (I pa.ftor (l lId (,I'llllgelisl ill A friend rcecntl y gave me a copy of Gift of 7imglll·.I. Shelhamer M i.UOllri, Itlaho. \l ~lShill g/()n. Oregoll , Heritage. I cnjoyed it vcry much and read Spea/.. m l!, \\'ttll 'nlflglles. Snog~ l e Ni'braska , Arh msas, (1 m/Iowa. fie (lied cvcry wo rd . I wan! to subscribe. The Bible \ ;;'r.\lu the Hml!,l4l'.\ Theon, in 196 7 (1/ the age of 87. Mrs. C urtis My parents and we children carnc into Ncel) remembers being at fh e 19/2 '/'ri Slale Pcnlccost in 1920 at lhe FiN Assembly of If you h;l\ e {l lher cnll('111 book, not on Camp Mee ting al EllreA a SIJrin gs. God. Granite City, IJlinoi., . undcr the min­ the above li~t (or Other non-cnliCllllx)ok,) Arkansw;. 1. Kelley Campbell has lIine istry of Carl M. O·Guin. and would con~id c r dOflatHig the m to Ihe liI'ing chiltfrell . The neighbors called the tabernacle a Archivc,. pleasc wnte, ilwing the litle, "shee p shed." but we fo und the Lo rd and aulhor ~ Th a nk you fo r your Ihere. The Argue family held a revi val Ihere, and 139 rcceived the baplbm in the \ uppon Spirit in a momh . I was onc of these when I was II years old. My falher was savcd and dclivcred from smoking a pipe. Zelma Argue staycd in our horne. She was an inspiration for all of UJ;. ARCHIVES ACTIVITIES Lalcr my father dug Ihe basemcnt for the new church in Granite CilY with his Rl'i."cnt Acquisitions Oral history: Lillian Merian Rigg~, 13111 team of mules and a hu ge shovcl. Piper, Eric J ohn~on. L E. and Beryle I have been in the Assemblics of God Hal vorson since thai revival in 1920. We havc rcad Herbert Buffum photos. ~crapbook. and the Pelltet:o,~tal EI'(III8el sincc thai timc otlier matcrials, donated by Lorna Medway. and look forward to it cach wcck. Autobiography, For Ihe Glorv of God. donated by Anne R. Eberhardt. Mrs. Lydia E. Howerton Matcrials on the Chu rch of God In Christ. Boaz, Alabama donated by Donald Pi erce Weeks. £Iim Pellt«osta/ Heraltl and Elim Hem/d. Carl O·G,lill. 1)(IS1Or of the Grallite donated by Elim Bible InstLlute eifY church ill 1920. sli// lives there alld Taped narrative of life and ministry of Ada just celebr(l/ed his 91st binhday He \'il'­ Bolton Bard , donated by Gordon F Prelscr idly remembers lilM rellil'al GlIlI the Victor Plymire matcrials on rilm, filmed III "sheep she(/" church. /-Ie regaN/s the cooperat io n wi th the Billy Graham Center Argile family llS olle of the 0I/l!iulfI(lill8 Archives. el'(mgelistic lelll/lS of the early years of Photographs donated by Irene Crane and Eric Johnson. the Pelltecostal rel'ival. Issues of Word and Work. donated by Hal.el Corum Bakewell. Pal estine costumes, donated by Mrs. Apprcciates Heritage George Carmichael. Wc appreciate receiving and the oppor­ A. A. Allen videos, donated by John Carver. Video on 80th anniversary of A.msa Street tunilY 10 read /-Ieritage. Wc commend you Revival. donated by Christian Broadcasting for the excellcnt job you do. Network. Mcrlc J . Harris New Equipment Rev. and Mrs. J. Kelley Campbell District Supcrintendenl Sony stereo reel to reel recorder. donated by Marsing. Idaho, 19.uJ Arkansas District William E, Fish .

AlG HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 [!!J Assemblies of God Heritage Index Fall 1981-Fall 1986 1'Joe "f'"'''I' "I'< • ("h .. 1< H,..!.>!! So: V...... h Gr.nt 'I .. n:h, to!n" pi I IrIM.",) IS 1<:"<.;lml/.I"r" \I~lcnaJ~ ,v. !'.hl to-II A uthor III-X21J l'r,-"",,"r~UJIl Y"ur 1)1\111.:1 aM I~ ..:al 1Itt) 7·J(I, UtJU)',Jcwmc: "',k\l'>lh~r (phot"" ,Wi!J It'll. Chur,h 1I1'1o>!') Iph<"'" fl, XII 3 ....Jrner. v. .. )nc The ('aIr' II' 11111 SpTln~,. ,., 1:11 .... Wllllam'l i'cllt<'C.,.>\J .. ) R," "al rI.,,) f\p X2):1. n BIUnlhnkr. ,,J,11l l"he hn"IkJ WHr~ ut CII-;\) ISII~)7-lI. 10-11. IlIlh ... ,·", I\SUI! \rlll~ the Y"UIIlt A "hh" /-l..... er. J R,""cll 1I,\1'>!' •.:a) RnlC" "I lhe Pcn­ ,,' (;.. .1 Irh<~'''') 11- X'I hi! leu,.,I .. 1 \I."cnleftt 1""'11: .... , ,I II~II()·I~. In " 1-1) m~ "mh ul (;.. ",J v. ,11 A I'crll"""IJI lI"nd. (;ru ... ~ In l'uhh.hlnllhe J>c,nl<:"<.;."lal \\c'.... )!e. rt Ipho.>I.,,) ,v. 1I~-1I6)_1---l 1)"",('" /urn IpI><,r",) (I 1>0) ,-, 1""'>1<11 (I 112) I II Gc<;lf~C" l:luhh,llInJilhe J>cnloX." .... 1 \le'\..1)1':. J'I In".s.; .. nl .... ) IW 112'II_lln·7, Herbert BuHulll, (1'IlI>I"" 0' 11(1).11 IJ"tl"O. Roller! I.t<,"an/ A IJ ..1t1l1l A '[ .. II <>enl Gar,jlll!:r. GI,rrnm J> Uehmd 1.... '>l>f1 Wall\ The SIOr} )4. 1(1 "Will (j,Kl 1,,1,"11"'1 If I\4J/)-7, 12 of MOIher Rllbll1'>On dnd lIer PTI,<>n M"lI,t~ Till: Herllagc Leuer' 1'1) Ul~ Amha"J U.. ,,,,,,tlh. I f- IIcJtln~ 10 [e\,l' I-nli" ... , Mm"lry Iprn>lO\) (1·1I~).r,. I~ \1" .... 1'" 1I~-!\h)2. 10 'n /U ... ~, I I 1~ ...... ,lI'\h-, 1'111 l..cller l(l II,. G .. rlo.:l II B Ikfr>re Wc 1\,11 anll1<:r Iph<>l15. I~ Iphou>\). IS ~)l-J Itc'pun\(: 1p\><'I"). (\\ !\1·!l2),~ "" ... Ie). II~n) I "flit Clrcal OHrl \I(lllnl~m, rhe M"",ulnu, Re...:uc: I,\1 (S JI.J)J. 9 (l'h.>I.,,) (W ~-II~):~. ~ \1\ ,,,un In I'.I!I" 1ph<1I, ... ) IS 112)1, ,l Grant. uSA '\()Ih Anm\c ...... l)' m W,\.CofNn 1"hc Hent~~ Leuer 111 Mm"'er. 40 B"",,I> ... l.C.u[ r""Wumcn"nlheS.....,'lrill 1ph\>lo1 ('" IIl_lt4) I! Ycal'> ur Oln \1.,lc· V,nknl I'cr-«uno" 10 the Ihll- 'A C 1909 Ipn.>l.)j (S In)1_ nal (ptw>l<"Il». IS &412 I (>n~·. O'l" han!_ Surv.-c hre\. Bulkl ... dnd Horton. Sianle) M l1Ic l'cnlrxl"lal '-.tpIOloI(>n at the 1be Hcnta~e l..cuc. ,0\ VCT) Speu;\) numlh In 1<,t2()" Iplll>l"" (\I( lI.l·lW).l·~ A.I;u~a Slreel MI\,,,m (1'112):2·.1 Anm'c..... IT) (photo) (Spll]):2 lIurn.:u. (" (" l)etc~~lc' I'urnl A,-.emhlit. III (jod. A l ypKal Ihy at A/u,a Sireel Thc Ilefll3£c Lcucr V""I1l)1 Our II,,· I~ 2 (phutl") IS 114,·~. II (photo), " , 112)2·). (, IIlm'al SIIC" (pholo\). (S IIl):2, I he I'cnltw,ldl Itc~.~at and I:arl y Janllcson. S A 11 11 ...' II Prc,bylenan I'rca"her The Men Whu Hu,c Lcd Ihe A ()t~ ..nI/JIUll\'. I~ I IpIloI<.l\) ISp 114)11·9 Iteccl'e10') IW 111-82)1. 1 (·~rl\nJl. (j 1t~}m\II!1.l I'cnlclO,lal OUII>l)Unng Te~lImonyol S A Jallllc"", (ph\llU), IS 86): 11 The 'ten Who lIa'e"o). ISp 112):.1~ Ite''''alm W• ...:"n"n tpl!laJ Mil_C' \IIIlI'If} AnMlng H"I'Jmn: The On).'n When PenloXl>'t (ame 10 the l'ppcl me:nt rn Ne .... Jound1 .. nd Ip\lI>l,I) IS 8-6):3~ 101 .. rni Ix'elof'rnenl Iblhn).'ualt_ (S 1\.~).1 \hd.. e>1 (ph... IO'I. (Sp lW).l.~. 1U JOIIC\. J We,le) The: !'\I!!hl (j,xI S">flpen, Ph"· (" ..rum. Ired An L'nh""'gcllable Nc .. Ycar', 1'r4)'cl \lob_ (5,., 83)_0·7 Ipplll!: "land ... 194t-4~ (Sp 8~18 Metlln, I.-c Tttnagc Bo), Claml I're-.enl JU Cfgen<,en. \taflt Mlnl'lermjl: 10 Japane\c· \lothcr \lar) \1<11..., IIf SI I,(lul\ IIc,t,dquJr1cr' 1'r1'f'C'1"l) (ph"t,,). IW 1Il-1\4))(I Amcncan, In lhe N,mh"'e" (photo). (51' 85):7. (p/!l)rl I:~ang e""ng .• nd I' C. Nrhon I'n:parclal h n: I'cll In Cakulla (pooHh), (I' (plll)lo). (W 8~-86):9 1'r.. )Cl 1\.\ 111-1\4) 10-11 81)5·6 Ploocers In A G Naul>n~t R,tdlo. 1'1 I ()u,h"lll. R .. lph A My Introduch'lal "peflen.:e (Sp 8.~'~ MI ~IO n ary and 111\ Suo Sur.ned When l1Iclr RcnoXlIn[l. on Our Camp l\kc:tHlg. llen­ b.\II.le. 1";11" f"n,'>("r.I"g Your ChuKh Itl\lory (5,., Ship ... a~ Torpec.locd In 1942 (pho l o~). (W lag.e (photll) IS 8-t):7. )~ In,~ 85·8-6):8· 10 Rc~i,'ah,mc. pI 2 (photo,) 1\.\ I're'erv,ng Your Church II1,tory Lc'crctt. Ralph . G M M I'rn ~n and the Pen­ Alle\\ll>rung anl.I3I hrc I'ell !II Cal­ "'g Conlrol of Accurnulalcl.l\). (F l'rc"-t ...... mg Your Church 1 " ~I(lfy lIow IUtlon" (l'hoIO'» (S 83):.1·4 83)~-6 1<1 I'mlttl Malcnal, A!,!amSI I)ama!,!mg Llghl MIIl'Jp5. Wilhe W,llIC MIIl~p5 RCllICmbers C_ H A Woman ~hm~tenng. HI the Kenludy Ita)\ (W 1I)·S4) 9 Mason al 1It Came: 10 Ala· Wllsoo . Eh/..llbcth Galle) Spc<.:ial Chn-Ima, bc In 84):10 bama, pt. I (phoio<». (F 84)1·5. 10_ I'c ~m g: MI SSIOnary Elll.abclhGallcy Wll\On Ret:· 1'r-c:!.tr.·lI1g Your Church Illqory 110'" --'-CCC::-' When I'enleeml Came 10 Alabama. pt ails Chnsl'~ Abiding f"n,scncc m 1939 (photo)_ 1<1 &trxt DIKI SIOrc Your Church'\ J>hotogl1lphs 2 (photos). ( W 84-8~):9-11 (W 82·83):3 (photo) (Sp 82):5, Synan. Vmson When l'entecOSI Came 10 Lo~ Wooley . 1 )a~i.C_ Tho; Need for a wnllen lI"lOry(lf a Prcservlng Your Church H"lory: Angeles 751h Anm'crsary of lhe Azusa Slrcel Church. (photo~)_ (F 84):8·9 Mlcrorihmng Church Rrxords, (5 83):5, RC~I'al. )906-19111 (p/!

~ AJG HERITAGE. SPRING 1987 Title The Iknta)!e l.encr "",lln)! Our HI'l<>rKal Slle, I"n:-.ef\ln)! Y\l\lr Cllun:h H"1<'~ Ac"c'-$I1 ..,) (S 101.2 Catalugm)! Your Rec<)nh Pam !::.a.,tlne 1111 j. 82):2 IknlJ~c Sn;-"'f\ln/li Y(lIlr Chun.h ""M1 11 0" t.., Saha~e (plu:){I»). (I' 8~):9. 15 La ~ e"OO1 M Pln~on and the PentccO'lal \\I,,,on. Store Your ("hurcll', Phu"'graph' I'am I;.a.,t· Warner. (I' 82):11- 1902· 19(17 Ralph G. Le"eren (ph.)!o,). (I. lak.e (~u). (Splm:~ Delegates Forn. A~!oCmblie, of God. III 2 C.C 84):5. 10. Pre,ef\lng Your Chure'h H"10r) ' h~roftl1l1mg Bumcn. (photos). (5 84):5,8 Mdn:hlO8 to Z,on, pan I Grnnt Iprnl1o,) Chul"l'h Renlnl, Pam (5 In)~ Delivered From D c~lruCli(m in Tokyo je,sie (S 86):6-8 Prc.,cf\lng Your Church ~h'lory Seledmg and Wengler Iphoto). (51' 85):6. 12. MarchlOg to Zion. pan 2, Grunt Wacker (['Ik>lO,) AlTllnglng 1I'~h'n~al "alenal, 1';lm l.;.hllaJ..e Dnclopmg i::.ducallonal In'\IIOIIOIIS William Men· iF 86):7· 10 1\\ 81·112).J zles. (pholO~). (S 83).1·4 1be Men Who lIa,'e Lcd lhe A G, pan I Wayne Pre"''''lng Y.l\lr DI,ln(t Jnd l-A'Callltun.h lI 1't'>r) DrJmalle 19-15 Liberallon at Los Banos. Ptlilippmes.' Wamer. (pOOIO ... ), (\\ 81·82):1..1 Pam lOa'llake (['Ik'IO). \I 111 U Wayne Warner. (photos). (S 85):7·8. 10-11.16, l1lC Men Woo lia'c Led tile A.G. pan 2 Wayne Pul)h.hlng the l'cnlecO'lal '(c";I)!e. part I Tile E.1rliesl Pe ntecoslal MIssIOns of Los Angeles Warner (phOlO~), (Sp 82):.\-1 Ro.. "dl Flo"n Ipllolul If- 1121 I. 8 Cecil ]'." Robeck. Jr, (phOIOS), ( F 83):3-4. 12, MIOI'>!enng to Japancsc-AmeTlclins In the Nonh"c~t Pubh,hlng the l'emc~\l'lal " c"age, I'Jrt 2 EI t; wwgt'lio Prntrcosta/. Published for Spanish Marie Juergcno;cn (phOl0), (Sp 8~):7. 12, Ru,"clll-lt)wer (rh"lO') (\\ 112·11.110·7. Believers I Reprinted from Pelllrcos/(/l t:wmgr/. M lm~try Among Ihspamc' Thc Orll:un and RcOecllng On Our CalliI' \ keung Ikntage \\;I~ II(' Aug 5. 1984. (1'11010), (S 85):13. [)e, eloplTlcnl wa)1\t Warner (billnguall (S warner. (S 11417.12 Evangeh'llllg and Pio neering Throughoul 1hc Soulh· 85):3. Rnl,'al1mlC.p.:m:! \\ayne \\ Jmer.(['Ik,u"l (1'1 I weSl Jewell Nicholson Cunnmgham, (phOtos), Thc Mmlculous Re~ue of Jll ueh Ihe Afncan Sla,e tl1le..! PlOnCCf\ 11\ A (i 'h!l~,"al Rad,o) 1\\ (Sp 85):3-4 Girl II B Garlock. (phoIo). (S S41:J. 9 8J-8-1)6-!l Fe '" People Living Who Allended A G Organ· ,1.1 1$' Sigman Marks 1000h BI11hday She 1\ Oldest The Role of Women 11\ I'emc,,,,tal "hnl'lry l .dl1h Ilallonal Meenng. Apnl 1914 (photos). (Sp AiG MInister (photo). (W 81·82)4 Blumhofer (S]) 86111. 1-1 84);6. M,sslonanes Inlcrned on Luton. Philippine Islands, The 5t Lou" bro Wa\oc Warner (prnl1(h) (I' A 501h A nnl\ C~ary in Wi sconsm U, S Granl 194 1-45, Wa~nc Warner (Sp 85):8 8 1): 1·.1 (photo). (W 83·S-\); 12 MOIhcr Mary MOise of SI louiS Wayne Warner A SpeCial ChnSl1na, bc 111 I'elm!; " ""onaf) The Fin l~ h ed Work of Ca lvary: Wilham II Durham (photos). (51' 86):6·7. 13. Eh~beth GallC) \\,I..on Re..:alh Chn\!'\ "bid· and Doclnnal Controvef$y I Ednh Blumhofer A Mountain Peak ofM) Splnlual b penencel A A, 109 I're"':l1Ce 111 19W 1·J,Hbelh G Wd"ln (photos). ( F 83):9· 11 Wilson . (phOlo). (W 8-1 -85) 12. (phOIO) (W 82-831.1 Flying AmbassadOf$ of Good Willi Wayl\t Warner 'The Need for a Wrincn HIstory of a Church Da",~ Spencer La ~ e Bible Camp l-l a.. Interc\tmg I h ~h'ry (phOl0S), (W 85·86): 3·4 C Wooley. (photQ). (I" 84)8·9 WayllC Warner (photo). {I. It'):~ Fronk M Boyd to Observe 1000h Blnllday. Dec. 2-1 The Night GOO Stopped the Angry Mob J We,!ey A Tcenagcr Growing Up al 1.0\ B anu~ Camp (pIlOl0). (W 83·84):8, Jones, (Sp 83):6-7, Wayne Warner (photo), (S 8~UI George N . Eldridge: " lie Was Slrolghl Inside and Nile M01her' lerome Beany. iphocos). (W 84·85); I, Ten I)ay, '" a i.lfdKId I Ilowa f, h ",onal)' and 11 1\ Out"' I Wayne Warner. (phOlo ). (W 85·86 ):7.15 3·6 , Sun Surv,ved When The!r Ship Wb Torpedoed The Grear Oneness·Tnnllari an Dctxl1e; 19 16 "New 19 47 Phlhpp lne Liberation Crcate~ bno1l0nal In 1942 Paul L . KII,h (phl)to~) ( \\ h sue" Splils lhe Young Assemblies of God I Scenes 1 Wayne Wamer (photos). (Sp 85[:6·1 1 85·86):8·10 Edilh Blurnhofer, (pholos). (I" 85);6-8 19 13 Worldwide Camp l>1cellng W a~nc Warner Thrt'c NOlable Women In I'c n leco~ t al Mnl1'itry Gary TIle Greal Olark Mount ams Revival How the Holy (photos), (51' 83): 1. -1 ·5, B McGec. (p001,h). (Sp 86):1-~. 12. Spirn SlIook Thayer. Missouri In 19091 Harry E. Notable Hi stone QUOla1l0n. (5 83) 4 Two Women on !he Sa" du,t Trail Carl Il ru1llb;le k Bowley. (ph010). (S 82):1. 3. Paul Klich. Jr. Returning to Afn ca Wayne Wamer. (phOlOS). (Sp86 [: I I Herbert Buffum! Wayne Warne r (pho tos) , { I' (pooIO). (W 85·86): 9 A TypI cal Da )' lit AfU\ a Street Stanle) M 11 0rton 86): 11 · 1-1. 16. A Pe ntecostal Branch Grows In Dowic's Zion I &lIlh (pholo) . (I' 82 ):2-.1. 6 Hcre '~ the Answe r to th e Prayer I Roben Cun· Blumhofer. (photos), (I" 86):3·5. An Unforgcttabl c Ncw Year's Pra}er Meell ng hve mngham. (phOIO). (W 83·84):10- 11 The Pemecostal Explosion al the A"l: uSll Streel M,S' Teenage Boys CI&lm l're",m Ilcadqoarte .... Prop-­ Hernage Learns of Othe~ Who Allendcd 1914 Meel· sion I Stanley M Horton (F 82):2·3 e n)' Fred Corum, (photo), (W 83-84): 10 ing. (photos). (S 84):12. Pe ntccostal Orig ms in Iro n Rive r. Mi chigan I Violent Pcrs«ull on m lhe II1 11s W C. Lo n g'~ DIC' The Hentage leiter; ". . and. God bless our renred Richard E. Orchard , (photo) , (I" 85): 13. l1ards SurvI ve F lrc~. Bul1c1J., and Bomb~ In 1920 minis te rs Amen " I Way ne Warner. (W Pentecostal Outpouring Dales Bad to 1900: The I Carl Bru1l1bad (photos). (W 83·84):)·5 82· 83):8 Story o f Ihe Pentecoslal ReVi val In Wisconsm ! Walking ," 'he K," g'~ Hi ghway Ahec Be Uc Gar· The Herilage Lencr; Flying Ambassadors I Wayne G. Raymo nd Carlson. (phOlos) (F 85):3·5. 13. n gus and Ihe I'entecostai M o~c men l In Ncw· Warner. (W 85·86):2. 10. The PentecOSlal Rcvival and Early Orgamz.anons. ro undla nd I Burton K Ja nes (pho los). (5 Thc !-l entage Lencr; Hentage Soclcly Response ! pan I I C C . Burnell (photos). (Sp 84):8·9 , 86):3-4 . 14 Wayne Warner. (ph010). (W 81·82):5 . Pentccostal Revival Touches Indla l Wilham TEllis. Wanted; Penk'Costal Preachers . As Adve rtl III a The Heritage Letter; Lillian Trasher I Wayne War· (photo). (W 82·83): 1. 5. 1917 £ wmge/. (I" 84);9 ncr. (photos). (W 84·85):2. 5 . A Pioneer Pcntecoslal Educator: P C. Nelson Pre· What Do You Know About Our Ihstory? A QUI t on The Heritage Lcner; 137 Mlnislers 90 Ycars or Older pared Young People for Christian Servicc . Peoplc and E,·ents. (W 8 1·82):5, I Waym: Wamer (F 86): 2. 14, (photo). (Sp 82):2. 4. When Pc ntecOS I Came to Albbama. pan I Robert II The Heritage Leller; P.c. Nelson Malerial ! Wayne Pioneers of Penlecost: Alice E. Lucc and Henry C. Spence. (photos), (l' 84):3·5. 10. Warner. (ph01 OS). (5 84):2, Ball i Gary B. McGee. (phOIOS). (S 85):4·6. 12, When PentcCOSl Came to Alabama . pan 21 Roben The Hentage Lcner: A Very Special AnnIversary I Pn:servtng YO\IrChurch Hlslory:! f'-dm Eastlake. (Sp H Spenee. (ph010S), (W 84·85):9·11 Wayne Warner. (photo). (51' 83):2. 83): 5 . CrHllirlUM on pagr 16

AlG HERITAGE, SPRING 1987 I!!I AsserrIfus cI Gcx1 ~~ , 1 I'OStQ HERIJAGE PAID 1445 Boonville Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65802·1894

"I (i.'t'lII ... en: n.. t ~ II} , .. tw:r kado:n ,n the III\lrICI , mdudmg J"~rh (krhul. lhen 1I'.lrId Black Ministers/Fwm pa., \J ,e~retar. trel,urer and I'ler ,urcnn1enJenl. and I.. dmd ~e)e'. J'rt',klcnl III B,1I1e (,()lIqc ... hlle 1I..m' 01 the p,I't I~ " 11 0,," (an ..... IN,;h lJI~d.. Amcri(an, ltlf Wha t kind of response is nceded? "We no longer dictate official POli l'" the Chmt , .. r~ l'..-fIIn',UI,,1 t\'lln,~..-I. Al'fll ~6. 1'/711. need someone prominent who will care," movement lIlust colltmuall y be on gU;lrd I'll 6·!\. 20 t6 RUlh Lyon. 1-I\o\:u, "n IkmK' \',,,,,,n •. ,,,, is the cry of the black Assemblies of God that that approach to I, ~ue" doc'> nut "..-'lIn-"_'I,,1 h'lI/_trl_ OCh ...... ·r Ill. It~'\, I'r 11, 11. minister. B Accordmg \0 Roben W. Pinle, delcmline theological. ethical. and ccclc­ 27. In 1'-111,\. bl'on re"t-:ncd hI> rre.Jen.,~h ... 'Ih ,'''' the current director [or the Division of siastical decisiom Gencral (','!Unol for undl"I"...;" rea ... m, Home MIssions. the primary key for the 17 , -Ito,," can ... e rea<;h iliad., "mem.J.n, 1"1 future is that the Assemblies of God fel ­ Note: Documentalioll of black ("hn'I' p 1 lowship keep Its "hands and Ilnns open to Assemblies of God mi"isters ami mem­ III "'n.: Oener.lI Supennlentlent" Rq,"n. H,,",, black ministry." White ministers at district bers prior 10 1960 is diffiwll, if 1I0t IUtil R~,..>rl Tht- (i(",,",,/ C"u"..,l "1 IN -\"rmhl'''-J and local levels need 10 become morc impossible. If ),Oll call help /IS locate oj G"d. (;(""...-tli C. ... ,.,,'. /971. P IJ supportive of blacks in their meetings. further information regart/i"K tllose 1'-1 Cum, \\ Rm~ne". -Re",hmg BI .... l '\nK'1 s uch as the Inner Ci t)' Pastors' Con­ mentioned in tlli!.· article or any others, 1(.lJ1\.M TN P("lUn-l Reao;:t,on lC)'\ 10 effe",,'e e>J.ngeh'llI. n,..- Pour..,>.,,,1 ation overseas. states James Kessler. Sec­ 10 lhe CI'II Rlghls MO\'erncnt MrK:e 19~4" Uin)(lr) /-..""n".-I. June 29. 1969. I' 21 retary of Intercultural Ministries. "where Un"eI'SHy. 1972). pp 1Il-1I2; Janle \ Monlg.)nlery 22 Oivl'-iOn of hlrelgn \I''''l'n, rn""h and Bob I~am son. Wh,n Gm/ Im$ BllIct (GrJ.n.d we've reached out. " 2~ 2_1 [nter.'le ...... "h hanl and i'.ann I)d''', Jdnu RapKls 7..ondervan l"ubli sh ,ng Ilou"", 1911). P 9-1 ary IS. 1986 A dominating alti tude which has af­ 2_ Erdman ..... ho pa~tored a large J>cll1 eco~t al fected racial perspectives in the Fellow­ 24 In1erv,ew ,,",th Rnb"n \\ P,nic. MJn:1t '\ congregation In Buffalo. New York. preached !Hthe 1986 ship has been its overriding commitment 1914 HOI SI)f1ng~ Council bUI did nOI JOin the nc"" 2~ Int ervll~"" "',Ih J ~n1C\ KC"kr. M.m:h fl. 1(1)16 to world evangelization, But this has led organization, J, Ros ... dl Flo""er. "A 1I1 ~lory of the . ~ .. 10 a contr:>dictory response in reaching the Assemblies of God " world for Christ. It has been. on the one 3. Deceased minister.' file. Office of the G<;n hand. the challenge of evangelism which eral Secretary. (A,G Arch"es). LeUCI from Roben Brown 10 J W Wclch. r-ebruary 20, 191 7 has most WOIl over the constituency to the 4. G/'n~r(J1 Counr-il Mmult'S, 191~ , pp 4. 5 ldea of including blacks. Ironically it had, 5_ Lencr from 1. Ros ... ell I-lo... er to I;.mc-SI S on the other hand, also been the major W,llIams. July 13. t939. Assemblle!i of God Arehi\'es_ 6. Deceased mmlSICfS' file. Office of lhe Gen­ eral Secretary, 7, Deceased mmlslen;' file. OffICe of the Gen­ ernl St:crl:tary. Leuer from J A lkIgue. Secretary. Nonh .... esl Oismct. to J R I-lo ... er, No\'ember IS. 1937. Assemblies of God Archl\'es g. Grace Collms, telephone mter\lew. Kelso. lIo"O\"ard N Kl'nmn;.J a PhI) C(JII(il(I(lIt'liI \I,'ashmgton. October 1985. mfonnauon galhered Omlo r Unll·l'rs;,..; anllCllxlI/n!>: grot/II(llron 1111.\ from the local hlstoncal society summ('r illS dISSI'r/(lf/on is 1It1n!. "A Socil,1 9. G~Mral P"sbJ/u,' M'''ul~s. t939. P 2 Sec lJistory oj lh~ As.Jtmbhn oj Gml Rllff" also. Leuer from J R Flo .... er to ES Williams. R ~/(lfio/is. WOIIII'/i (/lit/ !I11/1 /S1ry. ami AIIIIII(/~ .f July t3 . 1939. lQ"O\"art! lfur. " III' $en'I'S (IS cflmp'ls "IIIIISlro' 10_ Ge"er(J1 CounCIl Mmult'!. t94S . p. 31 "Our l"r(XIor oj Um"('rsiIJ ChrislwlI N' //fI\nhi" (II Colored Brethren:' T~ Pe"If'f'OSfII l E"""llel, Janu­ SOlflhl'l'tSI Missouri SWlt U/III·trSI/\ III SfJrlll~ ­ ary 12. 19J6. p. 12 field. Mlssol/ri. A Ihirt/ gelltrllllOIl ordllllU'(1 II. E.S. Wilhams. IIHerv,ew. March 18. 1915. Assembll(,s of GOlI IIIIIIISII'r. 011 Ixnh sIdes of Howard N. Kenyon. lnleT\"ICwer his fOil/if): he hos beell 1/1 Jull-lIl11e f{//IIPU( Visit the Heritage Exhibit 12 . James Montgomery and Bob lIam"On . Wh..-" mlllislry Jor Ille /HUI 11 YI'(IfJ. lie 1,\' l'IIJ.j(lgeti /() God "'lIS BllIck (Gfllnd Rapids; 7..onderv~n Puh· /IIl/rry Kimberly Louisl' Robbllls Oil May 13. in the Convention Center lishins House. 1971). p. 29. Of llOIe. the senlllllents 1987. 1/1 Selllll(', "nsltlllglOlI.