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VOL. 6O—NO. 7 PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER T9, 1912 PRICE 5 CENTS THE SUPREME HONORS! The Record-Breaking Battle for the Base Ball Championship of the World, Between the Boston Red Sox, Champions of the American League, and New York Giants, Champions of the National League. S "Sporting Life" goes to press the stages when defeat seemed certain with the 1912 World©s Series is drawing to good pitching Tesreau was serving up to a conclusion and will be a matter HIS SUDDSN COLLAPSE of history ere this greets the read in the seventh inning. Doyle was the star of er. At this writing, Tuesday, the day for New York in fielding and batting. October 15, the seventh game of Myers also rose to an emergency in the last the series is being played in Bos inning, and Murray, the failure of 1911, made ton and in the event of Boston©s success the his first hit in a World©s Series, and with it series will be ended with the Boston Ameri scored both New York runs in.the third in can League team as the winner of the great ning. Fletcher had a bad day, striking out series by four games to two games for the three times, when a hit on two occasions would New York Nationals, the second game of the have obviated his team©s defeat. The bulk series being an 11-inning draw. Should New of Boston©s field work was done by catcher York win on this day the rival teams will be Cady, who made a splendid World©s Series tied with three victories and defeats each, debut, and by Wagner with brilliant short field and the deciding game will be played on Wed work and timely batting; but the real hero of nesday, Octob-er 16.
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