DRY GOODS. SUNDRIES. CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. INSURANCE. RAILROADS. SPECIAL NOTICES. 0.E Itl.Ul!KU JJOZKN DAILY LEADER TELEGRAPHIC. FIKE CliOTHINO: : THE CIEVEHITD A PIIT8BtK6H R. 'ii "W-- i' OFALAKRIAGE. New Dress Goods! ikttention Th Proprietors f e Kn lork Muaeutn of Annt-c- Handkercliiefs Mutual to. f Is- Hemslilchcd Life Insirance have determined, regardless of expense, to t&" For Horning edition Sews see Yesterday Afternoon's Report sue free (lor the aAt of suffering humanity, aad sad afl.r Monday, DMemtar lpnreaaioa of four of tuejr most inter- eatslde. OX llth. 185 (MctaTl ana Yojiths'.& Boys' OF NEW will tear. Clanland dail. (Sdui.. - esting instructive Lectures on Marriages teg" For Evening Edition News see Jleu's Wear! YORK. centadl as fallow. : ud PhTMcel Debil It. fiTsquelilloelloae, Korvpu. ud Inside. 8M) A. M. MAIL Arrl.es at Pittsburgh kit) a. Prematar deolia of Ataanooa, uiu(nuui, WASHINGTON NEWS. material and Utvst FREDERICK 8. ity, v Maen&clurcd of the best FARMERS, J 7:iM . or DejueMivn, ImpoUncy, Lom of Knr-- OPENED. A BARCAIN wmtOS, President. a.) aarrisDnrgn a. caitissora a. WkneM for . JUST CREAT a.; Wabinwa 10:35 a. .; Pmlladalphis i tne Great Social Evil, and pattern and Hull CARDNERS, CASH ASSETS 7:00 Turk 10KW . ;om which result ixom youtnrul tollies, THURSDAY, APRIL 2d, 1S66. FEB. 1, 1866, a. h.w a. Maladieo (f Eil (:0O r. sj. OoDMct Hudson and of I'iljaioiogjr The Internal Kctchuc E. E. GBIbWOLD 4 CO., at wit uitiM of maturity, iuoranca CARBON OIL REFINERS O. B. B. for Akroa aod eonaaeM atiCttA11'. are -- an.3 law. of nature. SPUING & SUMMER. have been mean with P. It. ft . G. Sailwa tot all These Invaluabla Lectures th 217 Snprior street. DRUCCISTS, $14,885,278.88. fouia Knlightening and saving thousand, and will bs NEWS. NAVAL CFFI ! P. M by ad CITY COMIBJIATIOX OF Largs assortment of I. P. SHERWOOD'S IXPREgg Arr.ro ai forwarded free, on of four stamp, MECHANICS r-- ; md,fli 8K0HKTAKY.ii(t New York elueetim of DELL. Has Surpaaaed all ottjer Asaprlraai Hrr.bnrfth s:J6 a. .; Baltimore ew lock. CEB ! ""' '"'"a'O" 4:40 r. Jt.; Philadal Anatomy and Medicine, ele Eroedw.J, HiBgajiico. The Hibernicon ! A 3 l.lie IasnraiiM Cmpaaie. SPRING OVERCOATS spMidid assortiaeat of Dealers, ! ii' " ,or " MM- - fcblMfcJ Tuesday night was a great success. Furniture Manufacturers k a '"K'T Hill I Ia Amount of Assets, Casb; Wood) '41 .. jeS-T- GKEAT KEW ESGLAJfD To line of all x., eonnacu with Baltiawn Barney does the ,;Son of Erin" to perfection, Internal lieu'iiue Officers In and Ohln R Tt Dr. W. Poland's White Piae Com- I :4 P. M. ACCOaM0CATIOWA EES IDT. J. and the entertainment is full of g SPKIIV6 SHAWLS! In the Superior Character and Safety .. .i oend, is now offered to ths anUctrl throughout Virginia. Gents,' Furnishing Goods! HARNESS MAKERS, hanoa :38 m. Cars from Cle.elaad run scenes are fine. Among oi us dirartl, throo.b, Tia Undaoa Co tbo country, After having boon proved by tbe tent fun. The new CISTERN BUILDERS inTestmenti; for jhora of Su in Ire Lupin's Black Bombazines, Pail., Akroa and MUl.rsbnrk, oonnecttac of eleven years, in the Kew England States, where them are the Landing Patrick Late and KOBBT STYLES ol at Alllaoc and Orrrllie with P. 4c CAN TEST In Amount of Annual Income, Vt. W. C. Its merits have become a well known at the tree land, Bittle of Clontarf, Tbe Devil's Glen, THEY ALL TAKE THE MASONS, all Bail war, for Canton, MaasUloo, Wooatar aad qualitr. ; Manaaeld. from whirli- - taart. It derives its virtues. The Suitrior lasn in Grand illuminated view of the interior of OATH. And the pnhlic generally. Oars rna ttiruairR from to K.w To.ir Sore Throat, Cold, HATS AND CAPS ! Pittibnrah Whit Pine Oomponnd onrea 6t Patrick's Cathedral, Lake by Moonlight, In the Amount Bronchitis, Spitting of Blooa, keeps on ofDlTldends Declared ; Oougta, Diptheria, and Sunrise on LougU Conse. Irish eongs JPST EKCEIVKD, Luniii'N White and Colored The subscriber constantly hsmd, at his Pelmnearv Affections generally. It is a re- - Five Cent Loan Proposed, to ZIS., Diabe- and duet by Barney and MiBS Goodall vary Per Ground 3Iobairs! No. Si The Dlrldcnds being larger In I Tlct" oace' Vtd'M) bosm, t um or at markible Beniedr for Sidney Oomplainte, A ntl will b told at a moderate advaoae fr"n net. Warerooms, Mtrwln street, amount jpoi, tes, Ditficnity of Voiding Urine, Bleeding from tne the entertainment. Another opportunity to Uire . a call. and in proportion to Premiums paid j. H.pivaEtrx,gorrntndenii hear and see at Garrett's Hail. Agreed by Hie Beeon Lupin's Black Canioii Cloths ! CXEVELAXO, OHIO, has Notlitns on UEO. . FAim illl.O, than been declared by any oth CLtVKLASD ERIK RAILROAD. 'c"" it trial If yo woM Vrn the value of a er Lire Insurance Company. ro --i uad tried HtKliciDt- - It Is pleaeaDt safe and Messhs. Emtohs. The following appears strncllon Committee. J06 HOFFMAS BLOOF, BONE DUST, o ! am For Acrencles Ohio - of Tuesday night. Kusi Eide Olio. OKGAXDIES ism in or for P.mnMeta .. ntr. nold o DrnggiiU and Dealer Medkin gne- in the Council proceedings PnHIc Slti.re, CTcelnJ, 1864. lNTItt ABUAKOEMKNT. 1865. j maral PLASTER PARIS, Luiar. witu iuu particulars, appl to rftily. Mr. Heislev. Heiolrcd that the Oily and Monday, fiWWTT ProDrWor. "Bt after Oct, 23d, Passenger r.rn w M. !.. Coui-ci- by what le- M. L. 1!. Superior qualiaies. Trains will , Mass. Attorney report to this l Washington News. Geo. A. Dim, I'eixotto, AND WATER LIME. On ran a. follow, (Snndaf excepted): Companies A'ew iori. c'(tpt'aai. JOHN 6. JENNINGS, "bEKTO, IffTnS CANTIELD, And STRONG gal right the Street Railroad SAND PAPER, LBATI CLEVELAND . one dollar for Bill. &4S AhM'TROM. are charging our citizens The Internal Revenue A. M. NEW YOEK EXPBES9 Stopping at for Ar-ri- ESTABLI8IIE! A. D., IS 17. nackaces of seventeen tickets fare New York. l 25. Tbe Times' sped NEATS FOOT OIL, Sl.Tf 1HODKI107, raine.Tiue,nemon, Asntalmla, within the city limits." says that the internal liovenue bill will Silk Foulards, MSrRASCE C'O.HPAXV. KlngsTiUe and Girard, and arri.aa at Krie -- swg. at 9:15 A. M., Dunkirk 11:10 A. II UXXE WELL'S (if really probablv be reported Since the Entirely new styles. si: And curled hair for riKB Afill OTAK.IMK. BaOalo Kow to correct the impression it Office Xo. 178 Superior-st.- , 1:10 P. M.. New lork 7:00 A. M. and Bostoa bill tiassti tbroiih the hands of the com i2 Cleveland, at 3:60 P. M. needs correction) that such charge is made It bit I at element of this sulen- - mittee, the following chances have been Davis, Peixotto & Co., ta;lti,l 3330,000.00, :M A. M. DAY IXPBB5S TRAIN Stoaninjrat l l I Street Ra ii BEack and White ettees, Sofas & Mattrasses. KKXICnr. did nrrD.ralion. which allows to passengers on the West Side made on the second omsiueratirm af its Fullj reprtMntod by Flrat-Olas- a otandard rijiMiim uvueva, a.nraoaia, conneant there is tickling and Girard only, and lu use whenever state we will furnish, a iteiua : The tax on stock aTd bullion bro- Socurltle.. arrive at Kri. al UM ' road I wish to that Manafactarcrs nni JoKbers of all qTialitirs nl r. m., Dunkirk 8:15 r. BaOalo & p. or in the throat, and producing deb kera was fixed at 2 cents ou ?i)0. The tax styles of DIBKUTOBS. h., irritation by which bushel or less of tickets at twenty for cne New York at 12:00 Boston MI p. . the only and trie theory atrus on merciianJ:;:e remains as hereto CHECK DSESS SILKS! Stillman Witt, John P. Warwr, S:S0 M. Hoarseness, Bronchial our brukers P. CINCINNATI KXPI1S TBAIH remedy for Cokts, Couihs, dollar, which has always been pri.je. fore, James Mnson, Robert Haana, fitoppiag PaineSTllie, ell Throat Affections, whioh if but are j.t;t in under tho same siauip E. I. Baldwin, HarTer. at Asntabula and Oirard Complaints, an! A. Kidsey, Supenntendijnt Beorj onlj, and arrire at Erie 6:25 . a., Dunkirk end in Consumption, can be effectually Jaw as others. I he tax on candies is nnaiiv READY ! fan CATTLE HORNS, H. M. Chapin, O. A. Brooka, tzltcted, SIDE CLOTMC, LACE CURTAINS 3 8:35 p. M- -, BuSalo 10:00 p. M.t Kew York April 25th, lao6-- fixed at it per cent, and all rolied iroa at "5 W. H. Price, J. P. Bobisoa, p. p. "sHrgore great origin of Diphtheria CO 8:45 .. Boslen 4.fiA w. Tnroat, lb ton. Glue of all Kinds Gw. Worthington. 5:S4 P. AND ACCOMMODATIOV bjr making n tear with 1 J5!1 and Qualities, M.MAII. - neglected, is cured 2000 Brown at when Police Coi Tbe following were Confirmed. r & f'ds Shirting shilling b STILLMAN WITT, Presidsnt. Stopping at an stations, and axrin at aria rt. ces Coruor Superior ffatvrsts., H. M. CUAPIM, 7:35 p. m. undoubted character can be 5000 yards at 12 2 rents. ?. Pre.id.nt, of disposed of by Judges Abbey Wednesday Moses K. Odelt waa vesierday confirmed Prints And .Terythin in fial Iilc of trade. E. O. BOrSB, Secretary. mar30:BS fcOS P. M. SIGHT 1XPBES TRAIN Itopninc tie my oiBoe by all. CLEVELAND, O., 1- -2 1 tern at : by the fcenate as naval oihcer at ew luik Bleached Shirting at 12 cents. at PaineeTille, Ashtabula and Girard only, 26 wnu; Lareodo. so cento. morning 3 Don't forget 34 Merwln tre-- t, pm.ll Bottlee 9 - a. It will be for aad arri.rs at Erie U:4Ua. Wholesale and iUrtall Dealers in Appointments. 12 2 C3fcuE a l. STATE FIRE LSIEAXCE CO. a., Dankirk by ail Drunk Charles Myers, Charles Bene Oacr tor the Spring And 6untn:tr S ascn a lirgand trashes at cents. d yonr interest to purchase of first lands, and hare a. a., Buffalo 4:20 a. New York The President filled the appoint Dot one pront to pay. OP a.. dick, Dennis Whalen, Frank Burdick, and has all will aeeorua stoc& oi JHeu ana Boy s CLEVELAND, OHIO. a., Boston 11:50 p. a. jonx nrsxEWEii, meats in Virginia for the Internal Kevenue Other goods in proportion. LEATC l. Practical Chemist. Henry, each S I costs. Henrietta IKIB. John and with parties who, it is edid. have taken tbe COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED oapital iaoo.ooo.ooo LOO A. M. STEAMBOAT EXPBES3 TRAIN 9 Commercial Wharf. Brtiton,Mtms. PROMPLT FILLED S5 and cost?. i I&Tcetcd arst-oL- Stoppinirat Girard, Comment, Peach, test oatn. TEBT1S C.iMI. in or fully aecursd by Ashtabula an4 nrTXHE BB1DAL CHAMBER. An Resisting OfEcer John r.eduian $j and Claim Agents. I. P. SHERWOOD, Mortgage., Bonds and Stocks. Paines.iUe only, and exri.M at Cl.Teland at Vonng Man. a. a. of Warning and lnstrnctwn for to- - , Second-han- Bataj costs. By an order from tho ar Department 2I at 214 Superior-ax.- Cleveland, O. 9 Flo i d alt It always :36 A. M. NIGHT IXPBESS TBATN Bto. new reliable treatment for Diseases of or wan'ed. ir. ping Alto, ud uay. a numher claim agents in aiiir are made expressly a: Trad- -' .203ia , log at Girard, Ashtauol and PeraesTUl Disturbance William Jones and Patrick Tli'.se fort Urinary and Sexual Systems. Sent free in toa orJr :rom n mar2:R12 only, and arriTa. at CleTeiand at 7:10 a. h. the and ew were deuarred is btyle, riitiitiaca nortiuinsl. ip are Dr. J. Skillin Houghton, Fraley, each $i and costs. df taptmont. DIB10T0BS: 4:16 A. M. MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION noaied enTelepen. Address practice in the for fraud uient & P. Mortr.D. w. W. TBAIN Stopping au Aewlarlon. Philadelphia, Pa. Feurncr, 55 and 11 to. AWAY WITH SPECTACLES, VHi at station, and arrives n Petit Larceny John practices. The names ot these agenta are mmm Y & R'P. Myers, Br. T. T. Seelyo, at Cleveland 10:20 a. a. witiLUeid reasons. OLD E P n. nuerwooff, Dr. W. g. ichis a. m. express costs and ten days in jail. lor prudent Equal to the Best fustom Work. l MADE NEW, without Spectacles, Doctor or Med t Streator, Toledo train stop. B. Heriam. Darius Adams. ax k, vJ M S icine, rampuiei manea tree. Address fi. It. pinir au eiationa except BwaaviiM, MEDICAL. Lewd Behavior John Gregory, $i end The Bankrupt Bill. 4 Loreu Prentiea, A. N. Batchelder. aionville, P.rry, Mentor and Wlak. says UUTE, Al. v., 1130 Broadway, Kew York. K. Revnoldr. P. St&nard. t costs. The Tribune's srerial that the A choice selectieo of J. Ulle. and arrive at Cleveland at 8:16 p. a. amended Bankrupt bill is ready to be re AWAY W ITH IN(0 a F0RTABLK T. 8. Beckwith,. O. 0. GrUwoli. 530 P. M. DAY EXPBESS TBAIN Stopping at Assault and Battery Ellen Mehan, Si ana XIKZ&JS--C.t2. ported to the Home, whenever an opportu ! OPFI0EB8: uiraro, twneaut, aaniaouia raiaeaTiii is" . onlv, and arrives Cleveland &60 P. . costs, Pat Lyon?, and costs. oh'ers. Its principal alterations consist M TRUSSES P. MORGAN, President. at a. and fj nity TEXTS' FlRMSHLXGIfiOODS, COMFORT AND CUBE FOR THE BFPTUBED. B. P. MYERS, Vl.e President, Second Claas Can ax ran oa all tkroaah Robbery Charles Brown, $10 and costs. rendering us practical execution less Sentfice. Address E. B. FOOTS, M. D., 1130 . H. UNDERWOOD, Secretary. trains. cumbersome and expensive. It is thought Drvnunny, new lors. I. B. HERIAM, Treasurer. All through trains aolna: Westward connect at the made so far acli as loder Garments, A. N. BATCHELDER. General Cleveland with trains for Toledo, , Colum- The " Tbikce " CiSE. Tbe csbo of " sus that changes will obviate SB ASUS TAKE Amt. its di.hculties as to assure its passage. m HI CAKE OF I01R 'Omce tn Rouse's Block, corner of Snnarior. bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Ao., and all DdLUBS FEE31IDM I pended animation" reported by lhe Ueaald CasRlmcre and Flannel Shirts, m throoirh trains Koine Eastward connect ai Dun JQQ Railroad h WIVES! with the of tho Erie Bailway; yesterday morning proves to be a "sell." We Sale c. Superior-st.- , FIDENTIAL lNFOUM.TI()If TOR THK kirk trains and at The covernment has oil'ered for sale the Paper Collars, JLc, 217 51 AKKIKI). S.iit Ad Dnnalo with those or tne lork Central st friend relative of Ml LLINERY CCCDS. fr in sealed .nrelon. L. D. HUDSON, Aw SEMINAL WEAKNESS, are informed by a and the military railroad in Texas running from Bra- dress E. B. F00IE, M. 1)., 11 JO Broadway, Kew Kris Beilroada for New Tork. Albanv. Boston. Niagara Palls, and Erie with train, ow Qil SPEBHATIUKUUft:!, CLtiT, AC party who is reported to have been the cen- zos Santiago to the Kio (Jrande. Purchasers PosjKPiDfc tho bfUfit of an Eastern cpnacctirn, lora. General Fire, Marine & Ins. Art. Ac, at th we arc eoubiei to A Philadelphia A Eri. Railroad, for Corry, Tttusrills, scene, whoEe win be required to transport ail troops offer superior indaoments to 8 umce, uvutt'a Exchange, foot Superior Street, Hole City great Oil AD tral figure of an affecting and in irecasT". or Jlaae (Jlottuug. SIDES! PARENTS TAKE CARE OF TOUR Pit aad the Region. Texas Bit mo Just received by CLEVELAND, OHIO. sKf-D- Express and West, connects Impotency Csrsa, name wbb kindly withheld, that the man at the rates as charged by the twenty yesrs ezpriea in Wstsrn ! East at New CHILDREN klPBESKHTS TBI rOLLOWIBO OOsTPAMIM : Girard with trains on Erie A Pittsburgh Beilroaa FAILS. lurk Central. radi', giv us unuautl qsKiiticatiuus to supply CBOUP How it mav be easilu vrcvtnted without TBIATMEHT n question has not been in a franco state . & Buckeye for Liaesville, Meadville, Jamestown, Ac AFTKB ALL OTHIB Recess hr wunts of Conutry Mft cbant-- L. BENEDICT SON, medicine; also its caue and enre. Sent free. Ad Mutual In.. Co., CleT.land, A Met.. of Congress. m xl. NOTTlliUttAH. BUMMnteadeni. DE.A.OIBSWM, was for a time parchasers conerally AT 1130 New unio, ( r ire ana .nw.. , at all. He Terr low, and it Speaker opinion tioruld rnnds and are dress E. rOOTE, M. V., Broadway, 24o,lu nereland, Oct. 23, 1866. rormerlyef KewTerk Oty, will pay OM tnndred Colfax cave it ai his that cordially invited to sill. York. aarket Fire " " ai. rit UmtheererlaiUto curetneabuTe thought would not recover, but breathing Congress could uu; a recess ap5 WIIOLmi.E AKI niton Fire dollars lor the proof take before the Rr.T.Il " mi CLEYK1AXD s I0LKD0 EAILKUAD. named He will pay the did not cease. No grave was dug or coffin 1st of July. AVIS,PEIXOTTO& C O., Away with DiHcaNe Matri Norwich Fire Ins., Co., Norwich, Conn., 420,344 proof thatdais.any other Pbyeician in the Enited States and Konh Western " Oswego, N. ., !40,T7 dueases with equal ruooess. ordered, and the " habiliment3 of the grave" A Five Loan to be Issued. Cor. Wnter aud Snpsrlor sts., and No, 6 Wat-i- st. Offer a fall lice of HIILLIHEEY GOODS New areata thesaase study and experience Percent monial Infelicities. York Life ' New York S,66,766 Alter man years of laborious The Treasury mar 13 MEDICAL COMMON SENtiE. treata upon the Phoenix Marine Co. Brooklyn In biag able snnounce to tha are imaginary. The diseaie is the small .Secretary uf the is consid System Inf. of H. 1869. W IK TEE ABaAKGXMEST. lWt&. rr.OioeonU happy - AT uman inside and out on all Chronic Di ., cash nns perlecled a system ot treat- ering the jsition of five Uh's e.piti m nufortunate, that be pox in form, and there is no feature of the prop putting a per TlhT HSltlVF.Li.-i.oldMn- tn- - seases and their Treatment on Barrenness and m OH and after Monday, Sept. 28th, 1865, trainsi pygMAUIST cent, long loan on the market, as a means sj amol Paper Coll.nrs, Eagle ilo!d-- Eniawl Impotency, on Seminal Weakness and Female losses Adtasted and Paid. leave Cleveland daiiv as follows iSondaya ""ffl. BTIIPT iirn cteb case is peculiar. In severe cases a of Weakness on Marriaee excepted): of the aboro, and aleo ail oontapnus of tn that retiringour rapidly maturing obligations. Collar, HathsTST Grrotte Kcr.m'I Parer and fexnal Pbilosothv. Particular attention given to the adjustment ot with all bad ii"eBeets arising feeblo action of the vital organs and uncon- Such has been the tkillirn, tmtroiilrd Enamel faoer Collars. Mar wholesale: language everybody can nnderfttand, making a aarm. ijoase.: Jj. 1. HUDSON. 8:00 A. M. CHICAGO EXFBE83, stops at Here. Beproiiticare Onus, successful arrasseinent v axeman, tlBnlrom, Incrudiug Oeneral of Collars, Masfasoit Pap-- rollars. sensible book for itensible perple aod a good book for Aaent and Adlnster. uraiton, UDeriin, xiorwain, frequently precedes the crisis of our finances, and the faith of tho Ameri Pit every A. Bellevue, Clyde, Fremont and ITTf OB HIBVOC8 PBOSTBATTOS. sciousness A. Li. ollara, to be had in any qnabi itjr on. 4uo pages loo illustrations, three Cant. GAKOirrm, Marine Inspector. fe18B8 DKBH can people the national rter , The e3Dccial and arrrvea Toledw 13:46 p. w.v HeRiassiKCiwied in curing ceesin this city, of man likely to recaver. in secirities, that d at lcwjl pric-a- at 8. MANN'S attention of the parts in onn volume. Price, (1.60. Sent by mail, at at km the disease. The is Cblcaa-o at 11:00 5:30 p. X whom hal expended hundr.1. of dollar, with a such a loan is warranted, and it is thought postage paid, on receipt of the price. Contents r. and h. pbrrlcians, who proteas to treat all P i it will prove a success by many of Tables sent fiee. Address the Author, E. B. CITY NOTICES. 110 P. U. WE3TEBK MA11V-St- ops at all sta wltboal reoeinng ths Kg the best Millinery tions and maladies rlh sucons, and Pbobxllkii. The nevr Prpellar financiers Congreps. LOTMC! CLOTIIIAG ! Wholesale Trade Ft'OTE, al. D., 1130 Broadway, New York. oc Soot hern Divitdon, arrive at of botKht. in Tho Secretary has !! Toledo 1:M p. M., Ctucago 6;id A. M.( and tHiat pirtldi Is M of tbe Northern TransporuaUoD Black Alpacas T0I1CK TO Pro-- at Dr. iho;i does not boast that be mailer Brooklrn all tbe requisite lcc- l authoritv. call&d 10TEAIT0K8. at 10:30 p. w. soins Is to onr stock of will be received office Detroit nomeOolige in London or Paris, as porhapj left 'WcdnCTday. The officer" at the of the tOO P. M. NORTHERN MATL fltops at aU sta do !. the purp.e of ensnariiMt the inoaoeiit, Compgny The Reconstruction Committee. ty Civil Engineer, until o'clock p. m. Mav 21st ethers m be i tions on Northern Division and arrives at and who held oat great aipeMatioiis, nTer are : The numerous detailed statements as to Trimmed Pattern Bonnets, MEDICAL. lt66, for grading and paving Prospect street, be- - realised. Dr G.mlrhtboaoits rhte.that anu Sandnskv at 3:46 P. M. Ectwhat "W. hat Committee wien ne iiuason streets, pavement to be 10:00 Stops be is able 10 giye entire satislaction to Itioes who Captain, A. Kosman, tho Reconstruction will or ladles Fancy Straw Bonnets, rood, hepaiat bids will be P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS at Grafton ability and integrity, ana that War Declared upon High Prices received for mAn and Fremont, and arrives in Toleda cont Je.ice in his First ilaio, L. 1L Watcrbur;. will not report are totally untrustworthy. GLAI AEWS. and pavinir. Plans and specincaUons seen Norwalk, hae r-- rfncteo an Amauean srsU'm of treatment Ladies' Straw Hats, mayte 8:30 Chicago ., and De- -' bs or Pans, Becond Mate, Rfbort Halpin. although they may emanate from a member AT FOR THK TJN FORTUNATE. and more particular information said at a. a., at 120 r. whioh chf.ll.ogee any Physician oi London HI obtaind at troit at 6:00 a. . ot any paMut mtl'cine, to eoual for the radical core Engineer, James Dolanej. of that Committee, as it is generally sup-- Bonnet and list Frames, BKU'S 8PKIIF1C PILLS. ugmeer s office, on and after the 4th day of Hay all diseases or oeranee. Gonnectior s are made at Monroeville with the ol seminal weakness, and posea uo. tact ABE WABBANTED IN ALL CASES A Sandaa- and physical, arising from wxn-a- l Assistant Engineer, Tboinas Moonejr. incy ine principal is mat The Board of City Improvements fiandn sky, Mans neld Newark Kailroad; at - mat, both mental Silks, Blonds, laces, Baches, Wires, For the Speedy and Permanent Care of all Diseases invite ths m or socretabuse. Steward, John Shannon. not a proposition vet considered has vet 1MB s, reserving ky with Dayton Cincinnati liaiiroaa; at rremont FHICS arising from Sexual Excesses, or of bi the riirht to accentor To- treatment too A Railroad ; and Dr. Crtbetm alao claims for his new been ucalierablv h creed upon. Beeds, rvject any or all bids. By order of the Board. with the Fremont Indiana at following adrantagee orer all others yet diacerered. The propeller was built by Ira Lafrinier, ic, ic, YOCTHFTL INDISCRETIONS, ledo with the bout burn A Northern In- ronnecu Freedmen Missouri. Seminal Loss, JUUN WH1TELAW, And, ffrrt, the agents are in no di. aa The in CLOTHING HOUSE E. K. (irlswold & Co., Of Nicbtly Emissions and Sensual diana and Toledo A Wabash Railroads for Chicago, cdof the dark ages, such as Esq., after the same model the Lowell. which we ha.e a complete stock, of the newest Dreams, Genital, apSi.:3T4 City Civil Engineer. aroeable; he usee no relics The Trbune"s siwcial savn : The ana are Phyical and Nervous Debility, Detroit, Jackson, Fort Wayne, Lotiansport, Lafay- any drag ; aeoondly, 13G3- -j ryipB, stlliogal Impoteure, Mercury, cr other d?Wrions The dimensions are, length of keel ol 191 Gleet, Sexual Diseases, Ac. ette, Cairo, Alton, St. Louis and aU points Wast, no restriction In diet or buainess is reoulred; third, Commissioner the Freed men's Bureau in SUPERIOR STREET. NO CHANGE OF DIET IS NECESSABY. VTOTICB To the owners or agents IsposltlTe and certain in all Be feet; beam, 25 feet 10 inches ; hold, 12 feet; ot bounding Northwest and Southwest. bistreatment caM. the States Missouri and Arkansas, in his will find it to their d- - Greatly Reduced Prices. And they can be nsed without detection. Each of lots and lands or abnttins on In tauds praparad to go Into any nuhho or private T7VERTBODY bothll sides of Greenwood street : Trains arrive Cleveland from Toledo and the demonstrate tbe capacity, tona by new measurement. lat report, si.ys that it is an indisputable vnt(ge to call at the One Price Store before For hartrains go to box contains 60 Pills. Price One Dollar. If yon hospitalm tbe United states, and aJ ou please JL. AU. new treatment oyer any fact very much of the cheerful indus- mrcltftHing elsewhere, oar assortment tieady sp4:;il(.do M0R1AV, BOOT CO. cannot get them of yonr Druggist, thby will be will take notice that the notice IQUllrJKJ at St. V. IsUlaklt, Immenw superiority of his She it splendidly furnish d. Tbe work is that at oi toforegjvti, v """"J Cleveland. Sept. 18, lfl5. Superintendent. other now known in the world, in point of prompt- try of the freed men is owing to the confid lwlu. Furnishing Goods and material for custom sent by mail, securely sealed, with full ness, permanensy, mildness, salety and convenience well finished and the done in work is complete. Instructions, th- " By of the Board of City Improvements. painting the ence they military , a pamphletfvwof 100 pages on the errors order CLE AADjlOli M B h A CISCIXIi 0 tne patient. have in the authorities MINING COMPANY. aiiu M. G WATTJERSON, YL I t All in CT Ireland, beat style. The engine is a powerful one of youth, the consequence and remedy, sent free, Dr. tlibson is rmanentry located and the Bureau to protect them in their READY-MAD- E Cleveland, April 24, during the past five years performed many CUR ten cents required for postage. Address Dr. J ABIES Clerk. nod has years from tbe Cuyahoga Works, designed by J. civil end personal rights. Under the pres enrt of diseases which had tor resisted aii all of oTir own manufacture, made in the most The EocK) MonnhVn GoW and BRYAN, Consulting Physician, 613, Broadway, To other mortt ol treatmeut. Keferences can be given . Uolloway. She has S inches stroke ent laws tne re the testimony ol a negro fan hion able style, and properly w p!9 SI7 yUPKRlOB STBSET. the owners and agents respertabibty In Weyeiand. trimuit'd, while NOTItK and land bounding or cpon 1865 toindinduils of the first cannot bo received in auy court against a competition. Conip&nr. For a oy G. W. CLARK, DrngpUt, 119 Supa-rio- r abutting FALL ARRAN6EUKNT. 1665 York other cities, in regard to skill of 26 otfer it at prices that defy all Silver Mlaleg Doth Biaiton, New and - ith bore cylinder inches. She Cleveland. rfi: td sides of Middle street between Prospect an 4 V aad Monday, October 23. 1855, Passenv In profcealnna! transactions. Dys- whito. When, therefore, justice demands FLANNELS. street, sp4: op- after nod integrity all out SHIRTING Huron streets; n both sides of High street be- cer Cleveland as - Bleumatlsm, ocrufiila, ali dweaees of tbe carre with the best linisb of the manu the admission of such testimony, the ca&es OIR erSTO.M DEPARTIET upon 9 Trains will leave follows trpsia. Chronlo Dissaua trealod TO LADIES. tween Ontario and Sheriff streets; both sides Ut Train 7:46 A. M. CINCINNATI EXPRESS Urcans. and all facturer. Good judges pronounce her the are tried by acuurtot this Bureau, and, when Is still und?r tbe chartre of Mr. Spencer, and it o Franklin street between Pearl and with sopenor snscess. ay, the well & CO. Mines In Head County, Mon If you a reliable remedy to restore yoa oar topping at Rerea, Grafton, Wellington, New any part of the conn try, en negro testimony can be dispensed, with the is to for fact is known, that E. I. BALDWIN Bearer streeta; upon the east side of Ontario street be- srMMiciaes sent to finest boat of the line. he can tarn out the style of pnrmrnt in the London, Shetby, Crestline, Gallon, Iberia f dullars. hut DR. RARTET'S FEMALE PILLS. tween St. Clair and Hamilton street; upon the east t n cases are turned over to the civil courts. city. Give cs a call and you win becocTincea tana Territory, Gilead, Carding ton, Ashley, Delaware, and Dr Gibson's new work on Fhysiology for aslant A never failing remedy for tbe removal of Obstrno side of Erie street between St. Clair aad Hamiltoa Worthington, arriving at Columbus at 1:20 huoooa, A Generous Donation. tbe fact. tions, no matter from what cause they arise. They streets; upon the south side of St. Clair street be- BRIGG3 & IIARTZEL.I,, Altbon2h baa been a snort time since we 1 P. M., Cincinnati 6:30 P.M., Indianapolis, DI, 01BS0H, - it but Tuesday, April .lh, are safe and sure, and will restore natnre in ever; tween Onurioand Wood streets; upon tbe north 4:46 P. Chicago via Crestline. ll:0ti P. M. Ann Mxntcrin. Introduced tbe- Weak-nes- InorrxcBOa or KLXcraorsTnT Morton IV to and Ar;hur Kinnaird. M. P., CAPITAL STOCK, $500,0OO. case. They are also efficacious in all cases of tide of Church street between Hanover and State 8d Train 2:45 P. M. NEW TORK AND WEST Officr4lSenaoa street, a few doors from Superior, Whites, Prolapsus, Ac. Scld in boxes cos s' reels : ERN EXPRESS, stopping at Beree, Graf- the English capitalists who isited this ONE PRICE SYSTEM, 2090 Tards Six QuaMer Spring Shirt feO Iiares $100 each, par value. taioing pills, pric One Dollar. You will please take notice that yoa are hereby ton, Wellington, New London, and all sta- LiveryStable country, a contribution of iitl, each, which Oar increased trade, and the peneral satislaction for Dr. UA&VEV'S Private Medical Advis- n quired Ut grade, gravel, and flag with brick or -. Inn 17 ns ing Flannels, - tions south of New London, arriving at 'iMiRiiorii PTCfPl- they request to bo cp died tne reiicl ol fen to all customers, has full? convinced that Capital Rcxci-t- er, to females ; luO paes, friving full In- stone, six feet in width, the sidewalk in front of Cor. of Bank and Frinkfurt 6is lor wbt-r- 8250,000 oflbe Slock Columbus at 9:26 P. M., Cincinnati 4:00 A. he puMic appreciate and prvfer to trad structions, VI cents required for postage. yoo your respective lots and lands, (aod make the ne- the destitute wid auuering freed men of the jfckt-Tin- rles-tu- M'orkinjj Cnpital. If M.. Chtcato, via Crestline, 6:40 A. M. hre if no bat everTthinr condected In patterns, al more th.n out ed for cannot purchase the Pills of yonr Druggist, they cessary repairs thereon and in accordance with NAILS. ap?:312 o. Southern States. on a fair and honcrahle syrtem dcaiinj. Lalf of last s ason'e prit- aplti 8d Train 4.16 P. M. GALluN PASSENGER, IRON AND rm'Ei.tiB, cf Present Stllinjr Rate, ?;V) per Share. Stock fully will be sent, post paid, secure from observation, on the general specifications for sidewalks, in the Of- Investigated. tops at all stations, arriving at Gabon at To be EUMBB THE PLACE.; raid and L nasieiaultf. the receipt of One Dollar, by Dr. JAMES BRYAN, fice of the City Civil Engineer, and to complete 8:00 P. M. bTEEL-ULA- SS, ttC. Consulting Physician, 813 Broadway, M. th on or day August IE0X Od. J. B. Kinsman, who has been on the E. T. fame before tbe tint of ler. 4th Train fc30 P. M. NIGHT XXPEEfS, top RIIEIXIICinER'S' Goods-Ne- For sale by G. W. CLAUK, Druggist, 11 Supe- If th above request is not complied with within ping Grafton, w elltogtOB, fcew liOinioa, staff of Geu. Butier, has been ordered to One aPrieeClulttlnir HsnHf, w RS : at VICTOR HUGO'S New Styles OTFICE rior tret. p4:tHwAtd the time herein specified, the work will be done fihelby, Crestline, Gal ton, Gilead, Carding-to- CLEfTLKD, BROffI Si CO., visit Texas to investigate and report ou the oc28 191 SnrrlorSt. Capt. K. B. Ward, of Detr it, Mkli., Pr- anl. nt. lvell by the city with stone, and the cast thereof 31 President National City and Delaware, arriving at Columbus at Soa. 23. S7. HrnrisMt., management ot tbe Freemen's Bureau there. Lemuel Wick. Era., as a tax upon the property bounding or abutt- J: 46 A. M., Cincinnati 9:40 A. M., Indiana- IttXTONS BLOCS. M KlVINtt DAILY Tbe latest Bank, (.t Vice President. LIFE ing upon sidewalks improved. Ont. V Rtylesot Foreign and Harris BRIAN'S PILLS, te polis 10:00 A.U Chicago via CrestliQ, li:JC LAST NOVEL. and Domitic, jmei wad, Jr., o! u., secretary PCBIFT THE BLOOD, By order of the Board of City Improvements. HIT0B0O0K, One Assistant one Com- - nt Fancy t'assinierea, imported Cloths and Doo- - SELBY,BR0WN&PE1RS0S P. He P. M. Quartermaster, and Trvaiorer. Remove Headache, Dizziness, Giddiness, Drowsi- M. G. WATTEBSON, Trains leave Columbus nt 10:30 a. ., 2:40 p. w., Manufacturers, and Wnolesal Dealers Aides-d- e ktn? of the finest manufacture, at regular mar bnpertntendent C Importer. missary, three camp, two Pay- Charirt P. rerett, at Mine. ness, Unpleasant Dreamn, Dimness of Sight CTeve"a I, April 2t, IStitt ap25 310 lerk. and 11:36 p. H. Arrive at Cleveland 2:66 p. m Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, bander m ket prices, to be had at 8. MANNs, Are receiving daily fresh Invoices of Boiler, masters;, one Assistant Adjutant Gene-u- l. DIRECTORS : Indigestion, Cleanse the btomach an4 8:50 p. ST., 6:10a. H. English Cast and Spring Steel, r a l 1 and 164 Bnperior street. OTICK M., ros. k Co.'s best d one Assistant Snrqreon xrero A mot W. Ball, o Bannark rity, Montana Ter. Bowels, 10 ALL WHOM IT MAT INDIANAPOLIS AND WESTERN IXPBESS nt and Wrought Sp.kea, Bot and Jold Pressed B. fceq., NEW In CONCERN. Notice is hereby gives ser- CLOTillSG. Onr stock Of Ebtr Ward, of Mich. Insure LIFE the Deb'litsted, and that it leaves Gallon at 6:00 A. M., arrives at Cleve- nu and Washers, Norway Kail Bode, 6weles honorably mustered out of the military OPRIXG DRY GOODS! City TO is deemed necessary by City Council of the daily Lemuel Wick. au.. President National RESTORE THK SICE PERFECT HEALTH. tbe land 9:80 A. M. Carriage Alios, Springs and Bolts, Borden's KJ pin: CU'thirp is now complete, and is Among which may be found Special Bargains in I tron. vice by order of the War Department, Bank, Cleveland, Ohio. Try them They only cost 25 oents, and If yon City of Cleveland, to grade and pave a portion of 2TS: telebrated Horn shoes and Boiler Kirets, Galran-ae- d receiving new additions. Columbus and to provide foj the expense CONNECTIO The Toilers of the Sea. A. Averett, fcq., or Waion, arerelt s to.. cannot grt them of your Druggist, vend the money street, Shelby Sandusky, Mansfield A Newark Ballroad Sheet Iron. Oast and Slyer HIeel Axes, AjjTllr, Fancy CasBim re Pants and vets, CI to BUY Consulting 812 tnereof ; aod for that purpose, aa ordinance ia Bankers, Teland, Ohio. Dr. JAMES AN, Physician, to Mansfield. Mt. Yemen, Newark, Wis nee Tisss, Born Nails, Ac. Ac. News. Fancy Cass i mere 'sts to match, IJKESS GOODS! James Barnett, t.aq., oi uco. wortcington a Broadway, N. Y., and they will be sent by re- pending before paid City Council, having been Sole Agents for the sale of General Fai;cy Camimere Spring Ovrco&ts, A choice and Tariel stock of post paid twice read before the same, and now laid on the ville, Ac. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. turn mail, Pittsburgh, Ft Wayne A Chicago railroad KRAWX. HOXSELL t'O.'S Coats, Dusters and STrpa-rl- provides Co Crestline News. Linen Pants, For sale by G. W. CLARK, Druggist, 119 table, which said ordinance "That Upper Sandusky .Del phos, Cnn- - Marine STOCKHOLDERS. lumbus between the Cleveland A for Forest, Lima, Mahoning" Iron A Sails, and Oswego. to he had at the present low priors at DRESS SILKS! The following personi are Stockholders of the street, Cleveland. sep4:r6:watd street, Mahonintfe Wayne, Chicago, Ae., West, and April 2 . Tho gale which set iu creca ana Lrorain street oe graaea. mac Fort East niDjiisra inmsens ruts--- . mar si n. in New Shawls. Company: Lemuel Wick, Wil'iam Charles for Mansneld, Wooster, Mass. Hon, Ae. on Monday continued up to this morning, Style of Spring , ilirt, the carriage way and gutters b paved, and ths .NOVELIST ij vvaaon, A. cvert-tt- ueorge wortlnnfflon, The first and fourth Trains snake direct con- burgh City Glass, GUEAT FRENCH and several disasters have occurred to ves- sidewalks be curbed, to the established grades of THEthe day can wiite uotbiug woutd not We c:ill especial notice to our fall stock of Baraett. Lemuel Crawford P. H. Babcock, O. P. H A said street, and that the cost and expense of said nections via Fort Wayne for all points on In this market. tbt sels on Lake Ontario. NOTICES. Bern, Strong A Armitronjr, E. C Stanley. Dr P. Toledo A Wabash and Great Western Rail- for Price List and Otreulnra. Befer to attract aBireml attention. But uo work he has improvement be estimated, levied, and assessed tSend The schooner Bantamia, bound from this Housekeeping and Linen Goods. Rodder, B 1). Kohle, Selali ChamWUiu, N. W. upon every several roads. t men and Bankers gen.rslly. marSl published ao mu:h expectation belure ton- - B. each and foot front of the lots, Line, Ma- nuiifes jet etched port to Chicago with coal, is ashore near J0TITK To Meat and Bread Taylor, John Smith, R. F. Puiue, William S H or parcels of land, bounding or upon Gallon Belle font nine Rattroad for re Hewitt, William H. William II. Keith, abutting Sidney, Union, its app?ar..nce. or, vhva received bai beon read Oak tractor: Sealed prppeal will be Dtanlev, said klumbns street, between the points aforesaid rlon, Bellefontalne, Mnncie, Orchard Creek. Infirmary Office 'clock. WHITE GOODS, and J mes Wndf, all of Cleveland, O.; Mar Indianapolis, TerreHante.Vlncennes, Evans ceived at the until It Jr., iront-- ' CALVIN CAR.Fl, with amah unlTertal duUght. Certain that it Till The schooners Monticello and Traveller, - in proportion to the number of feet Any Ao. ar Int. for furnish) n e for on- year, for the Embra Ing ful! lines of Jaconet rambrics, French vin Kent, or bent, v.; k. is. ward, nr Kftimt, E E owner or owners et lots or Unds bounding or abut ville, Louisville, Cairo, St. Louis, CLXYILAKD, OHIO, ha, cor dial! welcome the rcaden of D"tiartm-nt- , Gov. M. ThomptKin, SprtngSetd. j bj bound from French Creek to Detroit, light, nfirmsry food wholesome meat and UsnilirKe, Pla'n and lottl bwise, Mich.; and S. Idrton, F. ting upon Columbus street, between the points Delaware with 8pnngn!d Branshfor - W Ue.ll, k, Columbus and Xenia U and 1 o the Dock are ashore, the former at Devil's Xose, and brtnul, ol tho tirst qnaiity. The Board of lnfirina- Briiliinta, Marseilles. L. A. GriMcv, A. and Htman of im- Oolnmbus Little Miami k Ka. 85 MmrM-t- end i aforesaid, claiming damage by reason of said i SEMI-WEEKL- invite tbe sahmi-&io- ot Dies, reserTing me Bannack City, Montana Railroad, for Xenia, Day ten Indianapolis THE Y TRIEDE the other at Thirtv mile Point. Steam tugs f S H provement, are hereby required to file tbe same In iht to accept or reject the same. This com; any was incorporated by the Territo- writing, forth amount of damage Terre Haute, St. Louis, Morrow, Love land' and pump3 will be sent to their assistance. Also, CURTAINS! rial Legielature of the Territory Montana, by setting the Cincinnati, and with tbe Ohio and nitse CLKVKL,AD BRANCH WAREHOUSES A. K. bl Acting uirecior. oi claimed by him. her or th-- with the ity Clerk and are 6ha!l commence a repnMicatioa of tbe ENGLISH arriAen in pon mis WHEATOy, tti&t',the Board. act approved Jan 17ih,lSj5. Tl'f property of the fssipp Railroad- TH1 inesenooner naieia G.8. C!erkof Kottinplutm Lace, Fmbroidered Huslln; Buff, also rpHE LEADING THTSICIANS of s id City, within two weeks after the expiration Ot TRANSLATION on morning trom Canada, with the loss ot a A pril 17th. lMfi. ap1f:31t tireeu Curtain Holland. Company was selected by Gov Eder ion and oth- thrcaghont country ar daily acknowl publication of this Cincinnati for Louurville, Evmasville, Cairo, St, weru In L th. of three weeks from the first on deck load of lumber. Bradley's Qoup Skirts and French Woven Corsets. ers, who on the rrcmiaea, and ii situate edingtbt merits or UASUKXSB CANDY, and notici. Any person who shall fail or neglect to Louis, and all points the Ohio Rfver. & Oardensburg, i? The undem5ncd B'aver Head county, Montana, in tbe B:ue Wig, prore tBrfr sincerity by pree- rilung it In Ale as aforesaid, within the time Colombns Central Ohio Railroad for Newark. Eagle Iron Nail Works. OF MAY. The schooner Coral, from CrtPART.Va.iiSHlP. nnd-- Ine nest in aiarsel. caa their claim eiore A THE FOURTH a Copartnership r Bald Mountain and Bnuack Mining bltricts, where al! other remedies ha.e fal!-- FOB ALL aid, shall be taken aod deemed to have waived Zaneaville, Wheeling Ac; Columbus In ashore three miles below Devil's Xose. stvip and firm name of Pelton A Will am , as We offer assortments of Casi- - and comprUee nine thousand feet in of ape lis Central Beilroada lor Piqua, Kew fabscribera cannot hare a better time to the also fell (loth, DIFFICULTIES OF THE THROAT AND tbe same, aod be forever debarred from filing any dies WOLFE, HOWARD CO.'S The propeller Buckeye arrived here to l dealers in Meats and ProTisioss, at the meres Domestics, Prints, cc. Goid and Silver leads or lodea, of whch LUNGS, aSD EVERT DISE4SE WHATEVER, any Ac. 4 commencement of 6 Golil claim for, or receiving damage therefor. bejrta than with the thii day from Toledo. This is the first vessel o' Liver and Main street, West de. Call at ST BEET, a few doors feet it in llTer, and 4,8ta (et of fe: HAv INC. ITS i:aUSK DIRECTLY OK INDI- By order of the City Council. tfW For tickets to all points and information an Glass Woaka. public retpectfoliy s 'iici- - UNfiUlO on the silver lead known West," Passenger Station, and Union Kxcxuion from Lake Erie through the Welland Canal The patrcnajre of the is sooth of Turk. apl3 ai tle "Wide RECTLY. FEOU ANY DERANGEMENT OF C. HIX.L, City Clerk Sly at the at tbe iil. pvn xo am aou 1,200 feet on the Mendota Junction " l,3i on J. Office, 147 Superior street. - ASD WH0LS6ALS AGS5CIES OF TBI REMARKABLE STORY. this season. The optain of the Buckeye rnrticuiar attention ok rrai THE S1EV0US SYSTEM, IT STASDS TJSRI. April 12, IB. ap!3:310-d3- eel Trade. F 8. PKLTON. the Sherman," 16 feet on the gold laid .'Fair VALLED. PRICE 50 CTS AND PES BOX. E. S. FLINT. through about sixty Y I SI & Oar porpoee is to gire a large tnetalment in each reports that he passed apll:312 J. H. LLIAMS. View," Ac.. Ac. FOB SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS. OTICK To whom It may Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1866. Superintendeat. niawatba Xut Bolt Work. ice The company propose to send a force with all im- miles of on Lake Erio. a regular meeting of the City number of the paper, eo that there shall be bo D RY to work the silver aa soon as the necesea-t- y OKI EXT (OSPAXY, N Change Time, October 9tli, Buffalo. GOODS SlbVAS of Gas Pipe, Tubing and Steam Pips r. From Counci of tbe City of Cleveland, held on the 17th patient waiting on the part of the read-- It will TONSORIAL. land can bo raised from the sale of stock. It 151 M'aNbinpTton, Boatorj, day of April, I860, the following resolution was VIA THE by Buffalo, April 25. The barks Attine, is proposed to sell of the reserved stock Manufactured be finished in about eight weke and followed by lMbare Sole Importers and Manufacturers. None gen- auupted, to wit: ATLASTIC et GREAT Tom Wrong, and schooner Starlight, both FA1J or that purpose at Fifty Dollars pT sbarr stock Awe In opinion of this Council, It the next folly paid so be uine without their impiint on each box. red Tht the JinVmJKkt. laden with lumber, are ashore at Fairport, LONG HUMAN HAIR. to be issnod that it hall not sub is deemed necessa-- to grade, pave and Improve EAGLE IRON WORKS ject to assessments. It is estimated that the coots Wholesale Ajrenta : Ohio. The schooer Montana is ashore t street; and also to grade and improve Henry Alio sole Agent for BEST NOVEL OF 1S6G. FRESH IMPORTATION. of tne erection oi woras caicniatea to reaace six 6TR0N0 ARHSTBONU, Clereland, Ohio. Chapel streets accordance with the estab- eighteen miles east of Niagara river on tons of ore per day, including crashing, machinery, and ia Tie only inbroken BroadcinaseKoote SQUARE, lished grade and plana and profiles ob file la tbe TUB EASTERN CITIES, piTTsnrncn works Lake Ontario. ATTM. DAY, 46 PUBLIC WHOLESALE ! steam enK'ne, bnildinps, &c, will not exceed City Civil Engineer's Office; and any person or TO steel baring juit arrirei from Europe, wonld in Z5.ui0. The Wide West ' Lead has a vein well mwo Trains Daily Leave Cleveland, from tha Ajtnnnson, A Co., Proprietors. Explosion. persons claiming damages by reason of such gra- Coon form the Ladies and public generally, that he has drAtied at tbe surface, and haa regular alls. At H hereby Atlantic A Great Western Depot : THE NEW YOEK TRIBUTE ¬ A ding, paving aod improfing, are required J Wars- April 25. op-- Tor ana m com two and a t.alf wide, In stork and receiving a full supply at my - Cixcisxati, in'pction tne largest ii tbe Furface the vein is tile their in writing with the City Clerk DAT EXPRESS 9:20 A. K. pnbO-he- d TCESBAY and FRIDAY, and GOOD? ever offered a bouses of . i patch to the Gazette says:. The steamer plete stock of HI MAN HAIR and at the depth of seven feet it is three and eaid Ci'y, within five weeks from the first pub- Arrive in New York 1:00 P. M half fret wide, and re increased in richness. :36 M contains all the Editorial articles, not merely local John Kaymocd espi-ue- ner Doner ami Eaymond&Lowe, S H lication of this resolution, or be forever debarred MIGHT EXPRESS P. Steel, Glass, Gas Pipe, &c Xo. brouE-- t especially for the manufacturing of Ten assays af the ores from this lead have been filing auy or receiving any dama- Arrive in New Tork Wh80 P. M Iron, Nails, in character; Literary Reviews and Art Criticisms; took fire when near Island 40. at ten Now from cla'm lor, SWITCHES, BRAIDS, COIL HEAD DRKSSES, made by C.8. Aarayers in York which show ges By order of the City Council. Mall train leaves Cleveland for balamancn Letters from our large corps of Foreign and Do- o'clock vesterday morning. The first en 20 li west of . therefor. mm. Sand for Price List. l.ait will do well to examine ima ueauuiui yield of silver per ton of lbs, the E E C. E. HILL. City Clerk. 6:40 A. U., arriviug at 6:40 P. M. n brands, $94. 1.917, ith these snpenor and mestic Correspondent ; Special and Associate! gineer was blown overboard ana lost, tne Hnir before purchasmp elsewhere. Importers and Jobber, which was and the highest averaging April 18, 186. ap!8 312 3w Trains arrive nt Cleveland at 7:40 A. nr., and fire K. B. Head Dresses broORht $1,054 7iMO0 per ton. A furnace that will reduce " Press TvlpgrapQ Di patches; a careful and com second engineer b iuiy sc&ldcd, and six Muny Yerj pretty 9:60 p. M. . . At MarmfHctnreir'n Prlccsi, direct from Paris ihe Terr latest fashion (new only six tons per day wonld net of such ore, pro-vi- d' OTICK TO Propos- e:sva. plete summary of Foreign and Pomes tic ; men or dec nan.is more or less injured. S H COXTRACIORS. Trains for ioangstown leave uieveiana u liberal aharo of patronage- .- design" in Twists, Fows, Ac.) Any ol tbe d It only yielded the average of tbe above Engi- - P. .. hope to merit a floating five miles down stream the Si tid- N als will be revived at tbe City Civil ., and 3:lo arrive at vieveiana v;wi I Exclusive reports of the Troche-lin- of tne After above Head Dresses, all or Which can De mate oni 130 132 WATER STREET. assays, over milium and half rfiil.r ordersrsspncuniiy --,u. far ami per in'BjlVvarStilrt..Ui fire was extinguished and the pawensers oi Switch's and Braids without Injury to either. ing more than four hun rod svn: Y. , buildiug a branch sewer rout, to Uo Oil Beglw mers' Clnb of the American Institute; Talts about cent, per annum on tbe stock issued. C A N D Prospect to "il'i'jnlTPennsylvatnsr Un2e:BU xS Merwict., and S A 7 on the Dock. rescued by the steamer Tennessee and taken Ladiei Hair Dressing in all the Uteet and "umait, between Erie and streets, the at lirt Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural to Memphis. The Raymond was valued at Hist nrTalltntr marl 3 Tbe offlc rs and sto kuo ders intend to push the ipl)IWF Browoell street main sewer. Flan aad specifica- Pusengers by the :30 a. a. Express Train din Information; Stock, Financial, Cattle Dry Good itla bnsiness with U their energv. C. D. Everett, tions may be seen at said Engineer's 'ffioe. Tbe at Meadville, aad Bleeping Car at ealaaranca. TT1ILS-IB0X-61- 1S8. $13,000. The damage will amount to about will be ready to start for the the 8:36 p. a. Expnse Train, get and Gensral ftfarUSt Reports, which are paMiehed Super. ntendrnt, SPRING BED BOTTOMS. Board of C'itv Improvements invite the submission Passengers b, $2,UCQ. T.TTE ABE SOW IN KECEIPT OF mines the !ors part of May. Now is yonr imeto bids, reserving the right o accept or r4ject the Bleeping Car at Cleveland. TKIBCKE. The COAL. put by Se- Express leaves lastaad in the DULY T V Spring Stoek,consitting of a choice invest. Oiderafor stovk mail to the same. By order of the Board. The Night Sends, night, MORRISON FOSTER, oar ircn-lars , TRIBUNE also giro, in the course cf a year, assortment ot cretary will br to. CaII or send for JOHN WH1TELAW, of Saturday nignt. All other trains daily, 61 63 Blvcr-sU- A.DBEWS, KlICUCOCS. CO, and full descrip- WRIGHT'S PATENT So. and the BEST aud Foreign News. containing charter, vsFayi, ap19:310 City Civil Engineer. sxcepted. TflREE or FOUR of T O L for OU City, Mu, Shoentoergcr's Kails. DaaLXU IV Prints, opring styles; Delaines, sprlcf tion of property, Ac, to be hui of tbe Secretary, SEC I t Connect, at Meadville, Frank Jonlata Arrival of the City of Boston. at Waeon, Everett A Co. 'a Banking Hune, Cleve- VTOTiCE. To the owners and agents Oorry, and ail points in th OU Begions et 0 LATEST XOTELS . Ohio. apll-31- ! upon CKIATA BOILIR PtATX POriXATt 25, 1:40 p. w. The BRIAR HILL COAL! styles; Dress Goods, spring styhs; land SPRRG BED BOTTOM i.1 of lots and lands bounding or abutting Sff" Sixor Hook. April c. h. ASiaiwg, 1 3 Johnson s jfarioe Block, both sides of bcovill street between B'owoeii and Passenger by this rout have amp!, ttap. (39 by llTinjc Th eoet of these alone, if of B ton, from Liverpool the I Ginghams, W Goods, Hll-llnc- ry be- for meals, naak ALAO. authors. Steamer City W J. HlTCUr.CK, lilVI SLti bLl, hite Perry streets; upon b'tb sides of York street satnutes), at regular hoars, aad bought in book form, wonld be from six to eight 11th, via the I2th, has arrived W. C. ASDEE, f CLLVF D. OlfflO SAFES AND SCALES. tv tween Franklin and Monroe streets; upon both Bare connection.. Qnallty Jueenstwn Goods, Xotiosi, 3 tached ts) Sar Iron.Wlndow 6b8s,Extra dollars. purchased in the ENGLISH MAG A and anchored off this point. W. J. MrKIXSIB. febI3:B18 sides of Jereev street between Folton and Monroe Hew and elegaa Slseping Coaches ar If of Monroe and Chatham Night Trains. ..Berr from which they are carefully selected. Her advices are one day later. Woolens, Balmorals, streets; upon both sidrs tirindalonra ua Zl"KS, ! street between Pearl and Willet streets; apon For all information and through tickets, Ail the abom nt cost would be three or four times sum. Ln erpooi , April 12 Ottou sa!es ! ! Bleach d Cottons, Forsyth's Scales street between Lorain and aooly Depot of tne Atlantic Ore West- S tbe that ROBEETS COAL both sids of Columbus at th FR-- PRICES. 5.000 to 1 C. S. Cakw lickst Ofsos, under MAMTAfTl" R Nowhere else can so much current Intelligence and 7.000 bales, including bales Fjeou-- fine B.own Shirtings, Sheetlnga, Warranted Standard. Willey streets; upon both sides of Willey street ern Railway, or at ths f.MO a tors exporters. Market dull w.;h a between Columbus and Pearl streets; upon both the Weddell House. permanent literary matter be had at ao cheap a and Improvemer.ts in the Facilities 150 varietiee adapted to every call for passengsrs, by having decline cf Ad, and panic in the market LATE Apron Checks, Striped Shirtl gs, OVER side of Cham plain street between Ontario and OuuibaHO. will rate as in THE SKMI-- SEE Lx TRIBUNE. thin tnperior ei, direct from A'k, Cmal streets; upon both side of Brownell street directions at the above offices. FURNISHINC COOPS. Breadstuffs active and firm. my mine da'ly, enables me to place it to consniver Brown and Colored Drills, west D. McLAEIN, Oan'l Sup'tv FORSYTES' COPYING PRESSES between Ohio and fkovill streets; upon the " . Provision market d'iU. a: reduced prtotw, and I accordingly give them tbt Ticking, Cottonades, side of Pearl street between Detroit and Termont I. T. PTTLtnt, Pen. Ticket Agent. LosDiJf, April 12. Consols close at benfht. Lump, ini, ana disck. Warehouse Tracks & Sugar 31111s, streets; upon sides of Pearl street between FACTORY i iis as a Chippawa Coals at boh SHIRT THETR1BISE for money. I". S. I. C. I also sell Masailon Shawls, And MARVIN'S PATENT (Alum and Dr, Plsater) and Lorain streets; upon tbe east side of snoBiKsi kocik rauH iLCTELiao KMlBttn. 7171.: ie. avenue and Lake 60;(3,S1; Erie S4( IHE LOWEST MARKET RATES Matrson street between Euclid , TO CHICAt.0. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER All orders filled with special reference to the con Tb9p?c:al attention of the buyer i. called to Fire, Burglar and Damp Proof street; upon the west side of Dodge street between THE WORLD. parcp-er- Order tbrongh PostofRtej onr annsuallj attracitre assortment oi Euclid avenue and St. Clair street : IN of yon are hereby ! SELF-RAISIN- G of Q. D. Berk. Superior street, opposite Postoflice. You wi;l please take notice that KEPPIVER FLOUR. SAFES! & CHEAPEST SPRING grade, gravel and flag, with brick or DAUX TRAILS 0BIUAa A. KXLAK3ZMEST OF THE DAILY, P. Fote. or at yard. vaty street, FANCY n, Ac. ele?ant BEST required to TidBIE 10 L. oratw. CASSDIERES! For Banks, Merchant Also HvrSI THE Hotels, and Pri- the sidewalks in front of WEEKLY TRIBUNE. jMiVRtO a., u. SMITH. Jew-el- r. in use, for Steamboats, stone, six feet in width, Manufacturer of ANR SAFES ia style of furniture, for Plate and ess TIA BEST ARTICLE tSE. WKSTLAKE, vate Dwellings. your respective lots or lands, (and make the at vtBYTU experience proves that they are bet- sary repairs thereon), and in accordance with the Cleveland, Columtai Ss Cincinnati, tnd - Notwithstanding the fact that the size or Tax ALIKX English and French Cloths! 7 Ten years J0ES, Wtr Ntrt. ter adapted to satisfy the wants "f the public than general specifications for sidewalks in the office of Fort "Wayne & Chicago 'YOKE SHIRTS, TmiBCNt has been increased more than one inar-ta- HABKiyCTOS'S BVetail Pittsburgh, FRENCH 5. 6. Wholesale and Dealer hi AXD SAFES REPAIRED. any Spring Bed in the mtrket. the City Civil Engineer, and to complete the same the price will remain tbe same, QCALK8 othr ad- 1806. BAIL BOADS. And Dealer in Columbiana Chippewa I,adies'4;6-- 4 Sackings ! competent mechanics oar employ It is acknowledge! by all that they poeeees en or before the 15th day of July, If the Strip Vela, and We have in anything is compiled with within the time Trains leave the Union TKttMSi SELF FLOUR! repairing vantage's that render theia superior to above request not thmMIn! A lor the purpose of done by city Leave Cleveland 7.45 . a. LvwCresUin lUO a. "WEEKLY RAISING There need no longer be any fear concerning an SAFE?, LOCKS, KTC. yet prwwnted to the country. he.ein specified, the work will be the FnrnLshlnK Goods! TRIBUNE. Imui'-dUt- HCALEHf sat'sfac-tlo- n thereof assessed aa a Men's COALS. or further decline in Dry Goodi, for and are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line In all cases, if thy do not give entire with stone, and the cost tax ..T'L--r. Cr-t-lla. --0 P C. B. R. Pter. Also, Office and 1 art both Cotton and Woolen money paid for bounding or abutting upon tbe Mali snbsfrfbeTi, single oopy.t yer-5- 2 nBTfiVerB.2 on It BaTea Time, ts Economical, and Office on P. durlnir th late Panic on short notice and reasonable terms. All work aftr month's tsial, the upon the property teTr.li 5o. ii pake Brncise. Mail subacrihers, dot ot five. . 9 n SKYEU FAILS. at aacltd street . b. crossing, coa osaa Goods decline t to prices which would imt pay cst warranted. FOBSYTH A WE8TLAKK, them will be refunded. 8i lew .Iks improved. By order of the Board of Ten owe addrewd to nameaoi snh oriber. 17 M Excellent Quality for of luanulacturins tlte goods. There is but little General agents for Forsyth's Scales and Marvin's WARRANT BD FOR TIN TIAR8. City Improvements. TVforn'.Sn'aud'tfckets Pnblie Ssmitrc, Between Conrt Twenty copias addrewed tonameaolsubKribers.34 oil rVM la qnantftfe. to suit porcbasers at th BTKAM. GAS. GRATES, STOTTS, doubt hnt that thfre will soon be an advance Bold by a.i apholf,tcrs and inrnlturo M.G WATTEB80N, C!rk. Tia. rrestlin to th. (Ol 16 Safes. 87 Water street; oc'7 apply tlepot or at tn Stoma Ten oopt, to one address - 00 CLKVKLAND HILLS. Office or House Use. Also, ANTHRACITE OOAL above nresent prices. throughout the United States. Heveland, April 18th, XWA. aplfrSlO WMtand Northwest, at tne and Chnrck. 30 00 dealers OIBcs, 1 Weddell Hons. B!ck, 8u-- llouae Twenty copies, to one ddreffl Liberal aiconiit to Dealers, in large r small quantities. We shall endeaTor. by a care'nl selection of Call and examine. ronTlcket copy b? nt foT cn club of . C. CLKLAND. Made to Order. An extra This Fionr nwds bet a trial, to b. bronzfat Into rr.Vr reanectfpily soiidtod and promptly at styles and a aniform system of tmall profits, to REMOVAL. LIPFINCOTT k CO., Costnme SnlrU Jtw Aant, - TRIBUNE. tended to. Coal for smithing kept constantly on merit from th old customers of B. L. A Co. the Only Manufacturers, PATENT OFFICE ACENCY r.p.-1.-- 'l t.n nr K 'O SHOTJXB T0T DE- - bretowal of the s me oonfideaoe and patronage ex- ap!2:9?2-K)- y9 Canal str-t- . Yoik. rSTOHIBS Wail snbeCTibera, 1 copy. I yr-.- PI nambers54 W , , tended to the late firm. Mr. F. H. Morris ASB 1 LAY tn sending in rneir M ail subscribers, 2 opi-- 1 year-- Ifi numbers... 0 BRCSHKS, qnalit)-- and REMOVAL. U3II1.1I STATS8 F0KJI65 We "f OU food his 4.1othing Store from No. 9 CtOTHISS. BTS suggestion they will proeont hurry and Kaii subembers, 5 copies, or oTer. tor each copy 3 TEETH small pronts bv initothjtrf-I- - sn. FOR SALE. RAYMOND A LOVE square 60 street, respect PROFESSIONAL. CHIIDBM'8 an sseortnwnt oj i: will be mora aatisfcto- remitting in espies will receive au Monument to Prupect AGKXCT Persons fr CHrB HILL BP.0THES. libe- PATENT OFFICE ol all ages. BraMea customer, should bear in mind that extra eor? tor ft moutiia. Cleveland, March 57th. mar23:3P8 fulty aaks a ount in nance of the patronage so Cnlldren's aothiug for bovs rw Onuide , wiB recelreaa fith9:&, Dnniiu Vi. OataKw St. bestowed noon past, and bones by 136 Children from S to 6 l old. Jacket can measure themselves and "nd orders for PeiMBa rnuu.nr for uoopin H fcK CIPK. 1 hve on hand a large rally him in the CHA8. W. b C05WAI W. NOBLE, 5o. aits for J thir axtra oony one year. SE quality BFWKB increased facilities and strict attention to the ssjrtsea. o oits for Boys mom T to IS years o'd ohort 8.ck whauver distance from uervwaM. of th. test of Wear prepare to transact mt 1 1 years old. fthirta at m- - snra- - inrtii'it A CO. wants of bis customers merit the same in tbe & Law for Touths from to Ths giving fuU direction, for DAILY TRIBUSE.- - Box. l(Jlrs Host, 1000 VlrT., wbich 1 ofter to toe traae at itie iewe BOWIES hare the machinery. to Attorners Counsellors at leosrtption to loTenUons, Drawls, v suits ;- for aci'caiar Bl iaaa do. ao future. Eastern fashions received. All work relate and .ewc."---- gC- - rcr29 Half Hrr; 8J0 doi. Cbildrens market rates. yy tn material, ion ine u?n. to toe nnnt AJUBICAB BUILDINGS, Paten'". Inrrinsemenu, .ood. ar.f th. Bict. 10 per ; for six months. lUUv Cnt. A cloths on hand, OO., annum V FIQCBF.''. at aaa-ar- e my Coal Yard oa Canal, foot Watch work of any shop in Cleveland. Wf?fy warranted. good assortment at InTrHtentlaw. Cn BIIHJJ A Bow, at LOW Call tt at mailo up Gl.STSL.KD, OKU. Has. 1 aaa 11 irabuc sHmttfv TRIBUNE, New York. M. HALLS CO.'S or vinevara competition in that line. Try os with any Job which will be sold at the lowest retes, ar IjkBT :AuBOrts Attcrasn apis THE .treet. most fashioaaMe styles. apl2:BL4 A1 saaUkT OOMWAT apii 17 Water .t. . N. HAVMOKB. In that line, and see if our boasts are idle. nir29 is the beat and ?fcK P.