HOFFMAN'S AND ALBANY OflRiieY®RY. 1838* NEW-YORK, ALBANY AND TROY Steamboat Line. FOR NEW-YORK. From the Pier, Foot of State-street. NIGHT LIOTE. North America, Capt. G. Lathrop. De Witt Clinton, do S. R. Roe. Swallow, do A. McLean. Robert L. Stevens, do One of the above Steamboats will leave every afternoon at 5 o'clock, until further notice. For passage apply to the captain, on board, or at the office fsot of State-street. Albany. DAT LINE. Erie, Capt. Jas. Benson. Champlain, do. A. Gorham. Albany, do J. G. Jenkins. One of the auove boats will leave the Pier, foot of State street, Albany, every morning at 7 o'clock. , All the above boats have been thoroughly repaired, both in •ccommodation and speed. STILLMAN WITT, Agent. June, 1838. <:>:::>^:xx:><><>.>c>cx:3K>C'<>o<:><>::><--~<:;<^: DAILY, THE Of Steam Freight Bargesf VIZ : Columbus, Kentucky, Atlantic, Superior, New-York. A. Marvin, Albany, Niagara, Ontario, Detroit, Enterprise, Inspector, Ladv Clinton, Lady Van Rensselaer Running DAILY between NEW YORK & ALBANY. Jlnd also in connection with M. and Hudson Rail Road. Leaving New-York, fout of Corllandt-slreet, North River, and foot of Broad-street, East River, every day (except Sun­ day) at 5 o'clock, P. M.. direct for Albany. Leaving Albany Basin and Rail Road depot every day (ex­ cept Sunday) at 10 o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Passage. uppiv to A. VAN SANTVOORD, Office, JYo. 8'Z Cortlandl-st. (up stairs,) or Office in Broad-street JV. Y DANIEL PECK, Albany, Office on the Pier, foot of Slate-street. fjJ^Gooils received by the above Line, will be forwarded with care and despatch, agreeably to order, or by regular Lines running day and night on the Canal. June. 1838. Arrangements for 1838 NEW YOBS, FAYETTEVILIJB AND Syracuse Line. The proprietors, on the opening of Navigation, will be rea- iy to Ship Merchandize every day from New York, by the f>kforJ Line of Tow Boats to Albany—Thence to Syracuse and all intermediate places, by the above'Line. C E. S. Payne, No. 121 Broad-street, New York. Agents. < II. Eaton k Co. fooll State-stStaff . N. side, up stairs,Alb. W. Dunford, k Co. Syracuse. REFERENCE. F.'iige 4- Priest, Little Falls. I J. D. Crouse, Canastota. Thome 4* Curtiss, Utica. I Mr. Judd, Chiltenango. J. J. Carlev. New London. ( H. EDWARDS d> Co. Favetteville, > Proprietors. KKDFIF.LI) 4-EATON, Hulls Landing. June, 1838. 392 South Market-street. The subscriber has, and intends constantly to have, in Ins store, a general assortment of Baskets, Toys, Domestic Articles, SfC. At Wholesale and Retail. STEPHEN VAN SCHAACK. June, 1S38. , X>0<>>!>C><>C><>C><X||X>C>OC><><X>C:<x: 1838. Erie Oanal Iiine. The proprietors of the ifeoec Line will be prepared on the opening of the Navigation to forwead Merchandize, kp. with despatch and safety, daily, to Western NEW-YORK, all parts of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin. Missouri, and Kentucky. E. M. TEALL &. CO., Proprietors. The patronage ofthe public is respectfully solicited as heretofore For Freight fa., apply to G. W. Arnold, } 18 South-st. | E. Norton fc Co. Buffalo. Allen Brown, $ N. Y E. N. Hulbut, Erie. Pa. E. M. Teul!, 40 Quay-st. Alb. Gillespie, Joice & Co. Cleav- H. Wright k Co. Rochester. land. W. G. Gardiner, Brockporl. Peckham & Co. Toledo. Levi Gray, Albion. E. Gillett k Co. Detroit, M Chase k Eritt, Medina. Wm. Teall, Michigan City, la Barber k Yaw, Lockpnrt. J. S. Wright k Co. Chicago, Dousman k Hostner, Mjlwau- Agents. June, 1838. FA8M0©IKIA!BLI1 HAT STORE. The subscriber respectfully infoross his friends and the pub­ lic, that he continues to manufacture FUR, SILK and TAR PAULIN HATS, at WO. 476 SOUTH MARKET STREET. on as reasonable terms as any other establishment in the City^ A share of public patronage is solicited. FREDERIC BLE.YLE, June, 1838, 18 38 NATIONAL. LINE. 2\-J Ship by Eckford Line of Tow Boat*. From foot of Broad street, Daily, at 5 o'clock. 1*. M. Apply to A. W. JOHNSON. 108 Broad-street., New York. Edivjrd VVhalin k Co., Foot of State-street, Albany. \t.vater & Rudcn, Buffalo. «' T" ii'J>'i > Cleovland. Ohio. h. lj. Meech, \ ' Mark Packages " JYalional Line," Joseph Chatterson, DRAPER AIV» TAILOR, 474, South Market-street, ALBANY. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Of the best kind, made up to order in the latest and most approved style. June, 1838. L COONEY, 552 South Market-Street, OPPOSITE THE EAGLE TAVERN. Constantly on hand a first rate assortment of Cloths, Cassi- meres and vesting*, which will ba made up to order in the most fashionable manner and on the lowest terms. June, 1838. <x">0<><><^>..><<>C<Sj:x>C^0<X>C><Cx>:>:,-5<:«'' 1838. NSW YORK JL OHIO LINE SHIP BY ECKFORD LINE OF TOW BOATS, From fool of Broad-street, Doily, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Shipments are insured to Buffalo only, except by special contract. AGENTS. Noah Cool;, 108 Broad-st. Jaines Chappcll, Rochester N. York. Russell & Hawes, Buffalo. 0. S. Olmsted ? Foot State-st. A. R. Cobb, Cleaveland, O. G. G. Olmsted \ upstairs. Alb. Mark Packages "J\Tcw-York and Ohio T.inc.'' June, 1838. JAMES GIBBONS, Would inform his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a Stock and Exchange Office, J3< JVO 365 South Markct-sircit, Corner of Beaver, Where all kinds of Uncurrent Money, Gold and Silver will be bought and sold, on as reasonable terms as at any other office, in the city. June, 1838. ARTCHER <fc BENNETT. Wholesale Dealers in Groceries and Oils, No. 66, on the Dock, ALBANY. :::K:>-:.X>'::X>CX>:.>C><3K>::>::>:.::-<:> •>•>••> >:>:>C 1838. r^'t'.-.,-* .\£W-¥ORK & SENECA LINE, Consisting of Lake and Canal Boats. A boat will leave New York and Albany, daily, for Utica, Sy­ racuse, Weedsport and Seneca Falls. For Freight and Passage, apply to G. VY Arnold, l 18 South st. S. Farwell, Utica, Allen Brown, J N. Y. H. W. Durnf«rd k Co. Sy­ E. M Teall, 40 Quay street, racuse. Albany. A. L. Smith, Weedsport. John W. West, Seneca Falls. Agents and Proprietors The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited as heretofore Fliferenees. E. Corning, k Co., Humphrey d> Co. ) J . Rathbone d> Co. Clark Durant. V Alb'v J. If. Ten Eyck <f- Co. C. T. Smyth,' y J. H. BROWN, Would inform his friends and the public, thas he has recent­ ly taken the well known shop of Geo. Percivafs, No. 510 South Market-street, where Smith Work, Of every description, will be executed in a substantial and workmanlike manner. He solicits a share of public patronage. June. 1838. 1, 8 3 8 WASHINGTON LINE. J. I. CARTSR &, Co., Propristors Freight and Passengers Forwarded to Buffalo, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, In dianna, Missouri and Kentucky. Jl Boat will leave Mew- York and Jllbany Dai///. Apply to...Thomas P. Waters. 9 Coentics Slip, \. 'S J.I. Carter & Co. 1 State-street, Albany L. Barker, & Co. Rochester. John Hatter, Lofkport. Hunter, Palmer & Co.font Main-st. Buffalo Ransom, McNair it (Jo. Cleveland, O. Palmer, Brush <fe Co. Toledo, O. Bingham & Furey, Maumee, O. E Morse & Co. }n . .. .-V TVT i_ p n i- Detroit, M. O. Newberry & Co. \ ' Newberry & Dole, Chicago, 111. Merchants Shipping by this Line will please have their goods marked, " Care of Washington Lint.'" Ship by Swiftsure Line of Tew-Boats. WYNANT CRANNELL, Draper and Tailor, JVo. 389 South Market-street, Keeps constantly on hand, a general assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings VVhioh he will be happy to make up to order June, 1838. <>c.<X'>'CKi<;;<>«>c*,cjoi>;>';'>c^>c>cx>vT.>c><:>cx:>i: 1838. VBW-TORE AVD BCXOHXOJkJr LIKE. Ship by Eckford Line of Tow-Boats, Daily, from the Foot of Broad-street, New-York, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Sabbath excepted. AGENTS. Allen Wheeler, 106 Broad-street, New-York. Bates, Hastings & Co., foot of State-st, (upstairs^ Albany. Thomas C. Bates, & Co. Rochester. Atwater & Ruden, Buffalo. George Davis, Do. J. M. Goodman, & Co. Cleveland, O. Hutchinson, Campbell, & Co. Detroit, M. J. S. Wright, Chicago. TO THE PUBLIC. The subscribers having rented the YORK HOUSE for s term of years, (situated in South Market-street, 487, near the Steamboat landing, and in the vicinity of the general Stage Office,) would be happy to announce to their former friends and customers, that Ihey have spared no pains to fit up their house in the best style. The lodging rooms are well furnished and pleasantly situated, and are well calculated to afford com­ fort to their customers. They furthermore flatter themselves that by strict attendance to their business, to hare their there of the public patronage. A porter will be in readiness to wait on customers at any. hour of the day or night. WE8COTT k ANTHONY June, 1838. 1838. OSWEGO LINE. Property shipped by this Line, is insured from New York. 10 Oswego, and no further, except'by special contract. The subscribers will run during tho season, between New- York and Oswego, (direct without transhipment) a daily line of well fitted LAKE BOATS, For the conveyance of passengers and a general Transporta­ tion Business, connected with a sufficient number of FIRST RATE SCHOONERS, To enable the Proprietors to forward merchandize promptly to any port on Lake Erie and the Upper Lakes. STEAM BOATS. There will run in connexion with this line, three steam boats a week each way. between Oswego and Ogdensburgh and inter­ mediate ports, giving facilities for shipping on Lake Ontario, hitherto unequalled. R.J. VATV DEWATER, 100 Broad Street, A'ew-Yvrk.
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