Reply of Messrs. Agenor De Gasparin, Édouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin
.3 ^^^^T E 458 .3 .G25 Copy 1 ,OYAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY, H 6 :i 85 E5 O A I> W AY. ^r«. 43. R y. P L Y OK Messrs. AGENOK DP] GASPAKIN, EDOUARD LABOULAYE, HENRI MARTIN, AUGUSTIN COCHIN, To I'M It y0pl llattonal Jeape at |lelu 9^x% I. i(;i;riir:ii ^ irii THE ADDRESS OF THE LEAGUE. i NFW VOKK, JA>., 1S6*. IS^EW YORK: Wm. C. Bryant & Co., Prixtkrs, 41 Nassau Street, cor. Liberty. 1864. , LOYAL PUBLIOAT[ON SOCIETY, t'lon^fovmallij (uloph-d hy ifu'. atuin'i. iJic Socket//, nf Uiiiir>^t :M,-^ih>'j, 11 Fihr, >>,>!. ]Si:;;. ..', TliaL the obji.'i,! of Lbis Oi-gaiii.caUuii is, uikI ;s'a;Ul be Cu'.ifiucd to lliu uibliibulioii of JouMiuli' ai;J JJocuiuciiU of uninKalloiiablt; tiud uucondi- Lional loyalty througlioufc the Unilod Slatc:^-. tuiJ paillcaliuiy iu the Armies now engaged in the siipprei-si-jti of the lu'b-'linn, rmJ to cormteract, as far as practicable, tlie efforts now bcinij-niade b ,:ies of the Government ' • ' '\ and the advocates' of a dl.-'u; '• :.d.-; and documents of a disloyal chai-aclor. ()KPiri':!lS OF 'WW. Siu'll'TV. I'll >.M lit. CHARLES KlXrj. MOlUtlS KETCH U>r. .'j( CI t l;iry. JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, J;:. PuSjli<';itiuii CoiitiiiilU f • KllANClS LIEHEK,, •JAMES MoKAYE, GEO. ]'. rUTJSAM, JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, ,1k,, CIIAKLES ASTOE 13RISTED, GROSVENOr. V. T.OV/'REY. TTTEODORl'] G. GLAURENSKLEE. K.vctu«lvc Cou»u»ltl«M-. WILLIAM T. BLODGETT, Cii.viuMAX, CHRISTIAN E. DETMOLD, SINCLAIR TOUSEY, (}EORGE GIBBS, W.
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