DRY GOODS. SUNDRIES. CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. INSURANCE. RAILROADS. SPECIAL NOTICES. 0.E Itl.Ul!KU JJOZKN DAILY LEADER TELEGRAPHIC. FIKE CliOTHINO: : THE CIEVEHITD A PIIT8BtK6H R. 'ii "W-- i' OFALAKRIAGE. New Dress Goods! ikttention Th Proprietors f e Kn lork Muaeutn of Annt-c- Handkercliiefs Mutual to. f Is- Hemslilchcd Life Insirance have determined, regardless of expense, to t&" For Horning edition Sews see Yesterday Afternoon's Report sue free (lor the aAt of suffering humanity, aad sad afl.r Monday, DMemtar lpnreaaioa of four of tuejr most inter- eatslde. OX llth. 185 (MctaTl ana Yojiths'.& Boys' OF NEW will tear. Clanland dail. (Sdui.. - esting instructive Lectures on Marriages teg" For Evening Edition News see Jleu's Wear! YORK. centadl as fallow. : ud PhTMcel Debil It. fiTsquelilloelloae, Korvpu. ud Inside. 8M) A. M. MAIL Arrl.es at Pittsburgh kit) a. Prematar deolia of Ataanooa, uiu(nuui, WASHINGTON NEWS. material and Utvst FREDERICK 8. ity, v Maen&clurcd of the best FARMERS, J 7:iM . or DejueMivn, ImpoUncy, Lom of Knr-- OPENED. A BARCAIN wmtOS, President. a.) aarrisDnrgn a. caitissora a. WkneM for . JUST CREAT a.; Wabinwa 10:35 a. .; Pmlladalphis i tne Great Social Evil, and pattern and Hull CARDNERS, CASH ASSETS 7:00 Turk 10KW . ;om which result ixom youtnrul tollies, THURSDAY, APRIL 2d, 1S66. FEB. 1, 1866, a. h.w a. Maladieo (f Eil (:0O r. sj. OoDMct Hudson and of I'iljaioiogjr The Internal Kctchuc E. E. GBIbWOLD 4 CO., at wit uitiM of maturity, iuoranca CARBON OIL REFINERS O. B. B. for Akroa aod eonaaeM atiCttA11'. are -- an.3 law. of nature. SPUING & SUMMER. have been mean with P. It. ft . G. Sailwa tot all These Invaluabla Lectures th 217 Snprior street. DRUCCISTS, $14,885,278.88. fouia Knlightening and saving thousand, and will bs NEWS. NAVAL CFFI ! P. M by ad CITY COMIBJIATIOX OF Largs assortment of I. P. SHERWOOD'S IXPREgg Arr.ro ai forwarded free, on of four stamp, MECHANICS r-- ; md,fli 8K0HKTAKY.ii(t New York elueetim of DELL. Has Surpaaaed all ottjer Asaprlraai Hrr.bnrfth s:J6 a. .; Baltimore ew lock. CEB ! ""' '"'"a'O" 4:40 r. Jt.; Philadal Anatomy and Medicine, ele Eroedw.J, HiBgajiico. The Hibernicon ! A 3 l.lie IasnraiiM Cmpaaie. SPRING OVERCOATS spMidid assortiaeat of Dealers, ! ii' " ,or " MM- - fcblMfcJ Tuesday night was a great success. Furniture Manufacturers k a '"K'T Hill I Ia Amount of Assets, Casb; Wood) '41 .. jeS-T- GKEAT KEW ESGLAJfD To line of all x., eonnacu with Baltiawn Barney does the ,;Son of Erin" to perfection, Internal lieu'iiue Officers In and Ohln R Tt Dr. W. Poland's White Piae Com- I :4 P. M. ACCOaM0CATIOWA EES IDT. J. and the entertainment is full of g SPKIIV6 SHAWLS! In the Superior Character and Safety .. .i oend, is now offered to ths anUctrl throughout Virginia. Gents,' Furnishing Goods! HARNESS MAKERS, hanoa :38 m. Cars from Cle.elaad run scenes are fine. Among oi us dirartl, throo.b, Tia Undaoa Co tbo country, After having boon proved by tbe tent fun. The new CISTERN BUILDERS inTestmenti; for jhora of Su in Ire Lupin's Black Bombazines, Pail., Akroa and MUl.rsbnrk, oonnecttac of eleven years, in the Kew England States, where them are the Landing Patrick Late and KOBBT STYLES ol at Alllaoc and Orrrllie with P. 4c CAN TEST In Amount of Annual Income, Vt. W. C. Its merits have become a well known at the tree land, Bittle of Clontarf, Tbe Devil's Glen, THEY ALL TAKE THE MASONS, all Bail war, for Canton, MaasUloo, Wooatar aad qualitr. ; Manaaeld. from whirli- - taart. It derives its virtues. The Suitrior lasn in Grand illuminated view of the interior of OATH. And the pnhlic generally. Oars rna ttiruairR from to K.w To.ir Sore Throat, Cold, HATS AND CAPS ! Pittibnrah Whit Pine Oomponnd onrea 6t Patrick's Cathedral, Lake by Moonlight, In the Amount Bronchitis, Spitting of Blooa, keeps on ofDlTldends Declared ; Oougta, Diptheria, and Sunrise on LougU Conse. Irish eongs JPST EKCEIVKD, Luniii'N White and Colored The subscriber constantly hsmd, at his Pelmnearv Affections generally. It is a re- - Five Cent Loan Proposed, to ZIS., Diabe- and duet by Barney and MiBS Goodall vary Per Ground 3Iobairs! No. Si The Dlrldcnds being larger In I Tlct" oace' Vtd'M) bosm, t um or at markible Beniedr for Sidney Oomplainte, A ntl will b told at a moderate advaoae fr"n net. Warerooms, Mtrwln street, amount jpoi, tes, Ditficnity of Voiding Urine, Bleeding from tne the entertainment. Another opportunity to Uire . a call. and in proportion to Premiums paid j. H.pivaEtrx,gorrntndenii hear and see at Garrett's Hail. Agreed by Hie Beeon Lupin's Black Canioii Cloths ! CXEVELAXO, OHIO, has Notlitns on UEO. FAim illl.O, than been declared by any oth CLtVKLASD ERIK RAILROAD. 'c"" it trial If yo woM Vrn the value of a er Lire Insurance Company. ro --i uad tried HtKliciDt- - It Is pleaeaDt safe and Messhs. Emtohs. The following appears strncllon Committee. J06 HOFFMAS BLOOF, BONE DUST, o ! am For Acrencles Ohio - of Tuesday night. Kusi Eide Olio. OKGAXDIES ism in or for P.mnMeta .. ntr. nold o DrnggiiU and Dealer Medkin gne- in the Council proceedings PnHIc Slti.re, CTcelnJ, 1864. lNTItt ABUAKOEMKNT. 1865. j maral PLASTER PARIS, Luiar. witu iuu particulars, appl to rftily. Mr. Heislev. Heiolrcd that the Oily and Monday, fiWWTT ProDrWor. "Bt after Oct, 23d, Passenger r.rn w M. !.. Coui-ci- by what le- M. L. 1!. Superior qualiaies. Trains will Boston, Mass. Attorney report to this l Washington News. Geo. A. Dim, I'eixotto, AND WATER LIME. On ran a. follow, (Snndaf excepted): Companies A'ew iori. c'(tpt'aai. JOHN 6. JENNINGS, "bEKTO, IffTnS CANTIELD, And STRONG gal right the Street Railroad SAND PAPER, LBATI CLEVELAND . one dollar for Bill. &4S AhM'TROM. are charging our citizens The Internal Revenue A. M. NEW YOEK EXPBES9 Stopping at for Ar-ri- ESTABLI8IIE! A. D., IS 17. nackaces of seventeen tickets fare New York. l 25. Tbe Times' sped NEATS FOOT OIL, Sl.Tf 1HODKI107, raine.Tiue,nemon, Asntalmla, within the city limits." says that the internal liovenue bill will Silk Foulards, MSrRASCE C'O.HPAXV. KlngsTiUe and Girard, and arri.aa at Krie -- swg. at 9:15 A. M., Dunkirk 11:10 A. II UXXE WELL'S (if really probablv be reported Since the Entirely new styles. si: And curled hair for riKB Afill OTAK.IMK. BaOalo Kow to correct the impression it Office Xo. 178 Superior-st.- , 1:10 P. M.. New lork 7:00 A. M. and Bostoa bill tiassti tbroiih the hands of the com i2 Cleveland, at 3:60 P. M. needs correction) that such charge is made It bit I at element of this sulen- - mittee, the following chances have been Davis, Peixotto & Co., ta;lti,l 3330,000.00, :M A. M. DAY IXPBB5S TRAIN Stoaninjrat l l I Street Ra ii BEack and White ettees, Sofas & Mattrasses. KKXICnr. did nrrD.ralion. which allows to passengers on the West Side made on the second omsiueratirm af its Fullj reprtMntod by Flrat-Olas- a otandard rijiMiim uvueva, a.nraoaia, conneant there is tickling and Girard only, and lu use whenever state we will furnish, a iteiua : The tax on stock aTd bullion bro- Socurltle.. arrive at Kri. al UM ' road I wish to that Manafactarcrs nni JoKbers of all qTialitirs nl r. m., Dunkirk 8:15 r. BaOalo & p. or in the throat, and producing deb kera was fixed at 2 cents ou ?i)0. The tax styles of DIBKUTOBS. h., irritation by which bushel or less of tickets at twenty for cne New York at 12:00 Boston MI p. the only and trie theory atrus on merciianJ:;:e remains as hereto CHECK DSESS SILKS! Stillman Witt, John P. Warwr, S:S0 M. Hoarseness, Bronchial our brukers P. CINCINNATI KXPI1S TBAIH remedy for Cokts, Couihs, dollar, which has always been pri.je. fore, James Mnson, Robert Haana, fitoppiag PaineSTllie, ell Throat Affections, whioh if but are j.t;t in under tho same siauip E. I. Baldwin, HarTer. at Asntabula and Oirard Complaints, an! A. Kidsey, Supenntendijnt Beorj onlj, and arrire at Erie 6:25 . a., Dunkirk end in Consumption, can be effectually Jaw as others. I he tax on candies is nnaiiv READY ! fan CATTLE HORNS, H. M. Chapin, O. A. Brooka, tzltcted, SIDE CLOTMC, LACE CURTAINS 3 8:35 p. M- -, BuSalo 10:00 p. M.t Kew York April 25th, lao6-- fixed at it per cent, and all rolied iroa at "5 W. H. Price, J. P. Bobisoa, p. p. "sHrgore great origin of Diphtheria CO 8:45 .. Boslen 4.fiA w. Tnroat, lb ton. Glue of all Kinds Gw. Worthington. 5:S4 P. AND ACCOMMODATIOV bjr making n tear with 1 J5!1 and Qualities, M.MAII. - neglected, is cured 2000 Brown at when Police Coi Tbe following were Confirmed. r & f'ds Shirting shilling b STILLMAN WITT, Presidsnt. Stopping at an stations, and axrin at aria rt. ces Coruor Superior ffatvrsts., H. M. CUAPIM, 7:35 p. m. undoubted character can be 5000 yards at 12 2 rents. ?. Pre.id.nt, of disposed of by Judges Abbey Wednesday Moses K. Odelt waa vesierday confirmed Prints And .Terythin in fial Iilc of trade. E. O. BOrSB, Secretary. mar30:BS fcOS P. M. SIGHT 1XPBES TRAIN Itopninc tie my oiBoe by all. CLEVELAND, O., 1- -2 1 tern at : by the fcenate as naval oihcer at ew luik Bleached Shirting at 12 cents. at PaineeTille, Ashtabula and Girard only, 26 wnu; Lareodo.
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