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rv.? .ii. !i wtfrill 3 -- a. f--- "?. VFinl r ; S-- i IQ&5& . vn ' nan' T" i(?-'?- ggrliS ' sJ",vT-- F' V- ) - ' ,v,xsy . yy 3r - i" . "f - r3 v r ...... i j... j j j .i im 1 i vr J. .u i ..--j- : l. swn.'- r'vi.' r." . --- & 'i..Vir'4twawi "" " w t Jt jt rf'rj:iTji a.". .i m "'f ' ,''-- HT RRT.IRNT niKPVRS i - - .t'S:n.A 7 -- .aW- - ITTf, Wm'HKK T. a'-. T ULJTa tf .T J ..? T . "fa .i.2i vaWZta' 1UW .t3faKhi a1Aa .aJaA fTVn Uf ''. ill" 7- msiki.. J. II f UUVlUlll.i "?Wrai;A--lt mLwmfflLmmmmwmmmi i4"lT - -- '. TC - iUJIJUjUWi '. vaTsT r- - "'Tiirir-ii ZtKitliSrW, fr 1f4 ".,' ,f. c.-vj7r-.aia.i-'-m?im&22&y?M.:rmw-f- -- ' : ?. - r i' i ij.s A--f it cr j r . aataaasasam iJ uno AMD T&DilMHJ -- .v..aaiiKL &UV All ' . 'Jala'aaTtr' - ;-- I 1F - IfefWE run as. j. - uod urinDDiio V?;f-- '.aaaTazazazazazazazazazazK 'Jfw-,ios- s f " v,r' - arazaza . aazazazazazazazazaw'mmLVy, V- vwrr., sf i - it -- ISJ2Ka:'r?s 'zazazazazazazazazazazazazazazasKji.l j u v vt LAaw l v aVaaazazazazazazazv - - - niMRRnPfliRRR I , y KHK lil) THIRD BOSTON WIH 541 " - a -- Sr3rS?Vft'V.tiasoi --a ' U.r '" I oonapaanasanaaBwaa.ao ,. jr SEOflgr- a- Carrigan. Say. Were ITaUkk Garden GrytBqwtvBefet Kg ; v ,VaaaaaaaaaH 'ir!3i .' Giat. nK7 I - lmUillVtt f '. -- - X Everytai-tt;L.'c- k mwVamWL $- - Trifk ra to Solve Delivery of Seni- . Held. t fte Colurtk . BxaaaaaKK't V&fcJiDm 4M " I IllHlBg. Alit-'kat'BiBi- : ''Wi- U: BaM'Iitte.fMMai tional Becrait Pitcher. imi . TO SIX-HATT- Y LOSE MATS MATTHGLY RED 'SOX -- GIT KUBAXd i , .TsaaaaaaaasaaaaaaazwV A Vlaaaaaaaa&enaaaaaaaaaBBiT'''' w'aaaaaaaaaaKV TU LAUDS PITCHING OF MAIHEWSOS " r m " ' - r VssazaaHR!alV azssis-az- B ' "v "anananananananHananttsvX kxN)&?K?QmWtvNf! - RCBE VnAmSmlBK VAMl'tRD. ' DIM. CARRIOAN. Walter J. Travis, of Oardn City, von Br ifcatmwmkrmna7 .h ' Br Br HRjjLf VVaaaaaaalawLNlUaf$ naannS&anananH xOct" li-P- oor Matty, first prize In the first annual fall golf 4Provlance,xH feOefc.j Boston. Mass., Boston. Oct got to McGraw He-lo- st game Jo-d- that of tournament of the Columbia. Qountry Mathewson pitched, one of i theUatt a. was.ojie with Bedlent, a pitcher who Is seeing his "' 'XvananaHa&lficFM the beat that no ever pitcnea. ana wnicn league Clnb which closed yesterday afternoon. games orWi Ufattwan. jum..nfv laa ' first year's service on a major Mattlng- - three-game- TSazfssBaBflsSafn I should,' have never been a Sox victory. The New Yorker defeated Ar S. Uorton,bs-u- s .now, to Tl nazsaWsBnalfniffiilflwllfWsMlaiazsazl club. Doubtless the New York semi-fina- ssT ly. Columbia. In ls by-- 7 don't like to criticise a teammate. of the In the,confest for7 the world'! champfen-shi-jen. I figured the. game as good as won when 6. but In this case I must say that it waa 'hat-face- and and In the final round disposed of ( youngster gave d ,- t Snodgraas who cost us the game. One the the first man Robert WIer, of Wilmington the score, TVfiy we didn't beat Hugh JBedInt 1 him a base on balls. ! being 5 and , of those two runs was earned, deserved, x cannot understand. ..ft couldn't hit .aim waa presented to them. But he doesn't know Bedlent as well was the e, but the other In neither of' these matches to begin witrf. ThatVa pretty good'ex-cus- " as his teammates do. Nor did he know New Yorker pushed, although both were W9frfw!XmWmY$ffl laaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaZr'aaVaP"' Here Is the way I figure out that sec- yet no excuse at all. He" had less -- how mucti Beolent knew about Bedlent Interesting as his opponents are the best KgKSSiaHiaatlA ond Inning that should have given the greatest than either Hall or Collins less eYen I'sHaisssaassHKrlrlHsBsllzsaH noma team but a lone tally. Hooper, Bedlent Is unquestionably the players at their clubs. In the semifinal than" he howed1,u," Tor the brief apell pitcher came Into the-- major league SS re- tha first man up for the Red Sox, that round. Travis went" cut In and he worked agaln-t'jllat- ty last Wednee-- last spring. I will go further and say In 23. opened, with a triple to center. He caught turned the match ending at the he-- ' is the best young pitcher in the two fourteenth holeT Travla played exception- one of Matty's fadcawas on the nose .. The only way to explain It of big leagues. Next year he will be ally well coming in things hi before It broke, xerkes. next up. banged een andhad those unaccountable circumstances where three-bagg- better. own way, leading at the. turn by 6 up. pBaffaHKilaCzaHBaHBaBaBaBalBaBHeBflEM I JEaaSnaiBaBaBaBacBaBEBVaBVMEiaSiSasBa a fast ball to center for another a' pitcher, gets by simply because hs - Bedlent a ball with a Jump on The' morning card follows: rlzWaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaSaSaal but should never have been but his fast looks too easy. I hare no. doubt that. It VtlzielzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRSwSlaall rlsaaaaVaaHBaSVRaaVHiB,'JtaES9DlaBMlzaaKnaaiaHrVAX&2itK ' single. Snodgrass in on ball It a Jump upward that forces the op- j- . a ran the WaltnTrad- s we 'hadn't been behind we" would have KflHanKatfaMalofiarfSraaanr-?- ? 7QJllJiijk .iT ponents to pop up easy fly balls. you S S 4- tanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBtvVa?! sgiSjTiarjnrTaJSiajjaarp"rnnTaaw JsnanananMnazanw when he should have played It fo It out ff...,y I I I I I I - , cleaned up on him In right proper fash- Uwavavavavavavasja!Bii LrWSFMKmvKmBvlLifXMmMTimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTi tabulate the game he won from the In S 3 S 4 4 0 0 0 IraawsalBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBHaaHvl I base hit It got away from him and the - ion. Inning been' elimi you twenty-seve- n A.JS. Slattinsb-- " If that third had lyaaiaaaaaaaaViaaaaaaaHaiaBaS'l I t&JM&wLfi&Mf batter got all the way around to third. Giants will find that of the 44 we 'probably would ttJuSsmlSmmWlSKBStSL''SoSmMwLmimmmmmmmmmmm Out , S nated have, had half "iNawSaaaaaaPTzSaaaaaaaaaaaaavl -- To be sure. Doyle booted Speaker's men put out by our side no less In I SII3HIHSIlil -S7 a dozen 'instead of one puny run. roller, but even that error would have than twenty-thre- e. of them went out on hundred people followed the 'Lack wit Boston. T never let Yerkes get beyond second had files and pop flies nnd fouls. What 1 To equally match and the "old man" received (many Talk of f horseshoes. simply. Snodgrass 'held Terkes swat to a single. remarkable is the fact that the he'pUyed an al- Fate Giants only hit four balls on the ground rounds of applause as gate, faces. Lewis and Gardner were' the easiest most perfect golf. course Is slammad the right In bur Infield no In the entire game. Just think of Par for tha, Hooper, "already aaaMHaaaaaaaaazHaMaaHlsaaHE' oaaallaaflapfiPlBValBW kind of outs, and advance that ST each way .for a total of 74. lnthe hole. went, after avaQavavKZEEaajaaaf j under these conditions could have been And the Giants made three hits, maybe FIRST PIXTEKX. ' one of Matty's teasers on 'the outside VaaBaaaaaHaaaaaiBslaaaaaaaaaaaaV made by, Yerkes. four, according to how McCormlck's Semifinal Garden and shot the balldown the left field foul aaaaPaRaHaaaaEaaaf drive to Gardner Is round Waltir J. Tratl. 'of Haftr 1st vino Kettle. scored. CItr. N T.. defeated A. h. JIattinclr. o! Oolnmbia. line., Devore was. playing away,ovBrto-war- d "Had Something." Lj- C and L Itobert Wler. o! Wilmington, defeated center because. Hooper Is a right I( have seen Matty pitch a good many Brdlrnt Molrntt Ttickrmin. cl Cher; Chase, bj 1 us In field hitter. Herzor made a brilliant try gamesv but he waa never, better than When you see a team knocking up 11 Men. VaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaBaaaaapr arv4KPiaaaa&aaaslljl'af got through. v'tv' y. pop flies you may know Walter defeated Robert Wnlr. for the ball. but. It His asfWMPaalaBSaPwOB flalafV Luck waa against him, and 1 all the time that Hml rami Tram dive . momentarily. X.aaaaafSBaaPaaaaaav' I Winxinyton, by S in and Z to plajr. made Josh hesitate ". feel more for the blgv pitcher than I do the pitcher "has something' on the ball. and then he had no chance to comotln for the Giants as a team. I would have The exhibition of Bedlent against tha SKCIIXII SIXTEEN. diagonally The fellow Semi-fin- niw' V. M. teet, n! Columbia, de for It little willingly given all my share of the Giants was one of the best features oC feated- K. U Ilian. o.' Clifrr Chase, br I up. "Ho would surely have held the clout to' a world's series money rather than to see Its kind I have ever seen. There was V of Cotambia. defraled liber KebUnzrr. double at best But the ball rolled! in "Big Six" go down to such an unde- no sensational fielding that cut off base, o" Cohnctla, by ? anil 7 between the temporary left' field circus served defeat. hits. Every fly was easy except per- Final ronnd-O-rw Lenltcrt defrxted A. B Leet seats and the left field bleacher. He Five hits and not a base on balls, yet haps one that speaker had to run for. tJ J'tix I couldn't get it, and Hooper raced all V 'MlB .aaaaaaaaaaaflalaaaaaaaaaaaaaWVX game. - " he lost his But don't think that Most of them were high pops that the THIKl- MXTKES the way to third. This drew In our .In Matty or any Giants quit outfielders, Son) A ffSy aaaaaaaaaaar'saaaaaaaawaWA of the have especially Hooper, had only final rcurd A. iuter. nt Columbia. de field and made Matty pitch altogether We are getting mad ,now, and we will to steps featw Edwan' Harhan. Colombia, bj 1 up. differently take a few to ba under. . Danfcrth.'.' Columbia, defeated to what he should had the never give up the shin, ' One so effec- MtKmerT been playing deep. reason why Bedlent was tJectfit 1 Januf. of Columbia, by I nivand 5 to Inner defense Boston went to Pittsburg In YS& and tive against McGraw's men was his very liar Yerkes, however, whom Matty seemed pulled a title out of the fire when they deceptive delivery. He winds up very Final rouud- -. Winter defeated Montgomery E. to hae sized up pretty well, threw lPaiaaP&3a9BllaaaaaaVa. were In as bad a fix as we are y. slowly, but when his arm straightens out Llanfcrtb by 3 up and I to raaj. consternation Into us by slamming "a and we will do to Boston exactly what for delivering tha ball It straightens out hlXTEEX. curve ball to center field paling.' UlUItTH the l X?laaRtaaaEaaaMaaBN X they did to the Pirates that fall: we will like a flash. The ball Is on top of the Sstmt final retind J. I .trmstronc. of Witaninston, Suodgrass was fooled by the heavy go- iTiaaaaaaaaaaaar give them the same prescription that by C np and a batter before he realizes It defeated ' C felraid. of Cohrmoia. ing. He came In fast, thinking the ball they handed out to Fred Clarke's great simply t.. C. A. Uataon. ol Columbia, defeated I - The Giants were helpless In 'r'"r. c would slow up after 'it hit the soft j , fc. atta. of Columbia, by S up and 4 to rlay. W'-'-yfS-4wvVuwJrJaKBPr -- ball team. his hands, Bedlent has the utmost con- -- aaaaaaaaaaP 1 ' T A defeated ground and that he could hold it to a flrazarF will be on the job Monday In New Fiual rrnnd C Watson J. l 'ingle. immmmmmmmMMMr tslBaEaaWlaflBaaaiBKvPPBlr I fidence in himself. He was easily the by 2 ni; and 1 tu Iilay. But the ball curved In its 'flight. i I York and believe I will win my game. coolest member of our team In FIFTH SIXTEEN. Too late, he cut back to Intercept It and I don't like to boast but feel confident game, and that Is saying a lot for our' " salary-earn- er . Semi final tumd-Fra- nk 8. Aprleman. of Coram- - It got through. The result waa a triple ', of 'second victory. My old left coolbe-ided- . &Wf&&lkQ&&R:fc 1 a men are and I have never taa. defeated F. I. Bartlett. ol Bannockburn. by that scored the first run of the game. 1 '"szilsPV Is grand shape. I get to t . I , . In When seen them rattled. J nv and 5 tu lilay. H. Y. Cobey. ot Waahincton C. Damage? Done. )&tZgJ7 New York I will sleep for nine When, early In the game, Bedlent ap--, Ciaael, by 1 op la, C. defeated i. V. ot Columbia, or ten hours, and in the morning will peared somewhat wild Stahl walked over') and t rlax. Our infield was. drawn in,for Speaker. out to Polo Grounds and get Flral ramd-- H. 1. Cobey defeated Frank 8. Ap. sneak the to the box several times and asked the' He swnug hard, hit above the warm-u- p. pieman by i. up and 3 to play. ball, and In a good pitcher if he thought he had the proper, dribbled a puny, slow roller toward Here ts Just how I figure the pitchers control. Bedlent told Stahl every time) through title, de- TENNIS TODBNEY STABTS. Doyle, who figured that Yerkes would will pull the Giants the not to worry: that be had the stuff and surely dash for the plate and played spite the awful handicap that we will be could get them over'whenever he wantedi working under. "Yours Truly" will cop to. opening Inning r the ball accordingly. But out of the cor- After the of the third Rood Mittr-h- Seen at Colamblr ner of his eye he saw the' runner hug cm Monday. Tesreau will be a dead Stahl did not have further occasion to JEFF TE3REAU, vi-.- Coantrr Club. the bag Instead of sprinting home. He sure winner Tuesday. This will bring us the neighborhood of the box. unless had taken a position for a peg to the The baakr yonas; star of the Sew York Giants' pltehlag staff. The photographs show the ale Mlssontiaa la batting aadlup on even terms with the Boston team, it was to warn Bedlent against a certain Splendid tennis marked the opening - plate wnen ne realized that he must play pitching- st tit odes. and then Matty, greatest still of all batter who was coming up. of the first annual fall tournament of for the batter. He tried to switch his X pitchera. will shut out the Boston crew. Good Word for Matty. -- - was the Columbia Country Club yesterday position at the last Instant, when tear-lr- g ron- Now, this may sound as though I of GAME this afternoon. In all. four hits shooting moon, but paste the pre- But Slathewson's exhibition was beau- afternoon and judging from the stle in fast Somehow the ball eluded were garnered off Dedl-nt- 's deliver), two at the play a close fight will undoubtedly re him, rolled through him, on diction In jour hat tiful to watch. He was In his old form.) pre and out to SHOULD BE FIHAL cf them came in the seventh, one in the BESTS MATHEWSON sult in the final brackets. Th Jack Murray? The latter pegged out tMrd, and one In the fifth. During the Not a pass did he lsue and not a hit' liminary round was completed jesterday Tris an on GAME DETAIL. did he allow after the third Inning. But when he tried for extra base Contlaned front Page One. last two frames Bedlent retired the side Continued from Pace One. THE IN game. and the first bracket nearly finished. the error, but already the damage had In order. that third Inning lost him the Play In the second round was also been done. First Innlnc. We now have the Giants three to one. begun. se- De-o- re and It Is a brave man that will bet his Speaker was the last man who reached emerge on top and terminate the big The attendance figures 31 SO for a triple on the first ball pitched. filed The feature match came in the first first base. The last seventeen men who ries in New York on Monday, no mat- persons, shows that the Interest in the made a game try. but the blow was New York De ore walked. DoIe money on the New York team. We can round when Ezra Gould won from E. TV. faced 'Blg were in big Is one. out to Lewis. Devore was forced at (one back with Wood on Monday If we Six" . retired order ter who pitches for the Giants. series here just as manifest as a safe up. They may Pickford after i three hard sets by 36, without the first semblance of a hit Mr. , rated a bush leaguer ever. Eer) available Inch of space Not to be outdone by his teammate, second when Wagner took Snodgrass" want to wrhd the series 6- -3. Gould won many points Is gave Larry Doyle Inside lim- Yerkes. series, pitch Marquard against him if they so 75, and It true that a few of these our In comparison with Capt the fence was Jammed to the Steve late stsr of the grounder and tossed to Yerkes. who com- we by his puzzling service that almost took fielders warm chances, but nothing out of the Giants, has launched himself ery the only reason why Boston did not connected with the first one served by deeire. but they will find that can opponent games it pleted double play by throning Snod- him nett time. I believe that any his oft his feet. Pickford of the ordinary of any common game. much In the limelight alnce the turn out as big a throng as New York Matty, and he also halted at third. a lat go plajed well, but he lacked speed. The Our team will never quit If grit and started in Gotham Tuesday, when his did esterday was because Insufficient Hooper crossing the pan with the first grass out at first. No runs. one of our fixe regular pitchers can In" and clean up the Giants next Mon- summaries: pluck count for anything we'll be right timely hitting virtually won the opening space. Let It be said, however, that marker of the fray amid the shouts of Boston Hooper singled to center on there finish. But Is one struggle. To-da- y Yerkes was tha boy to Is some town. Town ball hit the day. MEN'S SISCt.ES. at the there Boston ball the Bean rooters. The pitched. filed out to First Tound TJudleT Morrai defeated. John Brit- - thing that no club can beat. That la the come through with the much needed barrier In center field and bounded out the first ball Yerkes ton by default. A. M, Cbnley defeated Themal Boston luck which has predominated so swat, and beeides put up a corking good Manager refused to of Snodgrass' reach. Fletcher. Speaker singled to left. Hoop- CADETS DEFEAT BUTGEBS. K. Heath by 4--3. --i. and -- A. T. Kuan de- things game field. . announce the name of his pitcher for er being held at second. Hooper was 4- far. It's Just about time that in the Datia by -4 iand 4. H. E. Doyle Makes Error. g feated Fid L. took a turn. We'll be there Monday Yerkes has thus far been the Frank the game against the Giants In New forced at third when Herzoc took Lew-l- s' Althonch Flfrhtln-- Desperately, Porta defeated H. O Towlea by - and 1. Monday to Trls Speaker followed Yerkes. and the Albert Core defeated L. ilcLaxhlra by turnlns, them. Baker of the championship series, and York afternoon. Those close grounder and touched third base, but Army. J. I. 43 Col- throng set up a mighty shout when Herzog throw- - I.lahter Team guccnnibs to and t--0. H. L. Jlapea. jr.. defeated H. B. there, remains one or possibly two more him declare that he believes Ray was too late to double to-d- s, to plate, swinging the Army 4. W. E. Lundr defeated If. C. games to play. Yerkes' showing lins can take a fall out of the McGraw-Ite- Trls walked the Xwis at first Gardner struck out No We"t Point. N. Y.. Oct li The (- -S. came old of war Again Sheridan by -4 and W. H. EonsariUa Is but one example of the Boston club'a and it Is believed that Collins will pair clubs. the runs. to-d- ir to- team defeated Rutgers here after featrd I). HUlyer by default. Y. 1. Bates defeated play season. They won the cham be given an opportunity to redeem him-ee- lf first ball was hit the clout going -- -- all Second fought game. 13 to 0. Cadets H. T Shannon by J and L M. Trmnbun de pionship for reason nobody for that drawn battle against Mat- wards Larry Doyle at second. I.arry Innlnc a hard The H. by fr--I and s--0. A. 1. World'sSeries the that feated J. Farmlln could tell when a dark horse would ap- ty last Wednesday. Joe Wood will prob- was all set for the ball, but It took a pe- New York Murray walked. Merkle had no easy time with the Jersey men Leech, jr. defeated Sam Herrici by default ,Lm ably culiar bound and went through his pins. went out, third to first. Murray taking after the first half. This was due. no Mcdmif defeated E. r. uroarenor ny aeramr. S3 as pear. be held In reserve ready to take -. 7- 4- denting ttje pan with the second second. Herzog filed out to second. to rushing In subs this Ezra Could defeats rkkford by J- -S. and -4 Notes Before the series started the experts up the burden any time he Is needed. Yerkes doubt the of at Spencer Gordon defeated E. O'Boyla by J and declared that Yerkes would be the Joke and final Red Sox tally. Murray pegged Mejers filed out to right No runs. 'tage of the game, but Rutgers fought t--i a Arthur blator defeated H. F. Lerch by of the Boston outfit The Joke so far McGraw has only Rube Maquard left, out Speaker at second. Lewis and Gard- Boston Stahl went out. Fletcher to hard In the two last periods and came --4 and 5--3. E. O. Leech defeated E. C. Grart easy retiring side. Merkle. Wagner Cady scoring; Special to The Washington Herald. has been on New York. and the Red Sox are confident that the ner were outs, the Mncled to right near The ball was on the. Army bj default-Seco- , Rube will never get oft as lucky as was The Giants counted in the seventh was retired, Mathewson to Merkle. Wag- line when a Rutgers back round L. D Lrnidy defeated W. H. Boston, 12. Old Matty was good opened e- Oct there McGraw gave us a sample ot the case last Thursday. session. Fred Merkle this frame ner taking second Hedlent went out. fumbled and Markoe. who played a atar BonanII by -Z and S 1. Leo Mcdnns defeated by walloping field A. Y Leech. Jr.. by --S and -- . Harold E. Doyle in the opener. Two vicious drives failed generalship when he anked out Fletcher The whole truth Is that Boston, with a Into the left bleachers second to first. No runs. game at end for West Point fell on It defeated Albert J. Can, by --l and t--Z. and substituted McUormlck with Merkle clean two-gam- e lead and only one more for two sacks. McGraw and his hired Fourth Inning. Cramer then punted out of danger and Flay vill continua when tha aecabd to rattle the veteran, who retired the on third base In the seventh Inning to- victory necessary to clinch the world's men" started up the old battle cry at this Army held groans. Hoop- thereafter the th round will bs completed. TtM csrd foUowa: side scoreless amid a chorus of day. McCormlck's grounder. which title, have In addition to tha better-equipp- stage ot the contest. Herzog lifted a New York Fletcher filed out to Rutgers team at bay. MEN'S SINGLES. high fly Wagner, who made an er. Mathewson singled to center. De- gave fans Gardner played poorly,. let In a run. the club, something that counts for to Heinle Second round Dudley Morsan n. Ezra Goiold. Bedlent the heart disease Giants' only tally. more than an thing else, namely, confi- easy out. Chief Mcjem met the first vore walked. Dojle Hied out to Speaker. Albert M. Cbealey M. A. T. Itnan. Spencer Gordon by walking the first man In the two Gardner miscalculated the speed of the dence. la a safe bet ibe McGraw ball pitched and shot it on a line to Snodgrass fouled out to Cady. No ruru. C. A. Slator. M. Trumbull H. L. Mapes. It that t!. ts. opening rounds, but he settled down In for, "instead coming In a step team resembles a forlorn hope at the center field, but made one Itostbn Hooper tripled to left Yerkes to avert trouble. drive, of trlpledto center, Hooper. Speak- time and getting the pellet on the easy bound, passing of a golden opportunity. They of his fancy catches, and Merkle beat scoring Guns LEHIGH TBIMS MaDDIES. looked part third. Then Harry McCorralck, er was safe on Dojle's error. Yerkes The Boston crowd gave Matty a great he. stepped back and, consequently, the the when they made their ll for At Lowest Prices. got away him. could exit from Fenway Park this afternoon. named "Big Moose," was called to hit scoring, but Speaker was out Murray to ball from Before he to second. Hoarter Back Plsaattl Stars In 14 hand when he striped up to the bat In pick It up, Merkle wag over the 'plate. for Fletcher. Harry lost no time in Fletcher. tr)ing make Lewis You get the best clouting the pill, and slipped a one went out, Mathewon to Merkle. Gard- to O Contest at Annapolis. the third, and he responded gracefully Gardner .could do nothing against TBIA3GLES WUT. fast and money when by slamming out the first New Matty, but he did not have to, with the at Gardner-a- t 'third. Had Gardner han- ner waa retired' by, Merkle unassisted. you get your hunting Md.,' 12. York runs. Annapolis, Oct. The Naval of-th- e Hooper-Yerk- getting dled the ball perfectly, he could have Two outfit here hit game, a pretty single to cen combination In lis Capture Fast Dane by the Srore of Everything In the Academy team was clearly outclassed ter. deadly work. retired the side, but It took a funny Third InnlnK. guns to O. bound, and while Larry was wrestling way of clothing, by Lehigh this afternoon and was de- New York Murray filed out to Yerkes. mS and ammunition. On Yerkes triple In the Red Sox third "How stands the The Pauls Normal and Industrial with it. Merkle scored. Mathewson end- feated 14 to 0. It was a bitter pill for St ed the inning by grounding out to Gard- Merkle fanned. Herzog filed to Stahl. both Devore and Snodgrass played the gaff year after year Is, a mystery. "Big School of LawrenceviUev Vs., was defeated No runs. , the Midshipmen, as It was the first de- Six" pitched two games against the ner, who made a great (top ot his slam j&&jSpcttbd ball, which caromed off the left field has by the crackf Triangle A. C yesterday. peg Boston Stahl went out. Herzog to - NINTH STRi.t.1 feat In three seasons. Lehigh was Red Sox, losing one and tying the other, 6 to 0. Line-u- p and. summary: and a. swell to Stahl. stronger In every department fence, poorly. Steve should have" been "From on neither side secured an Merkle. Wagner fanned. Cady filed to of the " and in neither,, contest has he given a Paal'a trlangleit' this center. No runs. held to a double at the roost , To-da- y St game. The Navy had an unusually strong base on ballsv he was made to Banks, U B. ' Wselalr.ay.aV- - . advantage, and Bedlent and Matty Wo Itlvo Herald 35,000 contest vow. and heavy team, but Its distinctive weak look In comparison be- Brr-r.-- each pitched great ball. Matty threw Fifth Inning. Matty settled down In the fourth bad with Bedlent L. C. point waa the almost entire absence of and cause of Larry Doyle's error. Is. a Aahtoo. Adams, U fi" less balls than Bedlent and bad the Meyers the Red Sox on five pitched balls. It Ahra. C - WiniawiC New York singled to left interference. retired wonder hoW he keepa up. his great pace. R. tt. r. Brown. R. u Sox hitting the first one. while the Fletcher filed to Hooper. Mathewson Flashing all over the field, running his Aahhrook R T. It. T, Giants started walttng Hugh out This Lu-ii- Meyers the Giants fifth with a Barkar. a. struck out. Devore filed to Hooper. No The g Southwest team with judgment and effectiveness ledoff Not a single attempt to steal bases was yarmi. it. c at a lied , them nothing, and in the single, the next AUen.Q at Holland. Q B. - runs. d clean but three batters to-d- by team. . Inning McGraw- changed his tac- and distributing punts, was tnrn.- made either The roond pafnr. u n.Ii. ninth Boston Bedlent lined to Merkle. Hoop- captain quarter went down in was. heavy thick re- lmrAnn. It It. 1L RoMnmn It. H.,B, avail, and the three men Tailors Piziatti. the .and back soft .and the turf p. n. K. tics, but to'iio er went our. Doyle to Merkle. Yrkes of Lehigh. twp fused t&'llft. until, the combat was near- Walah. B were easy on outs. In the first minutes of Fletcher made the best play of the Touchdown Robinann. Itcfnaa ill. Brlee. I'm. ur ' was out, short to first. No runs. punt -- ly over. Six - . the, same tie received a and ran Bed fifth, Both .the andGlantade- rlre-M- r. Cook. Uaeaman-M- r.- lirtj: CUTIESTMT AIECML 70 series In. the iox. when he " Sixth Janlna-- '.yards tor a touchdown, and grabbed a lightning grounder hot from elded to playtafe. f DOWN THE ALLEYS. COMFOITMLL shorter gains were frequent throughout J New Tfork Doyle went out. Yerkes to m' III Yerkes bat near second base. - autlnns Beaten. - - - Hugh Bedlent,! regarded by major- thfl game. In the third period he shot , -- - , the CAPITA!. LEARCK. Stahl. This was a clever play. Yerkes r -- . The A. C. wai'hsnded NATIONAL .See oar larg and select stock ot a long' forward "p.issf to Vefajvela. who low curvei' Itj-- Boston., attended, y s Outlaw a crush- Canoa. .nalaeft. taking the grounder on the grass toward Bedtent's had thd Giants of, fans who ing 'defeat-b- - 3d. received It Inside the goal line; and, the swinging like a, flock of 'rusty gates In the secokd 8tAgns foot- . lac. . 3d first base. Snodgrass filed to Gardner. fabrics. game as the real hero," has Just passed ball learn J0"to . The St Bennett,...-- .- 1 1 HI Roberts.. to second score of the game became a fact. the sixth. Doyle; snoagHss, and Murray IN 10 ts Murray fouled out Gardner. No runa. A bloc serge snlt Is always naot his" twenty-thir- birthday; Agnes team would like to arrange games BeKntir...... Hoban kicked both goa)s. The Midship- all perished in turn. d he was born in. ho ui Boston Speaker was. retired. Doyle to tit all oeeaatana. men got dangerously close Falconer, 'and hag onlybetn lrr with teams averaging SO to 100 pounds. Uonrr...... S 1M 90 llankmrorth.. Ill to Merkle. Lewis was out Herzoi: to aad for never to . i - t Irr NX. m- - IS M Kranae W scoring. '. . three yeara,'.Last season he Address . K. Flelsttr. 1107 Third Street rMdler...... B K (Merkle. Gardner grounded out to Merkle. Merkle led off the G!ants'sevtnth with the fane " In- ' . r" S1Z 4TS 547 a smash to the.'left-fiel- d atands for two waa rated asfthe best.twlrler in the Morthwest ToUla.,. Tutali...... S3 IS No runs. Schwartz & Friidmi bases. The ball looked good for 'a home ternational League, and Won vthc .majority Seventh inning;. run when It left Merkte's,bai' . J- - ot games fortar second' divi- Southwest Leading TaJlsra, -- York-Mer- FINANCIAL ODE - sion Providence, Club, ., . , . , . New kle doubled to the left up" - j field Herzog filed to Wagner. SevNtfc St. S. W., Ck- - E St. " UcGraw senfMcCbrmlck to- blt'ior Boston got In on, the,' ground"' floor, bleachers. 447 two years ago-whe- n Meyers filed to Spesiker, Merkle going , ., 0"t? JFD?TH GAME, Fletcher la the' Giants' seventh, arlth grabbing Bedlent" division of'coi;' games. We Cite Votes In Tb Hatslors gtVn CocUat " five ' " ' - Merkle on third; two out' 1A sizzling he was with Fall Ttlver." --In, the"New for first to third after tne catch. Mccormick - grounder, .which, was playd poorly uv Kaglartd League. The Red'Sox.farmedJ batted .for Fletcher. McCormlrk singled 'Total naiaattcnaiaae, 34,- third, 'scoring Merkle. Gardner and scored aaa hlf. produced a pi to, rroviaence ana were? going to ClalM' Xat.Cnf through Shafer (3. jiew xoravtauy. the stick around, for a" while longer, ran for McCormlck, , Mathewson went ina.miae- Boston lethira Attewdanov (. lptn. - saare bare. One run. i Total receipts, 63,201v.!'4 tons feel uneasy, r , ., J r , rumored) thatch BaltJ. out. third, to first f . . ,,f. 'ottered'-t- o &lwy Ftntgsaae.h..tS.rM T oVMirjt , Boston Shafer was sent 'In to play ECKSTEIN'S X t i .1 raerOrtoiefl had the . 1 TTew' York clab'a hare, ' Matty .sent, the Boston --crowd down ini yCuritstertiaTprieo-sald.ito--be'"Ci4eO- . ' vjjimjnmm 31oaXJM short for New York. Stahl went out ' . 28,4-IO.'4- theJourtbWflfUi. sixth.f ad seventh 'andt ," to.BxttiaUore'hs TMawe..,-Mr-'?- "elomjft, 3B,7Sl.U VSlaJ Mathewson to Merkle. Wagner went out. cigntn innipgr as rasvas. iney came up. lIfheirmtPti something-:Uo- v me," VMrtk'iraase. r.r 8hsferto Merklcv Cady out. third to ; Boston, rakare,!,'',88,. .JjaaAQ, rn.a) Miu ,1 .dab's f No runs. y Owner JTajnor'-Uaal- to "bate? resnarketV Vftth araase.. M-- tf J0,44a first. Where the lest Jir,Beaient-maa- e tne pea Sox rooters-happ- ' promptly- - - Eighth V and a he PHel he'.4rteg.0r- 3W Innlnc. In the eighth by: striking out.De-Vore.a- nd 'hnrtjmzm STn 1 TMai sanaoaBedlerit. laaarbeon. one mtMjmtar CTMW pp.. 1 o r. of V JNew Yrajkbevore strj'rk out. Doyle jajtIVc"""ia,a--' Snodgrass. ', ( j,f in4hs-.bo- x' ! .1 A .' - . - . W. T. .' - - r Snodgrass Liich iiTewi , Hei L grounded, out to Stahl. hre,i'40,33.-14l- .- , . Wtararns- teanj'a alaCro. Til? ..: ,w. N, " fannd nlcafcatchlnf tauMaaftl.avpltcherVtbalt 'Ben 'lacks . . . . runs.. r - A Herzor madela .T. ' ii...i aTe trim m a a No J- Ta oalyjln onve uwnu, coatrel .narlr'ln the f filed to center.. Hooper plare..sae', line in ion. eagnin. ' Boston Bedlent. - sh, posing .side acume;.au,t;hn.gooa MMw-naay- . . .na.ano.TB to Terkes lined to third. No Is Senrei fotrr ,- , '."nit If arte.wlaH .;.. lined short the rt taaei.u kMl ..ataatv.r but If aaar. 1 "Spoke" Fans, s' ;iial"i: vrlisft, ejawAnkaW ...... r, ...... anfTiTl iy lac of 3 fTs;abn;twi-.ehaty;aa';wa- U Jrcw Yol, gets.Ci .. & tnel i-t1a-HnlnJtv f,4paerPU.te,olfJf the tmmmvmmwi mm WmjmWfT $ && av K T - Wr4oIdn ian,wiiai.si,inn!. IS Jwlfa fM9 tIC J. ? , aNntln's-'S-i.-' - - -- '. - lYogk-MU- rray pltaoherilea lnjBoaton.- He Jedrthept-J- arowTtaosa, and the longer prtchea " " II ' filed to third. Sil tsot fe i n7TK",. gfj n,a'4-- a o tftnv, .suit'o'iiphiin"did"teehOTewbinJ 5 " H.AIVT anwwi paj ". 12fa3. LJWt-- 5i MWjUri'' '