AND ALBANY OflRiieY®RY. 1838*


Steamboat Line. FOR NEW-YORK. From the Pier, Foot of State-street. NIGHT LIOTE. North America, Capt. G. Lathrop. De Witt Clinton, do S. R. Roe. Swallow, do A. McLean. Robert L. Stevens, do One of the above Steamboats will leave every afternoon at 5 o'clock, until further notice. For passage apply to the captain, on board, or at the office fsot of State-street. Albany. DAT LINE. Erie, Capt. Jas. Benson. Champlain, do. A. Gorham. Albany, do J. G. Jenkins. One of the auove boats will leave the Pier, foot of State street, Albany, every morning at 7 o'clock. , All the above boats have been thoroughly repaired, both in •ccommodation and speed. STILLMAN WITT, Agent. June, 1838. <:>:::>^:xx:><><>.>c>cx:3K>C'<>o<:><>::><--~<:;<^: DAILY, THE

Of Steam Freight Bargesf VIZ : Columbus, , Atlantic, Superior, New-York. A. Marvin, Albany, Niagara, Ontario, , Enterprise, Inspector, Ladv Clinton, Lady Van Rensselaer Running DAILY between NEW YORK & ALBANY. Jlnd also in connection with M. and Hudson Rail Road. Leaving New-York, fout of Corllandt-slreet, North River, and foot of Broad-street, East River, every day (except Sun­ day) at 5 o'clock, P. M.. direct for Albany. Leaving Albany Basin and Rail Road depot every day (ex­ cept Sunday) at 10 o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Passage. uppiv to A. VAN SANTVOORD, Office, JYo. 8'Z Cortlandl-st. (up stairs,) or Office in Broad-street JV. Y DANIEL PECK, Albany, Office on the Pier, foot of Slate-street. fjJ^Gooils received by the above Line, will be forwarded with care and despatch, agreeably to order, or by regular Lines running day and night on the Canal. June. 1838. Arrangements for 1838 NEW YOBS, FAYETTEVILIJB AND Syracuse Line.

The proprietors, on the opening of Navigation, will be rea- iy to Ship Merchandize every day from New York, by the f>kforJ Line of Tow Boats to Albany—Thence to Syracuse and all intermediate places, by the above'Line. C E. S. Payne, No. 121 Broad-street, New York. Agents. < II. Eaton k Co. fooll State-stStaff . N. side, up stairs,Alb. W. Dunford, k Co. Syracuse. REFERENCE. F.'iige 4- Priest, Little Falls. I J. D. Crouse, Canastota. Thome 4* Curtiss, Utica. I Mr. Judd, Chiltenango. J. J. Carlev. New London. ( H. EDWARDS d> Co. Favetteville, > Proprietors. KKDFIF.LI) 4-EATON, Hulls Landing. June, 1838.

392 South Market-street. The subscriber has, and intends constantly to have, in Ins store, a general assortment of

Baskets, Toys, Domestic Articles, SfC. At Wholesale and Retail. STEPHEN VAN SCHAACK. June, 1S38. , X>0<>>!>C><>C><>C>C>OC><>C:

The proprietors of the ifeoec Line will be prepared on the opening of the Navigation to forwead Merchandize, kp. with despatch and safety, daily, to Western NEW-YORK, all parts of Ohio, , , . Missouri, and Kentucky. E. M. TEALL &. CO., Proprietors. The patronage ofthe public is respectfully solicited as heretofore For Freight fa., apply to G. W. Arnold, } 18 South-st. | E. Norton fc Co. Buffalo. Allen Brown, $ N. Y E. N. Hulbut, Erie. Pa. E. M. Teul!, 40 Quay-st. Alb. Gillespie, Joice & Co. Cleav- H. Wright k Co. Rochester. land. W. G. Gardiner, Brockporl. Peckham & Co. Toledo. Levi Gray, Albion. E. Gillett k Co. Detroit, M Chase k Eritt, Medina. Wm. Teall, Michigan City, la Barber k Yaw, Lockpnrt. J. S. Wright k Co. , Dousman k Hostner, Mjlwau- Agents. June, 1838.

FA8M0©IKIA!BLI1 HAT STORE. The subscriber respectfully infoross his friends and the pub­ lic, that he continues to manufacture FUR, SILK and TAR PAULIN HATS, at WO. 476 SOUTH MARKET STREET. on as reasonable terms as any other establishment in the City^ A share of public patronage is solicited. FREDERIC BLE.YLE, June, 1838, 18 38 NATIONAL. LINE. 2\-J

Ship by Eckford Line of Tow Boat*. From foot of Broad street, Daily, at 5 o'clock. 1*. M. Apply to A. W. JOHNSON. 108 Broad-street., New York. Edivjrd VVhalin k Co., Foot of State-street, Albany. \t.vater & Rudcn, Buffalo. «' T" ii'J>'i > Cleovland. Ohio. h. lj. Meech, \ ' Mark Packages " JYalional Line,"

Joseph Chatterson, DRAPER AIV» TAILOR, 474, South Market-street, ALBANY. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Of the best kind, made up to order in the latest and most approved style. June, 1838.


552 South Market-Street, OPPOSITE THE EAGLE TAVERN. Constantly on hand a first rate assortment of Cloths, Cassi- meres and vesting*, which will ba made up to order in the most fashionable manner and on the lowest terms. June, 1838. 0<><><^>..><<>CC^0C>:>:,-5<:«'' 1838. NSW YORK JL OHIO LINE

SHIP BY ECKFORD LINE OF TOW BOATS, From fool of Broad-street, Doily, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Shipments are insured to Buffalo only, except by special contract. AGENTS. Noah Cool;, 108 Broad-st. Jaines Chappcll, Rochester N. York. Russell & Hawes, Buffalo. 0. S. Olmsted ? Foot State-st. A. R. Cobb, Cleaveland, O. G. G. Olmsted \ upstairs. Alb. Mark Packages "J\Tcw-York and Ohio T.inc.'' June, 1838.

JAMES GIBBONS, Would inform his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a Stock and Exchange Office, J3< JVO 365 South Markct-sircit, Corner of Beaver, Where all kinds of Uncurrent Money, Gold and Silver will be bought and sold, on as reasonable terms as at any other office, in the city. June, 1838.

ARTCHER -:.X>'::X>CX>:.>C><3K>::>::>:.::-<:> •>•>••> >:>:>C 1838.


.\£W-¥ORK & SENECA LINE, Consisting of Lake and Canal Boats. A boat will leave New York and Albany, daily, for Utica, Sy­ racuse, Weedsport and Seneca Falls. For Freight and Passage, apply to G. VY Arnold, l 18 South st. S. Farwell, Utica, Allen Brown, J N. Y. H. W. Durnf«rd k Co. Sy­ E. M Teall, 40 Quay street, racuse. Albany. A. L. Smith, Weedsport. John W. West, Seneca Falls. Agents and Proprietors The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited as heretofore Fliferenees. E. Corning, k Co., Humphrey d> Co. ) J . Rathbone d> Co. Clark Durant. V Alb'v J. If. Ten Eyck

J. H. BROWN, Would inform his friends and the public, thas he has recent­ ly taken the well known shop of Geo. Percivafs, No. 510 South Market-street, where Smith Work, Of every description, will be executed in a substantial and workmanlike manner. He solicits a share of public patronage. June. 1838. 1, 8 3 8 WASHINGTON LINE.

J. I. CARTSR &, Co., Propristors Freight and Passengers Forwarded to Buffalo, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, In dianna, Missouri and Kentucky. Jl Boat will leave Mew- York and Jllbany Dai///. Apply to...Thomas P. Waters. 9 Coentics Slip, \. 'S J.I. Carter & Co. 1 State-street, Albany L. Barker, & Co. Rochester. John Hatter, Lofkport. Hunter, Palmer & Co.font Main-st. Buffalo Ransom, McNair it (Jo. Cleveland, O. Palmer, Brush c.'CKi<;;<>«>c*,cjoi>;>';'>c^>c>cx>vT.>c><:>cx:>i: 1838. VBW-TORE AVD BCXOHXOJkJr LIKE.

Ship by Eckford Line of Tow-Boats, Daily, from the Foot of Broad-street, New-York, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Sabbath excepted. AGENTS. Allen Wheeler, 106 Broad-street, New-York. Bates, Hastings & Co., foot of State-st, (upstairs^ Albany. Thomas C. Bates, & Co. Rochester. Atwater & Ruden, Buffalo. George Davis, Do. J. M. Goodman, & Co. Cleveland, O. Hutchinson, Campbell, & Co. Detroit, M. J. S. Wright, Chicago.

TO THE PUBLIC. The subscribers having rented the YORK HOUSE for s term of years, (situated in South Market-street, 487, near the Steamboat landing, and in the vicinity of the general Stage Office,) would be happy to announce to their former friends and customers, that Ihey have spared no pains to fit up their house in the best style. The lodging rooms are well furnished and pleasantly situated, and are well calculated to afford com­ fort to their customers. They furthermore flatter themselves that by strict attendance to their business, to hare their there of the public patronage. A porter will be in readiness to wait on customers at any. hour of the day or night. WE8COTT k ANTHONY June, 1838. 1838. OSWEGO LINE.

Property shipped by this Line, is insured from New York. 10 Oswego, and no further, except'by special contract. The subscribers will run during tho season, between New- York and Oswego, (direct without transhipment) a daily line of well fitted LAKE BOATS, For the conveyance of passengers and a general Transporta­ tion Business, connected with a sufficient number of FIRST RATE SCHOONERS, To enable the Proprietors to forward merchandize promptly to any port on Lake Erie and the Upper Lakes. STEAM BOATS. There will run in connexion with this line, three steam boats a week each way. between Oswego and Ogdensburgh and inter­ mediate ports, giving facilities for shipping on Lake Ontario, hitherto unequalled. R.J. VATV DEWATER, 100 Broad Street, A'ew-Yvrk. WM. BROWJY, Foot of Stalest. Albany, HEJYRY FITZHUGH, Oswego, PROPRIETORS. N. B., Goods are carried by this Line from New York to Chicago, or intermediate ports, with only one transhipment, saving much damage to the packages. June, 1838. WM. CONNELLY, Draper and Tailor, No. 444 South Market-street, Keeps on hand and makes up to order, Cloths Oassimeres & Vestings In a style of neatness and durability not surpassed in any es> tablishment in the city. Orders thankfully received, and ex­ ecuted on reasonable terms. June, 1838. XXXXXXK>OOOOOOOOOOC SALOON.-A CARD.

S£i¥»uiliflgBi.mmm»lilllBH^ MR. MEEKS, ^ Of tbe Penvl street Steam Confectionary and Saloon fer Ladiei and Gentlemen, respectfully informs his numerous friends arid the pul-Uc, that he is always fully prepared with Ice Creams, Lemonades, Meads, Sodas, Ices, kc. &c, with the various delicacies as they come in season, for their accommo- daiion, as also the best assortment of pure and wholesale con- fectiuuarii's, manufactured on the improved principle. Mr. Meeks, ii'S|iertfully invites those persons who have not yet bad an opportunity of visiting his saloon, to make a call at 22 S. Pearl-street, when they can judge ofthe comfort end accommo­ dations of his establishment; at the same time pledging himself that his patrons will always find a respectable and select socie­ ty, with accommodating waiters. Mr. Meeks intends to de­ vote Ins whole and sole attention to his establishment, as also Mrs. Meeks, to the confectionary department, and with the united exertions of both, hope still to. merit a continuanoe of the patronage already so extensively experienced, with many . thanks for past favors. J. Meeks, Steam Confectionary and Saloon, No. 22 South Pearl-street, opposite the Theatre. June, 1838. DR. H. GREENE, Office and Medicine Store, Corner South Pearl and Hudson-streets, (Three doors below the Theatre,) ALBANY. x>-:>;x^x>c>jxx5<>;>;x:5<>c><^< JAMES WALKER, JfMCmJWST,

NO. 55 HAMILTON, AND 43 UNION-STREETS, ALBANY. Whitesmith, Machinist and Turner of Metals, and File Cut- Her. Printers' machinery of every description made and re­ paired ; Punching Machines and Lathes, constantly on hand, Vices repaired, Screws cut to any pitch or dimension. The subscriber offers his services to the inhabitants of Albany and the neighboring towns, to execute any kind of iron, steel or brass work. He makes and repairs all kinds of tools, such as are used by watch-makers, gold and silver smiths, and other tradesmen. Hardware merchants in want of any particular Brticle will find it to their advantage to enquire of him wheth­ er he cannot manufacture it cheaper than they can buy it in New-Tork. Screw Plates of all sizes and stamps cut. Lamps of every description, astral, mantel and suspending lamps, branch candlesticks made, bronzed and repaired. Gas lamps altered for oiL N. B. Old lamps and other articles, which are considered worthless in this line of business, can be restored almost as good as new. TOttBXUEXX.AS AND PARASOLS. Manufactured wholesale and retail. The subscriber has em­ ployed an operative mechanic in the above trade. They will repair and make umbrellas and parasols on the most reasonable terms. Umbrella furniture and materials manufactured for the trade. Umbrella makers will find it advantageous to call previous to making their purchases in New-York. Junet 1838. • J-J-!•>-<•t-J-t-l.J.J.l.l.l.t.

JOHN HURDIS, Rouse and Sign Fainter, GLAZIER AND GILDER, No. 9 Church-street, Albany. Keeps constantly for sale, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS, PUT­ TY, kc, ofthe best quality. Also Japanning In all its branches, executed with neatness and despatch. June, 1838.

FREDERICK INGMIRE, Hair Dresser and Perfumer, No. 463, South Market-street, (Two doors North of his former stand,) Sign of the golden Razor, Respectfully returns thanks, to those numerous friends who have favored him with their patronage, and hopes by punctual attendance, keen razors, and a steady hand, to merit a continuance of their support and favor. A variety ofthe most approved Oils.Es- prits, Scented waters, Hair Dye, and other articjea of the toilet constantly on hand. N. B. Authorized agent for the sale ofthe genu­ ine Brandreth Pills. Razors ground and carefully set at short notice. June, 1838. xx>oo<

«*»»*.o%V*c' Saddle and Harness ESTABLISHMENT, No. 430, South Market-street, Albany, Where may be found every article connected with their line of business. June, 1838. PRINTING,

w airs ymmm n^N^siSe NEATLY EXECUTED, BY i. G. JSTOFJ'.flLiiV, Opposite the Eagle Tavern. X.XXKX><>C»OC<>'^>C>t>tO0<><>CK>

To Sportsmen. The subscriber would inform his friends and the public, that he continues the GUN MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. At the old stand, No. 9 Beaver-street, where he will hold him­ self in readiness to execute on the shortest notice, and in the best manner, all orders for work, which may be entrusted to him. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Rifles, Muskets, Fowling guns, Horseman's, and Pocket Pistols, Powder, Shot, Lead, fcc. Sportman's and Military Equipments, and Gun Trimming, for sale by the quantity or single set, on the most reasonable terms. REPAIRING of all kinds, done at the shortest notice, ss above- OTIS CHURCHILL.

A. C. BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Dealer, JVb. 23 H UDSOJV-S TREE T, ALBJ1JVY. June, 1838. XXXXXXXXXXXX3KXXXXXXXXXXX> STOVE FACTORY.

JVo. 6 and 8 Green-street. The subscriber offers for sale on accommodating terms, a va­ riety of the most approved STOVES, consisting of Three Boiler Cook Stoves of various improved patterns, Rotary top Cooking Stoves, Oven, Hall, Six Plate, Box Stoves and Frank­ lins, Nott's Coal Stove", from 12 to $60, a great variety ot Coal Stoves for Offices, Counting Rooms, Bed Rooms, &,c. Likewise—Always on hand Russia Iron, Dumb and Fire Stoves, much improved by the addition of Cast Iron Plates for the fire ; Stove Pipe, Boiler Pans, Ash Kettles, Coal Scuttles Coal Sifters, Copper and Tin Pumps, Copper and Tin Mea­ sures, Tin and Sheet Iron Oil Cans, Reflecting Bakers, Sam- mer Ovens, Block Tin Tea and Coffee Pots, Coffee Mills, Knives and Forks, Bellows, Brass Spittoons, Cast Iron and Composition Furnaces, Plain and Jappaned Tin Ware. All kinds of TIN and SHEETIRON WARE mad e to or­ der at short notice. DANIEL S. KITT LE. June, 1838.


NO. 356 SOUTH MARKET STREET, (Two doors below State-street, Albany,) Keeps constantly for sale, by wholesale and retail, a large and general assortment of Ready made Clothing low for cash. June, 1838.

THOMAS DUTSON, Merchant Tailor. CHEAP AND WELL MADE CLOTHING, Can be had at No. 10, on the Pier, opposite the Steamboat Landing. Also on hand, a general assortment of Jewelry and Watches. Cash or exchange property given for new or second hand ar­ ticles in the above line. June, 1838.

PETER JOHNSON, Oyster and Clam Dealer, No. 103 Quay-street, ALBANY. Fresh Oysters received daily by the Steam Boats. Oysters and Clams pickled to order, and sent to any pari of the city or country. - June, 1838. xxxxxx>co< ALBANY •Auction & Commission-store.

For the sale of Imported and Domestic DRY COODS,

JYb. 67 STJLTE STREET, (next door to the State Bank.) The subscribers continues to transact a general Auction and Commission business, at the. old established stand, and are now prepared to receive Invoices of all kinds of Merchandise, and grant the usual facilities on consignments. REGULAR DAYS OF SALES. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes.—Tuesdays d> Fridays. Groceries, &£c. See.— Wednesdays and Saturdays. O'HARA & PHELPS. June, 1838.

Shaving & Hair Dressing, Executed in a neat and

Opposite the Columbian Hotel, 512 South Market-street, ALBANY. June, 1838. XXXXXXXXX:X»Cx>C^XXX>C<:

The subscriber offers his services to the public for curing the HUMAN AND HORSE EYE. Having had a long experience in this business, and nine years in his own case, tried all that (he faculty could do for Una, without any sensible relief, he was induced to try his own prescription or^ himself, and daughter, which resulted in a cure. Since then he has cured several others. His -daughter had had the benefit ofthe Eye Infirmary, without success. He will also cure the several diseases, incidental to Horses, such as wounds internal and external: glanders, glens, yellow water, shoulder sprains, back sinew sprains, spavin, splints, rat-tail, thrush, &c. Also, all diseases ofthe hoof. He keeps on hand, vegetable balls, which will regulate the system of horses, and give them an appetite. "He has also eye water on hand, intended for inflatnation. And keeps constantly on hand salve for the running thrush. EPHRAIM HOWARD, 60. Union-street. June, 1838.

IGGETT'S Superior Approved Patent Oven.

Keepers of Public Houses, and Boarding Houses, are res­ pectfully invited to call and see Iggett's Patent Oven, at No. 486, South Narket-street. This Oven can be attached to Stoves where there are bad Ovens, or set in brick work, and made any size to suit purchasers. Owners of Steam Boats would do well to (jail and see for themselves. He has likewise a Stove attached tb his Oven that has just been produced, and so far is highly approved. A good assortment of TIN WARE on hand. Work made to order, and repaired at the shortest notice. June, 1838. XXX>0OCK>C>000C&0< ALWAYS DYEING And Yet Living.

The Subscriber feels enabled to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Albany, and its vicinity, for the encouragement he has received since he has established himself in this neighborhood, and as the season is now returning with all its expected bles­ sings and fashions, cheering our hearts and adorn­ ing our persons, he has made preparations to meet the desires of all his numerous friends, and to bring into practice all the abilities that nature has bestow­ ed, and long practice has acquired, and he feels con­ fident to say his work will be as well done as it can be done in the State ; and as he will have none but the best of workmen, and those of temperate habits, he will warrant that the work will be carefully done. All the various shades of dyeing done, Of all the colors under the sun, On Silk, Cotton, Linen Woollen, and Hemp, if re­ quired. SCOURING.

A suit of clothes cleaned and dressed in a few hours notice. Collars and breasts of gentlemen's coats warranted to be kept in perfect shape. White merino shawls cleaned and dressed in the French style; dress hdkfs. of all kinds, cleaned. Carpets and table covers cleaned, of all kinds and colors, and neatly pressed. Black merino and cassimere shawls restored to their original color, without injuring their borders. WM. GIFFEN. June, 1838. Chapman &, Sargent, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Cut and Smoking Tobacco, HAVANA, SPANISH & ST. DOMINGO SEGARS, Maccaba, Rappee, and Scotch Snuff, Chocolate, and Prepared Cocoa. ALSO—Dealers in Pipes, and Snuff Boxes, and every other article connected with the trade. Store, No. 332 North Market-street, sign of the seven heads; Tobacco Factory, in Van Wort-sfreet; Segar Factory, 194'North Market-street. June, 1838.

JAMES DICKSON, Slater, Diagonal-street,between Union and Liberty-streets, Informs his friends and the public, that the SLATING BUSI­ NESS, in all its branches, is continued by him, at the above place, where orders will be promptly executed. No assiduity on his j'irt shall be wanting, to give the most entire satisfaction to those vvho employ him. He therefore hopes for a liberal share of public patronage. fX/** Slate Roofs repaired on the shortest notice, and OD moderate terms. His residence is 6 Union-street. June, 1838.

Stone Cutting.

No. 79 Herkimer-st. between Green and Franklin-iU. Inform their friends and the public, that the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, In all its branches, is continued by .them, at the above place, where orders will be promptly executed. No assiduity on their part shall be wanting, to give the most entire satisfaction to those who employ them. They therefore hope for a liberal share of public favor. June, 1838. xxxxx>a

LEVISONS Hunters Red Drop. Office, No. 6 Beaver-street, "™ ' Where the unfortunate need never make a fruitless applica­ tion, and where the genuine Levison's Hunters Red Drop, can be obtained at all times at $1 per bottle. Also Hunters Anti-Mercurial syrup, the most thorouugh purifier of the blood, and restorer of the constitution, broken down by the use of mercury and the remnants of the venereal disease ever known, price $2 per bottle. Also Hunters mixture for Gomorhoea with sll other medicines appertaining to the above diseases. . T. JOHNSTON. WILLIAM WHITNEY, No. 86 Green-street, Keeps constantly on hand the following articles ; Washers, Burrs, Cartmen's Bach Chains, New and second hand STOVES and Pipe, and TIN and COPPER SMITHS TOOLS. He likewise executes all kinds of SMITHING. In addition to the above busines, he has commenced the manufacturing of WOODEN HAMES, Comprising Cartmen's Dray, Truck, and Stage. Also Light Tandem or Trotting Hames, embracing about 30 different kinds, which are warranted, and which will be sold cheap for cash. June, 1838. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>c

SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LEDGER. No. 63 Stale-street, corner of Middle-Lane, over the store of Geo. Russell Sf Brothers. T. SEYMOUR, Carries on the above business in all its various branches, viz : PLAIN, EXTRA, AND SUPER EXTRA, And has a first rate RULING MACHINE, and other ne­ cessary implements for manufacturing Blank Books, of every description, on the most reasonable terms, and of the best materials and workmanship. June, 1838.

AGENCY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. No. 1 Church-street. The subscriber thankful for past favors, begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general,, that he continues his business of letting houses, collect­ ing rents, and agency business in general. Satisfac­ tory references given. June, 1838 PHILIP VAN DERLIP. xxxxxx>ocxxx:xxxxxx.xxxxx>c

IRA PORTER, House and Sign Painter, AND GLAZIER, Corner of North Market (old stand) and Steuben-sts. Keeps constantly for sale Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty Also, a general assortment of BRUSHES, AND LAMP OIL, Of the best quality. Paints in Pots, mixed ready for use. and instructions given. June, 1838.



FOR THE YEARS) 1838-9.


CONTAINING Tlio names, occupation and place of residence of all heads of families, linns, and those doing business in the City, in correct alphabetical arrangement. Also much other use­ ful and interesting matter. , !

ALBANY: Printed by L, €J. Hoffman. Corner ol South Market and Hamilton-streets.

183 8. Abreviations made use of in this Directory In all cases where the streets bear the same name but are known as North and South, they arc designa­ ted by the italic letters n. anils. In most cases res or r. fer residence, suit! h. for house. The word stl'^Rl in all cases is left out. ALMA1TAS FOR 1338. »!

1 »•> •8 S *> •a s s e Sunt Man Jan. : — ^r rrr = 0^z0 Juy * 1 2 3 4 5 6 2j 3 7 / 8 9 10 11 1213 940 14 11 lfi 16 17 18 19 2(! 16 17 2021 21 o-22 3 21 25 26 27 23 24 2728 28 29 30 31 — 1 23(30,31 Fcb — — — 1 2i 3 II 3 4 H 5 6 7 8 9,10 lug 0| 6 7. 8 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13114 1516 17 18 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 |19'20|21 22'23l 24 !25 23 2(3 27 28 — 1 126 27|28!29I30 18 1 ! i_ Mar I 1 2 3 Sept 1 •l! 5 6 7 S 9 10 2J 3] 4! 5| 6 1\ 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9;10 ll!l2|13 14 15 •18119 20 21 22 23 24 16,1718 1920 21 122 .2-3J26 27 38 29 3031 23 24 25 26 27128 ] 29 301—'— 4 5 .-,....,' l! 2 3 6; 7 Oct —I 1 4! 5 6 •'/'" 8 9 10 i'l 12 13.14 7 8 9,10 11 12 13 1516 17 18 19 20 21 1415 1617 1811 9 20 22l23 24 25 26 27 28 2122 23 24 25| 26! 27 2^:30 - — — — — 28129,30!3 1 4 JU(H/ 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 6|7 8 9 10 11 12 Nov 4' 5 6 7 81 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 1243 1415 16 17 2021 22 23 24 25 26 18 19;20!21,22 2324 27|2S 29 30 31 — '25 26,271 29 30— June 1 2 1 HI 5 6 7 8 9 2| 3| 4 6 8 io!n 12 13 1415 16 Dec 91041 13 15 17! 18 19 20 2122 23 161718 19 202122 24 25 26 27 28 29 30; 23 24l25,!26272829 30i311—I —'—F— — fe r5S§-5-3-' 9 John B. Oo 3 «t I CArOWOtWOKOO-« «T. - .. *„. .« -») . ^, ( W I WiO <*»• *»• J*, rf*. rf*. CC -^ > rf^O S OS> Van Schaick. 2 to

en to co eocoeotocoeoiutoeo*. Edward P. I Livingston. en coco co >~ coweoeoeoen.uitk^ Daniel D. Bar­ C8O o C„O C.O_ N> <1COO*COO«WCOCO*4CO 00 ci eOni CcOo ^fO. OQiaia CXI —KiO nard. en Cn CO CO C2 *•- CO *•* CO CO CO Cn 4*. "&. M Paul CO CO CO CO CT< »— *. CO lit H- CO *- z.\ © 00 o>it.a>'—j-coco,— g>cccoc>~)co Settle. CI Edmund CO C5C0C0C0t-«iev-C0C0C0Clil*.iU*J o co co co on co «P. a* cn to co co cn © Raynsford. Edward Liv-

tth. • -J I CI CO CO C000e0COl«e0ib.Coe0*. » I <0CCC0C0rf^O4a.«qCSC0 ^ Ji '^1 tt Lawrence Van i I cn co co co co co co co co it* CO CO >M — CD M1 Duscn. 1 I co.ft.co .S._CMjO »*• OJ co 4* o:en QC i— I . - en 1 » Cft CO CO CO »— CO •-» CO CO CO Cn *- *- MichaeM l Arlcn- Oi I £-C0COCO3i— Oi»— er. ifc I O3 0i CO — •-< «^t CO CO »— CO CO m CO Ci James Gib­ $ enjoco co coco coco co^ toco*. cnMHOfcocisicfi Q o ^- ;c *i bons. tp w M C» ^- »— Cl CO Q~ gQ CO CnjOC^t Henry B. Has- encococot-*coi—cocococncoja.es ODCOCOCOC»CO-*COO»OCO^cc well. ID to CO CO CO CO en CO CO — <0 >— t^- C5 cCunra; d A. Ten Ci CO CO C0C0C0COCO*»Jft.C0*k*. OiOKtC*.OM«l'OCMCJOC Eyck. rf^ co c -*i ~* *». ji.-mgi>- a-iq

cneococoH^coH'cococoen^.i^a'. Calvin Pier­ co (U co co OT to ** co oi c (o r- a* o> M OQCCO O O CO to C5 CO •** •*. CO a son. Wm. A. Ham- encococowco*-»cococoenrfi.*kC; co^toicoenco^coent—co—'Oia cno oo co oi o co to t^ .u cu to o» cc ilton. I'redoiick ox co co co h- co *-* co w :: ci «. ^ c to CO CO CO Ol — >&. CO CM *- CO O C» JC Ward. 00 CO J*. CO O* CO CO CO CO CO Oi M o c-. en I John t* I eaeoeocoi-'coi-icocococnji.avo-. ooi Muc9»oico"«tj?K)C0*».COC0* 9 l ^H >-> berly. lojuoo co*.oo>o6ooooo)K-coa p Gerrit Lan- a cn co co cococotocoi^ikcccoc' OSMH(pjfcHojatOOS(OCDC § ib. ib. oo ^ co o en co o cn Oa co cn c Abram Sick­ _ . jcweo_eocoeocciiooiib.Ki4i.en les. O0| V*OO**^<0tfe>-»C»OOCXO<^eooCT". I™~ •— >fc. M» ^-a « en eo co fcoo» - oo. c caoop-ieaoc Hugh Con­ *» COCOA — ' "* -O. ger. -•* I M«n»S«coco«n.-a>~JOCn*- a A CeadenMd view »f the Official return of Vote*, at the Fall Election of 1836. Under the head of' Se­ nate' and ' Electors,' one from either side is taken.

Counties. Oovernor. Senate. EUctors. M«rcy Buel SmiUs TB VB' Op Albany, 4832 4233 175 4865 42§0 484? 4261 Allegany, 265(5 2637 2355] 2422 2640 2696 Broome, 1702 1426 1394 1642 1465 Clinton, 1336 848 1817 847 1331 854 Columbia, 3743 3086 9 3756 3100 3767 3051 Cataragus, 1884 1470 1887 1456 188? 1489 Cayuga, 4357 3678 4352 3681 428* 3724 Cb.au tauque, 3153 3855 3 3151 3850 3120 3895 Chenango, 3713 2647 8722 2631 3612 2734 Chemung, 1718 945 68 1531 905 172* 1060 Cortland, 1748 1993 1748 1993 172* 2017 Delaware, 2815 799 2823 724 2823 800 Dutchess, 003 2247 159 3922 2171 3973 2366 Erie, 2659 4834 42 2543 4746 2661 4882 Essex, 1636 1832 1513 1630 1603 1855 Franklin, 885 9181 853 916 862 910 Genesee, 3124 5142/ 131 3170 4919 3271 5882 Greene, 2081 18801 2987 1866 2976 1883 Herkimer, 3026 1210 3044 1182 3036 1184 Jefferson, 4628 3721 4279 4013 459^ 3761- Kings, 2316 1864 19 2230 1868 2321 1868 Lewis, 1101 400 1078 . 402 1096 411 Livingston, 2048 2890 1887 1456 1902 2648 Madison, 2867 1385 337 2458 2085 2909 1703 Montgomery, 3900 3561 4 7051 3559 4303 3170 Monroe, 4039 4794 60 i4047 4790 3932 4887 New-York, 16563 15971 1398 6121 17652 17417 16348 Niagara, 2160 2229 26 2160 2217 2143 2267 Oneida, 5813 3367 244 3547 5374 5477 3621 Onondaga, 4785 2985 6 4772 3000 4776 2981 Ontario, 2786 3404 2781 3405 2731 3435: Orleans, 1869 1826 1823 1824 1825 1859 Orange, 3549 2244 3448 2249 3541 2242 Oswego, 3146 1922 1 2738 2126 310E .1946 Otsego, 4543 2439 185 3751 3241 4627 2469 Putnam, 865 225 858 209 817 236 Queens, 1659 1401 1660 1402 1654 1339 Rensselaer, 4814 4425 434 4837 4465 4981, 4634 Richmond, 641 643 641 653 649 649 Rockland, 1048 357 1002 342 1044 371, (.tounhrt Marry Buel |Saiith V B 1 "F 1 VB i <> •Saratoga, 3374 29j5 •a>285 7 24881 33394 3023 Schenectady, 1501 1039 102 1502 1039 1480 14 J a Schoharie; 2462 1338 >.' 2473 1388 2437 1451 Serrecn, 2046 1469 25 2054 1482 2036 1549 Suffolk, 2078 .100* 2 2077 ~ 1002J 2071 1033 Sullivan, 1232 830 1230 830 Y2-17 • 870 St. Lawsence, •3089 2219; 3081 15 3089 2233 Steuben, 3099 2325 3087 •23171 3050 2384 Tioga, 1644 1223 1574 1082i 1025 1253 Tompkini, : 2997 2718 13 2999 2715' S936 2786 Ulster, 3675 2177 •80:12 21681 3058 2167 Washington, 2619 3574 2544 3517 2392 3ii9Sf Warren, 1334 562 1305 551 1316 57(1 Wayne, 2986 3623 1 2896 2542 2968 265* Westchester, 3000 1674 73 2935 1677 3009 i74r Yt\es, 1713 1120, 1713| 1124 1{186| 1I2» Canvasss ofthe Presidential Vote ef the U. S. 1836, ._.. Van Harri IVeister. Buren son White Maine, 22790& H5,239 New-Hampshire, 18,700 6,200 , 33,501 41,093 Rhode Island, 2,964 8,710 Connecticut, 19,409 18,745 Vermont, 14,039 20,990 New York, 166,815 138,543 New-Jersey, 25,844 26,389 Pennsylvania, 91,839 87,226 Delaware, 4,155 4,738 Maryland, 22,165 25,652 Virginia, 30,845 t23,4l2 North Carolina, 26,910 23,626 1 South Carolina,* 1 Georgia. 22,104 24,786 Kentucky, 33,025 36,687 Tennessee, 26,120 35,962 Ohio, . 96,948 105,405 Louisiana, 3,654 3,383 Indiana, 32,478 41,281 Mississippi, 10,229 9,688 % Illinois, 18,097 fl4,983 Alabama, 20,506 15,612 Missouri, 10,995 7,337 Arkansas, - 2,400 1,238 Michigan, 7,360 4,078 "In South Carolina, the Electors are chosen by the legisla­ ture. They cast the vote ofthe state for Wille P. Manguin. i In Maine, Virginia, and Illinois, the opposition to Van Bu­ ren should perhaps be divided between Harrison and White. SHERIFFS AND C LERKS—1838. •Albany, Michael Artcher, Hen iv B. Haswell, Allegany, Jesse Bullock, Samuel Van Wickte, Broome, Kol.ert Harper, Barzillia Marvin, Cattaraugus, Richard Wright, Francis E. Baillet, Cayuga, Peter Yawger, Wm. Richardson, Lhautauque, Judson Southland, •George W. Tew, Chemung, Albert A. Beckwith, . Isaac Baldwin, Chenango, William Hatch, Perez Randall, Clinton. Tho's. D, Gilsor>. Tho's. Crook, Columbia, Leonard Freeland, Killian Miller, Cortland, Eleazer W. Edgcomb, Oren Stimson, Delaware, John M. Betts, Crawford B. Sheldon, Dutchess, S. D. Van Wyck. Daniel W. Beadle, Erie, Charles P.Person, Cyrus K, Anderson, Essex, John Harris, Edward S. Cuyler, Franklin, Guy Meigs, Uriah D. Meeker, Genesee, John Wilder, Henry U. Soper, Green, Horace Austin, Wm V B Heermance, Herkimer, Stephen W. Brown, John Dygert, Jefferson, Abner Baker, jr. Peleg Burchard, Kings, William M. Udal, Chas. E. Bulkley, Ileitis, Elias Gallup, Charles P. Scovil, Livingston, William W. Weed, W. H. Stanley, Madison, John M.Messinger, Alex. Donaldsonjr. Monroe, Darius Perrin, Ephraim Goss, t Alexander J. Comrle, Montgomery William T. Sammons Joseph Hoxie, New-York, Jacob Acker, Hiram A. Cook, Niagara, "T. T. Roberts, James Dean, Oneida, Lyman Curtiss, Elijah Rhoades, Onondaga. Elihu L. Phillips, Thos. Hall, Ontario, Myron H. Clark, Lebbeus L. Vail, Orange, Edward L. Welling, T. C. Strong, Orleans, Asahel Woodruff, Daniel H. Marsh, Oswego, Jabez H. Gilbert, Jesse Rose, Otsego, Halsey Spencer, Hart Weed, Putnam, Nathaniel Cole, John Simonson, Queen*, Elbert Tredwell. Henry R. Bristol, ., Rensselaer, Cornelius Schuyler, Walter Betts, Richmond, S. Stevens, Abm. Hogenkamp, Rockland, John W. Felter. Alvin C. Low St. Lawrence, Luman Moody. Alpheus Goodrioh, Saratoga, Samuel Freeman, Arch'd Champbell, Schenectady, M. M. R. Wemple, William A. Strong. Seneca, James Stevenson jr. Wm. H. Ball, , Steuben, Henry Brother, •Suffolk, Samuel Miller, Geo. S. Phillips, * Sullivan, John G. Childs, Darius Martin. Schoharie, Daniel Larkin, Wm. M. Holton, Tioga Prentice Ransom. David Wallis, Tompkins, Jehiel Ludlow, Wait T. Huntington, Ulster, . Solomon E. Elting, John Furguson, Warren, Timothy Bowen, Thos. Archibald, Washington, P. C. Hitchcock, Edward Dodd, Wayne, Hiram Mann, Cullen Foster, Westchester, Amos F. Hatfield, John H. Smith, Yates, Uriah Hanford, Abner Woodruff. CITY REGISTER. OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Mfirtin Van Bureu, Presidsnl. Richard M. Johnson, V. Pre­ sident. John Forsyth Secretary of state. J.cvi Woodbury, secretary of th; Treasury ; Joel li. Poinsett, Secretary at War Malilon Dickerson, Secretary of the Navy ; Amos Kendall, Post Master General ; Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice; Joseph Story, Smith Thompson, John McLean, Henry Baldwin, James M. Wayne, Judges ofthe Supreme Court; B. F. Butler, Attor­ ney General. District Judges—Samuel R. Betts, Southern ; Alfred Conckling, Northern District of New York ; Nathaniel, S. Benton, Attorney ; Rutger li. Miller, Clerk ; Nathaniel Gar- row, Marshall of the Northern District; Abraham Sickles, De­ ntin Marshall.

CENSUS OF THFTUNITED STATES. States. 1810. 1820. 1830. Maine, 228,705 298,335 399,455 New Hampshire, 214,460 244,161 269,328 Vermont, 217,895 235,764 280,6»2 Massachusetts, 472,040 523,287 610,408 Rhoda Island, " 76,931 83,059 97,199 Connecticut, 261,943 275,248 297,676 Now York, 959.049 1,372,812 1,919,404 New Jersey, 245,562 277,575 320,823 Pennsylvania, 810,091 1,049,313 1,348,233 Delaware, 72,674 72,749 76,739 Maryland, 380.546 407,350 447,040 Virginia, 979.622 1,065,366 1,211,405 North Carolina, 555,500 638,829 737,987 South Carolina, 415,115 502,741 581,185 Georgia, 252,433 340,989 516,823 Alabama, ) -„ 127,901 309.52T Mississippi, J *"•*•>' 75,448 136,821 Louisiana, 76,566 153,407 215,629 Tennessee, 261,727 420,818 681,904 Kentucky, 406,511 564,317 «87,917 ?h">< 230,760 581,434 937,903 Jnd'ana, 24,520 147,178 343,031 *}}."">": 12,283 f.5,211 157,445 Missouri, 19,783 66,586 140,455 District of Columbia, 24,023 33,039 39 858 Michigan Territory, 4,762 8,896 3V639 Arltan.asTerritory 1,062 14,*73 30,388 Florida Territory, ...... 34 730 Total, 7,239.903 »,638,166 12,860,492 B 14 HOVMtAN's CITT REGISTER.

POST-OFFICES IN THE COUNTY OF ALBANY. Offites. Towns. Postnvrslirs. Albany, Albany, S. Van Rensselaer, Berne, Berne, Jacob Settle, jr. Cedar Hill, Bethlehem Peleg Noyes, Clarksville, Bethlehem Adim A, Clark, Coeymans Hollow, Coeymans, James i.lodget. Coeymans, Coeymans Nathan Stevens. Cohoes, Watervleit, Hezckiah How. Dorman rille, Westerlo, Daniel Dorman. Diib rows, Westerlo, Abijali C. Disbrow. Dunsville, Zachariali Smith. East Berne, Berne, John .J Gallup. Guilderlaud, Guilderland, Russell Case. Guilderland Centre , Guilderland Klijah Cheesebro. Hall's Mills Rensselaerville, George Benn, jr. Knox Knox, 1'rentice Williams jr Lisha's Kill, Watervliet, 'Janet L. Winne. New Salem, New-Scotland, David G. Seger. Mew Scotland, New-Scotland, Edmund Rnyusford. Potters' Hollow, Rensselaerville, John Rider. Preston's Hollow. Rensselaerville, Robert W. Murphy Reidsville, Berne, Frederick Ward. Rensselaerville, Rensselaerville Abraliam Dayton. South Westerlo, Westerlo, • Thomas Saxton. Union Church, New-Scotland Robert G. Wands. Watervliet Watervliet, David-Wheeler. Watervliet Centre, Watervliet, Laban Hills. Westerlo, Westerlo, Jeremiah Greent West Guilderland, Guilderland, George Severson.

OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. William L. Marcy, governor, salary $4000 ; Benjamin Know er, ir.|private secretary, 600 ; John Tracy, lieutenant govern­ or (Vav double that of a senator, or $6 per day during tbe ses. «ion;)*Reuben H. Walworth, chancellor, 2500 ; William T- M'Coun, vice chancellor 2000; Alonzo C. Paige, chancery reporter 500 ; Oliver L. Barbour chancery clerk, 600 ; Samu­ el «elson, chief justice, 2,500 ; Greene C. Bronson justice su­ preme court, 2500 ; Esek Cowen, justice supreme court, 2B00; Ogden Edwards, circuit judge 1st circuit, 1600; Charles H. Bug­ gies 2d circuit, 1600; John P. Cushman, 3d circuit, 1600; John Willard, 4th'circuit, 1600: Isaac H.Bronson, 5th circuit 1600 RobertMonell, 6th circuit, 1600; Daniel Mosely, 7th circuit, 1600; Nathan Dayron, 8th circuit, 1600 ; Samuel Beardsley, Attorney Gannal, 1000 ; John L. Wendell state reporter, 500> uorritAN'B CITT KIGUTM. 15

Azariah C. Flagg, comptroller, 2500; Philip Phelps, deputy • omptroller 1500; George W. Newell, 2nd deputy comptroller and clerk of the canal board, 1500; John A. Dix, secretary of state, and superintendent of common schools, 2500; Archi­ bald Campbell, dep. secretary and clerk of the commissioners ofthe land office, 1500; Gamaliel H. Barstow, treasurer,1500; OrviHe L. Holley, surveyor general, 800; Henry Arcularius, commissary general, 700: Allan McDonald adjutant general, 1000; Jacob T. B, Van Vechten, judge advocate general, 150; James Maher slate Librarian, 700; William C, Bouck, Jonas F.arll, John Bowman, William Baker, acting canal commis­ sioners, each 2000; John F. Bacon, clerk ofthe senate, 1200; Jarvis N. Lake, clerk of the assembly, 1800 ; George R. Da­ vis, Charles Stebbins, Hiram Denio, bank commissioners, 2000 STREETS, LANES, ALLEYS, &o. All the streets running west from the River, com­ mence their numbers at the eastern boundary. All those running; parallel with the river, (excepting Montgomery'and Water, which commence their numbers at the southern boundary,) commence numbering at the northern boundary. Several of tbe Streets have no buildings upon them Academy Park, fronts on Eagle and Elk streets and Capitol Park Alexander st., from s. Pearl to western boundary, 1st a. Bassett Aim House Square,fronts on Gansevoort, Snipe. Perry and Ferry Arch street, from River to Alms house square, 1st south. Ferry Bassett street, from River to s. Pearl, 2d south Schnjrler Bass street, from River to s, Pearl, 1st south Lydius Beaver street, from s, Market to Eagle, 1st south State Bradford st. Snipe to western boundary, 1st s. Sch'y turnpike Canal Basin, fronts Water, Lawrence, Montgomery and Dewitt Capitol Park, fronts on Eagle and State sts and Academy Park Capitol street, from State to Lancaster, 1st west Eagle. Catharine street, from Clinton to Swan Center streot, from Lumber to Canal Basin Cherry street, from River to Franklin, 1st south Schuyler Church streets, from Ferry to s. Market, 1st westy. Market . Cha'pel street, from State to Patroon, 1st west n. Pearl Chesnut street, from Hawk to Lark, 1st south State Cortland street, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Sqaxe Colonie street, from Water to western boundary Columbia street, from River to Eagle, 3d north State Clinton Square, fronts on *. Pearl, Patroon and Orange street! Clinton meet, front southern boundary to Beam creek 16 HOFFMAN'S CUP*. REGISTER.

Dallius st, from southern boundary to Lydiuslst east Green. Daniels afreet, from'Beaver to Eagle Dsaa street, from Steuben to Hudson, 1st west Quay Delaware, square, fronts on Delaware turn. Ferry, Lark, Lydui* Delaware-street from Clinton to Hawk Denuistan-atreat, from s. Market to Liberty Be :Witt- street, from Canal Basin to it-Market* Diagonal-street, fromLiberty to junction of Hudson and Union Division/street, from River to Phillip, 3d south of Stale Bovenst, from northern to southern boundary, 3d west Eagle Eagle-street, front southern boundary to Fox Elizabeth- streeti'from Alexander to Beaver creek EJk-st.frdm Eagle to western boundary 1st north Washington Erie-Street, from southern boundary to Schenectady turnpike Fayette- stredt, from Academy Park to Swan Ferry-etreet'from River to western boundary,3d south Lydius First-street, ftom'Ten Broeck to western boundary Fox-street,.{ronvn. Pearl to Elk Franklin-st.from Lydius to southern boundary 1st cast s. Pearl Ganseyoort-st, River to western boundary, southernmost st Green st, from state to southern boundary, 1st west s. Market Hawk-st, from northen to southern boundary, 1st west Eagle Himilton-St, from River to western boundary 1st north Lydius Hallenbake-st, from Beaver creek to Beaver 2d west s. Pearl S Hare-street,'from head of Orange to western boundary Herkimet-street, from River to Delaware Square Howard- Bfreet, from s. Pearl, 10 Eagle, 1 south Slate Hudson-s.tr.oct, from River to western boundary Hudson Square, fronts on Washington, Partridge and Ontario High-street, from State to Hudson, 2d west Eagle Jack^on-sf.Colonie to Spencer, b.n. Market and Montgomery Jay-stree^, from Eagle to Lark. 3d south State John-street, from River to Franklin, 1st north Ferry Knox street, from Elk to southern boundary, first west Lark Lark-st, froin southern boundary to Patroon. 4th west Eagle Lawrenceritreet, from River to n-Market,lstnorih Canal Basin Lewis Alley, from Hallenbeck west to Philip Lumber-st, from River to western boundary 3d s. Canal Basin Lydius-qtrqet, from River to western boundary Laucaster-et, from Eagle to western boundary, 2d south State. Lodge-s.tr.eet, from Howard to Columbia, 2d "west n. Pearl Liberty-st, from Hudson to Lydius, 1st west s. Market Malcom Street, from Beaver creek to Southern boundary Maiden-Jane, from River to Eagle, lBt north State Mark-lane; from River to n. Market, 1st north, Stat* HOFFMAN'S CITT JLEOUTKB. 1?

Mertet-st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square .* Middle-lane.state to Columbia, between n. Market and ihFesi Montgomery-street, from Steuben to northern boundary Morris-street, from Delaware Square to western boundary* } Morton-street, from Clinton to Dove * Mulberry-street, from River to Franklin. 3d south Lydius . North Ferry-street, from Bath Ferry to n. Market $ North Lansing-st, from River to n. Market, 2d s. Canal Basin f North Market-street, from north boundary to State North Pearl-street, from Patroon to State * North Square, fronts on Lark, Fox, Knox and Elk '" Norton street,(late Store Lane) from Green to s. Pearl ,,* Nucella-street, from River to Gansevoort * Ontario-st, northern to southern boundary, 2d in. Aim House Orange-street, from River to Hare, 4th north State . ,..* Orchard-street, from Clinton Square to northern boundary ; Patridge-st, from southern boundary to Schenectady'turnpike« Patroon-st, fromn. Market to western boundary 6th n. Stat* Perry-st, beginning at Aim-house Square, s. to n boundary Pier, runs from foot of Hamilton north 4323 feet, and 80 feet broad to the foot of Lawrence-street, forming a basin «f an area of 32 acres and l-10th ' Pine-street, from Chapel to Eagle, 2 ndrth State Philip-street, from Lydius to Hudson, 3d west s. Pearl Plain-street, from s. Pearl to Philip, 1st south Hudson Pleasant street from Western to Schenectady turnpike. Plumb-street, from River to Franklin, 1st south Basset Providence st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Quackenbush st. from River to n. Market, 1st north Orange Quail-st. from northern to southern boundary, 1st w. Alms h Quay-st. along tiie dock, from southern to northern boundary Rensselaer-street, from river to s. Pearl, 2d south Ferry. Robin-st, from Almshonse square to Washington 1st w. Snipe Rose-stieet, from Hamilton to Lydius, 1st west Green Rose Alley, from Rose-st, west, between Hamilton and Lydius S»nd-3treet, from Lark to western boundary Schuyler-st, from River to Clinton, 5th south Ferry Second-street, from Ten Broek to western boundary South Lansing- st, from River to Franklin, 1st south rl« fcim>r South Market street, from State to Gansevoort South Pearl street.from State to Gansevoort Spencerst, from River to n. Market, 1st south Luroli r Spruce-st, from Eagle to Lark, 1st north Elk State-street, from River to western boundsry Sleuben-st, from River to Eagle, 2d north Stste Snipe-st, beginning at Alms house, to northern beunlury >2 (0 HOFFMAN'S CITY RBGISCHE.

6«r«si-St, from southern to northern boundary, 2d west Eagie- TeoBroepkfSt. from Patroon to 1st west Orchard "Third afreet, from Ten Broeck to western boundary Union «tre«t from Lydius to Hudson, 2d west s. Market Van T^omp-st from n. Market to n. Pearl 1st north Columbia* Van Schaick-st from n. Pearl to Hare, 1st west Fox •/an Mfoert-et. from n. Market to western bonndary •/rae^treet, from&irer to Franklin, south Nucella WtrieK+t, from Eagle to Almshouse Square, 2d north Ferry Weshtngton-st, Academy and Capitol Parks to w. boundary Washington? Square, Cents on State, Knox, Lydius and Wi.llel Water-et, from/northern bouudary to Steuben, 1st west Quay UTesterle-st, from! River 10 Delaware Square, 2d south Lydius WHiftm-stroel, from Lydius to Howard, 1st west s, Pearl Wilson-*t, fremn. Market to Ten Broeck, 1st south Lumber WilleU street, from State to Lydius, 1st west Lark Uttes-Street, from Delaware square to western boundary. WARDS, As divided and established by a law of the State of New York, relative to the City of Albany, pasted April 18 1835. First Ward.—Beginning in the centre of Franklin street on- the south line ofthe said city, thence running northerly thro' the centre tf tho said street, to the centre of Lydius street, to its intersection with Green street; thence northerly through t.io centre of Green street, to its intersection with Hudson-st. thence westerly through the centre of Hudson street, toils in­ tersection with s. Poarl-st, thence northerly through tbe centre of South Pearl street to the centre of State-street; thence wes­ terly though the centre of State street to the east side of Ea­ gle street; thence woslerly by a straight line to the centre of State-street continued on a range with the east side of tho public square; thence westerly through the centre of StaterSt. continued, to the Main avenue ; thence southerly through the centre of Main arenne, to the centre of Lydius-street. thence westerly through the centre of Lydius street, to the west bounds of the city; thence southerly slongthe said west bounds of the city; Ihence easterly along the said south bounds, to tho place of beginning. Second Word.—Boginin; at a point in the eentre of State st opposite to the centre of Chapel-street thence running north- ly through the centre of Chapel-stieet, to tb« centre of Patroon CITY MOISTS*. 19 street; thence westerly through the centre'of Patroon-street, to its intersection with the Main avenue thence westerly along the north bounds, to the wost bounds of the city; thence southerly along such westerly bounds, to the north boundary of the first ward; thence easterly along the north bounds ofthe first ward, to the place of beginning. Third Ward.—Beginning at a point in the easterly bounds of the city, opposite the Pier, on a range with the south side of Pier lot number one hundred and nine; thence westerly on i straight line to the southwest corner of said lot number one hundred and nine; thence westerly through the centre of H ud- aon-street at its intersection with Quay-street; thence westerly through the centre of Hudson-street, to the centre of South Pearl-street, thence northerly along the centre of South Pearl street, to the centre of State-street, thence westerly through the centre of State-street, to its intersection with Chapel-streej thence northerly through the centre of Chapel-street, to the centre of Orange-street; thence easterly through the centre of Orange-street to the northwest corner of lot number sixty-five on the Pier; thence easterly along the north bounds of said lot number siity-five to the east side of the Pier; thenee in a straight line to the easterly bounds of the city; theuce south­ erly along the easterly bounds ofthe city, to the plaee of be­ ginning, Fourth Ward.—Beginning at the place of beginning of the first ward before mentioned, in Franklin-street; thence run­ ning northerly along the easterly bounds of the first ward to the centre of Lydius street, thence easterly through the oentre of Lydius street, to its iutersection with- Green street; thence northerly through the centre of Green street to its intersection with Hudson street, thence easterly along the south bounds of the third ward to the easterly bounds ofthe city, thence south­ erly along the said easterly bounds ofthe south bounds ofthe city, thence westerly along the said south bounds to the place of beginning. Fifth Ward.—Beginning at the north easterly cornerof third ward before mentioned; thence running northerly along the easterly bounds ofthe city, until it strikes a point opposite to a red ceder post with brick around it standing on the west bank ofthe Hudson's river, which post is distant twenty-two chains and thirty six links from the southeast corner ofthe store house of Stephen Van Rensselaer, or a course north forty de­ grees and twenty minutes west, thence westerly tothe said cedar post, thence north forty-eight degrees west, to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie, thence along, the west bounds thereof, until it strikes the north bounds of the second ward, to a point opposite the centre of Chapel-street;.thence 20 HOFFMAN'S CITY BEOISTE*. southerly along the centre of Chapel-street to a point opposite the centre of Orange-street, thence easterly through the centra of Orange-st, along the north bounds ofthe third ward before montioned, to the place ofbeginuing. The polls ofthe election in the several wards ofthe City of Albany, at the election to be held on the first Tuesday of M»y in each year, arc to be kept open from the hour of nine itt the morning, until the hour of six in the afternoon

BANKS IN ALBANY. BANK OF ALBANY. Capital $240,000. Election 2d Tuesday in May. BARENT BLEECKER, President, Directors.—Teunis Van Vechten, Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Andrew D. Lansing, Matthew Gregory, David Newland, J. Winne, Jr, John Trotter, Phillip S. Van Renselear, Volkert P. Douw, Nicholas Bleecker, Benjamin Tibbitts. Jellis Winne, jun. Cashier, Nicholas Bleecker, jun., H. S. Van Ingen, William S. Kenyon, Erastus R. Phelps, O. M. Beach, clerks. Discount, day, Thursday.

KHW-VORK STATE BANK. Capital $369,600. Election 1st Tuesday in June. FRANCIS BLOODGOOD, President. Directors —Archibald Mclntyre, Robert Boyd, Jared L Rathbone, Rufus H. King, Peter Gansevoort, John N. Quack­ enbush, Gerret Y. Lansing, Azariah C. Flagg, William Ad­ ams, Elisha W. Skinner. A.D. Patchen, Cashier; F. Leake, Discount Clerk: James- Brown, Bookkeeper Henry A. Allen, Teller; Samuel P. Stokes, Wm. B. Fondey, Clerks. Discount day, Wednesday James Clark, W. C. Miller, W. M'Harg, Inspectors.

MECHANICS A»D FARMERS' BANK. Capital $442,000. Election 1st Monday in June. T. W. OLCOTT.President. Directors—Friend Humphrey, Henry Newman, Sylvanus P. Jornuio, Robert Shepherd, Lemuel Steele, Thomas W HOFFMAH'I CITY BSOMTKK. 2f

Olcott, Charles E. Dudley, Alexander Marvin, John Van Bu­ ren, Eli Hutchinson, William W. Forsyth, W.Fowler, James King. E. E. Kendrick, Cashier; William MoHench, Noah Lee, Henry Jenkins, W. G. Marcy, Nathaniel Davis, jun., Hen­ ry Jenkins, clerks. Discount days, Tuesday and Friday.

COMMERCIAL BANK. Capital $300,000. Election 5-J Tuesday in June. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. Directors.—Willard Waltar, Richard Marvin, Seth Has­ tings' John L. Schoolcraft, Leu is Benedict Geo. W. Stanton,. William Newton, Augustus Jnmc«, Obadiah R. Van Benthuy­ sen, James Horner, John Gott, Peter ttoggsti. James Taylor, Cashier ; A. 11. Lovett, Teller ; F. S. Pease,. Bookkeeper", John 15. Wasson, Discount Ulerk : Discount days, Monday unci Thursday. CANAL BANK. Capital $300,000. Election 2d Tuesday in July. JOSEPH RUSSELL, President. Directors.—Lyman Root, J;.i,:es Clark, Joseph Russell, Aaron Thorp, David Wood, Henry L. Webb, James Goold, Edwin Croswell, James Porter, Lyman Chapin, Robert V Slack, Joel Rathbone' James Viinderpoul, Thsddeus Joy. Theodore Olcott, Cashier ; R. R. Viele,T«lWr ; Hamlet H: Hickox, Bookkeeper; I. L. Crew, H. H. Babcock, R.M.S. Pease. Clerks ; Discount days, Wednesday ancTSalurdny. ALBANY CITY BANK Capital D500.000. Election 2d Tuesday in June. ERASTUS CORNING, President, Directors—Erastus Corning ,Ralph Barker, Peter Wendell, Barent P. Siaats, Ellis Baker, Martin Van Alstyne, Watts Sherman, John Knower, Anthony Blanchard, Bradford R. Wood, William Seymour, William Smith. Watts Sherman, Cashier ; Samuel H. Norton, Collector; &c; C. L. Garfield, Teller ; Isaac Fondey. Discount Clerk, William Nessle, Bookkeeper; B. R. Wendell, Clerk : Dis­ count days, Tuesday and Friday. SAVINGS BANK. STEPHEN VAN RENSELAER, President James Taylor, Treasurer and Acountant, 22 MOFFMAN'W CITT KEOWTBR.

The Savings Bank is open at the office of lhe Commercial Bank, No. 40, Slate-street, every Saturday afternoon, from 5 o 7 o'clock to receive deposits. It pays an interest to the de­ positors at the rate of five per cent per annum.payable on the Lst of January and lst of July.

INSURANCE COMPANIES. ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY. Office 55 State-street. Capital D300.000. FRANCIS BLOODGOOD, President. Directors.—Benjamin Knower, Teunis- Van Vechten, Ba­ rent Bleecker, Gerrit Y. Lansing, Rufus U. King, Augustus James, Gideon Hawley, Mai wis T. Reynolds, Lewis Benedict, Joseph Russell. Arch'd M'Intyre, John Townsend, John E. Lovett, Secretary. MERCHANT'S INSURANCE COMPANY. Office St. John's Hall, Corner Hudson and South Market.st Capital D250.000. Charles E. Dudley, President ; John W. Furd, Secretary. Charles E. Dudley, Abel French, Russell Forsyth, Jared L. Rathbone, Ephraim Wilder, jr. friend Humphrey, Alexander Marvin, Willard Walker, Joshua Tuffs, Thomas W. Olcott, Henry L. Webb, Robert Dunlop, Robert Royd, S. P. Jermain John N. Quackenbush, O. R. Van Benthysen, Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Jjhn Savage, Julius Rhoades, Robert Shepherd, John L. Schoolcraft, Ilariuuuus Bleecker, Jesse Buel, James Mc­ Naughton, Seth Hastings, Piatt Williams, Richard Marvin. John I. Boyd, Geo.Hanford, S. S. Fowler, Directors. FIRKMKN'S INSURANCE COMPANY. Office 44 State-street. Capital D!50,0(0. James Stevenson, Pies'tRichard Van Renselaer, Sec'y. John Taylor, Peter Gansevoort, Thomas M' Elroy, Hugh Humphrey, George W. Stanton, Lemuel Steele, Egbert Eg­ bert, Conrad A. Ten Eyck, William Adams, Lansig Pruyn Cornelius Vanderbilt, Lansing G. Taylor. Jonathan Lyman ! John M.Newton,'John B. Van Sehaick, John H. Prentice Lyman Chapin, Benjamin Tibbits, S. Van Renselaer, jr. \ Henry Newman, En.stus Hills, John Davis, Joel Rathbone, G. f V. 8. Bleecker, Directors. I Peter GajMevaort, Attorney. Jonathan Lyman surveyor of f buildings. 29

MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Office Corner Hudson and South Marltet-street. JIarent P. Staats, President. E. V. Joice, Se 'y. Barent P. Staats, Rufus Brown, Christopher Hepinstall, Agur Wells, James L'Amoreux, Levi Philips, Daniel Conk­ ling, Eli Perry, Matthews Brown John Hermans, Garret W» Ryckman, John McKown, John Van Valkenburgh, Directors.

Classes of Hazards and Rates of Annual Premiums. 1. Buildings of brick or stone, covered with tile, slate or me­ tal, the window shutters of solid iron ; gutters and cornices of brick, si one or metal; party walls above the roof, 25 cents per $100. 2. Buildings of brick or slonp, covered with tile,, slate, or rr.etnl, 30 cents per $100. 3. Buildings of brick or stone, roofs three fifths of tile, slate or metal, the rest shingled, 40 cents per $100. 4. Buildings of brick or stone, covered with wood, party walls above the roof, 50 cents per $100. 5. Buildings of frame, filled in with brick to the peak, front of hrii-k, 75 cents per $100. S. Frame buildings, lilleJ in with brick to the peak, or with brick Trent filled in to to the plate, 85 cents and upwards per 100. 7. Frame buildings, filled in with brick to the plate, or with hollow walls and brick front, 90 cents and upwards per $100. 8. Buildings entirely of wood, 100 cents and upwards per $100. Goods not hazardous—Dry goods, household furniture, linen, ootton in bales, coffee, flour, indigo, and other articles not combustible. Hazardous, and are charged 12 1-2 cents per $100, in ad­ dition to the premium above named for each class, viz. Book­ sellers stock, chair makers, chocolate makers, tavern-keepers, ohina, glass, and earthern-ware in packages, flax, groceries, oil, pitch, tar, fee. Extra Hazardous, and will be charged 25 cents and up­ wards per $100, in addition to the above premium, viz. Apo­ thecaries, druggists, boat builders, bakers, brewers, malsters, chemists, china, glass and earthen ware sellers, coopers, dyers, aqua fortis, coach makers, cabinet makers, carpenters in their own shops or buildings erecting or repairing, ether, founders, fodder and grain unthreshed, hay, musical instrument makers, :S4 HOFFMAN'S CITY REOISTEK.

spirits of turpi:Mine, soap boilers and tallow cha'allers. Application fur insurance to be made to the Secretaries in writing.

BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. ALBANY ST. ANM.KW'S SOCIKTY. Andrew Kirk, President; Peer Smith, lst Vice President : John M'Dowall. 2nd Vice President ; Rev. Peter Bullions, Chaplain, D. 13. M'Lachlan, Physician, Lachlan M'Pherson, Treasurer, James Dixon, Secretary, Thomas Black, Assistant Secretary. William Leggat. Jamea Taylor, Thomas Hilson, Thomas Daniels, Wm. Combe, Malingers.

A LEAKY ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. John Stockton, President, Benjamin Tullidge. lst Vice Pre •sident, Edward Mascord, 2nd Vice President. Henry Clifton, Treasurer, Wm. Lacv, Secretary; Thomas Wright, George Wright, James Sapti, John Day, Stephen Watson, Charily Committee.

ALBANY APPRENTICES' MBit ART. John Taylor, President, James S. Gould Secretary and Li­ brarian: Gideon Fawley, Lewis G. Hoffman, Wm. Boyd, Job Gould, John H. Prentice, Timothy Seymour, Norman Francis, James Robinson, John Davis, Robert L. Kearney, Trustees,

MECHANIC'S BEREFIT SOCIETY. Instituted August 9, 1829, on the plan of mutual insurance. Entrance money 3 dollars. Monthly dues 31 cents. Each member (having been admitted 6 months) will be entitled du­ ring his sickness to receive 4 dollars per week. Since the formation of the society there has been about 700 members. The funds of the society are about 2000 dollars, and are accu­ mulating. The society meets the first Wednesday in each month, at Concert Hall, No 46 State-street. The officers are, Calvin Pierson, President, S. T. Thorn, Treasurer, Corne­ lius Vanderbilt, chairman finance committee. Heman C. Whelpley, Attorney. John W. Hinckley, Physician. Robert Thompson, secretary. ST. PATRICK BENEFIT SOCIETY. Thomas Gough, President, John T. Maher, first vice presi­ dent; Arnold Nelson, second vice president; John T. Gough, treasurer, Thomas M. Myron, secretary. HOFFMAN'S CITY EEGISTF.K. 26

HIBERNIAN PROVIDENT SOCIETY. James Halliday, President, James Maher, lst vice president; Wm. Hawe, 2nd vice president; Thomas Newman, Recording Secretary; John Carrol, Corresponding Secretary; William O' Donnell, Physician; Thomas D. Gaynor, Treasurer. MASONIC BODIES. TEMPLE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 5. Meets in St John's Hall, second and fourth Tuesday in every month, except June, July and August, at 7o'clock. P. M. Thomas Blank, H. P. Jacob Gingrich, K.; L. G. Hoffman, S.; Joseph Davis, Secretary; Wm. Voorhees, Treasurer; A- bram Sickles, Tyler. MASTER'S LODGE, NO. 2. Meetings held in St. John's Hall. Jonathan Eights, W. M. Wm. Bay, S. W. Garret W. Ryckman, J. W. Rufus Brown, Treasurer ; Hamlet H. Hick- cock, Secretary. MOUNT VERNON LODGE, NO. 3. Meets in St. John's Hall, first and third Thursdays in every month, except June, July and August, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Welcome Esleeck, W. M. Elias Vanderbilt, jr. S. W. John Owens, J. W. L. G. Hoffman, Secretary, Matthews Brown, Treasurer, Abram Sickles, Tyler. TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 53. Meets in St. John's Hall, first and third Tuesdays in every month, except June, July and August, at 7 o'clock, P. M. John O. Cole, W. M. Jacob Gingrich, S. W. Argalus W. Starks, J. W.; M. B. Slocum, Secretary, Wm. Voorhees, Trea­ surer, Frederic King, Tyler. ALBANY BURGESS CORPS. Civil Officers.—John Sharts, President; J. H. Groesbeek, Vice President; L. H. M'Chesney, Treasurer; George Trum­ bull, Secretary; B. R. Spelman, Assistant Secretary. Military Officers.—John Osborn, Captain; Timothy Sey­ mour, lst Lieut. G. K. Winne, 2nd Do. Miles Joy, 3d Do. George S. Gibbons, Ensign, Thomas Bayeux, Orderly; W. Hendrickson, Quarter Master; Patker Sargent, Pay Master; Charles S. Olmstead, Chaplain; Francis W. Priest, Surgeon. ALBANY MILITARY ASSOCIATION. Lieut. Col. John B.Van Schaack, President; Adj. General Allan M'Donald, lst Vice President; Major Asa Fasset, 2d., Vice President; Capt. Geo. W. Weed, Secretary; Maj. Robert H. Pruyn, Judge Advocate; Capt. Watrous, Treasurer ; Col. T. W. Harman, Auditor; Capt. John T. Crew, Adjutant. 3 AN ABSTRACT

Of the several Corporation Ordinances, prepared for HOFFMAN'S DIRECTORY. Of Bread.—ART. 1. SEC 1. Inspector to be appointed, to hold his office during pleasure. § 2. Inspector's salary, one hundred and fifty dollars. Art- 2. § 1. Every person carrying on the business, by him­ self, or another, shall every year file a certificate of name and residence, under the penalty of five dollars for every month's omission. § 2. All bread to be made of good and wholesome flour or meal in'o loaves of one and a half pounds, or three pounds, avordupois weight, marked with the initials of his name, under the penalty of 25 cents for each loaf. § 3. Such bread deficient in weight, forfeits ten cents for every ounce, provided the deficiency occur, within eight hours after the baking. The burden of proof to devolve on the de­ fendant. § 4. All bread of unwholsome materials, subject to a fine of fifty cents per loaf. § 6. The inspector, aldermen, &c, authorized to enter the premises, or detain any vehicle, and search, and all such bread is forfeited to the poor of the city. § 6, Inspector's duty each week to weigh the bread, and re­ port any violation. Of Cartmen.—-Art. 1. Sec. 1. The mayor may license any citizen of twenty-one years of age, who has been a resident of the city six months previous. Applicant to give security. & 2. The cartman to give a bond of $250, to pay damage, Sfc. § 3. Sand cartmen &c, to be licensed only, who are not to carry other articles, under penalty of five dollars. § 4. All licenses expire on the third Tuesday in May of each year. § 5. Carts, waggons, Ac, selling fruit, oysters, &c, to pay two dollars. For every other waggon, drawn by two horses, two dollars. For every other cart, dray, or sled, one dollar. Art. 2. § 1. Each cartman to have the number fairly painted upon each side of his cart, under the penalty of one dollar for every day's omission. Sand carts in addition, to have S. C. added. *§ 8. No license to be assigned unless permission is obtained, under the penalty of five dollars and forfeiture of license. HOFFMAN'S CITY RKGISTKR. 27

§ 3. Every vehicle carrying dirt must be tight, with the owner's name painted on it, under penalty of two dollars and fifty cents. §4. Every cart to be two feet five inches wide between the foremost rungs, and two feet nine inches between the hindmost rungs, &c. * § 5. The tire of the wheels of each cart or truck, to be three inches wide when drove over any paved street, under penalty of three dollars for each day. § 6. Cartmen are not to neglect or refuse to draw loads, un­ der the penalty of three dollars. § 7. ;£ach cartman is to carry a sufficient load, and he is not to exceed at one time more than a puncheon or hogshead of rum, molasses, sugar, pipe of wine or other liquor, nor greater quan­ tity in other casks than one hundred and foity gallons, under penalty of one dollar. Art. 3. § 1. The prices or rates to be taken by cartmen for the carriage of goods, wares and merchandize and other things, (when the distance does not exceed half a mile,) for loading, carrying and unloading, shall be as follows: For every hogshead of molasses, rum, or other spirituous li­ quor, exceeding ninety gallons, thirty-seven and a half cents. Frv every pipe of wine or spiiituous liquors, thirty-seven and a hnli cents. For every tierce of molasses or spirituous liquors, not less than sixty, nor more than ninety gallons, twenty-five cents. For every cask of molasses or spirituous liquors exceeding thirty and less than sixty gallons, when carried singly, eighteen cents. For every hogshead of sugar, thirty-seven and a half cents. For every tierce of sugar, eighteen cents. For removing every load of dirt or filth out of any of the streets, eighteen cents. For every load of gunpowder, containing fifteen casks or more, to or from the powder house, sixty-two and a half cents. If less, thirty-one cents. For every load of household furniture, and housing the same, fifty cents. For every load of lumber, twenty-five cents. For every load of flour, consisting of six barrels or mole, twenty-five cents. For every one hundred sides of sole leather, thirty-seven and a half cents. For every one hundred green hides, fifty cents. For every one hundred stoves, at the rate of six dollars per hundred. For every ton of iron, thirty-seven and a half cents. For every three barrels of oil, eighteen cents. For every barrel over three in the same load, six cents. 28 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

For every load of baggage, twenty-five cents. For every load not specified, eighteen cents. For every load, where the distance between the places of re­ ceiving and delivering exceeds half a mile, and is less than a mile, one half more—and if more than a mile, double the said rates. § 2. Cartmen guilty of embezzlement, cruelty to their horse, &c , shall forfeit their license, and pay a fine of five dollars. Art. 4. § 1. No person to drive a cart, &c, for hire, east of Lark-street, without a license, under a penalty of five dollars. § 2. Oyster carts, &c , not to be driven about the streets, without a special license, penalty five dollars. § 3. If any accident shall happen by reason of a cart, the cart­ man shall stop and render assistance, and give his name and number if requested, under the penalty of ten dollars. § 4. Carts waiting for employment, may stand on both sides of State-st. between Quay and Dean-st., on the south side to Market, on both sides of Hudson from Quay to Market, on the west side of Quay, on both sides of Lydius from Quay to Green, on the north side of Hamilton between Quay and Market, but shall remove when required, for the convenience of the delivery of goods, under penalty of five dollars. No cart to cause any other obstruction, under penalty of five dollars. Of the City Surveyor.—Art. 4. § 2. No person shall erect any building in the crty, unless the range shall have been first laid down by the city surveyor, under the penally of twenty-five dollars for each offence. § 3. Any building projecting beyond the range, shall within three days' notice to be given, be removed as provided, under penalty of twenty-five dollars, and five dollars for each twenty- four hours' neglect. § 4. Every person erecting a building bounded on a street, shall pay the city surveyor one dollar. Of Public Grounds.—§ 7. Persons injuring or mutilating any fixtures on the public grounds, shall pay ten dollars, togeth­ er with all damage. 8. No person shall open the gates of the public enclosures, togs, cows, &c, or persiit them to enter and remain, under the penalty of one to ten dollars. § 9. No person shall use any of the parks or places, for bleach­ ing, or hang any thing on the fences, or shake any carpet or other thing on the grass, after 7 o'clock in the morning, or tie any horse to the fences thereof, under the penalty of two dollars. Of the Excise § 1. The mayor is required to appoint a de­ puty excise officer, who, under the control of the mayor, is em­ powered to grant licenses. § 2. Not less than twelve, nor more than twenty dollars, shall be paid for such license, by those who are to retail spirituous liquors, under five gallons; and for each license to a tavern keeper, not less than fifteen, nor more than fifty dollars, at the discretion of the mayor. No person to be licensed who is not a natural born or naturalized cilizen ofthe United States, unless he shall produce to the mayor a certificate, that he has declared his intention to become such citizen. No person can receive a license, until within one year previous to the time, when he shall be entitled to such naturalization. § 3. Before a person can be licensed as a tavern keeper, he shall give a bond, not to permit gambling, quarrelling, or any immoral act to be done on his premises ; which license is not assignable. Before any grocer shall receive a license, he shall give a bond of one hundred dollars, that he will not suffer any gaming to be allowed on his premises, and that he will not sell any spirituous liquor to any minor, apprentice, or servant, un­ lawfully, nor permit any noisy or riotous persons on his premi­ ses. Surh license cannot be assigned to any other person. 6 4. Bonds to be approved, and filed. § 5. The mayor shall exercise his discretion to whom, and the number of licenses which shall be given to tavern keepers or grocers, and satisfactory evidence is to be given to him ofthe character of the applicants. § 6. When the conditions of the bond are violated, the mayor •hall prosecute the same, and the penalty recovered for the use of the poor. § 7. When judgment has been obtained against the offender, the mayor and two aldermen may take away the license. § 8. It is lawful for the excise officer to receive twenty-fire cents as fees, for executing a bond. § 9. The high constables are required to report, on or before the third Monday in May, all taverns, groceries, &c, within the city. § 10. Any grocer selling spirituous liquors without such li­ cense, may be fined five dollars for first offence, second offence twenty dollars, and twenty-five dollars for subsequent offenees, Tavern keepers offending, shall be fined twenty-five dollars for each offence. & 11. Every person licensed to sell spirituous liquors is re­ quired within twenty days after such license, to provide himself with a sign, on which is to be painted his name and occupation, under the penalty of two dollars, and one dollar for each day's neglect. § 12. The excise officer must furnish the police justice with the names of all persons having licenses. Also once in three months, he must furnish the common council with the names of all persons to whom licenses have been granted, with the names of the sureties. It is the duty of the excise officer to enquire into all violations of this law. 3* 30 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Of the Ferry.—Art. 1. Sec. 2. The rates of ferriage across the , between the city of Albany and Greenbush, shall be as follow, to wit:—For every foot passenger, two cents. For every horse, mare, gelding, or mule, four cents. For every head of horned cattle, four cents. For every calf, sheep, lamb, or swine, one cent; and if over twenty sheep or lambs, belong­ ing to any one person, at the same time, half a cent for each sheep or lamb over twenty. For every cart or waggon, with two horses, mules, or oxen, coming to the city, loaded with wood, not exceeding half a cord and returning empty, six and one quarter cents; and over half a cord, twelve and a halTcents. For every other waggon or cart, with two hor3es, mules, or ox­ en, coming to, or going from the city, nine cents ; and for eve­ ry additional horse, mule, or ox, four cents. For every cart and horse, and every one horse waggon and horse, six and one quarter cents ; and for every additional horse, four cents ; and every man and horse, six and one quarter cents. For every coach or coachee with two horses, twelve and a half cents ; for each pleasuie two horse carriage, with steel springs and leather or cloth top, with two horses, twelve and a half cents ; for each pleasure one hoise carriage, with steel springs, and leather or cloth top, and one horse, six and one quarter cents; every addi­ tional horse, four cents. For each chaise, chair, sulkey, or gig, with one horse, six and one qnarter cents; every additional horse, four cents. Fcr every chest or trunk, two cents. For every full barrel, three cents ; and every empty barrel, one cent. For every one hundred pounds of iron, &c, three cents. For every public stage, with two or four horses, driver, passengers, and baggage, twenty-five cents. For every person in any cart, waggon, or carriage, not belonging thereto, two cents. For eve­ ry cart or waggon containing eight hundred brick, twelve and a half cents; and for every additional one hundred brick, nine cents. The ferry committee may commute for the yearly ferriage for crossing at said ferry, at the following rates: For a season ticket for a family, not exceeding six persons, six dollars ; and for a season ticket for a single person, one dollar and fifty cents ; and for persons statedly comirg to the city, with vegetables and milk, twenty-five dollars. When a rate is herein above specified for a cart, waggon, car­ riage, gig, sulkey, &c., no additional charge is to be made for driver, passengers, baggage, or loading belonging thereto, or conveyed therein. Sec. 3. Ferriage performed between one hour after sunset and day-break, (stages mentioned excepted,) may be charged double rates. In all disputes, the ferry committee are to deter­ mine the intent of the law. Sec. 4. No vehicle is to have a greater load than thirty hundred weight, unless by the payment of double the usual (ate. Sec. 5. The ferry committee have HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 31 power to commute with any person for yearly ferriage, provided such commutation is not less than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 6. It is the duty of the superintendent to keep the steam, or horse- boat constantly plying across the Hudson river, when required, from sun-rise to S o'clock in the evening, and the horse-boat, if required, during the night. If required, the small boat shall ply day and night, for the conveyance of passengers. Sec. 7. Mail stages, their passengers, Sfc, or persons carrying the mail, whether by day or night, shall at all times have a preference over other persons ; and the superintendent is subject to a fine of five dollars for every unnecessary delay, payable to the per­ son complaining. All unnecessary delays subject the superin­ tendent to a fine of five dollars, together with damages. Ten minutes by day, and twenty minutes by night, constitutes un­ reasonable delay, and a refusal, unless by stress of weather, the boats being out of order, or when carriages or cattle, require si longer delay, shall constitute grounds of complaint, and the chamberlain is required to prosecute the superintendent, and re­ port the same to the common council. Sec. 8. The ferriage on either side of the river, shall, if requested, be paid at the ferry house on either side, and the superintendent is not compelled to convey any person, or thing, until such ferriage is paid, and any person refusing to pay, shall forfeit five dollars, in addition to such ferriage. Sec. 9. No person receiving ferriage, can re­ ceive a greater sum than is authorized, under the penalty of five dollars. Sec. 10. Any person carrying passengeis, or things, across the ferry for hire, shall pay five dollars for each offence. Sec. 11. The superintendent to take an oath, faithfully to dis­ charge the duties, &c. Sec. 12, Superintendent to pay over monies once a week, and report all damages,' &c. Sec IS, Any person wilfully injuring property, to pay twenty-five dollars. Sec. 14, Penalties recovered against the superintendent, in con­ sequence of the mal-conduct of those connected with the ferry, may be deducted from their wages. Sec. 15, The superinten­ dent is required to put up copies of the law, at suitable and con­ spicuous places. Of the Prevention of Fires—Sec. 1. No pipe of any stove or Franklin, shall be put up, unless conducted in a chimney made of brick or stone, unless permitted by the mayor or alder­ men, under a penalty of one dollar and twenty-five cents, and one dollar for every 24 hours thereafter. Sec. 2. No hay, or other combustible, is to be deposited within fifteen feet where fire or ashes are kept, under penalty of one dollar and twenty- five cents, and i(,npt removed on notice, the expense of remo­ val to be recovered in action of debt. Sec. S. No-lighted candle to be used in stables, &c, unless properly secured, under pe­ nalty of one dollar. Sec. 4, Straw, shavings, &c, not to be burned in any street or lane, under penalty of one dollar. Sec. 32 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

5. Carpenters, and others, to remove all combustible matter, three times in a week, under penalty of two dollars for every neglect. Lights to be placed in suitable candle-sticks, Sec. 6. Carpenters, and others, not to throw combustible matter in streets or alleys, under penalty of two dollars and fifty cents. Sec, 7. Unslacked lime not to be deposited in the city without permission. Sec. 8. The. mayor, recorder, or aldermen, may direct all vessels, having combustible matter on board, to lie in the sream, at such distance from the wharf, as they may think proper; and any person refusing to obey such orders, shall pay a fine of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 9. Every store, or building, to have a scuttle, and a suitable stairway or ladder leading to the same, under penalty of twenty-five dollars, and a further penalty of five dollars for every ten days' neglect. Sec. 10, No person shall fire any squib, gun, or other thing, in any part of the city, east of the west side of Knox-street, under penalty of two dol- lsrs and fifty cents. Permission may be given to fire cannon. Sec. 11, Chimneys erected, except for stove pipe, must be cal­ culated to admit a chimney sweep. Sec. 12, Chimney sweeps must be licensed, and attend to their duties when required, un­ der the penalty of seventy-five cents for each neg.'ecl. Their compensation to be, for every chimney of one story high, and not more than one and a half, twelve and a half cents ; from two to two and a half stories, nineteen cents ; for three stories, twenty-five cents ; chimneys more than three stories, thirty-one cents. Exacting other sums, subjects the offender to a penalty of two dollars. Sec. 13. The insoector to examine his ward once in two weeks ; to abate any danger, and report the same to common council; to direct foul chimneys to be swept, at the expense of the occupant. Chimneys taking fire, imposes a fine of two dollars and fifty cents, on the occupant, unless by per­ mission of an alderman. Of Extinguishing Fires.—Seel. Engineer and two assist­ ants appointed. Sec, 2, Engine companies to recommend per-, sons to fill vacancies, and no person to be appointed under 18 years of age. Sec. 6. Fire companies to be under the control of a captain, and two assistants. Sec. 8. Persons having charge of engines, not to allow the same to be used for any other purpose than is specified by law, under penalty of twenty- five dollars. Sec. 9. Firemen must attend certain meetings of company, under penalty of fifty cents. Sec. JO. Firemen neglecting or refusing to attend fires, or do duty, without good excuse, to be fined not less than two nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 11. The sextons of churches, having bells, to be constitut­ ed firemen. Sec. 14. Axemen are empowered under the direc­ tion of the mayor, &c, to cut down and remove buildings, &c. Sec. IB. Neglect of duty on their part, to subject them to a fine of two dollars and fifty conts. Sec. 17, Suitable persons are to- HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 33 be appointed with hooks and ladders. Absentees at a fire pay a fine of two dollars and fifty cents. Sec. 21. All persons at­ tending fire, are subject to the ordeis ofthe magistrates, under the penalty of five dollars. Sec. 22. Citizens are required to assist in drawing the engines, or other machines, to a fire when required. Sec. 23. That part of the watch not detailed for du­ ty, shall watch the property in danger, and the authorities may employ other discreet persons for the same purpose. Sec. 25. At fires, the mayor and aldermen are distinguished by a white sash over the right shoulder. Sec. 26. Any person injuring any engine or other fire apparatus, or destroying any hydrant, or wasting any water, unlawfully, may he fined or imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 27. Firemen engaged in liot- ous or disorderly conduct, may be fined twenty-five dollars, and be removed. Of the Sale of Fish.—Sec. 1. Fresh fish (shell fish excepted) cannot be cleaned or dressed within any of the slips, or within the basin, upon any dock or wharf, street or lane, avenue, or vacant lot in the city, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence. Sec. 2. No sturgeon, shad, &c, can be exposed for sale at any other place, than the north and south markets, and at the liver south of Ferry-street, except at four stands to be designated by the market committee. Sec. 3. The market committee have power to prevent the sale of fish at such places, when deemed expedient. Sec. 4. No sturgeon is to be offered at such places, unless properly skinned, under the penalty of five dollars. Sec. 5, No person, except fishermen, or those who have purchased at the fishing giounds, can sell any fresh fish, between the first day of April and the first day of Decem­ ber, under penalty of five dollars. The burden of proof is to rest on the defendant. Salt water fish are excepted.

Of Hackney Coaches.—Sec. 1. Citizens ofthe United States who have resided in the city for six months, may be licensed, on the payment of one dollar. Their carriages are to be num­ bered, and their licenses to be renewed each year, under penal­ ty of ten dollars. Sec. 2. The police justice is authorized to regulate the stands for carriages, and any refusal to comply, im­ poses a fine of five dollars on the offender, Sec. 3. The prices which may be charged by the owners or drivers of hackney coaches or carriages, are as follow : for conveying a passenger for any distanee within the paved streets, and not exceeding one mile, twenty-five cents ; for conveying one passenger any distance within the paved streets, over one mile and not ex­ ceeding two miles, fifty cents, and for every additional passen­ ger, twenty-five cents ; for conveying a passenger over two miles, and not exceeding three miles, seventy-five cents, and for every additional passenger, fifty cents ; for conveying a pas» 34 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. senger from any part ofthe paved streets to the alms-house and back, with the privilege of detaining the carriage one hour while there, one dollar and twenty-five cents, and for every additional passenger, fifty cents; for attending a funeral from any part of the city east of Robin-street, to the public burying grounds, two dollars ; the owner or driver of every hackney coach or car­ riage, shall be allowed for every hour the san.e may be detained, excepting as aforesaid, one dollar for the first hour, and for eve­ ry additional hour, seventy-five cents, or the passenger or pas­ sengers may have the privilege of keeping the carriage all day, between the hours of eight in the morning and six in the even­ ing, for five dollars ; such owner or driver shall also be allowed to charge for every one hundred and twenty-eight pounds of baggage, at the rate as for a passenger. Sec. 4. The penalty of ten dollars shall be imposed upon the owner or driver of any hackney coach or carriage, who shall, refuse or neglect to con­ vey any person or persons to any place within the north and south bounds of the city, and extending from the river three miles west, upon being applied to for that purpose ; or, charge any additional sum for going from the stands to take up a pas­ senger or passeugers, excepting that the distance from the stands shall be considered as part of the distance for which he shall be entitled to the regular fare ; or, demand or re­ ceive any greater prices or rates than those herein established; or, neglect or refuse to place upon his coach or carriage, a card containing the number of the license, the name of the owner, and the rates of fare, printed in legible characters. Ofthe Sale of Hay.—Sec. 1. The hay scale erected near the centre market, or any other authorized by law, are the only scales to be used. Hay weighed at any other places, renders the certificate null and void, and imposes a penalty of two dol­ lars for each offence. Sec. 2. The hay scales to be rented an­ nually to the highest bidder. Sec. 4. lt is lawful for the lessee to weigh other articles. Sec. 5. The fees for weighing every sled, cart, or waggon is twenty-five cents, to be divided be­ tween the parties interested. Sec. 6. Miscellaneous weight is to be charged, if one ton or under, twenty cents, above one ton ten cents, and for articles not in a waggon, cart or sled, at the rate of twenty cents per ton. Sec. 7. The weigh master is re­ quired to be in attendance from sun-rise to sun-set. The weigh master is required to give a certificate of weight, setting forth the gross weight, day of the month, &c. Sec. 8. After the hay is unloaded, the weigh master shall re-weigh the wag­ gon, &c, and ascertain the net weight, and insert under the gross weight, the tare, and deduct the same. Sec. 9. The seller of hay upon the request of the purchaser, must have tbe tare ascertained the same day, under a penalty of two dollars. Sec. 10. The weigh master is entitled to receive twelve cents for HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 35 weighing the cart or waggon, in addition to the other fee, and if requested, shall mark the same with a marking iron. Sec. 11. The weigh master may require his fees before the articles shall be removed, and if he shall neglect his duty, or demean him­ self partially, he shall pay ten dollars for each offence. Sec. 12. Hay above 300 weight, cannot bs sold unless we'ghed ; but cartmen or others, may purchase such quantity without such weight. Sec. 13. All improper substances added, so as to in­ crease the weight, subjects the offender to five dollars fine. Sec. 24. Any alteration made to the weigh master's certificate, is five dollais penalty. Sec. 15. No weigh note to continue in force longer than one day. Sec. 16. All unmerchantable hay shall be endorsed as such, by the weigh master, and his opinion given of the number of pounds to be deducted ; a false endorse­ ment punishable with five dollars. Sec. 17. The weigh master shall make due entries of all hay weighed, which shall be open to inspection, and make leturns to the common council. Sec. 18. No hay shall stand in the street, in other places than is pre­ scribed by law, under the penalty of one dollar. Of the Board of Health.—Sec 1, The common council shall annually appoint a board of health. Sec. 2. The board are to inquire into all nuisances, and order their removal; refusal or neglect to comply incurs a penalty of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 3. The board to have power to open the lazaretto for the sick, and to provide for their comfort, at the public expense. Sec. 4. The board have power to remove persons or things tainted or in­ fected, and enforce at proper times obedience to their orders, and a refusal of compliance incuts a penalty of twenty-five dol­ lars. Sec. 4. Keepers of public houses, and all physicians, are required, in times of pestilence, to report the names and resi­ dence of the sick, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars. j3ec. 6. The board may authorize a person to search the premises, in all matters connected with the public health. It is made the duty of the city superintendent to report to the board, all nui­ sances, from time to time. Sec. 7. The board may direct all stagnant wateis to be removed, at the expense of the owners of lots, fcc. Sec. 8. The board may prohibit the erection of such vats as they may deem necessary, for the preservation of health. No hides are to remain in the city twenty-four hours, east of a line to be drawn on the west side of Eagle-street, and extend­ ing from the north to the south bounds of the city. Sec. 9. Persons occupying any street, lane, or alley, are forbid from opening oysters or clams, or for exposing for sale, any fish or provisions, without permission, under a penalty of one dollar for each day offending. Sec. 10. Persons not to inter a corpse within the city, unless the grave shall be six feet deep. Sec. 11. Every butcher to destroy or remove the offals or gaibage of his slaughter house, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars. 36 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Sec. 13. The city superintendent, ant! other public officers, are empowered to destroy all putrid or unwholsome matter, and any person causing hindrance, shall pay a fine of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 14. Privies cannot be cleaned, except between the hours of 11 at night and 3 in the morning, from the lst day May to the lst day of October, and such excrements must not be cast in any dock, slip, street, or lane, or any public place. Sec. 15. The street commissioner is empowered to examine all premises during the day-time, and report and abate all causes of public nuisance.

Of the Public Lamps.—Sec. 1. Fit and suitable persons to be appointed as lamplighters. Sec. 2. Lamps to be lit at the discretion of the committee, every night between the third night after and the fifth night before each full moon. Lamps may' be lit other nights, if deemed expedient. Every lamp neglected, subjects the lamp-lighter to a fine of fifty cents. Sec. 3. Lamp­ lighters to keep the lamps clean ; all damages arriving from neg­ lect, to be deducted from wages. Sec. 5. Persons injuring lamps, or posts, to pay a fine of five dollars, and repair the same. Sec. 6. Persons erecting lamps, may have them lit by paying, in advance, the expense of lighting.

Of the Public Markets.—Art. 1. Sec. 3. Besides the regular markets, but six out-stalls are licensed. Any person keeping other stall, to pay twenty-five dollars penalty. Art. 3. Sec. 2 Butchers to be licensed, under the penalty of twelve dollars and fifty cents. Persons selling meat less than a qua' ter, to be con­ sidered butchers, snd subject to a penalty. Licenses not tssign- able. Sec. 3. Butchers to furnish their stalls with good and wholsome meat; neglecting to do so for six successive days, subjects them to a penalty of two dollars and fifty cents. Not allowed to sell meat at any other stall. Sec. 4. Butchers sel­ ling unwholsome meat, forfeit five dollars. Sec. 5. Any person hy himself, agent, or servant, that maj be guilty of forestalling anybutter, cheese, poultry, eggs, or fish, shall pay a fine of two dollars. Butchers buying any fresh meat of a farmer, to re-sell at an advanced price, shall pay two dollars, and be deprived of their license. Mutton or lamb cannot be sold, unless the leg below the knee joint be cut off. Sec. 7. Butcheis are liable for the acts of their agents or servants. Sec. 8. Meats sold, must be weighed by sealed weights, or a pondrometer, under the pe­ nalty of two dollars. Sec. 10. Butchers and victuallers to keep their cellars iB a clean state, and superintendent to have access at all times. Art- 4. Sec. 1. The country maiket to be exclu­ sively appropriated for the uses intended. Sec. 2. To be open half an hour before sun-rise, until three o'clock in the afternoon, except Saturday, when it shall be kept open until ten o'clock in the evening. Sec. 5. No meats less than a quarter to be cut up HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 37 in said market, under the penalty of one dollar. No licensed butcher to be connected in any way with the said market. Art. 6. Sec. 1. No butcher or other person, except farmers, can sell in the streets any meats (except venison, pork in the hog, wild game, poultry, or dried and smoked provisions,) under- the penalty of five dollars. Sec. 2. No slaughter house can be built within one mile west of the City-Hall, or within the bounds of the city, north, Bouth or east thereof, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each animal butchered. Sec. 3.-All garden vegetables offered forsale before ten in the morning, must be at the public markets or out- stalls, under the penalty of one dollar. Where there is no stall, vegetables may be sold from the wagon. Sec. 4. No vegetable wagon can stand in any street for a longer time than twenty minutes. Of Nuisances and the good government ofthe City.—Art. 1. Sec. 1. No servile work shall be done on Sunday, (works of piety, charity, and necessity excepted,) in the selling of goods, or mer­ chandize; but fish may be sold until nine o'clock in the morning, and milk until the same time, and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Sec. 2. Noise or improper diversion in the streets, subjects the offender to a fine of five dollars. Sec. 3. Any person driving im­ moderately through the streets, or suffers his horse to run at large, or suffer his horse to stand without being lied, may be fined two dollars. Sec. 4. Emptying Btraw beds, ashes, or other substan­ ces, on any street or vacant lot, subjects the offender to two dol­ lars fine. Sec. 5. Physicians cannot innoculate for small pox, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars; and no person can per­ mit his wife or other person to be so innoculated under the penalty oi ten dollars. Sec. 6. Persons vending goods by dice, billiards, or other game, or setting up the same to be raffled for, or permit­ ting any minor or servant to play at any unlawful game, whether for hire or nof, shall in eithercase pay ten dollars; and if a tavern keeper fifteen dollars. And any alderman may enter and destroy or remove such devices for gaming. Sec. 7. No alley for playing ten pins allowed after 9 o'clock in the evening, under the penalty of five dollars. No apprentice or minor to be allowed to play un­ der the penalty of five dollars. Sec. 9. No person allowed to have any garbage, or unwholesome matter, on any bridge, or other unlawful place. Aldermen may order lots to be filled up, or drained; persons having power to appeal. Sec. 10. Persons digging or taking away sand or earth from the streets or lanes, unlawfully, shall pay one dollar for every offence. See. 11. Ring­ ing or tolling bells after sundown, or before sunrise, or tolling any bell at a funeral, subjects the offender to a fine of ten dollars. Penalty does not apply at public festivals, or tolling for divine service. Sec. 12. Persons cannot bathe near the wharves or shore ofthe city, between the hours of 6 in the morning and 8 in the evening, under the penalty of one dollar. Sec. 13. No persons are allowed to water horses or cattle at the public pumps, under D 38

the penalty of'two dollars. Sec. 14. Persons in the employ of taverns, steamboats, &c. are not allowed to solicit or engage any person in any public place, to take passage or stop at any such particular place, in order to patronize such places, under the pen­ alty of twenty-five dollars each to the employer and employed. Upon conviction, the complainant shall be paid five dollars. Sec. 15. No bell shall be rung or instrument blown on board of any steam or canal boat on a Sunday, nor on any other day before sunrise in the morning, or after ten at night, under the penalty of five dol­ lars. Sec. 16. No person shall wash or clean any thing within the railing around the pump in State street, nor within ten feet of the outer edge, nor pile boxes, nor fasten horses to said railing, nnder penalty of five dollars for each offence. Sec. 17. Persons wantonly injuring, defacing or besmearing any post, stoop, sign, fence or other thing, or aid or assist therein, forfeits five dollars. Sec. 18. All wilful injuries done to sloop lock or pier, ten dollars penalty. Sec. 19. Ringing of bells at auction are forbidden.— Sec. 20. Wood or other lumber may be exposed for sale in any part of State street, east of the line north and south across said street, from the west side of Middle Lune, nor south of the Man­ sion houses in North Market street. Clothing, dry-goods and tin ware must stand within the aforesaid limits, underalike penalty of one dollar for each offence. Sec. 21. Persons erecting posts in any street or on any side walk, shall have the consent of the mayor, &c. or pay one dollar fine. Sec. 22. Signs not to pro­ ject over the street or side walk above eighteen inches, under the penalty of five dollars, and one dollar and twenty-five cents for every five days thereafter. Gutters to be placed close to the house, and be conducted not less than three feet lrom the ground. Inn keepers and bakers in the fifth ward, and west of Eagle street are excepted. Sec. 23. Casks, wood, stone or other articles, may not incommode any street or side walk, under the penalty of one dollar. No person shall push any wheel-barrow or other thing on the side walks, or lead any horse on it under like penalty. Sec. 24. Persons must not place any plank or other lumber in the street, for building, for a longer term than twenty-four hours, un­ less by permission of the mayor, under penalty of five dol­ lars. Sec. 25. Carriages without horses must not stand in the street longer than one hour. Sec. 26. Persons are not to obstruct the side walks by the reins of a horse. Sec. 27. Hand sleds used for sliding, in any of the paved streets forbidden, under penalty of one dollar. Sec. 28. Buildings, the roofs of which are covered with tin, tile or Blate, must have good and sufficient railing, under tbe penalty of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 29. Defective weights or measures subjects the owner to five dollars penalty. Sec. 30. Kites may not fly in any paved street, under one dollar penalty. Sec. 31. Skins or hides may not be thrown out of any window or door, or suspended on any post or elsewhere, in any street, under a penalty. Sec. 32. Snow balls or ice may not be thrown in any 39 of the public streets. Sec. 33. Streets or other places belonging to the corporation, Bhall not be occupied by any person, under the penalty ot twenty-five dollars. Sec. 34. Potteries and other manufactories, when deemed unwholesome, are to be removed.— Sec. 35. Persons unlawfully altering any level or pitch, of any street, or altering any grade or mark, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars. Sec. 36. Skins are not to be washed in the basin or riv­ er, south of Lawrence street, nor between Hamilton and south Ferry street, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 37. Any person asking alms or soliciting subscriptions without per­ mission, forfeits from two to ten dollars. Sec. 38. Booths cannot be erected on any holy-day, for the sale of any article, under the penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 39. Swine not suffered to run at large in any paved or flagged street, under the penalty of one dollar. Sec. 40, The superintendent of the almshouse, may employ persons to take such swine to the public pound, and after detaining them six days, (no cleimant appearing) sell them at public auction. Sec. 41. When any minor or servant shall incur the penalty of any law, the parent or guardian is made liable.— Sec. 44. Circus riding and public shows are prohibited, unless permission is first obtainedof the common council, under the pen­ alty of one hundred dollars. Sec. 45. The public hydrants are not to be used except in certain cases.

Of Ot. j'kysicans.Art. 1. Sec 1. An almshouse physician is to be appointed, besides a physician to each ward. Sec. 2. The du­ ties of the almshouse physician are confined to the almshouse.— Sec. 3. The physician of each ward is to visit, prescribe for and administer medicine to all indigent persons who may require such aid. Persons not coming within the spirit of the law are to be reported, he is to recommend vaccine or kine-pock innocula- tion and report all infractors of the law. He is to give informa­ tion of the prevalence of disease which may exist in the city.— He is to report those legally chargeable to the city, and render his acconuts quarterly. Of Public Porters. Sec. 1. No person to follow the basiness of a public porter, unless licensed by the mayor, under penalty of five dollars. Sec. 2. Porters to have a badge plainly painted or printed. Sec. 3. The prices or rates to be taken by every public porter for every load shall be for carrying a load by hand, or upon any hand or wheel-barrow for any distance not exceeding half a mile, twelve and a half cents for each delivery. For any distance over half a mile, and not exceeding one mile, twenty-five cents, or in that proportion for any greater distance. Sec. 4. Every public porter shall have the prices or rates allowed by law to be taken for carrying every lead, painted on his hand or wheel-bar­ row, or shall have a card nailed thereon, on some conspicuous place, containing such prices or rates, under the penalty of two dollars for each ofience. Sec. 5. No public porter shall ask or 40 demand any greater rate or price for transporting any article or articles than is herein allowed, under the penalty of three dollars for every such offence. Sec. 6. No public porter shall neglect or refuse to transport any article or articles when required, unless he shall then be actually otherwise employed, or unless the distance he shall be required to go shall be more than one and a half miles, under the penalty of three dollars for each offence. Sec. 7. No public porter shall permit or suffer any other person to carry any article in his wheel or hand barrow, or to wear his badge, or to use his card of license, under the penalty of three doilors for every such offence. Sec. 8. Every persen applying for a porter's li­ cense, shall pay to the deputy excise officer, for the use of tho common council, the sum of fifty cents.

Of the Powder House.—Gun powder brought" into the city, to be deposited in the powder house, under the care of an over­ seer to be appointed. Sec. 2. The overseer is required to receive powder at any time, between nine in the morning and twelve at noon, and from two to five in the afternoon, and is made rcspon- sponsible for its safety, (the acts of God and unavoidable acci­ dents excepted,) and shall give receipts for the same, and speci­ fy numbers, &c. He shall have all powder under his charge well shaken or turned each month. He may charge as fees 33 cents for each barrel, 25 cents for half barrels, and 16 cents for cast. Sec. 4. Twenty-eight pounds of powder, if properly secured, may be kept in any store, but any person keeping any greater amount on his premises, over twelve hours, shall forfeit twenty- five dollars. Sec. 5. The mayor, or aldermen, may enter and search for all violations of this law. Of the Purchase of Grain or Produce.—Art. 1. Sec. 1. The fol­ lowing limits are hereby eslablisted, within which all kinds of grain, lumber, meat, poultry and country produce, and also eggs, butter and chesse shall be purchased, and not elsewhere, in the city, to wit: All that part of the city, bounded west by a line extending from the south to the north city line, in a range with the west side of Snipe street, and north, east and south by the city line. Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for any merchant, tra­ der, grocer or skipper, or any citizen or inhabitant of the city, nor for any person who shall resort to the city for the purpose of purchasing any of the articles before enumerated, to purchase or to contract, or agree for the purchase of any kind of grain, lum­ ber, meat, poultry, country produce or eggs, butter or cheese, coming to the city for sale, beyond the limits hereby established, nor to hire or employ any person or persons to make such pur­ chase, contract or agreement under the penalty of five dollars for each offence. Of Streets and Drains,—Art. 1. Seel. Streets and lanes 40 feet wide to have 10 feet side walk; 50 feet wide, 12 feet; 60 feet HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 41 wide, 14 feet; 70 feet wide, 16 feet; 80 feet wide and upwards, 20 feet. Sec. 2. Bow wirdows not to extend in the street above 12 inches; and no porch, stoop, &c. shall extend in the street more than one tenth part of the breadth of such streal, and in no case extend more than eight feet from any house or lot; and no canopy, portico, or other fixture, shallproject more than eighteen inches over any side walk, under the penalty of five dollars.— Awnings made ot cloth are excepted. Sec. 3. Awnings to be 7 feet elevation from the side walk, to be supported by a rail placed on posts, at the outer edge of the walk, which posts shall not be less than four nor more than eight inches in diameter. The penaity for a violation of the law to be three dollars, and five dol­ lars for every day thereafter. Sec. 4. Persons to repair street, in certain cases, when directed by the Superintendent. Sec. 6. Level to be established before any law for paving. Sec. 7. Eve­ ry occupant of any building or vacant lot to keep the snow or ice from his side walk, undet the penalty of two dollars for each of­ fence. Sec. 9. Persons are not to drive carriages of any kind, over any unfinished pavement, under the penalty of five dollars; and a rail being put up, is to be of sufficient notice. Sec. 10. No person is to take up any pavement, without authority under the forfeit of ten dollars. Sec. 11. Drains cannot be made by any person, except under certain restrictions. Sec, 15. Persons throwing any rubbish in any drain, forfeits from two to ten dol­ lars. Sec, 16. A Epace of 25 feet in width is to be kept open at the intersection of any street, for wagons, &c. under the penalty of one dollar. Sec. 17. Wagons, sleighs, &c. are to be so pla­ ced in State street, as to admit of a space not of less than 20 feet for passage on either side. Sec. 19. All cross-walks are to be kept free from carriages, &c. under the forfeit of two dollars. Sec. 21. Every area in front of a building shall be enclosed with a railing, the gate to open inwardly, under the penalty of 25 dol­ lars. Descents in cellars, shall be of no greater width than five feet, and properly guarded by railings, &c. under the penalty of 25 dollars.

Of the Gity Watch Art. 1. See. 1. Watchmen are authorised to enter any dwelling, store, grocery or other building, where any felon is harbored or secreted, or where persons have committed any breach of the peace, or where any felony or breach of the peace is about to be committed, or where any noise, alarm, out­ cry, or other disturbance shall be made, in like manner as consta­ bles or other peace officers are authorised by law, and not other­ wise, Of Weights and Measures.—Art. 1. Sec. 2. No weights or measures (apothecaries excepted) shall bo used for buying or sel. ling, unless they are duly stamped or marked; Inspector to ex­ amine once in six months, and prosecute all delinquents. The inspector may receive 15 cents fees for such inspection, and three D* 42 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. cents for every steelyard, in addition, and may have alien on such weights until the fees are paid. Sec. 3. The inspector guilty of any neglect of duty or malpractice, forfeits ten dollars, and any person having light weights which are not sealed forfeits ten dollars. The inspector is further entitled to receive one cent for every weight of twenty-eight pounds and upwards. Sec. 5. The inspector may correct any defects in weights and measures. Sec. 7. If any person shall refuse or neglect to produce any weight or measure on demand, he forfeits one dollar. Sec. 8. All milk, beer, ale, cider, vinegar to be sold by Winchester measure, only, that, is to say, after the rate of two hundred and eighty-two cubic inches to the gallon. Sec. 10. Dried fish, salt, charcoal, pit or sea coal, lime, all kinds of grain, iron, and all articles man­ ufactured of iron, are required to be weighed or measuradby one of the city weighers. Sec. 11. Weighers or measurers neglec­ ting their duty, forfeit twenty-five dollars, besides being liable for damage. Sec. 12. Any person, except those duly authorised, who shall weigh or measure, forfeits twenty-five dollars for every offence; and any person employing such person subjects himself to the same penalty. Sec. 14. The fees for weighing or meas­ uring are to be divided between the) buyer and seller. The fees demanded may be for every one hundred weight of iron, or arti­ cles manufactured from iron, two cents; for every hundred weight of fish, four cents; for every ton of pit or sea coal, twenty cents, and so in proportion; for every two bushels of charcoal, one cent; tor every bushel of lime, one cent; for every bushel of salt, one cent; for every bushel of sea or pit coal, half a cent. Sec. 15. Guagers are to ascertain the number of gallons'and part of gallons, any pipe, hogshead, barrel or cask shall contain, to mark on the same in a plain manner the contents of each cask, and the wantage, with the initials of his name. Sec- 16. Every cask containing more than fourteen gallons, which shall be brought in­ to the city and exposed for Bale by the original cask, shall be marked. Persons disposing of such cask not so gauged, forfeits five dollars for each cask. Malt liquor and cider is excepted, as is also casks inspected by a collector of the revenue of the Uni­ ted States. Sec. 17. It is lawful for guagers to receive for each hogshead or pipe, not exceeding ten at any one time, twenty-five cents; and any number exceeding ten, eighteen cents. For each barrel, half barrel, quarter cask, keg or other vessel, not exceeding ten at one time, eighteen cents, and over ten, twelve cents. Sec. 19. Guagers guilty of extortion or malpractice, shall forfeit ten dollars. Persons acting as guagers, not authorised, forfeits twen­ ty-five dollars.

Of the Sale of Wood and Coal.— Art- 1. Sec. 1. The fees for measuring wood shall be for any quantity, not exceeding ten cords, ten cents for each cord, and any greater quantity,six cents, which fees shall be divided between the buyer and seller. Persons HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 43

measuring wood not authorised, forfeits five dollars. Sec. 2. No firewood can be landed north of Ferry street nor south of Col­ umbia street, under the penalty of one dollar per cord, Sec. 4. No wood brought to this city by water communication,shall be sold otherwise than according to the following regulations, that is to say: The stanchions or rungs of each cart or sled, which shall be employed in the carrying of such wood, shall be four feet one and an half inches high'from the floor of the cart or sled, and no higher; and the breadth of such cart or Bled between the fore­ most stanchions or rungs, two feet nine inches, and no more; in which 'space between said stanchions or rungs, every cartman who shall cart any wood, shall stow as much wood, and as close together as it conveniently can be put, of four feet long, which shall constitute and be deemed by the inspector or measurer of wood, a load containing one third of a cord, and shall and may be bought and sold accordingly; nothing in this law contained, shall restrain the buyer or seller of wood from measuring the same by himself or themselves, without the aid or assistance of any other person; but in case any other person should be required to measure the same, such person shall exclusively be one of the measurers of wood. Sec. 5. No person or persons shall sell or buy any firewood brought to the city as aforesaid, contrary to the above regulations; and no cartman shall cart any firewood brought to the city as aforesaid, for sale, except in carts or sleds made and constructed as is by this law directed, and loaded as above directed, underthe penalty of two dollars and fifty cents for each offence. Sec. 7. No crooked wood shall bestowed in any cart or sled constructed in the manner directed, with any other wood, but the same shall be sold or disposed of separately; the measurer making due allowance for the loss sustained by such crooked wood; and if any cartman who shall sell firewood, shall put or suffer to be put into his cart, any such crooked wood as will prevent his cart from containing a full load between the stanchions or rungs thereof, shall for every load so carted, forfeit the sum of one dollar. Sec. 8. No measurer, cartman or wood- sawyer, or other perBon,for or on account of such measurer, cart­ man or wood sawyer or his family, shall purchase any firewood which shall be brought to this city for sale, except it be for the use of Buch measurer, cartman, wood sawyer or his family, underthe penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offence; except such mea­ surer, cartman or wood sawyer shall have received an order to purchase such wood, which it shall be incumbent on him to prove. Sec. 10. All anthracite coal which Bhall be Bold from any yard or other place in the city, shall be sold by weight, and the amount of coal shall be specified in a weigh note to be given by the seller to the purchaser; and for any and every deficiency in weight, the offender shall forfeit ten dollars; and no person shall sell such coal as aforesaid, without the said weigh note, under a penalty of two dollars. Sec. 11. No person shall sell any char- 44 coal in this city, unless the same is sold by measurment in wood­ en tubs or measures, made in a strong and substantial manner, to contain the quantity of one bushel or two bushels of charcoal, and which tub or measure shall be first examined and conspicu­ ously marked and sealed by the sealer of measures, according to law, with the mark of uCharcoal, one bushel," or "Charcoal, two bushels," as the case may be, together with the name of the seal­ er. Ofthe Pedling of Fruits and Cakes Art. 1. Seel. Minors not permitted to sell fruit or cakes in the streets, under the for­ feiture of five dollars. Adult persons must obtain the consent of the common council, ALPHABETICAL LIST Of all the TOWNS and Incorporated VILLAGES in the State of New-York, with the Counties in which they are situated, and the distances of each County-Town, from the Capital of the State—the City of Albany.

Towns. Counties. Bainbridge Chenango Adams Jefferson Baliston 33 Saratoga Addison Steuben Bangor Franklin Alabama Genesee Barker Broome Albany City Albany Barre Orleans Albion Orleans Barrington Yates Alden Erie Barton Tioga Alexander Genesee Batavia 256 Genesee Alexandria Jefferson Bath 242 Steuben Alfred Allegany Bedford 125 Westchester Allen do Beekman Dutchess Almond do Beekmantown Clinton Amboy Os wejro Belfast Allegany Amenia Dutchess Bellmont Franklin Amity Allegany Bennington Genesee Amherst Erie Benton Yates Amsterdam Montgomery Bergen Genesee Ancram Columbia Berkshire Tioga Andes Delaware Berlin Rensselaer Andover Allegany Berne Albany Angelica 285 do Bethany Genesee Annsville Oneida Bethel Sullivan Antwerp Jefferson Bethlehem Albany Arcadia Wayne Big Flats Chemung Argyle Washington Birdsall Allegany Arkwright Arrietta Chautaque Bleecker Montgomery Ashlord Hamilton Blenheim Schoharie Athens CattarauguB BloomingGroveOrange Athol Greene Bolivar Allegany Attica Warren Bolton Warren Genesee Bombay Franklin Auburn 170 Cayuga Boonville Oneida Augusta Oneida Erie Aurelius Cayuga Bovina Delaware Aurora Erie Boylston Oswego Austerlitz Columbia Bradford Steuben Avon Livingston Brandon Franklin 46 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties. Brasher St Lawrence Catskill 36 Greene Bridgewater Oneida Cayuta Tioga Brighton Monroe Cazenovia 130 Madison Bristol Ontario Centerville Allegany Broadalbin Montgomery Champion Jefferson Brookfield Madison Champlain Clinton Brookhaven Suffolk Charlestown Montgomery Brooklyn, City 156 Kings Charlotte Chautauque Broome Schoharie Charlton Saratoga Brownville Jefferson Chateaugay Franklin Brunswick Rensselaer Chatham Columbia Brutus Cayuga Chautauque 360Chautauque Buffalo City Burlington 296 Erie Chazy Clinton Burns Otsego Chemung Chemung Burton Allegany Chenango 148 Broome Bushwick Cattaraugus Cherry Creek Chautauque Busti Kings Cherry Valley Otsego Butler Chautauque Chester Warren Butternuts Wayne Chesterfield Essex Byron Otsego Chili Monroe Cairo Genesee China Genesee Caldwell Greene Cicero Onondaga Caledonia 65 Warren Cincinnatus Cortland Cambria Livingston Clarence Erie Cambridge^ Niagara Clarendon Orleans Camden Washington Clarkson Monroe Cameron Oneida Clarkstown 130Rockland Camillus Steuben Clarksville Allegany Campbell Onondaga Claverack Columbia Canaan Steuben Clay Onondaga Canadice Columbia Clayton Jefferson Canajoharie Ontario Clermont Columbia Canandaigua Montgomery Clifton Park Saratoga Candor 208 Ontario Clinton Dutchess Caneadea Tioga Clymer Chautauque Caniaseo Allegany Cobleskill Schoharie Canton Steuben Cochecton Sullivan Carlisle St Lawrence Coeymans Albany Caroline Schoharie Cohocton Steuben Carlton Tompkins Colchester Delaware Carmel Orleans Colesville Broome Carroll 108 Putnam Colden Erie Castile Chautauque Coldspring Cattaraugus Castleton Genesee Collins do Catharine Richmond Columbia Herkimer Catlin Chemung Columbus Chenango Cato Chemung Concord Erie Cayuga Conesus Livingston HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 47

Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties. Conesville Schoharie Eaton Madison Conkling Broome Eden Erie Connewango Cattaraugus Edinburgh Saratoga Conquest Cayuga Edmeston Otsego Constable Franklin Edwards St Lawrence Constantia Oswego Elba Genesee Copake Columbia Elbridge Onondaga Corinth Saratoga Elizabethtown 125 Essex Cornwall Orange Ellenburgh Clinton Cortland Westchester Ellery Chautauque Cartlandville Cortland Ellicott do Coventry Chenango Ellicottville 300Cattaraugus Covert Seneca Ellington Chautauque Covington Genesee Elhsburgh Jefferson Coxsackie Greene Elmira 210 Chemung | Crawford Orange Enfield Tompkins Crownpoint Essex Ephratah Montgomery Cuba Allegany Erin Tioga Danby Tompkins Erwin Steuben| Dansville Steuben Esopus Ulster Danube Herkimer Essex Essex Darien Genesee Evans Erie Davenport Delaware Exeter Otsego Day Saratoga Fabius Onondaga' Dayton Cattaraugus Fairfield Herkimer Decatur Otsego Fallsburgh Sullivan Deerfield Oneida Farmersville Cattaraugus Deerpark Orange Farmington Ontario Delhi 70 Delaware Fayette Seneca Denmark Lewis Fenner Madison De Kalb St Lawrence Fishkill Dutchess De Peyster do Flatbush Kings De Ruyter Madison Flatlands do De Witt Onondaga Fleming Cayuga] Diana Lewis Florence Oneida Dickinson Franklin Florida Montgomery Dix Chemung Floyd Oneida Dover Dutchess Forrestburgh Sullivan Dresden Washington Flushing Queens Dryden Tompkins Fort Ann Washington Duane Franklin Ft. Covington Franklin Duanesburgh Schenectady Fort Edward Washinton Durham Greene Fowler St Lawrence Eagle Allegany Frankfort Herkimer East BloomfieldOntario Fianklin Franklin Eastchester Westchester Franklin Delaware Easthampton Suffolk Franklinville Cattaraugus Easton Washington Freedom do 48 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

'Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties* Freetown Cortland Hamburgh Erie French Creek Chautauque Hamilton Madison Friendship Allegany Hammond St Lawrence Fulton Schoharie Hampden Delaware Gaines Orleans Hampton Washington Gainesville Genesee Hamptonburgh Orange Galen Wayne Hancock Delaware Gallatin Columbia Hannibal Oswego Gal way Saratoga Hanover Chautauque Gates 236 Monroe Harmony do Genesee Allegany Harpersfield Delaware Geneseo 238 Livingston Harrison Westchester Genoa Cayuga Harrisburgh Lewis Georgetown Madison Hartford Washington German Chenango Hartland Niagara German Flats Herkimer Hartwick Otsego Germantown Columbia Hastings Oswego Gerry Chautauque Havers traw Rockland Gerryville Genesee Hebron Washington Ghent Columbia. Hector Tompkins Glen Montgomery Hempsted 166 Queens Glenville Schenectady Henderson Jefferson Gorham Ontaria Henrietta Monroe Goshen 106 Orange Herkimer 77 Herkimer Gouverneur St Lawrence Hermon St Lawrence Grafton Rensselaer Hillsdale Columbia Granby Oswego Hinsdale Cattaraugus Granville Washington Holland Erie Gravesend Kings Homer 140 Cortland Great Valley Cattaraugus Hope Montgomery Greece Monroe Hopewell Ontario Greene Chenango Hopkinton St Lawrence Greenburgh Westchester Hornby Steuben Greenbush Rensselaer Hornellsville do Greenfield Saratoga Hosick Rensselaer Greenport Columbia Hounsfield Jefferson Greenville Greene Howard Steuben Greenwich Washington Hudson City 30 Columbia Greenwood Steuben Humphrey Cattaraugus Greig Lewis Hume Allegany Groton Tompkins Hunter Greene Grove Allegany Huntington Suffolk Groveland Livingston Hurley Ulster Guilderland Albany Huron Wayne Guilford Chenango Hyde Park Dutchess Hadley Saratoga Independence Allegany Hague Warren Ira Cayuga Hallmoon Saratoga Islip Suffolk HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 49

Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties. Italy Yates Little Falls Herkimer Ithaca 180 Tompkins Little Valley Cattaraugus Jackson Washington Livingston Columbia Jamaica Queens Livonia Livingston Jasper Steuben Locke Cayuga Java Genesee Lockport 299 Niagara Jay Essex Lodi Seneca Jefferson Schoharie Long-Lake Hamilton Jerusalem Yates Lorraine Jefferson Johnsburgh Warren Louisville St Lawrence Johnstown 40 Montgomery Lowville Lewis Junius 187 Seneca Lumberland Sullivan Keene Essex Luzerne Warren Kendall Orleans Lyme Jefferson Kent Putnam Lyons 205 Wayne Columbia Lyndon Cattaraugus Kinderhook Washington Onondaga Kingsbury 52 Ulster Lysander Wayne Kingston C5 Oneida Macedon Chenango Kirkland Albany Macdonough Cattaraugus Knox Delaware Machias Madison Kortright Onondaga Madison St Lawrence La Fayette Dutchess Madrid Franklin La Grange Montgomery Malone 220 Saratoga Lake Pleasant Erie Malta Sullivan Lancaster Mamakating Westchester Lansing Tompkins Mamaroneck Ontario Lansingburgh Rensselaer Manchester Herkimer Laurens Otsego Manheim Cattaraugus Lawrence St. Lawrence Mansfield Onondaga Lebanon Madison Manlius Cortland Ledyard Cayuga Marathon Ulster Lee Oneida Marbletown Onondaga Leicester Livingston Marcellus Oneida Lenox Madison Marcy Wayne Leon Cattaragus Marion Ulster Le Ray Jefferson Marlborough Oneida Le Roy Genesee Marshall 142 Lewis Lewis Essex Martinsburgh Otsego Lewiston Niagara Maryland Delaware Lexington Greene MasonviUe St Lawrence Leyden Lewie Massena Montgomery Liberty Sullivan Mayfield Monroe Lima Livingston Mendon Cayuga Lincklaen Chenango Mentz Delaware Lindley Steuben Oswego St. Lawrence Meredith Lisbon Mexico Schoharie Lisle Broome Genesee Herkimer Middleburgh Litchfield Middlebury E 50 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties. Middlefield Otsego Newstead Erie Middlesex Yates New-Scotland Albany Middletown Delaware Newton Queens Milan Dutchess New-Utrecht Kinga Milford Otsego New-Windsor Orange Milo 216 Yates New York Milton Saratoga City 149 New-York Mina Chautauque Niagara Niagara Minden Montgomery Nichols Tioga Minerva Essex Niles Cayuga Minisink Orange Niskayuna Schenectady Mohawk Montgomery Norfolk St Lawrence MooerB Clinton North Castle WestcheBter Moira Franklin Northfield Richmond Montgomery Orange Northampton Montgomery Monroe do Northeast Dutchess Moravia Cayuga North Hemp­ Morcau Saratoga stead Queens Morehouse Hamilton North Salem WestcheBter Moriah Essex Nortliu mber- Morristown St Lawrence land Saratoga Mount Hope Orange Norway Herkimer Mount Morris Livingston Norwich 100 Chenango Mt. Pleasant Westchester Nunda Allegany Murray Orleans Ogden Monroe Nanticoke Broome Ohio Herkimer Naples Ontario Olean Cattaraugus Napoli Cattaraugus Olive Ulster Nassau Rensselaer Oneonta Otsego Nelson Madison Onondaga 132 Onondaga Nevisink Sullivan Ontario Wayne New Albion Cattaraugus Oppenheim Montgomery Newark Tioga Orange Steuben New-Baltimore Greene Orangetown Rockland New-Berlin Chenango Orangeville Genesee Newburgh 95 Orange Orleans Jefferson Newcastle Westchester Orwell Oswego Newcomb Essex Ossian Allegany Newfane Niagara Oswegatchie212 St Lawrence Newfield Tompkins Oswego 163 Oswego New-Hartford Oneida Otego Otsego New-Haven Oswego Otisco Onondaga New-Hud6on Allegany Otsego 64 Otsego New-Lebanon Columbia Otselic Chenango New-Lisbon Otsego Otto Cattaraugus New-Paltz Ulster Ovid Seneca Newport Herkimer Owasco Cayuga New-Roche!le WestcheBter Owego Tioga HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 51

Toicns. Counties. Towns. Counties. Oxford Chenango Potsdam St Lawrence Oyster Bay Queens Potter Yates Painted Post Steuben Poughkeepsie 75 Dutchess Palatine Montgomery Poundridge Wastchester Palermo Oswego Prattsburgh Steuben Palmyra Wayne Praltsville Green Pafnelia Jefferson Preble Cortland Paris Oneida Preston Chenango Parish Oswego Princeton Schenectady Parishville St Lawrence Providence Saratoga Parma Monroe Pulteney Steuben Patterson Putnam Putnam Washington Pawlings Dutchess Queensbury Warren Pelfiam Westchester Ramapo Rockland Pembroke Genesee Randolph Cattaraugus Steuben Pendleton Niagara Reading Oswego Penfield Monroe Red field Perrington do Redhook Dutchess Oneida Perry Genesee Remsen ) Albany Perrysburgh Cattaraugus Rensselaerville Dutchess Persia Cattaraugus Rhinebeck Otsego Peru Clinton Richfield Tioga. Petersburgh Rensselaer Richford Oswego Piiar*alia Chenango Richland Ontario Phcys Ontario Richmond Orleans Phil.Jelphia Jefferson Ridge way Monroe Philipstown Putnam Riga Chautauque Pierpoint St Lawrence Ripley Suffolk Pike Allegany Riverhead 234 236 Monroe Pinckney Lewis Rochester City Ulster Pine Plains Dutchess Rochester Sullivan Pitcairn St Lawrence Rockland Jefferson Pitcher Chenango Rodman Oneida Pittsfield Otsego Rome Seneca Pittsford Monroe Romulus Montgomery Pittstown Rensselaer Root Wayne Plainfield Gtsego Rose St Lawrence Plattekill Ulster Rossie Schenectady Plattsburgh 170Clinton Rotterdam Delaware Pleasant ValleyDutehess Roxbury Niagara Plymouth Chenango Royalton Monroe Poland Chautauque Rush Allegany Pomfret Chautauque Rushford St Lawrence Pompey Onondaga Russel Herkimer Portage Allegany Russia Jefferson Porter Niagara Rutland Westchester Portland Chautauque Rye Washington Portvilla Cattaraugus Salem 46 52 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

' Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties- Salina Onondaga Southampton Suffolk Salisbury Herkimer Southeast Putnam Sand Lake Rensselaer Southfield Richmond Sandy Creek Oswego Southold Suffolk Sanford Broome Southport Chemung Sangersfield Oneida South Salem Westchester Saranac Clinton Spafford Onondaga Saratoga Saratoga Sparta Livingston Sar. Springs do Spencer Tioga Sardina Erie Springfield Otsego Saugerties Ulster Springport Cayuga Savannah Wayne Springwater Livingston Schaticoke Rensselaer Stafford Genesee Scaradale Westchester Stamford Delaware Schenectady Stanford Dutchess City 15 Schenectady Starkey Yates Schodack Rensselaer Starks Herkimer Schoharie 37 Schoharie Sterling Cayuga Schroepel Oswego Steuben Oneida Schroon Essex Stephentown Rensselaer Schuyler Herkimer Stillwater Saratoga Scio Allegany Stockbridge Madison Scipio Stockholm Cayuga Stockport St Lawrence Scott Cortland Columbia Scnba Stockton Oswego Stratford Chautai;•: re Sempronius Cayuga Montgomery Seneca Stuyvesant Ontario Sullivan Col omnia Seneca Falls Seneca Madison Sennet Summer Hill Cayuga Summit Cayuga Shandaken Ulster Schoharie Sharon Sweden Schoharie Taghkanick Monroe Shawangunk Ulster Columbia Shelby Thompson 115 Orleans Ticonderoga Sullivan Sheldon Genesee Essex Shelter Island Tioga Suffolk TompkinB^ Tioga Sherburne Chenango Delaware Sheridan Tonawanda Cayuga Trenton Erie Sherman Chatauque Sidney Triangle Oneida Skeneatles Delaware Troupsburgh Broome Smithfield 157 Onondaga Troy City 6 Steuben Smith town Madison Truxton Rensselaer Smithville Suffolk Tully Cortland Smyrna Chenango Turin Onondaga Sodus do Tyre Lewis Solon Wayne Tyrone Seneca Somers Cortland Ulysses Steuben Somerset Westchester Unadilla Tompkins Niagara Otsego HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 53

Towns. Counties. Towns. Counties. Union Broome Western Oneida Union Vale Dutchess Weslfield Chautauque Urbana Steuben Westfield Richmond Utica City 98 Oneida Westford Otsego Van Buren Onondaga Westmoreland Oneida " Varick Seneca Westport Essex Venice Cayuga West Turin Lewis Vernon Oneida Westville Franklin Verona do Wethersfield Genesee Vestel Broome Wheatfield Niagara Veteran Chemung Wheatland Monroe Victor Ontario Wheeler Steuben Victory Cayuga White Creek Washington Vienna Oneida Whitehall 72 do Villenova Chautauque White Plains Weslches ter Virgil Cortland Whitestown Oneida Volney Oswego Willet Cortland Wales Erie Williamson Wayne Walkill Orange Willi;) metown Oswego Walton Delaware Willsborough Essex Walworth Wayne Wilmurt Herkimer Warren Herkimer Wilmington Essex Warrensburgh Warren Wilna Jefferson Warsaw Genesee Wilson Niagara Warwick Orange Wilton Saratoga Washington Dutchess Windham Greene Waterford Saratoga Winfield Herkimer Waterloo 202 Seneca Windsor Broome Watertown 174 Jefferson Wolcott Wayne Watervliet Albany Woodhull Steuben Watson Lewis Woodstock Ulster Warwarsing Ulster Worcester Otaego Orleans Wayne Steuben Yates Wells Westchester Montgomery Yonkers Livingston West-Almond Allegany York Cattaraugus WestBloomfieldOntano Yorkshire Westchester Westchester Westchester Yorktown Westerlo Albany INCORPORAT ED VILLAG Villages. Counties. Villages. Gountits. Albion Orleans Auroraville Erie Alexander Genesee Bainbridge Chenango Amsterdam Montgomery Baliston Spa Saratoga Angelica Allegany Batavia Genesee Athens Greene Bath Steuben Auburn Cayuga Bingham ton Broome 54 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. Villages, Counties. Villages. Counties. Bloomingburgh Sullivan Liverpool Onondaga Bridgewater Oneida Lockport Niagara Brockport Monroe Lyons Wayne Brownville Jefferson Madison Madison Camden Oneida Manlius Onondaga Canajoharie Montgomery Mayville Chautaque > Canandaigua Ontario Medina Orleans Canastota Madison Montgomery Orange Castleton Rensselaer Monticello Sullivan Catskill Greene Morrisville Madison Cazenovia Madison Mount-Morris Livingston Cherry Valley Otsego Nassau Rensselaer Clintonville Clinton New-Berlin Chenango Clarkville Madison Newburgh Orange Clyde Wayne Columbia Norwich Chenango Columbiaville Oswego Ogdensburg St Lawrence Constantia Otsego Os wego Oswego Cooperstown Delaware Ovid Seneca Delhi Madison Owego Tioga Deruyter Chemung Oxford Chenango Elmira Schoharie Palmyra Wayne Esperonce Chautauque Pulaski Oswego Fredonia Washington Peekskill Westchester Fort Ann Montgomery Penn-Yan Yates Fort Plain - Oswego Perrv Genesee Fulton Orleans Pitts'ford Monroe Gaines Onondaga Pittsburgh Clinton Geddea Livingston Pleasant ValleyDutchess Geneseo Ontario Poughkeepsie Dutches Geneva Orange Potsdam St Lawrence Goshen Rensselaer Rawsonville Montgomery Greenbush Madison Rhinebeck Dutchess Hamilton Chemung Rome Oneida Havana Herkimer Sacket's HarborJefferson Herkimer Salem Washington Homer Cortland Hoosick Falls Rensselaer Salina Onondaga Ithaca Tompkins Sandy Hill Washington Jamaica Queens Sara. Springs Saratoga Jamestown Chautauque Sawpit Westchester Johnstown Montgomery Schuyierville Saratoga Jordan Onondaga Seneca Falls Seneca Kingston Ulster Sherburne Chenango Lansingburgh Rensselaer Skanea teles Onondaga Laurens Otsego Sing-Sing Westchester Le Roy Genesee Smyrna Chenango Lewiston Niagara Springville Erie Little Falls Herkimer Stillwater Saratoga Sullivan Madison HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. 55

Villages- Counties. Villages. Counties. Syracuse Onondaga Waterloo Seneca Tompkinsville Richmond Water town Jefferson Trenton Oneida West Troy Albany Ulster Ulster Whitehall Washington Unadilla Otsego Weedsport Cayuga Union Village Washington Westfield Chautauque Vernon Oneida Whitesboro' Oneida Waterford Saratoga Williamsburgh Kings


TEUNIS VAN TECHTEN, Mayor. JAMES McKOWN, Recorder. ALDERMEN. First Ward—G. V. S. Bleecker, Charles S. Olmsted, William Barney, Nathan Kingsley. Second Ward—Ichabod L. Judson, Josiah Winants, William Davis, John F. Townsend. Third Ward—John W. Bay, John Davis, William Thorburn, Arnold Nelson. Fourth Ward—Henry A. Williams, Seth Jarvis, Stephen T. Thorn, Joel R. Dickerman. Fift/i Ward—Thomas McElroy, Andrew Kirk, Parker Sargent, Zabina Belknap. STANDING COMMITTEES. Magistrates—Recorder, Messrs. Olmsted, Judson, J. Davis, Wil­ liams, M'Elroy. Board of Health—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Bleecker, Bay, Wi­ nants, Jarvis. Law—Recorder, Messrs. .1. Davis, Winants, Kirk, Thorn. Trespass—Messrs. Townsend, Kingsley, Belknap. Flagging and Paving, S. D.—Messrs. Bleecker, Barney, Dick crrnan. Flagging and Paving, N. D.—Messrs. Winants, W. Davis, Sargent, Markets—Messrs. Olmsted, Judson, Thorn, Barney, Sargent. Land—Messrs. Kirk, Townsend, Judson, Dickerman, Kingsley. Engines—Messrs. Judson, Bay, Thorn. Accounts—Messrs. Thorn, Thorburn, Belknap. Night Watch—Messrs. Bay, Judson, Jarvis, W. Davis, Sargent. Levels—Messrs. McElroy, Winants, Thorn, Nclsnn, Belknap. Lamps—Messrs. Bleecker, Olmsted, Jarvis, W. Davis, Thorburn. Water and Pumps—Messrs. Jarvis, Nelson, Kingsley. Alms-Housc—Messrs. Judson, Bleecker, Townsend. Streets—Messrs. Williams, Winants, Kirk. Navigation—Recorder, Messrs. Williams, Olmsted, McElroy, Thorburn. Ferry—Messrs. Williams, Bleecker, ,T. Davis, Kirk, Bay. Academies and Schools—Messrs. W. Davis- Barnw. niebm-maq. 66 HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Applications to the Legislature—Messrs. Olmsted, McElroy, W. Davis. City-Hall—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Judson, Bay, Jarvis, Kirk. Finance—Messrs. J. Davis, Judson, Williams, McElroy, Thorburn. Clerk—George W. Weed. Sheriff—Michael Artcher. Police Justice—John O. Cole. Deputy Excise Officer—Sanford Cobb. Chamberlain—Sanford Cobb. Marshall—Charles Joy. Attorney—William Parmelee. City Surveyor—George W. Carpenter. Assistant do. —Charles R. Lyman. Superintendent N. D.—John McDowell. Superintendent S. C.—Ichabod Cunningham. Superintendent Aims-House—James Colvin. Superintendent Ferry—George Stanwix. Health Inspectors and Street Commissioners—lst Ward, Samuel Hawley ; 2d Ward, Gerrit G. Vandenburgh; 3d Ward, Geo. H. Ker- ker; 4th Ward, Charles M. Fowler; 5th Ward, S. N. Payn. Overseer of the Poor—Thomas Kirkpatrick. City Physicians—Abraham Groesbeek, assigned to the Aims- House; lst Ward, Francis A. Triesf, 2d Ward, P. C. Dorr; 3d Ward, J. M. Brown; 4th Ward, J. B. Rossman; 5th Ward, David Martin. • High Constables—William R. Coulson, Calvin Pierson. Inspector of Weights and Measures—James W. Jackson. Weighers of Fish and Iron, and Measurers of Salt and Grain —Samuel Vail, Harman Visscher, O. C. Gracie, Peicr Cure, Owen Warner, John Noble, Geo. Cuyler, JohnW. Chapman, Elijah Spen­ cer, Robert Hilson, John Patterson, Isaac Lansing, Wm. Proctor. Measurers of Wood—E. P. Pease, Hugh McCollum, Eliakim Ford, Uriah Sanders, Daniel Harris, Richard Rosier, jr., Dnvid Terry, James R. Bentley, Charles Cork. Keeper of the Powder-House—William McBride. City Gauger—Austin Spencer. Captains of the Watch—Philo Snow, Joseph Courtwright, and Gilbert Vandenburgh. Dock Master—Edward Brown. Superintendent of the Markets Halliday. Inspector of Bread—Henry A. Guardinier. Fence Viewers—James Colvin, Robert Lotridge, Zenas Cobb. Chimney Inspectors—lst Ward, Isaac Van Wie; 2d Ward, MerrittWitt; 3d Ward, D. McLeod; 4th Ward, John Ford; 5th Ward, Robert Lotridge. Supervisors—lst Ward, C. W. Bender; 2d Ward, HazaelKane; 3d Ward, Friend Humphrey; 4th Ward, Charles A. Keeler; 5th Ward, Giles Sanford. Collectors of Taxes—lst Ward, John Morgan; 2d Ward, Chas. Whitney; 3d Ward, A. F. Lansing; 4th Ward Joseph Minott; 5th Ward, S. V. A. Hilton. TO THE PATRONIZING PUBLIC.

The DIRECTORY of this year, it is believed, will be found as correct as any which have preceded it. The nature of a publication ofthe kind, forbids perfection; and it is only when the whole city has been carefully visited, that the compiler may be said to have done his duty. This has been done, and if correct information has been given, by the inmates of the re­ spective habitations, I shall be gratified, and those who pa­ tronize me, will have no cause of complaint. No person, unless he have the trial, can be aware of the difficulties at­ tendant on a publication of this kind ; and it is only by expe­ rience, added to unremitting care and industry, that a book of some 200 pages, gathered a line at a time from each habi­ tation, and such line embracing, in each case, an essential difference, that the compiler can expect to be more than itse- fully correct. The principal difficulty which presents itself, is the wrong information given at the door, on application, which in many instances cannot be guarded against. . Ser­ vants, many times, by bad pronunciation, give any thing but the right name ; while others, in some instances, who may be unacquainted with the christian name, or occupation will guess it out, rather than be at the trouble of going up or down stairs to make the enquiry. Names, besides, are very F 6S TO THE PATRONIZING FURLIC arbitrary ;*and perhaps there is nothing that creates more dissatisfaction, than for a man to have his name spelt wrong. He puts the compiler down for a blunderer, when, nine times out of ten, the fault is his own, or some one of his family. Thus—.Eames for Ames, Smyth for Smith, Gray for Grey, Johnston for Johnson, Green for Greene, Bensen for Benson, Goold for Gould, &tc. be. This difficulty might in a great measure be obviated, if at each ensuing year, the head of each family, of those of whom it might be expected, would make it a point on the first day of May, to write the name and occupation of each inmate plainly, and have it ready to hand to the collector of names, when called on. Besides insuring correctness, it would facilitate the work a week sooner. An­ other serious difficulty which exists, and which the Common Council will undoubtedly remedy, upon a representation, is the bad numbering of many of the streets. In some of our principal streets, numbers are alike, in others but an occa­ sional number can be found, while in many others, which are thickly inhabited have none at all. To say that Mr. Doe lives in a street with 500 inhabitants, is not a very particular direction. In addition to the usual miscellany, the reader will find, all the city ordinances, which have been lately revised, con- densed in such manner as to give a correct knowledge of them. The publication of these laws will not only familiarize the citizeppwith what he is to observe, but it will guard the man of business in the requirements made on him by those li­ censed, whom he may find it necessary to employ. TO THE PATRONIZING PUBLIC. 631

One word to the public in relation to myself. It is my in­ tention, if the business public will encourage me, to publish * Directory annually. Each successive year, while it gives me the experience of the past, will enable me to put forth a better one, and make such improvements, as may be adapted to the wants of those whose interest it is to patronize it. To carry out this view, however, it is necessary that I should have the undivided support of Directory-taking citizens. To make the Directory what it should be, it must have care, and not strife; and no man can do his duty to the public, or jus­ tice to himself, to be compelled to encounter competition. The consequence will be, if opposition is to be encouraged, rather than discountenanced, the publicly are likely to have a new publisher every year, and as a natural result, neither will be good for any thing. No man needs two directories, And a division of patronage must necessarily subject both publishers to loss. L. G. HOFFMAN. Albany, June 1, 1338. HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY, For 1838-9.

A. ABBEY, ELI, coachmaker, 51 Hudson Abbott, James, mason, 314 State continued Ableman, Christian, carpenter, Spring, above Hawk Ableman, John, laborer, Schenectady Turnpike Ableman, Christopher, 125 Franklin Abbernatty, Hugh, rear 138 s. Pearl Acker, Richard, fishmonger, 30 Union Ackerly, Samuel, 35 Orchard Ackerman, Gerrit, book-binder, 62 Franklin Adams, Allen, blacksmith's shop, 51 Patroon, h. 88 Orange Adams, Amos, Under Sheriff, office at Jail, h. 188 Washington Adams, Amos, painter, Hallenbake Adams, Christopher, builder, sh. Spring, w. of Hawk, h. 35 Swan Adams, George, 158 State Adams Nathaniel, marble pillar refectory, Basement story of Museum, h. 42 s. Pearl Adams, Widow of Joseph, confectioner, 91 Lydius Adams, Roland, 33 Water Adams, William, proprietor of Albany and New-York Line of Tow-Boats, office 66 Quay, h. 70 Hud­ son F* 66 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Adams, Luther, 34 Union Ades, Edward, clerk, 56 Church Adsit, Moses M., watch and clock repairer, 26 Fox ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, STATE HALL AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, Hamilton, w. of s. Pearl AFRICAN METHODIST CHURCH, State, rear of School District Building No. 2 Ager, William, Drayman, 15 John Aescheman, George, barber, 233 n. Market Agen, Dominick, laborer, 13 Lumber Ager, Clark C, stage agent, 9 Union Agnes, Widow, 88 s. Pearl « Aiken, James, Printer, Argus Office, h. 36 Herkimer Akin, E. C. flour store, 73 Quay, h. 69 Ferry Aikinlop, Daniel, rope-maker, 27 Van Woert Aikins, Widow Sarah, corner s. Pearl and Schuyler Ainsworth, Ira W., clerk, 19 Hamilton Ainsworth, Anson, grocer, cor. Division and Green Aisdell, Samuel, morocco dresser, 29 Herkimer ALBANY ACADEMY, Academy Park ALBANY ABGUS, 370 s. Market ALBANY BURGESSES CORPS ARMORY, 115 State, on- trance on Maiden Lane ALBANY DAILY ADVERTISER, n. Pearl ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL, 71 State ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY, 55 and 57 n. Pearl ALBANY FEMALE SEMINARY, 67 Division ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY, State ALBANY APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, 366 s. Market ALBANY LOCK HOSPITAL, 3* Norton ALBANY THEATRE, *. Pearl ALBANY POST-OFFICE, 318 & 320 n. Market ALBANY MINERAL SPRING, Ferry, near*. Pearl ALBANY ALMS HOUSE, S. of Lydius continued ALBANY TYPE FOUNDRY, 50 State ALBANY SAVINGS' BANK, at Commercial Bank ALBANY MUSEUM, cor. State and n. Market ALBANY NURSERY, Western Turnpike, 2 miles out of city ALBANY DIRECTORY. 67

ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE, Eagle, between Lancas­ ter and Jay Albee, Samuel, laborer, 22 Malcom jl Albert, Peter, laborer, 15 s. Lansing Alden, Albert G., Lydius, above Eagle Aldrich, Jacob, porter cellar, basement 24 s. Pearl Aldrich, Adam, fruit store, 488 s. Market Algie, Latham, 276 n. Market Allen, Benoni C, constable 4th ward, 66 Ferry Allen, Isaac W., hair-dresser, Military Hall Allen, John B., carpenter, 66 Green Allen, Otis, (Williams & Allen,) attorneys, &c, bds. at 11 Patroon Allen, Chloe, Widow of Nathan, 122 Water Allen, Thomas, laborer, 90 Schuyler Allen, John, carpenter, 9 Maiden Lane Allen, Chiron, 28 Lodge Allen, Dennis, carpenter, 32 Van Schaick Allen, Widow of Horace, 551 s. Market Allen, Henry A., teller N. Y. S.Bank, res.551 S. Market Allen, Jerry, brick-maker, rear 68 Lumber Allen, S., s. Branch Washington Allen, Cheron P., 31 Washington Allen, Widow Elizabeth, 18 Park Allen, Patrick, 69 Maiden Lane Alexander, John, 3 Malcolm Allison, Peter, carpenter, 4 Hallenbake Althouser, Andrew, 227 Washington Alvin, Robert, gardener, Lydius continued Alvord, Edmund, cabinet-maker, 99 State, h. 189 Alvout, G. S., agent for river and canal line Lake Boats, 66 Quay Alvord, Mary E., Widow, 30 Steuben AMERICAN HOTEL, 100 State Ames, Julius R., miniature painter, 41 s. Pearl Ames, John F, clerk Comptroller's office, res. 270 n. Market Ames, Mary, widow, rear 46 Patroon Amsdell, William, brewer, 14 Rose 68

Amsden, William, contractor, 136 Lydius Anderson, Margaret, 64 Montgomery Anderson, James, Skipper, 55 Church Anderson, Mary, dress maker, 55 Church Anderson, Jesse, laborer, Bassett Anderson, Daniel B., 26 William Anderson & Co.,. drapers, &c, 338 n. Market Anderson, James, bds. Congress Hall Anderson, Charles, confectioner, 563 s. Market Anderson, John, laborer, 7 First, Arbor Hill Anderson, John, gardener, 283 Washington *. Branch Andrews, John, laborer, 126 Franklin Andrews, Fairman, baker, res. Spring, near Lark, bakery 166 Washington Andrew, Thomas, 74 Arch Andrews, Marcus F., baker, 31 Orchard Andrew, Mary L., widow, 204 State Andrews, Joel, Hudson, w. of Eagle Andrews, Truman, printer, 29 Hamilton Andrews, Orrin, baker, 31 Orchard Andrews, Amos, messenger Senate chamber, bds. 71 Beaver Angus, Charles, printer and grocer, 31 Van Schaick Angus, James, fruit store, 139 n. Market Angus, Jacob F., moulder, 139 n. Market Angus, Nancy, 140 s. Pearl Annesley, William 45 Van Woert Annesley, Lawson, looking-glass warehouse, 311 » Market, h. 32 Steuben Annesley, William, ship-builder, 22 Quackenbush Anson, Levinus, steam-boat agent, Broad Antis, Jacob, shoe-maker, 571 s. Market Anthony, John, 13 Clinton Anthony, Widow, 81 Beaver Anthony, John, 35 Union Anthony, Jacob, (W. & A.) York House, s. Market Anthony, John, waiter, State continued Appleton, William, produce dealer, 72 Washington Appleton, William, rear"61 Lawrence 69

Arkels, Joseph, Jr., merchant, Lydius, near Lark Arkenburgh, Genet, widow, 50 Hamilton Arkenburgh, Robert H., segar maker, 50 Hamilton Arkens, John, cor. Rensselaer and Green Armer, Robert, mason, 21 First Arbor Hill Armer, David, 21 First Arbor Hill Armer, John B., brush maker, 2 Daniels Arms, Noadiah L., " at home," 110 Pier, h. 49 Green Arms, Nelson T., clock maker, 40 s. Pearl Arms & Mead, porter cellar, 35 State Armstrong, Robert, waiter, 11 Spring Armstrong, Adam, shoe-maker, 170 n. Market Armstrong, John, last-maker, 39 Bass Arnold, Seth, shoe-maker, 69 Beaver Arnold, Hiram, bds. Franklin House Arth, Philip, Musician, 2 Van Tromp Artcher, Michael, sheriff, office Jail, h. cor. High and Lancaster Artcher, John, brick-maker, 216 State Artcher, Edward, 65 Quay, h. 74 Eagle Artcher, Widow, res. High Artcher, James, victualling cellar, 30 Washington Artcher & Bennett, grocers and oil dealers, 65 Quay Ashton, Peter, (Mclntyre's Grove) opposite Alms House Ashley, Squire, grocery and provision store, corner Water and Lawrence ATHENEUM BUILDINGS, 337, 339 & 341 n. Market Atkins, Robert. Cherry, near Franklin Atkins, B. & Co., auction and commission merchants, 438 s. Market Atkins, H., painter, 48 Van Schaick Atkinson, Thomas, blacksmith, 52 n. Lansing ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, State Hall Austin, Abraham, laborer, rear 199 Washington Austin, Anthony H, stove, tin and sheet-iron ware­ house, 17 State, h. 61 s. Pearl Austin, J. J., clerk. A. & C. line, bds. 96 Beaver Austin, Jeremiah, skipper, 96 Beaver 70 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Austin, John, merchant, 92 State, bds. at 64 Wes­ terlo Austin, William, tin and sheet-iron worker, sh. Green, cor. Hudson, h. 64 Westerlo Auty, Alexander, 11 Rose Avaun, Thomas, laborer, Broad Avery, , 104 Beaver Ayer, Samuel, produce dealer, Cottage Hall, Westerlo continued Ayer, Robert, Grocer, 21 Park Ayerley, Patrick, laborer, 11 Spring It. BABCOCK, BENJAMIN, painter, 52 Union Babcock, Horace, 67 Hudson Babcock, Benjamin, Jr., tin and coppersmith, 52 Union Backus, Frederic R., iron and nail store, 8 State, h. 9 Montgomery Blakeman, , gardener, New Scotland Road Bacon, John F., clerk to Senate, office 75 State, res. Mrs. Lockwood's Bahn, John, laborer, 55 Fox Bailey, Enock, 32 Jay Bailey, Joseph, cartman, 18 John Bailey, Henry, furnace-man, 49 Second, Arbor Hill Bailey, Henry, currier, 46 Union Baker & Walker, general stage office, 402 s. Market Baker, Ellis, (B. & W.) 40 Lydius Baker, Solomon, printer, rear 41 Union Baker, David, rail-road driver, Lark, near State Baker, James, boatman, cor. Herkimer and s. Market Baker, John, constable, near South Rail-Road Baker, Sandford, grocer, 201 s. Pearl, res. 197 *-. Pearl Baker, John, coach maker, 46 Union Baldwin, Alvin F., 402 s. Market, bds. Franklin House HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 71

Baldwin, Sherman, shoe-maker, 21 Washington Baldwin, Mary, widow, 32 Hamilton Ball, J. M., coach lace weaver, 47 Liberty Ball, William H, musical instrument maker, 107 Beaver Ball, widow Mary, boarding house, 46 Beaver Ball, Jacob, mason, 38 Washington Ballantine, Peter, brewer, 14 s. Lansing Ballantine, , piano-forte maker, rear 64 Law­ rence Baltimore, James, 26 Pine Bancraft, T. F.

224 and 226 cor. s. Pearl and Schuyler Bancraft, Henry A., lumber dealer, 3 n. Ferry, h. 28 Banfill, Daniel, mason, 116 Second, Arbor Hill BANK OF ALBANY, State BANK, NEWYORK STATE, State BANK, COMMERCIAL, State BANK, CANAL, State BANK, MECHANICS' AND FARMERS,' n. Market, cor. Exchange BANK, CITY, State BAPTIST CHURCH, (first,) Green, between Hamilton and Division BAPTJST CHURCH, (2d) North Pearl Bannard, Ambrose, 81 Bass Bantam, John, cutler and whitesmith, 3 Fox, h.35 n Pearl Bantam, Somerlin, 20 Jackson Barbarack, Lewis, Nueella, cor. Clinton Bardwell & Emerson, dry goods merchants, 435 *. Market Bardwell, John A, bds. Hudson-st, Temperance House Bafkan, Nicholas, 103 Franklin '<2

Barker, Charles, brewer, res. 83 Lydius Barker, Michael, furrier, 166 n. Market Barker, Charles, Jr., fashionable hat store, 356s. Market Barker, Misses, 557 s. Market Barker & Pruyn, brewers, 9 Dean Barlow, William, keeper of Albion Hotel, cor. Herki­ mer and s. Market Barnard, Daniel D., attorney, &c, 1 Academy Park Barnard, F. J., lumber dealer, 159 Water, h. 176 n. Market Barnes, Marcus, bds. Franklin House Barnes, Martin, hostler, 42 Water Barnes, Samuel S., printer, 13 Fayette Barnett, Hiram, lumber merchant, 41 Liberty Barney, Widow Jarvis, Ilia. Pearl Barney, William, merchant and assistant alderman 'of lst ward, cor.Lydius and Lark, h. Lydius continued Barney, Thomas, laborer, 41 Arch Barney, George, agent northern transportation line, office 51 Pier Barnum, Samuel G., shoe-maker, 131 Lydius Barrett, William, gold beater, 5 Church, bds. 21 Hudson Barrett, Richard, paver, 50 Fox Barrett, Michael, 63 Fox Barrett, William, laborer, 93 First, Arbor Hill Barrett, John, shoe-maker, 64 Orange Barrows, Arad, clerk for Brown & Webster, bds. East­ ern Hotel Barry, John, pilot, 28 Union Barry, John, shoe-maker, 14 Van Zandt Barstow, Gamaliel H, treasurer of the State, office State Hall, res. Mrs. Lockwood's Bartholomew, Andw. 26 Maiden Lane, office 11 Hudson Bartley, James, carpenter, 49 Van Schaick Bartley, Miles, moulder, 117 Fox Bartley, William, laborer, 47 Fox Bartlett, Widow Mary, 109 Beaver Bartley, Patrick, laborer, 17 Lumber Barton Thomas, 8 Rose Alley HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 7ft

Barton, Joseph, shoe-maker, near Cassidy's Slaughter house Barton, Joseph, shoe-maker, 17 Lodge Batchelor, Thiell, res. 23 Fayette Batchelor, Galen, (J. Sherman & Co.) bds. Mrs. [Lock- wood's, Bateman, Thomas, morocco dresser, 40 Malcom Bateman, Edward, grocer, 68 Malcom ' Bateman, Richard, carpenter, 256 Washington Bates, Slawson, comb-maker, factory 53 Fayette, h. 59 Clinton Bates, Jeremiah H., cooper, shop 4 Swan and Van Woert, h. Elk, near Swan Bates, Hastings & Co., New-York and Michigan Line, foot of State Battel, Mellen, Albany dry dock, foundry and machine shop, cor. Water and Lumber, res. 100 Water Battersby, John, butcher, 253 s. Pearl Baxter, Horace, carpenter, 49 n. Lansing Bay, William, physician, office and h. 65 ». Pearl Bay, John W., physician, and alderman of 3d ward, office 293 n. Market, h. 295 Bay, John, Jr., druggist, res. 65 n. Pearl Bays, Simpson, malster, 417 State continued Bayeux and Lloyd, saddlers and harness makers, 430 g. Market Bayeux, Thomas, h. 17 Franklin Beal, James, laborer, Third, Arbor Hill Beals, Mrs. Sally, 44 Hamilton Beardsley, Samuel, Attorney General, res. Congress Hall Beardsley, Nelson, tobacco pedler, Spring, west of Hawk Beardsley, Leonard, clerk, 59 State Beardsley, William, mechanics' and farmers' into, 38 Hawk, cor State Beatson, David, marble factory, cor. s. Pearl and Hud­ son, h. 66 s. Lansing 74 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Beattie, Alexander W., cooper and culler of staves, 15 Bass Beattie, I. N., principal north Pearl street academy, res. 53 Green Beck, T. Romeyn, principal Albany Academy, res. *. wing of the Academy Becker, Abraham, laborer, 101 Washington Becker, Henry P., 58 Union Becker, Adam P., 16 Van Woert Bedell, Richard, victualler, Stall 5 Centre Market, h. 71 Knox Bedell, Elisha, 51 Church Beebe, Thomas T., carpenter, 22 Orange Beebe, William C, grocer, 86 Washington, res. 291 State Beebe, Henry, shoe-maker, 100 Washington Beecher, Theodore, 49 Washington Begley, James, rear 104 Water Beekman, Hannah, widow of Douw P., 56 Westerlo Beekman, J. S., at Douw Fonda's, 46 «. Pearl Beeler, Fenance, laborer, Clinton Beer, William, mason, 31 Water Beers, Benjamin, agent, res. Herkimer continued Belden, Seleck, shoe-maker, 30 Patroon Belew, Arthur, grocer, 1 Daniels, cor. Beaver, h. 3 Daniels Belew, John, cartman, Herkimer, near cor. s. Market Belknap, Zabina, dealer in coal, and assistant alderman 5th ward, office and yard, 84 Pier, res. 6 De- witt Belknap, Augustus, clerk, 54 Division Bell, Joseph, 16 Lancaster Bell, Charles, clerk, 50 Lydius Bell, James, teacher of penmanship, 74 Herkimer Bell, John, carpenter, rear 58 Washington •Bell, William, carpenter, Spring, above Hawk Bell, Joseph S., clerk post office, 26 Maiden Lane (Bell, James, broker, 74 Herkimer Bellettea, Anthony, rear of Malcom HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 75

Bellows, Roswell, 62 Howard Ben, Peter, white washer and cryer for lost children* 74 William Bender, Justus, grocer and boarding house, 567*. Mar­ ket Bender, Christopher W., merchant, store 70 *. Pearl, bds. 63 s. Pearl Bender, Matthew W., grocer, 124 State Bender, Martin, Patroon continued Bender, Wendell, M., merchant, cor. Lydius and Lark Benedict L. & Son, hardware merchants, 62 State Benedict, Lewis, h. 8 Capitol Park Benedict, Spencer S., res. 8 Capitol Park Benjamin, Francis, bds. Mrs. Fullers Benham, George, coach-maker, 15 Dallius Benn, Widow, tailoress, 46 Orange Benner, Elizabeth, widow of John, &71 s. Market Bennett, Ezra B., (A. & B.) 65 Quay, h. 19 Dallius Bennett, JohnH., bds. 19 Dallius Bennett, James, 66 Lawrence Bcaaett, Charles, finisher, Tivoli Hollow Bennett, Peter, dyer, Tivoli Hollow Bensen, (David,) and (Parry John S.,) plane-makers, 42 Howard Bensen, David, 14 Jay Bensen, Nicholas, bds. 14 Jay Benson, Ann, 38 Fayette Benson, John, laborer, 99 Schuyler Benson, John, laborer, 32 Dallius Benson, Abraham, millwright, 152 n. Market Bentley, Charles W., accountant, 96 Church Bentley, James R., 36 Liberty Bentley, Widow of Randall, boarding house, 36 Li­ berty Benton, Joseph, book-binder, 103 Green Bergin, Charles, 167 s. Pearl Bergin, Patrick, mason, 167 s. Pearl Bergin, Thomas, 167 s. Pearl 78 Bergeson, , tavern keeper, 525 s. Market Bergardus, Henry, 13 Clinton Berringer, Jacob, dealer in watches, clocks, &c. 82 State Berry, Samuel. Lydius continued Berry, Ryal, produce buyer, Lydius, near Hawk Berry, Thomas, laborer, 7 Bass Berry, Joseph, 101 Green, cor. of Bass Berthelon, Daniel, musician and segar manufacturer, cor. Steuben and Chapel Best, John, laborer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Bettersby, John, butcher, 87 Third, Arbor Hill Betts, Richard E., provision store, 15 State, h. 101 Columbia Bew, Lancelot, (Stead & Bew) 59 Liberty Bice, Hiram, Herkimer, near Church Bicknell, Becker, res. 1 Swan Bicknell, Peter, carpenter, 76 Eagle Biegler, Augustus Philip, M. D., 34 Green Bigelow, Jackson, saddler, Hallenbake, s. Lydius Bigly, George, tobacconist, 23 Hawk Bigsby , grocer, 24 Quay Bills, Charles, 50 Lydius Billings, Henry, cartman, 305 s. Pearl Billieu, Cornelius, mason, 26 Van Schaick Billeau, Joseph, mason, 26 Van Schaick Billson, Nicholas, coachman, 67 n. Market Billson, Peter, Van Woert, west end Billson, Abraham, Superintendent Capitol Birmingham, James, laborer, 15 Rose Bisbie, John, portrait painter, 268 n. Market, res. 77 s. Pearl Bishop, Robert, grocer, 214 Washington Bishop, George, boatman, cor. Bass and s. Market Bishop, Bernard, Van Zandt Bishop Otis, printer, 1 Franklin Bissell, William, wheelwright, 268 s. Pearl Black, Thomas, brewer, 262 s. Pearl Blackhall, Robert, 107 Hudson ALBANY DIRECTORY. 7T

Blackhall, Benjamin, shoe-maker and sexton lst Pres­ byterian Church, res. basement 48 Beaver* shoe store 20 s. Pearl Blackhall, Joseph, locksmith and bell-hanger, shop cor. Hamilton and William, h. 135 L'-u'ius Blackhall, Thomas, 265 Washington, n. Branch Blackhall, Charles, shoe-maker, Washington, n. Branch Blackhall, William, laborer, 162 Sate Blackhall, Widow Mary, 243 State continued Blackman, John, baker, 419 State continued Blackman, John, (Cornell & Blackman"! victualler, cor. s. Pearl and Ferry, h. 304 s. Pearl Blackman, George, teamster, rear 3:'0 State Blackwood, William, 33 Green Blake, Isaac H., Birch Knot House, 94 State Blake, James, rear 49 Union Blake, Henry, rear 49 Union Blake, Martin, 44 Eagle Blake, Elizabeth, 19 Park Blake, George T., hatter, Spring, above Hawk Blake, Ezekiel, coppersmith, Chapel, near Orange Blake, John, carpenter, 1 Park Blake, Adam, 83 Third, Arbor Hill Blakeman, David, moulder, 4 Daniels Blakeman, Luther, laborer, 320 State continued Blair, Albert, undertaker, shop 98 State, res. 33 Hamilton Blanchard, Anthony, surrogate, attorney, &c, office City Hall, res. 99 Washington Blanchard, Justus W., hair dresser, 321 n. Market Blanchard, Elisha, baker, 7 Church Blank, Thomas, morocco dresser, h. 164 Green, man- factory Ferry, opposite St. Paul's Church Bleecker, Barent, office 295, h. 303 n. Market, country residence west of s. Pearl Bleecker, Charles N., (Yates, Bleecker & Co.) 41 n. Pearl Bleecker, Gerrit V. S., alderman lst ward, 93 ». Pearl G* 78 Bleecker, Henry, jr. (R. H. King & Co.,) merchant, 49 State, res. 41 n. Pearl Bleecker, Harmanus, Jr., 250 n. Market Bleecker, Nicholas, res. 250 n. Market Blet cker, Geo. M., (J. H. Ten Eyck & Co.) 41 n. Pearl Bleecker, Wm. E. (Wilder & B.) 41 n. Pearl Bleecker, Elizabeth, widow of Henry, 41 n. Pearl Bleecker, John R. office 294, h. 292 n. Market Bleecker, Harmams, office 68 State, bds. Mansion House Bleecker, James, res. 93 s. Pearl Bleyle, Frederick) hatter, 476 s. Market Blessing, Robert, harness-maker, 64 Washington Bliss, Eleazer, butcher, 75 Beaver Blodgett, Morris, oyster and porter cellar, 446 s. Market Blood, John, uhoe-maker, 158 Washington Bloodgood, Francis, 111 State Bloodgood, Simeon De Witt, attorney, &c, office 84, h. 45 n. Pearl Bloodgood, William, 111 State Bloom, John, grocer, 5 Exchange, h. 28 n. Pearl Bloomhart, Michael G. gardener, rear 254 Washington Bloomingdale, widow Ann, Patroon continued Bloomingdale, widow Margaret, basement 47 Van Schaick Bloomingdale, William, clerk, bds. 53 n. Market Blydenburgh, Samuel, editor Silk-worm, 28 Fox Blydenburgh, Mrs., preceptress, 28 Fox Boardman, John, builder, sh. 77&79 Beaver, h. 91 State Boardman, John H., stone-cutter, State continued Boardman, William, (B. & Van Voast) res. 91 Hudson, shop 46 Howard Boardman, William G. music store, 80 State, h. 83 Hudson Boardman, H. M., clerk, 40 Quay, bds. 30 Malcom Boardman, Eliza, widow of William, High, near State Bodine, John, skipper, 27 Ferry Bogart, Isaac H., 155 n. Market Bogart, John, 5T4 s. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 79

Bogart, John H., (Yates, Bleecker & Co.) res. 574 s. Market Bogart, Ann, dress maker,76 Arch Boggit, W. K., shoe-maker, 594 s. Market Boles, Robert, laborer, 162 Montgomery Bolles, Edward R., saddler and harness-maker, 18 Park Boinnen, Thomas, 140 *. Pearl Boner, Catharine, 60 Lydius Boner, Daniel, coach painter, 60 Lydius Boom, John W., laborer, 122 Franklin Boom, Mary, widow, 58 Church Booth, Philo, inspector of beef and pork, office Middle Lane, h. 189 Washington Booth, Thankful, widow, Lydius continued Booth, Zachariah, cooper, Patroon continued, Borden, Job R., carpenter, 8 Wendell Borne, widow Mary, 569 s. Market Borne, Joseph, 569 s. Market Borne, James, 569 s. Market Borthwick, Hamilton, 4 Lancaster Bortle, Richard, merchant, 6 Lancaster Boston, Clara, widow, res. rear 5 Park BOSWORTH, JAMES, JR., GENERAL AGENT FOR Dr. Bra n diet Irs Pills, Cor. Green and Hudson. Bosworth, James, Jr., portrait painter, 46 Green Boty, George, laborer, 228 Washington Boughton, Silas, porter house, 165 s. Pearl Boughton, D. & J , (Daniel & James,) hatters, 26 Washington Bounds, Cornelius, shoe-maker, 53 Lydius Bowden, James, paver, Third, Arbor Hill Bowden, Hugh, coppersmith, 27 Dean Bowie, James, 50 Montgomery 80 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bowman, Peter E., flour and provision merchant, 49 Quay, res. 53 Montgomery Boyd, Barent, waterman, 40 Union Boyd, James, canal weigh-master, office Canal Basin, res. 68 Lawrence Boyd, John I., res. Eagle Tavern Boyd, James P., physician, office 98 State, h. 78 n. Pearl Boyd, Jesse C, assistant canal weigh-master, h. 66 Lawrence Boyd, (William) & Mulford (John H.) jewellers and silversmiths, 44 State Boyd, William, 27 Dallius Boyd, Isaac, tailor, 3 Bass Boyd, Peter, 71 Ferry Boyd, Robert, brewer, cor. Arch and Franklin, h. 61 Ferry Boyd, Miss Nancy, milliner, 557 *. Market Boyd, James, Ferry, near s. Pearl Boyd, Thomas, hat store, 395 s. Market, h. 4 Liberty Boyd, Hugh, res. 37 Hudson, grocery cor. Lydius and Dallius Boyle, Archibald, laborer, 160 Green Boyle, James, 177 Green Boyle, Patrick, laborer, 65 Colonie Boyle, John C, res. 110 s. Pearl Boyle, Francis, 565 s. Market Boyle, Richard, laborer, 36 Van Schaick Boyle, Francis, laborer, 36 Van Schaick Boy lan, Dennis, grocer, cor. Rensselaer and Green Boylon, Arthur, plasterer, 6 Broad Boynton, Jonah, (W. & B.) bookbinder, 113 s. Pearl Boynton, Phcebe, 113 *. Pearl Bradley, widow Ann. Herkimer continued Bradley, James, lace-weaver, corner n. Market and Pa­ troon Bradt, Peter V., cartman, 37 Swan Bradt, Miss Eleanor, preceptress infant school, 104 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. St

Bradt, Jeremiah, laborer, Washington, n. Branch Bradt, Adrian, carpenter, 109 Washington Bradt, Widow, tailoress, 213 s. Pearl Bradt, Francis I., baker, 168 n. Market Bradt, William, lamp maker, 48 Hamilton Bradt, Peter, skipper, 268 s. Pearl Bradt, J. A. grocer, corner Lydius and s. Market Brady, Phillip, laborer, 62 Schuyler Brady, Patrick, cooper, 104 Water Brady, Thomas, 539 s. Market Brady, Cornelius, laborer, 114 Quay Brady, Andrew, grocer, State continued, near Willett Brady, John, 40 Orchard Brady, John, 6 Colonie Brady, Michael, blacksmith, 63 Rensselaer Brady, Francis, Tailor, 20 Quay Brady, Patrick, laborer, Schuyler near Malcom Brae, Patrick, laborer, 221 n. Market Brainard, Elijah, block and pump maker 23 Quay, h, 62 Water Brainard, Leonard, Capt. Sandusky, h. 41 Ferry Brainard, George, block and pump maker, 29 Quay, h. 50 Water Brainard, Benjamin, master tow boat, 64 Water Brainard, Daniel, cartman, 38 Water Brammall, James, bds. 51 Lydius Brammall, George, chandler, 26 n. Pearl Brandon, William, painter, 10 Union Bratt, Henry, mason, 10 Ferry Bratt, Gerrit T., 581 s. Market Bratt, Daniel, mason, 12 Daniels Bratt, John A., grocer, corner Lydius and s. Market Brasiere, John W. coach-lamp maker, 88 s. Pearl Bray, Anson, type-caster, 59 Fayette Bray, Thomas, laborer, 106 Quay Beakey, Isaiah, lijmber and wood dealer, 58 Wes­ terlo Breen, Edward, copper smith, 34 Howard Breeman, James, Malster, 68 Arch S3 HOFFMAN'S ABBANY DIRECTORY.

Breeraan & Whalen, grocers, corner Green and Arch Brenan, widow Bridget, boarding house, 117 Fox Brenan, Thomas, pedler, 178 n. Market Brentnall, Paul, hatter, Lydius continued Bretner, Nicholas, laborer, 324 Washington n. Branch Breiarton, Andrew, Patroon near Judson's slaughter house Breiver, James, tobacconist, 47 Lydius Briare, widow of Peter, confectioner, 20 Beaver Briare, Joseph, confectioner, 30 Beaver Briare, Andrew and Benjamin, confectioners, s. "Pearl, 1 door north theatre Brice, A. R. paper dealer, 19 Green Brickley, James, 190 s. Pearl Bridgeford, Benjamin, mason, 333 Washington n. Branch Bridgeford, John, mason, 3 Snipe Bridgeford, William, mason, Washington s. Branch Bridges, Earl, portrait painter, 111 Fox Bride, Michael, blacksmith, 63 Liberty Brideng, Christian, bakery 42 Van Schaick Briggs, Joseph, carpenter, 23 Lodge Briggs, Isaac B. livery stable, Maiden Lane near city hall, res. 66 Eagle Briggs, Hannah, 57 Hudson Briggs, John, 220 State Briggs, Walter J. h. corner Eagle and Maiden Lane Brightman, Adolphus, mason 69 s. Lansing Brinlan, Frederick, laborer, 228 Washington Brinon, Andrew, 40 Water Brinkerhoff, Edward, 37 n. Pearl Brinkerhoff, George, 37 n. Pearl Brinkerhoff, Mrs. Elizabeth, 37 n. Pearl Brinkerhoff, J. & T. brush-makers, 16 Green Brinkerhoff, John," Hudson west of Eagle Brinkerhoff, Teunis, Hudson west of Eagle Britton, John, accountant, 22 Fox Brizett, Markett, furrier, Second st. Arbor Hill Broley, P. tailor, 105 Quay HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 88

Brockway & Candee, dentists, Stanwix Hall, Maiden Lane Brockway, Joseph, 17 Beaver Bromley, Hiram & Co., forwarding merchants, corner Hamilton and Quay Bromley, Hiram, 31 Hamilton Brookman, John, potter, 214 Washington Brooks, Miss Elizabeth, 32 Hallenbake Brooks, Thomas, cabinet maker, 19 Lodge Brooks, Catalina, widow, 96 Hudson Brooks, Jonathan jun. provision and grocery store 61 Quay, h. 128 Green Brooks, Thomas, oyster and porter house, 11 Howard Brooks, Peter, cartman, Spring, west of Hawk Brooks, William, carpenter, High, near Hudson Brooks, Jonathan, carpenter, High Brooks, Miss Margaret, 249 n. Market Brooks, Violet, washer woman, 3 Malcom Brooksbee, William, at Albany Nursery Brooksbee, Alexander, Albany Nursery Brooksbee, David, Albany Nursery Brooksbee, James, Albany Nursery Brothers, Lewis, carpenter, 56 Rensselaer Brower Hessel, coach trimmer, 33 Church Brower Nichofas, carpenter, 1647 *. Pearl Brower, S. D. 53 Green Brower, Margaret, widow, 258 s. Pearl Brown, George S., superintendent Assembly Chamber, res. 58 Fayette Brown, Thomas, piano forte maker, 147 n. Market Brown & Webster, hollow ware foundry, 628 s. Mar­ ket Brown & Friday, porter cellar, basement 408 *. Mar­ ket Brown, James and Son, merchant tailors, 41 Wash­ ington Brown, James, 43 Lumber Brown, Robert, city auditor, office city hall, res. 41 Washington m Brown William, silver plater, 28 Malcom Brown, George, drayman, 14 Rose Alley Brown, Andrew E., exchange office, 307 JJ. Market, h. Clinton Square Brown, Edward, dockmaster, 307 n. Market Brown, Mary Ann, 128 Beaver Brown, James, bds. Columbian Hotel Brown A. Heyer, 307 n. Market, res. Clinton Square rown, William G., dry goods, 2 Green, bds. 24 Daniels Brown, Dorothy, 84 Columbia Brown, Rufus, office, 75 State, res. 41 Columbia Brown, James H., blacksmith, 510 s. Market, h. 446 *. Market Brown, Joseph, mustard manufacturer, 36 Chapel Brown, Sylvester, cabinet-maker, 24 Daniels Brown, Miss Mary Ann, milliner, 24 s. Pearl Brown, William, Oswego Line, 104 Pier, res. 70- Herkimer Brown, John, laborer, 6 Malcom Brown, Helen, 84 Columbia Brown, Rachael, widow, grocery,. 89 Lydius Brown, Lucy, 129 Lydius Brown, Tristran, Doctor, 140 Lydius Brown, William, 125 Franklin Brown & Priest, physicians, 97 s. Pearl Brown, George, baker, 24 Van Woert Brown Charles, hardware dealer, 44 Washington, res. corner Fayette and Swan Brown, Widow of Henry, nurse, 160 Washington .Brown, Nancy, widow, 53 Orchard Brown, James M., physician, 253 n. Market Brown, Matthews, grocery and provision store, corner Chapel and Fox Brown, Edward A., boards 209 State Brown, Thomas, carpenter, Lydius, below Eagle Brown, Moses, carpenter, 16 Van Woert Brown, Elias A. bds. at City Hotel HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 86

Brown, Isaac, dealer in stoves and hardware store and house 128 State Brown, Richard, 27 Chapel Brown, Richard, 78 Franklin Brown Elias, A., 2d. Capt. N., America, qds. City Hotel Brown, Thomas, carpenter, 72 Lydius Brown, William, forwarding merchant, 70 Herki­ mer Brown, Charles H., provision store, 7 Howard Brown, James, 61 Hudson Browning, Potter, Pearl Street House, 70 s. Pearl Browning, Mary, Widow of Robert, 59 n. Pearl Browning, Thomas H., livery stable, rear of 70 s. Pearl bds, Pearl Street House Brownlee, Samuel, wine and tea store, &c 1 Green, h. 112 Bruce, Mrs. William, 36 Water Brunk, William, carpenter, Van Zandt, near Hallen­ bake Bryan, John & Son, (Francis) fur store, 362 *. Mar­ ket Bryan, John, (J. B. & Son) Schuyler west of s. Pearl Bryan, Charles, bds. with John Bryan Bryan, John, brickmaker, rear of Lydius Bryant, William, 6 Rose Buckbee, John, 18 Orange Buckbee, John C, skipper, 33 Water Buckbee, James A., inspector of distilled spirits, off. 26 Dean Buckbee, Isaac, capt. tow boat, 59 Division Buckbee, H. H., 92 Lydius Buckbee, Joseph, capt. tow boat, res. 65 n. Market Buckley, Patrick, grocer, 72 Lydius Buckley, Patrick, carpenter, 138 a. Pearl Buckley, Adford, laborer, 41 Arch Buckley, Russel, Printer, 146 Lydius Bucklin, John, Albany Canal Store, canal basin, h. 76 Lawrence Buckman, John, 11 Maiden Lane H 86 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Buel, Jesse, Editor Cultivator, office 3 Washington, res. Western Turnpike, 2 miles out Buel, Charles, Albany Nursery, n. of rail road Buel, Jesse, Jun., land office and res. 3 Washing­ ton Bulger, Thomas, grocer, 100 Franklin Bulkley, Abel, 66 a. Lansing Bull, John, finisher, Tivoli Hollow Budd, Joseph, shoemaker, 336 State Buren, John, malster, Washington, * branch 276 Bulson, David A., rope maker, 60 s. Lansing Bulson, Martha, tailoress, 115 n. Market Bulson, Gertrude, dress-maker, 115 n. Market Bulson, Jacob carpenter, 11 n. Market Bulson, Thomas, carpenter, 7 n. Market Bullions,- Rev. Peter, professor of languages Albany Academy, res. Albany Academy n. wing Burbanks, Margaret, grocer, 104 Quay Burdick, Jonathan, carpenter, Cherry, near Frank­ lin Burdick, Benedict, 37 Swan Burchard, Miss, dress-maker, 41 Maiden Lane Burgess, William, carpenter, 18 Washington Burgess, John, 18 Washington Burgess, Richard, 18 Washington Burgess, widow Marion, 70 Fox Burgess, Leonard G., jeweller, 81 Herkimer Burgess, Robert H, mason, 61 s. Pearl Burgher, James L., 330 n. Market Burke, Michael, laborer, 64 William Burdox, John Gotlet, furnace-man, 14 John Burley, William, malster, 61 Lawrence Burley, John, painter 10 Norton Burke, James, laborer, 20 Jackson Burke, James, laborer, 545 s. Market Burke, Lewis, carpenter, West end Van Woert Burke, William, Furrier, 126 Water Burke, James, laborer, 156 Lydius Burke, John, laborer, Bass, cor. s. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 87

Burke, John, carpenter, 63 Rensselaer Burnham, Eddy, carpenter, 88 Bass Burnham, Mrs. Eliza, dress-maker, Denniston Burnop, Philip, baker, 98 Church Burnop, Miss P. milliner, 30 Hudson Burns, Francis P., piano-maker cor. State and Lodge, h. 51 Lydius Burns, Michael, laborer, 20 Jackson Burns, John, laborer, 5 Maiden Lane Burns, James, engineer, 568 s. Market Burns, Edward, tailor, 32 Dalius Burns, Charles, laborer, 278 s. Pearl Burns, Francis, laborer, 79 Ferry Burns, Morris, clerk, 63 Liberty Burns, John, mason, 150 s. Pearl Burns, Thomas, 7 Rose Burns, John, cooper and inspector of staves, 12 Lydius Burroughs, Mrs., 83 Hudson Burroughs, Herman, painter, 64 William Burst, John L., 25 Orange Burt, Edward, confectioner, 275 n. Market Burt, Thomas M., (Croswell, Van Benthuisen & Burt) h. cor. of Lydius and Rose Burt, Uri, brewer, 4 William Burton, A. N., botanical physician, 66 Chapel Burton, Charles E., cabinet-maker, 22 Green, res. 26 Maiden Lane Burton, Catharine, widow, at Israel Williams Burton, Isaac, res. 9 Swan Burton, John I, attorney, &c; office 57 State, res. 9 Swan Burton, James, looking-glass manufacturer, 3 Green, h. 17 Jay Burton, Levi, 76 Franklin Burton, Matthew, carpenter, 97 n Market Burwell & Young, attorneys, &c, Stanwix-Hall Burwell, Dudley, res. at Mrs. Lockwoods Bush, John, tailor, 41 Rensselaer 88 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bush, Walter, (J. Goold &Co.) coach-maker, 71 Ham­ ilton Buskirk, Daniel, 32 Quay Bussey, John, chair-maker. 65 Chapel Butler, Calvin, cartman, n. branch Washington Butler, Laura, widow, 265 Washington n. branch Butler, John, grocer, 495 s. Market Butler, Mrs., 69 Maiden Lane Butler, John Y., hair-dresser, 22 Washington Butler, John, High st. Butters, Warren, carpenter, 27 Malcom Butcher, William, laborer, 53 Fayette Butts Elihu, painter and carpenter, 8 Van Woert Buzzee, Abraham, baker, 109 Washington Byers, Presley, carpenter, 81 Orange Bygate, Richard, 94 Green Bygate, Thomas, 14 Rose Alley Byrne, John, cooper, 12 Lydius c. CADEY, ROBERT, cartman, 41 Lumber Cafferty, William C, tailor, 59 Hudson Caffrey, James, clerk, 174 s. Pearl Cagan, Patrick, carpenter, 2 Water Cagger, Peter, attorney, office 322 n. Market, res. 48 Ferry Cagger, William, (Francis & C.) 164 n. Market Cagger, Mrs. Susannah, 164 n. Market Caghel, James, laborer, 44 Rensselaer Cain, Dennis, bridge tender, res. 16 Bass Cain, Dennis, Jun., laborer, 16 Bass Caldwell, (H. N. & Co.) commission merchants and dealers in country produce, 94 Pier Caldwell, Henry N., bds. Temperance House, n. Mar­ ket Caldwell, William, when in city at Mansion House, country residence, Caldwell's, Lake George HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 8®

Callaghan, Andrew, grocer, corner Hamilton and * Pearl Callaghan, John, grocer, 83 s. Pearl Callaghan, Mrs. Mary P., 56 s. Pearl Callaghan, Michael, laborer, 280 s. Pearl Callaghan, Owen, tailor, 40 Rensselaer Callaghan, Patrick, laborer, 280 s. Pearl Callanen, Hugh, shoemaker, 29 Dean Calendar, David, grocer, 112 Water cor. Lumber Calkins, (L. D. & Co.) 43 Quay, boards Mansion House Oalverly, Charles, 35 Howard Cameron, Alexander, tailor, 23 Ferry Cameron, Daniel, tobacconist, 83 Bass Cameron, Margaret, widow, rear 94 Beaver Cameron, John S., M. D. 33 Green Campbell, Mrs. A-, 31 Maiden Lane Campbell, Adam, waiter, Spring above Hawk Campbell, Widow Elida, 43 Fayette Campbell, Alexander, west of Clinton Campbell, Alexander D., forwarding merchant, 33 Dean Campbell, Archibald, deputy secretary of sta'e, office State Hall, res. 60 Chapel Campbell, Mrs. Christina, confectioner, corner Hamil­ ton and Green Campbell, Herman, 102 Water Campbell, James, laborer, 63 Rensselaer Campbell, John N., pastor first presbyterian church, resj at Mrs. Lockwood's Campbell, John, cartman, 49 Van Schaick Campbell, John, 65 Maiden Lano Campbell, John, tobacconist, 37 Orchard Campbell, John, laborer, Washington n. Branch > Campbell, John R., Sadler, 27, h. 83 Church Campbell, Michael, shoemaker, 44 Union Campbell, R., engraver on wood, up stairs 80 State, res 31 Maiden Lane H* 90 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Campbell, Robert, dyer and scourer, at the old stand of William Martin, 43 Hudson Campbell, Sarah, widow; grocer, North Ferry near the Little Basin Campbell, Thomas, laborer, 72 Eagle Campbell, William, pedlar, 126 Orange Campbell, William, bds. Hudson-street Temperance House CANAL COLLECTORS OFFICE, Stanwix Hall, Maiden Lane Candee, Lyman, steam-boat agent, office foot of Ham­ ilton, h. 13 Westerlo Candee, J. G., M. D., Dentist, Stanwix Hall, bds. City Hotel Cane, James, tailor, 537 s. Market Cane, John, laborer, rear 44 Rensselaer Cane, John, shoemaker, 42 Beaver Canfield, Pierce, laborer, 4 Colonie Caneer, widow, 21 Norton Cannaby, George, tailor, corner Bass and s. Market Canoll, Jno. W. H., watch-maker and Jeweller, 16 s. Pearl, h. 10 Rose Cantine, William R., attorney, &c, office 363 s. Mar­ ket, res. 17 Columbia Cantine, Misses, 17 Columbia Capron, Benjamin C, lumber inspector, 54 Lawrence Capron, Daniel, First, Arbor Hill Capron, Edward C, carpenter, 47 Third, Arbor Hill Capron, Melathia, carpenter, First, Arbor Hill Capron, Charles, produce dealer, 235 Washington Capron, Widow of William, 283 s. Branch Washing­ ton Capron, Widow of Benjamin, res. First, Arbor Hill Gta.pron, Isaac, spinner, Tivoli Hollow Carey, Patrick, laborer, 409 State continued Carl, James, laborer, rear 72 Eagle Carley, Patrick, engineer, rear 80 Ferry Carls, John, cartman, 59 s. Lansing Carmes, James, 565 *. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 91

Carmes, Timothy, 565 s. Market Carmichael, James, 48 Franklin Carmichael, John, baker, 46 Ferry Carmichael, Peter, attorney, &c. 48 Franklin Capenter & Kirk, drapers and tailors, 329 n. Market Carpenter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 14 Orchard Carpenter, George W., city surveyor, office City-Hall, res. Patroon Carpenter, Henry, 21 Hamilton Carpenter, widow, 76 ». Pearl Carr, Mrs., 67 Maiden Lane Carr, Sylvester T., wholesale druggist, 78 State, h. cor. Orchard and Wilson Carr, George, carpenter, 37 Swan Carr, John, gardner, Lydius continued Carr, Mrs. Nancy, corner Spring and Knox Carr, William H., 9 Chapel Carr, William, cartman, 37 Division Carroll, Patrick, moulder, 14 William Carroll, James, clerk, 14*. Lansing Carroll, John, tobacconist, rear 82 Fox Carroll, John, laborer, 66 Fox Carroll, William, cartman, 49 Fox Carroll, Michael, grocer, 516 s. Market ©arroll, Thomas, mill-stone manufacturer, 182 and 184 n. Market Carslow, Patrick, laborer, 568 s. Market Carson, John, tailor, 31 Dean Carson, John, stove mounter, rear Hallenbake Carson, Nevin, teamster, rear 52 Van Schaick Carson, Robert, shoemaker, 229 s. Pearl Carson, Sarah, widow, 24 Van Schaick Carson, Thomas, watchmaker and Jeweller, 2 s. Pearl, h. 31 Fayette M Carson, Thomas H., watchmaker and Jeweller, 2 s. Pearl, res. 31 Fayette Carter, Amos, shoemaker, 20 Washington Carter, Charles, livery stable, 33 Hudson, bds. Clinton Hotel 92 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Carter, Joseph I., &• Co., forwarding merchants, Wash­ ington Line, 1 State, res. 72 Herkimer Carter, Levi, proprietor Clinton Hotel, corner Beaver and s. Pearl Carter, Misses, boarding house and boarding school, 86 n. Pearl Carter, Samuel, cabinet-maker, 218 n. Market Carter, William H., (of Washington Line,) res. 72 Herkimer Cary, David H, 16 Jay Cary, Isaac H, 16 Jay Cary, Joseph, 3 Plain Cary, Joseph, & David H., merchants, 41 Quay Cary, Owen, 39 Second, Arbor Hill Cary, Samuel, Jun., flour and provisions, 37 Quay, res. 3 Plain Care, George S., grocer, 37 Quay, h. 9 Lumber Cassidy & M'Guigan, victuallers, stalls 7, 8, and 9 Cen­ tre Market Cassidy, Henry, 160 s. Pearl Cassidy, William, barkeeper, Columbian Hotel Cassidy, Michael, furrier, 45 Lumber Cassidy, John P., 120 s. Pearl Cassidy, William, laborer, 563 «. Market Cassidy, Margaret, 130 s. Pearl Cassidy, William, attorney, &c. Atheneum Buildings Cassidy, Patrick, laborer, 8 Malcom Cassidy, Michael, laborer, 5 Bass Cassidy, Mary, widow, 33 Church Cassidy, Cornelius, 7 Bass Cassidy, John, Malster, Bradford near Schenectady Turnpike Cassidy, Barney, laborer, 67 Orange Ca|sin, John, laborer, rear 216 n. Market Cassel, John, tanner, west end of Van Schaick Castelou, James, laborer, 108 Water Castle, William, butcher, 24 Howard Carswell, Allen, .teamster and farmer, near Rail- Road DIRECTORY. 93

Caswell & Herbert, gunsmiths, 11 Beaver Caswell, Emmons C., 44 Union Cawley, John, shoemaker, 3 Howard Cay ton, Patrick, 173 Green Cayton, John, 67 Colonie Centre, John, teamster, Hawk s. of State CENTRE MARKET, S. Pearl between Howard and Bea­ ver Chadwick, William, 162 State Chambers, widow, 9 n. Market Chambers, Widow Hannah, 96 Washington Chambers, David, packer, Westerlo near Lydius Chambers, John, barber, 236 n. Market, h. 12 Van Tromp CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, City-Hall Chandler, Samuel T., grocer, 514 s. Market Chapin & Foster, proprietors of City-Hotel, 326 «. Market Chapin, Erastus, proprietor of Montgomery Hall, 406 s. Market Chapin, Timothy, at Rail-Road Office, 115 State Chapin, Ann, widow, 295 n. branch Washington Chapin, Miss Sarah, 29 Dean Chapin, Lyman, (Rathbone & Co.) 93 Lydius Chapman (Henry) & Sargent (Parker,) chocolate, to­ bacco and segar ware-house, sign of seven heads, 332 and 94 n. Market, manufactory 29 Van Woert. See advertisement. Chapman, Mrs. Jane, 29 Van Woert Chapman, Charles, 93 n. Market Chapman, Peter, gardner, Lydius continued Chapman, Henry, 29 Van Woert Chapman, William, merchant, 81 Quay, h. corner Dl-m vision and Liberty Chapman, John W., grocer, 200 n. Market Chapman, Levi, Albany and Buffalo Towing Company, 63 Quay, h. 99 Herkimer Charles, George, inspector of leather, 176 s. Pearl 94

Charles, Thomas, victualler, Stalls, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, South Market, h. 51 Knox Charles, Mary, widow, 247 s. Pearl Charles, Ambrose, laborer, 5 Bass Charnley, Thomas, livery stable, 53 Hamilton, h. cor. s. Pearl and Hamilton Chase, Jabez, blacksmith, 21 Hawk Chase, James C. furrier, Van Woert, near n. Market Chatfield, William, sexton 3d Presbyterian church, 55 Fayette Chatfield, J. F., steward Albany Academy, res. east door of Academy Chatterson, Joseph, merchant tailor, 474, h. 472 s. Market Chauvellott, Chadry, broom-maker, rear 199 Washing­ ton Cheesbro', Robert, furrier, 73 Lawrence Cheesbro', Esther, 74 Washington Cheever, Samuel, attorney &c. canal appraiser, office 67 h. 130 State Cheever, Calvin P. 256 n. Market Chesigrant, Charles, 7 Quackenbush Chesney, James, 6 William Chesnut, William, 189 s. Pearl lst Ward House Childs, Edmund B. printer, 26 Middle Lane Childs, Rebecca Ann, Teacher, 126 Beaver, res. 41 Jay Christian, David, 215 n. Market Christie, James, keeper Union House, corner Hamilton and Liberty Christie, George, shoe-maker, 90 Hudson Christie, James, at Parson's Factory, bds. 16 Van Woert •Churchill, Otis, gun-maker, 9 Beaver, h. 17 Jay Churchill, Roswell, proprietor H. Street Temperance House, 10 and 12 Hudson Churchill, Alansing C. at Hudson Street Temperano House Churchill, Isaac, carpenter, 58 Fayette 95

Churchill, widow Elizabeth, 35 n. Pearl Churchill, widow of Francis 11 Fayette CIRCULAR SAW FACTORY, rear 29 Van Woert CITY HOTEL , 326 n. Market CITY HALL,Eagle between Maiden Lane and Pine fron­ ting Washington CITY SUPERINTENDANT'S office N. D. City Hall CITY SUPERINTENDANT'S office S. D. City Hall CITY MARSHLL, City Hall CITY SURVEYOR, office City Hall CITY AUDITOR, office City Hall Clancy, T. tailor, 518 »."Market Clapp, Ruel carpenter, shop corner Franklin and Bass h. 95 Herkimer Clapp, Elias upholster, corner s. Pearl and Bass h. 87 Bass Clare, widow Ellis, 211 n. Market Clark, George T. provision store 80 n. Pearl h. 41 Mai­ den Lane ©lark, Alfred, attorney, boards at Congress Hall Clark, Joseph musician, 7 Church Clark, John baker, 37 Malcom Clark, Lewis, auctioneer, 4 Green, h. 55 Green Clark, Joseph, at Stark's Railroad hotel Clark, James, 160 n. Market Clark, James, laborer, Patroon continued Clark, John, carpenter, Lydius continued Clark, John C, shoemaker, First st. Arbor Hill Clark, Daniel P. inspector of lumber, 40 Fayette Clark, Joseph S. 65 Orange Clark, Adam S. merchant, 65 Orange Clark, James labourer, 11 Spring Clark, John, carpenter, 186 s. Pearl Clark, George T. dry goods merchant, 375, s Market • Clark, widow of Samuel K. 51 n. Lansing Clark, Robert B. 59 Lawrence Clark, Josiah, agent for Erie & Ohio canals, 555 s. Market Clark, Philip watch maker, 53 Hamilton 96 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Clark, Michael,grocer, corner Pine and Lodge Clark, John A. provision store, 190 g. Pearl Clark, G. S. & Co. 43 Quay Clark, Edward, 21 Dean Clark, Hugh, 50 Malcom Clark, Patrick, grocer, corner Lodge and Maiden Lane Clark, Thomas L. painter and toy shop, 7 Washington Clark, Miss Eliza, teacher of Orphan Asylum Clark, Thomas, tin smith, 18 Park Clark, widow of Paul, Lydius continued Clark, Joseph, provision and poultry dealer, 220 State Clark, Lamburton, furnace-man, 301 Washington, n. Branch Clark, Thomas, tailor, 45 Washington Clark, Miss Anna, 117 Fox Clark, widow Phoebe, 81 w. Market Clawson, Robert, Knox Clayde, Samuel, cartman, 16 Second st. Arbor Hill Cleveland, John, cooper, 30 Fayette Clement, William A. B., res. High Clements, Thomas, piano forte maker, 171 Lydius Clemshire, widow Rachel, 111 n. Market Clemshire, Wlliam, cabinet-maker, Hallenbake near Lydius Clench, family of late Benjamin V., res. Fayette near Swan Clifton, Henry, Beaver street porter house, 41 Beaver Cliker, William, laborer, 160 Washington Cline, Matthias, at South Market Clinton, Cornelius H., 50 Montgomery Clinton, Peter, laborer, west end Van Schaick Clinton, Alexander, butcher, rear of Park near State Cloves, Jacob, blacksmith, 95 Bassett Clover, Elizabeth, 29 Vanschaick Cloonin, Hugh, rear 154 s. Pearl Cloonen, Lachydear, 154 s. Pearl Cluett, John W. (Whitney & Co.) h.92 n. Market Cluett, Peter, shoemaker, 102 Beaver HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 97

Cluckston, Matthew, gardnerf 43 Arch Coats, Charles, clerk in bank, 21 Park Coats, John, farmer, Lydius continued Cobb, Elijah, (F. Foote & Co.) res. 47 Swan Cobb, Sandford chamberlain of city, office City Hall bds. at Mrs. Pease's Cobb, William,plough & stove foundry,192 Washington Cobb, Zenas, artizan and school inspector, h. 54 Wash] ington Cobb, Zenas Jr., (F. Foote & Co.) res. 54 Washington Coburn, Mrs. Thomas, 5 Chapel Cockburn, Alexander, laborer, 9 Park Coder, widow Catharine, Nucella Coffee, James, 271 n. Market Coffee, Bernard, cabinet maker, 35 Malcom Coffee, W. J., painter and sculptor, 288 Washington, s. Branch Coffin, widow Margaret, seamstress, 49 Van Schaick Coffin, Joseph, 6 Van Zandt Cogswell, Mason F., physician, office 83 n. Pearl, res. Mrs. Lockwood's Cogswell, Smith, 21 Fayette Cogswell, George, carpenter, 55 Van Schaick Cogy, Mrs., 68 s. Pearl Colburn, Nathan, lumber dealer, res. 176 n. Market Colburn, Adolphus & Co., lumber office 56 Pier, res. 17 Orchard Corle, Edward, 4 Lawrence Cole, John 0., police justice, office over Centre Mar­ ket, res. 103 Herkimer Cole, Frederic W., clerk at Argus office, res. 48 Water Cole, Isaac P., professor of vocal and instrumental mu­ sic, 67 Ferry Cole, Philo K., printer, at Argus office, h. 36 Herkimer Cole, Edward, 74 Pier Cole, Jane, widow, 45 Hamilton Cole, Henry, 314 Washington, n. Branch I 9fi HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Cole, Jacob, grocer, 318 Washington n. Branch Coles, Thomas, Second, Arbor Hill Coleman, Ezra, coach-maker, 60 Union Coleman, Widow N., tailoress, 320 State continued Coleman, John, carpenter, 67 William Coleman, John, moulder, 44 Division Collar, George, 50 Malcom Collier, Thomas, tobacconist, 13 Van Woert Collins, Thomas, laborer, 42 Rensselaer Collins, widow, 552 s. Market Collins, James, laborer, 6 Colonie Collins, John, laborer, 51 Church Collins, William, laborer, rear 82 Fox Collins, Emery, rail-road driver, State continued, near Lark Collins, Francis, night-scavenger, near I. Deniston's Colmay, Christopher, 23 Van Schaick Colreus, Jacob, laborer, rear 53 Fayette Colvin, James, Superintendent Alms House Colvin, Andrew J., attorney, &c, office 28 Hudson, bds. Mansion House Comb, William, res. 15 Dean Common, John, blacksmith, 17 Quay Comstoek, Isaac Newton, 13 Swan Comstoek, Andrew, inspector of green hides, 59 Washington Comstoek, Miss Rachael, dress-maker, 32 Hamilton Comstoek, Thomas,keeper of Northern Hotel, 123 Pier COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, State Hall Cone, Phineas, bds. Montgomery Hall Condlan, Patrick, laborer, 10 Colonie Condlan, Richard, laborer, 10 Colonie Congar, McKinney, at V. D. Jewel's 52 Montgomery CONGRESS HALL, Capitol Park Conkling, Charles, Eastern Hotel, 607 s. Market Conkling, David, & Co. (David of Rensselaerville, and Gurdon Conklin,) leather dealers, 10 State Conkling, Gurdon, h. 25 Jay HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 09

Conkling, Isaac, 91 Beaver Conkling, Isaac, 220 s Pearl Conkling, Josiah, blacksmith, Van Zandt Conkling, Albert, grocer, 146 n. Market Connaughty, John G., 46 Ferry Connelly, William, tailor, 444 s. Market, h. 68 s. Pearl Connelly, Simon, blacksmith, 1 Steuben Connelly, James, laborer, 37 Van Schaick Connelly, John, furrier, 8 Fox Connelly, John, grocer, 69 Fox Connelly, Thomas, laborer, 15 Fox Connelly, William, tailor, 34 Liberty Connell, William, blacksmith, 118 s. Pearl Conner, Peter, laborer, 158 State Conner, Barney, laborer, 81 Orange Conner, Mary, boarding house, 61 Beaver Conners, Philip, 78 Franklin Conners, widow Bridget, 44 Van Schaick Coii.ierty, Thomas, 60 Schuyler Conury, Michael, 543 s. Market Connety, John, 46 Ferry Connick, John, carpenter, High Connick, Patrick, cooper, High, near Hudson " Connin, William, Schuyler, near Malcom Conover, Nicholas, builder, shop Dean, h. 34 Van Schaick Conrad, Peter, Willett, near Lydius Conroy, Michael, stone-cutter, 32 Dallius Conroy, Edward, 63 William Conroy, John, rear 22 Beaver Conway, William, laborer, 96 Orange Cook, Miss, 49 n. Pearl Cook, Widow, 80 s. Pearl Cook, Hobart, at Argus office, h. 105 Beaver Cook, Jedutham, coppersmith, 37 Spring Cook, Nathaniel, grocer, 40 Washington, res. Spring, near Hawk Cook, George, shoe-maker, 212 Washington 100 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. •

Cook, William J., grocer and provision dealer, 39 Washington, h. Spring, above Hawk Cook, Lois, widow of John, 205 State Cook, John, bookbinder, res. 205 State Cook, Moses, (Randall & C.\ plane-maker, 205 State Cook, Joseph, 36 s. Pearl Cook, Mrs. Anna D., widow, 56 Westerlo Cook, Thomas, laborer, 39 Rensselaer Cooke, George, M. D., 33 Green Cooke, Charles, M. D., 33 Green Cooke, John, proprietor Castle Garden, 288 State con- tinued Cooley, Philander, Lydius continued Cooley, Martha, widow, 32 Fayette Goon, John, carpenter, 122 Franklin Coon, Jacob, in factory, Tivoli Hollow Cooney, Michael, draper and tailor, 452 s. Market, op­ posite Eagle Tavern, h. Deniston Cooney, William, at 452 s. Market, res. Deniston Cooney, Henry, rear 12 Union Cooney, Barnerd, laborer, 5 Church Cooney, Patrick, stove-mounter, 51 Church Conine, Philip P., mason, 134 Lydius Cooper, John T., office and h. 134 State Cooper, Margaret, widow of Charles D., 134 State Cooper, David M., grocer, 4 Lawrence Cooper, Phoebe, widow, nurse, 12 Hudson Cooper, Anson, waiter, 99 Bassett Corbet, Waldo, ship carpenter, 560 s. Market Corbitt, Charles, printer, 93 Hamilton Corbitt, widow Margaret, w. End Orange Cordell, Elizabeth, widow, nurse, 32 s. Lansing Cork, Charles, 34 n. Lansing Corkins, L. D., bds. at Mansion House Corklcy, Jeremiah, laborer, 20 Quay Cornell, Levi, victualler, stall cor. Ferry and s. Pearl, res. 2 doors below s. Rail-road Connach, Joseph, carpenter, to. End Orange 101

Corning, E. & Co. (Erastus C. & James Horner*) dealers in hardware, 361 and 363 s. Market Corning, Erastus, 102 State Corregan, John, shoe-maker, 93 Church Corridor, Isaac, laborer, 8 Colonie Cosgan, Mrs., dress-maker, 52 s. Pearl Cosgrave, John, nailer, near Barker & Pruyn's Malt House, Schenectady Turnpike Cosgrave, Patrick, laborer, 71 Lumber Cosgrave, Patrick, laborer, rear 83 s. Pearl Cosgriff, Michael, Washington, near Dove Casser, George, laborer, 3 Van Tromp Costigan, Francis, keeper of State Arsenal, h. 79 Colonie Costigan, James, 537 s. Market Costalo, Peter, laborer, 119 Fox Cotrell, Joshua G., hat and trunk store, 378, h. 21 Ferry Cotrell, B. S. (McMullen & Cotrell,) 79 n. Pearl Cotter, Oliver, furrier, 53 Fox Coucbman, George, paver, 333 Washington n. Branch Coughlin, Patrick, laborer, 516 s. Market Coughtry, Arthur H., clerk in the post-office, h. 11 Rose Coughtry, William, master tow-boat Jno. Adams, 84 *. Pearl Coughtry, William D., provision store, 93 Pier Coughtry, James, carpenter, 76 s. Pearl Coulson, William R., high constable, res. Spring above Hawk Coulson, Thomas, glue and glass-paper manufactory, Schenectady Turnpike, res. Lark Coulson, Thomas, Jun., at glue manufactory, Schenec­ tady Turnpike Coulter, William, laborer 26 Chapel Countryman, widow Margaret, 93 William COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, City-Hall COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, City-Hall Courtney, Joseph, grocer, cor. Dalius and John I* 102

Courtney, Isaac, 17 Beaver Courtright, Joseph, shoe-maker, capt. of'watch, 40 Mid­ dle Lane, res. 31 Van Schaick Courtright, Edward N., carpenter, 69 Hallenbake Course, Catharine, tailoress 220 s. Pearl Cousins, Isaac, grocer, 6 Lydius Cousins, William, carpenter 46 Orange Cowell, Edward, turner, 36 Third Arbor Hill Cowell, Royal, grocer and dealer in Oysters, Fish and Fruit, under Centre Market, h. 22 Second, Arbor Hill Cowell, Walter, grocer, 98 Quay Cowell, Charles, cartman, Rensselaer Cowell, Thomas, 33 Westerlo Cowen, William, laborer, 38 n. Lansing Cowrin, Adam, Blacksmith, 59 Fox Coyne, Catharine, boarding-house, 61 Chapel Cox, Abraham J., constable, 5th Ward, h. 71 Law­ rence ' Cox, John, laborer, 599 s. Market Coyle, Patrick, grocer, 85 Quay Coyle, Charles, tailor, 19 Quay Coyle, Terrence, grocer, 6 Columbia Coyle, James, laborer, Van Woert Coyle, Patrick, cartman, 63 Fox Coyle, Matthew, Washington n. Branch Coyle, Patrick, carpenter, 290 Washington s. Branch Craft, Samuel W., laborer, 55 Church Craig, Samuel, mason, 87 3d. Street, Arbor-Hill Crandell, William, tailor, 73 Schuyler Crandell, Ebenezer, 66 Church Crandell, Henry, grocer,-20 and res. 100 Washington Crane, Daniel, 6 Van Schaick Crane, Daniel, Jr. (Dickerson & Co.) lumber mer­ chants, office 76 Pier Crane, Elisha, cabinet-maker, 266 n. Market Crane, H. H. proprietor Eagle Tavern, s. Market Crane, Robert, shoe-maker, 6 Rose HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 103

Crannell, Matthew, hair-dresser, 114 State, h. 28 Lodge Crannell, William W., Jun., shoe-store 1 Dean Crannell, Wynant, merchant-tailor, 389 s. Market, h. cor. Dallius and Ferry Crannell, Henry, cartman, n. Lansing Crannell, William, 302 State Crannell, John W., tailor, 71 Westerlo Crapo, Seth, dry good merchant, 413 s. Market, h. 71 Hudson Crapo, William, wholesale grocer, 7 State, h. 54 Union Crawford, George, Jr., dry goods and groceries, 91 *. Pearl, h. 92 s. Pearl Crawford, Ann, 43 Beaver Crawford, Catharine, widow, State rear Lark Crawford, Richard, 15 Knox Crawford, Robert, cartman, 39 *. Lansing Graven, Philip, laborer, Schuyler near Malcom Crean, John, cooper, 58 Church Crean, Jerry, laborer, 8 Colonie Creswell, Miss Sarah, corset warehouse, 286 n. Mar­ ket Crew, John T., jeweller, shop 10 Plain, h. 133 Lydius Critchee, Robert, 317 Washington, n. Branch Crittenton, Alonzo, Principal Albany Female Aca­ demy, 55 and 57 n. Pearl Crocker, George L., coffee and spice store, 7 Ex­ change, h. corner Union and Hudson Crocker, Mason, J. furnace man, 553 s. Market Crocker, James C. varnisher &c. 105 n. Market Crofoot, Canfield, porter house, 38 Quay Croman, Dennis, tailor, 23 Malcom Crook, Thomas P., provision store, 10 William, res. 68 Eagle Cross, A. B. engraver, bds. Mrs. Rasey's Cross, Henry, boatman, Knox Crosby, Louisa, widow of Freeman H. boarding house 515 s. Market 104 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Crosby, William, keeper 2 mile house, Schenectady Turnpike Crosby, James F., Merchant 11 Daniels Crosman, George, teamster, 40 Second Arbor Hill Croswell, E. & S., Van Benthuysen, Obadiah, and Burt Thomas M., proprietors Albany Argus 370 s. Market Croswell, Edwin, h. 4 Academy Park Croswell, Sherman, 4 Academy Park Crow, William, tailor, 71 Church Crowley, John, laborer, rear 17 Lumber Cruise, Morris, shoe-maker, 46 Ferry Crumwell, John, rear 53 Fayette Cuen, Robert, 49 Ferry Cuffs, John, 105 Quay Cullen, Richard, carpenter, 66 William Cullen, Patrick, 99 Lydius Culyer, John, tailor, 64 Union Cumming, Alexander, 21 Liberty , Cumming, Joseph, laborer, 18 Church Cumming, Margaret, widow, flour store, 187 Washing­ ton Cumming, John, laborer, 34 Clinton Cumming, John, mason, rear 59 Lydius Cummings, George, grocer, corner Division and Union Cummings, widow, 8 Rose Alley Cunningham, Ichabod, city superintendent southern department, res. 109 Lydius, off. City Hall Cunningham, James, 27 Malcom Cunningham, Daniel, chandler, 64 William Cunningham, John, laborer, 64 Arch Cunningham, Matilda, widow, 37 1-2 Fayette Cunningham, Patrick, cartman, 67 Fox Cunningham, David, carpenter, 38 William Cure, Peter, provision store and house, 82 s. Pearl Cure, John S., 126 s. Pearl Cureton, John L., brass founder, 11 Fox Cureton, Hannah, widow, teacher, 11 Fox Cureton, Isaac, machinist, 11 Fox HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 10S

Curan, Nicholas, furrier, 65 Colonie Curry, Patrick, laborer, 16 Bass Curtin, Bartholomew, cartman, Van Zandt Curtis, Daniel, pewterer, 23 Church, h. 21 Franklin Curtis, Joseph, pewterer, 77 Ferry Curtis, Samuel, ferryman, 97 Church Cush, Patrick, laborer, 16 n. Lansing Cushman, Thomas H, engraver, 14 Columbia Cushman, widow of Paul, 14 Columbia Cushman, Robert S., Washington Line Office, No. 1 State, res. 14 Columbia Cushman, William, 14 Columbia Cutler, John, clock and watch repairer, 69 Hudson Cutler, John, cartman, rear 74 Fox Cutler, John Jr., cartman, 82 Fox Cutler, Benjamin, rear Franklin Cuylei, Cornelius J., clerk of N. Y. and Michigan line, res. 128 Green Cuyler, George, weigher of fish and iron, and measu­ rer of salt and grain, res. 9 Westerlo Cuyler, Elizabeth, widow of Abraham N. 579 s. Mar­ ket Cuyler, widow of John, 59 Colonie Cuyler, John, 59 Colonie 1>. DAILY ROBERT, laborer, 16 Malcom Daily, Francis, fruit seller, 525 s. Market Daily, John, laborer, 57 Montgomery Daily, Erastus, agent, 64 Green Daily, Owen, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Daily, John, laborer, 10 Park Dainty, William, laborer, 51 Church Dale, William A. Tweed, 173 Lydius, Dalton, Isabella, widow, rear of 30 Howard Dalton, Ellen, washer-woman, 44 Hamilton Dalton, Hiram, waiter, 6 Park Dance, Sophia, 67 Hamilton 106 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Dance, Marian, 89 Church Dann, widow, tailoress, Hudson near Eagle Daniels, Warner, office and house 13 Daniels Daniels, Henry, founder, 18 Daniels Daniels, Spencer, 119 Green Daniels, Thomas, carpenter, 70 Fox Dare, Samuel, laborer, 31 Division Dark, William, butcher, country market, Westerlo con­ tinued Darling, widow Jane, 47 Fox Darly, James, laborer, 11 Quay Darrah, Eleanor, widow, grocer, 75 Church Davidson, Andrew, laborer, Westerlo continued Davidson, George, printer, 62 Second arbor hill Davidson, James, laborer, 24 Van Schaick Davidson, Ann, widow, 23 Jay. Davidson, Thomas, rear 59 Lawrence Davidson, Alexander, shoemaker 53 Beaver, bds. 46 Hudson Davidson, Miss, milliner, 46 Hudson Davis, Nathaniel, forwarding mercht. 68 Quay, h. 54 Westerlo Davis & Jones, auction and commission merchts., 66 State Davis, Isaac O., res. American Hotel Davis, Joseph, dealer in paints and oil &c, 7 Green, h. 57 Columbia Davis, Jehoiakem, teamster, 28 Water Davis, (Abner) & Walker, (Frederic) lumber mechts., cor. Water and Lawrence Davis,, Abner, res 16 Lumber Davis,. Jane, widow, basement 55 Church Davisj James, baker, 239 s. Pearl Davis, Joseph, agent for Erie & Ohio Line, office 65 Quay, h. 44 Hudson Davis, John, (Van Vechten & Davis) attorneys, &c, office 44 State, res. Mansion House Davis, Jonathan, carpenter, Washington, s. Branch HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 107

Davis, Elbridge, carpenter, Washington, s. Branch Davis, Letitia, widow, 38 Fox Davis, William, dry goods and groceries, and asst al- - derman 2d ward, 13 Chapel cor. Orange, h. 57 Orange Davis, Henry, piano forte maker, 42 Orchard Davis, widow Catharine, seamstress, 49 Van Schaick ^JDavis, Samuel, teamster, 78 Orange Davis, Miss C, res. High Davis, George, at A. Davis', (lumber dealer) res. 43 «. Lansing Davis, Patrick, 138 s. Pearl Davis, widow, 138 s. Pearl Davis, Isaac, 34 Liberty Davis, Ellas, lamp lighter, 65 n. Lansing Davison, Luther, shoe store, 252 s. Pearl Davis, Catharine, mantuamaker, 63 Maiden Lane Davison, Robert, wheelwright, 55 Lawrence Davison, Peter, cancer surgeon, 44 Ferry Day & Sard, drapers & tailors, -37 State Day, Byram, 66 Union Day, John, tailor, 69 Beaver Day, Israel H., lumber dealer, 118 Pier, bds. Hudson st Temperance House Day, H. G., office 56 Pier, h. 66 n. Pearl Dawes, John, butcher, Schenectady turnpike Dean, Amos,attorney &c, office Commercial Buildings, •bds. Mrs. Pease Dearling, John, laborer, 58 Schuyler Dearstine, Mrs., rear 61 Lawrence Decatur, John, waiter, 60 Washington Decatur, widow Margaret, rear Schuyler Deforest, Richard J., 79 Church Deforest, Curtis, ferry house grocery, «or. s. Market and Ferry Deforest, Charles A., grocer, cor of Green and Ham­ ilton Deforest, Philip, Blacksmith, rear 12 Union 108

Defriest, Miram, cartman, n. ferry Defriest, Mrs. Anna, 88 n. Market Degolyer & Irish, Jefferson Line, 59 Quay Degolyer, David, bds. Hudson st. Temperance House DeGraff, John R., carpenter, 134 Lydius DeGroff, Oliver G., proprietor Albany Temperance Furnace, Water, h. 54 Montgomery DeGroff, Simeon, 49 Colonie DeGroff, Amos T, 49 Colonie DeGroff & Shears, stove dealers, 14 State Deidrick, Maria, 31 Liberty DeJay, Merrien, confectioner, 139 n. Market Delafante, widow, 544 *. Market Delamano, Walter, carpenter, 16 Van Schaick Delamano, widow Mary, 16 Van Schaick Delamier, Francis, carpenter, 54 Van Schaick Delancy, Michael, 38 n. Lansing Delany, Jarvis, carpenter, cor Philip and VanZandt Delehant, Andrew, Mason, 55 Fox Delehanty, John, mason, 61 Fox Delehanty, Daniel, grocer, 114 Fox Delehanty, John, stone cutter, cor. Dallius and John Delissa, J. J., 59 Maiden Lane Demmings, Patrick, engineer, Tivoli Hollow Demming, Dwight C, 79 Bass Demsey, John, grocer, 251 n. Market Dempsy, Patrick, grocer, 19 Quay Dennick, Solomon, teamster, Schenectady turnpike Dennis, Francis, laborer, 78 Church Dennigan, Thomas, laborer, 63 Van Woert Dennison, Edward C., 29 Hudson Dennison, Joseph,ship chandler, cor. Hudson and Quay, h. 22 Third, Arbor Hill Dennison, Henry, furrier, 39 Orange Denniston, Gerrit V., attorney, &c. office Atheneum buildings, res. cor. Hawk and Westerlo Denniston, Isaac, cor. Hawk and Westerlo Denniston, Isaac, Jr. cor. Hawk and Westerlo Denniston, John H., cor. Hawk and Westerlo HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 109

Denniston, James, carpenter, 131 Lydius Denniston, Stephen, 222 State Denny, Daniel, carpenter, 14 Church Depew, Andrew, pedler, 100 Second, Arbor Hill Dermody, Patrick, runner, 40 Van Schaick Dermody, Henry, laborer, 61 Fox Dermody, Thomas, cutler, 33 Dallius Derrick, James, painter, 163 s. Pearl Derrick, James, 61 *. Lansing Derrick, John, fruit store, 73 s. Pearl Derrick, Albert A., painter, 73 *. Pearl Devereux, James, laborer, 21 Quay Devlin, John, 20 Jackson Devoe, widow of William, 39 Washington Devoe, widow Matilda, 191 State Dewana, James, laborer, Lydius continued Dewey, James, boatman, 64 Church De Witt, Mrs. widow of Rev. John, 96 s. Pearl De Witt, Richard Varick, Academy Park De Witt William H., dealer in lumber and staves, office 62 Pier, house 6 Quackenbush De Witt, Jacob, at Kanes Park De Witt, widow of Andrew, boarding-house, 19 Mont­ gomery De Witt, Cornelius, boards 19 Montgomery Dexter, George, (H. Rawls & Co.) office 56 State, h. 91 n. Pearl Dexter, James, attorney, &c, office 56 State, res, 7 Capi­ tol Park Dexter Chauncey, steam-boat agent, res. 42 Liberty Dexter, Oliver R., Second, Arbor Hill Dey, John Ogden, commission merchant, 2 Green, up stairs, res. 77 n. Pearl De Ermand, W. (L. Woodburn & Co.) res. 59 Orange Deyermand, John, baker, 81 First, Arbor Hill Deyermand, James, baker, rear 26 Second, Arbor Hill Deyermand, widow of John, 59 Orange Deyermand, Elizabeth, widow, 4 Eagle, south of Fox Deyo, David, cartman, 83 Orango K 110 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Deyo, David, Jr. carpenter, shop Patroon, res. 46 Pa­ troon Diamond, William M., 54 s. Pearl Diamond, Thomas S., Ill Beaver Dibble, Walter L., fitter, 26 Union Dibble, Ann, 45 Union Dibble, Joseph, night scavenger, 13 Clinton Dibblee, Henry, office 43 Quay, h. 40 Bass, corner of Green Dickerman, Joel R., stone cutter, (assistant alderman 4th ward) shop corner of Herkimer and Green, h- 58 s. Lansing Dickson, James, slater, 6 Union (see advertisement) Dickerson, William, farmer, Lydius continued Dickinson, Isaac, steward and res. North Pearl-street Academy Dilleney, Job, res. at Bull's Head, Washington Dillingham, Charles W., grocer, 69 n. Market Dillon, Richard, cabinet maker, 8 Fox Dillon, Patrick, laborer, 6 Maiden Lane Dillon, Charles, 132 s. Pearl Dillon, Henry & Porter, stone ware and fire brick ma­ nufacturers, west of Eagle Dillon, James, 50 Malcom Dillon, Thomas, tailor, 62 Union Dingman, Volkert, 315 Washington, n. Branch Disman, Humphrey, laborer, 58 Church Disney & Bailey, 65 Quay, bds 36 Liberty Disturnell, William, book-binder, 128 s. Pearl Divine, James, nailer, 312 Washington, n. Branch Dix, John A., secretary of state, office State Hall, res- 115 Washington Dix, Joshua G., shoe store, 376 s. Market, res. 13 Van Tromp Dix, Perry, at 356 s. Market Dixon, John, marble works, res. 153 n. Market Dodge, Sarah, widow, dry goods and groceries, 105 Beaver Dodge, Amos, mason, 9 Wendell HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Ill

Dollar, Robert, Jr., teamster, corner Lydius and Hawk Dollar, William, cartman, res. 76 Washington Don, William, tailor, 12 Orange Donahue, Edward, grocer, 8 Lydius Donahue, Michael, laborer, rear 42 Third, Arbor Hill Donahue, Joseph, laborer, rear 83 s. Pearl Donahue, William, laborer, 17 Quay Donahue, Charles, butcher, 77 Schuyler Donegan, Dennis, leather-dresser, 43 Arch Donegan, Charles, tailor, 171 Green Donnelly, Edward, laborer, 53 Fox Donnelly, Edward, laborer, 106 Quay Donnelly, Thomas, pedler, 566 «. Market Donnelly, widow, 536 s. Market Donnelly, Thomas, bds. 563 s. Market Donnelly, David, machinist, 110 Water Donnelly, Daniel, blacksmith, 8 Lumber Donnelly, John, machinist, 8 Lumber Donovan, John, 104 Quay Doo' v, James, 541 s. Market Dooluy, Robert, Denniston Dooley, Miss, tailoress, Denni&ton Doolittle, Edwin A., attorney, &c, office 75 State, res, at Misses Fitch's Dormer, Michael, moulder, 9 Fox Dorns, William, 24 Malcom Dorr, Elisha, office 379 s. Market, h. 64 Ferry Dorr, E. & E., merchant tailors, 379 s. Market Dorr, Edmund, res. 75 Ferry Dorr, Elisha, Jr., res. 64 Ferry Dorr, Palmer C, physician, office 13 Washington, h. 64 Ferry Dorr, Alfred, 64 Ferry Dosey, John, laborer, Nucella Dosen, Henry, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Douge, Michael, hair-dresser, 9 Plain Dougan, Margaret, widow, 8 Malcom Dougherty, Philip, laborer, 17 Lumber 112

Dougherty, widow Mary, 35 n. Pearl Douglas, Alfred, (Webb & Douglas,) bds. at Eagle Tavern Douglass, Beriah, dentist, office and h. 30 s. Pearl Douglass, Ann, widow of Robert, 60 Lydius Douglass, Margaret, widow, boarding-house 26 Maiden Lane Douglass, Nancy, widow, 32 n. Pearl Doughty, John D. (Robinson & D.) h. cor. Green and Lydius Douw, Volkert P., office State, cor. Market, h. 125 State Douw, widow of J. D. P., 107 State Douw, John D. P., 38 n. Market Dove, Thomas, shoe-maker, 88 Church Dowd, William, 37 Church Douwd, Thomas, laborer, 76 Orange Dowlin, Michael, laborer, 51 Church Dowling, widow Rhoda, 35 Fox Dowling, Thomas, gardener, Westerlo continued Dowling, James, Westerlo continued Downey, Patrick, butcher, 64 William Downey, Miles, pedler, Elk, near Townsend's Furnace Downing, Jacob, contractor, 91 Orange Downing, Robert P., whip-maker, cor. State and Mid­ dle Lane Dows, Henry, forwarding merchant, bds. 66 Hudson Dows & Fuller, Fulton Line and agents for New-York and Utica Line, office 70 Quay Dox, Gerrit L., justice of Justices' Court, res. 25 Patroon Dox, Peter G., bds. 25 Patroon Doyle, William, laborer, Lydius continued Doyle, Peter C, grocer and liquor dealer, store and h. 158 s. Pearl Doyle, William, milkman 158 s. Pearl Doyle, Patrick, laborer, 132 n. Market Doyle, James, laborer, 158 s. Pearl Doyle, Hugh, laborer, 69 Maiden Lane 113

Doyle, William, printer, 33 Westerlo Doyle, John, 21 Dean Doyle, Thomas, 67 Colonie Doyle, Mary, widow, grocer, 8 w. side Basin Drake, Ellen, widow, 1 Park Draper, Cynthia, widow of John C, preceptress, 84 Washington Drew, Robert> coachman, 192 Spruce, w. end of Fox Driscoll, Mrs. 74 Franklin Drum, Peter, 72 Lydius Druman, Eugene, tailor, Lydius continued Dudevain, Felix, tailor, Swan, near First Dudley, Charles E., President Merchants' Insurance Co., h. 48 n. Pearl Dudley, ^Catharine, 28 Malcom Duel, Benjamin, innkeeper, 30 Washington, corner Hawk Duff, William, private ladies boarding-school, corner of Hawk and Spring Duff, Thomas, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Duffey, Miss, fancy dry goods, 313 n. Market Dugan, Andrew, grocer and street contractor, 226 Or­ ange Duke, Jonathan O., mason, upper end Spring Dunbar, John, 49 Fox Dunbar, Widow Alida, 185 n. Market Dunbar, Robert W., proprietor Fountain Inn, 1 n. Market Duncan, Myer, gardener, 314 Washington North Branch Duncan, Jane Ann, widow, 20 Washington Duncan, James, carpenter, shop 12 Norton, h. 10 Dean Dunden, John, 114 Quay Dunden, William, 25 Van Zandt Dunlap, William G., hair-dresser, 64 s. Lansing Dunlap, Robert, office 28 Quay, h. Troy road, 3 miles from city K* f 114

Dunn, Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 411 s. Market, bds. Mansion House Dunn, Joseph, gardener, rear 57 Montgomery Dunn, Thomas, laborer, 42 Water Dunn, Martin, carpenter, 154 s. Pearl Dunn, Phillip, in Mr. Frary's employ, State continued Dunn, Lawrence, laborer, 45 Van Schaick Dunn, Christie, laborer, 39 Fox Dunery, John, laborer, 42 Rensselaer Dunphy, Richard, brass-founder, 52 Montgomery Dunster, Oliver, cooper, Cross Durack, Michael, stone cutter, rear 44 Rensselaer Durant, Clark, merchant, 35 cor. of Maiden Lane and Quay, bds. City Hotel Durant, Edward A. bds. at Hudson Street Temperance Hotel Durant, William, when in city, at American Hotel Durrie, Johannah, widow of Horace, 107 Green Durrie, Daniel S., 107 Green Durham, James H., accountant, 44 Ferry Dutcher, John W., printer, High Dutcher, (Salem) and Harris, (Ira) attorneys, &c. law buildings, 2 Beaver Dutcher, Salem, 159 s. Pearl Dutcher, Lydia, widow of Salem, 91 Herkimer DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (first,) n. Pearl DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (second,) Beaver DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (third,) Ferry Durkee, Rebecca, nurse, 21 Norton Dutson, Thomas, clothing store, 110 Pier, h. 53 Hud­ son Dwelle, Albert, machinist, 44 Westerlo Dwyer, Dominick, grocer, corner of Rensselaer and Green Dwyer, Timothy H., grocer, 191 s. Pearl Dwyer, Thomas, 49 Arch Dwyer, Mrs. dress-maker, 64 s. Pearl Dwyer, John, 64 s. Pearl Dye, William, shoe-maker, 29 Union ALBANY DIRECTORY. 115

Dyer, Gideon G., mason, 76 Washington Dygert, Elijah, 18 Quackenbush E. EAGAN, MICHAEL, rear 138 s. Pearl EAGLE STREET HOUSE, cor. of Eagle and Daniels Eames, Milo R., merchant, res. 17 Dean Earley, James, blacksmith, 19 Van Zandt Earl, Pardon, innkeeper, 301 s. Pearl Earls, Michael, 57 Columbia Easterly, widow of Martin, 144 Lydius Eastman, Kimball, keeper Tremont House and consta­ ble 4th Ward, 520 s. Market Eastman, Nancy W., milliner, 101 s. Pearl Eaton, Josiah, mason, 29 Clinton , Eaton, H. & Co. N. Y., Fayettville and Syracuse line, Office, Quay Eaton John Elliot, butcher, Schenectady Turnpike Eckoff, Jacob, cabinet-maker, 32 Howard Eddy, Miss C, milliner, 35 State Edick, Henry, printer, 55 Columbia Edgar, William, paver, and sexton Associate Church, Fox, res. 113 Fox Edgar, Agnes, widow, 4 Eagle, south of Fox Edgar, Samuel, shoe-maker, 19 Orange Edson, Royal G., 19 Lawrence Edinger, Peter, Fayette, near Swan Edwards & Meads, attorneys &c, 50 State Edwards, James, 53 Columbia Edwards, Patrick, laborer, 21 Quay Edwards, Thomas, drover and tavern keeper near Jud- son's slaughter house Edwards, Edward F., res. High near Lancaster Edwards, George, 103 Second Arbor Hill Edwards, John, wash-house, 59 William Efner, Abraham, coach-maker, 60 Union Efner, Nicholas F., coach-smith, 32 Chapel lift HOFFMAN'S ALB ANY DIRECTORY.

Egberts, Cornelius, 21 Columbia Egberts, Egbert, 21 Columbia Egberts, Eveline, widow of Anthony, 21 Columbia Egberts, Owen J., plain-maker, 9 Plane Eggleston, Sarah, 476 s. Market Eggleston, Mary, widow, 215 s. Pearl Eights, Jonathan, physician, office 72 Columbia, h. 39 n. Pearl Elder, George, cooper, 37 Dean Elder, Alexander, carpenter, 223 Washington Eldredge, Thomas, brick maker, Hudson, west of Ea­ gle Ellett, John, laborer, 115 Snipe Elliot, Robert, assistant post-master, h. 15 Beaver Elliot, James, blacksmith, shop and house 41 Law­ rence Elliott, William, carpenter, cor. of Nucella and Mal­ com Ellis, William, printer, fruit store, 245 n. Market Ellis, William, skipper, 52 Hamilton Ellison, Elizabeth, 28 Water Elmendorf, P. E. physician, 152 Lydius Elmendorf, John, cabinet-maker, 42 Montgomery Elton, J. A., clerk, bds 47 Water Elvindorf, Peter, rear 220 State Emerson, Matthew H., bds at Mrs. Douglass' Emerson, William B., bds 15 Dean Emslie, William, tailor, 70 Fox Emight, John, mason, 306 State continued Enright, James, laborer, 316 State continued Enders, William W., boarding house, II Beaver Ende, Lewis, printer, 25 Howard ENGINE NO. 1, 11 Steuben ENGINE NO 2, 43 Chapel ENGINE NO. 3, attached to Aims-House ENGINE NO. 4, corner Broad and Lydius1 ENGINE NO. 5, corner Washington and Lark ENGINE NO. 6, State continued, above Hawk ENGINE NO. 7, Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 117

ENGINE NO. 8, s. Market ENGINE NO. 9, William ENGINE NO. 10, n. Market ENGINE NO. 11, n. Market Enos, Thomas H, 38 Arbor Hill Ensign, Guy C, pilot, 70 s. Lansing Ensign, Lewis, pilot, 16 Park Epsman, Lewis, lumber piler, 46 Water Erly, Terrence, clothing store, 105 Quay Ertsberger, James, laborer, 72 Lawrence Ertsberger, Christopher, cooper, 40 Orchard Ertsberger, William, Second, Arbor Hill Ervin, Robert, grocer, cor. Steuben and Quay Ervin, Oliver, laborer, rear of Broad Esleeck, Welcome, attorney, &c. 74 Lydius Esmay, Isaac, groc. and provision store, 10 Exchange, h. 58 Howard Etridge, widow of William, at Utica House, corner s. Market and Church Eustice, Thomas, 541 s. Market Evans, George, shoemaker, 27 Van Schaick Evans, Robert, tailor, 83 s. Pearl, house Bassett, near Green Evans, Henry, shoemaker, 55 n. Lansing Evertsen, widow of Evert, 152 n. Market Evertsen, Jacob, Jr. agency and exchange office, 360 s. Market, h. 90 n. Market Ewen, Lawson, laborer, 33 Division Ewings, Levi, carpenter, Eagle EXCHANGE COFFEE-HOUSE, 450 s. Market, corner Ha­ milton

FAGAN, THOMAS, grocer, 9 Howard Fagan, Patrick, laborer, west end Van Woert Fair, John, marble chimney-piece manufactory, 139, 141 & 143 Green, cor. John 118

Fairchild, William, 54 s. Lansing • Fairchild, Frederick S., grocer, 64 Green, h. 55 s. Lan­ sing Fairchild, Lewis, confectioner, 14 Jackson Fairchild, Miss E., preceptress, 24| Union Fairchild, William B., porter cellar, basement of 9 *. Pearl Fairchild, Barney, physician, 11 Plane Fancourt, Charles, painter and glazier, 107 Beaver Fanning, Amos, attorney, &c. 66 Westerlo, corner of Franklin Fanning, Hiram, cabinet ware hou3e, 267, and h. 262 n. Market Fanyou, Alexander, 8 Union Farnham, Lewis, builder, shop 90 Green, h. 53 s. Lan­ sing Farnham, Henry, carver, 22 Franklin Farnham, Henry, boatman, 55 Second, Arbor Hill Farnnan, Daniel, gardener, 6 William Farren, Andrew, laborer, west end of Orange Farnsworth, Thomas, bds 26 s. Pearl Farnsworth, widow Levina, 111 Fox Farran, Richard, boatman, Herkimer continued Farrell, Owen, laborer, 1 Schuyler Farrell, Patrick, laborer, Delaware, rear of Clinton Farrell, James, laborer, 11 Colonie Farrel, widow of James, 14 Church Fassett, Amos, cartman, 209 State Fassett, Amos S., (L. & S.) bds 209 State Fassett, Timothy, builder, shop Patroon, residence 27 Patroon Fassett, Benjamin, boarding-house, 45 Water Fassett, Asa, inspectorof lumber add brigade inspector, office 60 Pier. h. 48 Steuben Fay, Philip, laborer, S6 Rensselaer Fay, Ethan Allen, 84 Third, Arbor Hill Fay, Heman Allen, U. S. commissary, h. and office 71 Second, Arbor Hill HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 119

Fay, John, Jr. provision store, cor. Van Tromp and ». Pearl, res. 9 Dallius Fay, widow of Edward, 75 s. Pearl Fay, Joseph B., grocer, cor. Hallenbake and Lydius Fealy, William, laborer, 51 Fayette Fealy, Michael, laborer, 68 Lumber Fealy, William, laborer, 25 Lumber Feana, Daniel, 21 Dean Featherly, Nathan, waterman, res. 161 Green Featherly, Jacob, 95 Bassett Featherly, Frederic, cartman, 58 Rensselaer Featherly, widow, 95 Bassett Featherly, Jacob, butcher, 8 Dean Featherslon, Daniel, brick layer, First, near Swan Feeney, Francis, laborer, Lydius continued .Fellows, Henry, carpenter, 58 Second, Arbor Hill Fellows, Miss, Dewitt near n. Market Feltman, John C. grocer, State, cor. s. Pearl, h. Hud­ son, cor. Hallenbake Feltman, Francis, 127 Franklin Fennegan, James, waiter, rear 72 Eagle Fergerson, Fcnner, attorney,&c, Commercial building res. 9 Patroon Ferguson, widow Jane, rear 94 Beaver Ferguson, John H., carpenter, Jackson Ferguson, James, shoemaker, 51 Church Ferguson, Samuel, blacksmith, 95 Church Ferguson & Snow, shop corner Spencer and Jack­ son Ferguson, James, cor. Fayette and Hawk Ferguson, William, carpenter, Jackson Feore, Gerrit, nailer, 338 Washington, n. Branch Ferris, Richard J agent for A. Kirk, brewer, res. 19 n Maiket Fidline, Prince, 13 Lydius Field, Nancy, widow of Thomas, 49 Lydius Field, John, stage driver, 47 Union Field, widow Margaret, 638 s. Market Filby, Jonathan, laborer, 79 n. Market 120

Filley, Thomas, laborer, 278s. Pearl Filkins, Chester, stage driver, 53 Lydius Finn, Thomas, laborer, rear 19 Malcom Finn, Michael, cartman, 43 Fox Finn, Matthew, laborer, 78 Franklin Finn & Johnson, porter house corner Church and Lyd­ ius Finch, Nathaniel, grocer, 10 Daniels Finch, Hiram, manufacturer of silver work, 76 Bea­ ver Finlay, widow Helen, baker, 39 *. Lansing Finlay, James, laborer, 31 Quay Finley, John, 61 William FIREMEN'S INSURANCE Company, Concert Hall, State Finnegan, John, 24 Franklin Finnegan, Owen, laborer, 564 s. Market Fish & Smith, carpenters, shop 47 Herkimer Fish, Arternas, boarding house 26 s. Pearl Fish, Amos, stoop, rail ana scale beam manufacturer, 63 & 65 Beaver, res. 67 Beaver Fish, Thomas, hatter, 37 Dean Fish, Henry H., agent for Utica Line, 104 Pier, res. Mrs. Haskalls Fisher, James D., blacksmith, 47 & 51 Hamilton, h. §1 Hamilton Fisher, Samuel, straw hat manufacturer, 94, n. Pearl Fisher, Donald, 9 Park Fisher, Jane, dress maker, 117 Hudson Fisher, William, 28 Beaver Fisher, Mrs., 57 n. Lansing Fisher, Michael, laborer, cor. Spring and Knox Fisher, John, dealer in crockery, 80 Washington Fisk, Mrs. 10 William Fisk, Joseph, res. 54 Washington Fisk, Anthony, 28 Jay Fiske, Mrs., boarding house 15 Dean Fitch, William, 117 Hudson Fitch, Misses, boarding house 79 & 81 n. Pearl Fitch, Simeon, lumber mcht., 3 Orchard HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 121

Fitch, Stephen, 64 Hudson Fitzgerald, John, carpenter, 65 Maiden Lane Fitzgerald, Patrick, 34 s. Lansing Fitzgerald, Edward, laborer, basement 59 Fox Fitzgerald, Patrick, laborer, Elk near Townsend's fur­ nace Fitzpatrick, Patrick, laborer, 564 s. Market Fitzpatrick, Cornelius, blacksmith, 87 William Fitzpatrick, Christopher, mason, next to cor. Schuyler and Malcom Fitzpatrick, Matthew, laborer, 11 Chapel Fitzpatrick, Margaret, widow of John, 141 n. Mar­ ket Fitzpatrick, Francis, cartman, 32 Fox Fitzsimmons, Henry, grocer, basement 75 s. Pearl Fitzsimmons, James, 23 Howard Flagg, Azariah C, comptroller, office state hall, res. Congress Hall Flagler, J. O. Doctor, professor vocal music, 8 Van Schaick Flanagan, Felix, cor. Green and Arch Flansburgh, J. P., Jr., wheelwright, 205 s. Pearl Flansburgh, Peter, carpenter, 35 Malcom Flansburgh, David, carpenter, 31 Malcom. Flavel, Henry, laborer, 157 n. Market Flavey, William, cabinet maker, 62 Van Schaick Flemming, Edward, laborer, State continued Flemming, John, carpenter, res. Spring above Hawk Flemming, Mary, fruit store, 138 Washington Flemming, Martin, laborer, 64 Arch Flemming, widow Eliza, 38 Van Woert Flood, Michael, cooper, 15 John Flood, Hugh, morocco dresser, cor. Dallius & Rensse­ laer Flood, Luke, morocco dresser, 177 Green Flood, Bernard, grocer, 50 Van Schaick Flood, Daniel, laborer, rear 50 Van Schaick Flood, Michael, grocer, cor. Orange and Water Floy, widow Jane, tailoress, 24 Second, Arbor Hill L 122 HQFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Flynn, , 78 Franklin Flynn, Patrick, laborer, 19 Fox Flynn, John, 26 Fox Flynn, Daniel, laborer, Jackson Flynn, Mary, keeper of mechanic's recess, 506 «. Market Fqgerty, Matthew, laborer, 160 State FOley, Patrick, carpenter, 35 Westerlo Folger, John B., last-maker, 99 Green Follet, John, carpenter, 24 Van Woert Folts, J. J., forwarding merchant, Pier, bds. at Man­ sion House Fonda, Douw, 46 n. Pearl Fonda, Rebecca, milliner, 276 n. Market Fonday, William H., attorney, &c, office cor. State and s. Market, res. 19 Steuben Fondey, Isaac, discount clerk city bank, h. 57 Colonie Foote, Frederic & Co., forwarding merchants, office 1 State, res. 172 Washington Foote, widow Dianna, 10 Fox Forbes, William, laborer, 15 Bass Forbes, Stewart, cartman, 15 Bass Forbes, Alexander, tobacconist, 43 n. Lansing Forbey, John, sawyer, 21 Lodge Forby, William, butcher, Elk, near Townsend's Fur­ nace Forbey, George, baker, 24 Jackson Ford, Eliakim, master tow-boat constellation, 16 Ferry Ford, Thomas W., 77 Hamilton, Ford, Daniel H., dealer in carpets and oil-cloths, 331 n. Market, h. 77 Hamilton Ford, John W., attorney, &c, secretary of merchant's insurance company, office in commercial buildings, cor. s. Market and Hudson, res. 77 Hamilton Ford, Elias, grocer. 23 s. Pearl Ford, Edward W. Physician, office 68 Division, res* 77 Hamilton Ford, Eliakim, Jr., Skipper, 15 Hamilton Ford, Gilbert, captain, 19 Patroon HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 123

Ford, William R., dealer in drugs, paints, oils, &c, store 36, h. 172 Washington Ford, widow Ann, High Forrester, John, tailor, 60 Rensselaer Forrester, Michael, 13S s. Pearl Forman, Benoni B., silver-smith, 6 Beaver, h. 78 Rose Forsyth, Russell, 65 Ferry Forsyth, William W., attorney, &c, office 28 Hudson h. 65 Ferry FORT ORANGE HOTEL, 505 & 507 s, Market Fosket, Alexander, tobacconist, 4 Fox Fosket, Miss Sarah Ann, dress-maker, 4 Fox Fossard, William, shoe-maker, 62 Second, Arbor Hill Foster, Ezra, bds. at Mrs. Crosby's Foster, A., farmer, Western Turnpike Foster, William R., shoe-maker, 13 Fayette Foster, George, porter, 11 Spring Foster, James, monumental stone cutter, 148 Wash ington Fowler. William, 59 Ferry Fowler, Samuel S., office 18 Hudson, res. near Green­ bush Village Fowler, Gilbert C, sash-maker, shop 88 Bass, h. 47 Westerlo Fowler, Charles M., 4th ward street commissioner, bds. York House Fournien, John L., tailor, 45 Washington Fox, Rogers, laborer, 36 Van Schaick Fox, John, 6 Rose Alley Fox, Barney, laborer, near Clinton Fox, Edward, carpenter, 8 Columbia Fox, Peter G., leather dealer, h. Hudson, above Hal­ lenbake Fox, Rigden, millwright, 24 n. Ferry Francis & Cagger, dealers in hardware, 53 State Francis, Norman, res. 66 Hudson Francis, Cyrus, T-, bds Mansion House Francis, Thos., laborer, near Cassidy's slaughter-house Francis, William, blacksmith, Jackson 124 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Francis, William, boatman, 248 s. Pearl Francis, widow of James, 6 Park Franks, John, porter house, 82 Ferry FRANKLIN HOUSE, 136 State Fraser, widow, 8 William Fraser, James, stone-cutter, 8 William Fraser, Donald, gunsmith, 8 William Fraser, widow of Hugh, 21 Washington Fraser, Alexander, 9 Fayette Fraser, John, 27 Fox Fraser, Adam, 54 Howard Fraser, James, 27 Fox Frazer, Peter, cartman, 19 Van Woert Fredendall, John, carpenter, 1 Park IFredendall, Frederick, tailor, 17 Washington Fredendall, Jacob, (F. & N.) res. 17 Washington Fredenrich, John C, Basement South Market Fredenrich, John, butcher, Centre Market, h. Lancaster Prendenrich, Philip, victualler, 18 & 19 Centre Market, res. 291 State continued Frederic, Miss Matilda, milliner and dress maker, V&Z Washington Frederic, Philip, cabinet maker, 42 Fayette Frederics, William, laborer, Arch, near Green Freeman, E. P., teacher, 39 Columbia Freeman, J. E., bds. at American Hotel Freeman, Miss Mary, 24 Hawk Freeman, James, plasterer, 129 Franklin Freeland, James, res. Kane's Park French, Abel, 29 Eik French, James M., attorney, &c, Atheneum Buildings, res. 29 Elk French, Abel, Jr., Congress Hall French, Nathan R., teacher in Basement Universalist Church, res. 89 Herkimer French, James E., bds. at Hudson-st. Temperance House French, George S., cor. Hamilton and s. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY HIRECTORY. 125

French, William, produce and poultry dealer, 261 n. Market Frera, B. G. S., 597 s. Market Friedenburgh, Francis, cabinet-maker, 588 s. Market Frickettin, James, laborer, 35 Second, Arbor Hill Friday, Benjamin, hatter, 241 n. Market Friday, John, furrier, 112 Beaver Friday, Abraham B., blacksmith, 72 s. Lansing Frink, John, 94 Bassett Frisby, Luther, carpenter, 13 Wendell Frisby, Edward, constable, 207 *. Pearl Frost, Widow, State continued, near Willett Frothingham, William W., attorney, &c. office 343 n. Market, res. 136 Green Frothingham, Charles, & Co., druggists, 345 n. Market, bds. Mansion House Fry and Volk, marble manufacturers, 49 and 51 *. Pearl Fry, Joseph, 199 s. Pearl Fry, William G., 3 State, h. 18 Lancaster Fry, Nathaniel, furrier, 16 Lumber Fry, Daniel, dealer in hardware, &c, 358 s. Market, res. 67 Ferry Fry, George, coachman, 222 Washington Fry, Frederic, coachman, at Messrs. Prentices', Dove, n. of Washington Fry, Charles, (David & Co.) bds. at 199 s. Pearl Fryer, Jacob, confectioner, 147^ n. Market Fryer, John, grocer, 47 n. Market, cor. Van Woert Fryer, widow of Isaac J., 77 n. Market Fryer, William J., dry goods, 441 s. Market, h. 17 Hamilton Fuhr, William, shoe-maker, Schenectady Turnpike Fuller, Richard, sawyer, Schenectady Turnpike Fuller, William, sawyer, Schenectady Turnpike Fuller, Rozilla Miss, tailoress, 21 Van Schaick Fuller, George, sawyer, Schenectady Turnpike Fuller, George, sawyer, Patroon continued Fuller, Mrs. S. S., boarding-house, 270 n. Market L* 126 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Fuller, Samuel W., fancy sign painter, 64 Green Fuller, Thomas, manager Albany Theatre, bds. Wash­ ington Hall Fuller, Philo, rear 146 Water, n. side of Canal Basin Fulsom, Alexander, bds. at City Hotel Fullerton, widow, 55 Van Schaick Fulton, Miss Amelia, milliner, 11 Washington Fulton, David, 11 Washington FURNACE, TOWNSEND'S, Hawk and Elk FURNACE, EAGLE AIR, W. V. Many, 106, 108, and 110 Beaver FURNACE, (W. Cobb's) being erected, 192 Washing­ ton

G'ABEL, NICHOLAS, laborer, 53 Malcom Gaffers, William, gardener, Eagle, s. of Lydius Gaffney, John, grocer, 522 s. Market Gaffney, Dennis B., justice of Justices' Court, attor­ ney, &c, bds. Columbian Hotel Gaffney, Thomas, waiter, rear 50 Van Schaick Gage, Philip B., carpenter, 40 Church Gager, Phoebe, widow, 38 Liberty Gager, Charles L., captain of Lake steamboat, 38 Liberty Gale, Thomas C, painter, 56 State Gallaher, Edward, laborer, 74 s. Lansing Gallaher, John, furrier, 41 Fox Galliger, James, laborer, 35 Water Galligan, James, shoe store and h. 442 s. Market Galligan, Peter, laborer, 65 Rensselaer Galligan, James, Jr., 119 Fox Galligan, Thomas, morocco dresser, res. Hudson near High Galligan, John, 67 Colonie Gallup, Nathaniel, Lafayette House, 91 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 127

Galpin, Miss Francis, band-box manufacturer, 64 Hudson Galpin, George, Printer, 64 Hudson Galusha & Briggs, Albany coffee house, 30 Eagle Gandy, Bishop, segar-maker, 76 s. Pearl Gamfee, Paul, 94 Bassett Gannon, William, laborer, 80 Ferry Gannon, Patrick, physician, 199 n. Market Gannon, John, grocer, 67 Colonie Gannon, Patrick, 83 Colonie Gansevoort, Peter, attorney, &c, office Stanwix Hall, h. 1 Clinton Park Gansevoort, Mary, widow of Leonard, Jun., 42 Chapel Gansevoort, Elizabeth, widow of Conrad, 27 Mont­ gomery Gardinier, Eliza, widow, High, near State Gardner, John, laborer, State, w. end Gardner, Perry G., res. 20 Dove Gardner, Robert, cooper, 76 Washington Gardner, Benjamin F., Provision store, 58 Washing­ ton, res. GO Hamilton Gardner, Joseph, inn-keeper, 7 Howard Gardner, G. & D. P., provision store, 68 Lydius Gardner, James H., 10 Broad Garfield, Rev. John M., 41 Chapel Garling, Jehoiakim B., tailor, 16 Daniels Garrett, Edward, laborer, 160 State Garrison, Isaac P., barber, shop 94 State, h. 39 Second, Arbor Hill Garrisson, Andrew, cartman, corner of Bass and Quay Garritty, Matthew, blacksmith, 15 Rose Garraghty, Daniel, laborer, Herkimer continued Gates, Gerrit, First, Arbor Hill Gates, John, First, Arbor Hill Gates, Gertrude, widow, First, Arbor Hill Gates, Albert W., coachmaker, 46 Union 128 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Gates, Charles, (W. & C. G.) dealers in dry goods, 339 n. Market Gay, Charles, bds. at the Temperance House, Hud­ son Gay & Willard, Boston packet office, 104 Pier Gay, George E., (Boston packet office) bds. at Mrs. Crosby Gaylor, Hiram, brewer, 52 n. Lansing Gaylor, James, wheelwright, 56 n. Lansing Gaynor, widow C. grocer, 24 Washington Gaynor, Thomas D., grocer, 34 Quay Gaynor, Patrick, laborer, corner s. .Market and Lydius Geary, John, Laborer, 40 Lawrence Geary, George, clothing, 450 s. Market, h. 150 Lyd­ ius George, William, carpenter and saw filer, shop corner Beaver and William, h. 24 Howard George, Austin, 49 Montgomery George, Mason, 40 s. Lansing Getty, Misses, milliner and dress maker, 67 1-2 Green Gibbons, James, exchange office 365 s. Market, h. 5 Orchard Gibbons, Esther, widow of James, 212 n. Market Gibbons, George S. stock and exchange broker, 335 n. Market, h. 10 Quackenbush Gibbs, Sullivan A. clerk A. Adams' Marble Pillar Gibson, John & Co., steam planing and plaster mill, corner Water and Spencer and on the dock, (see advertisement) Gibson, John, res, 2 Lancaster Gibson, J. & J. plane makers, old stand, Lancaster near Eagle Gibson, Benjamin, grocer, 291 Washington Gibson, Robert, nailer, 329 Washington n. Branch Gibson, Joseph, 4 Jay Gibson, William H. victualler, stall 15 Centre Mar­ ket, h. State continued Gibson, James A. pilot DeWitt Clinton, 22 Park Gibson, James, 2 Lancaster ALBANY DIRECTORY. 129

Gibson, William, plane maker, High near Lancaster Gibson, William, carpenter, 38 William Gibson, Cornelius V. victualler, 13 Centre Market, h. 71 Beaver Gidley, Timothy H. bds. Mansion House Giffin, William, dyer and scourer, 14 Norton, late Store Lane Giffin, John, tin pedlar, 99 n. Market Gifford, Constant, ship joiner, 31 Union Gifford, widow Ann, 33 Division Gifford, William, shoemaker, 143 n. Market Gifford, Daniel, carpenter, Schenectady turnpike Gilbert, Daniel, 145 Lumber Gilbert, Lucian, 373 n. Market Gilbourn, William, cooper, 53 Arch Gilbourn, William, shoemaker, 43 Washington Gillgan, John, grocer, 59 n. Lansing Gillgan, John, shoemaker, 5 Bass Gill, Thomas, shoemaker, 107 Lydius Gill,Mrs. Elizabeth,milliner and dress maker,7. s.Pearl Gill, Matthew, 279 n. Market Gill, J. & W. bakers, cor. Chapel and Pine Gill, John G., 55 Howard Gill, George, tailor, 38 Rensselaer Gill,Williams, res. 9 Fayette Gillman, John, carpenter, rear 29 Malcom Gillan, James, carpenter, 69 Fox Gillespie, Hugh, shoemaker, 51 Montgomery Gillespie, Matthew, 74 n. Market Gillespie, widow, tailoress, 56 Howard Gillespie, Elizabeth, 33 Steuben Gillespie, Thomas, shoemaker, 77 Orange Gillespie, William, victualler, 63 n. Market Gillespie, Thomas, laborer, 49 Fox Gilmer, Patrick, cartman, 5 Steuben Gilmer, Gaun, laborer, 180 n. Market Gilmore, Joseph, plane maker, 19 Hudson Gilson, William, carpenter and circular saw factory,26 rear Van Woert Gippord, Andrew, boatman, 73 s. Pearl 130

Given, James, furnace-man, 35 Van Schaick Gladding, Timothy, painter, 56 Chapel Gladding, Timothy C. painter, 93 State Gladding, William, house, sign and ornamental painter 10 Beaver, h. 8 Jay Gladding, Joseph, 93 State Gladding, George W., painter, 53 Maiden Lane Gladding, Truman, sign painter, res. 56 Chapel Gladding, Horace, painter, Denniston Gleason, Edward, teamster, 60 Rensselaer Glen, John, laborer, 62 Church Glen, widow of Robert, 87 Church Glen, Cornelius, at Argus office Glen, Henry, Printer, Argus office Godden & Keene, grocers, 76 Washington Godden, William, grocer and cartman, 76 Washing­ ton Godden, John, cartman, 76 Washington Godden, David, res. corner s. Pearl and Howard Godfrey, John I., res. Schenectady Turnpike „' .7 ' Godley, Patience, widow, 611 s. Market Godley, John S., 611 s. Market Goewey, John J., accountant, 248 n. Market Goewey, John P., refectory, steamboat landing, Pier, foot of State Goewey, Miss Magdalen, preceptress, 20 Orange Goff, John E., cor. Schuyler and Malcom Goff, Henry, laborer, 32 n. Peail Goffe, William S., coffee and spice manufacturer, 9 Exchange Goffe, William, currier, 39 Orange Golden, Peter, laborer, 97 Schuyler Golden, Thomas, cooper, 101 Washington Goldwaite, widow Jane, 20 1-2 Park Goodhue, Ephraim P., printer, 38 Orange Goodlin, Edward, 37 Dean Goodman John, 5 Dennison Goodman, Jesse, shoemaker, 186 State DIRECTORY. 131

Goodrich, John, builder, 191 n. Market, shop 12 Van Schaick Goodrich, Moses, shoemaker, 82 Fox Goodrich, David, 176 n. Market ^ Goodwater, Anthony, tinman, 3 Dean Goodwin, Thomas S., clerk at eastern depot, res. foot of eastern inclined plain Goodwin, Albert, mason, 100 Washington Goodwin, Dexter, copper smith, 67 Beaver Goodwin, Sarah, boarding-house, 67 Beaver Goold, James, coach-maker, lumber yard 83 pier, h. 47 s. Pearl Gooseberry, Thomas, musician, rear 7 Park Gordon, John, laborer, 33 Westerlo Gordon, Archibald, cartman, 188 s. Pearl Gordon, John, coachman, Dove north of Washing­ ton Gordon, John, laborer, 59 Church Gorhan, John, gardener Lydius continued Gorman, Anthony, 76 Ferry Gormley, Matthew, copper-smith, 48 Van Schaick] Gott, John, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, store and res. 59 State Gough, Thomas, exchange office, 349 n. Market, h. 83 Columbia Gough, James, attorney &c, bds. Thomas Gough's Gough John T., exchange office n. Market, res. 61 Di­ vision Gould, Anthony, (W. & A. Gould & Co.) h. 62 How­ ard Gould, James S., dealer in wooden ware, and Libra­ rian of apprentice's library, 363 s. Market, h. 41 Beaver Gould, Job, dealer in wooden ware, 366 s. Market, h. 39 Beaver Gould, W. H. & Co. law booksellers and stationary store, 104 State Gould, William H., 104 State Gould, James P., coach-maker, 42 Liberty 132 HOFFMAN'S ALBANT DIRECTORY.

Gould, John, steam boat pilot, 52 Union Gould, John, coach-maker, 45 Green Gould, Charles D., Ill Washington Gould, widow Electa, 207 State Gould Lester S. Z. constable, Bethlehem, near south rail road Gourlay, James, lumber agent, 85 Washington' Gourlay, William B., lumber inspector, res. 30 Wa­ ter Goyen, Francis, tailor, 188 s. Pearl Gowie, Charles G., res. 70 Fox Grace, John, painter, 20 Van Zandt Gracie, widow of E. G. 83 n. Pearl Gracie, Oliver O, weigher & measurer, Dewitt Graham, Augus*us, 99 Hamilton Graham, Margardt, 70 s. Lansing Graham, Jonas, M. D. 93 n. Market Graham, Edward W., piano forte and cabinet finisher, 66 Church Graham, George, tailor, 43 Liberty Graham, Marian, widow, 295 Washington n. Branch Gramshan, John, weighmaster, bds. rail road hotel Granger, James H.,bds. at J. Smiths, 79 Washington Grant, Richard J., clerk, res. 172 Washington Grant, R. at Eagle tavern Grant, Alexander, accountant, 107 Beaver Grassie, James, 64 Montgomery Grassie, W. C. book keeper, 64 Montgomery Grattan, Patrick, grocer, Washington n. Branch Grathurst, George, baker, 61 William Graves, Edmund, Printer, Chapel, near Van Schaick Graves, Anthony G., dancing academy, Commercial Buildings, res. Hudson, west of Eagle Graves, Frederick, cabinet-maker, 237 State Graves, John, baker, 8 Daniels Graves, John S., baker, 56 Hamilton Gray, Alexander & Son, stone-cutter's shop and yard 79 Herkimer, h. 88 Green Gray, William, stone-cutter, 88 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 183

Gray, Archibald, manufacturer of cordials, &c. 183 t. Pearl Gray, widow Mary E., mantua-maker, 107 Lydius Gray, James, 65 Fox Gray, Francis, laborer, High Gray, James, veterenary surgeon, State, above Lark Gray, John, copper, tin and sheet iron worker, res. 32 Jay Gray, Sarah, widow of James, 84 n. Market Gray, Stephen, 57 Lumber Gray, Ezra W., 16 Bass Green, Joseph H., at 3 Hudson) h. 15 Daniels Green, Joseph D., innkeeper, 8 Hudson Green, John, tragedian, bds. Clinton Hotel Green, Charles, tailor, Second, Arbo^Hill Green, Francis, laborer, 37 Van Schaick Green, Henry, bds. at City Hotel Green, Thomas, bds. Rail-road Hotel Greene, Henry, physician and druggist, office and house s. Pearl, cor. Hudson Greene & Chapin, grocers, 51 Quay Greene, Edward, waiter, 57 Howard Greene & Williams, Albany and N. York line of tow- boats, 66 Quay Greene, Thomos L., bds. at American Hotel Greer, Margaret, widow of George, Arch Greer. Thomas, shoe-store, 561 s. Market Greer, David, shoemaker, 561 s. Market Greer, widow Hannah, 129 Lydius Gregory, Benjamin, lumber-merchant, office 9, b.. 16 Orange Gregory, B. P. & Co. (J. P. Gould and John Silsby) coach-makers, 13, 15 & 17 Church Gregory, Benjamin P., h. 55 Liberty Gregory, Lewis B., physician and druggist, store cor. Beaver and s. Pearl, h. High near State Gregory, James, coachman, rear 22 Van Zandt Gregory, William M., 37 Beaver Gregory, Stephen B., 88 Lydius M 134 Gregory, Matthew., 6 Capitol Park Gregory, Mrs., dress-maker, 43 Maiden Lane Gregory & Co. (William M. & Stephen B. Gregory) wholesale and retail dealers in crockery, 359 s. Market Gregory, Lewis R., house, sign and ornamental paint­ er, 301 n. Market, bds. P. Snow's, Third, Arbor Hill Gregory, Miss Ellen, dress-maker, 35 n. Pearl Greener, Stephen, stove-mounter, 122 Franklin Gretton, George, boarding-house, 22 Fayette Gridley, Robert, porter-house, Norton, residence 62 Beaver Griffin, Cornelius, shoemaker, 28 Washington Griffin, George C, painter and glazier, shop 234 n. Market, h. 73 Lumber Griffin, Richard, shoemaker, 21 Washington Griffin, Seth, cartman, Lydius continued Griffin, Jacob, grocer, 13 Park Griffin, John, cor. State and Park Griffin, John, laborer, 57 Fox Griffin, John, baker, 78 Ferry Griffin, Michael, grocer, cor. Rose and Rose Alley Griffin, Michael, drayman, 180 n. Market Griffin, Richard Montgomery, gro. and provision store, cor. Church and Bass Griffin, widow Margaret, Clinton Griffin, G. O, cor. Park and State Griffin, William R., hair-dresser, 58 Dean Griffing, Francis H., cordwainer, 70 Lumber Griffith, William, grocer, 69 Eagle Griffith, widow Jane, 11 Dallius Griffith, Misses E. & P., select school, 11 Dallius Griffiths, E. T., teacher, 41 John Greig, Alexander, cabinet-maker, bds. at Christie's Un­ ion House Grimes, John, laborer, cor. Plain and Hallenbake Grimwood, Miss Mary Ann, superintendent Albany Or­ phan Asylum HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 135

Groat, widow Mary, 19 Lodge Groesbeek, Stephen, attorney, &c. office 55 State, h. 64 Chapel Groesbeek, Miss Gertrude, tailoress, 26 Union Groesbeek, John D., surveyor, 158 Lydius Groesbeek, widow of William, 48 Montgomery Groesbeek, John I., city boot-store, 381 s. Market, res. City Hotel Groesbeek, Abraham, alms-house physician, res. 95 n. Pearl Groesbeek, C. W., auction and commission merchant, Stanwix hall, li. 10 Van Schaick Groesbeek, David W., 25 Fox Groesbeek, William W., proprietor U. S. Bazaar, 324 n. Market, h. 25 Beaver Groesbeek, Mrs. Alida, dress-maker, 9 Fox Groesbeek, widow Harriet, 9 Fox Grogan, Robert, waiter, basement 35 Dean Groom, Peter E., 104 Pier, bds. 70 Herkimer < i. oot, Abraham S., wood-yard 67 Water, h. 72 Mont­ gomery Groot, Philip W., merchant, 315 n. Market, res. cor. Steuben and Chapel Gross, Samuel, 20 Lydius Gross & Wilson, finding, last and leather store, 15 Hudson Groux, Dominique, carpenter, Second street Arbor Hill Grovestein, Abraham, carpenter, 217 n. Market Grovestein, James S., piano maker, res. 217 n. Market Groves, James, 591 s. Market Guardenier, George, merchant taylor, store and res. 390 s. Market. Guardenier, Henry A., bread inspector, 390 s. MarkefJ Gurnsey, Addison, 57 s. Lansing Guest, Sidney, leather dresser, 7 Union Guest, Thomas, 83 Church Gunlinton, Robert, 314 Washington, n. Branch Gunn, Arthur, malster, Washington n. Branch 136 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Guntion, James, 38 Malcom Guthrie, Arthur, 291 Washington s. Branch Guy, Jonathan, laborer, Lydius continued

• f. HACKSTAFF, E. H, wholesale and retail dry goods store, 443 s. Market, h. 33 Hamilton Hackstaff, Mrs. Perry, dress maker, 30 Union Hackley, Philo A., 12 John Hackstrass, John, musical instrument maker, rear 254 Washington Haddock, Jabez, tallow chandler, 88 n. Market Hadley, William, attorney, 30 Washington Haderman, John, paver, 52 Van Schaick Hadwen, Thomas, plane maker 57 Fox Hagan, Bernard, lumber piler, 52 Van Schaick Hagan, Francis, painter, 79 Orange Hagan, Patrick, 61 Fox Hagan, Michael, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Hagan, Bryan, 71 Colonie Hagadorn, Richard B., Waterman, 265 s. Pearl Hagenney, James, laborer, 21 Quay Hagerman, Gerrit, 8 Union Hagerman & Aldrich, fruit dealers, 488 s. Market Hagerty,. Thomas Cain, waterman, 17 Bass Haight, Samuel B., leather store, 1\ Hudson, h. 83 Beaver Hale & Eames, groceries and provisions, 78 Quay cor. Hamilton Hale, Sylvester, 17 Dean Hall, Gideon, 163 Green Hall, Asahel, 68 Hudson Hall, John, Taylor (S. & H.) bds. 68 Hudson Hall, (Green,) Hall & Hewson (John D.) manufac­ turers of silver ware and jewelry, 10 Plain cor. of Hallenbake 178

Hall, Green, 22 Jay Hall, Jacob, victualler, 17 centre market, h. 310 Wash­ ington s. Branch Hall, Margaret E., 211 State Hall, James, laborer basement 55 Church Hall, (John H.) Packard (Rawson) & Cushman (Thos. H.) bank note engravers, Commercial Buildings Hall, John H., at Mrs. Howe's Hall, Thomas, segar maker, 11 * Pearl Hall, Abraham, butcher, centre market, res. Washing­ ton Square Hall, Joseph, gardner, 16 Third Arbor Hill Hall, Osias, ice merchant, 37 Van Woert Halliday, Hiram, clock repairer, &c, 131 Green Halliday, James H., carpenter, 142 Lydius Halliday, James, Judge County Courts, res. South Pearl adjoining rail road Hallenbake, Lawrence, inspector of lumber, office 116 Water, h. 104 Washington Hallenbake, George, shoe-maker, 332 State Hallenbeck, James S., grocer, 125 State Hallenbeck, James, watchman, Lark near State Hallenbeck, Matthew J., merchant, 242 Washington Hallock, Barnabus, carver, 35 Dean Halpen, Patrick, laborer, 13 lumber Halpen, Peter, Grocer, 6 cor. Maiden Lane and Dean Halpen, John, laborer, 16 Malcom Halsey, Elias, Cartman, rear 165 Green Hamilton, Seth, clerk on the Dock, res. 78 Lydius Hamilton, Alfred, attorney, 304 n. Market Hamilton, Catharine, widow of Isaac, 304 n. Market Hamilton, Andrew, laborer, 115 Snipe Hamilton, Samuel, mason, rear of Broad Hamilton, William A., physician, office and h 47 Green Hancock, Jotham, police constable 2d ward, res. 103 Washington Hancock, William, clerk, 39 Quay, res. cor. Eagle and Jay M* 138

Hancock, John, fire-brick manufacturer, 306 Washing­ ton Hand, Lemuel P., lumber, merchant, office 5 Pier, h. 4 Quckenbush Hand, Bradford, mason, 149 Lydius Haner, Elizabeth, widow, upper end Spring Hanei, Hiram, farmer, 3 miles out 2d ward Hanford, George, merchant, 407 s. Market Hanford, Peter, mason, 37 Van Schaick Hannubarry, Martin, laborer, 31 Quay Hannigan, John, laborer, 67 Colonie Hannington, William, bds. at City Hotel Harbison, John, 24 Jackson Harbison, Samuel, 53 Liberty Harden, John, 25 Union Harder, Robert, laborer, 314 Washington, n. Branch Hards, George, mason, 162 State Hare, Daniel, 69 Maiden Lane Hare, Silas W., teamster, 6 Van Woert Hare, George, 225 Washington Hardick, Elizabeth, 57 Liberty Hardie, widow Mary, preceptress, 35 n. Pearl Hardy, William J., carpenter, 40 Church Hardy, Jacob, waiter, 26 Van Schaick Harman ———, 94 Lydius Harmer, Samuel, mason, 62 s. Pearl Harman, Thomas W., attorney, &c, office 66 State, res. 94 Lydius Harmens, George, laborer and basket maker, 113 Snipe Harper, Robert, milkmen and gardner, Patroon con­ tinued Harris, Edwin A., dealer in dry goods, 319 n. Market, h. 83 n. Pearl Harris, Daniel, paper-hanger and band box maker, 5 Washington Harris, Ira, (Dutcher & H.) attorney and office, Law Buildings, h. 177 n. Market Harris, George, cartman, State continued HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 189

Harris, Robert, porter and eating rooms, under Com­ mercial Buildings, corner s. Market and Hudson, h. 556 s. Market Harris, widow Mary, Mulberry Harris, James, coach painter, shop corner Lydius and Church, res 433 s. Market Harris, Richard, constable, 577 s. Market Harris, Mrs. & Mrs. Hartnett, dress-makers, 577 s. Market Harris, Stephen, boot and shoemaker, Hudson west of Eagle Harris, Mary, tailoress, 150 s. Peari Harris, Mrs. millinery and fancy store, 433 s. Market Harris, Thomas, gardner, Patroon continued Harrison, John, grocer, 20 Fox Harrison, Patrick, laborer, 22 Fox Harrison, William, carpenter, 247 State near Swan Harrison, George, carpenter, 247 State near Swan Harrison, James, shoemaker, 52 Ferry Hart, William, carpenter, Tivoli Hollow Hart, Irvin, milk-man, Lydius continued Hart, James, laborer, 29 Van Woert . Hart, John, laborer, 7 First, Arbor Hill Hart, Harman V., 44 Chapel Hart, James, finisher, at Factory Tivoli Hollow Hart, John, laborer, 58 Church Hart, Thomas, laborer, 57 Howard Hart, James, laborer, 22 Van Woert Hartly, John, laborer, 87 Church Hartman, Peter, laborer, 36 Clinton Hartness, James, soap manufacturer, manufactory and h. Jackson Hartness, widow Maria, 16 Orchard Hartness, John, chandler, 181, res. 195 n. Market Hartnett, William, vicutaller, stalls 7 and 8 North Mar­ ket, res. Schenectady Turnpike Harty, Michael, laborer, 66 William Harty, William, grocer, 518 s. Market Harty, Edward, laborer, 3 Bass 140 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Harvey, James, hair dresser, 10 s. Pearl and 239 n. Market Harvey & Treadwell, stove ware-house, 19 Green cor. Beaver Harvey, Robert, 8 Norton Harvey, Thomas, teacher, 23 n. Pearl Harvey, Zachariah, grocer, 595 s. Market Hasbrouck, Peter, clerk in comptroller's office, h. 18 Norton Haskel, William, carpenter, 30 Hamilton Haskel, Mrs., boarding-house, 304 n. Market Hascey, Alexander R., watch-maker, 33 State, h. 54 Howard Haslem, William, laborer, 31 Quay Hassel, John, sawyer, Schenectady turnpike Hastings, John, 32 Dalius Hastings Seth, 90 n. Pearl Haswell, Henry B., county clerk, office City-Hall, res. 39 Swan Hatch, Joseph, innkeeper, 229 n. Market Hatchin, William, finisher at furnace, Hallenbake Hatizan, Patrick, laborer, 566 s. Market Havens, David Y., carpenter, 12 Wendell Hatsair, Christian, cabinet-maker, 19 Fox Hawes, Matthew, cooper, 59 Dean, h. 23 Liberty Hawes & Baker, stove merchants, 5 Green Hawes, Isaac M., 77 n. Market Hawes, William, cooper, 75 Quay, h. 23 Liberty Hawes, William H., pedlar, Patroon continued Hawes, Isaac L., 312 State continued Hawes, Lyman, 146 Washington Hawley, Benjamin F., liquor dealer, bds. at Columbian Hotel Hawley, David A., grocer, 109 Pier, res. 98 Green Hawley, Gideon, treasurer Utica and Schenectady rail road company, office 62 n. Pearl, h. 210 n. Mar­ ket Hawley, Cyrus, produce merchant, 193 h. 191 Wash­ ington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 141

Hawley, David E., painter and glazer, Hudson west of Eagle Hawley, George W., at corner Hamilton and Quay Hawley, F. T., fortune teller and star gazer, 11 Plain Hawley, Aaron, builder, 61 s. Lansing Hawlev, Samuel, street-commissioner lst ward, res. 277 s. Pearl Hay, John, cabinet-maker, shop 124 State, house 15 Lodge Hayes, Joshua R., mason, 18 Ferry Hayes, John, carpenter, 16 Van Zandt Hayes, Solomon, 4 Academy Park Hayes, widow Ellen, 7 Chapel Hayes, Catharine, widow of Timothy, 27 Howard Hayes, Thomas, shoemaker, 20 Fox Hayner, Philip C, 41 Swan Hayner, Peter, teamster, rear 41 Swan Hayner, widow Susan, 336 State Hayser, Abraham, foreman carder, Tivoli Hollow Hazard, John V. S., dealer in dry goods, 50 State, res. 27 Montgomery Hazard, E. M. (J. V. S. & Co.) 50 State, bds. Clinton Hotel Hazard, William H., fur cutter, west end Orange Haze, John, cor. Lodge and Pine Hazletine, Hitman, clerk, High Head, widow Catharine, 11 Van Tromp Headlan, William, book-keeper, 41 Lumber Hedrick, James, laborer, Washington, s. Branch Heflernan, James, liquor and provision store cor. Wil­ liam and Hamilton Helman, Henry, 119 n. Market Helman, W. 6s Wolhman, A, cabinet-makers, 219 n. Market Helmer, Adam, rear 109 Washington Hempstead, Rachel, widow of Isaac, Quackenbush Hempstead, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and dress-maker, 25 s. Pearl 142

Hempstead, Isaac, physician, 25 s. Pearl Henay, William, laborer, 39 Second, Arbor Hill Henay, Charles, grocer, 6 Maiden Lane Henay, Lawrence, brick-maker, 111 n. Market Henderer, Myers, tailor, 30 Fox Henderin, Thomas, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Henderson, William W., moulder, 16 John Henderson, Horace, furnaco man, 595 s. Market Hendrickson, John, exchange office, State cor. s. Mar­ ket, h. 63 Division Hendrickson, Jacob, 134 s. Pearl Hendrickson, M. & J., groecrs, 6 Hudson, 59 Quay Hendrickson, Matthew, 5 Daniels Hendrickson, William, cor. State and s. Market, h. 9 Van Tromp Hendrickson, Aaron, dry goods, 37 Washington Henly, Edward, printer, 12 Norton Hennessy, Thomas, laborer, 190 s. Pearl Hennessy, Thomas, laborer, 63 William Hennessy, David, 160 State Hennessy, Jeremiah, grocer, 85 Quay Hennessy, Edward, grocer, 88 Quay Henright, Cornelius, 8 Malcom Henry, James, book-seller, 71 State, h. 98 Lydius Henry, Peter Seton, master in chancery, attorney, &c. office 66, h. 25 Columbia Henry, widow of Harmanus, 33 Fox Henry, Jacob, 10 Hallenbake Henry, Jacob, lamp-lighter, 25 Lodge Henry, Philip, gardener, western turnpike Henshaw, Joseph H., Military Hall, corner of Church and Lydius Hensart, William, mason, 67 Montgomery Hepinstall & Co. leather dealers, 24 State Hepinstall, Christopher, 59 Liberty Hepinstall, George, leather dealer, 25 Hudson Hermans, John, clothing store, 356 .?. Market, res. 33 Lydius HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 143

Hermans, Cornelius I., saw-filer, 127 Beaver Herner, Mrs. Anna, 85 Church Herrick, Abraham, morocco dresser, 17 Bass Herrick, Edmund S. hat store 428 s. Market, h. 79 Ha­ milton Herrick, Michael, 61 William Herrington, Philip, laborer, Malcom Herrington, William, hair-dresser, 24 Green, bds. City Hotel Herrington, John, mason, cor. State and Willett Herrington, Joseph, laborer, stove-cleaner and white- washer, State near Knox Hetzes, George, laborer, 324 Washington n. Branch Hewett, Charles, weaver, Tivoli Hollow Hewett, Thomas, shoemaker, 82 Washington Hewett, John, 82 Washington Hewlett, Hosea, painter, 23 First, Arbor Hill Hewson, Nancy, widow of Robert, 61 Lydius Hewson, John D. (Hall & H.)53 Green Hewson, John, tailor, 42 Third, Arbor Hill Hewson, Thomas, inspector of lumber, 31 Orchard Hewson, Thomas, Butcher, Spring near Lark Hewson, Mary, widow of John, 87 Lydius Hewson, widow Mary, 41 Liberty Heynnigan, John, 19 Beaver Hickey, John, 3 Rose Alley Higbie, Hammonds & Co. lumber rnerchts., office Wa­ ter, above North Ferry Higbie, Nathan F. lumber merchant, 53 n. Market Hicks,Miss, dressmaker, corner Van Zandt and Hallen­ bake Hickcox,Hamlet H. book-keeper Canal bank, res. 124 s. Pearl Hicks, John C. cor. Van Zandt and Hallenbake Higgins, James, 19 Lawrence, north side canal ba­ sin Higgins, Stephen, produce dealer, store 311, h. 313 Washington s. Branch above the furnace Higgins, Patrick, 19 Lawrence 144

Higham, Abraham, capt. steamboat Eckford, h. 46.*. Pearl Higham, widow Mary, 20 Ferry Higham, Miss Catharine, preceptress, 20 Ferry Hight, David, laborer, 53 Fayette Hiland, John, laborer, 2 Eagle, rear of Fox Hilabrant, Martin, comb maker, Elk near Swan Hill and Sandford, lumber merchants, office above little basin Hill, Joseph, carpenter, 229 Washington Hill, John, shoe-maker, High Hill, William, laborer, 64 Orange Hill, Henry, GroceT, 43 Fox Hill, A. H. pianno maker, 105 n. Market Hill, Adam, carpenter, 127 Franklin Hill, James, tailor, 261 s. Pearl Hill, James, blacksmith, I Steuben Hill, George, grocer, 86 Quay Hill, Thomas, glove factory, 27 Herkimer, h. 83 Wes­ terlo Hill, Thomas, 43 Colonie Hill, Edward K. cigar store, 641 s. Market Hill, Henry, grocer, 41 Pier Hillis, Robert, moulder, 84 Church Hills, Erastus, hat store, 60 State, h. 51 Washington Hill, William Riley, canal boat inspector, h. 47 Wash­ ington Hills, Charles W. 51 Washington Hilman, Arthur, shoemaker, 60 Washington Hilman, John, shoemaker, shop and house 43 Wash­ ington Hilman, Thomas, 21 Lawrence Hilson, Robert, provision store, 30 Van Schaick Hilson, Thomas, Jr., shoe-store, 458 s. Market Hilson, Thomas, shoemaker, 30 Van Schaick Hilton, widow of Philip, rear 64 Washington Hilton, John, grocer, 33 s. Pearl corner Hudson Hilton, James, mason, 8 Plain Hilton, Benjamin P. coach maker, 593 s. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 145

Hilton, William D. teamster, 81 Malcom Hilton, Robert J., judge of county courts, attorney &c. office cor. State and Green, res. 102 Hudson Hilton, Simon V. H, grocery and house 75 a. Mar­ ket Hilton, widow Jane, Hawk south of Lydius Hilton, Elizabeth, 28 Van Schaick Hinburgh, Andrew, laborer, 22 Washington Hinds, John C, book-keeper, 74 Hamilton Hindman, Alfred G. umbrella manufactory and lace storo, 418 s. Market, Hindlay, William, res. 339 Washington, .n Branch Hiney, Jacob, laborer, 77 Orange Hiney, Mrs., 6 Rose Hinkley, John, painter, 80 Green Hinkley, John W., physician, cor. Hudson and Green, res. 80 Green Hinkley, Joseph, grocer and painter, 134 Green Hinkley, George, painter, 80 Green Hinman, James, constable, 4 Norton Hipper, Christian F. 18 Lydius HISTRIONIC HALL, Albany Histrionic Association, Orchard Hitchcock, John, master steamboat Commerce, h. 1 Steuben Hitchcock, Spelman, engineer railroad Branch Hoard, Jonathan, carpenter, Spring above Hawk Hoag, Abraham, shoemaker, 155 Green Hobart, Henry, paper hanger, 22 Daniels Hocknell, Richaid, butcher, Delaware turnpike Hochstrasser, Jecob H. leather dealer, 18 Hudson, res. Mrs. Pease's Hodge, John, baker, 190 n. Market Hodgkin, Stephen L. painter, 283 n. Market Hodossy, Fenac, furnace-man, Cherry Hoffman, (Benjamin) & White, (Andrew) printing of­ fice 71 State, proprietors Albany Evening Jour­ nal Hoffman, Benjamin, h. 63 Lydius N 146

Hoffman, Lewis G. book and job printer, cor. 8. Market and Hamilton, opposite Eagle Tavern, h. 66 Lyd­ ius Hoffman, Levi S., (H. & P.) cor. Lydius and Hallen­ bake Hoffman, widow Martha, 45 Hudson Hoffman, Thomas, moulder, 95 Schuyler Hoffman, Timothy, boatman, Second Arbor Hill Hoffman, widow Susannah, 13 n. Market Hogan, Gerrit, county treasurer, office City Hall, h. 138 Lydius Hogan, Thomas, 6 Rose Alley Hogan, Ellen Jane, 57 Malcom Hogan, Bryan, morocco dresser, Van Schaick, west end Hogan, Gerrit, laborer, upper end Van Schaick Hogan, George, laborer, 34 Clinton Hogan, William, 77 Green Hogle, Francis, rope maker, upper end Van Woert Holden, James, 95 Beaver Holden, Robert, cooper, 95 Beaver Holden, Reuben, merchant, 88 State, house 54 Divis­ ion Holden, Hiram, clerk, 40 Lawrence Holdrige, David F., carpenter, 74 Eagle Holhiger, Jacob, laborer, 218 Washington Holland, widow Nancy, 38 Orange Hollarman, John, tailor, 27 Hudson Holly, Orville L., Surveyor General, office State Hall, res. Eagle Tavern Holmes, Jacob, judge, &c, 57 State, res. 151 Lydius Holmes, Henry B. 79 Church Holmes, Jotham, boarding house, 86 Middle Lane Holmes, Edward, pastor of 3d reformed Dutch church res, 26 Ferry Holmes, Robert, dry goods, 325 n. Market, house 7ft Church Holmes, John, painter, State continued near Lark Holmes, Myron, fuller, Tivoli Hollow HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 147

Holmes, Richard, painter, 50 Lydius Holmes, Roswell, boarding house 14 Union Holmes, Alexander, 63 Maiden Lane Holstein, Ducoudray, professorof modern languages in Female Academy, h. 46 Chapel Holt, Jared, leather and finding store,and res. 48 Hudson Holt, David, printer, 1 Union Holt, Charles, printer, bds. 1 Union Hooghkirk, Gerrit R. gunsmith, 8 Beaver, h. near Schenectedy turnpike Hooghkirk, Abraham, tailor, bds. 248 n. Market Hooghkirk, James Jr., shoemaker and nurse rear of 20 Washington HOOK & LADDER NO. 1, William HOOK & LADDER NO. 2, Water Hoops, Adam, maj., bds. 19 Montgomery Hopper, John, carpenter, 21 Knox Horner, James, (E. Corning & Co.) h. 63 n. Pearl Horner, John, nailer. Schenectady turnpike Horth, Francis, tailor, 16 Pine, opposite furnace Horen. I'Cdward, mason, 27 Malcom Hosch, William, confectioner, 11 n. Market Hosch, Philip, confectioner, Third Arbor Hill Hosford, David, counsellor at law, &c. office 8 s. Pearl, h. 17 Van Schaick Hosford, Frederic J., clerk at W. C. Little's, bds. at Mrs. Fuller's Hotaling, David J.-wheelwright, 215 Washington Hough, Mrs., boarding-house, 73 Hamilton Hough, Charles, printer, bds. at Franklin House Hough, John B., blacksmith, 4 Rose Houghton, Silas, grocer, 163 s. Pearl Houghton, Silas, sloop contractor, 264 s. Pearl Houghtaling, Jacob, basket maker, 122 Franklin House, Charles, shoemaker, 83 Washington House, Samuel, store 5 Green, h. 113 Hamilton House, William, 55 s. Lansing Houston, widow Christy, 32 Van Schaick Houston, William, 14 Bass 148 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Howard, Zephania, carpenter, 9 First Arbor Hill Howard, Ephraim, horse doctor and eye curer, 60 Un­ ion Howard, Alexander S., 10 Norton Howard & Ryckman, brewers, 568*. Market Howard, Launcelot, 568 s. Market Howard, Joseph H., bds. at City Hotel Howard, Matthew, carpenter, shop in rear of 145, res. 139 n. Market Howe, widow of Jesse, boarding house 66 Hudson Howe, Silas B., draper and tailor, corner State and s- Pearl res. 21 Liberty Hows, B., bds. at Mansion House Howell, Charles, 104 Pier Howlet, Solomon, forwarding merchant, bds. at Mrs. Crosby's Hoy, Patrick, shoemaker, 95 Beaver, res. 119 Fox Hoyt, George A., silversmith and jeweller, 385 s. Mar­ ket, h. 6 Liberty Hoyt, Alfred, master steam-boat constitution, 28 Ferry Hoyt, Thomas, comb-maker, 86 Beaver Hoyt, Richard, Teacher, 96 Washington Hubbard, Thomas, laborer, 278 Washington n. Branch Hubbard, Charles, carpenter, 38 Orange Hubbel, Noble D., clerk on Pier, res. Rensselaer Huddleston J. Henry, printer, bds. 82 Green Hudson, John, gardner, Western Turnpike HUDONS STREET TEMPERANCE HOUSE, 10 and 12 Hud­ son HUDSON RIVER STEAM-BOAT OFFICE, Stillman Witt, agent, Pier, foot of State Hubby, L. M., bds. at 23 Hamilton HUDSON AND MOHAWK RAIL ROAD COMPANY, 115 State Hughes, William H., teacher, 47Dalius Hughes, John M., commission merchant, 70 Quay, h. 75 Hamilton Hughes, James, laborer, 20 Malcom Hughes, Francis, laborer, 20 Malcom Hughes, Peter, laborer, 5 Bass HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 149

Hughes, John, laborer, 7 Bass Hughes, William, shoe-maker, 52 Ferry, keeper of Mineral Garden, 56 Ferry Hughes, James, carpenter, 66 Arch Hughes, Thomas, constable, 2d ward, 231 Washing­ ton Hughes, Thomas, shoe-maker, 162 State Hughes, widow Dorcas, 231 Washington Hughes, Michael, laborer, Elk near Furnace Hulett,, Ephraim, resd. physician Aims-House Hullum, Joseph, wheelwright, 222 Washington Humphrey, Friend, dealer in hides and leather 16 State, h. 85 n. Pearl cor. Maiden Lane Humphrey, Hugh, superintendant Albany water-worka, res. 39 Maiden Lane Humphrey, E. J., bank agent, 203 State Humphrey, Chauncey, canal collector, office Stanwix Hall, entrance Maiden Lane, h. 243 State Humphrey, William, ^H. & Co.) h. 57 s. Pearl Humphrey, David, (Humphrey & Co.) bds. American Hotel Humphrey & Co., (William Humphrey, NoahB. Miles, David Humphrey and James S. Humphrey) dealers in hardware 41 and 43 State Humphrey, Christiana, widow 53 Washington Humphrey, Eva, widow, rear 103 Washington Humphrey, John J., dry goods merchant, 429 a. Mar­ ket, res. 39 Hudson, Humphrey, John, 39 Hudson Humphrey, widow Catharine, 39 Fayette Hunniston, Willis, pewterer, 553 s. Market Hunt, William, butcher, 52 Arch Hunt, John, laborer, 247 n. Branch Washington Hunter, William, malster, 251 Washington Hunter William, furnaceman, 246 Washington Hunter, Robert & Co., forwarding merchants foot of State Hunter Robert, 29 Dalius Hunter, Mrs. Isabella, 6 Daniels N* 150 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Hunter, Henry, carpenter, 4 Rose Hunter, John, watch-maker and jeweller, shop and h. 40 s. Pearl Huntington, Reuben, Btove mounter, 24 Van Zandt Huntington, Ezra, grocer, cor. Beaver and Wendell, bds. Republican Hotel Hurd, J. N. M., exchange office, 383 s. Market, h. 31 Dalius Hurd, Daniel T., painter and glazier, 60 Washington Hurdis, John, Painter, shop 9 Church, h. 51 Liberty Hurley, Thomas, laborer, Herkimer near Church Hurley, James, teacher, 152 Montgomery Husted, Mrs. Mary, milliner, 383 s. Market Husted, Arms, cartman, 26 Chapel Husten, widow Christina, 32 Van Schaick Hurst, Henry, 36 Clinton Hutchins, widow Sarah, 59 s. Pearl Hutchinson, James, shoemaker, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Hutchinson, Thomas, laborer, 48 Patroon Hutchinson, Robert, furnaceman, 638 s. Market Hutchinson, Robert, 104 Water Hutchinson, David, moulder, 121 Franklin Hutchinson, William, 104 Water Huxford, F. W., bds. at Mansion House Hyatt, John L., tobacconist, 68 s. Lansing Hyatt, T. S., (T. B. Ridder & Co.,) 87 s. Pearl Hyde, JohnL., clerk, 51 State Hyerd, William, coachman, 58 Cross Hynds, Patrick, carpenter, Van Zandt

I. IGGETT, JOHN, tin and coppersmith, patentee of portable cooking tin ovens and stoves, factory, ware-house, and residence 486 s. Market INFANT SCHOOL, 56 Orchard HOFFHAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 151

Ingmire, Frederic, hair dresser, 462 s. Market Ingram, Henry, saddler and harness maker, 20 Wash­ ington Ingram, James, watch maker and Jeweller, 47 Wash­ ington Innes, William, carpenter, 32 Howard Innes, William, Printer, 15 Dean Innes, John, stone cutter, 65 Liberty Irish, Otis, agent for New Bedford vessels, office 86 Pier, h. 29 Hamilton Irish, I. S., merchant, bds. Hudson Street, Temperance House Irvin, Henry, 7 n. Market Irvin, Theophilus, painter, 41 Arch Isaacs, William E., bds. Columbian Hotel Isdell, James, grocer, corner Division and Union, h. 37 Division Isdell James, station keeper at Little Basin, 59 Law­ rence Ivory, Gerrit, lace weaver, 57 Church

J. JACKSON, D , New-York and Buffalo Canal Line, 68 Quay, h. 15 Dallius Jackson, Daniel W., clerk, 68 Quay Jackson, James W., grocer, inspector of weights and measures, 21 Washington Jackson, John, potter, shop and house, Lark south of State Jackson, William, grocer, 158 State Jackson, John W., carpenter, 33 Fayette Jackson, Robert, waiter, 68 Orange Jackson, Mary, 13 Clinton Jackson, Jeremiah, painter, 67 Beaver Jackson, Maria, 34 Hallenbake Jackson, John, 98 Fox 152

Jackson, Samuel, waiter, 38 Patroon Jackson, Christopher, laborer, upper end Spring Jackson, Henry, waiter, west end Spring Jackson, Martin E., whitewashes 54 Van Schaick Jackson, Margaret, widow, rear 222 State Jackson, John, boatman, 39 Fox Jackson, Walter, laborer, First, Arbor Hill Jackson, John, cartman, 5 Malcom Jackson, Henry, laborer, Clinton Jackson, Henry waiter, 76 N. Pearl Jackson, John, musician, 88 Bass Jacobs, Harriet, widow, rear 222 State Jacoby, John, 123 Lydius Jacoby Jacob, cartman, 4 Rose Jacobson, Everett, cor. State and Willett JAIL, corner Eagle and Howard Jakway, Joseph, cartman, 20 Dove James, Augustus, office 62, h. 47 n. Pearl James, Frederick P., clerk, 61 Colonie James, Thomas, master of tow-boat, 109 Green James, widow of William, 62 n. Pearl James, Edward, 43 s. Pearl James, Rev. William, 21 Montgomery Jameson, George, furnace-man, Hudson, near corner Daniels Jameson, Mrs. Ann, 64 Hudson Jarvis, Nicholas, clothier, State continued Jarvis, William, carpenter, 49 Ferry Jarvis, Seth, carpenter, shop 42, h. 24 Ferry Jeacal, John, shoemaker, 33 Lydius Jenks, Alexander, upholsterer, 332 State continu&d Jenkins, John, 164 Washington Jenkins, John F., cor. State and Chapel Jenkins, Charles M., attorney, &c. office 75 State, bds. Mansion House Jenkins, L. I., and W. R. Cantine, attorneys. &c. 353 s. Market, cor. State Jenkins, John, carpenter, Ferry HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 153

Jenkins, Lemuel, counsellor, at pension agency office, h. 20 Lancaster Jenkins, Henry, bds. at Mansion House Jennings, John, 58 Lydius Jermain, S. P., bds City Hotel Jeroloman, Peter, mason, 70 Lumber Jervis, Maria, artificial flower maker, 222 s. Pearl Jervis, Thomas B., 222 s. Pearl Jessup, Edmund, flour merchant, 118 Quay, h. 77 Co­ lumbia Jewel, Jeremiah P., blacksmith, (burnt out,) h. 34 Union Jewell, Joseph, 34 Maiden Lane Jewel, Volkert D., livery stable keeper, 33 Maiden Lane Jewel, Henry, blacksmith, Lydius continued Jewett, widow Sarah S., fruit store, 36 n. Pearl Jibb, William, blacksmith, 638 s. Market Jibb, , 35 Orange Joceling, Thomas B., 49 Hudson John, William, 166 Green Johnson, Daniel, 157 Green Johnson, , laborer, Arbor Hill Johnson, John, shoemaker, rear 72 Eagle Johnson, Chauncey, silversmith and jeweller, 374 s. Market., h. 183 n. Market Johnson, Liberty, cartman, 18 Daniels Johnson, Daniel, proprietor National Cottage, 524, 526 s. Market Johnson, Alonzo W., 133 Green Johnson Ralph, (J. & W.) at Mrs. De Witt's, Montgo­ mery Johnson & Watrous, merchants, 337 n. Market Johnson, John, Nucella Johnson, John, carpenter, 18 Van Zandt Johnson, Peter, dealer in oysters, &c. 103 Quay Johnson, W. D., Republican Hotel, corn. Hudson and Liberty Johnson, William, cartman, 58 Church 154

Johnson, M. W., widow of William, keeper of Repub­ lican Hotel and boarding-house, cor. Hudson and Liberty Johnson, widow Mary, 17 Liberty Johnson, Thomas, laborer, 312 State Johnson, Patrick, 22|^an Tromp Johnson, David, brick-maker, Orange near First Johnson, John, cartman, 76 Washington Johnson, Mrs. E., feather dressser, 35 n. Pearl Johnson, William, laborer, Third, Arbor Hill Johnson Daniel, cartman, 18 Dove Johnson, widow, tailoress, 411 State continued Johnson, James, rail-road operator, junction rail-road Johnson, John, cartman, Bassett near Green Johnson, Jane, 99 Hamilton Johnson, John I., 533 s. Market Johnson, widow Deborah, 56 Chapel Johnson, George B., 18 Lydius Johnson, widow of Levi, coat-scourer, 33 Union Johnson John, skipper, 99 Bassett Johnson, John, Jr., 97 Bassett JOHNSTON, JOHN W., Citizens Resort, Corner of s. Market and Lydius Johnston, Robert, blacksmith, 8 De Witt Johnston, Thomas, agent for Hunter's Red Drop, 6 res. 66 Beaver Johnston, Thomas D., Fourth Ward House, corner Church and Herkimer Johnston, William B. Jun., book-keeper at Howard & Ryckman's, h. 11 Westerlo Johnston, Robert, agent for Robert Dunlop, 28 Quay, res. 68 Ferry Johnston, Michael J., accountant at Nathaniel Wright's, h. 50 Liberty HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 155

Johnston, Hugh, grocer, 150 s. Pearl Johnston, Thomas, 67 Beaver Johnston, Henry, sawyer, 81 Beaver Joice, Erastus V., attorney, and secretary for mutual insurance company, office Commercial Buildings, h. 9 Patroon Jolly, H. B., professor Albany Academy, bds. 112 Green Jones, Benjamin P., merchant, 9 State, h. 97 Herki­ mer Jones, William, cooper, 564 s. Market Jones, Joshua I., (Davis & J.) 66 State, h. 36 How­ ard Jones, , coppersmith, 21 Lodge Jones, Ellen, mantuamaker, 69 s. Pearl Jones, John, skipper, 20 Daniels Jones, Richard, plain and ornamental plasterer, 10 William Jones, John, provision store, 208 n. Market Jones, Thomas, porter house, 13 Howard, h. 136 s. - Pearl Jones, Thomas, 50 Lydius Jones, Abraham, 43 Quay Jones, Peter, shoemaker, 29 Van Schaick Jones, William, coachman for De Witt Bloodgood Jones, widow Sarah, 26 Second, Arbor Hill Jones, John, blacksmith and grocer, 48 Second, Arbor Hill Jones, widow Margaret, 22 Fox Jones, John, tailor, 281 Washington n. Branch Jones, James, stone cutter, rear 74 Fox and 4 Eagle Jones, William W., 42 Washington Jones, William, furnaceman, rear 80 Fox Jones, William, carpenter, Second, Arbor Hill Jones, Daniel, laborer, 273 s. Pearl Jordan, Edmund, 215 s. Pearl Jordan, Patrick, merchant, 158 s. Pearl Jordan, Henry, tailor, 7 Lydius Joslyn, Thomas, 49 Hudson 156

Joy, Lewis, 24 Jay Joy & Monteath, Albany and Canal Line Tow-Boats, office 3 State Joy, Thaddeus, 25 n. Pearl Joy, T. & Co., transportation Buffalo Line, office 96 Pier Joy, Miles, 25 n. Pearl Joy, Charles, city marshal, office City-Hall, res. 15 Swan Joy, Patrick, 42 John Judd, Lucy, widow of Chester, 34 Water Judd, Franklin, silver plater, 40 Union Judkins, John, carpenter, 22 Ferry Judson, Elizabeth, widow, 53 Lumber Judson, W. A., bds. Temprance House Judson, Ichabod L., Alderman 2d ward, provision store 128, h. 134 Washington Judson, Nathaniel, sen., res. 134 Washington Judson, N. & Son, provision store, 128 Washington Judson, Rebecca, boarding house, 122 Washington Jupp, Langham, res. 35 Orange JUSTICES COURT, over centre market, s. Pearl K. KAGAN PATRICK, carpenter, west end Van Woert Kahoe, Patrick, tailor, 25 Orchard Kane, William A., keeper of north hay scales, 54 n. Market Kane, John I. attorney, &c, office 343 n. Market, h. 123 Washington Kane, Hazael, physician, and supervisor 2d ward, office 13, h. 53 Washington Kane, Dennis, grower, 13 Quay Kane, Robert, carpenter, 8 Columbia Kane, James, laborer, 20 Jackson Kane, James, 70 n. Pearl Kane, Susan, milliner' 70 n. Pearl Kane, James, 37 Columbia HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 157

Kane, John, carpenter, 38 Washington Kain, William, shoe store, 535 s. Market Kaner, Daniel, 68 Columbia Kaneer, Killian, laborer, 226 Washington Kairman, Andrew, shoe-maker, 25 Lodge Kay, David C, nailer, 338 Schenectady Turnpike Kearne, Christopher, 114 Quay Kearnan, James, porter Temperance House, res. 8* Park Kearnan, Thomas, laborer, 19 Fox Kearnen, John, brick layer, 15 Fox Kearney, Robert L. looking glass and oil cloth store 328 h. 164 n. Market Kearney, William H. 21 Fox Kearney, Henry, laborer, Spring continued Kearney, widow Eleanor, 231 n. Market Kearney, William, laborer, 38 Third, Arbor Hill Kearns, Patrick, laborer, rear 17 Lumber Kearns, Owen, laborer, 5 Lydius Keenan, James, laborer, 30 Howard Keenan, James, laborer, 51 Church Keene, David G. grocer, 76 Washington Kegan, William, laborer, 27 Malcom Kegan, John, laborer, 8 Malcom Keeler, Henry, master of tow-boat Fayette, res. 56 s. Lansing Keeler, Charles A., agent for Hartford, New Haven & Philadelphia packet lines, and supervisor of 4th ward, office 120 Pier, h. 110 Green Keeler, Jasper S., 105 Green Keeler, Theodore J. s. Lansing Keeler & Durant, flour and commission merchants and dealers in product, 120 Pier Keeler, James, 120 Pier, h. 110 Green Keeler, widow Jane, 9 Park Keep, Edwin S. hatter, 173 Lydius Keeth, John, laborer, 6 Malcom Keeth, Thomas, carpenter, 60 Rensselaer Keeth, David, blacksmith, 6 Malcom O 158 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Kells, Francis, laborer, 24 Van Schaick Keller, John, 111 Snipe Keller, Michael, clerk, 575 s. Market Kelly, Joseph, bds. Eagle-st. hotel Kelley,Rev. John, pastor of St. Joseph's res. 10 s. Lan­ sing Kelley, Thomas, grocer, 40 Montgomery corner Or­ ange Kelley, Philip, laborer, 10 Wendell Kelley, Seth F. steamboat agent, bds. Eastern Hotel Kelley, Alexander, shoemaker, Spencer <> Kelley, Thomas, laborer, 10 Rose Alley Kelley, John, 60 Schuyler Kelley, Peter, mason, Arbor Hill Kelley,James T. civil engineerand architect, 18 Wash­ ington Kelley, Michael, laborer, 26 Fayette Kelley, Peter, Schenectady turnpike Kelley, James, laborer, 6 Van Woert Kelley, Patrick, shoemaker and grocer, 261 n. Mar­ ket Kelley, George H. moulder, 21 Hawk Kelley, John, carpenter, Herkimer continued Kelley, James, mason, 10 Rose Alley Kelley, Thomas, tailor, 22 Malcom Kelso, John, blacksmith and wheelwright, shop 66 & 68 res. 83 Washington Kelty, widow Margaret, 37 Steuben Kent, Alford, 51 Liberty Kenan, Thomas, 21 Dean Kendrick, E. E. Cashier of Mechanic's & Farmer's Bank, res. 19 Exchange Kennedy, Michael, laborer, 54 Van Schaick Kennedy, Owen, laborer, rear 276 Washington Kennedy, William, furnace man, 19 Hawk Kennedy, David, laborer, 556 s. Market Kennedy, Patrick, laborer, Jackson Kennedy, Patrick, grocer, 82 Quay HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 169

Kennedy, William, shoemaker and grocer, 3 Law­ rence Kennedy, Michael, laborer, 100 Franklin Kennedy, Peter, laborer, 20 Malcom Kennedy, Patrick, 80 Malcom Kennedy, Robert, teamster, 34 Rensselaer Kennedy, Robert, 165 Green Kennipick, Michael, 49 Hudson Kent, Isaac, cartman, 62 Beaver Kent, Jacob D. mason, 8 Fox Kenyon, John, lumber merchant, 43 Pier, h. 103 n. Market Kenyon, Lawrence, 4 Lawrence Kenyon, Moses, ship carpenter, 13 Dallius Kerby, Alfred, coach maker, 62 Lydius Kernan, William, 3 Maiden Lane Kernen, John, 57 Howard Kerker, George H. grocery and provision store, 3d ward street commissioner, store 247, h. 237 n. Market Kciker, David, carpenter, 247 n. Market Kerr, William and John, dealers in groceries and pro­ visions, 1 s. Pearl cor. State Kerr, James, laborer, 38 Fox Kerr, Jot^i, carpenter, 70 Fox Kerr, Jotin, 126 s. Pearl Kerr, William, 56 Howard Kerrins, Morty, 190 s. Pearl Kerwin, widow, grocer, 214 n. Market Kerney, John, mason, 173 Green Kessel Joseph, shoemaker, 97 Washington Kesson, Thomas, upholsterer, 19 Park Ketchum, Rensselaer, coal and wood dealer, offices 23 Quay and corner Spencer and Montgomery, res. 55 Lumber Keeth, Laban, W., constable 2d ward, 327 Washing­ ton n. Branch Keys, Henry, grocer, 60 Beaver, cor. William Keyser, Peter, 59 Green 160 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Kidd, James, dealer in carpeting, 337 n. Market, h. 48 Columbia Kield, widow Hannah, Broad Kidney, Jonathan, blacksmith, 82 Hudson Kidney, Jonathan, Jr. 82 Hudson Kiernan, John, porter, 17 Lodge Kilbourn, George, carpenter, 43 Orange Kimball, John, boatman, 197 Washington Kimber, Thomas, piano forte makor, 57 n. Lansing Killmer, widow of Simon, 7 Union King, Frederick, Capt. dredging machine, 571 s. Mar­ ket King, James, injunction master in chancery, attorney, &c. office 343 n. Market, res. Ten Broeck, Arbor Hill King, Joshua I., 1 Park Place King, Rufus H. & Co. (Rufus H., Henry Bleeker, and John McHarg) wholesale dealers in dry goods, 49 State King, Rufus H., 1 Park Place King, Nathan G., bds. Temperance House King, James, laborer, 14 Lydius King, Minor, lumber merchant, office 41 Pier, res. 3 Swan King, widow Mary, 18 Park King, , Western Turnpike King, John, furrier, 324 Washington, n. Branch Kingsbury, Samuel, laborer, 79 Orange Kingsbury, William, furrier, 79 Orange Kingsley, Origen A., attorney, &c. office 68 State, h. 65 s. Lansing Kingsley, Nathan, plasterer, and assistant alderman of lst ward, cor. Lancaster and Park Kinnalpy, Patrick, 78 Franklin Kinnan, J. D., 68 Columbia Kinney, Peter, carpenter, 22 Hawk Kinney, John S., ship joiner, 103 Green Kinney, John, 102 Church Kinsala, John, shoemaker, 58 Lumber ALBANY DIRECTORY. 161 •{'Af, Kinscy, John M., carpenter, 50 Hamilton . • Kipp/Rev.' William I., rector St. Paul's Church,' 154 State ' " ' "" ', ;K%:>, John, laborer, 638 s. Market ' Kirk, Andrew,' brnWbr, aldermpnof 5th ward, brewery 17 & 19, h. 118 n. Market Kirk, George, 129 Quackenbush ' ' ''. " *" Kirk, William, grocer, Snipe, near Washiiigtoh'" Kirk, .ToserihC., bds. at Mrs. Fuller's Kirkland, Benjamin, carpenter and joiner, 245 State Kirkland, Alexander, two mile house, Western Turr.- . pike Kirkpatrick, widow, rear 50 Van Schaick ' Kirkpatrick, Thomas, overseer ofthe poor,1 police off., h. 38 Liberty 'i Kirkpatrick, Edward, victualler, stalls 2 aun 3 Centre Market, li. 13 s. Pearl ' Kirkpatrick, Margaret, provision store, 3 doors s. Cen­ tre Market ,. Kirkpatrick, Robert, 385" Washington s. Branch Kittle, Daniel 8., dealer in stoves, and manufacturer of i tin and sheet iron ware, 0 and 8 Green, res. 18 Fox Kittle, Sybrant, grocer* 1

Knower, William B., bds. Republican Hotel Knowles, Horace, contractor, 278 s. Pearl Knowlton, George W. & Co. Testifiers of whiskey and wholesale dealers in liqnor, 558 & 560 s. Market Knowlton, Hosea, bds. 36 Liberty Knox, William B., agent American Transportation Co. office 63 Quay, h. 20 Jay Kolenbergh, Edward, porter-house, Arcade, corner s. Market and Lydius Koonz, Abram, manufacturer of coverlids, 48 Hallen­ bake Krantz, John, porter and boarding house, 489 s. Mar­ ket, and Rail-Road Hotel Krebs, Charles, wagon-maker, Delaware Turnpike Krippleber, Michael, soap and candle factory, 92, h. 94 Water

LACY, JOHN, porter cellar, 1 Green Lacy, William, Daily Advertiser office, res. Republic­ an Hotel Lacaile, Julian, Theatre Recess, 27 s. Pearl Ladd, James, dry goods, 420 s. Market Ladd, Hiram, tailor, 13 Union Lade, Philemon, blacksmith, 6 Rose Ladenburgh, Henry, cor. Green and Rensselaer Ladew, John C. F., butcher, Centre Market, h. 8 Lan­ caster Ladew, Stephen, accountant, 6 Union Ladew, Tusant, furrier, 323 Washington n. Branch La Forge, John B., attorney, &c. 2 Park Place Lagrange, Gerrit, exchange office 330 n. Market, h. 72 Hamilton Lagrange & McCullock, merchants, corner Lark and Lydius Lagrange, John I., corner Lark and Lydius Lagrange, Isaac, grocer, 70 Washington Lagrange, Francis, grocer, 140 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 168

Lagrange, Isaac, farmer and gardener, Schenectady Turnpike Laisdell, (John A.) & Fassett, (Amos S.) dealers in dry goods, 76 State Laisdell, John A., 3 Montgomery L'Amoreux, James, attorney, &c, office 46 State, h 74 Hudson Lake, James, shoemaker, 79 s. Pearl Lambert, William, cabinet-maker, 115 Fox Lancaster, Cyrus, globe-maker, cor. Green and Herki mer, h. 114 Green Lanahan, Thomas, carpenter, 63 William Landers, David, alley near the South Market Landon, William, proprietor Congress Hall, cor. Capi­ tol Park Lane, Timothy, laborer, 35 Malcom Lane, Thomas, 102 Franklin Landrigan, James, paver, 89 William Landrigan, Edward, mason, 216 «. Market Landrigan, James, paver, 19 Park Laney, Lucien, morocco dresser, 43 Aach Lang, John, laborer, 95 Church Langgath, Daniel, musician, 336 State Lanigan, Kearn, laborer, 3 Bass Lanigan, John, laborer, 99 Church Lanigan, Richard, 22 Franklin Lanigan, Thomas, 24 Franklin Lanone, William, shoemaker, 20 Quay Lansing, Gerrit, silver-smith, Hallenbake Lansing, Andrew D., agent for Patroon, 142 n. Market Lansing, Gerrit, laborer, 131 Franklin Lansing, Isaac, city weigher, 15 Van Tromp Lansing, Abraham F., collector of 3d ward, and libra­ rian of Young Men's Association, bds. City Hotel Lansing, Jacob, 1 Montgomery Lansing, Jacob, attorney, and first judge county court, office, 66 State, h. 202 n. Market Lansing, Christopher Y., attorney, &c, office and h. 296 n. Market J.64 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lansing, Jacob, shoe-maker, res. 7 Fox Lansing,"Jacob, JrVj' 76 n."Market '-• Lansing, Jacob J., exchange, office state, cor. n. Mar- 1 kct, h. 151 n.'Markct Lansing, Miss 209 n. Market Lansing, James, shoe-maker, store 242 ri. Market*, h. I: ' 21 Quackenbush ' Lansing, Gerrit Y., attorney, &c, office and h. 281 n. Market ..'."'' Lansing, Charles B., attorney, office 343, h.' 281 ri. |Y! 'Market1 '' :' •••'••"-" Lansing, Gerrit, Jr..,, wood measurer, l'l Patroon Lansley, Thomas, cor; Lumber andCentre Lapint, John, carpenter, 50 Church Lapoine, Joseph, mason, basement 64 Church Lapine, Francis, furrier, 45 n. Lansing Lareone, James, 60'ri. Lansing Larchar, John, tailor, 101 ri. Market1 Larchar, Joseph W., tailor, shop and h. 149 w. Market Larchar, Samuel Wi, tailor,1 34 Howard Larchan, Martin, ship1 carpenter, 4 Col'ohife ,: Larkin, Anna, widoW,'44 Lawrence Lary, Timothy, laborer,' 190 s. Pearl Latham, (William) Smith (Thomas S.) M'Collum-, (Robert) confectioners, 8'Wilson : Latham William G.,'resell 'Wilson Lathrop, Dyer, merchant, 87, hi 132' Washington Lathrop, Septemus, accountant,' 7*0 Eagle Lathrop, Henry,' grbce'rj 267 s. Pearl Lathrop, William, fenla'lb, seminary, 67 Division ti'aiour, Henty, Clfriton \ "• '' • Lattimore Benjqriin,:'9'P\d\ti\ ••'"•'•' ; Laugh ren, Felix, S3'Qu!ay '"" ' Larr,er'ee, John'', hair-dresser, 23 Green La'vehden,1 W., operator'oh oil1 cloths, res. 265 Wash­ ington n. Branch ""•'"'' ' '-^ Lari7,'J'6seph,u5vLa;wr^ricb; ;.""'' ';^ LA,W BUILDING, cbt.'s: Marked and Beaver's Law,' Miss'Mary,'mi'iliHer; 38

Lawler, Jeremiah, laborer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Lawler, Martin, Capitol Recess, 160 State Lawler, Joseph, 7 William Lawler, Patrick, laborer, 62 Schuyler Lawliss, James, saddler, shop and h. 96 State Lawliss, John, mason, 52 Arch Lawliss, Patrick, saddler, 243 «. Market Lawrence, Alpheus L., 109 Pier, res. 32 Hamilton Lawrence, Thomas, H., grocer 46 Liberty Lawrence, Stephen, S3 Liberty Lawrence, Jane, widow of William, 61 Lydius Lawrence, William, 61 n. Lansing Lawrenson, Mrs., 298 n. Market Lawton, Gardiner, boatman, 15 Rose Lay, Mrs. Frances, 148 s. Pearl Layll, David, tailor, 159 Green Layton, Thomas, blacksmith, 17 Hawk Leake, John W., notary public, 39 Ferry Leary, John, laborer, 14 Van Zandt Leary, James, laborer, Spring continued Leddy, James, cartman and grocer, 83 Colonie Leddy, Barney C, rear 190 s. Pearl Ledwidge, Matthew, laborer, 29 Van Woert Lee, John, crockery packer, 48 Van Schaick Lee, Noah, clerk Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, Pa­ troon Lee, (Thomas,) & Mayer, (Conrad S.) merchant tai­ lors, 334 n. Market Lee, Thomas, 87 Columbia Lee, George, brokery, 483 s. Market Lee, Mrs. John, corset and dress maker, 90 s. Pearl Lee, James, laborer, 12 Rose Alley Lee, John, cabinet-maker, 90 s. Pearl Lee, Thomas, furrier, 33 Quay Lees, Thomas, crockery store, 97 State, h. 39 Spring Leggat, William, provision store and res. 24 Beaver Le Lacheur, William, at 488 s. Market Lenderson, Jane, 45 Union Lendibner, Joseph, tailor, res. 241 n. Market 166* HOFFMAN'S ALRANY DIRECTORY.

Leonard, Harman, bds. at Mansion House Leonard, P. S., at Erastus McKinney's Jbeonard, Solomon, corner of Lark and Lydius Leonard, Peter, shoemaker, 20 Washington Leonard, Daniel, corner Lydius and Lark Lepper, Benjamin, porter cellar basement 17 State Levins, Thomas, laborer, rear 17 Lumber Lewis, Ar'onijah, 396 s. Market Lewis, Miss Julia, 6 Daniels Lewis, J. Lewis, 69 Eagle Lewis, Washington P., tobacconist, bds. at Republican Hotel Lewis, Lewis, machinist, 24 Hawk Lewis, Jacob, tobacconist, 181 n. Market Lewis, James, saddler, 107 Fox Lewis, Benedict, milk-man, 13 Fox Lewis, William, shoemaker, 13 Fox Lewis & Owens, provision store, 57 Quay Lewis, Miss Olive, mantuamaker, 59 n. Pearl Lewis, widow of Gerry, 116 Lydius Lewis, Sparbush, corner Clinton and Nucella Lewis, John, 27 Dean Leyne. widow Anna, fancy goods, 309 n. Market Lighthall, Nicholas F., blacksmith, 81 Colonie Linacre, Thomas, cabinet-maker, 49 Liberty Linacre, Elizabeth, 37 Steuben Linacre, James, cabinet-maker, 45 Fayette Lincoln, Orrin, carpenter, 133 Washington Lincoln, widow Mary Ann, 119 Green Lindsley, widow Mary, 68 n. Market Lindsley, Joel, teamster, 317 Washington Lindsley, Nelson, gardner, opposite Wilson's slaughter house Lisher, George B., attorney, &c, 136 s. Pearl Little, Weare C, book store and literary rooms, cor. State and s. Market, bds. at Eagle Tavern Little, Charles, 40 Quay, res. 9 Steuben Little, Daniel, bds. American. Hotel HOFPMAN'B ALBANY DIRECTORY. 167

Little, Henry H., type and stereotype foundry, 50 State Little, Lemuel, type founder, 50 State, h. 40 Ferry Little, William, 47 Westerlo Littlejohn, Levi S., forwarding merchant, New-York and Ohio Line, h. 34 Green Livingston, Edward, attorney, ^&c, office 50 State, h. 43 Lydius Livingston, Crawford & Co., dealers in coal, 580 *. Market Livingston, Crawford, 62 Westerto Livingston, John D., deputy sheriff, office Jail, h. 8 Lancaster Livingston, Moncrief, bds. Eastern Hotel Livingston, John A., attorney, &c, office 66 State, h. 97 n. Market Livingston, Frederic R., boatman, 47 Fox Lloyd, William, carpenter, 268 n. Market Lloyd, widow Ann, Cherry Lloyd, Andrew, laborer, 90 Schuyler Lloyd, Lyman John, (Bayeux & Lloyd) 51 Ferry Lloyd & Co. brokers, 6 «. Pearl Lloyd, Samuel H., coach maker, 96 Green Loatwall, Jacob, 69 Lawrence Loatwall, James, 69 Lawrence Locherty, William, 28 Maiden Lane Saloon, Lochey, Peter, cigar maker, 58 Schuyler LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton Lockrow, Lewis, shoemaker, 255 Washington, res. n. Branch Lockey, Neil, laborer, 99 Schuyler Lockwood, Mrs. Ann, boarding house, 56 n. Pearl Lockwood, T., grocer, 497 s. Market Lockwood, widow, 18 Quackenbush Lockwood, John, master sloop Emperor, h. 15 Quack­ enbush Long, Lucius, 33 Columbia Long, Robert, bds. 544 s. Market Long, John, laborer, rear 17 lumber 188 Longley, James, Citizen & Telegraph office, 396 s. Market, h. 4 Union Loomas, Enoch, grocer, 331 Washington, n. Branch Loomis, George J., book store and printing office and res. 9 Washington Loomis, George, 9 Washington Loomis, , copper plate engraver, 138 State Loomis, Manly, 22 Bass Loomis, George, mason, Cherry near Franklin Loomis, Mrs. Charlotte, 69 Beaver Lord, Edmund, shoemaker, rear of Hudson Lord, Joseph, shoemaker, 19 Washington Lorigan, Bartholomew, 40 Fox Losse, Simeon, lumber mercht. 11 Quackenbush Lossing, John, white smith, shop 217, h. 253 Washing­ ton Lottridge, Robert, 112 n. Market Loucks, John H., innkeeper, 15 Washington Loughlin, Stephen, grocer, 78 Church Louder, Christian, musician, 324 Washington, n. Branch Love, Andrew, carpenter, 126 State Lovie, Alexander, lockmaker, shop 86 Green, res. 61 Lydius Loveland, Amos, coach maker, 22 Lydius Lovett, Alexander H. notary public and teller Commer­ cial bank, res. 148 State Lovett, Joljn E., Secretary Albany Insurance Co., and attorney, &c. office 56, h. 148 State Lovett, Mrs. Nancy, 148 State Low, Warren S., furnace man, 104 Beaver Low, Henry, wood-sawyer, 13 s. Lansing Low, Charles, police constable lst ward, res. Lydius continued Low, Addison, pattern maker, 56 Division Lucraft, William, morocco finisher, 113 Fox Luscom, Daniel, fisherman's river wrecker, 28 Van Schaick Lush, William, 203 n. Market 169

Lush,Samuel S. attorney,&c. office and house 123 State Lush, Lydia, widow of Stephen, 297 n. Market Lusk, P., Union Line, 2 State, bds. at Mrs. Crosby's Luther, George, baker, Spencer Luther, Jeremiah, carpenter, 62 Orchard LUTHERAN CHURCH, corner Pine and Lodge Lyall, Alexander, tailor, 59 Lawrence Lyall, Alexander, tailor, 59 Church Lyman, Jonathan, builder and superintendant State Hall Building, 26 Hawk Lyman, William, and Hanford, George, dealers in dry goods, 407 s. Market Lyman, William, bds. at 14 Liberty Lyman, C. H. P., bds. at 14 Liberty Lyman, Sylvester, 14 Liberty Lynch, Bernard, brick layer, 41 Dallius Lynch, William, mason, 63 William Lynch, Owen, grocer,25 Lawrence Lynch, John, clothing store, 23 Lawrence Lynch, Michael, mason, 16 Van Zandt Lynch, Michael, carpenter, Cross Lynch, widow, grocer, 16 Quay Lyon, William, dealer in liquors, groceries, &c. store 11 s. Pearl, h. 73 Beaver Lyon, Charles, hat and cap store, 376 s. Market, h. cor. Spring and Hawk Lyon, Aaron, merchant, 34 Washington and 90 Quay, res. 34 Washington Lyon & Ford, grocers, 5 Columbia Lyon, Aaron G., piano maker, 105 n. Market Lyon, Patrick, shoe maker, 64 Arch Lyon, John, laborer, rear 72 Eagle Lyon, Alvin, 85 Bass Lyons, Patrick, laborer, 8 Lumber Lyons, Michael, carpenter, Second, near Swan 170

MCADAM, DANIEL, Van Zandt McAllister, J. Mairs, operative dentist, office and res. 82 Hudson McAllister,CharIes, hat store 36 State,res. 112 Hamilton McAllister, Daniel, West end of Orange McAllister, Peter, blacksmith, 536 s. Market McAllister, Wm., harness-maker, rear 64 Washington McAlpine, Amos, trimmer, 60 Union McAneuthy, P. grocer, 90 Quay McArthur, widow Marianne, 101 Washington McArthur, John, laborer, Clinton McAtee, Patrick, laborer, 10 Park McAtee, John, furrier, 23 Van Schaick McAuley, Thomas, laborer, 152 Montgomery McAuley, , laborer, Spring near Lark McAvoy, Edward, laborer, 64 Arch McBain, Walter, grocer, cor. Arch and Green McBain, Daniel, merchant, 26 Daniels McBain, George, carpenter, cor. Arch and Green McBride, John, grocer, 490 s. Market McBride, William, keeper of powder-house, 262 Wash­ ington S. Branch McBride, William, Jr. grocer, 262 Washington McBride, George, shoemaker, 48 Liberty McBride, Thomas, 38 Malcom McBurney, James, grocer, cor. Hudson and Green McCabe, James, wine and tea store, 323, house 105 n. Market McCabe, Richard, dealer in dry goods, 399 s. Market McCabe, widow Margaret, 399 s. Market McCabe, John, mason, Plain cor. Hallenbake McCabe, Owen, laborer, rear 8 De Witt McCabe, Lawrence, 83 Colonie HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 171

McCabe, Patrick, laborer, 39 Rensselaer McCabe, Alexander, furrier, cor. of Montgomery and Lumber McCafferty, Michael, and Holmes, Alexander, bakers, 73 n Pearl McCafferty, Michael, 73 n. Pearl McCafferty, Edward, laborer, 16 Wilson McCafferty, James, laborer, 122 Franklin McCaffrey, James, grocer, 83 Quay McCall, James, grocer, near Basin McCall, Patrick M., grocer, 47 Second, Arbor Hill McCammon, William, 53 Fayette McCammon, Enoch, Townsend's furnace, h. 27 Fay­ ette McCammon, John, 27 Fayette McCann, Cornelius, cartman, 29 Union McCann, Patrick, porter-house, 94 State McCann, John, gardener, Lydius continued Mc'' \nn, Sampson, laborer, ©5 Church Mc; ann, Vier, grocer, 77 Church McCanna, Henry, laborer, upper end Van Woert McCarron, Thomas, laborer, 46 Van Schaick McCarron, William, mason, 55 Fox McCardell, widow Mary, 50 Ferry McCardell, Joseph, provision store, American Star House, foot Lydius McCardell, John, refectory, pier foot of State, steam­ boat landing McCarty, Michael, 10 Malcom McCarty, Felix, boatman, 565 s. Market McCarty, John, gardener, Patroon continued McCasky, William, blacksmith, engine repairer in ge­ neral, 502 s. Market, h. 47 Church McCauley, Mrs. 21 Dean McChesney, Lucas II.. chair manufacturer, 108 & 110, State, h. Ill s. Pearl McChesney, widow, 111 s. Pearl McChesney, Elijah M., harness-maker, res. 33 Van Schaick 172

McOlasky, L. G., grocery and provision store, 138 State McClasky, John, carpenter, 103 Beaver McClallen, Robert, Maiden Lane Saloon McChristie, Michael, laborer, 106 Quay McClellen, Joseph, 55 Howard McClellen, James, 55 Howard McClure, J. & A., (James and Archibald) wholesale dealers in paints, oils and dye woods, 74 State MrClure, Archibald, 47 Steuben McClure, James, 198 State McClure, James, tinman, 255 n. Market, house 32 Or­ chard McClure, Jonathan, tinman, 255 n. Market, h. 32 Or­ chard McClure, James E., 43 Division McCluskey, Owen, 38 Malcom McCIyment, Andrew, cap maker, 85 Washington McClyment, Miss, 85 Washington McCoIIom, Robert (Latham, Smith & McCollom) 129 7i. Market McCollom, Patrick, cartman, 3 Bass McCollum, Hugh, merchant, store and house 22 Quay McCollow, Patrick, grocer, 2 William, rear of Centre Market McConnell, Miss Mary Ann, 2 Daniels McConnell, Henry, Van Zandt McCord, James, mason, 26 Howard McCormick, James, laborer, 312 State continued McCormick, Richard, laborer, 18 Second, Arbor Hill McCormick, James, laborer, 63 Rensselaer McCotter, John, laborer, 2 Steuben McCotter, John, 22 Jackson McCotter, James, laborer, 20 Jackson McCoy, S., general stove dealer, 17 Green, res. Mrs. Pease's, n. Market McCoy, Peter, laborer, Elk, near furnace McCullough, Alexander, iron founder, 284 Washington McCready, widow Jane, seamstress, 21 Van Schaick McCrossan, John, stone mason, 47 Dallius HOFFMAN'B ALBANY DIRECTORY. 173

McCuen, Patrick, 3 Steuben McCuen, John, 95 Beaver McCuen, Mrs. 53 n. Lansing McCuen, John, 28 Patroon McCuen, James, in chandler factory, 55 Fox McCuen, Joseph, furrier, 69 s. Lansing McCulloch, David, flour and provision store 17 s. Pearl, res. Clinton Hotel McCulloch, Hawthorn, res. in Gneenbush lj mile from city McCulloch, James, laborer, 42 Rensselaer McCulloch, William, 340 State McCulloch, John, store and tavern, cor. Lark and Ly­ dius McCuskey, Hugh, 38 Water McDaniel, Peter, furrier, Cross McDermot, John, rail-road driver, rear 3 Park McDevill, John, 72 Lydius McDevit, Anthony, laborer, 46 Van Schaick McDevit, Patrick, laborer, rear of 18 Second, Arbor Hill McDole, Elizabeth, 246 s. Pearl McDolen, Barney, 36 Malcom McDonald, Patrick, laborer, bds. at Christie's Union House McDonald, Angus, grocer, 9 Columbia McDonald, William, plasterer, Westerlo continued McDonald, Bernard, wheelwright, shop 210 s. Pearl,h. 56 Malcom McDonald, Martin, butcher, 93 Hamilton McDonald, Daniel, plasterer, 7 Broad McDonald, Patrick, 69 Maiden Lane McDonald, Allan, Adjutant General,res. Congress^Hall McDonald, Michael, laborer, 11 Chapel McDonald, Donald, hair-dresser, shop & h. 32 Hudsen McDowall, John, City Superintendant Northern Depart­ ment, office City Hall, h. 114 n. Market McDowal, Mary, 58 Schuyler McDonough, Roderic, tailor, 592 s. Market p* 174

McDuffee, Angus, res. Lydius continued McElroy, Peter, merchant tailor, 3 s. Pearl, h. 27 Howard McElroy, William, dealer in dry goods, store & house 230 n. Market, cor. Orange McElroy, Thomas wholesale and retail grocer Maiden Lane corner Dean, alderman 5th ward, res. 211 n. Market McElroy, Miss Margaret, 107 Green McElroy, Miss Nancy, 107 Green McElroy, widow Jane, 51 Fox McElroy, John, nailer, 338 Washington n. Branch McElroy, J. H. tailor, 52 Hamilton McElroy, John, grocer, 179 Green McElroy, William, brass founder, h. Hallenbake McElroy & Manning, tailors, 20 Green McElroy, Patrick, laborer, 8 Colonie McEntine,Barney, laborer, 532 s. Market McEnty, Thomas, 69 Schuyler McEville, , grocer, 57 n. Lansing McFarlan, Robert, 49 Westerlo McFarlan, Israel, Eagle Street Hotel McGarbey, John, 60 Schuyler McGarvey, James, 30 Fox McGawey, John, leather dresser, Schuyler McGarrol, James, furnace man, Spring continued McGee, widow Bebecca, 59 Clinton McGee, Thomas, tailor, 59 Church McGennis, John, grocer, 227 Washington McGerr, Thomas, grocer, 12 Quay McGibbin, widow, 62 Union McGinty, , 36 Quay McGlen, Richard, carpenter, 84 Church McGlen, Artcher, laborer, 84 Church McGough, Michael, laborer, 3 Maiden Lane McGourke, John, laborer, 32 Fox McGourkey, William G., clerk in Comptroller's office, h 109 Green McGourkey, widow Mary, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McGovern, Thomas, waiter, 231 n. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 175

McGowan, Michael, 51 n. Lansing McGowan, William, 39 Dean McGowan, James, 43 Water McGowan, William, porter house cor. Dean and Ex­ change, h. 29 Dean McGrady, James, coachman, west end Van Woert McGrath, John, paver, Lydius continued McGrath, Lawrence, laborer, 65 Maiden Lane McGrath, Patrick, laborer, 14 Van Zandt McGrath, Lawrence, laborer, 7 Maiden Lane McGrath, Michael, laborer, 536 s. Market McGiath, James, leather dresser, 75 Schuyler McGuathon, Patrick, in morocco factory upper end of Orange McGregor, John, grocer, 45 Van Schaick McGuigan, Francis, (Cassidy & McGuigan) 105 Col­ umbia McGuigan, widow Nancy, 105 Columbia McGuigan, Hugh, laborer, Westerlo continued McGuinn, Michael, grocer, 100 Schuyler McGuire, Peter, gardner, Swan near Third McGuire, James, laborer, 57 Howard McGuire, Philip, cartman, Swan near First McGuire, Michael, grocer, 67 Lydius McGuire, Eugene, laborer, 25 Orchard McGuire, Patrick, laborer, 40 Van Schaick McGuire, James, laborer, 3 Chapel McGuire, widow Harriett, 21 Patroon McHarg, William, clerk in State Bank, h 60 Hud­ son McHarg, Alexander, silver smith, 369 s. Market, h. 19 Franklin McHarg, widow Grizel, 42 Green McHarg, John, merchant, 49 State, h. 50 Hudson McHenly, William, moulder, 110 Water McHench, William, clerk in mechanics' and farmers' bank, res. 77 Hudson Mcintosh, Ezekiel C, h. 84 Lydius Mcintosh, John, malster, rear of 8 De Witt 176 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mcintosh, W. S. & E. C, (Walter S. and Ezekiel C,) wholesale and retail dealers in crockery, 415 and 417 s. Market Mcintosh, Walter S., h. 57 Lydius Mcintosh, Daniel, boot-maker, 7 Chapel Mcintosh, widow of Peter, 250 Washington Mcintosh, Anna, 154 s. Pearl Mclntyre, Archibald, 8 n. Pearl, Clinton Square Mclntyre, , grocer, 21 Lawrence Mclntyre, John, cartman, 33 Westerlo Mclntyre, John, 33 Westerlo Mclntyre, Philip, furrier, corner of Lumber and Mont­ gomery Mclntyre, P. grocer, west side Basin Mclntyre, Terrence, laborer, 261 n. Market McKaig, Andrew, teacher, 36 Hallenbake McKay, John, 54 Hamilton McKay, widow, 54 Hamilton McKay, widow, 92 Hamilton McKee, Robert, professor, 23 Steuben McKee, Thomas, teacher, 23 Steuben McKeever, Patrick, blacksmith, 25 and 27 Washing­ ton, h. 9 Spring McKeever, Peter, blacksmith, 50 s. Pearl, h. 101 Ly­ dius McKean, William, tobacconist, 115 n. Market McKelvey, Daniel, 42 s. Pearl McKenley, Alexander, furnaceman, 235 Washing­ ton McKenna, widow of Andrew, dry goods, 251 n. Mar­ ket McKenna, Hugh, grocer, 65 Pier, h. 126 Water McKennan, Patrick, laborer, 89 William McKennan, Solomon, frame-maker, 21 Fox McKenzie, John, carpenter, 79 Orange McKenzie, Alexander, Patroon continued McKenzie, George, blacksmith, 594 s. Market McKercher, Duncan, circulating library, 32 Green McKern, Peter, 61 n. Lansing HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 177

McKerne, Charles, 49 Westerlo McKerney, Patrick, rear 36 Quay McKiernan, Terry, laborer, 3 Maiden Lane McKiernan, Felix, laborer, 140 Lydius McKnerr, Peter M., copper-smith, 6 Van Tromp McKinney, Elijah S., millinery, dry goods, &c. 445 s. Market McKinney, John, laborer, Swan, near First McKinney, Bernard, cartman, 17 Van Tromp McKinney, Fox continued McKinney, Charles, dealer in old iron, 290 Washing­ ton south Branch McKinney, Erastus, grocer, corner Montgomery and De Witt, h. 41 Colonie McKnight, Andrew, carpenter, 97 Schuyler McKnight, George W., 248 s. Pearl McKnight, John, brewery and house corner of Hawk and Fox McKoe, Daniel, laborer, 67 Fox McKown, James, recorder of city of Albany, office Atheneum Buildings, res. 150 State McKown, Benjamin I., boatman, 31 Quay McKown, James, laborer, rear 204 State McKown, John, painter, Bradford aear Schenectady Turnpike McKown, William, innkeeper, farmer and grazier, Western Turnpike McLachlan, David, physician, office 44, h. 47 Green McLachlan, John, 24 n. Pearl McLachlan, John, Jun., clerk in post-office, 24 n. Pearl McLachlan, Thomas, 25 Lodge McLachlan, Cornelius, tin and coppersmith, 22 Hudson, h. 40 Hallenbake McLachlan, Patrick, coachman, 24 Fox McLachlan, Terry, laborer, 76 Orange McLachlan, William, laborer, west end Van Schaick McLaren, widow Mary, 51 Maiden Lane McLaughlin, widow Abigal, 6 s. Lansing McLaughlin, John, shoemaker, 77 Green 178 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McLaughlin, John, 21 Dean McLean, Alexander, inspector of staves, &c. 32 Union McLean, John,, moulder, 35 Van Schaick McLeod, Alexander, shoemaker, 18 n. Pearl McMahan, Andrew, grocer, corner n. Market and Pa­ troon McMahan, Matthew, clerk, Van Vechten & Rhoades, Stanwix Hall McManus, Patrick, laborer, rear of Malcom McManus, John, hat ware-house, 48 State McManus, Barney, rear 190 s. Pearl McManus, James, 537 s. Market McManus, Thomas, 25 Howard McMillen, John, innkeeper, 307 s. Pearl McMullen, Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 397 s. Mar­ ket, h. 12 Liberty McMullen, James, 48 Church McMullen, James, Jun., grocery and provision store, corner Green and Ferry M'MULLEN, (B. ATKIIVS & CO.,) AUCTION AND Commission Merchants,

General Agents for the sale of Foreign and Domestic Goods of every de­ scription, 436 5. Market McMullen, Robert, (B. Atkins & Co.) 48 Church McMurdy, widow Catharine, nurse, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McMurdy, widow Mary, 82 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 179

McMurray, John, 89 Hudson McMurray, William, paver, Third, Arbor Hill McNab, family of Peter deceased, Knox corner Wash­ ington McNalty, John, laborer, Lydius continued McNarrarce, Matthew, moulder, 156 Lydius McNaspy, James, clothing store, Quay, h. 7 Lydius McNaughton, James, physician, office and house 43 n. Pearl McNaughton, Peter, physician, office and house 75 n. Pearl McNaughton, William, furnaceman, 552 s. Market McNaughton, Thomas, waiter, 53 Fox McNaughton, Charles, turner and pattern maker, rear 72 Eagle McNeal, Thomas, lumber piler, 16 n. Lansing McNeal, Peter, coachmaker, 30 Division McNeeley, widow, 27 Lumber McPhale, John, carver, res. corner n. Market and Patroon McPherson, Murdoch, printer, residence 16 Bea­ ver McPherson & Folsom, manufacturers of tobacco and segars, 54 Dean, res. 21 Jay McPherson, widow Harriet, 21 Jay McQuade, Anthony, laborer, 57 Fox McQuade, Patrick, 38 Van Schaick McQuin, Joseph, furrier, 18 Van Schaick McQuin, Francis, furrier, 30 Division McRoberts, William, innkeeper, 88 and 90 Washing­ ton McRae, Daniel, hostler, Junction of Railroad McShane, Dennis, cartman, 32 Quay ! McSpirit, ;Francis, laborer, 97 n. Market McTague, Barney, cartman, 40 Lawrence McWilliams, Thomas, laborer, 25 Clinton McWilliams, John, Van Zandt McWilliams, Michael, Jr., Van Zandt McWilliams, Michael, Van Zandt 180 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McWilliams, Barney, 118 s. Pearl Mack, John, shoemaker, rear 261 n. Market Mack, E. & W. H., cor. Water and Lawrence Macomas, Henry, hostler, 58 Cross Macker, John, laborer, 177 Green Madden, George, stone-cutter, 177 Green Madden, Owen, mason, 160 State Maddix, James, Centre Market Lunch and Firemen's Recess, 10 William Maginus, Robert, 3 Lawrence Mahan, John, laborer, rear 30 Howard Mahan, Thomas, laborer, 39 Van Woert Mahan, Michael, furrier, Jackson Mahany, John, laborer, rear of Hallenbake Maher, Michael, laborer, 74 Franklin Maher, Thomas, 39 Fox Maher, James, librarian State library, 48 Ferry Maher, Patrick, cooper, 536 s. Market Maher, Michael, cartman, 154 Montgomery Maher, John T., carpenter, 52 s. Pearl Maher, Mary, widow of John, 564 s. Market Mahoney, William, laborer, rear 17 Lumber Main, Thomas, fruit dealer, 64 Church Maighan, John, porter, First, near Swan Malagan, Robert, laborer, Schenectady Turnpike Malburn, Francis, 54 Church Malburn, William P., liquor store, 18 L ydius, h. 47 Westerlo Malburn, Francis G., 54 Church Malcher, William, barber, 512 s. Market Malcom, Charles, grocer and provision store, near the Upper Basin Malcom, Elizabeth, widow, 36 Montgomery Maley, John, shoemaker, Van Zandt Malone, Michael, laborer, 180 n. Market Malcott, Joseph, laborer, Lydius continued * Malone, Patrick, laborer, 40 Lawrence Malone, John, laborer, 278 s. Pearl Malone, Michael, 177 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 181

Malone, Michael, laborer, State continued, near Wil- lett Mallory, James H., clerk in Comptroller's office, 515 s. Market Manby, Robert, piano-forte maker, 113 Beaver Mangen, Thomas, 104 Water. Mangin, John, laborer, 25 Clinton Mangin, Cornelius, C5 Clinton Managin, Michael, furnaceman, 40 Fox Manning, William, nailer, 223 Washington Manning, widow Ellen, 47 Fox Manning, Daniel, 3 Rose Alley Manning, Michael, 3 Bass Manning, John, laborer, 58 Church Maning, John B., justice of peace, 55 n. Lansing Mansfield, Nancy, 32 Malcom MANSION HOUSE, 327 v. Market Mantline, Daniel, confectioner, 14 Jackson Mantwheeler, scissors-grinder, 218 Washington Mantwheeler, Joseph, basket maker, 379 State con. Many, Wm. V., proprietor Eagle air furnace, 102, 104 & 106 Beaver Many, Walter C, Eagle air furnace, res. 22 Daniels Many, widow, 9 Columbia March, Alden, physician and surgeon, office 306, h. 207 n. Market Marcy, William L., Governor of State, 58 n. Pearl Marcellus, Albert, 54 Lawrence Margeson, William, carpenter, Lydius continued Marshall, Charles, Jr., carpenter, 182 n. Market Marshall, William, machinist, 29 Water Marshall, Daniel P., attorney, &c, office 75 State, h. 281 s. Pearl Marshall, John, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Hamilton and Union, h. 35 Hamilton Marshall, William, shoemaker, cor. Pearl and Arch Marshall, Charles, carpenter, 137 n. Market Marshall, Richard, carpenter, Delaware Turnpike Marshall, John, baker, 53 Orchard Q 182 Martin, Henry H., attorney, &c, office 57, house 144 State Martin, Eliza, widow of Robert, 102 Church Martin, Mary, dress-maker, 48 Rensselaer Martin, John, 35 n. Lansing Martin, Stephen, grocer, 18 Quay Martin, David, physician, office 3 s. Pearl, h. 179 n. Market Martin, Thomas, laborer, 107 Lydius Martin, John G., carriage-maker, 125 Lydius Martin, William, clerk, 320 State Martin, widow Eleanor, nurse, 34 Fox Martin, Rev. James, 5 Fox Martin, William, carriage and wagon maker, (burnt out) h. 125 Lydius Martin, Thomas, 57 n. Lansing Martin, widow Rachel, 248 s. Pearl Martin, Robert, gry goods, 100 s. Pearl Martin, Homer, carpenter, 103 Beaver Martin, Clarissa, widow of Peter, Lawrence Martin, Thomas, hatter, 26 Union Martin, Peter, carpenter, Westerlo continued Marvin, (Alexander) & Raymond (Benjamin C.) mer­ chants, 414 & 416 s. Market Marvin, Alexander, 61 n. Pearl Marvin, John, 80 Hudson Marvin, Uriah, 14 Lumber Marvin, Uriah, Jr. attorney, &c, Law Buildings, res 14 Lumber Marvin, Richard, res. Eagle Tavern Mascord & Hawley, dealers in liquors, 75 State Mascord, Edward, 35 Orange Mascraft, William, wheelwright, shop 23 Washington, h. 318 State Maslin, Henry, stove mounter, 88 s. Pearl Mason, Miss Hannah, tailoress, 215 s. Pearl Mason, Thomas, shoemaker, Second, Arbor Hill Mason, Gregory, shoemaker, 21 Washington 183, Masterson, Michael, laborer, Chesnut-street alley Masterson, Patrick, mason, Chesnut-street alley Masten, William, physician, 11 Bass Masten, Osileah W., fortune teller and astrologist 11 Bass Mather, Elias, 3 Academy Park Mather, W. W., mining engineer, Commercial Build­ ings Mattaline, Isaac, tobacconist, 49 n. Market Mathews, widow Susan, 107 Beaver Mathews, Merritt, pastor 4th Presbyterian Church, 29 Orchard Mathews, Samuel, cartman, 154 s. Pearl Maurron, Lewis, furrier, 67 Orange Maxwell, James, brass founder, 50 Green, h. 99 Ly­ dius Maxwell, Joseph, laborer, 28 Church May, John, laborer, 13 Ferry Mayell, Jefferson, hat and cap store, 377 s. Market, h, lfi Quackenbush May-il, John, hat and cap store, 355 s. Market, h. 61 Hudson Mayell, William, 34 Lawrence Mayell, Alfred, hatter, 71 Hamilton Mayer, Conrad S , (Lee & M.) 59 Chapel Mayer, Peter, clerk, 93 Beaver Mayer, Henry T., 43 Maiden Lane Mayer, Frederick G„ pastor Lutheran Church, res. 25 Montgomery Mayer, William H., tailor, 36 Green Maynard, John, milkman, 76 Orange Meacham, Horace, at 84 State, h. 30 n. Pearl Meacham, John, at 84 State, h. 54 Columbia Meacham, Roswell S., music and military store and pi­ ano forte manufactory, 84 State, h. 66 Columbia Mead, Oliver, grocer and wood dealer, 28 Quay, res. cor. Columbia and Water Mead, Sellick, shoemaker, sh. and h. 30 Howard 184 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mead, Norris, stage driver, 66 Union Mead, Noah, plasterer, 32 Howard Mead, David, porter-cellar, basement 35 State Mead, Charles N., tailor, Knox Meads, John, dealer in mahogany, 284 n. Market, res. 99 Columbia Meads, Orlando, attorney, &c. secretary and treasurer Albany water works, office 50 State, h. 27 Quack­ enbush Meadower, George, laborer, 128 Franklin Meadon, James, carpenter, 42 Third Arbor Hill MECHANIC'S BENEFIT SOCIETY, in Concert Hall, State MECHANIC'S & FARMER'S BANK, n. Market, cor. Ex­ change Mee, John, mason, 34 Rensselaer Meech, (Henry T.) & Vandewater, (Robert J.) propri­ etors Albany Museum, cor. State and n. Market Meech, Henry T. h. 86 Lydius Meech & Gardner, brush makers, 22 Green Meech, Horace, 29 s. Pearl Megan, Thomas, grocer, 63 Fox Megan, Patrick, 20 Jackson Meeks, James, steam confectionary, 22 s. Pearl, oppo­ site theatre Meeker, William, cooper, 27 Van Woert Meigs, Richard M. druggist, 46 State, h. 53 Ferry Meigs, J. H., 53 Ferry Meigs, John, crier of courts, 248 Washington Meigs, ChariesN. carpenter, Third A.rbor Hill Mellen, Andrew, shoemaker, rear 214 n. Market Melius, Andrew, furnace man, 255 n. Market Menzie, N. S. 42 Beaver Merchant, L. & W. (Lansing & Walter) grocery and provision store, 1 Division Merchant, Lansing, 57 Division Merchant, Walter, 59 Division Merchant, George W., engraver and printer, 3 Union Merchant, Biddle, painter, 55 Second, Arbor Hill Merchant, Horatio, attorney, &c. 41 Van Woert HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 185

Merchant, James, 71 Hudson Merrels, widow Margaret, n. Lansing Merrifield, George, cabinet maker, 56 Washington, h. 57 Fayette Merrifield, Richard, grocer, 45 s. Pearl, h. 75 Hud­ son Merrifield, James, cabinet maker, 55 s. Pearl Merrifield, Miss, preceptress, 39 s. Pearl Merrill, Nathaniel, carpenter, 112 Hamilton Mesick, Henry T., dealer in dry goods, 439 s. Market, h. 41 Lydius Mesick, T. J., bds. 41 Lydius Mesick, Stephen, merchant, 78 State, h. 61 Maiden Lane Mesick, Henry B., mason, 32 Fayette Metzgar, Frederic, hair dresser, 512 s. Market Meternagban, William, grocer, 213 s. Pearl Michael, Jane, rear of 7 Park Mitchie, Alexander, baker, 31 Orange Middleton, widow Sarah, nurse, 67 Eagle Middleton, Gerrit, teamster, Spring near Lark Middleton, Richard, mason, Spring near Lark METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (First) 64 Division METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (Second) 34 n. Pearl METHODIST PRIMITIVE CHURCH, 249 State METHODIST AFRICAN CHURCH, State, rear of School building METHODIST CHAPEL, Herkimer, near Pearl METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH, Hallenbake Melbank, Phannael, 221 s. Pearl Miles, Noah B., (Humphrey & Co.) 49 Steuben Mill, William, furrier, 67 Orange Miller, Christian, treasurer South Dutch Church and of lst & 2d G. W. turnpikes, office 56 State, h. 69 Hamilton Miller, Erastus, inspector of flour, office 104 Pier up stairs, h. 12 Hallenbake Miller, William C, dealer in dry goods, 56 State, h.69 Hamilton Q* 186 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Miiler, widow Jane, dress maker, 156 s. Pearl Miller, Charles, grocery and provision, 52 n Mar­ ket Miller, Harvey, teamster, 55 Knox Miller, widow Ruth, rear 8 Fox Miller, Philip, mason, 109 Fox Miller, Ann, widow of Jacob, boarding house 36 Ham­ ilton Miller, Nathaniel, flour store, 258 n. Market Mills, Christiana, nurse, 127 Beaver Mills, Philip, shoemaker, 7 Rose Mills, John, carpenter, 45 Lumber, h. Jackson Mills, Ebenezer, painter, 49 Washington Mills, Daniel W. commissioner of deeds, 326 State Millway, Mary, boarding house, 21 Fox Millwain, James, hatter, res. High near Lancaster Milwain, John, carpenter, res, High near Lancaster Millett, William, carpenter, Jackson Milligan, John, shoemaker, 168 s. Pearl Millington, John, baker, 60 Franklin Milton, Mary, 99 Green Minor, Owen, laborer, rear 8 DeWitt Minor, Ephraim, cartman, 58 Church Minor, Roswell, gardner, First, Arbor Hill Mingo, Dinah, cook, State continued Mink, William, ship carpenter, 102 Water Mink, Stephen G., 231 s. Pearl Mink, John, cabinet maker, 84 Washington Mink, David F., ship carpenter, 155 Lumber, Arbor Hill Mink, David, ship carpenter, 153 Lumber, Arbor Hill Minnock, William, laborer, 280 s. Pearl Minot, Joseph, keeper of Mechanics Hall Tavern, and collector 4th ward, 511 s. Market Mitchell, Jesse P., boot and shoe stove, 400 s. Market, h. 45 Hudson Mitchell, William, wholesale and retail grocer, 11 Hud­ son, h. 109 s. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 187 Mitchell, Richard EL,

WHOLESALE DEALER IN SPERM & REFINED WHALE OILS, Produce and Commission Merchant, 71 Quay, res. 67 Hudson Mitchell, Jildward, grocer, 11 Quay Mitchell, James L., bds. at Montgomery Hall Mitchell, John, leather dresser, 29 Herkimer Mitchell, Henry, 63 Malcom Mitchell, John T., 47 Water Mix, James, jeweler, 18 Green, res. 15 Plain Mix, Stephen, upholsterer, 93 Beaver Mix, Joel, station keeper, 61 Lawrence Mix, Henry, 285 s. Pearl Mix, William, 283 s. Pearl Mix, Henry, 81 Malcom Moakler, Michael, porter, 28 Chapel Moakley, Peter, sail maker, sail loft, 104 Pier, res. 116 n. Market Mobs, Willaim, silversmith, 266 s. Pearl Modlin, Henry, carpenter, 510 s. Market, h. 12 Ly­ dius Moffit, John, baker, Van Zandt MOHAWK AND HUDSON RAIL-ROAD, office 115 State Mohan, Patrick, 86 Fox Molassure, Peter, laborer, rear 199 Washington Monk, Thomas, portrait painter, bds. 66 Hudson Monroe, William B., upholsterer, corner Hudson and Quay Monteath, George, Albany canal line tow-boats, office 3 State, h. 78 Hudson Monteath, Peter, (Wilson & M.) res. 44 s. Pearl MONTGOMERY HALL, 406 s. Market MOUNT VERNON LODGE of Freemasons, St. Johns Hall, corner s. Market and Hudson 188 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Moody, Adanijah, boarding-house, 33 Dean "' Moody, Delos, 33 Dean Moody, Margaret, 242 Washington Moon, widow Cynthia, seamstress, 49 Van Schaick Mooney, widow, 54 Van Schaick Moore, Henry, rear of Hallenbake Moore, captain 13 John Moore, Jasper, dry goods merchant, 6| South Pearl, h. Norton Moore, Andrew, butcher 72 Arch Moore, Harriet, boarding-house, 66 «. Pearl Moore, A. B., bds. 26 Maiden Lane Moore, Chester, 232 Washington Moore, John, laborer, Schenectady Turnpike Moore, widow Margaret, 543 s. Market Moore, William, 80 Malcom Moore, John, 50 Lydius Moore, Richard, tailor, 12 Rose Alley Moore, Andrew P., captain of canal boat, 98 Water Moore, Thomas, 15 Lodge Moore, Luther, 595 s. Market Moore, James, C, 60 Franklin Moore, Frederic, 166 Green Moore, Jacob, 159 Green Moran, Thomas, laborer, 177 Green Moran, widow of Thomas, 50 Fox Moran, Jeremiah, laborer, Arch Moran, John, mason, 91 William Moran, Michael, grocer, 546 s. Market Morange, Peter M., upholsterer, 311 n. Market, h. 42 Middle Lane Morgan, John D, clothing store, 371 s. Market, h. 9 Liberty Morgan, Patrick, dyer, 33 Westerlo Morgan, Richard, nailer, 355 Schenectady Turnpike Morgan, Thomas, Lumber, Arbor Hill Morgan, Mrs. Prudence, 137 n. Market Morgan, Mrs. & Misses, Young Ladies' Institute, 135 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 189

Morgan, Bernard, carpenter, 22 Van Zandt Morgan, John, agent Southern Depot Rail-Road, h. 174 s. Pearl Morgan, Mary Ann, 27 Water Morgan, Tobias, porter house, 3 Hamilton Morgan, George, barber, basement Washington Hall, s. Pearl Morgan, George, Broad and Lydius Morgan, Henry, laborer, Clinton Morley, Charles, teacher, 19 Hamilton Morell, Richard, stone-cutter, 237 State continued Morell, John D., 38 s. Lansing Morrell, Edward A., 136 Lydius Morrell, James, carpenter, 81 Church Morris, John, laborer, 152 Montgomery Morris, Peter, laborer, 22 Jackson Morris, Samuel, laborer, 215 s. Pearl Morris, Joseph, tobacconist, De Witt Morris, widow, 19 Quay Morrisson, Adam, mason, 51 Fox Morrisson, Mary, widow, 66 Lumber Morrisson, David, tailor, Hawk, s. of State Morrisson, Patrick, laborer, 30 Quay Morrow, James, grocer, 601 s. Market Morrow, Patrick, laborer, 38 n. Lansing Morrow, Peter, 3 Chapel Morse, James A., 51 Colonie Morse & Wright, lumber dealers, office 116 Water Morse, Henry, builder, res. High Morton, David, nailer, rear 184 Washington Morton, Charles, barber, 273 s. Pearl Moseley, Mrs. Et'win, 19 Hamilton Moseley & Van Gaasbeck, dry goods merchants, Com­ mercial Buildings Moseley, B. F. (M. & V. G.) 19 Hamilton Mosgrove, William, 278 s. Pearl Mosher, Allen, oyster dealer, &c. 102 Quay Mosher, George, carpenter, 47 Van Woert Moss, Dennis, laborer, 15 Van Woert Moss, James, laborer, 15 Van Woert 190

Moss, Thomas, grocer, 15 Van Woert Mott, Miss Lydia, linen draper and ready made linen warehouse, 306 n. Market, res. 319 Mott, Whitehead, ship carpenter, 72 Montgomery Mott, Jacob, blacksmith, 144 Lydius Mounsey, Thomas, 52 Church Mount, Mary, grocer, 160 Green Mount, Daniel, skipper, 296 State Mountain, William, grocer, 108 Quay Muir, William, 6 Van Tromp Muir, James, tanner and currier, 56 Van Schaick Muir, William, leather dresser, 6 Van Woert Mularich, John, tailor, 60 Rensselaer Mulford, John H., (Boyd & M.) bds. at City Hotel Mulhall, Thomas, laborer, 158 s. Pearl Mulholland, John, shoemaker, 32 Quay Mulkahy, Patrick, tobacconist, west end of Van Woert Mullen, James, laborer, 29 Herkimer Mullen, Edward, laborer, 7 Quackenbush Mullen, Peter, stone-cutter, cor. John and Dallius Mullen, James, laborer, cor. High and Wilson Mullen, Patrick, laborer, 76 Ferry Mullen, Peter, stone-cutter, 20 Dallius Mulligan, James, laborer, 60 Schuyler Mulligan, Peter, labor, 3 Bass Mulpeters, Edward, 57 Montgomery Mulry, James, laborer, rear 276 Washington Munsell, Joel, printer, 58 State, res. 270 n. Market Murdock, Ebenezer, dealer in hygeian medicines and mustard, 29 Green Murdock, , laborer, 24 Malcom Murgane, Catharine, widow, High, near State Murphy, James, blacksmith and boarding house, 6 Norton Murphy, Catharine, nurse, rear 12 Union Murphy, Allen, boatman, 35 Malcom Murphy, Smith, butcher, 118 Washington Murphy, Peter, laborer, rear of 8 Park HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 101

Murphy, Edward, nailer, 223 Washington Murphy, John, bricklayer, State mar Lark Murphy, Thomas, laborer, Elk near Swan Murphy,' William, butcher, 28 Chapel Murphy, James, laborer, 37 Van Schaick Murphy, Henry, cooper, 556 s. Market Murphy, Patrick, chandler, 61 Orange, h. 44 Patroon Murphy, John, moulder, rear 117 Hudson Murphy, Richard, mason, 55 Howard Murphy, Patrick, cor. Lydius and Hallenbake Murphy, Edward, laborer, 85 Liberty Murphy, Martin, laborer, 35 Liberty Murray, Dennis, laborer, 8 Columbia Murray, Hart L., master steam-boat Swiftsure, h. 60 Westerlo Murray, John W., hair dresser, 100 State, h. 19 Wil­ liam JJurray, Patrick, mason, cor. s. Pearl and Schuyler Murray, John, laborer, 8 Columbia Murray, Jeremiah, grocer, 4 Columbia Murray, Owen, grocer, 23 William Murray, Patrick, tailor, 55 Church Murray, James, baker, 154 Montgomery Murray, Richard, laborer, 168 State Murray, James, laborer, State continued Murray, John, laborer, corner Swan and First, Arbor Hill Murray, Patrick, laborer, Arbor Hill Murray, John, laborer, 15 Van Woert Murray, John, laborer, 65 William Murray, John, cabinet-maker, 8 William Murray, John, shop 124 State, h. 8 William Murray, Owen, provision store, cor. William and How. ard Murray, John, clerk in N. York and Ohio line, res. 8 William Murray, Hugh, porter, 65 Maiden Lane Murray, Dennis, engineer, 599 s. Market Murtaugh, Thomas, baker, 47 Fox 192

Murtaugh, , laborer, corner Swan and First, Ar­ bor Hill Murtoch, James, laborer, 4 Rose Alley Murty, Michael, cartman, 10 Rose Alley Mush, Charles, furnace-man, 162 Green J"usseline, George, gardener, Western Turnpike Myers, Charles, laborer, 206 Washington Myers, Jacob, laborer, Elk, near Swan Myers, Jesse N., blacksmith, Spring, above Hawk Myers, John, laborer, 7 Quackenbush Myers, Stephen, boatman, 118 Lydius Mygatt, Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 343 n. Market, h. 26 Jay Mynderson, Sarah, 96 Hudson Myron, Thomas M., shoemaker, 17 Beaver

Y. NASH, GEORGE, carpenter, 34 s. Lansing Nash, George, potter, 76 Eagle Nash, Philip, carpenter, Spring, near Lark Nation, James, 71 Maiden Lane Neagle, David, 140 s. Pearl Neagle, Michael, laborer, Hallenbake Neals, Rufus, shoemaker, 24 Fox Near, Henry F., furnace-man, 146 Lydius Neely, Joseph, cartman, 71 Church Neely, Robert, gardener, 99 Schuyler Neely, William, boatman, 57 Church Nelligan, David, shoe-store and h. 539 s. Market Nell, James, tailor, Spencer Nelligar, William, cabinet-maker, shop cor. Herkimer and Franklin, h. 164 s. Pearl Nelliger, Hannah, nurse, 75 Westerlo Nelliger, John, mason, 75 Westerlo Nelson, Alexander and Robert, dentists, 319 n. Mar­ ket Nelson, Charles, clerk, bds. Montgomery Hall 193

Nelson, Arnold, assistant alderman of 3d ward, h. 43 Water Nelson, Samuel, Chief Justice of Sup. Court, when in town at Mrs. Lockwood's Nelson, Judy, washerwoman, 74 Westerlo Nemire, George H., leather-dresser, 26 Van Woert Nesbitt, John, grocer, 110 Water Nesbitt, James, ship-carpenter, 163 Lumber Netterville, John W., CABINET-MAKER, AND UNDERTAKER, 17, 19 & 21 Church, house 23 Westerlo Neville, Isaac, taikr, 7 Lydius Neville, John, tavern-keeper, 545 s. Market New, John, printer, 13 John New, James, blacksmith, 13 John Newcomb, D., dentist, 285 n. Market Newcomb, W., 285 n. Market Newell, Geo. W., deputy comptroller, State Hall, res. Congress Hall Newhouse, William, blacksmith, Denniston Newland, Thomas, 35 Dean Newland, Luke F., jeweller, 35 Chapel, h. 95 Colum­ bia Newland, David, 333 n. Market Newman, Henry, leather-dresser, factory 41 Water, h. 53 Montgomery, store 330 n. Market Newman, James, butcher, 69 n. Lansing Newman, George, leather-dresser, 30 Patroon Newman, Thomas, grocer, 84 Quay Newman, William, tailor, 5 Lydius Newman, Thomas, grocer, cor. Lydius and Swan R 194 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Newman, Mrs., widow of Peter, grocer, 48 Union Newton, John M., merchant, 46 Quay, h. 108 n. Mar­ ket Newton, William, flour store, 9 Hudson, house 52 Washington Newton, Miss Rena, milliner, 427, cor. s. Market and Division Newton, Dyer, agent, 38 Union Newton, Daniel, produce dealer, 262, 264 and 266 Washington NEW-YORK STATE ARSENAL, 56 n. Market Niblock, Alexander, cartman, 47 Division Niblock, John, dyer and scourer, 105 Herkimer, h. 47 Division " Nicholls, Henry, grocer, 32 State, h. 20 Quackenbush .Nicholls, J. P., mason, 82 Beaver Nicoll, Isaac, laborer, 51 Church Miles, Ira, 136 Washington Niles (Hiram) & Co., Erie and Ohio Canal Line, 63 Quay, h. 83 Columbia Nixon, Robert, painter, 68 Church Noble, Linnteus, res. 31 Green Noble, William, grocer and provi&on store, 7 Maiden Lane Noble, L. P. & Co., New-York, Albany and Oswego Line, cor. State and Quay Noble, James N., clerk, bds. at Mrs. Rasey's Noble, John, weigher and measurer, 2 Water Noble, Sarah, 126 State Noonan, Mary, 18 John Noonan, Thomas, grocer, cor. Water and Spencer Nordin, William, paver, 265 s. Pearl Norgrove, Richard, 24 Fayette Norris, Benjamin, hair-dresser, 22£ s. Pearl Norris, James, teacher, 37| Fayette North, Asahel, tinman, 34 Malcom North, Abiram, provision store, 29 Malcom Northrop, Nelson, coppersmith, 64 Malcom Norton, Lambert, book-keeper, 87 Herkimer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 195

Norton, widow, 28 Fayette Norton, Loran, boot and shoe store, 70 State, h. 21 Dallius Norton, Samuel, 148 s. Pearl Norwood, Samuel, moulder, 8 Park Nowlan, Jeremiah, grocer, corner Philip and Van Zandt Nowlans, James, paper-hanger, 83 Orange Noyes, Tomlinson & Hubby, Western Transportation Company, 99 Pier Noyes, Robert L., 91 Church Nugent, Henry P., attorney, &c, res. 42 Patroon Nugent, Jane, widow, of John, 42 Patroon Newman, Joshua, 19 Quay Numis, Diana, 31 Union o. OAKLIN, JACOB, shoemaker, Swan, *. of Lydius Oakfield, widow Diana, 32 n. Pearl O'Blee, Bastian, 36 Clinton O'Brien, Patrick, laborer, 3 Maiden Lane O'Brien, Daniel, laborer, Clinton O'Brien, William, laborer, rear 231 s. Pearl O'Brien, John, pedler, Clinton O'Brien, James, carpenter, Herkimer, near Church O'Brien, John, laborer, 542 s. Market O'Brien, Patrick, blacksmith, High G?Brien, Matthew, blacksmith, 9 Spring O'Brien, William, tailor, 109 Washington O'Brien, Patrick, laborer, 11 Spring O'Brien, William, gardener, Patroon continued O'Brien, William, shoemaker, 51 n. Lansing O'Brien, John, 76 s. Pearl O'Brien, John, mason, 535 s. Market O'Brien, Jeremiah, blacksmith, 57 Howard O'Brien, Thomas, cooper, 114 Quay ,,-'.'• O'Brien, John, laborer, 65 William •' ''" 196 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

O'Conner, Patrick, slater, 10 William O'Conner, Michael, mason, 6 William O'Conner, Charles, 15 Lodge O'Conner, John, 57 Howard O'Conner, Matthew, laborer, Elk, near Furnace O'Conner, Patrick, 91 Beaver O'Conner, Dennis, 89 Quay O'Conner, John, laborer, 58 Lumber O'Donnell, widow Ann, 40 Fox O'Donnell, Charles, baker, 243 n. Market O'Donnell, William, physician and druggist, cor. Ham­ ilton and s. Pearl O'Flaherty, Thomas E„ student at law, bds. 37 Dean O'Donushee, Onius, Cherry O'Hanlon, John, stone-cutter, 76 Ferry O'Hanlon, Patrick, grocer, Pier, foot of Columbia, h. 50 Van Schaick O'Hanlon, Redmond, provision store, 41 Van Schaick O'Hanlon, Michael, blacksmith, 173 s. Pearl, ics. 75 Westerlo O'Hagan, Charles, carpenter, 39 Bass O'Mahoney, David, victualler, 9 and 10 Centre Market, bds. at Montgomery Hall O'Hara, Robert, 68 Columbia O'llman, Philip, cor. Clinton and Nucella O'Neal, John, leather-dresser, 55 Fox O'Neil, Dennis, 1 Washington O'Neill, Henry, laborer, 9 Spring O'Rourke, William, laborer, 5 Bass O'Rourke, Terry, musician, Malcom O'Sullivan, Michael, cordial distiller, &c. cor. n. Mar­ ket and Columbia Ogden, Joseph, coachmaker, Spring above Hawk Ogden, widow Christina, Spring, above Hawk Olcott, Theodore, Cashier Canal Bank, res. at J. F. Jenkins', cor. State and Chapel Olcott, Thomas W., President Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, h. 60 n. Pearl Olcott, Anthony, 38 Franklin HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 197

Oley, Sally, dress maker, 28 Van Schaick Oliver, James, baker, 56 Hudson Oliver, William, laborer, 37 Fox Oliver, James, cordial distiller, 74 Lawrence Olmsted, Charles S. Alderman lst ward, and agent N. York & Ohio Line, office corner Quay & State up stairs, res. 83 Hamilton Olmsted, David, accountant et E. Corning & Co., h. 73 Green Olmsted, George G., agent N. Y. & Ohio line, foot of State, h. 35 Green Olmsted, John I., res. 74 Division ORPHAN ASYLUM, junction western turnpike and State continued Ornhout, Isaac, rear of Schuyler Orr, David, builder, S9 Hudson Orr, David, mason, 37 1-2 Fayette Orr, Matthew, coach-lace weaver, Cross near Van Schaick Orr, William, brass founder, shop 32 William, h. cor. Hudson and William Orr, Samuel, laborer, 95 Church Orslee, John, shoemaker, Hamilton near high Orton, Jonah, in oil cloth factory, Lydius continued Osborn, Jeremiah, boot & shoe store, 431 s. Market, h. 25 Westerlo Osborn, A. M. pastor of Methodist Church Division, b. 2 doors east of Church Osborn, John, baker, 552 s. Market Osborn, John, laborer, 273 s. Pearl Osborn, George, gardner, 62 Lumber Osborn, Samuel, grocer, canal basin Osborn, William L. Justice of Peace, 552 s. Market Osborn, William, carpenter, 11 Lumber Osborn, David, cake pedlar, corner s. Pearl & Schuy­ ler Osborn, James H. grocer, cor. s. Pearl and Lydius Osgood, Jonathan, 72 Liberty Osterhout, William H. 35 n."Market R* ] 198

Osterhout, David, clerk, Lydius near Lark Ostrander, James, cartman, 16 Lumber Ostrander, William, skipper, 88 Church Ostrander, Philip, engraver, bds. at Mrs. Rasey's Ostrander, David W., 57 Liberty Ostrander, Michael, laborer, 145 Lumber Ostrander, widow Gertrude, Spring above Hawk Ostrom, William, pilot, 87 Lydius Ottee, Joshua, carpenter, Second near Swan Ott, James C. painter, 187 n. Market Ott, Miss, select school, 187 n. Market Ott, Tracy, cor. Philip and Van Zandt Outwin, John, accountant, 18 Dove Overest, Jacob, laborer, 216 Washington Overton, Charles, grocer, Lydius continued Owens, John, stone cutter, 225 Washington Owens, William, shoemaker, 83 Washington Owens, Edward, cutler and surgical instrument maker 28 Beaver, h. 113 Hamilton Owens, John, grocer, 312 s. Pearl Owens, Griffith T., grocer, 56 Quay Owens, Matthew, sexton St. Paul's church, h. 66 s. Lan­ sing Owens. William, baker, 78 Franklin Owens, John T. fruit store, 2 1-2 s. Pearl, h. 13 Bea­ ver Owens, John, 57 Howard

P. PACKARD (Robert) & VAN BENTHUYSEN, (O- badiah R.) printers and book binders, sign Frank­ lin's head, 403 s. Market Packard, Isaac, 16 Rose Packard,Chester, dealer in dry goods, 48 Washington Packard, Robert, (P. & V. B.)h. 16 Rose Packard, Nathaniel R., accountant Argus printing off, h. cor. Division and Liberty HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 199

Packard, Rawson, engraver, 16 Rose Packard, widow of Benjamin L>., 95 Columbia Packer, Prentice, & Co., (William S. P. Jr., Ezra P. & John H. Prentice) fur and cap merchts. 340 & 342 n. Market Pacy, Edward, ship carpenter, '4 Lydius Paddock, Stephen, baker, b. h. Van Zandt, h. 77 s. Pearl Paddock, Henry, 86 William Paddock, Lawrence, baker, 24 Van Zandt Page, Nicholas, skipper, 195 n. Market Paige, John Keys, clerk of Supreme Court, offije State Hall, h. 113 State Paige, John, comb finisher, lg Bass Paine, John, comb finisher, rear 53 Fayette Palatt, Robert, 18 Bass Palmatier, widow Catharine, 297 Spruce Palmer, Levi H. attorney, &c. Law Buildings, h. 32 Eagle Palmer, Jerome, chair painter, 21 Washington Palmer, widow Jane, 25 Howard Pardee, Daniel, measurer of wood and timber, 17 Quackenbush Pardee, Peter, laborer, Arch Pardee, Thomas, 102 Franklin Parke, Martha, Hudson near Lark Parker. Joseph, machinist, 117 n. Market Parker, widow Elizabeth, tailoress, 31 Fayette Parker, Jesse, shoemaker, 79 Schuyler Parker, , teamster, west end Orange Parks, Clark D., cartman, Hudson near Lark Parks, William, shoemaker, 29 Orchard Parken, Charles, 179 Green Parmelee, William, city attorney &c, office 50 State Parmelee, C. C., attorney &c, office 50 State, boards City Hotel Parmentier, F. confectioner, 45 Division Parr, Richard, cooper, 60 Liberty Parry, John S. plane maker, 104 Beaver Parry, William H., Hudson near High 200

Parsons, Harvey, cabinet maker, 254 n. Market, h. 256 n. Market Parsons, Joel B. 9 Van Zandt Parsons, Silas C, dentist, h. Van Woert near n. Mar­ ket Parsons, John D., 26 Maiden Lane Parsons, J. & Co., soap and candle manufactory, Or­ chard near Van Woert Partridge, Anthony, school teacher, 302 s Pearl Passinger, Peter, wheelwright, Spring above Hawk Patchen, A. D., cashier State bank, h. 69 State Pattengal, Michael, baker, 72 Green Patten, John, 17 Quackenbush Patterson, John, shoemaker, 45 Second, Arbor Hill Patterson, John, printer, 62 Lydius Patterson, George, cabinet maker, 22 Fox Patterson, Josiah, measurer of wood and grocer, off., little basin, h. 65 Lawrence Patterson, Robert, leather dresser, 225 s. Pearl Patterson, John, cartman, rear 227 s. Pearl Patterson, Jane, Milliner, 268 n. Market > Patterson, widow Martha, 2 Van Tromp Patterson, John, druggist, cor. n. Market and Van Tromp Patterson, William, 102 Franklin Patterson, widow Margaret, Arbor Hill near Lumber Patrick, Benjamin, 56 Union Patrick, Robert, master tow boat John Adams, 56 Un­ ion Paul, Christian, 71 Maiden Lane Paul, Stephen, broker, bds. Temperance House Paul, Samuel, basement 3d Dutch Church Paul, Rev. Nathaniel, pastor of African Church, res. Lydius continued, near Lark Paulding, Richard, carpenter, 57 Church Payn, Sophia, widow of Benjamin, 162 n. Market Payn, George R., exchange office 347 n. Market, h, 45 Steuben 201

Payn, Charles H-, physician, cor. Maiden Lane, h. 186 n. Market Payn, Rebecca, widow of Samuel, inn keeper, 186 & 188 n. Market Payn, John H. millwright, 109 Beaver Payn, Abraham, rear 154 s. Pearl Payn. Daniel, gardner, western turnpike Payn, Samuel N., street commissioner 5th ward, res. 188 n. Market Pearl, Reuben, 66 Franklin Pearson, Miss, 51 Columbia Pearsons, James, laborer, rear 59 Lawrence Pease, Erastus H., Sunday School Depository & reli­ gious book store, 82 State, h. 18 Jay Pease, Frederic S., book-keeper Commercial Bank, h. 10 Lancaster Pease, Richard H. book seller and engraver, 291 n. Market Pease, Harmen, 289 n. Market Pease, Earl P., 289 n. Market Pease, Mrs. boarding house, 289 n. Market Pease, N. S., boarding house, 29 Hudson Peck, Daniel, agent Swiftsure line of tow boats, office Pier, foot of State, h. 108 Green Peck, Allen F., furnace man, Eastern hotel Peck, Rigley, 42 Washington Peck, Blakeman, clerk, 20 Fox Peck, SamuelS. Farmers' hotel,commissioner of schools 42 Washington Peck, Peter, hatter, 115 n. Market Peck, Alfred, bds. Eastern hotel Peckham, George W., attorney &c., office n. Pearl cor. State, h. 86 Columbia Peckham, Rufus W., district attorney &c, office cor. State and n. Pearl, h. High Peebles, John, porter room 8 Beaver, h. 131 n. Mar­ ket Peets, Benjamin, bar-keeper Northern hotel, 123 Pier Pellet, Timothy, baker, 52 Hudson 202

Pemberton, E. & J. (Ebenezer and John) provision store cor. n. Pearf and Columbia Pemberton, Ebenezer, 59 Columbia Pemberton, John, Second, Arbor Hill Pemberton, Thomas L., 21 Van Schaick Penchard, George, 81 Bass Pendleton, Alanson, carpenter, 18 Malcom Penett, John, 58 Union Penniman, Sylvanus J. Albany oil store, 20 & 22 State, sperm candle factory Jackson, house 110 n. Mar­ ket PENSION OFFICE, Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank Pepper, Calvin, attorney, &c. Justice of justices' court, h. High Pepper, Calvin, Jr. attorney, &c. res. High Pepper, George, at Supreme Court clerk's office, res. High Percival, Gordon, blacksmith, shop west side canal ba­ sin, h. De Witt, near n. Market Percival, Jabez, cartman, 58 n. Lansing Percy, John, attorney, &c, office 80 State, h. 22 De Witt Percy, Edward, laborer, 52 Arch Perron, Jeremiah, boatman, 161 Green Perry, Erastus, general agent, office 67 State, res. 55 n. Pearl Perry, Joseph, laborer, rear Hallenbake Perry, Hiram, dealer in produce, provisions, &c. 195, h. 174 Washington Perry, John S., bds. 55 N. Pearl Perry, Eli, provision dealer, stall 87, house 85, Wash­ ington Person, George, cartman, 5 Malfcom Pester, William, baker and grocer, 342 State Peters, Jesse, morocco-dresser, 175 Green Peterson, Andrew, laborer, corner of Clinton and Nu- cella Peterson, George, moulder, 129 Franklin Peterson, Diana, 55 Malcom HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 203

Peyser, Thomas, moulder, 14 Jackson Phelps, Homer R., clerk in comptroller's office, h. 26 Malcom Phelps, Philip, deputy comptroller, office State Hall, h. 7 Daniels Phelps, Charles, bds. Clinton Hotel Phelps, Miss Eliza Ana, preceptress, 16 n. Pearl, res. 32 Patroon Philleo, Lyman, tobacco factory, cor. Lydius & Church, h. 56 Church Phillips, Levi, merchant, cor. Quay and Hamilton, res. Lydius continued Phillips, Washington, grocery and provision store, 113 Green, cor. Herkimer Phillips, Patrick, shoemaker, 65 William Phillips, Aaron, cartman, 57 Lawrence Phillips, Miss, school, 99 Green, res. cor. Green and Herkimer Phillips, Charles, clerk, 43 Van Woert Phillips, John, victualler, 206, res. 306 Washington, s. Branch Phillips, William, laborer, 284 Washington, s. Branch Phipps, Samuel, 150 Washington Picket, William, laborer, 2 Steuben Picket, Mark, laborer, 81 Orange Pierce, Horace, grocer, Montgomery, west of basin, h. 76 n. Market Pierce, John, musical instrument maker, 1 s. Pearl Pierce, widow Rachel, 134 Green Pierce, Allen H., 16 Lumber Pierce, Lemuel, livery stable, cor. Hamilton and Liber­ ty, b. 42 Westerlo Pierce, Alfred H., saddler, 22 Ferry Pierce, Henry, grocery, tea and fruit store, 8 s. Pearl, bds. 46 Beaver Piercy, Alexander C, cartman, 49 1-2 Washington Pierson, Calvin, president of Mechanics' Benefit Socie­ ty, coroner and high constable, 9 Daniels 204

Pierson, Rev. Thomas W., 57 Liberty Pike, Emily, keeper Washington Hall Pillin, Mrs., 49 Hudson Pillson, William, laborer, 63 Orchard Pincott, Samuel, cabinet ware house, 136 s. Pearl Pincott, Thomas, harness-maker, 136 s. Pearl Pinckney, Elizabeth, 142 Lydius Pinkerton, widow Sarah, boarding-house 89 Hamilton Pitkin, William H., bds. American Hotel Pettinger, Abraham, boot and shoe factory, 111 Ly­ dius Pladwell, Joseph, furrier, 12 s. Lansing Pladwell, widow Jane, 12 s. Lansing Piatt, Annanias, president Albany Temperance Socie­ ty, €0 Jay Piatt, Lauren, comb-maker, 32 Howard Piatt, Josiah, grocer, 5 Lawrence, north side of canal basin Plateau, widow Barbara, 61 Church Plateau, James, carpenter, 132 Lydius Playford, William, paver, Washington n. Branch Plum Allen, 36 Union Plumb, William, 12 Park Pochen, John, baker, 223 s. Pearl Poele, Thomas, mason, High, near State Pogen, Robert 38 Franklin Pohlman, Daniel, 20 Van Schaick Pohlman, Charles, merchant tailor, 456 s. Market, h. 17 Liberty Poinier, Thomas I., Lumber, Arbor Hill Poinier, Ann Eliza, 11 Wilson POLICE OFFICE, s. Pearl, over Centre Market Pollock, John, engineer steam-boat Swiftsure, h 534 s. Market Pomeroy, John, 140 s. Pearl Poole, John, laborer, 62 n. Lansing Por, Thomas, shoemaker, 55 Fox Porter, Henry, laborer. 19 Park HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 205

Porter, Ira, painter and glazier, 283 n. Market, corner Steuben, h. 12 Lancaster Porter, Jeremiah, teamster, 195 Spring Porter, John, laborer, west end Van Woert Porter, Giles W., 90 Lydius Porter, Sarah, widow of Ira, 12 Lancaster Porter, James, register in chancery, office State Hall, res. Congress Hall Porter, George, laborer, 247 Washington Porter, Nathan, potter, 76 Eagle Porter, James L., bds. at Giles W. Porter's Porter, Henry, laborer, 19 Park Post, Ellen, 105 Fox Potter, Horatio, rector of St. Peter's Church, 68 Mai­ den Lane Potter, Benjamin, baker, 59 Lydius Potter, Harmen B., passage agent, 60 Church Potter, William P., clerk, bds. Franklin House Potts, widow Elizabeth, 61 Lydius Potts, John, res. 61 Lydius Potts, Jesse C, (Hoffman & Potts,) furnace Hallenbake corner Hamilton, res. corner Hallenbake and Ly­ dius Powel, Sarah, 124 Lydius Powers, Patrick, 718 s. Market Powers, John, Schuyler near Malcom Powers, John, Delaware west of Clinton Powers, Richard, Delaware west of Clinton Powers, Daniel, 133 Green Powers, William W., horse shoer and blacksmith, shop William, res. 23 William Pratt, Elisha N., stove dealer, 10 and 12 Green, h. 62 Chapel Pratt, Ralph, merchant, 73 Quay, h. 55 Division Pratt, Miss Mary, 31 Maiden Lane Pratt, Nehemiah, 24 Beaver ' > Pratt, widow Eliza, 63 Union Prendergrast, Thomas, Van Zandt Prentice, James A., clerk, bds. at Mansion House S 206 Prentice, John H., (Packer, P. & Co.) h. 141 Wash­ ington Prentice, Ezra P., (Packer, P. & Co.) h. 143 Wash­ ington PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (lst) corner s. Pearl and Bea­ ver PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (2d) Chapel PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (3d) Montgomery PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (4th) «. Market Prest, John, boot and shoemaker, 91 n. Market Prest, John, shoemaker, 43 Colonie Prest, John, shoe store, 5 Lawrence Preslon, Asaph, keeper of Ferry Recess, 615 s. Mar­ ket Priest, Josiah, 11 Swan Prime, Baltus, rope-maker, 27 Van Woert Prime, William, rope-maker, 60 s. Lansing Prince, George, 14 Rose Alley Proctor, Joseph, waiter, corner Park and State Prossender, Lewis, 140 Frankin Pruyn, John, 30 Maiden Lane Pruyn, Mrs. Margaret, 88 n. Pearl Pruyn, (John V. L.) & Martin, (Henry H.) attorneys, &c. 57 State Pruyn, John V. L., res. 1 n. Pearl Pruyn, (Lansing) Wilson, (Abraham F.) & Vosburgh, (Isaac W.,) hardware merchants, 39 State Pruyn, Casparus F., agent for S. Van Rensselaer, office and house near Patroons Mansion Pruyn, David, Clinton Square, 1 n. Pearl Pruyn, widow Cornelia, 205 n. Market Pruyn, William J., baker, 89 n. Market Pruyn, Samuel, (Barker & Co.) office 9 Dean, h. 197 n. Market Pruyn, Lansing, h. 51 n. Pearl Pruyn, R. H., president Young Men's Association, at­ torney, &c, 315 n. Market Pruyn, John, 30 Maiden Lane Puddy, Ann, widow of James, 30 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 207

Pugsley, C. A., attorney, &c. office No. 7 Commercial Buildings, res. 32 Orchard Purdy, Daniel, measurer of wood and lumber, res. 17 Quackenbush Purdy, Elijah, blacksmith, Tivoli Hollow Purcell, Edward, laborer, 113 Fox Purcell, John C, coach and lamp maker, 48 Hamil­ ton Purcell, Michael, laborer, 221 n. Market Putnam, Elisha, 88 Second, Arbor Hill Putnam, James, victualler north market, h. Second, Ar­ bor Hill Putnam, Genet, widow of David, nurse, 29 Orchard Putnam, Charles, porter house, 106 n. Market Putnam, Elisha, 29 Chapel

<*• QUACKENBOSS, WALTER H., dealer in fancy '!ry goods, 29 State, res. 25 Montgomery Quarkenbush, Nicholas, 10 Quackenbush Quackenbush, John H., musical instrument makei, 570 s. Market Quackenbush, Gansevoort, 240 n. Market Quackenbush, Gerrit, printer, 44 Division Quackenbush, John N., lumber merchant, offices 50 Pier, and cor. Water, h. 5 Quackenbush Quackenbush, Nicholas N., 240 n Market Quackenbush, Cornelius, brush-maker, 75 Beaver Quackenbush, widow Catharine, 75 Beaver Qaail, Matthias, laborer, 42 Beaver Quick, John, grate-setter,.83 Orange Quigley, widow of Daniei, builder, 45 Colonie Quin, Charles, tavern and boarding-house, 14 s. Pearl Quin, Francis, porter room and victualling cellar, un­ der south market, h. 497 s. Market Quin, James, cooper, 51 Arch Quinn, Thomas, hostler, 4 Rose Alley 208 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Quinn, John, teamster, branch of rail-road Quinlin, Michael, rear 30 Howard

RABLAN, ANN, widow, Lark near State Rabson, John, laborer, Fox near Schenectady Turn­ pike Radbron, James, grocer, corner Lawrence and Mont­ gomery Radcliff, James, steamboat recess, 104 Pier, h. 127 Hudson Radcliff, James, inspector of staves and heading, office 104 Pter Radcliff, widow Naomie, 82 Beaver Radloy, William, oyster dealer, 484 s. Market Radliff, Susan, 99 Green Radliff, Jacob, cartman, 162 Washington Radt, Lewis, 140 Franklin Rafferty, John, laborer, First, Arbor Hill Raigan, Patrick, laborer, 115 Fox Ramsay, Conrad, cartman, basement 34 Water .itamsay, David D., shoemaker, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Ramsay, Frederic, victualler, stall No. 3 Centre Mar­ ket, h. 104 Washington Ramsay, Philip, 11 Columbia Ramsay, Jacob, constable, 11 Maiden Lane Ramsay, Philip, teamster, 3 Columbia Ramsay, John, grocer, corner Columbia and Quay Ramsay, John, jun., cartman, 5 and 7 Columbia Randall, George, oil cloth manufacturer, res. 61 Beaver Randall, Samuel S., clerk in secretary of state's office, res. 189 State Randall, widow of Jesse, 90 Hudson Rankin, George A., boot and shoe store, 73 State, h. 48 Chapel Rankin, Mary, rear of 6 Hallenbake Ransom, Samuel, clerk, 85 Hamilton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 209

Rapp, Christian, sausage maker, 205 Washington, stall 22 Centre Market Rapp, John, dealer in oysters, 100 Quay and 136 Washington Rains, Henry, provision store, 19 Washington Rasey, widow of Ammon, boarding-house, Exchange Coffee-House, 4 Hamilton Rathbone, (Jared L.) & Chapin, (Lyman) merchants, 51 Quay Rathbone, Jared L.,28 Eagle corner State Rathbone, Sylvester, grocer, 32 Washington corner Hawk Rathbone, (Joel) & Co., dealers in stoves and hard­ ware, 9, 11 and 13 Green, res. 109 State Rathbone & Chapin, morocco and wool factory, Fox near Cross Rattray, Robert, carpenter, Lydius continued Raum, Mrs., 36 Columbia Raver, Jacob, Clinton • Rawls, Henry, & Co., (George Dexter,) druggists, 57 State, and Apothecaries' Hall, corner State and n. Pearl Rawls, Henry, res. 108 Green Rawson, William, 72 Lydius Rawson, William, blacksmith, corner Green and Ly dius Rawson, Rev. T. R., agent of Tract Society, 39 Co­ lumbia Ray, Benoni, mason, 83 Water Ray, John, cartman, 36 Water Ray, James, laborer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Ray, Levi, furrier, 162 Washington Raymond, Benjamin C, fMarvin & R.) h. 40 Westerlo Raymond, Charles S., 40 Westerlo Raymond, Henry, 76 Hudson Rayside, John, carpenter, 77 Bass Ream, Adam, teamster, Broad Rearden, Timothy, grocer, 542 s. Market Reardon, John, 63 William 210 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Rector, Henry, architect, office No 13 Stanwix Hall, h. 124 Washington Redden, David, farrier, 65 Fox Redmond, Matthew, shoemaker, 14 Van Zandt Reed, John, shoemaker, 36 n. Pearl Reed, Robert, laborer, 81 Orange Reed, William, carpenter, west end Orange Reed, William, cartman, 221 State Reed, Willard S., 16 Park Reed, George, carpenter, 58 Fayette Reed, John, shoemaker, 11 Van Tromp Reed, David, engineer, 13 Rose Reed, James, blacksmith, 12 Orange Reed, John, laborer, 2 Steuben Reed, Thomas D., foremau in Winne's cabinet-house, rear 116 State Reed, Sylvester, agent for rail road, res. 70 Ferry Reedy, John, 25 Lumber Reid, widow Elsie, west end Orange Reid, Charles, shoemaker, 45 Beaver Reid, widow Sarah, 107 Beaver Reeves, Israel M., painter, 2 Trotter's Alley Reily, James, grocer, cor. Steuben and Quay Relay, Mrs. Amelia, boarding-house, 9 Beaver Relyea, (Peter, jun.) & Wright, (Thomas,) merchant tailors, 341 n. Market Relyea, Peter, jun., h. 99 s. Pearl Relyea, Simon, merchant tailor, 16 Green, h. Lancas­ ter Relyea, John, blacksmith, 164 Washington Remer, Benjamin M., canal boat agent for Geneva Line, 61 Quay, res. 46 Hudson Reneaud, Lewis George, tailor, shop and house 45 Washington Reston, William L., organist St. Paul's Church and teacher of music, res. 46 s. Pearl Reston, John, professor of the languages, 16 Union Reynolds, Mrs., 29 Union HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 211

Reynolds, (Marcus T.) & Woodruff, (Samuel M.) at­ torney, &c, 55 State Reynolds, Marcus T., h. 7 Capitol Park Reynolds, Mrs. Mary, 107 n. Market Reynolds, widow Margaret, 81 Orange Reynolds, John, wheelwright, res. 115 n. Market Reynolds, Edward, contractor, &c. 27 n. Pearl Reynolds, John, 12 Lydius Reynolds, Francis, laborer, rear of 17 Lumber Requa, James, merchant, res. 626 s. Market Rheinhart, Abraham, 53 n. Lansing Rhoades, Julius, master in chancery, office 1 Stanwix Hall, h. 72 n. Pearl Rice, Joseph T., silversmith and jeweller, 5 s. Pearl, h. 52 Columbia Rice, Micar, 123 Franklin Rice, Thomas, shoemaker, 35 Fox Rice, Charles, ship-joiner, 9 Rose Richards, William, tobacconist, Hudson near High Richards, James, tailor, 45 Washington Richards, Prosper, rear 220 State Richardson, John, moulder, rear 100 Hamilton Richardson, Levi, laborer, Catharine Richardson, Lindsley, stone-cutter, 565 t. Market Richardson, widow Sarah, 76 s. Pearl Richardson, Thomas, 36 Third, Arbor Hill Rico, Elizabeth, seamstress, 139 Lumber RickeTtson, Lester, 98 s. Pearl Rider, Stephen J. cottage Lydius continued Rider, Joseph, musician, Elk, near Swan Ridder, Thomas B. & Co., (Tho's S. Hyatt) tobacco­ nists, 78 s. Pearl Riley, Patrick, plasterer and slater, 16 Orchard Riley, William, furrier, 39 Fox Riley, Charles, shoemaker, 4 Maiden Lane Riley, Owen, mason, 305 s. Pearl Riley, Peter, laborer, 11 Colonie Riley, Owen, leather dresser, Schuyler Riley, Patrick, 40 Lawrence 212 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Riley, Barney, laborer, 46 Van Schaick Riley, John, laborer, 10 Park Riley, John, 50 Malcom Riley, Francis, 65 Maiden Lane Riley, James, 21 Dean Riley, Charles, 21 Dean Riley, James, laborer, 663 s. Market Riley, Barney, 55 Howard Riley, Peter, laborer, 114 Quay Riley, Patrick, shoemaker, 16 Bass Riley, Owen, 60 Schuyler Riley, Connor, laborer, 57 Howard Rine, Cornelius, laborer, 40 Fox Rines, Barney, 86 Fox Rindge (Erastus) & Fish, (Samuel M.) fish and provi­ sion store, cor. Exchange and Quay Rindge, Erastus, 31 Jay Ring, widow, 28 Union Ring, George W., engineer at Little Basin Ring, James, laborer, 22 Van Woert Rink, Joshua, segar maker, 50 Church Ripley, Seymour, brick maker, Arbor Hill Rising, Austin, 40 Patroon ' Rising, David, brick maker, 40 Patroon Roach, John, laborer, 107 n. Market Roach, James, 16 s. Lansing Roach, Michael, laborer, 11 Colonie Roag, Michael, laborer, 536 s. Market Roarke, Samuel, 25 Lumber Robbins, Caleb, cartman, 269 Washington s. Branch Robbins, George, bds. 126 s. Pearl Robbins, Alexander, cor. Bass and s. Market Robbins, widow Mary, 25 Division Roberts, P. I., musician at the Museum, res. 20 Wash­ ington Roberts, Azor C, 68 n. Pearl Roberts, Miss Lemira, 56 Chapel Roberts, N. W., 9 Beaver Robertson, James, shoe store, 157 n. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 213

Robertson, Robert, laborer, rear 7 n. Market Robertson, John, (John and Robert) stove pattern ma­ ker, 50 Green Robertson, John, 4 Hallenbake Robertson, H. W. 30 Steuben Robertson, Robert, gardener, 80 Malcom Rebertson, Primus, boatman, 118 Lydius Robinson, Edmond A. bds. Mrs. Fuller's' Robinson, Samuel, painter, 60 Columbia Robinson, Hamilton W. attorney, office Atheneum, bds. 30 Steuben Robinson (James) & Vanderbilt (Cornelius) coach-ma­ kers, 25 Church Robinson, James, 25 Dallius Robinson, John, carpenter, 38 Hallenbake Robinson, Clark, agent American Transportation Co., 63 Quay, h. 35 Beaver Robinson, John, coachman, 65 n. Market Robinson, Thomas, Park, near State Robinson, Edward, 12 Lodge Robinson, Thomas, 69 Columbia Robinson, John, dealer in tin ware, 256 s. Pearl Robinson (Edward) & Doughtey, (John D.) druggists, 68 State Robinson, Chandler, clerk, 19 Green Robison, Barber, grocer, 198 Washington, h. 235 Robison, Joseph, 20 Washington Robison, George E., shoemaker, 247 Washington Robison, Stephen, cook, rear 5 Park Rock, Hugh, laborer, 24 Herkimer Rockenstyre, John, spruce beer maker, 31 Herkimer Rocket, Hagar, rear 41 Fox Rockwell, John I., bds. American Hotel Rockwell, widow Martha, 49 Liberty Rockwell, Walter M., 62 State, bds. City Hotel Roe, John, rigger and caulker, 46 Forry Roe, John, ship carpenter, 46 Ferry Rodgers, John, engineer, &c. 16 Orchard 214

Rodgers, Elizabeth, widow of James, boarding-house, 76 Eagle Rodgers, widow of James, 12 Orange Roderic, William, shoemaker, 14 Bass Rodier, Oliver, coach painter, cor. Herkimer & s. Mar­ ket Rodier, X., pump-maker, 3 Dean Roff, Elizabeth, widow of John, 37 Dean Rogan, Matthew, shoemaker, 25 Chapel Rogers (Harrison Gray Otis) & Stevens, (Enoch I.) grocery and provision store, 76 s. Pearl Rogers, H. G.. O., 126 s. Pearl Rogers, Sherlock, shoemaker, 94 Bassett Rogers, Charles, laborer, 170 s. Pearl Rogers, Daniel, laborer, 67 n. Market Rogers, Thomas. 71 Colonie Rogers, John, grocer, 154 s. Pearl Rogers, Norman, 1 Malcom Roggen, Peter, merchant 70 Quay, bds. Mansion House . Roggen, Aaron, clerk at 76 Quay Rollhouse, Philip, cabinet maker, 67 Orange Ronalds, James, baker, 25 Clinton Romain, John P. 25 Orange Rooney, Patrick B., grocer, 94 & 96 cor. Schuyler & Malcom Rooker, Mrs. Ann, boarding house, 124 State Root, Lyman, commission dealer in hides, oil &c, 3 Hudson, h. 40 Beaver Root, Arthur H., commission merchant, commercial building, res. 40 Beaver Root, Jonah G., manufacturer of woollens &sattinetts, Tivoli Hollow Roraback, Henry, porter house, 17 Washington Rorgan, Patrick, 60 Schuyler Rorke, Daniel, laborer, 17 Van Tromp Rose, Robert F., tailor, 47 Maiden Lane Rose, Elizabeth, Wendell near Beaver Rose, widow Jane, seamstress, 11 Fayette ALBANY DIRECTORY. 215

Rosekrantz, Abraham, surveyor, 77 Ferry Rosekrantz, Wendel, boatman, 41 Union Rosekrantz, Abraham D., manufacturer of blacking, 43 Dean, h. 46 Westerlo Roseboom, John H., 84 n. Market Rowley, Thomas, candle maker, 594 s. Market Roser, Richard, Mason, 596 s. Market Roser, Richard, Jr., accountant, 596 s. Market Roser, John, skipper, 596 s. Market Rosier, Jonas, 43 Lumber Rosevelt, widow Susan, 30 Union Ross, George, laborer, 87 Church Ross, William H. 21 Quackenbush Ross & Colburn, lumber merchants, office 58 Pier Ross, James, 26 Franklin Ross, John J., 597 s. Market Ross, Robert, laborer, 27 Lumber Rossetee, William S., A. Meach, Jackson & Co., h. 13 Jay Rossman, John B., physician & druggist, and 4th ward physician, office 70 Lydius, h. 137 Green Roteric. Daniel S. tailor, 81 Church Rounds, Charles, 110 Water • Rourke, Thomas, laborer, 536 s. Market Rourke,'John, laborer, 536 s. Market Rowbottom, Robert, wagon maker and blacksmith, cor. Nucella and Malcom Rowlands, Henry, engineer, 9 Wendell Rowle; Levi, gardner, Spruce • Rowley, widow Martha, State near Knox Ruby, Robert, 26 Fox Ruby, widow of Christopher, 125 n. Market • Ruby, John C, 35 Fox Ruby, Christopher, cartman, 11 Van Tromp Ruby, widow J. G., 120 n. Market Ruddly, Michael, pedler and grocer, 151 Water Rudes, Jason, inspector of pot and pearl ashes, office and h. 43 Van Schaick Rudes, H. P, shoe maker, 43 Van Schaick 216.

Rudges, Joseph, bakery, 85 Lawrence Rugs, widow Magdalen, 73 n. Market Rukey, Isadore, laborer, 63 Orchard Rull, Nicholas, blacksmith, Lydius continued Rusk, Emmett, grocery & provision store, 559 s. Mar­ ket, bds. Eastern hotel Russ, Adam, 30 Chapel Russ, John P. carriage smith, 90 Green, b. 68 Lyd­ ius Russ, James, book-binder, h. 30 Chapel Russ William, tin and sheet iron worker, h. 30 Cha­ pel Russell, Robert C, paints, oils &c. 72 State, h. 17 Steuben Russell, George & Brother, (George & William) paints oils, dye-woods, &c, 63 State Russell, William, 15 Patroon Russell, George, 23 Patroon Russell, James, lumberer, 13 Lumber Russell, Hubbard, mason, 289 State Russell, Thomas, pine grove, Schenectady turnpike Russell, Gertrude, seamstress, High Russell, Jubal, carpenter, High Russell, David, justice of peace, rail road bridge s. Pearl Russell, Joseph, 5 Montgomery Russell, (Elihu} & Son, (Henry) painters & glaziers, 302 n. Market Russell, Henry, 49 Columbia Russell, Henry, professor of music, Hawk, 2 doors s. of Spring Russell, Samuel, city weigher and measure Bea­ ver Rust, William S., carpenter, 45 Dallius Rust, Asa, shoemaker, 19 Dallius Ryan, Dennis, grocer, 565 s. Market Ryan, William, mason, 37 Chapel Ryan, Michael, tailor, 78 Franklin Ryan, Martin, 565 s. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 217

Ryan, Jeffrey, cooper, upper end Van Woert Ryan, Thomas, shoemaker, 36 n. Pearl Ryan, Michael, shoemaker, 51 Van Schaick Ryan, Patrick, laborer, 52 Arch Ryan, Patrick, grocer, 126 Water Ryan, James, laborer, rear 83 s. Pearl Ryckman, Albert, 15 Liberty Ryckman, Gerrit W., (Howard & R.) h. 15 Montgom­ ery Ryckman, Margaret, 15 Liberty Ryesdorph', Martin, 15 Van Schaick

SAINT PETER'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, cor. State and Lodge SAINT JOHN'S CHURCH, Herkimer St. MARY'S (Catholic) CHURCH, corner Pine and Chapel St John, David & John, grocers, bds. at Eagle st. hotel St John, John W., proprietor Eagle st. hotel STPAUL'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, corner of Ferry and Dallius Sacia, widow Jane, 18 Dove Sager & Tremere, tin and sheet iron factory, 35 Wash­ ington Safford, Nathaniel, proprietor of Temperance House, 280 n. Market Sager, Peter, 35 Washington Salisbury, Henry, inspector of lumber, h. 17 Knox Salisbury, widow of Andrew, Schenectady turnpike Salisbury, Herman, laborer, 310 Schenectady turnpike Salisbury, Daniel, book-keeper, 49 n. Lansing Salisbury, Nelson, lumber inspector, 42 s. Lansing Salisbury, William, 554 s. Market Salisbury, William, laborer, Washington s. Branch Salvidge, Robert, 44 Fayette Samson, Alexander, dry good store, 40 s. Pearl T 218

Samson, Dominick, teacher, n. Lansing Sanders, Barent, cor. Lydius and Hallenbake Sanders, JohnB. & Co. wholesale grocers, 72 Quay Sanders, G. V. S., merchant, 72 Quay, h. cor. Lydius and Hallenbake Sanders, Uriah, contractor, 306 s. Pearl Sanderson, William, agent, Third, Arbor Hill Sandford, widow Elizabeth, 163 Green Sandford, Giles, lumber mercht. office above n. Ferry near canal basin, h. 43 Montgomery Sapb, James, clerk, High near Lancaster Sargent, John, laborer, Herkimer continued Sargent, Parker, (Chapman & S.) h. 193 n. Market Satterlee, Edward, at 61 State, h. 13 Montgomery Satterlee, Edward R., merchant 61 State, h. 13 Mont­ gomery Satterlee, James A. bds. Mansion. House Saunders, Thomas, shoemaker, 6 Lydius Savage, James, Clinton line, h. 100 Hudson Savage & Folts, Clinton line, 100 Pier Savery, Rensselaer, laborer, near branch rail road Sawyer, Sidney, physician and druggist, cor. s. Market and Church, bds at Mrs. Crosby's Sawyer, Nathaniel,cloth manufacturer, &c, Norman's Kill, Delaware turnpike Sawyer, Abraham, 8 Dean Sayles, James, laborer, 34 Clinton Sayles, J. & G. M., (John & George M.) merchts. 62 Quay Sayles, George M. 29 Jay Sayles, John, 29 Jay Sayles, Charles, shoemaker, 283 s. Pearl Sayles, Charles, Jr., shoemaker, 88 Hamilton Scanill, William, nailer, 318 Washington n. Branch Scanlan, Dennis, labourer, 8 Columbia Scanlan, William, laborer, 33 Quay Scase, William, butcher, Schenectady turnpike Scase, John, laborer, s. of Schenectady turnpike Scattergood, John A., carpenter, Westerlo continued •HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 219

Scattergood, Brintnall, oil cloth factory, Westerlo con­ tinued Schermerhorn, Ryer A., cooper, 99 Washington Schermerhorn, G, New York and Geneva line, office 68 Quay, bds. City hotel Schermerhorn, Henry, tailor, 46 Hamilton Schermerhorn, Edward A. coach lamp maker, h. 66 Church Schermerhorn, Thomas, laborer, rear 220 State Segen, Martin, laborer, Spring near Lark Schoolcraft & Hall, wholesale grocers, 14 and 16 Hud-- snn Schoolcraft, John L. (S. & H.) bds. City Hotel Scoon, William, cartman, 26 Van Woert Scoon, widow Eva, 26 Van Woert Schoonmaker, John, grocer, 232 n. Market corner Or­ ange Schoonmaker, Peter, 179 s. Pearl Schuyler, Stephen P., dealer in wines, teas, &c- store A- li. cor. n. Market and Columbia Sch. yiur, Lawrence L., (W. & L.) 11 State, h. 130 Green Schuyler, Samuel, cor. Bassett and Franklin Schuyler, Thomas, skipper, 264 s. Pearl Schuyler, Horace, laborer, Ten Broeck Scofield, John, tailor, Second, Arbor Hill Scott, widow Catharine, State near Lark Scott, , labourer, 40 Second Arbor Hill Scott, William B., grocer, 56 Fox Scott, William, laborer, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Scott, Charles, cartman, 58 Church Scott, Thomas, tailor, bds. Christie's Union House Scott, Susannah, dress maker, 213 s. Pearl Scott, James, 32 Malcom Scott, John, saddler, 22 Montgomery Scott, Marshall, basement 67 State Scott, Rev. David,pastor Reformed Presbyterian church Broad, near Lydius Scott, John, grocer, 162 s. Pearl 220 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Scott, Jacob, shoemaker, 164 s. Pearl Scott, Matthew, cartman, 242 State Scott, John, 76 Franklin Scott, Philip S. 74 Franklin Scott, Patrick, 543 s. Market Scott, Henry, 22 Jackson Scovell, Ashley, dry goods & provisions, 547 s. Mar­ ket, h. 46 Lydius Scovell, N. & C, (Nelson & Charles) grocers, 69 Quay Scovel, Nelson, 40 Liberty Scovel, Charles, 97 Lydius Scovel, Jonah, 19 Beaver Scovel, Jared, merchant and clothing store, 223 n. Market Scovel, Oliver, 49 Washington Scudder, John, occulist, &c. 222 n. Market Scudder, William, laborer, 36 n. Pearl Seaman, James F. carpenter, 63 Orchard Seaman, Augustus W., bds. corner Liberty and Puls­ ion Sealev, James, sexton North Methodist church, res. rear Searls, widow Mariah, 261 s. Pearl Seath, James, miller, 28 Van Woert SECRETARY OF STATE office, State Hall, State corner Lodge Sedan, Charles, 64 Water Seeley, Isaac, shoemaker, 28 Patroon Segen, Martin, laborer, Spring near Lark Seger, John, glass cutter, 19 Van Schaick Seger, Hiram, carpenter, res. 33 Van Schaick Seger, Frederic, printer, 33 Van Schaick Seger, Jacob, carpenter, 38 Washington Sela, Smith, comb finisher, 160 Washington Selby, Thomas, mason, 283 Washington s. Branch Selby, John, mason, Westerlo continued Selby, widow Mary, tailoress and nurse, 211 Washing­ ton ALBANY DIRECTORY. 221

Selkirk, Francis N., physician, 246 n. Market Selkirk, Alexander, (W. & S.) h. 46 Church Senciny, John, 66 Schuyler Server, Robert^ shoemaker, 30 Water Serviss, J. D. provision store corner State and Quay, h 28 Jay Serviss, William, 28 Jay Setterley, Abraham, victualling cellar, 64 Washington Setterley, Isaac, cartman, 62 Washington Setterley, John, agent, 63 s. Lansing Setterley, Peter, iron turner, Arch, near Green Sewell, Edward, 2d ward physician, 144 n. Market Seymour (Robert M.) & Wood, (David) dealers in hides, oils and leather, 6 State Seymour, Robert M., bds City hotel Seymour, Lewis, carpenter, 26 Ferry Seymour, Timothy, plain and fancy book-binder, 63 State, h. 85 Columbia Seymour, William, collector of customs, office 4 Stan­ wix Hall, h. 107 Columbia Shampine, Lewis, furrier, 45 n. Lansing Shankland Peter V., 98 Lydius Shanks, James, 78 Franklin Shannon, Michael, grocer, 151 Water Shanly, William, laborer, 79 Ferry Sharp, Peter G., carpenter, Lydius cor. William Sharp, widow, 45 Colonie Sharp, widow Hannah, Washington n. Branch Sharp, David, laborer, Washington n. Branch Sharp, Jonathan, laborer, Schenectady turnpike Sharp, Jacob, accountant, 56 Van Schaick Sharp, David, cartman, 30 Fayette Sharts, John, grocer and provision cor. Hamilton and Union, h. 34 Hamilton Sbattrick, Albert, mason, 67 Orange Shaver, Lodewick, laborer, rail road near Orphan Asy­ lum Shaver, Charles, J., 77 Lawrence Shaver, Conrad, laborer, near Orphan Asylum 222 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Shaw, L. & D. D, (Leonard & Daniel D.) ship chan­ dlers, 13 Hudson Shaw, Leonard, 19 Jay Shaw, Jonathan, cartman, 20 Bass Shaw, Daniel D., 71 n. Market Shaw, widow Harriet, 15 Swan Shaw, John Burton, gardner, Western turnpike Shaw, Herman, 117 n. Market Shaw, Napoleon Bonaparte, blacksmith, s. 119 h 101 n. Market Shaw, Daniel, teamster, Knox near State Shaw, William, pattern maker & grocer, 125 n. Market Shaw, Patrick, furrier, 40 Fox Shaw, Daniel D. druggist, 386 s. Market Shaw, Thomas, 303 s. Pearl Shaw, Robert, 317 n. Market SHAW'S ROPE WALK, Schenectady turnpike SHAW'S ROPE WALK, Arbor Hill, west of n. Pearl continued Shaw, Leuton, blacksmith, 93 Green, h. 28 Hamilton Shaw, John H., rope maker, 330 State Shaw, Richard, rope maker, 330 State Shea, John, laborer, First, near Swan Arbor Hill Shear, Christian, 176 n. Market Shearer, Andrew, miller,rcd mills near Patroon's man­ sion Shearer, Merrick, driver rail road, State continued Shears, Danforth, 175 Green Sheldon, G. & S. (Gaylor & Smith) dry goods mer­ chants, 322 n. Market Sheldon, Gaylor, 76 Lydius Sheldon, Smith, 74 Lydius Sheldon, Alexander, attorney &c. office Law buildings, h. 15 Jay Shell, John, lamp lighter, 29 Van Schaick Shepherd, Alfred D., miller, Patroon's stone mill, h. n. Ferry Shepherd, Samuel, miller, at red mills, near Patroon's mansion HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 223

Shepherc1, Mrs. A., 35 n. Pearl Shepherd, Robert, 220 n. Market Shepherd, Thomas T., tailor, 79 s. Pearl Shepherd, Sylvester F., merchant tailor, 460 8. Mar­ ket Shepherd, William S., draper & tailor, stores 388, and 432 & 434 s. Market, h. cor. of Liberty and Divi­ sion Shepherd, Mrs. Catharine, 30 Lodge Shepherd, Stephen O., grocer, 32 State, res. 63 Cha­ pel Sheridan, Matthew, stucco plasterer, 1 Chapel Sheridan, John, laborer, 17 Quay Sheridan, Nicholas, laborer, rear 83 ». Pearl Sherman, Henry, attorney, &c, office 67 State, h. 81 Hamilton Sherman, Clarissa D., preceptress, school-room cor. n. Market and Patroon, res. Mrs. Kenyon's Sherman, Epaphras J , attorney, &c. office 343 n. Mar­ ket, h. 81 Hamilton Sherman, Lemuel, mason, 2 Hallenbake Sherman, Preservitt, mason, rear 163 s. Pearl Sherman, Thomas, painter, 212 s. Pearl Sherman, Josiah J. & Co. (Galen Bacheller) merch'ts, 18 State Sherman, Josiah, J., 81 Hamilton Sherman, Hannah, widow of Josiah, 81 Hamilton SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Jail Sherwood, William, 5 Wendell Sherwood, Lemuel, hatter, 5 Wendell Sherwood, Richard, cigar maker, 33 Fox Sherwood, Joseph, 17 Van Woert Sherwood, Thomas J., tobacconist, 4 Fox Shields, Adam, 22 Van Schaick Shields, Henry, grocer, cor. Lark and State Shields, widow, rear 59 Lawrence Shields, Adam, Jr., tobacconist, 53 Lumber Shields, Bernard, cooper, 132 n. Market Shields, James, laborer, 6 Maiden Lane 224 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Shiffer, John C, coach trimmer, 593 s. Market Shiffer, widow Mary, 37 Church Shimper, widow Margaret, 35 Dean Shireman, Henry, shoemaker, 230 Washington Shook, George, blacksmith, 36 Union Shoefeldt, Gerrit S., rectifier of whiskey, and whole­ sale dealer in wines and liquors, 28 Dean, res. 19 Park Shoemaker, Andrew T., rail-road operator, at the junc­ tion Shoemaker, William, laborer, 19 De Witt Shoemaker, Jacob, tavern, 31 n Market Shorey, Nehemiah, furrier, 27 Orchard Shurley, John, watchmaker, 267 Washington, north Branch Sickles, Abraham, deputy United States marshal, h. 2 Jay Sickles, Abraham, butcher, Second, Arbor Hill Sickles, Alexander, ropemaker, 37 n. Market Sickles, William, ropemaker, 27 Van Woert Sickles, Mary, widow of Stephen, nurse, 12 Wilson Sickles, Ellen, 17 Van Schaick Sickles, James, grocer, 10 Columbia Sickles, Sally, widow of John, 10 Columbia Sidell, Augustus, laborer, 11 Snipe Signa, John, grocer, 269 s. Pearl, h. Alexander, west of s. Pearl Silsby, John, (Benjamin P. Gregory & Co.) 13 Church Silsby, Thomas, skipper, 66 Church Silsby, Henry, coachsmith, 85 Church Silver, Benjamin, carpet-weaver, 58 Church Sim, Francis, blacksmith, 26 Orange, h. 70 Fox Sim, William B., 70 Fox Simmel, ropemaker, Lumber, Arbor Hill Simmons, Erastus, cartman, cor. Knox and Spring Simmons, Patrick, cartman, 12 Quay Simons, George, cartman, 51 n Lansing Simonds, John, grocer, 127 n. Market Simonds, Henry, coachman, cor. State and Park HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 225

Simonton, widow Elizabeth, 73 Westerlo Simpson, Robert, nailer, cor. Dallius and Rensselaer Single, Christian, laborer, Clinton Sing, John, shoemaker, 20 Daniels Singer, Miss, dress and corset maker, 82 s. Pearl Singer, Eliza, 82 s. Pearl Sipple, John, carpenter, 48 Fox Siver, Jacob, wheelwright, Lydius continued Skelly, William, grocer, 52 Hamilton Skerritt, Margaret, 234 Washington Skellicorn, Thomas, shoemaker, Washington n. Br'ch, cor. Snipe Skinner, Charles, cartman, Malcom Skinner, E. W. & C, (Elishn W. & Charles,) proprie­ tors of Daily Advertiser, booksellers, printers and binders, cor. State and n. Pearl Skinner, Charles, res. Franklin House Skinner, Elisha W., 7 Montgomery Skinner, John, cabinet-maker, 146 Lydius Skinner Jane, widow of Nathaniel W., 133 Washing­ ton Skinner, John, 197 Washington Skutt, Christian, morocco finisher, 563 s. Market Slack, Granville, merchant, 45 Quay, h. 77 Lydius Slack, John, 81 Lydius Slack, J. & R. F., (John and Robert F.) 11 State Slack, Robert F., 53 N. Pearl Slack, Thomas D.5 WHOLESALE DEALER IN ALL KINDS FISH, PROVISONS AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, 71 Quay Slack, Thomas D.,' 39 Beaver Slackley, Michael, 55 Howard Slade, Clarissa, 14 Bass Slain, Daniel, laborer, 8 Steuben 226

Slason, Edward B., saddler, harness and trunk maker, 90 State, h. 1 Wendell Slawson, Sellick, shoemaker, 17 Beaver Slawson, Jonathan, cake pedler, 123 Lydius Slawson, John, cartman, 26 Van Woert Slavan, John, carpenter, 20 Quay Slevan, Patrick, carpenter, 65 Maiden Lane Sloan, widow, 12 Rose Alley Sloan, George, coppersmith, 12 Rose Alley Sloan, George, fruiterer, basement 321 n. Market Slocum, William B., inspector Hudson river improve­ ments, 122 Water Small, Edward, principal of Lancaster school, res. 5 Swan Small, James, shoemaker, 58 Lumber Small, Peter, shoemaker, 58 Lumber Small, James, carpenter, 97 Schuyler Smith, widow of Benjamin, 48 Union Smith, Michael, laborer, 111 Beaver Smith, Henry, keeper of Washington Hall, 31 Dean Smith, Nathaniel, 54 Washington Smith, Mary, 31 Swan Smith, John, shoemaker, 214 Washington Smith, Zechariah, merchant, 238 Washington Smith, Miss Sarah, basement 221 Washington Smith, Jeremiah, Jr. merchant, 75 & 77 Washington Smith, Henry B. carpenter, 30 Van Woert Smith, Catharine, 24 Malcom Smith, Israel, 204 n. Market Smith, John S., 57 Lumber Smith, William, harness-maker &. trimmer, 37 Church, h. 23 Ferry Smith, William, blacksmith, 36 Montgomery Smith, Joseph, blacksmith, 77 Church Smith, William, blacksmith, 144 Lydius S lith, Lucas, 26 Union fcmith, Barney, laborer, 30 Howard Smith, John G., cartman, 78 Beaver Sn 'h, B. F., carpenter, shop Herkimer, h. 25 Ferry 227

Smith, John, baker, 72 Green Smith, John D., teamster, 160 Washington Smith, Jonas N., teamster, Lydius continued Smith, Ralph, grocery and provision store, 72 Wash­ ington Smith, Rosanna, 8 Park Smith, Samuel, 29 Third, Arbor Hill Smith, Thomas S. (Latham S. and McCollom) confec­ tioners, Third, Arbor Hill Smith, Miss Thankful, preceptress, 6 Van Tromp Smith, Barney, laborer, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Smith, Patrick, painter, 37 Van Schaick Smith, Alexander, nailer, 310 Schenectady Turnpike Smith, Jeremiah, 79 Washington Smith, Daniel, plaster, lumber and produce dealer, white mills, Bethlehem Smith, Patrick, laborer, rear 68 Lumber Smith, John, carpenter, 12 Park Smith, William, slater, 22 Hawk Smith, Augustus P., teacher, Elk, near Swan Smith, John W., plane-maker, Patroon continued Smith, William, grocer, 41 Green, cor. Hudson Smith, William, 87 Hamilton Smith, Thomas, tailor, 68 s. Pearl Smith, Elias, mason, 126 State Smith, Leonard, cor. Clinton and Nucella Smith, Rev. Stephen R., pastor Universalist Church, res. 89 Herkimer, cor. Franklin Smith, Bartholomew, 449 s. Market Smith, Strong & Co., wholesale dry goods dealers, (William Smith, Anthony M. Strong and William N. Strong,) 421 & 423 s. Market Smith, Joseph, cor. Green and Hudson Smith, Rev. F. W., pastor Methodist Chapel, Herki­ mer, res. 136 Green Smith, Daniel, 47 Columbia •''• ! Smith, Stephen, 40 Water ' Smith, Mrs. Ellen, grocer, 104 Water Smith, Charles, laborer, 218 s. Pearl Is' 228 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Smyth, Charles T., grocer, 40 Quay, h. 17 Dean Snaith, Robert, engineer, 267 n. Branch Washing­ ton Snell, James, shoemaker, Spencer Sneller, Rev. Joseph, pastor, St. Mary's Church, 50 Chapel Snow, D., coach lace weaver, 18 Bass Snow, Philo, Captain of the Watch, res. Third, Arbor Hill Snoor, George, laborer, 206 Washington Snyder, Rhinehart, carpenter, 21 Norton Soff, Frederic, laborer, 123 Franklin Sokes, Peter, laborer, Lumber west of Arbor Hill Solomons, Isaac, professor of music, bds. Washington- Hall, s. Pearl Soragan, James, blacksmith, 5 Bass Soulden, William, book-keeper, 64 State, res. 79 Ly­ dius Soules, John, carpenter, 29 Water Soules, Isaac, carpenter, 31 Water Southerland, Alexander, carpenter, west end Van Woert Southerland, John, 2 State, bds. Mrs. Crosby's Southerland, William, west end Van Woert Southen, Stephen, laborer, 314 Washington n. Branch Southwick, Solomon, editor of Family Newspaper, h. 6 Jay Southwick, Arthur C, attorney, &c. Atheneum Build­ ings, res. 6 Jay Southwick, Alfred, book and job printer, Elm Tree Press, cor. n. Pearl and State, res. 6 Jay Southwick, Henry C, 115 State, res. 6 Jay Southwick, Henry C, hatter, 16 Norton Southwick, Solomon, jun., printer, res. 6 Jay Spaffbrd, widow Elizabeth, cor. Steuben and Chapel Spalding, G. R., drugs and medicines, paints, oils, &c. corner s. Pearl and Lydius, bds. 12 Hallenbake Sparks, George, gardener, First, Arbor Hill Sparhawk, Andrew, 85 Hamilton HOFFMAN'S ALRANY DIRECTORY. 229

Spawn, widow, 165 Green Spears, Smith, Montgomery near basin Spears, Timothy, 46 Lawrence Speis, John, tailor, Herkimer contined Spelman & Brothers, (J. B., B. R., & R. L. Spelman,) Wholesale and Retail dealers in COMBS AND FANCY GOODS. 367 s. Market cor. Beaver Spelman, B. R., res. 41 Middle Lane Spelman, R. L., res. Montgomery Hall Spelman, Jesse B., resides city New-York Spencer, Elijah, 70 Herkimer Spencer, William, attorney, &c. Law Buildings, res. 60 Division Spencer, Hosea. carpenter, shop Church, res. 65 Liber­ ty Spencer, Henry, 69 s. Lansing Spencer, Miss, seamstress, 13 Liberty Spencer, Ambrose, Mulberry Hill, Bethlehem Spencer, Martin, 9 Dallius Spencer & Wemple, coach-maker, 41 and 42 Division Spencer, Austin, 57 n. Lansing Spencer, Susannah, 60 Division Spencer, James C, coach-maker,. 52 Division Spencer, Brown, corner Church and Lydius Sperry, John, tanner, 70 Liberty Spooner, Edward, lamp maker, 13 Rose Spoor, John, 43 Lumber Spotswood, John, carpenter, 19 Park Sprague, Rev. William B., pastor 2d presbyterian church, h. 58 Chapel Springer, Baltus, cooper, 216 Washington U 230 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Springstead, Aaron, livery stable keeper, 14 s. Lan­ sing Sprinks, James, leather dresser, 26 n. Pearl Sprung, Lodeawick, baker, 186 Washington Sprung, Parks & Co., bakery, 186 Washington Staats, Barent P., physician, office and house 72 Hud­ son Staats, Peter P., physician, office and h. 89 Church Staats^ Philip P., skipper, 86 Church Staats, John L., 2 s. Pearl <~^- Staats, Jacob J., saddler, 29 Church Staats, William I., hatter, res. 326 State Staats, John B., attorney, &c, 343 n. Market, bds. Temperance House Staats, William N., 171 Green Staats, Cyon, 67 Colonie Stnckhouse, John B., at Ely Perry's, res. Schenectady Turnpike Stackpole, John, cabinet-maker, 11 Van Tromp Stackpole, John, cartman, Lydius continued Stafford, Spencer, 100 Lydius Stafford, Richard, shoemaker, 32 Fox Stafford, widow of Hallenbake, 212 n. Market Staley, widow Ruth, 100 Washington Standish, Zachariah, globe maker, 226 Washington Standish, Nathaniel, furnaceman, 493 s. Market Stanly, William, blacksmith, 73 Schuyler Stanly, S. W., bds. Hudson-Street Temperance House Stansell, widow Ann, Arbor Hill near Lumber Stanthart, Conrad, shoemaker, 17 Washington Stanton, G. W. & Son, (George W. & George W. jun.) merchants, corner State and Quay Stanton, George W., 110 Washington Stanton, George W., jun., 23 Montgomery Stanton James, laborer, 231 n. Market Stanton, widow Eliza, 556 s. Market Stanwix, George, jun., superintendent of Ferry, res. Ferry Building Starks, Nathan, blacksmith, 8 Ferry, h. 25 Ferry 231

Starks, Argelaus, proprietor of Tavern, 491 s. Market, opposite south market STATE ARSENAL, 60 n. Market STATE HALL, corner State and Lodge Stead, William, 464 s. Market Stead & Bew, clothing store, 466 s. Market Stead, Martin, (S. & B.) 52 Hamilton Stearns, Almon, agent, 58 Church Steed, David, laborer, 147 Lumber Steele, Lemuel & Son, paper-hanging ware-house, 419 s. Market, h. 80 Lydius Steeele, George B., res. 80 Lydius Steele, Lemuel L., res. 27 Division Steele, Levi, hair dresser, basement 329 n. Market, h. 27 Division Steele, Oliver, dealer in books, stationary, &c. 403 and 405 s. Market, h. 132 State Steele (Roswell) & Warren (George), dealers in hard­ ware, cutlery and saddlerv, 368 s. Market Steel . '..;,,v.ull, h. 29 Division Steele, . iamuel, 65 Hamilton Steele, Mary, widow of Daniel, 82 Green Steller, Casper, 278 s. Pearl Sternberg, Jacob, attorney, &c. at Registry in Chance­ ry Office, res. 59 s. Pearl Stevens, George M., turner in general, 50 Howard, h. 296 State Stevens & Cagger, attorneys, &c, 322 n. Market Stevens Samuel, h. 27 Columbia Stevens, Enoch J. (Rogers & S.) 77 s. Pearl Stevens, William K., carpenter, 281 s. Pearl Stevens, James H., proprietor of Steam-Boat Hotel, 122 Pier Stevens, George, Steam-Boat Hotel, 122 Pier Stevens, Robert, 53 n. Lansing Stevens, Cyrus, attorney, &c. bds. at City Hotel Stever, William, laborer, Clinton Stevenson, James, president firemen's insurance com­ pany, office 44 h. 146 State 232 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Stevenson, John, gardener, Second, Arbor Hill Stevenson, Robert, painter, 81 Orange Stevenson, James T., clerk 64 Quay, bds. 41 Water Steuenson, Mark, 58 Rensselaer Stevenson, MissD. S., 42 Westerlo Stevenson, Robert, 69 Colonie Stevenson, James, 55 Howard Steward, James, grocer, cor. Church and Westerlo Stewart, A., & D. Godden, grocers, cor. s. Pearl and Howard Stewart, Adam, res. Howard, cor. s. Pearl Stewart, Samuel, carpenter, Green, near Rensseleer Stewart, Jane, boarding house, 268 n. Market Stewart, Thomas, 1 Rose Alley Stewart, William H, innkeeper, 2 Mile House, Sche­ nectady Turnpike Stewart, Alexander, gardner, 223 Washington Stewart, Robert, at 2 Mile House, Schenectady Turnpike Stewart, Hamilton, laborer, 115 Fox Stewart William H., professor of music, 27 Beaver Stewart, Mrs. Ann, 27 Beaver Stewart, Miss Agnes, 27 Beaver Stewart, Isabella, boarding house, 2 Plain Stewart, John G., hair-dresser, 8 Fayette Stewart, David, cook, 5 Malcom Stickney, N. W., 43 Water Stiles, Isaac, clothiers, &c, Delaware Turnpike, Nor- manskill Stiles, Ethan, rear 291 State Stiles, Isaac, shoe-maker, 21 Washington, h. 39 Spring Stiles, Samuel, shoe-maker, 203 Washington Stiles, Angline, ornamental hair factory, 381 s. Market, res. 9 Westerlo ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC ASYLUM, Lodge st Stilwell, John W., inspector of beef and pork, res. 24 s. Pearl Stilwell, Ann, widow of William, 43 Division Stilwell, Thomas B., 43 Division Stilwell, James, coachman, 56 Chapel HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 233

Stilwell, Jeremiah, cartman, Neucella Stockley, Caleb, rail-road agent, 81 Malcom Stockton, John, Boston packet office, 104 Pier, h. 10 Lodge Stokes, Samuel P., clerk in state bank, bds. at Mrs. Carter's Stockwell, Henry, potter, 266 Washington, s. Branch Stoker, Richard, porter, 77 Washington Stone, John, forwarding merchant, 22 Van Schaick Stone, Henry, clerk 76 State, bds. Mrs. Fullers Stone, Alfred, saddle and harness maker, 12 Norton Stone, Henry D.5 EDITOR OF MICROSCOPE, Booh & Job Printer/ 26 Beaver, res. 12 Norton Stone, Daniel D., (H. D. & Co) 12 Norton Stone, Henry, tailor, 164 Washington Stone, James, trunk maker, 20 Washington Story, William, bellows-maker, 28 Pine Story, Terrence, cartman, 67 Fox Sloutenberg, Thomas, basement, 32 n. Pearl Storey, William, shoe-maker, 67 Green Strain, James, paver, 77 Orange Strain, John F., 51 Lumber Strain, Joseph, MANUFACTURER OF SOAP AND CANDLES, At the old stand, No. 61 Church-street, Office 59, res. 63 Church, corner Herkimer-street. U* 234 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Stremble, John, shoe-maker, 122 Franklin Straw, James N., 27 Van Woert Street, Richard, merchant tailor, 38 Washington Streeter, Samuel, milkman, State, above Lark Strickland, (Steel & S.) book-binder, bds. at Mrs. Ra- sey's Strite, Miss Maria, 43 Montgomery Strong, Anthony M. (S. & S. & Co.) 23 Dallius Strong, William N., (S. & S. & Co.) 23 Dallius Strong, Robert, at Post-Office, h. 43 Dallius Strong, Joseph, 49 Maiden Lane Strong, James, widow, 32 Patroon Strong, Catharine, widow of Jeremiah, 46 Eagle Strong, Catharine, preceptress, school Third, Arbor Hill, res. cor Maiden Lane and Chapel Strother, John, shoemaker, 154 s. Pearl Sugden, Elizabeth, widow 70 Liberty Sugden, William M. 70 Liberty Sullivan, James, 78 Franklin Sullivan, Timothy, waterman, 532 s. Market Sullivan, Patrick, laborer, 536 s. Market Sullivan, Timothy, grocer, 532 s. Market Sullivan, Mur{y, waterman, 532 s. Market SUPREME COURT CLERK'S OFFICE, State Hall SURROGATE'S OFFICE, City Hall SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, State Hall Sutton, John, carpenter, 32 s. Lansing Suylandt, John, carpenter, 11 Columbia Swain, Robert, draper and tailor, 271 n. Market Swanton, Matthew, gardner, Westerlo continued Swarer, John, grocer, 220 Washington Swart, Cornelius S. accountant, 292 Washington Swart, Frederic, mason, 8 Broad Swarts, George, victualler, centre market, stall No. 11, res. Western Turnpike Swasey, Stephen, morocco dresser, 40 John Sweatman, Samuel, carpenter, 18 Orange Sweatnam, Daniel, porter house, &c, 4 Beaver, h. 24 Beaver 235

Sweny, William, Pilot, 49 Arch Sweeney, William, pedlar, 30 Quay Sweeny, widow, tailoress, rear 64 Washington Sweeney, Dennis, laborer, 61 William Sweet, Nelson, grocer and fruit store, 62 Washing­ ton Swift, Hugh, clothing store, 55 Quay, h. 27 Clin­ ton

T. TABOR, AZOR, attorney, &c, office Commercial Buildings, corner s. Market and Hudson h. 37 Ferry Taber, Jabez, 252 n. Market, res. Fairhaven, Massa­ chusetts Taber, William, carpenter, 132 Lydius Taffe, John J., hat and cap store, 354 s. Market, up stairs, res. 91 Beaver Talbot, Robert, painter, 59 s. Lansing Talcott, George, Col. United States Army, when in city, 155 n. Market Talcott, Daniel W., lumber inspector, 7 De Witt Tallman, Britton B., store corner Montgomery and De Witt, h. De Witt Tallman, Jonathan, innkeeper, corner Colonie and Wa­ ter Tanner & Usher, commission merchants, 1 Hudson, up stairs Tappan, widow Martha, 33 Bass Taerant, Anthony, carpenter, 2 Hallenbake Tait, Jonn A., barber, foot of Washington Taylor, Thomas, bds. at Albion Hotel, Herkimer Taylor, James, grocery and provision store, cor. Green and s. Lansing, h. 52 Taylor, Lansing G., merchant, 50 Quay, h. 54 Water Taylor, & Wing, grocers, 50 Quay 236

Taylor, John, brewer, soap and candle manufacturer, 81 Green, h. 75 Lyditfs, country seat Lydius cont. Taylor, James, cashier Commercial Bank, res. 104 Hudson Taylor, Thomas, accountant, De Witt Taylor, Mrs. E., milliner, 39 Washington Taylor, Richard, wheelwright, 26 Washington Taylor, John, tobacconist, 43 Van Woert Taylor, Philip, shoemaker, 39 Washington Taylor, Phebe, 81 Beaver Teale, Abraham, carpenter, 73 Hamilton Tealand, widow Catharine, 73 n. Market Tealand, widow Margaret, 73 Lumber Teall, E. M., forwarding & commission merchant, line, 40 Quay, h. 9 Steuben Teall & Backus, forwarding merchants, 72 Quay Teall, A. T., bds. Hudson-st. Temperance House Teats, John, blacksmith, Philip Teelin, Alexander, laborer, 35 Fox Temple, widow Harriet, Herkimer continued Templeton, Philip, 62 Church Ten Broeck, C, attorney, &c, Atheneum Buildings, w. Market, h. 51 Columbia Ten Eyck, Abraham R., 325 n. Market Ten Eyck, Conrad A., dealer in anthracite coal, office cor. Columbia and Montgomery, house 17 Mont­ gomery Ten Eyck, Philip, professor in Albany Acadamy, res. 325 n. Market Ten Eyck, Harman, 1 Montgomery Ten Eyck, Jacob H. & Co., (Jacob H. and Herman Ten Eyck, and George M. Bleecker,) dry goods merchants, 373 s. Market Ten Eyck, Jacob H., 300 n. Market Ten Eyck, Visscher & Co., dry goods merchants, 58 State, h. 79 Columbia Ten Eyck, John, (Ten Eyck & Co.) 325, h. 58 n. Market Ten Eyck, Jacob, Whitehall Ten Eyck, Leonard G., Whitehall 237

Ten Eyck, Matthias, tallow" chandler, 70 Green, h. 24 Union Terry, David, cartman and wood measurer, h. 569, s. Market Tester, widow of Thomas, 32 Howard Thatcher, George W., teacher, 27 Orchard Thatcher, William P., Granite Pillar, basement Stan­ wix Hall Thayer, Isaac, deputy sheriff and constable, office.66 State, h. 64 Howard Thayer, Walter B., police constable, Spring, above Hawk Thies, Edward, grocer, 9 n. Market Thomas (Edwin) & Long, (Lucius) importers of wines and liquors, 13 State Thomas, Edwin, 81 Columbia Thomas, John, cooper, shop 80 Exchange, house 27 Dean Thomas, Richard, cooper's shop 3 Division, house 22 Union Thomas, Thomas I., 599 s. Market Thomas, widow Caroline, 94 Beaver Thomas, Benjamin, Hudson-street Foundry, h. 9 Hal­ lenbake Thomas, David, moulder, 20 Daniels Thomas, widow Ann, 50 Ferry Thomas, William H., lumberer, 50 Westerlo Thomas, John E., moulder, Chesnut, s. of State Thomas, Sarah, 27 Hudson Thomas, John, proprietor of the American Hotel, 100' State Thompson, John, general merchant, 37 Liberty Thompson, Archibald, tobacconist, 15 n. Pearl Thompson, Thomas, tailor, 43 Hamilton [burnt out J Thompson, Robert, at 16 State, h. 38 s. Pearl, secreta­ ry Mechanics' Benefit Society Thompson, John, botanic physician, 88 Beaver Thompson, James, grocer, 1 Chapel Thompson, Hannah, grocer, 213 Washington 238 BOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Thompson, William, shoe store and h. 6 Fox Thompson, Robert B., tin and sheet iron worker, 37 Spring Thompson, Thomas, shoemaker, 116 Lydius Thompson, James, nailor, 256 s. Pearl Thompson, widow Elizabeth, washer-woman, rear 190 s. Pearl Thompson, widow MaiT» 75 Colonie Thompson Leonard, laborer, 96 Bassett Thompson, Thomas, cook, 96 Bassett Thompson, Michael, laborer, 59 William Thompson, Francis, cook, 68 Orange. Thompson Richard Jr. fruit and eating rooms, Tempe­ rance Recess, basement cor. State and n. Pearl Thorburn, Win., SEED AND AGRICULTURAL WARE-HOUSE, Assistant Alderman 3d Ward, Corner of North-Market and Maiden Lane Thorn, William, plane maker, 76 Eagle Thorn, Stephen T., flour and provision store, 492 s. Market and 92 Quay, assistant alderman of 4th ward, and treasurer Mechanics' Benefit Society, h. 36 Westerlo Thorn, William, merchant tailor, 398 s. Market, h. 56 8. Lansing Thornton, Charles, farmer, at Howard & Ryckman's country seat Thornton, Abraham S., painter, Hawk, south of Lydius Thorp, Aaron, 148 n. Market Tibalt, Henry, laborer, 86 n. Pearl Tibballs, Samuel, 77 First, Arbor Hill Tibbetts, Benjamin H., 152 State Tibbits, James, boatman, II Lumber Tibbets, widow of George, Third, Arbor Hill Tice, John P., carpenter, Frst, Arbor Hill HOFFMAN'B ALBANY DIRECTORY. 239

Tice, Jacob, cartman, 49 Fayette Tice, Isaac, blacksmith, Hudson, west of Eagle Tiernan, Thomas, laborer, 20 Van Woert Tierney, Jeremiah, laborer, Lydius continued Tiffany, widow of William Z., mantua-maker, 41 O- range Tiffany, Henry, chair-maker, Spring, above Hawk Tilyou, Elizabeth, 40 s. Lansing Tilyou, widow of Jonathan, 9 Park Tillinghast, Joseph R., keeper of Franklin House, 136 State Tillinghast, J. H., bds. Franklin House Tillinghast, John L., attorney, &c, bds. American Ho­ tel Tillinghast, William, merchant, 21 Hamilton Tilts, Thomas, grocer, cor. Water and Columbia Tite, Charles, teamster, Washington, n. Branch Titus, Helen, widow, washer-woman, 35 Fox Toben, Miles, brickmaker, 86 Fox Todd, Adam, mason, 204 State Todd, Hibbard, innkeeper, 74 Washington Todd, William, mason, 16 Park Todd, widow Jane, Chesnut, south of State Tompkins, James, paver, Lark, near State Tompkins, Robert, shoemaker, junction Lydius and Western Turnpike Tomlinson, Oliver M., agent of Commercial Line, off. 98 Pier, Canal Buildings, res. 23 Hamilton Tool, Michael, laborer, 71 Maiden Lane Toomay, Jerry, pedler, 14 William Toomay, Thomas, laborer, Hallenbake Topp, Lewis, musician, 15 Ferry Topp, William H., 15 Ferry Topping, Sylvester, sawfiler, 13 s. Pearl, h. upper end Hudson Toney, Patrick, 35 n. Lansing Towers, Meyers Capt. 93 William Towle, John D., builder, 12 Park Town, Mrs., 75 Colonie $40 HOFFMAJi's ALBANY DIRSCTORY.

TOWNSEND'S PARK, junction of Washington, n. & s. Branch, on Schenectady and Western turnpike Townsend, John, iron store, 64 State, h. 142 State Townsend, widow of Isaiah, 144 State Townsend, Charles D., physician, office and h. 274 n. Market Townsend, John F., physician, assistant alderman 2d ward, h. 2 Academy Park Townsend, Absalom, attorney &c, office and h. 57 i Colonie . Townsend & Hunt, boarding house 86 Beaver Townsend, Sophia, 191 State continued Townsend, James, pedler, 67 Third, Arbor Hill Townsend, Jessup, carpenter, 65 Second, Arbor Hill Tows, Francis H., clerk in Canal office, res. 87 Orange Tows, Francis, cabinet maker, 35 Steuben Toaoni, Joseph, figure maker, 33 Fayette Tfaber, Charles, porter house, 21 Lodge Tracy, Samuel D., cabinet finisher, 21 Fayette Tracy, James G., accountant at 62 n. Pearl, res. 132 Green Tracy, John, liquor store 6 Exchange, h. 71 Beaver Tracy, William, laborer, 564 s. Market Traffle, Timothy, laborer, Wilson, cor. High Traver, George, saddle, harness & trunk maker 14 Washington, h. 37 Fayette Traver, David, 43 Water Traversi, Patrick, laborer, Elk near Furnace Treadwell, William B., stove dealer, h. 84 Beaver Treadwell, John G. 84 Beaver Treadwell, George C, fur & cap merchant 336 n. Mar­ ket, h. 44 Beaver Treadwell, Thomas, tailor, 37 Maiden Lane Treat, widow of Hiram, 55 Church Tredo, Alexander, furrier, 11 Van Tromp Tremen, James H, s. and h. 35 Washington Treiey widow Mary, 229 Washington Trienor, Patrick, shoemaker, 71 Church HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 241

Tripp, Elijah, victualling cellar, 36 Washington Tripp, John, dealer in boots, shoes & hats, 49 Wash­ ington, res. 61 1-2 Washington Tripp, Jonathan, dry good merchant, 61 Washington bds. S. S. Peck's ' Tripp, Charles, 93 Herkimer Trotter, John, 206 n. Market Trotter, J. H., physician, office 33 Columbia, h. 206 n. Market Trowbridge, Henry, flour dealer, 117 Pier, h. 67 Hud­ son Trowbridge, Sylvester, shoe store and house 80 s. Pearl Truax, Cornelius, 11 Hudson, bds 26 Maiden Lane Truax, widow of Henry, 289 n. Market Truax, Cornelius V. S., cartman, 49 Fayette Truax, Isaac, teamster, 111 n. Market True, Benjamin C. die cutter, 12 Beaver, up stairs, h. 48 Union True, Daniel, die cutter, 48 Union Trumbull, George, printer, h. 32 Jay Trumbull, William M., printer, bds. 26 Maiden Lane Tucker, Percy, gardner, 16 Orange Tucker, Robert, chair maker, h. 45 Fayette Tucker, Edward H, 163 n. Market Tucker, William, chair maker, shop 26 Lodge, h. Spring above Hawk Tucker, widow Jane, 11 Columbia Tucker, R. & W. chair makers, 99 State Tuey, Thomas, clothing store and grocery, Lawrence, near little basin Tuehys, P. grocer, 87 Quay Tuehys, John, shoemaker, 532 s. Market Tuff's, Joshua, merchant, 77 Quay, boards. Mansion House Tuffs, Joseph, clerk at 77 Quay, bds. at Mrs. Crosby's Tuffs, Lucian, bds. 54 Washington Tullidgc, Benjamin, hair dresser and variety store, 446 S; Market • V 242 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Turley, Mason, 207 s. Pearl Turnbull, Andrew, brick maker, Lydius continued Turner, JohnL., 53 Hudson Turner, Cornelius, blacksmith, 26 Union Turner, Cornelius, 15 De Witt Turner, Isaac, laborer, 42 Third, Arbor Hill Turner, widow E., tailoress, 68 Eagle Turner,John H. confectk>ner,357 Washington n.Branch Turner, Pasco, cartman, 67 Lawrence Turner, Robert, tailor and grocer, cor. s. Market and s. Lansing Turner, Gilbert, Van Zandt Turner, Andrew, mason, 148 Lydius Turner, James, mason, 31 Water Turner, widow Gertrude, Lawrence Turner, widow Mary, boarding house, 100 Beaver Turner, John, baker, 64 Union Twaddell, James, laborer, 142 Lydius Twidney, Robert, laborer, 419 State continued Tyler, Moses, stone ware and fire brick manufacturer, assessor of 2d ward, 222 Washington, res. 237 Washington u. UMBER, THEODORE, cabinetmaker, Chesnut, s, of State Underner, Conrad, musician, 8 Rose Underner, L. G., musician, 8 Rose UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, (First) Green near Hamil­ ton Upshot, John, laborer, Arch Upton, John, 161 Washington Usher, J. T. bds. at Hudson st. Temperance House Utter, Charlotte, preceptress, 33 Liberty UTICA HOUSE, cor. s. Market and Church HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 243

VAIL, JESSE, grate and fender manufactory, 269 n. Market, h. 28 n. Pearl Vail, Samuel, city weigher and measurer, 75 Green Valliant, Peter, engineer of steamboat, 10 Union Vanaken, Henry, 323 Washington, n. Branch Van Allen, Adam, dealer in dry goods, cor. s, Pearl & Hudson, h. 89 Hudson Van Alstyne, Martin & Son, (Matthew M.) hardware merchants, 357 s. Market Van Alstyne, Martin, h. 224 n. Market Van Alstyne, Matthew M., h. 224 n. Market Van Alstyne, D. D. attorney, &c, bds. 9 Beaver Van Alstyne, John S., physician, 75 Green Van Antwerp, Sarah, teacher, 246 s. Pearl Van Antwerp, Miss Gertrude, milliner & mantuamaker, 7 Howard Van Arnum, Isaac, 41 Ferry Van uenthuisen, Gerret, carpenter, 19 Quackenbush Van Benthuisen, Benjamin J., globe maker, 23 Hawk Van Benthuisen, John J., carpenter, 2 Jay Van Benthuysen, Benjamin, inspector of leather, off. 10 State, up stairs, h. 85 Hamilton Van Benthuysen, Obadiah R. (Packard & V. B.) 94 Lydius Van Benthuysen, William, bakery and res. 25 Van Schaick Van Benthuysen, Henry, ship carpenter, 43 Washington Van Benthuysen, Charles, bds. City Hotel Van Bergen, Peter, cabinet maker and sexton of North Dutch church, h. 11 Van Schaick Van Buren, John, (McKown & V. B.) attorney &c, off. 339 n. Market, bds. Congress Hall Van Buren, John, physician,office and h. 41 Washington Van Buren, Peter, mason, 197 State Van Buren, widow Abigail, 56 1-2 Washington Van Buren, Henry, 41 Washington 244 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Van Buren, P., physician, 68 Herkimer Van Buren, John S., Histrionic Hall, Orchard Van Buren, Hczekiah, carpenter, 33 Steuben Vance, George, shoemaker, 257 n. Market Vance, John, shoemaker, 257 n. Market Van Buskirk, Martin, 16 Van Schaick Vandenburgh, Abraham F., h. 73 Division Vandenbergh, John A., ship carpenter, 570 s Market Vandenbergh, Andrew, sexton South Dutch church Vandenbergh, Abraham, cigar maker, 58 Lumber Vandenbergh,Gilbert, cartman and captain of watch, 12 Willett cor. State Vandenbergh, Gerrit G., street commissioner 2d ward, 47 Swan Vandenbergh, Richard, shoemaker, rear 82 Fox Vandenbergh, Mary, 58 Lumber Vandenbergh, Henry, 58 Columbia Vanderbelt, Cornelius, (Robinson & V.) h. 49 Herkimer Vanderbogart, John, 65 Chapel Van Derhoff, Michael, master mason on State Hall, bds. 30 Hamilton VanDerhoff, Mrs. Eve, 32 Howard Vanderlip, Dyonisias R-, saddler, harness and trunk maker, 465 s. Market Vanderlip, Elias, 35 Church Vanderlip, Philip, porter room, agency & exchange 3, and h. 35 Church Vanderlip, Samuel S., coach painter, 31 Church Vanderlip, George R., lumber inspector, 55 Colonie Vanderlip, E., Jr., saddler & harness maker, 11 Liberty Vanderlip, Isaac, laborer, 266 Washington, n. Branch Vanderlip, Elias G., lamp lighter, Patroon continued Vanderlip, William, laborer, 283 Washington s Branch Vanderpool, James, attorney &c, Academy park Vandervolgen, John, furrier, 45 Water Vanderwerker, Eldridge, crockery merchant, 305 n. Market Vanderzee, Jacob, carpenter, 76 Eagle Vanderzee, Mrs. Gertrude, 10 Rose Vanderzee, Margaret, nurse, 112 Hamilton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 245

Van Dusen, Stewart, rope maker, 76 Lawrence Vtin Dusen, widow Julia, 37 Steuben Van Dusen, Simon, brass founder, 37 n. Lansing Van Dusen, (Robert R.) & Segue, (Samuel) proprietors of Utica House Van Dusen, Samuel, 147 Lumber, Arbor Hill VanDe Water, William, (Meach & V.) proprietors of museum, h. Hallenbake Van Epps, H. V. D., attorney &c, office 46 State, bds. City hotel Van Epps, John C, 46 State, bds City Hotel Van Gaasbeck, A. B., (Mosely & V. G.) bds. City Hotel Van Hagan, J., carpenter & watchman, 43 Washington Van Hosen, Graham, carpenter, Broad Van Hosen, Hetty, 90 Hudson Van Hosen, Harmen, 46 Patroon Van Hosen, Isaac, laborer, State continued Van Huysen, James D , furrier, Broad Van Ingen, Harmanus S., teller in Bank of Albany, chief engineer of fire department, h. 38 Westerlo Van Ingen, William H., at railroad depot, h. 32 Malcom Van Kuren, widow Margaret, 27 Van Schaick Van "Loon, Peter, 42 Lydius Van Loon, J. W., physician, cor. Lydius and Green, h. 42 Lydius Van Loon, Isaac, laborer, Clinton Van Ness, Peter, Lydius continued Van Ness, Jacob, carpenter, 38 Patroon Van Ness, John, shoemaker, 19 Patroon Van Ness, JotTn, Jr., grocer, 123 n. Market, h. corner Lumber and n. Market Van Olinda, Peter, physician, 60 Hamilton, cor. of Green Van Olinda, Henry, physician, 60 Hamilton, c. of Green Van Ostrand, Charles, skipper, res. Greenbush Van Ostrand, Charles, Jr., printer, h. 1 Dallius Van Patten, widow of Frederick, Hallenbake Van Rensselaer, widow of P. S., 87 State Van Rensselaer, Cornelius G., attorney, &c. 50 n. Pearl Van Rensselaer, Barnard, attorney, &c., 112 State Van Rensselaer, Killian K., 112 State V* 246 HOJ-FMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Van Rensselaer, Philip S, 87 State Van Rensselaer, Richard, secretary Fire Insurauce Co. office 44, h. 112 State Van Rensselaer, Schuyler, clerk in post-office, h. 152 Lydius Van Rensselaer, Solomon, post-master, h. 320 n. Market Van Rensselaer, John S., attorney, &c. office 112, h. 160 State Van Rensselaer, William P., 6 Academy Park Van Rensselaer, Killian N., 18 Liberty Van Rensselaer, Rensselaer, 320 n. Market Van Rensselaer, Philip Schuyler, 111 Green Van Rensselaer, Stephen, mansion head n. Market Van Rensselaer, Stephen, Jr. 38 n. Market Van Salisbury, John, 35 n. Lansing Van Santford, Anthony, 209 n. Market Van Schaick, Stephen, Variety Store and house 392 «. Market Van Schaick, Egbert, 392 s. Market Van Schaick, John, leather and finding store, &c. 43 Dean, h. 48 Westerlo Van Schaick, Jane, 45 Maiden Lane Van Schaick John B., attorney, &c, Editor Daily Ad­ vertiser, res. 45 n. Pearl Van Schaick, Mrs. Margaret, 45 n. Pearl Van Schaick, Tobias, 249 n." Market Van Schoonhoven, J. C. druggist, 333, h. 49 n. Market, Van Schoonhoven, widow oPCornelius, 49 n. Market Van Schoonhvoen, D. B., 15 Quackenbush Van Schoonhoven, Mrs. dress-maker, 15*Quackenbush Van Sicler, Reuben, bds. Mrs. Howe's, Hudson Van Steenberg, James, grocer, 271 s. Pearl Van Steenberg, Elizabeth, 24 Malcom Van Volkenbergh, Daniel, silver-plater, 11 Church, h. 13 Dallius Van Vnlkenbergb, widow Jane, State continued Van Valkenbergh, John, 59 n. Market Van Valkenburgh, Mrs., 11 Van Woert Van Valkenbergh, Eli, 67 n. Market Van Vechten, Jacob T. B., & Rhoades (Julius) attor­ neys &c, 1 Stanwix Hall ALBANY DIRECTORY. 247

Ven Vechten, Jacob T. B., attorney, h. 45 Montgomery Van Vechten & Davis, attorneys, office 44 State Van Vechten, Teunis, Mayor of the city, res. 13 Mont­ gomery Van Vechten, Samuel, office 44 State Van Vechten, Samuel S., clerk, bds. at 88 n. Market Van Vechten, Gerrit W., clerk in county clerk's office, h. 7 Swan Van Voast, Albert, (Boardman & V. V.) res. 48 Howard Van Voast, widow Catharine, 42 Fayette Van Volkenburgh, J. & B., lumber merchants, 1 n. Ferry Van Volkenburgh, John, 59 n. Market Van Vranken David, hair-dresser, 136 State Vali Waggoner, John P., tailor, 26 Van Schaick Van Wie, Gerrit W., 139 lumber, Arbor Hill Van Wie, Agnes, 77 n. Market Van Wie, John, carpenter, shop Ferry, h. 166 Green Van Wie, Peter, 80 Hudson Van Wie, widow Rachel, 20 Daniels Van Wie, Isaac, mason, 111 Hamilton Van Wie, Margaret, tailoress, 5 Union Van Wie, Magdalen, 45 Maiden Lane Van Wie, Staats, mason, 266 s. Pearl Van Wie, Lansing, attorney, &c. Ill Hamilton Van Zandt, widow of Joseph R., 407 s. Market Van Zandt, John, 47 Hudson Van Zandt, William W., contractor, 32 Water Van Zandt, William J., 328 State Van Zandt, AJ«^iam, carpenter, Lydius continued Varley, Peter^Bfck farm, Arbor Hill Vaygen, Christian, 23UWashington Veazie, widow of Hen^r, 555 s. Market Veazie, Provost, steam-boat agent, 555 s. Market Veeder, Mrs. Harriet, teacher, 92 Hudson Verdonnet, Pierre J., gardener & vine dresser, 53 Knox Vermilya, Rev. Thomas A., pastor of North Dutch Church, h. 62 n. Pearl Vemor, John T., agent of rail-road, 52 Fayette Vernor, Benjamin, merchant, 81, house 79 Washington Vickerage, Henry, mason, Swan, south of Lydius Vickers, John, grocer, 257 & 259 s. Pearl 248 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Vickers, William, paver, 638 s. Market Vickers, widow, 7 Rose Viele, Rufus, teller in Canal Bank, h. 47 Colonie Vine, John, confectioner, 14 Jackson Vines, Joseph, chair-maker, 66 Green Virgil, Ebenezer, 37 Division Visscher, Gerrit, chair-maker, shop 1 Wilson, h. 159 n. Market Visscher, Harman, 58 Orange Visscher, John printer, h. 92 n. Pearl Visscher, John V. S., shoemaker, 131 n. Market Visscher, widow Lydia, 92 n. Pearl Visscher, Catharine, 46 Columbia Volk, Thomas, 13 Plain Voorhees, William, boot and shoe store, 463 s. Market Voorhees, John, proprietor Southern and Western Ho­ tel, 140 State Vosburgh, Cornelius, shoe store, 501 s. Market, h. 42 Union Vosburgh, Isaac W. (Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh) 140 n. Market Vosburgh, Abraham, cigar maker, res. 6 Van Woert Vosburg, Gerrit, cigar maker, 11 n. Market Vosburg, Mrs. Ann, 6 Van Woert Vosburg, John, mason, 33 Orchard Vosburg, Abraham, 15 n. Market Vosburg, Hannah, widow of Jacob, 15 Quackenbush Vosburg, William, mason, 158 n. Market Vose, Elisha W., turner in woods, ivoj^and metal, 62 Herkimer ^P Vroman, Lawrence B., furnaceman, 12 Willet w. WACHTER, JOHN, hairdresser. 499 s. Market Waddle, James, grocer, 174 n. Market Waddle, widow of John, 20 Union Waddle, Samuel, grocery & "provision store, 46 Orange Waddy, Samuel, blacksmith, 24 Fox Wadley, Eben S., printer, 66 Lydius HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 249

Wadley, , Western Turnpike, Yates' place Waggoner, John, carpenter, 57 Fox Wainright, Charles, 172 Washington Wainright, David C., 172 Washington Wait, George, wholesale and retail grocer, 480 & 482 s. Market, h. 102 Green Wait, Samuel, bds. at H. Trowbridge's, Hudson Wait, Mrs. Betsey, 74 Liberty Wait, Misses, preceptors, 76 Liberty Wakeman, Benj. pilot st. boat Swiftsure, 60 Westerlo Waldron, Gerrit, boatman, f>5 n. Lansing Waldron, Julia, widow of Henry, 21 Steuben Waldron, Jacob, laborer, 12 n Lydius Walker, Curran, bds. Montgomery Hall Walker, George, 38 Union Walker, Charles, laborer, 30 Quay Walker, Miss G. S., 79 Washington Walker, Richard, hat maker, 22 Fox Walker, James, lamp maker and machinist, Hudson Walker, James, laborer, 3 Lawrence Walker, Ashbel, carpenter, 97 Beaver Walker, John, cabinet-maker, '55 Howard Walker, William S., harness-maker, 49 Montgomery Walker, Willard, 76 Division Walker, Frederick, 76 Division Walker, James, h. 43 Union Wall, James, laborer, 18 John Wall, Daniel B., clerk at J. Strain's, res. 139 Green Wall. Hugh, furnace-man, 18 John Wallace, Jcim^S, mason, 29 Clinton Wallace, Thomas, bds, at Mrs. Lockwood's Wallace, Moses, masdn, 29 Clinton Wallace, Robert, shoemaker, Chesnut Wallace, Oliver, grocer, cor. Chapel and Van Schaick Wallace, Christopher, furrier, 19 Chapel Wallace, Robert, grocer, 96 n. Market Wallace, William, shoemaker, bds. 571 s. Market 250 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wallace, William, 34 s. Lansing Wallis,Moses, lamp lighter, 94 s. Pearl Walsh, Henry, grocer, 91 Quay Walsh, William, attorney, &c, 282 n. Market Walsh, John S., Mulberry Hill, Bethlehem Walter, Philander, cartman, 58 Church Walter, Casper, potter, 218 Washington Walworth, Reuben H., chancellor of state, when in city, at Mrs. Lockwood's, office and court room, in Capitol Wands, Burgess, painter, 51 Beaver, h. Chesnut s. of State Wands, Robert S., teamster, 69 Hallenbake Wands, widow Mary, 176 s. Pearl Wands, John, mason, 111 Hamilton Wands, Thomas O, painter, 81 Herkimer Ward, Ezekiel, coach maker, 31 Church Ward, James T., 35 Fox Ward, John C, carpenter, shop and h. between Eagle and Hallenbake Ward, Edward, laborer, 536 s. Market Ward, widow Sarah, Jackson Ward, John, laborer, rear 40 Fox Ward, Thomas, laborer, rear 81 n. Market Ward, Jacob, rear 10 Union Warford, Eli T., Bull's head tavern, corner Washing­ ton and Lark Waring, Thomas B., cartman, 108 Water Warner, Ebenezer C, steam boat agent, 572 s. Mar­ ket Warner & Boynton, book-binders, corner State and n. Pearl, over Apothecaries' Hall Warner, William S., res. 82 Green Warner, Elias, clerk in comptroller's office, h. 57 n. Pearl Warner, Owen, produce buyer and weigher of fish & iron, and measurer of salt and grain, h. 191 Wash­ ington Warner, widow Sally, 24 Fayette 251

Warren, Clement, livery stable, 26 Steuben, h. 17 Mid­ dle Lane Warren, George, (Steele & W.) 71 Division Wasson, John G., clerk of Justices court, res. 207 State Wasson, James B., door keeper of Senate, res. near Whitehall, Bethlehem Waterman, Robert, boot & shoe store, 401 s. Market, h. 53 s. Pearl Waterman, Sarah, 45 Maiden Lane Waterman, Isaac, shoemaker, 29 Church Waterman, widow Ruth Ann, dry goods store and h| 63 Washington Waterman, Jeremiah, merchant, 63 Washington Waterman, Robert, chair maker, 45 Fayette Waters, Alexander, 1 Rose Alley Waters, Samuel A., fur and stock manufactory, 18 Green, bds. American hotel Waters, widow Elizabeth, 273 n. Market Waterman, Benjamin, leather dresser, 32 Patroon Watkins, Theophelus, produce dealer, 245 Washing­ ton Watrous, B. P., bds. at Dr. Green's Wafler, Peter, laborer, Clinton Watson, Stephen, sexton St. Peter's church, and superin- tendant of public vaults, 29 Lodge Watson, Thomas, clothing store, 380 s. Market, h. 25 Division Watson, William & Co., leather dealers, 15 State Watson, Ebenezer, comptroller's office, h. 19 Mont­ gomery Watson, Richard, grocer, 195 s. Pearl Watson, S. V. R. & William, dry goods merchants, 6 s. Pearl, h. 66 Hudson Watson, William, h. 11 Patroon Watson, Mrs. Lydia, boarding house, 21 Hudson Watson, William, painter, 53 Maiden Lane Watson, Samuel, carpenter, 30 Malcom 252 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Watson, E. L., stove dealer, 15 Green, bds. 79 n. Pearl Watts, Horace, coachman, Ten Broeck Waugh, Thomas, grocer, 310 Schenectady turnpike Waugh, Elizabeth, 320 Washington, n Branch Weaver, Hamilton B., carpenter, 146 Washington Weaver, Zebulon, engine tender, Branch rail road Weaver, widow Maria, 61 n. Market Weaver, Catharine, 1 Park Weaver, Andrew, laborer, 19 Van Woert Weaver, Henry, laborer, Elk near Swan Weaver, William, inspector and measurer of wood, timber and stone, 51 Lydius Weaver, Nicholas, cartman, Lawrence Weaver, Peter, baker, 31 Dean Weaver, Stephen, carpenter, 53 Arch Weaver, John, cartman, 45 Union Weaver, John, miller, 62 s. Pearl Weaver, Simon, bds. at American hotel Webb, Henry B., Carpenter, 16 John Webb, James, tailor, 537 s. Market Webb, Rev. Abner, agent Babtist missionary society, bds. 19 Montgomery Webb, Henry York, 245 Washington Webb, Henry Y. Jr., victualler stall 19 Centre Market, h. 4 Union Webb, (Henry L.,) & Douglas, (Alfred) importers of china, glass, and earthen ware, 51 State Webb, Henry L.,bds Eagle tavern Webb, Barney, shoemaker, Hudson near Lark Webb, Williem, laborer, 131 Franklin Webster, Joshua, butcher, 306 Washington Webster, Anthony, carpenter, 72 Orange Webster, Moses L., Lock No. 1 upper basin Webster, (Horace B.) & Kane, (John J.) attornies, &c. 343 n. Market Webster, Horace B , 81 State Webster, Joseph H, livery stable, cor. Middle and Mai­ den Lanes res. 11 Norton Webster, Cynthia, widow of Charles R., 83 State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 253

Webster, Sarah, widow of George, 81 State Webster, Matthew Henry, (Brown & W.) hollow ware foundry, below s. Ferry, h. 624 s. Market Webster, Ashbel, physician, bdg. 83 State Webster, William, mason, 37 Second, Arbor Hill Webster, widow of George O, 28 Quay Webster, William, Jr., cartman, Lydius continued Webster, Thomas, shoemaker, 19 Middle Lane Weed, Smith, 32 Dove, cor. Washington Weed, Samuel, agent Chenango canal line, 66 Quay Weed, Thurlow, editor of Evening Journal, office 71 State, h. 104 Green Weed, George W.» clerk of Common Council, off. City Hall, h. 36 Lawrence Weed, Samuel R. saddler and harness maker, bds at Montgomery Hall Weed, Grant, 36 Lawrence Weir, Hugh, gardener, Lawrence continued, Arbor Hill Welch, Thomas, victualling cellar, basement centre Market, s. Pearl Welch, Nicholas, laborer, 536 s Market Welch, Thomas, laborer, 41 Arch Welch &. Batchellor, general dealers in fish and grain, 4 Exchange Welch, William, butcher, 22 Howard Welch, Bartholomew T., Pastor 2d Baptist church, h. 52 Westerlo Welch, Charles, blacksmith, 255 Washington Welch, James, grocer, 22 Van Woert Welch, widow, 167 Green Welch, James, carpenter, 52 s. Pearl Welsh, Mrs. 67 William Welsh, George W , 63 Colonie Weldon, John, furrier, 37 Malcom Weldon, Chester, clothier, 44 John Weller, James, potter, 213 Washington Weller, Nicholas, 323 Washington n. Branch 254 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wellington, Jonas, baker, 223 Washington Wellings, John, manufacturer of bronze lamps, 62 Her­ kimer, h. s. Lansing Wells & Wait, boot and shoe store, 364 s. Market Wells, (T. & W.) 9 Hallenbake Wells, Robert H, 67 State, h. 24 Liberty Wells, Hezekiah, 78 Ferry Wells, Agur, leather and finding store, 30 State, h. 24 Liberty Wells, Solomon, morocco dresser, Cross, fronting Van Schaick Wells, Daniel D., contractor,, 41 Van Schaick Wells, Sidney, hair dresser and grocer, 200 Washing­ ton Wells, Thomas, 72 Liberty Wemple, James, blacksmith, 140 Lydius Wemple, John W., wheelwright, 42 Division, b. 98 s. Pearl Wendell, Peter, physician, 7 Academy Park Wendell, Harman, 7 Academy Park Wendell, John L., reporter supreme court, bds. Misses Carter's Wendell Philip, dep. clerk sup. court, office State Hall, h. 108 State Wendell, Mrs. C, boarding-house, corner Middle and Maiden Lane Wendell, Cornelius, printer, at Packard & Van Ben- thuysen's Wentworth, Gilbert, tinker, Lawrence Wentworth, Henry, shoemaker, 46 Water Werchter, Macnus, Clinton West, widow of Joel, boarding-house, 43 Water West, Maria, dress-maker, Stanwix Hall, Maiden Lane West, Eunice, 59 Malcom West, John W., agent New-York and Seneca Line, office 40 Quay, h. cor. n. Market and Patroon West, Rensselaer, miller, 61 n. Market West, George, whitewasher, rear 70 Fox HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 255

Westcott & Anthony, (Amos S. and Jacob) keepers of York House, 487 s. Market Westerlo, Rensselaer, attorney, &c. 64 n. Pearl Westen, George E. N., tailor, 47 Columbia Weston, widow, 197 Washington, rear of Townsends' building Weston, Jacob, millwright, 128 Beaver Whale, William, professor of dancing, class-room in Stanwix Hall, h. 4 Van Tromp Whalen, Joseph, Lydius continued Whalen, William, 72 Orange Whalen, B. B., bar-keeper at " National Garden," n. Market Whalen, Thomas, segar-maker, Hawk, near Lumber ' Whalen, Edward & Co., National Line, foot of State, h. 74 Herkimer Wharton, William A., druggist, 394 s. Market, h. 62 Hudson Wheaton, Henry G., attorney, &c. office 75, house 174 State Wheeler, Dr. U. H., druggist, corner Columbia and n. Market, h. 8 Herkimer Wheeler, William, cartman, 67 Eagle Wheeler, Barnabas, shoemaker, Hamilton, near High Wheeler, John R., saddler and harness maker, 84 Washington Whelpley, Heman C, attorney, &c, office 67 State, res. D. P. Winne's, Hamilton Whelpley, James, keeper of Columbian Hoie\fi§Vl s. Market Whelpley, James M., bds. Columbian Hotel Whipple, Barnum, harbor-master, cor. s. Market and Westerlo Whipple, Solomon, dealer in lumber, De Witt Whipple, A. D. L., student at Henry G. Wheaton's of­ fice Whipple, Christopher, farmer, 8 Van Tromp Whipple, William, chair-maker, 35 Howard Whitaker, James, piano forte maker, 15 Dean 256 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Whitaker, Levi, carpenter and joiner, upper end of State Whitaker, Joseph, skipper, 11 Ferry Whitbeck, Nicholas, clerk in post-office, bds, 18 Li­ berty Whitbeck, John J., paver, 253 s. Pearl White Andrew, (Hoffman & W.) 100 Green White, William D., attorney, &c, office Commercial Building, bds. Mrs. Howe's, 66 Hudson White, John, furnace-man, 160 Green White, Martin, laborer, Arch White, Matilda, 160 Green White, Isaac, merchant tailor, 440 s. Market White, Nathaniel, book-binder, 62 Westerlo White, John G., malster and hop inspector, malt-house State continued, res. 161 Washington Whitef Joel, Pearl-street Lunch, 81 s. Pearl White, Harrison, printer, 23 Lodge White, William, 29 Chapel White, Jane, widow of James, proprietor of National Garden, 108 n. Market White, Patrick, mason, 22 Van Woert White, Peter, laborer, 22 Van Woert White, James, carpenter, 37 Second, Arbor Hill White, Jesse, gate-keeper, Western Turnpike White, George, sawyer, Schenectady Turnpike White, Benjamin, steam-boat agent, 151 Washington White, James R. brick-maker, 61 William White, George, Sawyer, 81 Beaver White, John, ship-carpenter, 98 Water White William, laborer, 57 Church Whitman, John H. N., 2 Colonie Whited, Stephen G., painter, 50 Water Whitehead, Ann, tailoress, 13 Hamilton Whitehead, John, paver, 14 Bass Whilley, James, fire brick maker, 10 Rose Alley Whitesides, widow Catharine, 31 Second, Arbor Hill Whittier, Mitchell, silver plater, 21 Park 257

Whitlock, Robert, lumber merchant, office 60 Pier, h. 13 Patroon Whitqey, Ezra S., 91 Herkimer Whitney, Hezekiah W., 66 s. Pearl Whitney (Chauncey) & Cluett (John) tin & sheet-iron workers, 18 Beaver Whitney, Chauncey, 18 Beaver Whitney, Isaiah, 37 Lawrence Whitney, James Fordyce (& I.) grocery and provision store 148 & 150 Water, north side of basin, house 37 Lawrence Whitney, James, shoemaker, store 37 s. Pearl, house 5 Plain Whitney & Schuyler, wholesale grocers, 11 State Whitney, Charles, saddler, harness and trunk maker, second ward collector, 364 s. Market, house 25 Fayette Whitney, James, saddler, 243 State continued Whitney, Walter, harness and trunk maker, 64 Wash­ ington, h. Spring, west of Hawk Whitney, Walter, sen., rear 64 Washington Whi'ney, Abner, builder, 25 Fayette Whitney, Sellick, Capt. sloop Gold Hunter, house 20 Dallius Whitney, William, stove manufacturer and blacksmith," 86, h. 84 Green Whyburn, John, gardener, Western Turnpike Wickes, Jonas, deputy county clerk, office City Hall, h. 29 Fayette Wickes, Henry, in clerk's office, h. 1 Wendell Wicker, Clara, milliner, 30 Union Wickham, Henry, cartman, 36 Fox Wickman, Elias, cartman, 107 Fox Wiggins, Charles, tailor, shop 233 1-2 n. Market, h. 58 Montgomery Wiggins, John, slater, 33 Steuben Wilbur & Selkirk, grocers, cor. Church and Lydius Wilbur, Alvin, proprietor Fort Orange Hotel, s. Mar­ ket W* 258

Wilcox, James, surveyor, res. J. Wyatt's, Tivoli Wilcox, W. clergyman, 89 Herkimer Wilcox, William, victualler, Centre Market, h. Lydius continued Wilder, John N., merchant, 52 State, res. City Hotel Wilder, Augustus, 47 Union Wildman, William W., comb-maker, 51 Fayette Wilkins, Henry, shoemaker and grocer, west side of Little Basin Wilkins, widow, Lydius continued Wilkins, Rev. C. R., pastor of Methodist Church State continued, h. 5 Swan Wilkinson, Jacob, distiller and rectifier, 25 Dean, h. 43 Swan Wilkinson, widow, cor. s. Pearl and Schuyler Willay, James, laborer, State continued, near Willett Will, George, tailor, Herkimer continued Will, Frederick, cabinet-maker, Westerlo continued Willard, Thomas, S., Water-street Furnace Willard, John, at treasurer's office, State Hall, res. at Strawberry Hill, Washington Willard, George P., agent, 17 Green, h. 185 State Willett Edward S., milkman, 64 Franklin Williams, Andrew, butcher, Ferry, cor. s. Pearl Williams, Henry A., (Green & W.,~) forwarding mer­ chants, 66 Quay Williams^ Henry A., alderman 4th ward, 121 Green Williams (Israel) & Allen, (Otis) attorneys, &c, 353 s. Market, cor. State Williams, Israel, Attorney, &c, 23 Columbia Williams, John H.. grocer, 94 Beaver Williams, John, grocer, 98 Beaver Williams, Daniel, lumber piler, 75 Water Williams, Mrs. Harriet A., dress-maker, and children's fancy clothing store, 40 Green Williams, Miss Hannah, dress-maker, 50 Rensselaer Williams & Ayer, grocers, 4 s. Pearl Williams, Miss Ann, 24 Van Woert Williams, Lewis, farmer, Second, Arbor Hill HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 259

Williams, Robert, potter, Spring near Park Williams, John R., jailer and superintendant of work­ house, at Jail cor. of Eagle and Howard Williams, widow of Elisha, mantua-maker, 22 Park Williams, Job I., slater, 160 Wathington Williams, Richard, carpenter, 67 Eagle Williams, John, tobacconist, 4 s. Lansing Williams, Piatt, physician, office 227, h. 225 n. Market Williams, James, shoemaker, 129 n. Market Williams, J. P., storage and forwarder in produce, 88 Pier, bds. at Temperance House Williams, Josiah B., lumber, forwarding and commis­ sion merchant, 88 Pier, bds. Temperance House Williams, Chauncey P., lumber, forwarding and com­ mission merchant, 88 Pier, res. Temperance House Williams, John, 49 Fox Williams, Dinah, widow, rear 220 State Williams, Thomas, hostler, 27 Malcom Williams, S., tailor, 27 Union (burnt out) Williams, James, waiter, 5 Park Williamson, Agnes, widow of John, 23 First Arbor Hill Williamson, John, book agent, 168 s. Pearl Willick, Lawrence, shoemaker, 216 Washington Willes, R. P., merchant, 38 Green Willis, Frederic, 35 Union Willings, John, turner, 63 s. Lansing Wilson, James, dry goods and family stores, corner Chapel and Van Schaick Wilson, George, W., 54 n. Pearl Wilson, Alexander, 20 Daniels Wilson, Benjamin, laborer, 6 Maiden Lane Wilson, Abraham F., (Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh,) h. 2 Wilson, cor. n. Market Wilson, William, furrier, n. Lansing, near Water Wilson, L. G., clerk at F. and B. Van Valkenburgh's, n. Ferry, bds. at Mrs. Fuller's, Wilson, George, 279 s. Pearl Wilson, Thomas, painter, 109 Fox Wilson, widow Elizabeth, 109 Fox 260

Wilson, George, tavern-keeper, 154 Washington Wilson, James, nursery man, Lydius continued Wilson, William, paper hanger, 27 n. Pearl Wilson, John, wool dealer, rear 12 Union Wilson, John, physician, 37 Columbia Wilson, Jesse P., at New-England Tavern 491 s. Mar­ ket Wilson, Thomas, 20 Lydius Wilson (James A.,) & Monteath, (Peter,) merchants 48 Quay- Wilson, James A., h. 73 Division Wilson, C. V., lumber merchant, 41 Pier, res. 43 Co­ lumbia Wilson, Ebenezer, victualler and packer of Provisions, 13 Beaver Wilson, James, boatman, 33 Westerlo Wilson, John, laborer, rear 46 Patroon Wilson, Robert, shoemaker, 46 Van Schaick Wilson, Richard, stone-cutter, 85 Third Arbor Hill Wilson, James, laborer, 16 Wilson Wilson, Alexander, boatman, 24 Howard Wilson, John Q., 44 n. Pearl Wilson, John A., grocer, 150 n. Market Wilson, Benjamin, 156 n. Market Wilson, John, laborer, rear 46 Patroon Wilson, John, shoe store, 286 n. Market, h. 59 n. Pearl Wilson, Stewart, 73 Hudson Winants, Josiah, alderman 2d ward, soap and candle factory, 22 Chapel, h. 18 Van Schaick Winants, Henry L., chandler, 26 n. Pearl Winchell, Mrs. Esther, milliner, 420 s. Market Winchell, Thomas J., comedian, 21 Van Woert Winchester, Samuel, constable, 24 De Witt Wing & Boyd, physicians, 98 State Wing, Joel A., physician, 6 Capitol Park Wing, Smith D., 66 Hudson Wing, Jonathan K., flour and grain store, 80 Quay, h. 7 Dallius 261

Wing, Albert, bds. at S. S. Peck's, Washington Winne, Daniel D., dry goods merchant 447 s. Market, h. 15 Hamilton Winne, Gilbert, 594 s. Market Winne, Isaac, turnkey of Albany county jail, off. and res. Jail Winne, Gilns K., printer, 38 Patroon Winne, Jellis Jr., cashier of Bank of Albany, h. 264 n. Market Winne, Cornelia, widow of Francis D , 597 s. Mar­ ket Winne, David P., h. 25 Hamilton Winne, Walter, skipper, 14 John Winne, William B., post office messenger, h. 63 Or­ ange Winne, John, cabinet maker, 116 State, h. 14 Park Winne, Jacob, carpenter, 67 Hamilton Winne, William, dry goods merchant, 386 s. Market, h. 138 n. Market Winne, John L., 165 n. Market Winne, Jacob L., merchant, 167 n. Market, h. 28 Or­ chard Winne, William B., chair maker, res. 19 Hawk Winne, Jacob L., soap and candle manufacturer, 181 n Market, Winne, Jacob, chandler, 181 n. Market, res. 28 Or­ chard Winne, Elizabeth, grocer, 253 s. Pearl Winne, James, merchant, 36 Ferry Winne, William I., merchant, 114, h. 116 s. Pearl Winne, David S., 14 Bass Winne, Daniel K., 63 n. Lansing Winslow, Richard, 95 n. Market Winston, Edward, blacksmith, 50 Lydius Winter, widow Jennet, 35 Fox Winter, Michael V., grocer, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Witoche, Rudolph, 278 s. Pearl Witt, John, umbrella maker, 75 s. Pearl 262

Witt, Stilman, steamboat agent, office foot of State, h. 5 Dallius Witt, Merrick, blacksmith, Knox near State Withers, Francis, 72 Arch Withers, John, grocer, 57 Rensselaer Withers, Robert, ship carpenter, 53 Arch Wisely, James, laborer, 22 Jackson Whish, John, gardner, Schenectady turnpike Wolcott, Ezra S, engineer, h. 14 Orchard Wolf, Lewis, Delaware turnpike Wolhman, A., cabinet maker, 23 n. Pearl Wood & Southwick, attornies, &c, Atheneum Build- inSs Wood, Jonathan, skipper, 61 Division Wood, Abraham, shoemaker, 94 Green Wood, (A. F.) & Lathrop, (F.) proprietor* ci Mansion House, 327 & 329 n. Market Wood, William, Nucella Wood, William, 303 s. Pearl Wood, Daniel, (Seymour & W.) residence at Mrs. Lockwood's Wood, Bradford R., attorney, &c, Atheneum Build­ ings, res. 149 Washington Wood, Sarah, 124 Washington Wood, Moses, grocer, corner Washington and Hawk, res. 29 Hawk Wood, James, 47 Van Woert Wood, Jackson D., bds. 9 Union Wood, Lucy, widow, 9 Union Wood, James, meat curer, Schenectady Turnpike Wood, Robert, piano-forte maker, 43 Fayette Wood, James, culler of staves, 86 Fox Wood, Horace, 68 s. Lansing Wood, Thomas, laborer, 51 Arch Wood, Anna, widow of Anthony, 239 s. Pearl Wood, James, shoemaker, 43 Washington Wood, Peter, carpenter, 75 Bass Woods, Samuel G., inspector of staves and heading, 833 n. Market HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 263

Woods, Henry, laborer, 152 Montgomery Woods, Robert, laborer, 160 State Woodburn, Lewis & Co., (W. G. De Ermand) whole­ sale dealers in dry goods, 54 State Woodburn, Lewis, h. 106 Green Woodbury, widow Hannah, 35 Bass Woodhall, William, carpenter, 30 s. Lansing Woodruff, Halsey, mason, dealer in lime and plaster Paris, 72 Division Woodlin, Thomas, tanner and currier, 314 State con­ tinued Woodruff, Samuel M., (Reynolds & W.) attorneys, dec. office 55 State, h. 27 Jay Woodruff, David, mason, 103 Lydius Woodruff, Cyrus, mason, 32 Hallenbake Woodward, Jabez M., comptroller's office, bds. 31 Beaver Woodworth, David, 67 Lumber Woodworth, John, attorney, &c, office 36 Maiden Lane, h. 82 n. Pearl Woolensack, Charles, grocer, 226 n. Market Woolensack, Matthias, 228 n. Market Woolensack, A. & J., lock makers, 228 n. Market Wooley, Collins R., cedar cooper, 120 Washington Woolvcrton, Edward, Cottage Farm, Delaware Turn pike Woolverton, George A., dealer in boots and shoes, 10 10 Sate, bds. Franklin House Wooster, widow Susannah, 16 s. Lansing Wooster, John, grocer, cor. Union and Lydius Worcester, Eldad, attorney, &c, office 8, h. 262 s. Pearl Worcester, John, grocer, 5 State, h. Lancaster Worden, Robert, dealer in produce, 195 Washington Wormer, Frederic V., 287 s. Branch Washington Wormer, Ralph, brick maker, State continued near Willett Wormer, Peter V., dealer in dry goods and groceries, 15 Washington 264 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Worth, David, 252 n. Market Worth, William E., 22 Bass Worthington & Davis, wholesale grocers, 12 State Worthington, Dennison, 60 Howard Wright, William S., at B. P. Jones' 9 State Wright, Thomas L., shoemaker, 67 Eagle Wright, Chauncey L., clerk in transportation office,, cor. Hamilton and Quay Wright, Crispus, 56 Rensselaer Wright, William, shoemaker, 52 n. Lansing Wright & Strahan, merchant tailors, 408 and 410 s. Market Wright, Nathaniel, silver plater, coach lace and coach lamp manufacturer, 365 s. Market, bds. Mansion House Wright, Thomas, (Relyea & W.,) 70 Division Wright, Roswell, 33 Van Schaick Wright, George, veterinary surgeon, Lydius continued Wright, Ebenezer, lumber merchant, 72 Eagle Wright, William, baker, 64 Lumber Wright, John, grocery and provision store, 29 Wash­ ington cor. Hawk Wright, William, laborer, Lydius continued Wright, John N., 29 Dean Wright, HaWey, grocer, 591 s. Market Wright, Justus, 97 Herkimer Wrightson, Miss K., straw millinery, 8 Van Tromp Wrightson, Thomas, shoemaker, 8 Van Tromp Wyatt, John, carpenter, near Tivoli Factory, Water­ vliet Wyckoff, I. N., pastor of middle Dutch Church, res. 34 Beaver Wyckoff, Samuel C, bookseller, 590 s. Market Wynkoop, James I., clerk in comptroller's office, res. 124 Washington Wynkoop, Harman G., druggist, Stanwix-Hall, Maiden Lane, h. 14 Orange Wynkoop, Evert, innkeeper, Greenbush HOFFMAN'S ALSANY DIRECTORY. 265

Wynkoop, M. G., druggist, Stanwix-Hall, Maiden Lane, h. 14 Orange

X. XENOPHON, LUCIUS C, Schenectady Turnpike

Y. YATES BENJAMIN, copper-smith, 64 Lydius Yates, Benjamin, jun., 26 Maiden Lane Yates, John, bds. 64 Lydius Yates, Joseph, 64 Lydius Yates, John C., attorney, &c. office and res. 106 State Yates, John Van Ness, attorney, &c, office and h. 106 State Yates, Rachael, 83 Hudson Yates, (Frederic L.) Bleecker (Charles N.) & Co. (John H. Bogert,) wholesale dealers in hardware, 40 State Yates, Frederic, 3 Clinton Square Yates, Hiram, currier, 30 Eagle Yates, Mrs. J. W., 3 Clinton Square Yorke, Andrew, gardener, State continued near Wil­ lett Yorran, Michael, laborer, 13 s. Lansing Youker, Daniel, 91 Beaver Young, Sidney, grocer, 102 Beaver Young, James G. & Co., lumber dealers, office 121 Water, res. 51 n. Market Young, John, plasterer, 125 Franklin Young, (Eli) & Server, (Robert,) shoe store, 287 n. Market Young, Eh, h. 22 Union Young, Walter, silver-smith, 24 Beaver X 266 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Young, John, bds. Mansion House Young, widow Catharine, 24 Beaver Young, John H., painter, 297 Spruce Young, James, cooper, Denniston Young, John, cartman, 27 Lumber Young, John L., bds. 59 Chapel Young, George, upholsterer, 32 Division

ZEH, DAVID, merchant, store 40 Hawk, h. High Zielman, Gabriel, 145 Lumber, Arbor Hill Zielman, John A., carpenter, 64 Orchard Zebra, Silvia, fortune-teller, cor. Broad and Lydius