\ •» y '" . 1 c f '"'.V »A<Jt5 T ^N T Y ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 196R' HlatuIiTBtTr Iptnittg IferaUi -1-. AFerift DrUf Net Prew Rim . Evr qwW M k B a M The We«ther Much S, IMS IMreeeet ef 0 . 8. Weetliir Jtai«4a W t. Pater G. Hanaen, 23; ton Co.., 2nd Battla Group, at Rock­ Saturday. March 17, at the VFW ducted into AjvUnson Shea Auxil­ NXitih Ends, 1,761; Walnut OrlU, About Town of Oedrge M. Hansen, 166 Benton ville. St. last’s Supper Home. Savings will be from 5:80 iary, ana Mra. Raymond Murphy, 1,748; Egg and You, 1,741; How- Reflin « HEAETH RES- Pair,' allglitty ealder . toiilglii St. hM been assign^ to H Co. through 7 . p.m. Mrs. WandelL. Oravea, Mrs. Wil­ art'and Mosher, 1,723 ; 4Ti, 1,717; 13,549 Low iwar SC. Incnaalag etaodbUM of the 2nd Training Regiment for The Men's Club of North Metho­ Set by yPW Unit Membieni, gueats and children ScHendel OU. 1,708; Chlros, 1,871; liam Dum and Mrs. Arthur Bjork. TQRAT.ION program MoBlMr 0t am Anait FrMap. WMa OOnimlttM ctelrmen for the baeic training at Ft. Olx. N.J., ih dist Church will meet 3fonday at may obtain tickata from Mrs. Leone's Truckers, 1,653; Woody's E p n u at Otiealitt^a ^ Spring Festival, to ' be sponsored the Reserve program. Pvt. Han­ 7:30 p.m. at the churche''Stand On A St. Patrick's Day wmel beef Florence Streeter, chidrinan, Mrs. ELKS SETBACK Wonders,. 1,631; Vicki's Package, through CHIROPRACTIC Mimchetter-^A City o f VUtage Charm High Moar 46. by the Manchester Memorial Hoa- sen is a graduate of Manchester Your Convlctlona" will be the pro­ auptoer' will‘be sponsored by the Raymond Hagenow, . Mrs. Leo Petersen's Milk, 1,895; State 1,630; 4 Upsets, 1,629; 'Little Joes pttsl AuxlUary, wlU meet Friday High School and University of gram theme. Refreshments ,will ways and nieana committee of An­ Gouin or any auxiliary, member. Shoe Repair, 1,843;' Pattens Build­ Texaco, ,1,541. First high, Pattens, ADJUSTMENTS. «tr S:SO j>>m. at the home of'Mrs. Hartford. He la a member of B be served. derson Shea Auxiliary, VFW, on Four nevi' members, recently In­ ers, 1,80*; Walnut Clippers, 1,780; 140; second, Fetersens. 121. Robert Butterfield. Bolton Rd: Ar- VOL. LXXXI, NO.'ISS (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONNh THURSDAY, MARClt 8, 1982 (OaaaltleA AavaMiUig oa Pag* t«) ' raaarements will be mad^' for the PRICE FIVE CEBUS Sprag Festival, scheduled for — --------------------^--------------_JD|— May 13 at Manchester ~ High SehooL Dennis^. Keith, son o f Mr. and LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY 1:10 P.M. - SATURDAY AT 11:10 AM. Mm. ROy U Keith Jr., 22 Hollis­ ter St., and Alan I>. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wil M AIN STREET llama, 151 St. John St., have been named to the dean's list ait Bates MANCHESTER . ■ A T OoUega, t>ewi8ton, Maine, T T ( 0 Mrs. Martha Vennart will be Ml 3-4123 honored at an informal reception at South School Friday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Mrs. Vennart. cafe­ FREE PARKING teria manager at the school since rear of store the hot Umch program was ini­ .A tiated eight y ea » ago, retired last month. The public la invited. Members of Hose and Ladder Co. ♦ ♦ O Missile Work Slowed No. 4, Town Fire Department, will i SPRIN G ! U.S.A. State N ew s Approval Near \ meet at the W. P. Qulsh Funeral I Home, 225 Main . St., tonight at 1 Area Gets 7:80 to pay respects to the late i the fashion look in handbags, too, is "SUBURBIA" . .. natural, casual, basque trimmed with bone leather or Frank Vitullo, who was a member. R O U n d u p black patent and available in any number of wonderful shapes, sizes and styles, all Senators Threaten Lakota Council. No. 51, Degree —. rolio Vaccine First Trial at Pocahontas, will meet tonight at 7:30 at 6dd Fellows Hall, Main (left) Firemen Sayb Wa s h in g t o n (a p >—in- Unions on Strikes St. A social with refreshments 7.99 each! IV san n exrl formed soui-ces said today will follow the meeting. double top i l a n A r a p p e a outlook is for action fairly Operation handle (left) -j; Army 2nd Lt. Lawrence A. Her- unique double-top bag On 3rd Floor soon on licensing of T.vpe III WASHINGTON (AP) .^pared Senate ipeeches which could eog, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. ' satchel Sabin oral polio vaccine but it Sen. John L. McClellan, D- prelude li bitter congreselonal fight WASHINGTON (AP) ^ Hersog, 62 Vernon- St., recently with with Inside zipper and is impossible yet to predict Ark., wai'ned labor unions to­ over the labor issue. The Senate In­ completed an airborne course at | BRIDGEPORT (AP) — vestigations .ubcommlttee 1. .pllt The U.S. Court of Appeals to­ the Infantry School, Ft. Beiming, inside pocket. just when approval for gen­ day to clamp a lid on a new now on how severely to. denounce day' upheld- authority of tbfi Bridgeport firefighters, using eral use may come. Oa. Lt. Herzog received his para­ zipper an aerial ladder, rescued a rash of strikes at missile the 1956-61 strikes, and what to Federal Communicationa trooper wings after training in the (right) There have been reports in trade bases or he will 'lead a fight to recommend a. a cure. Commission to permit trial and severely burned man at an and .clentiflc circles that approval McClellan heads the suteommit' duties of a Jmnpma.ster and in closed tote outlaw strikes at any defense operation of pay-televlaioh techniques of air transportation pocket early hour today when he was of the Type HI was , to be tee and Mundt la Us senlorRepub- Md delivery. Lt. Herzog is a 1957 with center trapped by flames in his third announced in a matter of hours or installation. llcan member. systems. graduate of Manchester High' zipper days. Sen. Kan E. Mundt, R-S, D. Ipveatigatlng the 1986-81 itrikes. “it seem* to ua," the oourt aaM, School, a 1961 graduate of the Uni­ floor apartment minutes after Sources in , position to know, promptly declared that “ Ih uie na­ the aubebmmittee heard testimony "that unleu the future of ttie- versity, of Connecticut and a mem­ Bumortera ot Son. B ury 'GMdwatBr, oonaervative Republican from jlrizona, display banners at rally he lowered his injured wife to however, siaid the only certain tional Interest, in the interests of last year that the walkouts mostly vislcm to to be oonfiaed to its pres­ ber of Chi Pht fraternity. safety. thing about the situation is that our own survival and the survival were designed to throw base con­ ent state, the commiation must be ' OC. Tcung.AmericaiM'for Freadiom in Now York’s Madlaon Squara Garden last night, Goldwater the vaccine will not be licensed of the free world, it ia up to Con. spoka for 30 mlAHtat to a crowd of 17.000, many of them college students. (AP' ' Photofaxi. Fire officials ooid James Peo­ struction projects behind schedule reaoonably oUowed oKwrtunlty to Pvt Donald E. RouUlard, 18. of | ples. 25. of 50 Goodsell St., broke I this week. great to act without further delay.’' so the worker* could collect over­ experiment” bv permitting trial at 3 Kerry St., has been assigned to ’ the gla.ss in a window and lowered The Public Health ServiCe^la Said McClellan; time wages Up to four times the aubecription tV plan*. ■': S Co. of the 4th Training Regi­ his u*ife, Mary, 25, outside, .whan continuing to urge use of the Salk “ It ia becoming increasingly normal pay rate in the rush to An opinion by Judge Henry W. ment of the U.S. Army 'Training Conservatives VS, Liberals flames swept the interior of the polio vaccine, which ia injected by clear that legislative action by catch up. Edgerton atated; Oftter Infantry at Ft. Dlx, N..T., upper floor apartment at 1:10 needle. Congress probably will be necea- McClellan and Mundt told th* ‘TTie oommiaaion haa declared where he is rweiving basic train-, a.m. The Salk vaccine protects •ary to remedy thl. disgraceful number of strikes and work slow­ ita determination to oversee oore- Ing. Pvt. RoUillard attended Man­ The Spring Witnesses told firemen Mra. against the three Identified t^es condition." ' downs declined sharply after the fuMy ths form which program- chester High School. Peoples dropped a distance of 23 of polio. Oral vaccine for protec­ McClellan .old Ailronaut John H. aubcommlttee's hearinga and crea­ mii^ take* under the subscription Goldwater, Humphrey Discuss feet to the g^und. tion against Types I and II has Glenn Jr. might have made hi. tion by PraeddMt Kennedy of a eyetem. Surely it* power to sea Advertisement- The couple was taken to St."’Vln- been cleared, the lack of Type III orbital flight much earlier had It missile alte.^labor commla'aion to Utet till, area of tM pubUo do­ cent’a Hospital In a city ambu­ vaccine is delaying.general use. not been for .trikes at mtseile seek peaceful settlement of labor main to used in the public Interest Act now. Rent a Safe Deposit SUBURBIA lance. Hospital physicians sold . The service also ia conaiderihg base, from IBM through last disputes at the bases. to not lea* tor paid tolevlaion than Box at CONNECTICUT BANK; SPECTATOR" liniOns at Rallies Peoples received severe bum* on the way In which the oral ■vaccine March.
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