Bargains in T

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Bargains in T DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY COODS. RAILROADS. A TfTfTssirr PnECAimov. Several cases in raso "he would proceed to disperse the AMU KIi T. POWIUrBoofc Binder aa an uniawim assemiuage. HOOP SKIRTS. O am. --mmm ef drowsing having occurred lately through Convention ! ...J I'.L.k Book nmrrr, TELEGRAPHIC. The answer was that tho meeting of the CHEAP GOODS ERIE persona walking into the riverwhile bridges RAILWAY! ' Mtc tmokm. mtc Convention being peecable, it could not bo ! Ladies' Rubber ISAAC J Mank blmud o.Miin..olic V.I tae. ioclLM Book, have been swung, the Coroner has called suppressed by the Mavor, and that tho Ford & Wagner of and Dealer In 'TP- - Alknm. steps would prevent the GREATsi;BRO GUAGE OUBLE TRACK ROUTE! Mutlnnnr ltttrrol lu phi. opon the city authorities to take some Yesterday Afternoon's Report military authorities civil Hdi Maul, Bl4 (tui a to We hare had placed In our hands a stock of goods TO ul lUf to nravent such casualties. Accordingly it authorities consisting of Xcw York. BoMlon and lVew HOOP SKIBTS has been proposed to place chains across EDglaacI Cltltiu to bridges at ten News. White, Bed, Grey Si Yellow AND CORSETS, the approaches the swing FOREIGN NEWS. General 257 Superior Street, Flannels, TUTS RWtWAY KTEKT8 FEHM , DAILY LEADER. said chains to be lo.New 44M stn-et- under the feet from each end; From Canada. White Linens, Dunkirk Yrk tlln, 0. 129 Baperlor are open KnGnJoloHev York 423 .mim. Johnson uouac. Vor Xormns Kdltloa Sew iee stretched across when the bridges The Reform Question In England Xsw Yobk, Augusts. The Tribune's Ot- While Jaeonet Is, ;.laiiuaca to ewr York 31 ilea at night The matter has been referred by tawa special says that Mr. Gait, Minister of AD IS onisiae. ! White Sansook, Finance, has resigned. The alleged reason Hav- - marked dju their entire stock of Horn Xeck Chains 22 9flZM the fenortcs Boate. Xew see the City Council to the Committee on Har French Swiss Muslins, o7 er For KTenlos IdlUoi is a diflerance with his colleagues on the AU Train!, run riirwtly throueh to New Tork, 460 insiae. bor and Wharves. NO MORE RIOTING. Lower Canada school system. Bishop lawns, OllL.ES without cliaiLgocf Coaches. li- ay 1 : A be Parliament will probably prorogued at From and utter 'Ah, Trains will leave in 16CC. Hosiery, Cloths, Jnty W THU1WDAY, AUGUST 9. CITY NOTICES the end of this week. ronnectitr'i iih ll Went-rr- i Hit s, a f 'Hows: A L N O TIC E TIIE CII0LEK1 IS NEW Y0EK. Cassl meres, c AitU.M DL'NKIKK AND tfALA M AXCA By VeW SPEC! The Cholera. A arge assortment just opened at the York, linn- from lT:iion i!epits : COSCEttS LINENS ri"M, ILL WHOM II MAT CmcixifATi, August S. There were thirty- - 3.45A.M. NKW V'tHK DAY aXPliESS, from "a-- A KJiW PKKFUMEI Called CITY NEWS. I liKMbr siren that it is deemed ne- earns Whi h wo elifill sell at less than half their cost. SaUmanra, Dily, ric-p- t anoay s. Intersects d. one d by cnoiera yesterday, and forty Jlornllsvill Day Opcpomx raow Uexu manufactured osasary by tha City Council of tho City of Tbe goud. ar. all uut ot oar Hue, aad mast at with the S.M A. H. Swcrr j, t Long The Xew Orleans Riot. two new cases. be closed frm Hullilu, aad arri?oi in hew York to proTide lor the construction of out withia 11. K. T. Smith & Co , Kw York, Is making a i fined j: al I'tt I. lew Fast D.iYrse. John Obner Mrc Branch Sewer Bo. r, mud lor trie construe. LINEN TOWELS. 7.10 A. M. EXPRESS MAIL, from Dnnkirk, Daily know very dedicate, ana to :on wherevr it is a. Is u4 and costs by Judge Abbey yesterday far Uam of a branch t.wr tn truiumuas street, except ftauihiyrt. Stup at Mtlitmanca V to A. expense by assessing a tax MEDICAL. LINEN NAPKINS, Days 31 ita fragrance ins on the handkerchief foi nrovide for tbf thereof Thirty for Cash. .. and cunuect t BoTUfllxvitlt aud t!orniu fast driviDg. apoa tho los or lands ahnttint; upon too streets A REBEL ACCOUNT. with ih S.3o A. M. xprettti Mail Irom Un.lalw, days. Evening Bulletin, TABLE LINEN, B A A A aud arrivnx in NV Y'irt at M. tnrOOpn WHICH HHi nwwi i:aii rus, auiu iis tuai Z At wholesale or retail. p. mirnose ordinances are neudiar before said City LINEN SHEETING, .15 li. NEW YOUK Nli::iT EXPEiC5i, from Cost of Ruxxixo. An ordinance for the persons property on DunkiriL. Dmly, exc-- buudvs. lph at Council. All owning ssid H. DrWITT CO., ft.'Ct 01., und in objections to the con- AND J. Huiimaisca f. arrivs Nw payment of claims, for the month of July, streets as afortwaid, having Foreign News. aui7 Nos. 7 snd 11 Public Square. York at P. M., ccuiit'ttimj with attrrr-ii- of said sewers, are hureby required to Tra;im s passed evening. claims struction PILLOW LINEN. and Stcamrrs for Uuston aud New last The file the same in writ ins: with the City Clerk of Arrival of the Steamer Java. I. BALDWIN t CO. OFFKBTHIS tngla.nd Citivfj. WHY NOT USE THE BEST amoQut to $61,272.55. aid City, within two weeks alter ibe expiration 261 Supcrior-st- . B. day of three weeks from the first publication of this Kkw York, August S. The steamer Java, FKOM Bt'FF ALO By Niw York Time from De- fT Y iS A US Increas n dentand u,i -(-tVB Tft'ISTV no ice. ita. Liverpool dated of the 2Sth. and White Piques, pot Cur. Kxchiiiti Mibiaran "IreeU: M ATHEWS VE To Paved. Detroit street hill U to be DOLL A 113 PEEK IP 3f ! 5.10 A. 31. .NEW VUK L ;PKEsd,.undsys ia established tbe iact that I By order of the City Council. Queenatavn -- Hth, has arrived. WUitf MurBPfiifn, . At- : m.-- o . The P. fsceftt-ij- Arrtvr in r. NETIAN' fIA:B DTK is the beat Id the world. It DAVed with wnndpn block Davement. C. WMATON, The workine of the cable with increased ! , White LU.f Glove. f(i:Ji3laiit Urrat with Dtlawartt. Assistant City Clerk. Qniits, Philadelphia is the cheapest, the mart reliable, and tuiMl can to Mr. C. 0 Brien speed was noted on the 26th. WEAKNESS, J reach Kuilrca'i for contract has been let Cleveland, August 8th, Isttti. aac-r-.- SEMINAL Table Linen White Barrge Shawls, DttltiuiLre, Washington and point rkuih. one '1 peace - vairct. ompUte In .wtiW. Imm not re Co they being the lowest bidders. here was no further disturbance of OK 8PEKXA7TOSKKGU, GLEET, Buff Cham bra ji, 8.30 A. M. K.VPUtaa A1A1L. via Avuu an.l ilorn- quire any pmvious preparation of the hair. No XTOTIl'JC la all whom It may con in London. AND Black m l WMteGinfrhams, er.rtTillc, Iiiy, excfpc Diinuajs. ariDri m At refrnlar meeting of the City Olieeie)' New Y. Til at 7.0U A. M. Coniw-'t- at tlmira Produces Ll eftrn. a A meeting in Hvde Park for the 30Lh was krencn MiU'i HOB, (V trouble. NocrocLor ttiin. a beauti VioLiTisro Lhjcoe Liw. Henry or August asth lliw uoHpDrt Ltuiira ICa.ilroad for Stat. Council of the city Cleveland, neid siti called, it is alleged, by consent of the gov- Lupotoncy Cured, French Maid Flannels, Ptiiijadripliiu, JJultimuro, Waftiung-to- n ful black or brown, as preferred. A child can ap ltu.n. the following resolution was adopted, Co a, Balker plead guilty of this offense at the tiz ernment, de- AFTKfl ALL OTHKB TREATMENT TAILS. Worth J1.S0 per yard for J1.00 jier yard, and French rue: mill oo till ttutu. ply it. Always give satinfection. Only 75 IieolrttL Tuat in the opinion of this Council it but the Home Secretary Edtrfngfl, Sunday cents vesterday and was fined was Cluuy 20 P.M. LUltl lNtNG EXPRESS, per battle. Sold every where. Police Court is deemed necessary to (Trade, pare, drain nna clared no such consent given and DK.A.C1ESON, Whit Uair Cloth, v...d aud water only, aad Knclid avenue, between iSouth Perry street warned the league against holding the Fonnerlrcf Now Yerk Citv. will one hnndrfid AND fr 7 ut A. M- M $14 and costs. 07 oo. V.rt A. I. AT.TkWS, Manufacturer, N. T. and Wilson avenue. AU persons claiming dam meeting. The League was determined di'Uara tir tbe proof lLat Ter f si in to curt th ttlove e. i. Baldwin a 6.15 P. M. MEW YoiiS NH.1IT KXPKKS.S, Izir. DXMAS BACKS A CO., New York, Wholesale age by reason of sncb grading, paving, draiDiog uamcd H- - will pay the &uu uui for tbo at II :rcMisviiir wiin uifi u r. m . to hold meeting elsewhere and the arriTt-- York Annie Cobb was charged at and inipro. ins;, are hereby n quired to file their the sroot tfi.Umitf other Phyrma id u.o Imtbd states lra.i:i lruiu Dnukirk, nl in Nw A rears. Cotixcd. government assented to its being hold at r ::n p. it. Also at Elniira lor claims in writing with the City Clerk, within fire JUST BECEIVED and S.,uth. Also, MATuCMTS' ALNICA HAIR GLOSS for the Police Court yesterday with keeping publication Hall, declaring the royal parks yearsol lulWrioua i:a .1 atd nueriucca LINEN TOWELS Harriabnrir, weeks after the first of this resolution, at Primrose uiiifHiii is nappy id ieii'.a; t.vie w auouuiica to tne 1120 1 i.
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    S SA I T A R Y C O M M IS S I O U . N N , N o . 74. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS W THE U. S. SA NI T A R Y C O MMI SSI O N. M a rch 1M 186£ L A o M D B Sa . Ma s. muel bb t , , oston , s v A m D D Re W . da s, , New York . J hn T . A . o gnew, New York A McL A new Ne w o . g , Y rk . D n ew M D a e H. A g , . , Phil d lphia, Penn . Jaco A e a b . lburger, Philad lphi , Penn f R A . Brad ord . lden , New York A J. H x . f. l Pro . e ander, Baltimore, Md “ f Al x n rs . e e . Pro St ph n e ander, Princeto , New Je ey “ G F Allen . eorge . fi New York o e Alli n n . H n . Jos ph so , Philadelphia, Pen n s A n an onn. Fra ci lly , New L don , C P A . mbos, Columbus, Ohio C ATO CS D . 0. harles , Washington , An e s n n O o . Lars d r o , Cinci nati , hi n rew s. 1111 A . o . H n J0 A d , Boston , Mas D O o. Rev L n ews D . J . A dr , , Marietta, hi l E B A ews ar . C o . ndr , M ietta, Ohio W An ws s . J. re . d , Columbu , Ohio G n . C. eo. Antho , New York I R.
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