Information for Army Meetings ... December 1864
E 635 INFORM^TIOjST J^ i.U569 'Copy 1 FOB .*^^ A liMY MEETINGS. places In many the fourth Sabbath eveDJng of the month is devoted to a TTnion Monthly Concert of Prayer for the Army and Na.y. The deepest inter- est has be^n e:.c,t.d by these meetings. It is hutnbly suggested to all who beheve in the power of prayer, to form «uch meetings during the cri.sis of our mt,on s destiny. This tract is compiled with the view of affording informs lion for these Army Meetings- Please circulate it. DECEMBER, 1864, ansaai^'''^''''^] OFFICERS. GEORGE H. STUART, Esq., Chairman. JOSEPH PATTERS0:N^ Esq., Treasurer, Rev. W. E. BOARDMAN, Sccretart/. Rev. LEMUEL MOSS, Secretary/ Ifgme Organization. Rev. BERNICE D. AMES, Secretary Field Organization. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. GEO. H STUART, Esq., Philadelphia STEPHEN COLWELL, Esq., Rev. Bishop E. Phllada, S. JANES, D D., N Y WILLIAM E. C. DODGE, Esq., New York, DEMOND, Esq , Boston. Mass. Rev. HEM AN DYER, D. D., New York '^72i!;^^^^^'^' *^«q- Philadelphia. W.S. GRIFFITHS. Esq JAY , Brooklyn, N.Y, COOKE. Esq , Philadelphia. JOSEPH G, S.GIIIEFITHS, Esq., Baltimore, Md. PATTKKSON. Esq., Philad'a. H G. JO.N'E^, Rev. Bishop Esq., Philadelphia. M. SIMPSO.N. D.J)., Phila. Rev. W. E. BOARDM AN, Ex. Off., Phila, PEINIED BT AiFRliD MARTIE.N, 619 A.NJ> 6;il JAYNB 61,, PHILADELPHIA. DIRECTORY. PirtTiAnKLrillA.—Letters to T^ev. W. E. BoarrliiiHii. ICev. Umiiel Mow. or .l.)Sf)ih . Kev Btiiii'e D. Anu-s. 11 H;uik Street; nioiiey to I'atterson. at the Westviii r.iiiik; stores to Cior^'e II.
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