Black Ministers Assemblies of God in the Assemblies of God By Howard N. Kenyon The Ministry of n, VOL. 7, NO.1, SPRING 1987 Charles P. Jones By Edith Blumhofer Co"er. 1op. /'WrthM'tst /Jislric/ c(;Imp muting. ('tn/ralia, 19305; inset, 19.15 mtal card. HO/lOm righl. '\wnr ..,uy ;E~;:~;d~;~,.~~:::l\'e .<t"'inste,. Auembly). HO/lom Ie/I, Hans HOlism (urond from 11'/11. lin l'ar(l' ",itll his gosp~l ear by Ihe "Circuit Hider" Sialue, Orrgon .~(atl' capiw/lIwllnd, . ~ ••••••••, oj Oregoll /)iSlrict Council. , -<'If 1m • ...Ii ~ -- 'pentecost in the Pacific Northwest MaI'JII<ie S tewart Holy Spirit whlt'h ~hc found In Ihilt THE HERITAGE noi~) !.:hurch ",hlch ~uppc.)~cdJ} had Ic~~ power than the one ~hc "'a~ III LETTER Wayne Warner \\-l!ndlLng. ",hlch illonc IIIne nild about HOO populiltion, du:d In the 11.111.' 19~(h OU h;we .lIrcady nolU.:ccl that thi~ I\\UC when the timber '>Uppl)' \>,-1.1 .. cxhau~tcd Y lcalUrc\ tOe gre.1t Northwc\! I ;Im The people moved oul; ilnt! the lumber proud to \;lY that 1 illll a product 01' thai company ~old the hou~c ... \>'-hlch werc region .1Ilt! il\ Pcntccmt;ll revival either di~mantlet! or m{J\ed to other area... My mother W;I\ \avcd In a MClh("xlt\\ Today \\cndhng i.. il gho~t to\>,-n Church III the old (olllpany town of Wen­ But 4 mile .. away, in ~1i1Tcola. there I" a dllng. Oregon JOIm\ 18 1I11le\ northca\\ thriving A~ .. el11blie .. of God congregatIOn, \)f Springfield After a I\:ntccmlal group tnc Mohawk Valley Chri~lIan Center, pa~­ \Iartcd a church in tn""n. Mother began [() r..:d by Norm<ln R Geyer. Thi .. r.:huf{:h attending evening \crvicc\ along with ",a .. ~taned \Cveral year. afler v..cndhng other Hllcrc<,tcd Methodi"I ... ber.:ame it gh()~1 town The Mclh{)di~1 pa\lor "new what wa' A lot of water ha~ gone do\>,-n the hilppcning "0 thought he would keep his Mohawk '>1I1(e the I\:nleco.,t;11 mev.. age .. heep al horne wilh a homely illu<,tr3tion callie to the little valley,> ea .. t of Spring­ lie u\cd 10 hayc an okl Model T which field [am pmud to ,>ay that my root .. go llIi1dc a lot of noi\c bUI didn't have much hatk there and am plca\Cd that the valley Jona/han a"d '\""0 Nodtr power. he told the c(Ulgrcgalion. Then he .,till ha~ II. Pcnlcco~tal witne'>s. got a newer car which wa .. quiet and hild far more power than the old T he fall 1986 i .... ue of Heritag,' included Si~tcr Nader told me thai they had pas­ My mother got the rnc.,<;agc thai morn­ T 1I li~t of lmnistcr. who were 90 year.. tored In Flint. Michigan. during the 1920~ ing hut d idn't apply It as tne mini'>ter or older_ At the timc. there were 1J7 nona­ and al the As .. yrilln Pcnteco~tal Church, thought '>he would. She len tnc Methodi~t genarians on the Ii .. t Some of them have Chicago. until their retirement. Church and uni ted with the Blhle Stan­ died Since the lI..,t was publi~hed, Don't you appreciate our fa ithful dard people. Includmg the oldest per.. on, Jonathan pioneer mini .. ters of the go~pel! Thank I was reared in a Pcnleco~tal church Nader Nader, who would have been 100 God for their willingness to sacrifice so bccau'>e (If Mother' .. inte re~t in deeper III June. had been marricd to Anna Nader Ihllt churche~ could be planted across th is spiritual truth .. and the hapti .. m In the for 70 years. nalion and ilround the world. Let's not forgel their contribution to the A..,scmblic~ of God. and that we are what we arc today because of godly pioneers who went before us. -t- WllJlle E. Wtlmer IS Director of the AlG ArcJlIl'es \SSn1BLlES OF Gon m :KI1'\(;f: Ifnitag' i_ publishoo quarterl, bJ the ,\.....cmbli~ of God \rehi> es, 1+*5 BOOinilic ,\,c., Spring· field, MO 65802. Phonc \4171 862_278t. 1'hi.\ paper is free to mcmber.. ofthc '\~rnbli('!j of(;od At right, th~ ~ditor' s licrilll):t &K-ic!)_ YCllrlJ rn e mlK'r~ hi~ ;Irc 1I'lIil­ boyhood (hunh 01 n tnd­ ablt' for SID: lifctimc mcrnlx-r\hip ~ arc Sloo. linl:, Ongon, /ole /940s. I'crsons wisbin): 10 donatc hblorical rnal('rials Th ~ first l'~ nt UOSfal soch a. co rrc~pundcnct'. photogrllph~. lalK'~, c hurch in th~ upptr film,", maga:d nt;!;, books. rninutes. etc., arc ur):ed Moho,,'1o: \tllI,.,. nt-ndling 10 "'rill' to Ihe Archhe!> al the abo\(' addrt'SS. is "0'" a Khost '0"'''. TI" girls au I'hyltis East­ mo", Marilyn S"vJ/ord, Wayne E. W .. mer, Editor and Sharon \tJ" C ltv~. Tht Moha ... k. \'allty ARCHIVES ADVISORY BOARD ehrulia" C~"ur (AIGJ. Joseph R. Flower, Chairman abov~. is at Marro/D , 4 Everett Stenhouse mi/~s fro", Ih~ old Kt-nd­ Thomas F. Harrison ling silt. Bartlett Pelerson 'Copyright 1987 by lhe Gent'f"1I1 Council of lhe Ph otos court~sy 0/ /.AJyal Swofford and uft" K arn~r Assemblies of God, Springfield. MO 65802. [!) AlG HERtTAGE. SPRING 1987 /Ylllft'Olfal HmwlI ('amp \lUI/III:, (;fUfI I",A,. ~,all/', 1919. Th, \orll, .. "t 1),,/r;("1 ...J Ih, 'u""M,tJ ofCiodfo,.",tr/ hrrr. n,~ J" .. r mlfl/I"n A Story of Pentecost Ilalrd IOgnh" '" Ih, frDnt ro .. an Iralll.. l ,lfIdhlad. a HrDlh" CoII'IIi, 11,11,0," UUi/", IIl1d , II. ''X''', in the [jy Marjorie Slew(ll1j Pacific Northwest Azusa Street Revival Penetrates New Regions n the history of the modem F\:ntcco,>taJ the Azusa Strcel rcvlval. ~hc \\<1'. able to then one day a, \I"Ie ';It III the ,Cn-Ir.:C' .•1 I revival, thc year 1906 brings Lo .. explain MISS Jacob~cn'~ c)(pcricnr.:c of thc \ound like .1 nL'h ing. Illight) wind fLlkd Angeles and A/usa St reet \0 1I11J1d. AI the evening before. Mr~. Cr:Lwl'ord w;\~ onc tI"Ie room, and ~ I "Ie wa .. hrlrti/cd ..... Ih the same time the Lord Wll~ CIll I)()wcring Hi .. of the fir .. 1 to bring the Pcnt cc()~I'll ll1e~ Holy SplTit Of thi~ e~pcricncc, ,Ill: " lid, people with the Holy Spirit in California. sage to the Pacific Northwe~t "The power oj God .. hook my \cry !x·mg. lie Wll~ also filling Chri\tian<, in thc Paci­ For a look at Florence Cr,lwl'ord', early and river, 01)0)' <lnd divine love n{)~kfcd fic N()rthwc\I [n :t Holiness rni .. \ion in life and then her initial min1 \tl) to thc my,oul Oh, it Wil' wonderful! And lie Portland. Oregon. a young ..... oman by the Northwe .. l. wc go 10 her book Thl' I.il-llll of c;\ll,ed me 10 .. peak m the ChmC\l' Ian name of Laura Jacobsen arose in the Lifl' Brollglll Triumph, guage Hut the greate\t JOY tn Illy hcan middle of a ChriMmas Eve \crvicc and Mrs. Crawford had becn rcared in <In wa.. that I had rcr.:eived the power to ""'11 spoke in an unknown tongue. Allhough atheistic home. her parent<, often cntcr­ ne" to l()~t '(luh_" no one undCl"'llood what was happening. taining famous infidch. But God had I-IL, Nm long ilfter th,ll G(kf pcrfomlcd il the people believed thl\ unu~uaJ experi­ hand on her lifc. She lalcr tCi.lificd that 01" wonderful healing in Mr\ Cra\\!onl'\ ence was sent from God. (Miss Jacorn.cn a young woman whilc ~hc Wil:. danr.:lOg 10 body. lllC experience l\ oc .. t told III her in 191 1 married E. S. Wilh,um who was to a ballroom. ··God .. pokc out of Hcaven own .... ords onc day become general superintendent of and said .. Daughtcr. gl\'c Me thlOe heart . tnc A<;~lI1blic\ of God.)1 Nobody had to lell me it wa .. God. for I Iwa~a"rc:d,mmyhod) ThnocallOKl\ The next dll)'. Florence Louisa Craw­ knew il to be the voicc of God .. of \pmal mCnLn~!lm early m m) hI.: hilll ford appeared at the mi S~lon. Havi ng It was bUI a few day~ aftcr thi .. when left Ill) car. and e)e~ \() atf«led Ihill I reccivcd the bapti!.lll LO the 1-I01y Spirit in Mrs. Cr.rwford truly found Christ a!. Sa\' could not leavc off my gla".. c~ I a,kcd lhe mml'lel'i 10 pray for IllC. and lhe iOT, With her co n vc~i(Jn was born a hun­ healinl,! powcrof lhe Son 01 God flo .... cd gcr for decper ~ pi r itu<l l experience ... ThaI through Iny cye' and hcatcd them hunger was not sat l.,fied untLl .. he \\oa., perfectly florence Crawford Brought filled with the 1I0[y Spi rit 10 the old bam­ 1 had lung troubte- for )car. t h,1(1 to like building o n A/u .. a St reet. Upon the Pentecostal Message lLvc III Southern CalifornIa fur my attending her first meet ing there. Mrs. to Portland, Christmas Day, he,tlth--and God healed me of Ihal, 100. Crawford kn ew she had found wlmt she Early In life, when JU\I J girl. I WiI\ 1906. had been ~eck in g for ~i n cc her con­ \C n ou~ly injured, I was Ihm" n fT(11ll il version, She went to several mcetlllg .
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