DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY COODS. RAILROADS. A TfTfTssirr PnECAimov. Several cases in raso "he would proceed to disperse the AMU KIi T. POWIUrBoofc Binder aa an uniawim assemiuage. HOOP SKIRTS. O am. --mmm ef drowsing having occurred lately through Convention ! ...J I'.L.k Book nmrrr, TELEGRAPHIC. The answer was that tho meeting of the CHEAP GOODS ERIE persona walking into the riverwhile bridges RAILWAY! ' Mtc tmokm. mtc Convention being peecable, it could not bo ! Ladies' Rubber ISAAC J Mank blmud o.Miin..olic V.I tae. ioclLM Book, have been swung, the Coroner has called suppressed by the Mavor, and that tho Ford & Wagner of and Dealer In 'TP- - Alknm. steps would prevent the GREATsi;BRO GUAGE OUBLE TRACK ROUTE! Mutlnnnr ltttrrol lu phi. opon the city authorities to take some Yesterday Afternoon's Report military authorities civil Hdi Maul, Bl4 (tui a to We hare had placed In our hands a stock of goods TO ul lUf to nravent such casualties. Accordingly it authorities consisting of Xcw York. BoMlon and lVew HOOP SKIBTS has been proposed to place chains across EDglaacI Cltltiu to bridges at ten News. White, Bed, Grey Si Yellow AND CORSETS, the approaches the swing FOREIGN NEWS. General 257 Superior Street, Flannels, TUTS RWtWAY KTEKT8 FEHM , DAILY LEADER. said chains to be lo.New 44M stn-et- under the feet from each end; From Canada. White Linens, Dunkirk Yrk tlln, 0. 129 Baperlor are open KnGnJoloHev York 423 .mim. Johnson uouac. Vor Xormns Kdltloa Sew iee stretched across when the bridges The Reform Question In England Xsw Yobk, Augusts. The Tribune's Ot- While Jaeonet Is, ;.laiiuaca to ewr York 31 ilea at night The matter has been referred by tawa special says that Mr. Gait, Minister of AD IS onisiae. ! White Sansook, Finance, has resigned. The alleged reason Hav- - marked dju their entire stock of Horn Xeck Chains 22 9flZM the fenortcs Boate. Xew see the City Council to the Committee on Har French Swiss Muslins, o7 er For KTenlos IdlUoi is a diflerance with his colleagues on the AU Train!, run riirwtly throueh to New Tork, 460 insiae. bor and Wharves. NO MORE RIOTING. Lower Canada school system. Bishop lawns, OllL.ES without cliaiLgocf Coaches. li- ay 1 : A be Parliament will probably prorogued at From and utter 'Ah, Trains will leave in 16CC. Hosiery, Cloths, Jnty W THU1WDAY, AUGUST 9. CITY NOTICES the end of this week. ronnectitr'i iih ll Went-rr- i Hit s, a f 'Hows: A L N O TIC E TIIE CII0LEK1 IS NEW Y0EK. Cassl meres, c AitU.M DL'NKIKK AND tfALA M AXCA By VeW SPEC! The Cholera. A arge assortment just opened at the York, linn- from lT:iion i!epits : COSCEttS LINENS ri"M, ILL WHOM II MAT CmcixifATi, August S. There were thirty- - 3.45A.M. NKW V'tHK DAY aXPliESS, from "a-- A KJiW PKKFUMEI Called CITY NEWS. I iMir.li liKMbr siren that it is deemed ne- earns Whi h wo elifill sell at less than half their cost. SaUmanra, Dily, ric-p- t anoay s. Intersects d. one d by cnoiera yesterday, and forty Jlornllsvill Day Opcpomx raow Uexu manufactured osasary by tha City Council of tho City of Tbe goud. ar. all uut ot oar Hue, aad mast at with the S.M A. H. Swcrr j, t Long The Xew Orleans Riot. two new cases. be closed frm Hullilu, aad arri?oi in hew York to proTide lor the construction of out withia 11. K. T. Smith & Co , Kw York, Is making a i fined j: al I'tt I. lew Fast D.iYrse. John Obner Mrc Branch Sewer Bo. r, mud lor trie construe. LINEN TOWELS. 7.10 A. M. EXPRESS MAIL, from Dnnkirk, Daily know very dedicate, ana to :on wherevr it is a. Is u4 and costs by Judge Abbey yesterday far Uam of a branch t.wr tn truiumuas street, except ftauihiyrt. Stup at Mtlitmanca V to A. expense by assessing a tax MEDICAL. LINEN NAPKINS, Days 31 ita fragrance ins on the handkerchief foi nrovide for tbf thereof Thirty for Cash. .. and cunuect t BoTUfllxvitlt aud t!orniu fast driviDg. apoa tho los or lands ahnttint; upon too streets A REBEL ACCOUNT. with ih S.3o A. M. xprettti Mail Irom Un.lalw, days. Evening Bulletin, TABLE LINEN, B A A A aud arrivnx in NV Y'irt at M. tnrOOpn WHICH HHi nwwi i:aii rus, auiu iis tuai Z At wholesale or retail. p. mirnose ordinances are neudiar before said City LINEN SHEETING, .15 li. NEW YOUK Nli::iT EXPEiC5i, from Cost of Ruxxixo. An ordinance for the persons property on DunkiriL. Dmly, exc-- buudvs. lph at Council. All owning ssid H. DrWITT CO., ft.'Ct 01., und in objections to the con- AND J. Huiimaisca f. arrivs Nw payment of claims, for the month of July, streets as afortwaid, having Foreign News. aui7 Nos. 7 snd 11 Public Square. York at P. M., ccuiit'ttimj with attrrr-ii- of said sewers, are hureby required to Tra;im s passed evening. claims struction PILLOW LINEN. and Stcamrrs for Uuston aud New last The file the same in writ ins: with the City Clerk of Arrival of the Steamer Java. I. BALDWIN t CO. OFFKBTHIS tngla.nd Citivfj. WHY NOT USE THE BEST amoQut to $61,272.55. aid City, within two weeks alter ibe expiration 261 Supcrior-st- . B. day of three weeks from the first publication of this Kkw York, August S. The steamer Java, FKOM Bt'FF ALO By Niw York Time from De- fT Y iS A US Increas n dentand u,i -(-tVB Tft'ISTV no ice. ita. Liverpool dated of the 2Sth. and White Piques, pot Cur. Kxchiiiti Mibiaran "IreeU: M ATHEWS VE To Paved. street hill U to be DOLL A 113 PEEK IP 3f ! 5.10 A. 31. .NEW VUK L ;PKEsd,.undsys ia established tbe iact that I By order of the City Council. Queenatavn -- Hth, has arrived. WUitf MurBPfiifn, . At- : m.-- o . The P. fsceftt-ij- Arrtvr in r. NETIAN' fIA:B DTK is the beat Id the world. It DAVed with wnndpn block Davement. C. WMATON, The workine of the cable with increased ! , White LU.f Glove. f(i:Ji3laiit Urrat with Dtlawartt. Assistant City Clerk. Qniits, Philadelphia is the cheapest, the mart reliable, and tuiMl can to Mr. C. 0 Brien speed was noted on the 26th. WEAKNESS, J reach Kuilrca'i for contract has been let Cleveland, August 8th, Isttti. aac-r-.- SEMINAL Table Linen White Barrge Shawls, DttltiuiLre, Washington and point rkuih. one '1 peace - vairct. ompUte In .wtiW. Imm not re Co they being the lowest bidders. here was no further disturbance of OK 8PEKXA7TOSKKGU, GLEET, Buff Cham bra ji, 8.30 A. M. K.VPUtaa A1A1L. via Avuu an.l ilorn- quire any pmvious preparation of the hair. No XTOTIl'JC la all whom It may con in London. AND Black m l WMteGinfrhams, er.rtTillc, Iiiy, excfpc Diinuajs. ariDri m At refrnlar meeting of the City Olieeie)' New Y. Til at 7.0U A. M. Coniw-'t- at tlmira Produces Ll eftrn. a A meeting in Hvde Park for the 30Lh was krencn MiU'i HOB, (V trouble. NocrocLor ttiin. a beauti VioLiTisro Lhjcoe Liw. Henry or August asth lliw uoHpDrt Ltuiira ICa.ilroad for Stat. Council of the city Cleveland, neid siti called, it is alleged, by consent of the gov- Lupotoncy Cured, French Maid Flannels, Ptiiijadripliiu, JJultimuro, Waftiung-to- n ful black or brown, as preferred. A child can ap ltu.n. the following resolution was adopted, Co a, Balker plead guilty of this offense at the tiz ernment, de- AFTKfl ALL OTHKB TREATMENT TAILS. Worth J1.S0 per yard for J1.00 jier yard, and French rue: mill oo till ttutu. ply it. Always give satinfection. Only 75 IieolrttL Tuat in the opinion of this Council it but the Home Secretary Edtrfngfl, Sunday cents vesterday and was fined was Cluuy 20 P.M. LUltl lNtNG EXPRESS, per battle. Sold every where. Police Court is deemed necessary to (Trade, pare, drain nna clared no such consent given and DK.A.C1ESON, Whit Uair Cloth, v...d aud water only, aad Knclid avenue, between iSouth Perry street warned the league against holding the Fonnerlrcf Now Yerk Citv. will one hnndrfid AND fr 7 ut A. M- M $14 and costs. 07 oo. V.rt A. I. AT.TkWS, Manufacturer, N. T. and Wilson avenue. AU persons claiming dam meeting. The League was determined di'Uara tir tbe proof lLat Ter f si in to curt th ttlove e. i. Baldwin a 6.15 P. M. MEW YoiiS NH.1IT KXPKKS.S, Izir. DXMAS BACKS A CO., New York, Wholesale age by reason of sncb grading, paving, draiDiog uamcd H- - will pay the &uu uui for tbo at II :rcMisviiir wiin uifi u r. m . to hold meeting elsewhere and the arriTt-- York Annie Cobb was charged at and inipro. ins;, are hereby n quired to file their the sroot tfi.Umitf other Phyrma id u.o Imtbd states lra.i:i lruiu Dnukirk, nl in Nw A rears. Cotixcd. government assented to its being hold at r ::n p. it. Also at Elniira lor claims in writing with the City Clerk, within fire JUST BECEIVED and S.,uth. Also, MATuCMTS' ALNICA HAIR GLOSS for the Police Court yesterday with keeping publication Hall, declaring the royal parks yearsol lulWrioua i:a .1 atd nueriucca LINEN TOWELS Harriabnrir, weeks after the first of this resolution, at Primrose uiiifHiii is nappy id ieii'.a; t.vie w auouuiica to tne 1120 1 i. KNi'lNN A ft KXI'BK, Dai.T. lt. i N.--r Testoriug ar.d dre'ia the Hair. jy2:!C17-eo- d a brothel. The case was continued to the or be forever barred from Sling any claims or re should not be ued till the question of right ODlortDisaU.'. Uuu tttLaapiitiCicxi aoynteui 01 tieat' nij!4vt. Arri-- in i ork at Z.V P. ceiving any dainagtw Uvereior. mnt:cr Sun Umbrellas Bi. CtMineitfl at lircat Hfiid with DoUware, 10th, bail $100. wits settled. HPa-SB- Wtsii-r- New C-- SWEET OPOPONAX FKOM u. D. HrifciiUii, Tii K AUTI PKltMASSN"? CUKH l,ackwau Ku'lrcuJ, and tt Assistant Citv Clerk. The govern men t had given notice in the pf tbf alcve, acii n!eo all ocatajnt-u- of the Yirk with AtterntK'U Traius nd Steamers (or MEXICO! very raie, rich and 'ashionable ami w d Cities. The total receipts of the Cleveland. August 8. Itttti. augl):S42 House of Commons of the necessity for the tcun trUi tpaTiojr The ever intporud ormanarac- Exmsas. lAOICtlllMll, auVIUOJUj Ul'W-T- Only on Train Eat ou SundY, Buffalo pfrfcins. tiu?l renewal of the suspension of the habeas & Al. Water Works Company fur DKBILlTy OK Pn()RTKTTOK. Worth 75 cents, for 50 centi. Seib), Brown Pearson's at 0.15 P. M., ani r.chine Sew ork at P. lured in tho I'uKed States Try itaodbf coa Cleveland the XTOTICK TO BlILDBRS. Sealed pro act in Ireland. NEliVOCS At coat at the corpus Hefnaennr-oaede- of viuc-J- . ang7-.V- $.1,505,- - posals the City Clerk's incnrinF: xhn dry, soma Now Pasaenaers, wiih their mocth of July were $j,2iS,SS, being will be received at aa-- i - and Krwland Xl Oec Michael oieeson, ot the U. b. army, wcnm uuitttup 01 fci tranyft-rre- UmceoDtil&o clocJt p. m. ate n lay, August tioiirn w:ui Batrgagu, a:e ! trtwt.kxtiuNew York. 7 less than the expenses for the same iz. has been released from Dublin jail on con tylod pbrsiiauis, who prolrs to trt-u- all ult-- w IMA, xor tne construction ot a szeiA'iU's wau eacc;. aaa rccKjiTlcg VIO Ontario Street, dition oi qis leaving tne country. wiOiottt llta The best VfTitflafd and most Luxurious Sleeping time. PAVILI0H IN WOODLAND CEKKTEBT partlcls of W ail nx&& Dr. Gil jn dees not hi e2 Coach IN TJ!K OliLD accouuiy The truce expired on the th of July but boa?t tb.it a mmber on ruiWay. Plans and specifications can be seen at said of jott.c 111 LouJuii or as aom- trains tins 2Mh, Voixz fir;;, A large assortment of Bm'l-sc--i through and fere always as lew trTT HALL'S VEGETABLE SICI dis fice undersigned submit. ion of was prolonged to August and a four pur-- y 01 d Distukdbes. The following fines for The invite the dUi&nao tow iae ti;i;&:iiA3 tfic- infeeeo, ' LIAN HAIR Ui.NtTKU runews the Hair proposals, reserving tne rignt to accent or reject eeas armisiice commencing irom me lat aiid who ont erat 2r nTcr to tw as by ottu-- nnte. turbing the peace were made by Judge an- Batwhat thts,thtC S Ahk lur firaeitl Via iwiunn, vejretable Sicilian tne same. ter date was concluded. It is also il Which, alltrietl. rnn-ita- i Ticket Hall' narreener James JOHN HUNTINGTON, be is &Mc cnoeniiic siiBi&cl.o :o Ui'jso wbo rt- - can l ubtainru at Restores gray hair ta the criminal eoioT. Abbey yesterday: Ann Thomas, nounced that peace preliminaries had been pot cODtVicnce izi his aLiiv !r.!eriiy, hiifl ! Ollicrs in tiio Wrt am! Southwest. . Com. on and Public Grounds that WM- Ajt't. Ch'rm'n Parks freed sea reat'hea v teuna lor ratiiicauon h taa porfttd ar: ai of K. UAlili, Uen'l Pass. vegetable Sicilian bair micwer and Mary Tiernan, and Andrew Gambeley per Whkatobi. niDid-K- (Jt'n'l Snp";. autCl Hall'n by Emperor of Austria. The minor wmcuciiaiiueca jy fuyuciau 01 ajOIluoq or 1 aria, - Hid Gloves H. Proven t tha hair front falling off. each fined $2 and costs. Cleveland, Aug. 3, the POINT, THREAD" CUI- German stales were not included in the ar RUfHri, ai.a mi (..&e.uw or at.rajre-b-A- 't Hal'. H vegetable Sicilian balr re newer ai stciii! MAESEILLES! mistice and hostilities continued between untfti and pLyaicai, aririui; from stiac. & AC One Dollar per Pair. Makes tus hair soft and BsroiiTiic Commifsio.vIlR. 'Susar"Levy svi or PURE, BRUSSELS DIRECTORY. them and the Prussians. Gi'jfi-J- PE5XSYLYASIA CEMKAL efiretiable Kieiliam liuirrenewer Dr. biro for hia dpw trfTOtnt tia TliE Hair lias several names was brought before The Bavarians were defeated by the louw.J! F&uiwufts over dtfacewrt-i- . the skin. ait viuvr Tit VALLEIMCINES lynl'BI.E-TRACi- a KAILKOAU. Doesnt stain Commissioner on Prussians near Wurzburtr. Ami, mat, uf seefiia r ar to ti mpocu While yesterdajmorning a afcuss SKIRTS & CORSETS! Hall vegetable Sicilian nair renewrr I he suspension ot hostilities bv Austria to rciicsi tie dark sarit m POP preparation charge of passing counterfeit money. He is White IScitiiig the lor : Hu uroved itself ht NOTICE and Italy commenced on the 2Jth, and uo rofctr.cvii-- iu oh-- or bcunsi u n.inrw!: tniru preet-ul"- to from tho of State and fc tb hair ever tbe iut.ie. southern district the peace is thou eh t almost sure. ttreatrocnt ispoauiva aad in all case. Us SttOSIfcbl.QlUKKbl BEhJ KulIE r r rate oy aii armaii W was bronght up on a warrant issued by iiaoda pr p&rcd to ay as7 luulic or pnru Breadluila Messrs. .Hiehard son, Speuce hwj'.Ual ai th teittU btsti-s- and dtmousirat the Between tbe East and West. IP5.SWEET OPOFOXAX FKOM Commissioner White. X Co., and Henry Jump t Son report Hour imu.fi.m- Bo?tn,rn; ot uis new tr.atiLt'iit Ovar any Jnet "received. We aell" PARASOLS! tho arrival of Fascner Trains other now tauwa Hie woiid, nrow-- t. essential person farm s : in in iv.iiit of t!: Pitts-b- MKXtCO! The most elegant and uuiet but at lue? day rates wheat in nesfl. ptrnifttieiwy, ikiioty and oonuait;iice ON th. West, at Vnin C. G. 1 uedduy s a wJ THBOUOU TRAINS as f..llows: al requisite for a lady, " Extract of Sweet Pos'r Wist It. Mr. King a few moderate demand at rates, with lllf At reduced prices at 'it l.e 2d for Dr. tii 10! is perman&ntlr catod In CleTetaiid, DAi EXPBKSS, 3:( A. M., Kliivpt Sunday. K.T.PMiril dec!. ne of winter red and southern, pt tCO, weeks sgo offered to give a certain piece of ri ha duritijE the putit flvo years m&ar MA lb, 7V A. M.. (Kic-- Sunday.) Kew snd Ks Cd(iilld per quarter lower on the ccros oi ; wiiich bad y ura A splendid assortment at greatly roilnced prices M., (Ixcept MK7:3fi Yrk. land on Prospect street to the city. The Express-Guid- e lor all "ISCISKAl'I tPUESS, 9.iu A. cited Slates and week. otitrr nixiwt of treatment, cn a eiven the 01 toviipu ! at -II YGI EN IC WIN E.TUE GiLEAT matter was referred to Committee on toils i;tiJi!U rosiouiU;ity in c'i.'Vflainl. ! ! M., (Except SnnJay.) the Provisions Bieland t Co., and ethers, tiosion, bew York Selhy, Brown & Pearson's r6SlL, U P. TON H". by I be beet I ami lie Shippers' Directory. lJ otir citio, in to usiU Hid &loves SXPUKSS, 4:10 P. M., Erery IHrRTKD lTd Financa, report the beef in retail demand at late rates ; pork ano uw .c all proiriirr.al trku!fkrrj.,riS. Emf sKLPUIA nnpe Approval br tne imperial who that land is dear rty jjy throuronc quiet; 02 con hat, and reshipments to hew p Lh;uintirni, ro;u)a, ail distastw of tiie lay. S. tool of M dtcii-- lri KDdord by !be promi- at a gift, and the city don't want it. 10 00 P. M.. (Kxcopt Snnday.) nent Member of th Arifr. Nodical Association, ork continue: lard null and nominal; With Biptrior snccess. KAUFMAN &, BR.O., .! a h iri:li'.nt cliente ol Cars to -- Eunniai; thro. their convention, held in l;ltimorr. May 1st, tuscan declined to s 3d, being 10s lower; c; to any part of thf country, ea PHILADELPHIA, BALTI-- at To The City Council von 75 M A MC rACTr REUS OT Contains no spirits of any kind, and Is bi It.visiD. last : Ifrptof dcilara. At cents per pair.. Allentowa.) Uocaa ihoi. cheese in good demand but freely met tal- Gibson B A A MultSindha, TO-- 'i. (u therefore to Dr. s cew work on for sale at A Z ronnectinic direct for evening relerred the Committee on Print- low closes firmer, North American 4jd. LiSaiSlca. IN ADVAMl'E OF OTHa 1.1. aWN JT INTOXICATING IS THE LEAST. D rt . HOOP SKIRTS & CORSETS ! New Town, antt', as the propriety of revising and printing Proauce The .brokers Circular reiorts Gift SON, all rilnd hiVi? p pure and XliiH 18 Ihw )nly route v It is prepared to Paris from suebst, in proper shape the City Municipal Laws, sugar in better demand and 63 dearer; mo- Paorrufioa or J LKoraop a th y asd HKDicraa. admit i in us oompoaition only toxic, aeumaiic lasses a shade dearer: eoliee in cood de Offioe U9Sneca street, a doors from Superior, leaving t. toali, Cairo Ia ll bal an Offiees ASI) Ladies' Garments, mornib; , Jenrsonville and . . y r4 rrittlfn.E itliCe. hich have been midified by ordinances. Containing all the Express In steady good request: tip stain, opposite Citv UoM, LADIES' Inder Qtt to mand; rice and in Ladiei will linl it a rbtitote fjr the iJtji&c cur Iroru 9 to la and from! to 5o'cloek KIDS Satnrdiy ereniu,', lil'K 1HUOUUH B." tLI as to render dilUcult to determine JOSEPH WHOLE? ALE BETA rarioas totiir which bv an ainuln-lt- bouy. &c, it the United States, with new linseed unchanged ; linseed oil unchanged, uaiiy uniinygi pxceptil. jau 17 It, f.sstern cities, arriving aCAT I'KUtLK is a rare wine of most uSs : Petro- Mado tx order at greatly reduced prices at Ml hich ordinances are in force and which Posiofflre Bfglster, at linseed oil cake unchanged. 21 Hours 1 1 Advance of Other Bootes. UaTor. It is he juh or mm : Special Xotiee KAUFMAN fc BBO., rrR i leum quiet but firmer refined lsl0d(.ls to Ladies. STATE-ROO- 8 ItsarpuKMin exceitnoni auy repealetL ELEGANT hLJItHNG CABS UBiinoi ctis. rt 312 Pnperio6t., next to 2d Vrm. C'hnrch. table win in iLecoutr. fc'd m Europe for lid. COTTON IIOSER17 jj are attached to nil ni?ht trains. ffacramental iarpjm. Church pejpte are infilod PaaikosED. Simpson Britton and William LivEfcposi.. July 2S- - The following bul is ALL lilPOKTAXT THAT At One Dollar. A foil line of w. hitaai;. Checkod thxouxh aad Transferred MOW BV tt sbonld have proparationa to iuqnir into it. sent to from IS BEING PUBLISHED letin is posted in the Paris Bourse I 1 ladies eociallT J. M. HOWER & CO. Troe. win- - by all Reeves, the penitentiary this adapted for complaints to witich tbey are - 'fheeo arefM rarest i. Aus- aksfFare always as low as by other Boates. ALLF.N Ciotiunati, ti tor Ohio. county a short time ago for passing counter- The plenipotentiaries of Prussia and CQliarly subject, at ouco safe, healthy and certain, tht-- ; 12 1 street, H. W. fiWINNEB, Gen. Ticket Ag't Philad'a. aogtpod-K1- tria hns signed an armistice for four weeks. or that shonld comolt ouo who has made this Importers' prices at tho Ontario feit money, have been pardoned by the Herr Pfordiat signed in behalf Bavaria and treatment his spocial study. At less than W. n. Oen. W. I'aes. Ag't, Chicago. OPUPONAX FKUJ1 Offer bargains in T. D. KIM BALL, Ass't O. W. P. Ait't, hiro. a.SWEET President. The United States Marshal will GEORGE W. HAWES, the other southwestern States. IR. A. M. MAI RK KAr, CUAS. TUOJSll'SOJi, Paes. Ag't. Cleveland, O. MEXICO! Mature con!d not prwlnce a richer convcyed.tbe news to them joyful Tho Italie' of Florence states nego ProfeHHor of liMosefi of Homon, French Corsets jojful that bera in and succeulnl practtco tor ORCANDIES, Office, Metropolitan Block, Chicago. G Petfano. Try it andbecoaTin for conclusion hu rxteniTe morCboiciT to them yesterday. tiations tac of tho armistice r.pwards of ttiirty years at hi pritti ut offic a CRAPE IVIORETZ, ced. I. T.SMITH M 10 have led to a result satisfying the dignity tct that speaks for itself and is known to thou- S Tors:. op MUSLINS. aURT-C- hw A Bbace Thieves. The West Side Po AT B4LTIMORE, Ml). and interests of Italy. Tiie same paper sands of ladies as tha author of FRENCH FREIGHTS. says France has recognized the of the BAZAAR Bv tiiia Boute t if all descriptions can'ha right line GREAT RHEU- lice Force bronght up oefore Judge Abbey " The Married Woman's lMrate An extra quality 50 Bono Corsets. Also a full forwarded to and frviu rhilad. Ipiiia. York, JtTilETCALl'ES nnatjitants ot eneua to uispo&e 01 tneir MATIC EEMEDT. This new ud wonderful yesterday morning two thieves.named Adam Medical ColliI)uuion,', Beaton or BaUimor, UY KALLkOAD DIRECT, own destmv. BISHOP LAWNS, to and from any joiut on Wrsteru Kail ways, and edicine acta like magic, cn?ing Rheumatism of Cash and August Ileibinger, who a few Austria is ?aid to have withdrawn her de first published In 1M7.) specially intended for of in connection with steamers, t" all accmsiblo s A Assortment iiivt-ti- . years standing In a few dys. days ago stole from George Ogleby, of Inde- mands in reference to intervention on the warrit-- ladit-- in delicate or precartonn heaith; Splendid VICTORIA LAWNS, poiut-jo- tlie I.nkt. and of the Northwest, from every lady will perceive his M e w ill Soli our STRONG A ARMSTRONG. part of the Catholic powers on the Roman which thuroCKh & BOOK MUSL'S, West and outl; west. augl:il7 pendence township, $1 in silver, $1 in gold, kiiowlediJe of her comilaiutt, eyniptoms and SWISS LIVE STOCK bv this route Is nroTided with DIRECTORY HAS ALREADY question. The question of Tyrol is alsore-- The only two silver watches and one hair ring, all of mniS caiisea, and their skillful and mtnedialD treatmcut. MARSEILLES, superior Y'ard cntit;ally at SWEET OPOPONAX! X attained the Lrgeat circulation of anr Di jortca sausiactoriiy settled. It is a reliable and cotnpaniuu. where a choice is oUered of tlie lliill 6. Porf.;m. Is found on all totleU, and the value of t 'S. Not disposed of up to rectory ever pu bli.aed. reace negotiations tttuo place between Over PLAIN NANSOOKS, tlWpbin, Siew York and Ualtiusore neToc stains th handkerchief; aug7-JH- noon. Italy. Austria and Prussia. HALF MILLION LADIES ! STRIPED NANSOOKS, AlarkeiH. Every & S Thirl wil also be fonnrt tbe shortest, quietest. hub Hoop N Dossera it. hand should havo it. It is F Skirts! Now York nd direct rente fur stork to (Tia "ItrHILCPHy OF MAREIAUK. youths by mail, price SI. PLAIN AND STRIPED uost Dsi xcAaus. The following gentle Boole, Kstmea and wiLb ft'Wt-a- changes. fje lTopritors of t c New York Muamm of Anat- Prlre of the Isielndlstc; uarantt-- s a safe anil Immediate and effica--- Ailntown) - From New York. le JACONETS. V sUhlt-il- L to ana irom pom omy luwe rutrdi- of expense, to nd blooming maidens were charged with of Firms, cure of all fcpecial difficulties, The KATao is d.iTaiin. irregularities very low leaving Hoop Went by the PiniwyUnnub Central q free (for the Uni:t of snfiorin humanity, and drunkenness the Police Court yesterday obstructions, either in or by mail. At a price, cnntemplatine in the T at The Cholera. Kx:eedingly cheap. are at all ti mm as favorable as are charged by at;.resiiiou of quackery) (bnr of tfceir most Laditw from all parts of the Cnited btatn consult out of our tui:nes. and LtTturtM on Mtkriijiea and morning : Joseph Cowley, Henry Heed, Kkw Toek, August 8. The bulletin of greatest other Railnmd Companis. intru.:r7 S..YOO htm with the contidence atd certainty of to mr.rH packajres lift lrtjuU mentions, Norvoca and Pfayaical Ie Patrick Hoban, Robert Lucas, James Lib- - PER COPY! the Bjard of Health showed a decrease in success. COSSETS IX ALL SIZES. m Be oarticnlar "via Prematare dtviiae of Manhood, Indignation, the number of cases of cholera yesterday, CAITION TO LADIES. Pknnsvlvaia Cewtral E. R." or Uoprosuti'ii, lotiAUtwocy, Loiw of Ener-s;- y bard, Edward Howard, Robert Morehouse, ! For Frriirht Contracts or iHrectlons, Wukiis u cases and the o deaths being reported, tbe Be not impoiMHi npon by the ctiuiip, worthluss AT BAZAAR j521 OXTABIO STRKEX1 either uf tiiu following agents and ily 1'owtr ; theCreat Jk'Cial Evil, and ' TIIE ie app!y to or address Augus McKenzie and Ann Kennedy, fined Board closing 2 p. m. Hospital reports and injurious nostrums of Vnialr Pills, FORD & WAGNER Company : tbose Malaili'-- which t'jult from youthful follies, at Powders," ' Drops," palmed upon the credn ot the xct'sa.- - of BuatnriLy, and ienoranM of Physiology each $1 and costs ; Patrick Butler, fined $.1 C. H. BASS, Gen. Ag't, now an abatement ol tne disease. Tne Ions aud ignorant, who are deprived of tiieir EOWEE & HIGBEE S. B. KINOSTON, Jr., t Ag't Phila. aiui laws ot nature. mortality report was concluded yesterday, meaaf) as well as of their health. Ladies can send Crumb, Baslington & Kendall C. A. CARPKNTKU, Fndsht Ap't Pittsburph. been toe moans nd costs. r The invaluable Lecture naTe and shows that over oO per cent, of tho "The Harried Woman's Private Medical 237 SITERIGK STREET. Oiler thia day, CLAGKK A CO., Tranif-- Aleuts, Pittsburgh. teulitrhtf-iiins- ; and eaTins; thontaniU, and will be Companion," or consult Dr. II. W. DROWN Cv-- , Cincinnati, Ohio. . stampn, by P.itek Heretofore ha3 been number of deaths were front zymotic MaricvMi by letter, orwarded on rept of foar ad StnuuT. it BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. and so guard against impositions. 34T Superior Strecl, AT KEDUCED PRICES, T. B. Iiri.KK, jU:uiUoa. iuoitca. itn.ht SROitfcTAKV, NVw York MiiBenm of customary for the mud scows to carry the iseasea. MOKEli If tt CO., LouL.vi). . Anatoriv and Mwlicino, 61S Sroadway, New York. In Brooklvn tho epidemic had not abated MARRIED AND SINGLE LADIES W. M. AiKMAN, EvarifTille, Indiana, the short dis- INSURANCE. ORGANDIES. frM6K3 debris dredged from river a ut the number of deaths were not large. who desire a safe and certain remedy for irregu- BeoeiTed this iliy the third lot of FRENCH R. F. S AcS, St. Lou i Ft, Mtsxoari. Chicago, tance out into tho lake and dump it out wenly-thre- e larities or suppressions of nature, from whatever MUSLINS, CLARKE CO., illinnin. HgSWEET OPOPUNAX! Is tbo cases and five deaths were D. HUDSON, FRENCH hio. MEDICAL. reported yesterday. cause, can rely upon his celebrated L J. H. MrC'LX, Portrmionth. weotet Extract mad. SnuiTcedee all others. anywhere and everywhere. Complaints CRAPE IVIORETZ, J. M. LOVK, M:iTSviile, nn7-:U- i n tbe Island tho cnolera continues to do- - Portuguese Female Monthly CEOTIIS A CO., Marietta, Ohio. Try It once; will nM no other. having been mado that these scows some Pills, General Fire, Marine and Life PRINCES CRENADINES. HALL crease. Compose d of rare an t costly imported K. AYKRS, Mnskiu-iu- Uiver. too estricts. Insurance Agent. full line of CilAAIBKK An times empty near the harbor a buoy is are a reliable specific for Indies, pleasant One and yardn wide, at onlv $1 per yard, We have also Jnst received a W'. II. A E. L. LANljLEY, Gntlipolis, Ohio. "iraXiKibAL Office, Exchange, foot Superior STCI-T- & Ohio. Cssay of W;ninc; and Infraction for Young Moo. to be placed at a proper point to designate GLAD NEWS the tate, being eugar coated, healthy aud cer OvUtt's Street, the cheapoHt goodi Trr brouttht to tnift markci. A. P. Co., Zatieiivilk', FOB; in all cases. They lU'DSON', Ridley, Ohio. for IHseasea of THE rNTORTMATE. rtonot fail. In recent CLEVELAND, OHIO. Civ U Alt), BADl.lLrU riE..iiAijU, SWISS MUSLINS, N. II. Also, ne w and r liable treatment hero the dredged earth shall be depos Southern News. forty-eig- Tenneseee. BE MVS they succeed iu hours. Price 3 mXFBESCTtrj THE VOLLOW1J.Q OOUPAN1BS ! Jy27 247 Swporior atreet. D. R. WlLoN, Nhviilv, sod Systoms. Pent freo In NftECiri REMEDIES BOOK IVtUSLINS, t An't, Phila. tbo Urinary ited. box. in obstinate rase, those two degrees Bnckeye Mutual Ins. Co., Cleveland, Assets. II U. Hol'SToN, bn. Honehton, y Colored Convention. should be Price K. U. WILLIAMS, Sup t, Altoona, Va. rajed eutde pos. Addrees Dr. J. SkilHn Are warranted fn all cases, for the and stronsrei nued. $5. so g jAl,b-i2 LocrsviLLK, August 7. The Colored State appointed. Anu Ohio, (Kire and Hiarinei VICTORIA LAWNS, H..wm(1 Afwctfn, P. mv m Rockport. p4rmUt:Dt cure vi all tbe ilieteaes arising Address National Fire A Marine, of Boston, Mass. 7"L',trO JUST RECEIVED TnErr August Heibinger m LAWNS, FAST fn sexual excesses or Convention at Nashville has done but little JJK. A. 1. n l KM Franklin Fire A Marine, of n if i BISHOP FREIGHTS. OPOPONAX! Ladies, was up betore Professor of Diseases of Women. Cincinnati.. are Knn Thronch by "SrEET Judge Abbey yesterday YouTnrrjL usiness ol and the debates Uarket Kire Ins. Co., New York . 414,729 ET PLAID & STRIPE rXIOJf lalNE CARS joy and gladness, indisceetion, Office 129 Liberty-st- ., Norwich Fire Norwich, 426,244 the Pennsylvania ront to Priurini Western Citiea n thuir morn in? clls, cairy chargod with having stolen from Ernst Seminal Less, Nijrhtly were of a stormy character. or Bos 1224, N.Y. Ins., Co., Conn., JACONETS, by I mittinns, and 9entnal New York Life New York 5,0UU,uuu withont tranf r, and all sripnieuts this lina perfum I with Pwert Opopon!. ot fol- when Wagenknecht in the township Rockport Dreams; Genital, Miysical and Ncrvius Debility, The Metropolitan Police. Sole Agent and Proprietor for upwards of United States Accident Ins. Co., Syra & on TlilK CONTRACTS will bo gnaranued as Impotence, Gleet, Sexnal Diseases, Ac, Ac. PLAID STRIPE on the 11th of July, I watch valued at $15, ic, Tho Metropolitan Police Commissioners twenty years. They are sent by mail, iu ordi cuse, a. K...... M..H.HM..m.WH. zuu,uw T. & Co. NANSOOKS, lows: "ilUXxEWKLfS NO CHANGS OF DIET IS NECESSARY. ave replie t through their counol to the nary 1ft tor envelopes, with Mill iutt ructions H. Hower Ronton rhlcao 7 Iyw revolver valued at $25, 1 coat valued at nmy22::i42-IAW3- KT.rHTir, I The clatma lor this xalued Family They can be nsel without detection, and never unction preferred by the Mayor and city and atlvice. 6.584.786 MUSLINS, ISew York to 1 SHIRRED 5 liny p,H are i vond tht of any other in $1S, pair of boots valued at $t, $5 in mo fail to ettect a enre, if used according to instruc- government against them, alleging the Losses Promptly Adjusted and raid. Philiu.elphia to FILLS -. A teat of them will not only tions. that & MUSLINS, 1 ney and sundry other articles to the value barges are utterly case Part !cclar attention given to the adu)tment of BLACK WHITE TUCKED llAltiHiore to ..5 prove thi, tnt liw greater error oi ialse. Ine will Marine Lossr. L. D. HUDSON, With a forfeitnre of 5 crnts per 100 lbs. for everr OriPinc which bw berwofor. Urn c.ll-- i CbrAct.r. of The ease was not disposed of np to probably be argued in a few days. Apentand Adjuster. AND MARSEILLES. will be promptly paid by West- oyer BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, PEKIOB STREET. day's dolay, which Tb Kliptic Pilli nvw require two, ul Delegate Oapt. O. A. Gabohkb, Marine a)27BS j7l3 a:ta SI . with-o- noon. rice One Dollar per Box ; or Six Boxes for Five Appointed. Insptor. ern Aeenu. bot on. fT 111. , net on tbe bowet. Sweeping ! Parties orderiuir freight from tbe EM should ira Dollars ; also larpe Boxes, contaimn General Carlyle, of the Ut District of East Ererjlhlns Before It. tb. titfbf.t Rriping. a point ot lb. greabwl MOHAIRS ordkr pa kae"urk,"1 "L'niou Line," nd r?foc Bo.iao axo Harbor. Fear Small. Price Three Dollars. CONTINENTAL portanos, pATticutailf lu cf teahe Faietoet Tennessee, was appointed by a convention l"MVERSAL,FA!I . A DECIDED shippers fur contracts Ac, to Constipation, The Board of trade on Tuesday Resolved From foar to six boxes are generally required seven counties, as a delegate to the Phil VFUIED Life Traieling Dress Goods, UEO. J. HARRIS, 77 Washington St., Brwton. Chronic to enre ordinary caaee of Seminal Weakness and lPasnraa:e Company, L --Tl, Broadway, New York. or other adelphia Convention. DODD'S GUK AT liKMEDT FOB J For which tak a Siuils Fill evTy, rrory That "in the opinion of this Board of Trade, missions, though benefit is derived from using JOHN M KMOHT,41A t h. Htuut St., Phila. They debility and cure ingle box. Serious Affair. A Calvert sts., bight. ncv.r projuc the present shape of the piers at Grand ! ! Of Hartford. Conn. CUAS. II. KOONS, cor. Center Itynfpiiiii, iiiari Ache, LiVcraud Kidney la Chronic Cases, and narticularlv when Im At Louisvilleon Monday a crowd of rebels Breaking Up Colds MARSEILLES Baltimore. CtimpUint,'i'ils, Worm., Loii of, or lDipuritiu. River is injurious to that harbor, and cal potence or Genital Debility with Nervous Pros JOHN S. KICK, Vreoiilvnt, WHITE Shippers from the West will apply to or address lierabgtt-neut- s attacked a federal soldier, who fought them CUIilNQ TUEIK 1 1.1. of th lilood, Lou of Appetite, soil all tration use tne system, AND EFFXCTD. SA.it LLUBE, Socrelary. by mail for Bills of Lading, Ac, or any desired of Bowel, or Stomorb. culated to cause the filling np thereof at the II no was snot tnree times, and beaten c BELL'S TONIC PILLS Is IU ii. 11. Huntington, (ien. AircuU AND . by all Wholeute and Ctail dealers in month of the piera. Therefore, this Board ith clubs and stones. He will probably This medicine a rreat sncceBK, bocaose it mteti W W CIT NDLER, Cliimjro, . Are recommended as the most Efficacious, Bjuvl the wants tbe family. Uiftli-s- Medicine. survive. of evry meciDerol Haea OOire No. 7 Pnblir Nqnnro, B D. THATCHER. N. Columbus, respectfully requests that the angle of the nating and Invigorating Remedy in the world. take cold, reMrt at once Tliird-s- t, O JtlES L. HUKSlWRLt., Proprietor, t. th. CLKTBLAND, OHIO. H. W. BROWN, -- 7 W. Cincinnati, t, A packace, price five dollars, Shot. Lace Points BARGAIN Chemi-- will last a month. White and Black KW Clevelsud, Ohio. rnulic.l pier may be removed, and straight piers of CI HE Thow wiahtnjr to secure a policy in a reliable W. H. M ART, Boston. Blasw and is generally sufficient. Colonel John Xuckler, late of the Confed FEVER T1IOM PSoN, fiewcunierstown, O. dBfl:flw:fotn r.itnmerci.l Wii.rf be constructed according to company, or to act aa amenta at a libera! compensa- - A B. equal length R. H ALETT, Zaneeville, O. Kcw erate army, candidate tor clerk of the OR SWEATING DROPS! tlon. w:M can or adtiresu the scent ly tett'T. In7 & CO. W BS. bWKKT OPOPONAX! the recommendation of CoL Cram in his In extreme cases of Debility and Impotence county court, was shot, and is likely to die. and yon can break it np in a hurry. H. T. HOWER SA31L EL V. CRAY. lii.iiausp.us, Ind. fashionable Per- C. DAVIS. J'ort Wayne, lud. Perfdne from Mexico. Tb3 only report of ISM. BELL'S.EXTEBNAL BEX ED Y, HEAR THE PEOPLE' TOU'E. !IS 1SSFRAXCE COMFAXY. iylO 330 Knperior Street. J Ind. Election Returns. The learuioz DB. DODD'S E P. BRYANT, Terre Haute, fume and lalietl, ans7:3rt rice two dollars, sufficient for a month, can be nndersietied. that KIKE AND MARINE. :Bi4 Main-t- ., Lcnir.ville,Ky. Adair County Hobson's majority 200. FKVKECUKK or SWEATING DROPS is to be W. K. ROBINSON, Akstltihg Officers. Michael Ready and used to good advantage. , 41 Olive-st- ., St. Louis, Mo, CELIBACY, 8 ZJ.i. extensively offortd for sale taronghoat tho coun Office Jio. IIS Saperlor-st.- Cleveland. N STEVENS, nMiKKlAOK AND organs, isullit County i'uvai majority WILSON, NriHhvide, Tenn. and Inttrn.'T'on Y.nne Patrick English, who assaulted patrolmen It gives strength to the and with the Marion County Duval's majority iuO. try, dtwire to eive our tttniony to its vrwvt value. t'apitnl L R An Ajisat of Warniuff lis. will restore tnam to tneir normal Cuniitlon. 9250,000.00, RECEIVED JAS. TAbLMADCiE, Jr., Memphis, Tenn. A'No, ltiseajMi l AbaM. which prmtrale have used this medicine in oarf"- - lies, some Firat-Olas- Men. Farrand, Lawton and Gray some nights ago, Pamphlet of 100 pages, ou the of Christian County Duval's majority 130. Folly represented by a Staniiard D. 3. GRAY, Supt. L'uion Line, Columbus, . vital power., with Mure tuoett. of relief. cVnt " Errors ofnaforluand 12 years, and are ai to be Youth," deeiirned as a Lecture and Caution Sccnrities. . .1 envelope.. Att.lresa were up belore the Police Court yesterday to upon whenever any one is with mayl free of ehnrce in letter Yoong'Men, free, ten cents to The New Orleans Riot. it attacsed IIOCGUTON, Uow.rd A.oci- - snt ltuuirel py 1866. of the many symptoms of coiii. We know DIBIUT0B3. Dr. J. 8KILMN morning. The prisoners witn soma nan . postage. NEW ORLEANS, 3, Stiltaan Witt, John ion. PeiliolelrSiA. P.. inne-re- IM W August for Suppression and Irregularities, to which t. Warner, others had been at dance on the Excellency so many Ladies are subject in this climate, is a James Mason, Uobert H&mia, dizen a A. Johnson : it E. 1S66. i timely reiie; raunsy, nnrnmatism. soreness oi I. Baldwin, Henry Harcey, 18G6. West Side, and one of party having rAmox bin: lour exceiiencv is already in pos H. M. Cuapiu, O. SEWINC MACHINES. tin The now Sluifclea, Inflammation of the Lcdb, Coueh, Sore A. Broefes, above remedies baT been before the session of the main facts as regards the con- W. H. Price, Kobison, Cars been arrested, the others determined to have public man v years, and their great success in the Throat, Ar., yield to its power, i:d is cScacioos J. P. No Change of spiracy which, by reviving the Convention some- m. WorthiuKton. PRINCESS (LOTH & I. V . ' s revenge on the patrolmen. Only Ready alleviation of haman m sery, bas excited the cu- whenever the dry, feverish patient needs FI.KLL pidity of several parties, who nse the name 1 l;?t4. purposed to subvert tne civil gov thing to induce refreshing moisture and sleep. STILlMAN WITT, President. TO IVPBOVED LOt'K STITt'R and English could be identified and arrest e pecinc copy my labels, and ernment of Louisiana. An intormal meet- - We recommend it as au honest, reliable family H. HI. tUAPIN, V. Presidmt, fills." circulars a. C. BOUgg, known advert sometimes word for WorJ, and g of twenty-nin- e members, ( 150 being the medicine. Secrbf ry . mar30: R3 ed. It having brcome that the rest np Carroll, Union Btraw Works, roxboro. Mass. FAMILY SEWIX6 sucnixE. put worthless compound that disappoint the hoio number, and seventv-si- x a quorum), J. of thi party had agreed to pay a share of just expectations of the purchaser. J. D. Howard, foreman South Boston. Iron Offlre ?S PoMic S.jmre Cleveland, O. proceeded to depose tho President of the Company. THE the fine of these two, Judge Abbey "block man r, oeinl E. E. WARKKB. Aeet. cannot purchase Specific Convention, who aonsidered the Convention j. w. tecKett, rnntins isk n city. ROUTE. $50 If von BsU's Remedies Dr. Thomas Sweet, Providence U. I. Hktoal Life Co. ed that game" by fining each and coats of your druggist, take no other, but send the itself extinct and himself functus officio, Insurance CRESTLISV tn elect R. Howell President pro" 1cm, Frederick Paine, Depot Master, Mansfield, Mass. OXE AXD A HALF JAKDS WIDE, and sending English to jail 60 days, and ioney direct to and U. Marshall, Cocheaett, OF D&. JAMES F. Manufacturer. Uau. NEW YORK. N'T. 30 BHYAN, They adjourned to meet again, and a proc- Attieboro, Mass. Ready days to jail. 81 L.T. Holme, FBEDKBICK S. W1XST0N. NEW AKRANGKila. 3, CottuUtnr Physician. Broad war. N. Y. was issued by President pro 114 President. ly 1H6 lamation the And OTKEUS, wboae names can be seen at On And after njotMlny, J a. XM and yon will receive them by return of wail, post tern., convening Convention our o Alee costs too much to advertise them. f0. Shipweick, On and free fro the on the 3uth It Trail will ran to 4'litraco A Thursday night last paid, observation. Try the medicine yourself. Price 91. All Drug- CASH ASSETi. ii"EB. 1, 1S66, 4 in. snn- - of July last, and directing his Excellency ow lly the :levelau4l. nK for sale iv u. w. uiiAttav. urnssnst. ii gists sell it. Berage bnm the barge R.tmeo, of Toledo, was driven r or street. anrf r6wVtd the governor 01 tne &iaie 10 issue writs oi White Shawls, A 4'ineinnaf i. ami Pill, on Lake Hnron Canada to fill vacancies, bo the bare. Fort Wayne A. ashore side. The lection lar whole $14,885,278.88. Cliicmtro UaJ I rjMi, bargo was in tow of the steamer Romeo, matter was looked upon as a harmless ex- DODD'S NERVINE ! WORTH COAL. mischief Has rnrpivwpd all olbPr Hair Cord Jacks, : bound from Toledo to Saginaw, and periment, although was intended, Ia a SPECIFIC !or what ia termed Amerlran VIA CRESTLINE during the pe'tple being confident that the Gover- tile InNnranc (ampiralei Leave Cveland ti.u A. M., a.45 P. M., 8.20 P.M. a heavy gala of Tuesday night last, when off nor would not condescend to notice the Arriro C'estine 9:C5 A. M., C Oti P. M., 11.10 P.M. A. G. SMITH, an aromatic, essence, In Amount of Assets, Cash; Stripe Arrive F't Wayne :i.lO P. a., II. 4U P SI., 5.25 A.M. Point Aux Barques, in order to save the proclamation; and in this case if the Con- Is is etherial of creat all Xainsooks, 9.UU 11 u power and absolute is a &KDATIVH, Arrive rhiciito P. ti.Uu A. M., ;ai A.M. should commit any act of interfer- pmity. It 'i) M. Train steamer and crew, it was necessary to cut vention a soother of the Kerves and nervnus excitement. In the Superior Character and Safety w.The6 A. LLN3 THXOl'ilH ence he would have it dispersed. NO OPIUM, FltuM CLtVELAM To CHICAGO WlTHOtT the line and leave the barge with a man Roberts and Massillon It contains MOliPfllNk, or injuri Tlain Check Swiss, CHANGKI Unfortunately, however, alter the lapse ous narcotic. or its investments ; and - McKallv'a to One Serenty Five Cents- 2:4A and Capt. son the mercy of Lump, Hnt and Slack Coais, of nearly a month the Governor issued NOTICE THIS IMPORTANT rACTl DoIIari a.By th. P. M. Train passeneers obtain Supper and bleepinic Car at Crestline at ti P. M. the waves. Those on the steamer soon lost BEST IX MARKET FOR COOK I NO. writs of election to fill up five vacancies in Tnllke other preparations for Nervous Diseases, tt In Amount cf Annual Income, al body. This document, to which the relieves Cestiveness instead of producing ace Handkerchiefs, ELEGANT STATE BOOM SLEEPING CARS sight of tho barge, and supposed she had 8INQLI TON, CAE LOAD, CABOO. that it. Cash; are attached to the 8.20 P. M. Train from Cleve- Secretary of State refused to give his attes It allays all irritation, and produces a dellcions foundered, but such was not the fact The Offlteand 74 and 76 Water St., snse of repose calms the agitated mind quiets In the Amount land, and RUN THROUGH TO CHICAGO WITH- lard tation under the seal ol tne btate.was issued of Dividends Declared OUT CHANGE man and boy, nnaMe to help themselves, tbo throbbing muscles and twitching uerves and Lace Collars. CLEVELAND, OHIO. under the attestion of the Private Secretary repairs tbe waste of the vital force. THIS IS The Dividends being larger In amount for Tirkets by tbe laid down in the bottom of the barge and suylT of the Governor. The people of the State Ak CERTAIN. and in proportion to Premiums paid NOW SELMXG FOU ONE DOLLAE. CRESTLINE ROUTE ! THE BES1 resigned themselves to their fate. They became alarmed, when no doubt could be For NEURALGIA use DODD'S NERVINE. GET 1SDRSWS, HITCHCOCK b C0 entertained as to the fact that their Chief For NEUVOCS DKDrLITY use Dodd's Nervine. than has been declared by any oth- Which can bo procured to Tnrt Wayne, Chicsro, were driven about until Thursday night, rn For SLEEPLESSN ESS use DodVs Nervine. and all points West, at the Union Ticket Office, duuu Magistrate had given willing acceptance to er Life Insarance Company. 147 superior street, Dion when the barge struck Canada Fr Mental Excitement, Loss of Strength, and and at tbe l fassnnKer the shore. u overt tne uoverument, uie preservation Every form of Nervous Disease, Depot, Cleveland. W. C. CLELAND. Grover & Raker's without to pieces, and man and BRIAR HILL COAL! For Arenciee In Ohio or for Pamphlets and ci uen. going the ASDtiwi, "J 1 A 3 Johnson's Marine Block. of which was especially intrusted to his wj.ern Passenger Agent, ibieatco. rnlars with fnU particalars, apply to Cleveland, 2, I8W. fc.lf boy were rescued by some natives. J. ITCHCOi' KMI.B Bl KttT, keeping. On Friday, the 27th of July, a USE DODD'S NERVINE. :i.:p. siifbwood. July trmvl4 Highest Prctulam, w. c lavusi CEaETEIaAKD. OHIO. large meeting was held in the hall of the Price $1,(10. Sold by dm?Eits generally. JOHN B. JENNINGS, IE. febl3:BlX A Chise for a Hiohwat Rosses. Tues w.J. mcxiws: J House of representatives professedly for STRONG AEMbTLONU, Wfaoleaale Ajrents. GENERAL AVE.VT. BAHGA1.N8 OK T1IK SKASOJf. COODS. Ckvelaa-- O. B. STuRKR A CO., S. & Co. BEST W FURNISHINC of universal apll MATHEWS, Agent, O E. GRISWOLD aetMrtntent uf Printed, hite Mohairs, day morning two robbers named P. P. 1LLIN JOSiS, the advancement suffrage but 4 John Street, New Turk. J. Akron, to organize for the JmluKi ELASTIC STITCH McMillan, whose father resides in Shelby, Wholenle and Betail Dealer In in reality meeting of a yard. Thisisabont one-- the gruural price of on the Monday following. BUCKEYE Murphy, a "doekwalloper," en- convention The MUTUAL INS. COMPANY. ftimilar goods. Also, good quality iirocade SHIRT FACTORY AS and Patrick Strip Tela, Colnmblana and Chippewa meeting was to 5i) object of the arouse the pas- I RE AND F only cents a yard, with a dtock of ticed an old man named Charles Scheckner, sions and prejudices of the colored popula I MARIS Samnier Drees Goods, which I posititvl - Bounce Capital 8200,000. wiSl be sold lower prices can be boarder Gilmartin's saloon on River so as to maae mem me ox 217 Superior Street. ut than a at COALS. tion victims a any house in the city. 8- - HYjIaN, L. A. KEPPxEK: A Fronts diTidcd in Cash to the Stock and Policy at other LOCK STITCH OBoe en O. P. B. B. Pier. Also, Office and Yard riot by urging them into a conflict with JyZt . street, to a grove on the lake shore, about at Euclid street B. B. crosaing. Coa of aa the MILLINERY GOODS. holders. Thirty per cent. Cash Piridend paid on junea ixrneranpenor-8i- ana udi-- square. llanntactnrer of Excellent Quality for State and municipal authorities. tbeearaed premium! of all participating Poaciea two Bii'.es from the city, just above the SILKS. I -- MACHINES. STEAM, GAS, 6 BATES, STOVES, On the other hand we were determined b year IStiS. ook out for Poisoned Xecks. BLACK haTeJ t receded SEWEiG water works, where they robbed him of $1S Bottse Use, Also, ANTHRACITE COAL prevent and bloodshed by assortment of the st qualities of FRENCH YOXE SHIRTS, Oflceer riot pursuing SEA SIDES! Takes Marine Hazards or all Klads; Mantle end Drees Bilkj. These riwode were pur- - M. . in a silver watch. About two In lance or small quantities. a course as would bailie Just received by fn CRATER R.IKE2, ft, money and such the calcula- Fir. Risks on Bnildings, Merchandise, chand at tbe lowest point oX tUj season, which Aad Dealer Orders respectfully solicited and promptly at rnrnitnr. !HE ONLY ENAMELLED PAPEK w o'clock in afternoon Mnrphy and Mc- tions of these agitators. Our remedy, and & Vessels in Port, and tbe better class of risks gen- enables me to sell them at Tery I - prices. Per- EIS 171 SnporlT-tt.- . ClereUnJ. Ohio. the ended to. Coal for smithing kept constantiv on L. BENEDICT SON, COLLAR manafactored free from any pois- - ItSI hand, snu Terms ffawh. navlX:RA the only remedy must be by recourse to the AT erally. sons wishing to purchase Rood id cheap Black Men's Furnlfaliln? Good! Millan were arrested by the Metropolitan DIBECTOBS ouons preparation, an pronounced by the highest Silks, will ail1 mony by callins; t usual processs of law, and even then to pro- RFTATTi. medical authority of tbe is Police force, and were being taken to the t WilOLFSAI-- ASH Wm. country, o. n i ai Art o neaii.y uoom store. No. 41 FAKR BUILDISG. ceed in such a way as to fasten on them the Hart, W..T. Walker, . H. ChnmberliB be opened WHEELER & tflLSOS DYEING. P. Ch&mb?rlin, V. W. C. Mr store will erury Saturday eveninx Central Station, when Murphy broke away resiKnsibility of all collisions. The case BONNETS AT UEDl'CED ltS. Pelton, A. G.rduer, Goldsmith's Pernpiration ProoT En 10 PKIl AaaeaStoneJr.L. D. Hudson, A. W. Frencn, from sundown till o'clock (On mbli3 Square, Between Coart and t) ied to escape. The officer from whom rBKDKKiClk CIKUI, submitted to ice orand Jury bv K. Pelton, K. L. WilUrd. Junctf S. H. tho Attorney General. In the meantime We have largely reduced our prices for AU other mannfactvrera of Enamelled Collars nue Honse and Stone Cbnrrts. he took such unceremonious leave called to Treeek aa4 raaev Bteaai tve WorkS and Cleaalna Office, OTlatf. compiMition made White a deadly itSacisInes! Lieutenant Governor and Mavor called ., Exrhanirr. foot Snpr from Costa me Shirts Made to Order. Sewiitff Murphy to or would shoot him. EUAbUahMit, Belvvtera tvm. But CleTelAOd, r!r-st- Clrteland, O. po.0u. H. J1ALLK A X., AMERICAN WATCHES. halt he VS on Gen. Baird to ascertain whether K( T nd Seneca street. if war WM. HART, President. 147 WUT-et- . CUSTOMERS SnoULD Murphy paid no heed to the threat, and the Omn lot Vbm street, fSevelaad, O. rants, issued on regular indictments, were TRIMMED BONNETS. L. P. HUDSON. Aeenta for CUreland for Golducitl-- ' Xient ft in their nrdert. By Mur-pbv- Uie BEST I 205 Jsnperlor officer bred, the ball taking effect in 's I mmtn to awke thi. DI 18 placed in the hands of the sheriff for the CAPT. C. A. GAEBSSU, Marine Inspector. ;iare CotUr. j y li AMEEICAX WATCHES! to this suggestion they will prevent hurry and ftreert. span no to nttifr-.tio- .. be arm. Murphy still ran on, and a H E W EST, and .hall effort give arrest of the members of the convention the FOB BARGAINS IU crowding, andeverytbintt: will more second shot failed to bring him to a halt. would interfere. The BK18HKS, Outside customers should bear in mind that 1 call tne fpeclI attcDtlog of Oentlenwa to tb. military answer was TSETH good quality, and they can measure themst'lvt-- and send orders for Bv this time the officer had and v himself mall profits by Dend WM. SUMNER &CO. caaeht ud lsrsuiu' Biib. that the sheriff would be arrested Millinery Goods PIPE. Sewer Pipe HAVE MADE AN AKRANGE- - Shirts at whatever distune from Cleveland. a blew from hi club bronght Mr. Murphy Of OWir- - ofrn Oaraeaa. and that the convention, meeting peaceably, SEWER and Drain dtiUHCUIIib AltiiUTHEK, for a circular giving I;'1' oMa Jor measure- - ailMi size. Also, ENT with American Watch " 3r-- terms. , GO TO tbe ComoanT to Bfient. Ae. l to could not be interfered with by tho officers MASSILLON, sll all eradu. of their tocvmenU to th.Trwl.at The ease was brought np at the Police of the law. MINERAL KIDGI, TKAS A new Ruppiy or (.reon List prices. I will also .ell at . .mall ausaoc SIITEB WABK. reeelT- - )pge9 HOHCAH. BOOT 'Q. 1?KKS11 IT- TkOGEKS' BEST PLATED TVARE Court yesterday but aa Murphy is not O0L1B Jast It is proper here to state that the Mayor LEHIGH AND Tea of every dVscnMion. erVcti Irom MAnnfactnrrs' price.. A7E HAVE - Pure Genoese Silver received of Bpoon., Forks, ed from tb. toctoTT. Spooas. Foika. Sara PITTSTON COALS, with care from recant imporlatm&s. and for M. CRITTIND8N, Jewell eomethinr nobby aad of exqui ffcpplj very well it was continued to the 10th inst. n Ac, had previously addressed a note to Ganeral Bond creat i? hv J"Ac. Bitter Pickl. Forks, Ac, BRUSH 18 nd Cheap Or the best quality, at my Oo.ll Yard, on I ual, aie at mail profit! at No. Ontario etrrot, by Bu per street. site design, CftU aad see, at Betterll Knives Ac, C0WLX3 Baird, whether he would be interfered with OllS UMi'kuilllil. 16 Xl lor jjW C0WIB3 00. bail 00. BuoiiiM. loot Vineyard at. jj28:344 S.H. BAMMOKuT T OUtHAJMlljL. m ttttUTHKla, Cleveland, Augusts, 1806. angfcws